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Dataset Card for Self-annotated Reddit Climate Comment

Dataset Structure

This JSON example represents an example portion of the dataset. This nested structure allows for efficient navigation and analysis of posts, comments, and replies within specific subreddit communities and individual posts.

  "id": "1006cei",
  "post_title": "Amazing Water Filter Invention",
  "post_author": "User123",
  "post_body": "Check out this incredible water filter!",
  "post_url": "",
  "post_pic": "",
  "subreddit": "inventions",
  "post_timestamp": "2023-01-01T12:00:00Z",
  "post_upvotes": 123,
  "post_permalink": "/r/inventions/comments/1006cei/amazing_water_filter_invention/",
  "comments": {
    "CommentID": ["abc123", "def456"],
    "CommentAuthor": ["User456", "User789"],
    "CommentBody": ["This is awesome!", "How does it work?"],
    "CommentTimestamp": ["2023-01-01T12:30:00Z", "2023-01-01T13:00:00Z"],
    "CommentUpvotes": [5, 7],
    "CommentPermalink": ["/r/inventions/comments/1006cei/amazing_water_filter_invention/abc123/", "/r/inventions/comments/1006cei/amazing_water_filter_invention/def456/"],
    "Label": [1,0]

The dataset includes the following fields:

id: string - Unique identifier for the post.
post_title: string - Title of the post.
post_author: string - Username of the author who posted.
post_body: string - Body/content of the post.
post_url: string - URL of the post.
post_pic: Image - Image associated with the post.
subreddit: string - Subreddit where the post was made.
post_timestamp: string - Timestamp of when the post was made.
post_upvotes: int32 - Number of upvotes the post received.
post_permalink: string - Permanent link to the post.
comments: Sequence - Sequence of comments associated with the post.
- CommentID: string - Unique identifier for the comment.
- CommentAuthor: string - Username of the comment author.
- CommentBody: string - Content/body of the comment.
- CommentTimestamp: string - Timestamp of when the comment was made.
- CommentUpvotes: int32 - Number of upvotes the comment received.
- CommentPermalink: string - Permanent link to the comment.
- Label: int32 - Label a comment as sarcastic or neutral (1 or 0).


Users should be made aware of the risks, biases, and limitations of the dataset. More information is needed for further recommendations.



title = {Self-annotated Reddit Climate Comment},
author={Catherine Wang, Ziyuan Ma},
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