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{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 8001", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "James Henry Manson", "death": "August 6, 1969"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Male", "Race": "Caucasian", "birth_day_R": "Jan.25, 1906", "Age_R": "63", "birthplace_R": "Baltimore", "birth_day_L": "", "birthplace_L": "", "Age_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Alice Kenney", "father_L": "John Manson", "father_R": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 7070", "county": "", "city": "Balto", "name": "RAYMOND WARNS", "death": ""}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Male", "Race": "White", "birth_day_L": "9/4/1914", "Age_L": "54", "birthplace_L": "Baltimore, Md.", "birth_day_R": "", "birthplace_R": "", "Age_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Mary Komenda", "father_R": "Charles Warns", "father_L": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "72 11338", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "William David Katzer", "death": "november 27/12"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "male", "Race": "white", "birth_day_R": "Nov 12,1896", "Age_R": "76", "birthplace_R": "Baltimore,md", "birth_day_L": "", "Age_L": "", "birthplace_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Rachel greenbery", "father_L": "Joseph Katzen", "father_R": ""}}}
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{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 8007", "county": "", "city": "BALTIMORE", "name": "William H. MullANEY", "death": "8/8/69"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "M", "Race": "W", "birth_day_R": "12/27/01", "Age_R": "67", "birthplace_R": "Md", "birth_day_L": "", "birthplace_L": "", "Age_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Magdalene M. ?", "father_L": "John J Mullaney", "father_R": ""}}}
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{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 7535", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "Willie Waters", "death": ""}, "person_data": {"Gender": "male", "Race": "colored", "birth_day_L": "12/7/1882", "Age_L": "86", "birthplace_L": "Balto md", "birth_day_R": "", "birthplace_R": "", "Age_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "", "father_R": "John", "father_L": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 4521", "county": "Baltimore", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "CLARENCE E. BANKS", "death": "April 28, 1969"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "male", "Race": "white", "birth_day_L": "Jan. 19, 1904", "Age_L": "65", "birthplace_L": "Maryland", "birth_day_R": "", "birthplace_R": "", "Age_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Myrtle Saunders", "father_R": "Thomas Banks", "father_L": ""}}}
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{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 5008", "county": "", "city": "BALTIMORE", "name": "ELLA ULBRICH", "death": "5-13-69"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "F", "Race": "W", "birth_day_R": "1-1-02", "Age_R": "27", "birthplace_R": "MARYLAND", "birth_day_L": "", "birthplace_L": "", "Age_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "LOUISA BROSEKER", "father_L": "LAWRENCE MACKBE", "father_R": ""}}}
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{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 4001", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "Sister Mary Burke", "death": "April 16, 1969"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Female", "Race": "White", "birth_day_R": "May 6, 1887", "Age_R": "81", "birthplace_R": "County Galway, Eire", "birth_day_L": "", "birthplace_L": "", "Age_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Catherine Barett", "father_L": "Thomas Burke", "father_R": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 3504", "county": "BALTIMORE CITY", "city": "Balto md.", "name": "Fredrick Gross", "death": "4-5-69"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Male", "Race": "White", "birth_day_R": "7/14/09", "Age_R": "38", "birthplace_R": "Baltimore", "birth_day_L": "", "birthplace_L": "", "Age_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "marn Parkor", "father_L": "Michael Gross", "father_R": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 6505", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "Daisy L. Fleming", "death": "June 26, 1969"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Female", "Race": "White", "birth_day_R": "10/31/1876", "Age_R": "92", "birthplace_R": "West Virginia", "birth_day_L": "", "birthplace_L": "", "Age_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Mary (Lewis)", "father_L": "Winfield Shaull", "father_R": ""}}}
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{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "70 2001", "county": "Baltimore", "city": "", "name": "Louise Street", "death": "2-17-70"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Female", "Race": "Negro", "birth_day_R": "9-24-24", "Age_R": "45", "birthplace_R": "Philadelphia, Pa.", "birth_day_L": "", "birthplace_L": "", "Age_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "IDA Williams", "father_L": "David Williams", "father_R": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 5045", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "DUANE SPENCER", "death": "May 15, 1969"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Male", "Race": "Negro", "birth_day_L": "12-28-68", "Age_L": "", "birthplace_L": "Baltimore, Maryland", "birth_day_R": "", "birthplace_R": "", "Age_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Jacqueline Jones", "father_R": "Howard Spencer", "father_L": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "72 12691", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "Frederick Gruel", "death": "December 21, 1972"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Mate", "Race": "White", "birth_day_R": "May 18, 1884", "Age_R": "88", "birthplace_R": "Maryland", "birth_day_L": "", "Age_L": "", "birthplace_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Mary Lindenberg", "father_L": "Andrew Gruel", "father_R": ""}}}
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{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "72 11332", "county": "", "city": "Balto.", "name": "Vernon Thompson", "death": "11 24 72"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "male", "Race": "Negro", "birth_day_L": "July 12,1931", "Age_L": "41", "birthplace_L": "Baltimore, Maryland", "birth_day_R": "", "Age_R": "", "birthplace_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Mary Reta Johnsen", "father_R": "William L. Thompson", "father_L": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "72 12688", "county": "", "city": "BALTIMORE", "name": "BABY GIRL (OWENS) WOODLAND", "death": "12-19-72"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "F", "Race": "NEGRO", "birth_day_R": "12-19-72", "Age_R": "", "birthplace_R": "MARYLAND", "birth_day_L": "", "Age_L": "", "birthplace_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "SHEILA OWENS) PEACOCK", "father_L": "BERNARD WOODLAND", "father_R": ""}}}
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{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 10106", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "Charles J. Keller, M.D.", "death": "10 11 69"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Male", "Race": "White", "birth_day_L": "Feb.19,1875", "Age_L": "94", "birthplace_L": "Baltimore, Maryland", "birth_day_R": "", "birthplace_R": "", "Age_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Mary Margaret Yingling", "father_R": "Josiah Keller", "father_L": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "72 12220", "county": "U.S.A", "city": "BALTIMORE", "name": "TRACY AR WALTER\nF", "death": "4-5-8 AM"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "MALE", "Race": "WHITE", "birth_day_R": "3-27-10", "Age_R": "62", "birthplace_R": "U.S.A", "birth_day_L": "", "Age_L": "", "birthplace_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "CATHERINE Treciak", "father_L": "ANDREU TRACY", "father_R": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 4028", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "RUTH M. REINHARDT", "death": "April 14, 1969"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Female", "Race": "White", "birth_day_L": "4/25/1925", "Age_L": "43", "birthplace_L": "NEW YORK", "birth_day_R": "", "birthplace_R": "", "Age_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "UNKNOWN", "father_R": "HAROLD JAMIESON", "father_L": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "70 12010", "county": "", "city": "BALTIMORE", "name": "BIATESKI, JuliA, H.-BIALECKI-DARKOWSK", "death": "2-9-70."}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Female", "Race": "White", "birth_day_R": "6-17-15", "Age_R": "55", "birthplace_R": "ANNE ARUNDAL Co., MD", "birth_day_L": "", "birthplace_L": "", "Age_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "STELLA CHWILINSKA", "father_L": "BOLESLAW BIALECKI", "father_R": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 4514", "county": "", "city": "Balto", "name": "GARLAND BRANCH", "death": "4 30 69"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Male", "Race": "Colored", "birth_day_L": "7-2-23", "Age_L": "45", "birthplace_L": "SOUNTHAMPTONLO NC", "birth_day_R": "", "birthplace_R": "", "Age_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "HATTIE BROWN", "father_R": "VALLUS BROWN", "father_L": ""}}}
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{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "70 2003", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "Anastatia M. Doyle", "death": "Feb. 18, 1970"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "F", "Race": "W", "birth_day_R": "12-4-1902", "Age_R": "67", "birthplace_R": "Baltimore", "birth_day_L": "", "birthplace_L": "", "Age_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Ann Curtis", "father_L": "Michael Doyle", "father_R": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 6010", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "CHARLES H. CLARK", "death": "June 13, 1969"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Male", "Race": "White", "birth_day_L": "3/20/1898", "Age_L": "71", "birthplace_L": "Maryland", "birth_day_R": "", "birthplace_R": "", "Age_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Emma V. Deitz", "father_R": "Robert E. Clark", "father_L": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 7051", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "MATTHEW LEWIS", "death": ""}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Male", "Race": "Negro", "birth_day_L": "2/15/19", "Age_L": "50", "birthplace_L": "South Carolina", "birth_day_R": "", "birthplace_R": "", "Age_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Annie", "father_R": "Mathew Lewis", "father_L": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 6507", "county": "Balto co.", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "Concetta Floravante", "death": "24 June 1969"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "w", "Race": "Fem", "birth_day_R": "12-5-90", "Age_R": "78", "birthplace_R": "Italy", "birth_day_L": "", "birthplace_L": "", "Age_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Mary ann Delguda", "father_L": "Nocholas Desantis", "father_R": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "72 11325", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "Isaac Raymond", "death": "11 23 72"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Male m", "Race": "Negro", "birth_day_L": "Mar 3, 1905", "Age_L": "67", "birthplace_L": "MidLand, Va.", "birth_day_R": "", "Age_R": "", "birthplace_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Martha", "father_R": "John Raymond", "father_L": ""}}}
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{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 13005", "county": "MARYLAND", "city": "BALTIMORE", "name": "Morris A,offit", "death": "12/29/69"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Male", "Race": "WHITE", "birth_day_R": "7-12-89", "Age_R": "'80", "birthplace_R": "RUSSIA", "birth_day_L": "", "birthplace_L": "", "Age_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "SARAH ROSEMAN", "father_L": "BENJAMIN OFFIT", "father_R": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 7036", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "CH\nDITH DRENFUS", "death": "July 8, 1969"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Female", "Race": "White", "birth_day_L": "JULY 17,1894", "Age_L": "74", "birthplace_L": "La", "birth_day_R": "", "birthplace_R": "", "Age_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "margaret", "father_R": "adolph", "father_L": ""}}}
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{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "70 1504", "county": "", "city": "BAltimore", "name": "KoupAS, NiehohAs", "death": "2-3-70"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "MALE", "Race": "CAucasian", "birth_day_R": "2", "Age_R": "78", "birthplace_R": "GREECE", "birth_day_L": "", "birthplace_L": "", "Age_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "UNKNOWN", "father_L": "UNKNOWN", "father_R": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 4064.", "county": "", "city": "Balto.", "name": "EDGAR TEMPLE JR.", "death": "4 18 69"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Male", "Race": "Colored", "birth_day_L": "Feb. 9, 1947", "Age_L": "22", "birthplace_L": "Balto.,Md.", "birth_day_R": "", "birthplace_R": "", "Age_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Ellen Temple", "father_R": "Edgar O. Temple Sr", "father_L": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "70 4057", "county": "", "city": "Balto.,Md", "name": "CONRAD J.DOERFLEIN", "death": "4/15/70"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "M", "Race": "White", "birth_day_R": "5/18/14", "Age_R": "55", "birthplace_R": "Maryland", "birth_day_L": "", "Age_L": "", "birthplace_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Elizabeth Wiendelstedt", "father_L": "Jacob Doerfler.", "father_R": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "70 4046", "county": "", "city": "Balto.", "name": "DOUGLAS FARTHUR JR", "death": "4 12 70"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Male", "Race": "White", "birth_day_L": "Jan. 18, 1948", "Age_L": "22", "birthplace_L": "Balto.,Md.", "birth_day_R": "", "Age_R": "", "birthplace_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Marian Hitchcock", "father_R": "Douglas B. Arthur, Sr.", "father_L": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 6008", "county": "", "city": "BALTIMORE", "name": "RUTH F. NOE", "death": "6/10/69"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "FEMALE", "Race": "WHITE", "birth_day_R": "JULY 5, 1913", "Age_R": "55", "birthplace_R": "BALTIMORE, XXXXMARYLAND", "birth_day_L": "", "birthplace_L": "", "Age_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "BERTHA SUSSMAN", "father_L": "MORRIS FRANKLIN", "father_R": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "Balis\n69", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "FRANCES\nR. DEARING", "death": ""}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Female", "Race": "White", "birth_day_L": "216102 sung", "Age_L": "56", "birthplace_L": "Maryland", "birth_day_R": "", "birthplace_R": "", "Age_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "2\nMc Kewen", "father_R": "Joseph Jelly", "father_L": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 2010", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "WILLIE LUSTER", "death": "2-19-69"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Male", "Race": "Negro", "birth_day_L": "90-8-6", "Age_L": "63", "birthplace_L": "Gorgia", "birth_day_R": "", "birthplace_R": "", "Age_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Ella", "father_R": "Daniel Luster", "father_L": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "72 12684", "county": "", "city": "Seebring", "name": "RAYMOND LEWIS", "death": ""}, "person_data": {"Gender": "MALE", "Race": "Negro", "birth_day_L": "", "Age_L": "40", "birthplace_L": "", "birth_day_R": "", "Age_R": "", "birthplace_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "", "father_R": "", "father_L": ""}}}
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{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 6002", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "DOUGLAS MOODY", "death": ""}, "person_data": {"Gender": "male", "Race": "negro", "birth_day_L": "3-16-1947", "Age_L": "22", "birthplace_L": "Raleigh, North Carolina", "birth_day_R": "", "birthplace_R": "", "Age_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Annie Mae Moody", "father_R": "Willie Moody", "father_L": ""}}}
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{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 9619", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "EFTIA MONOUYDAS", "death": "September 24, 1969"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Female", "Race": "White", "birth_day_L": "4-18-95", "Age_L": "74", "birthplace_L": "Greece", "birth_day_R": "", "birthplace_R": "", "Age_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Argiro Yacuma", "father_R": "kostas Georgaroudis", "father_L": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "72 12247", "county": "", "city": "BALTIMORE", "name": "Borowy mrs.Laure", "death": "12/17/72"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "F", "Race": "W", "birth_day_R": "1/22/10", "Age_R": "62", "birthplace_R": "NEW YORK", "birth_day_L": "", "Age_L": "", "birthplace_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "", "father_L": "STANISLAUS KLOSEK", "father_R": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 8018", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "WILLIAM ALLEN WILHOIT", "death": ""}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Male", "Race": "Negro", "birth_day_L": "1-17-52", "Age_L": "17", "birthplace_L": "Washington, D.C.", "birth_day_R": "", "birthplace_R": "", "Age_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Mary L. Redd", "father_R": "John Wilhoit", "father_L": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 6504", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "THELMA PINKNEY", "death": "June 24, 1969"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Female", "Race": "Negro", "birth_day_L": "July-27-18", "Age_L": "50", "birthplace_L": "D.C.", "birth_day_R": "", "birthplace_R": "", "Age_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "P", "father_R": "P", "father_L": ""}}}
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{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 4017", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "Arthur Thompson", "death": "24 12 1969"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Male", "Race": "Colored", "birth_day_L": "July 7-1926", "Age_L": "44", "birthplace_L": "Baltimore", "birth_day_R": "", "birthplace_R": "", "Age_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "lepa bith Smith", "father_R": "Charles Thompson", "father_L": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "70 12505", "county": "", "city": "BALTIMORE", "name": "JACOB\nF. 210 BRON", "death": "Dec. 24, 1970"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "MAY 6- 1887", "Race": "white", "birth_day_R": "", "Age_R": "83", "birthplace_R": "", "birth_day_L": "", "birthplace_L": "", "Age_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "on known", "father_L": "Unknown", "father_R": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "70 4048", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "CARROLL JONES", "death": "April 15, 1970"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Male", "Race": "Negro", "birth_day_L": "Feb.18,1903", "Age_L": "67", "birthplace_L": "Balto. Md.", "birth_day_R": "", "Age_R": "", "birthplace_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Annie Woods", "father_R": "Alexander Jones", "father_L": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 9541", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "RUSSELL GIBBS", "death": "September 25, 1969"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Male", "Race": "White", "birth_day_L": "2-5-1908", "Age_L": "61", "birthplace_L": "Virginia", "birth_day_R": "", "birthplace_R": "", "Age_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Florance Reed", "father_R": "George Gibbs", "father_L": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 3003", "county": "Harford Co", "city": "Balto.", "name": "LUCENDIA SWITZER", "death": "3 19 69"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Female", "Race": "Colored", "birth_day_L": "3/19/1894", "Age_L": "75", "birthplace_L": "Maryland", "birth_day_R": "", "birthplace_R": "", "Age_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "VICTORIA Suber", "father_R": "John Hemocr", "father_L": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "72-12655", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "BOGGS, Ovie Ottie", "death": "12/20/72"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "male", "Race": "Caucasian", "birth_day_R": "1-11-19", "Age_R": "53", "birthplace_R": "Kentucky", "birth_day_L": "", "Age_L": "", "birthplace_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Nola Curtis", "father_L": "Baty Boggs", "father_R": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 9638", "county": "", "city": "Balto.", "name": "LEONARD SMITH", "death": "9 28 69"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Male", "Race": "Negro", "birth_day_L": "1-18-1922", "Age_L": "47", "birthplace_L": "Baltimore, Maryland", "birth_day_R": "", "birthplace_R": "", "Age_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Myrtine Smith", "father_R": "Unk", "father_L": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "12696", "county": "", "city": "SALISBURY", "name": "FREEMAN, BABY GIRL", "death": "12-29-72"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "FEMALE", "Race": "NEGRO", "birth_day_R": "12-27-72", "Age_R": "", "birthplace_R": "MARYLAND", "birth_day_L": "", "Age_L": "", "birthplace_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Barbara Freeman", "father_L": "", "father_R": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 6901", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "SHIPLEY, Naomi REID", "death": "June 9, 1969"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Female", "Race": "Negro", "birth_day_R": "7/20/41", "Age_R": "27", "birthplace_R": "Baltimore, Maryland", "birth_day_L": "", "birthplace_L": "", "Age_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Mamie L. Tisdale", "father_L": "Thomas Wooten", "father_R": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "70 12009", "county": "", "city": "BALTIMORE", "name": "George HAAKE", "death": "12-8-70"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "M", "Race": "W", "birth_day_R": "9/22/1902", "Age_R": "68", "birthplace_R": "MARYLAND", "birth_day_L": "", "birthplace_L": "", "Age_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "UNKNOWN", "father_L": "GEORGE W. HANKE", "father_R": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 3036", "county": "Anne Arundel", "city": "Glen Burnie", "name": "CAROL LEE MC KENNA", "death": ""}, "person_data": {"Gender": "female", "Race": "white", "birth_day_L": "9-15-1942", "Age_L": "26", "birthplace_L": "Maryland", "birth_day_R": "", "birthplace_R": "", "Age_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Norma Lee Hyatt", "father_R": "Carroll McKenna", "father_L": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 6006", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "GEORGE M SCHMIDT", "death": "June 10, 1969"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Male", "Race": "White", "birth_day_L": "June 10, 1916", "Age_L": "53", "birthplace_L": "Maryland", "birth_day_R": "", "birthplace_R": "", "Age_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Catherine Reise", "father_R": "Edward Schmidt", "father_L": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 3541", "county": "", "city": "Balto.", "name": "Adam F. Krause Sr.", "death": "4 1 69"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Male", "Race": "White", "birth_day_L": "9-19-04", "Age_L": "64", "birthplace_L": "Balto, Maryland", "birth_day_R": "", "birthplace_R": "", "Age_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "?", "father_R": "Joseph Kordonski (Deceased)", "father_L": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 2505", "county": "Howard", "city": "", "name": "MAZIE KUTH BEARD", "death": "Feb 28, 1969"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "F", "Race": "W", "birth_day_R": "12-25-99", "Age_R": "69", "birthplace_R": "Virginia", "birth_day_L": "", "birthplace_L": "", "Age_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "MARY JENUINS", "father_L": "THOMAS HITT", "father_R": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 7515", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "CARMEATER WILLIAMS", "death": ""}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Female", "Race": "Negro", "birth_day_L": "July/18/1919", "Age_L": "50", "birthplace_L": "Balto.Md.", "birth_day_R": "", "birthplace_R": "", "Age_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Mary Hawkins", "father_R": "Comors Wright", "father_L": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 9005", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "Elsie BRICE", "death": ""}, "person_data": {"Gender": "F", "Race": "Caucasian", "birth_day_L": "Dec. 31, 1890", "Age_L": "78", "birthplace_L": "Maryland", "birth_day_R": "", "birthplace_R": "", "Age_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Ida Pieling (Dec'd)", "father_R": "Louis Gernert (Dec'd)", "father_L": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 5505", "county": "", "city": "BALTIMORE", "name": "BERTHA ROBINSON", "death": "5/28/69"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "FEMALE", "Race": "Negro", "birth_day_R": "11-1-80", "Age_R": "88", "birthplace_R": "Virginia", "birth_day_L": "", "birthplace_L": "", "Age_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "BROWN,?", "father_L": "??", "father_R": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 3508", "county": "", "city": "Balto 2,Md", "name": "Dewie Kyler", "death": "April 4 1969"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "M", "Race": "N", "birth_day_R": "4/5/01", "Age_R": "68", "birthplace_R": "Md.", "birth_day_L": "", "birthplace_L": "", "Age_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "MINNIE CROSS", "father_L": "COLLIE CHASE", "father_R": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 4004", "county": "BALTIMORE", "city": "BALTIMORE", "name": "GEORGE WEST", "death": "4-15-69"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "M", "Race": "NEGRO", "birth_day_R": "2-2-80", "Age_R": "89", "birthplace_R": "MARYLAND, USA", "birth_day_L": "", "birthplace_L": "", "Age_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "NANNIE JONES", "father_L": "HENRY WEST", "father_R": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 6015", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "BESSIE (HELTON) P. Killman", "death": ""}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Female", "Race": "White", "birth_day_L": "April 19, 1928.", "Age_L": "40", "birthplace_L": "Hutton, Maryland", "birth_day_R": "", "birthplace_R": "", "Age_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Iva Howdershelt", "father_R": "Raymond Kisner", "father_L": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 2504", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "Curry Hedena", "death": "3/3/69"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "F", "Race": "e", "birth_day_R": "7/16/33", "Age_R": "35", "birthplace_R": "Baltimore md", "birth_day_L": "", "birthplace_L": "", "Age_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Nena Arter", "father_L": "Clareuee Vennica", "father_R": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 2038", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "KENNETH Roy ALLEN", "death": ""}, "person_data": {"Gender": "male", "Race": "white", "birth_day_L": "June 22, 1922", "Age_L": "46", "birthplace_L": "Idaho.", "birth_day_R": "", "birthplace_R": "", "Age_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Unk", "father_R": "Kenneth J. Allen", "father_L": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 11005", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "MARGARET FLATTEY", "death": "Nov.6,1969"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Female", "Race": "Caucasian", "birth_day_R": "Aug. 12, 1885", "Age_R": "84", "birthplace_R": "Maryland", "birth_day_L": "", "birthplace_L": "", "Age_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Margaret Timothy", "father_L": "Patrick Flatley", "father_R": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 9578", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "Melvin N Luckart", "death": "9 27 69"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "male", "Race": "white", "birth_day_L": "12-20-40", "Age_L": "28", "birthplace_L": "Maryland", "birth_day_R": "", "birthplace_R": "", "Age_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Bearl Herr", "father_R": "Charles Frank Luckart", "father_L": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "72 11324", "county": "", "city": "BALTIMORE City", "name": "JENNINGS NORA", "death": "11/26/72"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "F", "Race": "Negro", "birth_day_R": "4/7/87", "Age_R": "85", "birthplace_R": "South Carolina", "birth_day_L": "", "Age_L": "", "birthplace_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Mariah miller", "father_L": "ANTHONY Jones", "father_R": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 2006", "county": "", "city": "Balto.", "name": "ANDREW STEVENS", "death": "2 23 69"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Male", "Race": "White", "birth_day_L": "Jan.31,1936", "Age_L": "33", "birthplace_L": "Maryland", "birth_day_R": "", "birthplace_R": "", "Age_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Alberta Mabel Hamilton", "father_R": "Marvin Stevens", "father_L": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 6547", "county": "", "city": "Baltimore", "name": "CECIL R. HUTTON", "death": "June 26, 1969"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Male", "Race": "White", "birth_day_L": "Aug. 23, 1946", "Age_L": "22", "birthplace_L": "Washington, D. C.", "birth_day_R": "", "birthplace_R": "", "Age_R": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Dorothy Baker", "father_R": "Cecil R. Hutton Sr.", "father_L": ""}}}
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{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "$70 2002", "county": "", "city": "BALTIMORE", "name": "MARGARET M. OLSEN", "death": "FEB 17 1970"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "FEMALE", "Race": "WHITE", "birth_day_R": "8-20-05", "Age_R": "64", "birthplace_R": "Baltimore,Md.", "birth_day_L": "", "birthplace_L": "", "Age_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "EMILY LURMAN", "father_L": "JOHN MARSHALL", "father_R": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "69 10002", "county": "", "city": "BALTIMORE", "name": "GUSTA VE A. BJORKMAN", "death": "OCTOBER 9TH 1969"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "MALE", "Race": "WHITE", "birth_day_R": "8-21-95", "Age_R": "74", "birthplace_R": "NEW YORK", "birth_day_L": "", "birthplace_L": "", "Age_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "ALMA Christina Hallstron", "father_L": "GUSTAVE A BJORKMAN", "father_R": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "", "county": "", "city": "Dundalk", "name": "Thomas, Louise Elizabeth", "death": "12-18-72"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "Female", "Race": "Caucasian", "birth_day_R": "6-15-04", "Age_R": "68", "birthplace_R": "Va.", "birth_day_L": "", "Age_L": "", "birthplace_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "Martha E. Horseman", "father_L": "Henry J.Davie (Dec'd)", "father_R": ""}}}
{"gt_parse": {"person": {"State file #": "70 2502", "county": "", "city": "BALTIMORE", "name": "PROCTER GLADYS BUTE", "death": "MARCH 6, 1970"}, "person_data": {"Gender": "FEMALE", "Race": "WHITE", "birth_day_R": "07-21-97", "Age_R": "72", "birthplace_R": "PENNSYLVANIA", "birth_day_L": "", "birthplace_L": "", "Age_L": ""}, "relation": {"Mother": "HARRIETTE ARMSTRONG", "father_L": "C.L.U. 3UTE", "father_R": ""}}} exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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