And this Conservative strategy has produced the angry and desperate wing-nuts like the fellow who called reporters 'lying pieces of Sh*t' this week. The fortunate thing is that reporters were able to report it and broadcast it - which may shake up a few folks who recognize a bit of themselves somewhere in there and do some reflecting. I live in hope.
specific_points:3 dialogue:2
no_non_con:3 provocative:1
abusive:3 personal_attack:1 teasing:1 embarrassment:1
And this Conservative strategy has produced the angry and desperate wing-nuts like the fellow who called reporters lying pieces of Sh*t this week . The fortunate thing is that reporters were able to report it and broadcast it - which may shake up a few folks who recognize a bit of themselves somewhere in there and do some reflecting . I live in hope .
I commend Harper for holding the debates outside of a left-wing forum as this will help prevent the left from manipulating the debates to try to make Harper look bad. Indeed, we’ll finally have some fair debates. Trudeau is a coward and the only one who’s opposing this as he’s terrified about losing left-wing protection during the debates if the debates are held elsewhere. If Trudeau doesn’t have Chretien or Martin speaking for him or isn't currently in training to learn how to handle himself in a debate, he has May attending the debates to hold his little hand. If Trudeau can’t speak for himself or handle debates, how does he expect to run a country?
specific_points:3 dialogue:2
no_non_con:2 no_respect:1
abusive:1 personal_attack:1 teasing:1 embarrassment:1 no_toxic:1
I commend Harper for holding the debates outside of a left-wing forum as this will help prevent the left from manipulating the debates to try to make Harper look bad . Indeed , we ’ ll finally have some fair debates . Trudeau is a coward and the only one who ’ s opposing this as he ’ s terrified about losing left-wing protection during the debates if the debates are held elsewhere . If Trudeau doesn ’ t have Chretien or Martin speaking for him or isnt currently in training to learn how to handle himself in a debate , he has May attending the debates to hold his little hand . If Trudeau can ’ t speak for himself or handle debates , how does he expect to run a country ?
What a joke Rachel Notley is. This is what was posted on the NDP website on the last World Press Freedom Day. She can't even follow her own leader. She should resign. Immediately.“Today, we pay tribute to journalists who have lost their lives or been injured in the line of duty. It is unacceptable that, in 2015, journalists are still prosecuted, detained and assassinated for doing their jobs. Independent media is of immeasurable value in a free and democratic society, and it is our duty to ensure that this continues to be respected and protected.“We also take this opportunity to stand in solidarity with journalists and Canadians who have been affected by the Conservative’s reckless cuts to CBC/ Radio-Canada.“When we attack the freedom of the press, we’re attacking our own people, democracy and freedom.“New Democrats thank journalists and the media for their invaluable work informing the public. Let’s work together to defend freedom of the press.”
specific_points:2 dialogue:1
no_non_con:2 provocative:1
personal_attack:3 inflammatory:3 teasing:3 embarrassment:1
What a joke Rachel Notley is . This is what was posted on the NDP website on the last World Press Freedom Day . She cant even follow her own leader . She should resign . Immediately. “ Today , we pay tribute to journalists who have lost their lives or been injured in the line of duty . It is unacceptable that , in 2015 , journalists are still prosecuted , detained and assassinated for doing their jobs . Independent media is of immeasurable value in a free and democratic society , and it is our duty to ensure that this continues to be respected and protected. “ We also take this opportunity to stand in solidarity with journalists and Canadians who have been affected by the Conservative ’ s reckless cuts to CBC/ Radio-Canada. “ When we attack the freedom of the press , we ’ re attacking our own people , democracy and freedom. “ New Democrats thank journalists and the media for their invaluable work informing the public . Let ’ s work together to defend freedom of the press. ” http : //
Do you need to write an essay to prove the point? Just look at the following two organisations(a) Globe and Mail (leading the pack): Write anything criticizing the sexually disoriented, mullahcracy, or global alarmists--you are censored. Add to this the spurious thumb counts of the most rabid Harperphobes and churchphobes.(b) Human Rights(without responsibility) Commission: It has become a citadel of ethnic racists, who are inclined to be offended by anything and everything. Net result? Muzzling the voice and promotion of reverse discrimination (CBC is pioneer)
dialogue:1 evidence:1 specific_points:1
no_non_con:2 non_relevant:1
personal_attack:2 teasing:2 embarrassment:2 no_toxic:1 abusive:1
Do you need to write an essay to prove the point ? Just look at the following two organisations ( a ) Globe and Mail ( leading the pack ) : Write anything criticizing the sexually disoriented , mullahcracy , or global alarmists -- you are censored . Add to this the spurious thumb counts of the most rabid Harperphobes and churchphobes . ( b ) Human Rights ( without responsibility ) Commission : It has become a citadel of ethnic racists , who are inclined to be offended by anything and everything . Net result ? Muzzling the voice and promotion of reverse discrimination ( CBC is pioneer )
Rob Ford was no saint. He should never have become Toronto’s 64th mayor. However, he did, big warts and all. What I think the entire Rob Ford saga showed is just how spiteful, mean, malicious and vitriolic our media has become. Many columnists most likely cannot wait to dance on his grave. From mocking him about being overweight to laughingly sneering about his downward spiral into drugs and alcohol they all couldn’t wait until he fell on his face. It is those opinion writers and columnists who should take some time to reflect on their own lot in life and the next time they feel they have the right to mock someone in the public eye because they do not like them they need to step away and put down the pen.
specific_points:3 solution:1
teasing:3 personal_attack:2 abusive:1 embarrassment:1 inflammatory:1
Rob Ford was no saint . He should never have become Toronto ’ s 64th mayor . However , he did , big warts and all . What I think the entire Rob Ford saga showed is just how spiteful , mean , malicious and vitriolic our media has become . Many columnists most likely can not wait to dance on his grave . From mocking him about being overweight to laughingly sneering about his downward spiral into drugs and alcohol they all couldn ’ t wait until he fell on his face . It is those opinion writers and columnists who should take some time to reflect on their own lot in life and the next time they feel they have the right to mock someone in the public eye because they do not like them they need to step away and put down the pen .
What an absurd opinion piece! Identity politics are vile, but this is not an example of that. This is an example of someone lying to bolster an exotic history to improve their brand. I had the DNA test done too. I am apparently 25% indigenous 'blood' - Mi'kmaq and Huron. So what? So are a lot of other Canadians whose ancestors have been here for a few hundred years. That does not entitle me to grants and awards meant for people who have been raised in that culture. They are the ones who have lived with the privations that mean they need help to get to a level playing field and who are able to speak from experience about their history and culture. A lot of the cultural appropriation rhetoric is B.S. No one should claim any writer can't write about anything he or she wants to. HOWEVER, if they are going to lie about their connection to the subject matter and claim an 'authenticity' they do not possess, they should expect to be criticized.
specific_points:3 dialogue:2 evidence:1 personal_story:1
no_non_con:2 no_respect:1
embarrassment:2 teasing:1 abusive:1
What an absurd opinion piece ! Identity politics are vile , but this is not an example of that . This is an example of someone lying to bolster an exotic history to improve their brand . I had the DNA test done too . I am apparently 25 % indigenous blood - Mikmaq and Huron . So what ? So are a lot of other Canadians whose ancestors have been here for a few hundred years . That does not entitle me to grants and awards meant for people who have been raised in that culture . They are the ones who have lived with the privations that mean they need help to get to a level playing field and who are able to speak from experience about their history and culture . A lot of the cultural appropriation rhetoric is B.S . No one should claim any writer cant write about anything he or she wants to . HOWEVER , if they are going to lie about their connection to the subject matter and claim an authenticity they do not possess , they should expect to be criticized .
In the USA most states have a senate. I believe that Ontario has gotten big enough that perhaps we need a sober 2nd thought. This is to ensure that dictators like Wynne don't run roughshod over Ontario's future. What $1 billion scandal or two wouldn't buy? Critics are denounced falsely as racist. Ontario's future is now down the toilet. There will be no more equalization payments coming Ontario's way. The books are yet not balanced while she goes off on more stupid spending ideas or a tax this or that scheme.
specific_points:3 dialogue:2
abusive:1 personal_attack:1 no_toxic:1 inflammatory:1 teasing:1
In the USA most states have a senate . I believe that Ontario has gotten big enough that perhaps we need a sober 2nd thought . This is to ensure that dictators like Wynne dont run roughshod over Ontarios future . What $ 1 billion scandal or two wouldnt buy ? Critics are denounced falsely as racist . Ontarios future is now down the toilet . There will be no more equalization payments coming Ontarios way . The books are yet not balanced while she goes off on more stupid spending ideas or a tax this or that scheme .
Quoting the elder Trudeau's comments out of context boosts the liberal cause in Quebec and it creates a gaping hole in the Conservatives defenses that Liberals will surely drive a stake thru. When Canadians understand the origins of this duplicity, only the Conservatives will put it off to 'just politics'. The rest of us will take it as another proof that the Harper government are liars as well as bullies. Its time for a change in the practice of governance.
specific_points:4 evidence:3
no_non_con:3 provocative:1
personal_attack:2 teasing:2 abusive:1 embarrassment:1 inflammatory:1 no_toxic:1
Quoting the elder Trudeaus comments out of context boosts the liberal cause in Quebec and it creates a gaping hole in the Conservatives defenses that Liberals will surely drive a stake thru . When Canadians understand the origins of this duplicity , only the Conservatives will put it off to just politics . The rest of us will take it as another proof that the Harper government are liars as well as bullies . Its time for a change in the practice of governance .
=============================='Ben Carr, a Winnipeg teacher and Liberal activist, finds it curious that the Conservatives engage in character attacks and bullying while, in schools across the country, anti-bullying campaigns encouraged by these same Conservatives are afoot. '==================================Please. Ben Carr trivializes bullying with this kind of hyperbole. JT seems fairly adept at giving himself figurative wedgies anyway. When the Liberals produce similar attack ads against the Cons people like Ben Carr and Lawerence Martin would describe them as 'hard-hitting'. Liberal mover Warren Kinsella would describe them as 'a$$-kicking' in deference to the book he wrote about smearing and ridiculing Stockwell Day. It's all so hypocritical.
specific_points:3 evidence:1
provocative:2 no_non_con:1
personal_attack:3 teasing:3 abusive:2 inflammatory:2 embarrassment:2
==============================Ben Carr , a Winnipeg teacher and Liberal activist , finds it curious that the Conservatives engage in character attacks and bullying while , in schools across the country , anti-bullying campaigns encouraged by these same Conservatives are afoot . ==================================Please . Ben Carr trivializes bullying with this kind of hyperbole . JT seems fairly adept at giving himself figurative wedgies anyway . When the Liberals produce similar attack ads against the Cons people like Ben Carr and Lawerence Martin would describe them as hard-hitting . Liberal mover Warren Kinsella would describe them as a $ $ -kicking in deference to the book he wrote about smearing and ridiculing Stockwell Day . Its all so hypocritical .
This government needs the public to remain ill informed, it assumes most of us are just illiterate idiots who don't know how to deal with information. What's interesting is that the fundamentalists who blindly support them refers to others as the elitists. Its code for people who think -- you have to alienate and generalize the enemy if you want to win the war and surpress oppoistion. Remember the old Fred Astaire movie, Silk Stockings, where the artists from the USSR was accompanied by a political controller. Remeber the second World War when German Soldiers and Generals always had someone from the Gestapo assigned to them, to monitor their public views. Ever do a tour of China where the Tour Guide is closely observed by political monitors. Parliament is no longer used, the Executive releases inofrmation thru press conferences outside the house. This is not to say other parties have employed some similar techniques. But its getting worse. It serves no purpose to say well other parties did the same. We shouldn't tolerate this type of control from anyone. Regardless of political views, write you member of parliament and protest. THe truth will set you free and transparency is the antidote for corruption. Join Democracy Watch or just do something before its too late.
specific_points:4 evidence:2 dialogue:1
no_non_con:2 provocative:1 no_respect:1
teasing:3 inflammatory:2 abusive:1 personal_attack:1
This government needs the public to remain ill informed , it assumes most of us are just illiterate idiots who dont know how to deal with information . Whats interesting is that the fundamentalists who blindly support them refers to others as the elitists . Its code for people who think -- you have to alienate and generalize the enemy if you want to win the war and surpress oppoistion . Remember the old Fred Astaire movie , Silk Stockings , where the artists from the USSR was accompanied by a political controller . Remeber the second World War when German Soldiers and Generals always had someone from the Gestapo assigned to them , to monitor their public views . Ever do a tour of China where the Tour Guide is closely observed by political monitors . Parliament is no longer used , the Executive releases inofrmation thru press conferences outside the house . This is not to say other parties have employed some similar techniques . But its getting worse . It serves no purpose to say well other parties did the same . We shouldnt tolerate this type of control from anyone . Regardless of political views , write you member of parliament and protest . THe truth will set you free and transparency is the antidote for corruption . Join Democracy Watch or just do something before its too late .
I'm kinda surprised by the conservative anger generated by this piece. Simpson's thesis that the CPC is farther right than the old PC party seems to me not only blindingly obvious but also not in the least controversial. I would have thought most of you conservatives would agreed. I expected comments along the lines of 'Thank God we purged the party of all those namby-pamby, red Tory types like Joe Clark. He had no business calling himself conservative.' Or 'we didn't drop the word 'Progressive' from the party name for no reason.' Instead, you Cons are furious. A couple of possible reasons: either 1) you imagine you're being insulted in some way and think it safer to disagree. (Maybe its just a reflexive reaction to anything a liberal like Simpson has to say.) Or 2) you actually consider yourselves moderate. If 1, relax: only liberals think it's an insult to be right wing. If 2, OK fine: you're moderate. But if you and the CPC are moderate, what would you call the old PC party? Commie pinko faux-conservatives? If the PC party represented your politics and values, what was the whole point of splitting from it and founding a brand new party? To me, the rise of Reform and the disappearance of the PCs looks like evidence of a shift to the right.
specific_points:2 evidence:1 dialogue:1
inflammatory:2 personal_attack:2 teasing:2 embarrassment:2 abusive:1
Im kinda surprised by the conservative anger generated by this piece . Simpsons thesis that the CPC is farther right than the old PC party seems to me not only blindingly obvious but also not in the least controversial . I would have thought most of you conservatives would agreed . I expected comments along the lines of Thank God we purged the party of all those namby-pamby , red Tory types like Joe Clark . He had no business calling himself conservative . Or we didnt drop the word Progressive from the party name for no reason . Instead , you Cons are furious . A couple of possible reasons : either 1 ) you imagine youre being insulted in some way and think it safer to disagree . ( Maybe its just a reflexive reaction to anything a liberal like Simpson has to say . ) Or 2 ) you actually consider yourselves moderate . If 1 , relax : only liberals think its an insult to be right wing . If 2 , OK fine : youre moderate . But if you and the CPC are moderate , what would you call the old PC party ? Commie pinko faux-conservatives ? If the PC party represented your politics and values , what was the whole point of splitting from it and founding a brand new party ? To me , the rise of Reform and the disappearance of the PCs looks like evidence of a shift to the right .
The problem occurs when people cling slavishly to works of fiction from thousands of years ago. Viewed on any objective scale, the so called holy books, with their copious amounts of proven falsities and abject horror stories, should be considered trash. And, most people who consider them holy obviously do not believe them root and branch. But, a small minority of believers have an uncanny ability to shut out all the empirical science of the last few millennia, and fanatically profess these books, and their patently transparent silliness, to be the divine wisdom of their special god. And, those of us who can walk and chew gum at the same time think that we can reason with these people???
specific_points:3 solution:1 evidence:1
no_non_con:2 provocative:1
teasing:3 personal_attack:2 inflammatory:2 abusive:1 embarrassment:1
The problem occurs when people cling slavishly to works of fiction from thousands of years ago . Viewed on any objective scale , the so called holy books , with their copious amounts of proven falsities and abject horror stories , should be considered trash . And , most people who consider them holy obviously do not believe them root and branch . But , a small minority of believers have an uncanny ability to shut out all the empirical science of the last few millennia , and fanatically profess these books , and their patently transparent silliness , to be the divine wisdom of their special god . And , those of us who can walk and chew gum at the same time think that we can reason with these people ? ? ?
Ananda, what a load of horse hockey. However, I should not be surprised after watching your softball interview with Gord Nixon earlier this week. The only thing missing was a nice backrub for the RBC CEO. Or perhaps it is O'Leary that gives the backrubs? Unfortunately if it was just about skills, then these jobs would not be moving. It is strictly about money. Having worked in the IT industry for over 20 years I can definitely say that Canadian IT workers are as skilled as any of the Indian workers that their jobs are outsourced to. In fact most of the foreign outsourced workers I have worked with tend to be young and quite inexperienced. You are also wrong in stating that the TFW program is a sideshow. Outsourcing is directly linked to this program because we allow outsourcing companies to bring their foreign workers here to Canada to take our jobs. I bet if you go into any of the big-5 banks in Toronto you will find dozens of Indian IT workers who are ostensibly here to learn the job before returning home. In fact many of them will be here in Canada for months and even years directly taking Canadian jobs. A bonus for the company in that they can get the work done cheaper (but not necessarily better) and still have the advantage of getting the work done here. The government tells young Canadians that the knowledge based economy is where the jobs are, but if we keep shipping these jobs offshore then all we are left with will be a nation of ditch diggers. I moved from Ontario to Alberta about 15 years ago because my IT job was moving west and I would much rather see a job move from Toronto to Calgary than to see it move to Delhi or Bangalore.
personal_story:2 evidence:1 dialogue:1
no_non_con:2 sarcastic:1
personal_attack:2 inflammatory:1 teasing:1 no_toxic:1
Ananda , what a load of horse hockey . However , I should not be surprised after watching your softball interview with Gord Nixon earlier this week . The only thing missing was a nice backrub for the RBC CEO . Or perhaps it is OLeary that gives the backrubs ? Unfortunately if it was just about skills , then these jobs would not be moving . It is strictly about money . Having worked in the IT industry for over 20 years I can definitely say that Canadian IT workers are as skilled as any of the Indian workers that their jobs are outsourced to . In fact most of the foreign outsourced workers I have worked with tend to be young and quite inexperienced . You are also wrong in stating that the TFW program is a sideshow . Outsourcing is directly linked to this program because we allow outsourcing companies to bring their foreign workers here to Canada to take our jobs . I bet if you go into any of the big-5 banks in Toronto you will find dozens of Indian IT workers who are ostensibly here to learn the job before returning home . In fact many of them will be here in Canada for months and even years directly taking Canadian jobs . A bonus for the company in that they can get the work done cheaper ( but not necessarily better ) and still have the advantage of getting the work done here . The government tells young Canadians that the knowledge based economy is where the jobs are , but if we keep shipping these jobs offshore then all we are left with will be a nation of ditch diggers . I moved from Ontario to Alberta about 15 years ago because my IT job was moving west and I would much rather see a job move from Toronto to Calgary than to see it move to Delhi or Bangalore .
Not sure why a journalist with a degree in architecture is reporting on economic matters in the first place. Judging by her op ed piece she has absolutely no idea what she is talking about. Here is an idea CBC and Globe, how about you hire someone who is qualified to speak on the subject at hand. I know just the place you might find such 'skilled labour'.
dialogue:1 evidence:1 personal_story:1
no_non_con:2 sarcastic:1
teasing:2 personal_attack:2 embarrassment:1
Not sure why a journalist with a degree in architecture is reporting on economic matters in the first place . Judging by her op ed piece she has absolutely no idea what she is talking about . Here is an idea CBC and Globe , how about you hire someone who is qualified to speak on the subject at hand . I know just the place you might find such skilled labour .
This is not Birtherism ... the problem is that Maryam Monsef is utterly incompetent! Where she was born is nothing compared to her total inability to explain the need for electoral reform, much less the governments insistence that a referendum is not required for any kind of legitimacy. Only people who don't clearly understand democracy and what 'by the people, for the people' means could hold this view. Our system of electing our government is owned by the people, not the government of the day, and therefore every citizen of the country deserves their say, not a few forums in a few cities and town in the middle of summer when people are away at the cottage! Totally undemocratic in every way!
specific_points:3 dialogue:2 solution:1 evidence:1
inflammatory:2 personal_attack:2
This is not Birtherism ... the problem is that Maryam Monsef is utterly incompetent ! Where she was born is nothing compared to her total inability to explain the need for electoral reform , much less the governments insistence that a referendum is not required for any kind of legitimacy . Only people who dont clearly understand democracy and what by the people , for the people means could hold this view . Our system of electing our government is owned by the people , not the government of the day , and therefore every citizen of the country deserves their say , not a few forums in a few cities and town in the middle of summer when people are away at the cottage ! Totally undemocratic in every way !
IMO, the article misses the big picture by suggesting that there are good and bad sides of identity politics. There aren't.'Hey everyone, look at me. I'm special!' identity politics is never good. Just like there is no such thing as 'good' racism. There is only racism. Just like there is no such thing as 'good' gender bias. There is only gender bias. Placing a subjective value on these issues simply leads to the tail-chasing gainsaying and whataboutery as demonstrated in this article. Ironically, that's what also causes the divisiveness and inequality that the social justice crowd keeps crying about.
specific_points:3 dialogue:2
personal_attack:1 embarrassment:1 no_toxic:1 inflammatory:1 teasing:1
IMO , the article misses the big picture by suggesting that there are good and bad sides of identity politics . There arent.Hey everyone , look at me . Im special ! identity politics is never good . Just like there is no such thing as good racism . There is only racism . Just like there is no such thing as good gender bias . There is only gender bias . Placing a subjective value on these issues simply leads to the tail-chasing gainsaying and whataboutery as demonstrated in this article . Ironically , thats what also causes the divisiveness and inequality that the social justice crowd keeps crying about .
National unity always suffers under liberal governments due to their highly devisive and partisan nature. Chretien retaliating against con friendly ridings and closing military bases in those ridings for example. How about Justin stating...“Canada isn’t doing well right now because it’s Albertans who control our community and socio-democratic agenda. It doesn’t work,” Trudeau said. When Lagace asked whether Trudeau believed Canada was better off “when there are more Quebecers in charge than Albertans,” Trudeau replied in the affirmative. “I’m a Liberal, so of course I think so, yes. Certainly when we look at the great prime ministers of the 20th century, those that really stood the test of time, they were MPs from Quebec ... This country — Canada — it belongs to us.”And on liberals inability to run a balanced budget? Again, who is suprised when you have Justin promising to implement all recommendations from the TRC's report on aboriginal affairs, WITHOUT HAVING ACTUALLY READ THE DOCUMENT! Canada is in for a very long and troubling 4 years with this level of divisive partisanship and fiscal incompetence from Justin.
specific_points:3 dialogue:2 evidence:1
personal_attack:2 abusive:1 no_toxic:1
National unity always suffers under liberal governments due to their highly devisive and partisan nature . Chretien retaliating against con friendly ridings and closing military bases in those ridings for example . How about Justin stating ... “ Canada isn ’ t doing well right now because it ’ s Albertans who control our community and socio-democratic agenda . It doesn ’ t work , ” Trudeau said . When Lagace asked whether Trudeau believed Canada was better off “ when there are more Quebecers in charge than Albertans , ” Trudeau replied in the affirmative . “ I ’ m a Liberal , so of course I think so , yes . Certainly when we look at the great prime ministers of the 20th century , those that really stood the test of time , they were MPs from Quebec ... This country — Canada — it belongs to us. ” And on liberals inability to run a balanced budget ? Again , who is suprised when you have Justin promising to implement all recommendations from the TRCs report on aboriginal affairs , WITHOUT HAVING ACTUALLY READ THE DOCUMENT ! Canada is in for a very long and troubling 4 years with this level of divisive partisanship and fiscal incompetence from Justin .
'Since taking power, the NDP government has often been more Stephen Harper than Justin Trudeau, curtailing reporters’ access and ending press conferences when it didn’t like what was being asked. What began as petty has evolved into something far worse.'Incredibly, the Globe that endorsed Harper - who wouldn't even meet with the media most days and excluded many media reps from the few Q&As he conducted - actually says Trudeau is more Harper than Harper. The irony couldn't be thicker. It's also a flat out lie. Trudeau has made himself and his cabinet refreshingly accessible to the press and the public. Now I don't know what's going on with the Alberta legislature - other than the fact the Rebel Media crew have at least one wannabe assassin in their ranks. How soon will it be before the Globe is giving Ezra column space. After Jenni Byrne, it wouldn't be a stretch. Yes, Globe, 'what began as petty' editorials is 'evolving into something far far worse.' If you want to go to bat for a psychopath like Ezra, that's your business. But saying Trudeau is more Harper than Harper is a little too Fox Newsy, even for you.
dialogue:3 evidence:2 specific_points:1
no_non_con:2 sarcastic:1
personal_attack:2 inflammatory:2 embarrassment:2 no_toxic:1 teasing:1 abusive:1
Since taking power , the NDP government has often been more Stephen Harper than Justin Trudeau , curtailing reporters ’ access and ending press conferences when it didn ’ t like what was being asked . What began as petty has evolved into something far worse.Incredibly , the Globe that endorsed Harper - who wouldnt even meet with the media most days and excluded many media reps from the few Q & As he conducted - actually says Trudeau is more Harper than Harper . The irony couldnt be thicker . Its also a flat out lie . Trudeau has made himself and his cabinet refreshingly accessible to the press and the public . Now I dont know whats going on with the Alberta legislature - other than the fact the Rebel Media crew have at least one wannabe assassin in their ranks . How soon will it be before the Globe is giving Ezra column space . After Jenni Byrne , it wouldnt be a stretch . Yes , Globe , what began as petty editorials is evolving into something far far worse . If you want to go to bat for a psychopath like Ezra , thats your business . But saying Trudeau is more Harper than Harper is a little too Fox Newsy , even for you .
I watched Justin Trudeau's speech. He didn't generate the rousing cheers at the points where even JT thought they would. I found the speech lacking and a bit insipid. I find the attack ads the Conservatives released the day after JT's coronation as Liberal leader very distasteful and lowbrow but that doesn't change that I expect much more from Justin Trudeau before accepting that he's Prime Minister material.
evidence:2 specific_points:1
teasing:2 personal_attack:1
I watched Justin Trudeaus speech . He didnt generate the rousing cheers at the points where even JT thought they would . I found the speech lacking and a bit insipid . I find the attack ads the Conservatives released the day after JTs coronation as Liberal leader very distasteful and lowbrow but that doesnt change that I expect much more from Justin Trudeau before accepting that hes Prime Minister material .
A pillow indeed. All this self-pitying talk of 'bullying' as if Trudeau Jr were a toddler in a daycare in need of protecting. It's pathetic. In case anyone has forgotten, Trudeau is rich man from a privileged background who wants to be the prime minister. Such a person shouldn't be scared of a little criticism and his supporters shouldn't be so feeble, crying and complaining about those mean 'bullies' who don't love little Trudeau Jr. Please grow up and save your concern about bullying for the genuine victims. Applying this label to a person from such a privileged and powerful family makes a mockery of the word.
specific_points:3 solution:1 personal_story:1
no_non_con:2 provocative:1
embarrassment:3 personal_attack:2 inflammatory:2 teasing:2
A pillow indeed . All this self-pitying talk of bullying as if Trudeau Jr were a toddler in a daycare in need of protecting . Its pathetic . In case anyone has forgotten , Trudeau is rich man from a privileged background who wants to be the prime minister . Such a person shouldnt be scared of a little criticism and his supporters shouldnt be so feeble , crying and complaining about those mean bullies who dont love little Trudeau Jr . Please grow up and save your concern about bullying for the genuine victims . Applying this label to a person from such a privileged and powerful family makes a mockery of the word .
Mr. Harper is a nasty man and he has turned what might have been a viable national political party into a mean-spirited pack of thugs for whom the ethic 'the ends justify the means' is their mantra. He had help of course. He has surrounded himself with equally small-minded people like Mr. Clement, who probably spent more time pushed into a locker at school than most, being the insufferable twerp that he is. And Mr. Flaherty, whose choice of close friends like Rob and Doug says something, and nothing flattering. And who can forget the utterly forgettable Vic Toews, a man always behind his time? The list goes on. But what they all have in common is a deep reserve of negative feelings for the likes of mentally disordered offenders and aboriginals and veterans and union members and pro-choice advocates and animals in their natural habitat and really anyone that doesn't see the world as they do or anything that stands in the way of their goal of near unlimited exploitation of our natural world. Go and go soon Mr. Harper. BVB
specific_points:2 solution:1 evidence:1 dialogue:1
personal_attack:2 inflammatory:2 teasing:1 no_toxic:1
Mr. Harper is a nasty man and he has turned what might have been a viable national political party into a mean-spirited pack of thugs for whom the ethic the ends justify the means is their mantra . He had help of course . He has surrounded himself with equally small-minded people like Mr. Clement , who probably spent more time pushed into a locker at school than most , being the insufferable twerp that he is . And Mr. Flaherty , whose choice of close friends like Rob and Doug says something , and nothing flattering . And who can forget the utterly forgettable Vic Toews , a man always behind his time ? The list goes on . But what they all have in common is a deep reserve of negative feelings for the likes of mentally disordered offenders and aboriginals and veterans and union members and pro-choice advocates and animals in their natural habitat and really anyone that doesnt see the world as they do or anything that stands in the way of their goal of near unlimited exploitation of our natural world . Go and go soon Mr. Harper . BVB
Unfortunately, students have been indoctrinated by left-wing professors since at least the 1970s. These students then become teachers and journalists who continue the indoctrination to students in the public schools and the cycle continues. Professors preach it, teachers and media perpetuate it and hence becomes groupthink. To say anything outside of the acceptable norm created by these thought police labels you as a bigot, a racist, a member of the alt-right (the new term) or just plain deplorable.
specific_points:4 evidence:3
personal_attack:3 teasing:3 embarrassment:2 inflammatory:2 abusive:1
Unfortunately , students have been indoctrinated by left-wing professors since at least the 1970s . These students then become teachers and journalists who continue the indoctrination to students in the public schools and the cycle continues . Professors preach it , teachers and media perpetuate it and hence becomes groupthink . To say anything outside of the acceptable norm created by these thought police labels you as a bigot , a racist , a member of the alt-right ( the new term ) or just plain deplorable .
Trump is very scary but one also has to consider Cruz. I think he is as scary but he doesn't make stupid statements as he is too smart for that. His ideas are all from another era. Maybe the Americans just don't know who to vote for because there is no one running that is entitled to be President!
personal_story:1 dialogue:1 specific_points:1
sarcastic:1 unsubstantial:1 no_non_con:1
teasing:3 personal_attack:2 inflammatory:1
Trump is very scary but one also has to consider Cruz . I think he is as scary but he doesnt make stupid statements as he is too smart for that . His ideas are all from another era . Maybe the Americans just dont know who to vote for because there is no one running that is entitled to be President !
Our society has forgotten what democracy is supposed to be. When did it ever mean aligning ourselves with a group? As people recognize and value the truth they realize that it is not a virtue to moderate it. We don't have real democracy. We get one vote every four years to choose a platform bundle. We often feel strongly in support of one or two issues but completely disagree with others. How is voting for what we disagree with, democracy? The title suggests lament for moderates. Who to vote for? The bigots who will forcefully indoctrinate our public schoolchildren with false gender ideology. The bigots who feel entitled to murder innocent babies in abortions The bigots who discriminate race and sex violating equal opportunity with affirmative action.
specific_points:3 evidence:1 dialogue:1
embarrassment:1 personal_attack:1 inflammatory:1 teasing:1
Our society has forgotten what democracy is supposed to be . When did it ever mean aligning ourselves with a group ? As people recognize and value the truth they realize that it is not a virtue to moderate it . We dont have real democracy . We get one vote every four years to choose a platform bundle . We often feel strongly in support of one or two issues but completely disagree with others . How is voting for what we disagree with , democracy ? The title suggests lament for moderates . Who to vote for ? The bigots who will forcefully indoctrinate our public schoolchildren with false gender ideology . The bigots who feel entitled to murder innocent babies in abortions The bigots who discriminate race and sex violating equal opportunity with affirmative action .
I find it very amusing and frustrating that anyone could argue against removing banked sick days to be available for public service workers. Canadian taxpayers need to demand a change. Same goes for teachers and their unions. The rest of us in the real world do not get these perks so why should you? Of course, Thomas Mulclair of the NDP is there to protect cushy union perks such as this. In fact, he says they need more perks??? What the fu&*^&%^&%? Canadians get your head out of the sand and wake up and demand changes.
specific_points:3 evidence:2 dialogue:1
no_non_con:2 provocative:1
abusive:2 no_toxic:1 personal_attack:1 inflammatory:1
I find it very amusing and frustrating that anyone could argue against removing banked sick days to be available for public service workers . Canadian taxpayers need to demand a change . Same goes for teachers and their unions . The rest of us in the real world do not get these perks so why should you ? Of course , Thomas Mulclair of the NDP is there to protect cushy union perks such as this . In fact , he says they need more perks ? ? ? What the fu & *^ & % ^ & % ? Canadians get your head out of the sand and wake up and demand changes .
The Trump apologists keep on with the canard that it's only the notorious '1%' who want a Clinton win -- one of the many lies they tell themselves, in their sudden pose as working class revolutionaries -- when this article and international polling confirm the obvious, that she has the support of the wider populations, i.e. responsible human beings. But here at the Globe, by the daily comments, Trump would win in a landslide (the same cranks who picked Harper over Trudeau, who dismiss climate change as a conspiracy by scientists). Further proof that online threads do not represent society in general. They are largely the preserve of the bored and the reckless, the trolling frat-boys and bitter retirees with too much time on their hands.
specific_points:2 personal_story:1
no_non_con:2 sarcastic:1
personal_attack:2 teasing:2 embarrassment:2 no_toxic:1 inflammatory:1
The Trump apologists keep on with the canard that its only the notorious 1 % who want a Clinton win -- one of the many lies they tell themselves , in their sudden pose as working class revolutionaries -- when this article and international polling confirm the obvious , that she has the support of the wider populations , i.e . responsible human beings . But here at the Globe , by the daily comments , Trump would win in a landslide ( the same cranks who picked Harper over Trudeau , who dismiss climate change as a conspiracy by scientists ) . Further proof that online threads do not represent society in general . They are largely the preserve of the bored and the reckless , the trolling frat-boys and bitter retirees with too much time on their hands .
The Liberals have really hurt their chances by coronating the debutante from Montreal. They are all giddy with the enthusiasm that a young fresh face brings but Canadians will have nearly two years to figure out that he is an empty vessel that should have stuck to snowboarding or thespianism. I can't wait for the Conservative ads that ask the pointed question 'Why is Trudeau charging Canadian schools and charities $270,000 for speeches while he is a highly paid millionaire MP?'. There is no credible answer to that.
specific_points:3 evidence:1
personal_attack:2 no_toxic:1 abusive:1 teasing:1 embarrassment:1
The Liberals have really hurt their chances by coronating the debutante from Montreal . They are all giddy with the enthusiasm that a young fresh face brings but Canadians will have nearly two years to figure out that he is an empty vessel that should have stuck to snowboarding or thespianism . I cant wait for the Conservative ads that ask the pointed question Why is Trudeau charging Canadian schools and charities $ 270,000 for speeches while he is a highly paid millionaire MP ? . There is no credible answer to that .
Wow, as a Canadian by birth and American by choice for the past 31 years what your editors do not know about American politics is legion. To describe the clear bright line regulations regarding the handling of classified materials and FOI laws as 'arcane' illustrates the writers ignorance or bias. And then to pile on with Democratic talking point claims about Trump while willfully ignoring the middle eastern fruits of the secretaries international record is journalistic malpractice. Shame on you Globe and Mail! You embarrass my homeland that I am still proud of.
specific_points:2 personal_story:1
provocative:2 no_non_con:1
personal_attack:3 inflammatory:1 teasing:1 embarrassment:1
Wow , as a Canadian by birth and American by choice for the past 31 years what your editors do not know about American politics is legion . To describe the clear bright line regulations regarding the handling of classified materials and FOI laws as arcane illustrates the writers ignorance or bias . And then to pile on with Democratic talking point claims about Trump while willfully ignoring the middle eastern fruits of the secretaries international record is journalistic malpractice . Shame on you Globe and Mail ! You embarrass my homeland that I am still proud of .
I agree that Hillary Clinton is more qualified to administer than Trump. In fact she is probably one of the most qualified candidates in a long time. The problem is America needs a change. It needs a revolution. It needs to clean house of corruption. We had Reagan and we survived and he was not qualified. I agree that Trump is an unpredictable candidate but new presidents post election are never the same as they were while electioneering. They surround themselves with advisors who will keep them and us sane. With Hillary Clinton we will continue this constant international conflict and I am tired of this childish admonishing - be like us and we will like you and if we don't like you we will do our best to change you. Accusing Russia of trying to undermine US Democracy is absurd. Why doesn't GM publish Putin's statement (verbatim) on the subject of American election?
specific_points:3 evidence:2 dialogue:2 solution:1
inflammatory:2 personal_attack:1 teasing:1 no_toxic:1
I agree that Hillary Clinton is more qualified to administer than Trump . In fact she is probably one of the most qualified candidates in a long time . The problem is America needs a change . It needs a revolution . It needs to clean house of corruption . We had Reagan and we survived and he was not qualified . I agree that Trump is an unpredictable candidate but new presidents post election are never the same as they were while electioneering . They surround themselves with advisors who will keep them and us sane . With Hillary Clinton we will continue this constant international conflict and I am tired of this childish admonishing - be like us and we will like you and if we dont like you we will do our best to change you . Accusing Russia of trying to undermine US Democracy is absurd . Why doesnt GM publish Putins statement ( verbatim ) on the subject of American election ?
I couldn't agree more. Because of this uproar, the PM has asked his ministers to double up in university dorm rooms at their current retreat. This is nonsense and will discourage 'normal' people from ever wanting to consider public service. These people are running the government of a G7 country! No executive in the private sector would ever accept these petty, stupid rules. The minister apologized and is reimbursing the gov't. Let it go. I did not vote Liberal but this is unfair criticism.
specific_points:2 personal_story:1 evidence:1
embarrassment:2 inflammatory:1 teasing:1 personal_attack:1
I couldnt agree more . Because of this uproar , the PM has asked his ministers to double up in university dorm rooms at their current retreat . This is nonsense and will discourage normal people from ever wanting to consider public service . These people are running the government of a G7 country ! No executive in the private sector would ever accept these petty , stupid rules . The minister apologized and is reimbursing the govt . Let it go . I did not vote Liberal but this is unfair criticism .
Should we be surprised at these outcomes, given a collective government effort to cover Hillary's misdeeds? Lies beget lies. Oh and if the Justice Department was against Comey's action, why didn't they stop him? He works for and answers to the them. That is rhetorical, of course. The Justice Department no longer deals in justice, but is mired in Hillary's felonious actions and is just another political machine in Washington. That aside, the best liberal interpretation of Hillary's email adventure comes from the NYT's Paul Krugman, self-styled conscience of a liberal, who claims that on the advice of Colin Powell, Hillary set up an independent server and email system... far from curious eyes. So and as far as liberals are concerned, this is really Colin Powell's fault. I already voted... for myself. It's not the first time.
specific_points:2 dialogue:1
personal_attack:2 abusive:1 teasing:1 embarrassment:1 no_toxic:1
Should we be surprised at these outcomes , given a collective government effort to cover Hillarys misdeeds ? Lies beget lies . Oh and if the Justice Department was against Comeys action , why didnt they stop him ? He works for and answers to the them . That is rhetorical , of course . The Justice Department no longer deals in justice , but is mired in Hillarys felonious actions and is just another political machine in Washington . That aside , the best liberal interpretation of Hillarys email adventure comes from the NYTs Paul Krugman , self-styled conscience of a liberal , who claims that on the advice of Colin Powell , Hillary set up an independent server and email system ... far from curious eyes . So and as far as liberals are concerned , this is really Colin Powells fault . I already voted ... for myself . Its not the first time .
All these positive posts for Trump seem to share a common theme, something like, 'I'd love to see Trump stick it to the Washington crowd etc' then there's the group that actually think, even if he does get in, that he'll do something totally unheard of in the history of the US and that's change things so everyone in happy. Can't be done and won't be done and all those fringe voters will take up the banner for the next ' I'm gonna change the world, just watch me', pie in the sky messiah. History repeats itself endlessly.
no_respect:1 no_non_con:1 provocative:1
teasing:3 personal_attack:2 inflammatory:2 embarrassment:1
All these positive posts for Trump seem to share a common theme , something like , Id love to see Trump stick it to the Washington crowd etc then theres the group that actually think , even if he does get in , that hell do something totally unheard of in the history of the US and thats change things so everyone in happy . Cant be done and wont be done and all those fringe voters will take up the banner for the next Im gon na change the world , just watch me , pie in the sky messiah . History repeats itself endlessly .
It is fascinating to watch 2 political revolutions ,one in each party, occur at the same time. Trump, the clown, and Sanders, the socialist. Trump wants 'to make America great again' and Sanders wants to provide Americans with the social net the western world has had for decades: for instance: decent minimum wage, Medicare for every one, paid maternity leave, integrity as a leader ,etc..What will the average, common sense American go for ? Will Hilary Clinton survive the private server goof?
specific_points:3 solution:1 evidence:1
personal_attack:2 inflammatory:2 teasing:2 abusive:2 embarrassment:1
It is fascinating to watch 2 political revolutions , one in each party , occur at the same time . Trump , the clown , and Sanders , the socialist . Trump wants to make America great again and Sanders wants to provide Americans with the social net the western world has had for decades : for instance : decent minimum wage , Medicare for every one , paid maternity leave , integrity as a leader , etc..What will the average , common sense American go for ? Will Hilary Clinton survive the private server goof ?
'It makes the new guys look just like the old guys – all too eager to do business with a regime that is not exactly a paragon of human rights. For a government that has made a fetish of reversing everything the previous government did (even if those things happened to be good), this looks awkward'.I don't recall the outrage when the Harper Government struck the deal... of course the outrage now looks awkward coming as it does from some quarters :)
specific_points:2 personal_story:1 no_con:1 evidence:1 dialogue:1
no_non_con:2 provocative:1
embarrassment:3 inflammatory:2 teasing:2 personal_attack:1
It makes the new guys look just like the old guys – all too eager to do business with a regime that is not exactly a paragon of human rights . For a government that has made a fetish of reversing everything the previous government did ( even if those things happened to be good ) , this looks awkward.I dont recall the outrage when the Harper Government struck the deal ... of course the outrage now looks awkward coming as it does from some quarters : )
Any kind of segregation is abhorrent and cannot be accepted.
specific_points:3 solution:1 dialogue:1
inflammatory:3 personal_attack:1 teasing:1
Any kind of segregation is abhorrent and can not be accepted .
What planet are you from? This how it always was, how it now is, and how it will forever be. It's not hypocritical. It's the way society works. If you are still not sure 'how things work' in a the real world, do your next column on Sociology PhD's and underemployment.
personal_story:2 no_con:1
unsubstantial:1 no_non_con:1 sarcastic:1 provocative:1
personal_attack:2 no_toxic:1
What planet are you from ? This how it always was , how it now is , and how it will forever be . Its not hypocritical . Its the way society works . If you are still not sure how things work in a the real world , do your next column on Sociology PhDs and underemployment .
How low can the Harper conservatives go? Apparently $175 per riding on attack flyers, without breaking the rules. How low did the Liberals go? Millions stolen in the infamous criminal sponsorship scandal. Seriously, Mr. Simpson. Your pretend outrage is laughable.
specific_points:2 dialogue:1
personal_attack:2 inflammatory:2
How low can the Harper conservatives go ? Apparently $ 175 per riding on attack flyers , without breaking the rules . How low did the Liberals go ? Millions stolen in the infamous criminal sponsorship scandal . Seriously , Mr. Simpson . Your pretend outrage is laughable .
Amanda, you are sooo wrong - and in so many ways !As a consultant with twenty years of IT development for Toronto's financial and insurance industries I worked on quite a few projects with an offshore component; I have only seldom seen offshore developers (that is computer programmers) more skilled than the Canadian workforce on those same projects. Most of the time the offshore IT team is comprised of a competent technical lead and a host of below average programmers. After all, do not forget that this is how they make their money - by paying as little as possible - even by Indian or Chinese standards. Here are a number of issues with wholesale IT outsourcing - amplified when the development team is in another country, in a different time zone, speaking a different language; these are examples from my experience as a consultant with twenty years of IT development for Toronto's financial and insurance industries:- Due to misunderstood specifications, the work of the offshore team often had to be redone - or at least cleaned-up by the Toronto based developers.- Often the code delivered by the offshore team is sub par in terms of performance, maintainability, expandability, reliability -- all attributes of proper software engineering. Just think of a house where you have to go into the garage to adjust the thermostat, or where water pipes and electrical wires are encased in concrete. Or a house with no fuses. Or no shutoff valves for the water pipes. - Working with an offshore team on a 'project basis' leads to work that just covers the minimal specifications of the project - with no strategic thought on how that software application may be expanded or changed in the future to accommodate evolving business needs. And when business change the supporting applications must change as well. I have consulted for a major bank in Toronto, where a local team was working overtime just fixing the code received from the offshore team. In their words, 'the code was missing major functionality and had extensive design issues, which meant that adding the missing parts required extensive rewriting of work already done and paid for'; even more startling, the project managers would not acknowledge any quality problems with the offshore work - they couldn't explain the need for the local team working overtime either :) That project was cancelled just when it was about to go live - 'it was not needed anymore, we had a change of direction' management said. Of course, they couldn't acknowledge that the offshore vendor screwed up the project on their watch. Another company made two attempts at IT offshoring: the first one was disastrous. In the words of one of the execs 'we'll consider it a learning experience'. That project lasted for two years with nothing to show for it except an ousted director. The second one (much smaller in scope) was salvaged after extensive rewriting in Toronto. This company does not have any offshoring plans at the
specific_points:3 evidence:3 no_con:1 personal_story:1
no_non_con:2 no_respect:1
personal_attack:2 inflammatory:1 embarrassment:1 no_toxic:1
Amanda , you are sooo wrong - and in so many ways ! As a consultant with twenty years of IT development for Torontos financial and insurance industries I worked on quite a few projects with an offshore component ; I have only seldom seen offshore developers ( that is computer programmers ) more skilled than the Canadian workforce on those same projects . Most of the time the offshore IT team is comprised of a competent technical lead and a host of below average programmers . After all , do not forget that this is how they make their money - by paying as little as possible - even by Indian or Chinese standards . Here are a number of issues with wholesale IT outsourcing - amplified when the development team is in another country , in a different time zone , speaking a different language ; these are examples from my experience as a consultant with twenty years of IT development for Torontos financial and insurance industries : - Due to misunderstood specifications , the work of the offshore team often had to be redone - or at least cleaned-up by the Toronto based developers.- Often the code delivered by the offshore team is sub par in terms of performance , maintainability , expandability , reliability -- all attributes of proper software engineering . Just think of a house where you have to go into the garage to adjust the thermostat , or where water pipes and electrical wires are encased in concrete . Or a house with no fuses . Or no shutoff valves for the water pipes . - Working with an offshore team on a project basis leads to work that just covers the minimal specifications of the project - with no strategic thought on how that software application may be expanded or changed in the future to accommodate evolving business needs . And when business change the supporting applications must change as well . I have consulted for a major bank in Toronto , where a local team was working overtime just fixing the code received from the offshore team . In their words , the code was missing major functionality and had extensive design issues , which meant that adding the missing parts required extensive rewriting of work already done and paid for ; even more startling , the project managers would not acknowledge any quality problems with the offshore work - they couldnt explain the need for the local team working overtime either : ) That project was cancelled just when it was about to go live - it was not needed anymore , we had a change of direction management said . Of course , they couldnt acknowledge that the offshore vendor screwed up the project on their watch . Another company made two attempts at IT offshoring : the first one was disastrous . In the words of one of the execs well consider it a learning experience . That project lasted for two years with nothing to show for it except an ousted director . The second one ( much smaller in scope ) was salvaged after extensive rewriting in Toronto . This company does not have any offshoring plans at the
I love these 'free market' pundits that selectively dish out obvious falsehoods disguised as market theory. As I understand the 'Free Market Theory', scarcity drives up prices and abundance drives them down, no? If what the fast food industry says is true about labour shortages, the wages at these outlets should be outrageously high but strangely they are not. Obviously if Canadians won't accept $10 an hour jobs at Tim's, then Tim's should have to offer better wages to attract employees from McDonalds and vice versa. This is a fundamental 'free market' tenet. It appears that it's the crappy pay that is the problem for these companies, not a lack of people to take the jobs. Why is it that these jobs must be kept at minimum wage at all costs? Is it so that we can pay a buck less for a cheeseburger? Why has the 'invisible hand' of the market not driven wages up? Well it's because the temporary worker policies are designed to ensure that they stay low. This is not a case of an industry not being able to compete in the so called global market, a fast food company competes with the outlet across the street. Funny how even public companies (CBC) justify staggering executive salaries and bonuses by saying that they are necessary to attract the best talent but this 'principle' never seems to apply to ordinary workers. Why does scarcity in a 'profession' lead to fabulous wages but scarcity in unskilled labour results in FTW programs? What we are seeing is a deliberate ongoing program to drive down wages of the working class and maintain a permanent underclass of workers to be exploited at will. Nothing new here. Why do we not import FTWs at near starvation wages to work as policemen, firemen, notaries, engineers, lawyers, radiologists or doctors for that matter, where the savings to public expenditures would really be significant? The obvious result would be a country full of FTWs, very high unemployment and eventually the pay for these jobs would bottom out at the minimum wage (less 15%). Anyone who contends that the FTW program for unskilled labour is necessary or even good for 'the economy' rather than just a plan to keep wages low for blue collar workers is either badly informed or a liar. I don't believe Amanda is badly informed.
specific_points:2 solution:1 evidence:1 personal_story:1 dialogue:1
teasing:2 embarrassment:2 no_toxic:1 personal_attack:1 inflammatory:1
I love these free market pundits that selectively dish out obvious falsehoods disguised as market theory . As I understand the Free Market Theory , scarcity drives up prices and abundance drives them down , no ? If what the fast food industry says is true about labour shortages , the wages at these outlets should be outrageously high but strangely they are not . Obviously if Canadians wont accept $ 10 an hour jobs at Tims , then Tims should have to offer better wages to attract employees from McDonalds and vice versa . This is a fundamental free market tenet . It appears that its the crappy pay that is the problem for these companies , not a lack of people to take the jobs . Why is it that these jobs must be kept at minimum wage at all costs ? Is it so that we can pay a buck less for a cheeseburger ? Why has the invisible hand of the market not driven wages up ? Well its because the temporary worker policies are designed to ensure that they stay low . This is not a case of an industry not being able to compete in the so called global market , a fast food company competes with the outlet across the street . Funny how even public companies ( CBC ) justify staggering executive salaries and bonuses by saying that they are necessary to attract the best talent but this principle never seems to apply to ordinary workers . Why does scarcity in a profession lead to fabulous wages but scarcity in unskilled labour results in FTW programs ? What we are seeing is a deliberate ongoing program to drive down wages of the working class and maintain a permanent underclass of workers to be exploited at will . Nothing new here . Why do we not import FTWs at near starvation wages to work as policemen , firemen , notaries , engineers , lawyers , radiologists or doctors for that matter , where the savings to public expenditures would really be significant ? The obvious result would be a country full of FTWs , very high unemployment and eventually the pay for these jobs would bottom out at the minimum wage ( less 15 % ) . Anyone who contends that the FTW program for unskilled labour is necessary or even good for the economy rather than just a plan to keep wages low for blue collar workers is either badly informed or a liar . I dont believe Amanda is badly informed .
I'm routinely amused at how 'big thinkers' on both sides of the political spectrum can't seem to recognize that for all their talk about democracy, they both tend to ridicule the simple expectations of citizens that they not be spoken down to. The big thinkers on the right can't seem to get into their heads that not everyone desires a chance to become the CEO nor do they believe that the CEO deserves so much that the scraps from his table falling to the floor should be enough to keep them feeling satisfied... these big thinkers can't seem to understand that for all their talk about bootstraps, they have no idea what they are. .The big thinkers on the Left on the other hand, can't seem to get it into their heads that most people already have parents, and that perhaps a goodly proportion of society isn't ready to adopt a new set. These big thinkers can't believe that people aren't as handicapped as they assume them to be.
specific_points:3 evidence:2
no_non_con:2 provocative:1
teasing:3 personal_attack:1 inflammatory:1 embarrassment:1
Im routinely amused at how big thinkers on both sides of the political spectrum cant seem to recognize that for all their talk about democracy , they both tend to ridicule the simple expectations of citizens that they not be spoken down to . The big thinkers on the right cant seem to get into their heads that not everyone desires a chance to become the CEO nor do they believe that the CEO deserves so much that the scraps from his table falling to the floor should be enough to keep them feeling satisfied ... these big thinkers cant seem to understand that for all their talk about bootstraps , they have no idea what they are . .The big thinkers on the Left on the other hand , cant seem to get it into their heads that most people already have parents , and that perhaps a goodly proportion of society isnt ready to adopt a new set . These big thinkers cant believe that people arent as handicapped as they assume them to be .
The best column recently from the NYTimes called 'The closing of the Canadian mind' by Stephen Marche, received a tremendous amount of attention and is being widely shared on the internet and has caused a reaction that many Canadians have been waiting for regarding the govt of Stephen Harper.. that is, one of outrage. Here is snippet on one journalists Jeff Sallot take on that column.. 'Marche clobbered Harper in a way that none of the opposition leaders came close to doing in the first televised debate on Aug. 6. In that match-up, the NDP’s Tom Mulcair and Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau were too worried about avoiding ‘mistakes’ to do a proper job of making Harper defend his record. Marche does a far more vigorous job of it. He notes Harper’s “peculiar hatred for sharing information,” his outright hostility to journalists, his war against environmental science, the gag orders imposed on government research scientists, his “active promotion of ignorance” with the scrapping of the long-form census, the criminal efforts of party operatives to suppress the anti-Conservative vote, the Senate corruption scandals, and on and on.“The Harper years have seen a subtle darkening of Canadian life,” Marche wrote. He accused Harper of “know-nothing conservatism.” And he concluded that, whether Harper wins or loses, “he will leave Canada more ignorant than he found it.”
specific_points:2 dialogue:2 evidence:1
teasing:2 no_toxic:1 embarrassment:1
The best column recently from the NYTimes called The closing of the Canadian mind by Stephen Marche , http : // received a tremendous amount of attention and is being widely shared on the internet and has caused a reaction that many Canadians have been waiting for regarding the govt of Stephen Harper.. that is , one of outrage . Here is snippet on one journalists Jeff Sallot take on that column.. Marche clobbered Harper in a way that none of the opposition leaders came close to doing in the first televised debate on Aug. 6 . In that match-up , the NDP ’ s Tom Mulcair and Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau were too worried about avoiding ‘ mistakes ’ to do a proper job of making Harper defend his record . Marche does a far more vigorous job of it . He notes Harper ’ s “ peculiar hatred for sharing information , ” his outright hostility to journalists , his war against environmental science , the gag orders imposed on government research scientists , his “ active promotion of ignorance ” with the scrapping of the long-form census , the criminal efforts of party operatives to suppress the anti-Conservative vote , the Senate corruption scandals , and on and on. “ The Harper years have seen a subtle darkening of Canadian life , ” Marche wrote . He accused Harper of “ know-nothing conservatism. ” And he concluded that , whether Harper wins or loses , “ he will leave Canada more ignorant than he found it. ” http : //
What a load of hooey. Harper and Mulroney before him racked up deficits year after year, so I won't be waiting for Conservatives to ride to the rescue, or whatever. Instead of the usual ideological bleating about the Liberals, why not engage in some serious conversation about debt & deficits. What are the benefits, risks, short term impacts, long term impacts? Social spending versus infrastructure spending... all of this is worthy of debate. But the 'same old, same old' is, in fact, the tiresome wedge politics practiced by your acolyte which you can't seem to let go of yourself. Is this really what Conservatism ha come to? Wow.
specific_points:3 dialogue:2
personal_attack:2 no_toxic:1
What a load of hooey . Harper and Mulroney before him racked up deficits year after year , so I wont be waiting for Conservatives to ride to the rescue , or whatever . Instead of the usual ideological bleating about the Liberals , why not engage in some serious conversation about debt & deficits . What are the benefits , risks , short term impacts , long term impacts ? Social spending versus infrastructure spending ... all of this is worthy of debate . But the same old , same old is , in fact , the tiresome wedge politics practiced by your acolyte which you cant seem to let go of yourself . Is this really what Conservatism ha come to ? Wow .
'That they hate with a passion CBC/Radio Canada goes without saying.' As do a majority of Canadians who only watch for the hockey which will be coming to an end soon and, likely then, the network's raison d'etre. That you hate the Conservatives has always been apparent, Mr. Simpson, be it Harper, Harris, Mulroney. I've no doubt this comment will immediately slide to the bottom as it disagrees with your pithy commentary. And, by the way, do you have any real, hard facts to substantiate your claim that 'huge' numbers have watched precious debates? Frankly, they've been duds and not worth the time of day.
specific_points:3 dialogue:2
no_non_con:2 provocative:1
personal_attack:2 no_toxic:1
That they hate with a passion CBC/Radio Canada goes without saying . As do a majority of Canadians who only watch for the hockey which will be coming to an end soon and , likely then , the networks raison detre . That you hate the Conservatives has always been apparent , Mr. Simpson , be it Harper , Harris , Mulroney . Ive no doubt this comment will immediately slide to the bottom as it disagrees with your pithy commentary . And , by the way , do you have any real , hard facts to substantiate your claim that huge numbers have watched precious debates ? Frankly , theyve been duds and not worth the time of day .
I remember the extra cost of electricity at being 37 billion dollars. Are you trying to help out MS Wynne as well with her Green energy scam?? It is very disappointing to see the Ontario electorate not being able to see through the Liberal nonsense, and voting for them again and again. Anytime you hear someone use the term 'Revenue tools' you know they are trying to gouge you with a new tax. Time to clean the manure out of the Ontario provincial barn. I hope a lesson has been learned, and the Canadian electorate won't allow Trudeau to continue with the same goofy logic as the Ontario Liberals
specific_points:3 dialogue:2
abusive:1 personal_attack:1 no_toxic:1 teasing:1
I remember the extra cost of electricity at being 37 billion dollars . Are you trying to help out MS Wynne as well with her Green energy scam ? ? It is very disappointing to see the Ontario electorate not being able to see through the Liberal nonsense , and voting for them again and again . Anytime you hear someone use the term Revenue tools you know they are trying to gouge you with a new tax . Time to clean the manure out of the Ontario provincial barn . I hope a lesson has been learned , and the Canadian electorate wont allow Trudeau to continue with the same goofy logic as the Ontario Liberals
Notley just made the biggest political blunder in a generation. If she doesn't reverse this decision her party must remove her. Freedom of the press is the very cornerstone of democracy, those who would subvert it are not fit to govern.
specific_points:3 evidence:2 dialogue:1
teasing:2 personal_attack:1 embarrassment:1 no_toxic:1
Notley just made the biggest political blunder in a generation . If she doesnt reverse this decision her party must remove her . Freedom of the press is the very cornerstone of democracy , those who would subvert it are not fit to govern .
Again I ask why are you Liberal Cheerleaders so thin skinned... don't want the baby doll marked up in case you are selling??? Trudeau needs to fall, and make mistakes... if He is going to grow and learn... yet the Net Nannies here wish to coddle... well something Magie couldn't do she farmed that out, why can't you Cheerlearders??? Protect deflect protect deflect!
specific_points:2 solution:1 evidence:1 dialogue:1
no_non_con:2 no_respect:1 unsubstantial:1
teasing:2 inflammatory:2 personal_attack:1 embarrassment:1
Again I ask why are you Liberal Cheerleaders so thin skinned ... dont want the baby doll marked up in case you are selling ? ? ? Trudeau needs to fall , and make mistakes ... if He is going to grow and learn ... yet the Net Nannies here wish to coddle ... well something Magie couldnt do she farmed that out , why cant you Cheerlearders ? ? ? Protect deflect protect deflect !
'Believe me, I’m not complaining. This is the best time in history to be old. We’re the youngest older people who ever lived, and extraordinary numbers of us can expect to avoid the impediments of age for many years to come. Many of us still have engaging work. We jaunt around the world. We do nearly all the things we did when we were 30, only slower. Some of us don’t even look that old (or so we fool ourselves).'----------------------------------------------...and a great many of you are also being cast into old folks' homes by your ungrateful, spoiled boomer/gen-x kids, left to the ravages of Alzheimer's and dementia.
evidence:2 personal_story:2 solution:1 specific_points:1
no_non_con:2 provocative:1
personal_attack:2 teasing:1 embarrassment:1 inflammatory:1
Believe me , I ’ m not complaining . This is the best time in history to be old . We ’ re the youngest older people who ever lived , and extraordinary numbers of us can expect to avoid the impediments of age for many years to come . Many of us still have engaging work . We jaunt around the world . We do nearly all the things we did when we were 30 , only slower . Some of us don ’ t even look that old ( or so we fool ourselves ) . -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ... and a great many of you are also being cast into old folks homes by your ungrateful , spoiled boomer/gen-x kids , left to the ravages of Alzheimers and dementia .
I have met JT. I know 2 people who know him professionally. The LPC is stuck with a poster child who is about as thick as a wet paper bag. He's so light that his handlers can't allow him to depart from heavily scripted speeches and don't want him to have to face any controversy. He'll be exposed for what he is in the next 2 years. This guy will be a fading light by 2015.
evidence:2 solution:1 dialogue:1
inflammatory:1 no_toxic:1 personal_attack:1
I have met JT . I know 2 people who know him professionally . The LPC is stuck with a poster child who is about as thick as a wet paper bag . Hes so light that his handlers cant allow him to depart from heavily scripted speeches and dont want him to have to face any controversy . Hell be exposed for what he is in the next 2 years . This guy will be a fading light by 2015 .
Boy... after bleeding off so many votes in two con-friendly ridings, Harper will need to act fast to shore up support. Harper should hire Rob Ford to run about Canada delivering votes for the party. Ford would be awesome. he'd be telling everyone that the Harper government saved billions. doesn't mean that its the truth, but when it comes to Conservatives, truth goes out the window and bombastic claims rule the day! heck, just read the con supporters here and one can easily see what I mean.
evidence:1 personal_story:1 dialogue:1 specific_points:1
no_non_con:2 unsubstantial:1
personal_attack:2 teasing:1
Boy ... after bleeding off so many votes in two con-friendly ridings , Harper will need to act fast to shore up support . Harper should hire Rob Ford to run about Canada delivering votes for the party . Ford would be awesome . hed be telling everyone that the Harper government saved billions . doesnt mean that its the truth , but when it comes to Conservatives , truth goes out the window and bombastic claims rule the day ! heck , just read the con supporters here and one can easily see what I mean .
You only have to see the obsession that the CPC STILL have with the Liberals and Trudeau to see that if they're not worried, they are doing a very poor job of showing that they're not worried. In fact, they will step up their attacks and their non-election campaign advertising because of the very fact that they ARE worried. They'll pretend they aren't but then they are a group of pathological liars.
no_con:1 specific_points:1 evidence:1
no_non_con:2 unsubstantial:1
embarrassment:2 inflammatory:2 teasing:1
You only have to see the obsession that the CPC STILL have with the Liberals and Trudeau to see that if theyre not worried , they are doing a very poor job of showing that theyre not worried . In fact , they will step up their attacks and their non-election campaign advertising because of the very fact that they ARE worried . Theyll pretend they arent but then they are a group of pathological liars .
My daughter started college this week. She mentioned that, for orientation, all the incoming students received an email clarifying it was 'with no parents'. It used to be the case that university was for (mostly young) adults; those days are long gone.
no_con:1 evidence:1 personal_story:1 specific_points:1
no_non_con:2 sarcastic:1
no_toxic:2 personal_attack:1 inflammatory:1 teasing:1 embarrassment:1
My daughter started college this week . She mentioned that , for orientation , all the incoming students received an email clarifying it was with no parents . It used to be the case that university was for ( mostly young ) adults ; those days are long gone .
I don't want to be a Chamberland here but:- it takes about 35% to gain a majority- total support for the CAQ and the Liberals (the mainstream alternatives) is at 53%- current support for sovereignty is about 35%- the vast majority of sovereignists are baby boomersThe numbers are not in this movement's favour. You can be sure the PQ will take a run at a referendum and i agree complacency is not a viable option but the onous remains on the PQ for the foreseeable future. ROC should not be flippant either - 'just let them go' is a naive and uninformed opinion.
specific_points:4 evidence:1
teasing:2 personal_attack:1 inflammatory:1 embarrassment:1 no_toxic:1
I dont want to be a Chamberland here but : - it takes about 35 % to gain a majority- total support for the CAQ and the Liberals ( the mainstream alternatives ) is at 53 % - current support for sovereignty is about 35 % - the vast majority of sovereignists are baby boomersThe numbers are not in this movements favour . You can be sure the PQ will take a run at a referendum and i agree complacency is not a viable option but the onous remains on the PQ for the foreseeable future . ROC should not be flippant either - just let them go is a naive and uninformed opinion .
historically, a desire for freedom based on some sort of cultural or ethnic similarity is driven by a sense of repression within the structure of the state. If enough people in Quebec feel that way about their inclusion within the nation of Canada , then I guess I'd say, O.K, it's business now, like a dead marriage, lets get down to determining who gets the house, the car the debt and the kids....and then, see ya, have a nice life. But what I really have trouble figuring out is what exactly it is that makes so many of the people of Quebec so desirous of leaving such a benign and supportive spouse as the rest of Canada. Whatever, if they ever do decide to go, It'll likely be noted by many of them some time down the road, that the only one who ever actually cared about them was the partner they already had... since in a world with many many potentially new partners, the old one who left in a huff often finds that the jilted spouse, free from having to worry about their demanding ex's needs, moves on more quickly than is appreciated.
specific_points:3 evidence:3 dialogue:1
teasing:2 inflammatory:2 abusive:1 personal_attack:1
historically , a desire for freedom based on some sort of cultural or ethnic similarity is driven by a sense of repression within the structure of the state . If enough people in Quebec feel that way about their inclusion within the nation of Canada , then I guess Id say , O.K , its business now , like a dead marriage , lets get down to determining who gets the house , the car the debt and the kids ... .and then , see ya , have a nice life . But what I really have trouble figuring out is what exactly it is that makes so many of the people of Quebec so desirous of leaving such a benign and supportive spouse as the rest of Canada . Whatever , if they ever do decide to go , Itll likely be noted by many of them some time down the road , that the only one who ever actually cared about them was the partner they already had ... since in a world with many many potentially new partners , the old one who left in a huff often finds that the jilted spouse , free from having to worry about their demanding exs needs , moves on more quickly than is appreciated .
This is nothing new. Stephen Harper became PM because of the public's anger over the Liberals and the Gomery Commission. Mike Harris became premier because of the anger over Bob Rae. In both cases, the public did not embrace the policies of conservatism, they were too busy turffing out the previous government. In 2008, Obama benefited from the public's anger at George W. and in 2015, the dislike for Stephen Harper was palpable. Most elections are about choosing the least of the evils. And successful leaders cast and characterize their opponents as more evil.
specific_points:4 evidence:3 dialogue:2
inflammatory:2 teasing:1 embarrassment:1
This is nothing new . Stephen Harper became PM because of the publics anger over the Liberals and the Gomery Commission . Mike Harris became premier because of the anger over Bob Rae . In both cases , the public did not embrace the policies of conservatism , they were too busy turffing out the previous government . In 2008 , Obama benefited from the publics anger at George W. and in 2015 , the dislike for Stephen Harper was palpable . Most elections are about choosing the least of the evils . And successful leaders cast and characterize their opponents as more evil .
new vehicles on the lot displaying the price and options should also state emission figures that were gotten while driving on the road and not in a lab. lets see a list of emissions from all cars and trucks so a comparison can be made. 40 times higher does not mean much unless we know what 'x' is. this is a government problem, remember the tainted meat, government not doing it's job and not telling the truth. a private company knew about this a year ago and nothing was done. robo-con mentality screw you.
specific_points:4 solution:2 evidence:2 personal_story:1 dialogue:1
personal_attack:2 teasing:2 embarrassment:1 no_toxic:1 abusive:1 inflammatory:1
new vehicles on the lot displaying the price and options should also state emission figures that were gotten while driving on the road and not in a lab . lets see a list of emissions from all cars and trucks so a comparison can be made . 40 times higher does not mean much unless we know what x is . this is a government problem , remember the tainted meat , government not doing its job and not telling the truth . a private company knew about this a year ago and nothing was done . robo-con mentality screw you .
Give us some real examples. Come on now, be specific. No need to use the names of the scientists in question, just state something like:'Professor X from an unnamed institution wanted to release information that proved that the oilsands were causing people to grow second heads, but was prevented from doing so...'And then release the findings. Specifics. Not innuendo (nice photo of the Suncor facility btw - hardly yellow journalism there!)Really now Lizzie, you mean that in a day and age when information (and disinformation) is disseminated more freely than at any other time in history, these professorial eggheads cannot figure out a way to 'leak' their data to the waiting hordes in the media who spend their days dreaming about discovering the elusive 'smoking gun'?This is about funding, not academic freedom. If anyone dares put their finger on the money tap, the scientists scream blue murder.
specific_points:3 solution:1 evidence:1
no_non_con:2 unsubstantial:1
inflammatory:1 personal_attack:1 no_toxic:1
Give us some real examples . Come on now , be specific . No need to use the names of the scientists in question , just state something like : Professor X from an unnamed institution wanted to release information that proved that the oilsands were causing people to grow second heads , but was prevented from doing so ... And then release the findings . Specifics . Not innuendo ( nice photo of the Suncor facility btw - hardly yellow journalism there ! ) Really now Lizzie , you mean that in a day and age when information ( and disinformation ) is disseminated more freely than at any other time in history , these professorial eggheads can not figure out a way to leak their data to the waiting hordes in the media who spend their days dreaming about discovering the elusive smoking gun ? This is about funding , not academic freedom . If anyone dares put their finger on the money tap , the scientists scream blue murder .
From the comments below, it seems that the reason there are no more' Red Tories' is that there are no more 'Blue Liberals'. So it appears that the Tories can go more right-wing because the Liberals go more left-wing. I wonder when tit-for-tat became an acceptable modus operandi in Canada? The Catholics and Protestants did that in Ireland for decades, didn't get either side very far. The Palestinians and Jews are doing it now in the Middle East, doubt that they will get very far either. So for those of us who want a middle ground and want a true statesman to emerge and lead the country, are we stuck with 4 more years of Stephen? That would be very sad.
specific_points:3 evidence:1
teasing:3 personal_attack:2 inflammatory:2 embarrassment:1 abusive:1
From the comments below , it seems that the reason there are no more Red Tories is that there are no more Blue Liberals . So it appears that the Tories can go more right-wing because the Liberals go more left-wing . I wonder when tit-for-tat became an acceptable modus operandi in Canada ? The Catholics and Protestants did that in Ireland for decades , didnt get either side very far . The Palestinians and Jews are doing it now in the Middle East , doubt that they will get very far either . So for those of us who want a middle ground and want a true statesman to emerge and lead the country , are we stuck with 4 more years of Stephen ? That would be very sad .
Burke's concept of an organic society, with its overtones of metaphor, is still part of conservative ideology. Contemporary conservatives are not as big on the monarchy as Burke was, but the heterosexual family still plays an important role in that ideology. Witness Stephen Harper today wheeling in his very personable family to the election fray. And the family has been promised important benefits by each party. Too bad if you're single.
specific_points:2 personal_story:1 dialogue:1
no_non_con:2 unsubstantial:1
teasing:2 personal_attack:1
Burkes concept of an organic society , with its overtones of metaphor , is still part of conservative ideology . Contemporary conservatives are not as big on the monarchy as Burke was , but the heterosexual family still plays an important role in that ideology . Witness Stephen Harper today wheeling in his very personable family to the election fray . And the family has been promised important benefits by each party . Too bad if youre single .
How do you think the banks would react if 10 years into your mortgage, you said 'It's not fair - I'm not paying any more'. Even though YOU signed the mortgage saying you would pay this amount of money over this amount of time. Benefits are part of the contract that is signed as part of an employment agreement. Usually they are in lieu of some other benefit - often instead of pay increases. I don't think bankable sick days are a good position for a government to have AGREED to but agree they did and the courts won't let them change this. If they want to change it, do it through negotiation of the collective agreement and quit trying to 'change the channel' away from the deep hole the CONS now find themselves in.BTW, the bank will take your house if you stop paying your mortgage
specific_points:3 evidence:2 solution:1 dialogue:1
inflammatory:3 abusive:1 personal_attack:1 teasing:1
How do you think the banks would react if 10 years into your mortgage , you said Its not fair - Im not paying any more . Even though YOU signed the mortgage saying you would pay this amount of money over this amount of time . Benefits are part of the contract that is signed as part of an employment agreement . Usually they are in lieu of some other benefit - often instead of pay increases . I dont think bankable sick days are a good position for a government to have AGREED to but agree they did and the courts wont let them change this . If they want to change it , do it through negotiation of the collective agreement and quit trying to change the channel away from the deep hole the CONS now find themselves in.BTW , the bank will take your house if you stop paying your mortgage
I see examples of this every day in Ontario, it is so easy to receive ODSP and from there they progress to CPP disability program. They scam the system on a regular basis and nothing is done. Its the Left mantra any-one should have access to income because its just the right thing to do.
personal_story:2 specific_points:1
no_non_con:2 no_respect:1
teasing:2 embarrassment:2
I see examples of this every day in Ontario , it is so easy to receive ODSP and from there they progress to CPP disability program . They scam the system on a regular basis and nothing is done . Its the Left mantra any-one should have access to income because its just the right thing to do .
This article is ridiculous and why is she only talking about men? Women have also under gone many of the same employment issues. The writer makes too much of a bleak situation without any hope. I myself have undergone 2 layoffs due to new technology. But I have also found self employment in work that is not my preference but I'm somehow staying afloat for now. Also I am in my 50s and hope one day to be able to create my dream job!
dialogue:1 evidence:1 specific_points:1 personal_story:1
no_non_con:1 sarcastic:1 no_respect:1
personal_attack:2 inflammatory:1 teasing:1 no_toxic:1
This article is ridiculous and why is she only talking about men ? Women have also under gone many of the same employment issues . The writer makes too much of a bleak situation without any hope . I myself have undergone 2 layoffs due to new technology . But I have also found self employment in work that is not my preference but Im somehow staying afloat for now . Also I am in my 50s and hope one day to be able to create my dream job !
I should not be surprised how the main stream media has harboured lies and such, You would have to be bordering on insanity to vote for Hilary. I know that most Canadians actually believe in their government which is a crime in itself. Trump is pretty much the closest candidate that has some Real economic connection and reality towards the people . Unlike politicians of the past he is actually interested in American sovereignty which is not what all the past leaders have been doing. It was a harsh reality when Trump stood up and told the people that your Government is a corrupt scam , truth hurt don't it. But that is what precisely what needed to be said because it is True. Its no secret anymore that media outlets have been working very closely with large corporations and massaging news articles to fit the narrative. Honestly until the people on a huge scale wake up, Journalism will continue to be another controlled entity
specific_points:3 evidence:2 solution:1 personal_story:1
teasing:2 abusive:1 personal_attack:1
I should not be surprised how the main stream media has harboured lies and such , You would have to be bordering on insanity to vote for Hilary . I know that most Canadians actually believe in their government which is a crime in itself . Trump is pretty much the closest candidate that has some Real economic connection and reality towards the people . Unlike politicians of the past he is actually interested in American sovereignty which is not what all the past leaders have been doing . It was a harsh reality when Trump stood up and told the people that your Government is a corrupt scam , truth hurt dont it . But that is what precisely what needed to be said because it is True . Its no secret anymore that media outlets have been working very closely with large corporations and massaging news articles to fit the narrative . Honestly until the people on a huge scale wake up , Journalism will continue to be another controlled entity
Trump lacks the knowledge and temperament for the Presidency, but he also lacks basic empathy, understanding, experience or knowledge of anyone or anything outside his bubble of protected wealth. He feels laws, basic civility and rules don't apply to him. He doesn't care about morals, ethics, or virtues. He takes but never gives. He mocks, but never cares about the pain he imposes on others. He never lacks for anything material, but it is never enough for him — he wants more. He wants respect, but never grants it. He is a complete failure as a human being and God help America and the world if he ever becomes President.
specific_points:2 evidence:2 no_con:1
sarcastic:1 provocative:1 no_non_con:1
personal_attack:2 embarrassment:1
Trump lacks the knowledge and temperament for the Presidency , but he also lacks basic empathy , understanding , experience or knowledge of anyone or anything outside his bubble of protected wealth . He feels laws , basic civility and rules dont apply to him . He doesnt care about morals , ethics , or virtues . He takes but never gives . He mocks , but never cares about the pain he imposes on others . He never lacks for anything material , but it is never enough for him — he wants more . He wants respect , but never grants it . He is a complete failure as a human being and God help America and the world if he ever becomes President .
After ten dark years, we finally have a principled government with the courage to make the right decision on the important matter. It would be much easier to follow some war mongering world leaders, grandstand and have a photo opportunity with the big boys.
evidence:2 dialogue:2 personal_story:1 specific_points:1
no_non_con:2 provocative:1
teasing:2 inflammatory:1 no_toxic:1 personal_attack:1 embarrassment:1
After ten dark years , we finally have a principled government with the courage to make the right decision on the important matter . It would be much easier to follow some war mongering world leaders , grandstand and have a photo opportunity with the big boys .
If Harper had installed thousands of Ground troops, the Liberal selfie boy and his herd of followers, would have been nagging to have them all replaced with Jets. It's all ready been proven ground troops produce captures, and be headingsbut I suppose that is better news. Plus ground wars tend to last much longer.
dialogue:1 personal_story:1 solution:1 specific_points:1
no_non_con:2 unsubstantial:1
teasing:2 embarrassment:1
If Harper had installed thousands of Ground troops , the Liberal selfie boy and his herd of followers , would have been nagging to have them all replaced with Jets . Its all ready been proven ground troops produce captures , and be headingsbut I suppose that is better news . Plus ground wars tend to last much longer .
We rightfully condemn the loss of innocent lives in Paris. When we launch air strikes on ISIS, how many innocent civilians die? What percentage of the casualties had no part in fighting for ISIS? We cannot know for certain, but over the course of these bombing missions, no doubt thousands and thousands of such people have died. Are we not, then participating in acts of terror by participating in these missions? Where is the outrage and grief for the innocent lives lost?
specific_points:3 evidence:1
personal_attack:2 inflammatory:2 teasing:1 embarrassment:1
We rightfully condemn the loss of innocent lives in Paris . When we launch air strikes on ISIS , how many innocent civilians die ? What percentage of the casualties had no part in fighting for ISIS ? We can not know for certain , but over the course of these bombing missions , no doubt thousands and thousands of such people have died . Are we not , then participating in acts of terror by participating in these missions ? Where is the outrage and grief for the innocent lives lost ?
Okay rule number 1, a good leader does not blame their staff for the error. Own up to it (you knew) and lead by example. The fact that you applaud her for looking into it is beyond ridiculous.
specific_points:2 personal_story:1 solution:1
no_non_con:1 unsubstantial:1 provocative:1
teasing:3 personal_attack:1 inflammatory:1
Okay rule number 1 , a good leader does not blame their staff for the error . Own up to it ( you knew ) and lead by example . The fact that you applaud her for looking into it is beyond ridiculous .
Here is an important reminder for all the Conservatives who are so concerned about the spending habits of the Trudeau government. Over the combined 18 year period of their terms as Prime Minister, Brian Mulroney (9yrs, $293.5 billion in additional debt) and Stephen Harper (9 yrs, $168 billion in additional debt) are responsible for nearly 75% of Canada's accumulated $631 billion total national debt. Based on that pathetic record.......attempting to criticize the spending record of the current government is laughable!!
solution:2 specific_points:2 evidence:2 personal_story:1
no_non_con:2 sarcastic:1 provocative:1
personal_attack:2 no_toxic:1 abusive:1 inflammatory:1
Here is an important reminder for all the Conservatives who are so concerned about the spending habits of the Trudeau government . Over the combined 18 year period of their terms as Prime Minister , Brian Mulroney ( 9yrs , $ 293.5 billion in additional debt ) and Stephen Harper ( 9 yrs , $ 168 billion in additional debt ) are responsible for nearly 75 % of Canadas accumulated $ 631 billion total national debt . Based on that pathetic record ... ... .attempting to criticize the spending record of the current government is laughable ! !
Trump scarier than Clinton? Trump despite all his faults is a successful businessman, and malleable. He is not out to make money (probably losing money in terms of his brand value with this, definitely for giving up the Apprentice) or peddle influence. He already backed down on torture, and without saying it directly, is for universal healthcare ('will not let anyone die in the streets').Hillary on the other hand is under investigation, and if was not the State Secretary, would have been indicted. In my company you would have lost your job without question for doing what she did with the server and emails. And look how well government is working now. You can blame the GOP all you want, but the Prez has been a Dem. She is so part of the establishment, taken so much money from Goldman Sachs, the average American is SOL if she gets into power. At least you know with Trump the elitist establishment is really really afraid of him.
specific_points:2 evidence:2 personal_story:1
no_non_con:2 no_respect:1 provocative:1
personal_attack:2 no_toxic:1 inflammatory:1
Trump scarier than Clinton ? Trump despite all his faults is a successful businessman , and malleable . He is not out to make money ( probably losing money in terms of his brand value with this , definitely for giving up the Apprentice ) or peddle influence . He already backed down on torture , and without saying it directly , is for universal healthcare ( will not let anyone die in the streets ) .Hillary on the other hand is under investigation , and if was not the State Secretary , would have been indicted . In my company you would have lost your job without question for doing what she did with the server and emails . And look how well government is working now . You can blame the GOP all you want , but the Prez has been a Dem . She is so part of the establishment , taken so much money from Goldman Sachs , the average American is SOL if she gets into power . At least you know with Trump the elitist establishment is really really afraid of him .
Pastor Manning needs to stop braying platitudes. And painting all other parties as irresponsible and conservatives as moral saviours doesn't help his cause. Harper's doctrine of Infallibility and Absolute Correctness is what did him in.And it's really desperate to accuse Chretien of stealing Reform's platform. Balancing budgets is just good managerial sense. However, it's insane to think you can balance budgets during bad times and crazy to think you give away surpluses during good times. Also, Manning was NOT the father of the Clarity Act. Manning liked to bray '50% + 1' when discussing Quebec nationalism as if that made any constitutional sense. The actual solution was a Clear Question and a Clear Majority. Manning might be the metaphor for Tory Optics. He's had so many makeovers you'd be hardpressed to guess he's 73. But, you know what they say about putting lipstick on a pig...
specific_points:2 evidence:1 dialogue:1
teasing:3 personal_attack:1 inflammatory:1 embarrassment:1
Pastor Manning needs to stop braying platitudes . And painting all other parties as irresponsible and conservatives as moral saviours doesnt help his cause . Harpers doctrine of Infallibility and Absolute Correctness is what did him in.And its really desperate to accuse Chretien of stealing Reforms platform . Balancing budgets is just good managerial sense . However , its insane to think you can balance budgets during bad times and crazy to think you give away surpluses during good times . Also , Manning was NOT the father of the Clarity Act . Manning liked to bray 50 % + 1 when discussing Quebec nationalism as if that made any constitutional sense . The actual solution was a Clear Question and a Clear Majority . Manning might be the metaphor for Tory Optics . Hes had so many makeovers youd be hardpressed to guess hes 73 . But , you know what they say about putting lipstick on a pig ...
This situation is an opportunity to try to fix the trainwreck that are our 'human rights commissions'. This is what Prof. Grayson was referring to in his article. Right now this is going on in our public school system: Boys in front Girls in back Menstruating girls.... stay home. In Canada. Today. www. www. can this go on in Canada?? And the Ontario government has turned a blind eye to it because of fear, and votes, pure and simple. In this case we had a professor to speak for women. Who speaks for those girls? Do we want to live in Afghanistan? Or Canada. Where is our great female 'liberal' premier on this issue? Crickets...
dialogue:1 evidence:1 specific_points:1
no_non_con:2 provocative:1
personal_attack:2 inflammatory:2 teasing:1 embarrassment:1
This situation is an opportunity to try to fix the trainwreck that are our human rights commissions . This is what Prof. Grayson was referring to in his article . Right now this is going on in our public school system : Boys in front Girls in back Menstruating girls ... . stay home . In Canada . Today . www . www . can this go on in Canada ? ? And the Ontario government has turned a blind eye to it because of fear , and votes , pure and simple . In this case we had a professor to speak for women . Who speaks for those girls ? Do we want to live in Afghanistan ? Or Canada . Where is our great female liberal premier on this issue ? Crickets ...
This issue has been blown out of all proportion. It's an academic problem and shouldn't have anything to do with religion or human rights. If it's decided to teach a course and a subject curriculum has been established, then it should be fully spelled out. It will be on-line or not. It will have requirements and prerequisites that have to be met. If it is on-line then travel is no problem but if inter-action with other students is required, such as in this case, then the course is not entirely on-line. The student has the choice of taking the course as presented or not. Would a student be able to say, 'I want to take a mathematics course but I don't want to deal with numbers or I want to learn to read and write but I don't like the alphabet you're using. Spell out what is required to take the course, stick to it and then these other issues don't arise. Use some logic. I taught and created courses as a professor for years and this seems pretty simple. It never should have happened.
specific_points:2 evidence:1
no_non_con:2 unsubstantial:1
inflammatory:2 personal_attack:1 teasing:1 embarrassment:1 no_toxic:1
This issue has been blown out of all proportion . Its an academic problem and shouldnt have anything to do with religion or human rights . If its decided to teach a course and a subject curriculum has been established , then it should be fully spelled out . It will be on-line or not . It will have requirements and prerequisites that have to be met . If it is on-line then travel is no problem but if inter-action with other students is required , such as in this case , then the course is not entirely on-line . The student has the choice of taking the course as presented or not . Would a student be able to say , I want to take a mathematics course but I dont want to deal with numbers or I want to learn to read and write but I dont like the alphabet youre using . Spell out what is required to take the course , stick to it and then these other issues dont arise . Use some logic . I taught and created courses as a professor for years and this seems pretty simple . It never should have happened .
Canadian values? I agree with the globe on this - it's double talk. What people who speak like this want you to think is 'Christian values' you know the ones that led to child abuse by Catolic preists and what the church did to natives is and/was unforgivable. This is not to say all Chritians are bad but I'm sick of self righteous nasty people pretending they are morally superior when they are clearly not. I don't want your religion I got the Tragically hip. What we do have are principles: defined in our Constitution: law order and good government. I don't need aggressive Christians nor a government to tell me what 'good' is. As citizens of the True North we can make that decision for ourselves.
specific_points:2 solution:1 dialogue:1
personal_attack:2 embarrassment:2 no_toxic:1 teasing:1
Canadian values ? I agree with the globe on this - its double talk . What people who speak like this want you to think is Christian values you know the ones that led to child abuse by Catolic preists and what the church did to natives is and/was unforgivable . This is not to say all Chritians are bad but Im sick of self righteous nasty people pretending they are morally superior when they are clearly not . I dont want your religion I got the Tragically hip . What we do have are principles : defined in our Constitution : law order and good government . I dont need aggressive Christians nor a government to tell me what good is . As citizens of the True North we can make that decision for ourselves .
I didn't know Mr. Ford so I can't speak a word about him. I can speak to the point the author of this article is making as I've seen it time and again. I've seen so many good people treated badly by others while alive and once they die, all of a sudden, all these good things are being said about this person from the very people who put them down before death. Talk about hypocrites! I have written my own obituary and have even named certain people in it who I know will do the same but I will expose them in my death. Either care for a person genuinly while alive or stay away and keep your mouth shut!
evidence:2 specific_points:2 personal_story:2
no_non_con:2 sarcastic:1
teasing:2 personal_attack:2 embarrassment:1
I didnt know Mr. Ford so I cant speak a word about him . I can speak to the point the author of this article is making as Ive seen it time and again . Ive seen so many good people treated badly by others while alive and once they die , all of a sudden , all these good things are being said about this person from the very people who put them down before death . Talk about hypocrites ! I have written my own obituary and have even named certain people in it who I know will do the same but I will expose them in my death . Either care for a person genuinly while alive or stay away and keep your mouth shut !
I find this commentary ridiculous. I have great sympathy for people with addiction problems, but there is also a need for them -as with everyone - to take responsibility for their actions and choices. It is not clear to me that infantilizing people for whom the only real cure is making different choices is helpful or useful to anyone. Rob Ford's death is a loss because the death of anyone is a loss. It is a tragedy because he is a man who did a lot with his life and may have been able to do more. But, at the same time, his contribution to politics in Canada was not positive. I agree that it is disingenuous and hypocritical to pretend that it was, if anyone is doing that. The man needed to take responsibility for his actions and his decisions, particularly because he was a political leader who had influence on others. Given his status and position, if he was a slave to his addictions, then he was incapable of performing the responsibilities of his office.
specific_points:2 no_con:1 evidence:1 dialogue:1
no_non_con:2 unsubstantial:1
inflammatory:2 teasing:1 no_toxic:1 personal_attack:1
I find this commentary ridiculous . I have great sympathy for people with addiction problems , but there is also a need for them -as with everyone - to take responsibility for their actions and choices . It is not clear to me that infantilizing people for whom the only real cure is making different choices is helpful or useful to anyone . Rob Fords death is a loss because the death of anyone is a loss . It is a tragedy because he is a man who did a lot with his life and may have been able to do more . But , at the same time , his contribution to politics in Canada was not positive . I agree that it is disingenuous and hypocritical to pretend that it was , if anyone is doing that . The man needed to take responsibility for his actions and his decisions , particularly because he was a political leader who had influence on others . Given his status and position , if he was a slave to his addictions , then he was incapable of performing the responsibilities of his office .
At least my mailer from Russ Heibert ...will not ask me about abortion I guess. You see Russ is a muzzled and gutless backbencher thats lacks the courage of his conviction. He said during election debates that his opinion on abortion ' the same as the Liberals ' hmmmm.... like I said gutless.
personal_story:3 dialogue:1
no_non_con:2 unsubstantial:1
personal_attack:2 inflammatory:1 teasing:1 abusive:1 embarrassment:1
At least my mailer from Russ Heibert ... will not ask me about abortion I guess . You see Russ is a muzzled and gutless backbencher thats lacks the courage of his conviction . He said during election debates that his opinion on abortion the same as the Liberals hmmmm ... . like I said gutless .
In Ontario we seem to care little about carbon production. Two gas plants were cancelled because people would rather have their electric power transmitted hundreds of KM's rather than have the power produced where it's needed. A lot of loss over those lines, means more gas burned to produce power that serves no purpose. Others whine that the wind turbines spoil their view. We're a long way from accepting higher costs to accomplish, in the grand scheme, nothing.
specific_points:2 solution:1 evidence:1 personal_story:1
inflammatory:2 no_toxic:1
In Ontario we seem to care little about carbon production . Two gas plants were cancelled because people would rather have their electric power transmitted hundreds of KMs rather than have the power produced where its needed . A lot of loss over those lines , means more gas burned to produce power that serves no purpose . Others whine that the wind turbines spoil their view . Were a long way from accepting higher costs to accomplish , in the grand scheme , nothing .
The Harper government certainly has nothing to be proud of.They are the largest spending government in Canadian history. They raised Canada's debt by 150 billion. They are not fiscally responsible, free market, or conservative. The Harper government appears to be what I have said since 2008 a syncretic, faux-conservative government. That is why I have gotten away from the major parties. Minor parties and independents based on what Beppe Grillo helped usher in in Italy is what I am looking for.
specific_points:4 solution:1 evidence:1
teasing:2 embarrassment:2 personal_attack:1
The Harper government certainly has nothing to be proud of.They are the largest spending government in Canadian history . They raised Canadas debt by 150 billion . They are not fiscally responsible , free market , or conservative . The Harper government appears to be what I have said since 2008 a syncretic , faux-conservative government . That is why I have gotten away from the major parties . Minor parties and independents based on what Beppe Grillo helped usher in in Italy is what I am looking for .
In a way, a very close race between the Liberals and the Conservatives is needed in order to convince those who would vote NDP, Green or Bloc to reconsider their voting intention on polling day. If the Liberals were ahead by too much, many would not think twice and vote for a third party that has no chance of forming the next government. This voter will hold his nose and vote Liberal, despite the Justin factor, because the previous Liberal administrations (Chrétien/Martin) did leave the country stronger when they left, despite their goofy sponsorship shenanigans. One may hope that middle-of-the-road influences in Mr Trudeau's entourage will produce a government that will not be as bad as the current one.
specific_points:3 evidence:3 dialogue:2 solution:1
teasing:2 no_toxic:1 personal_attack:1 inflammatory:1 embarrassment:1
In a way , a very close race between the Liberals and the Conservatives is needed in order to convince those who would vote NDP , Green or Bloc to reconsider their voting intention on polling day . If the Liberals were ahead by too much , many would not think twice and vote for a third party that has no chance of forming the next government . This voter will hold his nose and vote Liberal , despite the Justin factor , because the previous Liberal administrations ( Chrétien/Martin ) did leave the country stronger when they left , despite their goofy sponsorship shenanigans . One may hope that middle-of-the-road influences in Mr Trudeaus entourage will produce a government that will not be as bad as the current one .
I see why the Media are concerned about Young Master Trudeau. It appears that he is doing nothing and and not up on the stage dancing around and telling lies like the Conservatives. But the take away from all this should be... Did Churchill confront the Germans head on starting at the moment war was declared? No . It took years to mount a proper battle that was won by the Allies. There were diversions and misdirection's used to throw off the Germans. This strategy is tried and true. The media will need to wait for the Liberal Battle to begin. It will no doubt build as soon as an election is called. If Harper calls an election on his balanced budget that will be the worst case for Trudeau ...but policies are ready and the dirt is ready should the election slide into a sideshow of negativity. Don't underestimate the power of the liberal machine. There is lots of talent and the Tories have given them lots of ammunition. 70% of Canadians see through Harpers manipulations. Harper could win a Minority out of his bred in the bone base of 30%. But that will only be the beginning of the end result of the of the election. The election is just a warning shot.
specific_points:5 evidence:3 solution:2 dialogue:1
no_non_con:6 unsubstantial:1 provocative:1
personal_attack:2 teasing:2 embarrassment:2 no_toxic:1 inflammatory:1 abusive:1
I see why the Media are concerned about Young Master Trudeau . It appears that he is doing nothing and and not up on the stage dancing around and telling lies like the Conservatives . But the take away from all this should be ... Did Churchill confront the Germans head on starting at the moment war was declared ? No . It took years to mount a proper battle that was won by the Allies . There were diversions and misdirections used to throw off the Germans . This strategy is tried and true . The media will need to wait for the Liberal Battle to begin . It will no doubt build as soon as an election is called . If Harper calls an election on his balanced budget that will be the worst case for Trudeau ... but policies are ready and the dirt is ready should the election slide into a sideshow of negativity . Dont underestimate the power of the liberal machine . There is lots of talent and the Tories have given them lots of ammunition . 70 % of Canadians see through Harpers manipulations . Harper could win a Minority out of his bred in the bone base of 30 % . But that will only be the beginning of the end result of the of the election . The election is just a warning shot .
The Liberals don't just need a shakeup, they need a new leader, someone with brains, and they need new policies (any policy at all, really). But most of all, they need to get rid of the Ontario Liberals running the party. These people have destroyed Ontario's finances, lied and deceived and sold out the taxpayer and ratepayer to their cronies, unions and special interests. If they get their hooks into Canada's public money, they will set us back decades, like they did in Ontario.
personal_attack:3 inflammatory:1 teasing:1 embarrassment:1
The Liberals dont just need a shakeup , they need a new leader , someone with brains , and they need new policies ( any policy at all , really ) . But most of all , they need to get rid of the Ontario Liberals running the party . These people have destroyed Ontarios finances , lied and deceived and sold out the taxpayer and ratepayer to their cronies , unions and special interests . If they get their hooks into Canadas public money , they will set us back decades , like they did in Ontario .
Who cares whether there is a game plane.. As long as the Prime Minister and his fellow Ministers are communicating, and utilizing the Civil Service that's fine with me; its sure a lot better than being advised of sudden government policy decisions from someone 10,000 miles away. This author is just splitting the issue. Now one can assume the reason Conservatives don't want to talk to the media is because they are conservative and cannot handle change, complexities and divergent trends.
specific_points:2 solution:1 dialogue:1
inflammatory:2 teasing:2 embarrassment:2 no_toxic:1 personal_attack:1
Who cares whether there is a game plane.. As long as the Prime Minister and his fellow Ministers are communicating , and utilizing the Civil Service thats fine with me ; its sure a lot better than being advised of sudden government policy decisions from someone 10,000 miles away . This author is just splitting the issue . Now one can assume the reason Conservatives dont want to talk to the media is because they are conservative and can not handle change , complexities and divergent trends .
Americans still cherish their constitution’s separation of governmental powers.'Sure, they may 'cherish' them, but they also go about their work and lives, unaware, or uncomplaining when 'governmental powers' kill American citizens (and others) without due process of law, without arrest, trail, etc., all for 'counter-terrorism.' America doesn't need to fear a few 'militiamen' squatting on federal land in Oregon. It needs to fear the death-warrant-signing President and his 'secret ops' killers on the ground and their drones in the skies. The 'politics of fear' the writer talks about aren't the sole perview of Republicans on the campaign trail. And as for the assertion that 'Anti-elitism can be fanned by vast individual wealth, because elitism is defined less by financial clout than by education.' Well, that statement just proves the point that anybody--even a 'professor of democracy, human rights and journalism'--can be misled. You need only consider Donald Trump. My case: those who wallow in Trump-mania forget his WEALTH makes HIM the elite, and, fruthermore, most of the maniacal couldn't give a fig about education. This is the 'show me the money' era, as never before (yeah,yeah, I know: Carnagie, Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, but...) consider the money made by 21st century ATHLETES, who, in addition to everything else, receive multi-million dollar signing bonuses. Unheard of in the 19th or early 20th century...'Angry people swayed by the populist message are angrier at liberal professors, clever bankers or skeptical journalists than they are at multi-billionaires.' Hmm, maybe Mr. Buruma is feeling the heat, but most other professors aren't. Neither are most 'sceptical journalists'--at least not from an 'angry' populace. Why? Because the angry populace just... doesn' about them. Clever bankers? Yes, THOSE people are definitely in the 'cross hairs.' Not to say 'skeptical journalists' don't have people to fear. They do--people in power. NOT the angry powerless. If 'angry people' are enraged at Barack Obama, it's not because of the color of his skin (who cares, today?) nor his 'education', but simply because he seems deaf and dumb to the factors that cause people their fear: personal job loss and financial ruin, drugs, terrorist crazies amongst them, violent crazies amongst them. You know, that stuff.
specific_points:3 solution:1 evidence:1 dialogue:1
provocative:2 no_non_con:1 sarcastic:1
inflammatory:2 personal_attack:2 abusive:1
Americans still cherish their constitution ’ s separation of governmental powers.Sure , they may cherish them , but they also go about their work and lives , unaware , or uncomplaining when governmental powers kill American citizens ( and others ) without due process of law , without arrest , trail , etc. , all for counter-terrorism . America doesnt need to fear a few militiamen squatting on federal land in Oregon . It needs to fear the death-warrant-signing President and his secret ops killers on the ground and their drones in the skies . The politics of fear the writer talks about arent the sole perview of Republicans on the campaign trail . And as for the assertion that Anti-elitism can be fanned by vast individual wealth , because elitism is defined less by financial clout than by education . Well , that statement just proves the point that anybody -- even a professor of democracy , human rights and journalism -- can be misled . You need only consider Donald Trump . My case : those who wallow in Trump-mania forget his WEALTH makes HIM the elite , and , fruthermore , most of the maniacal couldnt give a fig about education . This is the show me the money era , as never before ( yeah , yeah , I know : Carnagie , Vanderbilt , Rockefeller , but ... ) consider the money made by 21st century ATHLETES , who , in addition to everything else , receive multi-million dollar signing bonuses . Unheard of in the 19th or early 20th century ... Angry people swayed by the populist message are angrier at liberal professors , clever bankers or skeptical journalists than they are at multi-billionaires . Hmm , maybe Mr. Buruma is feeling the heat , but most other professors arent . Neither are most sceptical journalists -- at least not from an angry populace . Why ? Because the angry populace just ... doesnt ... care about them . Clever bankers ? Yes , THOSE people are definitely in the cross hairs . Not to say skeptical journalists dont have people to fear . They do -- people in power . NOT the angry powerless . If angry people are enraged at Barack Obama , its not because of the color of his skin ( who cares , today ? ) nor his education , but simply because he seems deaf and dumb to the factors that cause people their fear : personal job loss and financial ruin , drugs , terrorist crazies amongst them , violent crazies amongst them . You know , that stuff .
A Boy Named Sault 19 minutes ago : '...This election is going to become a duel of 'the least worst' choice for Canadians.'You would have to go back to Mulroney to see a time were Canadians were actually voting 'for' something as opposed to avoiding a worse car crash. Chretien ran three elections on 'I'm not Mulroney' (and yeah the clarity act - the one good piece of legislation passed in 10 years).Harper and the Conservatives were originially elected for NOT being the caught-with-their-hands-in-the-till Liberals. They have subsequently won their following elections as the alternatives ranged from inneffective, to unthinkable. The upcoming? The NDP is unthinkable, and Trudeau needs more seasoning, to see what he is really made of.
no_con:1 dialogue:1 evidence:1
no_toxic:1 teasing:1 personal_attack:1 inflammatory:1
A Boy Named Sault 19 minutes ago : ... This election is going to become a duel of the least worst choice for Canadians.You would have to go back to Mulroney to see a time were Canadians were actually voting for something as opposed to avoiding a worse car crash . Chretien ran three elections on Im not Mulroney ( and yeah the clarity act - the one good piece of legislation passed in 10 years ) .Harper and the Conservatives were originially elected for NOT being the caught-with-their-hands-in-the-till Liberals . They have subsequently won their following elections as the alternatives ranged from inneffective , to unthinkable . The upcoming ? The NDP is unthinkable , and Trudeau needs more seasoning , to see what he is really made of .
I know that their intellects are severely limited, but we might have thought that their memories were a bit better -- Harper fans who bemoan their boy's tough time with the media should remember that the very man he replaced in office, Paul Martin, was made to pay the price for the financial scandals of the Chretien years, some thought unfairly. Believe it or not, a leader does have to answer to such things. It's not persecution, it's taking responsibility.
specific_points:3 dialogue:2 evidence:1
no_non_con:2 provocative:1
no_toxic:2 personal_attack:1
I know that their intellects are severely limited , but we might have thought that their memories were a bit better -- Harper fans who bemoan their boys tough time with the media should remember that the very man he replaced in office , Paul Martin , was made to pay the price for the financial scandals of the Chretien years , some thought unfairly . Believe it or not , a leader does have to answer to such things . Its not persecution , its taking responsibility .
Its interesting that reader are allowed to post comment on this piece, yet comments were clossed on the op ed piece by the writer Mark Hayden on the same issue, in his newspaper, from a day or so earlier. What gives? A lawsuit? A desire to focus attention on the regular columnit piece... this one.....or to ensure there would be no commentary on the Hayden article. Which i thought was more than a bit sanctimonious in its attitude. Who are we to judge the ancestry of others.....while Mr.Boyden's actual specific links to his first nations heritage may not be as strong as for others, like Mr. Hayden.....i dont believe for a momen that Mr. Boyden doent have first nations culture in his heritage. And even if he did not , it doesnt take away his talent as a writer, which is based on imagination, talent with words and plot and narrative, with much research. Denying Mr. Boydens talent and the quality of his works is mean-spirited, just as is disparaging the works of Grey Owl and others..
specific_points:3 dialogue:2 evidence:1
no_toxic:2 personal_attack:1 inflammatory:1
Its interesting that reader are allowed to post comment on this piece , yet comments were clossed on the op ed piece by the writer Mark Hayden on the same issue , in his newspaper , from a day or so earlier . What gives ? A lawsuit ? A desire to focus attention on the regular columnit piece ... this one ... ..or to ensure there would be no commentary on the Hayden article . Which i thought was more than a bit sanctimonious in its attitude . Who are we to judge the ancestry of others ... ..while Mr.Boydens actual specific links to his first nations heritage may not be as strong as for others , like Mr. Hayden ... ..i dont believe for a momen that Mr. Boyden doent have first nations culture in his heritage . And even if he did not , it doesnt take away his talent as a writer , which is based on imagination , talent with words and plot and narrative , with much research . Denying Mr. Boydens talent and the quality of his works is mean-spirited , just as is disparaging the works of Grey Owl and others..
The author is off on several fronts. He claims Obama looked like an African American but was not one growing up. Unfortunately the man grew up in a society that does not look at the person's background but at his appearance. Recently his wife was called an ape by a public official. If I'm missing Konrad's thesis, it's because it's tied up in so many knots to be impenetrable. The author then claims Boyden's only sin was being overenthusiastic about a heritage he may or may not have inherited. Doublespeak much?! One can write intelligently and with sensitivity about a community by immersing himself into a culture - while acknowledging they remain an outsider. The ethics of Boyden's claims aside, I feel he may have usurped the awards and bursaries that should have gone to someone else. It is theft.
specific_points:3 dialogue:2
personal_attack:1 inflammatory:1 no_toxic:1 teasing:1
The author is off on several fronts . He claims Obama looked like an African American but was not one growing up . Unfortunately the man grew up in a society that does not look at the persons background but at his appearance . Recently his wife was called an ape by a public official . If Im missing Konrads thesis , its because its tied up in so many knots to be impenetrable . The author then claims Boydens only sin was being overenthusiastic about a heritage he may or may not have inherited . Doublespeak much ? ! One can write intelligently and with sensitivity about a community by immersing himself into a culture - while acknowledging they remain an outsider . The ethics of Boydens claims aside , I feel he may have usurped the awards and bursaries that should have gone to someone else . It is theft .
She suggests that we do not know what she does for us. I do know what she did.• Gave $500,000 to Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment – one of the richest sports franchises in North America for nothing in return.• Renewed a monopoly for foreign firms on beer distribution with no benefits to taxpayers or beer drinkers.• Created a system where we have one of the highest costs of electricity in North America. Terrible for attracting industry. No problem, just give industries tax payer funded subsidies.
specific_points:2 dialogue:2 personal_story:1
no_toxic:2 inflammatory:1 teasing:1 embarrassment:1
She suggests that we do not know what she does for us . I do know what she did.• Gave $ 500,000 to Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment – one of the richest sports franchises in North America for nothing in return.• Renewed a monopoly for foreign firms on beer distribution with no benefits to taxpayers or beer drinkers.• Created a system where we have one of the highest costs of electricity in North America . Terrible for attracting industry . No problem , just give industries tax payer funded subsidies .
Peter Mansbridge's interview revealed a lot about Justin Trudeau's ability! On Thursday night Mansbridge had the 'at issue' panel jumping like trained seals and he was the walrus. It was all about manipulating the panel not to dwell on Justin's mistake. As an example Coyne congratulated Peter for a good interview and the taxpayer foots the bill for this! What is it now, 1.2 billion?
specific_points:2 dialogue:1
no_non_con:2 sarcastic:1
personal_attack:1 no_toxic:1 teasing:1
Peter Mansbridges interview revealed a lot about Justin Trudeaus ability ! On Thursday night Mansbridge had the at issue panel jumping like trained seals and he was the walrus . It was all about manipulating the panel not to dwell on Justins mistake . As an example Coyne congratulated Peter for a good interview and the taxpayer foots the bill for this ! What is it now , 1.2 billion ?
It was ill timed to use a tragedy to score political points fomenting division rather than fostering unity. But not everyone in the school yard can be expected to understand propriety and appropriateness - therefore Mr. Trudeau is playing the role of parent and adult in the room - and I commend him for exercising a modicum of patience with these types. What is interesting is that Mr. Trudeau's words about prevention, having a proactive security establishment, but also an engaged citizenry by ensuring that fear and distrust doesn't drive people apart - proved almost prophetic. For example, Trudeau points out that you can never evacuate every single mall or public event. The state can't provide security without engaging the people. Both in Boston and in other recent examples, it was actually private citizens who provided the vital tips that alerted law enforcement and led to apprehension.
specific_points:6 solution:2 evidence:2 dialogue:1
no_non_con:4 no_respect:2
personal_attack:2 teasing:2 embarrassment:2 no_toxic:1 inflammatory:1
It was ill timed to use a tragedy to score political points fomenting division rather than fostering unity . But not everyone in the school yard can be expected to understand propriety and appropriateness - therefore Mr. Trudeau is playing the role of parent and adult in the room - and I commend him for exercising a modicum of patience with these types . What is interesting is that Mr. Trudeaus words about prevention , having a proactive security establishment , but also an engaged citizenry by ensuring that fear and distrust doesnt drive people apart - proved almost prophetic . For example , Trudeau points out that you can never evacuate every single mall or public event . The state cant provide security without engaging the people . Both in Boston and in other recent examples , it was actually private citizens who provided the vital tips that alerted law enforcement and led to apprehension .
Many will use the by-elections to castigate PM Harper, and point to this or that 'scandal'. But I suspect that, after 7 years, it may be as simple a matter as the Conservative party having run out of fresh ideas that appeal to voters, and capture their imagnation; something that happens to all parties eventually, given enough time. The most recent omnibus bill is something akin to one of those envelopes of coupons one gets in the mail. And, much like those envelopes containing a broad array of coupons to appeal to all possible consumers, there isn't much to inspire. Not that the other parties have drastically *more* to offer that compels, but one can see voters thinking 'Hmmm, I wonder what *else* is out there?'.
specific_points:3 evidence:3 solution:1
teasing:2 no_toxic:1 embarrassment:1
Many will use the by-elections to castigate PM Harper , and point to this or that scandal . But I suspect that , after 7 years , it may be as simple a matter as the Conservative party having run out of fresh ideas that appeal to voters , and capture their imagnation ; something that happens to all parties eventually , given enough time . The most recent omnibus bill is something akin to one of those envelopes of coupons one gets in the mail . And , much like those envelopes containing a broad array of coupons to appeal to all possible consumers , there isnt much to inspire . Not that the other parties have drastically *more* to offer that compels , but one can see voters thinking Hmmm , I wonder what *else* is out there ? .
If I read the results correctly, the Liberals won 2 seats and so did the Conservatives. So much for polling. Now that the NDP are deemed irrelevant by the media, the focus will be on the Liberals and their policies. Just wait for it will not cut it anymore, the people will want to see what exactly is the Liberal agenda. The Liberals have had 4 leaders since the Conservatives came to power. Each has failed when pressed on their policies. This time is no different. Nice hair Justin.
specific_points:2 solution:1 evidence:1
no_respect:1 no_non_con:1 provocative:1
teasing:2 no_toxic:1 personal_attack:1
If I read the results correctly , the Liberals won 2 seats and so did the Conservatives . So much for polling . Now that the NDP are deemed irrelevant by the media , the focus will be on the Liberals and their policies . Just wait for it will not cut it anymore , the people will want to see what exactly is the Liberal agenda . The Liberals have had 4 leaders since the Conservatives came to power . Each has failed when pressed on their policies . This time is no different . Nice hair Justin .
Perhaps it is Harper's Principles, In 1994 as a young MP, he argued against a 21 page budget bill that affected 11 Statutes.“Mr. Speaker, I would argue that the subject matter of the bill is so diverse that a single vote on the content would put members in conflict with their own principles.” In 2012 as Prime Minister, he introduced a 425 page bill affecting 74 laws! What happened to those principles? Maybe it is his failed 'tough on Crime' While we build prisons, Sweden closes them. Maybe it is his clever appointments to the Senate? Maybe, it is his love of the Tar Sands at the expense of the environment. But that's no surprise seeing that his only real job before politics was in the mail room of Imperial Oil.
specific_points:2 personal_story:1
no_non_con:2 no_respect:1
personal_attack:2 inflammatory:2 teasing:2 embarrassment:1 no_toxic:1 abusive:1
Perhaps it is Harpers Principles , In 1994 as a young MP , he argued against a 21 page budget bill that affected 11 Statutes. “ Mr . Speaker , I would argue that the subject matter of the bill is so diverse that a single vote on the content would put members in conflict with their own principles. ” In 2012 as Prime Minister , he introduced a 425 page bill affecting 74 laws ! What happened to those principles ? Maybe it is his failed tough on Crime While we build prisons , Sweden closes them . Maybe it is his clever appointments to the Senate ? Maybe , it is his love of the Tar Sands at the expense of the environment . But thats no surprise seeing that his only real job before politics was in the mail room of Imperial Oil .
Hiring is now almost exclusively by Govt. This only exacerbates Strutural debt problems as debt is essentially borrowing future growth and consumption. This is easily seen by the declining impact of debt on GDP. 35 years ago, $1 increase in Govt debt produced $1 increase in GDP. That is now down to about 35 cents. Obviously, as debt increases, debt payments consume all govt revenues and the economy collapses. Venezuela is a good example of this and Greece came pretty close. It's just high school economics. Objective analyses show that most of the funds from Govt debt ends up in the pockets of the ruling oligarchs. We the working people are left with the debt. It's why working wages and the minimum wage in Canada has not increased in the last 40 years despite over $1 trillion in added debt .It will get worse going forward. That debt must be paid off which means higher taxes and Govt austerity. Just ask the Greeks
specific_points:3 evidence:3 solution:1 dialogue:1
no_non_con:2 unsubstantial:1 provocative:1
personal_attack:2 teasing:2 embarrassment:2 no_toxic:1 inflammatory:1
Hiring is now almost exclusively by Govt . This only exacerbates Strutural debt problems as debt is essentially borrowing future growth and consumption . This is easily seen by the declining impact of debt on GDP . 35 years ago , $ 1 increase in Govt debt produced $ 1 increase in GDP . That is now down to about 35 cents . Obviously , as debt increases , debt payments consume all govt revenues and the economy collapses . Venezuela is a good example of this and Greece came pretty close . Its just high school economics . Objective analyses show that most of the funds from Govt debt ends up in the pockets of the ruling oligarchs . We the working people are left with the debt . Its why working wages and the minimum wage in Canada has not increased in the last 40 years despite over $ 1 trillion in added debt .It will get worse going forward . That debt must be paid off which means higher taxes and Govt austerity . Just ask the Greeks
What can we do as a country to stop this in our publically funded universities? Should we force an adoption of the University of Chicago doctrine on free speech by linking it to funding? I don't really trust any research from the humanities departments in most universities due to the stifling political correctness that may prevent things like truth, and honest self reflection into the mix.
specific_points:2 dialogue:1
no_non_con:2 provocative:1
teasing:1 inflammatory:1 no_toxic:1
What can we do as a country to stop this in our publically funded universities ? Should we force an adoption of the University of Chicago doctrine on free speech by linking it to funding ? I dont really trust any research from the humanities departments in most universities due to the stifling political correctness that may prevent things like truth , and honest self reflection into the mix .
So one liberal arts college and the comments of one author (Haidt--whose predilections are well known) now makes an argument. The names of real life courses, taught by real life instructors, backed up by real life examples (like course syllabus, documented in-class comments) would add some credibility to Wente's argument. Instead, one must take it on faith that most, if not all, liberal arts and/or humanities programmes (but not sciences or technical courses of study Wente goes out of her way to point out) are the domain of thought police. The thought of sessional instructors--and ever-increasing demographic which has its own issues--is simply laughable. In brushing a broad stroke, Wente comes across as that which she abhors: Politcal Correctness only this version is more suited to her own 'tribe.'Smells like another drive-by smear.
specific_points:2 dialogue:1 evidence:1
no_non_con:2 no_respect:1
teasing:2 no_toxic:1
So one liberal arts college and the comments of one author ( Haidt -- whose predilections are well known ) now makes an argument . The names of real life courses , taught by real life instructors , backed up by real life examples ( like course syllabus , documented in-class comments ) would add some credibility to Wentes argument . Instead , one must take it on faith that most , if not all , liberal arts and/or humanities programmes ( but not sciences or technical courses of study Wente goes out of her way to point out ) are the domain of thought police . The thought of sessional instructors -- and ever-increasing demographic which has its own issues -- is simply laughable . In brushing a broad stroke , Wente comes across as that which she abhors : Politcal Correctness only this version is more suited to her own tribe.Smells like another drive-by smear .
Does Quebec really think that can survive as an independent nation? How is their economy doing? And their debt? And how would they do without all those transfer payments from Canada? Have they ever really thought this through? My Canada has always included Quebec but this is getting rather tiresome for ROC. And if they do go, no Canadian passport or currency for them as they have wanted in the past. Indpendent is independent! And finally, I'd like to see Marois try and run a country! Ha! She would not last long!
specific_points:3 evidence:1
no_non_con:2 provocative:1
personal_attack:2 no_toxic:1 inflammatory:1 teasing:1 embarrassment:1
Does Quebec really think that can survive as an independent nation ? How is their economy doing ? And their debt ? And how would they do without all those transfer payments from Canada ? Have they ever really thought this through ? My Canada has always included Quebec but this is getting rather tiresome for ROC . And if they do go , no Canadian passport or currency for them as they have wanted in the past . Indpendent is independent ! And finally , Id like to see Marois try and run a country ! Ha ! She would not last long !
Trudeau hasn't been sworn in as PM, and yet the author has already determined that Trudeau's fate will mimic Obama's, simply because they are younger and left-leaning.Why not write an article like this in, say, 6 months and then tell us about similarities?
specific_points:3 evidence:2 solution:1
no_non_con:2 provocative:1
no_toxic:2 inflammatory:1
Trudeau hasnt been sworn in as PM , and yet the author has already determined that Trudeaus fate will mimic Obamas , simply because they are younger and left-leaning.Why not write an article like this in , say , 6 months and then tell us about similarities ? exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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