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IndQNER is a NER dataset created by manually annotating the Indonesian translation of Quran text.

The dataset contains 18 named entity categories as follow:

"Allah": Allah (including synonim of Allah such as Yang maha mengetahui lagi mahabijaksana)

"Throne": Throne of Allah (such as 'Arasy)

"Artifact": Artifact (such as Ka'bah, Baitullah)

"AstronomicalBody": Astronomical body (such as bumi, matahari)

"Event": Event (such as hari akhir, kiamat)

"HolyBook": Holy book (such as AlQur'an)

"Language": Language (such as bahasa Arab

"Angel": Angel (such as Jibril, Mikail)

"Person": Person (such as Bani Israil, Fir'aun)

"Messenger": Messenger (such as Isa, Muhammad, Musa)

"Prophet": Prophet (such as Adam, Sulaiman)

"AfterlifeLocation": Afterlife location (such as Jahanam, Jahim, Padang Mahsyar)

"GeographicalLocation": Geographical location (such as Sinai, negeru Babilonia)

"Color": Color (such as kuning tua)

"Religion": Religion (such as Islam, Yahudi, Nasrani)

"Food": Food (such as manna, salwa)

Dataset Usage

Run pip install nusacrowd before loading the dataset through HuggingFace's load_dataset.


author = {Ria Hari Gusmita, Asep Fajar Firmansyah, Khodijah Khuliyah},
title = {{IndQNER: a NER Benchmark Dataset on Indonesian Translation of Quran}},
url = {},
year = {2022}





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