[+Aled]: u cant count with out usign your hands [@Trixta]: *sigh* ::: Mode: (Trixta) sets (+b *! ~Aled@du-069-0638.access.clara.net) ::: Kick: (Aled) was kicked by (Trixta) (The only superiority complex allowed in this irc room is mine, come back in 10 minutes after your head has shrunk., 10m ban 3 ) [@Trixta]: i was going to give him a longer ban but i've only got 10 fingers ;)
<MMMaven> I can see the headlines now... "super-modified AIBO captures bin laden!"
@Vader Ne[r]d, is there a place on the comp where you can identify what kind of soundcard you have? @Vader I just shocked the shit out of myself [again]
<sexy_westie> lmao. . . . . reminds me of a childhood story <sexy_westie> my grandmother bought my mother (10yrs old at time) a chihuahua pup (cost a bomb apparently) only for the cat to eat it in the first day lmao <sexy_westie> must have thought it was a yapping rat
Tuco forces you all to sing Fraggle Rock Daedalus [FS]: Dance your cares away Meatpack [FS]: Worry's for another day Fokker [FS]: Let the music play TheChosenOne [FS]: Down at Fraggle Rock bilblak [FS]: Work you cares away yoda99 [LC]: Dancing's for another day omothes [LC]: Let the Fraggles play CrazyHorse [CC]: We're Gobo Cantwell [CC]: Mokey Mycroft [FWL]: Wembley The Nomad [FWL]: Boober -Blade- [DC]: Red DarkElf [DC]: Dance your cares away Nazgul [DC]: Worry's for another day HepBbI [DC]: Let the music play kailindo [P]: Down at Fraggle Rock crazyhorse [CC]: lol iinaj [P]: Down at Fraggle Rock >> Enter Brandon Malthus adept [P]: Down at Fraggle Rock Kommando [SOL]: thats awesome Baron Morgan [P]: its awesome when its fraggle rock... its scray when its YMCA...
* boricua4life slaps Sholin <Sholin> oh really <boricua4life> yea <Sholin> .up *** BFServ sets mode: +o Sholin *** boricua4life has left #bf1942
<drlion> what size t-shirt fits me? <drlion> i'm a thin, normal-height 17 year old guy <drlion> medium? large? <moira> consult a pre-existing tshirt in the wooden object located in your current domicile, also known as a "chest of drawers" <drlion> damn it <drlion> i would never have thought of that <drlion> thanks
<ZiR0> id jack off <Dead_One> i would to, but that would make 15 times today <Dead_One> oh, wait <Dead_One> 01:34:56 <Dead_One> no, its a new day
<Zak-> she's cute as <Zak-> somebody find her for me <Agrajag> are you crazy? i thought females were just things people made up on the internet <Octane> There's only two types of females: *.jpgs and *.gifs.
<StarThorn> "What do you think about before you go to bed?" "Sex." "What do you think about when you wake up?" "Sex." "What're you thinking of right now?" "My dog Sparky" "Ok, You're sharing too much, now..."
<StarThorn> Leave it to the computer programmers to shorten the "Year 2000 Millennium Bug" to "Y2K." Isn't that what caused this problem in the first place?
<HoaX|ZzZz> lol my mom is wrapping xmas presents listening to hard trance <HoaX|ZzZz> i was like "mom wtf are you doing" <checkered> hahaha too funny <HoaX|ZzZz> she's like "it helps me zone out so i dont actually realize im wrapping presents, its like a drug" <Scire> "hey mom, it's actually better ON drugs... want some?"
JoshQ: hey a kid just got hit by a car outside my house. vietchino: call 911 JoshQ: i will when my download is done.
<bse> Instinct is a kickass movie <wataru> Basic? <bse> wataru: no.. pervert <wataru> Pervert Instinct?
<Animosity> We have a suicide club at our school <Animosity> It encourages suicide <Animosity> Which counters suicide, supposedly
< Zipper_32> wenko: I'm heading out your way now, you going to be up in 3 hours? * wenko reads the back of the pill bottle. <@wenko> by that time I should consult a physician < Zipper_32> Viagra (tm)....
<Krypto-> while you sleep and wet your bed tonight.. i'll be in the land of hobbits.. SO FUCK U * Krypto- prances off
<wasabi> wish I could call up a friend right now <wasabi> and say "hey wanna go grab food" <wasabi> BUT I CAN"T <wasabi> oshi put the notice back in the topic. =( --- Oshi has changed the topic to: Cosplay.com - WANTED: Dallas Otaku to hang out with Wasabi. <wasabi> thx
<syk|Fox> and this green peace guy comes up to us and tells us how bad oil companies and shit are <syk|Fox> then laura turns around looks him square in the face and tells him her dad owns an oil company <syk|Fox> the guy ran off like she had aids or something <Lid> fox ur mean. <Lid> u should've covered him in oil and lit him up like a chiristmas tree
onlyihavehandle: im like jesus onlyihavehandle: but more cool and less popular
<tsingtao> I met this girl at work that I'd enjoy having sex with <tsingtao> any advice on how i can bring myself closer to doing so? <TheBaskinator> Just pull down your pants and chase her around. She's bound to fall down sometime.
<Xpert887> youre gonna be a computer god one day and people around the world will come to you with their problems <onesidedzer0> then i'll give them bullshit explanations and take their money <Xpert887> ohh so youre gonna take after gateway?
[devilsad] OO is like the missionary position, all day long [@sobri] heh [@sobri] i think of it more like group sex [devilsad] no wonder you like it then [@sobri] class ReachAround extends AnalSex [_Spunky_] its like an orgy with everyone you know - you know exactly how to treat each class [_Spunky_] whereas imperative code, you have to be formally introduced to each new partenr [@sobri] and remember every conversation you've had with them, just incase you put your food in your mouth with something you say later [devilsad] it's too clean and clinical for me [devilsad] rubber gloves on before the insertion, so to speak [@sobri] heh [_Spunky_] haha [devilsad] no casual toying with other people's private functions [@sobri] i don't know OOP in any languages other than php, but can always statically call methods [@sobri] $jizzim = ForePlay::handJob; [_Spunky_] public sub spunkOnTheCarpet() [@sobri] $orgy = new Orgy; $orgy->addFemale('linda'); $orgy-> addFemale('tina'); $orgy->addMidget('gary'); $orgy->addSelf(); [devilsad] lol
<Siron> the bathroom is full and i gotta go.. <neural> well there is that bush <neural> and that.. corner <phyrearms> siron just point it spray it under the door
<gwend> my 6 key doesnt work half the time >< <Kiri> my CTRL key types a ` when i press it <Kiri> lol <gwend> lol <Kiri> and my numpad opens internet explorer <Kiri> or my computer <Kiri> depends on which number lol *** Kiri has quit IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) <EvilCouch> guess she pushed the wrong number
<Crusader> www.privatehacksthatareonlyonmycomputer.com <Azorbix> its a dead link you jerk
<Jeedo> hey baby, whats up? <Indidge> umm....nothing? <Jeedo> So....want me to like come over today so we can fuck? <Indidge> Wait....did you want to speak to my daughter? <Jeedo> Yes Mrs.Miller.. :-/
<Xore> ;_; <Xore> dammit <Xore> you know you have problems when... <Xore> you write really really sexy code <Xore> and you belatedly realize <Xore> that your code is a whole heap sexier than you are
<Mentar> why did hitler kill himself? <JoltX> because he was deranged <JoltX> and he didnt want to give the jews the satisfaction <Mentar> wrong <Mentar> he saw the gas bill
<ibrahim> is there alive experts? <ozzmosis> I've been alive since I was born, you could say I'm an expert at it
<I3aH> can anyone help me? i need to get wine working <CyberdogM8> just drink more of it <CyberdogM8> it'll work eventually
<@FrozenShade> Customer: "What kind of ink cartidges do I need for this scanner?"
<@arp> Importance: Normal <@arp> INCREASE YOUR PENIS SIZE BY 1/4 INCH IN ONE WEEK! <@arp> Guaranteed!!!!!! <@arp> YAY! <argoth> thanks for sharing <j0ker> hell I can do that in a few seconds
<+FlatFace> ASDFHK <+FlatFace> WTF <+FlatFace> WOLF 3D SOURCE 8K?! <+FlatFace> wait that's the disclaimer <+FlatFace> SHIT
<Nergy> How much do movies cost these days? <Meatwad> matine's cost 5.50 or so <Nergy> w00t! I have that! <Nergy> in fact, its RIGHT in my pants now <Meatwad> dollars not inches <Nergy> oh my bad.
<Supachikn> redhat is the ms of linux distros <Supachikn> make everything pretty, dont worry about functionality <pont> my penis is the slackware of penis <pont> :D <pont> Hard and stable <Supachikn> and fits inside one cd?
kindle9: the computer lab is *craaaazy* today tomemos: "Dig this crazy scene" crazy? kindle9: "oh my god it's not printing why isn't it printing i need it to be printing what the hell is wrong with you make it start printing!!!" crazy kindle9: then they start foaming at the mouth tomemos: Do you ever have to put them down? kindle9: i wish kindle9: apparently i'm not allowed near tranquilizers anymore kindle9: some sort of.. legal thing.. lawsuits.. restraining orders.. kindle9: *ahem* kindle9: let's just say i got a little over-zealous yesterday tomemos: "I know you're a computer person, but we're out of library staff. Take this tazer and go in there!" tomemos: This is why I don't study in the library. tomemos: Because you could KILL ME. kindle9: could? kindle9: more like will!
<kingBooze> is there a spanish -> english translator that sucks less dicks than altavista.babelfish? <LostXanadu> puerto ricans
* nqbw is watching a pair of lesbians, one serving, one receiving. <nqbw> To clarify, I am watching Wimbledon.
(+[MO]GeX) James[UH] you got a GF ain't you ? (@James[UH]) gf, geforce or girlfriend...
<Tomalak> Pregnancy from rape is extremely rare. <DarkYouth> But here you are, eh Tomalak? <Tomalak> I wouldn't say what your dad did to your mom was strictly consensual, DY. If a sheep runs away, it doesn't mean "keep on going".
<tHeo^doctor-appt`> this is prolly too much information <tHeo^doctor-appt`> but I haven't been able to get off in like a month or something <Miyabi> dude, your nuts must be huge <Miyabi> i mean, as a result <Miyabi> that wasn't random props
<Rin> 65 peolpe killed in Canada by guns last year <Rin> 63 in UK <Rin> 64 in Australia <Rin> 11,456 in USA <Ram> we win!
<Campbell> You know you're seriously got nothing better to do when you start measuring time in units other than minutes and hours. <Oli[bath]> Win2k uptime: two quadrillion two hundred thirteen trillion seven hundred seventy-nine billion six hundred twenty-one million two hundred five thousand two hundred ninety-two Caesium-133 Radiation-periods (2,213,779,621,205,292| 2 days, 18 hours, 53 mins, 41 secs)
<TuxMan> beh you know what happened... <terminus> what? <TuxMan> i whacked off while watching the linux kernel compile... <TuxMan> i mean... uh... <terminus> o_O
<mog> I take pride in being completly bitter and cynical <BosTony> I take pride in the fact that Ive gone 5 weeks without an STD. <mog> and getting pissed off at the smallest aspects of society <mog> like personalized license plates <PsykadelicAngel> Tony, we're so proud <Jennilala> I'm getting one. <Jennilala> :P <BosTony> An STD? <Jennilala> no <mog> ahaha
<Dugimodo> ever notice miracles stopped happening when the video camera was invented <pog> and then they started up again when digital editing came by
<Winkingdog> Cute toll collector At the Harbour tunnel this morning. Blond, young and very cute. I'm gunna ask her out.. <Winkingdog> I wonder how many round trips Ill have to do before I get the chance :) <DD> Shit!!! She's already costing you money!:-)
<fantom> I'm going to play drinking games with tcpdump. what keyword should make me take a drink? <rizzoh> tcp
<+TheUltra4sshole> I mean, we started 2 nights before, recruiting strippers to show up <+TheUltra4sshole> things got out of hand, and we end up with 10 kegs, and who knows how many imported sluts <+TheUltra4sshole> I'm not talking tundra wookies <+TheUltra4sshole> I mean, decent-looking chicks <+TheUltra4sshole> they'd ranks a 6 or 7 here, but are fucking TEN in alaska <+TheUltra4sshole> party goes awesome <+TheUltra4sshole> don't catch any of the game <+TheUltra4sshole> we all pass out by about 3 am <+TheUltra4sshole> first call is at 6 am <+TheUltra4sshole> and being professional alcoholics, we rigged the central firealarm to go off 10 minutes before first call <+TheUltra4sshole> well, we all wake up to the fire alarm, clean the shithole up, then go down to PT formation <+TheUltra4sshole> just expecting a 10-mile detox run or something gay like that <+TheUltra4sshole> 1SG says we're having a health and welfare inspection <+TheUltra4sshole> where he goes through everbody's room and fucks you up for anything that's out of place <+TheUltra4sshole> well... we had 10 empty kegs and a buncha passed out whores in our building... <+TheUltra4sshole> not to mention the little shit like bottle caps and whatnot <+TheUltra4sshole> thank GOD he went to consolidated barracks first, so we had about an hour to get everything cleaned up <+TheUltra4sshole> you wanna talk about a buncha men working as a team... <+TheUltra4sshole> we had the buffer going, you heard nothing but vacuums, sweeping, mopping, and calls for the medic to get a hooker with an IV <+TheUltra4sshole> pure mayhem <+TheUltra4sshole> we get all the sluts out of our own rooms, and since the dayroom only had a little bit of furniture and we can work on it together, we all hit it at once <+TheUltra4sshole> well...there was one chick left over <+TheUltra4sshole> still passed out, topless in a leather skirt <+TheUltra4sshole> when we heard CQ on the first floor call "AT EASE!" <+TheUltra4sshole> fucking panic <+TheUltra4sshole> Aubaugh, being the smart crazy jew he was, stole a buncha rappelling gear from mountaineering <+TheUltra4sshole> tied her passed-out ass up in a swiss-seat <+TheUltra4sshole> (mind you, she was wearing JUST a skirt, and a swiss seat goes between the legs) <+TheUltra4sshole> tie the 120 to the center pillar, tied her figure 8 off in a bowline, and pushed her out the window <+TheUltra4sshole> she hung there for FORTY FIVE FUCKING MINUTES <+TheUltra4sshole> We pass the inspection <+TheUltra4sshole> BUT <+TheUltra4sshole> as 1SG was walking out of the barracks, he walked around the outside looking for cigarette butts and caught us hauling her naked ass back in the window... <+TheUltra4sshole> Fail <+TheUltra4sshole> we had such a good chance to get away with it... <+TheUltra4sshole> man was that a long week for charlie company, 2-1 infantry
TaniquaLoL: i stole my moms stash and sold it to her friend hahaha EyezBloodshot: lmao TaniquaLoL: shes all bitchy now though
[54]Drekknni: I've noticed that Mario Sunshine makes me feel pretty violent. More so than GTA3 or other "violent", "adult" games, anyway. I can't stand more than 20 minutes or so of it without getting pissed off and throwing the controller.
<Krypt|LOTR2> i was given 200 dollars to survive a month alone while the rest of my family went to dominican republic <Krypt|LOTR2> i blew half of that on games <Krypt|LOTR2> and didnt eat for like 2 weeks <Krypt|LOTR2> i lost alot of weight
<WetCuntDelirium> Well quit acting like a nazi, and perhaps misconceptions won't be developed <mike> i must have missed the part where i started hating jews <mike> i did not, however, miss the part where i started hating "j00"
<Diplomatic> Christina -> We wanna see your bewbies <Christina> bewbies? What are you? 3?
<atheir> microsoft is a bunch of soulless swine. <quannum> with jobs
<Murr> I received a fascinating insight into govt operations today <drm> hows that? <Murr> ordered some maps from the california geological survey 2 weeks ago <Murr> received them 1 week ago <Murr> and got a call today from a lady who had problems reading my CC#
G3nki: my printer is printing subliminal messages on my paper Keerax: ...o_O G3nki: it's printing out "Join the Military!" G3nki: like cutting half of it at the top of the page Keerax: yvan eht nioj G3nki: never!
<Terra-ist> i need roms * Terra-ist wants a good rom site <Terra-ist> just gimme a good rom site and ill shut up >=[ <lea_notwriting> Ever tried Google? <lea_notwriting> I heard it has GREAT roms.
<darvawrk> and I have PROOF (god i love our logging) that we're connecting to the server and transmitting and they drop the connection. <Trey> EHLO darva.with.a.clue.com <WhatNot> you had me at EHLO
<Mystiq`> i wish you spoke better english <[SePtOr]> i should not <[SePtOr]> i dont have why... you understand what i wanna say... It even matter
<RoseyCat> I didnt even nothice <RoseyCat> wow, I type with a lisp now
DasKrav: Know what I hate? DasKrav: Repeating myself. Destroy_Boy2000: What? DasKrav: I said I hate repeating myself Destroy_Boy2000: Huh? DasKrav: I SAID I HATE- DasKrav: Oh wait DasKrav: YOU FUCKING QUEEF
<@exit2eden9> my mother just told me the funniest story ever <@exit2eden9> she was in the supermarket before, and this person in front of her was fighting with her toddler...who kept taking candy off the rack and putting it in the cart... <@exit2eden9> she was saying "no...you cannot have candy...it is almost dinner time and you cant have any" and this is going on for a while <@exit2eden9> so the kid yells really loud: <@exit2eden9> "if you dont let me have candy im gonna call gramma and tell her you had daddy's peepee in your mouth" <@exit2eden9> the woman ran out of the store...left all her groceries there
CcLpRPG: it was like, my friend saw a chick at the movies, but she had a boyfriend CcLpRPG: My friend says, screw him CcLpRPG: I say, you screw him, i'll screw her
<Affe> god damn black socks <Affe> i need to start pairing them together <Affe> i pulled some out figuring 'oh if i pull out a few, i'll eventually end up with a pair' <Affe> i had 8 different kinds of socks in my hand <Ouroboros> Wow, Affe. <Ouroboros> Your life must be incredibly boring if you thought that was interesting enough to tell us.
<Comrade_90> any one have the new "best of nirvana" album? <`2L> best of nirvana? <`2L> whats that? <`2L> 74 minutes of silence from just after when Kurt died?
<geth> everyday is your birthday when the candles are lodged in your asshole
* Cassa gets naked and covers herself in blood from her missing fingernail <utopian> "It looks like you're writing a letter" <@DumHed> ok utop that is officially the funniest thing you've ever said
<cravecave> I used to have a gig of ram <cravecave> then one stick went limp and even viagra couldnt help it, now it just prematurely ejaculates and XP, being the slut she is, doesnt like when that happens and has a fit * harrellj looks at cravecave * Astral does too * harrellj puts that in her quit messages <cravecave> All I was trying to say was I'm only half the system I used to be
<namesake> if a girl has sex with a lot of guys, she's a "slut", but if I have sex with a lot of guys, I'm a "fucking faggot"
<Koobze> hiii <Koobze> I'm kind of angry at my friends... I paid the $50 for the hair bleach and dye, since one or two of them were supposed to join me and split the cost, and yet they're not and I'm stuck with all that cost. <Fat-Burrick> and gay hair <Koobze> hheh <Koobze> yeah, it's pretty gay <Koobze> just adds insult to injury
<DSmooth> u guys see Moby got beat up in Boston? <DSmooth> i guess now if you are a superfan of an artist <DSmooth> you stalk them <DSmooth> then beat them up <DSmooth> to show respect
<Flossie> depends how much you get paid for staying in bed <Brocken> I get payed £100 an hour for the things I do in bed <nameinuse> you run a law firm from under your duvet? <Brocken> no, I'm a gimp ;(
<Wolfy> if i ain't a geek i'm certainly not a nerd :p <Wolfy> so that leaves normal or extrovert <Wolfy> :p <+damadm00> or 'wanker'
<Apocolypse> you know, id be into this stuff if i was about 15 years younger.... im 13
<@X-G> makes you wonder ... <@X-G> why a penguin? <@X-G> who invented tux? <@X-G> and how did it become the linux symbol? <@elver> there's a long story behind it... <@elver> Torvalds loves penguins, one of them once bit him too at a zoo <@elver> and that's basically it <@X-G> story. too. long. can't. stay. awake.
vickiholt: do you know what I hate? fyrestorm: What? vickiholt: I spent over three months writing a friggin' manual for our document control system and people still do a quick tutorial around the desk vickiholt: I don't mind that vickiholt: what I hate is when THEY DON'T READ THE FRIGGIN' MANUAL FIRST vickiholt: A tutorial should not include the words "lets just see what happens if I do <click> this" vickiholt: The friggin' book tells you vickiholt: it's not a big document as I spent time making sure it was short vickiholt: <fume> vickiholt: 3 f***in' months vickiholt: of having meetings with some of the most boring (admin) people in the world vickiholt: <super power fume> vickiholt: Oooh chocolate vickiholt: </fume>
* saxxonpike has joined #wtf <gt64> i wanna suck some DICK <saxxonpike> wow i like this channel already
<tito> my boss has the lisp thing going on <tito> but nobody is sure if he's gay or not :| <hardlined> lithps are cool. <hardlined> they thound thuper. <DaggerIRC> grab his ass, ull figure it out by his facial reaction <DaggerIRC> or erectile.. <hardlined> Mental note, learn from Dagger's mistakes.
<chris> i have a pad of paper in front of me that is a list of every single thing i own. <matt> what's on it? <Mephistol> '1 pad of paper'
<Zyrjello> Cancer patients are incapable of being nasty. <Zyrjello> It's a law of life. <MrPicso> I hope I get cancer so I can prove you wrong.
<LamB> God touches me <LamB> daily <LamB> through Priests
<[N]> if a chick just comes over gives u head and leaves <[N]> it just rules <[N]> for lazy ppl <[N]> u could even irc while getting the job done <WTM2K> would that be like road head? <[N]> hahah <WTM2K> irc head... geek version of road head
<NoRemorse> its a film about a killer who kills all the kids at the local high school who are vrgins <CRC> US based I guess?
<Chernoskill> it's scary when people start measuring time in dowloaded megabytes...
<Velario> where the fucks john gone? <My`Albanian`Ass> outside to piss in a bucket <Velario> long piss <My`Albanian`Ass> big bucket
<Dingobloo>You know you're an IRC addict when you try to type "LOL" after reading a quote on bash.org
<txrx> ive been reading heaps of bash.org.. but prolly still not as much as u CRC.. ;) <CRC> so true <CRC> that would be quite an achievement :) <txrx> i always expect to see ppl from here. liek this is the center of the irc universe or something.. ;)
<Vulpes> I know somewhere out there is a man or woman willing to have sex with me while I remain on IRC.
* SonRyoga is now known as SR[phone-with-hat-girl] * SR[phone-with-hat-girl] is now known as SR [phone-with-hot-girl] * DJ-Freedom is now known as freedom|sexwithhand
Dr SpaZZo: http://members.tripod.com/tempestgames/razor.jpg Syphit: lol, who uses your razor? Dr SpaZZo: My sister keeps fucking taking them Dr SpaZZo: Theres like, 3 of mine in the shower... Syphit: lol, how old is your sister? Dr SpaZZo: 20. Dr SpaZZo: Youd think she'd be competent to get her own damned razors, wouldnt you. Syphit: yeah Dr SpaZZo: WELL SHE ISNT
Soth: i need something more complex than 2+2 jadenbane: Soth: 2+2i ?
<evilroot> "One World, One Web, One Program" - Microsoft Promotional Ad <evilroot> "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer" - Adolf Hitler <Madiarin> evilroot: That's horrible. <|-Shin-|> Is it a TV ad or a banner or what? <Beanoo> erk .. bill 'adolf' gates <evilroot> |-Shin-|: not sure <|-Shin-|> aw. * |-Shin-| was hoping to get a link out of it <evilroot> One World. One Web. One Program. <evilroot> Microsoft advertisement, 1997 <dafatdude> thats M$ in a nutshell <|-Shin-|> Heh, looks like you're not the only one to have that opinion. I just did a google search on it * Madiarin was searching altavista in the futile attempt to see if anyone could verify the MS part of the quote.
* StorDuff has joined #suicide <StorDuff> YOU ARE ALL USELESS <ManInMoon> tell me something I didn't know already
irc.aol.com Message of the Day - irc.aol.com (If you packet us, we will send you a bunch of cd's)
<krakerman> i had a pimple on my pen0s te other day. i had to get a boner so i could pop it.
<Crack[H]eaD> That brings up an interesting point.... According to the license agreement of some software you dont own it... you are merely renting it <Crack[H]eaD> so by downloading the software am I borrowing it? <Lasuuco> yeah crack <Lasuuco> hence the term <Lasuuco> "licensed" <Crack[H]eaD> I should make a bunch of bumper stickers that say "Borrowing is not a crime" ;) <bigfoot> could i borrow one? <Crack[H]eaD> Fuck yeah
<gadget73> Oracle gave out bobble head dolls of thier CEO to thier employees for Christmas <gadget73> i want one, as well as a Richard Stallman and Bill Gates one, then I could have mock discussions about shit
<AGodlyHeretic> and i installed enough security equipment on my computer, that even i think i might have gone overboard <smokedbrown> lol <AGodlyHeretic> no seriously, it records every keystroke i make and is totally hidden. can only be DETECTED with my password, and requires a second password to open it. it also is designed to take screenshots everyso often when a specific strings is typed <smokedbrown> Dude. <smokedbrown> um. <smokedbrown> the white people of waco called. they want thier paranoia back