Dataset Viewer
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Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Creating test case with test step (Automated)
User should able to create a test cases for Automated runs along with test step
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Creating test case with test step (Manual)
As user, I must be able to create testcase with test step manually
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Review workflow(Auto approval of testcases)
As user, I must be able to see the auto approval of test cases User should create a teststeps for approved testcases
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Review workflow(Approval of testcases manually)
As user, I must be able to approve the test cases manually
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Review workflow (Moving testcases to Draft Status)
As user, I must be able to move the test cases to Draft status
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Review workflow (Moving testcases to Rework Status)
As user, I must be able to move the test cases to Rework status
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Creating a teststeps for Approved Testcases
As user, I should not create a teststeps for Approved Testcases
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Copy the testcases
As user, I must be able to copy the testcases
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Delete the testcases
As user, I must be able to delete the testcases As user, I should not delete the Approved Testcases
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Edit the teststep
As user, I must be able to edit the teststep As user, I should not edit the Approved Teststeps
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Copy the teststeps
As user, I should copy the teststeps As user, I should not copy the teststeps for Approved testcases
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Drag and Drop Teststep
User should drag and drop the test step
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Mapped testbot in the Build page
User able to view the mapped testbot in the Build page
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Not create a testcases with inputting the values
User should not able to create testcases with inputting the values
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Not create a testcases without inputting the values
User should not able to create testcases without inputting the values
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Not create a teststep with inputting the values
User should not create a teststep with inputting the values User should not create a teststep without inputting the values
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Not inputting values in the Mandatory field for Testcases creation
User not inputting values in the Mandatory field for Testcases creation
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Create more testcase when the user checks the "Create more testcase" checkbox
User should create more testcase when the user checks the "Create more testcase" checkbox
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Sort the Test cases
User able to sort the Test cases
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: See the Card view
User able to see the Card view
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: See the Table view
User able to see the Table view
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Enter the summary in the "Summary" text field from Testcases creation page
User should enter the summary in the "Summary" text field from Testcases creation page
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Enter the description in the "Description" text field from Testcase creation page
User should enter the description in the "Description" text field from Testcase creation page
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Enter the summary in the "Step summary" text field from Teststep creation
User should enter the summary in the "Step summary" text field from Teststep creation
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Enter the result in the "Expected Result" text field from Teststep creation
User should enter the result in the "Expected Result" text field from Teststep creation
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Enter the result in the "Test Data/Remarks" text field from Teststep creation
User should enter the result in the "Test Data/Remarks" text field from Teststep creation
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: not select multiple data set from the "Test data" dropdown
User should not select multiple data set from the "Test data" dropdown
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: not select multiple Test bots from the "Test Bot" dropdown
User should not select multiple Test bots from the "Test Bot" dropdown
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Import the testcases from CSV
User should import the testcases from CSV
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Not allow the user to upload a file
System should not allow the user to upload a file
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Not allow the user to upload a file except excel sheet
System should not allow the user to upload a file except excel sheet
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Upload a file by drag and drop
User can upload a file by drag and drop
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: View each stages of while importing the test cases
User should view each stages of while importing the test cases
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Uploaded incorrect file
When user uploaded incorrect file
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Not upload a file
User should not upload a file
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: See the sample spreadsheet
User should see the sample spreadsheet
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Filter the Test cases
As user, I must be able to filter the Testcases
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Post the defects
User able to post the defects
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Unable to post the defects
If user unable to post the defects
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Not allow the user to post the defects if user without inputting data's in the text field
Should not allow the user to post the defects if user without inputting data's in the text field
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Enter the defect summary in the text field
User able to enter the defect summary in the text field
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Select the priority options from the Choose a Priority dropdown
User able to select the priority options from the Choose a Priority dropdown
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Enter the description in the text field
User should enter the description in the text field
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: See the Sort by options in the Defects page
User able to see the Sort by options in theDefects page
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: See the defects details in the card view
User should see the defects details in the card view
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: See the defects details in the table view
User should see the defects details in the table view
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: See the filters in the Defect page
User able to see the filters in the Defect page
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Application creation (Automatically)
As user, I must be able to create a application automatically
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Application creation (Manually)
As user, I must be able to create a application manually
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Deleting the Application for Android, iOS, API and Web platform
As user, I must be able to delete the application for Android, iOS, and Web platform
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Edit the Application for Android, iOS, API and Web platform
As user, I must be able to edit the application for Android, iOS, and Web platform
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Upload an apk/ipa file
As user, I must be able to upload apk/ipa file while creation of application
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Updating an apk/ipa file
As user, i must be able to updating an apk/ipa file
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Uploading a different format files
As user, I must not be able to upload an different format files
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Filters the Applications
As user, I should able to filter the Applications
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Sort the Applications
As user, I should able to sort the Applications
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Agents setup
As user, I must be do Tenjin Online set up
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Registering an Agent
As user, I must be able to Register an Agent
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: To view the device details in Agent details page
As user, I must be able to view the device details in Agent Details page
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Degistering the Agent
As user, I must be able to deregister the agent
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Degistering the Agent which is connected
As user, I should not deleteing the Agents which is connected
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Delete an agent not registered by me
As user, I should not allow to delete the Agent which is not registered by me
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Sort the Agents
As user, i should able to sort the Agents
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Filter the Agents
As user, I should able to filter the Agents
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Selecting a windows agent while creation of Android application
As user, I should able to view the Andriod device, if user selecting Windows agent
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Selecting a MAC agent while creation of Android application
As user, I should not able to view the Android device, if user selecting MAC agent
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Selecting a MAC agent while creation of iOS application
As user, I should able to view the MAC device, if user selecting MAC agent
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: creation of new project
User able to create a project
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Creation of new project
User not able to create a project with inputting the values User not able to create a project without inputting values User not inputting any details into mandatory fields User should enter the project name in "project name" text field User should input the project key in "project key" text field User should select the project type User should select the project owner User should input the description "description" text field User should select the start date and end date from the calendar User able to view Project lists page User able to search by using show filters
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Project details page
User able to view the Project Details page User able to view the Project Details Tab User able to view the "View properties" button User able to view the Application Details Tab User able view the Team Members Tab User able to view the Test Cycle Tab User able to view the Roles and Responsibility Tab User able to view the Permission for "Administrator" role User able to view the Permission for "User" role
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: App Integration page
User able to view the App Integration tab User able view the Jira configuration User able to do the Jira configuration User not able to do the Jira configuration by inputting the values User not able to do the Jira configuration without inputting the values User able to edit the Jira configuration User able to delete the Jira configuration User able view the Browser Stack tab User able to create the Browser Stack configuration User not able to create Browser Stack configuration by inputting the values User not able to create Browser Stack configuration without inputting the values User able to edit the Browser Stack configuration User able to delete the Browser Stack configuration
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Settings details
User able view the Settings tab
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: User login in
User able to login using valid Email and valid Password User able to login using invalid Email and valid Password User able to login using valid Email and invalid Password User able to login by using invalid Email and invalid password User able to leave Email as empty and enter password and try to login User able to enter the Email and leaves password as empty and try to login User able to leave email and password as empty and try to login
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: User changes the password
User able to change the password User able to change the password inputting invalid email id
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: User logout
User able to logout User able to logout by closing the browser
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Creation of Users
User able to create a user User not able to create a user by inputting all the details User not able to create a user without inputting all the details User able to view the user lists page User able to add the new user User able to edit the user User not able to dit the user As a administrator, i must be able to Grant access and enable the user As a administrator, i must be able to Revoke access and disable the user User able to sort by First name, last name and email id User able to search by First name, last name and email id
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Settings
User able to view the Settings Page User able to view the General Options from Settings Page User able to view the Project Options from Settings Page User able to view the Design Options from Settings Page User able to view the Defects Options from Settings Page
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: User Feedback
User able to Submit a feedback User able to Submit a feedback without entering description User should not submit feedback by inputting the description User able to give feedback in the Login page User not able to give feedback in the Login page by inputting the details User not able to give feedback in the Login page without inputting the details
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Requirement creation
User able to create a Requirement User not able to create a Requirement by inputting all the details User not able to create a Requirement without inputting all the details If user is not inputting any details into mandatory fields User able to enter the Requirement name in "Requirement name/Client Req no text field User able to enter the Summary in "Summary" text field User able to select the Excpected date of delivery from the calendar User able to upload the document while creating a requirement User able to upload the different formate of document while creating a requirement User tries to upload webm, .jar, .exe, jpg, png, jpeg format while creating requirement User able to view and access the requirements list page User able to sort the Requirements User able to filter the requirements Verify whether the pagination is working on the Requirements list page
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: View and access the Requirement list page
User able to view the reqirement details page User able to view the linked testcases by clicking on the view test cases button User able to view the test cases details which are linked to the requirement User able to de-link the test cases which is linked to the requirement User able to view the message if the test cases is not linked to any requirement User able to edit the requirement User able to Upload the new version of the document for the same Requirement on the requirement details page User able to upload the different formate of document for Requirement on the requirement details page User tries to upload webm, .jar, .exe, jpg, png, jpeg format for requirement on the rrequirement details page User able to download the uploaded document If user not upload any documents in the Requirement details page User able to view multiple documents by scroll on the Documents card of the requirements details page User able to Link the Requirement within Requirement User able to Link mutliple Requirement within Requirement User able to De-Link the requirement If user not linked any requirement in the requirement deatils page User able to delete the Requirement when it is not mapped to test cases and requirement User able to delete the Requirement when it is mapped to the existing requirement User able to delete the Requirement when it is mapped to the existing test cases
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Able link test cases to requirement
User able to link requirement to the testcases User able to link multiple requirement to the testcases User able to view the linked requirements details from test case details page User able to view the linked requirement in the run summary page User able to view the linked requirement details when user user click on linked requirement name in Run summary page If user edit the status in the Requirement details page If user de-link the requirement from the test cases If user update the requirement from the test cases If user edit the Available for testing in the requirement page If user changed the "Available for testing" option as No If user changed the "Available for testing" option as Yes User able to view the requirement details in Requirement coverage section when user clicks on "View requirement coverage" button Verify user unable to view the requirement details in Requirement coverage section when user clicks on "Hide requirement coverage" button Verify user able to view the linked requirements details in the Requirement coverage section
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: User Interface for Testbot in Web Application/iOS /Android
User able to view the Automation page
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Testbot creation for Android
User able to create a bot for Android
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Testbot creation for iOS
User able to create a bot for iOS
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Build your Test-Bot for Android /iOS-(OTP extraction)
User able to build a bot
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: User able to execute the bot at Testbot level
User able to execute the bot at Testbot level
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: User navigate to "Bot Result" tab in Web Application
User is tranverse to "Bot Result"tab in Web Application
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: User navigate to "Bot Result" tab in Android Application/Browser Stack
User is tranverse to "Bot Result"tab in Android Application
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: User navigate to "Bot Result" tab in iOS Application
User is tranverse to "Bot Result"tab in iOS Application
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: User navigate to "Bot Result" tab in Browser Stack
User is tranverse to "Bot Result"tab in BrowserStack
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Testbot can be edited for Web Application,Android and iOS bot
User able to edit the bot
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Testbot can be copied for Web Application,Android and iOS bot
User able to copy the bot
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Testbot can be deleted for Web Application,iOS bot and Android bot
User able to delete the bot
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Testbot can be sorted (Web Application, Android and iOS
User able to sort the Testbot
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Search Testbot (windows, Android or iOS) by using show filters
User able to search Testbot by using show filters
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Testbot creation for Web Automation
User able to create a new Web Application
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Quick Setup - Login Flow Creation
User able to perform Quick -Setup action.
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Quick Setup - First Function Creation
First Function Creation
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Quick Setup -Setup Navigation to Function
Setup Navigation to Function
Generative Test Case for a given Requirement: Quick Setup -Discover elements (Simple)
Discover elements (Simple)
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