type subtype arg questions
Life Be-Born Person Who was born? Who was born in [Place]?
Place Where did the birth take place? Where was [Person] born?
Marry Person Who was married? Who was married in [Place]?
Place Where did the marriage take place? Where was [Person] married?
Divorce Person Who was divorced? Who was divorced in [Place]?
Place Where did the divorce take place? Where was [Person] divorced?
Injure Agent Who enacted the harm? Who harmed [Victim]? Who enacted the harm using [Instrument]? Who enacted the harm in [Place]? Who harmed [Victim] using [Instrument]? Who harmed [Victim] in [Place]? Who enacted the harm using [Instrument] in [Place]? Who harmed [Victim] using [Instrument] in [Place]?
Victim Who was harmed? Who was harmed by [Agent]? Who was harmed with [Instrument]? Who was harmed in [Place]? Who was harmed by [Agent] with [Instrument]? Who was harmed by [Agent] in [Place]? Who was harmed with [Instrument] in [Place]? Who was harmed by [Agent] with [Instrument] in [Place]?
Instrument What device was used to inflict the harm? What device was used by [Agent] to inflict the harm? What device was used to harm [Victim]? What device was used to inflict the harm in [Place]? What device was used by [Agent] to harm [Victim]? What device was used by [Agent] to inflict the harm in [Place]? What device was used to harm [Victim] in [Place]? What device was used by [Agent] to harm [Victim] in [Place]?
Place Where did the injuring take place? Where did [Agent] enact the harm? Where was [Victim] harmed? Where was [Instrument] used to inflict the harm? Where did [Agent] harm [Victim]? Where did [Agent] enact the harm with [Instrument]? Where was [Victim] harmed with [Instrument]? Where did [Agent] harm [Victim] with [Instrument]?
Die Agent Who was the killer? Who killed [Victim]? Who killed others using [Instrument]? Who killed others in [Place]? Who killed [Victim] using [Instrument]? Who killed [Victim] in [Place]? Who killed others using [Instrument] in [Place]? Who killed [Victim] using [Instrument] in [Place]?
Victim Who was killed? Who was killed by [Agent]? Who was killed with [Instrument]? Who was killed in [Place]? Who was killed by [Agent] with [Instrument]? Who was killed by [Agent] in [Place]? Who was killed with [Instrument] in [Place]? Who was killed by [Agent] with [Instrument] in [Place]?
Instrument What device was used to kill? What device did [Agent] use to kill others? What device was used to kill [Victim]? What device was used to kill others in [Place]? What device did [Agent] use to kill [Victim]? What device did [Agent] use to kill others in [Place]? What device was used to kill [Victim] in [Place]? What device did [Agent] use to kill [Victim] in [Place]?
Place Where did the death take place? Where did [Agent] kill others? Where was [Victim] killed? Where were people killed with [Instrument]? Where did [Agent] kill [Victim]? Where did [Agent] kill others with [Instrument]? Where was [Victim] killed with [Instrument]? Where did [Agent] kill [Victim] with [Instrument]?
Movement Transport Agent Who is responsible for the transport event? Who transported [Artifact]? Who transported artifact using [Vehicle]? Who transported artifact from [Origin]? Who transported artifact to [Destination]? Who transported [Artifact] using [Vehicle]? Who transported [Artifact] from [Origin]? Who transported [Artifact] to [Destination]? Who transported artifact from [Origin] using [Vehicle]? Who transported artifact to [Destination] using [Vehicle]? Who transported artifact from [Origin] to [Destination]? Who transported [Artifact] from [Origin] using [Vehicle]? Who transported [Artifact] to [Destination] using [Vehicle]? Who transported [Artifact] from [Origin] to [Destination]? Who transported artifact from [Origin] to [Destination] using [Vehicle]? Who transported [Artifact] from [Origin] to [Destination] using [Vehicle]?
Artifact Who was transported? Who was transported by [Agent]? Who was transported with [Vehicle]? Who was transported from [Origin]? Who was transported to [Destination]? Who was transported by [Agent] with [Vehicle]? Who was transported from [Origin] by [Agent]? Who was transported to [Destination] by [Agent]? Who was transported from [Origin] with [Vehicle]? Who was transported to [Destination] with [Vehicle]? Who was transported from [Origin] to [Destination]? Who was transported from [Origin] by [Agent] with [Vehicle]? Who was transported to [Destination] by [Agent] with [Vehicle]? Who was transported from [Origin] to [Destination] by [Agent]? Who was transported from [Origin] to [Destination] with [Vehicle]? Who was transported from [Origin] to [Destination] by [Agent] with [Vehicle]?
Vehicle What vehicle was used for transporting? What vehicle did [Agent] use for transporting? What vehicle was used for transporting [Artifact]? What vehicle was used for transporting from [Origin]? What vehicle was used for transporting to [Destination]? What vehicle did [Agent] use for transporting [Artifact]? What vehicle did [Agent] use for transporting from [Origin]? What vehicle did [Agent] use for transporting to [Destination]? What vehicle was used for transporting [Artifact] from [Origin]? What vehicle was used for transporting [Artifact] to [Destination]? What vehicle was used for transporting from [Origin] to [Destination]? What vehicle did [Agent] use for transporting [Artifact] from [Origin]? What vehicle did [Agent] use for transporting [Artifact] to [Destination]? What vehicle did [Agent] use for transporting from [Origin] to [Destination]? What vehicle was used for transporting [Artifact] from [Origin] to [Destination]? What vehicle did [Agent] use for transporting [Artifact] from [Origin] to [Destination]?
Origin Where did the transporting originate? Where did [Agent] transport artifact from? Where was [Artifact] transported from? Where was artifact transported from with [Vehicle]? Where was artifact transported from to [Destination]? Where did [Agent] transport [Artifact] from? Where did [Agent] transport artifact from with [Vehicle]? Where did [Agent] transport artifact from to [Destination]? Where was [Artifact] transported from with [Vehicle]? Where was [Artifact] transported from to [Destination]? Where was artifact transported from to [Destination] with [Vehicle]? Where did [Agent] transport [Artifact] from with [Vehicle]? Where did [Agent] transport [Artifact] from to [Destination]? Where did [Agent] transport artifact from to [Destination] with [Vehicle]? Where was [Artifact] transported from to [Destination] with [Vehicle]? Where did [Agent] transport [Artifact] from to [Destination] with [Vehicle]?
Destination Where was the transporting directed? Where did [Agent] transport artifact to? Where was [Artifact] transported to? Where was artifact transported to with [Vehicle]? Where was artifact transported to from [Origin]? Where did [Agent] transport [Artifact] to? Where did [Agent] transport artifact to with [Vehicle]? Where did [Agent] transport artifact to from [Origin]? Where was [Artifact] transported to with [Vehicle]? Where was [Artifact] transported to from [Origin]? Where was artifact transported to from [Origin] with [Vehicle]? Where did [Agent] transport [Artifact] to with [Vehicle]? Where did [Agent] transport [Artifact] to from [Origin]? Where did [Agent] transport artifact to from [Origin] with [Vehicle]? Where was [Artifact] transported to from [Origin] with [Vehicle]? Where did [Agent] transport [Artifact] to from [Origin] with [Vehicle]?
Transaction Transfer-Ownership Buyer Who is the buying agent? Who bought things from [Seller]? Who bought things for [Beneficiary]? Who bought [Artifact]? Who bought things in [Place]? Who bought things from [Seller] for [Beneficiary]? Who bought [Artifact] from [Seller]? Who bought things from [Seller] in [Place]? Who bought [Artifact] for [Beneficiary]? Who bought things for [Beneficiary] in [Place]? Who bought [Artifact] in [Place]? Who bought [Artifact] from [Seller] for [Beneficiary]? Who bought things from [Seller] for [Beneficiary] in [Place]? Who bought [Artifact] from [Seller] in [Place]? Who bought [Artifact] for [Beneficiary] in [Place]? Who bought [Artifact] from [Seller] for [Beneficiary] in [Place]?
Seller Who is the selling agent? Who sold things to [Buyer]? Who did buyer buy things from for [Beneficiary]? Who sold [Artifact]? Who sold things in [Place]? Who did [Buyer] buy things from for [Beneficiary]? Who sold [Artifact] to [Buyer]? Who sold things to [Buyer] in [Place]? Who did buyer buy [Artifact] from for [Beneficiary]? Who did buyer buy things from for [Beneficiary] in [Place]? Who sold [Artifact] in [Place]? Who did [Buyer] buy [Artifact] from for [Beneficiary]? Who did [Buyer] buy things from for [Beneficiary] in [Place]? Who sold [Artifact] to [Buyer] in [Place]? Who did buyer buy [Artifact] from for [Beneficiary] in [Place]? Who did [Buyer] buy [Artifact] from for [Beneficiary] in [Place]?
Beneficiary Who benefits from the transaction? Who did [Buyer] buy things for? Who did buyer buy things from [Seller] for? Who did buyer buy [Artifact] for? Who did buyer buy things for in [Place]? Who did [Buyer] buy things from [Seller] for? Who did [Buyer] buy [Artifact] for? Who did [Buyer] buy things for in [Place]? Who did buyer buy [Artifact] from [Seller] for? Who did buyer buy things from [Seller] for in [Place]? Who did buyer buy [Artifact] for in [Place]? Who did [Buyer] buy [Artifact] from [Seller] for? Who did [Buyer] buy things from [Seller] for in [Place]? Who did [Buyer] buy [Artifact] for in [Place]? Who did buyer buy [Artifact] from [Seller] for in [Place]? Who did [Buyer] buy [Artifact] from [Seller] for in [Place]?
Artifact What was bought? What did [Buyer] buy? What did [Seller] sell? What was bought for [Beneficiary]? What was bought in [Place]? What did [Buyer] buy from [Seller]? What did [Buyer] buy for [Beneficiary]? What did [Buyer] buy in [Place]? What did buyer buy from [Seller] for [Beneficiary]? What did [Seller] sell in [Place]? What was bought for [Beneficiary] in [Place]? What did [Buyer] buy from [Seller] for [Beneficiary]? What did [Buyer] buy from [Seller] in [Place]? What did [Buyer] buy for [Beneficiary] in [Place]? What did buyer buy from [Seller] for [Beneficiary] in [Place]? What did [Buyer] buy from [Seller] for [Beneficiary] in [Place]?
Place Where did the sale take place? Where did [Buyer] buy things? Where did [Seller] sell things? Where did buyer buy things for [Beneficiary]? Where did buyer buy [Artifact]? Where did [Buyer] buy things from [Seller]? Where did [Buyer] buy things for [Beneficiary]? Where did [Buyer] buy [Artifact]? Where did buyer buy things for [Beneficiary] from [Seller]? Where did buyer buy [Artifact] from [Seller]? Where did buyer buy [Artifact] for [Beneficiary]? Where did [Buyer] buy things from [Seller] for [Beneficiary]? Where did [Buyer] buy [Artifact] from [Seller]? Where did [Buyer] buy [Artifact] for [Beneficiary]? Where did buyer buy [Artifact] for [Beneficiary] from [Seller]? Where did [Buyer] buy [Artifact] from [Seller] for [Beneficiary]?
Transfer-Money Giver Who gave money to others? Who gave money to [Recipient]? Who gave money to others for [Beneficiary]? Who gave money to others in [Place]? Who gave money to [Recipient] for [Beneficiary]? Who gave money to [Recipient] in [Place]? Who gave money to others for [Beneficiary] in [Place]? Who gave money to [Recipient] for [Beneficiary] in [Place]?
Recipient Who was given money? Who did [Giver] give money to? Who was given money for [Beneficiary]? Who was given money in [Place]? Who did [Giver] give money to for [Beneficiary]? Who did [Giver] give money to in [Place]? Who was given money for [Beneficiary] in [Place]? Who did [Giver] give money to for [Beneficiary] in [Place]?
Beneficiary Who benefited from the transfer? Who did [Giver] give money for? Who was [Recipient] given money for? Who benefited from the transfer in [Place]? Who did [Giver] give money to [Recipient] for? Who did [Giver] give money for in [Place]? Who was [Recipient] given money for in [Place]? Who did [Giver] give money to [Recipient] for in [Place]?
Place Where was the amount transferred? Where did [Giver] give money to others? Where was [Recipient] given money? Where did giver give money for [Beneficiary]? Where did [Giver] give money to [Recipient]? Where did [Giver] give money to others for [Beneficiary]? Where was [Recipient] given money for [Beneficiary]? Where did [Giver] give money to [Recipient] for [Beneficiary]?
Business Start-Org Agent Who started the organization? Who started [Org]? Who started the organization in [Place]? Who started [Org] in [Place]?
Org What organization was started? What organization was started by [Agent]? What organization was started in [Place]? What organization was started by [Agent] in [Place]?
Place Where was the organization started? Where was the organization started by [Agent]? Where was [Org] started? Where was [Org] started by [Agent]?
Merge-Org Org What organization was merged?
Declare-Bankruptcy Org What organization declared bankruptcy? What organization declared bankruptcy in [Place]?
Place Where was the bankruptcy declared? Where did [Org] declare the bankruptcy?
End-Org Org What organization was ended? What organization was ended in [Place]?
Place Where was the organization ended? Where was [Org] ended?
Conflict Attack Attacker Who was the attacking agent? Who attacked [Target]? Who used [Instrument] in the attack? Who made the attack in [Place]? Who attacked [Target] using [Instrument]? Who attacked [Target] in [Place]? Who used [Instrument] in the attack in [Place]? Who attacked [Target] using [Instrument] in [Place]?
Target Who was the target of the attack? Who was attacked by [Attacker]? Who was attacked with [Instrument]? Who was the target of the attack in [Place]? Who was attacked by [Attacker] using [Instrument]? Who was attacked by [Attacker] in [Place]? Who was attacked with [Instrument] in [Place]? Who was attacked by [Attacker] using [Instrument] in [Place]?
Instrument What instrument was used in the attack? What instrument did [Attacker] use in the attack? What instrument was used to attack [Target]? What instrument was used in the attack in [Place]? What instrument did [Attacker] use to attack [Target]? What instrument did [Attacker] use in the attack in [Place]? What instrument was used to attack [Target] in [Place]? What instrument did [Attacker] use to attack [Target] in [Place]?
Place Where did the attack take place? Where did [Attacker] make an attack? Where was [Target] attacked? Where was [Instrument] used in the attack? Where did [Attacker] attack [Target]? Where did [Attacker] use [Instrument] to make an attack? Where was [Instrument] used to attack [Target]? Where did [Attacker] attack [Target] using [Instrument]?
Demonstrate Entity Who demonstrated? Who demonstrated in [Place]?
Place Where did the demonstration take place? Where did [Entity] demonstrate?
Contact Meet Entity Who met with others? Who met others in [Place]?
Place Where did the meeting takes place? Where did [Entity] meet others?
Phone-Write Entity Who communicated with others?
Personnel Start-Position Person Who is the employee? Who was hired by [Entity]? Who was hired in [Place]? Who was hired by [Entity] in [Place]?
Entity Who is the the employer? Who hired [Person]? Who hired employee in [Place]? Who hired [Person] in [Place]?
Place Where did the employment relationship begin? Where was [Person] hired? Where did [Entity] hire employee? Where did [Entity] hire [Person]?
End-Position Person Who ended the position? Who was fired by [Entity]? Who ended the position in [Place]? Who was fired by [Entity] in [Place]?
Entity Who fired employee? Who fired [Person]? Who fired employee in [Place]? Who fired [Person] in [Place]?
Place Where did the employment relationship end? Where did [Person] end the position? Where did [Entity] fire employee? Where did [Entity] fire [Person]?
Nominate Person Who was nominated? Who was nominated by [Agent]?
Agent Who is the nominating agent? Who nominated [Person]?
Elect Person Who was elected? Who was elected by [Agent]? Who was elected in [Place]? Who was elected by [Agent] in [Place]?
Agent Who was the voting agent? Who elected [Person]? Who elected person in [Place]? Who elected [Person] in [Place]?
Place Where did the election takes place? Where was [Person] elected? Where did [Agent] elect person? Where did [Agent] elect [Person]?
Justice Arrest-Jail Person Who was arrested? Who was arrested by [Agent]? Who was arrested in [Place]? Who was arrested by [Agent] in [Place]?
Agent Who made the arrest? Who arrested [Person]? Who made the arrest in [Place]? Who arrested [Person] in [Place]?
Place Where did the arrest take place? Where was [Person] arrested? Where did [Agent] arrest person? Where did [Agent] arrest [Person]?
Release-Parole Person Who was released? Who was released by [Entity]? Who was released in [Place]? Who was released by [Entity] in [Place]?
Entity Who released the person? Who released [Person]? Who released the person in [Place]? Who released [Person] in [Place]?
Place Where did the release take place? Where was [Person] released? Where did [Entity] release person? Where did [Entity] release [Person]?
Trial-Hearing Defendant Who was on trial? Who was on trial being prosecuted by [Prosecutor]? Who was on trial being adjudicated by [Adjudicator]? Who was on trial in [Place]? Who was tried by [Prosecutor] with being adjudicated by [Adjudicator]? Who was tried by [Prosecutor] in [Place]? Who was on trial being adjudicated by [Adjudicator] in [Place]? Who was tried by [Prosecutor] with being adjudicated by [Adjudicator] in [Place]?
Prosecutor Who tried defendant? Who tried [Defendant]? Who tried the defendant being adjudicated by [Adjudicator]? Who tried defendant in [Place]? Who tried [Defendant] being adjudicated by [Adjudicator]? Who tried [Defendant] in [Place]? Who tried the defendant being adjudicated by [Adjudicator] in [Place]? Who tried [Defendant] being adjudicated by [Adjudicator] in [Place]?
Adjudicator Who adjudicated the trial? Who adjudicated the trial [Defendant] was on? Who adjudicated the trial being prosecuted by [Prosecutor]? Who adjudicated the trial in [Place]? Who adjudicated the trial [Defendant] was on being prosecuted by [Prosecutor]? Who adjudicated the trial [Defendant] was on in [Place]? Who adjudicated the trial being prosecuted by [Prosecutor] in [Place]? Who adjudicated the trial [Defendant] was on being prosecuted by [Prosecutor] in [Place]?
Place Where did the trial take place? Where was [Defendant] tried? Where did [Prosecutor] try the defendant? Where did [Adjudicator] adjudicate the trial? Where did [Prosecutor] try [Defendant]? Where did [Adjudicator] adjudicate the trial [Defendant] was on? Where did [Prosecutor] try the defendant with being adjudicated by [Adjudicator]? Where did [Prosecutor] try [Defendant] with being adjudicated by [Adjudicator]?
Charge-Indict Defendant Who was indicated for crime? Who was indicated for crime by [Prosecutor]? Who was indicated for crime being adjudicated by [Adjudicator]? Who was indicated for crime in [Place]? Who was indicated for crime by [Prosecutor] being adjudicated by [Adjudicator]? Who was indicated for crime by [Prosecutor] in [Place]? Who was indicated for crime being adjudicated by [Adjudicator] in [Place]? Who was indicated for crime by [Prosecutor] being adjudicated by [Adjudicator] in [Place]?
Prosecutor Who executed the indictment? Who indicated [Defendant] for crime? Who executed the indictment being adjudicated by [Adjudicator]? Who executed the indictment in [Place]? Who indicated [Defendant] for crime being adjudicated by [Adjudicator]? Who indicated [Defendant] for crime in [Place]? Who executed the indictment being adjudicated by [Adjudicator] in [Place]? Who indicated [Defendant] for crime being adjudicated by [Adjudicator] in [Place]?
Adjudicator Who adjudicated the indictment? Who adjudicated the indictment [Defendant] was charged in? Who adjudicated the indictment executed by [Prosecutor]? Who adjudicated the indictment in [Place]? Who adjudicated the indictment [Defendant] was charged in by [Prosecutor]? Who adjudicated the indictment [Defendant] was charged in in [Place]? Who adjudicated the indictment executed by [Prosecutor] in [Place]? Who adjudicated the indictment [Defendant] was charged in by [Prosecutor] in [Place]?
Place Where did the indictment take place? Where was [Defendant] indicated? Where did [Prosecutor] execute the indictment? Where did [Adjudicator] adjudicate the indictment? Where did [Prosecutor] indicate [Defendant] for crime? Where was [Defendant] indicated for crime being adjudicated by [Adjudicator]? Where did [Prosecutor] execute the indictment being adjudicated by [Adjudicator]? Where did [Prosecutor] indicate [Defendant] for crime being adjudicated by [Adjudicator]?
Sue Plaintiff Who sued defendant? Who sued [Defendant]? Who sued defendant being adjudicated by [Adjudicator]? Who sued defendant in [Place]? Who sued [Defendant] being adjudicated by [Adjudicator]? Who sued [Defendant] in [Place]? Who sued defendant being adjudicated by [Adjudicator] in [Place]? Who sued [Defendant] being adjudicated by [Adjudicator] in [Place]?
Defendant Who was sued? Who was sued by [Plaintiff]? Who was sued for crime being adjudicated by [Adjudicator]? Who was sued in [Place]? Who was sued by [Plaintiff] for crime being adjudicated by [Adjudicator]? Who was sued by [Plaintiff] in [Place]? Who was sued for crime being adjudicated by [Adjudicator] in [Place]? Who was sued by [Plaintiff] for crime being adjudicated by [Adjudicator] in [Place]?
Adjudicator Who adjudicated the suing? Who adjudicated the suing made by [Plaintiff]? Who adjudicated the suing against [Defendant]? Who adjudicated the suing in [Place]? Who adjudicated the suing against [Defendant] made by [Plaintiff]? Who adjudicated the suing made by [Plaintiff] in [Place]? Who adjudicated the suing against [Defendant] in [Place]? Who adjudicated the suing against [Defendant] made by [Plaintiff] in [Place]?
Place Where did the suit take place? Where did [Plaintiff] sue defendant? Where was [Defendant] sued? Where did [Adjudicator] adjudicate the suing? Where did [Plaintiff] sue [Defendant]? Where did [Plaintiff] sue defendant being adjudicated by [Adjudicator]? Where was [Defendant] sued being adjudicated by [Adjudicator]? Where did [Plaintiff] sue [Defendant] being adjudicated by [Adjudicator]?
Convict Defendant Who was convicted for crime? Who was convicted by [Adjudicator] for crime? Who was convicted for crime in [Place]? Who was convicted by [Adjudicator] for crime in [Place]?
Adjudicator Who convicted defendant for crime? Who convicted [Defendant] for crime? Who convicted defendant for crime in [Place]? Who convicted [Defendant] for crime in [Place]?
Place Where did the conviction take place? Where was [Defendant] convicted for crime? Where did [Adjudicator] convict the defendant for crime? Where did [Adjudicator] convict [Defendant] for crime?
Sentence Defendant Who was sentenced for crime? Who was sentenced by [Adjudicator] for crime? Who was sentenced for crime in [Place]? Who was sentenced by [Adjudicator] for crime in [Place]?
Adjudicator Who sentenced the defendant for crime? Who sentenced [Defendant] for crime? Who sentenced the defendant for crime in [Place]? Who sentenced [Defendant] for crime in [Place]?
Place Where did the sentencing take place? Where was [Defendant] sentenced for crime? Where did [Adjudicator] sentence the defendant for crime? Where did [Adjudicator] sentence [Defendant] for crime?
Fine Entity Who was fined for crime? Who was fined by [Adjudicator] for crime? Who was fined for crime in [Place]? Who was fined by [Adjudicator] for crime in [Place]?
Adjudicator Who fined the entity for crime? Who fined [Entity] for crime? Who fined the entity for crime in [Place]? Who fined [Entity] for crime in [Place]?
Place Where did the fining take place? Where was [Entity] fined for crime? Where did [Adjudicator] fine the entity for crime? Where did [Adjudicator] fine [Entity] for crime?
Execute Person Who was executed for crime? Who was executed by [Agent] for crime? Who was executed for crime in [Place]? Who was executed by [Agent] for crime in [Place]?
Agent Who executed person for crime? Who executed [Person] for crime? Who executed person for crime in [Place]? Who executed [Person] for crime in [Place]?
Place Where did the execution take place? Where was [Person] executed for crime? Where did [Agent] execute person for crime? Where did [Agent] execute [Person] for crime?
Extradite Agent Who extradited person? Who extradited person to [Destination]? Who extradited person from [Origin]? Who extradited person from [Origin] to [Destination]?
Destination Where was the person extradited to? Where did [Agent] extradite person to? Where was the person extradited to from [Origin]? Where did [Agent] extradite person to from [Origin]?
Origin Where was the person extradited from? Where did [Agent] extradite person from? Where was the person extradited from to [Destination]? Where did [Agent] extradite person from to [Destination]?
Acquit Defendant Who was acquited of crime? Who was acquited of crime by [Adjudicator]?
Adjudicator Who acquited the defendant of crime? Who acquited [Defendant] of crime?
Pardon Defendant Who was pardoned for crime? Who was pardoned by [Adjudicator] for crime? Who was pardoned for crime in [Place]? Who was pardoned by [Adjudicator] for crime in [Place]?
Adjudicator Who pardoned defendant for crime? Who pardoned [Defendant] for crime? Who pardoned defendant for crime in [Place]? Who pardoned [Defendant] for crime in [Place]?
Place Where did the pardon take place? Where was [Defendant] pardoned for crime? Where did [Adjudicator] pardon the defendant for crime? Where did [Adjudicator] pardon [Defendant] for crime?
Appeal Defendant Who made the appeal? Who made the appeal to [Adjudicator]? Who made the appeal in [Place]? Who made the appeal to [Adjudicator] in [Place]?
Adjudicator Who adjudicated the appeal? Who adjudicated the appeal made by [Defendant]? Who adjudicated the appeal in [Place]? Who adjudicated the appeal made by [Defendant] in [Place]?
Place Where did the appeal take place? Where did [Defendant] make the appeal? Where did [Adjudicator] adjudicate the appeal? Where did [Defendant] make the appeal to [Adjudicator]?

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