[ elevator bell dings ] katie : hey . wyatt : that 's another close call . katie : yeah . i guess bill has a guardian angel on his shoulders . liam : where 's brooke ? thorne : she 's , uh , back in there with bill . ridge : [ sighs ] we should n't have gone over to spencer 's . thorne : i disagree . he needed to hear us out . ridge : yeah . and here we are . and brooke is in there with bill . brooke : i know how serious a concussion is , but it could have been worse . thank god it wasn't . bill : yeah , i 've been thinking a lot about that -- how i was saved from a fall that should have killed me . brooke : i ca n't believe thorne and ridge would do this to you . bill : well , maybe it was necessary ... to get us here . [ monitor beeping ] i love you , brooke . i 've never stopped loving you . and deep down , i believe that you 've never stopped loving me , either . we can do this . we can have our life back together again . eric : what in the world i -- donna : uh , if you 're looking for thorne or katie , they 're still at the hospital . eric : no , no , i 'm not . i - i just was , uh -- when did you get in town ? donna : today . eric : [ chuckles ] dressed like this ? donna : uh , well , no . but now that you mention it ... what do you think , honey bear ? eric : [ chuckles ] donna : [ chuckles ] eric : you look amazing , donna . donna : [ chuckles ] eric : it 's wonderful to see you . donna : it 's good to see you , too , eric . eric : so , i assume you 're here with someone . donna : oh , this ? no . uh ... it 's actually part of the intimates line . katie got it for me as a welcome - back gift . eric : ah . donna : and , uh , well , it 's so beautiful and fun , and it 's been so long since i 've worn anything like this , so , you know , no one was home . i tried it one . eric : and then i ... barged in . donna : yeah . well , i mean , it was good it was you . i was afraid it was will . eric : oh . yeah . donna : yeah . eric : that would have been awkward , yeah . donna : yeah . [ chuckles ] eric : um ... you know what ? here , please . allow me . donna : thank you . eric : yeah . yeah . there . good . i 've already had one medical event this year . donna : [ chuckles ] ridge : katie ... i 'm sorry about all of it . katie : yeah . well ... bill seems to be pulling through , so i 'm grateful for that . ridge : i 'm grateful , too . wyatt : wow . i 'm sorry . uh , did i hear you correctly ? ridge : i did n't want any of this to happen , wyatt . liam : uh , guys ... detective sanchez . det . sanchez : i got word mr . spencer 's conscious ? katie : yeah . he , uh , apparently is going to be okay , thank god . det . sanchez : he 's allowed visitors ? thorne : brooke is in there with him . det . sanchez : i 'd like to have a word with him . thorne : the doctor said he needed some rest . det . sanchez : he 'll get his rest . right now i want to get his account of how he went over the balcony . [ monitor beeping ] brooke : i want to believe you 've changed . bill : i did n't have you take that off for show . brooke : well , time will tell , i suppose . bill : i do n't need time . i 'm committed to this . i 'm a new man , the best version of myself that i can be ... the man that you deserve . all you have to do is say yes . donna : it worked out that i 'd be here when will gets home and , you know , while they 're still at the hospital . eric : yeah . donna : i hope it 's nothing serious . but will and i have been buds for a long time , and i 'm really excited to hang out with him . it 's -- it 's gon na be great . eric ? eric . eric : got it . great . yeah . it 's gon na be great -- great . donna : what 's -- what 's going on ? you seem -- eric : i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry . i do n't mean to dump all my stuff on you . donna : come on . share . look , i might be an ex - wife , but i - i still care about you . what 's the problem ? eric : pam and charlie are engaged . donna : really ? ! wow ! eric : yeah . donna : wow . another wedding . eric : yes . donna : you -- you could make a career out of this . eric : i know , but therein lies the problem . pam asked if she and charlie could have the wedding at the house . donna : and you 're all weddinged out -- you ? eric : no , no , not me . quinn . quinn is . donna : she does n't want to have pam 's wedding at the house ? eric : she thinks pam 's crazy . donna : uh , hello ! she is ! i mean , she tied me up , doused me with honey , and got a bear to chow down . eric : i know . i know . donna : but , you know , whatever . it 's a wedding , so that trumps everything . eric : yeah . donna : and , you know ... it was stephanie 's house -- pammy 's sister . i could see why she 'd want to get married there . eric : i wish my wife had felt the same way about it . donna : tell her to get with the program -- the way you used to with me . eric : that worked so well with you . `` get with the program , donna ! `` and you 'd go off and do your own th -- i remember . `` get with the program . `` goodness . donna : that 's what i 've been waiting for -- that , that smile on your face . eric : yeah , well , you bring it out in me . that 's exactly what i needed . det . sanchez : yeah , i just have a couple of questions . it wo n't take too long . dr. chester : if mr . spencer feels up to it , then i do n't see a problem . thorne : we 've already given you our statements . det . sanchez : and now i 'd like to ask mr . spencer . dr. jane hamilton . dr. jane hamilton . bill : i hope you believe me , brooke . this has been a game - changer for me . brooke : i do believe it . but i am married to ridge , and that has n't and wo n't change . bill : i suppose i really did n't expect you to say yes right away . but everything i said , i meant , brooke . do n't ever doubt how much i love you . dr. chester : mr. spencer , how are you feeling ? bill : better every minute . dr. chester : the headache should lesson over time . the detective here wants to ask you some questions . medically speaking , i think you can handle it , but it 's up to you . bill : sure . why not ? det . sanchez : mr. forrester , i 'm gon na ask you to wait outside . bill : detective ... i think it would be good if he stayed for this . [ monitor beeping ] det . sanchez : good to see you 're back here with us . bill : yeah . close call . det . sanchez : yes , it was . it 's not the first time , either . bill : run of bad luck recently . det . sanchez : well , it seems like mr . forrester here has been a part of your bad luck more than once . bill : yeah . i suppose he 's on a run of his own . det . sanchez : look , if at any time you want mr . forrester to leave , you just let me know . but that 's what i 'm here to talk to you about -- ridge and thorne 's involvement in your accident , which is what they called it when i questioned them while you were still unconscious . bill : is that so ? det . sanchez : i just want your side of the story , mr . spencer . alone at home with two angry men who , by their own statement , hate you . it 's hard to believe that you went over the balcony on accident . is that what happened ? if not , would you like to press charges ? tech : at safelite autoglass , donna : so , you may or may not be hosting pam and charlie 's wedding in the house . eric : quinn is dead set against it . donna : [ sighs ] i love weddings . eric : yeah . so do i . we 've had a lot of weddings in that house . donna : one in particular i 'll never forget . we have shared so many lovely memories . eric : i 've never forgotten any one of them . donna : let me test you . eric : sure . go ahead . donna : our first kiss . eric : it was a wet one . i 'm talking about where it was . donna : that 's good . that 's good . by the pool . you do remember . eric : yeah . donna : okay . um ... how about your wedding vows ? i bet you do n't remember them . eric : wow . you 're really testing me , are n't you ? donna : i remember them . donna : eric ... you know ... you know how much i love you . eric : i love you . you have changed my life . i 'm gon na love you every day of my life , no matter what . [ both chuckle ] donna : we have had our moments . eric : yes , we have . donna : and now look at us -- two exes strolling down memory lane . and i do n't regret a moment of it . katie : i wonder how it 's going in there . wyatt : maybe ridge 's story is n't exactly lining up with dad 's . but it 's okay . sanchez will get to the bottom of it . thorne : you know , i 'm part of this , too . i should be in there . det . sanchez : obviously , there was an altercation between you , ridge , and thorne forrester that resulted in you going over your balcony . i just want your cooperation , mr . spencer . bill : i always cooperate with the police , detective . [ door opens ] liam : thorne , hey , hey . never mind . bill : well , well . the gang 's all still here . wyatt : are you doing okay , dad ? det . sanchez : can we save this for later ? i 'm in the middle of an investigation here . dr. chester : and i 'm concerned about my patient . how are you holding up , mr . spencer ? bill : i 'm fine , doc . feel free to stay for the party , everyone . det . sanchez : all right . no more interruptions , please . you were saying ? bill : ridge and thorne showed up at my home . they made threats , accusations . things got physical . det . sanchez : a fight broke out -- the two of them against you ? bill : right ... ending in ridge rushing at me and ... pushing me back toward the balcony . that 's how i went over . det . sanchez : so , i 'm assuming you want to press charges ? [ monitor beeping ] bill : there 's something else , detective . det . sanchez : what 's that ? bill : i threw the first punch . det . sanchez : what are you saying ? bill : what happened ... was an accident . it 's no secret how ridge and thorne feel about me . but did they intend to push me off the balcony ? definitely not . [ beeping continues ] ( roger ) being a good father eric : you know what really surprised me about your vows ? is that they were about uniting our family , and that was , uh -- that was really significant , given what was going on at the time . donna : yeah , with felicia , pam , stephanie -- just about everybody -- hating me . eric : you were really in the lion 's den , were n't you ? donna : did n't matter . i had my honey bear . let them deal with it . eric : and you were actually starting to , uh -- starting to win them over . donna : [ chuckles ] oh , i - i do n't remember that part . eric : no ? donna : no . eric : maybe that 's just wishful thinking on my part , yeah ? well , donna , this has been wonderful . donna : you feeling better ? eric : oh , so much better . thank you . i 'm so glad you 're gon na be here . donna : yeah , right next door . eric : yeah . do n't be a stranger . donna : eric , come on . you do n't really need me knocking on your door . eric : sure . i take great pride in being a wonderful neighbor . donna : okay . well , you were n't a bad husband , so i guess i believe you . eric : okay . whatever you need , quinn and i will be at your service , i promise . donna : if ever i 'm out of honey ... i know where to go . eric : oh , okay . all right . donna : [ laughs ] eric : [ chuckles ] dr. chester : got your results back from radiology . except for the concussion , everything looks good . bill : great . guess you guys are right . i do have a thick skull . dr. chester : considering how you were unconscious , as well as the concussion , i would like to hold you for observation . bill : come on , doc . i 've had worse than this . dr. chester : all the more reason . and you need to rest . wyatt : yeah . you need to listen to your doctor , dad . you can keep him as long as you want . liam : yeah . bill : thanks , doc -- for everything . dr. chester : i 'll check in on you later . liam : uh , we should go ... wyatt : yeah . liam : ... so he can rest . bill : not so fast . ridge : i want to say something . thank you . bill : had you squirming there for a minute , did n't i ? katie : yeah , you had us all squirming . wyatt : well , that 's dad -- always full of surprises . bill : yeah . biggest surprise of all ... was waking up and being surrounded by all of you . i ca n't tell you how much that means to me -- especially you two . do you , uh -- do you notice anything ? wyatt : the sword necklace ? liam : w -- i do n't -- i do n't get it . where is it ? bill : i had brooke take it off . and it 's staying off . you 're looking at a changed man , and i mean that . katie ... i 'm going to be the kind of father that deserves to spend every minute with his son . katie : good . i want that , too . bill : my children are gon na be my priority ... and that includes both of you . now , i - i - i know this is , uh ... difficult for you guys to accept at -- at face value ... all the crap that i 've pulled . but you 'll see over time that i mean it . i do n't want to be the -- the dad who preaches family first and does the opposite . believe me . i 'm as disgusted by that man as you are . i 'm sorry -- truly sorry -- for having hurt both of you . let 's try and take it from here . [ monitor beeping ] i always hated people 's apologies . my reaction was always the same . actions speak volumes , and words ... say nothing . so i 'm hopeful that the fact that ridge and thorne are n't in custody means something . i wo n't go back on my word . for many reasons , i am committed to making these changes . and i will make them . in the words of the old `` dollar bill `` ... you can take that to the bank . [ beeping continues ]
bill tells brooke that he still loves her , always has and he thinks she loves him too . now they have a chance to start over and be together . he can be the man she deserves . ridge waits patiently and tells thorne and katie that brooke is in to see bill . the sergeant walks up and knows bill is awake and wants to question him . he says he has everybody else 's statements so now he would like mr. spencer 's . the doctor comes in and says it is up to bill . bill says he is up to it . brooke stays and ridge even comes in . the sergeant wants to know the involvement of two angry men who came to see him . he finds it hard to believe he went over the balcony all on his own . a surprised eric tells donna she looks great . he did not know she was even in town . he helps her put her robe on and quips that he has had his medical alert this year already . he tells her why he is disturbed right now with pam wanting her wedding in his house but his wife does not . she thinks pam is crazy . donna laughs and says she knows . she was the receipent of pam pouring honey all over her and letting a bear in the cabin . but if it was her she would let bygones be bygones and let pam get married in her sister 's house . she tells eric she has a lot of memories too of that house and their marriage and she quizzes him if he remembers their first kiss and his wedding vows and he does . after a few more minutes he says this has been wonderful but he needs to get home . do n't be a stranger , drop in and see him anytime . she says that might not be the best idea in the world but if she ever needs honey she knows where to go . thorne tells the others he should be in there and rushes into the room with all the others following – wyatt , liam and katie . the doctor asks bill if this is okay if he is still holding up okay . bill tells them to join the party , he will always cooperate with the police .
<s>[INST] [ elevator bell dings ] katie : hey . wyatt : that 's another close call . katie : yeah . i guess bill has a guardian angel on his shoulders . liam : where 's brooke ? thorne : she 's , uh , back in there with bill . ridge : [ sighs ] we should n't have gone over to spencer 's . thorne : i disagree . he needed to hear us out . ridge : yeah . and here we are . and brooke is in there with bill . brooke : i know how serious a concussion is , but it could have been worse . thank god it wasn't . bill : yeah , i 've been thinking a lot about that -- how i was saved from a fall that should have killed me . brooke : i ca n't believe thorne and ridge would do this to you . bill : well , maybe it was necessary ... to get us here . [ monitor beeping ] i love you , brooke . i 've never stopped loving you . and deep down , i believe that you 've never stopped loving me , either . we can do this . we can have our life back together again . eric : what in the world i -- donna : uh , if you 're looking for thorne or katie , they 're still at the hospital . eric : no , no , i 'm not . i - i just was , uh -- when did you get in town ? donna : today . eric : [ chuckles ] dressed like this ? donna : uh , well , no . but now that you mention it ... what do you think , honey bear ? eric : [ chuckles ] donna : [ chuckles ] eric : you look amazing , donna . donna : [ chuckles ] eric : it 's wonderful to see you . donna : it 's good to see you , too , eric . eric : so , i assume you 're here with someone . donna : oh , this ? no . uh ... it 's actually part of the intimates line . katie got it for me as a welcome - back gift . eric : ah . donna : and , uh , well , it 's so beautiful and fun , and it 's been so long since i 've worn anything like this , so , you know , no one was home . i tried it one . eric : and then i ... barged in . donna : yeah . well , i mean , it was good it was you . i was afraid it was will . eric : oh . yeah . donna : yeah . eric : that would have been awkward , yeah . donna : yeah . [ chuckles ] eric : um ... you know what ? here , please . allow me . donna : thank you . eric : yeah . yeah . there . good . i 've already had one medical event this year . donna : [ chuckles ] ridge : katie ... i 'm sorry about all of it . katie : yeah . well ... bill seems to be pulling through , so i 'm grateful for that . ridge : i 'm grateful , too . wyatt : wow . i 'm sorry . uh , did i hear you correctly ? ridge : i did n't want any of this to happen , wyatt . liam : uh , guys ... detective sanchez . det . sanchez : i got word mr . spencer 's conscious ? katie : yeah . he , uh , apparently is going to be okay , thank god . det . sanchez : he 's allowed visitors ? thorne : brooke is in there with him . det . sanchez : i 'd like to have a word with him . thorne : the doctor said he needed some rest . det . sanchez : he 'll get his rest . right now i want to get his account of how he went over the balcony . [ monitor beeping ] brooke : i want to believe you 've changed . bill : i did n't have you take that off for show . brooke : well , time will tell , i suppose . bill : i do n't need time . i 'm committed to this . i 'm a new man , the best version of myself that i can be ... the man that you deserve . all you have to do is say yes . donna : it worked out that i 'd be here when will gets home and , you know , while they 're still at the hospital . eric : yeah . donna : i hope it 's nothing serious . but will and i have been buds for a long time , and i 'm really excited to hang out with him . it 's -- it 's gon na be great . eric ? eric . eric : got it . great . yeah . it 's gon na be great -- great . donna : what 's -- what 's going on ? you seem -- eric : i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry . i do n't mean to dump all my stuff on you . donna : come on . share . look , i might be an ex - wife , but i - i still care about you . what 's the problem ? eric : pam and charlie are engaged . donna : really ? ! wow ! eric : yeah . donna : wow . another wedding . eric : yes . donna : you -- you could make a career out of this . eric : i know , but therein lies the problem . pam asked if she and charlie could have the wedding at the house . donna : and you 're all weddinged out -- you ? eric : no , no , not me . quinn . quinn is . donna : she does n't want to have pam 's wedding at the house ? eric : she thinks pam 's crazy . donna : uh , hello ! she is ! i mean , she tied me up , doused me with honey , and got a bear to chow down . eric : i know . i know . donna : but , you know , whatever . it 's a wedding , so that trumps everything . eric : yeah . donna : and , you know ... it was stephanie 's house -- pammy 's sister . i could see why she 'd want to get married there . eric : i wish my wife had felt the same way about it . donna : tell her to get with the program -- the way you used to with me . eric : that worked so well with you . `` get with the program , donna ! `` and you 'd go off and do your own th -- i remember . `` get with the program . `` goodness . donna : that 's what i 've been waiting for -- that , that smile on your face . eric : yeah , well , you bring it out in me . that 's exactly what i needed . det . sanchez : yeah , i just have a couple of questions . it wo n't take too long . dr. chester : if mr . spencer feels up to it , then i do n't see a problem . thorne : we 've already given you our statements . det . sanchez : and now i 'd like to ask mr . spencer . dr. jane hamilton . dr. jane hamilton . bill : i hope you believe me , brooke . this has been a game - changer for me . brooke : i do believe it . but i am married to ridge , and that has n't and wo n't change . bill : i suppose i really did n't expect you to say yes right away . but everything i said , i meant , brooke . do n't ever doubt how much i love you . dr. chester : mr. spencer , how are you feeling ? bill : better every minute . dr. chester : the headache should lesson over time . the detective here wants to ask you some questions . medically speaking , i think you can handle it , but it 's up to you . bill : sure . why not ? det . sanchez : mr. forrester , i 'm gon na ask you to wait outside . bill : detective ... i think it would be good if he stayed for this . [ monitor beeping ] det . sanchez : good to see you 're back here with us . bill : yeah . close call . det . sanchez : yes , it was . it 's not the first time , either . bill : run of bad luck recently . det . sanchez : well , it seems like mr . forrester here has been a part of your bad luck more than once . bill : yeah . i suppose he 's on a run of his own . det . sanchez : look , if at any time you want mr . forrester to leave , you just let me know . but that 's what i 'm here to talk to you about -- ridge and thorne 's involvement in your accident , which is what they called it when i questioned them while you were still unconscious . bill : is that so ? det . sanchez : i just want your side of the story , mr . spencer . alone at home with two angry men who , by their own statement , hate you . it 's hard to believe that you went over the balcony on accident . is that what happened ? if not , would you like to press charges ? tech : at safelite autoglass , donna : so , you may or may not be hosting pam and charlie 's wedding in the house . eric : quinn is dead set against it . donna : [ sighs ] i love weddings . eric : yeah . so do i . we 've had a lot of weddings in that house . donna : one in particular i 'll never forget . we have shared so many lovely memories . eric : i 've never forgotten any one of them . donna : let me test you . eric : sure . go ahead . donna : our first kiss . eric : it was a wet one . i 'm talking about where it was . donna : that 's good . that 's good . by the pool . you do remember . eric : yeah . donna : okay . um ... how about your wedding vows ? i bet you do n't remember them . eric : wow . you 're really testing me , are n't you ? donna : i remember them . donna : eric ... you know ... you know how much i love you . eric : i love you . you have changed my life . i 'm gon na love you every day of my life , no matter what . [ both chuckle ] donna : we have had our moments . eric : yes , we have . donna : and now look at us -- two exes strolling down memory lane . and i do n't regret a moment of it . katie : i wonder how it 's going in there . wyatt : maybe ridge 's story is n't exactly lining up with dad 's . but it 's okay . sanchez will get to the bottom of it . thorne : you know , i 'm part of this , too . i should be in there . det . sanchez : obviously , there was an altercation between you , ridge , and thorne forrester that resulted in you going over your balcony . i just want your cooperation , mr . spencer . bill : i always cooperate with the police , detective . [ door opens ] liam : thorne , hey , hey . never mind . bill : well , well . the gang 's all still here . wyatt : are you doing okay , dad ? det . sanchez : can we save this for later ? i 'm in the middle of an investigation here . dr. chester : and i 'm concerned about my patient . how are you holding up , mr . spencer ? bill : i 'm fine , doc . feel free to stay for the party , everyone . det . sanchez : all right . no more interruptions , please . you were saying ? bill : ridge and thorne showed up at my home . they made threats , accusations . things got physical . det . sanchez : a fight broke out -- the two of them against you ? bill : right ... ending in ridge rushing at me and ... pushing me back toward the balcony . that 's how i went over . det . sanchez : so , i 'm assuming you want to press charges ? [ monitor beeping ] bill : there 's something else , detective . det . sanchez : what 's that ? bill : i threw the first punch . det . sanchez : what are you saying ? bill : what happened ... was an accident . it 's no secret how ridge and thorne feel about me . but did they intend to push me off the balcony ? definitely not . [ beeping continues ] ( roger ) being a good father eric : you know what really surprised me about your vows ? is that they were about uniting our family , and that was , uh -- that was really significant , given what was going on at the time . donna : yeah , with felicia , pam , stephanie -- just about everybody -- hating me . eric : you were really in the lion 's den , were n't you ? donna : did n't matter . i had my honey bear . let them deal with it . eric : and you were actually starting to , uh -- starting to win them over . donna : [ chuckles ] oh , i - i do n't remember that part . eric : no ? donna : no . eric : maybe that 's just wishful thinking on my part , yeah ? well , donna , this has been wonderful . donna : you feeling better ? eric : oh , so much better . thank you . i 'm so glad you 're gon na be here . donna : yeah , right next door . eric : yeah . do n't be a stranger . donna : eric , come on . you do n't really need me knocking on your door . eric : sure . i take great pride in being a wonderful neighbor . donna : okay . well , you were n't a bad husband , so i guess i believe you . eric : okay . whatever you need , quinn and i will be at your service , i promise . donna : if ever i 'm out of honey ... i know where to go . eric : oh , okay . all right . donna : [ laughs ] eric : [ chuckles ] dr. chester : got your results back from radiology . except for the concussion , everything looks good . bill : great . guess you guys are right . i do have a thick skull . dr. chester : considering how you were unconscious , as well as the concussion , i would like to hold you for observation . bill : come on , doc . i 've had worse than this . dr. chester : all the more reason . and you need to rest . wyatt : yeah . you need to listen to your doctor , dad . you can keep him as long as you want . liam : yeah . bill : thanks , doc -- for everything . dr. chester : i 'll check in on you later . liam : uh , we should go ... wyatt : yeah . liam : ... so he can rest . bill : not so fast . ridge : i want to say something . thank you . bill : had you squirming there for a minute , did n't i ? katie : yeah , you had us all squirming . wyatt : well , that 's dad -- always full of surprises . bill : yeah . biggest surprise of all ... was waking up and being surrounded by all of you . i ca n't tell you how much that means to me -- especially you two . do you , uh -- do you notice anything ? wyatt : the sword necklace ? liam : w -- i do n't -- i do n't get it . where is it ? bill : i had brooke take it off . and it 's staying off . you 're looking at a changed man , and i mean that . katie ... i 'm going to be the kind of father that deserves to spend every minute with his son . katie : good . i want that , too . bill : my children are gon na be my priority ... and that includes both of you . now , i - i - i know this is , uh ... difficult for you guys to accept at -- at face value ... all the crap that i 've pulled . but you 'll see over time that i mean it . i do n't want to be the -- the dad who preaches family first and does the opposite . believe me . i 'm as disgusted by that man as you are . i 'm sorry -- truly sorry -- for having hurt both of you . let 's try and take it from here . [ monitor beeping ] i always hated people 's apologies . my reaction was always the same . actions speak volumes , and words ... say nothing . so i 'm hopeful that the fact that ridge and thorne are n't in custody means something . i wo n't go back on my word . for many reasons , i am committed to making these changes . and i will make them . in the words of the old `` dollar bill `` ... you can take that to the bank . [ beeping continues ]Summarize.[/INST]bill tells brooke that he still loves her , always has and he thinks she loves him too . now they have a chance to start over and be together . he can be the man she deserves . ridge waits patiently and tells thorne and katie that brooke is in to see bill . the sergeant walks up and knows bill is awake and wants to question him . he says he has everybody else 's statements so now he would like mr. spencer 's . the doctor comes in and says it is up to bill . bill says he is up to it . brooke stays and ridge even comes in . the sergeant wants to know the involvement of two angry men who came to see him . he finds it hard to believe he went over the balcony all on his own . a surprised eric tells donna she looks great . he did not know she was even in town . he helps her put her robe on and quips that he has had his medical alert this year already . he tells her why he is disturbed right now with pam wanting her wedding in his house but his wife does not . she thinks pam is crazy . donna laughs and says she knows . she was the receipent of pam pouring honey all over her and letting a bear in the cabin . but if it was her she would let bygones be bygones and let pam get married in her sister 's house . she tells eric she has a lot of memories too of that house and their marriage and she quizzes him if he remembers their first kiss and his wedding vows and he does . after a few more minutes he says this has been wonderful but he needs to get home . do n't be a stranger , drop in and see him anytime . she says that might not be the best idea in the world but if she ever needs honey she knows where to go . thorne tells the others he should be in there and rushes into the room with all the others following – wyatt , liam and katie . the doctor asks bill if this is okay if he is still holding up okay . bill tells them to join the party , he will always cooperate with the police .</s>
jack : faith and natalie are on the bus with sage . parker and j.j. are on their bikes , racing to see which one gets there first . carly : that 's great . i think those kids all had a really nice time camping out in the backyard , huh ? jack : they did . everyone seemed to get along , for once . carly : and the two of us , for a little while . jack : ' til i figured out this whole sleepover was just a setup for lily to spend so time alone with holden . carly : oh , come on , jack . they have been through so much . they deserve a chance to reconnect . that 's all i was trying to do is help lily ! jack : it 's not your problem . you should n't do anything ! fixing their marriage is n't your job . [ carly sighs ] carly : you know something , jack ? that 's not really what 's bothering you . jack : it 's not ? carly : no . the truth is , you really enjoyed yourself last night . it was just like old times with carly and the kids , and you just ca n't handle that , can you ? [ scene_break ] holden : you make me feel like i 'm 17 . lily : ooh ! make it sound like we 're doing something illegal here . holden : no . it was perfect . you 're perfect . lily : i know you wanted to wait , but i could n't . it 's been too long . holden : mm . i 'll say . every night that you were gone , i 'd lie awake , thinking about you , missing you . lily : me , too . feels like we 're finally back on track . just -- holden : what ? lily : i just do n't want anything to ever come between us again . holden : what could possibly come between us ? there are no more secrets , right ? lily : right . [ scene_break ] [ cell phone ringing ] alison : chris ? chris : hey ! how 's the star nursing student ? alison : okay , i guess . chris : all ready for your anatomy and physiology exam ? hope my tutoring gave you a bit of an edge . alison : oh , yeah . yeah , it was great . i 'm psyched . but , really , thank you for helping me . i know how busy you are . chris : well , i -- i do have a full patient load today , but if you want to stop by the hospital for a last - minute review , i 'll -- i 'll adjust my schedule . alison : no . i ca n't -- i ca n't ask you to do that . chris : no , i do n't mind , really . if you need me , i 'm here . alison : thanks , but i think i 'm all set for the exam . seriously , i 'm good . chris : you sure ? you 're gon na ace this thing ? alison : oh , yeah . you bet . thanks for calling . bye . liar . you are so going to fail . susan : alison 's under a lot of pressure at school right now . she does n't need you adding to it . chris : i 've been tutoring ali . that 's all . susan : i know . emily told me . ali has n't been confiding in me since she started school , which makes me think that this nursing program is maybe too overwhelming for her . chris : well , it 's challenging , definitely , but i would n't say it 's overwhelming . in fact , you know , she 's in great shape . this test she has today -- she 's gon na knock it out of the park . [ scene_break ] alison : brain stem , dienc -- dien - something . okay , it 's official . the four areas of my brain are not working . okay . cerebrum , brain stem , dien -- dien- something . i am so tired . okay , just for a minute . [ scene_break ] lily : i fell back asleep , and when i opened my eyes , you were gone . what 's all this ? holden : this is breakfast . i was gon na surprise you . why did you get up ? lily : mmm . i smelled bacon . this looks incredible . you really learned how to cook while i was gone , did n't you ? holden : and i would have proved it to you last night , but you insisted on introducing me to sushi . lily : mm . you liked it . admit it . you liked it . holden : well , you know , it was , uh -- it was different . definitely not my top ten list , though . lily : i do n't know if raw fish is an aphrodisiac , but it certainly did the trick for us . holden : let 's be honest . it was n't dinner that got us together . it was you . [ scene_break ] carly : did you hear what i said , jack ? or do n't you want to talk about it ? jack : well , there 's nothing to talk about , carly . being here under false pretenses reminds me of all the things i did n't want to be reminded of . carly : oh , i see . so , you 're hurt because you thought you were here for one reason , and it turned out to be something else . jack : yep . the old bait and switch . carly : i suppose that 's similar to the night of brad and katie 's engagement party when you came home with me , and we made love . and i was under the impression that it was a new beginning for us , but in reality , it was the end . and , yes , it does hurt when things do n't work out like you expect . jack : i thought we had gotten over this , carly . carly : not remotely , jack . right after we slept together , you made it perfectly clear that you wanted nothing to do with me . and now , all of a sudden , you want to be a part of my life again . jack : wh -- carly : dinners together with the children , barbecues in the backyard ! jack : no ! i 'm saying -- wait a minute ! [ jack stammers ] you asked me to stay here ! how is that my fault ? carly : a few weeks ago , you were all about keeping your distance . last night , you could n't wait to stay over . jack : on the couch . carly : and you 've been generously paying all of my household expenses . jack : well , i do n't want my kids going to bed hungry . i guess that 's just a funny thing about me . carly : you 've been volunteering to help me out at metro . jack : so you can get back on your feet financially . carly : is that the only reason ? tell me , jack , why did it bother you so much that holden was there , helping me at the club ? he 's been a very good friend to me . but i get this funny feeling that you do n't want him around . jack : so i 'm jealous ? is that what you 're saying ? is that what you 're saying ? oh , that 's a good one , carly . carly : i do n't think it 's funny . i think it 's sad . you go on record saying we 're over , its history , then you start working overtime to be involved in my life . admit it , jack . you have been sending me mixed signals , and i think it 's time you stopped . [ scene_break ] holden : you sure you do n't want to do this in bed ? lily : no ! i want my husband to sit and have breakfast with me . after a perfect evening , we deserve a perfect breakfast . holden : well , like i said , you get all the credit . lily : no , not for this . this looks unbelievable . holden : no , us getting back together was all you . lily : no , it was n't . holden : it was n't planned . it just happened . but can we be honest ? lily : all right . holden : i 'm the one who 's been dragging my feet . i just did n't want to rush into anything . i thought if we did , we might end up back in the same place , and i -- i did n't want to go there . i needed to make sure that things have really changed . lily : holden , i promise you , i have changed . you have my word . holden : i believe you . lily : i 'm not sure i deserve that . but i hope last night means that you 've started to forgive me for what i did with dusty . holden : i 'm getting there . lily : i should have never slept with him . and i know it did n't make it better because it took me so long to get over him , but i am so sorry , and i just want to put all that behind us . holden : i want that , too . [ scene_break ] carly : admit it , jack . you have been sending me mixed signals . jack : can we stick to the subject ? we are talking about how you helped lily to set up holden . but somehow you turned it into this accusation that i want to be a big part of your life again ! carly , the issue -- the issue is scheming to help lily , it 's not gon na work . carly : i warned her that it might backfire , but at the end of the day , i was there for my friend ! i 'm sorry if you ca n't understand that ! jack : and i 'm sorry that you ca n't understand that lying is never the way to go , especially in a marriage ! and when holden finds out , it 's not gon na be pretty . carly : oh , i have heard this lecture way too many times , jack ! why do n't you just put a sock in it ? ! jack : whatever ! [ scene_break ] holden : no , i 'll do that . lily : no . no way . you cooked . i 'll clean up . holden : listen . lily : what ? holden : it 's so quiet . it was amazing , was n't it , last night and this morning -- just the two of us , alone ? lily : we lucked out , but it was exactly what we needed . holden : i could really get used to this . but our kids -- they would miss us , so i 'd better get over to carly 's and pick up ethan . lily : i 'm sure carly can watch ethan a little bit longer . holden : no , no . it 's -- it 's enough . last night , six kids -- i need to go get him . lily : but she had jack to help her , and maybe it brought them closer . holden : eh , do n't count on it . lily : oh , i just want jack and carly to have things work out the way things have worked out for us . they could just be as happy as we are . holden : i do n't think that 's possible . lily : mm . lucinda : um -- oh . oh , uh , i 'm sorry . um -- i 'll come back later . lily : no , mother . it 's -- its fine . lucinda : but i just -- i brought all this stuff for the girls . that 's all . i 'll take my leave , and you two get back to doing whatever it was you were doing . holden : you know what ? stay . i was just leaving . keep lily company . i 'll see you in a bit . lily : bye , honey . lucinda : hey . is -- he winked at me ! [ lucinda laughs ] it 's a miracle ! how did it happen so fast ? [ scene_break ] aaron : ali ? alison : aaron , what are you doing here ? aaron : i was gon na ask you the same thing . i saw you in here , dead to the world . figured you need a little caffeine fix . here you go . alison : oh , you 're a lifesaver . aaron : yeah , it was that or 911 . you look like hell . alison : thanks a lot . oh , god . oh , god ! today 's my anatomy and physiology exam . aaron : what , did you pull an all - nighter ? alison : yeah , but i got nowhere ! i ca n't keep anything in my head ! oh ! aaron : hey , hey , listen , listen , people always think that way before a test . do n't worry about it . you 're gon na -- you 're gon na do fine , you 'll be great . alison : no , aaron , i wo n't . i 'm gon na fail . and -- and then they 're gon na kick me out of nursing school , and that 's it ! my life is over ! [ scene_break ] susan : chris , are you sure ali 's all right ? chris : she 's fine . susan : the last time i saw her , she seemed rather daunted by the amount of classwork . the nursing program here is no walk in the park . brenda manning is a real taskmaster . chris : i 'm sure she can handle whatever brenda dishes out . susan : well , that 's what she wants you to think . she -- ali always acts tough . but like her sister , she can be fragile , and i 'm -- i 'm worried about her . chris : i told you , i 've been tutoring her . she 's doing fine . susan : well , good , because the last time i offered to help her , she practically threw a fit . chris : do n't take it personally . you know , i felt the same way when my dad would try to give me tips when i was in med school . some point , you have to sink or swim without your parents showing up with a life jacket . susan : all right . i -- i understand that . but ali seemed really insecure about the a & p exam . but you 're sure that -- that she 's got it together ? chris : she 's cool . do n't worry . susan : well , i 'm her mother . worrying is my job . [ scene_break ] alison : i do n't know my peripheral nerve from my posterior root ! aaron : translation ? alison : from the neck up , i 'm brain - dead . aaron : no , come on . no , you 're not . you 've been studying for this 24/7 . you probably know it backwards and forward . alison : well , i -- i mean , chris has been helping me with the anatomy . i mean -- not like that . not really . okay , let 's not go there . aaron : listen , if -- if chris can help you out , that 's great . alison : no , it 's not . i mean , he is way smarter than me . he 's a doctor ! and now he thinks i know my thorax from my clavicle , but i 'm just -- i 'm thick as brick ! aaron : no , you 're not . you 're smart . come on . alison : oh , yeah , right . no , i 'm hopeless . it -- i should n't even show up for the exam ! aaron : i think i know what you need . alison : coffee so i do n't fall asleep five minutes into the exam ? aaron : no , you need to chill . so let 's go somewhere . alison : no -- where are we going ? aaron : you 'll see . come on . alison : okay . aaron : okay . keep your eyes closed , okay ? take a deep breath . and relax . better ? alison : perfect . aaron : open your eyes . alison : how did you know this was exactly what i needed ? [ they go on a motorcycle ride ] [ scene_break ] holden : hey , guys ! carly : hi ! holden : how 's it going ? jack : morning . carly : great . the kids are already at school . the big kids , anyway . ethan 's upstairs . he slept in . holden : i hope the kids did n't keep you up last night . carly : no , they were wonderful . and our kids had such a good time with them , did n't they , jack ? jack : yeah , they had a great time . carly : and how about you ? how was your time with lily ? was it nice ? holden : yeah , yeah . it was -- it was fine . how about you guys ? carly : it was nice . holden : okay with you , jack , staying here ? jack : not like i had a choice . carly : jack figured that i needed help , and he jumped in . real lifesaver . holden : oh . well , i 'm glad the kids were good . bet it was pretty noisy around here last night . carly : it was . bet it was quiet out at the farm . holden : yeah . almost weird . carly : but good , right ? i mean , i 'm sure it was nice to -- to be alone with lily . jack : i 'm gon na go out back and put the tent away . holden : you sure everything 's okay around here ? carly : yeah . do n't change the subject . i was talking about you and lily , and how it was nice to be alone together . holden : how did you know we were alone ? carly : she must have mentioned it . holden : you talked to lily about this ? carly : i just think that it 's great . you two deserve some downtime . holden : yeah . funny how that worked out . carly : well , it 's a good thing though , right ? holden : i guess , as long as it was n't a setup . carly : holden , i do n't know what you 're talking about . holden : why do i get the feeling that you and lily were in on this together ? you know what ? it makes a lot of sense . you agree to baby - sit . you ask jack to help you out . and that leaves me and lily at the farm , all alone together . carly : that 's just how it worked out . holden : really ? carly : yeah , holden , i swear , it 's not what you think . holden : i should have seen this one coming . carly : no ! you -- honestly , you are jumping to conclusions ! holden : and why should n't i ? jack , answer me this question . this was a setup , was n't it ? lily and carly -- they cooked up this scheme . why am i not surprised ? jack : sorry , holden . holden : you know what ? it 's not your fault . i should have known . [ scene_break ] lily : it was a perfect evening . lucinda : oh -- lily : it 's exactly what we needed . lucinda : honey -- oh ! i am so glad . i am so glad . ooh ! what a relief . although i got to say , that was some turnaround . lily : not really . holden and i were bound to get back together eventually . lucinda : well , of course you were . but just as long as everything is open and aboveboard . lily : mother , why do you always have to think the worst of me ? lucinda : well , honey , i just want the euphoria to last . you know holden . he 's a stickler for honesty . that 's what caused the estrangement in the first place . he thought he could n't trust you anymore . i just want to make sure everything 's on the up - and - up ! lily : stop making a big deal out of this . holden 's happy . he loves me . he made me breakfast . lucinda : well , that 's great , honey , but omelet does not a rapprochement make . if the two of you are really going to start over together -- i do n't mean to be preaching , but you 've got to make sure that your proverbial slate is clean . lily : can you stop being so negative ? can you once just support what i 'm doing ? lucinda : i do n't want anything at all except for you to be happy , darling . and i 'm not preaching now . i 'm begging you . i beg you , do n't do anything that you 'll regret . [ cell phone ringing ] lily : hey , carly . carly : sorry , lily . i 'm afraid we have a problem . [ scene_break ] aaron : your cell phone . alison : what about it ? aaron : i 'm turning it off . alison : okay . i do n't think they 're gon na work way out here anyway . aaron : well , i 'm not taking any chances . you ca n't relax when you get text messages . alison : yeah , well , i ca n't relax when i 'm thinking about my exam , either . aaron : do n't think about it . alison : chris really believes i can do this . aaron : and do n't think about chris , either . alison : i 'm sorry . i know chris is a sore subject for you . aaron : i 'm sorry -- sorry for giving you a hard time about him the other night . it 's your business . alison : no , it 's okay . i decided not to dive into a relationship with chris right now . aaron : really ? what -- what changed your mind ? alison : a lot of things . you know , especially 'cause i 'm so busy with schoolwork right now . so i 've definitely decided to put the brakes on with chris . [ scene_break ] chris : is it me , or is it more crazy than usual around here ? susan : oh , definitely crazy , and the full moon is n't until next week . chris : ca n't wait . susan : oh , chris , i hate to say this , but i think i need to thank you . chris : for what ? susan : tutoring ali . it 's way above and beyond . chris : i 'll do whatever i can to help . susan : you and ali seem to be the subject of a lot of conversations around here lately . chris : so ? who pays attention to hospital gossip ? susan : if you 're not a couple , what 's to gossip about ? chris : some people have nothing better to do . my advice -- do n't lose sleep over it . [ scene_break ] alison : i 've been so stressed out about this exam , my brain is fried . aaron : okay , okay . lie back and relax . alison : okay . aaron : go ahead . close your eyes . okay . now turn off all the static in your head . just keep telling yourself it 's gon na be okay . you 'll get through this . okay ? alison : okay . aaron : the brain stem , which continues down the spinal cord , has three distinct parts -- the midbrain , the pons , and the medulla . consciousness is dependent on coordinating interaction between intact cerebral hemispheres . what ? ! no wonder you -- [ alison falls asleep ] [ scene_break ] chris : brenda ! how 's the nursing program going ? brenda : never a dull moment , but we have a bright group this year . chris : including alison stewart . she has her a & p exam today . working really hard on the material . tell me when you get her results . brenda : i 'm not sure there 'll be any . chris : what do you mean ? brenda : the test starts in five minutes , and no one 's seen alison . i ca n't say i 'm surprised . [ chris calls alison ] [ cell phone ringing ] chris : alison , where are you ? [ scene_break ] [ aaron and alison are sleeping ] [ birds chirping ] [ scene_break ] carly : do n't say it . do n't you even think about saying it . jack : i told you so . [ scene_break ] lily : hi , honey . hey , sweetie ! mommy missed you ! how 's he doing ? holden : he 's fine . lucinda , could you take ethan in the parlor , please ? i need to speak to my wife . lucinda : absolutely . i 'd love to take ethan into the parlor . let 's go , honey . we 're gon na play with your trucks ! that will be a lot of fun ! okay , here we go . fast , fast , fast . lily : holden , i 'm so sorry . i can explain . holden : lily , how could you do this ? i told you that we should wait , that we needed more time , but you would n't listen . lily : because there was something that we needed more than time . we needed to start acting like a couple again . we needed to stop thinking and talking and start feeling . and it was great , was n't it ? holden : yeah , it was great when i thought it was real . lily : of course it was real . how can you deny that ? holden : yeah , but you could n't let it happen in its own time , could you ? you went behind my back . you got someone else involved . you had carly help you get me into the sack ! lily : i made sure that we were alone for one night so that nature could take its course . what is so terrible about that ? ! holden : you ca n't even admit that it 's manipulation , can you ? lily : i took a shortcut ! but can you honestly say that last night was n't beautiful ? i mean , you think it was wrong for us to spend the night in each other 's arms and to wake up and to make love again ? holden : i told you that we needed to take time because we had a lot at stake here . lily : but that 's why last night was so important -- that it proved we can still make it . holden : no . i do n't think we can . not this time . [ scene_break ] jack : why ca n't you just admit you know what you and lily did was wrong ? carly : oh , jack , gee whiz . i 'm sorry . i did n't realize that wanting holden and lily to be happy and be together is a crime . do you -- you want to arrest me ? should i call a lawyer ? jack : this is n't a joke , carly . carly : no , it is n't . it 's very serious . last night could have been a turning point for two people that we care about . and not just for them , but for their children , for their whole family ! jack : and now i doubt that will happen . carly : go ahead and be all doom and gloom if you want to , but i intend to hope for the best , just like i dared to hope that you and i could stop fighting and start getting along ! but obviously , that 's not gon na happen , is it ? jack : i did . i had a good time with you and the kids last night . and that 's what hurts even more -- realizing it was n't what i thought it was . do n't worry . i wo n't let myself get fooled like that again . i 'm going to work . [ scene_break ] lucinda : ethan 's playing with his truck . did n't go well , hmm ? lily : i 've ruined everything with holden . lucinda : no , i can not believe that , darling . there is something that you can do -- something to make things better with him . lily : i do n't see how . i want things to be better . i do . but at this point , i do n't know how to make it better . lucinda : you got ta try . holden , darling , you can say that this is none of my business , but i 'd like to go on record here . holden : can i stop you ? lucinda : no ! holden : good . go ahead . i 'm listening . lucinda : granted , lily makes mistakes . granted , she was not forthcoming . but she -- she 's your wife , she 's the mother of your children , and you know she loves the hell out of you . lily : mother , stop . i can fight my own battles . holden : lily , i do n't want to fight with you anymore . obviously , it does no good . [ scene_break ] chris : brenda , how 's it going ? brenda : if you 're gon na ask about alison stewart , do n't bother . chris : what do you mean ? brenda : she missed the exam . alison never showed up . [ scene_break ] alison : aaron , wake up . what time is it ? how long have i been asleep ? aaron : i do n't know . i do n't -- not -- i do n't think it 's too late . why ? alison : yes , it is ! oh , my god ! i missed my exam ! what am i gon na do ? alison : i am so sorry . i know i 'm way too late , but is there any way possible i can please still take the exam ? brenda : no ! you were told on your first day of class , no makeup tests . you miss the exam , you get a failing grade . there 's nothing i can do . [ alison sobs ] aaron : come on . i 'll buy you a sandwich . alison : i 'm not hungry . susan : honey , what 's wrong ? alison : oh , mom , you know , i do n't -- i do n't really want to talk about it , okay ? you know what ? actually , i will take you up on that sandwich , okay ? i got ta go . bye . [ scene_break ] chris : brenda , i need to talk to you about alison stewart . [ scene_break ] alison : could this day be any worse ? aaron : it 's my fault . alison : no , it 's not . aaron : i never should have taken you out on my bike . i let you fall asleep . alison : you were only trying to help . aaron : i still should have been watching the time . alison : it does n't matter ! even if i had made it back for the exam , i would have failed anyway . i was so not ready . [ scene_break ] chris : are you sure you ca n't cut alison some slack ? brenda : i 'm afraid not . rules are rules . chris : but it 's not like she purposely bailed on the exam , and if she 's willing to make it up . brenda : it would n't be fair . chris : be honest . have n't there been cases in the past where you 've made exceptions ? i thought so . brenda : why should i ? chris : because that 's what any reasonable person would do . okay , if you need another reason , alison 's mother been a dedicated member of this staff for years , and i think the nursing program owes it to her . brenda : i 'm not sure susan stewart would want me to give her daughter special treatment . chris : it would n't be special treatment . come on , brenda . stop busting my chops here . just give her a makeup test . brenda : do i have a choice ? chris : it will be our little secret . and you 'll know you 're doing the right thing . brenda : i hope i do n't regret it . chris : you wo n't . thanks , brenda . you 're the best . nurse : dr. hughes is always doing favors for his girlfriend . i guess doctors can do anything they want around here , hmm ? brenda : that does n't make it right . [ scene_break ] alison : i do n't feel well . i do n't think i can eat . aaron : that 's 'cause your stomach 's empty . you 've had nothing but caffeine today . alison : well , the thought of a turkey club makes me sick to my stomach . aaron : well , you do n't have a choice , okay ? so pipe down . chris : ali , got a sec ? aaron : hey , could you give her some space ? she 's kind of having a bad day today . alison : it 's all right , aaron . chris : was it your fault she missed her exam ? aaron : no , i was actually doing her a favor . she was feeling really pressured , probably thanks to you . chris : i 'm the one that 's helping her out , so why do n't you just back off ? aaron : you know , maybe i wo n't , because maybe i know what 's right for alison right now . alison : stop it -- both of you , please ! [ scene_break ] lucinda : holden got into his truck , and he drove away . he was not carrying a suitcase , so i assume he 's gon na be coming back . lily : thanks for the optimism . lucinda : you two kids . you got ta do something about this fast . lily : obviously , if we could , we would . lucinda : i can have another go at him . lily : thanks , mother , but i made this mistake , and i got ta fix it . but it is not going to be easy . [ scene_break ] carly : hey . just wait , okay ? let 's not do this . lately , we -- we 've confided in each other a lot . i 've listened to you talk about lily . i thought you really wanted to make things work . holden : not this way . not by being tricked by my wife and her best friend . carly : i -- i know you feel like you were set up . holden : what would you call it , carly ? carly : maybe lily and i went about it the wrong way , but in the end , holden , everybody was happy . ca n't you see that ? holden : you did the same thing with jack . did n't work out so well , did it ? did n't work out so well for lily and me , either . guess some people never learn . [ scene_break ] luke : i got in a fight with noah . i mean , i guess it 's not a very big deal . we think we 're over it by now and everything , but -- but he accused me of being jealous of him and ameera . holden : is there a reason to be jealous ? luke : no . i mean , i know that the -- the wedding , the marriage is a sham and they 're not really in love . i know all that , but -- i do n't know . sometimes it feels like -- like she takes up a lot of room in his life . and maybe -- in a way , maybe i am kind of jealous of just the way that he worries about her so much . holden : that 's part of what you admire about him , though , is that he would reach out to somebody and help them . luke : no , i know . i do . i do admire that . i really do . but i feel like sometimes they have this whole secret life that i 'm not a part of . holden : do you think they 're keeping secrets from you ? luke : no , no . they 're not keeping secrets . but it 's just like -- well , for instance , the other day , i went over , and i walked in on ameera , and she was -- she was on the phone . and she was talking to the prison , trying to get through to colonel mayer , you know ? i asked her about it , and she totally stonewalled me . and then i tried to talk to noah about it , and he acted like it was n't a big deal , like it was something that he and ameera can settle together and just -- i do n't know . i just feel left out . holden : mm . well , that 's not good when people you 're supposed to be able to trust decide to keep you in the dark . luke : yeah . holden : you need to take a stand . you need to tell him what you want , and that you will not settle . it 's the whole truth and nothing but , or else it 's not worth it . luke : hmm . well , do you maybe want to go do that for me ? holden : i ca n't . i 've got enough on my plate . you 're on your own . [ scene_break ] alison : aaron , i -- i really appreciate your help today . and you did n't make me miss my exam . i did that all on my own . but right now , i have to go work my shift at the hospital . so , do you think i could get a rain check with that sandwich ? aaron : yeah , all right . take care of yourself , okay ? and , listen , if that pressure needle gets to that red zone and you need to unplug , call me . alison : i will . chris : i 'm sure alison will be fine . she can handle anything , and i 'm gon na help her prove it . [ scene_break ] brenda : so , alison will be given a makeup exam . susan : brenda , i need to know . are you doing this for my daughter because her last name is stewart ? because i know alison would n't want any special favors . brenda : an exception was made , but not because of you , susan . alison has chris hughes to thank . [ scene_break ] chris : got good news for you , alison . i convinced brenda to give you a makeup test . alison : no way . i ca n't believe it ! how did you pull that off ? ! chris : brenda 's made exceptions before and thought you deserved a break . alison : thank you ! thank you so much ! you are so awesome ! oh , i will make you proud , i promise ! [ scene_break ] carly : hi . i just wanted to let you know that i 'll look after the kids tonight . jack : could have called me , carly . why did you come all the way down here ? carly : i was in the neighborhood . i ran into holden . i tried to apologize to him again . jack : how 'd he react ? carly : not well . i do n't blame him . i know that i need to mind my own business and just let -- let lily and holden work this out . jack : i hope they can . carly : i know . it 's not easy . look at us . jack : carly , if i came down too hard on you , i apologize . carly : it 's okay , jack . i 'm used to it . [ scene_break ] lily : holden , when you made breakfast this morning , it was so sweet . i want things to go back to where they were then . holden : you should try a new recipe -- one that does n't include hiding the truth from me every chance you get . lily : i thought it was best for us to get back together , no matter how we got there . holden : ends justify the means ? lily : i admitted i was wrong . i swear to you , i will do anything to prove myself to you again . i 'll do whatever it takes , because if last night proved anything , it proves that we belong together . holden : i used to think so , too . [ next_on ] barbara : paul 's not in love with you , and he never will be . katie : i know it sounds horrible , but for liberty 's sake , i 'm glad janet 's gone . janet : i 'm back . mike : does somebody want to tell me what the hell is going on here ?
jack and carly disagree over how she and lily handled holden . lily and holden revel in their renewed relationship , but when holden keeps talking about how their night came to be like fate and how there are no more secrets , lily looks uncomfortable . alison can barely keep her eyes open , as she continues to cram for her test ; she continues to have her doubts over whether she can do it too . susan and chris talk about alison . carly wants jack to stop sending her mixed signals , as they continue to argue . jack tells her that her actions reminded him of what he does n't want to be around . aaron takes alison on his bike to a peaceful field to relax where she calms down and admits that she put the brakes on her budding relationship with chris , to aaron 's secret happiness . alison and aaron fall asleep while lying on the blanket . brenda tells chris that alison missed her test . when carly misspeaks , holden realizes that the night he shared with lily was a set up . lucinda hopes that lily and holden 's quick reunion means that she is taking out a clean slate and that she is going to be honest and straightforward with holden from now on . jack admits to carly that he did enjoy spending time with her , but he wo n't be fooled again . holden confronts lily , who tries to explain . lucinda tries to plead lily 's case to holden , who is tired of it all . alison wakes up and realizes she overslept and is distraught to realize she missed her test . she and aaron race back to find brenda to ask for a make up , but she will not give her a chance . chris sees alison come in with aaron . chris asks brenda to reconsider , and she finally relents . susan overhears chris ' request and learns from brenda what chris did . alison is wracked with guilt when chris finds her with aaron . chris and aaron gripe at one another and alison has to break it up . chris tells alison that he got brenda to give her a make - up test , as a thrilled alison thanks him with a huge hug while aaron watches . carly tries to explain why she helped lily , but holden is too hurt to listen and understand . luke vents to his dad about noah and ameera 's relationship ; holden tells him to take a stand . carly admits to jack that she made a mistake when she got involved with lily and holden ; jack apologizes for coming down so hard on her . carly sadly tells him that she is used to it . lily again tries to explain why she did what she did . she was only trying to prove to him what she already knows – that last night proved that they are meant to be together . holden sadly tells her that is what he used to think .
<s>[INST] jack : faith and natalie are on the bus with sage . parker and j.j. are on their bikes , racing to see which one gets there first . carly : that 's great . i think those kids all had a really nice time camping out in the backyard , huh ? jack : they did . everyone seemed to get along , for once . carly : and the two of us , for a little while . jack : ' til i figured out this whole sleepover was just a setup for lily to spend so time alone with holden . carly : oh , come on , jack . they have been through so much . they deserve a chance to reconnect . that 's all i was trying to do is help lily ! jack : it 's not your problem . you should n't do anything ! fixing their marriage is n't your job . [ carly sighs ] carly : you know something , jack ? that 's not really what 's bothering you . jack : it 's not ? carly : no . the truth is , you really enjoyed yourself last night . it was just like old times with carly and the kids , and you just ca n't handle that , can you ? [ scene_break ] holden : you make me feel like i 'm 17 . lily : ooh ! make it sound like we 're doing something illegal here . holden : no . it was perfect . you 're perfect . lily : i know you wanted to wait , but i could n't . it 's been too long . holden : mm . i 'll say . every night that you were gone , i 'd lie awake , thinking about you , missing you . lily : me , too . feels like we 're finally back on track . just -- holden : what ? lily : i just do n't want anything to ever come between us again . holden : what could possibly come between us ? there are no more secrets , right ? lily : right . [ scene_break ] [ cell phone ringing ] alison : chris ? chris : hey ! how 's the star nursing student ? alison : okay , i guess . chris : all ready for your anatomy and physiology exam ? hope my tutoring gave you a bit of an edge . alison : oh , yeah . yeah , it was great . i 'm psyched . but , really , thank you for helping me . i know how busy you are . chris : well , i -- i do have a full patient load today , but if you want to stop by the hospital for a last - minute review , i 'll -- i 'll adjust my schedule . alison : no . i ca n't -- i ca n't ask you to do that . chris : no , i do n't mind , really . if you need me , i 'm here . alison : thanks , but i think i 'm all set for the exam . seriously , i 'm good . chris : you sure ? you 're gon na ace this thing ? alison : oh , yeah . you bet . thanks for calling . bye . liar . you are so going to fail . susan : alison 's under a lot of pressure at school right now . she does n't need you adding to it . chris : i 've been tutoring ali . that 's all . susan : i know . emily told me . ali has n't been confiding in me since she started school , which makes me think that this nursing program is maybe too overwhelming for her . chris : well , it 's challenging , definitely , but i would n't say it 's overwhelming . in fact , you know , she 's in great shape . this test she has today -- she 's gon na knock it out of the park . [ scene_break ] alison : brain stem , dienc -- dien - something . okay , it 's official . the four areas of my brain are not working . okay . cerebrum , brain stem , dien -- dien- something . i am so tired . okay , just for a minute . [ scene_break ] lily : i fell back asleep , and when i opened my eyes , you were gone . what 's all this ? holden : this is breakfast . i was gon na surprise you . why did you get up ? lily : mmm . i smelled bacon . this looks incredible . you really learned how to cook while i was gone , did n't you ? holden : and i would have proved it to you last night , but you insisted on introducing me to sushi . lily : mm . you liked it . admit it . you liked it . holden : well , you know , it was , uh -- it was different . definitely not my top ten list , though . lily : i do n't know if raw fish is an aphrodisiac , but it certainly did the trick for us . holden : let 's be honest . it was n't dinner that got us together . it was you . [ scene_break ] carly : did you hear what i said , jack ? or do n't you want to talk about it ? jack : well , there 's nothing to talk about , carly . being here under false pretenses reminds me of all the things i did n't want to be reminded of . carly : oh , i see . so , you 're hurt because you thought you were here for one reason , and it turned out to be something else . jack : yep . the old bait and switch . carly : i suppose that 's similar to the night of brad and katie 's engagement party when you came home with me , and we made love . and i was under the impression that it was a new beginning for us , but in reality , it was the end . and , yes , it does hurt when things do n't work out like you expect . jack : i thought we had gotten over this , carly . carly : not remotely , jack . right after we slept together , you made it perfectly clear that you wanted nothing to do with me . and now , all of a sudden , you want to be a part of my life again . jack : wh -- carly : dinners together with the children , barbecues in the backyard ! jack : no ! i 'm saying -- wait a minute ! [ jack stammers ] you asked me to stay here ! how is that my fault ? carly : a few weeks ago , you were all about keeping your distance . last night , you could n't wait to stay over . jack : on the couch . carly : and you 've been generously paying all of my household expenses . jack : well , i do n't want my kids going to bed hungry . i guess that 's just a funny thing about me . carly : you 've been volunteering to help me out at metro . jack : so you can get back on your feet financially . carly : is that the only reason ? tell me , jack , why did it bother you so much that holden was there , helping me at the club ? he 's been a very good friend to me . but i get this funny feeling that you do n't want him around . jack : so i 'm jealous ? is that what you 're saying ? is that what you 're saying ? oh , that 's a good one , carly . carly : i do n't think it 's funny . i think it 's sad . you go on record saying we 're over , its history , then you start working overtime to be involved in my life . admit it , jack . you have been sending me mixed signals , and i think it 's time you stopped . [ scene_break ] holden : you sure you do n't want to do this in bed ? lily : no ! i want my husband to sit and have breakfast with me . after a perfect evening , we deserve a perfect breakfast . holden : well , like i said , you get all the credit . lily : no , not for this . this looks unbelievable . holden : no , us getting back together was all you . lily : no , it was n't . holden : it was n't planned . it just happened . but can we be honest ? lily : all right . holden : i 'm the one who 's been dragging my feet . i just did n't want to rush into anything . i thought if we did , we might end up back in the same place , and i -- i did n't want to go there . i needed to make sure that things have really changed . lily : holden , i promise you , i have changed . you have my word . holden : i believe you . lily : i 'm not sure i deserve that . but i hope last night means that you 've started to forgive me for what i did with dusty . holden : i 'm getting there . lily : i should have never slept with him . and i know it did n't make it better because it took me so long to get over him , but i am so sorry , and i just want to put all that behind us . holden : i want that , too . [ scene_break ] carly : admit it , jack . you have been sending me mixed signals . jack : can we stick to the subject ? we are talking about how you helped lily to set up holden . but somehow you turned it into this accusation that i want to be a big part of your life again ! carly , the issue -- the issue is scheming to help lily , it 's not gon na work . carly : i warned her that it might backfire , but at the end of the day , i was there for my friend ! i 'm sorry if you ca n't understand that ! jack : and i 'm sorry that you ca n't understand that lying is never the way to go , especially in a marriage ! and when holden finds out , it 's not gon na be pretty . carly : oh , i have heard this lecture way too many times , jack ! why do n't you just put a sock in it ? ! jack : whatever ! [ scene_break ] holden : no , i 'll do that . lily : no . no way . you cooked . i 'll clean up . holden : listen . lily : what ? holden : it 's so quiet . it was amazing , was n't it , last night and this morning -- just the two of us , alone ? lily : we lucked out , but it was exactly what we needed . holden : i could really get used to this . but our kids -- they would miss us , so i 'd better get over to carly 's and pick up ethan . lily : i 'm sure carly can watch ethan a little bit longer . holden : no , no . it 's -- it 's enough . last night , six kids -- i need to go get him . lily : but she had jack to help her , and maybe it brought them closer . holden : eh , do n't count on it . lily : oh , i just want jack and carly to have things work out the way things have worked out for us . they could just be as happy as we are . holden : i do n't think that 's possible . lily : mm . lucinda : um -- oh . oh , uh , i 'm sorry . um -- i 'll come back later . lily : no , mother . it 's -- its fine . lucinda : but i just -- i brought all this stuff for the girls . that 's all . i 'll take my leave , and you two get back to doing whatever it was you were doing . holden : you know what ? stay . i was just leaving . keep lily company . i 'll see you in a bit . lily : bye , honey . lucinda : hey . is -- he winked at me ! [ lucinda laughs ] it 's a miracle ! how did it happen so fast ? [ scene_break ] aaron : ali ? alison : aaron , what are you doing here ? aaron : i was gon na ask you the same thing . i saw you in here , dead to the world . figured you need a little caffeine fix . here you go . alison : oh , you 're a lifesaver . aaron : yeah , it was that or 911 . you look like hell . alison : thanks a lot . oh , god . oh , god ! today 's my anatomy and physiology exam . aaron : what , did you pull an all - nighter ? alison : yeah , but i got nowhere ! i ca n't keep anything in my head ! oh ! aaron : hey , hey , listen , listen , people always think that way before a test . do n't worry about it . you 're gon na -- you 're gon na do fine , you 'll be great . alison : no , aaron , i wo n't . i 'm gon na fail . and -- and then they 're gon na kick me out of nursing school , and that 's it ! my life is over ! [ scene_break ] susan : chris , are you sure ali 's all right ? chris : she 's fine . susan : the last time i saw her , she seemed rather daunted by the amount of classwork . the nursing program here is no walk in the park . brenda manning is a real taskmaster . chris : i 'm sure she can handle whatever brenda dishes out . susan : well , that 's what she wants you to think . she -- ali always acts tough . but like her sister , she can be fragile , and i 'm -- i 'm worried about her . chris : i told you , i 've been tutoring her . she 's doing fine . susan : well , good , because the last time i offered to help her , she practically threw a fit . chris : do n't take it personally . you know , i felt the same way when my dad would try to give me tips when i was in med school . some point , you have to sink or swim without your parents showing up with a life jacket . susan : all right . i -- i understand that . but ali seemed really insecure about the a & p exam . but you 're sure that -- that she 's got it together ? chris : she 's cool . do n't worry . susan : well , i 'm her mother . worrying is my job . [ scene_break ] alison : i do n't know my peripheral nerve from my posterior root ! aaron : translation ? alison : from the neck up , i 'm brain - dead . aaron : no , come on . no , you 're not . you 've been studying for this 24/7 . you probably know it backwards and forward . alison : well , i -- i mean , chris has been helping me with the anatomy . i mean -- not like that . not really . okay , let 's not go there . aaron : listen , if -- if chris can help you out , that 's great . alison : no , it 's not . i mean , he is way smarter than me . he 's a doctor ! and now he thinks i know my thorax from my clavicle , but i 'm just -- i 'm thick as brick ! aaron : no , you 're not . you 're smart . come on . alison : oh , yeah , right . no , i 'm hopeless . it -- i should n't even show up for the exam ! aaron : i think i know what you need . alison : coffee so i do n't fall asleep five minutes into the exam ? aaron : no , you need to chill . so let 's go somewhere . alison : no -- where are we going ? aaron : you 'll see . come on . alison : okay . aaron : okay . keep your eyes closed , okay ? take a deep breath . and relax . better ? alison : perfect . aaron : open your eyes . alison : how did you know this was exactly what i needed ? [ they go on a motorcycle ride ] [ scene_break ] holden : hey , guys ! carly : hi ! holden : how 's it going ? jack : morning . carly : great . the kids are already at school . the big kids , anyway . ethan 's upstairs . he slept in . holden : i hope the kids did n't keep you up last night . carly : no , they were wonderful . and our kids had such a good time with them , did n't they , jack ? jack : yeah , they had a great time . carly : and how about you ? how was your time with lily ? was it nice ? holden : yeah , yeah . it was -- it was fine . how about you guys ? carly : it was nice . holden : okay with you , jack , staying here ? jack : not like i had a choice . carly : jack figured that i needed help , and he jumped in . real lifesaver . holden : oh . well , i 'm glad the kids were good . bet it was pretty noisy around here last night . carly : it was . bet it was quiet out at the farm . holden : yeah . almost weird . carly : but good , right ? i mean , i 'm sure it was nice to -- to be alone with lily . jack : i 'm gon na go out back and put the tent away . holden : you sure everything 's okay around here ? carly : yeah . do n't change the subject . i was talking about you and lily , and how it was nice to be alone together . holden : how did you know we were alone ? carly : she must have mentioned it . holden : you talked to lily about this ? carly : i just think that it 's great . you two deserve some downtime . holden : yeah . funny how that worked out . carly : well , it 's a good thing though , right ? holden : i guess , as long as it was n't a setup . carly : holden , i do n't know what you 're talking about . holden : why do i get the feeling that you and lily were in on this together ? you know what ? it makes a lot of sense . you agree to baby - sit . you ask jack to help you out . and that leaves me and lily at the farm , all alone together . carly : that 's just how it worked out . holden : really ? carly : yeah , holden , i swear , it 's not what you think . holden : i should have seen this one coming . carly : no ! you -- honestly , you are jumping to conclusions ! holden : and why should n't i ? jack , answer me this question . this was a setup , was n't it ? lily and carly -- they cooked up this scheme . why am i not surprised ? jack : sorry , holden . holden : you know what ? it 's not your fault . i should have known . [ scene_break ] lily : it was a perfect evening . lucinda : oh -- lily : it 's exactly what we needed . lucinda : honey -- oh ! i am so glad . i am so glad . ooh ! what a relief . although i got to say , that was some turnaround . lily : not really . holden and i were bound to get back together eventually . lucinda : well , of course you were . but just as long as everything is open and aboveboard . lily : mother , why do you always have to think the worst of me ? lucinda : well , honey , i just want the euphoria to last . you know holden . he 's a stickler for honesty . that 's what caused the estrangement in the first place . he thought he could n't trust you anymore . i just want to make sure everything 's on the up - and - up ! lily : stop making a big deal out of this . holden 's happy . he loves me . he made me breakfast . lucinda : well , that 's great , honey , but omelet does not a rapprochement make . if the two of you are really going to start over together -- i do n't mean to be preaching , but you 've got to make sure that your proverbial slate is clean . lily : can you stop being so negative ? can you once just support what i 'm doing ? lucinda : i do n't want anything at all except for you to be happy , darling . and i 'm not preaching now . i 'm begging you . i beg you , do n't do anything that you 'll regret . [ cell phone ringing ] lily : hey , carly . carly : sorry , lily . i 'm afraid we have a problem . [ scene_break ] aaron : your cell phone . alison : what about it ? aaron : i 'm turning it off . alison : okay . i do n't think they 're gon na work way out here anyway . aaron : well , i 'm not taking any chances . you ca n't relax when you get text messages . alison : yeah , well , i ca n't relax when i 'm thinking about my exam , either . aaron : do n't think about it . alison : chris really believes i can do this . aaron : and do n't think about chris , either . alison : i 'm sorry . i know chris is a sore subject for you . aaron : i 'm sorry -- sorry for giving you a hard time about him the other night . it 's your business . alison : no , it 's okay . i decided not to dive into a relationship with chris right now . aaron : really ? what -- what changed your mind ? alison : a lot of things . you know , especially 'cause i 'm so busy with schoolwork right now . so i 've definitely decided to put the brakes on with chris . [ scene_break ] chris : is it me , or is it more crazy than usual around here ? susan : oh , definitely crazy , and the full moon is n't until next week . chris : ca n't wait . susan : oh , chris , i hate to say this , but i think i need to thank you . chris : for what ? susan : tutoring ali . it 's way above and beyond . chris : i 'll do whatever i can to help . susan : you and ali seem to be the subject of a lot of conversations around here lately . chris : so ? who pays attention to hospital gossip ? susan : if you 're not a couple , what 's to gossip about ? chris : some people have nothing better to do . my advice -- do n't lose sleep over it . [ scene_break ] alison : i 've been so stressed out about this exam , my brain is fried . aaron : okay , okay . lie back and relax . alison : okay . aaron : go ahead . close your eyes . okay . now turn off all the static in your head . just keep telling yourself it 's gon na be okay . you 'll get through this . okay ? alison : okay . aaron : the brain stem , which continues down the spinal cord , has three distinct parts -- the midbrain , the pons , and the medulla . consciousness is dependent on coordinating interaction between intact cerebral hemispheres . what ? ! no wonder you -- [ alison falls asleep ] [ scene_break ] chris : brenda ! how 's the nursing program going ? brenda : never a dull moment , but we have a bright group this year . chris : including alison stewart . she has her a & p exam today . working really hard on the material . tell me when you get her results . brenda : i 'm not sure there 'll be any . chris : what do you mean ? brenda : the test starts in five minutes , and no one 's seen alison . i ca n't say i 'm surprised . [ chris calls alison ] [ cell phone ringing ] chris : alison , where are you ? [ scene_break ] [ aaron and alison are sleeping ] [ birds chirping ] [ scene_break ] carly : do n't say it . do n't you even think about saying it . jack : i told you so . [ scene_break ] lily : hi , honey . hey , sweetie ! mommy missed you ! how 's he doing ? holden : he 's fine . lucinda , could you take ethan in the parlor , please ? i need to speak to my wife . lucinda : absolutely . i 'd love to take ethan into the parlor . let 's go , honey . we 're gon na play with your trucks ! that will be a lot of fun ! okay , here we go . fast , fast , fast . lily : holden , i 'm so sorry . i can explain . holden : lily , how could you do this ? i told you that we should wait , that we needed more time , but you would n't listen . lily : because there was something that we needed more than time . we needed to start acting like a couple again . we needed to stop thinking and talking and start feeling . and it was great , was n't it ? holden : yeah , it was great when i thought it was real . lily : of course it was real . how can you deny that ? holden : yeah , but you could n't let it happen in its own time , could you ? you went behind my back . you got someone else involved . you had carly help you get me into the sack ! lily : i made sure that we were alone for one night so that nature could take its course . what is so terrible about that ? ! holden : you ca n't even admit that it 's manipulation , can you ? lily : i took a shortcut ! but can you honestly say that last night was n't beautiful ? i mean , you think it was wrong for us to spend the night in each other 's arms and to wake up and to make love again ? holden : i told you that we needed to take time because we had a lot at stake here . lily : but that 's why last night was so important -- that it proved we can still make it . holden : no . i do n't think we can . not this time . [ scene_break ] jack : why ca n't you just admit you know what you and lily did was wrong ? carly : oh , jack , gee whiz . i 'm sorry . i did n't realize that wanting holden and lily to be happy and be together is a crime . do you -- you want to arrest me ? should i call a lawyer ? jack : this is n't a joke , carly . carly : no , it is n't . it 's very serious . last night could have been a turning point for two people that we care about . and not just for them , but for their children , for their whole family ! jack : and now i doubt that will happen . carly : go ahead and be all doom and gloom if you want to , but i intend to hope for the best , just like i dared to hope that you and i could stop fighting and start getting along ! but obviously , that 's not gon na happen , is it ? jack : i did . i had a good time with you and the kids last night . and that 's what hurts even more -- realizing it was n't what i thought it was . do n't worry . i wo n't let myself get fooled like that again . i 'm going to work . [ scene_break ] lucinda : ethan 's playing with his truck . did n't go well , hmm ? lily : i 've ruined everything with holden . lucinda : no , i can not believe that , darling . there is something that you can do -- something to make things better with him . lily : i do n't see how . i want things to be better . i do . but at this point , i do n't know how to make it better . lucinda : you got ta try . holden , darling , you can say that this is none of my business , but i 'd like to go on record here . holden : can i stop you ? lucinda : no ! holden : good . go ahead . i 'm listening . lucinda : granted , lily makes mistakes . granted , she was not forthcoming . but she -- she 's your wife , she 's the mother of your children , and you know she loves the hell out of you . lily : mother , stop . i can fight my own battles . holden : lily , i do n't want to fight with you anymore . obviously , it does no good . [ scene_break ] chris : brenda , how 's it going ? brenda : if you 're gon na ask about alison stewart , do n't bother . chris : what do you mean ? brenda : she missed the exam . alison never showed up . [ scene_break ] alison : aaron , wake up . what time is it ? how long have i been asleep ? aaron : i do n't know . i do n't -- not -- i do n't think it 's too late . why ? alison : yes , it is ! oh , my god ! i missed my exam ! what am i gon na do ? alison : i am so sorry . i know i 'm way too late , but is there any way possible i can please still take the exam ? brenda : no ! you were told on your first day of class , no makeup tests . you miss the exam , you get a failing grade . there 's nothing i can do . [ alison sobs ] aaron : come on . i 'll buy you a sandwich . alison : i 'm not hungry . susan : honey , what 's wrong ? alison : oh , mom , you know , i do n't -- i do n't really want to talk about it , okay ? you know what ? actually , i will take you up on that sandwich , okay ? i got ta go . bye . [ scene_break ] chris : brenda , i need to talk to you about alison stewart . [ scene_break ] alison : could this day be any worse ? aaron : it 's my fault . alison : no , it 's not . aaron : i never should have taken you out on my bike . i let you fall asleep . alison : you were only trying to help . aaron : i still should have been watching the time . alison : it does n't matter ! even if i had made it back for the exam , i would have failed anyway . i was so not ready . [ scene_break ] chris : are you sure you ca n't cut alison some slack ? brenda : i 'm afraid not . rules are rules . chris : but it 's not like she purposely bailed on the exam , and if she 's willing to make it up . brenda : it would n't be fair . chris : be honest . have n't there been cases in the past where you 've made exceptions ? i thought so . brenda : why should i ? chris : because that 's what any reasonable person would do . okay , if you need another reason , alison 's mother been a dedicated member of this staff for years , and i think the nursing program owes it to her . brenda : i 'm not sure susan stewart would want me to give her daughter special treatment . chris : it would n't be special treatment . come on , brenda . stop busting my chops here . just give her a makeup test . brenda : do i have a choice ? chris : it will be our little secret . and you 'll know you 're doing the right thing . brenda : i hope i do n't regret it . chris : you wo n't . thanks , brenda . you 're the best . nurse : dr. hughes is always doing favors for his girlfriend . i guess doctors can do anything they want around here , hmm ? brenda : that does n't make it right . [ scene_break ] alison : i do n't feel well . i do n't think i can eat . aaron : that 's 'cause your stomach 's empty . you 've had nothing but caffeine today . alison : well , the thought of a turkey club makes me sick to my stomach . aaron : well , you do n't have a choice , okay ? so pipe down . chris : ali , got a sec ? aaron : hey , could you give her some space ? she 's kind of having a bad day today . alison : it 's all right , aaron . chris : was it your fault she missed her exam ? aaron : no , i was actually doing her a favor . she was feeling really pressured , probably thanks to you . chris : i 'm the one that 's helping her out , so why do n't you just back off ? aaron : you know , maybe i wo n't , because maybe i know what 's right for alison right now . alison : stop it -- both of you , please ! [ scene_break ] lucinda : holden got into his truck , and he drove away . he was not carrying a suitcase , so i assume he 's gon na be coming back . lily : thanks for the optimism . lucinda : you two kids . you got ta do something about this fast . lily : obviously , if we could , we would . lucinda : i can have another go at him . lily : thanks , mother , but i made this mistake , and i got ta fix it . but it is not going to be easy . [ scene_break ] carly : hey . just wait , okay ? let 's not do this . lately , we -- we 've confided in each other a lot . i 've listened to you talk about lily . i thought you really wanted to make things work . holden : not this way . not by being tricked by my wife and her best friend . carly : i -- i know you feel like you were set up . holden : what would you call it , carly ? carly : maybe lily and i went about it the wrong way , but in the end , holden , everybody was happy . ca n't you see that ? holden : you did the same thing with jack . did n't work out so well , did it ? did n't work out so well for lily and me , either . guess some people never learn . [ scene_break ] luke : i got in a fight with noah . i mean , i guess it 's not a very big deal . we think we 're over it by now and everything , but -- but he accused me of being jealous of him and ameera . holden : is there a reason to be jealous ? luke : no . i mean , i know that the -- the wedding , the marriage is a sham and they 're not really in love . i know all that , but -- i do n't know . sometimes it feels like -- like she takes up a lot of room in his life . and maybe -- in a way , maybe i am kind of jealous of just the way that he worries about her so much . holden : that 's part of what you admire about him , though , is that he would reach out to somebody and help them . luke : no , i know . i do . i do admire that . i really do . but i feel like sometimes they have this whole secret life that i 'm not a part of . holden : do you think they 're keeping secrets from you ? luke : no , no . they 're not keeping secrets . but it 's just like -- well , for instance , the other day , i went over , and i walked in on ameera , and she was -- she was on the phone . and she was talking to the prison , trying to get through to colonel mayer , you know ? i asked her about it , and she totally stonewalled me . and then i tried to talk to noah about it , and he acted like it was n't a big deal , like it was something that he and ameera can settle together and just -- i do n't know . i just feel left out . holden : mm . well , that 's not good when people you 're supposed to be able to trust decide to keep you in the dark . luke : yeah . holden : you need to take a stand . you need to tell him what you want , and that you will not settle . it 's the whole truth and nothing but , or else it 's not worth it . luke : hmm . well , do you maybe want to go do that for me ? holden : i ca n't . i 've got enough on my plate . you 're on your own . [ scene_break ] alison : aaron , i -- i really appreciate your help today . and you did n't make me miss my exam . i did that all on my own . but right now , i have to go work my shift at the hospital . so , do you think i could get a rain check with that sandwich ? aaron : yeah , all right . take care of yourself , okay ? and , listen , if that pressure needle gets to that red zone and you need to unplug , call me . alison : i will . chris : i 'm sure alison will be fine . she can handle anything , and i 'm gon na help her prove it . [ scene_break ] brenda : so , alison will be given a makeup exam . susan : brenda , i need to know . are you doing this for my daughter because her last name is stewart ? because i know alison would n't want any special favors . brenda : an exception was made , but not because of you , susan . alison has chris hughes to thank . [ scene_break ] chris : got good news for you , alison . i convinced brenda to give you a makeup test . alison : no way . i ca n't believe it ! how did you pull that off ? ! chris : brenda 's made exceptions before and thought you deserved a break . alison : thank you ! thank you so much ! you are so awesome ! oh , i will make you proud , i promise ! [ scene_break ] carly : hi . i just wanted to let you know that i 'll look after the kids tonight . jack : could have called me , carly . why did you come all the way down here ? carly : i was in the neighborhood . i ran into holden . i tried to apologize to him again . jack : how 'd he react ? carly : not well . i do n't blame him . i know that i need to mind my own business and just let -- let lily and holden work this out . jack : i hope they can . carly : i know . it 's not easy . look at us . jack : carly , if i came down too hard on you , i apologize . carly : it 's okay , jack . i 'm used to it . [ scene_break ] lily : holden , when you made breakfast this morning , it was so sweet . i want things to go back to where they were then . holden : you should try a new recipe -- one that does n't include hiding the truth from me every chance you get . lily : i thought it was best for us to get back together , no matter how we got there . holden : ends justify the means ? lily : i admitted i was wrong . i swear to you , i will do anything to prove myself to you again . i 'll do whatever it takes , because if last night proved anything , it proves that we belong together . holden : i used to think so , too . [ next_on ] barbara : paul 's not in love with you , and he never will be . katie : i know it sounds horrible , but for liberty 's sake , i 'm glad janet 's gone . janet : i 'm back . mike : does somebody want to tell me what the hell is going on here ?Summarize.[/INST]jack and carly disagree over how she and lily handled holden . lily and holden revel in their renewed relationship , but when holden keeps talking about how their night came to be like fate and how there are no more secrets , lily looks uncomfortable . alison can barely keep her eyes open , as she continues to cram for her test ; she continues to have her doubts over whether she can do it too . susan and chris talk about alison . carly wants jack to stop sending her mixed signals , as they continue to argue . jack tells her that her actions reminded him of what he does n't want to be around . aaron takes alison on his bike to a peaceful field to relax where she calms down and admits that she put the brakes on her budding relationship with chris , to aaron 's secret happiness . alison and aaron fall asleep while lying on the blanket . brenda tells chris that alison missed her test . when carly misspeaks , holden realizes that the night he shared with lily was a set up . lucinda hopes that lily and holden 's quick reunion means that she is taking out a clean slate and that she is going to be honest and straightforward with holden from now on . jack admits to carly that he did enjoy spending time with her , but he wo n't be fooled again . holden confronts lily , who tries to explain . lucinda tries to plead lily 's case to holden , who is tired of it all . alison wakes up and realizes she overslept and is distraught to realize she missed her test . she and aaron race back to find brenda to ask for a make up , but she will not give her a chance . chris sees alison come in with aaron . chris asks brenda to reconsider , and she finally relents . susan overhears chris ' request and learns from brenda what chris did . alison is wracked with guilt when chris finds her with aaron . chris and aaron gripe at one another and alison has to break it up . chris tells alison that he got brenda to give her a make - up test , as a thrilled alison thanks him with a huge hug while aaron watches . carly tries to explain why she helped lily , but holden is too hurt to listen and understand . luke vents to his dad about noah and ameera 's relationship ; holden tells him to take a stand . carly admits to jack that she made a mistake when she got involved with lily and holden ; jack apologizes for coming down so hard on her . carly sadly tells him that she is used to it . lily again tries to explain why she did what she did . she was only trying to prove to him what she already knows – that last night proved that they are meant to be together . holden sadly tells her that is what he used to think .</s>
nora : good morning . how are you feeling ? matthew : i still ca n't feel my leg . nora : well , remember the doctor last night -- he said it was probably temporary . matthew : yeah , but -- i mean , it 's already morning now . how long is this going to take ? nora : well , a neurologist is going to come by , and i bet you we 'll get some answers then , i promise . doctor : mr. buchanan ? bo : dr. shinseki . dr. shinseki : i need to speak with you and ms. hanen . i have matthew 's test results . [ scene_break ] [ starr sighs ] marcie : starr . hi . starr : hi , marcie . marcie : how 's your mom doing , honey ? starr : they stopped her bleeding , and she 's breathing on her own . but because she has a head injury , they 're keeping her in a coma until it heals . marcie : but i -- she 's going to be all right , is n't she ? starr : we hope so . my aunt dorian 's in there with her right now . she 's better at getting answers from doctors than i am . marcie : so sorry . starr : did you hear the police arrested my dad ? they think he 's the one who did it . marcie : you do n't believe it , though , do you ? starr : all i know is that i have two brothers who are coming home tomorrow , and someone needs to break this all to them . marcie : okay , well , why not let your grandmother and your aunt dorian take the lead on this one ? starr : they trust me . marcie : no , i know . i know that they do . i know what an amazing big sister you are , but no matter how mature you are -- and you are -- you know , you 're still a kid yourself . this is happening to you , too , you know ? for once in your life , will you please let the adults handle this ? [ scene_break ] brody : what are you thinking ? jessica : i do n't know . i do n't like the idea of you living in a room that your friend wes died in . come home with me . roxy : gee , i did n't know you were wes ' friend . i wish i had another room . brody : i 'll be okay . jessica : okay . i 'm going to need you to spruce it up a little bit in here . another coat of paint . roxy : yeah , no problem . jessica : it needs to be cleaned from top to bottom . roxy : yeah , i 'll send housekeeping up . i already got rid of the mattress . jessica : right . and i think you should knock another hundred bucks off the rent . roxy : all right , all right , already . all right , i ca n't go any lower than that . leave it to a would - be tenant to not know that the economy is in a major regression . brody : you drive a hard bargain . jessica : you know , brody , i mean it . i do n't like the idea of you living here , and there 's plenty of room at my mom 's , and -- and you should be standing on your own two feet , and i 'm going to sit down and be quiet . brody : you do n't have to baby - sit me , jess . you have two little kids who need your undivided attention . [ scene_break ] natalie : i think i know what bess was doing at the hospital that night . the night bess came to the hospital , she took jessica 's baby to dr. joplin 's office . jared : marcie just said that 's where starr 's baby was taken . natalie : who supposedly died of rh disease . but both cole and starr have the same rh factors , so if hope did n't die of rh disease -- jared : something else must have killed her . natalie : or -- jared : oh , do n't . do n't say it . it -- natalie : i have to . what if starr 's baby was n't sick ? what if it was jessica 's baby that was sick ? god , jared ... what if bess switched the babies ? [ scene_break ] schuyler : i do n't think this co - habitation thing is going to work . stacy : why is that ? afraid you 're not going to be able to keep your hands off me ? schuyler : no , no . actually , i 'm afraid that we 're going to cramp each other 's styles . i have a lot of things to do , okay ? i 've got papers to grade . i 've got lessons to plan , assuming i 'm not fired . stacy : fired ? schuyler : you know , it 's just -- it 's not going to work , okay ? stacy : i 'll stay out of your way , i promise . schuyler : one or two nights , maybe . maybe . stacy : come on , you 'll be doing me a big favor here , okay ? i do n't have any other options . it 's either you or it 's a cardboard box on the side of the road . schuyler : you know , stacy , you -- you never said why your sister kicked you out . what did you do ? stacy : what makes you think i did anything ? schuyler : i do n't know -- a decade of knowing you . stacy : okay , she thinks i made a move on her baby daddy . she 's always making something out of nothing , though . [ scene_break ] gigi : leukemia ? shane ? michael : yeah . look , the car accident is actually a blessing in disguise . [ gigi gasps ] michael : if shane does n't come into the er , then maybe we do n't catch this in time . gigi : leukemia -- that 's cancer . michael : acute lymphoblastic leukemia -- it 's the most common form found in children . [ gigi sobs ] gigi : i do n't get it . he 's not even sick . michael : no -- gigi : rex , he 's not sick . michael : i know it appears that way , but his white cell count is through the roof . we need to do a bone marrow biopsy to be 100 % sure , but the blood smear that i did is pretty convincing . i 'm so sorry . i know this is -- this is a huge blow . rex : so how sick is he ? michael : at this point , even the mildest infection could be catastrophic . gigi : wait . wait . you 're saying shane is so sick he could die ? [ scene_break ] starr : i 've been practicing what i 'm going to say to them . i can imagine them looking at me , kind of like i imagine hope sometimes . marcie : yeah , as a 2-year - old or a 6-year - old or a 9-year - old . i do the same thing , you know ? i do . you talk to hope ? yeah ? i just do n't know if it helps or not , really . starr : no , it does . it helps . me having this every day -- it 's just a constant reminder that she was here ... even though it was for just a little while . marcie , i 'm so sorry . i did n't mean to upset you . marcie : no , no , no . you -- i was -- please , i was already upset , really . starr : why ? marcie : i do n't know if telling you this is the right thing . i found out something about our baby . i found out something about hope . [ scene_break ] jared : do you know what you 're saying ? natalie : yeah . yeah , we 're talking about this little baby here , this little girl that we both love very much . and jared , look , i know -- if this all sounds completely ridiculous when i 'm done , we 'll just forget i ever said it . jared : people do n't do stuff like this . natalie : tess would . she was going into labor when she left us in the basement . and not just any old labor . she was -- she was in trouble . okay , so she goes to the cottage to give birth , and then something bad happens . i mean , something very bad must have happened for bess to come out and take control . jared : like losing her baby ? natalie : so , what if bess brought a dying baby to this hospital and took home a healthy baby ? starr 's baby . [ scene_break ] jessica : you know , i just -- i do n't like the idea of you living in this room alone . do you want me to leave ? brody : no . i just do n't want to sink any money into this place . especially since i do n't have any . jessica : well , hey , my family has a lot of pull in this town . i 'm sure they will be able to find a qualified guy like you a job . brody : trained seal with documented mental instability ? i do n't even think the buchanans could get job offers for someone like that . jessica : you 're a vet , and that matters to people . brody : my meltdown was front - page news in this town . maybe it 's a mistake for me to stay here in llanview . jessica : no , it would be a bigger mistake if you left . [ scene_break ] stacy : so then she accused me of drugging rex . i mean , come on , like i would slip a mickey to anyone . schuyler : um , stace , it 's me you 're talking to , okay ? you and i both know what you 're capable of . stacy : okay , that was a long time ago , and you were n't a saint either . schuyler : true . stacy : i mean , why would i go after rex anyway ? schuyler : oh , i do n't know . maybe to screw your sister ? stacy : huh , no , he 's not worth it , believe me . he 's just a dreamer who 's never going to make any money in his life . that loser wears his heart on his sleeve . schuyler : huh . you know , you used to say things like that to me . you would n't be reminded of him by me , would you ? stacy : what ? schuyler : i do n't think rex is just some random guy . i think rex is the guy you 've been pining over all this time . [ scene_break ] michael : there is hope , okay ? leukemia is no longer the automatic death sentence that it used to be . there have been enormous strides in treatment in the last 20 years . but it can be fatal , right , and given shane 's numbers , we 're going to want to pursue an aggressive line of treatment as soon as possible . gigi : my god . rex : what does that mean -- aggressive ? michael : that 's going to be up to shane 's oncologist , but he 's probably going to want to get him into chemotherapy right away . gigi : chemo ? michael : yes , it 's going to be our first line of attack , okay ? and since we want to be prepared for any additional avenue of treatment , we 're going to search the national registry for a possible stem cell donor . gigi : he 's going to need a transplant ? michael : it 's a possibility , yes , if everything else fails , okay ? so i suggest that you guys go out and you round up everyone that you can . okay , and the more blood relatives , the better . our best hope for finding a suitable donor is a family member . and he 's most certainly going to need blood . rex : we 'll call everyone we know . michael : i 'm so sorry , you guys . i -- i hate giving this news to you . okay , but please do not give up hope . i 'm going to give you guys a few minutes alone , all right ? be right back . [ gigi cries ] gigi : we ca n't lose my baby . rex : we wo n't . i wo n't let that happen . [ scene_break ] bo : how 's it going , bud ? matthew : all right . i just ca n't wait to get out of here . this food sucks . bo : oh . well , we 'll see what we can do about that . got a minute ? nora : yeah . be right back . bo : dr. shinseki has some news for us . nora : oh , well , should n't we include matthew in this ? dr. shinseki : well , in my experience , younger patients have an easier time accepting news like this when their parents already understand the situation . nora : `` news like this `` -- well , that does n't sound very good . dr. shinseki : no , i 'm afraid it 's not what we hope for . bo : well , just tell us what we 're looking at . dr. shinseki : matthew sustained direct compression to the top of his head , causing the c3 and c4 vertebrae to dislocate . as a result , he suffered what 's known as an `` axial loading injury , `` or a severe trauma to his spinal cord . now , we 're lucky the cord was neither severed nor crushed by the blow . but the fact remains that the swelling has begun to subside , but with no return of sensation below the waist . bo : he 's paralyzed . you 're saying ... there 's no way matthew could come back from this ? dr. shinseki : with a committed regimen of physical and occupational therapy , your son could regain limited sensitivity . nora : sensitivity ? dr. shinseki : but since he has n't regained any movement in over 12 hours , i 'd say the odds that he 'll walk again are slim . nora : but there are odds ? dr. shinseki : this injury is not the end of the world for matthew . it wo n't stop him from becoming a productive member of society or from leading a fulfilling life . nora : he 's an athlete . he 's an active , physical kid . dr. shinseki : matthew can still be active . he can still be an athlete if he chooses to , but it 's an adjustment that will take time and effort . the hospital 's here for him . we 'll provide counselors to guide him through the transition and beyond , but the two of you will be his most effective champions . i 'm going to give you a few minutes to digest this , and then i 'll be back so we can all speak with matthew together . [ scene_break ] jared : how in the name of god could this have happened ? [ scene_break ] starr : just say it . what are you trying to tell me ? marcie : okay , look , i found out some information about cole . starr : about cole ? information ? what happened ? marcie : nothing , nothing , nothing . he 's totally fine . it was totally by accident . i just -- i caught up with michael in his lab office , and cole 's latest file was on top of a desk , and so were his lab results . starr : is there something wrong with him ? marcie : no , no . oh , no , honey , this is n't about cole , no . but it 's about hope . what i was able to put together is that she did n't die the way that they told us . there 's no way she could have had rh disease . [ scene_break ] natalie : the autopsy on hope lists the cause of death as rh disease . but for that to be true , starr and cole would have to have opposite rh factors . [ scene_break ] marcie : if cole is rh negative and so are you , then hope had to have been , too . she should have been fine , starr . she should have been healthy . [ scene_break ] natalie : jessica 's rh is negative , and we know that because none of the family members could be a donor for her when she was sick . so nash probably had an rh positive . and marcie even said that rh disease is extremely rare in firstborn children , which makes it even less likely for starr 's baby to have had it . jared : but this was jessica 's second baby . natalie : no , her third , actually . she had a stillborn several years ago . jared : which makes it even more likely that that baby had a disease . [ scene_break ] starr : but if hope did n't die of rh disease , why did the autopsy say so ? how did my baby die ? marcie : i do n't know . i do n't know , but i promise you that i 'm going to get michael to look into this , okay , because that autopsy is wrong . [ scene_break ] natalie : the autopsy 's right , just right about the wrong baby . [ scene_break ] [ gigi cries ] gigi : shane always gets bruises . i just think -- he 's a kid . it 's normal wear and tear . what am i going to do , miss work ? skip a payment on the electric so i can write them to the doctor every time he has a bruise ? rex : we 'll figure this out . gigi : he 's been having such a hard time getting out of the bed lately , and i thought it was just because he wanted to skip school . rex : you ca n't blame yourself . gigi : sure i can ! how long has he had this ? leukemia ? freaking leukemia . god , how did i miss it ? what kind of mother does this make me ? rex : geege . gigi : oh , my god , it could n't have just been the asthma . no , that would have been too easy -- could n't have just been the out - of - nowhere not breathing , the drowning in air , hoping i did n't misplace the inhaler and please do n't let it be empty because my son ca n't breathe -- it had to be leukemia , too ! what are we going to do , rex ? rex : we are going to do what you have done the past 11 years . we 're going to roll with this punch . we are going to get back up and we 're going to beat it . gigi : okay . rex : only this time , you 're not going to be by yourself . you 're going to have me . we are going to get through this for our son , okay ? we are going to do it together . [ scene_break ] stacy : all i 'm looking for is a friendly place to stay , not a psychoanalysis . schuyler : i 'm not -- i 'm not going to throw my favorite ex out on the street , okay ? you 're welcome to stay as long as it takes you to get back on your feet . stacy : really ? schuyler : mi casa es su casa , evidently . stacy : all right . where 's the soda machine in this dump ? schuyler : soda machine -- down the hall , make a left . it 's around the corner . stacy : i 'll be right back . schuyler : okay . roxy : oh , what the hell are you doing here ? stacy : i live here . roxy : oh , really ? rex and gigi finally got wise and tossed you out with the trash ? yeah , good for them . stacy : `` oh , yeah `` -- that 's none of your business . roxy : honey , this is my place , and anything that happens in my place is my business . stacy : oh , yeah , that makes sense . well , at least i know who to sue in the morning when i wake up with bedbug bites . roxy : we do not have bedbugs here . [ phones ring ] stacy : hello , gigi ? gigi : i need to see you , stace . rex : hey , mom . roxy : mom ? ooh , you must be up to something . stacy : let me guess , you found out rex is a lying skirt - chaser , and now you want your little sister back . but guess what , that 's not -- gigi : it 's not about rex . it 's not about you . it 's not about me . roxy : what is it , rexy ? rex : it 's shane . he 's sick . [ scene_break ] roxy : oh , my baby . i am so sorry . tell me what 's wrong with shane . [ scene_break ] gigi : can i talk to you in here ? stacy : sure . [ scene_break ] roxy : listen , your mom is here , and everything 's going to be all right . you know that , right ? rex : yeah . yeah , we 're totally going to get through this . the thing is , i 'm going to need your help . [ scene_break ] gigi : i have to ask you a favor . and i realize you have every right to tell me to go to hell after i kicked you out this morning , but i 'm hoping you wo n't hold that against shane . stacy : what 's going on ? gigi : my kid is sick . he might need a bone marrow transplant , and for all we know , you could be a match , so i 'm just asking you if you could please -- stacy : done . i would never hold my nephew hostage over a misunderstanding . you obviously do n't know me that well , do you ? [ scene_break ] roxy : are you kidding ? that 's a no - brainer . of course , i 'll get tested . rex : thank you . ma , this means the world to me . roxy : have you told shane yet ? rex : we wanted to talk to you and stacy first . i do n't know -- roxy : you do n't know what ? rex : how am i supposed to tell him this ? i mean , i know i 'm supposed to be strong for my kid and for gigi , but what the hell ? leukemia ? roxy : shane is a tough kid . rex : i was n't even a dad a year ago , and now i might be losing my son ? how am i supposed to do this ? roxy : you know what you 're supposed to do ? you are supposed to get mad . you are supposed to get so pissed off that you ca n't even see straight . and when you -- rex : ma -- roxy : get mad like that , you ca n't be sad . and when you get mad like that , it 's a kind of energy that tells you exactly what you 're supposed to do . and you will find out what you have to do -- exactly what you have to do . you will do anything , and i mean anything , to protect your kid . [ scene_break ] clint : nora , bo , i 'm sorry i did n't get here earlier , but flying these days is a nightmare . nora : it 's okay . i 'm just glad you came . clint : so how is matthew doing ? he 's okay , is n't he ? [ scene_break ] jared : there are still some holes in this theory . natalie : but it explains what bess was doing at the hospital that night , and why starr 's healthy baby wound up dead . jared : okay , but how do you explain why that baby was left alone and in a position to be switched ? honestly , how could bess have pulled this off ? natalie : my uncle todd . jared : excuse me ? natalie : he admitted he was planning on stealing starr 's baby , so he took starr 's healthy baby -- this baby -- to dr. joplin 's office , and -- and then he changed his mind . okay , and what if his plan got screwed up before he scrapped it ? and what if the reason why was because of bess ? jared , there 's just so many more things i need to know before i figure this out . jared : no , no , no . no , you do n't , okay ? you do n't need to figure anything out . this could destroy jessica , and hurt this baby . natalie : i love my sister and i love chloe . i would never want to hurt them . jared : then let it go . [ scene_break ] brody : you think i should stick around , huh ? jessica : well , you just got released , right ? brody : yeah . jessica : and ... dr. levin warned you about making any big decisions about your life too soon . brody : sure . but i 'm going to have to decide something at some point . right now i do n't have much of a reason to stick around . jessica : well , you 're required to stay in treatment . that 's the deal you made with the da 's office , right ? brody : i do n't think they 'd be sad to see the last of me . jessica : well , what about shane ? he 's here . brody : shane 's not my son . i 'd just make that situation complicated . jessica : well , i 'm here . what about me ? [ scene_break ] natalie : jared , what are you thinking ? jared : jessica does n't remember a lot about what went on when she was tess , right ? natalie : right . jared : and nothing at all from when she was bess ? natalie : yeah . jared : yeah . well , then that 's got to mean one of two things -- either jessica knows chloe is not her baby and she 's been lying to all of us all this time ... or -- natalie : or what ? jared : or bess is still keeping that secret , and your sister is no more integrated than she was when she had us locked in that basement . [ scene_break ] starr : this is such a nightmare . marcie : i should n't have said anything . starr : no , you should 've . you did the right thing to tell me , but what am i supposed to do now ? our baby -- our baby died , and we accepted that . we had some type of peace , right ? what am i supposed to do now ? marcie : i do n't know , honey . starr : dr. joplin told us that it was my fault , that my blood poisoned my own baby , and now ? marcie : i know , i know . that 's why i decided that i had to tell you -- starr : what , it 's not true ? everything was wrong ? what am i supposed to do , wonder for the rest of my life how my baby died ? marcie : no , absolutely not , absolutely not . i promise you , one way or another , we are going to figure out what happened to hope . [ scene_break ] natalie : jessica would never ever lie about something so important . i mean , starr 's our cousin . she would never let starr go on thinking that her daughter is dead . jared : but bess or tess would . natalie : and i 'm living proof that tess does n't give a damn about family . and according to mom , the only reason bess exists is to protect jessica . i mean , damage to innocent bystanders would n't bother her any . so if bess went to the hospital that night and found hope all alone , she 'd switch those babies in a heartbeat . jared : you really think this happened , do n't you ? natalie : jared , i know something -- something happened that night . i just never , ever , ever imagined it would be something like this . jared : so what do we do about it ? [ scene_break ] michael : all right . we 've arranged for the lab to take your samples . gigi : this is all happening so fast . michael : yeah , it has to . all right , i 'll let you know if one of you is a suitable donor . roxy : the minute you know , okay ? michael : yeah , absolutely , the minute i know . gigi : what are the odds , michael ? michael : 70 % to 75 % of patients do not find viable donors within their family . typically , parents do n't have enough of the good markers . usually , siblings are the best donors . roxy : well , you two will get on that right away . michael : i mean , it 's not unheard of , but you know , the sooner we treat shane , the better . just do n't jump to conclusions , okay ? we may not even need a donor , all right ? and if we do need a donor , we may find one right here in this room , or on the national registry , okay ? right now is way too early to focus on worst case scenario . gigi : i wish my parents were still alive . what if one of them -- rex : my dad , too , but he 's dead . michael : getting these samples is simply about covering our bases . gigi : and after that ? michael : shane 's oncologist is taking a look at his test results right now , and as soon as he can , he 's going to come out and discuss shane 's treatment with you . michael : roxy , would you and stacy go with this nurse here , please ? she 'll handle your paperwork and get you swabbed . roxy : sure . michael : okay . stacy : no problem . rex : thank you . i ca n't tell you -- [ rex sniffles ] michael : i want you to bring shane in . gigi : today ? michael : yeah . i told you , we ca n't afford to waste any time . gigi : oh , god . how are we going to tell him ? [ scene_break ] nurse : does one of you want to go first ? roxy : i 'll do it . nurse : okay , follow me . doctor : lab results for a dr. mcbain . patient 's name is balsom . receptionist : i 'll see that he gets it right after my break . stacy : you really should lay off the sleeping pills , rex . neither you or gigi need to hear about this , now or ever . [ scene_break ] clint : are you seriously taking the word of just one doctor ? nora : clint -- bo : dr. shinseki 's done every test that he can . clint : wait a minute , if somebody told me that one of my kids was paralyzed for life , i would fire that person , go out and get a second opinion , a third opinion , a fourth , until i found somebody who believed in my kid . bo : do n't tell me that i 'm giving up on my son . clint : well , then do n't go in there and tell matthew he 's never going to walk again . nora : i do n't know how to put a positive spin on this , clint . clint : you do n't have to . you just tell him the odds , and then you tell him that all of us are going to help him -- even those odds . now , you give him a reason to fight . do n't tell him something so grim that he gives up without giving it a shot . all right , you do what you have to do . but i 'm going to start calling every specialist on the planet . [ scene_break ] marcie : you going to be okay , honey ? starr : it 's just a lot to handle . marcie : listen -- hey , we 're in this together . you remember that , all right ? okay . i 'll be praying for your mom . starr : thank you . marcie : and i will let you know anything that i find out , okay ? okay , honey . [ starr sighs ] [ scene_break ] jessica : i 'm pressuring you , and i should n't . you have to do what 's right for you , and what the hell do i know ? brody : a lot . you were the best thing that happened to me . during a rotten time , you kept me sane at st. ann 's . sane as psycho can be . jessica : still , i need to know when to quit , which is right now , so that 's why i 'm going to go . can you just do me a favor ? brody : name it . jessica : do n't leave without saying goodbye . i would -- i 'd be disappointed if i did n't get to say goodbye to you . brody : i 'd never do that . besides , i ca n't take off any time soon anyway . i made you a promise , remember ? [ jessica chuckles ] brody : ca n't bounce out without making sure you know how to throw a proper spiral . i have a feeling you throw like a girl . jessica : really ? huh , bring it on , then . [ scene_break ] jared : maybe we should go to somebody with this , like your mom or bo . natalie : and unleash this hell based on a hunch ? jared : sweetheart , even if we are wrong , something bad went down in this hospital that night with both those babies . and bess was right in the middle of it . natalie : and now we are , too . [ scene_break ] nurse : you 're up next . roxy : hold it a second , ms. ratched . would you say goodbye to rex and gigi for me ? stacy : you do n't want to -- roxy : no , listen , it 's very important . i got to go someplace and i just do n't want to leave them hanging , okay ? it 's important . just do it , okay ? and then we 'll be square . roxy : yes , hello . i need to see a patient in room 302 . yes , it is family , and it 's a matter of life and death . have you got that ? yes , the name is roxanne balsom . right . i 'm on my way . [ scene_break ] michael : hey . i want you to lean on me , man . okay , shane 's going to have questions that you 're not going to be able to answer . you and gigi are going to wake up in the middle of the night with questions . i want you to write them down , and we 'll talk about them the next time . rex : thank you . if we have to go through this , i 'm glad we 're doing it with you . michael : man , after what you did for me and marcie with tommy , this case is my top priority . just let me know if you want me to talk to him , okay ? [ scene_break ] matthew : jeez , it 's about time . what 's going on ? nora : we were -- we were just talking to dr. shinseki . matthew : tell me . [ scene_break ] shane : could n't this checkup have waited until after school ? and how many times do i have to tell you ? i 'm fine . [ shane exhales ] shane : see ? no wheezing . i mean , what 's the big deal ? rex : you see -- the thing is , when you were in the er last night , the doctors ran some tests . shane : for my asthma ? rex : yeah ... for that and for some other stuff . it 's just what ... doctors do . when the test results ... came back , they found something . [ scene_break ] roxy : it 's our grandson . he 's in big trouble and he needs our help . yeah , yours , too . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] schuyler : starr , what 's wrong ? what are you -- what are you doing here ? starr : schuyler . [ starr sniffles ] [ scene_break ] marcie : michael . michael : you 're still here ? what happened ? something happened . what is it ? marcie : i found out something about hope . [ scene_break ] natalie : do you realize that if we 're right , that means that starr and cole and marcie and michael -- they 've been -- they 've been mourning the death of a baby that 's right here in front of them the whole time ? [ scene_break ] brody : all right , so you palm the ball like this . all right , you 're going to take your aim , and you 're going to let the ball fall right off your fingers , okay ? let it go , perfect spiral . all right ? jessica : yeah . [ ball crashes ] [ scene_break ] natalie : but how do we tell jessica her baby , her -- her real baby ... is dead ? [ next_on ] rex : i am going to fight like hell to make sure nothing happens to my son . matthew : it 's not temporary , is it ? starr : whose is this ? jessica : we have to face this head - on .
bo and nora are told by the doctor that matthew is likely to be paralyzed for life and they should accept it . but they can not . clint overhears and tells them they can not give up on their son . he tells them he will get all the specialists he can find and they owe that much to matthew . marcie admits to starr that she 's found out that baby hope could not have died from rh disease . hearing that , starr is distraught not knowing what to do with the fact that it 's now an unsolved mystery that her baby died . meanwhile , natalie and jared figure out that it 's highly probably that tess or bess took starr 's baby out of the hospital and she is now the baby everybody believes is chloe , jessica 's baby died as she did not get medical care , and everybody is falsely believing that starr 's baby died when she is alive and well . and they do not know how to tell that to jessica . jessica and brody are getting closer . gigi and rex find out that shane has leukemia , needs a bone marrow transplant and they are dependent upon the rare chance that a family member could save his life . immediately they rush to the only living family members they have which are , respectively roxy and stacy . both of them rush to get tested . but it looks like stacy is more concerned about scamming rex and gigi and saving her own skin . starr rushes to schuyler after hearing the startling news about her baby .
<s>[INST] nora : good morning . how are you feeling ? matthew : i still ca n't feel my leg . nora : well , remember the doctor last night -- he said it was probably temporary . matthew : yeah , but -- i mean , it 's already morning now . how long is this going to take ? nora : well , a neurologist is going to come by , and i bet you we 'll get some answers then , i promise . doctor : mr. buchanan ? bo : dr. shinseki . dr. shinseki : i need to speak with you and ms. hanen . i have matthew 's test results . [ scene_break ] [ starr sighs ] marcie : starr . hi . starr : hi , marcie . marcie : how 's your mom doing , honey ? starr : they stopped her bleeding , and she 's breathing on her own . but because she has a head injury , they 're keeping her in a coma until it heals . marcie : but i -- she 's going to be all right , is n't she ? starr : we hope so . my aunt dorian 's in there with her right now . she 's better at getting answers from doctors than i am . marcie : so sorry . starr : did you hear the police arrested my dad ? they think he 's the one who did it . marcie : you do n't believe it , though , do you ? starr : all i know is that i have two brothers who are coming home tomorrow , and someone needs to break this all to them . marcie : okay , well , why not let your grandmother and your aunt dorian take the lead on this one ? starr : they trust me . marcie : no , i know . i know that they do . i know what an amazing big sister you are , but no matter how mature you are -- and you are -- you know , you 're still a kid yourself . this is happening to you , too , you know ? for once in your life , will you please let the adults handle this ? [ scene_break ] brody : what are you thinking ? jessica : i do n't know . i do n't like the idea of you living in a room that your friend wes died in . come home with me . roxy : gee , i did n't know you were wes ' friend . i wish i had another room . brody : i 'll be okay . jessica : okay . i 'm going to need you to spruce it up a little bit in here . another coat of paint . roxy : yeah , no problem . jessica : it needs to be cleaned from top to bottom . roxy : yeah , i 'll send housekeeping up . i already got rid of the mattress . jessica : right . and i think you should knock another hundred bucks off the rent . roxy : all right , all right , already . all right , i ca n't go any lower than that . leave it to a would - be tenant to not know that the economy is in a major regression . brody : you drive a hard bargain . jessica : you know , brody , i mean it . i do n't like the idea of you living here , and there 's plenty of room at my mom 's , and -- and you should be standing on your own two feet , and i 'm going to sit down and be quiet . brody : you do n't have to baby - sit me , jess . you have two little kids who need your undivided attention . [ scene_break ] natalie : i think i know what bess was doing at the hospital that night . the night bess came to the hospital , she took jessica 's baby to dr. joplin 's office . jared : marcie just said that 's where starr 's baby was taken . natalie : who supposedly died of rh disease . but both cole and starr have the same rh factors , so if hope did n't die of rh disease -- jared : something else must have killed her . natalie : or -- jared : oh , do n't . do n't say it . it -- natalie : i have to . what if starr 's baby was n't sick ? what if it was jessica 's baby that was sick ? god , jared ... what if bess switched the babies ? [ scene_break ] schuyler : i do n't think this co - habitation thing is going to work . stacy : why is that ? afraid you 're not going to be able to keep your hands off me ? schuyler : no , no . actually , i 'm afraid that we 're going to cramp each other 's styles . i have a lot of things to do , okay ? i 've got papers to grade . i 've got lessons to plan , assuming i 'm not fired . stacy : fired ? schuyler : you know , it 's just -- it 's not going to work , okay ? stacy : i 'll stay out of your way , i promise . schuyler : one or two nights , maybe . maybe . stacy : come on , you 'll be doing me a big favor here , okay ? i do n't have any other options . it 's either you or it 's a cardboard box on the side of the road . schuyler : you know , stacy , you -- you never said why your sister kicked you out . what did you do ? stacy : what makes you think i did anything ? schuyler : i do n't know -- a decade of knowing you . stacy : okay , she thinks i made a move on her baby daddy . she 's always making something out of nothing , though . [ scene_break ] gigi : leukemia ? shane ? michael : yeah . look , the car accident is actually a blessing in disguise . [ gigi gasps ] michael : if shane does n't come into the er , then maybe we do n't catch this in time . gigi : leukemia -- that 's cancer . michael : acute lymphoblastic leukemia -- it 's the most common form found in children . [ gigi sobs ] gigi : i do n't get it . he 's not even sick . michael : no -- gigi : rex , he 's not sick . michael : i know it appears that way , but his white cell count is through the roof . we need to do a bone marrow biopsy to be 100 % sure , but the blood smear that i did is pretty convincing . i 'm so sorry . i know this is -- this is a huge blow . rex : so how sick is he ? michael : at this point , even the mildest infection could be catastrophic . gigi : wait . wait . you 're saying shane is so sick he could die ? [ scene_break ] starr : i 've been practicing what i 'm going to say to them . i can imagine them looking at me , kind of like i imagine hope sometimes . marcie : yeah , as a 2-year - old or a 6-year - old or a 9-year - old . i do the same thing , you know ? i do . you talk to hope ? yeah ? i just do n't know if it helps or not , really . starr : no , it does . it helps . me having this every day -- it 's just a constant reminder that she was here ... even though it was for just a little while . marcie , i 'm so sorry . i did n't mean to upset you . marcie : no , no , no . you -- i was -- please , i was already upset , really . starr : why ? marcie : i do n't know if telling you this is the right thing . i found out something about our baby . i found out something about hope . [ scene_break ] jared : do you know what you 're saying ? natalie : yeah . yeah , we 're talking about this little baby here , this little girl that we both love very much . and jared , look , i know -- if this all sounds completely ridiculous when i 'm done , we 'll just forget i ever said it . jared : people do n't do stuff like this . natalie : tess would . she was going into labor when she left us in the basement . and not just any old labor . she was -- she was in trouble . okay , so she goes to the cottage to give birth , and then something bad happens . i mean , something very bad must have happened for bess to come out and take control . jared : like losing her baby ? natalie : so , what if bess brought a dying baby to this hospital and took home a healthy baby ? starr 's baby . [ scene_break ] jessica : you know , i just -- i do n't like the idea of you living in this room alone . do you want me to leave ? brody : no . i just do n't want to sink any money into this place . especially since i do n't have any . jessica : well , hey , my family has a lot of pull in this town . i 'm sure they will be able to find a qualified guy like you a job . brody : trained seal with documented mental instability ? i do n't even think the buchanans could get job offers for someone like that . jessica : you 're a vet , and that matters to people . brody : my meltdown was front - page news in this town . maybe it 's a mistake for me to stay here in llanview . jessica : no , it would be a bigger mistake if you left . [ scene_break ] stacy : so then she accused me of drugging rex . i mean , come on , like i would slip a mickey to anyone . schuyler : um , stace , it 's me you 're talking to , okay ? you and i both know what you 're capable of . stacy : okay , that was a long time ago , and you were n't a saint either . schuyler : true . stacy : i mean , why would i go after rex anyway ? schuyler : oh , i do n't know . maybe to screw your sister ? stacy : huh , no , he 's not worth it , believe me . he 's just a dreamer who 's never going to make any money in his life . that loser wears his heart on his sleeve . schuyler : huh . you know , you used to say things like that to me . you would n't be reminded of him by me , would you ? stacy : what ? schuyler : i do n't think rex is just some random guy . i think rex is the guy you 've been pining over all this time . [ scene_break ] michael : there is hope , okay ? leukemia is no longer the automatic death sentence that it used to be . there have been enormous strides in treatment in the last 20 years . but it can be fatal , right , and given shane 's numbers , we 're going to want to pursue an aggressive line of treatment as soon as possible . gigi : my god . rex : what does that mean -- aggressive ? michael : that 's going to be up to shane 's oncologist , but he 's probably going to want to get him into chemotherapy right away . gigi : chemo ? michael : yes , it 's going to be our first line of attack , okay ? and since we want to be prepared for any additional avenue of treatment , we 're going to search the national registry for a possible stem cell donor . gigi : he 's going to need a transplant ? michael : it 's a possibility , yes , if everything else fails , okay ? so i suggest that you guys go out and you round up everyone that you can . okay , and the more blood relatives , the better . our best hope for finding a suitable donor is a family member . and he 's most certainly going to need blood . rex : we 'll call everyone we know . michael : i 'm so sorry , you guys . i -- i hate giving this news to you . okay , but please do not give up hope . i 'm going to give you guys a few minutes alone , all right ? be right back . [ gigi cries ] gigi : we ca n't lose my baby . rex : we wo n't . i wo n't let that happen . [ scene_break ] bo : how 's it going , bud ? matthew : all right . i just ca n't wait to get out of here . this food sucks . bo : oh . well , we 'll see what we can do about that . got a minute ? nora : yeah . be right back . bo : dr. shinseki has some news for us . nora : oh , well , should n't we include matthew in this ? dr. shinseki : well , in my experience , younger patients have an easier time accepting news like this when their parents already understand the situation . nora : `` news like this `` -- well , that does n't sound very good . dr. shinseki : no , i 'm afraid it 's not what we hope for . bo : well , just tell us what we 're looking at . dr. shinseki : matthew sustained direct compression to the top of his head , causing the c3 and c4 vertebrae to dislocate . as a result , he suffered what 's known as an `` axial loading injury , `` or a severe trauma to his spinal cord . now , we 're lucky the cord was neither severed nor crushed by the blow . but the fact remains that the swelling has begun to subside , but with no return of sensation below the waist . bo : he 's paralyzed . you 're saying ... there 's no way matthew could come back from this ? dr. shinseki : with a committed regimen of physical and occupational therapy , your son could regain limited sensitivity . nora : sensitivity ? dr. shinseki : but since he has n't regained any movement in over 12 hours , i 'd say the odds that he 'll walk again are slim . nora : but there are odds ? dr. shinseki : this injury is not the end of the world for matthew . it wo n't stop him from becoming a productive member of society or from leading a fulfilling life . nora : he 's an athlete . he 's an active , physical kid . dr. shinseki : matthew can still be active . he can still be an athlete if he chooses to , but it 's an adjustment that will take time and effort . the hospital 's here for him . we 'll provide counselors to guide him through the transition and beyond , but the two of you will be his most effective champions . i 'm going to give you a few minutes to digest this , and then i 'll be back so we can all speak with matthew together . [ scene_break ] jared : how in the name of god could this have happened ? [ scene_break ] starr : just say it . what are you trying to tell me ? marcie : okay , look , i found out some information about cole . starr : about cole ? information ? what happened ? marcie : nothing , nothing , nothing . he 's totally fine . it was totally by accident . i just -- i caught up with michael in his lab office , and cole 's latest file was on top of a desk , and so were his lab results . starr : is there something wrong with him ? marcie : no , no . oh , no , honey , this is n't about cole , no . but it 's about hope . what i was able to put together is that she did n't die the way that they told us . there 's no way she could have had rh disease . [ scene_break ] natalie : the autopsy on hope lists the cause of death as rh disease . but for that to be true , starr and cole would have to have opposite rh factors . [ scene_break ] marcie : if cole is rh negative and so are you , then hope had to have been , too . she should have been fine , starr . she should have been healthy . [ scene_break ] natalie : jessica 's rh is negative , and we know that because none of the family members could be a donor for her when she was sick . so nash probably had an rh positive . and marcie even said that rh disease is extremely rare in firstborn children , which makes it even less likely for starr 's baby to have had it . jared : but this was jessica 's second baby . natalie : no , her third , actually . she had a stillborn several years ago . jared : which makes it even more likely that that baby had a disease . [ scene_break ] starr : but if hope did n't die of rh disease , why did the autopsy say so ? how did my baby die ? marcie : i do n't know . i do n't know , but i promise you that i 'm going to get michael to look into this , okay , because that autopsy is wrong . [ scene_break ] natalie : the autopsy 's right , just right about the wrong baby . [ scene_break ] [ gigi cries ] gigi : shane always gets bruises . i just think -- he 's a kid . it 's normal wear and tear . what am i going to do , miss work ? skip a payment on the electric so i can write them to the doctor every time he has a bruise ? rex : we 'll figure this out . gigi : he 's been having such a hard time getting out of the bed lately , and i thought it was just because he wanted to skip school . rex : you ca n't blame yourself . gigi : sure i can ! how long has he had this ? leukemia ? freaking leukemia . god , how did i miss it ? what kind of mother does this make me ? rex : geege . gigi : oh , my god , it could n't have just been the asthma . no , that would have been too easy -- could n't have just been the out - of - nowhere not breathing , the drowning in air , hoping i did n't misplace the inhaler and please do n't let it be empty because my son ca n't breathe -- it had to be leukemia , too ! what are we going to do , rex ? rex : we are going to do what you have done the past 11 years . we 're going to roll with this punch . we are going to get back up and we 're going to beat it . gigi : okay . rex : only this time , you 're not going to be by yourself . you 're going to have me . we are going to get through this for our son , okay ? we are going to do it together . [ scene_break ] stacy : all i 'm looking for is a friendly place to stay , not a psychoanalysis . schuyler : i 'm not -- i 'm not going to throw my favorite ex out on the street , okay ? you 're welcome to stay as long as it takes you to get back on your feet . stacy : really ? schuyler : mi casa es su casa , evidently . stacy : all right . where 's the soda machine in this dump ? schuyler : soda machine -- down the hall , make a left . it 's around the corner . stacy : i 'll be right back . schuyler : okay . roxy : oh , what the hell are you doing here ? stacy : i live here . roxy : oh , really ? rex and gigi finally got wise and tossed you out with the trash ? yeah , good for them . stacy : `` oh , yeah `` -- that 's none of your business . roxy : honey , this is my place , and anything that happens in my place is my business . stacy : oh , yeah , that makes sense . well , at least i know who to sue in the morning when i wake up with bedbug bites . roxy : we do not have bedbugs here . [ phones ring ] stacy : hello , gigi ? gigi : i need to see you , stace . rex : hey , mom . roxy : mom ? ooh , you must be up to something . stacy : let me guess , you found out rex is a lying skirt - chaser , and now you want your little sister back . but guess what , that 's not -- gigi : it 's not about rex . it 's not about you . it 's not about me . roxy : what is it , rexy ? rex : it 's shane . he 's sick . [ scene_break ] roxy : oh , my baby . i am so sorry . tell me what 's wrong with shane . [ scene_break ] gigi : can i talk to you in here ? stacy : sure . [ scene_break ] roxy : listen , your mom is here , and everything 's going to be all right . you know that , right ? rex : yeah . yeah , we 're totally going to get through this . the thing is , i 'm going to need your help . [ scene_break ] gigi : i have to ask you a favor . and i realize you have every right to tell me to go to hell after i kicked you out this morning , but i 'm hoping you wo n't hold that against shane . stacy : what 's going on ? gigi : my kid is sick . he might need a bone marrow transplant , and for all we know , you could be a match , so i 'm just asking you if you could please -- stacy : done . i would never hold my nephew hostage over a misunderstanding . you obviously do n't know me that well , do you ? [ scene_break ] roxy : are you kidding ? that 's a no - brainer . of course , i 'll get tested . rex : thank you . ma , this means the world to me . roxy : have you told shane yet ? rex : we wanted to talk to you and stacy first . i do n't know -- roxy : you do n't know what ? rex : how am i supposed to tell him this ? i mean , i know i 'm supposed to be strong for my kid and for gigi , but what the hell ? leukemia ? roxy : shane is a tough kid . rex : i was n't even a dad a year ago , and now i might be losing my son ? how am i supposed to do this ? roxy : you know what you 're supposed to do ? you are supposed to get mad . you are supposed to get so pissed off that you ca n't even see straight . and when you -- rex : ma -- roxy : get mad like that , you ca n't be sad . and when you get mad like that , it 's a kind of energy that tells you exactly what you 're supposed to do . and you will find out what you have to do -- exactly what you have to do . you will do anything , and i mean anything , to protect your kid . [ scene_break ] clint : nora , bo , i 'm sorry i did n't get here earlier , but flying these days is a nightmare . nora : it 's okay . i 'm just glad you came . clint : so how is matthew doing ? he 's okay , is n't he ? [ scene_break ] jared : there are still some holes in this theory . natalie : but it explains what bess was doing at the hospital that night , and why starr 's healthy baby wound up dead . jared : okay , but how do you explain why that baby was left alone and in a position to be switched ? honestly , how could bess have pulled this off ? natalie : my uncle todd . jared : excuse me ? natalie : he admitted he was planning on stealing starr 's baby , so he took starr 's healthy baby -- this baby -- to dr. joplin 's office , and -- and then he changed his mind . okay , and what if his plan got screwed up before he scrapped it ? and what if the reason why was because of bess ? jared , there 's just so many more things i need to know before i figure this out . jared : no , no , no . no , you do n't , okay ? you do n't need to figure anything out . this could destroy jessica , and hurt this baby . natalie : i love my sister and i love chloe . i would never want to hurt them . jared : then let it go . [ scene_break ] brody : you think i should stick around , huh ? jessica : well , you just got released , right ? brody : yeah . jessica : and ... dr. levin warned you about making any big decisions about your life too soon . brody : sure . but i 'm going to have to decide something at some point . right now i do n't have much of a reason to stick around . jessica : well , you 're required to stay in treatment . that 's the deal you made with the da 's office , right ? brody : i do n't think they 'd be sad to see the last of me . jessica : well , what about shane ? he 's here . brody : shane 's not my son . i 'd just make that situation complicated . jessica : well , i 'm here . what about me ? [ scene_break ] natalie : jared , what are you thinking ? jared : jessica does n't remember a lot about what went on when she was tess , right ? natalie : right . jared : and nothing at all from when she was bess ? natalie : yeah . jared : yeah . well , then that 's got to mean one of two things -- either jessica knows chloe is not her baby and she 's been lying to all of us all this time ... or -- natalie : or what ? jared : or bess is still keeping that secret , and your sister is no more integrated than she was when she had us locked in that basement . [ scene_break ] starr : this is such a nightmare . marcie : i should n't have said anything . starr : no , you should 've . you did the right thing to tell me , but what am i supposed to do now ? our baby -- our baby died , and we accepted that . we had some type of peace , right ? what am i supposed to do now ? marcie : i do n't know , honey . starr : dr. joplin told us that it was my fault , that my blood poisoned my own baby , and now ? marcie : i know , i know . that 's why i decided that i had to tell you -- starr : what , it 's not true ? everything was wrong ? what am i supposed to do , wonder for the rest of my life how my baby died ? marcie : no , absolutely not , absolutely not . i promise you , one way or another , we are going to figure out what happened to hope . [ scene_break ] natalie : jessica would never ever lie about something so important . i mean , starr 's our cousin . she would never let starr go on thinking that her daughter is dead . jared : but bess or tess would . natalie : and i 'm living proof that tess does n't give a damn about family . and according to mom , the only reason bess exists is to protect jessica . i mean , damage to innocent bystanders would n't bother her any . so if bess went to the hospital that night and found hope all alone , she 'd switch those babies in a heartbeat . jared : you really think this happened , do n't you ? natalie : jared , i know something -- something happened that night . i just never , ever , ever imagined it would be something like this . jared : so what do we do about it ? [ scene_break ] michael : all right . we 've arranged for the lab to take your samples . gigi : this is all happening so fast . michael : yeah , it has to . all right , i 'll let you know if one of you is a suitable donor . roxy : the minute you know , okay ? michael : yeah , absolutely , the minute i know . gigi : what are the odds , michael ? michael : 70 % to 75 % of patients do not find viable donors within their family . typically , parents do n't have enough of the good markers . usually , siblings are the best donors . roxy : well , you two will get on that right away . michael : i mean , it 's not unheard of , but you know , the sooner we treat shane , the better . just do n't jump to conclusions , okay ? we may not even need a donor , all right ? and if we do need a donor , we may find one right here in this room , or on the national registry , okay ? right now is way too early to focus on worst case scenario . gigi : i wish my parents were still alive . what if one of them -- rex : my dad , too , but he 's dead . michael : getting these samples is simply about covering our bases . gigi : and after that ? michael : shane 's oncologist is taking a look at his test results right now , and as soon as he can , he 's going to come out and discuss shane 's treatment with you . michael : roxy , would you and stacy go with this nurse here , please ? she 'll handle your paperwork and get you swabbed . roxy : sure . michael : okay . stacy : no problem . rex : thank you . i ca n't tell you -- [ rex sniffles ] michael : i want you to bring shane in . gigi : today ? michael : yeah . i told you , we ca n't afford to waste any time . gigi : oh , god . how are we going to tell him ? [ scene_break ] nurse : does one of you want to go first ? roxy : i 'll do it . nurse : okay , follow me . doctor : lab results for a dr. mcbain . patient 's name is balsom . receptionist : i 'll see that he gets it right after my break . stacy : you really should lay off the sleeping pills , rex . neither you or gigi need to hear about this , now or ever . [ scene_break ] clint : are you seriously taking the word of just one doctor ? nora : clint -- bo : dr. shinseki 's done every test that he can . clint : wait a minute , if somebody told me that one of my kids was paralyzed for life , i would fire that person , go out and get a second opinion , a third opinion , a fourth , until i found somebody who believed in my kid . bo : do n't tell me that i 'm giving up on my son . clint : well , then do n't go in there and tell matthew he 's never going to walk again . nora : i do n't know how to put a positive spin on this , clint . clint : you do n't have to . you just tell him the odds , and then you tell him that all of us are going to help him -- even those odds . now , you give him a reason to fight . do n't tell him something so grim that he gives up without giving it a shot . all right , you do what you have to do . but i 'm going to start calling every specialist on the planet . [ scene_break ] marcie : you going to be okay , honey ? starr : it 's just a lot to handle . marcie : listen -- hey , we 're in this together . you remember that , all right ? okay . i 'll be praying for your mom . starr : thank you . marcie : and i will let you know anything that i find out , okay ? okay , honey . [ starr sighs ] [ scene_break ] jessica : i 'm pressuring you , and i should n't . you have to do what 's right for you , and what the hell do i know ? brody : a lot . you were the best thing that happened to me . during a rotten time , you kept me sane at st. ann 's . sane as psycho can be . jessica : still , i need to know when to quit , which is right now , so that 's why i 'm going to go . can you just do me a favor ? brody : name it . jessica : do n't leave without saying goodbye . i would -- i 'd be disappointed if i did n't get to say goodbye to you . brody : i 'd never do that . besides , i ca n't take off any time soon anyway . i made you a promise , remember ? [ jessica chuckles ] brody : ca n't bounce out without making sure you know how to throw a proper spiral . i have a feeling you throw like a girl . jessica : really ? huh , bring it on , then . [ scene_break ] jared : maybe we should go to somebody with this , like your mom or bo . natalie : and unleash this hell based on a hunch ? jared : sweetheart , even if we are wrong , something bad went down in this hospital that night with both those babies . and bess was right in the middle of it . natalie : and now we are , too . [ scene_break ] nurse : you 're up next . roxy : hold it a second , ms. ratched . would you say goodbye to rex and gigi for me ? stacy : you do n't want to -- roxy : no , listen , it 's very important . i got to go someplace and i just do n't want to leave them hanging , okay ? it 's important . just do it , okay ? and then we 'll be square . roxy : yes , hello . i need to see a patient in room 302 . yes , it is family , and it 's a matter of life and death . have you got that ? yes , the name is roxanne balsom . right . i 'm on my way . [ scene_break ] michael : hey . i want you to lean on me , man . okay , shane 's going to have questions that you 're not going to be able to answer . you and gigi are going to wake up in the middle of the night with questions . i want you to write them down , and we 'll talk about them the next time . rex : thank you . if we have to go through this , i 'm glad we 're doing it with you . michael : man , after what you did for me and marcie with tommy , this case is my top priority . just let me know if you want me to talk to him , okay ? [ scene_break ] matthew : jeez , it 's about time . what 's going on ? nora : we were -- we were just talking to dr. shinseki . matthew : tell me . [ scene_break ] shane : could n't this checkup have waited until after school ? and how many times do i have to tell you ? i 'm fine . [ shane exhales ] shane : see ? no wheezing . i mean , what 's the big deal ? rex : you see -- the thing is , when you were in the er last night , the doctors ran some tests . shane : for my asthma ? rex : yeah ... for that and for some other stuff . it 's just what ... doctors do . when the test results ... came back , they found something . [ scene_break ] roxy : it 's our grandson . he 's in big trouble and he needs our help . yeah , yours , too . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] schuyler : starr , what 's wrong ? what are you -- what are you doing here ? starr : schuyler . [ starr sniffles ] [ scene_break ] marcie : michael . michael : you 're still here ? what happened ? something happened . what is it ? marcie : i found out something about hope . [ scene_break ] natalie : do you realize that if we 're right , that means that starr and cole and marcie and michael -- they 've been -- they 've been mourning the death of a baby that 's right here in front of them the whole time ? [ scene_break ] brody : all right , so you palm the ball like this . all right , you 're going to take your aim , and you 're going to let the ball fall right off your fingers , okay ? let it go , perfect spiral . all right ? jessica : yeah . [ ball crashes ] [ scene_break ] natalie : but how do we tell jessica her baby , her -- her real baby ... is dead ? [ next_on ] rex : i am going to fight like hell to make sure nothing happens to my son . matthew : it 's not temporary , is it ? starr : whose is this ? jessica : we have to face this head - on .Summarize.[/INST]bo and nora are told by the doctor that matthew is likely to be paralyzed for life and they should accept it . but they can not . clint overhears and tells them they can not give up on their son . he tells them he will get all the specialists he can find and they owe that much to matthew . marcie admits to starr that she 's found out that baby hope could not have died from rh disease . hearing that , starr is distraught not knowing what to do with the fact that it 's now an unsolved mystery that her baby died . meanwhile , natalie and jared figure out that it 's highly probably that tess or bess took starr 's baby out of the hospital and she is now the baby everybody believes is chloe , jessica 's baby died as she did not get medical care , and everybody is falsely believing that starr 's baby died when she is alive and well . and they do not know how to tell that to jessica . jessica and brody are getting closer . gigi and rex find out that shane has leukemia , needs a bone marrow transplant and they are dependent upon the rare chance that a family member could save his life . immediately they rush to the only living family members they have which are , respectively roxy and stacy . both of them rush to get tested . but it looks like stacy is more concerned about scamming rex and gigi and saving her own skin . starr rushes to schuyler after hearing the startling news about her baby .</s>
"sam : hey , t.c . i was driving by and i saw your car parked t the driveway . i knew something must(...TRUNCATED)
"t.c . and sam talk about chad and what happend . whitney and chad talk and they vow nothing will co(...TRUNCATED)
"<s>[INST] sam : hey , t.c . i was driving by and i saw your car parked t the driveway . i knew some(...TRUNCATED)
"[ timer ringing ] sharon : do you have any idea what you are asking of me , cameron ? cameron : lif(...TRUNCATED)
"cameron told sharon that the only way to save herself was to fly away with him , on his private jet(...TRUNCATED)
"<s>[INST] [ timer ringing ] sharon : do you have any idea what you are asking of me , cameron ? cam(...TRUNCATED)
"elizabeth : will you stop worrying ? the boys are on their best behavior . a.j . : that 's good to (...TRUNCATED)
"the mysterious man that was lurking at the television studio in new york when everyone got sick fro(...TRUNCATED)
"<s>[INST] elizabeth : will you stop worrying ? the boys are on their best behavior . a.j . : that '(...TRUNCATED)
"[ ryan walks into david 's office to leave him a note and looks at his computer screen where he see(...TRUNCATED)
"ryan searches through david 's office and finds a file on greenlee on david 's computer . david wal(...TRUNCATED)
"<s>[INST] [ ryan walks into david 's office to leave him a note and looks at his computer screen wh(...TRUNCATED)
"mike : i ca n't -- i ca n't -- seriously , i ca n't eat anymore . katie : are you kidding me ? i ma(...TRUNCATED)
"katie and mike are stunned to learn that carly is with simon in ny even though she quit earlier tha(...TRUNCATED)
"<s>[INST] mike : i ca n't -- i ca n't -- seriously , i ca n't eat anymore . katie : are you kidding(...TRUNCATED)
"layla : ok , nash , get a grip . you kissed jessica before in that steam room . it did n't mean any(...TRUNCATED)
"cris overhears nash and layla as they are talking about the kiss that he and jessica had shared , a(...TRUNCATED)
"<s>[INST] layla : ok , nash , get a grip . you kissed jessica before in that steam room . it did n'(...TRUNCATED)
"maggie : [ gasps ] sarah ? oh , it 's so good to see you . sarah : hi , mom . maggie : oh , my good(...TRUNCATED)
"chad did n't believe that abby was married to stefan . stefan and abby confirmed that they were mar(...TRUNCATED)
"<s>[INST] maggie : [ gasps ] sarah ? oh , it 's so good to see you . sarah : hi , mom . maggie : oh(...TRUNCATED)
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