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Chest radiography showed no active parenchymal lesion on admission.
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Thoracic CT scan showing soft-tissue mass in the sternum.
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CT of the abdomen and pelvis with contrast. The image shows subtle fat stranding along the pancreatic head and slightly prominent pancreatic duct, which can be seen with early interstitial edematous pancreatitis (arrow)CT: computed tomography
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Axial source image of CT angiography showing the aneurysm (thick white arrow) compressing the left lower pulmonary vein (thin white arrow).
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Enhanced computed tomography imaging after the primary surgery. Arrow 1: right femoral artery (size 5.6 mm). Arrow 2: left femoral artery. It was not enhanced due to sheath placement. Arrow 3: 12-Fr sheath placed in the left femoral artery. Lack of enhancement of the left femoral artery indicates lack of blood flow
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The ROIs selection according FA map. (1-2) the knee and splenial of callosum; (3–6) the crossing fibers; (7-8) the thalamus; (9–12) the cerebral cortexes; 13 is CSF.
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Coronary angiography of the right coronary sinus of Valsalva. The appearance was suggestive of aneurysmal dilatation of the right coronary artery ostium.
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Lateral film with ICRU-38 as well as intrarectal points marked
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An unenhanced CT scan performed almost 2 years after the initial CT scan shows that the mass has homogeneous attenuation (arrow), with minimal hyperattenuation of the lesion (35 Hounsfield units) compared with the surrounding renal parenchyma (32 Hounsfield units), with attenuation ratio of 1.09.
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A case of left ventricular free-wall rupture in an 84-year-old male patient who presented with cardiogenic shock. Note the rupture site (arrow) and pericardial hematoma (E). LA and LV indicate left atrium and ventricle, respectively.
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A computed tomography showing crossed fused ectopia. The ectopic kidney is situated anterolateral to the orthotopic kidney
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Pretreatment panoramic radiograph.
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Initial MRI (pre-contrast)T1 axial pre-contrast MRI showing a hypodense lesion in the left lateral ventricle.
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Speckle tracking echocardiography at the level of the apex. The software algorithm automatically separates the LV short-axis into 6 myocardial segments to include the interventricular septum and the LV free wall. The tracking approval of each individual myocardial segment is displayed on the screen.
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Anterior-posterior view of the procedure at the T11 level. This image is an anterior-posterior view of the thoracic spine with fluoroscopy. The needles were placed along the T11 vertebral body, which is labeled in the image. The yellow arrows highlight needle placement along the T11 vertebral body. The needles were placed just laterally to the vertebral body where the splanchnic nerves travel. It is important to note that the needles must be placed carefully to avoid injuring the lungs.
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The computed tomography (CT) of the chest shows that the multiple bilateral nodules progressed rapidly following surgery.
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The distance between the entry point and the spinous process
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MRI-FLAIR sequence.
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Chest X-ray after embolization.
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Second CXR on the fifth day of admission.A: cardiomegaly; B: improvement of chest consolidation. CXR, chest X-ray
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Rotational panoramic radiograph at the time of the evaluation visit of a patient of the 3-implant group
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Computed tomography scan showing a 20-mm distal ureteral stone.
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Left‐sided herniation of dilated bowel (dotted line) and persistent right umbilical vein (PRUV) turning toward the stomach (S) were first detected at 21 wk gestation and monitored with serial fetal transverse abdominal US
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Axial computerized tomography view of a burst cecal appendix (up to 3.5 cm), with thin and regular walls, and no signs of densification of adjacent adipose tissue. This corresponds to the cystic formation already described in the ultrasound, compatible with mucocele of undetermined etiology. Appendectomy revealed well-differentiated mucinous adenocarcinoma, with invasion into of the muscularis mucosae
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Pulmonary angiography showing a large filling defect causing complete obstruction of the right pulmonary artery.
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Fig. 2 Intraoperative fluoroscopic image shows snares for reinforcement of the superior mesenteric artery and left renal artery fenestration (arrows) and tornado coils to prevent endoleak from the fenestrations (triangles).
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Patient 3: Axial image of CT pulmonary angiogram showing thrombi as filling defects in right main pulmonary artery (right arrow) extending into its branch and in distal left pulmonary artery (left arrow) with extension into its superior branch.
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Preoperative echocardiographic evaluation shows atrial septal defect (arrow; between calipers; RA: right atrium, LA: left atrium).
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Posttreatment panoramic radiograph.
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CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis for the first patient; the white arrow points towards a site of active extravasation (“blush”).
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Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sagittal view showing dilatation of intracranial segment of basilar artery, with extrinsic pressure over both sides of medulla
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Parasternal short axis color Doppler imaging revealed severe free pulmonic insufficiency
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18F-FDG imaging of the suprarenal mass. The tumor size is 9.8 × 9.3 × 10.8 cm3. SUV max value is between 2.4 and 7.8, with an average between 2.1 and 6.9.
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Double elementary diet W-ED tube (16 Fr, 150 cm; manufactured by Covidien Japan): a double-lumen tube with tip holes for enteral feeding and side holes for drainage 40 cm from the tip
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Chest X-ray.
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US at 10 days of life. It revealed multiple hypoechoic liver nodules (arrow)
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Panoramic radiograph shows shorter crowns and roots of teeth on the left side compared with the right side.
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Sagittal view of abdominal computed tomography angiography demonstrating kinking of the aortic endograft (white arrow) and the presence of contrast having reached the location of the thrombus (black arrow) within the endograft.
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Summary of acute transverse myelitis and proposed diagnostic workup of post-infectious myelitis.
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MRI showing the mass involving the calcaneum and subcutaneous tissue. MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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Jejunal mass with local infiltration (see arrow).
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Anteroposterior chest radiograph in the emergency department showed bilateral pulmonary edema.
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Measurement of the nuchal translucency (NT) thickness on transvaginal ultrasound scan in 12.0 weeks sized fetus.
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CT Scan showing a necrotic appendix with a stercolith (long arrow) and anterior wall perforation (short arrow).
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Postoperative Computed Tomography (CT) Scan of PatientPostoperative computed tomography (CT) scan of patient shows the trajectory (red arrows), the resection cavity (green arrow), with some tumor remnant mixed with small hematoma (blue arrow) and edema (yellow arrow). An extraventricular drain (EVD) is visible in lateral ventricle (orange arrow), reducing the hydrocephalus. Note that the midline shift is decreased due to the resection (black arrowheads).
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Fourteen days after cardiac surgery, a thrombus had formed over the lateral left atrium wall (white arrow)
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DSA utilizing superselective catheterization to demonstrate contribution to the PAVM via the left inferior phrenic artery, and its extensive subdiaphragmatic collateralization.
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CXR/KUB showing double‐bubble sign of duodenal atresia, elevated left hemidiaphragm. Transposed umbilical venous lines secondary to mesocardia.
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Sagittal magnetic resonance imaging showing serpiginous veins (white arrows) throughout the cervicothoracic spine
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Magnetic resonance imaging abdomen axial T2-weighted image showing a well-defined altered signal intensity lesion with a thick complete hypointense rim and detached membranes from the distal body and tail of the pancreas (bold white arrow).
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Coronal oblique sonogram shows an oval solid hypoechoic mass (arrow) separate from the right and left testes (T).
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Normal right coronary artery.
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Chest X-ray showing improved COVID-19 infection and no pulmonary edema with cardiomegaly on 12th day of admission
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Angiography showing total occlusion of the proximal left anterior descending artery, with moderate lesions in the mid-circumflex artery and in the proximal first marginal branch.
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Computed tomography (CT) of the chest.A CT of the chest with contrast revealed a 7.69 cm x 9.25 cm anterior mediastinal mass with central calcification and extension into the anterior left chest abutting the pleura (yellow arrow).
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Transverse view of CT aortogram, showing compression of IVC (arrow).
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Master-cone radiograph
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Computed tomography scan showed a cystic lesion on the left side of the neck. An air-fluid level could be detected within the cyst.
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Presence of foetal ascites.
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Ultrasound elastography measurement of liver stiffness.Author’s source.
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Sagittal section at implant site with markings at reference points (see Fig. 1)
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Middle cerebral artery.
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Axial postcontrast T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging after adjuvant therapy showing abnormal leptomeningeal contrast enhancement.
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A CT scan showing an osteolytic damage to the clavicle (blue arrow).
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X-ray hip. Crescent sign. Arrows showing the hypointense crescent.(Courtesy 
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The enteroscope was introduced into the overtube, across the stenosis, and into the jejunum.
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Transverse CT image at the level of L6–7, illustrating margins of the combined longissimus lumborum/iliocostalis (LL/IC) muscle group.
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Chest radiograph demonstrating a right-sided pneumothorax (white arrow) and right lower lobe consolidation (black arrow)
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CT abdomen and pelvis with oral and rectal contrast showing fistulation between the sigmoid colon and the bladder (red arrow).CT: computed tomography
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Thoracic computed tomography scan. It showed an elongated noncalcified image, with irregular contours, measuring approximately 2.8 cm × 1.4 cm, in the upper left lobe, contiguous to an area of pleural thickening, and large areas of emphysema.
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Enhanced sagittal T1-WI demonstrating no residual tumor.
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MRI scan of the gluteal muscles showing fatty degeneration and atrophy, T1 sequence.
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Coronal section of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showing 7.3 cm right adrenal mass.
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In an immediate post-RHA pelvis anteroposterior X-ray, an adequate position of the components is seen.
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CECT delayed phase shows the right ureter traversing behind the right IVC (arrow) with extrinsic compression at that site causing dilatation of the proximal ureter.
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An introducer is positioned (asterisk). The stent, together with the delivery system (white arrow), is inserted along the guidewire through the lumen of the introducer. The radiopaque mark on the delivery system (arrowhead) is located 1 cm above the proximal end of the plastic biliary stent, which will be positioned inside the bile duct (above the point of obstruction). Under fluoroscopy, we carefully visualize the radiopaque mark on the delivery system (black arrow), which delimits the distal portion of the plastic stent, and position it approximately 5 cm below its anchoring in the duodenum.
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Aneurysms visualized by echocardiography. Echocardiographic parasternal short axis view reveals two fusiform aneurysms of the left anterior descending coronary artery. The proximal aneurysm (A1) measures 8.7 mm, and the distal (A2) measures 9.0 mm. The aorta (Ao) and main pulmonary artery (PA) are seen in cross section.
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MRI of the patient at the level of the brain stem. The trigeminal nerve was observed on the right side of the brain stem (arrowhead) but not on the left side (arrow).
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MRI of the brain showing an expansive intrasellar process of 3.7cm
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Abdominal radiograph obtained on HD 2 demonstrated dilation of the proximal bowel with normal caliber distal bowel and a paucity of air in the rectum.
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Chest X-ray showed that elevation of the diaphragm due to rapid growth of retroperitoneal tumor and cardiac enlargement.
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Computed tomography findings of case three showed a 3.3×4.0-cm mass on the posterior wall of the hypopharynx.
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Figure 1: The pelvic cystic structure (55 x 47 mm) with irregular borders.
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Confluent comet tail artifacts, as an example of interstitial edema, present in COVID-19 patients. This image is similar to the patient in this case study; however, it is not the same patient.
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In this proton density sagittal image, an abnormal shape is observed, which is defined as an irregular, wavy contour of the margin of the anterior cruciate ligament.
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Temporary stasis at the level of the tumor supply vessels (arrow).
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T2-W coronal MR image demonstrates a large right renal mass and numerous left renal masses, some of which were not evident on the US.
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The measurement of the tricuspid annular diameter
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Contrast medium-enhanced axial CT scan of the chest (mediastinal window) at the pulmonary artery bifurcation level, showing the left pleural effusion (asterisk) as well as the pre-vertebral collections (arrows).
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Follow-up angiographic image shows a patent right internal carotid artery without leakage of contrast media. The angiographic image reveals the patent stent (arrow).
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Contrast CT scan showing presence of a heterogeneous, well-defined lesion with peripheral calcification without bone involvement.
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The elbow arthrography revealed a complete tear of the medial collateral ligament and a suspected partial tear of the lateral collateral ligament.
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Abdominal CT scan, transverse view. Right renal pelvis collection (with large amount of air and hyperattenuating debris).
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Apical 4 Chamber view showed large fungal vegetation closed to the anterior mitral leaflet hinge point
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Spontaneous septostomy noted at 26 wks. Layers of membrane noted adjacent to placenta.
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Example of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
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X-ray left knee (Lateral view)
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Unilocular cysts in the pelvis.
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Anteroposterior radiograph of the same femur. No evidence of fracture line can be documented.
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Thickness measurement of the lateral abdominal muscles. OE—oblique external; OI—oblique internal; TrA—transversus abdominis muscle; M-J—myofascial junction of the TrA.
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