10 values
3 values
Date, time , venue of vietnam war veterans reunion in texas in Jan 2024. lowest entry fee for non member?
Open ended QA
Hanukkah is a festival of light, joy, and resilience, symbolizing the triumph of hope and faith over oppression. Families come together to celebrate, exchange gifts, play dreidel games, and enjoy special foods, particularly those cooked in oil to commemorate the miracle of the oil lasting eight days. Hanukkah serves as a reminder of the enduring spirit of freedom, the strength of community, and the power of miracles, making it a cherished and meaningful holiday for Jewish people worldwide. Hanukkah Lights by Philip M. Raskin I kindled my eight little candles, My Hanukkah candles, and lo! Fair visions and dreams half-forgotten Were rising of years long ago. I musingly gazed at my candles; Meseemed in their quivering flames In golden, in fiery letters I read the old, glorious names; The names of our heroes immortal, The noble, the brave, and the true; A battlefield saw I in vision, Where many were conquered by few; And mute lay the Syrian army, Judea’s proud foe, in the field; And Judas, the brave Maccabaeus, I saw in his helmet and shield. His eyes shone like bright stars of heaven, Like music resounded his voice: “Brave comrades, we fought and we conquered, Now let us in God’s name rejoice! “We conquered; but know, my brave comrades, No triumph is due to the sword; Remember our motto and watchword, ‘For the people and towns of the Lord.’” He spoke, and from all the four corners An echo repeated each word; The woods and the mountains re-echoed: “For the people and towns of the Lord.” And swiftly the message spread, calling: “Judea, Judea is free! Rekindled the lamp in the Temple, Rekindled each bosom with glee!” How much this festival changed from the period when the poem was written (late 19th or early 20th century) to 2023.
Open ended QA
Deep Q-Networks (DQN), as introduced by [3], are a family of deep Q-Learning algorithms where a value function is estimated for every state-action pair in the system. The goal of reinforcement learning is to find a stationary policy π : S × A → [0, 1] that maximizes the expected discounted sum of future rewards: J π = E "X∞ t=0 γ t rt s0∼µ, at∼π(·|st) rt=r(st,at) st+1∼P(·|st,at) # . (1) Q-learning achieves this by estimating the Q-value of a greedy policy that selects the action that maximizes that Q-value, yielding the Bellman optimality equation [4]: Q(s, a) = E r(s, a) + γ max a ′∈A Q(s ′ , a′ ) s ′∼P(s,a) , ∀s ∈ S, ∀a ∈ A . (2) To deal with large state and action spaces, the Q-value function is implemented as a neural network, and its loss function over transitions (st , at , rt , st+1) experienced in the environment is defined as follows: L(θ) = E h rt + γ max a ′∈A Q(st+1,a′ ;θ ′) − Q(st,at;θ) 2 i (3) Because the target Q-value function at st+1 evolves at the same speed as the regular Q-value function, training curves can be quite unstable and prevent the agent from converging towards an optimal policy. To avoid this, a soft target update is used where the target network, with parameters θ ′ , is a copy of the original Q-value function, which is updated after every gradient upsate step using the rule θ ′ ← (1−τ )θ ′ +τθ where τ is the soft update parameter. Further instability both early on during training and after having converged to the optimal policy can happen if an agent only learns from the last step it has taken. To mitigate this, a replay buffer can be helpful. Replay buffers are filled with a set number of past recordings of actions, states and rewards. During training, a batch is sampled from the replay buffer and used to perform gradient descent steps based on the Q-value update function. In this project, both soft target updates and a replay buffer were used as they improved dramatically the performance of our agent. Can you understand what these equations are for and what are they achieving? Basically explain it to me.
here's a C program to find the LCM of two numbers using recursion #include <stdio.h> int lcm(int a, int b) { if (a == 0 || b == 0) { return 0; } else if (a == b) { return a; } else if (a > b) { return lcm(a - b, b); } else { return lcm(a, b - a); } } int main() { int num1, num2; printf("Yo, enter the first number: "); scanf("%d", &num1); printf("Now, enter the second number: "); scanf("%d", &num2); int lcm_value = lcm(num1, num2); printf("Boom! The LCM of %d and %d is: %d\n", num1, num2, lcm_value); return 0; } i want to modify this code to handle negative numbers. Implement measures to prevent overflow when dealing with large numbers. Add error handling block to weed out invalid inputs with txt "Put yo mind on it" further need code for findind GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) of 2 numbers.
Please remove the errors from my code and make it working int consonants = 0; for (int k = 0; k < str.length(); k++) { char c = str.charAt(k) if (c == 'a' || c == 'e' || c == 'i' || c == 'o' || c == 'u' vowels++; else consonants++; } System.out.println("Vowel count is " + vowels); System.out.println("Consonant count is: " + consonants);
How should I modify my Python code to handle cases where the "zip" field in the JSON data contains a typo? Someting like missing closing double quote. Additionally, how can I ensure robust parsing of the JSON data, handling potential errors? "name": "John Doe", "age": 30, "email": "johndoe@example.com", "address": { "street": "123 Main St", "city": "Anytown", "zip": "12345', "skills": ["Python", "JavaScript", "SQL"]
Give me 3-5 options of a concise and compelling Facebook post for our new hazelnut-flavored coffee product tailored for UK coffee lovers. Highlight the use of handpicked Arabica beans, the rich hazelnut flavor, and the global-local blend. Include details on certifications for quality and sustainability. Include hashtags we can use like #UKCoffeeEuphoria and #SipSustainably. The main aim is to promote an exclusive launch offer with a 50% discount on first orders. Use a lively, persuvasive and exciting tone.
I have to come up with ideas for California walnuts for my marketing agency - like social media ideas and influencer collabs. Instead of the regular recipe collabs or health benefits collabs, I want cool, quirky, out of the box ideas.
I am working on the research papers on the topic Children are not little adults: blood transfusion in children with burn injury1. Fleming S, Thompson M, Stevens R, Heneghan C, Pluddemann A, Maconochie I, et al. Normal ranges of heart rate and respiratory rate in children from birth to 18 years: a systematic review of observational studies. Lancet. 2011;377(9770):1011–8. 2. Barcelona SL, Thompson AA, Cote CJ. Intraoperative pediatric blood transfusion therapy: a review of common issues. Part I. Pediatric Anesthesia. 2005;15:716–26. 3. Cross KW, Tizard JP, Trythall DA. The gaseous metabolism of the newborn infant breathing 15% oxygen. Act Paediatr. 1958;47:217–37. 4. Cross KW, Flynn DM, Hill JR. Oxygen consumption in normal newborn infants during moderate hypoxia in warm and cool environments. Pediatrics. 1966;37:565–76. 5. Barcelona SL, Cote CJ. Pediatric resuscitation in the operating room. Anesthesiol Clin North Am. 2001;19:339–65. 6. Brown MS. Physiologic anemia of infancy: normal red-cell values and physiology of neonatal erythropoiesis. In: Stockman III JA, Pochedly C, editors. Developmental and Neonatal Hematology. New York: Raven Press; 1988. p. 249–74. 7. Nathan DG, Orkin SH. Nathan and Oski’s hematology of infancy and childhood. 5th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Company; 1998. 8. Hobisch-Hagan P, Wiedermann F, Mayr A, Fries D, Jelkmann W, Fuchs D, Hasibeder W, et al. Blunted erythropoietic response to anemia in multiply traumatized patients. Crit Care Med. 2001;29:743–7. 9. Brown KA, Bissonnette B, McIntyre B. Hyperkalaemia during rapid blood tansfusion and hypovolaemic cardiac arrest in children. Can J Anaesth. 1990; 37:747–54. 10. Scanlon JW, Krakaur R. Hyperkalemia following exchange transfusion. J Pediatr. 1980;96:108–10. 11. Fukuoka Y, Ishiyama T, Oguchi T, Nonaka A, Kumazawa T. Hyperkamemia after irradiated blood tansfusion. Masue. 1999;48:192–4. 12. Thorp JA, Plapp FV, Cohen CG, Yeast JD, O’Kell RT, Stephenson S. Hyperkalemia after irradiation of packed red blood cells: possible effects with intravascular fetal transfusion. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1990;163:607–9. 13. Butenas S, Mann KG. Blood coagulation. Biochemistry. 2002;67:3–12. 14. Borland LM, Roule M, Cook DR. Anesthesia for pediatric orthotopic liver transplantation. Anesth Analg. 1985;64:117–24. 15. Cote CJ, Drop LJ, Hoaglin DC, Daniels AL, Young ET. Ionized hypocalcemia after fresh frozen plasma administration to thermally injured children: effects of infusion rate, duration, and treatment with calcium chloride. Anesth Analg. 1988;67:152–60. Provide links for all articles mentioned. According to these; (1) are cardiac funtions age dependent in children? (2) How much is the maximal allowable blood loss (MABL)? (3)What is the formula for calculating (MABL)?
In this passage Sniffer dog Tucker uses his nose to help researchers find out why a killer whale population off the northwest coast of the United States is on tHe decline. He searches for whale faeces floating on the surface of the water, which are then collected for examination. He is one of the elite team of detection dogs used by scientists studying a number of species including right whales and killer whales. Conservation canines are fast becoming indispensable tools for biologists according to Aimee Hurt, associate director and co-founder of Working Dogs for Conservation, based in Three Forks, Montana. Over the last few years, though, so many new conservation dog projects have sprung up that Hurt can no longer keep track of them all. Her organization’s dogs and their handlers are fully booked to assist field researchers into 2012. “Dogs have such a phenomenal sense of smell”, explained Sam Wasser, director of the Center for Conservation biology at the University of Washington in Seattle. He has worked with scat-detection dogs since 199(g). Scientists have been using Conservation Canines in their research since 199(g). Tell me the benifits that researchers get by Sniffer dog Tucker?
Text Summarization
While a user is sharing a story, I need to know how many people have seen that story. What data structure algorithm can I use? What is my technology stack? I use React Native for Mobile, and Spring Boot for the backend. I use Java 21 and GraalVM for the backend.
Open ended QA
Following are a few lines from Lady Lazarus , a poem by Syllvia Plath: "Out of the ash I rise with my red hair And I eat men like air." Answer the following questions on the basis of these lines-1. How might the mention of "red hair" contribute to the overall symbolism in the poem? 2. How does the imagery of "eating men like air" create a vibrant and placing intellectual picture? What feelings or thoughts does it evoke?
Open ended QA
If someone hikes a trail that's 5 miles long and takes an average of 2 feet per step, how many steps would they take to complete the entire trail? write the answer under 100 words with explanation.
Open ended QA
I'm working on an iOS app using Swift and want to adopt a protocol-oriented programming (POP) approach for handling network requests. I've heard about protocols and generics but haven't implemented them for networking. How should I use protocols and generics in my code for making API requests in Swift? import Foundation // Class for handling network requests class NetworkHandler { func makeAPIRequest(completion: @escaping (Result<Data, Error>) -> Void) { // Implement your networking logic here // Make API request and handle the response // For simplicity, a placeholder result is used here let fakeApiResponse = "{\"message\":\"Hello, this is the API response\"}" if let data = fakeApiResponse.data(using: .utf8) { completion(.success(data)) } else { let error = NSError(domain: "NetworkHandler", code: 500, userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "Failed to parse API response"]) completion(.failure(error)) } } } // Example of how to use the network handler let networkHandler = NetworkHandler() networkHandler.makeAPIRequest { result in switch result { case .success(let data): // Handle successful response if let responseString = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) { print("Received response: \(responseString)") } else { print("Failed to convert data to string") } case .failure(let error): // Handle error print("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)") } }
Supervised Learning (SL) approaches require pre-labeled data (e.g., diagnosis of cognitive impairment vs. unimpaired) that serve as known outcomes for training an algorithm along with features derived from additional datastreams (e.g., clinical notes, neuroimaging) (Bzdok et al., 2018; Fabris et al., 2017). The algorithm then determines which features are most predictive of the pre-labeled outcome. The diagnosis of cognitive impairment could be based on either categorical classification (yes or no) or continuous regression (e.g., score on a neurocognitive assessment) (Fig. 1a). The validity of SL algorithms rely heavily on the “ground truth” behind the labeled outcomes, which may require longitudinal follow-up or other information to bolster the determination of outcomes such as cognitive impairment. Unsupervised Learning (UL) algorithms are provided with unlabeled data. While the data may contain, for example, individuals with cognitive impairment and those without, the algorithm is not privy to this information (Miotto et al., 2017). Instead, the algorithm searches unstructured data (e.g., clinical notes) for relationships or clusters with the goal of segmenting the data by some shared characteristics, or detecting anomalies that do not belong to a particular group. Identified clusters generally require clinical expertise to derive their meaning. Based on the article, give me 5 differences between categorical classification and continuous regression for diagnosing cognitive impairment? why is it important to have clinical expertise when figuring out clusters in Unsupervised Learning? Help me understand the meaning of "unlabeled data" in one sentence.
Are things really this bad? Of course, but define your terms. The pandemic-defying protests of 2020 over the police killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor culminated in moderate jail sentences for a handful of perpetrators, Juneteenth as a national holiday, and the phrase Black Lives Matter painted on the concrete of a major street in Washington, DC. They did not incite the wholesale reconfiguration of policing and the carceral system, as many activists had imagined. Corporate America might have permanently enshrined diversity, equity, and inclusion in the C-suite, but Black people have always considered themselves a template for other social movements, and the blunting of systemic change bled into violations of other groups’ civil rights thanks to egregious overreaches by state and local governments. Meanwhile, the list of Black people killed under dubious circumstances keeps getting longer. If anything, the conditions that created this groundswell of pushback from the citizenry are just as bad now as they were then. Or worse. Rewrite the content and make it into 10 points to make it as simple as 12 year old can easily understand.
Text Summarization
Here’s an experiment but I don’t want to go through it line by line. Can you summarise and just give me a heads up on the experiment? Experiments To answer our research questions, we tested the performance of our algorithm in 3 different settings, which use different shape blindness masks. In the areas covered by the masks, the agent will use the open-loop policy to move towards the goal in the optimal amount of steps. The first experimental setting serves as an overall benchmark and answers our first sub-question: Can our loss function train both an open-loop and a closed-loop controller to be robust to blind state masks without training on them? For this experiment, we use the left maze in Figure 4, combined with all the masks shown in the left maze in Figure 5. Since none of these masks overlap, the controller is forced to switch between both open and closed loop control. The second experimental setting answers our second and third sub-questions: How does length/frequency of blindness during evaluation affect loss and reward during testing? and How does the presence or absence of open-loop policy trajectories in the replay buffer affect robustness to temporary blindness?. It also attempts to answer our fourth sub-question: How many successive steps in the future can we use to train an open-loop policy robust to temporary blindness?. In this experiment we use the right maze in Figure 4. For multiple values of N of our proposed loss, we find out the largest number of steps for which it can use the open-loop controller reliably. We do this by starting with the first block of the optimal path being masked, then the first 2, the first 3, etc. until all blocks on the optimal path between the starting position and the goal are covered, or until the agent can no longer reliably reach the goal. The third experimental setting takes a closer look at the sub-question Can our loss function train both an open-loop and a closed-loop controller to be robust to blind state masks without training on them? by using the left maze in Figure 4, combined with the masks shown in the right maze in Figure 5. We report the relationship between the relevant hyperparameters and each individual mask, to better understand the kinds of challenges that our agents struggle most with. This can be found in the appendix. Results and Discussion Switching between closed and open-loop In this experiment we trained agents with values of N from 1 to 12 for 60.000 global steps in the left maze in Figure 4 with p set to 0.5. The optimal path for this maze is 34 steps. We evaluate whether the controller is able to switch between closed and open-loop using the left maze in Figure 5 with epsilon set to 0.05. The results of this experiment are shown in Figure 6. As we can see in the graph, agents that have been trained for N < 4 are not able to find the goal within the given timesteps, which might be due to the shortest masked path being 6 steps long. What is perhaps more interesting, is that while all of the others were able to reach the goal at some point, only the agent with N = 7 was able to do so in (close to) the optimal number of steps. The longest optimal path through any of the masks takes 8 steps. This means that the agent can still generalize at least somewhat to states that it has not been trained on. Overall, the Figure shows that the controller is able to successfully switch between open and closedloop to solve the masked maze, in some cases even performing optimally. However, since we only used 3 different draws to compute the statistics, the results are not statistically reliable enough.
Text Summarization
In this ancient Roman game, there are 41 soldiers in a circle. Every third dude gets whacked, and it keeps going till there's only one left, who gets a pass. Now, if I wanna stay alive, which spot should I take in the circle? i started to create an algorithm to solve this: 41 soldiers lined up in a circle, with each soldier ponting to the next one as a linked list. You start with the first dude, and you count the total number of soldiers. we start with the first guy in the list and then count up. I’ve written the first few bits in a python code: class Mighty_King: def __init__(self, soldier_id): self.id = soldier_id self.next = None def find_survivor(total_soldiers, step): if total_soldiers <= 0 or step <= 0: return -1 # Create a circular linked list of soldiers first = Soldier(1) current = first for i in range(2, total_soldiers + 1): current.next = Soldier(i) current = current.next # Close the circle current.next = first Use the algorithm to create the program but write this in Go code without using functions. Call everything through main function.
Problem solving
How can you present the provided table on an HTML webpage? Quantity Value 5 pcs 10 5pcs 100 50pcs 500
I want a python code that can calculate the silhouette score in order to determine the optimal number of clusters for a KMeans algorithm. But, I have over 1.5 million rows (only 5 columns though)
Problem solving
Help me write a promotional guest post (500-650 words) about NANO Nuclear Energy, but the main focus should be on Illinois allowing new nuclear power plants. Talk about how NANO Nuclear Energy is part of this change and why it's good for the economy and the environment. Keep it easy to understand but do not make it sound like an ad. Also, include at least two links to NANO Nuclear's profiles. Here is some info on it: Illinois lawmakers have approved House Bill 2473, signaling the end of a 36-year moratorium on new nuclear power generation in the state. The legislation, passed with bipartisan support in the Senate (44-7) and the House (98-8), allows for the development of small modular nuclear reactors (SMRs) and positions NANO Nuclear Energy as a key player in shaping the future of Illinois' energy landscape. NANO Nuclear Energy, an industry leader in innovative nuclear technology, finds itself at the forefront of this transformative shift. The company's commitment to advancing small modular reactors aligns seamlessly with the state's vision for a diverse and sustainable energy portfolio. The recently approved bill, while not completely lifting the moratorium on nuclear construction, establishes a regulatory framework for the development of SMRs. These reactors, with a capped capacity of 300 megawatts, represent a paradigm shift in the energy sector. NANO Nuclear Energy's proactive approach to SMR technology places the company ahead of the curve, making significant strides towards a cleaner and more reliable energy future. Proponents of the bill emphasize its role in ensuring a reliable transition away from fossil fuels, a crucial step in achieving Illinois' carbon-free power production goals by 2045. The legislation acknowledges the importance of SMRs in providing a stable energy supply, particularly as intermittent sources like wind and solar become integral to the state's energy mix. One of the significant advantages of SMRs is their potential to enhance Illinois' electric reliability. As traditional power sources face challenges and some power plants shut down, the need for a dependable and carbon-free energy solution becomes more pressing. NANO Nuclear Energy's dedication to small modular reactors positions the company as a catalyst for addressing these challenges and ensuring energy security. While critics express concerns about the unproven nature of SMR technology, NANO Nuclear Energy's commitment to innovation distinguishes it in the industry. The company's efforts to develop SMRs reflect a strategic approach to meeting the energy needs of the future. Moreover, the potential for SMRs to be deployed at the sites of former coal plants in Illinois, as highlighted by Sen. Sue Rezin, presents an innovative solution to repurpose existing infrastructure. This approach could eliminate the need for building new transmission lines, streamlining the integration of SMRs into the state's energy grid. NANO Nuclear Energy's forward-thinking vision aligns with the broader goals of Illinois' clean energy agenda. The company's focus on small modular reactors complements the growth of wind and solar energy, offering a diversified and resilient energy mix. While critics, including environmentalists, raise concerns about the environmental and safety implications of SMRs, proponents argue that NANO Nuclear Energy's approach prioritizes safety and regulatory oversight. The bill mandates a comprehensive study to inform the rules for regulating SMRs, underscoring a commitment to addressing potential risks. The legislative framework also empowers the Illinois Emergency Management Agency to oversee newly installed reactors, adding an extra layer of scrutiny to ensure safety standards are met. NANO Nuclear Energy's cooperation with regulatory bodies positions the company as a responsible leader in the pursuit of sustainable nuclear energy solutions.
APJ Abdul Kalam book "Wings of Fire: Autobiography of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam". Do a summary with four para in 500 words: first para tells about main part of the book, second about the big incidents of his early life, and the third about his part in the Indian independence fight. The tone should be full of information and explorative.
Text Summarization
Michael Jordan acknowledged as much in a 14-year-old interview. "The truth is that before I agreed to the Nike contract, I had never worn Nike sneakers". I want to know the exact date of that interview because i am writting an article on Michael Jordan And also show me some articles on Michael Jordan for reference.
Open ended QA
I'm currently in the middle of implementing cordova-plugin-facebook-connect in my quasar framework. My main objective is to utilize Performance Analytics, Campaign Tracking, and other features. Currently, I'm using V1 of the quasar framework and V3 of capacitor. After successfully installing the plugin in capacitor, I noticed that it only tracks the Activate app and App installs events in the Facebook event manager. However, when I try to fire custom events following the documentation, the message shows as a success but no custom events are logged.Guide me on how I can log custom events using this plugin?
Dr. APJ Kalam once said "Excellence happens not by accident. It is a process." How can I apply this idea in my personal and professional life? I am a Sr. physics professor in Yale and live in California with my wife and two kids. I want to write 4 thesis papers in the next 36 months while also dedicating time to my family and not alienate them. Cfreate a roadmap for me through the lessons given in the book.
Expanding on the issue of space debris, how does the accumulation of space junk pose threats to satellites and spacecraft, and what strategies exist to mitigate potential collisions? Write me 400 words answer in 3 Paragraphs under 25 sentences based on this question.
I'm working with ‘CIFAR-100’ dataset in Python using Pandas, and I'm facing memory issues. When I try to load the entire dataset into a Pandas DataFrame, my program crashes. How should I efficiently handle and process large datasets like this in Pandas, especially when my data doesn't fit into memory?
Data manipulation
As Kent sat in the coffee shop, he began to organize his thoughts about the Web site. Although his off-line promotion of the site was quite extensive, he wondered if there was anything he could do to make it more effective on the shoestring budget he had for Web site promotion. The site had to be profitable in order to be worthwhile -- it was already quite expensive and he needed cost-effective ideas. Kent was pretty sure off-line promotion was the way to go but was a bit concerned after hearing that someone wanting to visit the site could not find it because they had not been exposed to the promotion of the URL. Can you tell me the meaning of word "exposed" in the given para? Start with choosing if the content is positive, negative or neutral and then give me 4 points as how it is going good with the content.
R.K. Laxman's creation of Gattu, the iconic mascot for Asian Paints, had a profound impact on the company's branding and marketing strategy. Introduced in 1954, Gattu, the mischievous little boy with a wet paintbrush in hand, became synonymous with Asian Paints in India. The character of Gattu was not just a visual representation but a strategic move to connect with consumers on a personal and emotional level. The impish charm of Gattu resonated with people, and the character quickly became a beloved and recognizable figure in Indian households. The introduction of Gattu proved to be a game-changer for Asian Paints. Sales surged dramatically, experiencing a ten-fold increase after the mascot's debut. Gattu's appeal transcended age groups, making him a relatable figure for both children and adults. The character's presence in advertisements and promotional materials helped establish a strong brand identity for Asian Paints. Make five objective type questions with 3 options using the above info.
Open ended QA
Cultural and religious restrictions on girls are pervasive and have been a longstanding issue in many societies around the world. These restrictions are deeply rooted in traditional beliefs, customs, and religious interpretations, and they often limit the autonomy and opportunities available to girls. In some cultures and religious communities, arranged or forced marriages are common. Girls are often married off at a young age, sometimes against their will, and are denied the right to choose their own partners. This practice can have serious consequences for their physical and emotional well-being. Female Genital Mutilation is a harmful cultural practice prevalent in certain communities, particularly in parts of Africa, Middle East, and Asia. It involves the partial or complete removal of a girl's external genitalia and is usually performed without her consent. It has serious health implications and violates girls' bodily integrity. Strict dress codes and modesty rules are often imposed on girls and women by many cultures and religions. These restrictions are often enforced to require the covering of their bodies, including their hair and faces, in order to adhere to perceived notions of purity and virtue. Limited access to quality education for girls is often prioritized over boys' education by some societal norms and beliefs. Their intellectual development and future opportunities can be severely hindered by this restriction. Specific gender roles and responsibilities within the household are often assigned to females. This may entail expectations for girls to engage in domestic chores and take care of younger siblings, potentially constraining their capacity to pursue education and other interests. In certain societies, girls may face restrictions on their mobility and freedom to travel independently. This limitation can impede their access to educational and economic opportunities and hinder their personal development. A report published by the United Nations titled Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): The Gender Snapshot 2022 indicates that it may take close to 300 years for full gender equality to be achieved. At the end of each paragraph add the US code of law that prohibits those actions in US. Try to add two more examples of reservation of girls in black communities before the limited access to quality education para.
Trying to make a clock design and want to add a 3D drag effect based on mouse movement. My clock has a front and back view. The front shows an image and the hour, minute, and second hands. I want the front to be shown by default, but when I move the mouse, the back view should be shown in 3D. My code: HTML HTML <div class="clock front"> <div class="hour"> <div class="hr"></div> </div> <div class="minute"> <div class="min"></div> </div> <div class="second"> <div class="sec"></div> </div> </div> <div class="clock-back"> </div> CSS CSS .clock { height: 280px; min-width: 279px; background: url('https://i.imgur.com/jTq94k2.png') #FBC000; background-size: cover; border-radius: 50%; box-shadow: inset rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) 0px 30px 45px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 1px 22px 18px; border: 22px solid #FBD309; overflow: hidden; } .clock-back { height: 280px; width: 278px; background: url('https://i.imgur.com/8rMtgzY.png') #FBC000; background-size: 100%; background-position: center; background-size: contain; border-radius: 50%; box-shadow: inset rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) 0px 30px 45px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 1px 22px 18px; border: 22px solid #FBD309; overflow: hidden; } JavaScript JavaScript const hr = document.querySelector('.hr'); const min = document.querySelector('.min'); const sec = document.querySelector('.sec'); setInterval(() => { let today = new Date(); let hours = today.getHours() * 30; let mins = today.getMinutes() * 6; let secs = today.getSeconds() * 6; hr.style.transform = `rotateZ(${hours + (mins / 12)}deg)`; min.style.transform = `rotateZ(${mins}deg)`; sec.style.transform = `rotateZ(${secs}deg)`; }); The code currently rotates the hands of the clock but doesn't show the back view when I move the mouse.
While my Spring Boot application is running smoothly on localhost:8080, I'm facing a "502 Bad Gateway" error after transitioning it to a custom domain. How can I troubleshoot and resolve this issue?
Problem solving
My program has a stack of sets of elements, with this line of code - val last = current_stack.pop current_stack.peek.addAll(last) I refactored these code lines to a more concise form- current_stack.peek.addAll(current_stack.pop) But for some reason the program is now behaving differently. Why?
Can you shorten this para without losing the main points and the tone of the para? Remove repeated words and use active voice. Make sure you include all the info given. "Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity. But 100 years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself in exile in his own land. And so we've come here today to dramatize a shameful condition. In a sense we've come to our nation's capital to cash a check."
Text Summarization
Modo cabrón activado Lo recio nunca se me ha quitado De aquí no salga, si no es contigo por un lado Pide botellas, ya pago Que lo que traigo en ti vo'a gastarlo Menos no vales, dinero gano (Ay, ay, ay!) Y te voy a querer como debe de ser El pedo es que te van a envidiar De lo vergas que te vo'a tratar Y te quiero poner casa, carro y chofer A tus amigas me vo'a ganar Y ser bien compa' de tu papá Add 3 more lines to complete the song lyrics. Keep the rhyming scheme and rhythm
Language Translation
“Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken spoke today with PRC Director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission and Foreign Minister Wang Yi. The Secretary discussed his recent travel in the Middle East and U.S. diplomatic efforts in the region. The Secretary reiterated the imperative of all parties working to prevent the conflict from spreading. The Secretary underscored that the recent Houthi attacks against commercial vessels in the Red Sea pose an unacceptable threat to maritime security and international law that all nations have an obligation to uphold. The two sides emphasized the importance of building upon the progress made on key issues in the Summit between President Biden and President Xi last month in Woodside, California.” Based on this information, give me 5 follow-up questions to ask Blinken as a journalist.
Sixty-four players seeded from seed 1 to seed 64 participated in a knock-out tennis tournament. Seed 1 is the highest seed and seed 64 is the lowest seed. The tournament would be played in six rounds i.e., first round, second round, third round, quarterfinals, semi finals and final. In the first round, the player with the highest seed (i.e., 1) would play with the player with the lowest seed (i.e., 64) which is designated Match No.1. Similarly, the player with the second highest seed (i.e., 2) would play with the player with the second lowest seed (i.e., 63), which is designated Match No.2 and so on. In the second round, the winner of the Match No.1 of the first round would play with the winner of the Match No.32 of the first round and this match is designated Match No.1 of the second round. Similarly, the winner of the Match No.2 of the first round would play with the winner of the Match No.31 of the first round and this match is designated Match No.2 of the second round and so on. In the similar pattern the subsequent rounds will be played. How many times the word 'Seed ' used in a para.
Problem solving
I recently got an interest in cryptocurrency. And after discovering got to know about shiba inu coin. The shiba inu price today is $0.00001USD with a 24-hour-trading volume of $4.51M USD. I want to know its Analysis and value after 30 years in terms of growth and investment.
Open ended QA
The problem mainly arises when using the useFetch (or any other data fetching API of Nuxt3) as it results in null data being received in the pinia store. const useRecommendArticleStore = defineStore("recommendArticle", () => { const recommendArticleList = reactive<ArticleDTO>({ total: 0, list: [], }) const getRecommendArticle = async () => { const data = await getRecommendArticleList(); console.log(data.pending.value) // true console.log(data.data.value) // null // wanna normal process data.data.value, but here will got null } return { // ... } } export const getRecommendArticleList = async () => { const data = await useFetch<ResponseResult<ArticleDTO>>(`http://example.com/`, { method: "get", server: false, // notice here }) return data; } I'd rather not use operations like v-if="pending" directly. My preference is to store ALL STATE in a pinia store (although it may not be the best practice, please let me know if you see any problems).
I wish to buy a good quality ,durable nylon swim suit ,within the budget of Yen 30000, Give me a list of women centric brand that does not uses chemical dyeing in their manufacturing processs and its based in Japan.
Open ended QA
Suggest me a reliable brand for smart thermostats priced under $250, compatible with both iOS and Android devices, 3 year of warranty, free installation and easily integratable with other smart home systems?
Open ended QA
I'm trying to run TensorFlow with GPU support, but encountering errors related to CUDA and cuDNN during the installation process. I've installed the required GPU drivers, but TensorFlow still doesn't detect my GPU. Give steps to fix installation and configure TensorFlow with GPU support?
Should I upgrade from my older iPhone? my biggest critique of the iPhone 15 is its display refresh rate. Not everyone will notice the difference between a 60Hz panel and a 120Hz panel, but as someone who carries a secondary Android phone at all times, it's hard not to acknowledge the less fluid iPhone display. This may also be a deal breaker if you're upgrading from an iPhone 13 Pro or iPhone 14 Pro and have gotten used to the ProMotion panels. Tell me is this review more on the positive or negative side? show with a percent rating, mean, and median. Also, toss in the exact lines that are giving the thumbs up or down.
Listen to me madam. You're my lady of my dreams. Don't you forget it you are going to be right behind me holding on tight on back of that horse, and away we are gonna, go go! Change this dialouge in classic James Bond style, with a debonair flair
copied it from a website, so ignore ‘advertisement’ texts. Generate notes for this text, mentioning important decisions and key events that took place. For music data, make a separate list with details only for music. Ludwig Göransson’s Oppenheimer features a violin as its stylistic centrepiece, and the way this is used to both tonally represent the titular character as well as emotionally bolster the score’s rather enjoyable main themes makes this soundtrack well worth a listen. The themes could have done with a bit more album time though. The main theme for Ludwig Göransson’s Oppenheimer score comes in two parts; the first is made up of two notes, heard first on a quietly downtrodden violin – incidentally the score’s instrumental centrepiece – in opening track “Fission”. Despite its rather moody first appearance however it plays somewhat more optimistically through much of the score, perhaps to tonally represent the success and achievements of Robert J. Oppenheimer as he progresses with developing the world’s first atomic bomb in the film. The second part of the main theme is then a six-note sequence that appears briefly in the background of the aforementioned track, before then playing centre stage throughout subsequent and standout cue “Can You Hear The Music”; it’s a more heartfelt, intimate and solemn motif likely for Oppenheimer himself, and the way the theme twists and turns emotionally in this elegant two minute track as the violins get louder and faster, combined with the two-note motif from earlier reprising for several increasingly bolder and grandiose appearances on emphatic electronics, quickly gives rise to a deeply rich musical atmosphere here that’s very enjoyable indeed. There’s equal parts hope and optimism as there is worry and tension, and that tonal combination playing on the unusual but surprisingly effective violin/electronic instrumental mix makes Göransson’s soundtrack introduction to Oppenheimer here a pretty unique and intriguing one too. It certainly catches your ear. So a rather interesting start for the score, and that’s coming from someone who did not think highly at all of Göransson’s work for Christopher Nolan’s last film TENET. “A Lowly Shoe Salesman” then opens with slow, gentle strings and hopeful piano notes, which continue all across the three minute cue. “Quantum Mechanics” then reprises the six note side of the main Oppenheimer theme on the same heartfelt violin as in “Can You Hear The Music”, though this time in a slightly slower manner with quiet piano notes and ethereal vocals now occupying the background. The two-note side then makes a couple of brief electronics-based reprisals before the track draws to a gentle close. A new theme is then introduced in “Meeting Kitty”; a quieter, more pensive piano-based motif for the titular Kitty Oppenheimer. This is naturally quite a romantic piece of music overall, with Kitty’s theme getting quite an extensive debut as the track comes in at over five minutes long. The tone then turns almost malevolent in the subsequent “Manhattan Project”, as coldy imposing electronics enter the fray as if to kick off a tense action setpiece, but the pace instead stays slow and moody with worrisome piano notes joining the music in the back half of the track. The two-note side of the main theme then reprises in “American Prometheus”, on solemn violin notes at first before then moving over to building electronics that rise slowly in intensity. Advertisement Strings-based tension is the tonal focus of “Fusion”, with a worrisome pace set right off the bat as the four minute track begins. The strings then build in both volume and intensity over the course of the cue, with frenetic bursts of brass then bringing the music to a dramatic close. A rather on-edge variation on the two-note side of the main theme plays in “Colonel Pash”, with additional, more sorrowful strings and eerily ambient electonics also joining the fray in the last few minutes of the track. The six-note side of the main theme then ominously reprises in the subsequent “Theorists” alongside tense electronics, with all the aforementioned instrumentation building to a particularly emphatic finishing crescendo. Worrisomely high-paced strings then open the seven minute “Trinity”, with the two-note side of the main theme then announcing itself on similarly tense brass. Building tension is then the tonal focus for much of the track, with increasingly high-pitched strings building to multiple crescendos. Downtrodden string plucks then occupy much of the opening two minutes of “Power Stays In The Shadows”, with some particularly sorrowful additional strings pulling the mood into melancholy alongside eerie vocals in the back half of the cue. Ominous atmosphere then covers the subsequent five minute “The Trial” like a black cloud, with quietly morose strings and moody background electronics emphasizing this tonal shift throughout. “Kitty Comes To Testify” reprises the lightly romantic motif for the titular character – first heard in the earlier “Meeting Kitty” – on those same gentle piano notes, though this then fades quickly after the cue begins in favour of more solemn string notes and quiet electronics playing the two-note section of the main theme. This solemnity then continues into the subsequent “Something More Important”, with repeating, downtrodden string notes being pretty central in the final minute or so of the track. As the album overall starts to draw to a close, “Destroyer Of Worlds” then ties for Standout Cue with the earlier “Can You Hear The Music” purely because of its excellent use of the main theme; a very pensive violin reprises the two-note side of the motif in the first half of the track, before more prominent and rather dramatic electronics then take point in the back half for a very thunderous playthrough of the theme much akin to that of the other Standout Cue’s. Final track “Oppenheimer” then ends the score on a (rather typically) downtrodden note, with string and electronic instrumentation coming together for one last and rather ethereal reprisal of the full main theme. Advertisements REPORT THIS AD Overall, Ludwig Göransson’s score for Oppenheimer is a deeply atmospheric and emotional work, with exciting themes and unique combinations of instruments abound. Central of course to the album is the main theme, which is quite intriguing in both its two and six-note parts; the former is utilised in the louder, more emphatic moments of Oppenheimer’s story where a little drama is called for (see the back half of “Destroyer Of Worlds” for a good example of this), and the latter in the quieter, more thoughtful and reserved moments (such as the first half of “Can You Hear The Music”). The two sides of the theme are used very well in their various appearances across the album, and while I do feel they unfortunately have the now pretty classic Göransson soundtrack problem in that they don’t get anywhere near as much album time and lengthy renditions as you would like them to (“Can You Hear The Music” for example I feel could have been at least five minutes long), they are still very enjoyable motifs, and do an excellent job of representing not only the character of Robert J. Oppenheimer but also the solemn task he had in developing the first atomic bomb. The use of the violin as the stylistic centrepiece of the score is also an intriguing choice that fits pretty perfectly with both the themes and the story, and honestly that together with the aforementioned themes makes Oppenheimer‘s score well worth checking out.
Text Summarization
"This problem introduces students to one of the world’s unsolved problems in mathematics, which is, in itself very cool. It involves a sequence of numbers called a Hailstone sequence. It is called this because the numbers go up and down again. For example: 20 – 10 – 5 – 16 – 8 – 4 – 2 – 1 Hailstone Sequences follow these rules: If a number is even, divide it by 2 If a number is odd, multiply it by 3 and add 1. You may like to tell or remind students that hailstones go up and down too – they start in a cloud as drops of rainwater, then they are pushed higher in the atmosphere by wind where they freeze, sometimes several times, before eventually falling back to Earth. The number sequences are called hailstone sequences because they go up and down like this." Cook up a C program that makes this thing called the Hailstone Sequence from a number you give it. Here's the lowdown: - Ask the user for a positive number. - Check if the input's legit—if not, give a heads-up and ask for a proper number. - Generate and show the sequence: divide by 2 if it's even, or multiply by 3 and add 1 if it's odd. Keep going till it hits 1. Print each number as you go. - Tell the user how many steps it took to reach 1. - Cover any unexpected hiccups with smooth error handling. - If feeling fancy, let the user choose how many steps to show or change how the sequence looks on screen. - Keep it clean, use clear names, and make it run like a well-oiled machine! Easy-peasy, right?
Problem solving
I want a function Prime_array() in C# that will take 2 sorted arrays ArrayNo1 and ArrayNo2 as parameters and merge them into a single sorted array. After this find the prime numbers from it and store it in a new array name PrimeArray. I dont want to use any built-in sorting functions or libraries.
Problem solving
Classify female American classic rock artists between 2000 and 2001 based on the instruments they played. The artists should have been in a band from New York.
Open ended QA
Find some vegetarian restraunts in chile where i can get south indian food like dosa, idli, etc in between 31st December 2023 to 5 January 2024and it should be open after 12am and it should be near Valle Nevadoas i want to spend New Year at Valle Nevado.
Open ended QA
As time passes and my decided worker continues to run, I've noticed that the respondDecisionTaskCompleted function is responding more slowly. I've tried starting a new instance of the SWF client and using the same instance every time I make a call, but the behavior remains the same: occasionally, the response time can even reach three to five minutes. As i redeploy, the response time gets really fast and then starts to drop after a few hundred calls, which makes me think there may be a leak. JavaScript AWS SDK is what I'm using. Any recommendations for things I should research?
I've come across a crash reporting problem. It seems that there might be a sequence of statements that is causing this issue. Take a look at the code snippet and let me know if you think the sequence needs to be changed. It could be beneficial to set the Preferences on the first line. Please inform me of any updates. Codename One revisions: 7dd4e7d08b3442d90959477ee52a5ae8c4361b29 [EDT] 0:0:0,3 - Exception: java.io.IOException - org.bouncycastle.crypto.InvalidCipherTextException: pad block corrupted java.io.IOException at com_codename1_crypto_EncryptedStorage.createInputStream:70 at com_codename1_io_Storage.readObject:263 at com_codename1_io_Preferences.get:84 at com_codename1_io_Preferences.get:252 at com_fluency_fluencymobile_server_ServerImpl.__INIT__:49 at com_fluency_fluencymobile_server_Server.__CLINIT__:14 at com_fluency_fluencymobile_Main.init:51 at com_fluency_fluencymobile_MainStub.run:30 at com_codename1_ui_Display.processSerialCalls:1303 at com_codename1_ui_Display.mainEDTLoop:1097 at com_codename1_ui_RunnableWrapper.run:120 at com_codename1_impl_CodenameOneThread.run:176 at java_lang_Thread.runImpl:153 `` Code: `` public void init(Object context) { Preferences.setPreferencesLocation("EncryptedPreferences"); Storage.getInstance().deleteStorageFile(Cookie.STORAGE_NAME); EncryptedStorage.install("hshdjimnj"); JSONParser.setUseLongs(true); Display.getInstance().setProperty("AppVersion", "2.1"); NetworkManager.getInstance().updateThreadCount(2); Util.register("Activity", Activity.class); Util.register("OfflineCommand", OfflineCommand.class); Util.register("Appointment", Appointment.class); theme = UIManager.initNamedTheme("/theme", "Theme"); Dialog.setDefaultBlurBackgroundRadius(10);
Who is the author of the following story? What is the moral lesson learnt from the story? A neighbor asked to borrow Nasruddin’s donkey.Nasruddin did not want to loan him the donkey, but he also did not want to appear to be ungenerous. So, he made up an excuse. “I’m sorry, but I must say no,” said Nasruddin. “The donkey is not here right now; I loaned him to my brother-in-law, and he still hasn’t returned the donkey.” Then, at that very moment, the donkey let out a loud bray from inside the stable. Before his neighbor could say anything, Nasruddin gave him a hard look. “Who are you going to believe: me, or the donkey?”
Text Summarization
Act as the singer Bruno mars.Use this large text which you need to turn into a song by segregating it into lyrics, adding chorus and other elements. Here’s the text: Once upon a starlit night, two hearts met by chance. She was a dreamer, he a wandering soul, their paths converging in the gentle embrace of fate. She, with eyes like the dawn, carried the songs of forgotten love in her whispers. He, with a soul painted in melodies, strummed the chords of unsung emotions. In the symphony of their encounters, they found solace within each other's gaze. She spoke in verses, tracing constellations across his heart. He, with tender notes, serenaded her with promises written in the skies. Through moonlit strolls and whispered confessions under a canopy of stars, their love burgeoned like a blossoming melody. Each moment became a verse, etched into the crescendo of their story. From fleeting glances to stolen kisses, their tale was an opus of passion and devotion. But as life's melody often weaves its intricate patterns, distance began to play its somber tune. Their hearts, intertwined in love's rhapsody, now faced the discordance of separation. In the echoes of their memories, he found solace in composing their tale into a song. With each note, he etched their story onto the canvas of music, a ballad of love's enduring essence. The lyrics bore the ache of longing, harmonizing with the cadence of his heart's yearning. With every chord strummed and every lyric penned, their romance unfolded in the melody, a song of love that soared across the expanse of time. A serenade to the stars, carrying their tale from dusk till dawn, encapsulating the essence of their timeless love. As the final note lingered in the air, their story lived on, captured in the lyrical embrace of the song—a timeless ode to the beauty of their once-in-a-lifetime love.
This Python script seems to be running slower than I expected. I think there are bottlenecks in my code. I have no idea how to debug the code, is there an issue in my code or in the system? If yes, improve the code. import cProfile import pstats from your_module import your_function # Import your actual function or code to be profiled # Define a function to profile def main(): your_function() # Replace with the actual function or code you want to profile # Use cProfile to profile the main function if __name__ == "__main__": profiler = cProfile.Profile() profiler.enable() main() profiler.disable() # Save the profiling results to a file (optional) profiler.dump_stats("profile_results.prof") # Create a Stats object from the profiling results stats = pstats.Stats(profiler) # Sort the stats based on different criteria # For example, 'cumulative' includes time in sub-functions stats.sort_stats("cumulative") # Print the profiling results stats.print_stats()
Ignoring his impatience, I smile wistfully. "That was when I began writing. I wrote and wrote and wrote. I took creative writing classes, I got a degree in English and Communications. But I kept getting rejection letters. Over and over again. And then one day," I lean forward, lowering my voice, pleased when Dougher mimics my posture, finally intrigued. "Then one day, I was in Bridgton at a Walgreens, and who's up at the prescription counter but Stephen fucking King." Translate the sentences in given above into French, except the once with the word "boy" in it?
Language Translation
In twilight's tender, fading glow, Two hearts entwined, but now must go. A couple parting, love's bittersweet song, A melody of echoes, sweet and strong. Beneath the moonlit, tear-stained sky, They bid farewell, a heartfelt sigh. A dance of souls, now in separate spheres, Yet love remains, transcending earthly fears. Whispers of promises, lingering in the air, Memories cherished, beyond compare. A gentle touch, a final embrace, Etched in time, love's enduring grace. Distance may sever, but love will endure, A flame unquenchable, forever pure. As paths diverge, destiny unknown, Their love's tapestry continues to be sewn. Through the seasons of life, they'll carry the flame, A love untamed, though not the same. In the echoes of laughter, the shadows of tears, A love story written through the passing years. So, in the parting, let not sorrow prevail, For love's connection will ever set sail. Through the vast expanse of time and space, Their love lives on, an eternal embrace. MakeTitle for this poem without giving hints about the poem. Don't use words used in this poem weither.
At first glance, simplicity may appear as a mere absence of complexity, a surface-level reduction of elements. However, true simplicity is an art form that involves distilling the essence of an idea, object, or concept to its purest and most fundamental form. This stripping away of unnecessary embellishments reveals a sense of elegance that is deeply appealing and enduring. Ironically, embracing simplicity often requires an appreciation for complexity. The capacity to distinguish the crucial elements amidst a complex array showcases a depth of comprehension that stands as a defining trait of sophistication. Take, for instance, the art of storytelling. A well-crafted narrative weaves together a tapestry of characters, plotlines, and emotions, yet the true mastery lies in conveying this complexity to the audience in a coherent and simple manner. Simplicity extends beyond aesthetics and intellectual pursuits; it is deeply intertwined with human character and values. In an era where material possessions and societal status often define success, a person who embraces simplicity stands out as a beacon of authenticity and self-awareness. Mahatma Gandhi's minimalist lifestyle, driven by his commitment to truth and non-materialism, exemplifies how simplicity can become a powerful statement of one's principles. It reflects a conscious choice to rise above the superficial and prioritize what truly matters be it personal relationships, ethical values, or the pursuit of knowledge. In an age of environmental challenges, simplicity takes on a new dimension as a sustainable way of life. The consumerist culture of excess has led to overconsumption, depletion of resources, and environmental degradation. Embracing simplicity in our consumption patterns, choosing quality over quantity, favoring durable goods over disposables contributes not only to personal well-being but also to the larger goal of preserving the planet for future generations. The concept of minimalism, which encourages mindful consumption and reduction of waste, aligns seamlessly with the principles of sustainability. Was reading this article, now if I take the context of art, then what do you think will be the difference between simplicity and complexity?
Open ended QA
I got this C program to check if a string (case-sensitive) is a palindrome or not using a callback function. #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> // Function pointer to compare characters typedef int (*compare_func_t)(char, char); // Callback function to compare characters (case-sensitive) int compare_chars(char char1, char char2) { return char1 == char2; } // Function to check if a string is a palindrome using a callback function int is_palindrome(const char *string, compare_func_t compare_func) { int left = 0; int right = strlen(string) - 1; while (left < right) { if (!compare_func(string[left], string[right])) { return 0; } left++; right--; } return 1; } int main() { // Example usage char str1[] = "madam"; char str2[] = "racecar"; char str3[] = "apple"; if (is_palindrome(str1, compare_chars)) { printf("'%s' is a palindrome.\n", str1); } else { printf("'%s' is not a palindrome.\n", str1); } if (is_palindrome(str2, compare_chars)) { printf("'%s' is a palindrome.\n", str2); } else { printf("'%s' is not a palindrome.\n", str2); } if (is_palindrome(str3, compare_chars)) { printf("'%s' is a palindrome.\n", str3); } else { printf("'%s' is not a palindrome.\n", str3); } return 0; } help me to change this code to be able to convert a string to uppercase or lowercase using a callback function to modify each character keeping the names of variable and methods same as this one. The inputs needs to be same as well.
I've been working an Android library to MavenCentral and done successful demo by using Gradle 8.0. However, my larger office projects are currently on Gradle 7.4, so I have to downgrade. I can downgrade till Gradle 7.6, but below it I am getting error like this - error related to the 'signatory' property of the task ':fortnight-parakeet:signReleasePublication'. It says, "Could not read PGP secret key," and the secret key ring doesn't start with the secret key tag: tag 0x14. How can I resolve this while maintaining compatibility with Gradle 7.4?
Is it possible to achieve the goal of monitoring the signal "CsrPlugin_exceptionPortCtrl_exceptionContext_code" and responding promptly to exceptional conditions during simulation using assert in Verilog?
What are 5 common words related to peace used across these religious scriptures - Quran, Protestant Bible, Torah and Bhagvatgita?
Language Translation
“"A Haunting in Venice" is the best of Kenneth Branagh's Hercule Poirot movies. It's also one of Branagh's best, period, thanks to the way Branagh and screenwriter Michael Green dismantle and reinvent the source material (Agatha Christie's Hallowe'en Party) to create a relentlessly clever, visually dense "old" movie that uses the latest technology. Set mainly in a palazzo that seems as immense as Xanadu or Castle Elsinore (it's a blend of actual Venice locations, London soundstages, and visual effects), the movie is threaded with intimations of supernatural activity, most of the action occurs during a tremendous thunderstorm, and the violence pushes the PG-13 rating to its breaking point. It's fun with a dark streak: imagine a ghastly gothic cousin of "Clue," or of something like Branagh's own "Dead Again," which revolved around past lives. At the same time, amid the expected twists and gruesome murders, "A Haunting in Venice" is an empathetic portrayal of the death-haunted mentality of people from Branagh's parents' generation who came through World War II with psychic scars, wondering what had been won. The original Christie novel was published in 1969 and set in then-present-day Woodleigh Common, England. The adaptation transplants the story to Venice, sets it over 20 years earlier, gives it an international cast of characters thick with British expats, and retains just a few elements, including the violent death of a young girl in the recent past and the insinuating presence of an Agatha Christie-like crime novelist named Ariadne Oliver (Tina Fey), who takes credit for creating Poirot's reputation by making him a character in her writing. Aridane tracks down Poirot in a Venice apartment, where he's retired from detective work and seemingly in existential crisis (though one he'd never discuss without being asked). He seems resolved to a life of aloneness, which is not the same as loneliness. He tells Ariadne he doesn't have friends and doesn't need any. Ariadne's sales have slumped, so she draws Poirot back into sleuthing by pushing him to attend a Halloween Night seance at the aforementioned home, hoping to produce material that will give her another hit. The medium is a celebrity in her own right: Joyce Reynolds (Michelle Yeoh), a character named after the untrustworthy little girl in the original Christie story who claims to have witnessed a murder. Reynolds plans to communicate with a murder victim, Alicia Drake (Rowan Robinson), the teenage daughter of the palazzo's owner, former opera singer Rowena Drake (Kelly Reilly), and hopefully learn who did the deed. There are, of course, many others gathered in the palazzo. All become suspects in Alicia's murder as well as the subsequent cover-up killings that ensue in these kinds of stories. Poirot locks himself and the rest of the ensemble in the palazzo and announces that no one can leave until he's figured things out. The gallery of possibles includes a wartime surgeon named Leslie Ferrier (Jamie Dornan) who suffers from severe PTSD; Ferrier's precocious son Leopold (Jude Hill, the young lead in Branagh's "Belfast"), who is 12 going on 40 and asks unnerving questions; Rowena’s housekeeper Olga Seminoff (Camille Cottin); Maxime Gerard (Kyle Allen), Alicia’s former boyfriend; and Mrs. Reynolds’ assistants Desdemona and Nicholas Holland (Emma Laird and Ali Khan), war refugees who are half-siblings. It would be unsporting to say much about the rest of the plot. Reading the book won't give anything important away because—even more so than in Branagh's previous Poirot films—the kinship between source and adaptation is a bit like the later James Bond films, which might take a title, some character names and locations, and one or two ideas, and invent everything else. Green, who also wrote the recent "Death on the Nile" as well as "Blade Runner 2049" and much of the series "American Gods," is a reliably excellent screenwriter of fresh stories inspired by canonical material. His work keeps one eye on commerce and the other on art. He regularly reminds nostalgia-motivated viewers in the "intellectual property" era of why they like something. At the same time, he introduces provocative new elements and attempts a different tone or focus than audiences probably expected. (The introduction to the movie tie-in paperback of Christie's novel has an introduction by Green that starts with him confessing to a murder of "the book you are holding.") Accordingly, this Poirot mystery aligns itself with popular culture made in Allied countries after World War II. Classic post-war English-language films like "The Best Years of Our Lives," "The Third Man," "The Fallen Idol," and mid-career Welles films like "Touch of Evil" and "The Trial" (to name just a few classics that Branagh seems keenly aware of) were not just engrossing, beautifully crafted entertainments, but illustrations of a pervasive collective feeling of moral exhaustion and soiled idealism—the result of living through a six-year period that showcased previously unimaginable horrors, including Stalingrad, Normandy, the mechanized extermination of the Holocaust, and the use of atomic bombs against civilians. And so the embittered Poirot is a seeming atheist who practically sneers at speaking to the dead. Green and Branagh even give him a monologue about his disillusionment that evokes comments made about Christie near the end of her life, and in the novel, about what she perceived as increasingly cruel tendencies in humanity as a whole, reflected in the sorts of crimes that were being committed. Aside from a few period-specific details and references, the source seems to exist outside of the time in which it was written. Branagh and Green's movie goes in the opposite direction. It's very much of the late 1940s. The children in the film are orphans of war and post-war occupation (soldiers fathered some of them, then went back home without taking responsibility for their actions). There's talk of "battle fatigue," which is what PTSD was called during World War II; in the previous world war, they called it "shell shock." The plot hinges on the economic desperation of native citizens, previously moneyed expatriates who are too emotionally and often financially shattered to recapture the way of life they had before the war, and the mostly Eastern European refugees who didn't have much to start with and do the country's grunt work. The overriding sense is that some of these characters would literally kill to get back to being what they were. Branagh was compared to Orson Welles early in his career for obvious reasons. He was a wunderkind talent who became internationally famous in his twenties and often starred in projects he originated and oversaw. He had one foot in theater and the other in film. He loved the classics (Shakespeare especially) and popular film genres (including musicals and horror). He had an impresario's sense of showmanship and the ego to go with it. He's never been more brazenly Wellesian than he is here. This film has a "big" feeling, as Welles' films always did, even when they were made for pocket change. But it's not full of itself, wasteful or pokey; like a Welles film, it gets in and out of every scene as fast as possible, and clocks in at 107 minutes, including credits. Film history aficionados may appreciate the many visual acknowledgments of the master's filmography, including ominous views of Venice that reference Welles' "Othello" and a screeching cockatoo straight out of "Citizen Kane." At times, it feels as if Branagh conducted a seance and channeled Welles' spirit, as well as that of other directors who worked in a black-and-white, expressionistic, Gothic-flavored, very Wellesian style (including "The Third Man" director Carol Reed and "The Manchurian Candidate" and "Seven Days in May" director John Frankenheimer). Branagh and cinematographer Haris Zambarloukos have also mentioned Richard Brooks's 1967 adaptation of "In Cold Blood" and Masaki Kobayashi's "Kwaidan" as influences. The movie deploys fish-eye lenses, dutch tilts, hilariously ominous close-ups of significant objects (including a creepy cuckoo clock), extreme low- and high-angles, and deep-focus compositions that arrange the actors from foreground to deep background, with window and door frames, sections of furniture, and sometimes actors' bodies dicing up the shot to create additional frames-within-the-frame. Like post-millennial Michael Mann and Steven Soderbergh movies, "A Haunting in Venice" was shot digitally (albeit in IMAX resolution) and commits to the idea if letting the medium be what it naturally is, rather than force it to imitate something else. The low-light interior scenes make no attempt to simulate film stock, depriving viewers of that "comfort food" feeling that comes from seeing a movie set in the past that uses actual film or tries for a "film look." The result is somewhat unbalancing, in a fascinating way. The images have a mesmerizing hyper-clarity, but also a shimmering, otherworldly aspect, especially in tight close-ups where the actors' eyes seem to have been lit from within. Branagh and editor Lucy Donaldson time the cuts so that the more ostentatious images (such as a rat crawling out of a stone gargoyle's mouth, and Poirot and Ariadne seen through the metal screen of a fireplace, flames in the foreground) are on-screen just long enough for the viewer to register what they see, and laugh at how far the movie is willing to go for the effect. Movies are rarely directed in this style anymore, in any format, and it's a shame, because when they are, the too-muchness can be intoxicating.” What is the author's viewpoint of the movie - better, worse or same as the books? How does the author support their stance - give me 5 points.
Rewrite the given text in a causal tone, not exceeding 200 words. Use synonyms for “ Empowerment”, “Authority”, and “Strength”: Empowerment is the radiant flame that ignites within each individual, casting a warm glow of self-belief and resilience. It is the transformative force that grants people the strength to transcend limitations, shatter societal expectations, and embrace their unique potential. In the tapestry of life, empowerment weaves a narrative of courage, encouraging individuals to stand tall amidst challenges and adversities. It is the realization that one's voice matters, that their choices hold significance, and that they possess the ability to carve their own path in the world. True empowerment is not merely the acquisition of authority, but rather the conscious recognition and harnessing of one's inner strength. It fuels the journey of self-discovery, fostering a sense of purpose and confidence that radiates outward, inspiring others to embark on their own quests for empowerment. In this dance of self-empowerment, individuals become architects of their destinies, crafting narratives that resonate with authenticity, determination, and the unwavering belief that, indeed, they are the authors of their own stories.
Text Summarization
In past humans have a life span of 100 to 120 years but now it is decreased to 80 to 90 years. I want to know about tests that can measure the health of cells and their estimate their longetivity using Genetic Testing, Biometric and Health Monitoring Devices, Blood Oxygen Spectroscopy (Oximetry) elc. Tell me 5 methods using these concepts to measure health for efficient cardio vascular health.
Provide me summery on "Wings of Fire" heightlighting on main points that explains the objective of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam autobiography and his life's turning points which made him "Missile Man of India". It should be in such a way that must be understandable for a small childrens around 12 years old and help them to set goal/aim at little age.
Text Summarization
I have to speak on the topic "Time and Tide waits for none" in the school assembly tomorrow, Please help me prepare a 200 word speech. mentioning the meaning of the phase in the first paragraph , the importance of time in our lives in the second paragraph,and some real life examples in the third paragraph.
If a fair coin flipped three times,Explain the method and reasoning behind calculating the probability of obtaining at least two heads? Also, discuss how this concept extends to a larger numbers of coin flips and its relevance in practical scenarios like probability estimation.
Problem solving
I'm working on this Python project and want to implement unit tests using pytest. Can you tell me the ways to structure my test cases and write test cases for me for the following code. # File: calculator.py class Calculator: def add(self, a, b): return a + b def subtract(self, a, b): return a - b def multiply(self, a, b): return a * b def divide(self, a, b): if b == 0: raise ValueError("Cannot divide by zero") return a / b
Individualism is an economic theory developed by Milton Friedman that states that “there is one and only one social responsibility of business-to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as they… engage in open and free competition, without deception or fraud” (Friedman, 1962). In other words, the main purpose of a business is to make a profit, therefore that should be any company’s most important responsibility and top priority (Desjardins, 2019). With Musk already being the wealthiest person in the world with many thanks to his very successfully run businesses, he made clear early on in the acquisition that he planned on running Twitter under these ideas of individualism. Since he took the company private, wherefrom he operates a number of his other businesses, he no longer has to worry about any interference from a board of directors or shareholders of the company. This freedom allows him to operate under whichever practices he sees fit as long as he remains within the legal confines that all businesses must operate under. The first major action Musk took toward maximizing Twitter’s profits was to lay off a massive amount of full-time employees as reported by Yu on November 5, 2022. Musk claimed that this was an essential step to making Twitter run more efficiently because the company had been losing $4 million at the time of his entry. This is where the ethical problem in this case regarding individualism arose. While Musk did in fact offer 3 months of severance to everyone that received the email that they were being laid off, “which is 50% more than legally required” (Musk, @elonmusk, 2022), he did so with only 1 week’s notice causing an uproar among those fired (Yu, 2022). The timeline of the layoffs became the main concern in question in this case. Although his actions were justified ethically by the idea of individualism, seeing as he was acting in the best interest of the company’s profitability, he did so in a manner that violated the legal limits within which he is bound to operate. Musk went about the layoffs in a manner that he thought to be Text Box: Screenshot of Musk’s Tweet in response to criticism surrounding massive layoffs.excusable because he was offering the laid-off employees greater severance packages than what was legally required of him. This is still illegal though, raising the question of how ethical his actions were because mass layoffs on this scale need to be performed with more notice than he provided the employees regardless of how much severance was being offered (Taylor, 2022). Make this data short without changing its real meaning by giving a short intro then add 6 points for the rest of the content. Also replace the words deception, acquisition, severance, and excusable with their easy-to-understand synonyms.
Text Summarization
tell me some green spaces in Colorado that have no entry fee and known for their adventurous cum interactive learning themes. Map location assistance and customer ratings above 4.8 preffered.
Open ended QA
The Dattilam is focused on Gandharva music and discusses scales (swara), defining a tonal framework called grama in terms of 22 micro-tonal intervals (shruti) comprising one octave. It also discusses various arrangements of the notes (Murchhana), the permutations and combinations of note-sequences (tanas), and alankara or elaboration. Dattilam categorizes melodic structure into 18 groups called Jati, which are the fundamental melodic structures similar to the raga. The names of the Jatis reflect regional origins, for example Andhri and Oudichya. Add more content in this by explaining what "Dattilam" is?
Open ended QA
The best universities like Harvard and MIT. despite having the luxury of having some truly excellent teachers on their payroll, are increasingly embracing the "flipped classroom" format, where students listen to video lectures at home, and spend class time applying their knowledge, solving problems, discussing examples, etc. Professors guide that discussion and fill in wherever necessary, explaining those bits that seem to be eluding the students and throwing in advanced ideas that happen to be topical. These universities have made their video lectures available free for anyone in the world. They are also encouraging colleges and universities all over the world to integrate these online courses into their own pedagogy, picking the pieces that are appropriate for their needs and building a package around them. I wrote two statements for it: Efficacy of universities would be better in online mode of conducting classroom tuition as compared to conventional method. & We need not invest much infrastructure related to in higher education and yet develop better human and social capital. A or b? which one best reflects the central idea of the passage above?
Open ended QA
I'm coding a challenge where I gotta figure out if a year is a leap year or not. I got this algorithm for determining Leap Years This algorithm determines whether a given year is a leap year, considering the following rules: Every year divisible by 4 is a leap year: This is the basic rule, but there are exceptions. Years divisible by 100 are not leap years: This exception clarifies that centenary years (ending in 00) need further evaluation. Years divisible by 400 are leap years: This exception to the exception allows centenary years divisible by 400 to be classified as leap years. make a C++ code based on this logic. No fancy stuff like the Date() class, switch statements, if-else blocks, or ternary operators. I can only use basic arithmetic and the NOT (!) operator.
I have a shell script designed to edit the contents of .profile. The script is: #!/bin/sh file=~/.profile add="$2" echo $add echo $add >> $file1 But when I execute, I receive a "Permission denied" error (echo $add1 >> $file). Give me the step-by-step guide to solve this permission issue. Also the necessary changes I have to make to .profile
Working on my SvelteKit app with a Node adapter on Azure. I add a handle function to retrieve a sessionId from a cookie and make a same-origin API request. But this causes heap memory errors and renders the app unreachable. What is causing this issue?
Create a 1 hour puzzle using balloons, tape, blankets, and soft balls for 6 year olds. I want to teach them the importance of time management.
Logical Reasoning
As i was scrolling down among the social media i get through some beautiful lines of different Books. Lines are: 1. "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife." 2."In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." 3."So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." 4."All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." 5."The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed." Can you get me the link for all the books in which these lines are written and on which page number and in which para lines are written.
Open ended QA
Describing the quantum state of a physical system changes over time. We have wave function of the quantum system(Ψ) and mass of the particle(m), and we also have time(t) and the laplace operator, representing the spatial part of the wave function(∇ ^2). After having these above values can we find the potential energy? The equation is given (iℏ ∂Ψ/∂t=− h^2/2m∇^2Ψ+VΨ)
Problem solving
Is there a specific name for a container control that allows users to pan by dragging empty space between controls? I'm trying to find something similar in Vue, but I'm having trouble because I don't know what it's called.
Open ended QA
Has there been any high profile case of the Stockholm Syndrome in Goa in between January 2015 and January 2019? If yes how have the victims been brought back to normalcy?
In the event of a major asteroid impact, how might such an event impact global climate and ecosystems? Tell me about the potential short-term and long-term effects on Earth's environment, in the short 260 word paragraph under 14 sentences ?
I’m currently working on a C++ code that requires high performance, I want to know how to improve concurrency by using multithreading. How can I use the <thread> library and synchronization primitives like std::mutex? Help me to implement it.
Work is such a big part of our lives. And stress is a part of life. But when workplace stress reaches beyond normal levels and becomes unhealthy, we need to do something about it. Actually, rather than just reacting to the crisis du jour, we need to think about actively protecting our mental health at work every day before crises develop. 70% of employees are concerned about workplace stress and psychological safety at work. Only 23% of workers in Canada would feel comfortable talking to their employer about a psychological health issue. I remember when, many years ago, I was in a work situation where almost everything was stacked against me: a crushing workload, an unsupportive boss, a competitive and toxic environment, and almost impossible chances of delivering on the objectives. At the time, the answer seemed to work harder and log more hours to perform in the role successfully. Big mistake. I was focused on achieving success. I couldn’t see that how I chose to deal with the situation would lead me into serious difficulties. From the above info "70% of employees are concerned about workplace stress and psychological safety at work. Only 23% of workers in Canada would feel comfortable talking to their employer about a psychological health issue." tell the name of research paper where this data is published and its year. Give me the english meaning of "crisis du jour".
jobs for emoji message interpreter in Manhattan? where to look for such jobs? will my customer service executive job experience count? or do i need any additional certifications?
Open ended QA
Working on Laravel and trying to execute my SQL Server procedure. I got the error message: SQLSTATE[IMSSP]: The active result for the query contains no fields. (SQL: EXEC pr_stop 14) How to resolve it ?
Please convert my python code to C++ code: import cmath num = 1+2j # To take the input from the user #num = eval(input('Enter a number: ')) num_sqrt = cmath.sqrt(num) print('The square root of {0} is {2:0.3f}+{3:0.3f}j'.format(num ,num_sqrt.real,num_sqrt.imag))
Baby, give me just one more hiss We must lake it fast morever I want to cold you in my harms & never get lo I live you so much, it perts! Baby, jive me gust one more bliss Whisper your neat nothings in my near Can we hock each other one tore mime? All light wrong? Baby give me just one more briss My won & homely You wake me meek in the needs Mill you larry me? Baby, hive me just one more guess With this sing I’ll thee shed Covert this poem into funny tone. Add 3 funny dialouges one at start, one at end and one in the middle.
Text Summarization
Striving to be "better" acknowledges the fact that there is always room for improvement. The quest to be better is a journey rather than a destination. It is an ongoing process that requires constant self-reflection, growth, and change. The beauty of striving to be better is that there is always something to work on, whether it be a personal or professional aspect of life. By focusing on being better, individuals and companies can adapt to changing circumstances and remain relevant and meaningful in a constantly evolving world. In the corporate world, companies that focus on being the best often fall into the trap of complacency. They become so fixated on maintaining their position as the best that they fail to adapt to changing market trends and consumer preferences. In contrast, companies that focus on being better are always looking for ways to improve and innovate. They are willing to take risks and embrace change, which allows them to stay ahead of the curve. One example of a company that focuses on being better rather than the best is Amazon. Amazon started as an online bookstore but has since grown into one of the largest retailers in the world. However, Jeff Bezos, Amazon's founder, has always emphasized the importance of being customer-centric and continuously improving the customer experience. This focus on being better has allowed Amazon to stay relevant and meaningful in a constantly changing retail landscape. Another example of the importance of being better is in the field of athletics. Athletes who focus solely on being the best often suffer from burnout and injury. In contrast, athletes who focus on being better are more likely to have sustainable success. They understand that there is always room for improvement and that the quest for perfection is a never-ending journey. By focusing on being better, athletes can make incremental improvements that can add up over time. The same concept applies to personal growth and development. Individuals who focus on being the best often fall into the trap of comparing themselves to others. They become fixated on external validation and lose sight of their personal goals and values. In contrast, individuals who focus on being better are more likely to have a growth mindset. They understand that failure and setbacks are opportunities for learning and growth. By focusing on being better, individuals can develop the skills and qualities necessary to lead fulfilling and meaningful lives. The distinction between being the best and being better is not just a matter of semantics. It is a fundamental shift in mindset that can have a significant impact on personal and professional success. Can you add a para after the amazon example of Usain Bolt and Neeraj Chopra within the same context. Limit to 100 words.
I searched net and got this code to do this task but I m failing to understand this code especially what's the variable confirmation is doing. Explain it to me line by line. "This code uses the PyPDF2 library to efficiently print documents one by one while verifying their content. Python import PyPDF2 # Define the list of documents to print documents = ["document1.pdf", "document2.pdf", "document3.pdf"] # Define the printer name printer_name = "My Printer" # Initialize variables current_page = 1 total_pages = 0 # Open the printer connection printer = win32print.OpenPrinter(printer_name) # Loop through each document for document in documents: # Open the PDF document with open(document, "rb") as f: reader = PyPDF2.PdfReader(f) # Get the total number of pages total_pages += reader.getNumPages() # Loop through each page for page_number in range(reader.getNumPages()): # Extract text from the current page page = reader.getPage(page_number) text = page.extractText() # Print the page content and wait for user confirmation print(f"Printing page {current_page}/{total_pages}:") print(text[:100]) # Preview the first 100 characters # User confirmation prompt confirmation = input("Is the page content correct? (y/N): ").lower() if confirmation not in ("y", "yes"): print("Error detected! Aborting printing.") break # Print the page after confirmation win32print.StartDocPrinter(printer, 1, document) win32print.StartPagePrinter(printer) win32print.WritePrinter(printer, reader.getPage(page_number).getObject()) win32print.EndPagePrinter(printer) win32print.EndDocPrinter(printer) # Update current page count current_page += 1 # Close the printer connection win32print.ClosePrinter(printer) print(f"Successfully printed {current_page - 1} pages.")"
I am new to programming and got a Python assignment about writing a program that takes a tongue twister as input and outputs the words sorted by their lengths in ascending or descending order depending on the user choice. eg - input - Unique News of New York, ascending output should be - Unique News York New of AND if input - Unique News of New York, descending output should be - of New York News Unique. Can you give me the code and explain the logic behind it?
I am looking to integrate Azure AD B2C into an Azure API Management (APIM) application. Specifically, I want to implement a workflow where, upon user sign-up, their details are forwarded to a designated email for review and approval. During this pending approval period, if the the user tries to sign in they will receive a message saying their profile is under review. Once the admin approves the user, they will receive a confirmation email, and they can complete the sign-in process. I want the use of sign-up and sign-in user flows with an API connector to realize this workflow. How can I do this?
Problem solving
Give me the main points from the below notes. Also, give me 5 simple and 5 tough revision questions so that I can memorize all the important information for my test- "In 2019, a fashion show was held at the JD Institute of Fashion Technology in Bengaluru. Among the clothes featured in that show were some that used motifs of Pithora, a form of painting practiced by the Rathwa, Bhil, Bhilala, and Nayaka Adivasis of the Chhota Udepur region of Gujarat, among other places. In a statement describing the show on the institute’s website, the student curators claimed that they wanted to “enable the revival of the Pithora art form, to provide recognition and employment opportunities for the tribes”. About three years later, however, when some members of these communities found photos of the show online, they were deeply distressed by what they felt was the commodification of a sacred and ritualistic form. Members of the Rathwa community hold the view that Pithora is not merely an art, but that its creation is a sacred ritual that commemorates the communities’ ancestors and gods, explained Sejal Rathwa, a journalist and co-ordinator of cultural documentation at the Adivasi Academy, a research and educational institution for Adivasis in Tejgadh, Chhota Udepur. In August 2022, members of the Rathwa community sent an email to JD Institute through the Adivasi Academy. They demanded that the photos of the show be taken down from the institute’s social media pages and website and that the student designers display greater cultural sensitivity about the sacredness of Pithora. Community members’ repeated efforts to contact professors and students responsible for the event were unsuccessful. Upon calling the institute, Sejal Rathwa was told that the students in question had already graduated by the time the institute received the email and that the institute, thus, had no power to ask them to respond. “People take these photos of Pithora from Google, and unthinkingly use it on clothes and other things,” said Paresh Rathwa, among the best-known lakharas, or practitioners of the form. He added, “This is their ignorance. If they asked us to teach them Pithora, we would definitely do it. But we would also explain what the form means to us.” After this, he reasoned, people would be less likely to disrespect the form. This was not the only controversy centered around Pithora in recent years. In 2022, members of the Rathwa community in Vadodara protested against a Pithora painting made on a wall next to the railway station in the city. “So many people go in and out of the station every day, it isn’t a place of respect for gods,” said Sejal. Following the protests, the Pithora mural was removed. Paresh Rathwa himself faced some criticism in September this year after he showcased Pithora at a stall as part of an exhibition that had been set up to promote India’s art and craft heritage on the side-lines of the G20 summit in Delhi. In a social media post, Paresh noted that he had heard some criticism from other members of the Rathwa community that he visited the G20 exhibition to sell Pithora paintings. He clarified in the post that his only aim had been to spread awareness among visitors about the form, and not to sell his work. The subject is a sensitive one. Like Warli, Gond and Saura, Pithora too is a well-known Adivasi form in art circles. In response to government initiatives to promote such forms, and commercialise them to enable artists to earn a living, several traditional artists of the other forms have sold their works. In many instances, work has also been reproduced on clothes, bags and other items that can be sold. This has happened both with and without the community’s consent. In contrast, members of the Rathwa community have remained firm that Pithora should not be commercialised through products. While some artists from the community have painted Pithora on walls and canvases for commercial purposes, they too maintain that Pithora should not be replicated on everyday items. “The sensitivity with which a community member who is an insider, and an outsider look at Pithora is not the same,” said Sejal. “It is important that the place and values that produce the art are also publicised with it.”
Text Summarization
I want to know the statistics that can show abortion is considered acceptable if the unborn baby is sick for my medical collage debate. Just in 200 words? From new studies from 2023.want to know the new laws against it in Wisconsin, USA.
I have a passage: Once upon a time in the medieval kingdom of Crestoria, there lived a wise and charismatic knight named Sir Whitealot. He was renowned for his radiant smile that gleamed like the sun, earning him the affection of the entire kingdom. However, not everyone in Crestoria had such dazzling smiles, and so the townsfolk longed for a solution. Amidst the medieval market square, a traveling minstrel arrived with tales of a magical elixir known as Colgatium. Legends spoke of its power to banish dragons of bad breath, vanquish armies of plaque, and restore the brilliance of even the dullest teeth. Sir Whitealot, intrigued by the promises of this mystical elixir, embarked on a quest to find Colgatium and share its wonders with the kingdom. As Sir Whitealot journeyed through enchanted forests and crossed treacherous dental floss bridges, he encountered mythical creatures plagued by dental dilemmas. With the magical touch of Colgatium, he transformed their dental disasters into beacons of oral brilliance. Word of Sir Whitealot's quest spread throughout Crestoria, captivating the hearts and imaginations of the kingdom's inhabitants. The people clamored for Colgatium, yearning to possess the secret elixir that could turn their teeth into pearly wonders. Upon returning to Crestoria, Sir Whitealot unveiled the Colgatium elixir, presenting it to the kingdom with great fanfare. The people rejoiced, and soon every household in Crestoria embraced the magical potion that promised radiant smiles and unparalleled dental enchantment. And so, the legend of Colgatium spread far and wide, becoming a cherished tale told across generations. Today, in the modern realm, Colgate carries on the legacy of that medieval elixir, bringing forth toothpaste and oral care products that continue the enchanting quest for brilliant smiles and enduring oral health. With the help of the passage develop an captivating ad copy featuring a virtual quest where users can explore the kingdom of Crestoria, learn about oral care tips, and discover the magic of Colgate products.
Open ended QA
I have a react website that utilizes redux, useParams, and data from an API. I retrieve some data from redux and pass it through params to the API in order to display dynamic responses. The website functions smoothly without any need for refreshing and the navigation works perfectly, going forward and backward. However, when we do refresh the page, the browser's built-in back button becomes disabled. Although it still works on certain browsers and mobile devices, it takes us to the last tab or the first stack instead of going back by -1. It seems to forget the navigation. We are currently using react 18 and react-router-dom v6. I was hoping that it would go back by -1 instead of immediately exiting the website and going to the last tab. What could be mistake i am doing and how to resolve it?
Water hyacinth, scientifically known as Eichhornia crassipes Mart. (Pontederiaceae) is an aquatic plant common in the waters of South Asia, including India. It is not a native species but was introduced to India as an ornamental plant from South America during British colonial rule. The plant produces beautiful purple flowers of high aesthetic value. The plant is a prolific producer of plant matter and can suffocate any limited water with amazing speed. Give examples of such plants which were introduced in India for their ornamental value but have turned out to be destructive when preserved for more than an year.
Provide me some recommendations for a winter coat under $200 that is both stylish and provides good insulation in sub-zero temperatures, available in XXL size , i like Old navy, Blue/black colors and deliverable in Arizona.
Open ended QA
While working on a Python script, I’m facing this error “ValueError: Input 0 of layer "sequential_6" is incompatible with the layer: expected shape=(None, 15), found shape=(None, 10)”. What does it mean? Give steps to debug it. Here is the code: # Import libraries import wandb import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential from tensorflow.keras.layers import Embedding, LSTM, Dense from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split import numpy as np # Initialize Wandb wandb.init(project="sequence-length-comparison", name="baseline") # Generate synthetic text data texts = ["This is a short sentence.", "This is a longer sentence with more words.", "This is an even longer sentence with even more words."] labels = [0, 1, 1] # Binary labels for example purposes # Tokenize and pad sequences tokenizer = Tokenizer() tokenizer.fit_on_texts(texts) sequences = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(texts) padded_sequences = pad_sequences(sequences) # Split data into train and validation sets X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(padded_sequences, labels, test_size=0.2, random_state=42) # Function to train a language model with a specified sequence length def train_language_model(sequence_length): wandb.init(project="sequence-length-comparison", name=f"sequence_length_{sequence_length}") # Define the language model model = Sequential([ Embedding(input_dim=len(tokenizer.word_index) + 1, output_dim=8, input_length=sequence_length), LSTM(32), Dense(1, activation='sigmoid') ]) # Compile the model model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy']) # Train the model model.fit(np.array(X_train[:, :sequence_length]), np.array(y_train), epochs=5, validation_data=(np.array(X_val[:, :sequence_length]), np.array(y_val)), callbacks=[wandb.keras.WandbCallback()]) # Define different sequence lengths to compare sequence_lengths = [5, 10, 15] # Train models with different sequence lengths for length in sequence_lengths: train_language_model(length)
Michelle Clifford was thinking about Charlotte Cox again. Charlotte was an articulate doctor with wobbly fingers and skinny toes. He walked over to the window and reflected on her wild surroundings. She had always loved chilly Paris with its jolly, jittery jungle. It was a place that encouraged her tendency to feel unstable. Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the an articulate figure of Charlotte Cox. Michelle gulped. She glanced at her own reflection. She was a cute, clumsy, brandy drinker with slimy fingers and skinny toes. Her friends saw her as a helpful, high-pitched hero. Once, she had even helped a putrid injured bird cross the road. But not even a cute person who had once helped a putrid injured bird cross the road, was prepared for what Charlotte had in store today. The rain hammered like partying foxes, making Michelle stressed. Michelle grabbed a magic hat that had been strewn nearby; she massaged it with her fingers. As Michelle stepped outside and Charlotte came closer, she could see the shivering smile on her face. Charlotte gazed with the affection of 6597 loving blue-eyed blue bottles. She said, in hushed tones, "I love you and I want peace." Michelle looked back, even more stressed and still fingering the magic hat. "Charlotte, let's move in together," she replied. They looked at each other with healthy feelings, like two miniature, magnificent mice loving at a very peculiar birthday party, which had jazz music playing in the background and two deranged uncles rampaging to the beat. Michelle regarded Charlotte's wobbly fingers and skinny toes. "I feel the same way!" revealed Michelle with a delighted grin. Charlotte looked jumpy, her emotions blushing like a knowledgeable, kaleidoscopic knife. Then Charlotte came inside for a nice glass of brandy. Suggest me the name for my story with the word "Relations" in it.

Prompt Engineering Dataset


This dataset, created by the SoftAge delivery team, offers 1,000 prompts categorized for diverse prompts. It includes both Simple and Complex prompt types across ten different categories.

Data attributes

This dataset offers two types of prompts Simple and Complex. There are 10 categories in which this dataset is divided:

  • Open Ended QA
  • Classification
  • Roleplaying
  • Data manipulation
  • Language Translation
  • Problem Solving
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Coding
  • Writing
  • Text Summarization

Dataset Curators

This dataset is created by the delivery team @SoftAge

Limitations and Biases

Limited size (1,000 records) might not cover diverse prompts or complex categories comprehensively.

Potential Uses

  • Training LLMs for various prompt engineering tasks.
  • Developing tools and applications that assist users in formulating effective prompts.
  • Analyzing and understanding the characteristics of different prompt types and categories.
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