<greeny> so i turn this box upside down and you know what i find printed on the bottom? <greeny> "don't turn the box upside down" <greeny> :
<Anatole> The PS2 is the *only* choice, if you like those kinds of games. <SINsApple> Not *really* since the xbox *is* the *one* that has Nascar *Thunder* and Outlaw *Golf* <SINsApple> I'm mocking your use of asterisks, in *case* you didn't *notice* <SINsApple> :D <Anatole> Wow...you sure are *funny* when you're *drunk*, you dirty *bitch*
<Kaladias> Kal need nookie [+]ChevyGurl> lol <Kaladias> *sigh* i wish women would take me more seriously
<Carter> Periods rock <Carter> It's the only time you have enough blood to cover yourself in warpaint unpainfully <Carter> you can recreate Braveheart with red! <DireWolf> Sorry you two, but the idea of a bunch of lesbian feminist bitches on their periods re-enacting BraveHeart is enough to make all the men on the face of the earth curl up in a fetal position and await death.
[spork`] bukakke is the most intimate act that 2-50 people can perform
<Ten80> http://www.patrick.fm/boobies/boobies.php?text= Melbourne+Wireless <smarm> needs to have a line break :P <CRC-Away> man, only a geek would see a nice set of tits, and comment on the line break :)
Narbus clicks his heels Narbus clicks his heels Narbus clicks his heels Narbus has quit IRC (QUIT: User exited)
Anonymous: Ramadan is over, i can eat!!! Anonymous2: I was surfing the internet and i found a page that said more women go for guys that are/were in the Air Force then any other profession. Anonymous: Really, I wanna join the air force one day. Anonymous2: Wat, so u could learn how to fly planes into skyscrapers. Anonymous: Fool, you're muslim too. Anonymous: You r a disgrace to brown pple. Anonymous2: Don't be silly i'm not brown, i'm just a really tanned white person.
<TheOffspring326> Do you ever get the feeling that someone has mis-understood you? <TheOffspring326> but you're not sure <Motorbreath151> WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN, ASSHOLE?
<Tristan> I have a very bad headache, I need about 20 or so asprin. <Ari> awww.... * Ari huggles Tris <Kryptonite> I LITERALLY BROKE MY ARM all i got was a HEH
<Al-x> is cosmo magazine lying when it says all men crave a finger in their ass during sex <Hast> cosmo is all lies <TheShaun> it's designed to be sold to women who have no real interests in life but sex <TheShaun> it's like the feminist movement dropped down onto its knees and started sucking adam smith's capitalist cock.
<@Ocean-Saurian> But you know... I realized somthing last night <@Ocean-Saurian> I realized you could buy trophies, and all these years I have been trying to do sports
<StuGhattz> I think wet dreams are actually God giving you a handjob for being so good.
<@PrincessSleia2> uh, so a few months ago i stopped drinking coffee <@PrincessSleia2> so i had two cups this morning and drank dr pepper with lunch, and i am now unstable <@FrozenFireball> ......... <@PrincessSleia2> ok, more unstable than usual
[Glare]: Hey guess what i did last night? [Tank]: Im assuming something revolving around....."My mother/ Sister"??? [Glare]: damnit. [Tank]: Owned. [Glare]: Agreed. Glare bows in acceptance of ownage.
* Faetan is gonna kill Santa for this... * Santa_Clause is now known as Steve <Steve> >_> <Steve> <_<
<+LagSucks> the other day i downloaded korean porn because i was curious as i've never seen it <+LagSucks> and the men all had smaller members than i did <+Zulehan> that's how it starts, lag. <+LagSucks> i thought to myself, 'wow, that's a first'
<MeatEating> why in the name of fuck are we talking about Star Trek? <MeatEating> I think I'll leave again temporarily <Uncle_Matt> Or you could leave temporally, in a way pleasing to us Trekkies.
<ApoIIyon> energy drinks are good <ApoIIyon> if u have less then 4 a day <topdawg> i had a couple of v's in a lecture <topdawg> then went to sleep <topdawg> i woke up at the end <ApoIIyon> yeah some people.. it wont work for them <topdawg> and felt like running around in circles :( <ApoIIyon> ahahahahahah <topdawg> it had LAG <topdawg> OH GOD <topdawg> V ON DIALUP <topdawg> :(
<Ac|D> i said send it to me on cd <Ac|D> not over irc <voltstfu> dicksuckin' tramp. no im not sending you a 38meg file via australia post <Ac|D> fillup the cd with other shit then <voltstfu> i have not much of interest <voltstfu> unless you've never seen a german shepherd do a woman missionary style <Ac|D> haha
<DeadKenne> we're all naked under our clothes <DeadKenne> hehe <DocGonzo> we are?!?!!? shit! <DocGonzo> i'll never look at 13 yr olds the same again
<Yalborap> You'll get so infuriated you'll throw your DS/ Wiimote against the wall until it shatters. <Yalborap> The wall, not the nintendo product. <Yalborap> Those things are made of adamantium or some crap.
<devinfo> i guess bacon is good too, or a deadly weapon for Blanka. In the future, breakfast features caffeinated bacon, baconated grapefruit,
<Doberion> Hello <Kyron> hi <Doberion> Is Kryon Here??
<v1ru5> fuck <v1ru5> we have a dog inside! <v1ru5> in the house <ikke> w00f <v1ru5> and it is rabid or something <Jeian> LOL * v1ru5 akf <Jeian> v1ru5: and the first thing you do is tell us about it?
× Snakeyes (Snakeyes@ joined #help <Snakeyes> anyone here the master of "DEATH OF A SALESMAN" i gotta answer 25 questions about it in 15 minutes! <@dewx> i know i didn't watch it! <@dewx> (isn't it a movie?) <Snakeyes> its a play <phoq> the salesman dies
* jasn_78 then sucks ur clit as finger ur wet tight pussy * hot_gurl_4_u grabs hold of your cock harder, moaning louder and louder, until finally her anus can take no more and she accidentally shits on your hair <hot_gurl_4_u> hehe, sorry ;) <jasn_78> yuck <hot_gurl_4_u> sorry, its a medical problem :( <-- jasn_78 has quit (Exit: )
* Marilyn-Manson anyone want to chat? i am 17 years old from wales i am gothic, i am a cousin of Kelly Jones of the stereophonics, but they fucking suck, so dont talk to me about them, i also have MSN
<Genasirus> #3928 +(8)- [X] <Genasirus> <illfates> the first time I had an orgasm <Genasirus> <illfates> i had my dick buried all the way into a stuffed animal <Genasirus> <illfates> a kangaroo named "Fred" <jhtm> that so beats my first orgasm story <jhtm> I was playing with my parents massager <Genasirus> wtf? <jhtm> and all of a sudden I passed out <jhtm> it sucked
<maverick> I hate you leo, go fuck yourself. <leo> Dont tell me what the fuck to do <leo> Your not my fucking mom <maverick> uhh, yeah i am.. <leo> ?????? <maverick> oh, i thought you said "your not fucking my mom"..
<kolby> my mom doesn't even have confidence in me <kolby> she was like, hey did you get my e-mail? <kolby> and im like "nope, just spam...send it again" <kolby> sure enough, she sends it again with the subject reading "Don't have a sex life? Enlarge your penis!"
<Canopus> ...I need to learn how to cook ribs. <Kreldin> The easiest way is to wrap them in tin foil, with a reservoir of spices and sauce and boil water beneath it to steam them. And then just cover it in dough to fry it. <Kreldin> Actually, I'm just making shit up off the top of my head. But that sounds like it would be awesome.
<Ophelia>: I had college once, but I drank a lot of fluids and got a lot of rest and eventually it was cured.
<Margret> Oh, Henry! Would you like your afternoon TIT? <Henry> Yes dear, please, do the BLOWJOB <Margret> One SUCK or two? <Henry> I am afraid I must watch my SEXUAL HABITS, one ASSGRIND for me please, sweety <Margret> Gladly dear, could you kindly SUCK ON MY biscotti? <Henry> where is it WHORE? <Margret> your HUMUNGOUS COCK has LEAKED SWEET MAN JUICE ON IT <Henry> Oh, thank you dear, haha! Clumsy of my not to look under your LONG ASS PUBES <Margret> *sip* <Henry> *Sip* I do declare darling, what type of CLIT is this? Its very juicy <Margret> Its essence of WET HOT PUSSY JUICE, d'you like it?
<BhavFox> FurServ: op me <FurServ> BhavFox: You are already opped. <BhavFox> ;O) <Kas> FurServ: suck me <Kas> aww <Hawx> Kas: You already suck.
<Lenore> this computer is set up all wrong... I can't believe James broke my computer <flawed> first your hymen now your computer <flawed> what was he thinking? <Lenore> he wasn't
<kolby> you know those bathrooms at football stadiums where like a bunch of guys just stand next to each other and piss in em? <kolby> they had a smaller version of that in this restaraunt and I looked up while I was taking a piss and there was a mirror <kolby> I started messing with my hair and I pissed all over myself and everyone behind me had this horrified look <Scofco> hahaha, so you were pissing in the fucking sink? <kolby> huh? <kolby> ...fuck
[+ oracel] my exam went well =) [@ zipper] My job searching didn't. [@ zipper] Going to go out with a friend and do a coop search wednesday. :o [@ zipper] Multiplayer job searching > Single player
<rTenshi> HOLY SHIAZT! THIS IS AWESOME! <JujubeZ> what,? <rTenshi> using a .357 magnum to kill cockroaches! <JujubeZ> a .357? wTF? These are roaches, not deer you moron <rTenshi> tell me about it, its gonna take an assload of time to clean up, it just went.... "PSSHHHTTTQQQTT!" Hahahahhahaha
<Theogony> odd <Theogony> one of the playboy playmates kinda looks like my mom <Theogony> hmm <Theogony> quite strange
<Dekan-> WHAT THE FUCK... My Right nut is folded down under and then backaround ontop of my left nut <%Eizneckam> Umm <souletr> did you know that jesus smoked three packs a day? <@mootlif3> what the fuck is wrong with this chat..
<Coogaar> You really can t mince around with these TiVos, Todd. If you wanted to turn on a machine and have it tell you you were gay all the time, you would just play Counter-Strike online.
<implexor> some of my friends were smoking pot in a car. After some laughing they started to cruise around town. Drove for a while and while going round a roundabout one of them noticed that it would be funny to drive on it backwards. It was funny until the inevitable happened and they've hit another car. <dsarr> lol <implexor> w8 there's more. They went silent and just sit frightened in the car. Police came very quickly and started to talk to the driver in the car behind them. Then the policeman came to their drivers door, my friend opens the window, and the policeman goes "don't worry guys, the bloke in the other car is so drunk, that he's telling stories you were driving backwards".
<@kmad> its fun as hell <@kmad> you know what, thats a bad simile <@kmad> because i would assume hell isn't very fun
<@Psych0> I wake up to find that someone created a folder in my shared Folder <@Psych0> Called Psycho is gay <@Psych0> Furthermore i find two instances of nimda in it <@Psych0> anyone find that weird? <@Forty> Sounds normal <@Forty> Did you update Windows lately? It's in service pack 2 <@Psych0> I have win 98 <@Psych0> : <@Forty> Yeah that sounds right
<JanusLexington> have you guys seen the new MSN commercial? <JanusLexington> with friend browsing? <JanusLexington> worst <JanusLexington> invention <JanusLexington> EVAR <Caff> pay $14.95 to browse web with your friends <JanusLexington> friend porn browsing... <Caff> it's like "SHARE YOUR PORN PASSWORDS!" <Caff> "DON'T BE EMBARASSED UR NOT TEH ONLY ONE MASTER BATING~~~~~"
<jsmithown> well i'll brb i gotta write a letter by hand <thegleek> wow <thegleek> old school
<Volt9000> I had wood today <Volt9000> I'm proud <AL9000> Me too <SROL> I did, too <SROL> And I believe we all know what happened soon after <AL9000> Volt's pet goat hid behind the couch
<weebl> i might have a meet saturday morning <weebl> cuz of that fucker <weebl> who took a shit in wakefield's pool <weebl> the remeet might be like, 8 in the fuckin' morning <DoubleHelix> LOL! <DoubleHelix> someone drop'd a deuce in the pool! <DoubleHelix> lol <DoubleHelix> wtf is that shit <weebl> yeah <weebl> and they didn't notice till after the divers had gone <DoubleHelix> HAHAH!
<Insomniak> thank god Ling's not here <Linguica> yes, thank god i'm not here
<SiZZuRp> this is from www.pk-hq.com <SiZZuRp> Most users ever online was 138 on 02-14-2002 at 13:33. <SiZZURp> a sad valentines day......... date much?
<bunneh> he used to talk to my mate and he admitted to liking me and the next day we found out we were related...
<Dave_The_Insane[depressed]> whats with all the netsplits? <Rodzilla> J0 MAMA <Dave_The_Insane[depressed]> o_O <Rodzilla> SHE'S SO FAT SHE SPLIT THE FREAKING INTERNET IN HALF <Rodzilla> AHAAHAHAHAHHAH
<VolteFace`> don't you hate it when you shit on the floor, and you can hear it fall but you have no idea where it actually landed, and spend like 5 minutes looking for it <peng> ... <peng> what? <VolteFace`> oh shit <VolteFace`> don't you hate it when you DROP shit
Crevan Hill says: I used the phrase "tight as a twelve year old" today... Crevan Hill says: In the middle of class, when talking about how tight you should roll newspapers around dowels Crevan Hill says: .....the teacher said ladies were present, and I apologized, with the qualifier that "I didn't necessarily mean girls..."
<nuance> er s/./, <cherub> don't forget to s/0,5/0.5/! <nuance> regexp nazi <cherub> s/nazi/victim/
[@ToastyX] I almost typed cd / to try to leave a channel
<Marand> My girlfriend's parents are paranoid. They don't trust the internet and are extremely against chatrooms. <Marand> if ($person == 'online') { $person = "pervert dograping kiddiefucker" } <Marand> Maybe it's because they know me
<TreeSquid> he's not foreign, just stupid
<Oliver> uni is too hardcore for me <Oliver> spent 2 days there <Oliver> could hardly walk <teles> lol :) <teles> that'll teach you to visit the toilets in the art school :p
<Jesse> shit. i dont know wether i should anally rape you like a blonde ass whiteboy or beat you like a red headed stepchild
<codewolf> I need a new toy, I've played with this one enough <codewolf> maybe a Z4 <Teatime> Or a miata. <Teatime> codewolf: A ferrari. <Teatime> Or an RUF Porsche <fluffy> Teatime: or he could just save a lot of money and get a sign that says "im insecure about the size of my penis."
<NightO> Jesus is coming, everyone, look busy!! --- solicit sets ban on jesus!*@*
<IsamuDyson> i think they need to get out and meet some people <BloodFromStone> Hey, I won't allow that kind of talk in here.
<Angelic> man who catch fly with chopsticks ... should eat in different restaraunt!
<Somebody241> i was playing XBL yesterday <Somebody241> and i was playing wit my friend <Somebody241> and im sure hes maried and everything <Somebody241> And all of a sudden <Somebody241> His wife comes on the mic and says <Somebody241> "Can my husband quit the game so we can have sex?" <Somebody241> and then some lil 9 year old in my team says "Sure just leave the mic on"
<tokumei> green tea incense yo <tokumei> and no pot for me today <PFunk> Trying to quit? <JeffreyAtW> Ooh, Toku's turning Republican and lying about his heavy drug use instead of admitting it
<@Headlor> when i live somewhre less gay <@Headlor> im getting a cat <@Headlor> and calling it "Hitler Stalin Mao" <@Headlor> or just stalin <@Headlor> "whats your cat called?" <@Headlor> "stalin." <@Headlor> "." <@Headlor> ill write on its littertray "human rights" <@Headlor> and on its bowl "flesh of the capitalist pig dogs"
<hobbs> SetiAtHome -- turn your laptop into a space heater. :)
<Slime> I think in ten years time I will look back on days like this and cry. <Slime> The times I spent at 2am talking about girls who have dicks and legs made of slugs eating each other whilst melting. <Slime> My future wife will be all "Tell me what you did as a teenager" and I will say " NOW IS TIME FOR SLEEP " <MechaMrEd> And then you'll notice she has an erection
<Kruge> I think there should be a seperate internet for ugly bitches <Kruge> suuuure, if you wanna take amateur porn pics of yourself, you go right ahead. But post them on the Ugly Bitch Web
<AL9000> hehe, I called up one of my female friends today while I was naked <AL9000> I was actually slapping it around to see if she'd ask what that noise was
* odds5050 has sent you a Christmas greeting. Type /server mail to view the attachment *** King_menthol has quit IRC
<RedRabbit> guys does os/2 mean only half an operating system ?
<Jeeeeebus> wtf <Jeeeeebus> when I click the minimize button, it is minimizing my cursor to the other side of the screen <Yawgmoth> its a feature, not a bug.
<testify> i hate the CLI which i have been using for 5 dam years <testify> like i said, its the year 2003 not 1984 <snaund> testify: umm, it's 2002 here <snaund> must be a timezone thing <testify> well its near 2003 <snaund> testify: there's a special name for the year that's nearly 2003 <testify> taht is? <snaund> testify: 2002 <testify> ok
<balls> OMFG <balls> telemarketer calls today, offering me a piece of crap credit card. i said hold on, i'll get my mom <balls> i wait about 20 seconds then play never gonna give you up. <balls> they hung up after about a minute of screaming "hello? hello? hello?" <balls> i rickroll'd a fucking telemarketer
<`Apoc`> i blew a load inside my girl <Shiv[0utz0r]> LOL <Shiv[0utz0r]> welcome to the club <`Apoc`> whats the chances of her becoming pregnant <Apocalypse_DFA[spam-eater]> if she wants to be pregnant, 50%. If she doesnt want to be pregant...100%
<Eku{MY}> Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, "I think I'll squeeze these dangly things here, and drink what ever comes out"?
æ BaxterBandito is listening to: [MP3] Joan Jett & The Blackhearts - Do You Wanna Touch Me (somecrap) someone go touch bax so he'll be happy æ BaxterBandito is listening to: [MP3] Divinyls - I Touch Myself (somecrap) nevermind he took care of that himself
<bda> I need a job where I can get laid in the line of duty. <beady> teacher? <claws03> grade school?
<@TheRef>My girlfriend caught me sleep-wanking last night <hoochy>lol, typo. i'm a post that to bash <@TheRef>Dude, that wasn't a typo.
<DrLickies> Anyone who wants to fight me, I'll be at Yonge and College in like 25 minutes <capitan0> don't homos hang at yonge and college ? <DrLickies> No, I think they hang a couple of blocks east <DrLickies> But maybe some homosexuals hang there <smackhead> DrLickles- homosexuals will be hanging there in 25 minutes, apparently
*** User Jezus has logged off the chat for idle time (13293 seconds). [PlanetBob] Wow.. we've been visited by Jezus.. the new..and HIP jesus..
<Warhead> call off, everyone: boxers or briefs? <Enargy> depends <Warhead> ......control problems?
*** Keyser is now known as Keyser|driveby <Keyser|driveby> brb <Keyser|driveby> crawling on floor for a while :\
taebaeg: god i swear you guys make 4chan look like fine literature sometimes lemonlimeskull: ... lemonlimeskull: "Ask not for whom the Rick roll'd. It roll'd for thee."
Cypher: well i think i got everything packed Owen: + 1 packing skill (Cypher)
* Hotaru dances more. <Hotaru> o-< <Hotaru> o-< <Hotaru> o-< <Hotaru> I suck at dancing. <Vulpes> God help us if you ever try breakdancing. <Hotaru> o/`>-
<Foxie> "My family was asking me all these nosey-ass questions, 'When are you going to find a woman?', 'When are you going to get married?', 'When are you going to have childeren?', then my grandmother was like "Maybe he donesn't like chochate..." and I was like "it's not like I don't like chochlate, it's that I don't like it without nuts." <Foxie> "So my uncle was like "You're gay?! You don't look gay!!", so I said "Yes, I'm one of the newer models, I'm a stealth fag."
<Rory> I once saw on an import Gundam toy "Dont break steamy translucent fabric or new one will come" <Rory> wait that was a pack of Japanese condoms
<sazeMaster> exuse me! <+joshua> the only excuse for you is your mom wanted another child support check
(doggie^): i remember using morpheus ages back (doggie^): everytime i searched for something i would get !!!!!!!!preteen sex piss fuck shit animals ......................... .avi (doggie^): was very annoying ([olly]): lol (slippy^): yeh :/ (slippy^): that movie sucked
* koin freaks. <koin> Harry Potter porn X_x <koin> Not what I was looking for. Well, not HP anyway. :P <Solaris> Been there, done that, bought it. <koin> You have HP porn? <Solaris> No. <koin> I was about to say... <koin> ...Why aren't you shari- I mean <_< >_>
<epx> Some hacker is trying to hack into my computer for the last couple of days. Norton firewall blocked the hacker everytime. I know it is from the same person because the same IP address ( keeps poping up. How do I locate his location using his IP address? What can else can I do?
<flawed> i bet #mensa is like #lesbians .. except it's a bunch of retards pretending to be smart, instead of a bunch of guys pretending to be lesbians.
* @[b]elitE is away, bored [Pants:OFF] [Hands:ON]
xenotwuz: I thought maybe I'd go up and tell her that she's got awesomely hot looking hair. xenotwuz: But that would just sound creepy. Neo Maxi Zoomy: Just walk up and Say Hello or something Neo Maxi Zoomy: I don't know, Google that shit man!
<FLB> once sex tv showed a room full of women masturbating <FLB> it was an "orgasm class" <FLB> and they all go there <Kamikaze_Watermelon> did you tape it? <FLB> and in a group <FLB> finger themselves. <FLB> Umm <FLB> No. <Kamikaze_Watermelon> bastard <FLB> I was uhh.... <FLB> taking notes?
<Bodom83> dir NEW KORN SLIPKNOT DVDS!! <Nvrmr> cd wrong window <Nvrmr> dir <Nvrmr> get dumbass.txt