<Al> arabs can't spell so we have to spell for them <Al> that's why it's "Koran" <Kurt> short for Korean <Lloyddy> i thought ^_^ was short for korean <jre> No, kek is <Alien> huk of the ke <Lloyddy> so is keke short for a jolly korean? <jre> A kek is one unit of kekeke <jre> THis throws people because of the extra letter <Alien> keks bind together via k-ration-synthesis, where each unit sheds one k to form a long chain of kekekeks <Kurt> FREAKIN NERD <Alien> They're what we in the business call kekides *Kurt spanks Alien with moon rocks <jre> The extra Ks then bind to form the atmosphere of the Zerg homeworld <jre> Koreans are to the Zerg homeworld what trees are to Earth <jre> Coincidentally enough, when Zergs respirate, they take in Ks and breathe out chop suey <Alien> When the polykekide chain is broken the free ks are broken to be used for klysis, rendering the Zerg atmosphere a vacuum. <jre> LIAR
<apoc> my girlfriend called me a fag, jokingly. <apoc> i think jokingly
mrdanny: I WANT TO SIT ON A WHITE ICE CREAM CONE amIbuG: ur ass might get numb
<Phaze> SOME HOT CHICK <Phaze> JUST MAILED ME <Phaze> HER NEW PICS <Phaze> WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO <N1k1tA> me too <N1k1tA> she also offered penis enlargement <N1k1tA> and home loans
<fustard> one time the band teacher introduced a jazz song with "the negroid population enjoys this piece" <fustard> there were a bunch of black kids sitting in front of me <fustard> there was like a collective "what da fuck"
<ecs> i heard ass and i came as fast as i could <ecs> oh man... <ecs> i just realized how terrible that sounded
<JesseW> How do guys in porn last so long in bed? I can't even make it to the end while masturbating.
<jayscrib> I'm hosting a few websites, how can I enable people to connect and edit their sites? FTP is a no-go, and telnet wont work will it? The server is a win98 box (and a lil note: I have a router to go through) <LilWashu> youre hosting websites for people on a win98 machine? <LilWashu> good luck
<Phobius> I fear nobody *** Phobius (anthony@phobius.support.gamesnet) Quit (G-lined (G-line requested by Jaden.))
<SMW> howdy Ian <SMW> how you doin tonight? <Ian_Sharpe> same as always <Ian_Sharpe> still smoking <Ian_Sharpe> drinking too <Protector> Seems you have something against internal organs that begin with the letter "L"
* billh doing a survey of points in the Linux kernel where mutex replacement would increase preemption and therefore reduce latency for hard RT useage. <sateh> bill <sateh> there are too many words in that sentence <sateh> zzzzzzzzzzz <sateh> http://www.wegenermedia.com/ <sateh> ibok spare parts! <sateh> wheee! <Feanor> hmm <Feanor> sateh's drunk :)
<hitman> and <hitman> UNLIKE RageFury... <hitman> I do do guys. <hitman> er <hitman> don't <hitman> heh <hitman> man <ambrosia> lol <hitman> that was a bad typo * ambrosia pages dr. freud
<@Lujan> yet because more and more ppl are getting bigger tvs, and more computers, air con etc <@Lujan> last house I was in was so old it had 10amps for the whole fucking house <@Lujan> put some toast in the toaster and the computer rebooted <Durus> hahahaha lujan. that's some funny shit <@Lujan> Durus: no its not. I am the only person on the planet who had to run his toaster of his UPS
danamania: wtf... I search on altavista for my page danamania: and an ad at the bottom goes: danamania: Find danamania here! www.ebay.com.au - New & second hand! danamania: I can get a whole new me! Vash: or a slighty used one, with a few dents
*** Psy is now known as PSG *** Signoff: PSG (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Amulya))) *** Psy (Psy@cloaked.tnt73.nyc3.da.uu.net) has joined channel #penny-arcade *** Mode change "+v Psy" for channel #penny-arcade by ChanServ *** Psy is now known as PSG *** Signoff: PSG (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Amulya))) *** Psy (Psy@cloaked.tnt73.nyc3.da.uu.net) has joined channel #penny-arcade *** Mode change "+v Psy" for channel #penny-arcade by ChanServ *** Psy is now known as PSG *** Signoff: PSG (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Amulya))) <Anatole> You know, a lab mouse would have learned by now.
<AriaStargazer> the other day <AriaStargazer> in the car <AriaStargazer> i was in traffic <AriaStargazer> and i thought to myself <AriaStargazer> "jesus this lag sucks" <AriaStargazer> and then i looked around <AriaStargazer> and i was like <AriaStargazer> ..............
uroshnor: most oppressed miorities have community organisations - mac user groups are no different
<wolf> 1. Save every Free Credit Card Offer you get, Put it in pile A <wolf> 2. Save every Free Coupon You get, put that in pile B <wolf> 3. Now open the credit card mail from pile A and find the Business Reply Mail Envelope. <wolf> 4. Take the coupons from pile B and stuff them in the envelope you hold in your hand. <wolf> 5. Drop the stuffed to the brim envelopes in your mail and walk away whistling. <wolf> I have now received two phone calls from the credit card companies telling me that they received a stuffed envelope with coupons rather then my application. They informed me that it they are not pleased that they footed the bill for the crap I sent them. I reply with "It says Business Reply Mail" I'm suggesting coupons to you to ensure that your business is more successful. They promptly hang up on me. <wolf> Now, I did this for about a month before it got boring, so I got an added idea! I added exactly 33 cents worth of pennies to the envelope so they paid EXTRA due to the weight. I got a call informing me about the money, I said it was a mistake and I demanded my change back. After yelling at the clerk and then to the supervisor they agreed to my demands and cut me a check for the money. I hold in my hand at this very moment a check from GTE Visa for exactly 33 cents.
swansonmarpalum: I dunno swansonmarpalum: I do not think I would hang around someone who could not get hard and fuck me Sigma X: Wait swansonmarpalum: I mean if I was a chick.
<wankel> can anyone try and get a cd-key for me ive tryed and had no luck its for soldier of fortune 2 <maestro> wankel: can anyone try going to your local wal-mart and BUYING THE DAMN SOFTWARE? <maestro> if you want to warez it, at least put some effort into it :)
<[IX|BoW]WaCKy-Angel-[GP]> can some1 constantly mesg me in ICQ? coz my connection will only move if i receive icq mesg
<cgirl> Wouldn't it suck to find a dead body <InCDeathmeister> male or female?
<Babau> Anyone know how to enable overburn in Nero? <live-evil> theres a big button with overburn written on it <live-evil> press that <Babau> Is it the big red one? <live-evil> yer <Babau> Alright, I'm going to press it. *** live-evil was kicked by Babau (I pressed it.)
danamania: wtf is an "ex police" imac? gelfie: dana: just means it sat in a police station running word I guess danamania: phwooooar danamania: like ex-police camrys gelfie: either that, or it comes with free kiddy porn and a stash of ecstacy tablets hidden in a false bottom
<naet> i got my sat scores bak <naet> 540 verball and 500 math <naet> so thats liek 900 total <Go> right
<Daishi> i cant code though...but its on my list..right above learn klingon and right below get a gf
*** Anatole|ChickFilA is now known as Anatole <Anatole> I went to the ATM, and I didn't have enough to break $20. So instead of Chick Fil A, I made myself chicken-flavored Ramen. Does this officially make me a college student now?
(Regarding a Diablo II game and password) SchroeDotOrg: naked/asusual J Jorenko: *joins you*
<BeZeRK> |NEWS FLASH| ALL K-MART AND WALMART STORES WILL BE CLOSED IN IRAQ. - they will be replaced with Targets!
Kardane: don't look at me. i wouldnt know my ASCII from a hole in the ground
<MadHatt3r> if you were around men 24 hours a day, for quite a few years <MadHatt3r> the idea of hetro and homosexuality would go flying out the window <Jeeeeebus> MadHatt3r: remind me not to spend long periods of time with you..
Legion Kreinak: The world's so fuckin' politically correct these days. Before you know it, we'll be required to call black & white cookies african american & caucasian cookies! Dragon Phoenix: I could just see that on crayons...
<Jackal> If there is no God, who pops up the next Kleenex?
[18:04:13] »» Nick change [ crashloop » CrashFOOD ] --- [23:03:48] »» Nick change [ CrashFOOD » Crashloop ] [23:03:52] ([Binary]) That's a long lunch. [23:04:25] [Crashloop] it is important to eat proper. :)
DasKrav: We were playing a review game in history class, on the topic of the roman empire DasKrav: The game was like this: The class divides into 8 groups, and one person rotates with the rest of the group in jeapordy-style questions, DasKrav: and the question was "What was the name of the emperor who built a wall in britain?" DasKrav: and nobody knew it, so he said "Here's a hint: Its named after him." DasKrav: and so this one jock guy in my class goes, DasKrav: "Berlin?"
<injektion> did she get herpes <PC|Holo> hahaha <PC|Holo> yes and aids 2 minutes later <@pc|dogg> and IMSOMNIA!!! <PC|Holo> dogg just doesnt know when a joke is over <PC|Holo> hes like a real life letterman!
<IRh@x0r> h0w d0 1 g3t the m0d5 to @nsw3r my qu35+i0n? <pualat166> stop talkin like a fucked up irc nerd fuckwit and they will listen to you maybe <IRh@x0r> 1337
<Nike> i went to see LoTR with the flu :P <Nike> i was almost carried <AardWolf> I tend to go with females... rather than sexless diseases
<Kuroko> Hey...I need to ask you guys something. <Kuroko> Sleep or Trigun? <CrackPr0n-E> masturbation -=X <CrackPr0n-E> c. masturbation </= that's where it's at <Kuroko> i'm not male. <CrackPr0n-E> girls can masturbate too <SPOONwork> Kuroko: what, women don't masturbate? lies <CrackPr0n-E> spoon:she's 12 <SPOONwork> CrackPr0n-EET-NoPants: it's not stopping you. :P <CrackPr0n-E> what does stop me? <Kuroko> my mum also has a lovely habit of checking on everyone late at night. * Yukanojo thinks this conversation falls under the category of "Reasons Parents Keep Kids Off the Internet" <CrackPr0n-E> Kuroko:that's what locks are for <Kuroko> trigun i can explain. irc i can explain. but...yeah... <Kuroko> Crack: she has the keys. <CrackPr0n-E> or "I had an itch... that's all" <Yukanojo> hahahaha <CrackPr0n-E> psssh, while she's unlocking the door, pull your panties up * Smugami wonders what he's stumbled into ... o.O <CrackPr0n-E> and just sit in a blanket <Kuroko> ... * Kuroko will spend the entire night trying to erase this conversation from her memory <Kuroko> Thanks for helping me decide.
<CuZZa> i lived there for a month <CuZZa> japan is great <CuZZa> really fucked up, but great <CuZZa> its weird. me being a 6'4 white guy standing on a train with a bunch of japanese people who are around 5' <CuZZa> i had a fucking guy dressed as sailor moon looking at me as if I was the weirdo
<schneeb> what time does sean connery get to wimbledon? <weensuck> ..? <schneeb> TEN-ISHHHHH <weensuck> whichever corner of the world you run to, no-one will ever accept you
<pimpybra> christ, my computer is freezing more than a french soldier during wartime.
<Alien8or> I was using a silicon gel to jack off. i had a little accident. <Alien8or> i was really rushing and then when I cummed i rest for a bit. The silicon dried and where the silicon squished between my fingers are little spieks. I got a spiked cock! <Alien8or> heh, wait, its spiked Darth Maul style, this owns!
<SlimSurdy> remind me never to cyber a 16yr old using bitchx under linux with no pvt msg windows <SlimSurdy> at least not with you fuckers in the # <Fanboy> hahaha
<-- FaNt0m_ has quit (Quit: Procrastination is like masturbation; it's all good until you realize you just fucked yourself.)
* Angelofmoon is now known as studywudyangel <AngelSakura> there can be only one true angel in here....me! :) <Delta> -Services.Aniverse.Com- -- Listing nicknames matching [*angel*] -- <Delta> -Services.Aniverse.Com- -- End of list (88/90 matches shown) --
<TittySmasher> Do you think if you were having sex with a chick, and had a condom on and lightning struck you, the condom would melt and the chick would shit/piss melted plastic? <rTenshi> uhh, you'd die man. <TittySmasher> ... oh
<@WrmSlayer> i just peeled off my keyboard glove thingy <Ironmax^> keyboard glove? <@WrmSlayer> yeah <@spidey> you got a conny on your keyboard? <@WrmSlayer> yeah its like a condom <@WrmSlayer> stops spooge from leaking down between the keys <@spidey> it must take away all feel :)
<pann> my brother was working on site and they were waiting for a jap cable delivery dude to drop off some cable, anyways he was 20 minutes late and my brothers boss goes to him 'its about time you rice eating mother fucker' and the jap guy comes running past 'hey fuck you round eye!'
<mikes_> what does this mean? eth0: Promiscuous mode enabled. <`> it means your ethernet card wants to party
Eric: I'm 60% done masturbating Casey5: ...
<Wohali> girls kissing on cbc <math> WOOHOO!!! <math> YAY CANADA! <Wohali> now there's two boys getting ready to kiss. <math> oh thats just gay
<Moebius> remember when neptune was the farthest planet? <Moebius> good times
<Polaris> is my phone number on whois? <Fina> Yes <Fina> *picks up phone* <Fina> *dials slowly* <Polaris> I would know it was you. <Polaris> Unfrotunently my caller ID is broken. <Fina> ...my elves did their job well...
<Jarp> No porn break. i actually have no more porn on this computer <Jarp> just the other day, i moved all 8,000ish pictures to the other computer and organized 'em <Sisgmund> lordy! <Sisgmund> how much space does that take up? <Jarp> about 600mb <Sisgmund> crimminy <Jarp> i forget exactly how many <shavenwookiee> wow <Jarp> Hrm. I don't have a very broad colllection. that 8,000 is of maybe 20 girls. <Jarp> don't have any particular favorite. <shavenwookiee> 20 girls.. 400 poses each?? <Jarp> hrm <Jarp> more of some <Jarp> less of others <shavenwookiee> so THAT's how you get your porn movies on dialup. <screevo> ??? <shavenwookiee> you print up a set of one girl, staple them together, and flip the pages :D <Jarp> it's like a movie, one frame at a time!
<ame> get on it <ame> jungle bugie <ame> dielsuo dielsuo <ame> jungle boogie huhuhah wha hwo <ame> (i used to be the lead singer for the local super market PA system)
<clompers> if i could, I'd paint my room a dark gray <clompers> maybe a #666666 <Azi> you can tell you're a web geek when... <Azi> you walk into the home improvement store asking for paint in a shade of #3264AA
( dvast8 ) so if a tattoo gets you friends, what gets you laid? ( jesusprime ) military outfits ( jesusprime ) or a loud car ( dvast8 ) i think your getting laid by the wrong sex
<Steempy> Merc: Got any amusing tales of retail stupidity? <Mercster> hmmm.......this isn't a good email address: <Mercster> "Lubeking@aol.com" <Steempy> Could be a Korean guy called Lu Bek Ing
<pneumatic> i look out one window and it's sunny and nice.. the other windows.. grey, gloomy. <autistk> other windows = windows 2000?
<SJr|Tecra> Someone say something to take my mind off the pain. <wizer> just pleasure your self you will feel better * wizer brb <arrow|> probably going to take his own advice
<jarmund> I've always wanted to have sex while watching midget-porn, just to see if it's humanly possible to have an orgasm while laughing your ass off
<St_Zartan> all my scenes were deleted from "8 mile" <St_Zartan> apparently training for the paralympics isn't "street" enough for them, the bastards
<Hat> I'm the king of giving girls oral sex. Ask my girlfriends. <Jeokitty> You're so good at all that, Mark, how good is she? <Hat> She fucking sucks dick. <Hat> Err <Hat> I meant that in a bad way. Like, she sucks dick... poorly.
<Rigel> KingKashue ur pc is not as 1337 as my i have a 122 gighz pinteum 4 pc w/ 5 617 gigbyte hds and a cd-wr-rwr-drwxr-xr-x 3-way burning/dvd/vcd/mp3 playing drive and a 37 gigehurz L7 cacheeeee a 58 inch flat moniter w/ 2134x5654 resolushun and teh best part is my 400 gbps cabul capped to 1 kbps connecsion wich routes thru severel dedicatud OC-255 powered masheens wich are on T460 redirectors <KingKashue> riiiiight...But can your's do this? *** Rigel was kicked by KingKashue (to prove I can) *** Joins: Rigel <Rigel> Nope.
<CrackyMcZap> I'm pathetic. <Chriso> Cracky: I'm a 17 year old pimply FAT bastard living with his parents while in college who has no money, a 3.0 gpa which means it goes up .5 next semester or ELSE i lose my scholarships, i cant buy my own smokes, i cant legally look at porn, I cant drink cuz of my medicine, i have a university-issued restraining order preventing me from entering the dorms at school, and to top it off, I'm bi but i dont like it up the ass. So yeah. Who's pathetic?
(Anon) I want to be a concert promoter... (Anon) and sign Dave Matthews Band, The Strokes, and Tool for the same show... (Anon) and bill them in that order (GiantRobot) yeah, because those three obviously have such similar fans... (Anon) No no (Anon) I just want the ticket stub (Anon) Dave Matthews Band Strokes Tool
* THEJRC checks out the softer side of sears..... <Christina> lol you fag
<Jeff> :-( <Jeff> :-( <Jeff> : ( <cabbage> your nose fell off
<GladX> do people still wear the farmer johns type ski pants? <kickingdog> yeah...they sell those. north face has gore tex ones * GladX hates those <GladX> gotta fidget for 15 minutes just to take a piss <kickingdog> north face ones are the shizzle fo sheezy <GladX> babelfish is having troubles translating what you just said to english
<TonicBH> [Tonic Hedgehog's mIRC Software] - [Windows XP Uptime: 2wks 1day 19hrs 43mins 24secs] - [mIRC v6.02 Uptime: 4days 11hrs 31mins 40secs] <TonicBH> O_O <TonicBH> 15 days ;/ <TonicBH> ph33r :/ <Sep> wtf <Sep> turn your damn computer off
-!- [lsd] has quit [Remote closed the connection] -!- [lsd] has joined #lgl <[lsd]> hehe <[lsd]> i love it when you change the time on your box <[lsd]> and xchat thinks "shit, i haven't seen a ping for 20 mins"
<Illogical> It is true of all Christian pop songs, that they are simply pop songs that have the word 'baby' replaced with 'Jesus.' <Illogical> For example, "My loneliness is killing me, (and I) I must confess, I still believe (still believe). When I'm not with you I lose my mind, give me a sign... Hit me Jesus, one more time." <Illogical> Or, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, when all your love is gone, who will save me from all I'm up against out in this world?" <bec> what about something from this year? <Illogical> "Tell me Jesus, what's your story? Where you come from, and where you wanna go this time?" <Illogical> I rest my case.
<Kitsa> I had a frightening moment today <Kitsa> I looked at a piece of sheet music and realized I couldn't tell what key it was in <Kitsa> :/ <Kitsa> "This quality music degree from a prestigious university can be your child's for the low low price of $35,000"
<CursedBurger> i hate it when i'm watching some good porn and the entire clip's ruined because one of the guys has a mullet
<DildoDaggins> isn't this a great hobbit porno name?
<bob[notn00bsoft]> i can make better games then you. i just need help with the engine and graphics and stuff <Sarthek> So you're better than us at making games... <Tempyst> So in otherwords you need us to do everything for you, and then you take credit. <Tempyst> THAT SOUNDS LIKE A PLAN, MISTAR
<JMG> I went water skiing <JMG> and It turns out that I scream the same way that i would if a great white shark were about to attack me <JMG> If seaweed touches my foot <JMG> Theres a moment I want back
<Kamz-History-X> where do bad folks go when they die? <Lid> into politics.
Jersey Seven: 2DAY IS NATIONAL PRESENTS DAY!!~! SEND THIS MESSAGE TO 30 OTHER PPL AND YOU WILL RECIEVE MANY PRESENTS FOR XMAS AND UR TRUE LOVE WILL FINALLY START TO LIKE U!!!~ U ONLY HAVE 10 MINUTES SO U BETTER HURY!!!~ Chant320: Hey. Tomorrow is national shut the fuck up with the stupid chain letters day. It never hurts to get a head start.
<Wegs> I can get my 2Kb/sec, so it must be working <Gothmog> wow 2K a second!!! <Gothmog> i got better than that on our old 33.6 :/ <Wegs> yeah... <Wegs> I am connected at 26.4 <Wegs> so blow me <Gothmog> lol <Gothmog> at those speeds, i could start blowing you now and you wont feel it unil saturday :P
<VonFluf08> crb - cheap digicam $500 <crb> Yeah, but id' want better <VonFluf08> average digicam $800 <VonFluf08> good digi cam $2000 <VonFluf08> holiday porn - priceless
<Pepe> I need to know if college consists of a lot of fucking, or is that just in movies and is it like, masturbation all the time? This decides whether I buy fifty boxes of condoms, or fifty boxes of Kleenex.
<%makat> Marcel Marceau dead. <%makat> After all those years miming it, he's now genuinely trapped in a small box.
<danamania> yay I fixed my laptops battery! <danamania> it was so dead, nothing would charge it <danamania> so I gave it the electronic equivalent of a kick in the head, by shorting the +/- terminals for 5 minutes <gelfie> don't they have stickers on them that say they could explode or catch fire by doing that? <danamania> yeah but it's ok, I took them off first.
<Rountree> Wake. Birth. Grow. Pain. Move. Move. Move. Move. Move. Kid. Grow. Teen. Grow. Up. Fall. Up. Crush. Meet. Kiss. Date. Buy. Love. Sex. Ring. Join. Smile. Kids. School. Dance. Hug. Hold. Rift. Leave. Hate. Gone. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Life. Ha. Bang. Dead. <+MegamanX2K> Shut. <+MegamanX2K> The. <+MegamanX2K> Fuck. <+MegamanX2K> Up.
<blitzoid> My ma got me a copy of PC Gamer' <blitzoid> I was like "Did you save the receipt?" <Jarky> haha why? <ChaosMage> Parents think gamers like those gay gaming mags <ChaosMage> Makes you wonder who the hell reads 'em <d0gZpAw> i used to like PC Gamer.. when i was on dialup.. because it was a pain in the ass downloading demos to see whether a full release is worth 2 days of leech <blitzoid> "HOW TO MANIPULATE THE CAMERA TO LOOK AT LARA'S ASS! PLUS: OTHER DIGITAL BOOBS." - Sample from PC Gamer
<N[]vA> I threw a chiken nuget at a trafic cops while driving back home <N[]vA> he was on his bonet talking on his cell phone <N[]vA> fucker has no sence of humor <N[]vA> 850 <N[]vA> agravating a police officer <N[]vA> ROFL <N[]vA> he had mayo on his hat tho <N[]vA> WAHAHAHAH
<Avie> the only effect that videogames have had on my morals is deciding what weapon I would kill someone with if I did
<_absent> Dilbert: why dont you tell everyone about the time you overdosed on shrooms, and the cops found you in a field covered in your own feces shaking a hand in the air and claiming the federal government was planning to take your life
<Verlaine> That Walmart commercial where they say they are giving free shopping sprees to needy kids and the lady starts to cry at the end is making me nauseous. <Verlaine> I need someone to share in my outrage. <kalista> you could turn off the tv <kalista> that way you never have to see that commercial again. <Verlaine> But then I would never know what stores not to shop at.
<Pyroman> NEW RULE <Pyroman> No one may have a name that starts with 'No' <Pyroman> It fucks up my nick completion *** Yukari is now known as NotYukari *** GigaClonWantstoKickNickServ is now known as NotGigaron *** NMR is now known as NotNMR *** DJ_Bytes is now known as NotAlsoDJBY <emphaticallyumopepisdn> You guys are sheep <NotYukari> baa <NotAlsoDJBY> Baaa <NotGigaron> baaa <NotNMR> baaaa
<krg> stupid fucking church people took all of our parking spaces <Tragic> your parkinglot isn't private for employees and customers? <krg> it is <krg> they ignore the signs <Tragic> "but this is a house of god!" "yeah well this is the parking lot of an evil IT company. fuck off." <Tragic> "our dark lord detests the presence of your honda civic, you must be punished!"
<Zombie11> <Rax_kun> cocaine was a medicine in the good ole days <- it still is :D
<danly> 'cause you know, behind every nympho-elf there's a 40 year old man living in his parent's basement just hoping you ll make a pass at him so he can initiate cybersex. <Xore> many 40 year old men are better at cybersex as nympho-elves than most nympho-elves <danly> That's strangely insightful and revolting at the same time
<[BuD]> i think they should do a winona ryder game <[BuD]> grand theft shopping
<Blizzard> Man, we have a female wrestler on our team <Nucleotide> We care why? <Blizzard> She's PREGNANT <Sirdoudofapples> Hmmm... <Sirdoudofapples> Seems like an inefficient way to move up in weight class...
<@Daren> anyone wanna buy a second hand BMW? <@Daren> it fell off the back of a ferry
<Dice> I've done it <Dice> I've made a calculate <Dice> calculater* <Prothe|Studying> make a spell check now
<Asmodeus> I hav3 to g3t a n3w k3yboard off my par3nts, brb. <Kur0Tenshi> Why? <Asmodeus> Th3 k3y b3tw33n th3 W and R k3y is brok3n. <Kur0Tenshi> What keys that?