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Berry Theme Documentation
Themes Tulip Theme for nopCommerce Valley Theme for nopCommerce Berry Theme Documentation Cookies Bakery Theme for nopCommerce Viridi Theme for NopCommerce Pharmacy Theme for nopCommerce Crimson Theme for nopCommerce Kids Toys Theme for nopCommerce Fortune Theme for nopCommerce Kingdom Theme for nopCommerce Rosea Theme for nopCommerce Orchid Theme for nopCommerce NopKalles Theme for nopCommerce Lily Theme for nopCommerce Cape Town Theme for nopCommerce Beauty Shop Theme for nopCommerce Aureum Theme for nopCommerce CapeTown-Books Theme for nopCommerce Zwart Theme for nopCommerce
Plugins API Modules Admin REST API Plugin for nopCommerce REST API plugin for nopCommerce Public Store Payments Customer Credit Wallet Payment Stripe Digital Wallet Paykeeper payment documentation Sslcommerz payment documentation Amazon pay documentation Razorpay payment documentation Ipay bd payment documentation Stripe WeChatpay Pay Stripe sofort payment Stripe GrabPay Payment Stripe alipay payment DBBL payment documentation Stripe Konbini payment documentation Stripe Oxxo payment documentation Stripe Boleto payment documentation Instamojo payment Paystack payment Stripe ideal payment Stripe klarna payment Moneris Payment Plugin PayHere Payment Plugin OAB iPAY documentation Rocket Manual Payment Nagad Manual Payment bKash Manual Payment Unzer Payment eWay payment module AliPay payment module ChronoPay payment module eWay payment module, hosted solution PayPoint Payment Module (Hosted Solution) PayFast payment module Assist (Russia) Payment Module RedSys (Sermepa) payment module Payanyway (Russia) Payment Module Uniteller (Russia) Payment Module Platron (Russia) Payment Module BluePay payment module CyberSource payment module, hosted solution Qualpay Payment Gateway Bambora payment module Upay Manual Payment Hyperpay COPYandPAY Payment Affirm Payment Everypay Payment QuickStream Payment Poli Payment Nets Easy Hosted Payment MPay24 Payment BlueSnap Hosted Payment Afterpay Payment bKash Payment with Gateway Dmoney Payment Stripe Payment With Gateway Shipping & Delivery RedX shipping documentation Pickup in Store Advance State wise shipping ShipStation DHL Shipping integration plugin Delivery Management System (nopDMS) for nopCommerce Delivery Scheduler Plugin SMS & Notifications Bulk SMS Plugin Messente SMS Plugin TeleSign SMS Plugin SMS Plugin App Push Notification V2 Clickatell SMS notification plugin Verizon SMS notification plugin Announcement Plugin Vonage SMS Integration Plugin MessageBird Sms Integration Plugin Afilnet SMS Integration Plugin Twilio SMS Integration Plugin PushNop (web push notifications) plugin for nopCommerce Progressive Web App with Push Notification (PWA) Chat Integrations nopChat Plugin LivePerson Chat Crisp Live Chat Smartsupp Live Chat plugin Paldesk Chat Plugin Facebook Messenger Discounts & Promotions Smart Popup documentation Affiliated Customers Discount Rules Documentation Days of Week Discount Rules plugin Documentation Payment Method Discount Rules Plugin Time of Day Discount Rules Plugin Billing country is discount requirement rule Product Ribbon Plugin Sales & Analytics Amazon Personalize Admin report exporter documentation Google analytics 4 documentation Dynamic survey documentation Quote cart documentation Price Comparison Service Quandl Exchange Rate Provider Plugin Google tag manager documentation Advanced SEO documentation Smartlook Analyzer Mouseflow Analyzer Lucky Orange Analyzer Hotjar Plugin Fullstory Analyzer Zoho CRM Integration Other Plugins Smart Mega Menu by nopStation Byteplant Address Validator Plugin TinyPNG Documentation Mega Menu Deal Of The Day Blogs and News Export import topic documentation Abstract email validator Verifalia email validator Abstract exchange-rate provider bitly url shortener documentation Previous next product documentation price Comparison Service Plugin Documentation IP Filter Plugin Ajax filter documentation Cloudinary CDN ProductPDF documentation One Page Checkout Documentation EasyPost Address Validator Plugin Vendor Banner Plugin TaxJar Integration Plugin Product Tab Plugin Product Request Plugin Popup Login Plugin oCarousels Plugin Merge Guest Orders Plugin Manufacturer Banner Plugin Google Address Validator Plugin Category Banner Cancel Order Plugin Auto Cancel Order Plugin Anywhere Slider Helpdesk Ticket plugin for nopCommerce Bulk Delete Customer Widget Push Ultimate FAQ Plugin SQL Manager (MSSQL) Smart Product Rating Plugin Quick Search Plugin Order Rating Plugin Facebook Shop Documentation Plugin Affiliate Station Store Locator Facebook pixel Multiple Tax Power BI with NopCommerce Algolia Search integration Plugin NopCommerce Amazon S3 and CDN Integration FlipBook (Magazine) Quick View Picture Zoom Plugin Ajax filter documentation
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Berry Theme Documentation
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Berry is your finest pick if you're looking for a theme that's perfect for your food business. This fantastic theme is ideal for a wide range of websites, including organic food, natural health products, food blogs, natural medicinal items, as well as any bakery, restaurant, ice cream shop, coffee shop, grocery store, and so on. Berry has thought of everything! It includes a pre-designed homepages as well as new components that may be utilized to present your company in the best possible light. Berry is the subject for you if you're interested in healthy cuisine, cosmetics, or health products in general. You may easily set up an online food store to sell food, groceries, and a variety of natural products.
Berry is a responsive theme created by nopStation. This guide contains all of the information needed to customize a nopCommerce application utilizing the theme's capabilities. These features are enabled by the theme's 12 plugins. The installation procedure, as well as a detailed description of the plugins, will be covered in the sections below
How to Install and Enable the Theme
To install the theme
Download the Berry theme from our store
Go to Configuration => Local plugins from the Admin dashboard.
Click on the Upload plugin or theme button and a popup will appear asking to navigate to the file that contains the theme.
Select the downloaded .zip file named 'Berry' and click Upload plugin or theme button.
Install and enable all the 12 plugins whose Group name is 'Nop Station'. Make sure the "Nop-Station Berry Theme" plugin is installed and enabled.
To get these plugins, search by the group name.
To know how to install and enable a plugin, go to nopCommerce documentation describing this topic.
Disable the Nivo Slider plugin to get the expected view on the homepage.
To enable the theme
Go to Configuration => Settings => General settings in the admin panel.
Choose Berry as the Default store theme.
To enable the plugins
Go to Administration => Configuration => Local plugins
Search the plugins associated with this theme by using the Group Name 'Nop-Station'
Locate and click the Edit button for the plugin to be enabled for example, 'Nop-Station OCarousel'
In the pop-up window, tick the checkbox named 'Enabled' and click Save.
The License Key
After buying the theme, one should contact nopStation for the license key and it will be sent through an email. The contact info is available here.
If anyone tries to configure the theme or bundled plugins for the first time, s/he will be redirected to a page prompting to enter the Product Key. It can also be entered by going to Nop Station => Core settings => License.
You can configure the theme configuration by going to Administration => Nop Station => Themes => Berry => Configuration
Enable image lazy-load: If you want to lazy-load for product box image enable this.
Lazy-load picture: From here you can choose a picture from your device and upload it. This picture will be displayed initially in the product box. Upload picture size should not be more than 4-5 KB.
Show picture on order completed page: Determines whether image will be displayed on order completed page or not.
Order completed page picture: Select picture for order completed page.
Show supported cards picture at page footer: Determines whether the supported card picture will be displayed on page footer or not.
Supported cards picture: With this, you can choose a picture from your device and upload it. This single picture of supported cards should be expected image height 30 px.
Show logo at page footer: Determines whether the logo will be displayed on page footer or not.
Footer logo: With this, you can choose a logo from your device and upload it. This single logo should be expected image height 40 px.
Footer email: Specify email which will be displayed.
Footer background picture: Select picture which will be shown as footer background.
Newsletter background picture: Select picture which will be shown as newletter background.
Breadcrumb background picture: Select picture which will be shown as breadcrumb background.
Custom CSS: Write custom CSS for your website. It will be rendered in the head section of the HTML page.
Plugin Configuration:
In the section you can learn about configure your plugins.
Anywhere Slider: See configuration of Anywhere slider
Blogs and news: See configuration of Blogs and news
Category banner: See configuration of Category banner
Mega menu: See configuration of Mega menu
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