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['Razamat, S S']
['Marginal Deformations of N=4 SYM and of its Supersymmetric Orbifold Descendants']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['Thesis', 'Thesis']
['In this thesis exactly marginal deformations of field theories living on D3-branes at low energies are studied. These theories include N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and theories obtained from it via the orbifolding procedure.']
['Galiautdinov, A A']
['Quantum theory of elementary processes']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['In modern physics, one of the greatest divides is that between space-time and quantum fields, as the fiber bundle of the Standard Model indicates. However on the operational grounds the fields and space-time are not very different. To describe a field in an experimental region we have to assign coordinates to the points of that region in order to speak of "when" and "where" of the field itself. But to operationally study the topology and to coordinatize the region of space-time, the use of radars (to send and receive electromagnetic signals) is required. Thus the description of fields (or, rather, processes) and the description of space-time are indistinguishable at the fundamental level. Moreover, classical general relativity already says -- albeit preserving the fiber bundle structure -- that space-time and matter are intimately related. All this indicates that a new theory of elementary processes (out of which all the usual processes of creation, annihilation and propagation, and consequently the topology of space-time itself would be constructed) has to be devised. In this thesis I present the foundations of such a finite, discrete, algebraic, quantum theory and apply it to the description of spin-1/2 quanta of the Standard Model.']
['Riccioni, F']
['Low-energy structure of six-dimensional open-string vacua']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['This dissertation reviews some properties of the low-energy effective actions for six dimensional open-string models. The first chapter is a pedagogical introduction about supergravity theories. In the second chapter closed strings are analyzed, with particular emphasis on type IIB, whose orientifold projection, in order to build type-I models, is the subject of the third chapter. Original results are reported in chapters 4 and 5. In chapter 4 we describe the complete coupling of (1,0) six-dimensional supergravity to tensor, vector and hypermultiplets. The generalized Green-Schwarz mechanism implies that the resulting theory embodies factorized gauge and supersymmetry anomalies, to be disposed of by fermion loops. Consequently, the low-energy theory is determined by the Wess-Zumino consistency conditions, rather than by the requirement of supersymmetry, and this procedure does not fix a quartic coupling for the gauginos. In chapter 5 we describe the low-energy effective actions for type-I models with brane supersymmetry breaking, resulting form the simultaneous presence of supersymmetric bulks, with one or more gravitinos, and non-supersymmetric combinations of BPS branes.The consistency of the resulting gravitino couplings implies that local supersymmetry is non-linearly realized on some branes. We analyze in detail the ten-dimensional $USp(32)$ model and the six-dimensional (1,0) models.']
['Dos Santos, M A', 'Helayël-Neto, José A']
['Consistency of the Symplectic Projectors Method on Multidimensional Gauge Models']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['In this paper we apply the Symplectic Projectors Method to gauge theories with second class constraints in various space-time dimensions. The conclusion is that this method is equivalent to the standard quantization methods. Although it suffers from some limitations since its applicability is restricted to some simpler situation when one is not interested in full information provided by the BRST, our analysis shows that it is worthwhile to investigate this method further. Relevant reference for this thesis are hep-th/0005214, hep-th/0104154 and hep-th/0108197.']
["D'Appollonio, G"]
['Aspetti non perturbativi della Teoria delle Stringhe']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
["Unabridged version of the Thesis presented to the University of L' Aquila, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the ``Laurea'' degree in Physics, October 1998. Work carried out at the University of L'Aquila and at the University of Rome ``Tor Vergata''."]
['Emmenegger, N']
['Gauge Invariance and Gauge-Factor Group in Causal Yang-Mills Theory']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['Thesis', 'Thesis']
['In the present work the gauge invariance of causal Yang-Mills theory will be proven with the aid of the gauge-factor group. For that purpose it must be shown, that the operator valued distributions T_n and D_n(ret) occurring in the causal S-matrix construction can be written, after applying the gauge variation d_Q, as a divergence. Since merely local terms lead to gauge destroying expressions, one has to focus on them exclusively. In the first part of the work the local gauge-factor group will be defined in the style of the concept of gauge cohomology theory. It will be shown, that every element out of the so defined factor group under the transformation d_Q leads to a divergence of the entire operator valued distribution d_Q(T_n). In the second part all local terms arising in causal Yang-Mills theory are systematically investigated. Without further restrictions there can be proven, that every local operator valued distribution is an element of the gauge factor group or equal to zero. This concludes the demonstration of gauge invariance of causal Yang-Mills theory.']
['Mattsson, P']
['Integrable Quantum Field Theories, in the Bulk and with a Boundary']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['This thesis considers massive field theories in 1+1 dimensions known as affine Toda quantum field theories. We first consider the boundary sine-Gordon model, deriving a complete picture of the boundary bound state structure for general integrable boundary conditions, and then more general ATFTs in the bulk, discovering a "generalised bootstrap" equation which explicitly encodes the Lie algebra into the S-matrix. This last is related to a number of S-matrix identities, as well as a generalisation of the idea that the conserved charges of the theory form an eigenvector of the Cartan matrix.']
['Brodsky, S J']
['The Heisenberg Matrix Formulation of Quantum Field Theory']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['talk, Bamberg 2001/09/26', 'Hamiltonian formalism, light front', 'quantization, light cone', 'discrete', 'hadron, wave function', 'partition function', 'quantum chromodynamics', 'lepton nucleon, deep inelastic scattering', 'nucleon, structure function', 'shadowing']
["Heisenberg's matrix formulation of quantum mechanics can be generalized to relativistic systems by evolving in light-front time tau = t+z/c. The spectrum and wavefunctions of bound states, such as hadrons in quantum chromodynamics, can be obtained from matrix diagonalization of the light-front Hamiltonian on a finite dimensional light-front Fock basis defined using periodic boundary conditions in the light-front space coordinates. This method, discretized light-cone quantization (DLCQ), preserves the frame-independence of the front form even at finite resolution and particle number. Light-front quantization can also be used in the Hamiltonian form to construct an event generator for high energy physics reactions at the amplitude level. The light-front partition function, summed over exponentially-weighted light-front energies, has simple boost properties which may be useful for studies in heavy ion collisions. I also review recent work which shows that the structure functions measured in deep inelastic lepton scattering are affected by final-state rescattering, thus modifying their connection to light-front probability distributions. In particular, the shadowing of nuclear structure functions is due to destructive interference effects from leading-twist diffraction of the virtual photon, physics not included in the nuclear light-front wavefunctions."]
['Forgács, Péter']
['A 2D integrable axion model and Target space duality']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['talk, Budapest 2000/08/19']
['A review is given on the recently proposed two dimensional axion model (O(3) sigma-model with a dynamical Hopf-term) and the T-duality relating it to the SU(2)xU(1) symmetric anisotropic sigma-model. Strong evidence is presented for the correctness of the proposed S-matrix for both models comparing perturbative and Thermodynamical Bethe Ansatz calculations for different types of free energies. This also provides a very stringent test of the validity of T-duality transformation at the quantum level. The quantum non-integrability of the O(3) sigma-model with a non-dynamical Hopf-term, in contradistinction to the axion model, is illustrated by calculating the 2-->3 particle production amplitude to lowest order.']
['Vázquez-Poritz, J F', 'Cvetic, M']
['Branes and Brane Worlds in M-Theory']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['Thesis', '- Thesis']
['A new class of warped Anti-de Sitter solutions is found, arising as the near-horizon region of various semi-localized brane intersections. The dual gauge theories of AdS in warped spacetimes have reduced supersymmetry, which is pertinent to the study of viable supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model. In addition, various supergravity solutions are probed via the absorption of various fields. In particular, we calculate exact absorption probabilities which provide finite-energy probes of supergravity solutions away from the conformal limit. Lastly, we discuss how brane world scenarios may arise from the near-horizon region of various p-brane configurations. Motivated by the dual non-commutative gauge theory, it is shown how a background B field mimics a negative four-dimensional cosmological constant, such that in both cases there is a massive four-dimensional graviton.']
['Soroka, V A']
['Supersymmetry and the Odd Poisson Bracket']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['talk, Minneapolis 2000/10/13']
["Some applications of the odd Poisson bracket developed by Kharkov's theorists are represented, including the reformulation of classical Hamiltonian dynamics, the description of hydrodynamics as a Hamilton system by means of the odd bracket and the dynamics formulation with the Grassmann-odd Lagrangian. Quantum representations of the odd bracket are also constructed and applied for the quantization of classical systems based on the odd bracket and for the realization of the idea of a composite spinor structure of space-time. At last, the linear odd bracket, corresponding to a semi-simple Lie group, is introduced on the Grassmann algebra."]
['Boulton, L S', 'Moral, M P G', 'Martin, I', 'Restuccia, A']
['On the spectrum of a matrix model for the D=11 supermembrane compactified on a torus with non-trivial winding']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['membrane model', 'supersymmetry', 'dimension, 11', 'matrix model', 'Hamiltonian formalism', 'spontaneous compactification, torus', 'topology']
['The spectrum of the Hamiltonian of the double compactified D=11 supermembrane with non-trivial central charge or equivalently the non-commutative symplectic super Maxwell theory is analyzed. In distinction to what occurs for the D=11 supermembrane in Minkowski target space where the bosonic potential presents string-like spikes which render the spectrum of the supersymmetric model continuous, we prove that the potential of the bosonic compactified membrane with non-trivial central charge is strictly positive definite and becomes infinity in all directions when the norm of the configuration space goes to infinity. This ensures that the resolvent of the bosonic Hamiltonian is compact. We find an upper bound for the asymptotic distribution of the eigenvalues.']
['Acharya, B', 'Witten, Edward']
['Chiral Fermions from Manifolds of $G_2$ Holonomy']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['M-theory', 'spontaneous compactification', 'holonomy, G(2)', 'string model, heterotic', 'fermion, chiral', 'group theory, representation', 'twistor', 'geometry, algebra']
['M-theory compactification on a manifold X of $G_2$ holonomy can give chiral fermions in four dimensions only if X is singular. A number of examples of conical singularities that give chiral fermions are known; the present paper is devoted to describing some additional examples. In some of them, the physics can be determined but the metric is not known explicitly, while in others the metric can be described explicitly but the physics is more challenging to understand.']
['Chen, C M', 'Galtsov, D V', 'Sharakin, S A']
['Inverse dualisation and non-local dualities between Einstein gravity and supergravities']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['gravitation', 'supergravity', 'duality, nonlocal', 'space-time, higher-dimensional', 'Kaluza-Klein model', 'spinor, Killing', 'membrane model, p-brane', 'dimensional reduction']
['We investigate non-local dualities between suitably compactified higher-dimensional Einstein gravity and supergravities which can be revealed if one reinterprets the dualised Kaluza-Klein two-forms in $D>4$ as antisymmetric forms belonging to supergravities. We find several examples of such a correspondence including one between the six-dimensional Einstein gravity and the four-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton-axion theory (truncated N=4 supergravity), and others between the compactified eleven and ten-dimensional supergravities and the eight or ten-dimensional pure gravity. The Killing spinor equation of the D=11 supergravity is shown to be equivalent to the geometric Killing spinor equation in the dual gravity. We give several examples of using new dualities for solution generation and demonstrate how $p$-branes can be interpreted as non-local duals of pure gravity solutions. New supersymmetric solutions are presented including $M2\\subset 5$-brane with two rotation parameters.']
['Parnachev, A', 'Sahakyan, D A']
['Some remarks on D-branes in AdS_3']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['membrane model, D-brane', 'space-time, anti-de Sitter', 'dimension, 3', 'string model', 'partition function', 'field theory, conformal', 'dimension, 2', 'Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation', 'bootstrap', 'coset space, SL(2,R)/U(1)', 'Wess-Zumino-Witten model', 'analytic properties']
['We investigate the relation between the algebraic construction of boundary states in AdS_3 and the target space analysis of D-branes and show the consistency of the two descriptions. We compute, in the semiclassical regime, the overlap of a localized closed string state with boundary states and identify the latter with D-branes wrapping conjugacy classes in AdS_3. The string partition function on the disk is shown to reproduce the spacetime DBI action. Other consistency checks are performed. We also comment on the role of the spectral flow symmetry of the underlying SL(2,R)/U(1) coset model in constructing D-branes that correspond to degenerate representations of SL(2,R).']
['Motl, L']
['Nonperturbative Formulations of Superstring Theory']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['thesis', 'matrix model', 'M-theory', 'string model, heterotic', 'supersymmetry', 'nonperturbative', 'membrane model, p-brane', 'p-brane, 5', 'spontaneous compactification', 'any-dimensional', 'gauge field theory, Yang-Mills', 'moduli space', 'field theory, conformal', 'orbifold', 'astrophysics, model', 'geometry, algebra', 'bibliography']
["After a short introduction to Matrix theory, we explain how can one generalize matrix models to describe toroidal compactifications of M-theory and the heterotic vacua with 16 supercharges. This allows us, for the first time in history, to derive the conventional perturbative type IIA string theory known in the 80s within a complete and consistent nonperturbative framework, using the language of orbifold conformal field theory and conformal perturbation methods. A separate chapter is dedicated to the vacua with Horava-Witten domain walls that carry E8 gauge supermultiplets. Those reduce the gauge symmetry of the matrix model from U(N) to O(N). We also explain why these models contain open membranes. The compactification of M-theory on T4 involves the so-called (2,0) superconformal field theory in six dimensions, compactified on T5. A separate chapter describes an interesting topological contribution to the low energy equations of motion on the Coulomb branch of the (2,0) theory that admits a skyrmionic solution that we call ``knitting fivebranes''. Then we return to the orbifolds of Matrix theory and construct a formal classical matrix model of the Scherk-Schwarz compactification of M-theory and type IIA string theory as well as type 0 theories. We show some disastrous consequences of the broken supersymmetry. Last two chapters describe a hyperbolic structure of the moduli spaces of one-dimensional M-theory."]
['Van Baal, P']
['Reflections on Topology - Viewpoints on Abelian Projections']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['talk, Trento 2001/09/03', 'talk, Cairns 2001/07/09', 'gauge field theory, SU(2)', 'field theory, scalar', 'sigma model, nonlinear', 'soliton', 'defect, topological', 'charge, topological', 'caloron', 'monopole', 'gauge fixing', 'numerical calculations']
['This talk discusses two topological features in non-abelian gauge theories, related by the notion of abelian projection and the Hopf invariant. Minimising the energy of the non-linear sigma model with a Skyrme-like term (the Faddeev-Niemi model), can be identified with a non-linear maximal abelian gauge fixing of the SU(2) gauge vacua with a winding number equal to the Hopf invariant. In the context of abelian projection the Hopf invariant can also be associated to a monopole world line, through the Taubes winding, measuring its contribution to topological charge. Calorons with non-trivial holonomy provide an explicit realisation. We discuss the identification of its constituent monopoles through degenerate eigenvalues of the Polyakov loop (the singularities or defects of the abelian projection). It allows us to study the correlation between the defect locations and the explicit constituent monopole structure, through a specific SU(3) example.']
['Amorim, R', 'Farias, F A']
['Hamiltonian formulation of nonAbelian noncommutative gauge theories']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['gauge field theory, Yang-Mills', 'differential geometry, noncommutative', 'Hamiltonian formalism', 'constraint', 'commutation relations', 'invariance, gauge']
['We implement the Hamiltonian treatment of a nonAbelian noncommutative gauge theory, considering with some detail the algebraic structure of the noncommutative symmetry group. The first class constraints and Hamiltonian are obtained and their algebra derived, as well as the form of the gauge invariance they impose on the first order action.']
['Wu, N']
['Gauge Theory of Gravity']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['quantum gravity', 'gauge field theory, space-time', 'field equations', 'renormalization', 'perturbation theory, higher-order', 'field theory, scalar', 'field theory, Dirac', 'field theory, vector', 'quantization, path integral']
['The quantum gravity is formulated based on principle of local gauge invariance. The model discussed in this paper has local gravitational gauge symmetry and gravitational field appears as gauge field. The problems on quantization and renormalization of the theory are also discussed in this paper.']
['Motoyui, N', 'Tominaga, S', 'Yamada, M']
['Monte-Carlo Simulation of Domain-Wall Network in Two-dimensional Extended Supersymmetric Theory']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['talk, Beijing 2001/05/21', 'domain wall, network', 'supersymmetry', 'dimension, 2', 'soliton, mass', 'Hamilton-Jacobi equation', 'Wess-Zumino model', 'numerical calculations, Monte Carlo']
["We will show that 2-dimensional N=2-extended supersymmetric theory can have solitonic solution using the Hamilton-Jacobi method of classical mechanics. Then it is shown that the Bogomol'nyi mass bound is saturated by these solutions and triangular mass inequality is satisfied. At the end, we will mention domain-wall structure in 3-dimensional spacetime."]
['Aste, A']
["Comment on 'Another form of the Klein-Gordon equation'"]
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['Klein-Gordon equation', 'field theory, relativistic', 'Dirac equation', 'propagator']
['It is shown that the alternative Klein-Gordon equation with positive definite probability density proposed in a letter by M.D. Kostin does not meet the requirements of relativistic (quantum) field theory and therefore does not allow for a meaningful physical interpretation.']
['Shvedov, O Y']
['Renormalization of Poincare Transformations in Hamiltonian Semiclassical Field Theory']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['axiomatic field theory', 'field theory, scalar', 'quantization, 2', 'Hamiltonian formalism', 'approximation, quasiclassical', 'transformation, Poincare', 'phase space, Fock space', 'renormalization', 'bibliography']
['Semiclassical Hamiltonian field theory is investigated from the axiomatic point of view. A notion of a semiclassical state is introduced. An "elementary" semiclassical state is specified by a set of classical field configuration and quantum state in this external field. "Composed" semiclassical states viewed as formal superpositions of "elementary" states are nontrivial only if the Maslov isotropic condition is satisfied; the inner product of "composed" semiclassical states is degenerate. The mathematical proof of Poincare invariance of semiclassical field theory is obtained for "elementary" and "composed" semiclassical states. The notion of semiclassical field is introduced; its Poincare invariance is also mathematically proved.']
['Cherkis, S A', 'Kapustin, A A']
['New Hyperkahler Metrics from Periodic Monopoles']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['magnetic monopole', 'moduli space', 'space-time, asymptotic behavior', 'gravitation, instanton', 'dyon']
['Relative moduli spaces of periodic monopoles provide novel examples of Asymptotically Locally Flat hyperkahler manifolds. By considering the interactions between well-separated periodic monopoles, we infer the asymptotic behavior of their metrics. When the monopole moduli space is four-dimensional, this construction yields new examples of metrics with self-dual curvature (gravitational instantons). We discuss their topology and complex geometry. An alternative construction of these gravitational instantons using moduli spaces of Hitchin equations is also described.']
['Ito, M']
['Various Types of Five Dimensional Warp Factor and Effective Planck Scale']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['gravitation', 'field theory, scalar', 'dimension, 4', 'dimension, 5', 'membrane model, tension', 'field equations, solution']
['Based on the assumption that the warp factor of four dimensional spacetime and the one of fifth dimension are tied through a parameter $\\alpha$, we consider five dimensional gravity with a 3-brane coupled to a bulk scalar field. For arbitrary value of $\\alpha$, the form of the warp factor is implicitly determined by hypergeometric function. Concretely, we show that the warp factor becomes explicit form for appropriate value of $\\alpha$, and study the relation between four dimensional effective Planck scale and the brane tension. This setup allows the possibility of extending the diversity of brane world.']
['Chen, W J', 'Li, K', 'Naón, C M']
['Classical electromagnetic field theory in the presence of magnetic sources']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['electromagnetic field, classical', 'Maxwell equation', 'dyon', 'duality', 'symmetry, SO(2)']
["Using two new well defined 4-dimensional potential vectors, we formulate the classical Maxwell's field theory in a form which has manifest Lorentz covariance and SO(2) duality symmetry in the presence of magnetic sources. We set up a consistent Lagrangian for the theory. Then from the action principle we get both Maxwell's equation and the equation of motion of a dyon moving in the electro-magnetic field."]
['De Risi, G', 'Gasperini, M']
['Low-energy graceful exit in anisotropic string cosmology backgrounds']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['astrophysics, string', 'space-time, anisotropy', 'effective action', 'higher-dimensional', 'fluctuation, back reaction', 'numerical calculations']
['We discuss the possibility of a smooth transition from the pre- to the post-big bang regime, in the context of the lowest-order string effective action (without higher-derivative corrections), taking into account with a phenomenological model of source the repulsive gravitational effects due to the back-reaction of the quantum fluctuations outside the horizon. We determine a set of necessary conditions for a successful and realistic transition, and we find that such conditions can be satisfied (by an appropriate model of source), provided the background is higher-dimensional and anisotropic.']
['Barone-Adesi, V', 'Zerbini, S']
['Analytic continuation of the Hurwitz Zeta Function with physical application']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['regularization, zeta function', 'path integral, determinant', 'operator, Dirac', 'analytic properties', 'pair production', 'effective Lagrangian']
['A new formula relating the analytic continuation ofthe Hurwitz zeta function to the Euler gamma function and a "Schwinger" type series is presented. In particular, the value of the derivative of the real part of the analytic continuation of the Hurwitz zeta function for even negative integers and the imaginary one for odd negative integers are explicitly given. The result can be of interest both on mathematical and physical side, because we are able to apply our new formulas in the context of the Spectral Zeta Function regularization of one-loop Quantum Field Theory, computing the exact pair production rate per space-time unit of massive Dirac particles interacting with a purely electric background field.']
['Kar, S', 'Majumdar, P', 'Sen-Gupta, S', 'Sur, S']
['Cosmic optical activity from an inhomogeneous Kalb-Ramond field']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['space-time, torsion', 'synchrotron radiation, polarization', 'field theory, tensor', 'axion', 'duality, transformation', 'electromagnetic field']
["The effects of introducing a harmonic spatial inhomogeneity into the Kalb-Ramond field, interacting with the Maxwell field according to a `string-inspired' proposal made in earlier work are investigated. We examine in particular the effects on the polarization of synchrotron radiation from cosmologically distant (i.e. of redshift greater than 2) galaxies, as well as the relation between the electric and magnetic components of the radiation field. The rotation of the polarization plane of linearly polarized radiation is seen to acquire an additional contribution proportional to the square of the frequency of the dual Kalb-Ramond axion wave, assuming that it is far smaller compared to the frequency of the radiation field."]
['Hüffel, H']
['Quantizing Yang-Mills Theory on a 2-Point Space']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['gauge field theory, Yang-Mills', 'space, discrete', 'quantization, Batalin-Vilkovisky', 'differential geometry, noncommutative', 'transformation, gauge', 'Gribov problem']
["We perform the Batalin-Vilkovisky quantization of Yang-Mills theory on a 2-point space, discussing the formulation of Connes-Lott as well as Connes' real spectral triple approach. Despite of the model's apparent simplicity the gauge structure reveals infinite reducibility and the gauge fixing is afflicted with the Gribov problem."]
['Cai, R G']
['Gauss-Bonnet Black Holes in AdS Spaces']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['black hole, topological', 'space-time, anti-de Sitter', 'thermodynamics', 'critical phenomena', 'Gauss-Bonnet term', 'horizon', 'dimension, >=4', 'astrophysics, fundamental constant', 'numerical calculations']
['We study thermodynamic properties and phase structures of topological black holes in the Einstein theory with a Gauss-Bonnet term and a negative cosmological constant. The event horizon of these topological black holes can be an hypersurface with positive, zero or negative constant curvature. When the horizon is a zero curvature hypersurface, the thermodynamic properties of black holes are completely the same as those of black holes without the Gauss-Bonnet term, although the two black hole solutions are quite different. When the horizon is a negative constant curvature hypersurface, the thermodynamic properties of the Gauss-Bonnet black holes are qualitatively similar to those of black holes without the Gauss-Bonnet term. When the event horizon is a hypersurface with positive constant curvature, we find that the thermodynamic properties and phase structures of black holes drastically depend on the spacetime dimension $d$ and the coefficient of the Gauss-Bonnet term: when $d\\ge 6$, the properties of black hole are also qualitatively similar to the case without the Gauss-Bonnet term, but when $d=5$, a new phase of locally stable small black hole occurs under a critical value of the Gauss-Bonnet coefficient, and beyond the critical value, the black holes are always thermodynamically stable. However, the locally stable small black hole is not globally preferred, instead a thermal anti-de Sitter space is globally preferred. We find that there is a minimal horizon radius, below which the Hawking-Page phase transition will not occur since for these black holes the thermal anti de Sitter space is always globally preferred.']
['Bars, Itzhak']
['Nonpertubative Effects of Extreme Localization in Noncommutative Geometry']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['differential geometry, noncommutative', 'wave function', 'operator, algebra', 'effect, nonperturbative']
["``Extremely'' localized wavefunctions in noncommutative geometry have disturbances that are localized to distances smaller than $\\sqrt{\\theta},$ where $\\theta $ is the ``area'' parameter that measures noncommutativity. In particular, distributions such as the sign function or the Dirac delta function are limiting cases of extremely localized wavefunctions. It is shown that Moyal star products of extremely localized wavefunctions cannot be correctly computed perturbatively in powers of $\\theta $. Nonperturbative effects as a function of $\\theta $ are explicity displayed through exact computations in several examples. In particular, for distributions, star products end up being functions of $\\theta ^{-1}$ and have no expansion in positive powers of $\\theta >.$ This result provides a warning for computations in noncommutative space that often are performed with perturbative methods. Furthermore, the result may have interesting applications that could help elucidate the role of noncommutative geometry in several areas of physics."]
['Ichikawa, K']
['Solution Generating Technique for Noncommutative Orbifolds']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['orbifold, noncommutative', 'operator, algebra', 'membrane model, D-brane', 'membrane model, p-brane', 'membrane, fractional', 'field equations, solution', 'tachyon, condensation']
['We determine how the tachyon condensations occur in various D-\\=D systems on orbifolds C^2/Z_N by extending the solution generating technique. We propose some rules to classify types of noncommutative solitons as fractional D-branes. This identification gives consistent results with BSFT. The extended solution generating technique enables us to calculate more general decay modes of D-\\=D systems.']
['Buchbinder, I L', 'Samsonov, I B']
['Noncommutative N=2 Supersymmetric Theories in Harmonic Superspace']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['supersymmetry', 'superspace, harmonic', 'gauge field theory, Yang-Mills', 'differential geometry, noncommutative', 'coupling, matter', 'n-point function, 4', 'perturbation theory, higher-order', 'effective action', 'background field', 'path integral']
['We discuss a formulation of harmonic superspace approach for noncommuative N=2 supersymmetric field theories paying main attention on new features arising because of noncommutativity. We begin with the known notions of the harmonic superfield models and results obtained and consider how these notions and results are modified in the noncommutative case. The actions of basic N=2 models, like hypermultiplet and N=2 vector multiplet, are given in terms of unconstrained off-shell superfields on noncommutative harmonic superspace. We calculate the low-energy contributions to the effective actions of these models. The background field method in noncommutative harmonic superspace is developed and it is applied to study the 1-loop effective action in general noncommutative N=2 model and N=4 SYM theory.']
['Abdalla, Elcio', 'Correa-Borbonet, L A']
['Aspects of Higher Order Gravity and Holography']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['gravitation, Lovelock', 'field theory, action', 'derivative, high', 'entropy', 'energy', 'temperature, Hawking', 'field equations, solution', 'black hole', 'holography']
['Some thermodynamical properties of Lovelock gravity are discussed in several space-time dimensions, the holographic principle being one of the ingredients of the discussion. As it turns out, the area law and the brickwall method, though correct for the Einstein-Hilbert theory, may fail to work in general.']
['Lemoine, M', 'Lubo, M', 'Martín, J', 'Uzan, J P']
['The stress-energy tensor for trans-Planckian cosmology']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['astrophysics', 'tensor, energy-momentum', 'field theory, scalar', 'dispersion relations, nonlinear', 'gravitational radiation', 'energy, density', 'back reaction', 'dark energy', 'pressure', 'inflationary universe', 'space-time, Robertson-Walker']
['This article presents the derivation of the stress-energy tensor of a free scalar field with a general non-linear dispersion relation in curved spacetime. This dispersion relation is used as a phenomelogical description of the short distance structure of spacetime following the conventional approach of trans-Planckian modes in black hole physics and in cosmology. This stress-energy tensor is then used to discuss both the equation of state of trans-Planckian modes in cosmology and the magnitude of their backreaction during inflation. It is shown that gravitational waves of trans-Planckian momenta but subhorizon frequencies cannot account for the form of cosmic vacuum energy density observed at present, contrary to a recent claim. The backreaction effects during inflation are confirmed to be important and generic for those dispersion relations that are liable to induce changes in the power spectrum of metric fluctuations. Finally, it is shown that in pure de Sitter inflation there is no modification of the power spectrum independently of the dispersion relation.']
['Myers, R C', 'Tafjord, O']
['Superstars and Giant Gravitons']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['supergravity', 'dimension, 10', 'astrophysics, model', 'soliton, BPS', 'asymptotic behavior', 'space-time, anti-de Sitter', 'black hole', 'bibliography']
["We examine a family of BPS solutions of ten-dimensional type IIb supergravity. These solutions asymptotically approach AdS_5 X S^5 and carry internal `angular' momentum on the five-sphere. While a naked singularity appears at the center of the anti-de Sitter space, we show that it has a natural physical interpretation in terms of a collection of giant gravitons. We calculate the distribution of giant gravitons from the dipole field induced in the Ramond-Ramond five-form, and show that these sources account for the entire internal momentum carried by the BPS solutions."]
['Gutowski, J B']
['Stringy Domain Walls of N=1, D=4 Supergravity']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['supergravity', 'field equations, solution', 'domain wall', 'supersymmetry, transformation', 'holonomy, G(2)', 'membrane model', 'string model']
['We examine domain wall solutions of N=1, D=4 supergravity which preserve half of the supersymmetry and arise from Euclidean M2-brane instantons on M5-branes wrapping associative 3-cycles of G_2 holonomy manifolds. We also investigate composite solutions which break an additional half of the supersymmetry.']
['Hayasaka, K', 'Nakayama, R']
['An Associative and Noncommutative Product for the Low Energy Effective Theory of a D-Brane in Curved Backgrounds and Bi-Local Fields']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['space-time', 'membrane model, D-brane', 'string model', 'background field', 'differential geometry, noncommutative', 'effective action', 'correlation function']
['We point out that when a D-brane is placed in an NS-NS B field background with non-vanishing field strength (H=dB) along the D-brane worldvolume, the coordinate of one end of the open string does not commute with that of the other in the low energy limit. The degrees of the freedom associated with both ends are not decoupled and accordingly, the effective action must be quite different from that of the ordinary noncommutative gauge theory for a constant B background. We construct an associative and noncommutative product which operates on the coordinates of both ends of the string and propose a new type of noncommutative gauge action for the low energy effective theory of a Dp-brane. This effective theory is bi-local and lives in twice as large dimensions (2D=2(p+1)) as in the H=0 case. When viewed as a theory in the D-dimensional space, this theory is non-local and we must force the two ends of the string to coincide. We will then propose a prescription for reducing this bi-local effective action to that in D dimensions and obtaining a local effective action.']
['Schücker, T', 'Zouzou, S']
['Spectral action beyond the standard model']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['gauge field theory, SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1)', 'Higgs model', 'fermion, mass spectrum', 'differential geometry, noncommutative', 'anomaly', 'mathematical methods']
['We rehabilitate the M_1(C)+ M_2(C)+ M_3(C) model of electro-magnetic, weak and strong forces as an almost commutative geometry in the setting of the spectral action.']
['Kim, K Y', 'Lee, B H', 'Yang, H S']
['Noncommutative Instantons on R^2_{NC} x R^2_C']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['instanton, noncommutative', 'gauge field theory, U(1)', 'gauge field theory, U(2)', 'duality']
['We study U(1) and U(2) noncommutative instantons on R^2_{NC} x R^2_C based on the ADHM construction. It is shown that the instanton solutions are always regular for both self-dual and anti-self-dual gauge fields even though any projected states are not involved in the ADHM construction. Furthermore the instanton number is also an integer.']
['Iucci, A', 'Naón, C M']
['Conformal Gaussian Approximation']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['Gauss approximation', 'dimension, 2', 'sine-Gordon model', 'soliton, mass', 'invariance, conformal']
['We present an alternative way to determine the unknown parameter associated to a gaussian approximation in a generic two-dimensional model. Instead of the standard variational approach, we propose a procedure based on a quantitative prediction of conformal invariance, valid for systems in the scaling regime, away from criticality. We illustrate our idea by considering, as an example, the sine-Gordon model. Our method gives a good approximation for the soliton mass as function of $\\beta$.']
['Cabrera-Carnero, I', 'Gomes, J F', 'Gueuvoghlanian, E P', 'Sotkov, G M', 'Zimerman, A H']
['Non Abelian Toda models and Constrained KP hierarchies']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['talk, College Park 2001/08/24', 'field theory, Toda', 'field theory, affine', 'nonabelian', 'Wess-Zumino-Witten model', 'Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation, hierarchy', 'soliton']
['A general construction of affine Non Abelian Toda models in terms of gauged two loop WZNW model is discussed. Its connection to non relativistic models corresponding to constrained KP hierarchies is established in terms of time evolution associated to positive and negative grading of the Lie algebra.']
['Nath, Pram', 'Syed, R M']
['Complete Cubic and Quartic Couplings of 16 and $\\bar {16}$ in SO(10) Unification']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['grand unified theory, SO(10)', 'superpotential', 'coupling', 'group theory, representation']
['A recently derived basic theorem on the decomposition of SO(2N) vertices is used to obtain a complete analytic determination of all SO(10) invariant cubic superpotential couplings involving $16_{\\pm}$ semispinors of SO(10) chirality $\\pm$ and tensor representations. In addition to the superpotential couplings computed previously using the basic theorem involving the 10, 120 and $\\bar{126}$ tensor representations we compute here couplings involving the 1, 45 and 210 dimensional tensor representations, i.e., we compute the $\\bar{16}_{\\mp}16_{\\pm}1$,$\\bar{16}_{\\mp}16_{\\pm}45$ and $\\bar{16}_{\\mp}16_{\\pm}210$ Higgs couplings in the superpotential. A complete determination of dimension five operators in the superpotential arising from the mediation of the 1, 45 and 210 dimensional representations is also given. The vector couplings $\\bar{16}_{\\pm}16_{\\pm}1$, $\\bar{16}_{\\pm}16_{\\pm}45$ and $\\bar{16}_{\\pm}16_{\\pm}210$ are also analyzed. The role of large tensor representations and the possible application of results derived here in model building are discussed.']
['Delius, G W', 'MacKay, N J', 'Short, B J']
['Boundary remnant of Yangian symmetry and the structure of rational reflection matrices']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['model, chiral', 'charge, conservation law', 'Yang-Baxter equation', 'boundary condition', 'monodromy', 'fusion']
["For the classical principal chiral model with boundary, we give the subset of the Yangian charges which remains conserved under certain integrable boundary conditions, and extract them from the monodromy matrix. Quantized versions of these charges are used to deduce the structure of rational solutions of the reflection equation, analogous to the 'tensor product graph' for solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation. We give a variety of such solutions, including some for reflection from non-trivial boundary states, for the SU(N) case, and confirm these by constructing them by fusion from the basic solutions."]
['Vacaru, S I', 'Gontsa, D']
['Off-Diagonal Metrics and Anisotropic Brane Inflation']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['membrane model', 'inflationary universe', 'entropy, production', 'space-time']
['We study anisotropic reheating (entropy production) on 3D brane from a decaying bulk scalar field in the brane-world picture of the Universe by considering off-diagonal metrics and anholonomic frames. We show that a significant amount of, in general, anisotropic dark radiation is produced in this process unless only the modes which satisfy a specific relation are excited. We conclude that subsequent entropy production within the brane is required in general before primordial nucleosynthesis and that the presence of off-diagonal components (like in the Salam, Strathee and Petracci works \\cite{salam}) of the bulk metric modifies the processes of entropy production which could substantially change the brane-world picture of the Universe.']
['Zupnik, B M']
['Static BPS-conditions in N=2 harmonic superspace']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['talk, Dubna 2001/06/11', 'gauge field theory, Yang-Mills', 'supersymmetry', 'superspace, harmonic', 'soliton, BPS', 'duality']
['We analyze superfield representations of BPS-conditions for the self-dual static solutions of D=4, N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory.']
['Goldhaber, A S', 'Litvintsev, A', 'van Nieuwenhuizen, P']
['Local Casimir Energy For Solitons']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['energy, Casimir', 'soliton', 'phi**n model, 4', 'kink', 'supersymmetry', 'regularization']
['Direct calculation of the one-loop contributions to the energy density of bosonic and supersymmetric phi-to-the-fourth kinks exhibits: (1) Local mode regularization. Requiring the mode density in the soliton and trivial sector to be equal at each point in space yields the anomalous part of the energy density. (2) Phase space factorization. A striking position-momentum factorization for reflectionless potentials gives the non-anomalous energy density a simple relation to that for the bound state. For the supersymmetric kink, energy and central charge densities agree as expected.']
['Gates, S J', 'Rana, L', 'Linch, W D', 'Phillips, J']
['The Fundamental Supersymmetry Challenge Remains']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['M-theory', 'string model', 'supersymmetry, representation', 'supergravity', 'particle, spin']
['In the following, we will review the fundamental problem that prevents a complete understanding of a theory of supersymmetrical field representations and describe its possible relation to a similar problem facing superstring/M-theory.']
['Vagenas, E C']
['Quantum Corrections to the Bekestein-Hawking entropy of the BTZ Black Hole via Self-Gravitation']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['entropy', 'black hole, BTZ', 'radiation, Hawking', 'tunneling', 'dimension, 3', 'quantization, correction']
['Hawking radiation is viewed as a tunnelling process. In this way the effect of self-gravitation gives rise to quantum corrections to the entropy of the (2+1) BTZ black hole. The entropy is proportional to the horizon area and the quantum corrections to the Bekenstein-Hawking formula S=A_{H}/ 4l_{P}^{2} are found to be negative.']
['Berman, D S', 'Cederwall, Martin', 'Gran, U G', 'Larsson, H', 'Nielsen, M', 'Nilsson, B E W', 'Sundell, P']
['Deformation independent open brane metrics and generalized theta parameters']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['membrane model, D-brane', 'membrane model, p-brane', 'string model, open', 'field theory, deformation', 'quantization', 'Theta parameter', 'background field']
["We investigate the consequences of generalizing certain well established properties of the open string metric to the conjectured open membrane and open Dp-brane metrics. By imposing deformation independence on these metrics their functional dependence on the background fields can be determined including the notorious conformal factor. In analogy with the non-commutativity parameter $\\Theta^{\\mu\\nu}$ in the string case, we also obtain `generalized' theta parameters which are rank q+1 antisymmetric tensors (polyvectors) for open Dq-branes and rank 3 for the open membrane case. The expressions we obtain for the open membrane quantities are expected to be valid for general background field configurations, while the open D-brane quantities are only valid for one parameter deformations. By reducing the open membrane data to five dimensions, we show that they, modulo a subtlety with implications for the relation between OM-theory and NCYM, correctly generate the open string and open D2-data."]
['Rausch de Traubenberg, M']
['Fractional Supersymmetry and Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebras']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['talk, Kharkov 2000/07/25', 'supersymmetry, fractional', 'algebra, Lie', 'algebra, representation']
['In an earlier work extensions of supersymmetry and super Lie algebras were constructed consistently starting from any representation $\\D$ of any Lie algebra $\\g$. Here it is shown how infinite dimensional Lie algebras appear naturally within the framework of fractional supersymmetry. Using a differential realization of $\\g$ this infinite dimensional Lie algebra, containing the Lie algebra $\\g$ as a sub-algebra, is explicitly constructed.']
['Bonneau, G']
['Lorentz and CPT violations in QED']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['quantum electrodynamics', 'violation, Lorentz', 'violation, CPT', 'Chern-Simons term', 'radiative correction', 'Ward identity']
['We rediscuss the recent controversy on a possible Chern-Simons like term generated through radiative corrections in QED with a CPT violating term. We emphasize the fact that any absence of an {\\sl a priori} divergence should be explained by some symmetry or some non-renormalisation theorem : otherwise, no prediction can be made on the corresponding quantity.']
['Villanueva, V M', 'Nieto, J A', 'Obregón, O']
['Non-minimal coupling for spin 3/2 fields']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['Rarita-Schwinger equation', 'spin, 3/2', 'fermion', 'tensor, energy-momentum', 'supergravity', 'gauge field theory, Yang-Mills', 'coupling, electromagnetic']
['The problem of the electromagnetic coupling for spin 3/2 fields is discussed. Following supergravity and some recent works in the field of classical supersymmetric particles, we find that the electromagnetic coupling must not obey a minimal coupling in the sense that one needs to consider not only the electromagnetic potential but also the coupling of the electromagnetic field strenght. This coupling coincides with the one found by Ferrara {\\it et al} by requiring that the gyromagnetic ratio be 2. Coupling with non-Abelian Yang-Mills fields is also discussed.']
['Deotto, E']
['Classical Mechanics and kappa-symmetry']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['mechanics, classical', 'supersymmetry', 'path integral', 'Lagrangian formalism', 'Hamiltonian formalism', 'kappa symmetry']
['In this paper we analyze two local extensions of a model introduced some time ago to obtain a path integral formalism for Classical Mechanics. In particular, we show that these extensions exhibit a nonrelativistic local symmetry which is very similar to the well known kappa-symmetry introduced in the literature almost 20 years ago. Differently from the latter, this nonrelativistic local symmetry gives no problem in separating 1st from 2nd-class constraints.']
['Vaidya, S']
['Scalar Multi-Solitons on the Fuzzy Sphere']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['field theory, scalar', 'space-time, sphere', 'sphere, fuzzy', 'soliton', 'energy', 'moduli space', 'geometry', 'numerical calculations']
['We study solitons in scalar theories with polynomial interactions on the fuzzy sphere. Such solitons are described by projection operators of rank k, and hence the moduli space for the solitons is the Grassmannian Gr(k,2j+1). The gradient term of the action provides a non-trivial potential on Gr(k,2j+1), thus reducing the moduli space. We construct configurations corresponding to well-separated solitons, and show that although the solitons attract each other, the attraction vanishes in the limit of large j. In this limit, it is argued that the moduli space is CP^k. For the k-soliton bound state, the moduli space is simply CP^1, all other moduli being lifted. We find that the moduli space of multi-solitons is smooth and that there are no singularities as several solitons coalesce. When the fuzzy S^2 is flattened to a noncommutative plane, we find agreement with the known results, modulo some operator-ordering ambiguities. This suggests that the fuzzy sphere is a natural way to regulate the noncommutative plane both in the ultraviolet and infrared.']
['Kim, H D']
['Softness of Scherk-Schwarz Supersymmetry Breaking']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['supersymmetry, symmetry breaking', 'dimension, 5', 'Higgs particle, mass', 'mass, correction', 'invariance, Lorentz', 'regularization', 'Kaluza-Klein model']
['We investigate how the mass correction appears in 5-D with Scherk-Schwarz compactification and clarify whether the KK regularization is reliable method or not. In the extremely sharp cutoff limit of the 5-D regulator which preserves 5-D Lorentz invariance, we prove that the one loop correction to the mass does not depend on the ultraviolet physics for the Scherk-Schwarz breaking of supersymmetry. This is a unique property of Scherk-Schwarz breaking which is given by the boundary condition.']
['Achúcarro, A', 'Davis, A C', 'Pickles, M', 'Urrestilla, J']
['Vortices in Theories with Flat Directions']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['vortex', 'supersymmetry', 'flat direction', 'vacuum state', 'gauge field theory, U(1)', 'Bogomolnyi equation', 'flux, magnetic', 'astrophysics, string']
['In theories with flat directions containing vortices, such as supersymmetric QED, there is a vacuum selection effect in the allowed asymptotic configurations. We explain the role played by gauge fields in this effect and extend this to an abelian model with N=2 supersymmetry. In this case the magnetic flux spreads over an arbitrarily large area. We comment on the possible cosmological implications and the implications for superstring inspired magnetic confinement scenarios in N=2 abelian Higgs theories.']
['Dolan, L', 'Nappi, C R', 'Witten, Edward']
['Conformal Operators for Partially Massless States']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['operator, conformal', 'space-time, anti-de Sitter', 'astrophysics', 'conservation law']
["The AdS/CFT correspondence is explored for ``partially massless'' fields in AdS space (which have fewer helicity states than a massive field but more than a conventional massless field). Such fields correspond in the boundary conformal field theory to fields obeying a certain conformally-invariant differential equation that has been described by Eastwood et al. The first descendant of such a field is a conformal field of negative norm. Hence, partially massless fields may make more physical sense in de Sitter as opposed to Anti de Sitter space."]
['Wang, X J', 'Yan, M L']
['Noncommutative QED and Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['muon, magnetic moment', 'quantum electrodynamics, noncommutative', 'fermion, vertex function', 'numerical calculations']
['The muon anomalous $g$ value, $a_\\mu=(g-2)/2$, is calculated up to one-loop level in noncommutative QED. We argue that relativistic muon in E821 experiment nearly always stays at the lowest Landau level. So that spatial coordinates of muon do not commute each other. Using parameters of E821 experiment, $B=14.5$KG and muon energy 3.09GeV/c, we obtain the noncommutativity correction to $a_\\mu$ is about $1.57\\times 10^{-9}$, which significantly makes standard model prediction close to experiment.']
['Dolan, B P', "O'Connor, D", 'Presnajder, P']
['Matrix $\\phi^4$ Models on the Fuzzy Sphere and their Continuum Limits']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['phi**n model', 'sphere, fuzzy', 'differential geometry, noncommutative', 'field theory, action', 'two-point function', 'perturbation theory, higher-order', 'partial wave', 'lattice field theory, continuum limit']
['We demonstrate that the UV/IR mixing problems found recently for a scalar $\\phi^4$ theory on the fuzzy sphere are localized to tadpole diagrams and can be overcome by a suitable modification of the action. This modification is equivalent to normal ordering the $\\phi^4$ vertex. In the limit of the commutative sphere, the perturbation theory of this modified action matches that of the commutative theory.']
['Grosse, Harald', 'Schlesinger, K G']
['Spinfoam models for M-theory']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['M-theory', 'field theory, tensor', 'field theory, BF', 'spin, foam', 'dimension, 3', 'dimension, 7', 'partition function']
['We use the approach to generate spin foam models by an auxiliary field theory defined on a group manifold (as recently developed in quantum gravity and quantization of BF-theories) in the context of topological quantum field theories with a 3-form field strength. Topological field theories of this kind in seven dimensions are related to the superconformal field theories which live on the worldvolumes of fivebranes in M-theory. The approach through an auxiliary field theory for spinfoams gives a topology independent formulation of such theories.']
['Graber, T', 'Zaslow, E']
['Open-String Gromov-Witten Invariants']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['space, Calabi-Yau', 'transformation, mirror', 'fibre bundle', 'string model, open', 'geometry, algebra']
['We propose localization techniques for computing Gromov-Witten invariants of maps from Riemann surfaces with boundaries into a Calabi-Yau, with the boundaries mapped to a Lagrangian submanifold. The computations can be expressed in terms of Gromov-Witten invariants of one-pointed maps. In genus zero, an equivariant version of the mirror theorem allows us to write down a hypergeometric series, which together with a mirror map allows one to compute the invariants to all orders, similar to the closed string model or the physics approach via mirror symmetry. In the noncompact example where the Calabi-Yau is $K_{\\PP^2},$ our results agree with physics predictions at genus zero obtained using mirror symmetry for open strings. At higher genera, our results satisfy strong integrality checks conjectured from physics.']
['Rachidi, M', 'Saidi, E H', 'Zerouaoui, J']
['Fractional Statistics in terms of the r-Generalized Fibonacci Sequences']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['statistical mechanics', 'spin, statistics', 'fractional', 'number theory', 'quasiparticle']
['We develop the basis of the two dimensional generalized quantum statistical systems by using results on $r$-generalized Fibonacci sequences. According to the spin value $s$ of the 2d-quasiparticles, we distinguish four classes of quantum statistical systems indexed by $ s=0,1/2:mod(1)$, $s=1/M:mod(1)$, $s=n/M:mod(1)$ and $0\\leq s\\leq 1:mod(1)$. For quantum gases of quasiparticles with $s=1/M:mod(1)$, $M\\geq 2,$, we show that the statistical weights densities $\\rho_M$ are given by the integer hierarchies of Fibonacci sequences. This is a remarkable result which envelopes naturally the Fermi and Bose statistics and may be thought of as an alternative way to the Haldane interpolating statistical method.']
['Azam, M']
['The Stability of Matter and Landau Singularity in QED']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['quantum electrodynamics, singularity', 'matter, stability', 'renormalization group', 'expansion 1/N, flavor', 'ground state']
['The theory of stability of relativistic matter seem to suggest that at high enough energies Quantum Electrodynamics may not be a well behaved theory. We show that, this is true for QED with infinite number of flavour of Fermions, where e^2*N_f is held constant,while number of flavour, N_f tends to infinity, "e" being the fine structure constant.In this limit, Landau singularity becomes exact. We refer to the analogy of this model with the theory of weakly interacting electron system with short range potential, analysed by Feldman et al. using renormalisation group technique. Results by Feldman et al. helps us to unravel the mystery behind the Landau singularity known in QED for more than four decades.Landau singularity simply means that the perturbative ground state is unstable.']
['Yoneya, T']
['World-Sheet String Duality and the Hidden Supersymmetry']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['talk, Beijing 2001/07/16', 'talk, Fukuoka 2001/07/03', 'string model', 'supersymmetry', 'hidden symmetry', 'duality', 'Goldstino', 'scattering amplitude']
['It is reviewed how space-time supersymmetry is realized nonlinearly in open superstring theory without making the GSO projection. We show that the world-sheet string dualities, viz. dualities of open-closed strings and of open-open strings, play crucial roles for the existence of 10 dimensional N=2 supersymmetry in a spontaneously broken phase. We also speculate on a possible mechanism of the restoration of supersymmetry from the viewpoint of world-sheet dynamics.']
['Shiromizu, T', 'Ida, D', 'Torii, T']
['Gravitational energy, dS/CFT correspondence and cosmic no-hair']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['gravitation, energy', 'space-time, de Sitter', 'field theory, conformal', 'asymptotic behavior', 'energy, conformal', 'vector, Killing', 'hair', 'tensor, Weyl']
['The gravitational energy is examined in asymptotically de Sitter space-times. The positivity will be shown for certain cases. The de Sitter/CFT(dS/CFT) correspondence recently proposed and cosmic no-hair conjecture are testified in the aspect of the gravitational energy. From the holographic renormalization group point of view, the two conjectures is deeply connected with each others.']
['Machin, W']
['Dynamics of the spinning particle in one dimension']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['particle, relativistic', 'spin', 'supersymmetry', 'supergravity', 'field theory, action', 'quantization', 'Hamiltonian formalism']
['The most general N=1 lagrangian for the spinning particle with local supersymmetry is introduced. Its dynamics are analysed and the system is quantised.']
['Oda, I', 'Tonin, M']
['On the Berkovits Covariant Quantization of GS Superstring']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['string model, heterotic', 'supersymmetry', 'quantization', 'transformation, Becchi-Rouet-Stora', 'space-time']
['We study the covariant quantization of the Green-Schwarz (GS) superstrings proposed recently by Berkovits. In particular, we reformulate the Berkovits approach in a way that clarifies its relation with the GS approach and allows to derive in a straightforward way its extension to curved spacetime background. We explain the procedure working explicitly in the case of the heterotic string.']
['Ito, M']
['Five-Dimensional Warped Geometry with a Bulk Scalar Field']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['field theory, scalar', 'dimension, 5', 'dimension, 4', 'membrane model', 'astrophysics, fundamental constant', 'space-time']
['We explore the diversity of warped metric function in five-dimensional gravity including a scalar field and a 3-brane. We point out that the form of the function is determined by a parameter introduced here. For a particular value of the parameter, the warped metric function is smooth without having a singularity, and we show that the bulk cosmological constant have a upper bound and must be positive and that the lower bound of five-dimensional fundamental scale is controlled by both the brane tension and four-dimensional effective Planck scale. The general warp factor obtained here may relate to models inspired by SUGRA or M-theory.']
['Gauntlett, J P', 'Kim, N']
['M-Fivebranes Wrapped on Supersymmetric Cycles II']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['M-theory', 'membrane model, p-brane', 'p-brane, 5', 'supersymmetry', 'field equations, solution', 'supergravity', 'dimension, 11', 'soliton, BPS', 'space, Kaehler']
['We construct D=11 supergravity solutions dual to the twisted field theories arising when M-theory fivebranes wrap supersymmetric cycles. The cases considered are M-fivebranes wrapped on (i) a complex Lagrangian four-cycle in a D=8 hyper-Kaehler manifold corresponding to a D=2 field theory with (2,1) supersymmetry (ii) a product of two holomorphic two-cycles in a product of two Calabi-Yau two-folds corresponding to a D=2 field theory with (2,2) supersymmetry and (iii) a product of a holomorphic two-cycle and a SLAG three-cycle in a product of a Calabi-Yau two-fold and a Calabi-Yau three-fold corresponding to a quantum mechanics with two supercharges. In each case we construct BPS equations and find IR superconformal fixed points corresponding to new examples of AdS/CFT duality arising from the twisted field theories.']
['Leite, M M']
['New renormalization group approach and scaling laws for the Lifshitz critical behavior']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['critical phenomena', 'renormalization group', 'scaling', 'fixed point', 'phi**n model, 4', 'derivative, high', 'anisotropy']
['A new renormalization group treatment is proposed for the critical exponents of an $m$-fold Lifshitz point. The anisotropic cases ($m \\neq 8$) are described by two independent fixed points associated to two independent momentum flow along the quadratic and quartic directions, respectively. The isotropic case is described separately. In that case, the fixed point is due to renormalization group transformations along the quartic directions. The new scaling laws are derived for both cases and generalize the ones previously reported.']
['Visser, M', 'Barcelo, C', 'Liberati, S']
['Acoustics in Bose--Einstein condensates as an example of Lorentz symmetry breaking']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['talk, Bloomington 2001/08/15', 'symmetry breaking, Lorentz', 'boson, condensation', 'acoustic', 'dispersion relations', 'Schroedinger equation', 'quantum gravity', 'space-time']
["To help focus ideas regarding possible routes to the breakdown of Lorentz invariance, it is extremely useful to explore concrete physical models that exhibit similar phenomena. In particular, acoustics in Bose--Einstein condensates has the interesting property that at low-momentum the phonon dispersion relation can be written in a ``relativistic'' form exhibiting an approximate ``Lorentz invariance''. Indeed all of low-momentum phonon physics in this system can be reformulated in terms of relativistic curved-space quantum field theory. In contrast, high-momentum phonon physics probes regions where the dispersion relation departs from the relativistic form and thus violates Lorentz invariance. This model provides a road-map of at least one route to broken Lorentz invariance. Since the underlying theory is manifestly physical this type of breaking automatically avoids unphysical features such as causality violations. This model hints at the type of dispersion relation that might be expected at ultra-high energies, close to the Planck scale, where quantum gravity effects are suspected to possibly break ordinary Lorentz invariance."]
['Koerber, P', 'Sevrin, A']
["Testing the $\\alpha'{}^3$ term in the non-abelian open superstring effective action"]
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['string model', 'supersymmetry', 'effective action', 'gauge field theory, Yang-Mills', 'field theory, torus', 'magnetic field, background field', 'spectra']
["Recently, a proposal for the full non-abelian open superstring effective action through ${\\cal O}(\\alpha'{}^3)$ has been formulated in {\\tt hep-th/0108169}. We test this result by calculating the spectrum in the presence of constant magnetic background fields and by comparing the result to string theoretic predictions. The agreement is perfect. Other proposals for the superstring effective action through this order do not reproduce the spectrum correctly."]
['Vancea, I V']
['Introductory Lectures to D-branes']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['lectures, Campos do Jordao 2001/01/14', 'membrane model, D-brane', 'membrane model, p-brane', 'string model, boson', 'phase space', 'mass spectrum', 'algebra, Virasoro', 'algebra, representation', 'effective action', 'membrane, tension', 'scattering amplitude, higher-order', 'supersymmetry', 'bibliography']
['This is a pedagogical introduction to D-branes, addressed to graduate students in field theory and particle physics and to other beginners in string theory. I am not going to review the most recent results since there are already many good papers on web devoted to that. Instead, I will present some old techniques in some detail in order to show how some basic properties of strings and branes as the massless spectrum of string, the effective action of D-branes and their tension can be computed using QFT techniques. Also, I will present shortly the boundary state description of D-branes. The details are exposed for bosonic branes since I do not assume any previous knowledge of supersymmetry which is not a requirement for this school. However, for completeness and to provide basic notions for other lecturers, I will discuss some properties of sueprsymmetric branes. The present lectures were delivered at Jorge Andre Swieca School on Particle and Fields, 2001, Campos do Jordao, Brazil.']
['Celeghini, E', "Del'Olmo, M A"]
['Quantum Algebras and Quantum Physics']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['quantum mechanics', 'quantum algebra, SU(2)', 'algebra, Lie', 'algebra, deformation', 'algebra, representation']
['In Quantum Mechanics operators must be hermitian and, in a direct product space, symmetric. These properties are saved by Lie algebra operators but not by those of quantum algebras. A possible correspondence between observables and quantum algebra operators is suggested by extending the definition of matrix elements of a physical observable, including the eventual projection on the appropriate symmetric space. This allows to build in the Lie space of representations one-parameter families of operators belonging to the enveloping Lie algebra that satisfy an approximate symmetry and have the properties required by physics.']
['Laperashvili, L V', 'Nielsen, Holger Bech', 'Ryzhikh, D A']
['Phase Transition in Gauge Theories and Multiple Point Model']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['gauge field theory, U(1)', 'gauge field theory, SU(2)', 'gauge field theory, SU(3)', 'Higgs model', 'monopole, scalar', 'critical phenomena', 'renormalization group, transformation', 'critical phenomena', 'numerical calculations, Monte Carlo', 'bibliography']
["In the present paper the phase transition in the regularized U(1) gauge theory is investigated using the dual Abelian Higgs model of scalar monopoles. The corresponding renormalization group improved effective potential, analogous to the Coleman-Weinberg's one, was considered in the two-loop approximation for $\\beta$ functions, and the phase transition (critical) dual and non-dual couplings were calculated in the U(1) gauge theory. It was shown that the critical value of the renormalized electric fine structure constant $\\alpha_{\\text{crit}}\\approx 0.208$ obtained in this paper coincides with the lattice result for compact QED: $\\alpha_{\\text{crit}}^{\\text{lat}}\\approx 0.20\\pm 0.015$. This result and the behavior of $\\alpha$ in the vicinity of the phase transition point were compared with the Multiple Point Model prediction for the values of $\\alpha$ near the Planck scale. Such a comparison is very encouraging for the Multiple Point Model assuming the existence of the multiple critical point at the Planck scale."]
['Janik, R A']
['Exceptional boundary states at c=1']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['field theory, conformal', 'boson', 'spontaneous compactification, S(1)', 'partition function', 'phase space, boundary condition', 'operator product expansion', 'algebra, fusion', 'string model, open', 'differential equations']
["We consider the CFT of a free boson compactified on a circle, such that the compactification radius $R^2$ is an irrational multiple of $R^2_{selfdual}$. Apart from the standard Dirichlet and Neumann boundary states, Friedan suggested [1] that an additional 1-parameter family of boundary states exists. These states break U(1) symmetry of the theory, but still preserve conformal invariance. In this paper we give an explicit construction of these states, show that they are uniquely determined by the Cardy-Lewellen sewing constraints, and we study the spectrum in the `open string channel', which is given here by a continous integral with a nonnegative measure on the space of conformal weights."]
['Aoyama, S', 'Masuda, T']
['The Fuzzy Kaehler Coset Space with the Darboux Coordinates']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['space, Kaehler', 'coset space, fuzzy', 'space, symplectic', 'deformation, quantization', 'operator, algebra', 'geometry, algebra']
['The Fedosov deformation quantization of the symplectic manifold is determined by a 1-form differential r. We identify a class of r for which the $\\star$ product becomes the Moyal product by taking appropriate Darboux coordinates, but invariant by canonically transforming the coordinates. This respect of the $\\star$ product is explained by studying the fuzzy algebrae of the Kaehler coset space.']
['Dabholkar, A']
['On Condensation of Closed-string Tachyons']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['F-theory', 'string model, closed', 'tachyon, condensation', 'orientifold', 'membrane model', 'membrane, annhilation', 'moduli space', 'duality']
['An F-theory dual of a nonsupersymmetric orientifold is considered. It is argued that the condensation of both open and closed string tachyons in the orientifold corresponds to the annihilation of branes and anti-branes in the F-theory dual. The end-point of tachyon condensation is thus expected to be the vacuum of Type-IIB superstring. Some speculations are presented about the F-theory dual of the bosonic string and tachyon condensation thereof.']
['Bigatti, D']
['Gauge Theory On The Fuzzy Torus']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['talk, Nis 2001/08/26', 'gauge field theory, U(1)', 'torus, fuzzy', 'lattice field theory, noncommutative', 'fermion', 'Wilson loop']
['In this paper a formulation of U(1) gauge theory on a fuzzy torus is discussed. The theory is regulated in both the infrared and ultraviolet. It can be thought of as a non-commutative version of lattice gauge theory on a periodic lattice. The construction of Wilson loops is particularly transparent in this formulation. Following Ishibashi, Iso, Kawai and Kitazawa, we show that certain Fourier modes of open Wilson lines are gauge invariant. We also introduce charged matter fields which can be thought of as fundamentals of the gauge group. These particles behave like charges in a strong magnetic field and are frozen into the lowest Landau levels. The resulting system is a simple matrix quantum mechanics which should reflect much of the physics of charged particles in strong magnetic fields. The present results were first presented as a talk at the Institute for Mathematical Science, Chennai, India; the author wishes to thank Prof. T. R. Govindarajan and the IMS for hospitality and financial support, and the audience for pointing me out the work of Ambjorn, Makeenko, Nishimura and Szabo. The author is also grateful to the organizers of the Summer School in Modern Mathematical Physics, Sokobanja, Serbia, Yugoslavia, for financial support and hospitality during presentation of the present work at international conference FILOMAT 2001, Nis, Yugoslavia.']
['Reenders, M']
['Large N planar approximation and critical behavior of a SU(N) invariant four-fermion model in 2+1 dimensions']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['four-fermion interaction', 'symmetry, SU(N)', 'dimension, 3', 'expansion 1/N', 'approximation, planar', 'critical phenomena', 'perturbation theory, higher-order', 'mass spectrum', 'scaling', 'Dyson-Schwinger equation, solution', 'numerical calculations']
["A four-fermion model in 2+1 dimensions describing N Dirac fermions interacting via SU(N) invariant N^2-1 four-fermion interactions is solved in the leading order of the 1/N expansion. The 1/N expansion corresponds to 't Hoofts topological 1/N expansion in which planar Feynman diagrams prevail. A truncated set of Schwinger-Dyson equations for the fermion propagator and composite boson propagator representing the planar diagrams is solved analytically. The critical four-fermion coupling and various critical exponents are determined as functions of N. The universality class of this model turns out to be quite distinct from the Gross-Neveu model in the large N limit."]
['Rigol, M']
['About an Alternative Vacuum State for Perturbative QCD']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['Thesis', 'Thesis']
['A particular initial state for the construction of a perturbative QCD expansion is investigated. It is formed as a coherent superposition of zero momentum gluon pairs and shows Lorentz as well as global $SU(3)$ symmetries. The general form of the Wick theorem is discussed, and it follows that the gluon and ghost propagators determined by the proposed vacuum state, coincides with the ones used in an alternative of the usual perturbation theory proposed in a previous work, and reviewed here. Therefore, the ability of such a procedure of producing a finite gluon condensation parameter already in the first orders of perturbation theory is naturally explained. It also follows that this state satisfies the physicality condition of the BRST procedure in its Kugo and Ojima formulation. A brief review of the canonical quantization for gauge fields, developed by Kugo and Ojima, is done and the value of the gauge parameter $\\alpha$ is fixed to $\\alpha=1$ where the procedure is greatly simplified. Therefore, after assuming that the adiabatic connection of the interaction does not take out the state from the interacting physical space, the predictions of the perturbation expansion for the physical quantities, at the value $\\alpha=1$, should have meaning. The validity of this conclusion solves the gauge dependence indeterminacy remained in the proposed perturbation expansion.']
['Ahn, C', 'Woo, K']
['Domain Wall and Membrane Flow from Other Gauged d=4, N =8 Supergravity']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['supergravity', 'membrane model', 'domain wall', 'gauge field theory', 'field theory, action', 'dependence, gauge', 'field equations, solution', 'group theory, representation']
['By studying so-far known extrema of non-semi-simple Inonu-Wigner contraction CSO(p, q) and non-compact SO(p, q)(p+q=8) gauged N=8 supergravity in 4-dimensions developed by Hull sometime ago, one expects there exists nontrivial flow in the 3-dimensional boundary field theory. We find that these gaugings provide first-order domain-wall solutions from direct extremization of energy-density. We consider also the most general CSO(p, q, r) with p+q+r=8 gauging of N =8 supergravity by acting two successive SL(8, R) transformations on the de Wit-Nicolai theory, that is, compact SO(8) gauged supergravity. The theory has local SU(8)xCSO(p, q, r) gauge symmetry as well as local N =8 supersymmetry. The gauge group CSO(p, q, r) is spontaneously broken to its maximal compact subgroup SO(p)xSO(q)xU(1)^{r(r-1)/2}. The new T-tensor we obtain describes two-parameter family of gauged N=8 supergravity from which one can construct A_1 and A_2 tensors. Then the effective nontrivial scalar potential we discover can be written as the difference of positive definite terms. We examine the scalar potential for critical points at which the expectation value of the scalar field is SO(p)xSO(q)xSO(r) invariant. In this case also, non-BPS domain-wall solutions for the scalar fields are the gradient flow equations of the superpotential that is one of the eigenvalues of A_1 tensor.']
['Brandenberger, R H', 'Finelli, F']
['On the Spectrum of Fluctuations in an Effective Field Theory of the Ekpyrotic Universe']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['astrophysics, model', 'model, ekpyrotic', 'fluctuation, spectra', 'membrane model', 'effective action']
['We consider the four-dimensional effective field theory which has been used in previous studies of perturbations in the Ekpyrotic Universe, and discuss the spectrum of cosmological fluctuations induced on large scales by quantum fluctuations of the bulk brane. By matching cosmological fluctuations on a constant energy density hypersurface we show that the growing mode during the very slow collapsing pre-impact phase couples only to the decaying mode in the expanding post-impact phase, and that hence no scale-invariant spectrum of adiabatic fluctuations is generated.']
['Youm, D']
['A Varying-$\\alpha$ Brane World Cosmology']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['membrane model', 'Randall-Sundrum model', 'charge, electric', 'charge, time variation', 'astrophysics, model', 'dimension, 5', 'dimension, 4', 'Einstein equation', 'Friedman model']
['We study the brane world cosmology in the RS2 model where the electric charge varies with time in the manner described by the varying fine-structure constant theory of Bekenstein. We map such varying electric charge cosmology to the dual variable-speed-of-light cosmology by changing system of units. We comment on cosmological implications for such cosmological models.']
['Buchbinder, I L']
['Construction of Low-Energy Effective Action in N=4 Super Yang-Mills Theories']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['talk, Dubna 2001/06/11', 'gauge field theory, SU(N)', 'supersymmetry', 'effective action', 'superspace, harmonic', 'background field', 'symmetry, spontaneously broken']
['We review a recent progress in constructing low-energy effective action in N=4 super Yang-Mills theories. Using harmonic superspace approach we consider N=4 SYM in terms of unconstrained N=2 superfield and apply N=2 background field method to finding effective action for N=4 SU(n) SYM broken down to U(1)^(n-1). General structure of leading low-energy corrections to effective action is discussed.']
['Hannabuss, K C']
['Non-commutative Twistor Space']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['twistor', 'algebra, noncommutative', 'space-time, deformation', 'quantum group', 'Yang-Baxter equation', 'commutation relations']
['It is shown that deformations of twistor space compatible with the Moyal deformation of Minkowski space-time must take the form recently suggested by Kapustin, Kuznetsov and Orlov.']
['Gonera, C', 'Kosinski, P', 'Maslanka, P']
['Superintegrable models of Winternitz type']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['mechanics, classical', 'integrability', 'potential']
['A general procedure is outlined which allows one to construct superintegrable models of Winternitz type. Some examples are presented.']
['Izawa, K I']
['Tubular Field Theory']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['field theory, scalar', 'gauge field theory', 'dimension, 3', 'field theory, tubular']
["We propose tubular field theory, which is a continuum analogue of lattice field theory. One-dimensional links (and zero-dimensional sites) in lattice field theory are replaced by two-dimensional tubes to result in two-dimensional spacetime microscopically. As an example, scalar and gauge fields are considered in `three-dimensional' tubular spacetime."]
['De Berredo-Peixoto, G']
['A note on the heat kernel method applied to fermions']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['heat kernel', 'fermion', 'operator, Dirac', 'effective action', 'external field']
['The spectrum of the fermionic operators depending on external fields is an important object in Quantum Field Theory. In this paper we prove, using transition to the alternative basis for the $\\gamma$-matrices, that this spectrum does not depend on the sign of the fermion mass, up to a constant factor. This assumption has been extensively used, but usually without proof. As an illustration, we calculated the coincidence limit of the coefficient $a_2(x,x^\\prime)$ on the general metric background, vector and axial vector fields.']
['Sugiyama, K', 'Yamaguchi, S']
['Cascade of Special Holonomy Manifolds and Heterotic String Theory']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['string model, heterotic', 'space, dependence', 'holonomy', 'group theory, G(2)', 'group theory, Spin(7)', 'orbifold', 'partition function', 'invariance, modular', 'charge, topological', 'group theory, representation', 'phase space']
['We investigate hetrotic string theory on special holonomy manifolds including exceptional holonomy G_2 and spin(7) manifolds. The gauge symmetry is F_4 in a G_2 manifold compactification, and so(9) in a spin(7) manifold compactification. We also study the cascade of the holonomies: so(8) \\supset spin(7) \\supset G_2 \\supset su(3) \\supset su(2). The differences of adjoining groups are described by Ising, tricritical Ising, 3-state potts and uone. These theories are essential for spacetime supersymmetry and gauge group enhancement. As concrete examples, we treat G_2 and spin(7) orbifolds. We construct the modular invariant partition functions and analyze their massless spectra. We also find the relation between topological numbers of the manifolds and multiplicities of matters in specific representations.']
['Sonoda, H']
['Off-shell renormalization of the abelian Higgs model in the unitary gauge']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['gauge field theory, U(1)', 'Higgs model, abelian', 'unitary gauge', 'perturbation theory, higher-order', 'propagator', 'S-matrix', 'Ward identity', 'renormalization, off-shell']
['We discuss the off-shell renormalization properties of the abelian Higgs model in the unitary gauge. The model is not renormalizable according to the usual power counting rules. In this paper, however, we show that with a proper choice of interpolating fields for the massive photon and the Higgs particle, their off-shell Green functions can be renormalized. An analysis of the nature of the extra singularities in the unitary gauge is given, and a recipe for the off-shell renormalization is provided.']
['Brax, P', 'De van Bruck, C', 'Davis, A C']
['Brane-World Cosmology, Bulk Scalars and Perturbations']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['astrophysics, model', 'membrane model', 'field theory, scalar', 'supergravity', 'Randall-Sundrum model', 'field theory, tensor', 'dimension, 4', 'dimension, 5', 'density, perturbation', 'model, fluid', 'Klein-Gordon equation']
['We investigate aspects of cosmology in brane world theories with a bulk scalar field. We concentrate on a recent model motivated from supergravity in singular spaces. After discussing the background evolution of such a brane-world, we present the evolution of the density contrast. We compare our results to those obtained in the (second) Randall-Sundrum scenario and usual 4D scalar-tensor theories.']
['Motoyui, N', 'Tominaga, S', 'Yamada, M']
['Hamilton-Jacobi Solution to Soliton Paths and Triangular Mass Relation in Two-dimensional Extended Supersymmetric Theory']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['Wess-Zumino model', 'dimension, 2', 'dimensional reduction', 'dimension, 4', 'supersymmetry', 'soliton', 'Hamilton-Jacobi equation', 'mass, constraint']
["D=2,N=2 generalized Wess-Zumino theory is investigated by the dimensional reduction from D=4,N=1 theory. For each solitonic configuration (i,j) the classical static solution is solved by the Hamilton-Jacobi method of equivalent one-dimensional classical mechanics. It is easily shown that the Bogomol'nyi mass bound is saturated by these solutions and triangular mass inequality M_{ij}<M_{ik}+M_{kj} is automatically satisfied."]
['Ogushi, S']
['AdS Black Hole in R^2-Gravity']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['talk, Paris 2001/06/05', 'gravitation', 'derivative, high', 'black hole, anti-de Sitter', 'geometry, induced', 'Friedman model', 'temperature, Hawking', 'entropy', 'Hubble constant', 'field theory, conformal', 'strong coupling']
["We discuss some properties of higher derivative (HD) bulk gravity without Riemann tensor square term. Such a kind of gravity admits Schwarzschild Anti de Sitter (SAdS) black hole as exact solution. It is shown that induced brane geometry on such background is Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) radiation dominated Universe. We show that HD terms contributions appear in the Hawking temperature, entropy and Hubble parameter via the redefinition of 5-dimensional gravitational constant and AdS scale parameter. These HD terms do not destroy the AdS-dual description of radiation represented by strongly-coupled CFT. So-called Cardy-Verlinde formula which expresses cosmological entropy as square root from other parameters and entropies is also derived in R^2-gravity. This talk is based on works with Shin'ichi Nojiri and Sergei D. Odintsov."]
['Gubser, S S', 'Tseytlin, Arkady A', 'Volkov, M S']
['Non-abelian 4-d black holes, wrapped 5-branes, and their dual descriptions']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['gauge field theory, Yang-Mills', 'supersymmetry', 'membrane model, D-brane', 'D-brane, 5', 'dimension, 10', 'black hole, nonabelian', 'symmetry breaking, chiral', 'dimension, 4', 'monopole, nonabelian', 'black hole, horizon', 'temperature, Hawking', 'entropy', 'stability, thermodynamical', 'sigma model, nonlinear', 'dilaton', 'finite energy', 'numerical calculations', 'bibliography']
['We study extremal and non-extremal generalizations of the regular non-abelian monopole solution of hep-th/9707176, interpreted in hep-th/0007018 as 5-branes wrapped on a shrinking S^2. Naively, the low energy dynamics is pure N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills. However, our results suggest that the scale of confinement and chiral symmetry breaking in the Yang-Mills theory actually coincides with the Hagedorn temperature of the little string theory. We find solutions with regular horizons and arbitrarily high Hawking temperature. Chiral symmetry is restored at high energy density, corresponding to large black holes. But the entropy of the black hole solutions decreases as one proceeds to higher temperatures, indicating that there is a thermodynamic instability and that the canonical ensemble is ill-defined. For certain limits of the black hole solutions, we exhibit explicit non-linear sigma models involving a linear dilaton. In other limits we find extremal non-BPS solutions which may have some relevance to string cosmology.']
['Neupane, I P']
['Effective Lagrangian from Higher Curvature Terms']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['space-time, anti-de Sitter', 'graviton, massive', 'astrophysics, fundamental constant', 'effective Lagrangian', 'gravitation, lens', 'ghost, massive', 'spin, 2', 'invariance, gauge', 'gravitation, action', 'derivative, high', 'excited state', 'field equations, linear']
['We demonstrate that the van Dam-Veltman-Zakharov discontinuity arising in the $M^2 \\to 0$ limit of the massive graviton through an explicit Pauli-Fierz mass term is special to Minkowski space, and it is absent in anti de Sitter space, in particular, when graviton acquires mass spontaneously from the higher curvature terms. More generally, the massless limit $M^2\\to 0$ is attained faster than the cosmological constant $\\Lambda \\to 0$, and the absence of discontinuity may persist up to the quantum level. We discuss the effects of higher-curvature couplings and of an explicit cosmological term ($\\Lambda$) on stability of such continuity and of massive excitations. We also confirm the earlier assertion by Stelle that four-derivative gravity effectively contains, in addition to the usual massless graviton excitation, a massive spin-two and a massive scalar excitations. At tree-level, the massive spin-2 field is gauge independent, but the massive scalar excitation is seen somehow gauge dependent, thus the gravitational action with the four-derivative terms may have fewer than eight degrees of freedom and/or larger symmetry.']
['Myung, Y S']
['A gauge boson from the Kaluza-Klein approach of the Randall-Sundrum brane world']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['membrane model', 'Randall-Sundrum model', 'Kaluza-Klein model', 'gauge boson, massless']
['We clarify a mechanism to obtain a massless gauge boson from the Kaluza-Klein approach of the Randall-Sundrum(RS) brane world. This corresponds exactly to the same mechanism of achieving a localization of the gauge boson by adding both the bulk and brane mass terms. Accordingly this work puts another example for a localization-mechanism of the gauge boson on the brane.']
['Alexander, S', 'Brandenberger, R H', 'Magueijo, J']
['Non-Commutative Inflation']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['inflationary universe', 'space-time, noncommutative', 'radiation', 'space-time, quantization', 'dispersion relations', 'thermodynamics, fluctuation', 'space-time, fluctuation', 'numerical calculations']
['We show how a radiation dominated universe subject to space-time quantization may give rise to inflation as the radiation temperature exceeds the Planck temperature. We consider dispersion relations with a maximal momentum (i.e. a mimimum Compton wavelength, or quantum of space), noting that some of these lead to a trans-Planckian branch where energy increases with decreasing momenta. This feature translates into negative radiation pressure and, in well-defined circumstances, into an inflationary equation of state. We thus realize the inflationary scenario without the aid of an inflaton field. As the radiation cools down below the Planck temperature, inflation gracefully exits into a standard Big Bang universe, dispensing with a period of reheating. Thermal fluctuations in the radiation bath will in this case generate curvature fluctuations on cosmological scales whose amplitude and spectrum can be tuned to agree with observations.']
['Kamata, M', 'Nakamula, A']
['A q-analog of the ADHMN construction and axisymmetric multi-instantons']
['Particle Physics - Theory']
['gauge field theory, Sp(N)', 'instanton', 'symmetry, axial', 'magnetic monopole, BPS', 'gauge field theory, SU(2)']
['In the preceding paper (Phys. Lett. B463 (1999) 257), the authors presented a q-analog of the ADHMN construction and obtained a family of anti-selfdual configurations with a parameter q for classical SU(2) Yang-Mills theory in four-dimensional Euclidean space. The family of solutions can be seen as a q-analog of the single BPS monopole preserving (anti-)selfduality. Further discussion is made on the relation to axisymmetric ansatz on anti-selfdual equation given by Witten in the late seventies. It is found that the q-exponential functions familiar in q-analysis appear as analytic functions categorizing the anti-selfdual configurations yielded by axisymmetric ansatz.']

HEP - High Energy Physics collection.


This corpus is oriented to the study of multi-labeled text classifiers. It is composed of scientific articles in the area of High Energy Physics (HEP) obtained from the CDS document server of the European Nuclear Physics Laboratory (CERN). The corpus is divided into three subsets (called partitions), where each partition is composed, in turn, of two files: one containing the records of each article (with information such as abstracts, authors and, of course, classes or keywords) in compressed XML format, and another containing a plain text version of the full article generated from the PDF available in the CERN databases (in tar + gzip format) The classes are delimited by the XML tag KEYWORD. These are the manually assigned DESY thesaurus tags. More information about the DESY thesaurus is available.

  • hepth split: 18,114 Theoretical Physics documents (metadata - 5.3 Mb) (articles - 226 Mb)
  • hepex split: 2,599 papers of Experimental Physics (metadata - 1.6 Mb) (articles - 28 Mb)
  • astroph split: 2,716 Astrophysics documents (metadata - 1.1 Mb) (articles - 29 Mb)

Licensing Information

HEP Collection is released under the Apache-2.0 License.


This corpus has been prepared by Arturo Montejo Ráez, with metadata provided by Jens Vigen and the help of the CDS Team.

  author = {Montejo-Ráez, A. and Steinberger, R. and Ureña-López, L. A.}, 
  title = {Adaptive selection of base classifiers in one-against-all learning for large multi-labeled collections}, 
  booktitle = {Advances in Natural Language Processing: 4th International Conference, EsTAL 2004}, 
  pages = {1--12}, 
  year = {2004}, 
  editor = {Vicedo J. L. et al.}, 
  location = {Alicante, Spain}, 
  number = {3230}, 
  series = {Lectures notes in artifial intelligence}, 
  publisher = {Springer} 
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