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Spam Text Messages Dataset

The SMS spam dataset contains a collection of text messages. The dataset includes a diverse range of spam messages, including promotional offers, fraudulent schemes, phishing attempts, and other forms of unsolicited communication.

Each SMS message is represented as a string of text, and each entry in the dataset also has a link to the corresponding screenshot. The dataset's content represents real-life examples of spam messages that users encounter in their everyday communication.

The dataset's possible applications:

  • spam detection
  • fraud detection
  • customer support automation
  • trend and sentiment analysis
  • educational purposes
  • network security

Get the dataset

This is just an example of the data

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  • images: includes screenshots of spam messages
  • .csv file: contains information about the dataset

File with the extension .csv

includes the following information:

  • image: link to the screenshot with the spam message,
  • text: text of the spam message

Spam messages might be collected in accordance with your requirements.


More datasets in TrainingData's Kaggle account:

TrainingData's GitHub:

keywords: sms spam collection, labeled messages, mobile phone spam, spam sms dataset, sms spam classification, spam or not-spam, spam sms database, spam detection system, sma spamming data set, spam filtering system, spambase, feature extraction, spam ham email dataset, classifier, machine learning algorithms, cybersecurity, text dataset, sentiment analysis, llm dataset, language modeling, large language models, text classification, text mining dataset, natural language texts, nlp, nlp open-source dataset, text data

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