<Andaru> I don't have any porno <Andaru> I don't particularly like porno either <LuCiPh33R> you're on the internet and you don't like porn?
<hobojackson> i was walking around and saw a car going really fast <hobojackson> SO I SAID WOW THAT CAR MUST HAVE 1024 MB OF DDR SD RAM AND A 256 MEG VIDEO CARD AND A 3 GIGAHERTZ HARD DRIVE AHAHHA AH AHAA AHAHAHHA <spongebob> OMG YOU CONFUSED COMPUTERS WITH REAL LIFE <spongebob> THATS THE FUNNIEST THING I EVER HEARd!!!!!!!!!
<woops> people without porn invent stuff like computers or solve world hunger
<Geologist[afkr]> knock knock <thebigmike1983[FARK]> who's there? <Geologist[afkr]> 9/11 <thebigmike1983[FARK]> 9/11 who? <Geologist[afkr]> YOU SAID YOU'D NEVER FORGET!
<[Ars]Michael> is there any way to make a noise when u get a pm <[Ars]Mikoyan> you could grunt in pleasure
<Renegade|> ops please <Renegade|> why won't the bots remember that i have ops <MatzeRX> u like keep changing ur IP or summit ? <Renegade|> no <MatzeRX> cable or dial up? <Renegade|> dial up
<Anthony> identical twins? <sHyGuY> tis true. <Kagome> we're faternal <Kagome> thank GOD <Anthony> FATernal?
Iride4mosh » no doing gay stuff while im gone ya hear polkaisrad » dont wanna miss out huh? Iride4mosh » shut up man...
<Boned> ever watched scrambled porn only to learn 5 mins later that its two guys?
* ZoMbIeGuY has joined #finalfight <Xerox> It's a zombie! Aim for the head, guys! <ZoMbIeGuY> =( * ToastyGhost knocks ZoMbIeGuY unconscious <Nimduin> ...Wow, he's either AzN or StUpId. <ToastyGhost> Just an AOL'r <ZoMbIeGuY> Uhh... I'm outter here. <ZoMbIeGuY> goodbye. * ToastyGhost cheers <Nimduin> That, or he's Fake President Deling. <TedAran> Ha * ZoMbIeGuY has quit IRC (Quit: )
<freshbob> man, this banana is huge <freshbob> i don't think bananas this big are natural <freshbob> they must be genetically engineered or something <manna> dude, it's not natural, but you have to give your ass a chance to relax
<Jeeeeebus> eg: I was in a doorway with my arm across it resting .. and he walks thru and goes "minimize, please" without even thinking bout it.. <RnRcneHHlt> hahahahahahahahahahaha <Jeeeeebus> I wish I could do that..
<Sentenced4Life> Im from ohio..w00t w00r <int0x6h> that would explain the handle right?
bmp: I'm a strangulation risk bmp: recall me lord: contains small parts lord: keep away from children (for other reasons) bmp: :<
[+Sirex]: ...busy moving from gentoo to debian :) [Si|verwire]: gentoo, debian? eh? where do u live then
<Morstis> The oath of celibacy in the church only means the priest can secretly sodomize young boys instead of having open intercourse with women.
<Ultra_Violet> Xero: I want to fuck your lesbian grand-mother with a dirty wooden spoon
<SonicBlues> man, don't shove vibrators up your ass if your a guy man. I was trying to milk my prostate y'know, damnit, I guess the vibrator was too much for me. <SonicBlues> get this, i slide the dildo up my but, smothered with ky jelly yeah? I flip it on, and I start stroking. <DrQ> this cant end up well.... <SonicBlues> now, i'm in front of a TV, about 3.5 meters away from me, compensate about .25 meters for the diagonal. But man, i start strokng, and maybe 8 minutes later, i get this surging pain from my nuts and i shoot the silver bullet all the way to the tv man. christ. <DrQ> conrgatulations <Thrifty> Hahahahah holy shit man <SonicBlues> yeah, the problem is, I came onto irc to tell you all, my girlfriend stepped in...
<IAmKingBrad> you know, having an opera singer rape you is much like eating a biscuit, except with eating a biscuit you do not have a cock in your ass unless you live at my uncle's house and am my cousin HAHA
[BR00D] haha i gave up on irc, and came back just to harass you :D
<@freshmint> [22:44] Amber: but shooosh I didnt tell u that <@freshmint> [22:44] Amber: hehe ok? <@freshmint> oops. <Spudsta> this, coming from the chick with a metaphorical cock
<Rav3n> my gf is only 2 years old and my parents are fuming. <Rav3n> older
<thezinner> I've yet to find a women with the right MD5sum :)
<Kasugai> matthias_: You could get a job at Google telling their tech dept. what they are doing wrong! <matthias_> for one they still haven't got a mind-reader interface going <Kasugai> I hear they are still trying to implement safe search filtering on that one <Kasugai> Otherwise you get pr0n popping up every 8 seconds.
<Anonymous> Last night, Helen and I were sitting in the living room, and I said to her, "I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle. If that ever happens, just pull the plug." She got up, unplugged the TV, and threw out my beer. <Anonymous> She's such a bitch.
<vocalizedWHORE> mmm, c++ <vocalizedWHORE> do.this(); <vocalizedWHORE> do.that(); <vocalizedWHORE> if (error) <vocalizedWHORE> blame(microsoft);
<Perma> The first time you ever meet a chick, you have to slap her, just back hand the girl as hard as you can, like that, you'll never worry about that chick telling you "You never treat me the was you used too". <Perma> Got that? <rob> what if she likes getting smacked around <Perma> Even better
<LLyric> How do I break out of an infinite loop on a c64? It's been sooo long. <MaggieL> Unplug it.
Session Start: Thu Dec 12 21:34:30 2002 <burzzzzzz> 23:56:55 <burzzzzzz> 3 more mins !! :D <cystum> till what? <burzzzzzz> i can drive on my own <burzzzzzz> 00:00:01 <burzzzzzz> !!!! <milolilo> you're free! <burzzzzzz> <-- officialy a driver !! :D Session Start: Sat Dec 14 19:38:29 2002 <burzzzzzz> i had a little disagreement with cement pilar while looking for a place to park my car :/
[+Sirex]: ...busy moving from gentoo to debian :) [{Ogre}Si|verwire]: gentoo, debian? eh? where do u live then
<Pepe> there are 2 kids in the fourth grade, one white and one black, which one has the bigger dick <L@cky> the black one <Pepe> why? <L@cky> cuz hes black dipshit <Pepe> no fuckface, the nigger's 25! <Nostradom> Dude, stop making fun of black people. <Nostradom> Seriously, I used to have a really good black friend. <L@cky> used to? <Nostradom> money was short...we had to sell him
<merle> damn it, i cant figure out what is taking up so much room on my hdd <scott-> probably gay porn you renamed and hid a long time ago
* DRagon87 flips quarter <DRagon87> heads <Squirl> is heads the bottom?
lope767: watch out man lope767: she'll eat u hole lope767: err lope767: whole FKing Windows: I was sort of hoping for both.
[Video`] The future of tech support isn't changing at all. [Video`] I was in this class of tech support people. [Video`] I took a screenshot of the desktop [Video`] Made it the background [Video`] And moved all the icons [Video`] And they were confused as hell :
<cassius_clay13> so I was with my friend bryan the other night in a bar <cassius_clay13> well he got really drunk and said he was gonna puke <cassius_clay13> so i helped him walk to the toilet <cassius_clay13> all the stalls were occupied <emoti_conartist> lol <cassius_clay13> bryan is a rugby player... so a big guy <cassius_clay13> so he fucking KICKS one of the stall doors open <cassius_clay13> and there's this guy in there taking a shit <emoti_conartist> hahahahahaha <cassius_clay13> and bryan throws up ALL OVER HIM <cassius_clay13> then (this is genius) bryan thinks 'oh shit... if i were taking a shit and someone came in and was sick all over me, i'd want to fuck him up... so i'd better hit him first' <cassius_clay13> so he fucking SMACKS this guy in the face <cassius_clay13> and runs away <cassius_clay13> imagine being that guy... WORST NIGHT OUT EVER
<Ryou> 360's are great but their hardware quality is pretty lol <Kuraineko> it's called 360 because of the trip it takes <Kuraineko> from microsoft, to you, back to microsoft, to you again
<Ken> Massages are pretty healthy for you. <Ken> It's a form of preventive medicine <KageGamer> what about the massages that like the little japanese girl walks on your back <KageGamer> what if she has long nails on her toes <KageGamer> wouldnt that hurt? DannoHung> In mother russia, YOU walk on little Japanese girl!
(During another round of mega splits on DALnet) <Guest51394> how do u get into the servers? <priz> you can't. <priz> if you walked into a McDonalds when the kitchen was on fire, do you think they'd take your order?
<zealous> I was walking to the mobil gas station this morning to get my ride to work as I do every morning (weekdays anyway) when I decided that instead of walking the long way around I would just jump the little wall (about 3 feet high) and get there quicker, well when I went to jump the wall I started off with my left foot instead of my right like I usually do and I didn't bring my foot up quick enough thus catching the wall and sending me face first <zealous> into the ground but somehow I managed to do some wild ninja tuck and roll things ending up on my feet and staring at some guy who was quite bugged eyed so I just raised my arms in a "v" and yelled hazah at the top of my lungs
<bbraun> do you think that when thoreau urged us to simplify our lives, he meant going to serial terminals?
<pairo> you know you're doomed when you have to whois your domain registrar ID to find out your own phone number
<Oriden> you have lens crafters in canada? <EV3> yup yup <Gregg|WaitingForUO> no <Gregg|WaitingForUO> we just leave our visually impaired to die. <Gregg|WaitingForUO> get hit by cars and stuff
<gofer-chan> ...Exo, can I still keep my channel? Or is that like impersonating you or something? <gofer-chan> Because if you want, I'll change the name. <Exophase> gofer; You can keep the channel :p <gofer-chan> Yay! <Exophase> gofer; It's not impersonating me to have a channel called "#exophase", because no one is gonna walk into the channel and go "gasp, I'm sitting inside Exophase!"
<AnTrAaXx> wb Dark <Dark|Lord> wow.. I've been disconnected for 9 hours, and you've been here long enough to gimme wb? :)
<APE_> warezing is like wanking, everyone does it but u dont talk about it
<Xerox> ...Oh god. Nintendo gave me a preview DVD of apparently quite a lot of their games. I have no DVD player. I do, however, have a PS2. CAN ANYONE SEE THE IRONY HERE!?
<makfu> So CaNaBiS, you totally walked into the bathroom and some dood was washing his pants?! <CaNaBiS> makfu, yeah, it was in the public restroom <CaNaBiS> he was naked in front of the sink washing his shit stained pants <CaNaBiS> with no shoes on <naphtali> You should have asked him for some change for the soda machine
<Maddie46> Abs I have tried warez and its confusing <dotcomlarry> yeah, version 1.0 was hard.
<Jiggs> Can anyone tell me the correct syntax for using "! list" for getting the server info?
<daenonok> not unless you wanna get rodney king'd <daenonok> nerd style <R4g3^o^M4g3> I've seen it before. <R4g3^o^M4g3> Plastic keyboard wrist-rests and optical mice...it ain't pretty. <R4g3^o^M4g3> According to the police report "Six geeks who wish to remain unnamed mauled a defenseless jock in a birrage of girly punches and kicks, while repeating a (believed to be satanic) chant; '0wn3d d00d!"
<garyttu> Dude you are not going to believe this... I played golf with my dad today and put my cell phone in my golf bag....well I started to play like ass and took a nine iron to the side of my bag....OOPS!!!!! <banshee> Do i need to explain what a dumb ass you are??? LOLOLOL <garyttu> yeah- it was so funny but at the same time I am sooo pissed at myself <banshee> That is one of those things... where after you do it... you just know... that it was fate telling you to stop acting like a jack ass...
<Guest> how big is the internet? <xmaddness> Well if you go too far you'll fall off the end of it. <Guest> really? <xmaddness> Yep, some people call it IRC
<sean> wow <sean> that fart was gross <sean> sounded like an elephant got shot
<N1k1tA> i can blow a perfect 2600hz pitch with my ass <Nab> heh <N1k1tA> the goatse man is not gay, he is a phreaker
<whiskers> wtf <whiskers> my sister just called me from her room <whiskers> told me to turn down the music <Spyder|TV> crank it <torontotranceaddict> CRANK IT <Kinuvan> CRANK IT *whiskers turns up the music <whiskers>i hear steps *** Signoff: whiskers (Ping Timeout)
<Steve> http://www.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/asiapcf/east/12/14/ korea.nukes/index.html <Jsangspar> I swear to god, CNN and the government are making everything up <Jsangspar> and it's starting to fall apart <Jsangspar> 'The Yongbyon nuclear facility in North Korea. Pyongyang says it will restart the nuclear reactor there ' <Jsangspar> "YONGBYON"? "PYONGYANG"? Now they're just making fun of asian people <Steve> "Neighbor and potential threat FLIEDLICE has threatened to destroy any troops coming through their territory, be it from the western YELLOWSKIN or the east's SLANTEYEBASTIDS." <Jsangspar> gahahah
<hajjs> a floppy just got stuck in the computer <hajjs> htf do i get it out? <Puppet-Master> force? <hajjs> i sprayed hand lotion onto it <hajjs> it got out.... but didn't look pretty
RetroKid27: Asians know how to haggle RetroKid27: it's in their blood Cool4freeReturns: yeah, we do Cool4freeReturns: our slanty eyes give us the ability to see the real prices
impOrted megAmi: life does suck, ya know. i mean, at the bad parts, naturally. JimBob4554: words of wisdom JimBob4554: "life sucks when its bad"
<@WoWMaN\\> this girl put her finger up my ass once <@WoWMaN\\> I dont wonna sound gay , but it was the best feeling i ever had ! <@Bart\\> dude , that wasnt a girl <@Bart\\> And it wasnt my finger either
<#C++:Luggage_> guy in the #vb channel thinks vb is too hard.. so wants to learn assembly.. i advised him against it, but he thinks it looks easy "nice small words"
<SO|Razor> treize do you believe in other intelligent life? <SO|Treize> in the universe? <SO|Treize> or on forums? <SO|Razor> .............
<WTM2K> what if i sodomized a priest while the priest is sodomizing an altar boy, WHILE the altar boy is sodomizing a blind 3-legged kitten? <Meatball> then you tape it and sell it on the black market <Gentleman> yes <[N]> yes tape it <Gentleman> that is hell material <Livewireo> Only if the kitten was dead
* motionz climbs up the statue of liberty <motionz> .... <c-rOCK> JUMP COCKSUCKER <threeve> jeez what did motionz do <Video`> Do it, pussy. <motionz> if that's how you all feel *** motionz was kicked by c-rOCK (BIG WIND!)
* Cheez is now known as rwxr-xr-x <MudBlud> ./Cheez
<Foxxz> OMG! you know our dorm is nerdy when someone finds a math tv show and we all start watching.
<The_Atari> I also hear they're making a Back to the Future 4 <[-FcG-]aawis> he goes back in time to fix his parkinsons desease
<Zoso> So me and my friend applied to the same electronics position in a store (think like Best Buy) <Zoso> And he got the job even though he knows next to nothing about any of the games or hardware or anything <Zoso> All because he looks more "presentable" <Zoso> And at this store, your first couple of call-in help questions are done with the supervisor of your department <Zoso> So last week, in the morning, i told him just some bullshit information...and I called in that day (with my voice disguised) to ask him about it <Zoso> "Hello. I recently bought a 250GB external hard-drive...and while it's not very heavy now, I was wondering how much it will weigh when it's full." <Zoso> The idiot responds with "Oh, don't worry sir, it's just a few pounds more." <Zoso> ...so the supervisor hears the conversation... <Zoso> And the stupid fucker got fired *Zoso is away: filling out application...again
<Dilbert> my dad owns a company "Incestors inc." <Dilbert> investors* <Dilbert> i meant
<@Megaman> All your base are belong to us * Arrow sets mode: +b *!*Donnyku@* * Megaman was kicked by Arrow (That joke is now 2 years, 6 months, 8 days, 5 hours, 30 minutes, and 8 seconds old. Let it die.)
<IAmQueenLara> Oh yeah, I remember you... You disappeared one night after I sent you my photo
(@Li-Sonder) i'm going to build a castle from the empty soda cans on my desk (@Li-Sonder) and declare myself king of this desk (@Li-Sonder) and rule it with an iron fist (@Li-Sonder) and make all the ants pay taxes (@Li-Infinite) wow (@Li-Infinite) you got way too much time on your hand. (@Li-Sonder) you mean my iron fist.
<[Piratez]> I think i'm allergic to porn, everytime I look at porn my cock swells.
:: join #bitchx :: desane (desane@if.I.were.a.perl.script.would.you.love.fork.ing.me.uk) :: mode #bitchx :: (+b *!*@*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*) by pheret :: kick #bitchx :: pheret kicked desane (banned: If you match this, you have a lame host.)
<KevinIsOwn> An IRC user having sex with someone hot? <KevinIsOwn> What is the world coming to <RX> good things kevin <KevinIsOwn> Yes... VERY good things :D
*ph34rbot wonders where everyone ran off to <Kur0Tenshi> We're masturbating to erotic asian art. <Asmodeus> Is that a clever way of saying "Jerking off to hentai" :)? <Kur0Tenshi> Bingo. :]
<^{[Dr-Dre]}^> Deos anyone know where i can host a site that supports ASP for free? <ApoIIyon> insecurehosts.com <^{[Dr-Dre]}^> ok thanks
<ChuckD> so i got a massive summer sausage today <ChuckD> what happened <ChuckD> is i was talking about summer sausage <ChuckD> and my friend said "i can bring ya summer sausage! i have tons!" <ChuckD> i thought he was joking <ChuckD> sure enough, he shows up with a massive summer sausage <ChuckD> people looked at me funny <ChuckD> i was carrying around a summer sausage, after all <Dancer_the_Reindeer> or were you just happy to see them?
<Quadlex> sparc: One of my mates works for a porn company and is keeping an ear open for vacancies <moreon> Quadlex: I wouldn't hold my breath on that. I bet they plug every hole they find pretty quickly.
(rooster): So, are you hard at work (rooster): or (rooster): HARD, at work
[Video] I've been watching the warez scene for like two months. [Video] Nothing is worth DOWNLOADING [Video] That's sad [Ouija] i know [Video] Is that their new anti-piracy technique? [Video] Release shit no one wants?
zolex: do you call tabbaco a drug? crummy: yes crummy: of course its a drug zolex: its a plant, its not a drug you idiot.
<Dekkon> SHE HAS DSL <Killrbyte> Digital Subscriber Line? <nyisles> is it from Speakeasy? <Killrbyte> Tell her to get cable. Its faster. <Dekkon> DICK SUCKING LIPS <Dekkon> DAMN NERDS
<tak08810> Frostlion, that is the porrest splelling Iv'e ever seen <Frostlion> no it'sn't <tak08810> err, poorest, I've, spelling
<SpookyD> if ppl saw what was on my screen right now they would be shocked and disgusted ;) <DanJ> SpookyD: So get some tissues and clean it
<NIH> Dec 12 1917 <NIH> The worst train wreck in history, leaving 543 Frenchmen dead. <NIH> Worst... or best?
<DarkLich> DarkLich had his first homosexual encounter =( <DarkLich> It was horrid. I'm not 100% straight. <DarkLich> NOW <DarkLich> NOW. I said NOW 100% straight.
<GregMoore> -v raxor <GregMoore> FUCK <GregMoore> lol <GregMoore> -ox raxor <GregMoore> -o raxor <GregMoore> HOW DO I FUCK YOU OVER!
<TrouT> anyone know what this means: <TrouT> python2.1: can't open file '/usr/local/sbin/ RegisterVh3Service' <+toad-> I think python2.1 can't open the file /usr/local/sbin /RegisterVh3Service
<TomRiddle> Nothing a couple of hands around her neck can't fix <Tine`> lol <Tine`> good luck <Tine`> I got knivs <Tine`> knjives <Tine`> knives <TomRiddle> Are you typing with them?
<kleitin> where are u guys from? <Hyperbyte> I am from the Netherlands <kleitin> netherlands is in usa ?
<Throttle> man, farting in the shower kinda kills that whole clean feeling u get
<Jessica> lol my grandpa has gay dogs Lol <Jessica> he has two big dogs and they are both boys and they were umm lol <Anthony> I SAW! <Anthony> that's sick <Anthony> heh <Jessica> my day was boring <Anthony> not that boring if you saw gay dogs! heh <Jessica> I laughed and told them to get out of me <Jessica> lol <Jessica> OOPS <Jessica> out of my room <Jessica> not me <Anthony> hahahahahahahaha
* +MegamanX2K takes out a freon thrower and freezes Sitara to the core * +MegamanX2K then raises her body above his head and shatters it <+MegamanX2K> FATLITY <+MegamanX2K> err <+MegamanX2K> FATALITY <+MegamanX2K> ...damned typos <Snow_Angel> fatlity? <Snow_Angel> is that some sort of gamer geek word? <+MegamanX2K> It's Mortal Kombat, but Scorpion let himself go
<miz> man, you just pushed the geek meter right off the scale with the combined MS bash and LOTR reference
<DawnG>I was forced to attend a seminar on leadership. We were broken into small groups and each was asked to state what skills a good leader possesses. I wrote, "Needs to be good with elephants and crossing Alps." The others at my table were amused, but the seminar coordinator didn't get it. I said it was a reference to Hannibal, known for his leadership qualities. Her reply: "What leadership qualities? He was a cannibal, and anyway, it was lambs, not elephants."
<BalkanEmperorGlaug> Another flight attendant's comment on a less than perfect landing: "We ask you to please remain seated as Captain Kangaroo bounces us to the terminal." <Schroe[Sleepies]> On my first flight ever, the captain came on over the intercom - <Schroe[Sleepies]> "We aren't really a flight crew ... but we did stay at a Holiday Inn Express!" <mike> :P <mike> i wanna be a pilot <mike> then i can come over the intercom, "What's this button do...OH FUCKING SHIT!!" <mike> then after panic ensues, "Just kidding!" <Glaug-Eldare> "The weather at our destination is 50 degrees with some broken clouds, but we'll try to have them fixed before we arrive." <Glaug-Eldare> Then you can get fired! <Glaug-Eldare> =D <mike> then i can get a job that's on the ground! <Glaug-Eldare> And throw wrenches at planes' windows while they're taking off? <mike> i was thinking more along the lines of programming
Tarja: TODAY in auto shop Tarja: there was this giant spider crawling about in Penguin's engine and i insisted no one kill it Tarja: then Penguin came back (it was his car) and i showed him it Tarja: and he was like, oh yeah, that's the engine spider, he checks the oil and stuff Tarja: makes sure everything's running ok
<Gobblin> this guy i know is getting like a microwave connection or something <Gobblin> sounds pretty 1337x0rz <avat> "damn you old man with your pacemaker, you are slowing my uploads"