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Github Repo: thamognya/TBertNLI specifically in the src/data directory.


0  this church choir sings to the masses as they ...      the church is filled with song      0
1  this church choir sings to the masses as they ...  a choir singing at a baseball game      2
2  a woman with a green headscarf blue shirt and ...                  the woman is young      1
3  a woman with a green headscarf blue shirt and ...             the woman is very happy      0
4  a woman with a green headscarf blue shirt and ...             the woman has been shot      2

Datsets Origin

As of now the marked datasets have been used to make this dataset and the other ones are todo

  • SNLI
  • MultiNLI
  • SuperGLUE
  • ANLI
  • more from huggingface


Just for finetuning of NLI models and purely made for NLI (not zero shot classification)

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