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Please explain how to make hot buttered rum | pottery barn
Pottery Barn Party Planner How to Make a Hot Buttered Rum Hi, my name's Peter Gugni, master mixologist for Bacardi Brands, and today we'll be making a hot buttered rum cocktail using Bacardi Gold rum, and a Pottery Barn double old-fashioned glass. To start off, we'll take one and a quarter parts of Bacardi Gold, one half teaspoon melted butter, add a whole teaspoon of sugar a pinch of grated clove, now you can use fresh whole cloves or you can use the grated, it's a matter of preference, and then you just top it off with hot water. You're gonna give it a little stir, and for a garnish you're gonna use fresh lemon peel, and with a combination of the oak from the rum, the spice from the cloves, and the actual warmth of the drink it makes for a very enjoyable cocktail for the winter months. Cheers and enjoy. Enjoy Responsibly.
Please explain how to skim coat new drywall on a drywall repair: diy drywall tips
welcome back to the channel in today's video I'm gonna show you how to skim coat a sheet of new drywall on a large drywall repair I got quite a few comments about the new piece of drywall what I was gonna do with that in the first two videos of this video series so I went ahead and put together this quick video on how I skim coated this new sheet of drywall so stay tuned and if you missed the last video I showed you how to skim coat the wall after I've repaired all those areas where the mirror glue had torn the drywall paper skin coating is a technique of applying a thin coat of joint compound to achieve a smooth surface it's going to take two rounds of skim coating to get these walls smooth again and in part one of this video series I showed you how to deal with the brown drywall paper being torn while removing the black mirror master first I had to scrape off all of the mastic that held the mirrors in place then I applied the guards problem surface sealer to lock down all the drywall brown paper after the guards dried I was able to put a coat of all purpose joint compound over the repairs before I skin coated alright let's get into the video I've already hung the drywall and did the first coat of mud on the corner and over the fasteners and also wear it but it against the existing wall all right so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hit this corner first because I want to keep the corners nice and tight you don't want to be piling up any mud so I want to pay special attention to any corners I'm using a twelve inch stainless steel drywall taping knife and a fourteen inch drywall mud pan with thinned down all purpose joint compound I've pinned it down to about a yogurt consistency I'll leave a link in the description on how to mix and what tools you need for skim-coat right so I'm basically just getting the mud up on the wall and be very careful not to pile it up in the corner I'm actually staying off the inside corner about a quarter of an inch to an eighth of an inch I'll hit that when I come back and knock and all this that I'll put it on right now here I'm just lifting my knife on the right side and applying pressure to the left that keep from leaving a line so now I'm just going to pull straight up and smooth it all out going all the way over to the corner one more time if you see the mess on the wall adjacent to this repair it'll be a whole nother video series of wallpaper removal and repair haha okay so I let that corner dry and now I'm just gonna get some of the all-purpose joint compound up on the new sheet of drywall trying to keep it pretty consistent but I'm gonna apply enough pressure that it's gonna smooth it out and make it pretty much level if you stick around to the end of the video I'm going to show you a preview of how I used a corner tool to finish off some of the corners on this project again I'm just getting it up there and then I'm going to come back and smooth it all out and try and leave minimal amount of lines or shadow marks I'd say I'm putting on about an eighth to a quarter inch of mud it's a lot easier to skim coat new drywall than it was over say mirror mastic repairs okay so I'm going to pull it and what I'm doing is applying pressure to the right side and lifting the left you can see the lines forming on the right button on the left this leaves a nice smooth finish or they're sanding or doing another skim coat I'll leave a link to a skin coating playlist and the YouTube card above now a good rule of thumb is if you're right-handed you work from left to right and if you're left-handed I guess you go from right to left I'm gonna apply some more mud and also just try and smooth this out just a little bit more towards the bottom get rid of any lines all right starting to look like glass and you see that light reflecting off the mud all right skim coated I'm gonna let that dry it should only take a couple hours for it to dry since it's on new drywall and stay tuned to the next video where I show you how to use paper tape and a dry wall corner tool if you watch this whole video leave a hashtag dry wall tube in the comments that way I know who's watching these video and if you're looking to step up your drywall texturing or painting game be sure to hit that round icon in the middle of the street now to keep up with all my latest videos and if you have a friend that the DIY ER be sure to share this video with them on Facebook or Twitter thanks so much for watching
Please explain how to: remove ink stains
ink stains everyone's gotten an ink stain pen bursts in your purse bills all over your shirt it feels like a Charlie Brown moment I'm Suzanne I'm here at the real simple studio and I'm gonna show you how to get rid of an ink stain the first thing you're going to want to do is separate any kind of stain from the bottom of the fabric put a little cloth in there like that then what you want to do is find some glycerin you can get that in most pharmacies you can get them if you don't have that you can pick up some hairspray it also does the trick you're gonna dab a q-tip in the glycerin and put it directly on the spot rub it around a little let it set the next step is some gentle laundry detergent you're gonna feel a little bowl with water and add some gentle laundry detergent stir it around a bit apply to the stain and then just soap it up get it going and then you're going to toss this in the laundry with some enzyme based laundry detergent and that should get the get the stain out quite efficiently now when you take the item out of the washing machine give it a good look make sure that that stain is out before you put it in the dryer because any heat that hits that is gonna set that stain and it's never gonna go away now if you're dealing with dryclean only clothing what you want to do is the same step with the glycerin and the q-tip but skip the soap just add a little bit of water on top of the stain and then bring it to your dry cleaner and let them do their magic
Please explain how to use a rigger brush
hi I'm Jennifer branch and today I'm going to show you how to use one of my favorite brushes a rigger or a liner it was originally used for ship's rigging so tiny little lines it doesn't hold quite as much paint or water because tiny little lines and I especially love using it for tree branches now notice I'm holding it way back here you can even hold it here and flick just looking strikes izabe makes the classic rigger brush because the very first raker brushes were is a base very very long thin hair in the rest of the brush pretty much as normal I was saying that I love to paint trees look how it does the hit and miss this is very smooth just a kids drawing pad paper and immediately it becomes very easy you don't want to do you curving strokes like that for something like a tree you want to let the brush hit hit hit hit so if you do these little hit and miss it looks like tree branches very quickly now here's another wrecker it's a chick Joe's Miller's golden fleece so you see it's a very different source stroke it's a little harder to get the jacket it's not that you can't do it it just takes a little bit of practice and it's not quite so hiddenness and of course number one size here and a number one size here are completely different and for comparison you can see how much the golden fleece goes up now obviously these three are my brushes and I use them all the time and the real trick is just don't hold it down here it will be a very even very boring very controlled line hold it up here so it's when my favorite things to paint with the rigger is a tree here you go just - in all the branches and everything remember it's the contours that make you recognize an object not what's in the middle and the rigger is perfect for that you can get all sorts of little squiggly branches and limbs have fun with it I use all three of these riggers these two are usually on location because they're inexpensive and easily replaceable but on the other hand they don't last very long this I use at home in my studio it's more expensive and it lasts a lot longer so these are disposable this is more investment but it's only about $15 so not too much of an investment if you want to try the entry point of a really really good brush this is it I hope you've learned a little bit about holding a ruger and you've seen the exciting things that can do to transform your paintings happy painting you
Please explain how to
nespresso does an amazing job at marketing but quite honestly they really do have premium coffee if you're using the freedom refill hack you better get your coffee right hi this is Rob from coffee research lab hopefully you've been following our series and have already subscribed but if not please click the subscribe button below we've already taught you the freedom refill hack we've shown you how you can take an inner pod fill it with amazing coffee seal it with a foil pop that into an outer pod and brew this in your Nespresso or to a line brewer soon as Fresno does a couple things really well they other than marketing of course they've got an a neat system that gives you that head of crema on your coffee and so that makes it very different turns it into a premium experience but you're not going to get that same experience if you don't also use premium coffee so that's the other thing that they do well is they they're giving you good high quality coffee now you can do that yourself but I just want to point out that the coffee that you choose to use is going to determine the results that you're gonna get so I'm fine with you using inexpensive coffee as long as it's coffee that you enjoy nothing wrong with that but if you find that you're not enjoying it as much as you enjoy the real Nespresso pods it's because you haven't gotten the coffee right so obviously as you're learning the best way to get the coffee right is to simply open up an espresso pod take out the coffee and then you can use that coffee to do your refill and that will prove the process that won't prove to you that doing the freedom refill hack really does work and it really does give you the exact same coffee that you're getting when you're using a real Nespresso pod and so then that allows you to focus on the coffee itself the coffee is actually not that complicated you just have to get two things right first is determining what coffee you're going to brew and second has properly grinding it so you know for me I'm actually using a local roaster so I'll go get my coffee fresh and find coffee that I enjoy but also can find coffee off the shelf that I enjoy as well so I can't help you with telling you which coffee is gonna be the one that you're going to enjoy because that's going to be different for each person but I want to stress that you need to use good coffee if you want to get good results now the second part is grinding your coffee now you potentially already have a coffee grinder in your kitchen but it's could be one of these ones would the blade you do not want to use that the problem with this is you're not going to be able to get consistency of course Nespresso is gonna have a certain specification when they grind their coffee and we need to match that so we need consistency and you're not going to get that out of one of these type of coffee grinders instead what you're going to want to use is what's called a burr grinder and you'll see that this is it's very different now if you don't have one of these you could have your local coffee shop grind the coffee for you so you can take in one of these pods show them the coffee that's in there and have them match it the other thing that you could do is if you're getting your coffee at the grocery store you can try the different settings on the grinder in the grocery store and see if that's going to work however I find freshest coffee is when I'm using a burr grinder at home and I can do the setting myself now let me just show you real quick the difference with a burr grinder now if we look inside of here you can see that we have some steel and we have this steel piece here so this is what coffee is going to go through and so it's going to grind the coffee it's very very different you're going to get consistent results every time I'm based on the setting and you're able to choose several different settings so by owning one of these type of burr grinders you're gonna open up your coffee to more than just what you're doing in the Nespresso machine you could do a Turkish coffee you can do your French press you'll have many more choices so I feel like this is a good investment now this particular one is the capresso brand and there's lots of different brands I'll put some recommendations and description below or also on the website so different ones that you can get this is a one that I use it has settings it's got 16 different settings so you can go from course all the way to extra-fine now I'm using it here basically on setting number six which is one of the ones that's in the fine of course using the grinder is very simple you're just gonna open it up pour some beans in the hopper now this is certainly a way that you can have fresh ground coffee every morning if you choose okay and so it's going to be impossible for me to really show you the size that you need to use in a video but simply open up an espresso pod you can see the how they've ground the coffee you'll know exactly what you're trying to duplicate the point of this video is that you need to use good coffee you need to have a ground to the right specifications if you were to use drip coffee so if you use the pre-ground coffee from the grocery store and you try to do the freedom refill hack you will actually get a cup of coffee but you're not going to get the same flavors they're not going to have ground that quite as fine and you're not going to get the same results if you use coffee that has been ground too much and then you're potentially gonna disrupt the flow of water through the pod and you're gonna clog your machine and if you do that definitely you want to pull the plug when you hear it making funny noises take the pot out and then run a cleaning cycle through on your machine so this this is not very hard to get right you just need to understand the importance of it you need to duplicate it you need to experiment start with Nespresso coffee practice you get the technique down then branch out to the different coffees and discover which coffee you like you have just opened yourself up to the world of any coffee that's out there so you're no longer limited so go explore now another thing you want to experiment with is the different barcodes as we cover it in an earlier video each of these outer capsules has a different barcode and that is going to tell it brewing parameters it's going to tell it not only the size the amount of water to prove through it but it's going to tell it the temperature it's going to tell it the flow rate the number of rotations so you've got lots of parameters you can experiment by using different outer pods you can start with the pod that's similar to the coffee Nespresso has in theirs does it really matter which on our pod you use well they're all going to give you a cup of coffee however the brewing parameters will be different and depending on the coffee you're using you may be able to tell that difference so experiment with that and of course if you don't have all the different pods check our website we're gonna offer those for sale and of course you can buy them directly from Nespresso as well the main difference between the pods of course is going to be your brewing size so you have expresso double expresso lungo coffee and alto so there you have it that's the freedom refill hack you can brew any coffee that you want and your Nespresso virtu a line machine I hope you've enjoyed this series please please please click like on our videos give them a thumbs up put your comments in there let us know how this is working for you and visit our website for even more information than what we've covered here thank you
Please explain how to use a tripod
everyone John here today we're going to look at the basics of using a tripod for landscape photography so there's a few different ways that you can set this up different extensions of the legs and all sorts of stuff so we'll cover a bunch of different situations sit back and enjoy the shelf okay so I'm using an aluminum tripod here I'm in front of 190 X Pro beat tripod it's pretty good basic entry-level tripod and it served me well ever since I got it so I highly recommend it I also have a very basic fall head here which allows me to frame the shot in many different ways pretty good cost so it's great if you're just getting started using a tripod you want to make sure that when you're going for height you extend your tripod using the widest legs first year your first extension and then as you need more height you would extend the smaller lens and if you have a four second try plugging would then extend your next set of legs out the reason this is as you're extending your legs you want to have the widest ones kind of support your tripod a lot one thing to keep in mind is that a lot of people will actually to get just a little extra height rather than extending the tripod legs all three of them just a little bit more what they'll do is they'll try and just get just a little bit more height out of the tripod by extending out their center column and this is actually not really the best idea because this column isn't actually as stable as extending all three of your tripod legs out you get a lot more support doing it that way so only extend your center column if it's kind of a last resort and all of your legs are at their full extension already okay so one of the cool things about these tripods is that each leg can be obviously extended independently of each other and they also have the ability to the position relative to each other in different ways so in this particular setup you can see that I have this leg here on the left-hand side of the camera extended to its complete fullness and pulled out a little bit further allowing me to have a shorter leg on the right hand side and then an even shorter one here on the rock in front of it allowing for a very stable and very vertically oriented camera here which allows me to a full control over where I want my camera to be position whether I want to go with that portrait orientation landscape orientation pan around in the general area okay so finally I have the tripod set up in kind of a different position here what I've done is I pulled the center column out not every tripod is going to have this ability but the Manfrotto tripod does a pretty good job at getting down right to the ground by allowing you to pull the tribe to the center column out you can see right now it is actually perpendicular to the ground rather than being vertical and I have the ability to slide it out and kind of go all the way around which is really nice if you want to do very interesting low-angle perspectives so it's something to try and in and test out if you have the ability if not most prime pots can get pretty low so always remember to consider that low perspective okay so now I just want to take a look at a common way that the tripod can be set up incorrectly and we might not think it is so here I have my tripod setup and what big thing that's wrong with this setup is that our center column is actually kind of off kilter a little bit because you can't set up on this fairly steep hill and I'm shooting down in this direction here and having the tripod center column angled in such a way kind of takes the center of gravity of your tripod it shifts it downhill a little bit which can cause your high pot to fall over a little easier or just make it a little more unstable when you're long exposures to quickly fix this if you if you're in a situation where your center columns off building you can just adjust your legs accordingly to get your center column back to a vertical position so I'm going to do that right here simply by shortening up this leg in the back and then shortening this leg in the front here and with just those two very quick movements my center column is now nice and vertical which gives me a nice stable platform to shoot oh this is much better than trying to just adjust your ball head to get a level shot so I hope that this video has really helped you learn how to set up a tripod if you have any questions you can comment below and of course if you've liked the video please subscribe to the channel I'll see you again soon
Please explain how to mount a trailer winch
hi I'm Roy fudge with shoreline marine products I've been a certified marine mechanic for over 25 years and I'm here today as Captain weekend today I'm going to share a variety of easy boating projects that you can do yourself with the common tools that you've probably got in your toolbox right now I'll be by your side every step of the way and together we'll install a variety of top-quality shoreline marine products to get you back on the water faster so let's get going grab your tools and I'll share my tips and tricks so you can easily install those new hot shoreline accessory and replacement parts and be your own captain weekend highest LOI Captain weekend with shoreline marine products I'm gonna change out the winch on my trailer today I had a nice tear in my winch strap corrosion all over my hook you can see that the hook won't even close and lock my boat on anymore and I'm starting to get some rust and corrosion build up around my gearing don't want to have any problems down the road so I'm gonna go ahead and replace it now so we're gonna put a shoreline marine trailer winch 1200 pound capacity as a nice power handle on it rubber so if my hands are wet from getting the boat on the trailer they won't be slipping off and having the winch slam around and bust me in the knuckles same with a ratchet on it it's a positive lock in both forward and reverse and also if I can't get my boat all the way up on the trailer I can lock it into neutral and actually pull my strap out everything is EDC coated helps prevent the corrosion give me several years worth of use on my winch it's gonna take a 9/16 wrench and socket to get it off once I get it off I need to save the hardware or purchase new hardware so that can mount my new winch on just loosen it one off one thing you want to make sure you do disconnect your strap if you have a lot of pressure against your strap when you're starting to pull these bolts off there's a very good chance that the winch will pop up and hit you in the arm or take a knuckle out or anything like that and we have our winch off one thing you'll notice the bolt pattern on the shoreline marine wench is pretty much the same as what it is on the old winch that we're removing got a little bit of extra play in the several of the holes pretty much a standard hole pattern for no matter what trailer you're using getting ready to install the winch on the trailer I like to put one bolt back here in the back where all of the crosspieces go that way I don't have to fight it getting in in a confined space lay it up then I've got a nice long slot inside to stick my second bolt through fit right in leave the handle off that way you don't have to worry about it getting in your way while you're tightening down your bolts make sure that the ratchet is on the back side away from your boat that way you're not fighting over your winch strap or anything else when you're trying to unhook letting out a little bit of line for your boat to go out into the water okay we've got our winch bolted on gonna put the handle on now handles got flat sides along with the gearing make sure you get it pushed all the way down washer goes on with a u-channel facing the winch that kind of traps your handle put the nut on it's a 3/4 nut good and snug hook it back to our bow and you're locked down and ready to go to the water one quick note make sure when you put your strap through it goes underneath your bow eye or your wedge not on top of it that'll keep your boat from bouncing as you're driving down the road another captain weekend quick tip notice I've got both of my handles for the winch and my jack on the same side of the trailer which is the driver side of the vehicle saves me climbing over my trailer when I'm trying to either unhook my trailer or unhook my boat getting ready for launch just saves that extra step don't have to worry about tripping over it in the nighttime [Applause] you
Please explain how to make a regular tessellation
how to make a regular tessellation after the previous investigation you know that there are only three regular polygons that tessellate equilateral triangles squares and regular hexagons so this is a sped up version of what we're about to do the first thing you need to do in Sketchup is to go to a parallel projection change the view to a top view get rid of the person icon and get rid of the axis we also need that to have the large tool set so select the polygon tool and the default is a hexagon but we want four sides so you type in four s you don't need to click on the dialog box it'll automatically do it for you next we want to highlight the square here and make a component and use the Move copy tool and hold option or ctrl you can see a little plus sign next to the the arrow and we can click and copy the square and I can make a line of squares I'm going to make sure that I grab the corner and snap it onto the corresponding edge if I don't do that it it won't snap for me like I'm doing here so I want to grab the corner that will will correlate to a sharing vertex so now I can color the squares with the paint bucket tool and select the entire figure and copy it again using option for Mac or ctrl for PC clicking and snapping and there's different ways you can do this I can run this diagonally so I get an interesting pattern could just copy and paste the previous figure and I very quickly fill the entire frame with this tessellation an easy way to select the entire figure would be ctrl a for PC or option a for Mac once I've done this enough I I can zoom back in so that I don't have any dead space around the edges so at this point I'm going to go to file and export 2d graphic and then my little dialog box comes up and I click the file where I want to save the image and I can save it as a PNG file or jpg file and there options for the size of the file that I want there and then I just click export to the place where I want it to go and that's it it creates an image of my sketch up drawing and that's it so let's try another one here we've already done a square how about we do a hexagon so I'm starting with a a new drawing so I need to get rid of the axis and go to a parallel projection a top view get rid of the figure icon there and I've got my large tool set out I want to go to the polygon tool and this time I'm going to type in 6s although my defaults already 6 but if it's not I can type in 6s enter and get a hexagon so I'm going to create my hexagon here taking my time all right there we go and now I'm going to use so now I'm going to select the entire hexagon and use the move copy tool hold option or control and you can see I can make a honeycomb pattern with hexagons but I'm going to do something different this time I'm going to use the line tool which looks like a little pencil and I'm going to go from a vertex to this Center if I hover it at the center it will let me know that that's the center and then I'm going to skip a vertex and make another segment to an opposite vertex so I end up getting three rhombuses in the hexagon figure that I started with so now I'm going to color the three different shapes that I have within the hexagon and at this point I'm going to again select the entire figure use the move copy tool hold option for Mac or ctrl for PC you'll see the little plus next to the arrows icon and I want it to snap onto a vertex corresponding vertex and I'm going to make a row of these and select all of it and continue to copy and paste filling the entire page and at some point I'm going to say that's enough and zoom in so I don't have any dead space around the edges and then export the image like we just did go to file export 2d graphic and then put it where I want it so I can upload it later to submit so we use the regular polygon hexagon in order to create this tessellation but did a little bit more to turn it into a 3d like cubic image I hope you liked it you
Please explain how to make simple hot chocolate at home - vegan series by nupur
to get regular updates on more such healthy recipes subscribe to the channel and click on the mail icon hi and welcome to Rajshri food this is new pour and today we are going to make vegan hot chocolate now you must be wondering that we had concluded our vegan series last time but we've got so many requests to continue it that we just can't let you down so let's get on with it and let's bring our ingredients together now a hot chocolate needs to have the right amount of sweetness as you know I do not use any sugar so we are going to make our own natural sweetener which is going to be healthy and tasty so here I have taken 1/3 cup of dates I have be seated them and soak them around 5 hours or overnight is also fine just soak it enough to cover the dates not more now I'm going to put it in the blender along with the water because the water has a lot of the sweetness of the leaves add in some extra water if required and a date paste is ready now here's a tip I normally keep a week's quantity of this paste ready in my refrigerator and use it instead of sugar so effectively what I'm doing is replacing one of the worst things that you can put in your body which is sugar with one of the healthiest things which is dates now to this I'm going to add 1/4 cup of soaked cashews remember not to use this water it's not good to use the water in which the nuts are soft now I'm going to add 1/2 a teaspoon of vanilla extract 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon powder this is optional but it tastes great just a teeny pinch of salt to bring out the sweetness and two cups of water now let's blend it in the mixer now we light 2 tbsp of cocoa powder now the hot chocolate has to be hot so let's heat it you don't need to bring it to a boil you just heat it on slow flame till it's hot enough and a hot chocolate is ready let's pour it one cup of this hot chocolate we'll have less than ten cashews so do not worry it's not going to be very heavy in fact you must have ten nuts in your diet daily so do try this tell us how you like it till then coke right stay
Please explain how to replace air gap
on today's video we're gonna be working on this air gap the problem we have with this air gap is that it started to give off a very strong smell odor and you can just kind of see in here all the residue the build-up obviously somebody was working on this you can see the cap has been removed they did remove the top nut that secures it to the sink if you look here at the bottom you can see the air gap comes down over here so you have the one drain hose that goes to your dishwasher and you have the other one your rubber hose that ties into your garbage disposals when your dishwasher actually starts to wash it'll drain here and once it drains it'll go through the hose up to your air gap and then it'll come back down to this hose and it'll shoot all of the food and contamination into your garbage disposal what happens a lot of times is food and deposit will actually start to build up inside of the hose and eventually once this hose gets clogged the air gap right here will start to shoot water coming back into the sink this is my new air gap that we're going to be installing right now if you pop this cap off you'll see that there is a nut in a washer and basically there should be a nut right here unfortunately somebody took it out already as they were trying to work on this drain hose basically what you would do is you would remove the nut that secures the air gap to the sink itself you would do is once you remove it you would just pop it right off this will just allow to move freely once we loosen the air gap you can literally just pull it here from the bottom and from here we'll be able to remove our drain holes from our dishwasher as well as our rubber hose that ties into our garbage disposal we simply just have to remove these two clamps once you remove the clamp go ahead and remove the hose so here you can see just all of the build-up and the food that's kind of rotted over sometime inside this air gap and this is why we're having this problem with the smell this is gonna be the inside of the hose I do recommend me before you proceed with installing your air gap that you do clean out your hose or replace it I do have a video on my channel showing you how to do that so this is our new air gap and we're simply just gonna make our connections as I said make sure you clean out your line on the inside as well as the exterior if you fail to do so or replace your line before you proceed or here I connected my hose coming from my garbage disposal and now I'm gonna make my connection from my dish why make sure when you shove your hose onto the base of the air gap that you push it as far as you can upwards and this will help with any leaks that may happen in the future now we're simply just making our connections from our clamps here you can see they give you extra threading and this is just so that you can adjust to the need that you have if you have granny countertop and you have an undermount sink you may have to bring this lower just so there's enough thickness so that when you secure it from the top which you're not you know Faye now what we're going to do is from the bottom we're just gonna feed our air gap up then our washer and now we're gonna put our nut down and now we're gonna tighten it you don't over tighten it it's plastic but just pop your cap on video was a help if it was informational please subscribe
Please explain how to make strawberry dumplings [kynute knedliy s. jahodama] | recipes by chef ricardo
today I'm gonna make us something really totally different from everybody else and merely I'm on my youtube honey look at that tree until I have a video on my youtube channel today I'm gonna make you a nice lovely meal when what I say to you I'm going all the way into a European country with this check is it different to tell food different to totally meal and today you guys don't love this one I'm gonna make you some strawberry dumpling when the strawberry dumpling is from a different country because at the moment I'm checking on different country what kind of recipe they're like they use in their country and then and look at it and put it on my youtube channel that someone else can learn from the next country well today I'm gonna make you some nice lovely strawberry dumping gonna go with some water and ice sugar and I know you guys gonna love this one and I'm gonna use this on self-rising flour to make this dump it I'm gonna show you the recipe and only make it look at this one nice recipe and remember subscribe to youtube channel put your comments below and go on my website chef recorded unfolded right here I have some two cups of self-rising flour inside of this ball and i want to say to you I've put a pinch of salt inside of it and I got three strawberry icing sugar and some water I'm using self rising flour and at the moment I have a pact made of science but under stove with some water boiling so I'm gonna show you how to make this dumpling strawberry all right you're all simple to understand I use my pudding spoon and take time I'll be in pouring a little water inside of it just like this because I'm not I'm just gonna make three don't blink so you're just gonna take a look at time and use a wooden spoon and just keep mixing it until it forms a dough so you can notice it start so just take a little time apart in the water just like this nazan alone I want to say in Jamaica we make call me a dumpling are playing dumpling with anything bow on a safety in different country they have different idea and they have doing different stuff so I'm just learning different things today I'm gonna make you a nice lovely strawberry okay when I did takes that strawberry dump and I said to myself no this is the best in the Versa I didn't make it before try it and like it and beautiful nice special the butter are the icing sugar and you can grate some cheese and put even on top of it so as you can see all the dumpling all the daughter's farm up together and they were pretty enough to use a hand and every time they finished off just like this inside of the board if it need a little bit more flowing if and also if you took a little bit too sticky right now so I'm gonna simple a little bit someone and see I just add a little bit of law to take away this thickness from it so as you can see we won't look now beautiful and nice so this isn't really don't look and I'm using surprising flow as a set of four I know you guys gonna love this recipe so let's give it about five minutes for it to de-stress and after at rest then we're gonna make that be so right here is the doll looking really nice know what what a simple dough I'm gonna tear off a piece like this and just roll it up just like this in the plate if you have a board or something you get all sorts Rolly inside of it so as you can see they're more than a super Thomas and I press it out just like this now wall gonna do this beautiful strawberry I'm gonna put it right inside of it like this and I know that you are something right yes if sighs I can see we're looking really nice I'm just using it if you don't want to use the whole strawberry don't need to use it but I'm just using the strawberry I might put out a piece more no on it just cos the strawberry I don't want to strawberry to shore until you're cutting it so what's the cover the back piece more back off of it cause I can't see what's going on right here all right beautiful well so right here this is one after dumpling let's put it right there and we're gonna do another one just like this cutter self-rising flour do rice I'm gonna put the strip in there like this this like this just get it right in there and just roll it on just like this I see don't wanna dump it you don't want it just rub it to be shine so right yeah that's one more beautiful that's to dump it we're gonna do one more so I already show you oh they can see right here is their tree dumb strawberry dump inertia just did make one to treat a tree strawberry inside of that flower and we using self-rising flour and a little pinch of salt now we're gonna put the camera straight inside off the boiling water look how we're gonna do this stuff nice medium sized spot under stove it some water what to start to boil defense it up steam coming out from it I'm gonna simple put those flour inside of it just like this last one that's two and that's tree then simple numbers not put a pinch of salt inside of it like this not too much salt there's a little pinch of salt to give it a little bit of flavor then come back I'm gonna boil it for rough one good 15 min 10 minutes at least no it's nice people start you can see you even chew the cup of the pot or the waters born in and it no strawberry dumpling is just cooking inside of it just taken of summer look inside of the pot right here what's going on as I can see oh look at that man looking really nice and beautiful so this dumpling are you can just pop them on their own just like that which I'm gonna show you what next I'm gonna do with this beautiful strawberry dumpling just really nice and sell fries and Florida's make they've come up a little bit more well I know you guys gonna love this it's a new recipe and hopefully someone will just write and enjoy it beautiful recipe strong and beautiful so right here as I can see those dumpling it is finished now it's a roughly good 15 minutes not since I've been boiling them inside of this water as I can see this beautiful strawberry dumpling the Korean must've a nice one but you're gonna see the beauty with this strawberry dumpling so nice and beautiful you guys and I love it so we're gonna share it out now and look beautiful as I can see this strawberry dump in I just Emily can look at a beautiful steam which is coming off of it look at that beautiful our nice what we're gonna do now we're gonna simple put some butter I'm using some unsalted butter on top of it just like this this is the most dramatic kind of normally do if you want to hurt some cheese's so you can add some cheese on top of it if you like then next I'm gonna put a little bit of icing sugar on top of it just like this and I wanna guys has chai this beautiful recipe is a nice recipe and I know you guys are not then the beauty is to cook the dumpling know so what we're gonna do as I can see on the portal just melt it up really nice I'm feeling so good let's cut it open into half No nice unbeautiful look at that look at that don't play really nice with the strawberry inside of it beautiful beautiful that is what I'm talking about just look at that that is just really nice and beautiful so right here we got the strawberry dumpling with the icing sugar and we can't seem to do this put a little bit of icing sugar also on top of it on the outside and we just cut it just like this that is beautiful I want you guys to enjoy this wonderful recipe please subscribe to the YouTube channel and put your comments below if you like the recipe and I'm telling you give it a try please channel and enjoy my recipe as I said strawberry dumpling is just wonderful what it is cook it let work for about 20 minutes now I've been cooking this dumpling because you want to cook really properly and nice soft cookie profit good 20 minutes and at least because I know flour you need to cook it good so guys I cook it without at least 4 cups of water and medium sized eat with stove so I know you guys love the strawberry dumpling and it is from check is that the next country is a part of Europe and that's the way or they do their dumpling in Jamaica will you may call me dumpling I will you know me make clean flour and same way we would put butter but not strawberry so it's two different thing right here we are looking at so right no but yes I can say this is the strawberry which we did use beautiful and nice on you guys thus enjoying a strawberry dumpling really nice and beautiful so please put your comments below if you liked it and subscribe to the YouTube channel it's a very familiar knowing a lot of people probably from public from Spain Italy might not such a recipe and some people in England might know this recipe but under shear with some holidays people will never thought of something like this before so check out the recipe look at it subscribe to the YouTube channel and and trust me I feel really good for know that it don't bling real come on so wonderful I did make it before and I say you know I thought of it and I said I'm gonna put someone on my YouTube channel and I mean from a different foreign country where they could try something like this I want to say you can also put cheese if you like you can chat a little bit the cheddar cheese on top of it so I'm not sharing any basic with the icing sugar on the butter and the strawberry it is just beautiful give it a try try some different kind of recipe with Afrikaner gonna share on my youtube channel not follow the car being an American on English food we need to try something different so this is from check and I know you guys I love it these are different countries are part of the Europe Europe country I don't wanna say enjoy the recipe subscribe to the YouTube channel and put your comments below remember nice strawberry dumpling today from chef Akana in giant butt strawberry can use many different kind of foods you're likely can use raspberry they can use a pair you can use any kind of foods they like inside of the strawberry dumpling then you go after you strawberry you can use any kind of fruits whatever you like you can put inside of it so remember you
Please explain how to: slow cooker collard greens w/ smoked turkey | elite slow cooker | my gadget kitchen | (140)
hey foodies it's crystal welcome back to my gadget kitchen today I'm going to show you how to make slow cooker collard greens with smoked turkey and I'm using my elite 8 and 1/2 quart slow cooker so I've got 2 pounds of collards and I am starting off by removing the stem rolling up the Collard leaf and then slicing if you want to speed up the process cut several leaves and then stack them on top of each other roll them up and slice away the next step is to wash them really really good I've got them soaking in some vegetable wash and while those are soaking I have a large onion that I am chopping in my KitchenAid mini mini chopper so now that my onions are all chopped up well onion is all chopped up I'm transferring that to a bowl and I am now going to add in a few cloves of garlic I don't know what's that like 8 or 9 I use this already peeled garlic from the grocery store I love it super convenient you can find it in the produce section so I'm going to mince the garlic up a little bit and then I'm going to add that to the bowl with my onion and the next step is to add 1 tbsp vegetable oil a little sprinkle of some kosher salt and then a little bit of red pepper flakes so I'm going to mix everything together and then I'm gonna pop this bowl in the microwave for a couple minutes until the onions are soft and then this is just going to add a little bit of flavor a little bit of extra flavor and a slow cooker so I'm putting my onion mixture in the bottom of the slow cooker that I've already sprayed with some nonstick cooking spray and I'm adding in half of my collard greens and I am sprinkling that with some Creole seasoning and then I am about a tablespoon of sugar this is going to cut the bitterness of greens then I'm topping that with the other half of the collards that I have left some more Creole seasoning and then a little bit more sugar and then next I topped the greens with my smoked turkey I'm using legs and then I'm adding four cups of water mixed with the better been better than bee-boop and better than boo-yan roasted garlic mixed with roasted chicken and then that's it it's ready to cook put the lid on come back in about eight hours and this is what you got those greens shrunk down to nothing y'all y'all see how these greens played me anyways I took the turkey legs out and I am removing the meat from the bones and then the final step is to add the meat back into the slow cooker give it a nice stir and that's it easy peasy greens no fuss this is something that can be cooking while you're at work running errands whatever it practically cooks itself I serve these greens with some yummy slow cooker candy carrots that video will be coming up soon so be on the lookout and then I also made this yummy unstuff slow cooker cordon bleu chicken oh my gosh so good that videos coming too so if you like this video please give me a thumbs up I promise you it really helps me out and I appreciate it if you're here and you're not subscribed subscribe hit that button yellow subscribe and click that bell so you get notifications and as always thank you so much for watching and remember get out of that drive-thru and get into the kitchen bye
Please explain how to attach the zipper to the pants
okay now we will be attaching the zipper we start with the left side of the of the pants we will cut this side the center front 1/4 of an inch or 0.6 of a centimeter for this figure size which is the medium size the hip level from the waistline is 7 inches or 18 centimeters but of course if you have a small figure or a large extra-large figure this will also vary but the standard size of the zipper is 7 inches or 18 centimeters from the start of the opening of the zipper where the uppers zipper stop is we start the measurement where the bottoms zipper stop is so more or less this is 7 inches or 18 centimeters and this is the standard zipper length but any figure size we'll be using you laid where the uppers zipper stop is 1/4 of an inch or 0.6 of a centimeter away from the waistline level you mark this and then you mark the end where the bottoms zipper stop is 1/4 of an inch up and Mark this this way so from this mark you will extend this mark or line over 1/4 of an inch or 0.6 of a centimeter we will continue cutting 1/4 of an inch or 0.6 centimeter but we will again have to cut on this point 1/4 of an inch or 0.6 of a centimeter away from this line okay yes okay this is the left side of our front pants okay now we're still working on the left side of our front pants so we will be using the placket which is the fly front placket and from the edge of the bottom of the placket we will go up 1 inch for 2.5 centimeters now that we have marked this we will pin this corner the port of the placket is just aligned following the edge of the main pants sewing allowance so we start sewing this together and we are actually sewing on the sewing line from the moon and we also lock stitch the end as you can see we sold until this mark and from the end of this mark we sold this way on the right angle and lock stitch this we snip the corner as you can see we have slipped the corner we did some recutting to cut the hole that fabric so that when we reverse this it's not going to be so bulky now we will top stitch the sewing allowances to the placket but on this end this should remain an L like an L shape this way okay you see this corner when we reverse this this way make sure that when you top stitch you still have the l see so you that stitch from this small area until you reach this corner so you still maintain the L shape here okay so first we'll top stitch this area okay we also lock stitch that part and then as you can see we have to stop at the corner with the needle inside the fabric and start stitching or doing the top stitch on the rest of the pocket one is of an inch four point three of them half a centimeter for 168 and 1.5 of a centimeter away from the edge of the block after sewing the sewing allowances on the flight front placket the outcome should be this that you get a reverse letter L or get this kind of shape now I am referring to this corner from this corner we will make a mark this way okay and from this mark we will measure 1/4 of an inch or 0.6 of a centimeter with a placket folded this way okay on the level of the waistline from the edge of the plaka we will go out 3/8 of an inch or 1 centimeter through is the waistline and this part is 3/8 of an inch this one now we open the plug up this way and lay it flat now you see this zipper is on its right side you reverse the zipper so that the wrong side of the zipper is facing up and on this side the edge of the zipper stop should lay below the mark from the line above and our guide is the teeth of the zipper on this side it should be 1/4 away from the seam of the placket as you can see here it's 1/4 away and on this side it should be 3/8 of an inch or 1 centimeter away from this side of the teeth of the zipper okay as you can see this zipper slanted slightly start attaching the wrong side of the zipper with a zipper being our guide here but gradually it will go to this area with an allowance of 3/8 of an inch or one centimeter when I lay this open this way you will see that we're over the 3/8 of an inch for one centimeter allowance here and also here we are over the 1/4 of an inch or 0.6 of a centimeter allowance I am just repeating that we measured the 3/8 from this side of the teeth of the zipper we measured 3/8 of an inch or 0.9 of a centimeter which is almost a centimeter from this side of the teeth of the zipper and also we measured 1/4 of an inch or 0.6 of a centimeter from this side of the teeth of the zipper I hope you get that now we will be hand basting which is the center front by folding the main pants this way on the edge of the fly front placket we are hand basting until the corner of the end up the center front seam from the center front go in 1 and 1/4 of an inch or 3 centimeters then on the corner and on that line go down one half of an inch or 1.3 centimeters then make a round curb line okay on your part please use the Taylor chalk when marking as this can be washed out before sewing this area it is best to pin base this this will be machine so on but this side of the zipper should not be sewn because this will be sewn on the other part of the pants so we pin it this way okay now we have sewn the zipper the placket on the pants now we are ready to attach the fly underlap placket we attach the bottom fly under the placket aligning it to the bottom of the fly over the knuckles pinning this finish edge of the plaka to the edge of the zipper now we sew this together both the zipper and the placket this is 100g of a centimeter away from the edge of the zipper AV lock stitch the end you see this is more or less aligned and here the finish edge of the fly under lap placket and the edge of the zipper are also aligned
Please explain how to make gorgonzola pear salad recipe
Please explain how to finish necklaces & bracelets
hi and welcome to beadstab i'm emma and today i'm going to show you one of the most basic and useful jewelry making techniques which is how to finish off necklaces and bracelets first of all we're going to take our cable wire and thread on the crimp bead and then the jump ring take the wire and thread it back down through the crimp and then pull the crimp back up as far as you can towards the jump ring and you're going to take your crimping pliers and with the bottom jaw position right in the center of your crimp bead and then squeeze closed firmly turn over and then you're going to take the top jar of your pliers which is the rounder and grip either side of your crimp and then squeeze closed this just neatens off the edges and then if you've got any excess wire which you probably will have take your wire cutters and just trim it try and get as close to the crimp as you can and we're going to repeat this process on the other side with the clasp i'm going to thread on another crimp and then i'll lobster clasp with jump ring attached thread the wire back down through the crimp and again pull it up as far as you can towards the jump ring take your crimping pliers again and position in the center from the bottom jaw squeeze close and then again take your rounders grip either side of the crimp and squeeze trim off the excess with your wire cutters fasten your clasp and you will finished you
Please explain how to make a duck tape four strand braided bracelet part 2
hi welcome to part 2 of making a braided 4-strand braid bracelet I'm sorry that I had to make a part two is because um I have less battery so it just ended it by itself so let's get back into so right now you're just making these strips and already have two done so to just do the next two okay so now you have all four of your strips done you are going to pick out a surface that you can braid these on and if you don't know how to four strand braid I can kind of teach you right here but I'm sure there's other videos on how to do a 4-strand braid okay next you're going to pick out a main color that going to eat that you're going to use the most and I'm just going to use this rainbow and just take a little square or rectangle whatever and line the ends up like this and then you're going to take your stress and then you're just going to set it down on them like that and then take the other rolls of duct tape that you're not using and press them on here you can also take like a clothes pin or something and pen its head like a clipboard but I choose to do it this way so next year we're going to start braiding so you're going to take the one on this end and you're going to your like basically weaving almost so you're going to go the over then under then over then take the next one over under over then over under over / under and then work then over under over and actually you're going to I don't know why that's like that you're going to actually want to start doing it tighter but that's just the basic of having how you do it and so do that a tip um about this I'm almost done almost is that you want to use a decent amount of duct tape because with four strands it goes a little bit like it uses more of course it does but I don't know if you get what I'm saying but you just have to use a lot more so it may not be the length of your doing it's definitely a thick bracelet unless you really have something that you can pull on and of course isn't that well but you know you gotta do what you have you can just use two colors you can use for you can use three you can use one really but it won't look that good and then you get two down the end and then you do the same thing you to the top and do a strip and just put these together okay so you're just kind of take that piece of tape you cut out and wrap the sticky sides around and make a little circle and take these tapes off right here and rip that up and then fold this around like this doesn't matter about right here because you are going to take some scissors and cut right here because you're going to just have to cut these excess holes so this is just really keeping it now I don't have any magnets but if you do um there are other videos on how to put a magnet in here I don't know about four strand braids but i'm just going to rip this piece in half work at it and then just kind of bend it around to make a better circle i'm going to cut this piece off that i've been tipped around on and do the same with the other side okay now that you have them secured you're going to kind of pull it tight and it may not be the best because believe it or not this is the first one I've done I just can 4-strand braid hair so I thought it'd be easier to do with duct tape okay now you're going to want to measure it and see if it fits and mine fits perfectly and so you're going to take another little stressed out here and probably don't need that much depends on if it was too small or too big if it was too big then you could just cut the bright more and repeat the process that you did there we go and we're just going to fold this around here and there you have your four strand bracelet hope you enjoyed this tutorial and see you next time on the channel
Please explain how to make mango and avocado salsa
so now we're going to assemble our mango avocado salsa I've already diced the mango I've already taste the avocado we'll put that right in to the bowl and the only thing left to do is dice up the onion the onion is made in a very interesting way it's concentric circles of sections so what we're going to do is take advantage of that and I'm going to cut very small dice going to making slices toward the center do that all the way around the onion looks a little awkward but sometimes people show you to dice an onion by going straight down and then going in I always find that awkward I don't like it and it also makes uneven dices so right now I'm just going to slice down having made those cuts into the center just kind of cut down and we get perfect onion dice that's going to go into the bowl also see perfect dice that will go into the bowl do that we're going to add the juice of half a lemon little salt a little pepper and a little bit of extra virgin olive oil probably about table scope we're just going to toss let that sit for about half an hour before you serve it a great accompaniment to roasted meat grilled meat great for summertime that's it beautiful
Please explain how to make homemade mayo
hi readers it's Katie from kitchen stewardship this is my first vlog because someone requested it and I think it's cool to see mail happen maybe it'll make you more brave and more able to do it yourself this is what I used to make me out it's my hand blender and the container that came with the hand blender which is important if you don't have this there are some other options that I'll tell you about at the end don't use a hand blender in a bowl I don't think it works you gotta have this thin container already in here I put a 1/2 teaspoon of salt 1/2 teaspoon of mustard a teaspoon of sugar the heaping teaspoon of sugar and a little bit of white wine vinegar and then you need to separate a couple eggs I know you should probably use an egg separator but for some reason I can't get the whites to go through mine so I do it the bad way and I get egg everywhere but I get the whites out into the bowl and I'll either put those right in scrambled eggs or maybe make another batch of coconut macaroons which I made for the first time it took a week sing-off so the yolks go in with all the other stuff in your bowl turn your palm thin container I don't think I would do this with eggs from a store I would only do this with organic free-range eggs I trust them more I trust them to have fewer disease you know not no bacteria because you're gonna be eating these yolks raw I think it's okay if they break that's gonna happen I always always watch minions and rank up eggs just because even though I'm not afraid of rags I'm still a little afraid of writings you can use apple cider vinegar or lemon juice in this today I happen to have lemons so thank you stone and we need either a half double tablespoon of that depending on housing like it I'm gonna go a heaping half tablespoon and also trying something new today on let you know how it goes when I write up the blog post a little dash of paprika and a dash of garlic powder that's on my Miracle Whip container we're talking about reverse engineering so I'm trying it make it I like Miracle Whip I like it in my potato salad so we're gonna try that and beyond that all you need is your oil you can do 100% extra-virgin olive oil if you want or if you if you don't like that strong flavor quite as much you can do half extra-virgin olive oil in half any sort of flavorless oil I have a virgin olive oil finishing that off so there's not as much flavor in the second half of the cup I've also used sesame oil either the refined or unrefined I kind of like the thing or the flavor of the unrefined now here's the fun part we're gonna make an emulsion so I'm gonna whiz this up with my blender just enough to barely get things going and then you need to pour slowly I've read an eighth teaspoon at a time for eight minutes I don't have eight minutes you don't have any minutes so I'm going to pour this in slowly the husband is gonna try to get what happens and we're gonna pray that it works with two egg yolk sometimes you need three but it's really fun to watch it turn from liquid to solid so I'm gonna get the blender go on and start pouring and then I'm gonna shut up it's totally solidifies it's working we're getting real close so you can see the liquid oil on top that I haven't gotten in there yet and then it's definitely solidifying let's go again nice friends that is mail I'm gonna finish it off and not make your watch one little note I did put my lemon rinds the peels from the lemon into my garbage disposal to make it smell better because we all need good smelling sinks so that's my first blog go home make mail bye
Please explain how to make cinnamon syrup - a blend of ceylon and vietnamese cassia
today we're taking booze in the kitchen and making cinnamon syrup for this recipe you're gonna need a large measuring cup a pot a wooden spoon a funnel a large strainer a fine mesh strainer and a bottle the ingredients are sugar water and cinnamon cinnamon syrup is a useful thing to keep in stock for both modern and classic tiki drinks but it's also a great way to spice up your whiskey sours you can try subbing it in for anything that calls for simple syrup and see how it works and if you run out of drinks to make with it you can always pour it on your pancakes according to Martin and Rebecca Kate in their book Smuggler's Cove they like making cinnamon syrup with cassia cinnamon but they encourage experimentation I like mixing it up I use two parts of the sweeter spicier Vietnamese cassia and one part of the fruity or mellow or Ceylon Ceylon is native to sri lanka but in mexican markets it's known as Cannella you don't have to use different types of cinnamon you can make it all Casilla syrup or an all Ceylon syrup that part's up to you this recipe is pretty straightforward let's start with the sugar measure out eight ounces or 240 milliliters of sugar add that to the pot then crack three cinnamon sticks in half drop those in the pod measure out eight ounces or 240 milliliters of water add that to the pot turn it on high heat and stir it to help the sugar dissolve then let it come to a boil once it's boiling turn it down to low heat and let it simmer for two to three minutes turn off the heat pop on the lid and let it steep for two hours once it's ready pour the syrup through a strainer into a measuring cup then pour it into your bottle using a fine mesh strainer that'll help pick up any little bits of cinnamon left in the syrup pop on the top and store it in the fridge and that's all there is to it homemade cinnamon syrup enjoy click here for more videos be sure to subscribe and check us out on Facebook Twitter Instagram for links more info and a printed recipe check out the description below you
Please explain how to cook that ann reardon 3d coke bottle cake
Welcome to How To Cook That, I'm Ann Reardon and today we're making a Coke bottle cake. There have been lots of these floating around on the internet so, as always, I tried to track down the original creator. The person who did it first to give them credit and the earliest one I could find was Margaret, a blogger who did a photo tutorial in Italian in September 2015 and I'll link to her blog post below. To make my Coke flavoured version you'll need a 2 litre bottle of cola and mark where the drink comes up to on the bottle there. And now to make the Coke jelly layer. You'll need some gelatin and some Coke. And just tip some of the Coke into the gelatin and I'll put all the recipe quantities for you on the website and I'll link to that below. Stir that around and leave it to soften and then once it's thickened like this, we need to microwave that for about 30 seconds to melt it. If you're vegetarian you can use agar for this instead of gelatin. Add the rest of the Coke and stir it really well, then let those bubble subside and pour it into a tray lined with plastic wrap. We want to leave that in the fridge to set. Next take some chocolate and some sherbet so that we can make our fizzy discs. Melt the chocolate, you don't need to temper this because we want it to be a bit soft and mix in the sherbet. Now sherbet is powder that is fizzy in your mouth and if you live somewhere that doesn't sell it, I'll put a simple recipe for it on the website. Once that is mixed through, squash it flat between two sheets of baking paper so that it's really thin. Once it's starting to set, cut circles a bit smaller than the Coke bottle size. Next for the Coke cream. Pour 500ml of Coke into a saucepan and heat it over high heat until the water evaporates off and you're only left with about 50ml. Leave that to cool and then we can add it to the cream. Now you do need to make sure this syrup is compelely cool or it will melt your cream. Whip them together until you get soft peaks like this. For the cake part I'm going to be using one round chocolate cake and one round sponge cake. And you can make them using the recipe I'll put on the blog post or you can buy them. Cut each cake into two even layers and then use a circle cutter to cut two circles from each layer so that you end up with 4 circles of chocolate cake and 4 circles of sponge cake. Now take the Coke bottle and carefully remove the label, we're going to use this later so don't rip it. Just take it off super carefully and hang onto it. Then take a knife and in the middle of where the label was cut the bottle in half. Now it doesn't have to be super neat but you do obviously need to end where you started so that you end up with two halves of the bottle. Turn the top side upside down and fill it with tempered white chocolate, up to the line that we just drew. Leave that for a minute and then tip it upside down to pour out the unset chocolate so you end up with a nice lining of chocolate there. And then just straighten up the line using a spatula and let that set. Pour in some tempered dark chocolate into the base of the Coke bottle and turn it and spin it until it covers all of the sides. And then tip the extra chocolate into the top half and do the same with that one, turning it until it's completely covered. And then place them both upside down to set. To the base add some Coke cream, a layer of sponge-cake, more cream, chocolate cake, then a layer of fizzy chocolate, then add a circle of Coke jelly and more cream and continue to layer it up in this way right up to the top. Place the top half in a glass to help it balance and layer it up in the same way as we did for the base. Now I have lots of you telling me every week in the comments that you are the biggest HowToCookThat fan ever and one lovely girl has even made a HowToCookThat quilt cover for her bedroom. So finally I said yes to one of the companies that keep emailing me wanting to do HowToCookThat T-shirts for me. But here's what I want to know is what do you want on them. Do you want a HowToCookThat logo, do you want Make It A Great Week? Do Giant Things? Let me know what you think, I'll set up a poll and link to that below so that you can have what you want on the T-Shirts. Now we need to get the plastic off our cake, so take a knife and cut down that thin plastic, pulling it away from the cake as you cut so you don't cut the chocolate. Rip off the think part of the plastic then turn it the right way up and put it on some paper. Remove the lid and push down on the white chocolate so you can take off that top hard part of the bottle. Repeat that for the base, cutting down the plastic all the way to the base to remove it. Stand the base upright and add chocolate around the cut in the middle there and then place the top onto it. Support the cake inside of the top as you flip it over so it doesn't fall out. Arrange it so the bottle is straight and then use a knife to smooth out the chocolate and fill in any gaps. And this area will be covered by the label but we still need to make it as smooth as we can so that label will sit flat. Add the label back around the centre, then take a strip of red fondant and wrap it around the top of the bottle. Now you could just put the lid on but it looks a bit unusual, it doesn't quite look how I wanted it to. Then use a knife to draw a line around for the piece of plastic that sits just under the lid. Add a circle to the top and then use something flat to make indents around the lid. Use a hot knife to cut through the chocolate and take a slice of the layered Coke cake. Give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to HowToCookThat for more cakes, chocolates and desserts. Click here for last week's Easter Egg video, here for the recipe and here for more of my cake videos. Make it a great week and I'll see you on Friday.
Please explain how to dehydrate your own mangos for backpacking
a lot of backpackers bring dried fruit on their trips in this video I'm gonna show you how to dry in your own mango and so what I normally do when I'm looking for fruit is I actually go to that rack in the back of the produce section that rack that has all the old fruit that nobody wants to buy having worked in produce before most Americans don't like to buy ripe fruit as fruit gets ripe they think it's rotten and it doesn't taste good so walking by the rack the other day at a store I happen to find these four mangoes for $2 snow for 50 cents a mango I thought I would bring them home and dry them up for my next trip first thing I'll do is take a vegetable peeler and peel off the skin and normally what I'll do is for some of the fruit I'll do it as strips and some of the fruit will be pureed as kind of a fruit roll-up I don't know why I just don't do all one of the other sometimes I do sometimes I don't but for this video I'll kind of do half and half so half of the fruit went into a puree and half got put on the baking pans and if you happen to see in the picture one of them one of the mangoes was just too far gone by the time I bought them I brought them home I put it off put it off so one of them was was too rotten to use the strip's are pretty enough easy enough to just throw in the baking pan all the chunks go into the blender and turn it into a puree and then spread it out across a pan I believe there's a special name for the spatula an offset spatula I think it's the one that kind of has a curve in it and it's really long but that's the easiest type of spatula to use to spread this out obviously you can you can use anything you want use your fingers use a spoon but it is easy what easiest with that type of spatula next thing I do is I put it in for 90 minutes to start with mean it takes a lot longer than 90 minutes but just for my mind I like to kind of check it after 90 minutes and then usually pop it in for another 90 and then go from there it all depends on how lazy I was health because the thinner you spread it the easier it is the thinner you cut the slices the faster it goes so if I'm lazy and everything's thicker then it will wahby take longer put it in at 175 and again it will normally take anywhere from four to five hours for this for what I was doing it took me a lot longer because I was able to put it in for like two hours then I had to leave came back put it in for another hour had to leave and so it took a lot longer than that overall and when it comes out of the oven this is what it looks like I think mine might have been darker this time because they kind of sat around instead of just getting dried straight through but on the left you'll see but the strip's turned into and on the right you'll see what the fruit leather I guess you can call it that turned into so when you weigh it all out you can see that all of the dried mango from the three mangos on the scale here it says 1.83 I'm gonna guess that I've probably eaten about an ounce before I weighed this every time I check on it I tend to eat one when it came out of the oven I tend to check one I didn't do this video until the morning after so during that night every time I walked by I grabbed one so unless I packaged it right away usually it gets eaten but again that's one point eight three ounces so if you assume it was somewhere around two and a half for the three mangos so people might ask you know is it really worth it and I think no from a monetary time standpoint it's it's not worth it I think you probably end up saving a whole lot of time and money if you just went and bought a package of dried mango but the reason why I think it's worth it is for that one little ingredient on the back of the mango package and that is sulfur dioxide you know after this video just go type in dangers of sulfur sulfur dioxide and you know you've read a few articles you know dig down don't read the top pop you know ones that show up one two three on the top of the Google search from weird sites but go down to some legitimate sites and I think you might convince yourself after a few minutes that you might want to skip the sulfur dioxide to sulfur dioxide is actually banned from being used on fresh vegetables so it's kind of strange that you can't use it on fresh vegetables but it's allowed in Ryde sorry vegetables and fruit and i know it was banned after a whole bunch of people i think was like no 13 people or so died from ingesting it on fresh fruit and vegetables if you have asthma you can actually have a allergic reaction to it and I think that's the those are the people that died from it so if I am buying fruit I have to say I'm not hardcore sometimes I do buy the mango with a sulphur dioxide but my goal is to look for fruit especially in the future now that does not have sulfur dioxide as one of the ingredients on the back and also to simply start making more of my own and I think it's worth it you know for those of us that spend all sorts of money and time trying to shave an ounce off of something like a flashlight and our backpacks I don't understand why we shouldn't be doing more to protect our own health and spend an extra buck get an organic dried fruit that does not have a poison toxic added to it you
Please explain how to make the flight pattern quilt
hi I'm gene Nolte editor at Fond supporter and I'm calling Toki I'm a science specialist with funds important in this tutorial we are going to show you how to create the flight pattern quilts for the pattern for this quilt go to shop finds importer comm slash quilting quickly okay this is a fun quilt that's made with flying geese units that are all triangles but the really neat thing about it is you cut only squares to make this quilt the entire quilt so we're going to start with a pack of pre-cut ten inch squares we need 40 of these ten inch squares and for each 10 inch square you'll need four small five and a quarter inch squares for the background and we'll be making these flying geese units and lots of them right and the reason why we call it flight pattern then it ties in with the whole flying geese idea it kind of looks like a goose in flight so the first thing we're going to do is Mark sewing lines on the small squares I'm taking this quarter inch seam marker place the yellow line exactly on the corners I'm going to hold it down draw a line on one side and then go over here draw a line on the other side now if you don't have this quarter inch seam marker you can draw a line with a regular ruler from corner to corner and then draw another line a quarter inch away on each side from your center line it's got a nice investment that quarter inch seam marker it saves a lot of time makes things very right and this is the smaller one there's another one that comes in the set too that's a little bit longer but we don't need that one today so the first thing we're going to do is take these two of these squares that we've marked and put them on the big square and we want to get those lines lined up the square at small squares are going to overlap so don't think you've made a mistake on cutting they are going to overlap and kiss right here in the center you're just going to want to make sure that the lines then match up and so that the your see mine's going to go all the way across the block and because this one's a little bit larger I sometimes want to put in a couple of pins because I'm going to slide this over to the sewing center here and I don't want things to become misaligned so just a couple of pins on each of the blocks as we go across and we'll be ready to sell all right okay when we put this under the sewing machine one little tiny tip is that you've marked a quarter inch seam but if we can just stay to the inside of that line just a little we will create perfect quarter-inch seam allowance and instead of starting and stopping I'm going to sew all the way across this instead of breaking thread I'm going to jump to the other side and stitch back across my block take your pins out as you come to them some sewing machines you can stitch over pins others like to eat pins those pins are pretty thin but even so I like to take them out we don't want to damage the tip of our needle so take them out as you approach them as I get to the other side I'm going to raise my presser foot leave the needle dropped in place jump to the other side of the line and come right back now of course we're sewing with red thread you wouldn't have to do that at home you'd be sewing with a thread that probably in this project would probably be a cream color thread so that thread would not show so across and I would get a lot of these ready and you could be chain piecing those one after another you don't have to just do one at a time but today we're just doing one okay so the next thing we're going to do is cut this apart and I'm going to use a ruler but you wouldn't have to because it doesn't matter it just makes a little easier to make that long cut directorate's seam allowance has already come from sewing right on the light mark line so we can so after we do that the next thing we're going to do is is some pressing so I'm going to put this out here the first thing I like to do is set my seam and we're going to press toward the light which is backwards from what we sometimes talked about but to make this work we need to press toward the small triangle make sure that you open it your seam all the way to the stitching right don't leave a false stitch in there because you need all of that fabric to make your block stay accurate all right now we're going to press both of those but I'm just going to do one for now I'll put this one out here for later so the next thing you would do is take one of the other leftover squares and put one on each of these units when you're aligning the small square for the third of those that you're using make sure you align on the outside corners here it's going to overlap and go off of that v-shape there so what we're going to do is put in a couple pins so it won't slide as we take it to the sewing machine again like we did earlier we're going to move over here to the sewing Center and again I'm going to sew down that line jump across the same out it did before now what when people traditionally made the flying geese unit they were cutting all kinds of triangles and rectangles the more cutting that we do more chance we have for air and in this process cut as many pieces and we come up with very accurate pieces back across looks a little funny while you're doing it but yeah I'm about perfect the very first time I did this process of that really how am I going to get units out of this so you can me the rotary cutter there okay well you saw that other one I'm going to get this one apart exactly that was block number three here we're going to use block number four so that sometimes I like to look at it is it that one point these look like large hearts and you know that you're on the right track when you see the heart just love in our quilting aren't we yeah okay so while you sew I'm going to be pressing these two units okay now they're going to start looking like flying geese when you open them up all right I always like to set that seam first and then press it toward the small triangle we just cut it and jump over to the other side a nice part is that we're going to get plot four of the exact same block at a time here so that we're quickly making all the flying gates that go into this project then I'm going to trim these all right you could use your ruler and rotary cutter or you could just take scissors and you want to just trim off those little points that stick out to make these nice rectangles it's kind of thick there but sometimes we call those dog ears give him although you would would trim each of your units as you go so we would have one two when we open and press this right magically here's block number three cut the an tires block number four I can cut those apart that you can see what we've got so I'm making these units and they're smaller I just use a scissors to snip across there the longer the line I sometimes I'll just put them all out on the cutting mat at once and cut a bunch of them so right so I'm gonna put that on your aside here's a tip to when you're going to open these seams finger nail we can finger pressed I'm very impressed so there we have seam o or flying geese units okay all made from squares so the next thing we're ready to do is to make that subunit that goes within the block in the pattern we're going to start getting ready to make blocks so we're going to sew two together here like this we're in pairs you'll need eight for each block so you take your two lay them out the way you want them then flip them over we're going to sew on this edge now I've marked on this one we're sewing where you're stitching line is going to be because what I want you to look for here is this sweet spot where these two seams intersect that will give you a point the nose of the goose when you get done putting the block together sew sew actually so this one you can see what I'm going to do and there aren't many other components in this block except those triangles so we want them to be neat and tidy so we come in here and try to hit right to the sweets then intersection you're going to make a look kind of like an asterisk when you get done it's a fixed spot sometimes my machine would go kind of thunk and I know I've hit the very center of it perfectly okay so fingers crossed when we open this we'll have a place that toward the top triangle pressing direction see we've got a perfect point there in the center so you're pressing away from the point of that triangle there's a lot of bulk there so trying to make that one go the other direction this just doesn't want to fly that way wants to go where his nose will lead it let me give that a quick press with the iron here it sometimes people say oh I hate to press I hate to press but if you don't press as you go it makes it a lot harder in the end to get your units then put into blocks okay everything nice and flat it's a good thing got that seam opened up nicely okay so we're going to lay out four of these units and pairs and notice they're all going flying in different directions they all have their own flight pattern so this would be a block now we chose four matching pairs and it makes a secondary pattern that looks like a pinwheel in the center if you don't want that just make them all random color so it like the one on the wall and that won't happen so now what we're going to do is join these in two rows so I'll flip this over and we don't want to so on this side because we can't see the intersection so we want to flip it over so Colleen can sew on that aside I'm going to show you just a little tip now when you're going to put these units to make them into rows the sweet spot of the block is this point of the triangle out here on the outer edge in order to be able to hit that and not lop it off what we can do is put a pin down through there match the outer corners as we know that's where we want those to match and a little tip then to get that Center so that it does shift I've left that pin straight up and down I haven't put it all the way through I'm going to put it through but I'm not going to make it a pin you're not going to angle yes I make a make it like the North Pole it's going to drive straight down through now I'm going to go back and put a pin in place a second piz it stays in place doesn't shift doesn't slide so I take this one out everything and you're pinning in front of the seam allowance not through the thick part right if you try and do that through that thick part one's going to slide over the top of the other and you'll have a shift so now that when I put it in the machine the idea is that I can take that point whoops up right to get my pin out of the way there so when you get there that should be just a perfect quarter-inch seen you'll have perfect points when you open that up everybody has a different comfort zone if it's a little blunted sometimes people don't it doesn't bother them that's okay too but if you want to work on that skill this is one you can do go and of course you could be chain piecing these so that's gonna go that way my thumb right here now once you opens it up let's to show you how that intersection right so look at that organ seat goes this way yep so you're going to see look at that nice point right there has shifted it's right where it's supposed to be so you do the same thing put these two together and then put the two rows together to make a block and you'll need 20 of those blocks for the quilt and you can see the one on the wall you put it together with five rows with four in each and you have your flight pattern quote thanks for joining us today to see more of our videos go to video Fonz and Porter calm
Please explain how to cut a muscle tank top (eighties inspired)! - d.i.y.
hey guys don't show you how we can cut your own tank top I don't know how these tank tops tank talks I know how these tank tops are called exactly but I like to call them low-cut tank tops not neck but the sites they are low-cut when I see tank tops like these ones I think of the 80s so I think that these are called 80s low-cut tank tops I know but you know what I mean right so I'm gonna look like this so the sites they are really low-cut and you can wear these kinds of tank tops with Bendel's and I love wearing bandeau top so yeah also I have seen t-shirts or ten tops like these ones a lot in stores lately so they're going to be in trend and it is so simple to recreate because all the tank tops that I saw in the stores they all have like a clean cut and I was like I can do this at home on old t-shirt and I don't have to spend any money to have a tank top like that so I decided to give it a try and I tried it on this shirt and maybe you guys remember this shirt also because I use the shirt in my very first how to cut your own t-shirt video so maybe you guys remember this one with a few ice creams at first I thought that these were cupcakes love their ice cream characters if you have a lot of old t-shirts that you have laying around in your closet and you don't know what to do with it then reciting them is a really good way to live up your wardrobe and also your look yeah all you're going to be needing is just an old t-shirt and fabric scissors that is all I would use a shirt that is maybe just like one size or even two sizes bigger than your actual size and maybe you don't have shirts in that size because you know shirts in your normal size I don't actually I always buy t-shirts in a larger size and my actual size because I just like to wear loose-fitting shirts a lot more yeah but if you want to buy another t-shirt and then you can totally do that so let's get started okay so basically what I like to do is I just grab my shirt lay this t-shirt on myself and just measure or just see where I want the lowest parts of beat of the low-cut sleeve and just fold your t-shirt and that crease so just hold it like this and then we can start with the actual cutting people just lay your t-shirt on a flat surface and make sure that it doesn't have like any creases on them and I'm going to follow this guideline that I made and I'm just going to cut it like this I don't have like any specific way of cutting it but you can make the shoulder part a lot thinner so you could stop over here or you could just end over here so I think I'm just going to stop kinda like over here so this is how my tank top turned out after I have cut the sleeves off and you can just leave it like this and have the edges like like a clean cut but I'd like to talk a little bit on my top so it doesn't look like you've just cut it
Please explain how to grout your tile or stone
when it comes to installing tyler stone there are three easy steps and one name to remember custom building products grouting your tile or stone installation after your tile has been set and the mortar has dried for at least 24 hours it's time to fill the joints between the tiles with grout start by removing the tile spacers and clearing any debris from the joints next add the specified amount of cool water to the grout powder and mix thoroughly let stand for 10 minutes and mix again scoop out some grout onto the tile and holding your grout float at a 45 degree angle spread the grout firmly into the tile joints make sure each joint is completely filled removing the excess grout by dragging the flow diagonally across the surface at a 90 degree angle after allowing the grout to set for 10 to 20 minutes lightly clean the tile while shaping the joints with a damp sponge once the grout is dried usually two hours use a dry cheese cloth to buff off any remaining grout haze to more important grouting points first waited Lee sixteen hours before using the freshly grounded tile surface second let the grout dry for two to three days before sealing to be eligible for the lifetime warranty program use polyblend grout use the sanded grout for joints between 1/8 and 1/2 inch and use the non sanded grout for joints less than 1/8 inch or for a convenient easy to use no mixing option use simple pre-mixed grout that's grouting the number three step in tile installation using the number one tile installation products custom building products for more details visit custom building products dot-com
Please explain how to transform a tshirt into a shrug (hindi)
Hey welcome to Peej fashion. We will convert an old t-shirt into a fringe shrug We would need an old t-shirt, tailoring chalk, inch tape and a scissor Measure length from the shoulder at around 14 to 15 inches We will convert the remaining fabric into fringes Mark 14 inches at the front as well as at the back Measure the chest, which is 18" in my case Mark at the middle of 18" Do the same at the waist. Mark 3" at the left and the right of this center point Draw a straight line Cut from here Fold it down and cut the t-shirt till the bottom Cut thin strips at the bottom to make fringes One last thing to do is to pull the strings Please make sure to use a hosiery t-shirt so that you can make the fringes easily Your fringe shrug is Ready. Share your pics with us at Facebook or Instagram Thanks for watching
Please explain how to use charcoal chimneys
Everyone's got their own way of starting their grill. Natural hardwood charcoal, grill chimney it works every time. It's absolutely flawless, coals go in the top paper gets stuffed in the bottom. This is enough charcoal to cook couple hamburgers and hot dogs for the kids, or some other type of meat that would only require a few minutes on the grill. But you can always add more charcoal on to these, once they're already white-hot and ready to go. One of the greatest inventions in the whole world, the giant size lighter. And I like to lite this in several places, but all you need is a little bit, that's the beauty of the grill chimney. Because it convects the heat up, and will eventually catch all the coals. 10-15 minutes later we'll have white hot coals, 15 minutes later all these coals are white hot and ready to go. All you got to do, is pour your coals down into this little great area, onto the grill bed there and you can begin your indirect or direct grilling.
Please explain how to make clove studded apples- by chloe
my name is chloe i'm here to teach you how to make a clove studded apple the materials that you will need to make a clove studded apple is an apple or two cloves a pecan picker you can find these pecan pickers and a pecan picking or cracking cake a rag or a um bowl i recommend a rag because when you are poking the apple or tangerine or grapefruit with the pecan picker um trust me the apple will squirt and it will squirt in your eyes too okay so the rag is to help if you get it in your face in your eyes or face you can just um wipe it off okay um okay you will need to take an apple and guys it does not matter whether it has a stem or not i think it is prettier with the stem so i am going to take the stem off it takes a while though okay i got it off well not all of it but it's good enough okay and you will need to take the pecan picker you think of a design and i'm just gonna do a simple okay i'm just gonna do a c for chloe okay i like to hold it in a certain way i like to put my thumb well after i take the stem out i like to take my thumb i like to um put it right here i like to take my pointer finger and put it right here and then take the other fingers and just hold it it doesn't have to be as tight as it as you can um hold it but because you don't want to squeeze the life out of it okay and then guys it does not matter if you're right or left-handed and um okay so i'm just gonna do a c i'm gonna try to okay so oh and before i start um just to tell you that most people put um poke a hole and then put their their um clove in well um that is confusing trust me it was confusing to me and it was confusing to my sister too okay and the reason we're using this pecan picker is because you see the clove um most people know what it looks like but if y'all don't know what it looks like it has in the um front of it on the top it has this little crown thing and if you and you try to poke it in there well it hurts your finger just if you push it for a second it hurts it and it's harder and um the ball on top or the crown on top um you want that to be facing up because that is the part that smells really good okay so i'm just gonna make my simple little c okay and um okay i'm gonna do it where everybody can see it and one of the reasons i did not pick a tangerine or a um orange is because oh when you poke it you see how i can only poke it one i can only poke it once and it shows up you see that little hole right there yeah and right there well i only had to do that once i only had to poke it once and um and if you poke a tangerine see if you i can't see it so i have to keep poking it um and if you poke it too hard or if you poke it too soft see i poked it too hard um it makes a big giant hole and you don't want that because if it's too deep then your um clove cannot fit in it okay so if you do it too hard or too soft you gotta get it just right and that is hard too so with an apple you can just poke it and be over with okay so what i like to do is i like to do my design without putting the um clothes in i do my design see got my face um i just did my design trying to make it where y'all can see it okay i did my design now just to make sure it's good did my design okay oh and just a shout out to y'all unless y'all like strong um tastes do not eat one of these i know it's made for spice but please do not eat this it has a strong strong strong taste to it and if you eat one it's gonna make you want to throw it like throw it out throw it up okay so please do not eat it like even if you suck on it it tastes bad one second my voice is going out okay so now that i did my design yeah okay now that i did my design i'm going to take one of the clothes and i'm just going to stick it in there see if you make a hole with the pecan cutter then then stick it in there instead of just taking one and trying to stick it in there it hurts and i mean it hurts like it makes sores on your thumbs if you don't poke a hole in it with the pocahon cutters i mean the pecan pickers okay and if you don't have a pecan picker i recommend that you go out and buy one okay um so now i'm doing i'm poking my um clothes in and this is fun and entertaining or that's my opinion y'all just gotta try it okay you see how most people um ask me well my friends ask me does it matter if it has the little ball on top no it doesn't matter see this one has the little um the little um ball on top but this one doesn't um when i was doing my name let me find mine okay see i was doing my name c h l o e i recommend that kids eight uh i mean kids low eight and lower do not do their name it's difficult i'm i'm nine and i think kids older nine and older should do their name this took me about like 20 minutes third 25 minutes to do oh and it was difficult too because you had to like do it out and do your name yeah and then put it in there and sometimes it's hard to see like okay oh my friends like we're doing these and they're um putting only the ones with the balls in i'm like what are you doing like they're taking the ones with the like they're just grabbing them and then they're putting them in um and then i'm like why are you taking them out because when they see these that don't have the boss um they're like they're like oh i don't want this one it's ugly um but it's not ugly i had i had one in my name that looked like a stick i will try to see if you find it it's somewhere in the oh no well it's right here see it's kind of like a stick that's cool if you have one that's not like this it's okay my friends are complaining like they're like okay they're like okay they're putting them in one by one then they're taking all the ones with out the crowns on them i'm like what are you doing and they're like well i don't like these they're ugly and then they just throw them away well i'm like don't do that they're cool if they're like that they're more they're more cool if they're not like this they're more cool if they're like this but if you mix them like if you do a design with both of them in it looks awesome um and again this is fun for everybody to do and um this is my family tradition for all the holidays um it's good gifts um to people especially for mom because she does a lot of hard work and it's good gifts for parents also again because they like getting gifts from children and um not yet is this just a creative little design but it makes your house smell wonderful and me and my grandparents since i live with my grandparents um we made this little creative um little project where you take um cinnamon um peels of the tangerine um some cloves cloves whatever um and some pecan shells and we took that and we put them in a dish warmer and it made our house like we have it plugged up here um it made our house smell wonderful and we plugged it up yesterday it's still smelling like it did yesterday um i will make a video um in a couple days showing how to make that and until then um i hope y'all like the video and it's good for christmas um holidays any kind of holidays really and um y'all can check me out again in a few days because i'm gonna be make um showing and teaching y'all how to make that cinnamon and um tangerine peel and pecan shells and all that in a couple days so until then bye
Please explain how to program keyless entry remote for 2003-2008 toyota corolla, tacoma, yaris & matrix
everybody this is a quick video how to program replacement remotes for a 2005 or 2003 to 2008 Toyota Corolla basically my mom lost the remote about two off of ebay here's the steps that you can actually take to program these for this car so first we want to start what you know is key in your hand open the driver's door put the key in pull it out take your key and pull it out close the door open the door close the door open the door put the PM pull it out close the door open the door close the door open the door pick a key and leave it and close the door turn the key to the on position right now the doors opened and closed all by themselves the locks so that means you're in programming mode so basically what you want to do is press and hold the lock and unlock button on your remote basically for about 1.5 seconds so this part is kind of tricky you got to hold both buttons for one foot one and a half seconds let go and then just press the lock button this way this is basically a program so the other one 1.5 seconds hit the lock button and you can hear the doors closed and open so basically once you're done just open the door and then you're done so now both work hope this helped the instructions will be in the description thanks for watching
Please explain how to look expensive on a budget | 15 ways | laura melhuish-sprague
hello and welcome back to my channel I hope people well and have had a good week so far today's video as you will have seen from the title is how to look expensive for less actually I'm not that keen on a word expensive for me and more so than expensive is about looking chic and sophisticated very well-put-together kind of that French style girl-next-door something that looks really effortless and that's what I'm going to be talking about today which was actually inspired by a subscriber who left this lovely comment which was talking about making high street clothes look designer and that's something that few years I have always tried to emulate as something that I really look for when I was shopping and you guys know I love high street stores I love finding a bargain and I honestly believe that you do know I have to pay out to you look kind of chic and put together stylish as well as classy so let's get straight into it and you might also want to grab yourself a drink because I just want this to be a chilled relaxed talk I don't want you guys to feel like you are in a classroom or the dynamic patronising so fingers crossed that it doesn't come across like that so number one has to be the classic timeless styles I'm sure that you guys know all of them but my top ones have to be a camel coat for the winter they just look so lovely I feel let me go with so many different styles and one that is quite structured has a nice collar to it you will have it for years I have had this one for Hobbes oh gosh for multiple years now and they still bring out exactly the same one what I will say I've mentioned Hobbes there and with these specific items I would probably go a little bit more high-end High Street simply because you are going to bring them out year after year they're worth pay a little bit more for because you know that you're gonna wear them and hopefully like most of the items in my wardrobe wear them again and again and again and then a white shirt everybody needs a crisp white shirt in that wardrobe whether you're wearing with relaxed like I am today with the sleeves rolled up and it tucked in or a little bit more full more they are so versatile they're really easy to put with so many outfits make a little bit more stylish it will make look a little bit more classic personally I like going for one that is just a little bit oversized something that just looks easy you easily put on a little bit buggy and a few areas I don't like it too tight around the arms who I'm looking restricted chino pants no I feel like this is one that not many people have in their wardrobe and less that they work in a smart environment but I was so encourage you to get a Chino pants you can it wear them with a jumper and just a simple pump so that they look a bit more relaxed again I don't think that you have to go overly tight with these find a style that fits new I quite like them a little bit cropped in the leg I particularly like gap these they are super comfortable really stretchy if they do you different lengths which makes it perfect for lots of different heights and they also do colors as well so you can get anything ranging from white to black you name it gap probably has a Chino pan in that color and then the perfect piece to dress up dress down great for when you're working two in the day today like now probably my favorite item from last year was the Blazer they were so popular they came out in so many different sizes and I went a little bit wild buying quite you I think that you guys keep following my channel look bullet know I love one in the neutral color and again I also like this to be slightly oversized they go up one size with my blazer depending on the fit sometimes if you want a gorgeous tailored black satin blazer for an evening then you're going to want to go a little bit more sculpted to the body but for everyday I would definitely pick one that is just one the size up and just fit so nicely over everything you can be wearing something really simple like a t-shirt and some dark wash jeans Chuck a blazer over and it just make it a little bit more elevated my other two items I'd have to recommend for a classic wardrobe would be a little black dress and a white dress for the summer really simple again any kind of occasion dress up dress down I will do a video if you guys would like comment below on a classic wardrobe is classic pieces that everybody should have so let me know if you would like that but there are the kind of items that I'm talking about that you need to be looking at in the stores and then that takes me on to point number two so when you've found your classic piece you're then gonna start looking at colors and I would take this right back to what suits you so I'm sure all of you at some point will have googled what colors and tones suit you so I'm talking about your eye color your hair color your complexion I know personally I always go for one which is done in kind of seasons so I suit autumnal color so there's earthly deep colors car keys but I can also pull off the cream and a white in the summer and I find that really useful because I don't feel like you can particularly say ok to look expensive you have to wear camel navy black and white because if those colors don't suit you then they're not going to see you and it's just not one tick-box football so have a little look because I know that Navy just looks so much better on me than black I think black is so chic but it drains me and I find that Navy you look better so I'll try and pop some links in the description so that you guys can go and have a look at those colors take a little picture on your phone so when you're out shopping it's super easy you can see all of those colors and honestly when you try them on you start to understand and usually within the kind of spectrum of colors you will have who loads this to you so have a look at that but I would tend to you try and stick to the neutral tones within your color palette and number three you guys will know that I absolutely love especially if you follow me over on Instagram because I adore wearing all one color I just think it's the easiest way I color-block my wardrobe so when I go to my Audrey about her or one color I literally can just go jacket jumper shirt trousers done and it's a very easy way to make an outfit or a look look quite chic and sophisticated without actually having to try or think too much if you can't coordinate your wardrobe it is easy to do day to day and you guys will have seen I love any color especially white I particularly love white but I'm gonna drop in now apart from a crisp white shirt and other things I do not like and I don't think particularly stark white shoes or handbags look good I go for more of an ivory or a nudie tone if you can because they just come totally it look so much nicer and more expensive number four is don't do jeeps so I know so many of you are going to love them and without a doubt I'm sure that I have some in the wardrobe because fashion is just recycled it comes through every so often through the years and most of that all the high street is going to be mimicked or designed from designer items however I'm talking about the pieces which are exact mimics look exactly the same they're on trend now perhaps they are trying to mimic or emulate a designer symbol or monogram but it's the wrong way around I just think that they look personally you can see them a mile off and it's not going to look good if you're trying to mimic an expensive look I think that you're better staying clear from them and just picking it simple items from the history little disclaimer you can hear any storing or having that is a gorgeous black Labrador back there he is sleeping like me so number five is all about accessories and accessorizing well but going by the motto it less is more so I break this down into scarves belts and jewelry and I'm gonna touch on it sunglasses and handbags separately so through all of these is just about elevating the outfit so making something that could be quite bland giving it number one a little bit of texture or number two perhaps a little bit of print so you could have a very plain I've got a picture that I can show you very plain outfit just and a next staff I absolutely love these they're so fashionable or you could also put a hair band or a little ribbon in your hair just something that gives it a little bit of a pop adds a little bit of something different but keeping it very simple at the same time I always try it and go for one or the other actually I don't wear bouts very often as you can see today I don't have a foul on I did not feel like I needed it I'm very much the person that less is more I just like it simple that's the way that I personally like to look but if we're going to go for about I would go for one that's very averse attire something that is perhaps black and tan so you can switch it and have the different colors I also have one Wayne you can switch the hardware which is amazing so I could have silver or gold because they wear both of those colors and another thing is just a match or Hardware quite nicely you've got a very predominantly I once had a coat still have it I say once and that had gold buttons but they were really predominant gold buttons so when I was choosing a handbag I had to have something that was gold as it just would have clashed completely so same with the bow and that idea is really perfect because it's also versatile with the jewelry if in doubt go dainty it's just the easiest way to expose de gated it simple start a really simple necklace just a few rings done and dusted and it usually it looks great but if you want to do a statement I would just steal one item so an earring and necklace or a bank wall but not all of them together so just one number six that would be having a capsule wardrobe now this is something that I've learned more so over the years and I don't feel like I've unfortunately in the mode of having a casual wear even only having ten items or three tops or that kind of thing but more so what I mean is if you have a skirt in your wardrobe that you don't have a top to go with it make it your mission to find a top that goes with it because the classiest most expensive looks and looks look like they have been beautifully put together so I'm talking that person has gone into a designer store and they have bought all of the same collection so they've bought this lovely lavender top that goes with the beautiful lavender skirt and the boots that match in the handbag that matches that is a look that is so put together and if you can't go to your wardrobe and pick out those items and pick out every single item and say this jacket goes with it this trials a ghost knit and so on and so forth then you're not utilizing your wardrobe and you're also not going to be able to pick multiple outfits from your wardrobe so if you're wanting to look more put together and chic and expensive it's more about having that the full wardrobe and I'm not talking about going out and buying 250 new things but just making sure that you are utilizing them well to be honest without doubt I am sure that most of you watching this don't need to go and buy new items of clothing or a full a new wardrobe to put together all of these points I'm walk out the door looking amazing but I think it's more about utilizing your wardrobe knowing what you have in your wardrobe having it organized well and making it all work together number seven is knowing your size and picking the right size now this is tricky this is very tricky on the high street you guys will have seen in so many of my balls that I am NOT one straight size I am definitely between a size 8 to 10 but if I have to go up into a 12 for an item I really don't mind at points I'm also going down to a 6 so really it's not about being totally blind fighters to this one number I'm a size 8 I'm not I'm between a size 8 and 10 and I could be anywhere in between depending on the store so this is the tricky part and it's basically about trying on all of those sizes and another thing that I have had learned from my mom especially on a high street is that I might try on the same jeans in exactly the same size but try on three pairs and one of them will fit me better than the other day but organ oh no taking care of your clothes it's a hard one for me when life gets busy just checking something and the tumble dryer is not worth it because it's not gonna come out it's nice it's probably gonna bubble and just taking care of them making sure that you iron them properly and steam them I have a how it's email which I actually in love I can take out on holiday with me with occasions if I'm going to a wedding or something like that I can just quickly its steam it you guys will know that a loads of the even high-end high street stores steam their clothes regularly and worked on them before when I was younger and they would regularly steam them to be and look pristine on the hanger which obviously doesn't happen in some of the cheaper stores number nine I feel like is going to be a little bit controversial and now these fabrics I have so many people ask me in the comments about fabrics and I know some people can't wear specific materials but I have to say some of the synthetics are amazing too so what I'm going to say is that Naturals are going to look more expensive because they are naturally made they're just better quality fabric so the kind of linen and lovers of the world having said that I have so many pieces from the high street like this files here which you guys know that I love from mango that one is at viscose and polyester it drapes beautifully it fits really nice and on it's super soft it acts exactly like silk I've washed it millions of times I've ironed it millions of times and it still looks that good so this isn't a plain rule don't go out into the stores and look at something as help it's got polyester and it definitely not because I studied textiles at University of worked in textiles be is it just honestly isn't it as simple as that you can get a linen which is a nice and in and linen which isn't a nice linen Egyptian cotton is going to be totally different to other Cotton's so it's not that kind of straight iron it kind of annoys me when people say just natural fabrics yes they are the better more expensive quality fabrics they're going to keep you warm and they're probably going to make sure they're kind of if you're perspiring you are keeping about a temperature level but at the end of the day they can't always exist without the synthetics for holding shape so don't be too strict on yourselves and what I would say is go by the look and the feel so what I really try and look out for in the stores sometimes I might pick a shirt and it's really shiny and it's got this sheen to it that just does not look good I'll immediately put it down so don't worry too much about looking at all of the neighbors but go by your instinct try it on it does it feel nice is it itchy does it just feel sticky does it rustle too much when you move you'll soon get to know what you like and dislike and I think that is one true thing with looking expensive because there are loads of items out there even in designer expensive stores that aren't gonna be all natural fabrics 10 is sunglasses it's the easiest way to elevate your outfit to make it look more expensive and more put together a really chic just lovely pair usually a nice pair of oversized sunglasses but go for something that suits your style and your face shape I'd also recommend going something that fits within all of your color tone something that goes with your wardrobe so that you can pull them out and wear them with absolutely everything number 11 is to take care of yourself now I know that is so hard nowadays when lives are so busy but I am NOT talking about going to the spa or having loads of beauty treatments in fact I would say that I spend very very little way below average on my beauty and my regime you may not believe it when my haircut cost me 15 pounds absolutely next and I think and I I don't think I don't know you guys would disagree but I have lots of positive comments about my hair and I think that's because my main aim with all of it is keeping it healthy so whenever I go to a hairdresser for years nuisance from a lot of nagging from my mum that whenever they say how much would you like off my answer back and something that would really recommend is how much do you think so don't just say oh I've only one tiniest edge off I know this is harder when you've got shorter hair but personally if you have long hair go for what they say go for what they recommend there's nothing worse than having split ends and if it's healthy it will be so much easier to style and will hold a curl better and will bounce nicer all around it will just be much easier I'm saying with my nails I don't go to the salon to get them done and very rarely get unless it's for a special occasion I tend to go for se they are my absolutely favorite I go through quite a few of that now Rajesh's is one that I love which is a strengthened art and it's just in a French manicure pearl color I just think it looks ugly and it really strengthens and looks after my nails especially if you were busy and your hands are in and out for all the time and I'd go for the same principle and all of your beauty things I try and go for a foundation that has a serum innit I love the Bourjois healthy mix that is a foundation that I've been using for years and I feel like it's doing my skin good at the same time number 12 is stay away from motives or logos if you've got anything with a short plastered all over it like River Island then it's it's obviously gonna seem like it's from River Island and I had to recommend this mostly with bags and especially high street bags something like this is really lovely to go for so here I picked a really simple saddle looking bag something that's really structured will hold its shape and this one it does have a little logo on it but it's so small you can't read it and you can barely see it would it be even better if there was nothing on that this one looks quite sophisticated as it is but if it had had it big off and bought all over it or something it just doesn't quite look the same so go for something really pain and Rees important your bags and also something structured but I would also say the know the moment motive or logo for all of the things that you're picking up even coats or anything like that unless you particularly love the style I would stay clear of them and just going for something plain and simple number 13 is about styling the item and I can't go into this one in depth but just stand in front of your mirror and try lots of different things out with the item that you have on so if you have a shirt on roll the sleeves up just to you about 3/4 see how it looks more than a little bit more see if that looks better if you have a coat on try and having the collar up just a little bit sometimes this doesn't look good sometimes it just looks too OTT but sometimes on some coats effortless as well as sucking in so this is really about trying to work that styling and just seeing what looks right for the item again it's not something that is just clean and clear for one item but as soon as you stand in front of the mirror and just give it a few tries and see how it's all working I'm really loved tucking a top in but it doesn't always look like with things sometimes you just want to tuck it around and not properly tuck it in so it's really dependent on the items it just have a bit of fun with it play around with it and see how it works number 14 takes us back to point number one slightly and that's slowly investing in quality pieces and I am talking about more of the high-end high street items and some pieces in the trick in particular like cashmere which you just cannot get at a good price you can get it on high street you can't get it reasonable i recently featured a hmm that cashmere scarf which i know so many of you loved and it looked so loving on and drapes beautifully but it is just that little bit more expensive than a normal scarf so I'm talking about those kind of items that you can't get particularly at a very good price but invest in them choose the classic styles and you will not worry about the price because price per wear will be so worth it and lastly number 15 is being a comfortable and you will know if you've watched any of my other videos that I am so keen on comfort I talk about it a lot especially my holes and the items that I am mentioning and comfort is really very important I don't believe in them water that you suffer for fashion because if you're comfortable then you are going to be more confident you've got to hold yourself better and your posture is going to be nicer you're going to walk much more elegantly so being comfortable finding things that suit you will automatically make you look more sophisticated and chic and expensive because of the way that you are holding yourself so please don't go away from this feeling like you have a list things that you have to do and that you won't feel comfortable or confident in any of them because at the end of the day you are going to look your best and your most chic and lovely if you are confident in what you are wearing and you're feeling comfortable and if you have watched through and you were wondering what items are on the high street at the moment I keep a very keen eye on high street items actually in particular a pair that I want to mention is pair of shoes that I picked out from mango that actually unordered for me they're a beautiful Pat ballet pumped with a pointed toe they look so gorgeous I'm going to be lifting pieces below for all of these categories and I think that I've mentioned any clothing items are trying to can think from the pictures and also bits and bobs like the steam and other things like that so you can find any information in the description box any questions just feel free to ask away I hope that you guys enjoyed it if you did please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel I would absolutely love it there will be loads more fashion videos coming in the next few weeks and months so I hope to see you again soon bye
Please explain how to apply magnetic nail polish from essie
hey guys today I'm going to be showing you how to apply this snake roll and roll bottle from SC and it's just like a magnetic bottle and it's really cool and it just gives you an Al's this really cool effect that reminds me of a snake a lil so anyway let's just get to the tutorial so I am now applying a polish to my fingers make sure that you do it really fast then apply the magnetic bottle and make sure you lift it slightly over the top of your fingers and then make sure that your fingers are still wet because it will not work if you your your fingers are dry so yeah thank you guys for watching this video if you want to see more videos like this please comment subscribe and like and i'll see you guys until next chance so bye
Please explain how to build a cheap recording studio!
it was funny I was stressing this maybe like hey I need to put a video up I haven't put a video up I'm trying to do the backdrop and do all this stuff in my studio to get to the point of making a video like you know why don't I make a video about behind the scenes what I do always put tinfoil over the windows for example because you have to control the light level I guess it's a limit of oil I'm going to put some more lights on here there we go now I have more lights from every direction they're actually the rest of light fixtures but I have LED bulbs in the fluorescent light fixtures right now I have these cotton drop cloths hanging up to dampen the sound and I think they look really ugly so I want to try and get something that's a little bit more aesthetically pleasing to hang up probably some curtains you have to hang stuff in my studio I use these tension poles so they kind of hold their tension between the wall and the ceiling they're called fastcap third hands actually cover the top with a little bit of velcro so they don't leave a mark on the paint in the drywall they're pretty good solution if you want to hang stuff up in a room but you don't want to make any permanent holes or changes to the room then what I do to hang lights up to hang curtains up is I actually take an oak dowel rod and cut it into the piece and then I fastened that to the top of the fast cap tension pose using I think these are what are these are these pipe tighteners whatever they're called then these are just certain rod mounts from Ikea screwed into the oak dowel with self-drilling screws so the end result is it holds quite a bit of weight I usually take the ends of the metal fasteners so just in case they were to slip and fall they don't take on eye because they're pretty sharp I actually have these lights hanging from the curtain rod with a shower curtain hook going into a one-inch C clamp that is clamped onto the light fixture then I'll use a clamps on the curtain rod just to keep the wires in place I just have a quick on-off switch where I can turn the lights on and off this fabric helps stamp them sound - it's pretty ugly then I'll probably get something with a pattern I believe they call this stuff duck cloth when you buy it from Joanne's ever whenever you're blocking light off with the window it's always good use electrical tape because it is opaque while I look really short but cameras just kind of up high a little bit oh yes and I just bump that into the keyboard that's about where I want it to be squeeze it and it should get up there now I'm going to fasten this to the top using two of these and at either end and hopefully be able to run a curtain along that back wall and see what it looks like some of you may be wondering why there's spackle splotches in the paint of the wall I used to have sound dampening material stapled directly to the wall and I took it off and I've spackled over the holes but I haven't actually gotten to reap rhyming and repainting the walls in the room so it's kind of in this perpetual in-between state and since the walls are covered up mostly it doesn't really bother me I'm not in a rush to do it sometimes these light fixtures are a little bit too cheap I think that one just died yeah they're really pretty low quality they're from Home Depot so I mean they cost like 20 bucks so the lighting solution does break a lot but it's fairly cheap too it's about 50 bucks from maybe 5,000 lumens of light to get the fluorescent fixtures and then put with the LED bulb I tend to just try to keep extra fixtures and extra bulbs when they break because you know like an actual LED studio lighting solutions can cost like thousands tens of thousands of dollars okay you know from the YouTube budget Hey yeah I actually have another light fixture right here in the closet ready to go expecting one of them to die so maybe I'll swap that out at some point but that's not really my priority tonight okay I may be a tip on this stepladder and screw the curtain mount up there with an impact driver and here we go see how this goes that is finally up there and we will do it on the other side and then I can put the long curtain right in between them I haven't have one extra-long curtain rod extension from Ikea and that's exactly how many I need right now yeah I'm gonna try putting this one up oh boy yeah this takes a little bit of coordination to do this I just fell off the stepladder well not really fell off but I stumbled gracefully off the stepladder the curtains I bought just to test out our 98 inches tall and I think what 57 inches in metric community people can see the metric measurements it's about the exact ceiling height of this room so it might be a little bit tall but I just kinda want to see I have a couple of different options for mounting the curtain up on the curtain rod I could to use the built-in loops which is probably what I'll try first if not I'll have clip rings that a little bit easier because I can put the clip rings on first and then loop the curtains on I'll just have to see these are 100% cotton so I'm a little bit worried that they're going to get wrinkled and look ugly and not really be that attractive compared to curtains made out of other less wrinkled prone materials like polyester or silk or whatever else so I'll have to see how they look one nice thing about hundred percent cotton is it does not out guess when you install it in a room sometimes if you saw a lot of polyester fabric in a room polyester being an artificial plastic and any other synthetic fiber will out gas into the room sometimes if you're sensitive to odors and sometimes it's better to use natural fibers ro tip from life experience in putting cheap home studios together not nearly as nice already when I was hanging up in the store you see the way the threads are here it's a really a hassle to thread a curtain rod with the threads being individual in cinah me like that I don't know why they didn't just make this a piece of fabric like normal curtains that's just it's really cheap manufacturing on the part of Ikea it'd be such a hassle to get up there I've actually changed my mind already I'm going to use clip rings I cannot find my clip rings for the life of me I know there's a bag of clip rings I'm going to find it these are the drawers where I would normally expect best type of thing to be honest for cat6 cables it's two-sided carpet case here I really don't know where they are alright I finally thought about clip rings I'm just going to take this curtain and wherever there's one of these badly designed IKEA curtain loops I'm going to attach tada the clip ring will make it easier to put on the curtain rod a lot of people wonder like hey why aren't you making music why aren't you posting more videos it's ok because I'm doing stuff like this all the time I'm putting clip rings and curtains and I guess I think with my environment a lot well the first curtain is up it is a little bit bunchy and wrinkly it's definitely not the most attractive looking red curtain but at one point I had a one of those see where things could kind of taken and see maybe I'll get one of those again they're not that expensive it is definitely better than what's behind it at the end today this is $25 worth of curtains that I have two more to put up so a total of 50 bucks with the curtains and I'm putting up for my keywords if I did it with nicer curtains in Bed Bath & Beyond I don't know it'd probably be quite a bit more in terms of a curtain expenditure these curtains are also bit too long they're dragging on the floor so I usually that just means I have to take a at 2x4 and the sharpie and pair of scissors and cut them off somewhere on floor level or about an inch above the curtains like that also look better if you have a camera lens with a shorter focal length cos and your subjects is in focus and the background is a little bit more out of focus and there's enough color contrast like a a shot like this and you can do a little bit of that and post just nerding out on the production into things this is kind of how things are with all the curtains up well I'm shiny I should get some blotting paper that's what you do when you shiny it it looks better than what was there before I'm not super super thrilled with a look I really would prefer actual red theater curtains than think type I can also do fun things in editing the video like this that might make the curtain backdrop look a little bit cooler so the other thing is that clip rings are a little bit in elegance as a solution for putting curtains like that up I'd probably rather have s hooks and and the best I've vessel could be shaped like an S but one end of the S is rotated 90 degrees so I can just put the S hooks up on the curtain rod and then put the other end of the S through the curtain loops and then just slide it forward and backwards it's more like a shower hook than a typical curtain hook but I haven't really been able to find that type of shower hook so I don't know how my green screen sitting over there it's on a really bad stand it likes to topple over a lot I hope you liked a little bit more of this behind-the-scenes look at what I do I know it's super random and let me know in the comments if you'd like this I appreciate you watching see you soon
Please explain how to clean lansinoh storage bottles
lansinoh storage bottles are easy to clean to sanitize it before first use take it apart and put all the parts in boiling water for five minutes make sure there's enough water so that all the parts are floating and try to ensure they don't touch the sides of your pot after five minutes remove all of the parts from the water and air dry completely on a clean towel or drying rack until you're ready to use them after this initial sanitation process the bottle can be washed in warm soapy water and rinse with clean water allow all the parts to air dry on a clean towel or drying rack all the bottle parts may also be washed in the top shelf of a dishwasher wash all parts of the bottle immediately after each use
Please explain how to make weed taste good)
Please explain how to make polvorón | 4 ingredients
Paul Barone is a type of heavy and very crumbly Spanish shortbread made of flour sugar butter and sometimes milk polvo in Spanish means powder which is exactly what the dough looks like these take me back to my childhood in Belize let's see how we make them knead self-rising flour if you don't have that in a pantry you can make it at home all right so just get some all-purpose flour so to every cup of all-purpose flour unit remove 2 teaspoons of the flour out and then add back a teaspoon and a half of baking powder and half a teaspoon of salt that's how you make self rising flour so I have 2 cups of self-rising flour 1/2 a cup of confectioner's sugar one cup of butter and we're going to need 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract that's only four ingredients this is hard time biscuit or cookie all right so let's start by putting the butter one whole cup this is why I kind of refrain from making cookies in here because butter is expensive and cookies use a lot of butter then add the sugar just like if you would add granulated sugar and then now we're gonna blend this for just a couple of minutes or so it's gonna blend up pretty quickly because we're not using granulated sugar we're using confectioner sugar and for my version of the provolone we're not going to use any milk all right we're just going to use these four ingredients the flour the sugar the extract and of course the butter [Applause] see how quick that was let's add our extra two teaspoons Jana's running camera right now and she was the one that gave us gave a show these gorgeous teaspoons well it's a set right and next video coming up Jana is gonna be on camera with me that's another cookie video and wonderful we even needed this hand mixer I've never tried it without the hand mixer but you might not need it let's go ahead and add the flour and remember if you did this separate you were making self rising flour at home this is when you'd be adding the baking pod on the salt that's what I was saying earlier you don't need to add baking powder and salt to this because it's in the self rising flour and I'm only doing this because I don't want it to fly everywhere on the counter and on my camera lens well we're just going to keep adding the flour and blending until it looks something like this this is not the kind of cookie dough that's gonna get sticky like chocolate chip or maybe even oatmeal raisin which is one that I'll be doing soon - guys let me get my ring off clean off my spatula and I'm just gonna work on clumping this together cuz we're gonna put this in some type of plastic wrap I don't have any shrink wrap right now you guys know what I mean by shrink wrap right cuz I don't call brand names here on my show any kind of plastic wrap will do well grab a bag clump it up together let me see if I have a piece of a bag in here I'm squishing tortillas or mass upper-40s it's a love this cookie there's a call it biscuit when I was growing up in veneers and for those of you that don't know where I'm located I'm in Southern California about 50 miles east of LA let me just patiently work on this to get it all little crumbs together I'm gonna set this on a fridge for a while at least 50 minutes to a half hour then we're gonna roll these into balls all I can say is be patient so we can form together right wrap it up put it on the fridge I'll see you guys in about a half hour I gotta clean up like this no nobody they have a place to check today Jesus stop Rome camera Jordi run the camera after about 15 minutes in the fridge this is what its gonna look like it's smooth when you cut it but it's still kind of hard to roll because it is a crumbly type dough so you just kind of want to squeeze instead of rolling all right just gonna squeeze it all together roll it in a bowl of sugar and just set it on a greased baking sheet use the bottom of a glass the flat bottom of a glass or a cup and just squish it down we want to flatten it to make it very thin it's supposed to be left like this sighs now the dough is still a little bit too cold I might let it thaw a little bit longer and then just cut off a piece kind of squeeze it like this you really can't roll it into a ball because remember this one was crumbling I'm gonna squeeze it around roll it in the sugar and get your tumbler or your glass and press yeah let me let it out a little while longer before I continue all right all right guys I've used every cup I can find you need to try to get it to go but this cookie dough is crumbly so you gotta have some crumbles sprinkle some sugar on the top see I've used all these these three cups no the oven is up the temperature at 350 and these will for 25 minutes so let's get them in this is right at 25 minutes later they're looking pretty good but I want to go ahead and switch the trays around I'm gonna put the stuff that's on the top shelf onto the second shelf and vice versa I'll do that from time to time if I want the stuff that's on the bottom shelf to get more Brown on the top and if I want the stuff that's on the top shelf to get more crunchy on the bottom of the cookie so that's why I switch things around from time to time I'm gonna set the timer for two minutes two minutes later they're ready we don't want to keep them too long or else they'll burn put them right here on my wire cooling rack and I'm gonna have to let these sit here for like five to 10 minutes until they kind of set or harden before I remove them with my spatula here they are five minutes later let me see if they're ready let me grab my spatula let's get off the first one oops no it's cracking let's go for this one very carefully with them all right this is like a shortbread so they're hard yet delicate yeah you already know this is going to break very easily they're a crunchy type cookie but they break very easily I have to sit them here for like ten minutes for them to set maybe you can put it on parchment all right I didn't do too bad I only broke a few goes right into my mouth anyways let me go ahead this is my sample this is my baker's dozen how many do we get two four six eight ten eleven only never talking about God mm you remember these you still get these into these you might so good just sugar on the top sets it off buttery I'm sure this is not good for you so I'm warning you eat one run away put the rest of the tin or something alright so this is paul baran well we should pull of our own but I think specialist a poll or on i'm already know i need by non-rpg dance you guys don't forget to share the video that's how the news about the show gets out don't forget to like it if you're watching me on facebook follow the page if you're watching me and youtube subscribe to the page and i look forward to your comments be my mother either location thank you all for watching bye bye don't lick your fingers alright go wash your hands meanwhile I'm making pancakes if you guys saw that wash your hands get that sugar off because we not find a pain though 15 pounds between now on New Year's New Year's Eve or New Year's Day all right
Please explain how to make candied bacon with sriracha chili glaze - greg's kitchen
well today I'm gonna make for you some delicious man candy and what is man candy well it's bacon basically but a nice sweet version and to top it off I'm gonna make it with a nice sriracha chili sauce on top this is gonna be awesome you guys gonna love it let's start making it this is great kitchen first thing we need to do is preheat our oven on turning it to 200 degrees Celsius which is about 400 fabric ingles so let's start making these things so grab yourself a bowl into there I'm going to be putting half a cup of brown sugar well and next we grab a sriracha we'll add about one tablespoon maybe a bit more yeah of that sauce I will add into there just about a farts worth of cinnamon just a tiny bit tiny tiny bit and today we'll go and we'll mix this together just to see his sugar and melts it's not melting which is why we need some water so we'll just add just a little dash in there like a tablespoons worth and that will start the sugar melting well hopefully we just mix that into a nice paste like that so now we've got that nicely mixed let's buy this video Michael what your state open door find that in there for about 15 to 20 seconds I'll whack it on 420 wall that's microwaving let's prepare how we're gonna cook this stuff so what I've done is I've got myself the cooling rack onto a tray I will just spray this with some cooking oil to stop the bacon from sticking and I've cut my bacon into man-candy slices and I'll just put this on across the tray how goes this bag and look mm-hmm right so now let's go to a microwave this should be nicely warmed this man candy mixture let's come over here and was to start brushing our bacon with this man candy yeah mm I could drink that already okay so now once that's done let's button this in the oven it's pretty heated fantastic so we'll stick that in there and we'll let that cook for about the 15-minute mark but it's at the time wrong because you know in my memory it's pretty bad now those of you that don't know sriracha sauce I hope I'm pronouncing that right I'm sure you'll let me know if I'm not but you find this in the Asian aisle of your supermarket it should be sold pretty much everywhere it's really nice hot and spicy and but it's a really delicious sauce in fact I love it so much I usually just drink it straight on the bottle mm-hmm all right well the time is just going off so now it's time to grab this now just have a quick look fudge and we'll just let that sit there actually because it's so hot I'm burning my fingers on that thing but what we need to do now is grab this thing again see how this is sort of solidified mmm well I just want to lick the bowl don't hold on tuck that in give that another 20 seconds just so it gets nice and liquidy again 5 4 3 2 1 Oh guys uh that's trippy yes have a little say bang liquid he can so now what we need to do come over here we need to turn these over so how are we going to do that maybe sometimes let's see if this works so let's turn these bits of bacon up on you oh man candied heaven right there have a look at this hmm and we'll just repeat the process on this side brushing it's delicious sriracha and sugar mix on the other side of the bacon okay so now grab this and just put this back into the oven for another let's say 15 minutes a little bit less we'll just come back after about 13 minutes and have a quick check make sure it's not overcooking because the geordie health of that bacon okay well the timer hasn't still gone off so it's not anything then there for about 10 or 11 minutes now I can smell something burning so I'm gonna have a quick check oh oh yeah how good does that look Oh anyway it'll still keep cooking for a few more minutes so I'll take that out now let it cool down and then we'll come back and tuck on in for the old sriracha bike and man-candy tie success I've just grabbed myself a knife and I just screw that along and this is just coming off nice and easily how good does that look oh my god I reckon it's the see how hot it is okay it's cooled down let me try something mmm well there's some of that man candy I just whipped up how good does that look I can't let's give it a go oh man no that is so sweet and delicious come on business mmm if you do make it I would love to know what you thought about it personally I think it tastes absolutely amazing and you guys gonna love it if you did like this really I remember to show some thumb and love subscribe for more thanks or I think I'll see you next time right here on grace
Please explain how to dye a costume black
sir sir can you help me find my truck my daughter's gonna be late for the spelling bee i haven't seen your truck at all today move dad did jenny took off running i think she's just gonna run the spelling bee oh no this is that sucks i wish somebody had some advil i mean i mean come on people don't buy advert no more i got your advil right here dude it's over here in my truck i'm not coming to you dude you want the advil you come to the truck and get it man i'm not getting out of the truck you coming i'm not getting out of the truck bro i'll give you the advil for free man i'll just give it to you for free dude i'm not getting out of the freaking truck dude you want the advil you're pissing on the sidewalk dude and you're like squatting like a girl you're like girl fishing on the sidewalk dude dude are you a bum bro sir can you help us get to the spelling bee my daughter's gonna be late that's your daughter no this is my son my daughter's probably halfway there on foot right now we'll probably you know we'll probably catch up to her so can we have a ride i don't know man i said god damn my baby's got a
Please explain how to make candles: free
so the bad news is half of my pre-lit christmas tree was out so I rewrapped the sum of the White Star to get to talk i got lazy and it's all dark in the middle in its really badly done i promise i'll redo it next year it's just for one thing i wanted to do that thing where you turn a orange into a candle by just you know take out all the inside part and i found the worst orange in the history of ever for peeling it does not want to peel i poured in some vegetable oil and I let it soak in for five or ten minutes or something and then I tried to light it and I have done this before and it has worked before but this time this stupid orange just does not want to light so whatever I wasted like 11 matches oh look there it goes ah nope hmm no are you just gonna sit here all day watching me trying to light an orange it's a waste of time okay how about we make a real candle so while I'm working here I decided to put a tea light under my tea light stand that I made and melts and candle wax into this soda can I take like tea lights that stop working and any leftover wax I just throw it all on a bag and when I'm ready to make candles I use that wax so I have some more that cotton I grew that I spun on the drop spindle with a little yoga and I'm dipping it in the wax just kind of making like a stiff wig and it's oddly shaped and everything so understand I just engraved this and see that it's got some Hebrew characters I have my pickled green tomatoes it's been I guess two and a half weeks something like that I forecasted that they would be finished about descendants if you've got a terrible sinking feeling not super crispy but I didn't use that pickling lime we're supposed to use to keep the vegetables crispy pretty strong no they're good they're good they're they're salty and I used cider vinegar and the great thing about cider vinegar apparently is that it's like super healthy for something or other I don't know was arthritis something here's the sweater I made can you imagine how long the sleeves are when I unroll them so long but I don't have to wear gloves isn't it great what's all scream oh I'm like trying to like Christmas lights on the tree oh damn I think I'm gonna puke ok I have not died you know one of those heart-to-heart talks where I tell you horrible things hmm anyway um I like I to eat him not in a salad because they're like pickles you put them on the side of a grilled cheese sandwich that's what you do with them these are oh dil cider vinegar pickled green tomatoes the trick to homemade bread and eating it next few days and keeping it beautifully soft like this I just I wrap it up in tin foil and then i might go any of this like a piece this sighs I'm like wait for 25 seconds and it's beautifully steamy hot it's melting the butter perfect ok otherwise homemade breads it's kind of hard it feels dense and that's no good you can't eat it like that also have you ever had day-old doughnuts microwave them for eight seconds one doughnut eight seconds to try it you will love me forever we're having told you this you're welcome one really fun thing about living out in the country is being able to set fire stuff this fire pit is about a foot and a half deep in wet charcoal we took some of it out you should we should probably score more of it it could be useful I don't know what for but something sure fire and I have a lot in common it consumes everything it touches every Christmas my mother in law gives us each some money to go buy ourselves a gift and then return on Christmas morning or my PO Christmas this year actually to her house in order to show her what we got ourselves for Christmas actually what she got for Christmas and I can't wait to tell you what I could she got refit her but I can't because she watches my videos or she claims she hey
Please explain how to clean your water pipe - part 2
now you can see we just did the same exact thing and it's like brand new all we did is we shook it again and the solution the rubbing alcohol and salt we used another q-tip and this thing is good to go on we could pour this in there if we want to save you can see this is particularly nasty when we try that go ahead and well I'm going to put this in here so we don't spill pour it in the head there it's dirtiest we still got soul plenty of salt and alcohol a little bit of water get that down now same thing we shake the out of it we can already see it's beginning to become very very clean shake the out of it salt acts as the abrasive of alcohols sullivant absorbing all this crap all this organic material that we've burned in this case we didn't use the vaporizer we were burning in this you're smoking and then in the neck same thing dump it felt brown and nasty wash it and as you can see this is pretty freaking Queen we have some soul there's some salt in there and there's a little bit of spots right there so what we'll do I'm going to turn this camera off and I'm just going to repeat exactly what I just did and then our piece will be a hundred percent clean ready to go you
Please explain how to make a paper crossbow part 2
hello Cameron freakazoid 5/5 today today I'll be showing you part 2 of the crossbow yeah I know I changed this a bit but all I did was get do these governament tape so hot glue would melt through hot glue these two together also centimeter of one of these and this what you do just put some glue up here got this piece make sure it's equal it's at equal and it it bends perfectly it's not really equal yeah you'll get something that I still like I did in my first two or three times so you know when you get done with that you'll get something like this so let's lift that drop pull out one of your clips right jumbo you can use my medium didn't really work out that good so I'm gonna use a jumbo now and see how that turns out so put it on the bottom and put it wherever you're gonna put that there's your trigger and they're just like that's it you know let's be dry and some people just do this right away some don't do it this dry so when you're been stretching rubber bands very so keeping that hot glue going away for a while keep burning myself with it so set that right there and then grab small rubber band put it there and what you're gonna do it is that yeah sometimes I get confused when I'm doing this so go get one of those another small ways so you're getting this so far you're doing and saying the other side pretty much so that so you did trying to make this as quick as I can but it's not really turning out oh sorry this is tea after that you can get the duct tape we'll get the rubber band cut a piece and put it under a rubber band fold it over it and yeah got that so far that yes you might say I copied this from yodel productions but his is a dual wielding non dual wheel it's always broke so I just made this version up in this version I'll shot my diary ball a little got stuck on the side of the wall so you'll get something like this and oh it's done that wouldn't happen so I'll get some like this when you're done this may be better yeah so please rate and please subscribe
Please explain how to make a chinese staircase
okay first you need more than one spoon step one put a loop around the other strings that you have and make it go behind the other two strings like this step 2 you take it around the other ones and then halfway around and then when you come up to the next one you put a coupe you put it through and then pull all the other strings and then it becomes one layer step 3 you gotta pull okay I'm tightly for both all of the strings if you've got a whole two and hold the white one in a different hand and then it becomes Chinese circus step 4 repeat
Please explain how to check for clogged fuel injectors
hi YouTube getting ready to do a test on the fuel injectors they spray and what I've done is basically just taking the fuel injectors out of the intake manifold and propped them up with some paper towels underneath to catch the fuel they're still connected to the fuel rail and I'm going to just see how they spray when I crank the engine over hook up the electrical connector to them and then turn the key alright YouTube getting ready to test my fuel injectors to see if any of them are clogged or if the electronic solenoid valves which are the fuel injector are working properly I've rigged up a little connector here I have the connector and then I connected these little alligator clips to it and I'm just going to connect it to a little 9-volt battery to power the fuel injectors and then I'll observe the spray of each one to see how they're operating I have the key on so that the fuel pump is pressurizing the fuel rail and I'll just go down the line now and test the fuel injectors here we go on the start in the back number number six take this here and try that spring really good so we come up to number five looks like only two of those are spraying these are for old fuel injectors I should have four sprays the number five look like it does have some clout holes number four looks like an ad like to clog holes I got three sprays it should be four seemed this one looks like number three it's good that four out of that one war out of number two and I'm not a pressure I need to repressurize repressurize it to see how number one fires yeah that's a good strong spray that's what should look like let's see what this one looks like get on shred again it looks good alright looks like we have some clock number five and number four so we'll clean those up or swap them out and that's how you check to see if your fuel injectors are working the way I read pressurized the rail was I just turned the key off and then turned it back on and it repress arises for another try okay if you liked my presentation please subscribe like have fun and be safe you
Please explain how to cook a turkey in 2 hours the easy way! in a beer keg!!!!!!!
turkey cooker I'm gonna cook turkey Miller Brewing just a beer keg cut in half what you doing mate tonight put charcoal around it a little bit on top cook the turkey I'm hoping there's enough here not okay is a begginer mmm get the charcoal warmed up going it's a half barrel got to make sure it's a stainless barrel don't have to have the ring around it but makes it a little easier this one might be tad big to be able to cook turkey in about two hours give or take depending on the size of the bird we have this thing here put the turkey right on that floor or you did that work that's kind of covered up anyways commentator in there there's the hole a hole in it that's how did you get the homes no we look like stuff on the neck and son asking Lydia sometimes they're so min that and I got it on volume okay sure Chucky goal and I got the bag you want to pick the thing rich take the cover well no I'll take the cover because you guys had go grab some paper towels yeah bring up that roll right out tonight then I'll pull that it that thing over there my posture come on no wonder your turkey didn't turn up the last time then it gets covered off okay - come on YouTube this would be fun isn't even a key like friend Nikki's don't drop them that's for don't you hear it going to meet you got some potatoes on there and it's up to 140 watt it ain't gonna be much longer to be done you get to sit on it what uh how long's it been cuz he checked it from oh daddy thirty minutes take at the turkey is hopefully done oh yeah both you got to pull that probe out of it Oh way better it keeps the dome in there Rio doctors yeah looks like something off Hell's Kitchen yeah perfect I'd like to get it off assessing make sure you remind everybody on that film that grandpa was the one that done the canals Damon I'm the one huh wait till we try it first yeah yeah we gotta try it first before he claims it exactly two hours it won't reach of the minute to look this big big bird I won that big bird we just cooked big bird what temperature at the end it was a 162 162 Lily just pulled up active the people think meat would be oh yeah that's a big bird actually lose the wing Limor the best part what's nice and moist don't have yes oh yeah that's a nice one boy grandpa's right yeah Margaret I sure I taught I taught him how to cook this you put it on I'll take that piece right there I've done it's done I think it is don't you rich Luther okay Turkey I wash my hands people I didn't you
Please explain how to brush dog's teeth
hello my name is Marlene iam Chuck and this is my dog Sean Connery and I am putting this up on YouTube at the request of dr. Legendre a dog dentist in Vancouver and the veterinarian clinic what I want to demonstrate for you is tooth brushing of a dog and Connor has been getting his teeth brush since he was a puppy so it's become fairly routine now I use two kinds of toothpaste because I found the front top gums were red so I had to switch to natural toothpaste for that portion and for the other teeth I used the CET enzymatic toothpaste from the veterinarian clinic because that takes care of the tartar the other thing I would say is that I place the toothpaste and the warm water and the toothbrush I warm the bristles as well and I have found that the toothbrush from petrol decks is is a better toothbrush than the other ones I found it stays firmer longer so you can see I have the toothpaste in the dish ready for Conor now I'm going to do the full demonstration for Conor because he now gets his full mouth click his book his full set of teeth clean but initially I started off with one day for one side and another day for the other side until they got used to it you'll notice the conversation I have with him throughout the brushing so he knows what is happening next so first of all I put him in this position where he's relatively confined and then we begin so Conor let's put the we're going to brush your teeth now okay just wait I put a cloth over my knee and I do wear glasses because they can COFF and get toothpaste in your eyes so you need glasses of some sort ok so first of all I'll begin with the I always have the same routine I would be giving with the right teeth on the side and you'll see how I do this and I have a jargon for him okay Connor we're going to brush sit we're going to brush the teeth now and we're going back in here to the side with the enzymatic to pace the CET and we do all the side teeth we do all the side teeth like this all the way back we do some here and we do the incisors as well okay and then the next thing I do is I begin doing the upper teeth so Connors well used to this and we have a slogan for the upper teeth too so he gets them done three times and he knows that Connor we're going to go up these four three times up one Condor open up that's a good boy open up one good boy to two up to three up three all done good boy and now we're going to do the bottoms bottoms now what - good three oh good boy and now we're going to go to what I call the little guys that I use the small end of the brush and do the small teeth at the side and we call them little guys little guys Connor and you can see how he holds his mouth he knows these are the little guys in here and this is the way I can brush these better and also these incisors they need quite a bit of brushing he collects fair amount of tartar so now that side is now done now we'll turn it over and we will go to the left side and do exactly the same process okay Connor this side now and he seems to prefer this side for some reason getting all the back ones done good boy oh good boy now we do the upstairs up upstairs up one good - up - up to - up - up good boy he's fighting a little more because of the taking of this YouTube video he hasn't experienced that okay good boy now Downey's three one one good boy Downey's - - good boy Downey's three Oh done good boy now we'll move to the little guys on that side and he knows how to hold his mouth again you'll see he's prepared here's something tonight here we go are the little guys oh good boy gets all the little guys done oh what a good boy yes oh he's the best boy mommy good boy now we're moving to the top front where I use the natural toothpaste because I don't like the reddening of the gums at the front so I use the petrol Dex natural toothpaste it has nothing unit and we do we count in trees and we do the toll uppers outside and in one two three one two three one two three and we do the inside one two three he knows that Ted on the incisors cuz they're collect tartar one two three four five six seven eight nine ten for camera one two three four five six seven eight nine ten my son has just told me that the canine teeth that's okay now we'll move to the bottoms I use a usually a combination on the bottoms but more of the more of the CET enzymatic on the bottom okay bottoms darling we're almost done one two three one two three one two three and the inside one two three and now for the inside of the canines we're going to do 15 because they get tired okay open up 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 now quite 15 strokes but I count 50 other side one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirty forty fifty and now we do we do the saw for ten which is on the bottom teeth one two three and he likes his four five six seven eight nine ten and then I go back and forth five times because I wasn't getting all the all the particles of food out okay five one two three four five what a good boy and that's how I brush Connors teeth now Connor gets his teeth brushed in the morning after breakfast and he doesn't get any treats throughout the day already except a small piece of cheese and then I do his teeth at night after dinner before he goes to bed and he doesn't get any treats than either so this was for the benefit of all the customers of dr. Legendre and Granville Island veterinarian hospital so I hope that helps and thanks very much bye-bye
Please explain how to make hot & sour soup in the slow cooker
welcome to one pot meals with kate that's me today's episode we are going to make chinese hot and sour soup the key to a really good hot and sour soup is in the soup base i've got six organic chicken drumsticks with the bone in inside the crock pot now i'm going to add a bottle of drinking water to that i'm going to add one large garlic clove that i chopped up in half two large slices of ginger i am going to add two cayenne peppers for heat if you don't like too much heat or if you want to add it later you can do that now i'm going to sprinkle a little bit of dehydrated onion a few whole peppercorns i have a mixture of red and black peppercorns if you don't have any feel free to use freshly ground peppercorns and last but not least some salt and that's it for the soup base it's very simple very fast to put together i'm gonna let this cook on high for two hours and then i'll turn it down to low and let it go for another two hours if you have pre-made chicken stock you can use that my personal preference is to make it from scratch and you can make it with all types of chicken parts just make sure it's bone in and then de-bone the chicken before you add the rest of the ingredients to your hot sour soup we just met some friends out in racine for lunch and got home a little later than we anticipated so the stock has been cooking for nearly five hours the chicken should be nice and tender i'm gonna take the drumsticks out de-bone the meat put the meat back in and then finish off our hot and sour soup mmm that chicken stock smells amazing you get ginger garlic some peppercorn and that rich mouth-watering chicken flavor before i deboned the chicken i noticed there's quite a bit of fat on the top so i'm going to skim some of that off before i continue so i took out the cayenne peppers and the large ginger slices now i'm going to take each drumstick out at a time and take the meat off the bone oh and you can see the meat's falling right off the bone all the meat has been deboned and put back into the crock pot the crock pot is on low before i dump the rest of the hot sour soup ingredients in i want to give the broth a taste to make sure we don't need to make any adjustments mmm nice hint of peppercorn ginger garlic and that rich deep chicken broth now that we have a beautiful rich delicious broth to go off of the hot and sour soup can really go in any direction that you want i happen to have fresh shiitake mushrooms soft tofu and i'll end up finishing this with some beaten eggs but feel free to put whatever you want you can substitute the mushroom for whatever you prefer traditionally the hot and sour soup i grew up with always used woodier mushrooms i haven't been able to find any fresh woodier mushrooms in wisconsin if i did that's definitely what i would have used if you don't like tofu feel free to skip it if you prefer firm or cured tofu feel free to use that as well and a lot of people put water chestnuts bamboo shoots i haven't been able to find fresh water chestnut or fresh bamboo in wisconsin so i'm going to skip those two ingredients i have about 15 shiitake mushrooms i like to use the stem of mushrooms so what i end up doing is i pull the stem off i cut the cap and then i chop up the stem finely and put it in the soup next i'll add the soft tofu and just give this a rough chop it's all about personal preference so play around with it if you don't want as much tofu feel free not to put as much it's time to add the vinegar this is the sour part of the hot and sour soup traditionally this is made with a chinese vinegar i prefer bragg's raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar with the mother now not having the chinese vinegar just alter the flavor a little bit but i've come to acquire the taste of apple cider vinegar in my hot and sour soup so give it a try but if you have access to a chinese vinegar or any kind of dark asian vinegar give that a try now remember you can always put more vinegar in so don't go too heavy on the vinegar in the beginning add some let the soup cook and once it's had some time to develop the flavor check in and see if you want to adjust the taste at all so i just poured a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar now i'm going to do a light drizzle of gluten-free soy sauce mmm it's starting to smell really good in here all right so i'll just give this a quick stir incorporate all of the flavors i'm gonna leave this on low put the lid back on and let it cook for another hour now that the soup has been simmering for another hour i'm going to take the lid off take a taste see if i need to adjust the flavors at all before i add the last ingredient which is eggs you really smell the shiitake mushrooms the vinegar that ginger now i probably put more mushrooms than most people would prefer so if you're gonna go with shiitake mushrooms you can easily put half of that or skip the mushrooms all together so let's take a taste and see if we need to make any adjustments mmm nice tanginess from the vinegar it's not quite as spicy as i want it to be now when you're making hot sour soup for a family you can always put the condiments on the table such as the soy vinegar and hot sauce but since joe and i have similar taste in hot and sour soup i'm gonna go ahead and add the ingredients directly into the crock pot before i add the eggs so first thing i'm going to add is some homemade chili sauce if you have sambal you can use sambal leo what's going on bud so i'm putting about a teaspoon of homemade hot sauce to that i'm also going to sprinkle some white pepper that's a key ingredient in hot and sour soup just mix this up by the way i did add about a cup of water just to add a little bit more broth to the soup because it was pretty thick all right let's give this another taste that's perfect just the right amount of spicy sour all we have to do is add the egg i have two eggs that i beat i'm just gonna swirl this right into the soup and mix it up now just let that cook for a few minutes and the soup will be ready to serve since the chicken cooked so long it's pretty much shredded into the soup which i sort of like mmm comfort food mmm almost tastes like the version my mom used to make growing up this is the perfect comfort food for when i'm not feeling well and i know joe loves this when he's not feeling too hot i really hope you enjoy my version of chinese hot and sour soup if you make it please let me know what you think and if you added anything special i'd love to hear about that too thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next week you
Please explain how to cover chipboard with scrapbook paper or ink
hey guys this is Gemma and today I wanted to show you how to cover chipboard letters with paper and I'm gonna be working with this chipboard that's kind of a natural color that I just got at the store but I wanted to show you close to my hearts chipboard which I really love it comes white like this so it's really easy to ink now with this that I'm working with I can't really ink it this is the difference this was the white close to my heart one inked in hollyhock which should match the dark pink in this and it matches perfectly this is the same hollyhock inked on to this color chip board and it just kind of looks blah I would never treat a chipboard just by inking it that was like this but I've done lots of projects with a close to my heart chipboard and just inked it and that way it saves a lot of time over having to cover it with paper but covering with paper can be really fun if it's something that you want to spend the time on and I just want to show you really quick how it looks I'm gonna use this little sponge dauber and I have a little piece of the white ship word here that was from an e or something I'm just gonna show you how easy it is to ink that get it nice and saturated and the more ink you put on it the darker darker it will get and as the chipboard soaks up the ink it'll lighten up a little bit and then I like to go around and just get the edges as well so that they're also the same color because since it's dimensional you do kind of see the edges on your project so that's how easy it is to ink your chipboard and now I'm going to show you how to cover it with paper now this is the way that I found to be easiest I don't know if someone else has another way but this is just how I do it and I'm gonna do this a and I want it to be this green color this is one of the new papers for the Sofia kit which I absolutely love and since I want it to be green I'm gonna turn this paper upside down because I'm going to trace this with a pencil and I don't want the pencil marks showing or anything on the other side and I'm also gonna turn the letter upside down because otherwise when you turn the green over the letter will be backwards so I'm just gonna hold it on there and I'm going to hold the chipboard as i trace it can be tricky sometimes when you have little pieces but it doesn't have to be perfect and I'll show you why as we finished make sure you get that Center part I don't know if you can see but there's a little bit of an edge just from tracing it it's not right up flush to the edge of the chipboard so what I do when I cut it out I use the micro tip scissors which are awesome I highly suggest you get some micro tip scissors from post to my heart that are the best scissors I've ever used I trace all the letters I'm gonna do and then I like to kind of cut out one or two at a time so I'm working with a smaller piece of paper and then these scissors are great with the detail since the pencil is a little bit outside of where the chipboard needs to be I'm gonna cut on the inside and as you cut turn the paper don't turn the scissors and that'll give you more control and these scissors make it easy to get in those little nooks and crannies it doesn't have to be very perfect if it's not perfectly straight don't worry about it you're gonna be filing the edges and getting it perfect later on now the other great thing about these scissors are since the points are really sharp so since this has an inside part that needs to be cut I just have to pierce it like that it's really easy and then give it a little snip and do the same thing making sure to turn your paper not the scissors okay so now you've got your a writes it up and here's my chipboard piece and so now we're gonna adhere it right on to the chipboard and I like to use a glue pen any glue pen I have this is the zig loop and I also really like close to my heart school pen for this it's similar but a tip like this works really well this is my favorite type of glue pen and you can use any other glue like if you have bigger chipboard pieces you can even use your tape runner but since these pieces are pretty small I like to just color it on with a fine tip okay it's good and covered and you want to really make sure you get a lot of adhesive on there because since there are so many edges to this you don't want any of it lifting up okay so I've got it on there really well but if you turn it over you can see there's a lot of stuff hanging off now if you're not a perfectionist I am it looks fine just like this and no one has to know that it's hanging over but if it's something that's not gonna be protected or you know over time it just gets ruffled you'll see that it starts to kind of Bend and you can see that it's not straight flush with the chipboard anymore so I'll show you how to fix that and it involves the filing kit from close to my heart I use this file and then I also like to use these finishing files they're really great there's three different finishes there's one that has a flat edge like this there's one that has kind of a square edge and then this one is a small round edge and it's really skinny up here and then it gets a little bit fatter up here and that's gonna be good for getting into these little tiny crevices and the square one will be good for right up in the corner there so we'll see but I like to start off with the striped side because that's a little bit heavier grit of sandpaper and just kind of go all the way around and you'll see that the edges of the paper come off pretty easily once you stand it now this is a little difficult because of this little flap here but let's see if we can get it with the smaller and my glues coming up a little bit all right and just work your way around go back to this final just work it until you you feel that you've got the edges pretty good when you get to the inside of the a I'm going to use this it's got the flat edge and a curved edge here it's gonna kind of run it along the inside here okay and then again with this micro pendant stick to it right here if your inks not coming out of here or your glue isn't coming on your glue pen really well oops like that I think there is just sticking okay so once you have it where you like it I'll probably go back and file it up a little bit better but once you have it where you like it I like to go ahead and ink the edges because you still can't see the sides and then inking the edges just gives it a little bit more dimension and so I'm just gonna take the same color green this is pear from close to my heart another dauber I use a different door for each color family so I'm not mixing the Pink's with the greens and everything and these dauber packs come with three and I think I have like four of them or something there's several different types of sponges there's these ones that come in a circle and I cut them into four pieces and so you can use those I have one color on this tip one color on this tip and then there's also these with a handle and you get more for your money here two couldíve got one color on this side one color on this side and then that way it just has a little bit different texture so it depends on what you like this this one's a little bit denser of a sponge whereas this one has more holes so it's a little bit of a lighter inking but I like these ones this is my preference because I have more control when I get on my finger we're just gonna dab it a couple times in the ink I'm just barely around the edges I'm gonna go didn't get it's gonna be a little tricky to get up in these little parts another reason why you want this this sponge to do this but once you're done you've got a little bit of dimension on your piece and you're also covering the edges let's see the best way to get in the center here so go from the bottom probably so you're not getting a bunch of ink on the top just get the sides there you can touch up how you like but that's how you cover your shipboard with paper you can do it in any paper you want so it gives your finished piece a nice look I've done some in the hollyhock pink and yeah that's about it so thanks for watching and I'll be posting the project that I'm doing this on on my blog as well and I hope you enjoy Thanks
Please explain how to install vistalux corrugated sheet roofing
welcome to the aerial vistaluxe installation guide economic lightweight and easy to install vistaluxe PVC is a versatile corrugated roof light sheet for carports canopies and gazebos it is easy to cut drill and install with standard DIY tools and is available in a choice of corrugated profiles in clear or translucent tint options step1 preparation for the carport in this video which is 5 meters by 3 meters you'll need the following materials plan your project in advance it's easier if you use the standard sheet size make sure to have the right tools for the job before starting a minimum slope of 5 degrees is essential in any structure to ensure water runoff 10 degrees or more is better step to cutting sheets arrange the sheets loosely on the roof and mark the hole positions and any necessary saw cuts with a felt-tip pen sheets should overhang the roof by 60 millimetres to allow rainfall to run off into the gutter and should be wide enough to cover the barge board at the site if cutting is required use an angle grinder with a metal slitting blade support the sheet to minimize vibrations a good tip when cutting is to sandwich the sheet between other sheets with the part to be removed protruding if a sheet has to be cut to a finished width make the cut in the slope of the corrugated sheet avoid drilling and cutting sheets in very cold weather warm sheets will be less prone to damage step 3 drilling sheets pre-drill sheets before fixing drill sheets singly with a masonry bit using a low-speed drill and light pressure support the sheet securely under each hole position when drilling please note holes for fixings must be drilled larger than the fixing to allow for expansion typically ten millimeters for a three meter sheet there should be at least five fixings per support across the width of the sheet step 4 flashing vistaluxe wall flashing to match the sheet corrugation is installed at the top of the slope the wall flashing is fixed firmly into position with butyl tape to form a watertight seal between the sheet and the wall step 5 fixing start fixing sheets Arial foam fillers are used under the sheets at all support positions to prevent roof chatter and to support the sheets when fixed use Arial screws caps and washers to secure the sheet the screw is sufficiently tight when the washer undreds head can just be rotated with finger and thumb step 6 joining sheets if sheets need to be joined end-to-end ensure an overlap of at least 150 millimetres use a strip of butyl sealing tape to prevent dust and dirt getting between the sheets vistaluxe comes with a 10-year warranty
Please explain how to disassemble an antique brass chandelier - part 2!
sorry I guess the camera ran out of time or something see what I figured is that back this nut right here up to the end of the threads and then hold the nut and unfortunately what I ended up doing is just backing the nut all the way to where it wasn't even threaded so now this rod is out and so I could pull the wires out of there toss that off to the side and the only thing that's really left now is to get these reindeer antlers or whatever you want to call them off of the centerpiece so I'm gonna flip this over and use my little adjustable wrench I'm not sure I would necessarily suggest using an adjustable wrench but I don't have the right size handy whatever that is looks like about a half an inch so I'm gonna have to make do with the adjustable wrench and here we go our little reindeer antler came right off look at that that's old-world craftsmanship so I don't know how old it is fit in 1950s maybe put that back together oh no I dropped the nut with the nut thread the nut onto the thing now I'm not going to show you that part for you every one of these because it'll take too much time but again you want to make sure all the fasteners are accounted for so that the end user has as easy a time as possible reassembly the thing and this time I'm just gonna kind of spin the antler instead of trying to spin the nut and you see right here maybe you can't see it because my hand is in the way wrap BC right here there's all kinds of like dust and debris that fell out so I'll take a moment and leave my vacuum cleaner to get rid of that keep the workspace clean see try not to vacuum up any of the screws or knots or small pieces or especially the bits from my magic screwdriver now my workspace is a little cleaner makes it much more pleasant environment for me and that's all I'm worried about now this one comes out as see here so I would say if I was in the chandelier repair business I would want at the very least a multi screwdriver was a variety of different blades I would want some ratcheting wrenches now this is like probably half an inch but I've seen these chandeliers with like 14 millimeter are 9/16 inch depending I guess where its mate probably want some adjustable wrenches just to be safe you know just the wrenches will as long as you use a good eye quality adjustable wrench if you don't want to go in the lightbulb aisle at your supermarket and they'll have like a little adjustable wrench there for a couple of bucks don't get it's terrible get a good one go to Sears get craftsman or go to your snap-on truck because really this wrench that I have I paid a dollar for this at a garage sale but I will use this wrench until I'm dead you know one day I'll be dead they'll have an estate sale at my house and somebody will buy this wrench for a dollar or a euro or whatever you know one corporate life credit whatever they're charging at that point in the future whereas if I bought some cheap crappy wrench then nobody would ever want it because it would be garbage so get some decent tools if I was stripping this thing down just for scrap metal then I would want wire cutters to get rid of the wire of course wire itself scrap metal but you got to separate wire brass steel this doesn't have a lot of steel in it but some of these things do have a lot of steel so you want to step out to separate off this now that's what we got now on one hand it could be argued that the person who bought this Jindal ear has their hands full reassembling it and that I've just caused them an enormous amount of work also argued that ship this stuff right here is gonna be a lot faster and easier and safer than shipping that whole chandelier because this all fit in one box and I can wrap it and bubble wrap it and then they can have fun either selling parts or you know putting it back together well jigsaw puzzle and I had an enormous amount of fun taking this apart so that is how to disassemble a chandelier and turn it into a pile of parts let's zoom in a little teeny-weeny bit and you can see the different tools that I use craftsman rope multi screwdriver craftsman big screwdriver snap-on little screwdriver that's a SSD two pair of channellock pliers that I kinda didn't really need but they were alright craftsman little adjustable wrench channel lock bigger adjustable wrench and you can go buy those tools and take one of these things apart today
Please explain how to plant a small flower-diy gardening tutorial
hey everybody I am here today to show you how to plant a small flower now as you can see right here I have a small geranium that I will be planting right there now although I am doing this video with a geranium the process is the same for pretty much any small flower that you can imagine so the first step is to dig a hole with a small hand shovel just like this small gardening shovel dig a hole that is about the same size as the pot that the plant is in so I'm going to go ahead and put my camera down and I will dig a hole right here and the size of the hole will roughly match this pot right here now that I have dug the hole I am going to take the pot with the flour in it and just put it inside of the hole to just do a test fit to make sure that the hole is indeed the right size and you can see that it is pretty much the perfect height so the next step is to actually take the flour out of the pot and put it in the hole so once again I'm going to put my camera down as I do that now that the flour is in the hole I can make sure that it is as level as I want it to be and perfectly straight and so forth and once I have ensured that it is straight and level I can take the dirt that I removed from the hole and backfill it into the hole so I'm just going to use my hand for this and if you are doing this I would recommend using gloves but I'm just gonna do it with my bare hands because I I'm gonna wash them after this anyways make sure that the dirt around the flower is level and flush with the pre-existing dirt and just sort of Pat it down with your hand and the last and final step in this process is to actually water the flower and this is this is really really important when you first plant the flower it is important to water flower even once it has been planted for days months even years but when you first plant a flower it is really really important to water it substantially so I have this watering can over here and I'm just going to water the flower and I like to put a little bit of water on the flower and just give it a few seconds to drain down just so I don't flood the leaves or the any part of the flower that I want that I don't want to flood so I just like to pour some water on it and then just like I said give it a few seconds just to drain down and continue that process until you have truly soaked the flower and you have given it as much water as it needs and that's basically it that is how you plant a small flower and as you can see this was once plain dirt and soil and now it is a beautiful geranium the process is fairly simple and if you follow the instructions in this video you'll be good to go and that's all I have for you today thanks for watching
Please explain how to make strawberry shortcake cupcakes
hello my name is Emily and today I'm gonna be doing a Strawberry Shortcake cupcake how-to and so right now I'm gonna introduce the ingredients here you have 1 1 3 cups of all purpose flour 1/2 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda and 1/4 teaspoon of salt here we have have a cup of unsalted butter here you have 2/3 cup of sugar 2 large eggs 1 and 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract and 2/3 cup of sour now let's do the directions before you make your cupcakes pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees yeah line your cupcake pan with liners and let's put this to the side now next in a large bowl with your mixer on medium beat your butter and sugar until light and creamy now I added the butter and sugar so now the flour mixture and the sour cream until combined I'm not I thought a little bit of the flour mixture and it and now we're going to put half of sour cream and we're gonna put more of the flour mixture and now the rest of the south with your batter 2/3 full now we're going to put our cupcakes in the preheated oven for 24 minutes well these are baking we're going to mix the ingredients for the toppings here we have 1/3 cup of granulated sugar 1 tablespoon of lemon juice 1/2 cups of cold heavy cream 3 tablespoons of confections sugar 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract and 1/4 strawberries thickly sliced I'm gonna tell you some fun facts about the main ingredient strawberries the green hat is on top of the strawberry it's called Kayla's almost every strawberry that's easy in the United States it's handpicked by someone in California it's estimated that you line up all the California strawberries are produced in the throughout the year that they will circle the earth 15 times mmm juicy the cupcakes are big now there's our that's cool mmm they smell great now we're going to toss the strawberry sugar in lemon next in a large bowl we're going to beat the cream the confectioner sugar and vanilla until soft peaks form and now you can read and hi now the cupcakes are all cool because they're adding the toppings this right here is the strain syrup made with lemon juice and sugar from and mixed with the strawberries that we used so now we're gonna poke holes and each of the cupcakes in order so we can put our syrup so you can soak into each of the cupcakes I'm gonna spread the syrup see here the syrup is starting to soak in from where I poke the holes now I'm going to add the sweetened whipped cream so now we have a dollop of sweetened cream on each of them there's no need to spread it around because it's only supposed to be a little bit on each cupcake okay so now we're going to add the strawberry the glazed strawberries and a little design now we're putting a little leaf in the middle to give it an extra color voila our Strawberry Shortcake cupcake for the recipe the link is in the description box below
Please explain how to: remove seat belt & repair
all and welcome to safety restores how-to video series my name is Frank and today I'll be showing you how to remove your seat belt from your vehicle you'll need to do this if you plan on setting the seat belt in for repair for those of you don't know us we are safety restore and we specialize in post accent respiration repairing locked and blown seat belts whether you have a Honda or Ferrari the concept is basically the same today we have a Chrysler in our garage and I'll be showing you how to remove the seat belt from this vehicle locate the seat belt you'll be removing be sure to remove any screws or bolts it will either be covered by upholstery or plastic trim use a flathead screwdriver or trim removal tool to carefully remove it as it is usually secured by clips should they have a seed move back or front words to gain easy access you once the term is removed locate the seatbelt assembly procedure unbolting that subway this connected seatbelt plug be sure to remove any other screws or bolts once you have completely removed your seat belt assembly you're now ready to send it in for repair here at safety restore we guarantee 24-hour turnaround lifetime warranty and use of om parts so order online now at safety restore calm
Please explain how to make healthy strawberry pancakes and syrup my6months
yes of course I'm video taping you be cool like me I want to be cool like you good morning good afternoon and good evening this is the Sean danger the heck fitness brought you today by lemon face joy it's good is joy and lemony fresh today we're going to show you what the GE butter thing you can do for you Cheban value comes with all these things over it comes with things over here so your typical American man and you want to make breakfast for your lady how you gonna do it used to GE bunderson so this morning we're going to be making healthy strawberry pancakes oh really yes we can actually do healthy Trevor pancakes almonds that have been soaked in water overnight blend them and make almond milk add water put the blender blade on its blending this plan day but we got a strain at first after we strain we have almond matcom Africa pose one couple week for them one tablespoon of agave two eggs well beaten one quarter cup of ground almonds oh one cup almond milk one half tablespoon of all natural sea salt 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil you go to version is it means that it's still in the bottom and what this out of the bottle is not a virgin no more preheat the skillet I'm gonna make some strawberry syrup my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard why if the mama likes it the mama then everybody likes it get over here by your coochie mama angel oh we garnish it with some strawberries she likes it I did good whoa
Please explain how to change a tire on a supermoto
what's up YouTube we're gonna change tire today it's gonna be fun today I'm gonna show y'all how to change a tire in a supermoto it's gonna be it's gonna be pretty awesome I made it as simple as I possibly could I usually do an entire machine I'm gonna do this one by hand the show everybody how easy it is to do and you don't need to take it somewhere and pay a bunch of money especially if you're just gonna fix a flat tire or something simple you're cut out in the middle of trail and you get some tools with you let me show you how to do it so what I got here is my WRX to 5208 model there it is everybody's doesn't want to see it since I got it done it's a stunt bike it's nothing special I got my custom 12 bar that allows it on really sliders 50 stove pegs modified exhaust third brake handle good stuff all right what I've got here is if I gallon bucket because if you're not alike stands well five gallon buckets the next best thing so you don't know how to get your bike up on neutral Drive front wheels up around to it grab onto your subframe the exhaust pipe thing where you can you just kind of boost it up on your leg swing with skid plate right on top of it there we go got it since the bike stand so then what we gonna do is remove the axle so we can get the rear wheel off this is kind of gonna be more of a pain in the ass than usual because I've got to brake callipers on here so it's gonna be a little harder but the tools we're gonna need basically if you have a large socket set and a ratchet that'd be the optimum thing to use cuz you're not gonna mess up the edges of you know if you don't have that you can just as easily use and just winch so I'm gonna mess up my nut here so we're just gonna use this there's everything you take off set on each side of the vehicle and I say vehicle because I work on everything well where did you take this axle out you set it on this side of the bike pull your chain off your sprocket and just know this set up like I said it's gonna be more pain in the ass but basically what you're gonna do is you're gonna let it fall down a little bit and pull back and that's gonna let your caliper come off your swing like that now this caliper slides into the swingarm everybody does it different yeah ma basically it slides into that little receiver there and it keeps it straight so we're gonna lay that aside shut up fun these spacers dust covers set them aside this one already fell out it's over here what do you want - are you jeez when you tie right here this is where the trash can comes in I've got a special trash bin found in the middle the road happens to be the perfect size to do a tire notice I set the sprocket side down that's because that sprocket is gonna eat the out of your hand if you don't do that you're gonna want the smoothest part up which is the rotor take the valve core off now I said that we're gonna do a tire for supermoto a supermoto tires not that much different than a dirt bike tire dirt bike tires a little bit harder really going on so I'm not dealing with this right the dirt bike tire has a bead lock directly across from your valve stem is a bolt that sticks out and on the other side up bolt is a big rubber pad it's inside your tire that holds your bead locks it onto the rim we don't have that in a supermoto all right what you're gonna want to do is take your valve corral and I've got a pretty fancy tool for it but you can just use the cap if the cap has the little tool on the end of it that works just fine make sure your trashcan is empty if you're using something like this they sell little tools that are basically the same it's just like a steel ring a little stand but you could find something that holds a rim like this very good all right got the valve core out set that aside all right use 12 millimeter wrench take the nut off the team I also write before I did this I went washing my bike it's best to work with a clean bike you got less grease and dirt less of know what I'm doing is I'm pushing down against this trashcan I'm pushing this bead off um it's a lot easier to do on tube tires because I'm tubeless tires there's a little Ridge in here that that it catches on sometimes you can push it off by hand sometimes you gotta use the tire irons now these are the shittiest tire irons you've ever seen in your life because I've had him since I was 16 you know anywhere close to the head a little bit more so so working these around pushing this tire off the beam use a little bit of soap get this onesies okay me years dirt bike tires good all right now the proper thing to do well it varies I mean if you flip it over and you do the other side that's probably the correct way to do it I just go ahead and do this do this side with the tire irons and that pulls the top side of the tire up a little bit so maybe it'll break on its own you don't miss your time flipping it over what's the time it doesn't so it doesn't usually work out like that but we're gonna give it a shot put my tire iron in here now you can look in here and you can see this tube you can kind of get your hand in there if you just pull this up over the edge of the rim here without pinching the tube and you put this other tire under and there's a little space created right there put that tire in there and just walk your way around every time you're hitting this little space between the tire and the rim now you see how that's stand right there they make a tool and I have one that clips on to the spoke and it holds that tire from basically having the bead just follow you around so you can push absolutely nothing it doesn't work that well on supermoto tires because the rims are wider as you start getting around you take one less bite and basically the whole rest of its going to come now we're gonna see if we could just pull it off the beat on the bum this time he's been in here forever it's not cooperating that's just regular dish soap in here Gina buyers in here working we're all right flip it back over now pull the rim lip or pull the wheel up off the rim reach in there and grab your tube a little lay around I'm gonna sigh grab the table up to the side of the valve stem push the valve stem through then you got your tube out now the important thing this is sick the valve core back in and you want to test this thing to make sure you didn't puncture it with the bars while you were taking it apart this one's already been catchment so let's check that patch make sure it's leaking heard of it set that right there come back at it later looks pretty good no bubbles all right man we gotta get the other half of the tire off now pay attention to which way this tire is going this is a directional tire most motorcycle tires are directional except for dirt bike tires and some of those even more see I tucked that bar underneath there it's gonna hold that for me sneaking here kind of the same as last time there's a little pocket in there that you can fit your bar again empty trash can every time this is gonna be easier to get off the bar what's up that's my dog moto he's super cool he also runs everything in them all right new make sure this tire is gonna go the correct way and I never marked the rim I just envisioned the rim on the bike you know it's gotta be going that way so this tires gonna be going that way you know before we stick this tire on let's check the rim strap make sure the hole in the rim strap is lined up with the hole so that your valve stem goes through easily make sure there's no tears in the rim strap because these spoke nipples will rip your inner tube and you don't want that so written goes that way tiger goes that way we're good for some most of the way by hand yeah Pilon wrestling all right let's recheck the to make sure we got no bones all the area of the tube dry the tube moons good enough right the secret ingredient body powder your nuts don't need it your inner tube is beaming it go inside this rim and give it a dusting of powder all the way around what that's gonna do is put your tube in and the inner tube starts to inflate it's gonna inflate evenly it's not gonna be twisted because the powders gonna allow it to spin a little bit and get to where it needs to be so let's locate the hole it's right there this is a nifty little tool worth investing in it looks simple but man it saves you a lot of time you feed it through this hole in the rim it basically saves your hand and it saves you from having to say about six customers because it's pretty hard to get your hand in there and fish that tube stem through the rim so if you use this threaded in there like that when you cram your tube in the rim try to keep it as straight as possible just start cramming it in a little around try not to disturb that rim strap inside we're just pulling this cable there you go let's do that saves you pinching your hand and curse them and trying to get that thing lined up because it ain't easy I'm gonna put this on it on about half way because you do not that thing to fall back in your chin you gonna do it all over again nobody likes that I'm gonna put the Valcour back in right now and I'm gonna give it a little puff of air what that little puff of air is gonna do is it's gonna swell it up inside there just enough so that it keeps its position and it also creates kind of a pocket in this corner right here and that's where your bars gonna go use the right end of this tool no reason I left that nut loose in the tube stem is because if that tube twists a little bit it's not gonna leave it under stress so just a little pop of air the feel in there see it's it's a little bit stiff but it's still pretty pliable but it's where it needs to be and you know it's not bunched up right here it's all uniform inside there so when you go grabbing in there with your bars you're pretty confident that you're not going to fish let's take a pretty large blade get that started and just work your way around like he did when you're taking it off if you're gonna scratch your rim this is when you're gonna do it because this is when you're taking the bar against the lip of the room now as you make it about half way around you're gonna want to start pushing this tired down so it goes in the inside your rim that's gonna allow you to stretch this part of it on it helps that three bars right now but it can be done with to keep pushing your tire down a trim be real careful you don't scratch your room sink that lower in there boom seal that tires push down in house you air it up it's been pop out there we go got both the beats popped in let's tighten with nuts and your inner tube still let's make sure we get the proper air pressure in the tire thirty-five I'm gonna run about 32 in this side it's not something to be doing while it's ten riding tomorrow gonna tire pressure just a little bit more I don't know what the hell happened about cap I have to find the way all right there you go tires mounted up wipe the rim down so it doesn't look like may even want to rinse it off if you're feeling crazy crazy next step is we're gonna put the tire back on the bike first thing you want to do is make sure you got the tire on the right way this triple check it it's the arrow there is air there we all know it spins that way it's on back again hmm that's icy cold all right here we go let's put this sucker back on first thing you want to do is wipe out these grease seals get all the old grease out take your finger in that bushing in those bearings as far as you can get all that old grease out while you're doing less you're kind of feeling your bearings to make sure they're not loose these Yamahas especially are bad about front wheel bearings getting loose take your bushings and wheel spacers wipe all the old grease off I'll take your excellent get all the old grease off that yeah let's get some grease you're asking yourself now why is he just left the air to get grease that's because my free can of grease that I got from the local shop was missing a little plug in the bottom so it had no air so pressure so every time I need to use it I need to put a little pressure behind it and we got grapes I've been doing that for about three years now so big grease put it in your seal they're a little bit behind the seal helps keep water out well coat here in the inside way to building your axle grease seal in the other side no everything's prepped for the wheel to go back on everything's got fresh grease your bearings are checked it's time to do a little juggling now the trick is you gotta get your brake caliper lined up you gotta get your pads separated so that they're gonna go to the desk you gotta get your chain in the right position and you got to hold your tire at the right height lined up perfectly between the two swing arm pieces without knocking your spacers out you're not gonna do it right the first time and probably neither am i but we're gonna give it a shot now what I did off camera is I removed my third caliper so it's not in the way because it's a real thing yes you're not and your wheel blocks on push the wheel forward so then it's locked against the chain adjusters and tighten your axle nuts in there you have it I gotta put my third caliper back on them but you just put a tire in your supermoto and you're ready to go I spent fire guy 24 first to do-it-yourself video let me know what y'all think don't forget to like me on Facebook see you later you
Please explain how to build a sauna
all right first you're right here they say I'm take you through the steps that too it will just a loser I made my homemade sauna excuse less but uh basically text message coming through as your LDL basically is pinned base later Brown are fifty-five sixty dollars this right here is a wallpaper removal machine that nice little cord fish you got up to extension cord fairly easy heats the water up right here as you can see you got garbage bags as you take the garbage bags together for the top I gotta stand up shower see stand-up shower I'm so already smoking it just got out of there just got out of a song and this will show you the top no smoke can actually i recommend gorilla tape but i lost is the time so how do you scotch tape work just good got to take down you know nice no air no air can escape very simple actually what it does you let it heat up with the water a low heat up and here goes get in it so your steam that comes out I'm a little chair in there Steve instead of coming out five another phone look hand side you know soft smoky and stuff i'ma shower I still taking shower in here but got a little hole right here for the tool to come through glasses fog it up so it for me to sit sit on the floor I've stood on little kids to those that especially a home meet starting right there we said the the wallpaper removal machine caulking around $55 a garbage bag is fairly inexpensive tape you know I like I recommend we run the tape that holds better against all surfaces but a scotch tape did this is good you know it's a pretty pretty proper copying works so really works hot steam gets up to about 212 degrees person excuse the mess once again this mission was just special it is I'll fit remover see yep fairly easy fed a simple I'm a beast why I'm she wouldn't let me use their so I had to figure out a way to make mind I'll help me cut this way for this pro debut so I was getting to your smoking everything you're staying very hot it's coming out it's worth it for the tremendously yeah all right and that's my home a total a cheap
Please explain how to | install grips - transworld motocross
err gas here mechanic for Jesse Nelson toilet designs the Lucas Oil Honda and this week's how-to presented by Lucas Oil is how to install new grips for this week's how-to tools you're going to need safety wire pliers wire cutters razor blade I like to use a wire brush to clean up the handlebars safety wire spray paint contact cleaner and super oil so first things first let's remove the old grip start by clip from the old safety wire and then cut an eel doughnut and grip on and just cut right across the top heel down if you're replacing your grip do a crash there's usually dirt or debris stuck in the end of the bar and then also covering the outside whether it is dirt or not I always take a wire brush and just kind of clean as much of the spray paint dirt and debris off this as I can't excuse with a Ragan contact later get that excess super a paint from the last group here at Troy Lee we're sponsored by ODI Jesse prefers the half waffle ruffian and the white supersoft sticky one one of the benefits of this is the comfort level but the downfall is it's a little bit more prone to getting broken down or torn in a crash so it it's whatever you're looking for in a grip ODI does offer medium and harder compounds for your liking and now time for install you want to first off make sure you're using the proper grip whichever sided handlebars are starting with I like to lay a towel over the lever and then for the bar end it'll be at the thicker bit sturdier grip just squeeze it like so and then we use clear enamel clear is the important part spray a bit inside a grip and then some on the handlebar now it's working around I like to squeeze as much air out of as I can apply on tip the bar and then just spin it to go around try not to stretch it too far password the last grip was then try to work all the extra air out that you can just by hand one of the most important things with installing new grips is safety wiring just in case in the event of a crash or you rip a grip the thing doesn't fall off mid moto and one thing to make that really easy is a nice nice pair of safety wire pliers and it pretty simple they look a bit complex but there is a lock on with the locking switch and then as you pull this thing out you'll spend give you a real clean twist on it when it comes to using safety wire grab some safety wire like to grab it this with the end fires run my finger and thumb nail across it straighten it out I prefer to start at the inside of the grip and with one hand I'll just pull the bit the other hand run it around trying to keep it as close and as straight to the other wire responsible meeting at the bottom grabbing it requires locking it in always give it a quick once-over make sure it is straight then you just pull down about halfway check again to make sure everything's still straight once the twist is reached the grip i'll regrip closer to the top and pulled down and just twist it with my hand to really tighten up the wire and then clip it so there's only about two or three twists showing and with using using the tip and the pliers push it in to grips that way it doesn't jab you in the hand or fingers with the grip and the safety wire installed the next step for me is a donut not all the writers prefer this but Jesse's got girl hands and he doesn't want any blisters and also to prevent this donut from sliding around he prefers that I super glue it to the grip being careful not to superglue myself to the grip there you go when installing a grip I like to take pay close attention to a waffle side being down and open side being up but also the lines on this grip matching the other grip so I've duplicated here on the throttle side what I did on the handle bar side and why grips tend to get pretty dirty and so after install I like to just get a paper towel contact cleaner clean up my mess and there you have it now you're ready to grip it and rip it that was this week's how-to presented by Lucas Oil
Please explain how to knit a beanie hat | decrease for crown | easy beanie tutorial
this is the finished beanie hat that we're making the brim can be turned up if you want to wear it as a regular beanie or it can be turned down and the Hat can be worn as a slouchy in part one I showed you how to join the round and do one by one ribbing now I'm going to show you how to complete the Hat in part two I'll just mention the dimensions we've got 28 rows of about 4 inches of ribbing and 4 inches is the equivalent of 10 centimetres we're going to have the same measurement for the stocking stitch but it's going to take a few more rows so 28 rows 32 rows here and then we get to the crown which is divided into six sections and I'll show you how to do the decreases for the crown that crown measures roughly three and a half inches three and a half inches is roughly 9 centimeters I must mention also that this hair stretches and can accommodate a 24 inch round head most adults were about 21 22 inches here I've come to the end of the brim of the Hat I've done 28 rows of one by one ribbing and I showed you how to do that in part 1 now we're going to start doing stocking stitch so slip the row marker over and start knitting all the way round just knitting so here we are coming to the end of row one we're doing stocking stitch and if we're on two needles we turn around and we'd pull back but we're not on two needles we're going round and round so we don't have to do any pill with this we just put the row marker over and keep knitting we want this part of the hat to measure the same as the ribbing which is four to four and a half inches this part is 32 rows of knitting just round and round and round and round for 32 rows coming to the end of the 32 rows of stocking stitch now just before starting the crown that's it now time to start the crown row marker over now I'm going to do the crown the crown is divided into six parts I've got 114 stitches and if I divide them by six one two three four five six parts of the crown I've got 19 stitches per part I want to decrease one stitch each time I go round so that on the first round I've decreased six stitches here's how I do it Row one I'm going to remember I've got 19 stitches I want to decrease one so I'm going to knit 17 stitches and in the last two stitches I'm going to knit them both together so that I end up with 18 stitches in this first section that's one two sixteen seventeen knit two together this is my second section now I've got 18 stitches in that section also put a place marker each place marker between the place markers marks each section 16:17 knit two together now we're back at the beginning and that is the end of row 1 14 15 16 17 18 and I'm back to the beginning so I've counted each new section with its new 18 stitches in each section row 3 we're going to knit 16 and knit 2 together all the way around 14 15 16 I'm two stitches before the place marker and I'm going to knit them together so in this section once again I've decreased by one stitch and I'm going to do that for every section all of the way around for Row 3 here I've broken the crammed pattern down for you so Row 3 knit 16 knit 2 together repeat all the way around all of the even rows you just knit around there's no decreasing going on and notice I tick when I finished around I've finished Row 2 and I'm on Row 3 Row 4 will be just knit around it's an even row when I come to row five it's knit 15 knit two together repeat all the way around then row six is an even row knit around continue on until you've knit 24 rows and you're going to be left with 42 stitches so the crown of this hat is 24 rows long and then I'm going to show you how to finish off the Hat completely as I've been decreasing towards the end of the knitting of the Hat it's becoming rather uncomfortable on these small 16 inch round needles and I'm going to have to go on to some larger round needles and do what's called a magic loop so that the knitting becomes more comfortable I'll just show you how to do that at the beginning of the row slip your row marker over and just put the new needle in and carry on knitting as if you're just on that 16 inch round needle still I'm on row 20 here as I'm switching you might want to switch earlier and I'll show you magic loop technique briefly and if you need any magic loop tip magic Luke Luke magic loop help just have a look on YouTube there's lots of videos so here I have all of my stitches transferred onto the larger round nick knitting needles and I'll just very briefly show you how to do the magic loop around halfway just get the plastic power and pull so that half a twist reaches end up on the one side and the other half of the stitches end up on other needle and now we're going to knit these stitches here so once these stitches all on the needle ready to be knitted and the other needle are just pull it around ready to knit make sure the row markers on again now you've got a little bit of excess here and we have excess here so that we're able to knit again so I just go in making sure the yarn is on the correct side of the needle and just continue knitting so I have like a figure-eight thing going on the knitting's in the middle now this might take some practice if you're new to knitting before you start this but it certainly does make the finishing off of this hat much easier to accommodate now finished with this needle I want to pull all of the stitches back through off the needles come around I want to continue knitting these stitches now so I've got to push this row of stitches onto the needle so now I want to knit this row of stitches I pull this needle around and continue on making sure the yarn is on the right side the correct side I should say and just make that first stitch not too tight because otherwise it will be difficult to put the stitch back onto the needle and just continue on with the pattern and so we've come to the have finished row 24 as I was doing row 24 I took out the section markers and all I'm left with is the beginning and so I'm going to cut a nice amount of yarn I'm going to thread this darning needle and I'm going to thread it through the stitches and pull them tight so I have the yarn doubled over so that it's nice and strong so I just take the stitches off one by one until I get around to the other side and all 42 stitches are then thread through here um it's quite a versatile B&E because the 32 rows of stockinette here also divides by 8 and the last 24 rows of the crown divided by 8 so if you want to do stripes 8 rows of stripes is just right you
Please explain how to make friendship bracelets: square knot (remake-includes photos and adding beads)
hey guys so today I'm gonna be showing you how to do the square knot friendship bracelet and you can use craft thread embroidery floss yarn any kind of string that you prefer this design actually looks really good when you use hemp a string which is the type of natural string that's made from like fibers and stuff and it really looks really nice when you use that kinda string but you don't need to at all it's too up to you so today I'm going to be using craft thread and it's like a mess like it's not on a it's usually when you buy it it comes in this game but I used quite a lot of strings so now the skein fell apart and it's all like this so all you're gonna do is just cut two strands of string each like five feet long but I'm not gonna make it that long just because I'm not making a full bracelet today I'm just gonna show you guys how to do the pattern so I'm just gonna do like two feet so like that each and for this bracelet there's gonna show one color like not if you're using two colors they're not kind of both show because the type of design are doing when we nod it only the outside strings show so you're just gonna pick one color that you want the bracelet to be and that color is gonna be pink for me and then for the inside I'm just gonna use this like dirty purple color so yeah and this is a variegated string so like it's light here and then it gets darker here so that you can buy that also and it looks really cool yeah where is the end okay so measure five feet each that sounds like a lot but you're gonna fold them in half and it'll become only like 30 inches each so that's not long at all and then after making ends is not it's gonna get short fast so put the excess string aside and what you're gonna do is not the two strings that you cut together so I'm going to knot this and the um so you needed a ruler scissors and also you're gonna add beads you're gonna need this little threader thing it's like um people have braced their stuff they can use this to you like floss but this is also good for threading beads since um the string is kind of thick and you know they won't be able to go through a regular sewing needle so this is a good alternative so you're gonna fold it in half knot it to make a loop make a regular knot at the fold so it makes a tiny loop like that and you're gonna put it under your clipboard you can tape it down to your surface anything like that I prefer using a clipboard so like this so I'm gonna arrange the strands the color that I want on the outside because that's the one that's actually gonna show and then the ones are inside back on the show when you make the design so I'm gonna put the purple on the inside and then the pink on the outside so first you couldn't just do make this four with the left outside strand we'll call these the base strands so you can do this take the right strand overlap the left strand lift the base strand go under and pull through if that and you're just gonna type the not title not like no tighten it make sure it's snug now we're gonna take the right strand and make it backwards for take the left strand overlap the right strand lift the base strands go under and through but and it helps to hold the base John's kind of and then to tighten like that and if you if this face tends to the movie and it's annoying you you can just take some tape to hold it down but you don't have to it's just optional so you can do that again take the left strand and to make it um a four take the right strand go over it lift the base Jen go under and through and then tighten the knot it's really simple do the same thing but now the backwards four you can see it's really simple but it makes a really cool design because after you feel like make couple knots you'll start to see this kind of square pattern forming and if you use thicker string the pattern will actually show up better but yeah so maybe if you guys use more and I'll show up better but friendship bracelets like you usually use embroidery floss to craft the right so yeah so you make a 4 again with the left left side overlap lift the base trim go under and through not it again tighten it do it the right this time so I think you guys get the hang of this now Oh No so I'm gonna continue doing that and then I'll show you guys how the pattern looks later ok so I've made a couple more knots and now I'm going to show you how the pattern looks like so far so here it is yeah let me zoom in see yes misty that's hopefully it's kind of blurry but yeah um so just bear with me right here um it's kind of like a square pattern hopefully you guys can see this it's like kinda like a chain kind of thing it's just like a square pattern it looks really cute with this color string so right now I'm going to show you guys how to add beads to your bracelet or a necklace or whatever you're making so it's really simple - at least I have a trade bead right here and I'm gonna use so this is where the threader comes in so I want to add yep you have two ways to add these there's two different ways I'm gonna show you both so the first way is just adding the beach of the face chance and then using the outside strands to wrap around and for that I'm going to I'm gonna use these pretty big beads just so that you can sleep better so let's do the first wing so you're gonna thread the string through the threader the hole and thread both base strands like this and the reason why I use it's better is because sometimes the beads the hole the holes and the beads are kind of salons hard to insert these strings into it so this sweater comes in handy and then you just poke the threader through the bead and pull through and then you can take the threader off so now the thing is on the bead is on it so now you're going to knot as usual so you're gonna make the four overlap and then pull through this I'm just gonna tie it like this like that and then do another knot the right for the backwards for lift go through and then tighten it and then you just continue knotting as usual and it was how the beautiful look like that's how it should look like so yeah it actually matches the color string I use pretty well actually I didn't even realize that until now so this is how it looks the string the outside seems to wrap around like this so it's inside that's one way for you added be the second way is to read it on all four strings and then just continue knotting so to do that first you're gonna have to like tie a knot I'm just in time out here not up there just to show you guys then you're gonna thread put all four strings through the threader okay so after all that is thread through you put the bead pop it on by like that then you can remove the better but you can just slide it up to the not like where it is right there and then you're just going to tie another knot a regular overhand knot right up to the bead so now you have the bead on all four strands and there's no outer string surrounding the outside pick this one so then you just continue knotting so this is how it looks there's a whole gap here because I just nodded down here to show you guys so this is the pattern then this is the first method to add a bead with this outside strand surrounding it and this is the second way where there's no strings around it so you can choose either way to add beads to your bracelet necklace and yeah so this pattern is really simple I hope you guys enjoy this tutorial please subscribe to my channel like and comment on this video and I'll talk to you soon bye
Please explain how to make 'paper wings' | origami paper airplane by planes for kids
paper wings biplanes for kids the paper wings can be adjusted for either straight flight or you can try a more acrobatic flight path by adjusting the wings more about that in a moment let's see planes for kids plane maker Minoru Iijima make this nifty little glider he's using a 15 centimeter by 15 centimeter piece of origami and in fact you can make two paper wings from this you only need half the paper so by folding the paper in half both sides then folding it in half again so the creases run together you make the paper really easy to tear as shown here now working with just half of the paper fold one side across diagonally and then the other side to form a triangle now bring the two sides out to make a bigger triangle and make sure the folds are nice and tight next unfold the triangle shape so we are back to the original half sheet on the narrow side of the rectangle fold the corner in like this so it meets the crease in the paper repeat for the other side then open these folds back out to the original sheet again and repeat the process but this time creating an even narrower fold then continue to fold the edge in this time to meet the next crease in the paper make this type of fold again but this time all the way to the middle of the sheet as demonstrated next fold the tip in then fold it in on itself again this time reaching a little further back like this you should now have these lines here connecting like so finally fold the plane in half give its edges a bit of a push so it's nice and tight fold it out again and now tuck the nose of the plane inside the fold it should fit in snugly lastly refold the plane as we did before and to form the wings we want to make a diagonal fold like this notice the angle here used which makes the bottom side of this wing here parallel to the body repeat for the other side then give it a push so it's nice and tight together all you need to do now is extend the top of the wings and fold out the plane and there you go paper wings biplanes for kids this plane glides well but part of the fun is altering its flight path the angle of the wings is really important to the way the plane flies if you bend the left side down more the plane will turn left and vice-versa if both sides are down the plane will make a loop flight if you find your plane is pitching that is bobbing up and down as it flies try adjusting the wings for a nice smooth Glide here's a quick sample of a loop flight and a straight flight thanks for watching and have fun with its versatile nifty little glider
Please explain how to do a reverse french braid
hi today I'm going to show you how to do what's sometimes called a Dutch braid but we just refer to it as a reverse French braid this normally was a French braid you're going over the top this one I'm going to show you how to go underneath and it makes the top stand out more I really like the way it looks begin with having your hair combed out so there's no tangles it can be wet or dry if it's what you want it to spray it down a little bit so original flyaways and comb that in start at the top take apart on the left side and apart on the right side and section off your starting piece and go ahead and call them that smooth okay and then divide this into three equal sections and with a normal French braid you would start by going over the top on either side with this though you're going to start by bringing your left side under then the right side under in between those two and the next time you bring the left side under we're going to section off a section of hair over on the left hand side sit down and bring it underneath and hold it with that first piece I have you brought under then go to the right side bring that hair under we're going to section off on the right side move it down bring that under and add that to the other piece we just put under there once again left side section of a piece smooth it down and add it underneath to the party already put er there then go to the right side section off smooth it down and bring it under also you doing this all the way down going to opposite sides but and then from the right every time how you bring under you're going to want to hold it separate in the middle until you add the hair from the side to it and the hair to it and I bring your next side over keep it separate in the middle last section of hair make sure you're getting all the ends that are underneath there continue your braid going underneath on each side just not adding hair to it any longer so you can see on the top how much it stands out more by doing this the other way it would be the opposite and this would be underneath r you can't see it but I really like to look at this because it makes your bread stand out more and I honestly think it's easier to do a reverse braid than on the french braid when you get to the end use an elastic or a hair tie to secure it your ends you have reversed French braid
Please explain how to make american miso soup
good evening i am going through some spinach right now that's wilting and moving along the wilting process here by making some homemade miso soup this is a spin on the traditional miso soup that you would see with seaweed if you were to go to a restaurant and grab yourself a full miso i throw spinach in especially spinach that's wilting because it doesn't really look that pretty there's not a whole lot else you can do with it but there's still a lot of vitamins happening in here it's not totally useless there's nothing really wrong with it it just doesn't look good so i'm just gonna take out the ones that are really like brown one way you can tell if something's good to eat or not is just by looking at it you know something that's really lost its color and it's uh it's like sort of vibrance there that's not going to be as good to eat that's my timer for my eggs which i'll talk about in a second all the recipes in here with a nice color and still have a little bit of elasticity to them firmness those are going to be fine so i'm throwing these into just some uh boiling water because i don't have any more stock right now but you could also do this with vegetable stock that's great for me so but i actually have just something i bought from the supermarket just shiro miso it's a soybean based paste and that's what most miso is this one doesn't have any flavoring in it or anything else special going on but there's also just a wide variety of different types of diso paste that you can buy in the produce section at your grocery store because this doesn't last forever you keep it in your fridge um but you can get a couple months out of it um so this one's going to be good until april and i just bought it here in january and uh so the next thing that i'm doing i'm keeping this i don't want to i don't want to boil it i just want to keep it a simmer it's already boiling so i'm going to turn it down just to a nice bubbling simmer and keep that going while i take on the next step here which is in place of soy i am going to use hard boiled eggs so i have these eggs they just finished boiling a little tip about eggs if you didn't already know you want to use up eggs that have been sitting for a couple weeks in your fridge on this hard-boiled business because they're a lot easier to peel this way when they are a couple weeks old i'm sure everyone's had an experience of trying to peel hard-boiled eggs and you get that sort of like not ready to peel look going on takes away some of the white as you're peeling it and that's no fun so use eggs that are a couple weeks old and that will happen another thing you want to do is crack the eggs i usually do top and bottom on the counter and then keep some cold water going sometimes you can throw them into a bowl of ice that works too and what's going to happen is the cold water is going to get in under these cracks that you've made and help to loosen up the shell and let that sit for a second and then the soybean paste usually the way that this miso business works is you're gonna do like a tablespoon per cup of water or stock whatever you have going on so i'm gonna throw a good whole spoonful in here follow the directions so on your miso that you get because it'll probably have it written on there hopefully in english this is not necessarily a traditional american thing yet all right so i'm gonna let that go for a little bit and see if there isn't any more spinach that i can pick out of this bunch here and then all i'm going to do is is uh peel back the eggshells cut them up and i'm going to leave the yolk out of this i might use that in something else i usually try and use everything in something but today i am going to take out the yolks and just cut up the wipes and throw them in there and it's going to look just like the miso that you get at the restaurant except we used spinach and egg yolk today miso soup with egg whites and spinach and i actually threw together just a little leftover vegetable asian inspired salad over here um i made a dressing out of some soy sauce or in this case liquid aminos sesame seeds honey olive oil and white vinegar and i i just i did a little ginger fresh garlic in there and i just mixed it up in a measuring cup and threw it on top i'll post the recipe of that with this um yeah i just threw it over some veggies that i julienned julietting vegetables can take a little time you can also use a vegetable shredder or you can just rough cut them and throw the dressing on top it's really nice it's it's fresh it's refreshing it makes for a great lunch and it'll sit for a good couple days in the fridge and actually just get better because the vegetables almost marinade in this dressing and it tastes great so if you have any questions about this meal or any requests for future recipes let me know post below and thanks for watching bye
Please explain how to cook
hi there my name is sony ortiz and if you're watching you can cook today i'm going to show you how to make easy creamy rice pudding you're going to love it very simple recipe you don't have to be stirring all the time you'll see si quierembre esta rosetta in espanol pueden a certain la liga in la caja to make this easy creamy rice pudding we're gonna need one cup of rice this is raw rice just regular rice three quarter cups of cream in the in the states sometimes you can't find mexican cream you can use sour cream instead three cups of milk four cups of water about eight strawberries half a teaspoon of vanilla extract one stick of cinnamon half cup of white sugar if you want you can use a little less it's even better but if you liked it very sweet use a half cup and then only a pinch of salt and that's all we need first of all we heat the water with a pinch of salt in a pot when it starts to boil we add the rice and let boil for 10 minutes at medium heat while the rice is cooking boil the milk with the cream and the cinnamon stick in another pot at low heat stirring from time to time strain the cooked rice and add it to the milk pot continue cooking for 10 minutes add the sugar and continue cooking at medium heat stirring continuously so it doesn't stick once it has a thick consistency turn off the heat add the vanilla extract and mix remove from the stove cover and let sit until it cools completely meanwhile disinfect the strawberries in a bowl with a few drops of disinfectant strain and cut off the green leaves cut the strawberries in four or eight parts serve the pudding in individual ramekins and decorate with the strawberries refrigerate until cold see how easy it is to make this easy creamy rice pudding you don't have to be mixing for hours or anything it's much simpler let's try it and i'll see i'll tell you how this goes delicious the whole family loves this if you like it give us a like don't forget to subscribe to you can cook where we publish two recipes for you every week see you next time
Please explain how to decorate a mantel on an electric fire place for 🍁fall | autumn🍂
welcome to homebody this is for Lisa so in this video I am going to be decorated in my fireplace mantel area now I do have my television on top of my fireplace because I don't want to put my TV on the wall because I like to change my family room around a lot I like to have couches here conscious there everywhere you know everywhere a couch couch but anyway yeah that's why I don't have my TV on the wall I'm using my fireplace as a TV stand but I'm going to put meet some garland on my fireplace for the fall and I'm just gonna take you guys along with me as I do that so if you're interested in seeing how I'm going to style my mantel for the phone just keep on watching and before I go into that I just want to say thank you for tuning in and I appreciate each and every one of you and you probably stand felices on the road with all these videos yes I am I'm gonna be having surgery in a couple of weeks so I'm gonna try to do as many videos as I can because I don't know how my recovery is gonna be with my surgery so I know I'm the type of person who has ants in the pants and I can't sit still and if something's not done I'm really not gonna sit still so I want to make sure that I have enough videos to you know to uh to post while I'm recovering from my surgery so I hope you guys don't mind me doing so many in camera videos but yeah so I'm gonna go ahead and jump right into decorating my mantel
Please explain how to propagate coleus
hi this is robert from robert's tropical paradise garden today we're going to talk about coleus plants now this coleus i bought several months ago in a little four inch pot and now look at it it's huge and it's getting leggy so we're going to take cuttings from it and i'm going to show you how the first thing you want to do is take about a 4 inch cutting like this and we're going to root it we can't root it with these big big leaves on the bottom so we're going to cut those out and then since coleus is such a herbaceous plant we're even going to trim these big leaves that way it won't wilt and go into shock so that's what we're going to do to this plant several pieces trim trim trim and trim these some more you get much much higher success rate of the cuttings when you do it like this i have another variety that i'm going to do as well over here because these are beautiful coleus and i don't want to lose the plants before i get lots of new cuttings successful plants grown from the same plant so i'm gonna plant them in community pots to root them and then decide what i'm gonna do with them when i'm done now all these leaves here that we pruned off are gonna go into my mulch pile right over there there we go so again trim trim trim now where the leaf meets the stem is the node and that's where you usually get the roots so you want to cut right below the node there we go here's another big one i love coleus i've been growing coley since i was a little kid it's a fun plant to grow easy to grow and up north we could grow them all winter long on a windowsill and they gave lots of color indoor color okay now i'm going to show you how to put them in we're going to just stick these in like this careful you don't want to break the stem i'm going to put several in here like i said this is a community pot now we're not going to keep this in full sun while it's rooting we're going to keep it in semi shade we're not going to let it dry out we're going to keep the cuttings moist and i'm doing it outside but if you want to do it inside you can as well inside you might want to spray the leaves a couple times a day with water mist the leaves but out here in this humid florida sun that's not necessary so that's how we do it it's fun and easy and simple and i do this a lot with my seniors at work when we grow plants from cuttings we do it the same principles not necessarily cuddling the leaves for other plants but for this we do down we go and get this big one now this big one here has a lot of side leaves so we can take off all the big ones like this you don't need any of those big ones see that's even a little too much i'll take a little more off if there's too much leaves and not enough uh without any roots and too many leaves the thing could just wilt and die we don't want that to happen see what happens there we don't want one to shade out the other because they'll be uh thank you for coming to robert's tropical paradise garden please follow me on facebook twitter google plus my facebook page is robert's tropical paradise garden i have a blog the same name and i'm a writer for thank you so much for watching this video watch all my others too i have about 66 of them and see you again soon
Please explain how to line up your beard & mustache: for beginners (very detailed)
what's up guys meet 360 wave processor shot and today I'm about to show y'all how to line up y'all facial hair beard and mustache then you said I what it's looking like right now man just looking clean bro but once y'all see me go to the next clip y'all gonna see how they look before this and then y'all going to be like dang Rashad I don't know you have skills with the Clippers like that alright y'all don't see what good and I explained it very detailed hit down subscribe button if you not subscribed and hit me in the comments if you a real three WP waiver as you part of the 3 WP waistbands let's do it to the video so first of all give yourself a facial hair lineup you're going to need two mirrors you're going to need a hand mirror like this and you'll need a wall Meredith stationary on the wall which is the mirror that I have in front of me down these Clippers right here are t outliner Clippers I have a link in the description where you can purchase these exact Clippers that I'm using step number one for this process right here what I'm going to do is I'm going to actually comb my beard down because my hair is curly and these curly hairs they kind of make it a little bit more difficult to see the true line after I comb it down I'm going to look in the mirror and I'm going to try and visualize the line that I will come to come back here just to clean this up a little bit I'm barely just touching the line that I see very guys at this part right here and what you guys can see how this is curving a little bit what I do is I took the Clipper like that look at this point right here instead of going flat I chose it and I'll go like that you know I'm gonna get this bottom line up another thing that you do is to keep your beard looking fresh and crispy add the final result as you kind of have new tears that are curly hairs that are sticking out so you just boom you'll find it done make your final result much crispier and good thing with the tea outliers is you can utilize these corners to get into like little spots that are kind of difficult to reach so you take this little corner you just boom boom running into a little tiny spot you'll oppression I'm sure even it looks pretty even to me as y'all can see it's coming out real good in my life though such a what I'm doing right here is I'm stopping the back right here because what I notice is that the hair is over cause right here and so it's making the line underneath look less linear then I want it to look because I want to look real linear because that's what looks good now the thing is it's not the hair under that caused them to not look linear that's what what you got to understand because if you think it's the hair underneath what you're going to do is you want to push it back like that but that's not the issue the issue is the hair at the top right here curling down so what you have to do is tap that hair that's curling over the line so once you understand that then you understand how to create linear lines when your beard is thick if you do it which are able to feel [Applause] and that's got apps right here I think it's cool yep so it's looking pretty good I don't say so myself comb that over just to see the next thing on the do is line up this mustache area so usually I just look straight into the mirror and I just hit it like this actually a low-key high key want to trim that down a little bit hmm now I'm not going to trim it down to keep it fit is actually comb this because it's curly when it gets too curly if you're not very skilled at lining up it's going to be difficult for you to do it because that hair is curling over and you're going to think you're getting a straight line but then when you see the final result that curly hair is going to hit it hit that line and you're not going you're going to be confused and what that leads you to do is that leads you to push lines back and that's not between China dude what imma do is on the hit under this right here I'm visualizing this is the line that I'm going to create first I'm hitting the middle at that point is very important to keep your liner straight now the way you kind of gotta visualize is you've got to tilt it like this and then you can you're not supposed to go like this all right because then you're gonna have a weird line it's not going to be straight if you take a look at what I'm doing what I'm doing is this take this end up so you can see it I picked that end up like that saw and accidentally shade this a line right here and then I just I keep the line straight it helps if you touch your face down like this and then you actually could visualize the line better so boom boom boom keep that straight so instead of going like this you're going like this you see what I mean so I'm the door like this I could see instead of going like this I'm going like this straight down as you can see that line literally turns out into a long now because my hair is so thick and curly at this moment I gotta kind of visualize and gets it right right here watch good what I'm doing is I'm working this this eggs this Keyblade now it's time for me to work on this side of my mustache remember the technique so chop it down so you can visualize that line I still got my hair curling over so what I'm going to do is brush it down a little bit so I could see and then I'm going to top that line from the butt from above make sure i keeping my line straight [Applause] come now make sure it symmetrical move on to the top right here with the top is real simple just use this new bit like that [Applause] I just want to show you guys like I'm about to see I got some hair sticking up right here so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna just take these Clippers and I'm going to knock those hairs that are sticking up so I'm not I'm not touching the mustache but what I'm doing is I'm seeing hairs that are curly stick up get that hair right there those hairs make the mustache and a facial hair it makes the result look nasty or not as clean that's the better way to describe it it won't look as clean if you have those hair sticking up so I'm about to just knock that off boom and that was the same sport for the hairs that are coming down over to you just got to knock that little hair off now it's time for the part shot all been waiting for first I'm visualizing it like I told you guys you got to visualize it I'm about to do this I'm not attacking the hardline at this moment because if you attack the hardline and your skills aren't that developed then you can net that now you can still see a natural curve and you're not getting close to that without actually touching it at this moment [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] and I'm you I'm using these edges right here tea blade to like kind of get this curvature you see take a note of that [Applause] nota technique where I'm lifting this blader and it could replicate you see stead of having this flat on my face I'm gonna lift in it like that come our way and that's what nothing above that did you allies always take the time to visualize your line [Applause] [Applause] toad it's coming together if you could be [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] now the line is pretty much developed now I just have to fine-tune it and make it crispy [Applause] [Applause] okay we didn't there check me out get it crispy trust me y'all with time and practice man this is a beautiful skill to have it's good what's our thing now let's look at this side that's not done you see the difference all right y'all I finished the cut and I can tell y'all lookin real crispy lookin real clean now let me hop up in this little you finder for y'all so you have to see what's up and it's looking real nice so it's in our little video make sure you always use an alcohol or peroxide keep yourself clean not help you prevent razor bumps and all that stuff to be coming up such everywhere you know what I mean touch my bags with this peroxide to a little bit of burn and I'm good yeah let me get other close up I'm pretty much done I'm gonna use my 360 wave process beer and facial hair brush to now I mean just get that smooth little look if you got a big deer it's really going to be justice for you and then my last little I mean like a soldier back for that and I'm coaching Alex's beer bro yeah beer game very hanging my beard is finished uh so that wraps this up I hope this video helped you guys if you have not hit the like button yet make sure you do it right now share it around for those people that you know who need these tips what I do they just walk around with a beard looking crazy share it on Facebook one good time for me I'm just going to see on my next video alright that's it ah see on my next video
Please explain how to get all poison type pokemon in pokemon quest ! sludge soup a la cube recipe !
what's going on everybody it is workplace here green yesterday a brand new video and today I might help you obtain every single poison-type pokémon inside Pokemon Quest the easiest way possible so as you know we're gonna start off by showing you the list of what you can obtain for yourself your paulibus or is your Ekans neater and gasoline's things like okay so we're gonna go ahead and put the recipes on the screen one at a time for you guys just so you can go ahead and screenshot the ones that you need remember to higher the quality of the recipe and more of a chance you'll obtain rarer pokemons for that type and just so you know the rest of the video is just going to be me showing you how to put the recipe inside of the cooking pot correctly just in case if you never did this before and to show you that these recipes do work and that they will bring a poison type into your base alright so just in case if you never use the cooking pot before this is pretty much all you need to do just one tiny mushroom three ball mushrooms and one rainbow matter now this is going to be giving you the special quality again just to clarify add just for kicks and giggles we're also going to be throwing in two very good quality recipe as well which is one tiny mushroom a core and three ball mushrooms now put all that pretty much set and good go ahead and complete your expeditions and once you see these little icons appear over to your stove pretty much set now we're gonna start off with the special recipe and you see the little tab right there was a special we clarified that in the last video again proving that this is the special recipe and that the pokey one that comes alongside will be corresponding towards that recipe labret here we have the venom that appears just like that but now we're also gonna open up the very good quality and right there you see the tab where it says very good again proving that this is a very good quality for the poison-type stew and actually this is actually one the first time i've ever gotten to pokemon at the same time with one recipe so I kind of guess it shows that you don't need some fancy cooking pot or you don't need like a special recipe only it looks as if they come with very good quality as well so guys I hope that helps you out Alfre I'd leave a like comment and subscribe down below for more videos just like this and I'll catch you all in the next video bye
Please explain how to change colors & yarn strands with bernat blanket | beginner | the crochet crowd
In today's tutorial, I'm going to show you how to deal with some technical issues when it comes to Bernat Blanket yarn. So many people write me and say, you know what happens is that they're using this yarn, and all of a sudden they run out of the yarn and what they try to think they're gonna do is they're gonna frog themselves all the way back out. If you're working with an afghan you can end up with quite a bit of yarn that you would classify as garbage, but you don't have to. You can keep every inch of it. So what you can just do is that I have purposely cut my yarn, on purpose so that I can show you what to do. So we're gonna chain up three, so one, two, three; and I'm gonna be crocheting and minding my own business, and stuff; and I'm just gonna crochet along and then all of a sudden I realize that I've gonna run outta yarn. Okay, so. What you want to do; let me just stop here. Is that you know you're gonna run outta yarn real soon. Just like this. So, what I'm gonna do is that I'm gonna go into the next stitch and I'm gonna start it. So going in, so this is how you would change color mid-line as well. So you can just pull through and hold this. So you don't want to finish this. So you got three loops on the hook, you have this yarn left over. So what you're gonna do, is that you're gonna grab the new yarn and you do not create a slip knot. You just simply, just have to loop it around your hook, and so instead of using the regular yarn to pull through to finish your double crochet, Or any other stitches that you're working with, you're gonna use this loop to finish it off. And you're gonna allow your straggler of the new yarn plus the yarn that you're just finishing off, and just leave it down on top of the line. So, let's finish off that stitch as is. Pretending that there is nothing wrong. So these two stragglers, what you can do is that you can hide these in so wonderfully It's, it's crazy actually. So, you're gonna wrap the yarn, and when you go into the next stitch, you wanna make sure that you leave those two strands down on top of the line, and this strand is gonna come over top of it and hold it into position right underneath the stitch. With this yarn you can barely even notice it's there. That's what's so fabulous about this. Especially if you're doing the snuggle sacks and stuff. Really quite easy. So you're gonna go about a couple inches or so, you can go a little bit longer if you wish. And once your satisfied with it then what you can just do is trim out the remainding, right to the project. So I'm gonna be satisfied with this, just say for argument's sake, I'm satisfied. The two stragglers are still hanging out, and I can safely now just cut those. Right there, and I can continue to mind my own business and working on the project. Going back and forth and you barely even notice it's even there. Isn't that cool? So that's how you can change, uh, yarn. If it happens to run out in the middle of the line. Just like that; and so you can go from one ball to another, and really it's quite seamless. So let's move on and I'm gonna show you how to change colors with this yarn. So let's say I want to do a stripe of a different color, or I can do multiple different colored yarn, just tired of this color and I want to switch off. So what I like to do at the end; they say normally in tutorial patterns, or any kind of patterns that the final stitch becomes the new yarn. So you can do it two ways. You can either just loop on the new yarn, like this and then start fresh. Okay so if you were to do it like this, then what is gonna happen is that you're gonna leave your stragglers so you can make sure you cut everything. And just like I just showed you, put them down on top, and then you start the next row. So, one two three, and then what you have to do is keep those down on top of the line and then going into the next stitch, you just, you see this gray just goes right up over top of it. Like that. So that's how you could actually finish off a line of one color and move into another. Now I kinda have this phobia (which is kinda very unjustified, I just have to say) Of my yarn strands falling out. So what I like to do, technically, is I like to fasten off completely when I go to change colors. So you're gonna notice it's kinda a bit loose goosey here, so before you do anything, just make sure that you just pull on these. And that'll pull any slack. Kay, you don't wanna go crazy and yank on it. You just wanna make sure that it's gonna be right underneath And there's no slack hanging out. So once you're satisfied, about a couple inches or so, you can just safely cut that yarn then, right down to the project. Okay. So once you get everything finalized, and et cetera, everything just is really quite nice; and then you just continue on using your gray and minding your own business. So that's one way to change from one color to another, when it comes to all these different projects. But I like to actually fasten off, so what I would do, if it were me this is what I tend to always do. Is that when I get to the end of the line, I stop and I trim my yarn completely and I pull through the loop. Like that. And I'm just gonna weave this in and out of some of the stitch work. So when I am weaving them out of the stitch work, I make sure that the next time I go across this Is that when I go into the stitch, that's also part of it, so it gets stuck underneath. So this is the way I prefer to do it for myself. And once I'm satisfied, I just leave it in there and then I'll trim that after I pass by it again. So then what I do is I grab my next color, and I create a slip knot. This is how I like to change my colors. Create a slip knot first and then I just join it to the top of the first one like so and i just put the straggler over top, er the yarn leading to the ball over top and I keep this straggler down and i'm going to chain up one, two, three. And then I can go safely across. I wanna make sure that, that one again is down on top of the line. That's how I prefer to do it. It's up to you on how, how you have it. Everybody has their own method, and that's how I kind of really like to get my work done. Uh, when it comes to all this. So once I get past the one that's been woven in, see here's the gray. Um I just safely just trim out whatever's left hanging out because I know that, I've gone in, uh, over top of it then I know that it's pretty well safely in place. So what I do is that I wait til the end, so I just push it behind, I don't see it any more. Outta sight, outta mind, and then when I go to finish the line and I turn my project that's when I trim it before I start the next row. I'm the kinda person, I like to, uh, take care of my tail ends as they go, instead of waiting til the very end of the project. So that would be how you'd do that.You could change colors that way. So how can you weave in your ends, if you're scared they're gonna fall out? So when it comes to the end of the project you can't really just weave in your ends with this kind of yarn. It's too thick. Because it is just honestly gonna fall out. So what you're gonna do is I have already trimmed my yarn, about 12 inches and I'm gonna pull through the final loop. That loop locks it. It'll never come out unless you try to unravel it yourself. So what I like to do is that I like to take this end and I like to feed it through a darning needle. Just like this. So the secret to this kind of yarn, or any kind of yarn, is that when you go in and out of your project three times, that you can safely hide in your work, and it will never fall out. So you want to go in underneath, so that it's just gliding underneath the stitches. Okay. So just go about, maybe an inch or so. Just across, see? You don't see it on the back end, just right on down through the middle. And you pull out, pull that all through. You take your time pulling it through. Just like this. And what you want to do, is that when you pull on it, you don't want to get, a pull on it to the point where you start deforming the edge. So now that its on on this side, you're gonna go back in the other direction, but in a different path. All the way back out. Oops. The needle fell off but my strand still remains. It does happen and I'm just gonna feed that back on. Surprisingly you can squish this yarn so compact to get into the small needle I think that's amazing on it's own. *Laughs* So, but that was two. So I am gonna go back into a different path. In for a third time. So this project can never ever, uh, stretch in three different directions at one time, therefore, these loose ends, will never fall out on ya. Especially if you're washing it and all of that. And you have children playing with it. So then you can safely cut it right down into the project. And you can barely see As a season crocheter, you might be able to see it. But it's actually done there, and that's the way to do it properly. So you can do that method as well as Instead of hiding it and going over the top, like I showed you here and, uh, this is a really great way to do it. So, this is a really kind of a cool technique. So let me just show you one more concept and we can do something else. So let's say that the pattern asks you to change color midway through the line. So how do you do it? So the way that I like to do it. I wrap the yarn and I go in, as if I'm, then I pull through as if I am going to change this yarn. So say this yarn was about to run out. I grab the new yarn. I loop it without creating a slip knot, and I pull it and I finish it first. Like this. This would be how you would do graph-ghan work and et cetera, like that as well. So I'm going to use that as my ... well... So let's say that we had to change our color mid line. How do you do it? So, people ask me that as well. So, let's just say we're gonna go to gray midway through the line. You do graph-ghans like this and et cetera. So you can wrap the hook and go in and pull through and pull through two, and hold it. Here's where you're gonna hold. The final loop that you make here is the loop that appears over top the next one. So the thing about it, is if I do this blue one now, let me show you what happens, if I do the blue one now and then I go to change the yarn, what's gonna happen is this. See this loop here that I just made? The top, everything else will be gray but the top will not be gray it will still be blue. So the secret to doing a very nice, clean line of this is to stop, when you have two loops on the hook. Now, this obviously is because it's double crochet, but whatever the last item that you pull through, um, matters on the color. So let's for example want to switch it to gray. So, what you can just do is push it, and pull through the gray through, and let the gray fall down on top of the line and we're gonna trap it. So now this gray then becomes the top of the next stitch. So let's just double crochet using only gray, and I'm gonna go right up over top of the other two strands that I have and I just do a double crochet. So do you see that? That loop that we made, is the top of this one. So you can just double crochet all of a sudden to go across. Now what if they ask you to change the color back? Like it would be with a graph-ghan. So you would drop your gray, and you'd bring back your blue. So bring back the blue, up, finish it, cause that would be the top of the next line, and then you use the blue, dropping down the gray. Just like this. So this is how you would change colors in mid-line, like that. To give you some really kind of cool affects if you ever have to do that. So when, what you have to do then is, that when you drop the gray here, you leave the gray here so that you can pick it up at the other side, and we have videos on how to do graph-ghan work as well. But you can see it does a really good job even with the thick yarn like this, to be able to do graph-ghans, if you're ever looking for that. So that concludes today's video on how to change yarn in the middle of the line, how to change yarn at the end of the line, if you had to do that, color changing, options for being able to weave your items in as well as using a darning needle and then options if you ever have to change color in the middle of the line. So that's it for now, have a great day and we'll see you again real soon. Buh-bye.
Please explain how to bmx "wheel bearings"
the first thing we are going to have a look at is the wheel bearing adjustment if you will has some side play or feels loose or slack your cones need adjusting cleitus spanner on each one of the cone nuts then tell them one of the car nuts in a clockwise direction until the pliers taken up and the wheel spins freely if you will isn't running freely then check to make sure the brake blocks aren't rubbing against the rim if your bottom bracket needs adjusting put a bottom bracket spanner on the first lock nut turn it in an anti-clockwise direction until the player is taken up then with the second lock nut turn it also in Atlanta clockwise direction put on the spanner then tighten it up then when it's tight make sure it spins freely hello George you know you got a point man laughs yeah okay I've got some work today go go for it if your headset needs adjusting you need to come spanners first pencil icing the first lock nut well it's pretty tight bring down the second lock now check for adjustment if there's no side play input one clients panel on the bottom Lochner one comes banner on the top lock nut then tighten on both opposite ways sorry lock onto each other now we finish the check work let's see the sort punishment of BMX bike can take by making sure your bike can safely take all the punishment you give it you're also looking after your own safety there may well be many of you aren't giving the sport everything you've got because you're scared of getting hurt and that's really nothing to be ashamed of fear is natural and we all feel it at one time or another
Please explain how to make spaghetti napolitan (japanese pasta recipe)
mine is going behind my mouth I became how are you buddy wait Alex another recipe video today we're making super gay teen upon calm now my gatinha politie is software many of you guys have requested and it just so happens that my version is one of the best so without further ado let's get started first let's chop up one clove of garlic next let's slice half a medium sized onion then slice a small bell pepper into small pieces we can also use half of a large one for one serving we'll slice up two mushrooms finely cut some mini sausages into small pieces add a pinch of salt to the pot of water and bring to a boil cook one serving of spaghetti until al dente once is done drain well and set aside pour some olive oil in a frying pan and cook the garlic and feel fragrance then add in the onions and saute for a couple of minutes adding the sausages mushrooms and bell peppers cook until the onions are translucent once that's done add in the spaghetti and toss together seating with pepper and some salt finally add about two tablespoons of ketchup and cook together until combined transfer to a plate and serve immediately thank you messed up like I waited library whoa is my Chinese really you know what make this my version I actually have garlic to it and I don't add that much Jojo I don't like it to ketchupy and Italian people out there I know what you guys are thinking this is not real spaghetti you know what this is not Italian food we Japanese people know and we do not consider this telling food we consider this Japanese style less you're huge so chill so simple she what should we make for everybody next time mmm you kind of love to design all right we haven't done that in a long time so we want your help in deciding what kind of mock times you start to make so let us know your ideas in a comment down below and we will make one for you and visit your first time here make sure you subscribe and check out all our other Japanese recipe by clicking on the I on boats position head thanks for watching and you guys Nick hein bye you
Please explain how to clean stainless steal pots & pans : newagenomads
all right guys New Age nomads coming at you live today we're going to teach you how to take out stains out of tarnish stainless steel pots and pans doesn't matter how much you cook or when you cook but over time you're going to eventually pick up water spots and other things like that that are going to accumulate around your stainless steel wear and if you bought some nice heavy-duty sets they're going to running about two or three hundred bucks and up so you want to keep those things to pristine nice clean fashion so they look good and appealing when you're cooking so what we're going to need is some baking soda right here some generic brand it's going to work just the same as the name brands that are out there also what I like to use is a big plastic container this is actually used for doing oil changes but if you have a big Tupperware set or something maybe even a box lid it would be wise to use something like that to hold the baking soda when you actually are using it you don't have any of it wasting you can still recycle it and use that which I'll show you a little bit also a sponge also you're going to need a messed up pot and pan it's actually a 2 quart pot and you can see it has some tarnishes and some water spots that are kind of stuck in there and also the inside we were actually boiling up some pinto beans and actually ran it dry and if you ever done that before it smelled really bad and also the beans kind of the imprint on the bottom of the surface my goal is to get the brown stuff out all this tarnished area around the trim right here I'm not going to focus too much on the bottom but I'll show you what that does what you want to do is first off get your baking soda and pour some in there you also might want to get yourself a little bit of water so what I'm going to do is add a little bit of water what this is going to do is make somewhat of a paste that's going to be somewhat like a sandpaper ish or even Ajax kind of thing but since baking soda is really fine it's not going to scratch it up to that and I'm just going to go in a circle try to go with the grain of the steel and you can see it makes this paste right here and it's a really gritty material that's going to help lift up all that grime and stuff that's accumulated so I'm just go ahead and go do that for a little bit the reason I do this instead of using an SOS pad or even a Jack's is like I said the bacon so there's a lot finer and it's not going to harm or pit or scratch up the stainless steel to bad it's going to make it look nice and shiny once it's all said and done a little more baking soda or something like this with the beans sticking it's going to take a little bit of elbow grease to get the stuff out don't ever burn beans guys it smells so gross Burton beans taste the worst they smell the worst your house stinks for the whole day if you want it to you can use the abrasive side just want to be gentle with it the outside is the the part where you really want to be more delicate with wiping so I take this to the sink just rinse it out originality - let me get a better idea of what I missed and what I can continue to do so now that we've rinsed out our pot we're going to go ahead and go back to the tub and just put a little bit more in there and focus on these areas that still have some of that residue of the beans that stuck to the pot so after going at this another time it looks like I got all the stains out that were out the bottom all that dark nasty bean varnish is all out go ahead to the water just double-check that that's accurate swoosh you can see right there that's to my liking so now I can focus on the outside so I'm gonna go ahead and take this back over and kind of take a mental note of where most of the tarnishing is going you can see right here has that brown and some other places so I'm going to do you want to use this side of the sponge you're not going to be using the brace of side on the outside you don't want to score on the outside and the shine so maybe get a little damp get your baking soda put some on top you can use the soft part of this one bring it out as much as you can just go ahead and gently wipe it all the way around what this is doing is removing all the tarnishes and all that gross stuff that's accumulated from cooking so you can just do a once-over real quick nice and gentle then you're going start to focus on these problematic areas right here so right here this bottom base lip we're going to go ahead and focus on that you see I got some baking soda right there I'm going to go ahead and just put some elbow grease in that it's almost like an eraser and I come right out see right there he lifted that stain out I'm gonna attack this stain say might be it back and forth I'm not applying that much pressure at all and trust me I've tried with the regular sponge and with soap and it just won't come out the only way it's worked it's when I use baking soda on the bottom you can go ahead and use the abrasive side if you wanted to and to do the same steps it's going to take a lot more muscle to get it off the bottom milk that's where it directly cooks on so after we're all done and rinse it off put some soap in there wash it up you see we got this thing looking almost brand new again the bacon stuff is really gentle and it does a nice job and keeping the shine hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial hope you guys find it useful I'm really big on using all-natural product and that's why I chose bacon so to show you they have other chemicals and other things like that I found this to be the cheapest and also the most environmentally friendly solution out there
Please explain how to make: doll latte - handmade - doll - crafts
i am going to make a coffee for a doll using our coffee cup printables paper nail polish a toothpick or a pen and glue first let's make a cup using the printables from our doll coffee shop video we cut them out curl them and i'm just using the end of a paintbrush overlap the ends use glue to secure them in place carefully fill the bottom with glue then set it onto a piece of paper to dry carefully peel it off of the paper to make the cup or we can make our paper roll cups from our doll teacup video where we make a thin roll of paper push a bead into it add a paper handle then carefully brush the outside with a layer of glue to make the teacup now let's make the coffee very carefully fill the inside with hot glue and remember to always have adult supervision when dealing with hot objects leaving a little space at the top once dried brush the inside walls with glue creating a protective coat on the inside using nail polish in shades of brown and white fill the top of the cup just enough so it covers the hot glue add a drop of white another drop of brown then continue adding drops creating several circles then taking a pen or a toothpick very carefully draw a line going straight down the center allow it to dry overnight and you're done happy crafting do ouch i am so sorry oh it's okay and i might have bumped into you i was chasing that owl who took my lollipop oh my lollipop let me help can they appear elso he can do magic sophie what are you up to let me treat you to a coco latte from the cafe it's the least i can do after running into you then you can tell us all about getting a license i mean getting to know you we want to give a shout out to for real dancer what's up that'll be 18 please chloe you got that right thank you ah sophie you
Please explain how to make roast chicken - herb butter roast chicken!
all right here in the kitchen with the thrillbilly gourmet Jan Charles come here you got a lot going on in your life yes besides chicken well we're back to that in a minute but you got a lot going off there's always a lot going on with me there always is so we do in the youtube live now we're doing that mondays at noon so I have my regular viewers send down there their comments on their questions and we answer them live on YouTube wow so that's that's that out next month yeah it's fun it is fun it's a look any cooking question any cooking question I you know don't don't send me something weird you know which somebody always is going out look how do you cook snake yeah don't do that yeah well I'd rather you didn't know but we do we do a lie we were talking about how to seasoned cast iron we talked about brining beans we talked about how to get your cornbread nice and crispy on top so we got you know all kinds of different question things that are important to me absolutely needs a corporate absolutely that's right today we're talking about roasted chicken we're doing a roast chicken yes now I love these you can do a roast chicken throw in the oven it's ready in an hour and a half and you just walk away right we're doing a variation of that today okay we're gonna start with a compound butter right stick of butter right and then I've got fresh parsley and this is a fresh thyme and fresh rosemary wright and a tablespoon or not a tablespoon a teaspoon of kosher salt just a stick of butter just stick of butter and then you just mix it up mix it all again right get it happy yeah you want to work on that forum master will show you the next time one way that you can get a lot of flavor into your bird is to brine it but if you don't have time to brine it this is my next favor ok so right over here you're gonna see you can work the skin up and away from the breast meat right and you get your hand way down in there now try not to tear this part right you know what to tell ya you don't want to tear the skin don't want to hear this that's where the flavors at yeah if you do is not the other one what yeah but you want to loosen it up cuz what you're gonna do next okay is take this compound butter and you're gonna work it up under the skin just like that okay so take little pieces of this put it there smoosh it around put it in there and smoosh it around right and what's gonna happen of course it's going to hit the heat of the oven right and it's going to get things going to place that oh yeah it's gonna baste it from the inside alright so I've got yucky hands you grab assault and give it an sprinkle of salt okay we have our oven on 400 degrees we're going to take a couple of onions we just cut into wedges okay these are gonna go around our bird and you can trust it if you want to i almost never mess with trust in a bird I just don't okay and that's a lot of work I mean when you get to twine out you have to do all that it is its work you can if you want to I personally don't think it's that big a deal I really don't all right so fresh herbs again like a bundle make a little bundle and this is going to go right into the cavity and that's parsley thyme and rosemary that's better just what we used in a better right so nice crispy skin is going to happen we utter our onions sitting here we've got our compound butter ready to baste it in about 30 minutes hit it what temperature were going in 400 degrees alright so 400 degrees for 30 minutes and then we're going to take the next step and we're going to end up with one of the most beautiful birds you've ever seen now you're also going on with this you got some roasted potatoes I do I have some roasted potatoes they are not ready to go in yet you're jumping the gun well I we got a little top here but i just want to show the folks because i love the fact that you brought the red white and blue tennis right you can use any kind of potato you like i like using the new potatoes you can use a Yukon Gold they get a nice creamy texture when you roast them in the oven I mean if you want to you can use a rest of potato but I think this is nicer I really do and you can pick those up just about anywhere we're going to show folks how those goes just a moment show the finished dish a little later on all right let's talk about everything you got your YouTube channel going on you say you're getting ready to relaunch both your cookbooks yes I have two cookbooks one is ground beef recipes the other one is called happier holidays how to eat drink and stay Mary and it's about conquering the craziness of the holidays right both of those are in the Amazon store and on kindle so we're doing a relaunch this coming week to get ready for the holiday season so those are coming out and I have my third book which is still in the manuscript form but I'm trying to get that ready to go before Christmas as well give us a little preview maybe some what the theme is on that piece of cake sugar a celebration of the southern layer a little sweet tooth yeah a little sweet tooth yep all right Jan Charles is school we're going to come back in just a moment we're going to put those potatoes with that chicken in oven and it is going to be beautiful we're going to show you all that and you can find out all about it by going to thrillbilly gourmet comm check it out ah very airman yeah we were talking about addition aromatic are the atomizer soon we can just wear it this is the herb butter and the roasted garlic but we realize your go ahead they will come they will have this does not like that there they just their nose does the walking all right well aren't right our chicken has had 30 minutes in the oven and it's not going to look like much yet it's just starting to get some color on it but here's what we want to do at this point we want to get our potatoes okay and if you want to start tucking them around here all right we also have two heads of garlic and don't freak out over the another good book to two heads of garlic I promise it's okay because the garlic is going to roast in the oven as your chicken roasts and something wonderful happens with roasted garlic it becomes nutty and buttery and sweet it all so good and that was smelling because of course you came in earlier and richness and it's just unreal it really the fragrance is amazing your whole house will smell like a celebration it's really wonderful so we just load the garlic and the potatoes potatoes on your yep you're good you just right over anywhere you find a paul oliver telling me about nothing to have in these little potatoes right piece of news hot bowls over there we were talking about the difference between the russet and the yukon gold right now arrested is going to be starchy on the inside I it is dry and mealy and that's wonderful for certain things so if you're gonna do a baked potato you know you were mentioning you want a potato you want to know you've got something you need to butter in there lots of butter right but Yukon Gold is not as starchy it's going to be creamier and you also got a different nutrient base so you've got a high amount of alcon blank beta-carotene beta-carotene in the Yukon I only know me well I'm glad you remembered it that minute yeah so you experiment with the different varieties of potato and see what you like if I'm going to be boiling or roasting a potato I like to use one of the varieties that is less starchy not a recit so you know pick me up pick it out and play with it put that our brother over the potatoes as well the herb butter goes over everything yep and you're just going to drizzle it and then you're going to give it another 30 minutes back in the oven at 400 degrees at the end of the second 30 minutes you just stir everything around and give it one more based okay so you want to put that or butter one more time you're doing two things you're making sure that your potatoes and your onions are really well-flavored you're making sure that your chicken is nice and crispy and delicious but when you come back after the third 30 minutes because a total of hour and a half when you come back after that third 30 minutes the bottom the pan is going to be filled with the most delectable goodness on the planet yes because all the juices from the chicken all the leftover herb butter comes down nothing comes down in there and it just sits there and decides to make you the happiest person it's wonderful and that's why we have the pan with the lining and yes okay now you can use a roasting pan and I don't do things the way like people do you can use a roasting pan and that's fine you will then take your roasting pan and that will go right on the stove however I find it's less messy right and a lot less cleanup to use a baking sheet this is actually a cookie rack here right you put cookies on went to cool them down and then I line it with foil because when this bird has got the next hour out of the way and it's absolutely done you're just going to pull that up it's going to go right into your saucepan all right we're going to be back in just a few minutes and show you the finished product at you really want to see this check out thrillbilly gourmet calm I'm going to catch up with Jan Charles and with roasted chickens on the upper right you're taking it out of the end this is so easy and it looks so spectacular but it tastes just as good as it looks so yummy all right we're gonna take all those pan juices remember I told you to get the collected Panjal there right in a saucepan right about half a cup of white wine that's just a dry white okay about a cup of chicken broth if you want to grab the other one I got it you bring that to a boil and you let it simmer for you know five minutes while your chicken is resting it's going to reduce a little bit all those flavors are going to come together and then this sauce drizzles just over your chicken and veggies look at that it is beautiful check out her website for more videos more recipes and more information you can be dining on this this evening thrillbilly gourmet calm Thank You Jane I will make you for having me yum good this was
Please explain how to make fresh ahi tuna poke!
hey what's other people I'm chef Michael Reyes and you're watching hunger winos today we're doing pokken now I realize there's a lot of crap in front of me do not freak out I'm doing an hors d'oeuvre a nap and a main course with this poke a poke a is really easy it's raw fish but here's the deal you can use anything you want you can use tuna yellowtail salmon but the thing is and has to be sushi great so if you think about going to like Trader Joe's or some other grocery brand and get some frozen fish you kind of want to stay away from that it will be cooked because you have an acid but still that's more of like a ceviche in a long time this is straight-up like raw so get the good stuff now what I like about sushi grade tuna it already comes clean it's really nice they take off everything for you but the thing is you're paying for it but it's a cost well worth it because you're getting quality quality tuna so let's start cutting it now as far as cutting it up you can cut it into any shape you want but you want to pretty much leave it as good sizes so people know what they're eating because you can go ahead and pay for like ground up tuna people do it all the time I've done it and it's cool it's a nice product but it's all ground up what people want to know is what they're eating so you give them decent chunks they're like yo bro you know that's tuna you know you little shot that's tuna so once it's cut we could put it in our Bowl now this is the thing about the condiments I'm gonna get a lot of emails and all kinds of stuff traditionally when you think of poke a and you're like on Hawaii or the Hawaiian Islands whatever it is it's gonna be Hawaiian sea salt some seaweed and some other stuff that's traditionally what's in it but nowadays people will add whatever they want and they'll do whatever kind of dressing miso ponzu whatever they like so what I'm giving you is what I use just in general we're in Southern California I like bell pepper so I'm going to put a little bit of chopped bell pepper and I have the red and I have the yellow and I have orange in spring and summer time so I want some colors I like cucumber because cucumber gives me a lot of crunch in this because you got some soft textures and cucumber gives me a nice bite I have some chives I like what it brings as far as the onion flavor some people put shallot I didn't have I'm not using it and I cal ittle bit of cilantro again we're in Southern California cilantro is used for everything last but not least I really like this and so free cookie and I'm probably butchering the translation you could read the label it's roasted seaweed and some sesame really nice flavor kind of gives the whole Asian vibe going I'm gonna put some in and that's cool now as far as mixing it up I just want to incorporate all the condiments just so there's even coating and we're almost done now here's the deal as far as cooking this in advance you can leave it like this in your refrigerator totally cool totally fine the moment you start adding acid to it it's gonna cook change colors nasty you're making ceviche then not poke it so if you want to do this for a party you can cut this in the morning wrap it up put in the fridge until you're ready to go now as far as dressing I have a very simple dressing you know it looks like complicated it's not it's very simple I have some fresh lemon juice I like lemon will put a little bit of lemon in this is one of the reasons why you can't do it early I have some garlic chili sauce I like it a little bit hot so I'm gonna put a couple scoops in here I have some rice wine vinegar gives sweetness a little bit more acid and last but not least I have a little bit of soy put that in mix it up and we're pretty much good to go give a little taste totally nice last but not least I have some canola oil and I like it because it gives some Sheen to the poke a because sometimes when you add this it looks a little bit of dry and when you add the oil and gives it a nice Sheen nice pop that's pretty much it we're gonna add it to it let me show you how to mix it and play it all right do a little toss add some in you don't have to add it all in you want to see what it looks like you gonna see how in melds with the tuna and what kind of shine you have and then you got tasted you don't want too much dressing screws everything up so just give it a little taste needs more dressing a little more dressing and that should be plenty so I love this sit for a couple minutes while I prep up my avocado and set up my plates now as far as the avocado the thing is it's very last because of oxidation what happens when you cut the avocado it's not like a time-release deal when you open it up beautiful green the thing is the longer you take to use it it's gonna oxidize people will say you know rub it with lemon and this that and the other that's totally cool to do but if you rub it with lemon what does lemon do it's asset it's gonna start breaking down and make the avocado and mushy I don't want that so I'm gonna do at the very very end and I have some slices but I can use now what you could do is also I can cut it into squares and I can cut the squares inside of the shell and use my spoon to take it out and then we have some nice chopped up avocado so I'm gonna show you how to play it up three different ways but before I do so gotta had some salt add some nice finishing salt for my tuna it really could bring out the flavor and like I say and I always say nice crunch beautiful complexity and texture to this just mix it all right now let's plate her up now I have a martini glass now if you want to do the martini glass totally a nice dinner party you can set him up it can grab them it could be past really really nice so I'm going to set up a little bit of a backdrop and I'm gonna get some tuna slop it in you don't have put a lot but enough to let them know that they're there I'm gonna give you a little bit of fish egg I like the color and just a little bit of seaweed salad and then for the backdrop a little bit of crunchy and this to me is just a really simple easy past appetizer so that's one two I have some more tuna go ahead and put it in the plate I have my avocado just slap it right on top I have some chips you can use this as a little dipping again we're in Southern California so chips and salsa type deal and has a little palate cleanser I'm gonna give you a little bit of pickled ginger just a little bit on top and since I paid for this egg I might as well use it a little more on top and there's a simple appetizer that you could have and I have the plate you can get yourself some rice to make this a main dish get some room temperature nice rice lay it down and get all my avocado now you've seen some people internet go ahead and use ring molds and stuff like that it's food man you're feeding your friends and family it's not like you're at some bougie restaurant a little bit of tuna a little bit of tuna on the backdrop and if I want to I can down those there give it some green again give it some fish eggs I love fish eggs and Japanese mushrooms and that's basically a really nice entree so we have simple polka but you can do it like three ways and it gives you a whole complexity pass tap appetizer main course now as far as the recipe to step by step it's listed in the description now let's go ahead and try this which I'm dying to Google piece of avocado nice spicy lemon II really like the bed really good I like the pressure very easy you do this for any kind of recipe you like with fish salmon yellowtail I use tuna today I hope you try this you're gonna want to subscribe we have a lot of summer stuff coming up steaks preserved lemons cocktails totally stuff you're not gonna miss so go ahead and subscribe I'm chef Michael Reyes you've been watching the winos peace
Please explain how to air propagate grape vines
the ice is a covert rabid turkey farms I want to share with you a tip that I got on air propagating grapes there's an easy way to take existing vines and to split them off so that you're gonna end up with some more grapes to plant I got this tip from Jack over at their survival podcast and I've never heard about it before so I checked it out and it seemed really easy so I wanted to try it and it seems to be successful all right so basically what you do is you get a grape vine that's hanging down I have these growing on the side of the chicken coop just to give them some shade in the summer so they're all over the place so you find one that's hanging down and you get two liter bottle you take the bottle you cut the bottom off and poke a hole on the side the holes to be able to tie that rope through you get the binding you thread it through real careful from the bottom in through the top like it is when it's threaded through you kind of strip the Leafs off that are inside the bottle and you tie it off to a larger vine or if it's on a trellis system one of the wires so it's gonna support the bottle not the vine going through it the rope itself is going to support the bottle then you pack it through a you pack it up with potting soil you water it and if it rains where you're at you know that'll end up watering it for you I didn't water these very much and they seemed to do all right then when the grapes go dormant like they're going right now or all the Leafs are falling off of them all you need to do is cut off the vine cut down the bottle cut the bottle off and you end up with with a new grape that's ready to transplant so let me show you I did the video right after I cut this one but basically the vine was there it goes up you know to a larger section I snipped it off you can kind of see the roots in there I did one earlier and here's how it came out it's got some nice healthy roots on the bottom of it and it is you know ready to be planted so seem like an easy way to get some grapes and to move your vines around so I want to move these over to more of a trellis like Vineyard style in another area and add some more grapes but I don't want to just go down and start buying a whole bunch of vines since I've already got some here that I like I think these are one of them's Thompson the other ones red flame but it seemed like an easy tip figured I'd share it with you guys enjoy
Please explain how to cook shrimp & scallop stew | recipe
(blues music) ♫ Gonna smoke me a fatted brisket ♫ Got my barbecue shoes on ♫ Gonna smoke me a fatted brisket ♫ I got my barbecue shoes on ♫ I got my natural case ♫ I got the hogs on the run ♫ (saxophone solo) - Welcome to Barbecue Pit Boys dot com! Today, we're cookin' up the shrimp and scallop gumbo to pit and it's real easy to do. Alright, you're gonna need some fresh, off-the-boat scallops here. We just got 'em. We got a couple pounds. We use about a pound of these sea scallops. And, for this recipe, you're gonna need some andouille sausage. It's a hot sausage. And you're gonna need some shrimp. We got about a pound of 16/20s. You're gonna need some diced tomatoes. You're gonna need about four cups of chicken stock. You're gonna need some garlic, onions, there's some green belled pepper. And here we got some oregano and thyme. You're gonna need some celery, some bay leavess. Oh, man. And, of course, you're gonna need some heat. We got some cayenne pepper. Alright, let's get this gumbo together here, alright? Now, in a black iron pan we're putting in some olive oil or a good veggie oil. And, we're also gonna be throwing in about four tablespoons of butter. Now, this recipe is really about the roux. And, roux is fat and flour combined, right? So, you gotta work at this. You wanna get this roux just right. So, into this we're throwin' in about a half a cup of flour. And you wanna keep stirring. Don't let it sit. Because you want to, you wanna caramelize it. In a way, right? Just keep stirring slow, and it might take ten minutes or so. And a nice slow heat. And before you know it, this is the way the roux should look. Nice and thick and toasted. Now, in goes the Holy Trinity. And that's bell pepper, and we got one large, chopped bell pepper. You gotta get some celery in there. Two or three stalks chopped. And, a large chopped onion, alright? That's the Holy Trinity, and that's all part of the gumbo, right? Southern Louisiana stew. And here we're throwing in some garlic. About four cloves of chopped, fine chopped garlic. You give it a mix into the roux. Just like that. (Mumbling) Now, we're gonna add the chicken stock, and we're gonna use about one quart, or four cups. Just pour it right in there. Now, if you don't have chicken stock, you could use a veggie stock to keep your veggie-lovin' girlfriends happy. Or you can use some fish stock. Which you have handy. But chicken stock works really good. Give it a good mix. And you wanna season. We're using about a tablespoon of SBG. You can use some salt with some fresh ground peppercorn. Now, to the pot we're addin' two 26 ounce cans of diced tomatoes. Alright? And you include the juice. And you're gonna need some cayenne pepper. And be careful here, alright? Too much cayenne pepper might bring on the heat, because we're gonna be using some andouille sausage for much of the heat flavoring here. Give it a nice mix. Oh yeah! Now, in to the pot, we've got two bay leaves. We've got a little over a tablespoon of fresh oregano and over a tablespoon of fresh thyme. Get 'em in there. Oh, baby! Man! Now, we're gonna bring it up to a fairly rapid simmer, alright? And put the cover on. And you're gonna let it simmer for about maybe 15, 20 minutes. Just like that, see how it's coming together? It's startin' to thicken up. Oh, yeah. There's nothin' like shrimp and scallop gumbo with the pit. You definitely gotta check this out. Now, while we're waiting, here we're grillin' up some andouille sausage. And this is a southern, like a Louisiana sausage. It's got a lot of pepper, it's got a very distinct flavor. Now, if you can't get andouille sausage, you can substitute hot sausage, it won't quite be the same, but good enough. Now, we're just gonna chop 'em up into bite-sized pieces. Like I said, we've got about a pound goin' in to this pot. Just like that, oh yeah! Oh, look at that! Now, we'll throw those chopped andouille sausages in there. This is gonna be good! Give it a good stir. Woah, man! Are you hungry or what? Put the cover on and let those flavors come together. Now, after about another 10 minutes or so. Take a look at that. It's thickening up real nice. Like a nice gumbo. Now, here's the magic, the shrimp and the scallop. So, here, like I said, we've got about a pound of de-vained and shelled shrimp goin' in. And here we're gonna put about one pound of this lot of scallop here in. You can add a little bit more. Mmm, man, this here is gonna add that seafood flavor to this dish. Just outrageous, man! Give it it a stir. It only takes a few minutes to cook the shrimp and the scallops so don't over do it, alright? Now, we took the bay leaves out, and it's time to plate this up. Now, Louisiana style, of course, we got our rice for the gumbo. We're gonna pour it all over the top. Wo-wee! Alright, since there's two of us at the pit, we'll make up another bowl. Now, of course, if all you got is peanut butter at home you just go get yourself a peanut butter sandwich right about now. 'Cause, we do apologize for eatin' in front of ya like this, but we call this Pit Master Privilege. (blues music) Til the next time you're lookin' for a recipe for your pit, check out: Barbecue Pit Boys dot com! (crow cawing)
Please explain how to make wire arms for your clothespin dolls.
okay today I'm going to show you how to make arms for your clothes pin dolls and these are the arms if you see that actually look really nice that they're basically bendable and adjustable and it's what it is is it's you just take a piece of wire and you're gonna cover it with embroidery thread and I'm going to show you how to do that um what I typically do is I get a lollipop stick which is the exact length that you want your doll's arms to be because you're gonna bend it around the doll and pose it in whatever fashion you want okay well I'll take a piece of the florist wire or the jewelry wire and measure it out against the lollipop stick and we should have a pair of wire cutters and these are really cheap you can get from any craft shop and what I do I just cut it down to size to fit the same length as the lollipop stick now this is actually a little bit longer than the actual lollipop stick because sometimes you get that other tool you want to bend the arm the arms in so you can make little hands you're gonna need a glue stick some embroidery floss and you can pretty much use any color embroidery floss that you want for the arms of your doll it's up to you being creative now I started this one a little earlier and I'll show you what I did you basically are going to take your piece of wire and you want to coat it a little bit with some glue and that will help the embroidery floss to the embroidery thread to stick to the wire um if you use a glue stick it's not messy and it doesn't dry all clumpy and everything so won't look grow icky later on okay are you once you have your let me put some more glue on here let me just let me just do it sometimes it's easier for me to just do it rather than talk about a whole lot so if I get in a little bit closer here for you so there's the glue and you'll have to be too neat that's the fun of arts and crafts to be messy there and then I'm just gonna start twirling or twisting or wrapping whatever however you want to call it and see how you just want to keep wrapping your wire your thread around your wire so that the thread covers hope you can see that so the thread covers the metal the exposed metal part and just keep doing that all the way to get to the end of the wire I'm gonna do it really kind of quickly here and I just smoosh it smoosh I guess that's a word between my fingers just wrap it because you want to wrap and if you see exposed wire if you see the metal just push down and the thread will cover up that little gap so I'm just gonna keep spinning and spinning it here now these arms are the cutest and the most versatile for your close friend dolls but they take a little bit of time and patience and effort and energy I honestly I hate making them cuz there's so much like work it's a lot easier for me to actually make the dolls and their clothes than the arms and I haven't really found any better solution as of yet what I do you'll be the first to know um it took me a while to figure out how to make these arms I got a book I found a book called we felt folk and I'll put that link on my website somewhere for you and the lady who wrote that book she gives a room good detail explanation of how to do arms for these little dolls she does a different type of doll little ones made out of felt whereas you know the clothespin dolls are made out of an old-fashioned wooden clothespin and see it's taken me here a little bit of time and also the thing about making these arms your hand can cramp up like mine's cramping up right about now okay so I'm almost to the end okay about to get a serious hand cramp okay but just gonna keep wrapping and it's a little messy because it's blue and it's arts and crafts but that's the fun of it and making it unique and original isn't that what it's all about so as you can see I wrapped the embroidery thread all the way to the very end of the wire okay now I'm going to just cut that off and it's up to you as far as what point you want to put the arm into your doll but you probably want to do it before you start dressing your doll and then it'll be a lot easier to work with so there you have it it's pretty simple um I had a piece of why it started with a popsicle stick to measure a piece of wire the length you want your arms to be your dolls arms to be an embroidery boss a glue stick some so there's a couple little jewelry things that you can get super cheap at the dollar store or Walmart or in the arts and crafts stores so I finished with this pair of arms or set of arms and I'm just gonna bend it in a little bit and as you can see I this hand of this doll is still exposed a little bit but you can just go back and run a little piece of thread back through it to cover it I'm just gonna take my little clamps here and I'm just gonna bend the arm and sometimes it can even mess up a little bit but it's okay so I'm just bending the arm in and then I'm gonna close it and all this little extra boo ha ha that's hanging off you can just cut that off and now you have a clothespin doll who's ready for some clothes and she's gonna have arms and she can hold things and baskets and candles say happy birthday and everything so once again I hope you have enjoyed my little video my little how-to video making clothespin doll arms with wire and embroidery floss enjoy the rest of your day and feel free to stop back by I'll be making more videos I hope I'm sure and if you like the videos do me a favor a big big favor do all of us a big big favor please subscribe thank you for watching bye
Please explain how to make passion flower tea
I'm just finishing this theme right about now I Drive just a little bit left the consistency I really like this see like when I'm looking for like a lighter to see a lighter consistency - tea to drink I could always go to the passion flower tea simply because he has much more lighter consistency compared to something like the star anise tea which is much stronger and the Alma and the flavor of the star anise is much it's much stronger but if you're a regular viewer you are probably one of the people that suggested that I make this video showing you exactly how I make the tea because when I had made the video speaking about the four different herbs that you could use to help with anxiety a lot of you guys had asked and I told me to show you exactly how to make the passion flower tea so let's get it I'm gonna show you guys it's very easy you can literally close your eyes open it back up boom and the tea is done that's how fast and simple you could make it guys let's go
Please explain how to make a origami dog
this is how you make it origami dawn um so you guys just one piece of paper and gonna hold it one time I mean I think you time wait so first you get a guy to get a piece of paper I name this is then cleaned up bend it like in the kind of faded I keep do this no sorry guys I thought it a little I'll be right back got you I'm pitches for you if you don't if you have like this on paper kind of draw a line go down the line yeah I got it cut now we're going to take one flag good ear for it got it and do it to the other ear do-do-nah this what should you look like you go it's finished sorry about that um so the dog you can kind of doll face so I'm going to do that right now hello you'll face Mozilla look like justin bieber now anyway an April a DIY I tell me what I do or Johnny you want me to make Nothing try to make it by
Please explain how to strip and clean a technics 1200 and 1210 pitch slider.
so I thought I would try to restore this pitch which was pretty bad so much stuff had been spilt in it and the stem had snapped so I only loved the pitch and I thought I would swap them over and while I was at it I would give everything a good clean I've done this once before so I kind of knew what to expect and it went okay the only thing that you have to be careful of is lifting the pads when you disorder I didn't have my needlenose pliers so I caught the PCB on this but it was an experiment so it didn't really matter CS lifting the pads when you're desoldering and being careful when you twist the legs so that you can pop them out there the biggest problems at this part anyway so as that's come off we can then look at just cleaning all that rubbish off the PCB so I tried the PCB cleaner wasn't really working with paper towels I moved on to some IPA and used the microfiber cloth that still wasn't so good so then I ended up just using some basically ending spray and then cleaned it again afterwards and that did the trick so that was that was good well now I'm gonna use some detox it just to clean the part for the for the center trim so there we go so now we're going to remove the PCB from the metalwork and you want to put it in the vise so that when you bend the pins back you're not deforming the shape of the metal it'll keep it nice and straight it's very important otherwise you'll just spend the whole thing out and you just won't get to go back together again properly it's be very careful of that there's nothing it elsewhere that can go wrong as long as the whole thing doesn't fall out from underneath when you put that last one so now we're going to clean the actual tracks on the PCB and when you pop this out be very careful of the spring and the ball bearing because you'll lose it so you can see all the crud that was on this PCB so again we're going to use the PCB cleaning spray just to clean it up first and then when it's cleaned we're going to protect it with the fader lube which is amazing stuff it's great for lubricating faders amazingly so I didn't know really what else did you used to spread this on I didn't when you use a cloth so that I leave residue maybe the finger was okay seems to work afterwards so then we're going to do the same thing with the metalwork I'm just going to clean it inside make sure there's Orton's little bits in it and then we're going to lubricate the inside with the fader lube again so that it moves nice and smoothly basically that fader lube is designed to do metal on plastic so it's basically what it's made for so we're just put it on all the services where it's going to make contact with the metal and the plastic so now we're going to clean the actual slider and you can see the brushes on the bottom the brushes on the bottom other part that actually makes contact with those tracks so I'm just going to wipe all the rubbish off of this make sure that the brushes are straight and that they're all sitting at the right angle the most important part of this is not losing that spring if you leave the spring in the bearing you won't find it and I actually lost the spring at the end of this thankfully I had the one from the other fader that was really really bad but yeah so as I put this down I edited it a bit out where it got lost so now I'm just going to do the reverse make sure that you hold the bearing and the spring with your fingers push it back in and you know which way to go because of the click on the side of the metal whoa so then we just place the PCB on the back put it back in the vise and again clamp it in the vise so that we don't bend the metal work as we fold it over don't push it down too tight or you will push the PCB down and then the slider won't work very well so just flip it over do the last two parts just holding it so that I hold the PCB level while we're pushing that back down so there we go feels nice and smooth as it's moved so now we're going to put the feeder back onto the board just pop those legs in and we apply the solder stead straightforward via if you haven't cleaned the solder pads out before you can just use some solder braids to clean those pads then it'll pop back in nicely and then the last thing is pop them out and work back on the top the little PCB for the LED and then a new green LED long leg goes to the outside of the PCB and then just sort of that trim the legs and now we're just going to make sure that the pitch is set up according to the service manual so when it's in the center it should be reading 2.9 K so if we use the brown and the red connections at the top you will get a reading so we can see this is way off but I did just tweak it when I was cleaning the potentiometer so we're just going to twist that around until it shows 2.9 K and then we know that that is now set back to factory standards it doesn't always work sometimes you have to rely on the dots and just the dots so that they're stationary then read the brown and the red wires to see what it should be put the click to the center and then adjust the potentiometer to match those readings I don't know if that's something to do with a component on the main board which is now out of spec but I found that that's the best way to do it so we only there 2.9 K as close as I can get it and then test the motion of the fader make sure that there's no massive jumps or spikes or dead spots that's looking nice and smooth so there we go we've put our fader back together unfortunately I don't have a deck with that particular style of connector and so I couldn't test it but it was a good experiment and I learned plenty along the way so I feel comfortable that I could do this another time so thanks for watching I hope you've enjoyed it
Please explain how to baking
welcome to charlie's crafty kitchen where you can eat what you make hey guys today's episode is brought to you by aldi today i'll be making hot cocoa treats for you using products i purchased from my locality store you can check out the great range already has in store at perfect aussie so now ingredients are the mini marshmallows we got some normal marshmallows we got some jumbo sprinkled christmas trees and we got some iced cookies i've also got some knife and some melted white chocolate we got some skewers chocolate sprinkle and mini candy canes we cut the top of our mini candy canes first we need to get our normal side marshmallow and our candy cane we need to dip it into the white melted chocolate and stick it on the side of the marshmallow and we're just gonna hold it for a little while oh we're gonna get a cooking and lay it down stick some white melted chocolate on the marshmallow and stick it on the cookie we're gonna get our christmas tree stick some melted chocolate on and stick it in the middle of our cups like there you go shiny christmas tree yeah good job we're gonna get our light on to chocolate and stick a circle in the middle here and then we're gonna dip it into the sprinkles oh it does smell nice then we need to get our mini marshmallow break off a tiny little piece we're going to get our skewer dip it in the white melted chocolate and stick it on the top of the teeth and then stick our pieces of marshmallow on and then we're gonna do it with the other one today here's our cute little mini hot cocoas can we eat it now for the taste test if you like this video don't forget to subscribe to our channel and like us on facebook this is like banana this cookie you
Please explain how to make chicken taquitos recipe - how to fry rolled taquitos
to begin frying your chicken taquitos place them in the hot oil they should start to sizzle immediately once again make sure your oil isn't smoking or it's too hot turn it down immediately be sure to place your taquitos fold side down in the pan it doesn't take long until they become brown and crisp let's take a closer look you'll want to turn them once make sure they're brown on both sides and then remove to a paper towel blot away just a little of that extra oil let's try a couple more our oil is hot and ready now if you've rolled your taquitos correctly the fillings won't fall out the end into the oil if they do they'll burn and it can add a bad flavor to the pan perfectly rolled taquitos crisping in our pan turn them once and they're crisp and golden brown on both sides they'll be ready and we'll add our pico de gallo garnish in the next video
Please explain how to cure a yerba mate gourd
Please explain how to grow corn shoot microgreens the ihg method
okay I was encouraged by the P grow the density was phenomenal so let's try some popcorn this is just a variety I got online baby white extra small and tender from Amish country and so why not and I'm planting this is to just to some little cups a little less than a solo cup in each one of those complete to the rim I mean it's a little lower than maybe about that far from the top of two Solo cups one in each jar so we're gonna plant that into one tray first we gotta soak them overnight that's what it looks like twelve or fourteen hours later that's the planting there it's pretty dense I'm trying to sort of see if I can push the density levels for this grow so we got my antifungal spray and I'm gonna spray it big time the bleach treatment did I think the initial sanitizing but I'm going to keep this antifungal on it for at least once a day for a few days when they come up and that's just extra insurance we're also going to put a blackout dome on these until they get some link to them I only want to do that for a few days until until they get up and then when they get up I'll start watering from the bottom with a little bit of nutrient added and I will put shake cloth over instead of a humidity dome this is a corn looks like this is the corn now and there's have received its first rents outside it took the humidity dome off we're going to leave it off now and I rinsed it outside on a very gentle garden stream from the hose and we relieved the humidity dog dome off and we're going to spray the anti fungal on it thoroughly thoroughly drench it let it go into the bottom tray and put some shade cloth on it this time and the reason why we're going to do that is to encourage or have a dark environment without all the humidity and potential issues so let me do that there it is now on the second shelf out of the LED light and a lot of ambient light but the shake cloth should help with that and it's breathable it's got lots of holes in it so should keep the humidity down this is a corn the very next day I'm kind of freaked out thank her a lot there was a couple pieces that stuck in here and I taste it in this taste the corn tastes really sweet it's I can't believe how sweet it is but it's got like a artificial sweetener taste not like a sugar sweetened their taste it tastes kind of like not that I've tasted grass but I imagine grass that is sweetened with sucralose or aspartame that's what it tastes like to me next day let's try one now yesterday they were really tender it's a like artificial sweetener let's try this one today about the same as yesterday maybe a little more fibers a little bit this is a corn now looks really good last time I had a little bit I've tried this once before and a little bit of mold issue and I just can't bring myself to eat it so I decided just start over and what I did was I use offended instead of keeping it you know completely moisture the humid area under the dome and I vented it this time and I made sure that the I had a nutrient and it didn't come up into this area so basically the only thing that's touching down it's getting moist as the roots so let's try one of these now that it's a little well okay so let's try this one and these are about my guess would be about four inches and four to five inches actually that's what it looks like now it's a little bit bitter same graph taste and it finishes with a really sweet sweet like I said before artificial flavoring artificial sugar taste so it's still similar and here's my corn harvest day 3 there are about 5 inches or so and yeah I got a thick mat a really thick mat of grassy tasting corn it is sweet though so yeah that's what the roots look like they work pretty good they look pretty good and one of the things about it no medium is you can rinse them and you can hold it upside down and shake it up and laying over will pop back up straight or any little kernels or start growing they will fall out it's a really been pleasant growing no medium and that's the same thing with these corns they were grown though medium as well so pretty dense alright we've cut it off and here is the finished product it's a pretty good product however I don't think these are gonna make it in the house I just don't care for them nor does the wife they have that artificial sweetener taste to them at least that's what comes through to me but this is a no medium grow so the value of it is for those of you who do like corn shoots you can definitely grow them no medium if you choose to let's bag these up and see how much they weigh all right there it is plastic bag let's turn the scale on not gonna be very much huh it's actually more than I thought was gonna be shade over a pound of corn from one 1020 flat
Please explain how to rinse your hair with coffee correctly for strong and bouncy hair at home
do you know how trance your hair with coffee correctly for strong and bouncy hair at home we usually use coffee for that early morning kick to start the day but did you know that a coffee rinse can also reenergize your hair this remedy is great for those with dark hair it boosts the rich color of your hair increases shine and naturally conditions it on top of all of these benefits it also leaves your hair's smelling like heaven all you have to do if brew a simple cup of black coffee set it aside to cool and then rinse your hair with it the downside with this remedy is that those with lighter hair should be careful Coffee Len boots rich brown color freely to your hair and can often stain blonde or light hair you can complement these hair answers with the pan shampoo and conditioner range for fully protected strong and beautiful hair so get your hands on these simple ingredients and get rinsing subscribe us for more hair growth treatments and tips
Please explain how to grow chamomile
Hi, this is Yolanda from And in this segment, we're learning more about herbs and specifically we're learning about how to grow chamomile. Now many of us enjoy chamomile because its a beautiful, beautiful herb that is very soothing and very calming and the plant itself is very easy to grow in your garden as well. Its beautiful and it has like daisy-like flowers all over it. And you can just start it by the roots or you can start it by seed. But its a perennial in many areas it never dies back. In colder climates it will die back and come back in the spring. But in warmer climates, its evergreen and it will bloom almost all year round. And chamomile is a beautiful plant and its actually the seeds or the flower heads that they use for the chamomile teas, so they just dry them out and just put them in teabags and then seep them in some water and you can have your own chamomile tea. A lot of people use it right on salads as well. There are many, many uses for chamomile but its very easy to grow. Just put the root or start by seed and plant them usually in the spring or you can also plant them in the fall and they'll grow as well. So make sure and plant about three inches deep or make sure that the roots are very covered, or if its a seed that its worked into the soil. And water it well in the summer because it likes full, hot sun and grows naturally in the meadows. So its a beautiful plant for your yard.
Please explain how to crochet garland mala with pendent- tips of making crochet art jewellery for deity
Thanks desecration er now today in this session I'm going to work a garland ornament for Lord little Krishna so Gilly I'm going to use this yarn this hope and these are some pearls and this I have used for Center so yato head boham left or right side Kelly a huge Karenga yay multi or eh okay this will be used in center part so let us start now first of all you need to insert all these poles in the yarn so I have already inserted this hook now slowly these are total ten you have a total 10 have the left side Kelly a patch or right side Kelly a patch and in the middle one this will be inserted so first of all we'll insert fie pulse one two three four five four one side then for the center this is for the center and for the next let us first insert it one by one one two three four five okay for one side this is for the center and next Phi for other side what does reside clear or touch okay after inserting all of this pulse now it is time to world crochet now slowly remove slowly remove this remove thread from this hook okay now it is time to start crochet work hold your yarn like this okay yeah happy dopey man insert Keota were already here happy homely secure raka her OC thread na jeong's a más tarde color you so one by one we'll take as we need okay now let us start first of all I'm going to work Jane stitch one two three four five six six chain stitch now I will take one okay 17 Street now I will take one Paul just secure it and slowly take it one take it okay and now take next yarn from here and work single crochet okay chain stitch similarly chain one again take another again take another secure it again secure it with chain stitch again chain one take next ball secure it gene one more take next from this hook gain secure it chain one again take one more chain one security chain one so total fie pulse we have inserted now it is time to work for the center so chain one more up to center Killian insert cata just take that again work single crochet I'm sorry slip stitch chain one more and now take pulse for other side in this way continue finish the another side take one slip stitch chain one gained in next take next one chain one chain one chain one now chain 7 one two three four five six and seven now just cut over here so as you can see the base we have already created okay now with from this single chain stitch I'm going to work next border using another thirty third you
Please explain how to frost (dip!) cookies with royal icing
this is the method that I use for putting what I call a base coat of royal icing on to cut out cookies that you'll then add some variety of decoration to Kathleen is dipping the cookie into a diluted royal icing and I'll show you how to get that texture just right in the minute when you do it that way and you do have it just the right consistency the frosting stays on the cookie and you don't have to outline it with a piping bag you don't have to flood it after you piped an outline you can do it all in one pass it's much easier on your hands and it takes easily less than half the time so here it is again she's dipping the cookie and usually the fussy end the end you want the frosting to drip down from is at the top so you can see how nicely this red royal icing coats the antlers and the entire headed steer just in the side we know that deer heads usually aren't red this is a special order for someone who wanted us to make an assortment all in red and white the consistency of the royal icing is really important you can start with it whatever stiffness you've major royal icing the only thing you really need to make sure of if you're going to try this technique is that you dilute it enough that when you put a spatula through the icing the marxist bachelor may disappear within three or four seconds and I'll show you what I mean here's the spatula and the royal icing it needs to be diluted with just drops of water until it's time a little bit you want it to be just that smooth so that when you take the spatula out it goes right back to a plain surface it'll take some experimenting on your part probably you'll know if it's too thin because the frosting will drip all over the sides of the cookies you'll know if it's too thick because you'll have you won't have a smooth surface and I'm just going to show you a little bit more closely this tray of cookies look at how perfectly smooth they are and how the edges look finished even if you didn't add a pipe detail which of course we will so I hope this helps use the extra time you say doing something you love
Please explain how to season cast iron grill grates
hi everybody its Jeff with home repair tutor and I'm gonna show you how to season your grill grates I'm using Crisco and typically you would use paper towels I don't recommend using paper towels because little bits and pieces will come off on the grates and it's just a mess so we had a million of these microfiber cloths hanging around and I thought hey why don't I use a microfiber cloth so it worked out great on the first great that I seasoned and I wanted to show you how to do it on the second grade that I'm working on now so you want to apply a very thin layer of the Crisco to your grill grade very thin and just go over all the corners all the nooks and crannies on this grate and do it for the two other sections as well the cool thing about these char-broil grates is that they come apart okay so you have two smaller parts and then you have the bigger section and I recommend doing them in sections because it's just a lot easier so again highly recommend using a microfiber cloth it's so much better than using a paper towel alright and the next part I'll show you what you do outside with your grill you want to set it up on low heat and let it preheat for fifteen minutes go ahead and do that while your C's name and grill grates and then you'll be good to go and I'll show you what you need to do once you get outside hey everybody pre-heat your grill on low for 10 to 15 minutes on this weber gas grill that equates to about 300 degrees fahrenheit then you want to stick your preseason to iron cast iron grill grates inside the grill I put the char-broil grates back together and the cool thing about this brand of replacement grill grate is that they are adjustable that is you can adjust the depth so it's way cool now be careful setting them inside the grill don't burn your fingers I thought needed three of these grates but it turns out I'm a dummy and somehow majored incorrectly so only two greats fit in this video that's what you get for buying Charbroil grill grates for a weber grill duh so don't make the same mistake as me measure the width and depth of your grill to get the correct size grates in order to season cast iron grill grates you'll need to let them bake inside the girl for one to one and a half hours and at the end of this time frame let the grates cool down to the outside temperature and you're done it's pretty simple and to prevent your grates from rusting you'll need to occasionally coat them with Crisco so I hope this video was helpful feel free to visit me over at because i have a ton of other helpful weekend home repair projects and have a great day
Please explain how to: clean your ear pads
silence redefined november 2014. what's up guys welcome back to the channel today i'll be taking care of something that i have put off for way too long now cleaning the velour pads of my buyer dynamic dt880 pros now i bought these things back in january of 2013 almost two years ago for their outstanding sound quality and their supreme level of comfort but in recent months i've noticed they don't feel quite as cozy on my ears as they used to so what changed did my standards for comfort go up since i no longer wear pants to work maybe but a more likely cause is the amount of dust and skin oils that have built up around the ear cups over time after all i use these cans almost every single day often for hours at a time while i'm editing amazing videos eventually all of that accumulated grime makes the velour fibers clump together and lose their delicate softness i used to fall asleep wearing these headphones now they keep me up at night while pimp kyle wants to throw money at the problem and buy a new pair of earpad replacements techtuber's salary kyle is asking how do we clean them so i've decided to be thrifty and make a basic video showing off how to easily restore a pair of velour ear pads the process is really quite simple first remove the ear pads from your headphones the dt880 pads have a thin lip that goes around the outer edge of the plastic ear cuffs grab one area of the pad by its fabric and gently pull away from the ear cup until it slips off then bust out a lint roller to collect any crud that may be resting on the surface of the ear pads next fill a bowl with warm water and mix in one teaspoon of laundry detergent now it's time for the ear pads to go for a swim squeeze the ear pads when they're underwater to soak everything in then gently scrub them all over with your fingers making sure to get deep into the fabric remember that gaming marathon you had last summer when the ac was broken a good portion of your bodily secretions produced that day still lives on inside of your ear pads if you weren't scrubbing good before you are now once you've given them a proper washing squeeze out most of the water and drop them into a second bowl filled with water at room temperature rinse thoroughly before giving them one last squeeze and leaving them out to air dry once they're completely dry give them one last lint roll and reattach them to your headphones i should point out that the ear fitting on the dt880s is pretty damn tight so you'll have to be assertive when putting them back on after all is said and done the final result has my two-year-old headphones looking and feeling like brand new this was a super quick way to revitalize my cans and could have only been made easier if i wasn't making a video about it join me next time when i discuss how to make a video about cleaning your ear pads as i
Please explain how to make spiral beaded necklaces
i'm monica from monica's quilting bead creations in palm desert california and today we're going to learn how to do a spiral beaded necklace the first thing that you want to do is you want to determine what you're going to start out with we're just going to show you the simple version of it which is done in a lot of these straps here you're going to begin with using your nemo thread synthetic thread that's been heat treated you're going to start with a core of four beads holding it in your left hand and bringing it down leaving a nice four inch tail you're going to pick up three outside beads which i call ribs and you're going to take it up all the way through the bottom once these beads are attached i always swing my beads to the left picking up one inside bead one of your cores three outside beads your ribs you're going to bring it all the way down and you'll go back up through the center of four beads starting from the top one two three four take your needle all the way up through those four beads pull your thread and swing the beads to your left you'll continue in this matter picking up one bead three outside beads until you have your desired length this is one of everyone's favorite pieces to do we use these for necklaces themselves straps all different kinds once you learn the basic spiral rope using any side speeds you want these are size six you can use other beads and go back and surface embellish the spiral rope as we've done here with pearls or you can double surface embellish it like we've done with this piece and you can add beads to the outside as you're doing your cores i've added chips so my count was a little different on this but this is one of our favorites this is using a smaller bead and that's how we do a spiral beaded necklace
Please explain how to melt lipsticks into a palette - tutorial | shonagh scott | showme makeup
hey why not welcome back to my Channel today I'm going to show you how ID can melt my lipsticks to fit into my palettes this is an old empty Mac palette and I've got the insert that takes 24 lipsticks you can buy 12 but if you buy the 24 then you can continue just to build up your collection and add to your palette as you go along so to do this you're going to need a metal spoon ideally one with a long handle as it can get quite warm then I made a list of the names and the finishes of each lipstick and I cut them out to decamp my lipsticks from the tubes I'm using a metal spatula but you can use a knife just be careful and then you're also going to need a candle now this is the first time I've used the 24 palette so I'm a little bit unsure as to how much lipstick is going to take to fill the small container just use a small bit to begin with because you can always milk more lipstick on top of it hold your spoon at least a centimetre or two above the flame because otherwise it will turn the base of your spoon black and if any lipstick touches the black it will go into your pot once the lipstick is melted you can pour it into one of the empty slots if it's not quite reach to the top you can melt a little bit more of the lipstick from the tube into the spoon and then just pour that on top and it sets really quickly then I'm taking the name which is pure Zen and I put CS / cream machine at the end which is the finish of the lipstick then over there I'm placing a small amount of scotch tape and I'm going to use this to stick to the bottom of the palette and I'm going to do that for each color as I go along so for future reference I'll always know which lipstick is which color on which finish this is a lipstick I've already used so I'm just accounting what's left in the tube that's why you need something that's small so you can get into the tube and pull out the remainder of the lipstick as there's more lipstick on this spoon I don't it overflow so I'm going to use my spatula to hold back the solid lipstick pour in what's already liquefied then return the spoon back over the flame to melt the remaining lipstick and then just pour that on top again if the finish of your lipstick happens to be a frost or a pearl finish and you find that as you're melting it you can see that the shimmer particles or the pearl particles are separating just give the liquid a mix with your spatula using this method really doesn't compromise the finish of your lipsticks I just like to make sure that with those certain finishes you are going to give them a little mix before pouring them back in that way it's distributed nice and even now I am using matte lipsticks because I'm using a Mac palette but that doesn't mean you can't use other brands in this palette or any other palette you can do this with any of your lipsticks from any brand you can also do it with gel or cream formulas this palette will last you a while but if you do run out of one of the lipsticks you just simply wipe it clean and then add in a new lipstick so hope this has been really helpful for you don't forget to label your lipsticks on the back so you know what they are then all you need to do is select the insert back into the palette if you want to remove the insert place your thumbs on opposite corners with your fingers underneath the palette press against the base while pulling backwards with your thumbs and this will pop the insert out it's quite easy when you get the hang of it so I hope this was helpful for those of you that have makeup kits or that just like having loads of lipsticks on them all in one convenient place remember to give the video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it don't forget to follow me on facebook twitter and instagram they're all let's show me makeup hit the subscribe button if you have not already done so and don't forget you can check out my previous tutorials here thank you for watching and I'll see you in my next video bye
Please explain how to make ryzogalo (greek rice pudding)
top hi there and welcome to the dessert section of this uh couple of videos uh the other thing i found on the refrigerator remember the last video we we did that lovely curry which by the way we've enjoyed thoroughly just absolutely brilliant i found some cold hemp seeds and i need to just put in a disclaimer before we get too involved with this in australia and new zealand it's ridiculously stupidly and pathetically illegal to eat these but if you use it as a skin care product that's fine so if you're watching this video in australia and new zealand i'm actually going to make a greek rice pudding or rizzagala and it's you can call it greek rice pudding uh face cake okay as a skin care product or something like that but if you're a sensible part of the planet watching this you're going to really enjoy this it's really simple and straightforward very very quickly you know about the virtues of whole hemp seeds well they are rich in protein 30 to 50 proteins they're an absolute complete food amino acids three sixes and nines essential fatty acids and a tremendous number of trace minerals that just are too many to to actually list you can use the whole hemp seeds basically as a sweet option or as a savory option so in this particular case we're going to use it as a sweet option all right now i'm going to refer to my recipe book because the recipe is on page 179 of my lipstick raw recipe book and very very simply let's just add some cashew milk to what we've got here and i've taken about a third of a cup of cashews and we're going to turn this into milk and this is how easy it is okay so there is your cashew milk and this is sort of thing we have on our breakfast every morning as well uh again rich in protein is so easy to put together now we're going to put in some hemp seeds i'll put a couple of spoonfuls of hemp seeds in there just awesome the other thing that the recipe calls for is some crushed macadamia pieces now this is macadamia nut which is a australian native nut that's available all around the world and we just put two dessert spoons of that in as well cool the other thing the recipe calls for is a mashed banana do you know that this banana is not rotten uh the spotty banana is the best you can eat so if you've got any bananas don't eat them nice and yellow wait for the spots to occur these spots indicate basically the presence of an enzyme which actually supports the function of the gut so the spot here your banana the better your gut function will be so we'll just de-skin that and we'll put the banana in there i'm not going to put all the banana in because we're going to run out of space the other thing we need is some some agave nectar now i'm out of agave nectar so i'm using coconut palm syrup which provides us same sort of sweetener we'll plonk that in now the idea is to get this really really sweet which is absolutely fair you can put raisins or sultanas into this crush but what i'm going to do is i'm just going to put some fresh orange juice in this which just gives it the same sort of sweetness that a sultana or raisin would do so i'll just quickly get some juice out of here these are new seasons oranges and i love it at the markets because there's one particular lady grower and she grows mandarins and oranges and of course i gauge the whole year's cycle on her presence and she arrived back at the market two weeks ago and that's you know a year ago that's how time is flying so just put that juice in there and that's just sweetens it up nicely as you'll see we're getting quite a concoction there looks a bit like a a cocktail or a smoothie of some description what else we're going to do a little bit of cinnamon powder i'll just use the edge of that there and that's basically it you know you can we're going to actually just make this up and pour them into these little glasses and you can garnish with blueberries or any seasonal fruit i've got some strawberries here which i'll slice up and put on them okay that's it all together let's just give it another burst here okay it's quite liquidy but you know you can make it as thick or as thin as you like just by adding more banana it looks more like a smoothie so just put that in there it's still quite thick it's just awesome wait till my guests enjoy this now this is about as action-packed in terms of protein and nourishment as you can get there we go and let's just slice up a um strawberry and just pump some strawberry on top beautiful and there we have it absolutely brilliant that's an alternative to rice pudding now what i like to do is just finish it off with a bit of macadamia crushed macadamia nut on the top as well now traditionally this would be cooked when the greeks do it but we're just acting as if because we don't do things with just a drizzle of that okay so this is a really quick way of actually having a sweet dessert without actually getting carried away there's no sugar in it the ingredients are 100 percent uh guilt-free and 100 uh nutritious nutritious you could almost have this for breakfast it's that good that wraps up this wee video recipe is actually on page 179 of my let's eat raw recipe book i know you'll enjoy it along with a whole lot of other really sweet and simple recipes there as well so until the next class remain really really healthy if you want to deviate that's fine am i cooking some food no one's going to be policing you or there's no cameras hidden in the ceiling or anything like that the most important thing is have fun little steps at a time and just glow with the flow cheers
Please explain how to make turmeric 'golden milk'
golden milk is a traditional Ayurvedic remedy and general tonic for balancing all constitutional types and it's very good for men for women for young for old it's pretty much really good for everybody now it's used for enhancing immune function reducing inflammation of all kinds it's good for pain relief it's good for supporting liver detoxification it's very good for the bones for the joints and the way in which we're going to make it in this video it's going to be very soothing to the nervous system very calming and to help you to relax and reduce feelings of anxiety as well but before we go and make this you should know that we're going to be using turmeric paste to make this golden milk and we covered how to make turmeric paste it's very very quick and easy we covered how to do that in this video here and we also covered how to make your own turmeric powder in this video here and we covered most of the vast health benefits of turmeric in this video up here so really the golden milk is an amazing medicine that we can make at home very quickly very easily and it's something that the vast majority of us could definitely benefit from so let's get on with it okay so first of all we need the milk portion of our golden milk and traditionally this was milk from dairy cows obviously you can use that so long as you can get hold of good organic grass-fed milk really the rest is not worth bothering with for a number of reasons but in this video I've basically used sprouted oat meal to make an oat milk so this is going to be loaded with a lot of its own nutritional medicine but oats are actually a relaxing nerve vine which means they're very soothing and pacifying to the nervous system so they can definitely help you to relax to unwind to calm down and just generally feel better which is an issue for most people the world over right now so I'm going to use that milk for this recipe now when we're making it we want to be using about 1 cup of liquid which is just over a quarter of a liter per person so I got three people in my household so I've put 3/4 of a liter in there now we want to be using anywhere between 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of the paste per person we're going to put 1 1 good-sized teaspoon and per person those were pretty big maybe the third one will be a bit smaller yeah so we've got 3 teaspoons in there one for each person the next thing we want to add to this is some organic ground black pepper we don't to add too much you know just a couple of grinds on it as good enough and if you watched any of the previous videos then you'll know that the pepper in constituent in black pepper makes the curcumin in turmeric 2,000 percent more bioavailable and absorbable by the body so in this instance as we're taking turmeric internally and obviously it's going to go through the digestive tract and through the membrane of the small intestine into the bloodstream we definitely want to be adding some black pepper to this mixture so now we just want to bring it over to the stove put it on a medium heat and keep stirring it you know because we want all of the turmeric paste to dissolve into the liquid and we're going to cook this for anywhere between 5 to 10 minutes now it is important that we don't overcook this yeah we don't need to boil it we already cooked the turmeric when we made the paste so the paste is a kind of turmeric extract already so all we're trying to do here is just infuse that time written paste medicine into this liquid so we really don't need to overcook it once it's cooked we need to just transfer it over to somewhere where it can cool for a while so obviously once your golden milk is cold you're gonna want to pour yourself some what I found is sometimes when you pour it you still get some of the remaining turmeric powder in your cup which tends to all set at the there's a kind of sediment so it's not really a big deal and you know who cares you can still drink it and swallow it anyway but I tend to think that you know you get a smoother slightly more pleasant texture to the drink if you strain it when you pour it now this drink is absolutely delicious but some people don't quite get along that well with the slight bitterness of turmeric so for people like that obviously you can add a small amount of your favorite sweetener bustoff avoiding any kind of refined sugars or anything like that try and keep it so it's natural whole food sweeteners what I'm going to use is a small amount of organic raw honey now the honey doesn't only sweeten this drink it also acts as a delivery vehicle for the turmeric medicine so it's actually helping it to absorb even further and actually reach its target within the body traditionally almond oil was added to golden milk but nowadays almond oil is pretty hard to get hold of it's hard to get out of good quality stuff anyway and it's very expensive so something that's a little bit more accessible and a really good substitute is sesame oil but again make sure it's you know unrefined cold-pressed and it's organic we really don't need to add a lot but again this father helps the delivery of the medicine into the body and sesame oil in particular is something that's used in both ayurvedic medicine and tibetan medicine as a way of pacifying the wind element so all that's left is to mix everything in nicely and drink Cheers now we may not all have an excess of the wind element constitutionally speaking but generally nowadays it's considered that a lot of chronic illnesses and mental health conditions that so many people are experiencing have an imbalance of the wind element as an integral component in what makes up that condition so what does that really mean well to cut a long story short the wind element represents a movement you know it represents the movement of our bodies it represents the movement of energies and fluids through our bodies it represents the movement of our thoughts you know the way that our mind works the emotional states that come and go so when we have an excess of the wind element in that sense we become overwhelmed very easily we become very anxious we become troubled with worry a lot unnecessarily most of the time so we become very exhausted very overwhelmed and this is such a common occurrence nowadays because the very fast-paced modern world that we're living in is encouraging us to multitask everything you know to have about 100 different projects going on at once we struggle to finish even one of them when you're on the computer you know it's so common now people have like 50 windows open and they're just skipping between one and the other people are like watching 10 different TV shows at once people are constantly looking at their phones when they should be paying attention to what they're doing and what's actually right in front of them so it's all of this you know we're being pulled in every direction at once and this is a very new phenomenon for our species to have to be dealing with this kind of incessant stress that is constantly bombarding us definitely increases the excess of wind element mentally emotionally and physically for a lot of us this kind of lifestyle that we're all leading so whatever our Constitution this can very much be the case so it's very important that we find ways if necessary of pacifying this wind element internally and actually becoming more stable more grounded more peaceful and just more calm and able to handle a ship more easily you know with less drama so the golden milk can definitely help with this and this is one of the key reasons why we add the sesame oil because sesame oil is very heavy it's very dense and when we think about the energetic qualities of the wind element it's very light it's got a lot of fast movement to it it can be kind of rough and abrasive or at least the way it makes us feel can can be like that you know so when we're trying to pacify the wind element we want to choose medicines with the different energies different qualities that oppose that of wind so for example the sesame oil is going to be very smooth very heavy very dense it's all the opposite energies of wind so we can really lower that wind element internally within us now of course the golden milk can be prepared in a variety of different ways this is pretty much following the traditional Ayurvedic method with a slight twist but really this is absolutely amazing it's suitable for all types of people and it could be just so beneficial for so many people it's very easy to make at home so I would say that this kind of turmeric golden milk is really an ancient medicine for modern human beings you
Please explain how to emboss and die cut
hi Suzanne thank you for joining me hope you're having a good day I'm having an awesome awesome day I wanted to do this quick video on introducing you to the Gemini it is right here and it's a fabulous die-cutting machine it's actually automatic it's brilliant super super powerful and if you've ever wanted to know about die cutting and embossing how it works especially how the Gemini works I take you literally through what I now am calling the Gemini 101 literally coming out of the box I'm going to walk you all the way through it and I even test three of the major brands both embossing and die-cutting in this video so I hope you like it yay my gem and I arrived it comes in a really sturdy brown box as you can obviously see I was very excited so I cut right into it and as you open it up you'll see tada there it is well I mentioned it's very well packed so here we are actually opening up the box itself and you can see everything's included inside there and our HSN configuration you get extra goodies so you start out with the instructions I'll get into that more then we're talking about the plates which I'll talk a lot about what these do later on in the video because I think that's some of the really confusing things about working with any embossing system is making what they call kind of the sandwich but they give you a ton of plates inside here to work with now this is the extra goodies that come with our HSN package and what you're getting in here is you're getting a whole bunch of dies you get a bunch of embossing folders and so it's a really nice value of course then I'm actually unwrapping the rest of it obviously you take all the plastic off yeah that's awesome and then you plug it in only five pages of essential instructions the rest are other languages I think one of the most confusing things about using an embossing tool or a die cutting tool is actually figuring out the layers and with the Gemini you get plenty of layers to work with which is great but I wanted to kind of clarify it okay you're lots of plates as you saw when you open up the box this is one of the base plates that's called the clear-cutting plate I'll definitely talk about layers and more in depth in just a second the next plate that you get is the magnetic shim it's one of my personal favorites because it keeps things nice and neat and organized then you get a rubber embossing mat that's used for doing really intricate embossing when you're not getting the correct pressure or you don't want to over pressure this is the metal cutting plate and that's great when you really need to increase more pressure on very very fine cuts the plastic shim you use a lot that's important and it's one of the basic plates in the kit and then the clearer cutting plate the second one you get is used at the very top layer you also get these wonderful embossing folders these are standard sized folders and you get a lot of dies so you can cut images right on the box this is showing how you peel it off the little cardboard that it comes with and you can see it just in that one package there's one two three four five different dies to work with and then that right there alone is an immense amount of creativity okay now it's time to talk about the sandwich this is how everybody refers to it and the best thing to do is always think start from the bottom and work your way up I find that to be easier so here's how it works let's go to the bottom you start with a clear cutting plate then you're going to see inside there is a frosted plastic plate or shim they call it a shim then there's a black magnetic shim as I said it was one of my favorites then with the die you put the blade side up then you have the material above that that you want cut and then the clear cutting plate on top of that okay so we're going to cut a die so we start off with a clear then there's the frosted plate then we're going to add the magnetic shim and then there's the die now this is really crucial be sure the blade side is up you'll feel it if it's down it's going to cut that magnetic shim and you don't want that to happen then what you're going to do is take whatever material you're cutting whether it's vellum or paper or cardstock put it on top and then finish it off with a clear plate okay so here's an example using the dyes that I showed you earlier there's the blade there's the flat side the smooth side and then there's the blade side you want to place it down and that magnetic shim is fabulous because it actually holds everything in place when you go to move it so it doesn't slide around and you can see I'm just going to cut one sheet of paper but I could do different pieces of cardstock you know you can fill the thing up I've got one little thing if I wanted to so just several ways to be able to do that so again I'm just showing you right there make sure the blade side is up facing you then of course I'm going to take my cardstock and I place it on top of it and then I'm going to finish it off with the other clear plastic plate that's included and then it's now a full sandwich and ready to go in the machine let's talk about the glorious machine itself there are three buttons that's very simple power pause/resume and reverse so you turn it on and once it's turned on now it's ready to emboss or to cut your dye now you're going to put the sandwich in there what's really neat is the machine automatically grabs it and it's going to take it through and automatically stop on the other side so you're no longer ever going to hand crank if you've done an old machine before or another stylus system what's also really awesome is if it does not fit correctly it will spit it back out at you to redesign the layers and the shims so that's another great feature many times though you don't need to go all the way through you have a little die you're doing on the edge so you can just go part way through reverse it back out towards you and then it'll be quicker that way now here it is it's come through and you'll see how beautifully it just cuts everything if you have a little warping at first it's kind of understandable because the machine is brand new but that'll kind of settle down if you can you do have warping you have too much pressure on your shims so you need to adjust that well let's embossed okay clear plastic plate there's your embossing folder you slip a piece of cardstock in there and then use your other clear plastic plate on top of that now of course you're just going to run it through the machine there it is clear embossing folder another clear plate the machine grabs it it runs it through and of course it stops automatically on the other side and I never get really get bored of the results I think it's great you can take a very inexpensive piece of paper and make it really beautiful and textured using embossing folders so let's build the next one alright here it is the clear plate the frosted plate the magnetic don't forget to put the blades towards you then you put the cardstock down the clear plate you're going to place it gently into the Gemini it says yum yum and it rolls right through automatically while you're sipping a cup of coffee isn't that great then what I really like is when you see the final results I take it and I pull it up and then I flick it to get some of the pieces out and then you pull it out and you're like wow look at that die isn't that beautiful alright let's do a Nana embossing folder again I'm setting it up there you can see there's the plastic piece then there's the embossing folder and then the other plastic plate you're going to put it the machine and of course the machine is going to magically grab it and it's going to run it through and hopefully at the other end you're gonna have great results what I did discover was so far in my test everything works identical so there was no additional shims I needed I didn't have to fiddle with anything to make it work and against a little hard to see but it really turned out beautiful a third and final test is with Stampin Up so here we go I'm setting up that famous sandwich there's the Stampin Up dies my cardstock and I'm going to run through the Gemini sames true with the embossing folder I found that through all three brands that the setup was identical I didn't have to do anything special or different than the standard instructions and there's what it looks like coming out and wallop up and finally here's some extra notes for the clear plates if you see marks on the clear cutting plates it's going to happen and that's okay they'll last a really really long time and then you can replace them down the road cracking noises sometimes when you put the plates through or a sandwich through you'll hear this cracking noise and it's the plates and again typically it's a-okay and then finally the warping of the plates eventually going to see there's going to start to bow or they'll curve what you want to do is you want to flip them over every now and then so they go through the Machine differently and that'll help reduce the warping of the plates but again no worries there okay if you loved the video please share it and also I'd love you to subscribe to my page and I'll keep putting up some great creative ideas for you thanks have an awesome day
Please explain how to make cheddar cheese & bacon biscuits | lobster biscuits | thymewithapril
hey everybody welcome back to my channel thanks so much for stopping by but today I'm gonna make some cheddar bacon biscuits something you can enjoy me either breakfast lunch or dinner and people to see how I make it then just keep watching so we're gonna need 2 cups of flour a cup of sharp cheddar cheese and a half a cup of chopped bacon bits a cup of buttermilk 2 tablespoons of garlic powder 1 tablespoon of sugar a stick of unsalted butter we're gonna melt that later 1 tablespoon of baking powder and some cayenne pepper and sea salt so we're gonna start with the dry ingredients by adding the flour into a large bowl along with the sugar and then you're going to go ahead and add the baking powder and then the garlic powder and then lastly you're gonna add the sea salt along with the cayenne pepper for a little bit of heat and now you just want to grab a spoon and just start mixing everything so that everything is well combined and then you're just gonna sit it to the side and we're gonna get started on the wet ingredients so in a separate Bowl go ahead and add that cup of buttermilk and that stick of butter go ahead and melt that down and add that along with the buttermilk grab a whisk mix it together and now we're going to start combining both the wet and dry ingredients so now you just pour the buttermilk in the melted butter in with a flour mixture so now you want to mix your dry and wet ingredients together until it's combined really well but don't over mix it because you want to make sure your biscuits turn out light and fluffy so now you want to add in your bacon bits and add in your cheddar cheese as well and now you just want to fold in your bacon and your cheddar cheese throughout your dough but again you guys don't over mix it because you want your biscuits to come out light and fluffy so pre-heat your oven at 450 degrees so now let's start making some biscuits to make sure that your biscuits are around the same size what I like to do is I like to grab a fourth of a cup and start scooping out the dough and you can begin lining them up on the cookie sheet so that they cook at the same time so now you're gonna put your biscuits in the oven and allow them to bake between 10 and 14 minutes or until they're golden-brown now all your biscuits are baking we're gonna make a butter top to top it off once they come out the oven so the first thing you're gonna melt three tablespoons of butter along with a half a teaspoon of baking powder and some chopped parsley now once your biscuits are done baking you're gonna take that butter mixture and you're gonna grab a brush and start spreading it on top of the hot biscuits and you want to make sure to do it while your biscuits is still hot so that all that flavor can soak in really good and that's it you guys make sure to eat them eat immediately while they're nice and hot so if you enjoyed this video please hit me with a thumbs up and if you give these amazing biscuits a try do comment down below and let me know what you think you guys before you leave don't forget to subscribe by clicking my face somewhere over here or the subscriber button down below along with the notification bell just to let you know every time I upload a video and if you want to see another video go ahead and click that box over there until then thank you so much for watching I love it appreciate you all and I'll see you next time in my next video bye bye
Please explain how to fix a leaking floor jack
all right i'm going to show you how to fix a floor jack this one's a craftsman i got it already torn apart and uh once you have the cylinder out here the it's actually just a regular bottle jack just in a floor jack you know casing but um you'll have a cap on top of it yours will vary mine just had a really large two and an eighth inch note on it holds it in and some of them have like a special little two notches right here that you gotta spin off but um the the problem i was having uh it wouldn't leak down under pressure but just sitting not pumping it up or anything just sitting it would leak around the piston area right here or i'm not sure it might have been leaking around the o-ring here but once you get this off you cannot take this plunger out and just come straight up you can clean it all out with carburetor cleaner real good and this little o-ring right here actually sits inside in that groove and this was the problem notice you might not be able to tell but it's actually flat on the inside completely flat and it wouldn't sealing against the piston here because there's pressure in here and it'll push the fluid out and there's another o-ring that seals the case as well there's like a double seal case o-rings and those fit around that groove there so pretty much if you have a leaking jack that's how you fix them i want to go tomorrow and get some new o-rings and i'll let you know in the description if it fixed it or not which i'm pretty positive it will because about a week after putting new oil in it it would just it would all run down again also if the plunger here where it pushes in and out to pump your fluid you know a little bar there um there'll be a little ring there if it's leaking out of this hole because i think there's like a plastic o-ring there but you can probably get just a little rubber o-ring to put in place of it so i felt plastic to man it wasn't leaking so i'm just going to leave it just get two new o-rings here but if it's actually leaking down when it's jacked up then the problem is with the piston plastic seal i've already got this in there i don't want to take it back out but there's a little o-ring that fits around not an o-ring but there's like a plastic seal that fits around the shaft there it's about it comes all the way out to here and seals up against this if it's really scored up really bad then it'll be leaking down when you you know go to jack it up but my problem was it was just leaking the oil was just leaking out of the case and i would have a big old puddle right back there you can see there so now i have to keep putting oil on it but to get this nut off i had to take it up to sears and have my buddy actually use one of his impacts up there to take it off because i could not get it out with an a pipe wrench or even a device with a big old pipe wrench and actually i went to my uncle's house and used a bigger vise like three times bigger than that one and it still would not budge i had to use an impact of sears or if you've got you know a socket of your own or something that big you can use that but yeah that's pretty much how you fix those well guys i decided on holding off and uh making a video afterwards of uh replacing the seals and uh i um jacked it up that's about full lock and uh actually i want to pull up on this here i feel a focus there we go that goes up all the way completely and if i feel well there we go turn my light on here there's no oil or anything leaking on the inner side of the shaft here nothing completely it's just completely dry that's uh that's good means it's not leaking or nothing and uh if i feel around the uh part here where that inner seal or that outer seal is even underneath i mean there's there's nothing completely so uh pretty sure we got it fixed because um i held off on like a couple of days before actually posting this video go ahead let it down you know real slowly it goes down real slowly without any gurgling noises there that's that's fully down it's not making making new noises or anything and actually i uh jacked up my truck here on the driver's side uh about in the middle and uh just about almost tipped it over actually uh jacking this uh decking it up with this um thing here at full lock and i left it there for about a half hour it didn't leak down one bit i actually uh measured from the bottom of that tire to the ground and didn't lose any uh pressure at all from uh when i measured it i didn't go down nothing um it's fully tightened jacking it up i mean it takes a bit it's not like a two or three pump or nothing but uh but yeah i mean after like five or six pumps it's already up that high i mean and it stays there so and i uh left it open i didn't leave it closed or nothing because you know you're not supposed to do that but leave it open a little bit about a half turn and it doesn't lose no pressure or nothing so uh hell just replacing them seals work so uh yeah got a problem like that go ahead and replace the seal and be good to go
Please explain how to fold underwear | closet organization for your underwear drawer
Today I am going to be showing you a new method that I am using for folding underwear. Personally, I prefer it over the Konmari Method for folding underwear. You can judge for yourself whether it's right for you. If you're not the sort of person who folds their underwear then you should probably just skip this one. Let's go. So what you want to do is place your underwear face up. Start at the waistband and roll down. It doesn't have to be a particularly tight roll. Roll it down 'til you've got about two inches left. Then you want to flip it over so the back is facing up and then you fold in the sides over the back into thirds, and then the gusset comes up which will create a little opening here and then you want to just push that. So your thumbs are here, two fingers are inside here. And then you want to, basically, like a flap, close it over. And then you continue to do that, continue to push it in, rolling it up, basically, until the waistband comes up like that. And there you have it. So I'll just do that with something else just to show you that it does work on all types of underwear. So these are just some boy shorts. So, again, face up... roll down... until there is about two inches and flip them over then flip them over... fold into thirds across the back... fold this in... That creates this little hollow here. So two fingers in here and your thumbs here. So with your thumbs you push in and with the rest you pull out. And then you keep going until the waistband is rolled all the way over. And that's that. It also works on things that are a little bit flimsier maybe or, you know, just have, like, strings. So a thong, things like that. Again, you want them to be face up. Same idea -- roll down until you just have a small amount left at the bottom, flip it over, cross into thirds across the back, lift this up... That creates your little pouch and then you want to turn it basically inside out and keep doing that, keep pushing in the sides, rolling it until the waistband is here. And I'll just show you one more time. Just, again, that it does work on all different types of underwear. Again, these are relatively flimsy. Face up, start with the waistband, roll down and then flip over, fold into third across the back. This over, that creates your little pocket here and then you just want to... I'll show you from this side. So you're pushing in, pushing in, rolling it up. And, again, the waistband just pops up. And that's it. So then they all look like this. You take... What I do is take one of these SKUBB boxes. I've mentioned these in previous videos -- in my KonMari folding video -- and then I just stand them all up like so. And that is how I now fold my underwear. And there you have it. Think you'll give it a go? Let me know in the comments below. And please do share this video with your organization-loving friends. I came across this method in another video but I did adapt it slightly so that the front of the underwear is on the outside which is why I'm showing you my version. Thank you to everyone who brought the other video to my attention. Give this video a big ol' thumbs up if you would like to see more demos from me. Not necessarily folding but just other life hacks and organization tricks. Don't forget to subscribe to this channel if you haven't already because I upload new videos every Thursday to help you live a simpler, happier, more organized life. If you're on YouTube, the button looks like this, and you will find it down there. And don't forget to click the little bell beside it to turn on notifications. Until next time... happy folding! Go raibh míle maith agaibh agus feicfidh mé sibhse go luath. Slán.
Please explain how to install a vintage lockset | this old house
well right here we've got a solid core four panel door yeah and uh now the lock motors has to get pushed into a mortise that's all right now the average height for doorknob is usually around 36 inches all right but in this case what we want to do is we want to center this discussion right here on the panel okay so if we take a rough measurement right there that's the height that we want the doorknob set at let's see what number that is that is 37 inches so that's good close enough to 36 okay okay the next thing we want to do is we want to find out the distance that we want to drill the hole for the knob to be at so i want to keep the lock set flush with the edge of the door because that's where it's going to eventually sit exactly i want to center it on my hole there on my height and then i want to take and mark hole right there okay now i'm going to take my pencil i'm going to hold it flat because i want to just give me give myself a little more play mark the height so it's another line that's a little bit wider than this lock set right we want a little bit of play when we slide it in mark the height the depth and i want a center line down the door and that will be right there and that's where we'll drill tommy i like this homemade vice you've got here this is great kevin it's like a second set of hands and it really holds the door up on its edge when we're trying to work on the edge this is another little tool i like it's a portable drill press goes on any drill and it will allow us to drill a hole squarely through the door okay so the drill press doesn't rock on the edge of the door i took a couple of scrap pieces of two by six and some scrap pieces of plywood and i made a jig to sit on the edge of the door yeah it was clever now we're ready to drill some holes center it up yeah set it right on that line there okay now our holes are drilled all right with the hole vacuumed out i'm going to put a straight line on the outside edge of the holes on each side of the door because this is where i'm going to chisel to oh yeah okay now i'm simply going to take my chisel and start removing the excess all right good let's see how we did it's very nice now this plate has to be flush with the edge of the door so once i center it i'm going to hold it into position and i'm going to mark around the perimeter so just using a utility knife not a pencil yeah i want to get really close to have a nice tight fit nice gentle touch because i don't want it to run on me i don't want to split this edge of the door here all right let's see how we did nice and flush that's nice next thing i want to do is take a scrap piece of wood and clamp it to the back side of the door so when i drill through the face of the door we won't damage the veneer on the backside all right let's see how it looks works well looks great tommy some old character to new door nice job tommy thanks kevin
Please explain how to make a shamrock out of pipe cleaners
okay this is how you make a shamrock out of pick cleaner make a loop twist it twice put a little indent in the top to make a heart shape like that make another loop on the other side twist it twice put a little indent in there for your other leaf now make a loop at the top twist it twice put a little indent at the top no I like to take my stem fold it up and twist it to make it a little bit chubbier and that's how you make a shamrock not a pipe cleaners
Please explain how to knit the stockinette stitch - for dummies
stocking net stitch is a common knitted stitch used to create most knitted garments its characteristics include it has a right side which is the flat side and a wrong side which it has little bumps the edges do curl so you'll want to create an edging on your piece but it's fun and easy to do this is the right side on the right side you're going to want to knit when you come to the end of the knit row smooth out your work and turn it this is the wrong side the wrong side you will purl when you reach the end of your purl row go ahead and smooth out your work and turn you're ready to begin again on the knit side
Please explain how to remove the smell from your gym shaker
okay so for everyone that uses these type of shakers whether it be for the gym for your protein shakes all meal replacements you know no matter how much you wash them after while they develop a smell inside that you just can't get rid of so this is a perfect way to get rid of the smell from your gym bottle so first of all we're going to put in a one tablespoon of baking soda and to that a quarter cup of white vinegar now it's going to froth up a bit little bit frothing is going down as you can see just keep mixing it around so once a frothing has stopped we're just going to fill up fill it up with water it's just up to the top and once that's full of water we're gonna let that sit there for one hour and after one hour we're going to tip it out rinse it out so once it's washed out you'll have a nice fresh and smell free shaker so thank you for watching this episode of home handy hints please do me a huge favour by giving this video a thumbs up leave a comment and subscribe and I'll see you next time for another home handy hint
Please explain how to remove stripped screws from a phone
today I'm going to show you a few techniques that we use to remove stripped screws from cell phones please be very careful with these methods if your screwdriver slips or you make any other minor mistake along the way it is possible to cause damage to the inside of your phone or to pretty much make the screw even more difficult to remove before I talk about a couple of things that may have gone wrong I want to point out that there are two different things that typically happen and one will be that the head of the screw itself so the place where you will place your driver sometimes that gets stripped out so you're not looking at a nice crosshair like that but instead it looks rounded on out on the inside and the other thing that can happen is that the threads the goal on the side of the screw can actually get damaged and so can the part inside the phone that those threads go into so they're similar but different remedies for those different situations and of course the first thing is to determine why your screw isn't coming out of the hole that you're putting it into is it the head that's tripped or is it the thread now with that said I want to also point out that one of the more common reasons that we see this happen is because a lot of people assume that Phillips is Phillips and in the case of cellphones we have something called a pH triple zero which is a very small Phillips bit that will fit into most of the internals on an iPhone and then we have something else called a pH triple zero but this is a Japanese industrial standard and if you look at the tip you'll see it's a bit more blunt than the one on the left and for that reason when you interchange these two drivers sometimes you end up causing damage to the screws so long story short I use this mostly for Samsung's and I typically use the pH double zero although this does fit well enough to work and with the triple zeros those are generally going to be used for iPhones and a few other brands so it all depends on what you're working with and it's good to know for sure that your blade or your tip is seated properly in the screw before you start turning it because the more you spin it around when it's not getting a grip the more damage you're gonna do and the more difficult it's going to be to remove that screw now if the head of the screw strips out there are a few different things that you can do and I'm actually missing the screw here I'll explain that in just a second but this is a pentalobe screw and this is a Phillips bit or blade and this is what happens quite a bit when people were working on iPhones and they haven't done very many as they forget that this screw here is different than the one on the inside and if you interchange those two drivers you're gonna have problems so I have a pentalobe driver for the outside Phillips for the inside but they look very similar you know especially if you buy the same brand like this or you have a kit where you switch out your your tips this way and you might just forget to do that so if I take my Phillips and start spinning it around in there obviously I'm gonna have problems now one thing that may happen is that your screw doesn't turn and while your driver is spinning around you're just digging a hole into the head or another thing that might happen is that as you're turning the screw it just spins around and doesn't come out of the phone and that will generally indicate that either the threads on the screw or the hardware that you're working on has some sort of damage and they're not able to grip the way that they're supposed to now in the case of a screw that looks like it's starting to wear on the outside one of the techniques that we use and this is kind of a home remedy is basically to fill the gap between the correct size driver and what has been worn away on the screw itself one method you can use to achieve that is to take a rubber band ordinary household rubber band put it over the end of your screwdriver and sometimes that will be enough to fill in that gap so that you can get a grip and turn the screw and get it out of the phone and I want to point out if you ever take a stripped screw out of a phone set it aside throw it away remember that it's not going to be a good idea to use that screw again now if you don't have any luck with the rubber band or you don't happen to have one handy you can also use good old duct tape I've seen people put this over at the end of a screwdriver blade and use that to fill in the gap well enough so that they can remove the screw personally I haven't had a lot of luck with this but there are people that swear by it so if that works for you or you're willing to give it a shot it certainly isn't going to hurt beyond that if those methods aren't helping you to get the screw out of from where it's threaded into usually the next best thing to do is to step up to a larger size so if you've got a point eight pentalobe you might be able to grab a 1.2 which is actually the Penta load driver for a Macbook and if there's enough space worn away in there you might get that to seat and be able to remove the screw that way now that's gonna be a big jump from point 8 to 1.2 but again depending on how worn it is that might work out for you you might actually even be able to switch over to a Torx bit which is similar but as we know quite different than a pentalobe but sometimes you can use one that's very close in size in order to get that screw started and you'd probably have to go down to like a t2 maybe a t3 in order to get that inside there if all of those fail then my next suggestion is going to be one that I also use when there is a screw that has a stripped thread and this is what I had to do the other day and that is to basically put some crazy glue on the end of the screw driver and I'll show you that in the video shortly because I literally had to do that to get a screw out of the phone if that also fails and you still have a screw stuck inside of your phone you're starting to run out of options at this point if you happen to have a soldering iron you can solder your driver directly on to the screw so that it's physically attached and basically welded together and that should give you enough strength or a good enough grip so that you can take the screw out at that point now a lot of people obviously won't have a soldering iron on hand so if that's not an option for you you're down to probably one of the last things and that is to physically drill off the top of the screws head now you can do that a number of ways if you have a precision drill bit and you can get down in there and you can grind it away that will remove the head off the screw and hopefully give you enough clearance so that you can open up the phone and if you're on the inside it will usually leave that remainder of the screw down inside of the barrel that it goes into but again it's some in some situations we don't have a lot of options for that if you don't happen to have a drill that you can use you can pick up something like a Torx bit and just once again go progressively larger on the tip sizes until you get up to the point where it just basically keeps spinning around and grinds away the screw until the very end of the screw is just physically gone now in my case a couple days ago I had a screw on this side which I'm going to show you right now and I will actually edit in the clip from when I had to take the screw out and it didn't want to come out and the reason why is because there's nothing to thread it into I can just grab that screw push it in and it goes right inside the phone so there's something missing or damaged on the inside and if you've ever fixed an iPhone 5c or several of them you might have run into that before because they were notorious for having a problem with the bottom screws not wanting to come out and there are a few different approaches you could take to that now one of them is to grab some tape and once again you can use duct tape for this but I actually prefer this clear tape let me see if I can get it started here you might be able to get that to bond to the screw well enough so that it sticks and then very carefully I would combine this with gravity so hold the film this direction so it has a chance to kind of fall out and once in a while it will stick to the screw and pull it along with the tape and of course when I go to show you that it's not gonna work but it's probably better that it doesn't because if it did we'd be done at this point and that obviously isn't going to work another thing that you definitely want to do is make sure that you've magnetized your driver so sometimes just having a strong enough magnetic force on the end of this will allow it to stick to the screw enough that it comes out and I'll still kind of turn it as I'm pulling and you'll see that it is actually starting to come out so this screw I was able to reach retrieve with the magnet but that is not always going to be the case so I'm gonna push it back inside by the way if you end up in a situation like this where you have a bit of clearance sometimes you can just take something like a pair of tweezers if you have a screw that spins around but it doesn't quite lift out of the hole that it's in and just sort of give it some assistance and pulling it away from the housing or whatever it happens to be screwed into okay so I don't have to turn this screw to get it inside the phone I just have to push it once I get it lined up and it will kind of fall down into whatever whatever's in there or whatever hole was there and isn't anymore now another reason that we found on the five Cs specifically and that may be the case with this phone that the screw doesn't want to come out is not only is it not threaded but also the screen is kind of lifting up and pushing the screw so it's crooked so therefore it is locked in there it's not very it's not a good secure hold but it prevents the screw from slipping out because the screen is putting some pressure on it so what we used to do is just gonna put some pressure down here you don't have to you don't have to push very hard but just enough to get the screen to sit down flat and you might be able to actually shake the screw so that it comes out or grab your screwdriver and put it in here and just very carefully very slowly spinning around and you can see that's not doing anything but you'll have to take my word sometimes it works now I can go back and magnetize again or I have another option I've got a rare-earth magnet if you haven't seen these before they're super super strong magnets and you want to be very careful with them especially when you're working inside of the phone and obviously don't let your kids get a hold of these if they swallow them bad things happen but now that we have a very strong magnet on the end of this I'm gonna go ahead and put that slight pressure on the screen put the mat put the blade down in here and very gently without pushing against it I'm just gonna turn it and hope that that's gonna pull screw out or I might even be able to get the magnet directly on the screw and get it to come off but it doesn't look like it not today so again oh there it goes you see that it is starting to come out I kind of dropped the magnet on there and let go and it started to pull now if it's if it's coming away this far I'll take something like a blade and just go right alongside of it get a grip and kind of pull it away from the phone and there you go and that would give me enough so that I could grab a hold of it from here but once again that doesn't always happen you know usually when I explain how to do something there's a certain number of people to try it and it doesn't work and it's happened to me also so I want to give you probably what would be my last resort you can try going in here with the corner of a razor blade and just kind of pry it out but if you do that be very careful because these things haven't been known to snap off and you don't want them to fly away and hit you in the face so I definitely wear some safety goggles if you're trying a pry prying technique on this outside of that we get down to what I think short of soldering the screwdriver on to the screw is and that is to use Krazy Glue and right now I'm gonna show you a clip from when I actually had to do that the other day so one other option here is that if you've got some crazy glue and this is the gorilla brand stuff you can put just a tiny drop of that on the end of your screwdriver and be very careful with this stuff it does bond skin instantly and anything that comes into contact too can end up being a big mess but once you've got just a little bit of glue on the tip of your driver you can set it in there and just hold it in place for about 10 seconds or so they typically bond pretty fast and then you'll see after that I was able to very gently turn the screw and it did come out of the foam far enough so that I could grab a hold of it with my fingers and remove it the rest of the way but once again when you're inside the phone you want to be very careful because you really don't want glue coming into contact with anything if possible if you found the video helpful like it share it check out my channel for more tutorials and product reviews and most of all remember to hit the subscribe button feel free to leave your feedback in the comment section and thanks for watching