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Error code:   DatasetWithScriptNotSupportedError

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Face segmentation

An example of a dataset that we've collected for a photo edit App. The dataset includes 20 selfies of people (man and women) in segmentation masks and their visualisations.

File with the extension .csv

includes the following information for each media file:

  • Image: the link to access the media file
  • Mask: the link to access the segmentation mask for the Image

The folder "images"

Contains the original selfies of people.

The folder "masks"

Includes segmentation masks for the photos:

  • corresponding to the images in the previous folder
  • identified by the same file names.

How it works: go to the "masks" folder and make sure that the file "1.png" is a segmentation mask of the selfi, created for the photo "1.png" in the "images" folder.

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keywords: head segmentation dataset, face-generation, semantic segmentation, face parts recognition, human faces, portrait segmentation, human face extraction, image segmentation, annotation, biometric dataset, biometric data dataset, face recognition database, facial recognition, face forgery detection, face shape, facial gestures, ar, augmented reality, face recognition dataset, face detection dataset, facial analysis, human images dataset

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