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A, Telangiectatic osteosarcoma with numerous large cystic spaces filled with blood and fibrinous material. B, Malignant tumor cells associated with neoplastic bone comprise the cyst wall.
. Small lymphocytic lymphoma. The lymph node, at low power, is an unnatural flat blue, without the variegation of normal sinuses and follicles. Subtle pale pseudofollicles (arrow) may be seen. Inset: The cells are small and nuclei are round and dense, like normal lymphocytes, except the chromatin has a chunky soccer-ball pattern, similar to a plasma cell.
Ki67 immunostaining of pterygium tissue. Positive cell nuclei immunohistochemical reaction for Ki67 protein in relatively small number of epithelial cells of pterygium tissue (original magnification, X 400).
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia. There is a dense infiltrate of small lymphocytes in the dermis.
Metastatic appendiceal adenocarcinoma. The tumor has a trabecular growth and contains goblet cells (lower left).
Borderline clear cell adenofibroma. Cystic glands, lined by flat and hobnail cells with clear or pale eosinophilic cytoplasm, are separated by abundant fi bromatous stroma. Nuclear atypia is not striking and mitoses are absent.
Microinvasion in a high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion. Double immunostaining for pancytokeratin (red) and collagen IV (black).
Vulval angiomyofibroblastoma. A highly vascular tumor shows variably cellular stroma (A) and exhibits diffuse desmin positivity (B). Many vulval mesenchymal tumors are positive for this marker.
Immunohistochemistry of uterine serous carcinoma. (A) Hematoxylin and eosin stain of a serous tumor. (B) Ki-67 stain of the serous tumor, showing diffuse, intense staining. (C) P53 stain with the diffuse, intense staining often seen with p53 missense mutations.
Invasive glandular tumour area is immunoreactive for TTF-1.
. Fuhrman grades shown at 10x. (I) Nuclei are small and dense, resembling lymphocyte nuclei. (II) Nuclei are larger, but no nucleoli are visible at this power. (III) Nuclei are even larger, now with some visible nucleoli (arrowhead). (IV) Nuclei are frankly anaplastic (arrow) with large atypical mitoses (arrowhead). All images are taken at the same magnification.
. Fat necrosis. In an area of fat necrosis, secondary to trauma or surgery, the fat cells die but the globs of lipid remain. Foamy macrophages ring each dead fat cell (arrow), digesting the lipid; the spaces between the fat cells are filled in by fibrosis (arrowhead).
Immunohistochemical analysis of S-100 showing focal positivity or negative staining (x40)
CD4/CD56+ hematodermic neoplasm. A, There is a dense dermal lymphoid infiltrate. B, The neoplastic cells are immunopositive for CD4. C, They are also positive for CD56.
Columnar cell change. A dilated acinus is lined by a monolayer of columnar cells exhibiting apical snouting.
Lobular neoplasia: this case was originally diagnosed as lobular carcinoma in situ and considered atypical lobular hyperplasia after review. Less than 50% of lobular units are involved and expanded by uniform cells. (Hematoxylin and eosin; x200).
. Portal tract and central vein. The upper panel shows a typical portal tract surrounded by the limiting plate of hepatocytes (1) and containing a branch of the hepatic artery (2), bile ductule (3), and portal vein (4). The lower panel shows a central vein from the same liver. Both panels show extensive steatosis.
Immunohistochemical staining for HMB-45 which was negative (x10)
Giant cell tumor of soft tissue (of low malignant potential). Intravascular tumor extension is not an infrequent fi nding but does not indicate malignant potential
Cutaneous myxoma (angiomyxoma), a highly vascularized myxoid tumor of the skin and subcutis.
a, Keratoacanthoma. a crateriform squamous proliferation is present with extensive hyperkeratosis. B, Keratoacanthoma associated with inflammation.
Periodic acid-Schiff stained section showing intracytoplasmic glycogen positivity
Adenomatoid tumor. Plump mesothelial cells form tubular or gland-like structures in mildly in fl amed fi brous stroma. No atypical features are seen. This occurs mostly in the male and female genital tracts and rarely in other visceral locations, including the adrenals, the pancreas, or the mediastinum
epidermoid cyst: unusual microscopic features. In rare instances, epidermoid cysts may have unusual secondary changes involving their cyst lining. a, epidermolytic hyperkeratosis. b, acantholytic dyskeratosis.
High-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion. (A) CIN II shows immature-appearing cells in the lower two-thirds of the epithelium associated with some maturation in the upper one-third (A) CIN III shows dysplastic cells lacking maturation throughout all layers associated with atypical parakeratosis (B) and prominent syncytial growth in basal layers accompanied by increased nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio and brisk mitotic activity, including an abnormal form (C).
Low-power view showing pleomorphic and hyperchromatic cells with few mitotic figures (H&E stain, x100)
Nuclear expression of E2F1 (brown) in a colon carcinoma. This is higher magnification of the upper portion of a core shown in an inset (lower left corner)
Photomicrograph showing strong nm23 expression in epithelial cells and a few stromal cells in fibroadenoma (Nm23 immunostain).
. Monomorphic aspirate in acute leukemia. This aspirate is composed of sheets of blasts, identified by high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratios and immature chromatin.
Higher power of the ghost cells (H&E stain, x400)
Subcutaneous nodule, hematoxylin and eosin stain (x20), showing a marbled appearance at low power magnification.
Crush artifact obscures the morphology and impedes an adequate evaluation of the biopsy (a). Recut and immunohistochemistry may be helpful. In this example, the small crushed glands were negative for basal cell marker, high-molecular-weight cytokeratin (HMWCK) (b) and positive for AMACR (c). A diagnosis of cancer was rendered.
. Hurthle cell adenoma. Like follicular adenomas, there is a thick fibrous capsule surrounding the neoplasm (arrow). In a Hurthle cell adenoma, the cells have abundant pink cytoplasm, and, although the nuclei are still overall round and nonoverlapping, there is increased nuclear atypia in the form of some prominent nucleoli and irregular nuclear shapes.
A, The spectrum of neurofibroma (Shimada classification) ranges from poorly or undifferentiated neuroblastoma with round blue cells sometimes identified in (B) a neuropil stroma, (C) often abundant necrosis, or (D) apoptosis, and (E) occasionally barely recognizable Homer–Wright rosettes, occasionally metastasizing to (F, G) bone marrow
Neuroblastoma. CD56 is diffusely positive. This is a marker of neural and neuroendocrine differentiation that is expressed in a range of neoplasms, but its absence in a small round cell neoplasm argues against a diagnosis of neuroblastoma
Porocarcinoma. A, Invasive adenocarcinoma. B, Focal squamous metaplasia is seen. C, lymphatic tumor emboli are present.
Sezary syndrome. B, Lymphocytic infiltrate with epidermotropism and mild spongiosis. C, Sézary cells in peripheral blood (buffy coat).
Noninvasive implants. Cysts containing multiple papillae are present in omental septa. The interface between the implant and adjacent fat is smooth and no desmoplastic reaction is seen (epithelial, non-invasive implant) (A). Small papillae and single cells are embedded in abundant edematous, inflamed, and/or desmoplastic tissue. Note the well demarcated interface between the implant and adjacent fat (desmoplastic, non-invasive implant) (B).
. Apocrine metaplasia in fibrocystic disease. The epithelial cells lining the dilated duct are large and plump, with abundant dark pink cytoplasm, and round nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Secretions (the granular schmutz in the lumen) are common.
Placental hydrops demonstrating immature oedematous and enlarged villi with many nucleated red blood cells (H&E stain, original magnification x4).
Intra-abdominal desmoid tumor. Monotonous fascicular proliferation of bland myofibroblasts with a relatively well-developed, collagenous extracellular matrix
Positive CD56 Immunostaining in Small Cell Carcinoma.
Infiltrating strands of tumor epithelial cells showing keratin pearl formation and mitotic figures (H and E, x10)
Epithelioid malignant mesothelioma. Dyscohesive polygonal cells form sheets of cells that focally have a rhabdoid appearance. The distinction from carcinoma may be dif fi cult, because there is immunophenotypical overlap. However, positivity for calretinin, D2-40 (podoplanin), and CK5/6 favors mesothelioma, whereas carcinoembryonic antigen and BerEP4 are more often positive in carcinoma. TLE1 also may be positive in all types of mesothelioma
CD34 stains the cell membrane and, to a lesser extent, the cytoplasm of epithelioid hemangioendothelioma but is less specific than CD31.
Juvenile granulosa cell tumor. Pro minent nodular growth of granulosa cells (A). The tumor nodules are extensively hyalinized (B).
WT1 immunostaining in fetal lung. WT1 was expressed in cytoplasm of mesenchymal progenitors surrounding branching epithelial structures (black arrows) and in small vessels inside the pulmonary scarcely differentiated mesenchyme (red arrow).
Histopathological image showing tumor cells arranged in solid pattern with few cells showing abnormal mitosis (H&E stain, x400)
Pleomorphic LCIS (LIN 3). H&E x40 magnification: Pleomorphic LCIS exhibiting large, dyshesive, and apocrine-like cells. LIN 3 by WHO criteria
Histopathological image showing follicles lined by cuboidal and columnar cells with centrally placed stellate reticulum-like cells (H&E stain, x200)
Atypical neuro fi broma. Scattered cells with enlarged hyperchromatic nuclei are seen. In the absence of hypercellularity with backto-back nuclear crowding and mitotic activity, this is not a feature of malignancy
Positive staining with immunohistochemical marker MPO (IHC stain, x100)
endometriosis. a, at low-power, endometriosis has glands invested in a loose stroma, often with associated hemorrhage, as in this example occurring in a cesarean section scar. b, at high-power the glands have features of endometrial glands, and the endometrial stroma consists of a loose array of slightly spindled cells and scattered inflammatory cells. C, Decidualized stromal cells have abundant pale eosinophilic cytoplasm in this case of decidualized cutaneous endometriosis.
A small cell carcinoma of the ascending colon with immunopositivity to CD56. (CD56 x400).
Photomicrograph reveals epidermis, highly cellular dermis and an acellular Grenz zone between the two (H&E stain, x40)
Primary ovarian endometrioid stromal sarcoma. Areas of smooth muscle differentiation show diffuse and strong h-caldesmon expression whereas the endometrioid stromal sarcoma cells are negative
Breast core biopsy of the adenocarcinoma shows marked nuclear atypia, significant mitotic activity, cribriform formation and comedo-like necrosis within dilated glandular structures.
Thick section impedes evaluation of the biopsy. This biopsy contains many small crowded glands that exhibit infiltrative growth (a). Evaluation of the cytological features of these glands is hampered by the thick tissue sections (b). Recut and immunohistochemistry may be helpful. The diagnosis is ATYP
Proliferative fasciitis. This is similar to nodular fasciitis, with the addition of variable numbers of ganglion-like cells with occasionally prominent nucleoli arranged in clusters. It may occur in adults or children
H and E stained section showing subepithelial and perivascular hyalinisation under 10x
(H&E, x40): High power microscopic view of the ganglion and stromal cells in the lamina propia. Melanosis coli associated.
An adjacent section to that in 7.42. Immunoperoxidase staining to detect kappa light chains shows staining in casts, and in tubular epithelial cells. The renal biopsy specimen showed myeloma kidney and gave the diagnosis of paraproteinemia, which was confirmed later by detection of an IgA kappa serum paraprotein, with a kappa Bence Jones protein, and other evidence of myeloma
Photomicrograph showing unstimulated lymphnode (H&E stain, x100)
Immunohistochemical demonstration of PTEN expression in grade 2 laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma, (severe, score 6) x400.
Granulomatous inflammation presents with epithelioid histiocytes, giant cells, and necrosis.
Histiocytic sarcoma. Note prominent spindle cell differentiation. (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification x200).
Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma with tumor cells that contain large and irregular nuclei with increased mitoses
Adult sclerosing rhabdomyosarcoma (A) with desmin and (B) myogenin expression.
Periductal stromal tumor exhibiting a multinodular growth pattern separated by fat.
Low-grade fibromatosis-like carcinoma, composed of deceptively bland-looking spindle cells arranged in wavy, interlacing fascicles (A). Focal squamous differentiation is not uncommonly found (B). Cords of spindle cells immersed in loose myxoid stroma can be observed (C), which are highlighted by immunohistochemistry with antibodies to highmolecular-weight keratins (D).
Lipoleiomyoma. Benign tumors containing both adipose tissue and smooth muscle occur in the uterus and also in soft tissue, especially in the groin. The proportion of each component varies; those with predominantly fatty tissue may be termed myolipomas
(B) Chromogenic in situ hybridization can detect MDM2 (12q15) amplification in well-differentiated liposarcoma.
Partial atrophy with patchy basal cells. Basal cells are not always present in all benign glands, such as partial atrophy (a). Basal cell immunostain for p63 demonstrates focal staining in some glands and complete absence of staining in other glands (b). However, glands with and without basal cell lining have identical cytological features. Other noncancerous lesions that often demonstrate patchy or absent basal cells include adenosis and HGPIN
Pilomatrixoma (benign skin adnexal tumor) in which there are uniform basaloid cells on the left and ghost cells on the right, high magnification
Vein obstructed by tumor cells (arrow) of an epithelioid hemangioendothelioma
Expression of estrogen receptor (ER) in invasive breast cancers, as determined by immunohistochemistry. About 80% of these cancers and ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) express ER in tumour-cell nuclei with a range of < 1% to 100 % (A 0% ; B Approx. 1%; C Approx. 10%; D Approx. 30%; E Approx. 60%; F Approx. 100%). Approx. 65% express progesterone receptor (PR), with a similar broad range. The remaining tumours are entirely negative (0% of cells; A). A clinically positive test for both receptors is defined as nuclear staining in ≥ 1% of tumour cells, and a negative result as < 1%.
Odontogenic keratocyst showing Ki67 positively stained cells
Hemosiderotic fibrolipomatous tumor with adipose tissue that is traversed by bands of fibrous tissue
Giant cell in case of Hashimotos thyroiditis (MGG 400X).
infantile digital fibromatosis. (A) Infantile digital fibromatosis is composed of fascicles of bland spindle cells that have intracytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusions. the inclusions often have a peri-nuclear location. (B) they can be highlighted by a trichrome stain.
. Serous carcinoma. Papillary structures are lined by atypical nuclei with prominent nucleoli (circle).
Low-grade papillary serous carcinoma. Complex branching papillae fill the fallopian tube lumen. Note the absence of invasion into the wall (stage IA-O).
The cells are more rounded and could be mistaken for epithelioid malignancies like carcinoma
Intermediate-grade myxofibrosarcoma showing cellularity and cellular atypia intermediate between high- and low-grade forms.
Venous hemangioma. This is an ill-de fi ned lesion that may involve deep soft tissue and might represent a malformation. Unlike in capillary hemangioma, its vessels have thickened walls that sometimes contain smooth muscle
Photomicrographs (x10) showing strong and diffuse expression of RANK by mononuclear cells and multinucleated giant cells
Cytoplasmic immunoexpression of PD-L1 in control. Immunohistochemistry. Total magnification x100
Moderate Topo IIalpha positivity is seen in moderately differentiated SCC (x100).
hidradenoma papilliferum. the inner epithelial cells show abundant pink cytoplasm and apocrine-type secretion.
Oral tissue section stained with Periodic - Acid Schiff reagent shows PAS- positive material around vessels under 40x
Bcl-2 overexpression (3+) in portio vaginalis uteri carcinoma in situ.
. Immature squamous metaplasia. A tangential cut of squamous metaplasia can look like a lesion. However, this pattern of concentric whorls of cells with central pools of pink cytoplasm (resembling the boiling mud puddles of Yosemite) is typical of benign squamous metaplasia.
Cylindroma. A Multiple variously shaped and sized epithelial lobules into the adipose tissue simulating a pseudoinfiltrative pattern. B The tumour is composed of two cell types: small basal cells with scanty cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei, and larger cells with pale cytoplasm and oval vesicular nuclei in the centre of neoplastic nodules.
Nail apparatus with nail fold (*), nail matrix (arrow) and nail bed (arrowhead).
Fibroblastic osteosarcoma containing fascicles of malignant spindle cells adjacent to deposits of neoplastic bone.
mucocele. a, a fluid-filled cyst underlying oral mucosa is typical of a mucocele. Note the minor salivary gland beneath the cyst, indicating that this cyst arose from the superficial portion of a salivary duct. b, histiocytes with vacuolated cytoplasm (muciphages) result from ingested mucin. Note the absence of an epithelial lining.
1a. Pleomorphic Multinucleated Tumoral Giant Cells Characteristic of Subependymal Giant Cell Astrocytoma. Hematoxylin -eosine (H&E) staining. Magnification (x400).
at low power, chondromyxoid fibroma has a lobulated growth pattern.
. Follicular carcinoma. The neoplasm here resembles a follicular adenoma at low power, with a dense microfollicular pattern and a thick capsule. However, there is vascular invasion in the capsule, diagnostic of follicular carcinoma. A tumor plug (asterisk) is seen in the lumen of a large vessel (arrow). The surface of the tumor plug becomes endothelialized (arrowhead).
Intramuscular myxoma, a uniformly myxoid, hypocellular lesion with characteristic splaying apart of skeletal muscle.

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