7 values
7 values
usually , he would be tearing around the living room , playing with his toys . but just one look at a minion sent him practically catatonic . that had been megan 's plan when she got him dressed earlier . he 'd seen the movie almost by mistake , considering he was a little young for the pg cartoon , but with older cousins , along with her brothers , mason was often exposed to things that were older . she liked to think being surrounded by adults and older kids was one reason why he was a such a good talker for his age . `` are n't you being a good boy ? '' she said . mason barely acknowledged her . instead , his baby blues remained focused on the television . since the movie was almost over , megan knew she better slip into the bedroom and finish getting ready . each time she looked into mason 's face , she was grateful that he looked nothing like his father . his platinum blond hair and blue eyes were completely hers . it was only his build that he was taking after his father . where megan was a diminutive 5'3 '' , davis was 6'1 '' and two hundred pounds . mason was already registering off the charts in height and weight according to his pediatrician . davis had seen mason only twice in his lifetime-the day he had been born and the day he came home from the hospital . after that , he had n't been interested in any of the pictures and emails megan sent . with his professional football career on the rise , davis had n't wanted to be shackled with the responsibilities of a baby . instead , he wanted to spend his time off the field partying until all hours of the night . he only paid child support when megan threatened to have his wages garnished . she dreaded the day when mason was old enough to ask about his father . she never wanted anything in the world to hurt him , and she knew that being rejected by his father would . with a sigh , she stepped into the dress and slid it over her hips . wrestling around to get the zipper all the way up caused her to huff and puff . standing back from the mirror , she turned to and fro to take in her appearance . she 'd always loved how the dress made her feel sexy , but at the same time was very respectable . while it boasted a sweetheart neckline , the hemline fell just below her knees . she put on her pearls-a high school graduation gift from her uncle aidan , or `` ankle '' , as she often called him . aidan was her mother 's baby brother and only son of the family . when she was born , he was only eight and a half . as the first grandchild , megan spent a lot of time with her grandparents , and that in turn , meant she spent a lot of time with aidan . he had devoted hours to holding her and spoiling her rotten . when it came time for her to talk , she just could n't seem to get `` uncle aidan '' out . instead , she called him `` ankle . '' it was a nickname that had stuck with him even now that he was thirty-four and married . while it had been no question that she wanted him as godfather for mason , she had been extremely honored when he and his wife , emma , had asked her to be their son , noah 's , godmother . she loved her newest cousin very much and planned to be the best godmother she could for him . as she stepped out of the bedroom , she found that mason had yet to move . `` okay buddy , time to go . '' when he started to whine , she shook her head . `` we have such a fun day ahead of us . it 's noah 's baptism , and then there 's a party at uncle aidan and aunt emma 's house . '' `` beau ? '' he asked . she laughed . `` yes , you 'll get to see and play with beau , too . '' as she went to the couch and picked him up , she could n't help finding it amusing that out of everyone he was going to see today , he was most excited about being with aidan and emma 's black lab , beau . one day when they had their own place again , she would get him a dog . he loved them too much to be denied . `` oomph , '' she muttered , as they started up the basement stairs . `` heawy ? '' `` yes , you 're getting to be such a big , heavy boy . '' when they made it to the kitchen , megan paused to catch her breath . she only had a second before her mother breezed in with sean , and her youngest brother , gavin . `` ready ? '' she asked . megan nodded . feeling like she was once again a teenager , she filed behind her parents as they headed into the garage . `` i want to drive , '' gavin said .
[["usually", 7], ["tear", 29], ["teared", 29], ["tearing", 29], ["around", 36], ["room", 52], ["roomed", 52], ["play", 62], ["playest", 62], ["playing", 62], ["toy", 76], ["toyed", 76], ["toyest", 76], ["toys", 76], ["look", 96], ["minion", 108], ["send", 113], ["sent", 113], ["practically", 129], ["catatonic", 139], ["megan", 161], ["megans", 161], ["plan", 169], ["planning", 169], ["get", 182], ["got", 182], ["early", 202], ["earlier", 202], ["see", 215], ["seen", 215], ["movie", 225], ["almost", 232], ["mistake", 243], ["consider", 257], ["considering", 257], ["little", 273], ["young", 279], ["youngest", 279], ["pg", 290], ["cartoon", 298], ["old", 315], ["cousin", 323], ["cousins", 323], ["along", 331], ["brother", 349], ["brethren", 349], ["brothers", 349], ["mason", 357], ["often", 367], ["expose", 375], ["exposed", 375], ["thing", 385], ["things", 385], ["like", 413], ["liked", 413], ["think", 422], ["thinkest", 422], ["surround", 439], ["surrounded", 439], ["adult", 449], 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["already", 1091], ["register", 1103], ["registerest", 1103], ["registering", 1103], ["chart", 1118], ["chartest", 1118], ["charts", 1118], ["height", 1128], ["heights", 1128], ["weight", 1139], ["weighted", 1139], ["accord", 1149], ["according", 1149], ["pediatrician", 1169], ["pediatricians", 1169], ["twice", 1203], ["lifetime", 1219], ["day", 1227], ["bear", 1244], ["born", 1244], ["come", 1264], ["came", 1264], ["home", 1269], ["homing", 1269], ["hospital", 1287], ["interested", 1329], ["picture", 1352], ["pictures", 1352], ["email", 1363], ["emails", 1363], ["professional", 1398], ["football", 1407], ["career", 1414], ["rise", 1426], ["risen", 1426], ["shackle", 1464], ["shackled", 1464], ["responsibility", 1490], ["responsibilities", 1490], ["spend", 1531], ["spends", 1531], ["spending", 1531], ["field", 1554], ["fielding", 1554], ["party", 1563], ["partying", 1563], ["hour", 1579], ["hours", 1579], ["night", 1592], ["pay", 1607], ["pays", 1607], ["payest", 1607], ["paid", 1607], ["child", 1613], ["childs", 1613], ["support", 1621], ["threaten", 1643], ["threatened", 1643], ["wage", 1661], ["wages", 1661], ["garnish", 1671], ["garnished", 1671], ["dread", 1685], ["dreaded", 1685], ["old", 1712], ["enough", 1719], ["ask", 1726], ["never", 1755], ["anything", 1771], ["world", 1784], ["hurt", 1792], ["hurts", 1792], ["hurting", 1792], ["reject", 1831], ["rejected", 1831], ["sigh", 1865], ["step", 1879], ["stepped", 1879], ["dress", 1894], ["dressest", 1894], ["slid", 1903], ["hip", 1920], ["hips", 1920], ["wrestle", 1932], ["wrestling", 1932], ["get", 1946], ["zipper", 1957], ["zippers", 1957], ["way", 1969], ["ways", 1969], ["cause", 1979], ["caused", 1979], ["huff", 1991], ["huffs", 1991], ["puff", 2000], ["puffs", 2000], ["puffed", 2000], ["stood", 2011], ["stand", 2011], ["standest", 2011], ["standing", 2011], ["back", 2016], ["mirror", 2032], ["turn", 2045], ["turned", 2045], ["fro", 2056], ["fros", 2056], ["take", 2064], ["appearance", 2082], ["always", 2098], ["love", 2104], ["loved", 2104], ["feel", 2132], ["sexy", 2137], ["respectable", 2181], ["boast", 2200], ["boasting", 2200], ["boasted", 2200], ["sweetheart", 2213], ["neckline", 2222], ["necklines", 2222], ["hemline", 2236], ["fall", 2241], ["falls", 2241], ["fell", 2241], ["knee", 2262], ["knees", 2262], ["put", 2272], ["pearl", 2286], ["pearlest", 2286], ["pearls", 2286], ["high", 2293], ["school", 2300], ["graduation", 2311], ["gift", 2316], ["uncle", 2331], ["aidan", 2337], ["ankle", 2351], ["call", 2376], ["called", 2376], ["mother", 2403], ["mothered", 2403], ["mothering", 2403], ["brother", 2419], ["brethren", 2419], ["son", 2432], ["family", 2446], ["eight", 2486], ["half", 2497], ["first", 2512], ["grandchild", 2523], ["spend", 2537], ["spends", 2537], ["spending", 2537], ["spent", 2537], ["lot", 2543], ["grandparent", 2573], ["grandparents", 2573], ["turn", 2592], ["mean", 2600], ["meanest", 2600], ["meaning", 2600], ["meant", 2600], ["devote", 2652], ["hold", 2669], ["holding", 2669], ["spoil", 2686], ["spoilt", 2686], ["spoiled", 2686], ["spoiling", 2686], ["rotten", 2697], ["talk", 2733], ["seem", 2759], ["seemest", 2759], ["seeming", 2759], ["nickname", 2847], ["stick", 2862], ["stuck", 2862], ["even", 2876], ["evens", 2876], ["thirty", 2899], ["four", 2904], ["married", 2916], ["question", 2948], ["godfather", 2981], ["extremely", 3016], ["honor", 3024], ["honored", 3024], ["wife", 3045], ["wifes", 3045], ["emma", 3052], ["emmas", 3052], ["ask", 3064], ["asked", 3064], ["noah", 3091], ["godmother", 3106], ["new", 3129], ["newest", 3129], ["cousin", 3136], ["much", 3146], ["plan", 3158], ["planning", 3158], ["planned", 3158], ["good", 3173], ["best", 3173], ["find", 3249], ["found", 3249], ["yet", 3268], ["move", 3276], ["okay", 3286], ["okays", 3286], ["buddy", 3292], ["go", 3305], ["goest", 3305], ["start", 3326], ["started", 3326], ["whine", 3335], ["shake", 3347], ["shook", 3347], ["head", 3356], ["fun", 3380], ["ahead", 3390], ["baptism", 3420], ["party", 3448], ["aunt", 3472], ["house", 3486], ["beau", 3499], ["beaus", 3499], ["laugh", 3527], ["laughed", 3527], ["yes", 3536], ["see", 3557], ["play", 3566], ["playest", 3566], ["go", 3599], ["goest", 3599], ["went", 3599], ["couch", 3612], ["pick", 3623], ["picked", 3623], ["help", 3651], ["find", 3659], ["finding", 3659], ["everyone", 3691], ["go", 3704], ["goest", 3704], ["going", 3704], ["today", 3717], ["excited", 3739], ["black", 3780], ["lab", 3784], ["labs", 3784], ["place", 3831], ["dog", 3863], ["deny", 3901], ["denys", 3901], ["denied", 3901], ["oomph", 3912], ["mutter", 3930], ["muttering", 3930], ["muttered", 3930], ["basement", 3964], ["stair", 3971], ["stairs", 3971], ["big", 4029], ["bigs", 4029], ["heavy", 4037], ["heavier", 4037], ["heavies", 4037], ["kitchen", 4079], ["kitchens", 4079], ["pause", 4094], ["paused", 4094], ["catch", 4103], ["catches", 4103], ["catched", 4103], ["breath", 4114], ["breathest", 4114], ["second", 4138], ["seconded", 4138], ["breeze", 4164], ["breezing", 4164], ["breezed", 4164], ["sean", 4177], ["young", 4196], ["youngest", 4196], ["gavin", 4212], ["nod", 4253], ["nodding", 4253], ["nodded", 4253], ["feel", 4263], ["feeling", 4263], ["teenager", 4298], ["file", 4310], ["filing", 4310], ["filed", 4310], ["behind", 4317], ["parent", 4329], ["parents", 4329], ["head", 4344], ["headed", 4344], ["garage", 4360], ["drive", 4381]]
with a smirk , sean replied , `` like i 'm gon na let you drive my car . '' he then slid into the driver 's seat as gavin reluctantly walked around to the passenger 's side . `` we 'll see you there in just a few , '' her mother called . sean acknowledged her with a two finger salute before cranking up and pulling down the driveway . megan worked to get mason into the car seat in her parents ' land rover . once he was safely strapped and buckled in , she hopped in beside him . her parents rattled along to each other as they made their way through the tree-lined suburbs where megan had grown up . while some might look on her as having a mark against her character being an unwed mother , she had lived a relatively non-rebellious life . even though she 'd been a cheerleader and ran with the popular crowd in school , she rarely partied to excess . instead , she had focused on getting good grades . at that time , she had her heart set on going to medical school and becoming a doctor . from the time she was a little girl , she had wanted nothing more than to help people . she was always mending birds with broken wings or trying to resuscitate squirrels who had been hit by cars . she ditched playing princess for playing `` hospital . '' her desire to become a doctor was why she needed the best scores and best activities and why she generally shunned any temptations to lead her off the right path . she had even managed to bypass the usual freshman craziness when she went off to the university of georgia . it was n't until she fell in love for the first time in her life that she threw everything away . sadly , she could n't say that her first love was davis , mason 's father . instead , it was another football player , this time a running back at uga , who captured and later broke her heart a year later . carsyn ran with the fast crowd , and when she was with him , she partied and drank too much . he was controlling and possessive , and he wanted all of her time . when she was with him , she had little time for studying . with her grades already in the toilet , she was unprepared for the emotional breakdown she experienced when carsyn broke up with her . devastated , she stopped going to class and ended up flunking the semester . by the time she got back on track with her grades , she had abandoned any hope of medical school . instead , she decided that she would become a nurse , which would fulfill her need to care for sick people . of course , her relationship with davis ended up derailing shortly before graduation when she got pregnant unexpectedly . she had to take several semesters off after mason was born . she was a few years off from when she had originally planned on graduating , but she was excited after everything had that had happened , she was finally finishing . her mother 's voice brought megan out of her thoughts . `` here we are , '' she said pleasantly . leaning forward in her seat , megan eyed the clock on the dashboard . she was n't surprised to see they had arrived half an hour before the baptism started . one thing her mother prided herself on was being on time and lending a hand . as they started into the church , her mother reached for mason . `` we 'll take him so you can go see if emma needs any help . '' megan bent over to kiss mason 's cheek . `` see you in a little while , sweetie . '' he grinned and then happily dodged her mother 's arms for her father 's instead , which made megan smile . he was such a man 's man already . he loved sitting between her brothers on the couch and watching tv . while it was good that he had so many male role models , she only hoped he had n't inherited too much of his father 's personality . after megan watched them disappear in the crowd of family and friends waiting in the church alcove , she bypassed everyone by turning right and heading down the hallway . at the last door on the right , she knocked . `` it 's me , megan . '' emma 's best friend , casey , answered the door . `` well , if it is n't the fairy godmother , '' she mused with a grin . after megan stepped inside , casey threw her arms around her . megan had only met her a few times , but it was hard not liking emma 's vivacious and outgoing friend . casey 's long brown hair was pulled back in a lose knot , and she wore a demure black slip dress and heels . `` so how 's it going ? '' megan asked , gazing from noah 's diapered but na**d form to emma . she was feeding him a bottle while her upper body was draped in a towel . peeking out from the covering , she saw emma was wearing her signature color , green .
[["smirk", 12], ["sean", 19], ["reply", 27], ["replys", 27], ["replied", 27], ["like", 37], ["gon", 46], ["gonna", 49], ["na", 49], ["let", 53], ["lets", 53], ["drive", 63], ["car", 70], ["slid", 88], ["driver", 104], ["seat", 112], ["gavin", 121], ["reluctantly", 133], ["walk", 140], ["walked", 140], ["around", 147], ["passenger", 164], ["side", 172], ["see", 188], ["mother", 228], ["mothered", 228], ["mothering", 228], ["call", 235], ["called", 235], ["acknowledge", 255], ["acknowledged", 255], ["two", 270], ["twos", 270], ["finger", 277], ["salute", 284], ["crank", 300], ["cranks", 300], ["cranked", 300], ["cranking", 300], ["pull", 315], ["pulling", 315], ["driveway", 333], ["megan", 341], ["megans", 341], ["work", 348], ["wrought", 348], ["worked", 348], ["get", 355], ["mason", 361], ["parent", 394], ["parents", 394], ["land", 401], ["landing", 401], ["rover", 407], ["safely", 428], ["strap", 437], ["straps", 437], ["buckle", 449], ["buckled", 449], ["hop", 465], ["hops", 465], ["hopped", 465], ["hopping", 465], ["beside", 475], ["rattle", 501], ["rattled", 501], ["along", 507], ["way", 544], ["ways", 544], ["tree", 561], ["treeing", 561], ["line", 567], ["lined", 567], ["suburb", 575], ["suburbs", 575], ["grow", 597], ["growest", 597], ["grown", 597], ["may", 619], ["mays", 619], ["look", 624], ["mark", 648], ["marks", 648], ["character", 670], ["live", 708], ["life", 708], ["lived", 708], ["relatively", 721], ["non", 725], ["rebellious", 736], ["life", 741], ["lifes", 741], ["even", 748], ["evens", 748], ["though", 755], ["cheerleader", 781], ["run", 789], ["ran", 789], ["popular", 806], ["crowd", 812], ["crowding", 812], ["crowdest", 812], ["school", 822], ["rarely", 835], ["partied", 843], ["excess", 853], ["instead", 863], ["foci", 881], ["focus", 881], ["focused", 881], ["get", 892], ["getting", 892], ["good", 897], ["grade", 904], ["grades", 904], ["time", 919], ["timing", 919], ["heart", 939], ["set", 943], ["go", 952], ["goest", 952], ["going", 952], ["medical", 963], ["become", 983], ["becoming", 983], ["doctor", 992], ["doctores", 992], ["doctoring", 992], ["little", 1025], ["girl", 1030], ["nothing", 1055], ["help", 1073], ["people", 1080], ["always", 1097], ["mend", 1105], ["mended", 1105], ["mending", 1105], ["bird", 1111], ["birds", 1111], ["wing", 1129], ["wings", 1129], ["try", 1139], ["tryed", 1139], ["trying", 1139], ["resuscitate", 1154], ["resuscitating", 1154], ["squirrel", 1164], ["squirrels", 1164], ["hit", 1181], ["car", 1189], ["cars", 1189], ["ditch", 1203], ["ditched", 1203], ["play", 1211], ["playest", 1211], ["playing", 1211], ["princess", 1220], ["hospital", 1244], ["desire", 1260], ["become", 1270], ["need", 1298], ["needed", 1298], ["good", 1307], ["best", 1307], ["score", 1314], ["scores", 1314], ["activity", 1334], ["activities", 1334], ["generally", 1356], ["shun", 1364], ["shuns", 1364], ["shunning", 1364], ["shunned", 1364], ["temptation", 1380], ["temptations", 1380], ["lead", 1388], ["leaded", 1388], 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["cheek", 3320], ["cheeks", 3320], ["sweetie", 3361], ["grin", 3377], ["grinned", 3377], ["happily", 3394], ["dodge", 3401], ["dodging", 3401], ["dodged", 3401], ["arm", 3420], ["arms", 3420], ["smile", 3471], ["man", 3491], ["mans", 3491], ["manned", 3491], ["love", 3517], ["loved", 3517], ["sit", 3525], ["sat", 3525], ["sitting", 3525], ["brother", 3546], ["brethren", 3546], ["brothers", 3546], ["couch", 3559], ["watch", 3572], ["watching", 3572], ["tv", 3575], ["many", 3615], ["male", 3620], ["males", 3620], ["role", 3625], ["model", 3632], ["models", 3632], ["hoped", 3649], ["inherit", 3670], ["inherits", 3670], ["inherited", 3670], ["personality", 3708], ["watch", 3730], ["watched", 3730], ["disappear", 3745], ["family", 3768], ["friend", 3780], ["friends", 3780], ["wait", 3788], ["waitest", 3788], ["waiting", 3788], ["alcove", 3809], ["bypass", 3824], ["bypassed", 3824], ["bypassest", 3824], ["everyone", 3833], ["turn", 3844], ["turning", 3844], ["head", 3862], ["heading", 3862], ["hallway", 3879], ["hallways", 3879], ["last", 3893], ["door", 3898], ["knock", 3925], ["knocks", 3925], ["knocked", 3925], ["friend", 3972], ["casey", 3980], ["answer", 3991], ["answeres", 3991], ["answerest", 3991], ["answered", 3991], ["well", 4010], ["wells", 4010], ["fairy", 4035], ["fairys", 4035], ["godmother", 4045], ["muse", 4060], ["mused", 4060], ["grin", 4072], ["step", 4094], ["stepped", 4094], ["inside", 4101], ["meet", 4156], ["meeted", 4156], ["meeting", 4156], ["met", 4156], ["time", 4172], ["timing", 4172], ["times", 4172], ["hard", 4190], ["like", 4201], ["liking", 4201], ["vivacious", 4219], ["outgoing", 4232], ["long", 4255], ["longs", 4255], ["longing", 4255], ["brown", 4261], ["browns", 4261], ["hair", 4266], ["pull", 4277], ["pulled", 4277], ["lose", 4292], ["knot", 4297], ["wear", 4312], ["wore", 4312], ["demure", 4321], ["black", 4327], ["slip", 4332], ["dress", 4338], ["dressest", 4338], ["heel", 4348], ["heeled", 4348], ["heeling", 4348], ["heels", 4348], ["ask", 4389], ["asked", 4389], ["gaze", 4398], ["gazes", 4398], ["gazing", 4398], ["noah", 4408], ["diapered", 4420], ["diapering", 4420], ["form", 4435], ["formest", 4435], ["fed", 4461], ["feed", 4461], ["feeding", 4461], ["bottle", 4474], ["upper", 4490], ["body", 4495], ["bodied", 4495], ["drape", 4506], ["drapes", 4506], ["draped", 4506], ["towel", 4517], ["towels", 4517], ["toweled", 4517], ["towelled", 4517], ["peek", 4527], ["peeks", 4527], ["peeking", 4527], ["covering", 4549], ["see", 4559], ["saw", 4559], ["wear", 4576], ["wearing", 4576], ["signature", 4590], ["color", 4596], ["green", 4604], ["greens", 4604]]
as noah sucked on his bottle , he twirled a strand of emma 's auburn hair between his fingers . both father and son were fans of emma wearing her hair down . emma grinned . `` good , i guess . i mean , i do n't have a lot of experience with baptisms . '' megan laughed and motioned to the towel and noah . `` it looks like you 're taking all the proper precautions-nothing like spit-up on your dress or his . '' with a nod , emma replied , `` tell me about it . especially since his gown is so old . '' megan eyed the lacy baptismal gown hanging on the closet door . she recognized it from pictures of ankle 's baptism . he had worn it , and now it was being passed down to his son . casey snorted . `` i 'm sure aidan would n't appreciate you alluding to the fact his gown is an antique , thus in turn saying he 's old . '' emma laughed . `` no , i 'm sure he would n't . of course , he 'd probably argue that while the gown might not have held up , he still looks fabulous and much younger than his age . '' megan smiled . `` that sounds just like him . '' she bent over emma to rub one of noah 's hands . he grabbed her thumb in his fist and held on for dear life . `` aw , you love your godmother , do n't you noah ? '' emma asked . noah momentarily stopped sucking on the bottle to flash a quick smile , which warmed megan 's heart . `` he 's such a sweet boy , '' she mused . `` and a charmer , just like his old man , '' casey mused . `` that too , '' megan agreed . thinking about her position , she cocked her head at casey . `` are you sure you 're fine with me being the godmother ? '' casey waved her hand dismissively . `` honey , the last thing i need is the responsibility . i plan on spoiling noah rotten and corrupting him as only a good auntie can do ! '' emma rolled her eyes . `` i 'm very satisfied with both my choices , megan . you do n't have to worry . '' `` so who is the godfather again ? i know he 's not part of the family . '' casey gasped as her hand flew to her chest dramatically . `` you mean , you 've never met dr. mcdreamy bollywood ? '' megan shrugged . `` no , i have n't . i mean , i 've heard about him and how he flew aidan home in time for noah 's birth . '' she noticed the pleading look that emma exchanged with casey . `` why ? what should i know about him ? '' casey tapped her chin with her index finger . `` hmm , what should you know about the good godfather ? '' she winked at megan . `` first off , he is seriously delectable . i mean , the man is like sex on a stick . tall , jet-black hair , dark eyes , and he 's built like a brick shithouse . '' megan suddenly felt her interest piquing . she had n't imagined that the godfather would be good-looking . it had been such a long time since she had dated anyone . scratch that-it had been a long time since she 'd had sex with anyone . she 'd spent the last two years completely dateless since she and davis broke up . she could practically join one of the local parishes as a nun with how long she had abstained . `` really ? '' `` mmm , hmm . he reminds me of that bollywood actor john abraham , '' casey said . emma snorted . `` since when do you watch bollywood movies ? '' `` since one of nate 's friends asked us to an indian film festival . '' casey grinned at megan . `` besides the fact that he 's a serious looker , he 's also kind , compassionate , and caring-an overall wonderful man . '' `` really now ? '' megan questioned . `` and he 's loaded because he 's a doctor . '' this man was sounding better and better by the minute . `` is he single ? '' emma made a strangled noise before casey replied , `` oh , yeah , he 's single . he 's a widower actually . '' megan pursed her lips at the prospect . widowers usually fell into two categories-those who were still devastated by their wives ' deaths or those who were ready to have fun and live a little . she certainly hoped this pesh guy fell into the second category . more than anything , she wanted to have a little fun herself . `` do you really think you might be interested in dating pesh ? '' emma asked , as she moved noah to her shoulder to burp him .
[["noah", 7], ["suck", 14], ["sucking", 14], ["sucked", 14], ["bottle", 28], ["twirl", 41], ["twirls", 41], ["twirled", 41], ["strand", 50], ["emma", 58], ["emmas", 58], ["auburn", 68], ["hair", 73], ["finger", 93], ["fingers", 93], ["father", 107], ["fathered", 107], ["son", 115], ["fan", 125], ["fans", 125], ["wear", 141], ["wearing", 141], ["grin", 170], ["grinned", 170], ["good", 180], ["guess", 190], ["mean", 199], ["meanest", 199], ["meaning", 199], ["lot", 221], ["experience", 235], ["experienced", 235], ["baptism", 249], ["baptisms", 249], ["megan", 260], ["megans", 260], ["laugh", 268], ["laughed", 268], ["motion", 281], ["motioning", 281], ["towel", 294], ["towels", 294], ["toweled", 294], ["towelled", 294], ["look", 317], ["looks", 317], ["like", 322], ["take", 337], ["taking", 337], ["proper", 352], ["precaution", 364], ["precautions", 364], ["nothing", 372], ["spit", 382], ["spitting", 382], ["dress", 399], ["dressest", 399], ["nod", 422], ["nodding", 422], ["reply", 437], ["replys", 437], ["replied", 437], ["tell", 447], ["especially", 472], ["since", 478], ["gown", 487], ["gowns", 487], ["gowning", 487], ["old", 497], ["eye", 513], ["lacy", 522], ["baptismal", 532], ["hanging", 545], ["closet", 559], ["closets", 559], ["door", 564], ["recognize", 581], ["recognized", 581], ["picture", 598], ["pictures", 598], ["ankle", 607], ["baptism", 618], ["wear", 632], ["worn", 632], ["pass", 665], ["passed", 665], ["casey", 689], ["snort", 697], ["snortest", 697], ["snorted", 697], ["sure", 712], ["aidan", 718], ["appreciate", 739], ["appreciates", 739], ["allude", 752], ["alluding", 752], ["fact", 764], ["antique", 787], ["thus", 794], ["turn", 802], ["say", 809], ["saying", 809], ["course", 882], ["probably", 899], ["argue", 905], ["may", 931], ["mays", 931], ["hold", 945], ["held", 945], ["still", 959], ["stilling", 959], ["fabulous", 974], ["much", 983], ["young", 991], ["youngest", 991], ["age", 1004], ["smile", 1022], ["smiled", 1022], ["sound", 1039], ["sounds", 1039], ["bend", 1067], ["rub", 1084], ["hand", 1105], ["handing", 1105], ["hands", 1105], ["grab", 1118], ["grabbed", 1118], ["thumb", 1128], ["thumbed", 1128], ["fist", 1140], ["dear", 1161], ["dearest", 1161], ["life", 1166], ["lifes", 1166], ["aw", 1174], ["aws", 1174], ["love", 1185], ["godmother", 1200], ["ask", 1234], ["asked", 1234], ["momentarily", 1253], ["stop", 1261], ["stopped", 1261], ["suck", 1269], ["sucking", 1269], ["flash", 1292], ["quick", 1300], ["smile", 1306], ["warm", 1321], ["warmed", 1321], ["heart", 1336], ["sweet", 1360], ["boy", 1364], ["muse", 1379], ["mused", 1379], ["charmer", 1398], ["man", 1422], ["mans", 1422], ["manned", 1422], ["agree", 1471], ["agreed", 1471], ["think", 1482], ["thinkest", 1482], ["thinking", 1482], ["position", 1501], ["cock", 1514], ["cockest", 1514], ["cocked", 1514], ["head", 1523], ["fine", 1563], ["finer", 1563], ["wave", 1608], ["waved", 1608], ["hand", 1617], ["handing", 1617], ["dismissively", 1630], ["honey", 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["time", 2178], ["timing", 2178], ["birth", 2196], ["notice", 2213], ["noticed", 2213], ["plead", 2226], ["pleading", 2226], ["look", 2231], ["exchange", 2251], ["exchanged", 2251], ["tap", 2320], ["tapped", 2320], ["chin", 2329], ["index", 2344], ["indices", 2344], ["indexes", 2344], ["finger", 2351], ["hmm", 2360], ["wink", 2424], ["winks", 2424], ["winkest", 2424], ["winked", 2424], ["first", 2444], ["seriously", 2466], ["delectable", 2477], ["sex", 2508], ["stick", 2519], ["tall", 2526], ["jet", 2532], ["jetting", 2532], ["black", 2538], ["dark", 2550], ["darkest", 2550], ["build", 2573], ["builds", 2573], ["built", 2573], ["brick", 2586], ["shithouse", 2596], ["suddenly", 2616], ["feel", 2621], ["felt", 2621], ["interest", 2634], ["pique", 2642], ["piquing", 2642], ["imagine", 2665], ["imagined", 2665], ["look", 2706], ["looking", 2706], ["long", 2732], ["longs", 2732], ["longing", 2732], ["date", 2757], ["dated", 2757], ["anyone", 2764], ["scratch", 2774], ["scratched", 2774], ["scratching", 2774], ["spend", 2851], ["spends", 2851], ["spending", 2851], ["spent", 2851], ["two", 2864], ["twos", 2864], ["year", 2870], ["years", 2870], ["completely", 2881], ["dateless", 2890], ["davis", 2910], ["break", 2916], ["broke", 2916], ["practically", 2943], ["join", 2948], ["joinest", 2948], ["local", 2965], ["parish", 2974], ["parishes", 2974], ["nun", 2983], ["nuns", 2983], ["abstain", 3015], ["abstained", 3015], ["really", 3027], ["mmm", 3039], ["remind", 3058], ["reminds", 3058], ["actor", 3085], ["john", 3090], ["abraham", 3098], ["abrahams", 3098], ["say", 3114], ["said", 3114], ["watch", 3158], ["movie", 3175], ["movies", 3175], ["nate", 3201], ["nates", 3201], ["friend", 3212], ["friends", 3212], ["indian", 3234], ["indians", 3234], ["film", 3239], ["festival", 3248], ["besides", 3289], ["serious", 3319], ["also", 3339], ["kind", 3344], ["compassionate", 3360], ["care", 3373], ["caring", 3373], ["overall", 3384], ["wonderful", 3394], ["question", 3439], ["questioned", 3439], ["doctor", 3484], ["doctores", 3484], ["doctoring", 3484], ["sound", 3511], ["sounding", 3511], ["well", 3518], ["wells", 3518], ["better", 3518], ["minute", 3543], ["single", 3561], ["noise", 3594], ["oh", 3623], ["yeah", 3630], ["widower", 3663], ["purse", 3690], ["pursed", 3690], ["lip", 3699], ["lipped", 3699], ["lips", 3699], ["prospect", 3715], ["widower", 3726], ["widowers", 3726], ["usually", 3734], ["fall", 3739], ["falls", 3739], ["fell", 3739], ["category", 3759], ["categories", 3759], ["devastate", 3791], ["devastated", 3791], ["wife", 3806], ["wifes", 3806], ["wives", 3806], ["death", 3815], ["deaths", 3815], ["ready", 3839], ["fun", 3851], ["live", 3860], ["life", 3860], ["little", 3869], ["certainly", 3885], ["hope", 3891], ["hoped", 3891], ["guy", 3905], ["second", 3926], ["seconded", 3926], ["category", 3935], ["anything", 3956], ["think", 4023], ["thinkest", 4023], ["interested", 4047], ["date", 4057], ["dating", 4057], ["move", 4093], ["moved", 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with a shrug , megan replied , `` dating him or just having some fun with him . sounds like he could use some . '' emma grimaced as she wiped noah 's face off . `` this is exactly why i told aidan not to try and fix you two up . '' `` what do you mean ? '' `` pesh needs a relationship , not a hook-up after all he 's been through . besides his wife 's death , he has n't had it easy on the dating front . '' `` what happened ? '' when casey snorted , emma shot her a death glare . `` nothing . it 's just he does n't need to get involved with someone who is n't interested in a long-term relationship . '' `` em , you might as well tell her , '' casey urged . megan glanced between the two of them . `` tell me what ? '' `` fine , '' emma huffed resignedly . she handed noah to casey . `` make yourself useful by changing his diaper . '' as casey got busy cleaning up noah , emma turned to megan . `` when aidan and i broke up- '' `` what you meant to say is , after you left aidan when he did n't show up for noah 's gender ultrasound because he was cheating on you ? '' casey interrupted , waving around the wet wipe in her hand . emma closed her eyes for a moment before shaking her head . `` yes , that 's right . thank you so very much for bringing up that aspect of our break-up on today of all days . '' casey gripped noah 's ankles and hoisted up his little butt to slide on the new diaper . `` you 're welcome . '' `` anyway , as you were saying , '' megan pressed . `` right . so it was when aidan and i were broken up that i met pesh . i was with your papa fitzgerald the day of his heart attack at the vfw , and pesh was the doctor who treated him . '' `` so ... you both struck up a friendship then ? '' megan asked . emma grimaced . `` not exactly . you see , patrick wanted to force aidan to really fight for me , and he felt the best way to do it would be for him to have some competition . '' megan felt her eyes widening in surprise . `` papa wanted pesh to date you ? '' `` yeah . '' `` did you ? '' emma was momentarily distracted by casey blowing raspberries on noah 's stomach . a smile spread across her face as noah kicked his legs and giggled at casey . `` want me to get him in his dress ? '' casey asked , as she glanced up . `` if you do n't mind . '' bringing her hand to her hip , megan huffed out an exasperated breath . `` um , could you please focus for just a minute considering the bomb you just dropped on me ? '' `` i 'm sorry . i did n't want to tell you at all . i mean , whatever was between us is all in the past . neither one of us really cared for each other like we thought we did . '' `` did you ... '' megan said . at emma 's confused expression , she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively . emma 's face flushed . `` no , of course not ! '' casey eyed emma as she took the baptism gown off the hanger . `` you did make out with him though . '' `` one time . and he certainly did n't get to second base , '' emma argued . with a wicked grin , casey added , `` pity . wish you could inform us on what he has going on below the waist . '' `` you 're impossible . '' she snatched the gown away from casey and then started wrestling noah into the yards of fabric . `` it was n't like we were in a relationship . we did n't really even go out together . he came to the house once to bring me dinner and check on me when i was on bed rest , and then he took me to the opera . that was it . '' `` was there no chemistry between you two ? '' without responding , emma pulled noah up into a sitting position and started fastening the row of buttons down the back of the gown . `` em ? '' megan pressed . she gave a heavy sigh before picking noah up . she stared into his face before she responded . `` we had great chemistry together . he was an amazing kisser who got all my senses up and running in all the right ways . besides the physical part , he is smart , kind , and intelligent-any woman 's dream . '' she shook her head . `` but it did n't matter because he was n't aidan . i could never , ever love another man like i do him . ''
[["shrug", 12], ["shrugging", 12], ["megan", 20], ["megans", 20], ["reply", 28], ["replys", 28], ["replied", 28], ["date", 40], ["dating", 40], ["fun", 68], ["sound", 86], ["sounds", 86], ["like", 91], ["use", 104], ["emma", 119], ["emmas", 119], ["grimace", 128], ["grimacing", 128], ["grimaced", 128], ["wipe", 141], ["wiped", 141], ["noah", 146], ["face", 154], ["exactly", 179], ["tell", 190], ["told", 190], ["aidan", 196], ["try", 207], ["tryed", 207], ["fix", 215], ["fixes", 215], ["two", 223], ["twos", 223], ["mean", 251], ["meanest", 251], ["meaning", 251], ["need", 270], ["needs", 270], ["relationship", 285], ["hook", 298], ["besides", 340], ["wife", 349], ["wifes", 349], ["death", 358], ["easy", 383], ["front", 403], ["happen", 425], ["happened", 425], ["casey", 441], ["snort", 449], ["snortest", 449], ["snorted", 449], ["shoot", 461], ["shooted", 461], ["shot", 461], ["glare", 479], ["nothing", 492], ["need", 522], ["get", 529], ["involve", 538], ["involved", 538], ["interested", 573], ["long", 583], ["longs", 583], ["longing", 583], ["term", 588], ["terming", 588], ["may", 624], ["mays", 624], ["well", 632], ["wells", 632], ["tell", 637], ["urge", 658], ["urged", 658], ["glance", 674], ["fine", 729], ["finer", 729], ["resignedly", 757], ["hand", 770], ["handing", 770], ["handed", 770], ["useful", 810], ["change", 822], ["changing", 822], ["diaper", 833], ["get", 851], ["got", 851], ["busy", 856], ["busied", 856], ["clean", 865], ["cleans", 865], ["cleaning", 865], ["turn", 887], ["turned", 887], ["break", 924], ["broke", 924], ["mean", 949], ["meanest", 949], ["meaning", 949], ["meant", 949], ["say", 956], ["left", 976], ["leave", 976], ["show", 1003], ["gender", 1025], ["ultrasound", 1036], ["cheat", 1060], ["cheating", 1060], ["wave", 1099], ["waved", 1099], ["waving", 1099], ["around", 1106], ["wet", 1114], ["wetting", 1114], ["wipe", 1119], ["hand", 1131], ["handing", 1131], ["close", 1145], ["closing", 1145], ["closed", 1145], ["eye", 1154], ["eyes", 1154], ["moment", 1167], ["shake", 1182], ["shaking", 1182], ["head", 1191], ["yes", 1200], ["right", 1216], ["thank", 1224], ["thanks", 1224], ["thankest", 1224], ["much", 1241], ["bring", 1254], ["bringing", 1254], ["aspect", 1269], ["break", 1282], ["broke", 1282], ["today", 1294], ["day", 1306], ["days", 1306], ["grip", 1325], ["ankle", 1340], ["ankles", 1340], ["hoist", 1352], ["little", 1366], ["butt", 1371], ["butts", 1371], ["buttest", 1371], ["butting", 1371], ["slid", 1380], ["new", 1391], ["welcome", 1419], ["anyway", 1434], ["say", 1455], ["saying", 1455], ["press", 1474], ["pressed", 1474], ["break", 1526], ["broke", 1526], ["broken", 1526], ["meet", 1540], ["meeted", 1540], ["meeting", 1540], ["met", 1540], ["papa", 1568], ["fitzgerald", 1579], ["day", 1587], ["heart", 1600], ["attack", 1607], ["vfw", 1618], ["doctor", 1644], ["doctores", 1644], ["doctoring", 1644], ["treat", 1656], ["treats", 1656], ["treatest", 1656], ["treated", 1656], ["strike", 1691], ["struck", 1691], ["friendship", 1707], ["ask", 1729], ["asked", 1729], ["see", 1772], ["patrick", 1782], ["force", 1798], ["really", 1814], ["fight", 1820], ["fightest", 1820], ["fighting", 1820], ["feel", 1841], ["felt", 1841], ["good", 1850], ["best", 1850], ["way", 1854], ["ways", 1854], ["competition", 1905], ["widen", 1939], ["widening", 1939], ["surprise", 1951], ["date", 1981], ["yeah", 1998], ["momentarily", 2040], ["distract", 2051], ["distractest", 2051], ["distracted", 2051], ["blow", 2068], ["blew", 2068], ["blowest", 2068], ["blowing", 2068], ["raspberry", 2080], ["raspberries", 2080], ["stomach", 2099], ["stomachs", 2099], ["stomaching", 2099], ["smile", 2109], ["spread", 2116], ["across", 2123], ["kick", 2147], ["kicked", 2147], ["leg", 2156], ["legs", 2156], ["giggle", 2168], ["giggled", 2168], ["dress", 2214], ["dressest", 2214], ["mind", 2275], ["minding", 2275], ["hip", 2309], ["hips", 2309], ["huff", 2324], ["huffs", 2324], ["breath", 2350], ["breathest", 2350], ["um", 2358], ["please", 2377], ["pleasing", 2377], ["foci", 2383], ["focus", 2383], ["minute", 2401], ["consider", 2413], ["considering", 2413], ["bomb", 2422], ["bombest", 2422], ["drop", 2439], ["dropped", 2439], ["sorry", 2464], ["whatever", 2520], ["past", 2554], ["pastest", 2554], ["neither", 2564], ["care", 2587], ["cared", 2587], ["think", 2618], ["thinkest", 2618], ["thought", 2618], ["say", 2659], ["said", 2659], ["confused", 2681], ["expression", 2692], ["wiggle", 2706], ["wiggled", 2706], ["eyebrow", 2719], ["eyebrows", 2719], ["suggestively", 2732], ["flush", 2755], ["flushed", 2755], ["course", 2775], ["eyed", 2795], ["take", 2812], ["took", 2812], ["baptism", 2824], ["gown", 2829], ["gowns", 2829], ["gowning", 2829], ["hanger", 2844], ["though", 2882], ["time", 2899], ["timing", 2899], ["certainly", 2918], ["second", 2940], ["seconded", 2940], ["base", 2945], ["basest", 2945], ["argue", 2962], ["argued", 2962], ["wicked", 2978], ["grin", 2983], ["add", 2997], ["added", 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3646], ["heavy", 3654], ["heavier", 3654], ["heavies", 3654], ["sigh", 3659], ["pick", 3674], ["picking", 3674], ["stare", 3695], ["stared", 3695], ["respond", 3730], ["respondest", 3730], ["responded", 3730], ["great", 3748], ["amazing", 3787], ["kisser", 3794], ["sense", 3816], ["senses", 3816], ["run", 3831], ["running", 3831], ["way", 3853], ["ways", 3853], ["physical", 3876], ["part", 3881], ["parting", 3881], ["smart", 3895], ["kind", 3902], ["intelligent", 3920], ["woman", 3930], ["womans", 3930], ["dream", 3939], ["dreamt", 3939], ["dreamest", 3939], ["shake", 3954], ["shook", 3954], ["matter", 3990], ["mattering", 3990], ["never", 4031], ["ever", 4038], ["love", 4043], ["another", 4051], ["man", 4055], ["mans", 4055], ["manned", 4055]]
giving noah a kiss on the cheek , she added , `` neither one of us were really in a good place-i was trying to make sure that aidan really was the one , and after being pressured by family and friends , he was trying to date for the first time after his wife 's death . '' megan crossed her arms over her chest . `` i get that he does n't need to be hurt , but who is to say that having a fling is going to hurt him ? maybe it could give him the confidence he needs to go out and find the real woman of his dreams ? '' `` how could a man that looks like that have any self-confidence issues ? '' `` you never know . if he was married a long time before his wife died , he might find it hard to get back into the dating world . especially if the last woman he cared about loved someone else . '' emma shook her head . `` trust me , he is n't the fling kind of guy . he wants a wife and children . '' although megan had a son , she was n't quite ready for marriage . maybe in a few years but right now she just wanted to date and have fun . she 'd willingly sacrificed so much to ensure that mason could have all of her attention since he was short a father . after all , he was the greatest hurdle in her having a committed relationship . she did n't want to open her son up to any hurt that might come from him getting attached to a man she dated only to have them disappear when they broke up . `` ankle really wants to fix us up ? '' emma nodded . `` regardless of what happened with pesh when we were broken up , aidan does respect and admire him . he wants pesh to be happy . '' she gave megan a pointed look . `` most of all , he wants that for you , too . '' megan wrinkled her nose . `` but i 'm really not ready for all of that yet . '' `` then think long and hard before you agree to do anything about pesh . he is unknowingly very persuasive , and in the moment , you might forget your resolve only to have it come back later to hurt you ... or him . '' megan held up her hands in defeat . `` okay , okay , i promise . '' emma smiled . `` nothing would make me happier than if you were to fall in love with pesh . '' with a laugh , megan said , `` did you just hear anything that i said ? i 'm anti-love . '' `` so was aidan . '' just as megan opened her mouth to protest , aidan waltzed into the room . `` everything okay ? '' `` fine . just finished feeding and dressing him , '' emma replied `` good . the natives are getting restless to see the little man of the hour before the baptism . '' he strode over to them and took his son into his arms . `` you ready to go work the crowd , noah ? '' noah 's response was to grunt and reach for aidan 's tie . with a laugh , aidan announced , `` i 'll take that as a yes . '' he then leaned in to kiss emma 's cheek . `` ready mrs . fitzgerald ? '' she smiled before linking her arm through his . `` yes , mr. fitzgerald , i am . '' megan and casey followed them out the door and down the hallway . they entered a noisy room crammed with family and friends . she left aidan and emma 's side to seek out her parents to check on mason . she found her parents , but their arms were empty . in a panic , she demanded , `` where 's mason ? '' her father smiled and pointed over to where a pile of her younger cousins were . mason was on the lap of her aunt becky 's oldest son , john . mason was mesmerized with what whatever john was doing on his phone . megan smiled as she walked up to them . without taking his eyes off the screen , john replied , `` we 're fine . '' `` are you sure he 's not bothering you ? '' what she was n't asking was if john was actually keeping an eye on mason between playing on his phone . john glanced up . `` considering i have two younger brothers , i think i can handle him . besides , he 's really into this game . '' `` okay then , '' megan replied . she spoke to john 's brothers , percy and georgie , before making her way around the room . all her relatives were interested to hear how her schooling was going and how mason was . she had just turned away from talking to her great aunt and uncle when someone pressed up against her back . `` do n't look now , but there 's dr. mcdreamy bollywood now , '' casey whispered into her ear . without hesitation , her eyes scanned the crowd . and then she saw him . ankle was taking him around and making introductions . pesh was impossibly tall and wearing a tailor-made black suit . even beneath the lines of the clothing , she could make out his large biceps and thick thighs . he obviously spent his downtime between hospital shifts working out .
[["give", 6], ["giving", 6], ["noah", 11], ["kiss", 18], ["kisses", 18], ["kissest", 18], ["cheek", 31], ["cheeks", 31], ["add", 43], ["added", 43], ["neither", 56], ["really", 78], ["good", 88], ["place", 94], ["try", 107], ["tryed", 107], ["trying", 107], ["sure", 120], ["aidan", 131], ["pressure", 178], ["pressured", 178], ["family", 188], ["friend", 200], ["friends", 200], ["date", 224], ["first", 238], ["time", 243], ["timing", 243], ["wife", 258], ["wifes", 258], ["death", 267], ["megan", 278], ["megans", 278], ["cross", 286], ["crossing", 286], ["crossed", 286], ["arm", 295], ["arms", 295], ["chest", 310], ["get", 321], ["need", 343], ["hurt", 354], ["hurts", 354], ["hurting", 354], ["say", 374], ["fling", 394], ["flung", 394], ["go", 403], ["goest", 403], ["going", 403], ["maybe", 423], ["give", 437], ["confidence", 456], ["need", 465], ["needs", 465], ["go", 471], ["goest", 471], ["find", 484], ["real", 493], ["woman", 499], ["womans", 499], ["dream", 513], ["dreamt", 513], ["dreamest", 513], ["dreams", 513], ["man", 537], ["mans", 537], ["manned", 537], ["look", 548], ["looks", 548], ["like", 553], ["self", 572], ["issue", 590], ["issues", 590], ["never", 608], ["know", 613], ["marry", 633], ["married", 633], ["long", 640], ["longs", 640], ["longing", 640], ["die", 666], ["died", 666], ["may", 677], ["mays", 677], ["hard", 690], ["back", 702], ["date", 718], ["dating", 718], ["world", 724], ["especially", 737], ["last", 749], ["care", 764], ["cared", 764], ["love", 776], ["loved", 776], ["else", 789], ["emma", 799], ["emmas", 799], ["shake", 805], ["shook", 805], ["head", 814], ["trust", 825], ["kind", 855], ["guy", 862], ["child", 893], ["childs", 893], ["children", 893], ["although", 907], ["son", 923], ["quite", 943], ["ready", 949], ["marriage", 962], ["year", 985], ["years", 985], ["right", 995], ["fun", 1036], ["willingly", 1055], ["sacrifice", 1066], ["sacrificed", 1066], ["much", 1074], ["ensure", 1084], ["mason", 1095], ["attention", 1127], 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1974], ["hand", 1987], ["handing", 1987], ["hands", 1987], ["defeat", 1997], ["defeatest", 1997], ["okay", 2007], ["okays", 2007], ["promise", 2026], ["smile", 2043], ["smiled", 2043], ["nothing", 2056], ["happy", 2078], ["happier", 2078], ["fall", 2103], ["falls", 2103], ["love", 2111], ["laugh", 2139], ["say", 2152], ["said", 2152], ["hear", 2175], ["hears", 2175], ["anti", 2208], ["open", 2260], ["opening", 2260], ["opened", 2260], ["mouth", 2270], ["mouthed", 2270], ["protest", 2281], ["protestest", 2281], ["waltz", 2297], ["waltzest", 2297], ["waltzed", 2297], ["room", 2311], ["roomed", 2311], ["everything", 2327], ["fine", 2345], ["finer", 2345], ["finish", 2361], ["finished", 2361], ["fed", 2369], ["feed", 2369], ["feeding", 2369], ["dress", 2382], ["dressest", 2382], ["dressing", 2382], ["reply", 2404], ["replys", 2404], ["replied", 2404], ["native", 2426], ["natives", 2426], ["restless", 2447], ["see", 2454], ["little", 2465], ["hour", 2481], ["baptism", 2500], ["stride", 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["work", 4579], ["wrought", 4579], ["working", 4579]]
his wavy , jet-black hair was cut short , and his dark eyes took in all that ankle was saying . and while she may have been in a church about to stand up as a godmother , she could n't help the ni**les tightening and panties moistening reaction of seeing him . he was all the way across the room , but he had the same effect as if he were standing by her side , rubbing against her . `` see what i mean ? '' casey questioned . megan licked her lips . `` oh my , '' she finally managed . `` sure you do n't want to give him a chance ? '' fighting the urge to fan herself , megan quickly replied , `` i 'd like to give him many , many chances . '' chances at ripping off my clothes , chances at kissing and licking me all over my body , chances at allowing his hands , fingers , and the promising bulge in his pants to stroke me until i orgasm ... yep , many , many chances . as if she could read megan 's mind , casey laughed . `` oh girl , this has trouble written all over it . '' chapter three pesh paced nervously around the back of the cathedral . the fact he was in a catholic church was n't the only reason he felt out of his element . as he eyed the massive statue of jesus , he fidgeted absently with his tie . although emma had sworn aidan was fine with the idea of him as godfather , he was still a little apprehensive about seeing aidan again . the last time they 'd been together , pesh was the hero flying aidan from north carolina to atlanta just in time for noah 's unexpected birth . but that was six months ago . the euphoria of the moment now had time to fade , and to aidan , pesh could still be the man who almost stole emma away . a side door opened , and aidan stepped out . he immediately met pesh 's anxious gaze . when his lips curved into a wide smile , pesh exhaled the nervous breath he 'd been holding . `` well , there you are , '' aidan said , as he strode up . he bypassed throwing out his hand , and instead , he pulled pesh to him for a bear hug . `` emma was worried about you . '' `` she was ? '' `` yeah , she asked me to come out and see if i could find you . '' i was n't sure where to go , and no one was out here . '' `` do n't worry about it . '' aidan pulled away . `` so how the hell are you ? '' pesh could n't help laughing at aidan 's choice of words , especially in a church . `` i 'm good , thank you . '' he cocked his head at aidan . `` and what about you ? is fatherhood agreeing with you ? '' a beaming smile lit aidan 's face . `` i 'm absolutely fantastic . i never could have imagined that being a father would be this ... amazing . '' pesh nodded . `` i want you to know what an honor it is for me to be noah 's godfather . '' `` we 're glad to have you . '' aidan patted pesh 's back . `` and i do mean that . '' `` i hope you do . i have had my concerns ... '' aidan shook his head . `` well , do n't . i 'll admit i was n't too thrilled with the prospect at first , but em was able to make me see the light . you were there for us when we really needed you . i mean , besides my wedding day , i would 've missed the most important days of my life-my son 's birth . i can never thank you enough . so when it comes down to it , i do n't think i could ask for a better godfather for my son . '' aidan 's words touched pesh . `` thank you . that means a lot . you have my word that i will always do what is right by noah . '' after giving him a hearty thump on the shoulder , aidan said , `` come on back with me . i want to introduce you to everyone . '' `` do they ... '' pesh was n't sure how to ask if aidan 's family knew the story of how he and emma truly knew each other . aidan chuckled . `` let 's just say that pop 's the only one who knows the truth . the others just think you met us when pop had his heart attack . '' pesh could n't help the relieved breath that whooshed out of him . it would have been a nightmare to have most of aidan 's family hating him for trying to steal emma away . `` i see . '' he followed aidan back into a large room filled with chattering people . as he craned his neck , he saw emma in the corner with noah in her arms .
[["wavy", 8], ["jet", 14], ["jetting", 14], ["black", 20], ["hair", 25], ["cut", 33], ["short", 39], ["dark", 54], ["darkest", 54], ["eye", 59], ["eyes", 59], ["take", 64], ["took", 64], ["ankle", 82], ["say", 93], ["saying", 93], ["may", 113], ["mays", 113], ["church", 135], ["churching", 135], ["stood", 150], ["stand", 150], ["standest", 150], ["godmother", 168], ["help", 189], ["pantie", 224], ["panties", 224], ["moisten", 235], ["moistening", 235], ["reaction", 244], ["see", 254], ["seeing", 254], ["way", 279], ["ways", 279], ["across", 286], ["room", 295], ["roomed", 295], ["effect", 324], ["effectest", 324], ["stood", 347], ["stand", 347], ["standest", 347], ["standing", 347], ["side", 359], ["rub", 369], ["rubbing", 369], ["see", 390], ["mean", 402], ["meanest", 402], ["meaning", 402], ["casey", 413], ["megan", 432], ["megans", 432], ["lick", 439], ["licked", 439], ["lip", 448], ["lipped", 448], ["lips", 448], ["oh", 456], ["finally", 476], ["manage", 484], ["managed", 484], ["sure", 494], ["give", 518], ["chance", 531], ["chanced", 531], ["chancing", 531], ["fight", 545], ["fightest", 545], ["fighting", 545], ["urge", 554], ["fan", 561], ["quickly", 585], ["reply", 593], ["replys", 593], ["replied", 593], ["like", 608], ["many", 625], ["chance", 640], ["chanced", 640], ["chancing", 640], ["chances", 640], ["rip", 664], ["ripping", 664], ["clad", 679], ["clothe", 679], ["clothes", 679], ["kiss", 700], ["kisses", 700], ["kissest", 700], ["kissing", 700], ["lick", 712], ["licking", 712], ["body", 732], ["bodied", 732], ["allow", 754], ["allowing", 754], ["hand", 764], ["handing", 764], ["hands", 764], ["finger", 774], ["fingers", 774], ["promise", 794], ["promising", 794], ["bulge", 800], ["pant", 813], ["pants", 813], ["stroke", 823], ["orgasm", 841], ["orgasms", 841], ["yep", 849], ["read", 894], ["reads", 894], ["mind", 908], ["minding", 908], ["laugh", 924], ["laughed", 924], ["girl", 937], ["trouble", 956], ["troubling", 956], ["write", 964], ["writing", 964], ["written", 964], ["chapter", 989], ["three", 995], ["pace", 1006], ["pacing", 1006], ["paced", 1006], ["nervously", 1016], ["around", 1023], ["back", 1032], ["cathedral", 1049], ["fact", 1060], ["catholic", 1081], ["catholics", 1081], ["reason", 1112], ["reasonest", 1112], ["feel", 1120], ["felt", 1120], ["element", 1139], ["eye", 1152], ["massive", 1164], ["statue", 1171], ["jesus", 1180], ["fidget", 1194], ["absently", 1203], ["tie", 1216], ["tying", 1216], ["although", 1227], ["emma", 1232], ["emmas", 1232], ["swear", 1242], ["sweared", 1242], ["sworn", 1242], ["aidan", 1248], ["fine", 1257], ["finer", 1257], ["idea", 1271], ["godfather", 1291], ["still", 1306], ["stilling", 1306], ["little", 1315], ["apprehensive", 1328], ["last", 1364], ["time", 1369], ["timing", 1369], ["together", 1391], ["hero", 1411], ["heros", 1411], ["fly", 1418], ["flys", 1418], ["flying", 1418], ["north", 1435], ["carolina", 1444], ["carolinas", 1444], ["atlanta", 1455], ["noah", 1477], ["unexpected", 1491], ["birth", 1497], ["six", 1516], ["month", 1523], ["months", 1523], ["ago", 1527], ["euphoria", 1542], ["euphorias", 1542], ["moment", 1556], ["fade", 1577], ["man", 1622], ["mans", 1622], ["manned", 1622], ["almost", 1633], ["stole", 1639], ["steal", 1639], ["away", 1649], ["door", 1663], ["open", 1670], ["opening", 1670], ["opened", 1670], ["step", 1690], ["stepped", 1690], ["immediately", 1711], ["meet", 1715], ["meeted", 1715], ["meeting", 1715], ["met", 1715], ["anxious", 1731], ["anxiousest", 1731], ["gaze", 1736], ["gazes", 1736], ["curve", 1759], ["curved", 1759], ["wide", 1771], ["smile", 1777], ["exhale", 1792], ["exhaled", 1792], ["nervous", 1804], ["breath", 1811], ["breathest", 1811], ["hold", 1830], ["holding", 1830], ["well", 1840], ["wells", 1840], ["say", 1872], ["said", 1872], ["stride", 1887], ["bypass", 1904], ["bypassed", 1904], ["bypassest", 1904], ["throw", 1913], ["throwing", 1913], ["hand", 1926], ["handing", 1926], ["instead", 1940], ["pull", 1952], ["pulled", 1952], ["bear", 1975], ["hug", 1979], ["worried", 2001], ["yeah", 2040], ["ask", 2052], ["asked", 2052], ["come", 2063], ["find", 2091], ["go", 2127], ["goest", 2127], ["worry", 2174], ["hell", 2227], ["hells", 2227], ["laugh", 2269], ["laughing", 2269], ["choice", 2288], ["word", 2297], ["wording", 2297], ["words", 2297], ["especially", 2310], ["good", 2337], ["thank", 2345], ["thanks", 2345], ["thankest", 2345], ["cock", 2364], ["cockest", 2364], ["cocked", 2364], ["head", 2373], ["fatherhood", 2422], ["agree", 2431], ["agreeing", 2431], ["beam", 2455], ["beaming", 2455], ["lit", 2465], ["light", 2465], ["lighting", 2465], ["face", 2479], ["absolutely", 2500], ["fantastic", 2510], ["never", 2520], ["imagine", 2540], ["imagined", 2540], ["father", 2560], ["fathered", 2560], ["amazing", 2586], ["nod", 2603], ["nodding", 2603], ["nodded", 2603], ["know", 2627], ["honor", 2641], ["glad", 2698], ["pat", 2728], ["patted", 2728], ["hope", 2780], ["concern", 2812], 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["everyone", 3506], ["family", 3577], ["know", 3582], ["knew", 3582], ["story", 3592], ["truly", 3617], ["chuckle", 3650], ["chuckled", 3650], ["let", 3659], ["lets", 3659], ["say", 3671], ["pop", 3680], ["know", 3706], ["knows", 3706], ["truth", 3716], ["heart", 3774], ["attack", 3781], ["whoosh", 3840], ["whooshed", 3840], ["nightmare", 3884], ["nightmares", 3884], ["hate", 3923], ["hating", 3923], ["try", 3938], ["tryed", 3938], ["trying", 3938], ["stole", 3947], ["steal", 3947], ["follow", 3985], ["followed", 3985], ["large", 4009], ["fill", 4021], ["fills", 4021], ["filled", 4021], ["chatter", 4037], ["chattering", 4037], ["people", 4044], ["crane", 4059], ["craned", 4059], ["neck", 4068], ["necked", 4068], ["see", 4077], ["saw", 4077], ["corner", 4096], ["arm", 4118], ["arms", 4118]]
she looked radiant as ever in an emerald suit . noah , however , did n't seem too thrilled to be outfitted in the lacy gown that flowed over emma 's arms and stopped mid-thigh . his tiny brows wrinkled as he waved his fists back and forth as if any moment he might let loose with a scream . taking him by the elbow , aidan guided him over to a group of men and women . aidan introduced him to his four sisters and their husbands . pesh smiled , nodded , and shook their hands before being bombarded by a hoard of aidan 's nieces and nephews . `` now i want you to meet my niece , megan . she 's the godmother . '' `` it would be my pleasure . '' aidan surprised pesh by leaning in and whispering in his ear . `` i 'm pretty sure over half of the people here are gunning for you two to get together . you know , a real romantic story to tell future kids about how you two met being the godmother and godfather of this sweet and adorable kid . '' pesh gulped . why was everyone he knew hell-bent on setting him up ? had emma harbored some secret , ulterior motive in asking him to be noah 's godfather ? `` i 'm flattered , but i do n't know if that 's such a good idea . '' pulling back , aidan surmised him before winking . `` normally i would agree because she is , after all , my niece-my favorite one if i 'm being honest . but as much as it pisses me off to admit it , you two would make a great couple . '' `` we would ? '' `` hell yeah . '' aidan swept his hand over his chin . `` megan needs someone strong and stable like you are , and then you need someone who is so full of life like she is . i can guaran-damn-tee you that you 've never been out with a woman like her before . emma is like , one tenths the sassiness that megan is . '' pesh could n't help giving aidan a skeptical look . `` just keep an open mind , okay ? '' with a reluctant nod , pesh replied , `` i will . '' `` megan , '' aidan called . when the tiny blonde turned around , pesh fought to catch his breath . everything about her from her sparkling blue eyes to her long blonde hair was just like jade 's . how was it possible for someone to remind him so much of what he had lost ? aidan grinned as he glanced between the two of them . `` i wanted to introduce you to pesh nadeen , the godfather . '' thrusting out her hand , megan smiled warmly at him . `` it 's very nice to finally meet you . '' he stared at it a moment before his good manners overrode his shock . he took her hand in his and shook it . `` it 's very nice meeting you , too . '' `` i 'll leave you two to get to know each other , '' aidan said . before pesh could protest , aidan turned and disappeared into the crowd . he turned to megan and tried clearing his throat of what felt like a wad of sawdust . he knew he should try to make polite conversation , but he was still so shell-shocked by the way megan looked . finally , she took pity on him . `` so , emma tells me you 're a doctor . '' pesh smiled politely . `` yes , i am . '' `` what type of medicine ? '' `` emergency services . '' megan 's face lit up . `` oh , how interesting . i 'm about to finish nursing school , and i 've asked for clinical placement in the er . '' pesh widened his eyes in surprise . aidan had failed to mention that they had the medical profession in common . `` i 'm hoping to get placed at grady , even though my parents would die a thousand deaths . '' he cocked his brows at her . `` i assume they 're afraid for your safety ? '' `` yes . they ca n't help worrying about the neighborhood . they sometimes forget i 'm an adult , rather than a child . '' `` what is it about grady that attracts you ? '' `` besides the fact that it 's nationally recognized for its er ? '' he smiled . `` yes , besides the accolades . '' megan tilted her head in thought . `` i guess it 's the fact i really want to feel like i 'm making a difference and saving lives . i feel like at grady i would be seeing some of the worst cases imaginable , and in turn some people who really do n't have a lot of hope . '' he was taken aback by her words and the passion with which she delivered them .
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