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(b) in aon chás eile, féadfar íocaíocht liúntais leasa fhorlíontaigh a íoc in aghaidh na seachtaine, faoi réir an ailt seo, d'fhorlíonadh ar ioncam eile an duine sin.
(b) in any other case, a weekly payment of supplementary welfare allowance may be made, subject to this section, to supplement that person's other income.
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Draein swell An chéim IS tábhachtaí nuair a cháilíocht mashed cóilis é a draein ar an cóilis go han-mhaith má tá bhánú indiam uisce Aon spear-iompróir uisce ar mian leo a dhéanamh ar an cóilis watery agus unappetising iarraimid piping Beaver Stáit róstadh péidiatraiceach bia-eolaí in aice leis dom ar an cóilis San oigheann chun cúnamh a choinneáil ar an uisce ag bá
Drain swell The MOST important step when qualification mashed cauliflower it to drain the cauliflower very well if blanching indium water Any spear carrier water wish make the cauliflower watery and unappetising We urge piping Beaver State roasting pediatric dietitian near me the cauliflower In the oven to help keep the water at bay
Gach páirt i suirbhé nó ar vótaíocht le táirge nó seirbhís, is féidir rannpháirtithe a thuilleamh pointí inchomhshóite: Dearbháin, airgid, bronntanais iontas etc.
Every part in a survey or poll on a product or service, participants can earn points convertible: Vouchers, cash, surprise gifts etc..
Lean Lean Díchoisc Díchoisc @SpursOfficial Ar Feitheamh Iarratas leanúna ó @SpursOfficial ar feitheamh Cuir ar ceal Cealaigh d'iarratas leanúna do @SpursOfficial Tuilleadh Cóipeáil nasc leis Freagra
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Lean Lean @Cacilmello Á Leanúint Ag leanúint Coiscthe Coiscthe @Cacilmello Díchoisc Díchoisc @Cacilmello Ar Feitheamh Iarratas leanúna ó @Cacilmello ar feitheamh Cuir ar ceal Cealaigh d'iarratas leanúna do @Cacilmello Tuilleadh Cóipeáil nasc leis an tweet
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"Lean sé," Ar an Lá na Aiséirí, beidh Allah assemble gach cine daonna, an chéad cheann agus an ceann deireanach, ar plain leathan ionas go mbeidh siad go léir a bheith le feiceáil agus in ann éisteacht leis an té atá ag glaoch.
He continued, "On the Day of Resurrection, Allah will assemble all mankind, the first and the last, on a wide plain so that they will all be visible and able to hear the caller.
[EN] (ii) is tuigthe, chun crícheanna an ailt seo, ceart an duine sin chun an liúntas leanbhaí sin d'íoc leis ar feadh na tréimhse íoca san do bheith tagtha chun cóláine ar an dáta cáilitheach san agus ní dhéanfa sé deifir don cheart san má thárlann, tar éis an dáta cháilithigh sin, éinne de na leanbhaí sin d'fháil bháis no do shlánú sé bliana déag no do scur d'aon cheann no cinn de na cáilíochta do bheith aige ar dá mbuadh ba leanbh cáilithe é ar an dáta cáilitheach san.
[GA] (ii) the right of such person to payment of such children's allowance during the said payment period shall, for the purposes of this section, be deemed to have accrued on the said qualifying date and shall not be affected by reason of any of such children, after the said qualifying date, dying, attaining the age of sixteen years or ceasing to possess any one or more of the qualifications by virtue of which he was a qualified child on the said qualifying date.
Glacann ábhar an gearrthóg ligation ar ár monarcha ábhar neamh-inbhlaite ilpholaiméir, nach mbeidh imoibríocht fíocháin ann, agus ní bheidh greamaitheacht agus glaoite fíocháin ann.
The material of the ligation clip of our factory adopts non-absorbable multi-polymer material, which will not produce tissue reactivity, and will not have tissue adhesion and callus.
Imrítear an cluiche corr le bata agus liathróid agus glactar leis go coitianta go bhfuil an baseball bunaithe ar an chluiche ón uair a thug inimircigh Éireannacha go Méiriceá é.
Rounders is a bat and ball game played throughout the island and it is generally accepted that the sport of baseball derived from a form of rounders, which was brought to America by Irish immigrants.
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Is féidir le fiosrúcháin a dhéanamh ar na suíomhanna is féidir le lianna trí thaighde x-gha a insint go neamhdhíobhálach, cibé an bhfuil briste agus go bhfuil sé casta.
To check up the suspicions physicians can by means of an x-ray research which will tell unequivocally, whether there is a fracture and it is complicated.
Is é atá i bhforbairt na frithsheasmhachta ná feiniméan nádúrtha a tharlaíonn nuair a úsáidtear ábhair fhrithmhiocróbacha chun cóireáil a chur in aghaidh galair.
The development of resistance is a natural phenomenon that occurs when antimicrobials are used to treat disease.
(3) Ní dhéanfaidh an Bord aon fhodhlíthe a fhearann ar aon fheidhmeanna de chuid cuideachta go dtí go rachaidh an Bord i gcomhairle leis an gcuideachta.
(3) Bye-laws affecting any functions of a company shall be made by the Board only after consultation with the company.
(i) maidir le hAer Lingus, le hAer Rianta cuideachta phoiblí theoranta, le Líne B & I cuideachta phoiblí theoranta agus le Córas Iompair Éireann, an tAire Turasóireachta agus Iompair;
(i) with regard to Aer Lingus, Aer Rianta cuideachta phoiblí theoranta, B & I Line public limited company and Córas Iompair Éireann, the Minister for Tourism and Transport;
Is é an G-26-L, beagán Éasca Éisteachta BTE Digiteach le húsáid le próiseáil comhartha chun cinn le haghaidh Trimmer & 2 Mód Clár le haghaidh caillteanas éisteachta dian.
The G-26-L,is a small Digital BTE Hearing Aids Easy To Use With advanced signal processing for Trimmer & 2 Program Mode for severe hearing loss.
Féadfar na teorainneacha thuasluaite a chur siar go tráth nach déanaí ná an 31 Nollaig 2009, ach amháin i gcás 2,4-D a bhféadfar an teorainn ama ina leith a chur siar go tráth nach déanaí ná an 31 Nollaig 2008.
The abovementioned deadlines may be postponed until no later than 31 December 2009, except for 2,4-D for which the deadline may be postponed until no later than 31 December 2008.
An Oisrí Síor Lady - Datejust Pearlmaster sheas amach ó seoladh i 1992, a bhuíochas sin a línte galánta agus ábhair lómhara .
The Oyster Perpetual Lady-Datejust Pearlmaster has stood out since its launch in 1992, thanks to its elegant lines and precious materials.
Díchoisc Díchoisc @SouthamptonFC Ar Feitheamh Ar feitheamh le hiarratas ó @SouthamptonFC Cuir ar ceal Cealaigh d'iarratas leanúna do @SouthamptonFC Tuilleadh Cóipeáil nasc leis freagra 356 d’atweetálacha 1,015 croí
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Soláthróidh 28 Oifig Seirbhísí d’Íospartaigh ar fud na tíre faisnéis d’íospartaigh fad a dhéanann a gcás dul chun cinn tríd an gcóras ceartais.
28 Victim Services Offices across the country will inform victims as their case progresses through the justice system.
Ag Towers Diner is féidir leat taitneamh a bhaint as roghchlár ar nós '333 g Riblose Steak' a bhaineann le airde Túr Tokyo.
At Towers Diner you can enjoy a menu such as '333 g Riblose Steak' which is related to the height of Tokyo Tower.
Baintear leas as réimse cabhracha sna hOFÁí chun cuidiú le gnólachtaí beaga chun a n-iomaíocht, a nuálaíocht agus a sainoiriúint teicneolaíochta a dhlúthú.
The LEOs use a range of aids to help small business to boost their competitiveness, innovation and technological adaptation.
Tá na nósanna imeachta maidir leis an tástáil fuaime le fáil i ngníomh tarmligthe a glacadh de bhun an Rialacháin seo agus glacfaidh rialacháin CENAE uimh. 9, 41, 63 agus 92 ionad an ghnímh sin.
A delegated act adopted pursuant to this Regulation contains the sound test procedures and will be replaced by UNECE regulations Nos 9, 41, 63 and 92.
Mar is eol dúinn go léir, is é an QSFP-DD an t-ionad sonraí eile don ghlúin eile mar gheall ar a mbuntáiste a bhaint as an leathanbhanda dúbailte.
As we all know, QSFP-DD has become the darling of the next-generation data center due to its advantage of doubled bandwidth.
Dar le Margaret Macmillan, staraí ceannasach as an Chéad Chogadh Domhanda, tá an-imní ar an Meán-Oirthear inniu sna Balcáin i 1914. bíodh imní ort.
According to Margaret Macmillan, a leading Oxford historian of the First World War, the Middle East today also bears a worrying resemblance to the Balkans in 1914.[4] The mere fact that leading politicians and historians can draw such analogies should be a cause for worry.
Lean Lean @mmiguelangelj Díchoisc Díchoisc @mmiguelangelj Ar Feitheamh Iarratas leanúna ó @mmiguelangelj ar feitheamh Cuir ar ceal Cealaigh d'iarratas leanúna do @mmiguelangelj Tuilleadh
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Ag bua atá á chur i gcrích i roinnt riachtanas, mar shampla earcú an líon riachtanach na pointí, a chur míreanna áirithe sa suíomh ceart nó bailiú triples do na cealla a roghnaíodh.
Getting victory being accomplished in a number of requirements, such as the recruitment of the required number of points, putting certain items in the correct position or the collection of triples for the selected cells.
[EN] (8) Féadfaidh aon chomhalta nó bintiúrach de chuid na cuideachta cóip den chlár, nó d'aon chuid de, a éileamh ar scilling, nó cibé suim faoina bhun sin a fhorordóidh an chuideachta, a íoc ar gach 100 focal nó codán de 100 focal a bheidh le cóipeáil.
[GA] (8) Any member or holder of debentures of the company may require a copy of the register, or of any part thereof, on payment of one shilling, or such less sum as the company may prescribe, for every 100 words or fractional part thereof required to be copied.
Is féidir lúthchleasaithe a shábháil a bheith níos éasca sna cnoic gheimhridh, rollta sneachta-clúdaithe saoire sciála, nuair a bhíonn cluiche - léim ó airde ar snowboard.
Saving athletes may be easier in the winter hills, rolled snow-covered ski resort, when there is a game - jump from a height on a snowboard.
[EN] (3) Má bhíonn ceann comhairimh cúnta ann sa toghchán Dála i leith aon limistéir gníomhóidh sé don limistéar sin mar cheann comhairimh cúnta chun críocha na vótaíochtaí sna toghcháin áitiúla agus is iad a dhualgais cibé cuid de dhualgais an chinn chomhairimh chun críocha na vótaíochtaí sna toghcháin áitiúla nach bhfuil an ceann comhairimh faoi cheangal dlí a chomhlíonadh é féin a chomhlíonadh sa limistéar sin.
[GA] (3) If there is an assistant returning officer at the Dáil election for any area he shall act for that area as assistant returning officer for the purposes of the polls at the local elections and his duties shall be the performance in that area of such of the duties of the returning officer for the purposes of the polls at the local elections as that officer is not required by law to perform in person.
“244.—(1) San alt seo— [EN] ciallaíonn an abairt ‘taighde eolaíochta’ aon ghníomhaíochtaí i réim na heolaíochta nádúrtha nó feidhmiúla d'fhonn eolas a mhéadú;
“244.—(1) In this section— the expression ‘scientific research’ means any activities in the fields of natural or applied science for the extension of knowledge;
Cur síos: Cabhair Uasal Bean teacht ar an mbealach abhaile ón chaisleán dorcha, úsáid eochair arrow chun gluaiseacht agus léim, a ligean ar siúl agus a reáchtáil.
Description: Help Mr Bean find the way to home from this dark castle, use arrow key to move and jump, let's run and run.
Lean Lean @nuclearcarly Á Leanúint Ag leanúint @nuclearcarly Dílean Dílean @nuclearcarly Coiscthe Coiscthe @nuclearcarly Díchoisc Díchoisc @nuclearcarly Ar Feitheamh Iarratas leanúna ó @nuclearcarly ar feitheamh Cuir ar ceal Cealaigh d'iarratas leanúna do @nuclearcarly Tuilleadh Cóipeáil nasc leis an tweet
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[EN] agus beidh éifeacht leo in aon chontae nó cathair lena mbaineann siad go dtí cibé tráth a dhéanfar fodhlíthe i leith an chontae nó na cathrach sin faoin alt sin.
[GA] and have effect in any county or city to which they apply until such time as bye-laws are made in respect of such county or city under that section.
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Polasaithe Réamhráiteas Is scoil sinn atá i láthair le hoideachas d’ardchaighdean a chur ar fáil do gach duine is cuma cén aois, gnéas, reiligiúin agus aicme iad.
This school is committed to the provision of the highest standard of education to everyone regardless of the age, gender, creed or social class.
Mar sin féin, má táthar chun iasachtóirí nua a spreagadh chun glacadh leis an riosca breise a bhaineann le hinfheistíocht a dhéanamh i bhféichiúnaí inmharthana a bhfuil deacrachtaí airgeadais aige, d'fhéadfadh dreasachtaí breise a bheith riachtanach, amhail, mar shampla, tosaíocht a thabhairt do mhaoiniú den sórt sin thar éilimh neamhurraithe ar a laghad i nósanna imeachta dócmhainneachta ina dhiaidh sin.
However, encouraging new lenders to take the enhanced risk of investing in a viable debtor in financial difficulties could require further incentives such as, for example, giving such financing priority at least over unsecured claims in subsequent insolvency procedures.
i leith aon mhaoine beidh aige, chun an cháin a íoc, nó méid na cánach a chruinniú nuair a bheidh sé íoctha cheana féin, cumhacht, bíodh an mhaoin dílsithe dó nó ná bíodh, méid na cánach sin agus aon ús agus caiteachais a d'íoc nó a thabhaigh sé go cuí i leith an chéanna a chruinniú tríd an maoin sin nó aon chuid di a dhíol nó a mhorgáistiú nó trí mhuirear infhoirceannta ar an maoin sin nó ar aon chuid di.
in respect of any property shall, for the purpose of paying the tax, or raising the amount of the tax when already paid, have power, whether the property is or is not vested in that person, to raise the amount of such tax and any interest and expenses properly paid or incurred by that person in respect thereof, by the sale or mortgage of, or a terminable charge on, that property or any part of that property.
Adam Reichardt Coiscthe Coiscthe @areichardt Díchoisc Díchoisc @areichardt Ar Feitheamh Iarratas leanúna ó @areichardt ar feitheamh Cuir ar ceal Cealaigh d'iarratas leanúna do @areichardt Tuilleadh
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Laser + modh scannán leachtach, is é sin, an chéad taisce scannán leacht ar an dromchla an tsubstráit, agus ansin dhíshalú le radaíocht léasair.
Laser + liquid film method, that is, first deposit a liquid film on the surface of the substrate, and then decontaminate with laser radiation.
Macasamhail Cartier Balana Bleu 38mm Bán Dial Cruach dhosmálta Cás Brown Leathar Bracelet Le Top Cáilíochta agus praghas tarraingteach do Big Shábháil.
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[EN] (f) gníomhaíochtaí oiliúna, taighde nó tástála i ndáil le haon cheann dá fheidhmeanna a sheoladh, socrú a dhéanamh maidir leis an gcéanna a sheoladh nó cúnamh a thabhairt maidir leis an gcéanna a sheoladh;
[GA] (f) carry out, arrange to have carried out or assist the carrying out of, training, research or testing activities in relation to any of its functions;
Mar sin féin, is bearta iad oibleagáidí seirbhíse poiblí i bhfoirm rialáil ar phraghas an tsoláthair atá saobhach ó bhonn, ar minic go mbíonn carnadh ar easnaimh taraifí, teorannú ar rogha na dtomhaltóirí, dreasachtaí níos measa i dtaca le caomhnú fuinnimh agus i dtaca le hinfheistíóchtáí san éifeachtúlacht fuinnimh, caighdeáin sheirbhíse níos ísle, leibhéil níos ísle de rannpháirtíocht agus sástacht tomhaltóirí, srianadh ar an iomaíocht chomh maith le líon níos lú táirgí agus seirbhísí nuálacha ar an margadh mar thoradh leo go minic.
Nevertheless, public service obligations in the form of supply price regulation constitute a fundamentally distortive measure that often leads to the accumulation of tariff deficits, limitation of consumer choice, poorer incentives for energy saving and energy efficiency investments, lower standards of service, lower levels of consumer engagement and satisfaction, restriction of competition as well as fewer innovative products and services on the market.
Tá an Phríomh-Oifig Staidrimh freagrach chomh maith as staitisticí oifigiúla de chuid údaráis eile phoiblí a chomhordú agus as acmhainneacht staidrimh de thaifid riaracháin a fhorbairt.
The CSO is also responsible for coordinating the official statistics of other public authorities and for developing the statistical potential of administrative records.
Is maith liom é Dúradh Is Maith Liom É Níl Díchoisc Díchoisc @hiddlesafe Ar Feitheamh Iarratas leanúna ó @hiddlesafe ar feitheamh Cuir ar ceal Cealaigh d'iarratas leanúna do @hiddlesafe
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Trí Chlár na Leabhar Gaeilge, cuireann Foras na Gaeilge tacaíocht ar fáil d’fhoilsitheoirí na Gaeilge trí Scéim na Foilsitheoireachta agus do scríbhneoirí na Gaeilge trí na scéimeanna scríbhneoireachta go príomha.
Through Clár na Leabhar Gaeilge, Foras na Gaeilge provides support for Irish language publishers through the Publishing Scheme, and to Irish language writers mainly through the writing schemes.
(2) Ní dochar an mhír seo d'aon cheanglas de chuid Achtanna na gCuideachtaí, 1963 go 1986, a bhaineann (ar shlí seachas de bhua mhír 47 den Sceideal seo agus fhomhír (1) den mhír seo) le grúpchuntais.
(2) This paragraph is without prejudice to any requirement of the Companies Acts, 1963 to 1986, which applies (otherwise than by virtue of paragraph 47 of this Schedule and subparagraph (1) of this paragraph) to group accounts.
Financial TimesCuntas deimhnithe @FinancialTimes 22 u22 Coiscthe @FinancialTimes Díchoisc Díchoisc @FinancialTimes Ar Feitheamh Iarratas leanúna ó @FinancialTimes ar feitheamh Cuir ar ceal Cealaigh d'iarratas leanúna do @FinancialTimes Tuilleadh Cóipeáil nasc leis DFómh 2018
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22-10-2014 Grinnanailís Trádáil idirnáisiúnta Talmhaíocht agus forbairt tuaithe, Chearta na mBan agus um Chomhionannas Inscne, Gnóthaí eacnamaíochta agus airgeadaíochta, Forbairt, Buiséid
Bodies: Foreign affairs, Budgets, Security and defence, Agriculture and rural development, Women's Rights and Gender Equality, International trade, Development, Economic and monetary affairs
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We also have independently reviewed Random Number Generators, the results of which are published on our website by Independant Auditors.
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An chéad Tweet eile ón @engagingidentit Dílean Dílean @engagingidentit Coiscthe Coiscthe @engagingidentit Díchoisc Díchoisc @engagingidentit Ar Feitheamh Iarratas leanúna ó @engagingidentit ar feitheamh Cuir ar ceal Cealaigh d'iarratas leanúna do @engagingidentit
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Rinneadh na bearta sin mar fhreagairt ar an ngéarchéim airgeadais a tháinig chun cinn in 2007-2008. Toisc nárbh ann do chreata leordhóthanacha bainistithe agus réitithe géarchéime b'éigean do rialtais ar fud an domhain na bainc a tharrtháil de dhroim na géarchéime airgeadais.
These measures were taken in response to the financial crisis that unfolded in 2007-2008.The absence of adequate crisis management and resolution frameworks forced governments around the world to rescue banks following the financial crisis.
Is coincheap dearaidh Moncler an- nuálach agus tá sé coinnithe ag an thús cadhnaíochta an treocht, tá fás ar líon na daoine grá é .
Moncler's design concept is very innovative and has been kept at the vanguard of trend, a growing number of individuals have loved it.
(2) Déanfar táillí faoin Acht seo a thógáil agus a bhailiú i cibé slí a ordóidh an tAire Airgeadais ó am go ham agus íocfar iad isteach sa Státchiste nó déanfar iad a dhiúscairt chun sochar an Státchiste de réir orduithe an Aire Airgeadais.
(2) Fees under this Act shall be taken and collected in such manner as the Minister for Finance may from time to time direct and shall be paid into or disposed of for the benefit of the Exchequer in accordance with the directions of the Minister for Finance.
Cóipeáil nasc leis Coiscthe @TNedu Díchoisc Díchoisc @TNedu Ar Feitheamh Iarratas leanúna ó @TNedu ar feitheamh Cuir ar ceal Cealaigh d'iarratas leanúna do @TNedu
Schools, Metro Schools and 4 others Follow Follow follow request from @TNedu Cancel Cancel your follow request to @TNedu
Taispeáin an snáithe seo The European TourCuntas deimhnithe @EuropeanTour 14 Aib Lean Lean Díchoisc @EuropeanTour Ar Feitheamh Iarratas leanúna ó @EuropeanTour ar feitheamh Cuir ar ceal Cealaigh d'iarratas leanúna do @EuropeanTour
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Céad bliain tar éis do na Stáit Aontaithe dul isteach sa Chéad Chogadh Domhanda, agus 50 bliana tar éis don Dr. Martin Luther King Jr a chuid cainte stairiúil frith-chogaidh a sheachadadh ag Séipéal Riverside Nua-Eabhrac, beidh gníomhaígh síochána ag reáchtáil ócáid dar teideal “Remembering Past Wars, Cosc ar an Aghaidh, ”Ag Scoil Dlí Ollscoil Nua-Eabhrac, ar Aibreán 3.
One hundred years after the U.S. entered World War One, and 50 years after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his historic anti-war speech at New York’s Riverside Church, peace activists will hold an event titled “Remembering Past Wars, Preventing the Next,” at New York University’s School of Law, on April 3.
R 665 Muslim le slabhra suas go dtí Abdullah, mac Amr mic Al 'Mar a bhaineann leis go raibh an Prophet,moladh agus an tsíocháin a bheith air, a dúirt sé seo.
R 665 Muslim with a chain up to Abdullah, the son of Amr son of Al 'As who related that the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, said this.
1. bhFiaclóirí, 1927, chun Coiste Speisialta ar a mbeidh aon Teachta déag a ainmneoidh an Coiste Roghnathóireachta; go gcomórfar an chéad chruinniú den Choiste Speisialta Dé Máirt, 12adh Iúl; agus gur cúigear a bheidh OIREACHTAS RESTAURANT.
That the Dentists Bill, 1927, be referred to a Special Committee consisting of eleven Deputies, to be nominated by the Committee of Selection; that the first meeting of the Special Committee be held on Tuesday, July 12th; and that the quorum of the Committee be five.
Maidir le hinnealtóirí agus teicneoirí, agus malartóirí teasa á ndearadh, ba cheart aird leordhóthanach a thabhairt ar roghnú réasúnach cineálacha, oibriú eacnamaíoch agus laghdú costas.
For engineers and technicians, when designing heat exchangers, sufficient attention should be paid to the reasonable selection of types, economic operation and cost reduction.
an fheidhmíonn ateagaireacht chomhuaineach na ndíospóireachtaí a chuireann Parlaimint na hEorpa ar fáil ach chun cumarsáid a éascú i measc na rannpháirtithe sa chruinniú.
interpretation of debates provided by the European Parliament serves only to facilitate communication amongst the participants in the meeting.
(2) Úsáid frámaí péinte nó marcanna greamaigh, lena n-áirítear paraiméadair theicniúla amhail: uimhir bhaisc foirnéise, grád caighdeánach, fad agus leithead an mhéid, etc .
(2) The use of paint frame or paste marks, including technical parameters such as: furnace batch number, standard grade, length and width of the size, etc.
(5) Féadfaidh breitheamh den Chúirt Dúiche, ar chomhalta den Gharda Síochána do dhéanamh cóip den iarraidh ón gCúirt Choiriúil Idirnáisiúnta agus d’aon doiciméid a bheidh ina teannta a thabhairt ar aird, barántas a eisiúint chun aon áitreabh nó áit a chuardach más deimhin leis nó léi go bhfuil forais réasúnacha ann lena chreidiúint—
(5) A judge of the District Court, on production by a member of the Garda Síochána of a copy of the request from the International Criminal Court and of any accompanying documents, may issue a warrant for the search of any premises or place if satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for believing—
Phléigh siad an imirce, an dul chun cinn a rinneadh maidir le bealach na mBalcán Thiar agus an gá atá le teorainneacha an Aontais Eorpaigh a chosaint.
They discussed migration, progress made on the Western Balkans route and the need to protect EU borders.
Macedonian Football @MacedonianFooty Coiscthe Coiscthe @MacedonianFooty Díchoisc Díchoisc @MacedonianFooty Ar Feitheamh Iarratas leanúna ó @MacedonianFooty ar feitheamh Cuir ar ceal Cealaigh d'iarratas leanúna do @MacedonianFooty Tuilleadh
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Tá comhar idirearnálach domhanda ann ó bhí an bhliain 2010 ann. Ón uair sin i leith, tá gníomhartha tríthaobhacha curtha ar bun ag an Eagraíocht Dhomhanda um Shláinte Ainmhithe, an Eagraíocht Dhomhanda Sláinte agus Eagraíocht Bhia agus Talmhaíochta na Náisiún Aontaithe chun straitéisí a chomhordú chun a chinntiú go leanann ábhair fhrithmhiocróbacha de bheith éifeachtúil agus go n-úsáidtear go freagrach iad.
There has been global intersectoral collaboration since 2010, with the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) establishing tripartite actions to coordinate strategies to ensure antimicrobials maintain their efficacy, and are used responsibly.
Tá na coimeádáin taobh istigh den long, ach sa deireadh faigheann an carr iompair taobh istigh den long agus caithfidh tú na coimeádáin a bhogadh ar an mbealach ceart chun an sliocht a scaoileadh.
Skip ship, but the transport car eventually gets stuck inside the ship and you have to move the containers in the correct way to release the passage.
Nuair a dhéantar atástáil ar mhionmhíreanna, mar shampla, amharciniúchadh chun a chinntiú gur athsholáthraíodh cuimilteoirí lochtacha gaothscátha, bíonn an atástáil saor in aisce.
Free re-tests cover minor items, for example, a visual inspection to check that faulty windscreen wipers have been replaced.
Lean Lean @soyluuarriaga Á Díchoisc Díchoisc @soyluuarriaga Ar Feitheamh Iarratas leanúna ó @soyluuarriaga ar feitheamh Cuir ar ceal Cealaigh d'iarratas leanúna do @soyluuarriaga Tuilleadh
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An Tríú Reich agus an Dara Cogadh Domhanda[athraigh | athraigh vicithéacs] Ba é an SPD an t-aon pháirtí a vótáil in aghaidh an Acht Údaraithe.
The SPD was the only party to vote against the act (the KPD being already outlawed and its deputies were under arrest, dead, or in exile).
Sonya Savage Díchoisc Díchoisc @sonyasavage Ar Feitheamh Iarratas leanúna ó @sonyasavage ar feitheamh Cuir ar ceal Cealaigh d'iarratas leanúna do @sonyasavage
Sonya Savage @sonyasavage May 29 Follow Follow @sonyasavage Following Following @sonyasavage Unfollow Cancel Cancel your follow request to @sonyasavage
Féach ar fhaisnéis ó dhoras go doras le haghaidh gach aistir in Éirinn, lena n-áirítear aistir ar cos agus ag gach modh iompair phoiblí.
View door-to-door information for all journeys in Ireland including journeys on foot and by all modes of public transport.
Coiscthe Coiscthe @ohemgeeijizzed Díchoisc Díchoisc @ohemgeeijizzed Ar Feitheamh Iarratas leanúna ó @ohemgeeijizzed ar feitheamh Cuir ar ceal Cealaigh d'iarratas leanúna do @ohemgeeijizzed Tuilleadh Cóipeáil nasc leis maith liom'1,001
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Lean Lean @msdanifernandez Á Díchoisc Díchoisc @msdanifernandez Ar Feitheamh Iarratas leanúna ó @msdanifernandez ar feitheamh Cuir ar ceal Cealaigh d'iarratas leanúna do @msdanifernandez Tuilleadh Cóipeáil nasc leis Meith 2015
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Ba cheart go bhféadfaí ionstraimí airgeadais a chur le chéile le deontais arna gcistiú ó bhuiséad an Aontais, lena n-áirítear deontais arna gcistiú faoin Rialachán seo.
It should be possible to combine financial instruments with grants funded from the Union budget, including under this Regulation.
Free Shipping ag fanacht leat! Bunaidh Spyder mBan sciála Gloveswill gaiste a teas comhlacht ag fágáil a lámha te agus compordach!
Free Shipping waiting for you!Original Spyder Women Ski Gloveswill trap his body heat leaving his hands warm and comfortable!
Suimeanna airgid a baineadh de phríosúnaigh chogaidh, de réir Airteagal 18, nuair a gabhadh iad, agus a bheidh in airgead reatha na Cumhachta Coinneála, cuirfear chun creidiúna dá gcuntais ar leith iad, de réir forálacha Airteagal 64 den Alt seo.
Cash which was taken from prisoners of war, in accordance with Article 18, at the time of their capture, and which is in the currency of the Detaining Power, shall be placed to their separate accounts, in accordance with the provisions of Article 64 of the present Section.
Is féidir leo na mílte a chaitheamh ar theicneolaíocht chun an post a dhéanamh dóibh, nó is féidir leo fanacht le tamall agus infheistiú a dhéanamh i Stiallacha Cumhachta Cliste Roger Yiu.
They can spend thousands on technology to do the job for them, or they can wait some time and invest in Roger Yiu's Smart Power Strips.
(5) I mír (b) d'fho-alt (1) d'alt 175 den Acht, cuirfear “an t-údarás ospidéil mheabhair-ghalar don cheantar ospidéil mheabhair-ghalar” in ionad “an t-údarás cúnaimh phoiblí don cheantar cúnaimh phoiblí”. [EN]
(5) In paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section 175 of the Act, “mental hospital authority” shall be substituted for “public assistance authority” and “mental hospital district” for “public assistance district.” [GA]
(9) Tabharfaidh an tÚdarás fógra go bhfuil ar intinn acu fiosrúchán a sheoladh faoin alt seo trí fhógra a fhoilseofar san Iris Oifigiúil agus i nuachtán laethúil amháin ar a laghad a scaiptear sa Stát ina leagfar amach téarmaí tagartha an fhiosrúcháin.
(9) The Minister shall give notice of intention to conduct an inquiry under this section by a notice published in Iris Oifigiúil and at least one daily newspaper circulating in the State, setting out the terms of reference of the inquiry.
(c) más in áitreabh an tsealbhóra cheadúnais a dineadh agus más duine ar fostú aige a dhin diúltú no teip maidir le clár no scríbhinn eile do thaisbeáint chun go scrúdófí é, tuigfar gurb é an sealbhóir ceadúnais a dhin an diúltú no an teip sin.
(c) a refusal or failure to produce a register or other document for inspection if made or committed on the premises of the licence-holder by a person in his employment shall be deemed to have been made or committed by the licence-holder.
Díchoisc @internetofshit Ar Feitheamh Iarratas leanúna ó @internetofshit ar feitheamh Cuir ar ceal Cealaigh d'iarratas leanúna do @internetofshit Tuilleadh Cóipeáil nasc leis Freagra
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Chomh maith leis sin, pléifidh ceannairí an Aontais an t-athrú aeráide, an cruinniú mullaigh leis an tSín atá romhainn agus na bealaí a bhféadfar dul i ngleic leis an mbréagaisnéis.
EU leaders will also discuss climate change, the upcoming summit with China and ways to tackle disinformation.
Libraries NICuntas deimhnithe Coiscthe @jillminne Díchoisc Díchoisc @jillminne Ar Feitheamh Iarratas leanúna ó @jillminne ar feitheamh Cuir ar ceal Cealaigh d'iarratas leanúna do @jillminne
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Rugadh é i mBaile Átha Troim, Contae na Mí i mí Eanáir 1953 agus fuair sé a chuid oideachais i Scoil Mhichíl na mBráithre Críostaí, Baile Átha Troim, i gColáiste na hOllscoile, Baile Átha Cliath agus i gColáiste Phádraig, Má Nuad, áit ar bhain sé B.Eal. agus Ard-Dioplóma san Oideachas amach.
He was born in Trim, Co. Meath in January 1953 and educated at St. Michael's CBS, Trim, University College Dublin; and St. Patrick's College, Maynooth obtaining a BA and Higher Diploma in Education.
Is féidir le gach lána feidhmiú ag rátaí sonraí suas go dtí 24.33Gbps in iarratais CPRI nó 25.78Gbps in iarratais 100G Ethernet agus eCPRI, mar shampla na líonraí tarchuir 5G fronthaul.
Each lane can operate at data rates up to 24.33Gbps in CPRI applications or 25.78Gbps in 100G Ethernet and eCPRI applications, such as the 5G fronthaul transmission networks.
agus é an oiread sin faoi bhrí dí meisciúla nó druga go bhfuil sé neamhchumasach ar an bhfeithicil nó an rothar a choimeád faoi riar cheart.
while he is under the influence of intoxicating liquor or a drug to such an extent as to be incapable of having proper control of the vehicle or cycle.
RAITEAS AN idir an lá de, agus an la de, i gContae, agus é ina dhuine os cionn sé mblian ndéag d'aois ar a raibh cimeád, cúram no caomhaint C.D., leanbh, droch-dhéanamh do thabhairt don leanbh san no faillí do thabhairt ann, no a chur fé ndeár no a fháil go ndéanfaí droch-dhéanamh do thabhairt don leanbh no faillí do thabhairt ann i slí gur dócha go mbeadh peannaid nár ghá air no go ndéanfaí díobháil dá shláinte.
A.B., between the day of and the day of, in the County of, being a person over the age of sixteen years having the custody, charge, or care of C.D., a child, ill-treated or neglected the said child, or caused or procured the said child to be ill-treated or neglected in a manner likely to cause the said child unnecessary suffering or injury to its health.
Baintear úsáid as an lasair a ghluaiseann suas leis an tine a thugann le fios é chun dul isteach sa domhan tríd an lasair.
The flame which leaps up is used by the fire which evokes it to enter into the world through the flame.
Dá bhrí sin, ní mór dóibh an saol a chothú ó shuíomh an bhreathnadóra, is é sin, níos neodraí agus i bhfad i gcéin. Dearcadh cásanna
Therefore, they must cultivate life from the position of the observer, that is, more neutral and distant.
[1] Tabhair faoi deara le do thoil gur baineadh baile Chill Dara den liosta bunaidh de cheantair a bhíothas chun suirbhé a dhéanamh iontu, tar éis dul i gcomhairle leis na pátrúin.
[1]Please note Kildare has been removed from the original list of areas to be surveyed following consultation with patron bodies. The Department
Bailiúchán álainn Pandora Cyber Dé Luain Tar éis Dubh Dé hAoine bándearg, lavender, agus charms corcra foirfe do shéasúr an earraigh... more info Add:
A beautiful collection of Pandora Cyber Monday After Black Friday pink, lavender, and purple charms perfect for the spring season. Sterling silver... more info Add:
(6) Is é an toradh a luaitear i bhfomhír (5) ná gur daoine nár ceapadh roimhe sin chun bheith ina gcomhaltaí den Bhord líon nach lú ná 3 chomhalta den Bhord aon tráth áirithe.
(6) The result mentioned in subparagraph (5) is that at any particular time not less than 3 members of the Board are persons who were not previously appointed to be members of the Board.
Thacaigh FÁS le 63 Club Jabanna lonnaithe ar fud na tíre mar chuid dá bhfreagairt do riachtanais fhadtéarma an lucht dífhostaithe.
FÁS supported 63 Job Clubs located throughout the country as part of its response to the needs of long term unemployed people.
Sa ghearrthóg seo 720 HD video, Amateurs, Óga, Ar an tsráid agus Crazy Horny spochadh Babes gafa ar téip féach ar agus a íoslódáil i HD cáilíochta saor in aisce
In this clip On the street, 720 HD video, Young, Amateurs and Crazy Horny teasing Babes caught on tape watch and download in HD quality for free
Tá liosta thíos de roinnt cineálacha foréigin mhíleata in aghaidh na mban (MVAW) arna ndéanamh ag pearsanra míleata, reibiliúnaithe nó ceannaircigh, coimeádaithe síochána agus conraitheoirí míleata, ag tabhairt le fios go bhfeidhmíonn gach ceann acu i gcogadh geimhridh.
Listed below are several forms of military violence against women (MVAW) committed by military personnel, rebels or insurgents, peace keepers and military contractors, suggesting the function each serves in waging war.
Seo bronntanas cheannach am, ag obair go maith, tá achar mór, agus tá ceallraí chomh maith go maith má tá tú ag smaoineamh ar a cheannach le hataí crua i bán, a rá liom a thugann an dá bándearg agus bán, Thaitin sé liom go mion.
This time buy gift, work well, have a considerable distance, and battery also holds up well if you're thinking of buying with hard hats in white, I say that brings both pink and white, I liked that detail.
Is é aidhm BLÉ mar údarás rialála a chinntiú go bhfuil gach cógas is féidir a cheannach anseo sábháilte, éifeachtach agus ar ardchaighdeán.
As the regulatory authority, the IMB aims to ensure that all medicines which can be purchased here are safe, effective and of high quality.

UCCIX's English-Irish Parallel Textual Corpus

Dataset Summary

This parallel English-Irish text dataset includes data from various sources such as, ECLR.

This dataset is feed to the English-centric pre-trained LLM at the start of continual pre-training, with the hypothesis to allow the LLM to draw the connections between the two languages easier, before learning on mono Irish data.

Dataset Sources

Source Description Statistics Note Translation sentences crawl from the Internet A subset of 50,095 Translation Units. Denoted as gaparacrawl:{id}.
The Coimisineir Teanga Bilingual Web Corpus (Processed) – ELRC-SHARE Web content from the Language Commissioner's Office. 321 Translation Units. Denoted as eclr:{id}.
The Coimisineir Teanga Bilingual Corpus of Reference Documents (Processed) – ELRA Catalogue General Reference content from the Language Commissioner's Office. 1,337 Translation Units. Denoted as eclr:{id}.
The Coimisineir Teanga Bilingual Corpus of Reports and Press Releases (Processed) – ELRC-SHARE Reports and Press Release data from the Language Commissioner's Office. 2,323 Translation Units. Denoted as eclr:{id}.
Bilingual Web-Corpus (Processed) – ELRC-SHARE A web corpus crawled from Contains 10,297 parallel sentences of English/Irish that have undergone manual cleaning. May be reproduced and/or re-used free of charge subject to the latest PSI licence, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). 10,297 Translation Units. Denoted as eclr:{id}.
English-Irish website parallel corpus (Processed) – ELRC-SHARE This is a parallel corpus of bilingual texts crawled from multilingual websites, which contains 1134 TUs. Manual validation has been performed on a sample of the data. 1,134 Translation Units. Denoted as eclr:{id}.

Load the dataset

You can load the dataset in Python using the datasets library:

from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset("ReliableAI/Irish-English-Parallel-Collection")

Considerations for Using the Data

As this corpus is a collection of multiple datasets from Internet sources, it might still contain personal and sensitive information. Before using this dataset for any purpose, including training deep learning models, this should be to be taken into account.

Dataset Structure

    "text": ...,
    "eng_text": ...,
    "id": ...,


To cite this dataset, please use:

      title={UCCIX: Irish-eXcellence Large Language Model}, 
      author={Khanh-Tung Tran and Barry O'Sullivan and Hoang D. Nguyen},
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