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{"year": "2010", "category": "(新课标Ⅰ)", "question": "21. --- Have  you finished  reading  Jane  Eyre ? \n--- No, I        my homework  all day yesterday . \nA. was doing  B. would  do C. had done  D. do\n", "answer": ["A"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 A. was/were  doing,表示过去的某个时间点或时间段正在做某事\n,根据句意,我没有读完简爱,我昨天一天一直在写家庭作业. 故选 A. \n【点评】\n", "index": 0, "score": 1}
{"year": "2010", "category": "(新课标Ⅰ)", "question": "22. The workers      the glasses  and marked  on each box “This Side UP”. \nA. carried  B. delivered  C. pressed  D. packed\n", "answer": ["D"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 D. carry\"拿,携带 \";deliver\"递送,发表,给 …接生 \";press\"\"\n;pack\"包装 \".根据常识和句意,先把玻璃杯 \"包装起来 \"再标上 \"此面朝上 \".故\n  选D. \n【点评】\n", "index": 1, "score": 1}
{"year": "2010", "category": "(新课标Ⅰ)", "question": "23. I’ll spend  half of my holiday  practicing  English  and      half learning  drawing . \nA. another  B. the other  C. other ’s D. other\n", "answer": ["B"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 B.本题主要考查代词. 选项 A another  3个及 3个以上中的另一\n个;选项 B the other两个中的另一个 ;选项 C other ’s 一般没有这种说法 ;选项 D \nother其它的.根据句意,应该是两个中的另一个, 故选 B. \n【点评】\n", "index": 2, "score": 1}
{"year": "2010", "category": "(新课标Ⅰ)", "question": "24. As a child , Jack studied  in a village  school ,       is named  after his grandfather . \nA. which  B. where  C. what  D. that\n", "answer": ["A"], "analysis": "【解答】答案: A. 题干中含有的从句是非限制性的定语从句, 所以不能用 that\n,what不能引导定语从句, 故排除 C,从句中缺少主语,应该用关系代词,所\n以排除 where.所以本题选 A. \n【点评】\n", "index": 3, "score": 1}
{"year": "2010", "category": "(新课标Ⅰ)", "question": "25. Mary  made  coffee         her guests  were  finishing  their meal . \nA. so that B. although  C. while  D. as if\n", "answer": ["C"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 C.本题考查连词. 选项 A so that 以便,为了,用来引导目的状\n语从句; 选项 B although 尽管;选项 C while在…期间,当 …时候,用来引导时\n间状语从句; 选项 D as if(=as though)仿佛,好像,用来引导方式状语从句.\n通过句意可知 C项正确.  \n【点评】\n", "index": 4, "score": 1}
{"year": "2010", "category": "(新课标Ⅰ)", "question": "26. I have  seldom  seen my mother       pleased  with my progress  as she is now. \nA. so B. very  C. too D. rather\n", "answer": ["A"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案: A  如此满意的语义, 只有 so pleased…as  能表达出来吧, as是\n像…一样, too表示 \"太…\",rather  确实满意,像现在一样对我确实满意,这样\n的表达不符语境. 所以选择 A. \n【点评】\n", "index": 5, "score": 1}
{"year": "2010", "category": "(新课标Ⅰ)", "question": "27. Mrs. White  showed  her students  some  old maps     from  the library . \nA. to borrow     B. to be borrowed      C. borrowed      D. borrowing\n", "answer": ["C"], "analysis": "【解答】答案 C. from  the library做后置定语, 修饰 old maps  根据句意, borrow\n与old maps  之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词表示被动或完成, 故选 C. \n【点评】\n", "index": 6, "score": 1}
{"year": "2010", "category": "(新课标Ⅰ)", "question": "28. When  you are home , give a call to let me know  you        safely . \nA. are arriving  B. have  arrived  C. had arrived  D. will arrive\n", "answer": ["B"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 B.本题主要考查动词时态.根据题意可知,这里要表达 \"回家后\n打电话确认已经安全到达 \",所以应该用现在完成时 ,答案为 B项.A项和 D项\n均表示将来,没有 \"完成 \"之意,所以排除 ;C项为过去完成时,不符合题意,所\n以排除. 故选 B. \n【点评】\n", "index": 7, "score": 1}
{"year": "2010", "category": "(新课标Ⅰ)", "question": "29. Just be patient . You       expect  the world  to change  so soon . \nA. can’t B. needn ’t C. may not D. will not\n", "answer": ["A"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 A. can't \"不能,不可能 \";needn't  \"不需要,没必要 \";may \"一般\n用于肯定句中 ,表示可能 \";will \"意愿或习惯性动作 \".根据句意 ,要耐心点 ,你\n\"不能 \"期望世界变得如此之快, 故选 A. \n【点评】\n", "index": 8, "score": 1}
{"year": "2010", "category": "(新课标Ⅰ)", "question": "30. The little boy won’t go to sleep      his mother  tells him a story . \n  A. or B. unless  C. but D. whether\n", "answer": ["B"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 B.本题主要考查连词, unless  引导条件状语从句,意思是除非 ,\n如果不 =\"if not\"; A or 或,或者;还是;不然,否则;  C but但是,表转折; D \nwhether  是否、不管 …(还是 …)习惯用语 whether  or not.根据句意, 应该选 B\n\n【点评】\n", "index": 9, "score": 1}
{"year": "2010", "category": "(新课标Ⅰ)", "question": "31. --- Everybody  is going  to climb  the mountain . Can I go too, mum ? \n---         Wait  till you are old enough , dear. \nA. will you?     B. Why  not?     C. I hope  so.       D. I’m afraid  not.\n", "answer": ["D"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 D.A项\"Will用于第二人称表示征求对方的意见 \";B项\"为什么\n不? \"表示同意对方的观点; C项\"我希望如此 \";D项\"我恐怕不行 \";根据句意 \"\n亲爱的,等到你年龄足够大的时候再去 \"可知,孩子的妈妈不让孩子去爬山.因\n此D项符合语境, 故选 D. \n【点评】\n", "index": 10, "score": 1}
{"year": "2010", "category": "(新课标Ⅰ)", "question": "32. The discovery  of gold in Australia  led thousands  to believe  that a fortune        . \nA. is made      B. would  make       C. was to be made      D. had made\n", "answer": ["C"], "analysis": "【解答】答案: C.本题采用排除法. 根据主句的谓语动词 led(lead﹣led)可知\n这里是一般过去时 ,所以从句也应该用过去时 ,排除 A.这里 fortune表示财富 ,\nmake  fortune发财,make与fortune之间构成动宾关系 ,fortune在从句中作主语 ,\n故用被动语态, 排除 B、D.was to be made是过去将来时的被动式, 故选 C. \n【点评】\n", "index": 11, "score": 1}
{"year": "2010", "category": "(新课标Ⅰ)", "question": "33. We haven ’t discussed  yet      we are going  to place  our new furniture . \nA. that B. which  C. what  D. where\n", "answer": ["D"], "analysis": "【解答】答案 D. discuss后面是宾语从句 ,在宾语从句中 we are going  to place  our \nnew furniture是完整的句子 ,根据句意 ,我们还没有商量好把新家具放在 \"where\"\n.故选 D. \n【点评】\n", "index": 12, "score": 1}
{"year": "2010", "category": "(新课标Ⅰ)", "question": "34. With  Father ’s Day around  the corner , I have  taken  some  money  out of the bank  \n         presents  for my dad. \nA. buy     B. to buy     C. buying        D. to have  bought\n", "answer": ["B"], "analysis": "【解答】答案 B.根据句意,我从银行里取钱的 \"目的是 \"为了给父亲买礼物,所\n以用不定式表示目的状语, 而to have  done  表示不定式的动作发生在主句之间 ,\n不符合题意, 故选 B. \n【点评】\n", "index": 13, "score": 1}
{"year": "2010", "category": "(新课标Ⅰ)", "question": "35. --- Was he sorry  for what  he’d done ?   ---          . \nA. No wonder  B. Well  done  C. Not really  D. Go ahead\n", "answer": ["C"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 C.A项\"难怪, …不足为奇 \";B项\"做得真棒 \";D项 通常意为  \n\"说吧!做吧! \";C项 根据句意 :上文 \"他为他所做的事道歉了吗 \"下文意思为事\n实上 \"没有 \",因此要表达否定意义, C项符合语境. Not really,意为 \"不很 \"或者\n表示语气很强的否定,意为 \"真的没有 \"\"的确没有 \".故选: C. \n【点评】\n", "index": 14, "score": 1}
{"year": "2010", "category": "(新课标Ⅱ)", "question": "6. --- Is it all right  if I keep  this photo?   --- _______ .  \nA. No, you don’t    B. No, it shouldn ’t    C. I’m afraid  not    D. Don’t keep  it\n", "answer": ["C"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 C. A项\"不,你不要(保存照片) \";B项\"不,这不应该 \";D项\"\n不要保存 \";根据上句句意 \"我可以保存这张照片吗? \"可知,下句是作出回答,\n四个选项都是否定回答, 但A、B和D三项拒绝地都太生硬,语气不委婉,不\n  符合英语表达的习惯, 因此 C项符合语境, 故选 C.  \n【点评】\n", "index": 15, "score": 1}
{"year": "2010", "category": "(新课标Ⅱ)", "question": "7. Tom  was about  to close  the windows_____his  attention  was caught  by a bird.  \nA. when  B. if C. and D. till\n", "answer": ["A"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 A. be about  to do…when… 正要做 …突然 . when作并列连词,相当\n于and at that time. 根据句意 :汤姆正要关窗户 \"突然 \"他的注意力被一只鸟吸引了 . \n故选 A.  \n【点评】\n", "index": 16, "score": 1}
{"year": "2010", "category": "(新课标Ⅱ)", "question": "8. My mother  opened  the drawer  to _________  the knives  and spoons .  \nA. put away  B. put up C. put on D. put together\n", "answer": ["A"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 A. put away\"放好,收好 \";put up\"举起,搭建,张贴 \";put on\"\n放,上演,增加,穿上 \";put together\"组合,装配 \". 根据句意 ,to _____  the knives  \nand spoons是目的状语,妈妈打开抽屉是为了 \"收好 \"刀和汤匙 . 故选 A.  \n【点评】\n", "index": 17, "score": 1}
{"year": "2010", "category": "(新课标Ⅱ)", "question": "9. Barbara  is easy to recognize  as she’s the only of the women  who ____  evening  \ndress .  \nA. wear  B. wears  C. has worm  D. have  worm\n", "answer": ["B"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案: B 此题考查主谓一致和时态, the only one of …. 为先行词时,\n定语从句修饰的是 one,即who代替的是 one,而非后面的复数 women,根据主\n谓一致的原则,定语从句的谓语动词应该用单数, 排除 A/D;根据前句中的 \"is\"\n以及句意 ,可以看出句子表示只是个人穿着方面的一种习惯性动作 ,因此只须一\n般现在时即可, 由此可以排除 C,所以正确答案为 B.  \n【点评】\n", "index": 18, "score": 1}
{"year": "2010", "category": "(新课标Ⅱ)", "question": "10. --- Have  you finished  the book? \n  --- No. I’ve read up to _____  the children  discover  the secret  cave.  \nA. which  B. what  C. that D. where\n", "answer": ["D"], "analysis": "【解答】答案 D. _____  the children  discover  the secret  cave是介词宾语从句 ,在介\n词宾语从句中不缺少任何成分,结合句意, 用where表示 …地方 . 故选 D.  \n【点评】\n", "index": 19, "score": 1}
{"year": "2010", "category": "(新课标Ⅱ)", "question": "11. Though  ______  to see us, the professor  gave  us a warm  welcome .  \nA. surprise     B. was surprised     C. surprised     D. being  surprised\n", "answer": ["C"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案: C 本题考查让步状语从句中的省略 . 过去分词作状语表示分词与\n句子主语为被动关系 . 表示某人感到惊讶应该用 surprised 的形式所以可以排除\nA和D两项 . 当从句中的主语和主句中的主语一致 ,可以省略从句中的主语和 be\n动词,不能单独省略主语, 可排除 B. 所以,本句补全之后应该是: Though  the \n  professor  was surprised  to see us,the professor  gave  us a warm  welcome . 故本题选\n择C.  \n【点评】\n", "index": 20, "score": 1}
{"year": "2010", "category": "(新课标Ⅱ)", "question": "12. Neither  side is prepared  to talk to _____  unless  we can smooth  thing  over between  \nthem .  \nA. others  B. the other  C. another  D. one other\n", "answer": ["B"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 B.  根据句意, neither(两者之中没有一个)可知是 \"两者 \",故选\nthe other,表示两者中的另外一个 . others泛指其他人; another另一,又一; one \nother无此搭配 . 故选 B.  \n【点评】\n", "index": 21, "score": 1}
{"year": "2010", "category": "(新课标Ⅱ)", "question": "13. The island  is ____  attractive  in spring  and autumn  because  of the pleasant  weather  \nin both seasons .  \nA. partly  B. merely  C. nearly  D. equally\n", "answer": ["D"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案: D,本题考查副词辨析 . A. partly  部分的, B. merely  只是,仅仅\n,C. nearly  几乎的, D. equally  相等的,同样的 . 根据题干的意思:这个岛屿在\n春天和秋天都同样的( equally)迷人,因为这两季的惬意的天气 . 所以本题选择\nD.  \n【点评】\n", "index": 22, "score": 1}
{"year": "2010", "category": "(新课标Ⅱ)", "question": "14. The doctor  thought  ____  would  be good  for you to have  a holiday . \nA. this B. that C. one D. it\n", "answer": ["D"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 D. 本题 to have  a holiday是真正的宾语, thought后面缺少一个形\n式宾语, 所以用 it做形式宾语 . 故选 D.  \n【点评】\n", "index": 23, "score": 1}
{"year": "2010", "category": "(新课标Ⅱ)", "question": "15. Linda , make  sure the tables  ____  before  the guests  arrive .  \nA. be set B. set C. are set D. are setting\n", "answer": ["C"], "analysis": "【解答】答案: C. make  sure后面加宾语从句 . 根据动词 set与其逻辑主语即句子\n的主语 the tables之间的关系可知, set tables桌子是被摆放的,所以需用被动语\n态,排除选项 B和D;另外根据题干中的 make  sure可知,后面跟陈述语气的宾\n语从句,不接虚拟语气, 所以排除选项 A. 故选 C.  \n【点评】\n", "index": 24, "score": 1}
{"year": "2010", "category": "(新课标Ⅱ)", "question": "16. I refuse  to accept  the blame  for something  _____  was someone  else’s fault.  \nA. who  B. that C. as D. what\n", "answer": ["B"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案: B 本句中含有定语从句, what不可以引导定语从句, 所以排除\nD. 从句中缺少主语,所以应该用关系代词,当先行词是事物时,定语从句的关\n系代词可用 that 或which,可以排除 who. 但本句中先行词是不定代词 something\n,所以只能用关系代词 that. as作为关系代词时 ,先行词前面应有 such或so、the \nsame修饰,或代替一句话,不符本题题干 . 故选择 B.  \n【点评】\n", "index": 25, "score": 1}
{"year": "2010", "category": "(新课标Ⅱ)", "question": "17. I’m afraid  Mr. Harding  ____  see you now, he’s busy .  \nA. can’t B. mustn ’t C. shouldn ’t D. needn ’t\n", "answer": ["A"], "analysis": "【解答】答案 A. can't \"不能,不可能 \";mustn 't \"禁止,不允许 \";shouldn 't \"不应\n\";needn 't \"不需要,没必要 \". 根据句意,他在忙,说明他现在 \"不能 \"见你 . 故\n选A.  \n【点评】\n", "index": 26, "score": 1}
{"year": "2010", "category": "(新课标Ⅱ)", "question": "18. --- Can I help you? Are you looking  for anything  in particular  today ? \n--- _____ , we’re just looking .  \nA. Yes, pleas e    B. No, thank  you    C. Yes, you can    D. No, you needn ’t\n", "answer": ["B"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 B. A项\"好的,请吧 \";C项\"是的,你可以的 \";D项\"不,你没有\n必要 \";B项\"不,谢谢 \";由语境可知,对方显然是提供帮助,如果接受帮助则\n\"Yes,please . \"如果不接受帮助要说 \"No,thank  you. \",根据句意 \"我们只不过\n是看看 \"可知,这里是不需要帮助,礼貌地拒绝, 因此 B项符合语境, 故选 B.  \n【点评】\n", "index": 27, "score": 1}
{"year": "2010", "category": "(新课标Ⅱ)", "question": "19. Excuse  me, I      I was blocking  your way. \nA. didn’t realize     B. don’t realize     C. haven ’t realized     D. wasn ’t realizing\n", "answer": ["A"], "analysis": "【解答】答案: A. \"Excuse  me\"说明我现在已经意识到了( realize)我正挡着你的\n路,所以没有意识到 \"not realize\"这个动作应该发生在过去 ,明显是刚刚发生的动\n作,故didn't realize符合语境, 所以选 A.  \n【点评】\n", "index": 28, "score": 1}
{"year": "2010", "category": "(新课标Ⅱ)", "question": "20. Mr. Black  is very happy  because  the clothes  made  in his factory  have  never  been  \n      .  \nA. popular     B. more  popular     C. most  popular     D. the most  popular\n", "answer": ["B"], "analysis": "【解答】答案:B,选项中 A为原级, C和D项表示最高级,根据题干可知,衣\n服从来没有比现在受欢迎过,也就是说现在是最受欢迎的,在英语句型中,\nnever/not 加形容词比较级 =形容词最高级,所以本题选择比较级, B选项 .  \n【点评】\n", "index": 29, "score": 1}
{"year": "2011", "category": "(全国卷ii)", "question": "6. --- Did you forget  about  my birthday ? \n---         I’ve booked  a table  at Michel ’s restaurant  for this evening . \nA. What  then?    B. I’m afraid  so.    C. How could  I?    D. For sure.\n", "answer": ["C"], "analysis": "【解答】答案:C.本题考查交际用语 .How  could  I?表示 \"我怎么会呢? \".What  \nthen?\"那便会怎么样呢? \",I'm afraid  so.\"恐怕是这样. \",For sure.\"肯定;确\n定.\"根据 \"I've booked  a table  at Michel's  restaurant  for this evening.\"可知,答话人\n并没有忘记对方的生日, 因此选择 C. \n【点评】\n", "index": 30, "score": 1}
{"year": "2011", "category": "(全国卷ii)", "question": "7. Ted came  for the weekend  wearing  only some  shorts  and a T-shirt,        is a \nstupid  thing  to do in such weather . \n  A. this B. that C. what  D. which\n", "answer": ["D"], "analysis": "【解答】答案: D.分析句子结构可知,本句为非限定性的定语从句;由于关系\n词指代的是前一句话的内容,在该从句中作主语; 由于 A与C不是关系词; C.\n  不能用于非限定性的语从句中; 故选 D. \n【点评】\n", "index": 31, "score": 1}
{"year": "2011", "category": "(全国卷ii)", "question": "8. If you_______smoke , please  go outside . \nA. can B. should  C. must  D. may\n", "answer": ["C"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案: C.本题考查情态动词的用法. can 能,会; may 可以,可能;\nmust  必须,非要; might  可以,可能, 是may的过去式形式.根据句意可知,\n这里表示的是如果你非得要吸烟这个意思, 故选 C. \n【点评】\n", "index": 32, "score": 1}
{"year": "2011", "category": "(全国卷ii)", "question": "9. If you don’t like the drink  you ________ , just leave  it and try a different  one. \nA. ordered  B. are ordering  C. will order  D. had ordered\n", "answer": ["A"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案是 A.考查动词时态, 分析题干可知 you drink  是定语从句,先行\n词是 drink,饮料是在喝之前点的 ,发生在过去 ,所以要用过去时 ,故答案是 A. \n【点评】\n", "index": 33, "score": 1}
{"year": "2011", "category": "(全国卷ii)", "question": "10. Mary , I       John  of his promise  to help you. \nA. told B. reminded  C. warned  D. advised\n", "answer": ["B"], "analysis": "【解答】答案:B.A.tell告诉,常用 tell sb to do;B.remind  提醒,用法为 remind  \nsb of sth或remind  sb to do;C.warn  警告,提醒; 也有 warn  sb of sth的用法,\n但它侧重 \"警告 \"的意思; D.advise建议,用法: advise  sb to do;所以结合句意\n答案应该选 B. \n【点评】\n", "index": 34, "score": 1}
{"year": "2011", "category": "(全国卷ii)", "question": "11. I got this bicycle  for ______ . My friend  gave  it to me when  she bought  a new one. \nA. everything  B. something  C. anything  D. nothing\n", "answer": ["D"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案:D.A.everything\" 一切,所有事物 \"; B.something\" 某事某物 \"\n,表示不确指; C.anything\" 任何东西 \";D.nothing  表示什么都没有.根据句\n意,我朋友买了新的自行车,把原来的自行车给了我,所以 \"I got this bicycle  for \n______.\"应该是我没花钱,白得了一辆自行车. 故选 D. \n【点评】\n", "index": 35, "score": 1}
{"year": "2011", "category": "(全国卷ii)", "question": "12. It is one thing  to enjoy  listening  to good  music , but it is       another  to play it \nwell yourself . \nA. quite  B. very C. rather  D. much\n", "answer": ["A"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 A.考查副词辨析.句意为 \"欣赏好的音乐是一回事,但是亲自把\n它演奏好完全是另一回事 .\"表示 \"很,非常 \"时,very用来修饰形容词 、副词,much\n用来修饰形容词或副词的比较级 .quite和rather都可修饰名词 ,但rather多用于\n贬义. another指的是 another  thing,这个名词受 quite的修饰.  \n【点评】\n", "index": 36, "score": 1}
{"year": "2011", "category": "(全国卷ii)", "question": "13. Jane won’t join us for dinner  tonight  and        . \nA. neither  won’t Tom    B. Tom  won’t either    C. Tom  will too   D. so will Tom\n", "answer": ["B"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案是 B.本题考查否定结构;根据语境 \"Jane今晚不和我们一起吃晚\n饭,Tom也不会.\",排除 C和D;因为 too 和so用在肯定句中表示 \"\";neither\n表示 \"也不 \",不需要再与否定词连用, 故排除 A;either表示 \"\",常常出现在\n否定句中, 故选 B. \n【点评】\n", "index": 37, "score": 1}
{"year": "2011", "category": "(全国卷ii)", "question": "14. This shop  will be closed  for repairs        further  notice . \nA. with B. until C. for D. at\n", "answer": ["B"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 B.with 和,跟;随着;关于;  和…一致; for为了,由于; at (\n表示位置)在;  在(某时间或时刻);  until 到…为止;  在…以前.结合句意\n\"直到另行通知为止 \"可知 until符合句意, 故选 B项.  \n【点评】\n", "index": 38, "score": 1}
{"year": "2011", "category": "(全国卷ii)", "question": "15. The island ,          to the mainland  by a bridge , is easy to go to. \nA. joining     B. to join    C. joined     D. having  joined\n", "answer": ["C"], "analysis": "【解答】答案:C.此处在句中作后置定语, 修饰名词 The island;由于动词 join\n与该名词构成被动关系,表示已经完成的动作, 故用过去分词形式 ;A.现在分\n词作定语时, 与其修饰词构成主谓关系 ;B.动词不定式作后置定语,表示将要\n完成的动作, 并且与其修饰词之间不能用逗号隔开 ;D.现在分词的完成式通常\n  表示伴随的状况,不能做后置定语; 故选 C. \n【点评】\n", "index": 39, "score": 1}
{"year": "2011", "category": "(全国卷ii)", "question": "16. As he reached         front  door, Jack saw         strange  sight . \nA. the; 不填  B. a; the C. 不填 ; a D. the; a\n", "answer": ["D"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案: D.本题第一个空后面的名词 door有front修饰,所以要用 the\n表示 \"特指 \",sight此处指 \"景色,景观 \",是可数名词, 前面用不定冠词 a表示 \"\n泛指 \"\n【点评】\n", "index": 40, "score": 1}
{"year": "2011", "category": "(全国卷ii)", "question": "17. Mr. Stevenson  is great  to work  for --- I really  couldn ’t ask for a_______  boss. \nA. better  B. good  C. best D. still better\n", "answer": ["A"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案: A.考查比较级的否定用法. 否定词 couldn't与better连用,表\n\"非常好 \",相当于最高级. still better不能用于否定句中.  \n【点评】\n", "index": 41, "score": 1}
{"year": "2011", "category": "(全国卷ii)", "question": "18. Sarah  pretended  to be cheerful , ______nothing  about  the argument . \nA. says B. said C. to say D. saying\n", "answer": ["D"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案: D.此处在句中作伴随状语, 由于动词 say与其逻辑主语 Sarah\n  构成主谓关系, 故此处应使用现在分词形式 ;A.动词的第三人称单数形式 ;B.\n动词的一般过去时; A.与B.在句中只能作谓语; C.动词不定式,不能作伴\n随状语; 故选 D. \n【点评】\n", "index": 42, "score": 1}
{"year": "2011", "category": "(全国卷ii)", "question": "19. It was a nice meal ,         a little expensive . \nA. though  B. whether  C. as D. since\n", "answer": ["A"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案: A.though,虽然,尽管;  即使;纵然.根据句意 \"这顿饭很可\n\"与后面 \"有点贵 \",判断可知之间为让步关系 ,故though符合句意 . 其余选项\n:B whether,是否;不管;无论; C as,像,像 …一样;  由于;  同时,当 …时\n;D since,自从 …以来;  自从 …的时候起;  既然;  因为;均不符合句意.故\n选A项.  \n【点评】\n", "index": 43, "score": 1}
{"year": "2011", "category": "(全国卷ii)", "question": "20. --- So you gave  her your phone ? \n--- ______ , she said she’d return  it to me when  she could  afford  her own. \nA. My pleasure  B. Not exactly  C. No doubt  D. All right\n", "answer": ["B"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案: B.分析各个选项 A.My pleasure不用谢, B.Not exactly  不确\n切, C.No wonder难怪, D.All right好的,结合语境可知 B符合题意.  \n【点评】\n", "index": 44, "score": 1}
{"year": "2011", "category": "(新课标)", "question": "21. — We could  invite  John  and Barbara  to the Friday  night  party.  \n— Yes, _______?  I’ll give them  a call right  now.  \nA. why not     B. What  for      C. why       D. what\n", "answer": ["A"], "analysis": "【解答】答案 A.B项\"为何? \";C项\"为什么 \";D项\"什么 \";A项\"为什么不呢?\n\"\"why  not\"表示同意对方的意见 .分析语境可知 ,\"why  not\"完整表达为 \"why  not \ninvite  them  tothe  Friday  night.\".根据句意 \"为什么不呢?我们现在就给他们打电\n\"可知,同意对方的建议( 邀请 John和Barbara来参加周五晚上的聚会),因\n此A项符合语境, 故选 A. \n【点评】\n", "index": 45, "score": 1}
{"year": "2011", "category": "(新课标)", "question": "22. Try _______  she might,  Sue couldn’t  get the door open.  \nA. if         B. when          C. since        D. as\n", "answer": ["D"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案: D.根据句意可知,前后之间是让步关系, as作\"虽然 \"之意时,\n从句需要倒装 ,将表语、状语或者动词位于句首 ,后接 as,再加上其他内容 .所\n以本题选择 D. \n【点评】\n", "index": 46, "score": 1}
{"year": "2011", "category": "(新课标)", "question": "23. Planning  so far ahead  _______no  sense  --- so many  things  will have  changed  by \nnext year.  \nA. made         B. is making      C. makes         D. has made\n", "answer": ["C"], "analysis": "【解答】答案: C.该句中没有明显的时间状语,根据句意,该句所表达的是一\n般的道理,所以用一般现在时态.故选: C. \n【点评】\n", "index": 47, "score": 1}
{"year": "2011", "category": "(新课标)", "question": "24. I wasn’t  sure if he was really  interested  or if he _______polite.  \nA. was just being      B. will just be     C. had just been       D. would  just be\n", "answer": ["A"], "analysis": "【解答】答案:A.A项是过去进行时 ;B项是一般将来时 ;C项是过去完成时 ;\nD项是过去将来时 .因为前一分句是一般过去式 ,后一分句也应该是过去的相应\n时态,由句意知 ,是当时正在做 ,而不是将要做或发生在当时的动作之前 ,所以\n用过去进行时 ,排除 B、D两项.C项主要是 \"过去的过去 \",与句意不符 .故选\nA. \n【点评】\n", "index": 48, "score": 1}
{"year": "2011", "category": "(新课标)", "question": "25. — Someone  wants  you on the phone.    — _______nobody  knows  I am here.  \nA. Although         B. And        C. But        D. So\n", "answer": ["C"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案: C A项\"虽然,尽管 \",引导让步状语从句; B项\"和,并且 \",并\n列连词,连接并列句, 表示顺承关系 ;C\"但是 \",转折连词, 表示转折 ;D\"因此\n\",因果连词 ,表示原因 .因为此句是简单句 ,所以排除 A项.通过 \"nobody  knows  \nI am here\"可知,此处是转折. 排除 B、D两项.故选 C项.  \n【点评】\n", "index": 49, "score": 1}
{"year": "2011", "category": "(新课标)", "question": "26. I can _______the  house  being  untidy,  but I hate it if it’s not clean.  \nA. come  up with      B. put up with     C. turn to      D. stick  to\n", "answer": ["B"], "analysis": "【解答】答案:B.come  up with\"提出,想出 \";put up with\"忍受,容忍 \";turn to\"\n转向;求助于 \";stick  to\"坚持;粘住 \".根据题干中转折连词 but可知,前一句的\n意思应与后一句的 hate\"讨厌 \"之意相反 ,即\"不讨厌 \",所以 put up with\"忍受,容\n\"之意与语境相符. 故选 B. \n【点评】\n", "index": 50, "score": 1}
{"year": "2011", "category": "(新课标)", "question": "27. The next thing  he saw was smoke  _______from  behind  the house.  \nA. rose         B. rising          C. to rise      D. risen\n", "answer": ["B"], "analysis": "【解答】答案:B.本题考察非谓语动词的用法, 先分析句子的主干为 :The next \nthing  was smoke.risng与所修饰的名词 smoke之间的关系是主动的关系, 故用\nrising  from  behind  the house  做后置定语. 故选 B. \n  【点评】\n", "index": 51, "score": 1}
{"year": "2011", "category": "(新课标)", "question": "28. Only  when  he reached  the tea-house  _______it  was the same  place  he’d been  in \nlast year.  \nA. he realized     B. he did realize     C. realized  he   D. did he realize\n", "answer": ["D"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案: D.本题考查倒装句式. 本句中 only位于句首,强调时间状语 ,\n主句需要部分倒装 ,根据句意 ,主句应该用一般过去时态 ,所以借助于助动词 did\n,将did和主语颠倒. 故本题选择 D. \n【点评】\n", "index": 52, "score": 1}
{"year": "2011", "category": "(新课标)", "question": "29. When  Alice  came  to, she did not know  how long she _______there.  \nA. had been  lying     B. has been  lying     C. was lying     D. has lain\n", "answer": ["A"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案: A.A项是过去完成进行时; B项是现在完成进行时; C项是过\n去进行时; D项是现在完成时. Alice醒过来是过去的动作,她躺在那儿应该是\n在醒过来之前,并且醒过来时还在那躺着.过去完成进行时表示 \"发生在过去之\n前的动作一直持续到当时,并且再继续下去 \".由句子的时间状语可知,应该用\n过去完成进行时. 故选 A. \n【点评】\n", "index": 53, "score": 1}
{"year": "2011", "category": "(新课标)", "question": "30. The form  cannot  be signed  by anyone  _______yourself.  \nA. rather  than      B. other  than       C. more  than     D. better  than\n", "answer": ["B"], "analysis": "【解答】答案:B.A项\"而不是 \";B\"除了 \";C\"多于,不仅仅 \";D\"好于 \".由cannot  \nbe signed  by anyone可知,只能由你本人签字 .所以是 \"除了 \"你自己.故选 B项. \n【点评】\n", "index": 54, "score": 1}
{"year": "2011", "category": "(新课标)", "question": "31. The prize  will go to the writer  _______story  shows  the most  imagination.  \nA. that         B. which         C. whose        D. what\n", "answer": ["C"], "analysis": "【解答】答案 C.通过分析句子成分可知 ,这是一个定语从句 ,先行词是 the writer\n,关系词在从句中充当 story的定语, 所以本题应该选择 C. \n【点评】\n", "index": 55, "score": 1}
{"year": "2011", "category": "(新课标)", "question": "32. They  _______have  arrived  at lunchtime  but their flight  was delayed.  \nA. will          B. can        C. must         D. should\n", "answer": ["D"], "analysis": "【解答】答案: D.根据 but后\"their  flight  was delayed\"可知是过去时态, 故排除\nA;can have  done表示对过去或已经发生的事情的推测,通常用于否定和疑问句\n中,故排除 B;must  have  done表示过去一定做过某事,对过去情况的推测,不\n符合题意;should  have  done表示本应该做某事而没有做 .根据 \"but their flight  was \ndelayed\"这样的结果可以推断出他们本应该到达却没有到达, 故选 D. \n【点评】\n", "index": 56, "score": 1}
{"year": "2011", "category": "(新课标)", "question": "33. It is generally  accepted  that _______boy  must  learn  to stand  up and fight  like \n_______man.  \nA. a; a        B. a; the        C. the; the       D. a; 不填\n", "answer": ["A"], "analysis": "【解答】答案: A.boy和man都是可数名词,并且泛指一类人,所以前面都加\n不定冠词 a.故选 A. \n【点评】\n", "index": 57, "score": 1}
{"year": "2011", "category": "(新课标)", "question": "34. William  found  it increasingly  difficult  to read,  for his eyesight  was beginning  to \n_______.  \nA. disappear        B. fall        C. fail        D. damage\n", "answer": ["C"], "analysis": "【解答】答案 C.A选项 \"消失 \";B选项 \"落下;跌倒;陷入 \";D选项 \"破坏 \";C\n选项 \"失败,不及格,(指健康)衰退;变弱;消失 \";根据句意 \"他的视力开始\n衰退 \"可知 C项符合语境, 故选 C. \n【点评】\n", "index": 58, "score": 1}
{"year": "2011", "category": "(新课标)", "question": "35. — Artistic  people  can be very difficult  sometimes.  \n— Well,  you married  one. _______.  \nA. You name  it          B. I’ve got it  \nC. I can’t  agree  more        D. You should  know\n", "answer": ["D"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 D.A项常用于口语中 \"凡你想得起的,凡是你说的出的,不管什\n么;你说了算 \";B项\"我懂了,明白了 \";C项\"我完全同意 \";D项\"你应该知道 \"\n\n由上句的句意 \"艺人有时也很难相处 \"可知,这里陈述了一个情况,下句的句意 \"\n  你嫁(娶)的就是艺人,你应该知道 \"艺人有时可能难相处 \"这个情况 \",是对上\n句的一个承接. 因此 D项符合语境, 故选 D. \n【点评】\n", "index": 59, "score": 1}
{"year": "2012", "category": "(新课标)", "question": "21. — Which  one of these  do you want?     —        . Either  will do. \nA. I don’t mind       B. I’m sure       C. No problem        D. Go ahead\n", "answer": ["A"], "analysis": "【解答】答案 A.B项\"我肯定 \";C项\"没问题 \";D项\"1.表示同意对方的请求 ,\n根据情况可译为:说吧,做吧,开始吧,进行吧. 2.表示请对方继续说、继续\n做等,通常可译为:继续 …吧. 3.表示请对方先走或先做某事,其意为:你先\n走一步,你先请 \".A项\"我不介意 \";根据句意 \"(两个)随便哪一个都行 \"可知,\n并不介意. 因此 A项符合语境, 故选 A. \n【点评】\n", "index": 60, "score": 1}
{"year": "2012", "category": "(新课标)", "question": "22. Sarah  looked  at         finished  painting  with         satisfaction.  \nA. 不填 ; a          B. a; the          C. the; 不填         D. the; a\n", "answer": ["C"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 C.第一空特指 \"已经画完的画 \";第二空考查介词短语 with \n  satisfaction 意为:满意地,作状语. 此处 satisfaction 为抽象名词,在此短语中不\n用冠词. 选C. \n【点评】\n", "index": 61, "score": 1}
{"year": "2012", "category": "(新课标)", "question": "23. “Life is like walking  in the snow ”, Granny  used to say, “because  every  step  \n       . \nA. has shown         B. is showing         C. shows           D. showed\n", "answer": ["C"], "analysis": "【解答】答案 C.这题是直接引用了过去奶奶常常说的一句话 ,句子的内容是生\n活哲理.所以用一般现在时. 故答案选 C. \n【点评】\n", "index": 62, "score": 1}
{"year": "2012", "category": "(新课标)", "question": "24. It is by no means  clear          the president  can do to end the strike.  \nA. how             B. which             C. that            D. what\n", "answer": ["D"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 D.题干中 by no means表示 \"绝不 \"相当于一个否定词.所以题干\n就可以简化为句型 \"it+be(not)+adj.+引导词 +从句 \",即it 为形式主语的主语从\n句.简化从句 ,去掉目的状语 to end the strike后,可以很清楚地看出从句中谓语\n动词 do后缺少宾语 ,即所要填的引导词充当宾语成分 .在主语从句中 how充当\n方式状语 ,that不充当成分 ,A和C都可直接排除 .which和what虽然都可以充\n当宾语,但它们的区别就在于 ,which表示有范围的选择 \"哪一个 \",而what没有\n范围表示 \"什么 \".根据句意 ,该题没有可供选择的范围 ,故排除 B,所以选择 D\n\n【点评】\n", "index": 63, "score": 1}
{"year": "2012", "category": "(新课标)", "question": "25. I don’t believe  we’ve met before,          I must  say you do look familiar.  \nA. therefore          B. although           C. since            D. unless\n", "answer": ["B"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 B.A项\"因此 \";B项\"尽管,虽然 \";C项\"既然,自从 \";D项\"\n\".因为主句的 \"don ’t believe\"与从句的 \"do look familiar\"意思相反 ,前后意思转\n折,所以用表转折的连词, 故选 B项.  \n【点评】\n", "index": 64, "score": 1}
{"year": "2012", "category": "(新课标)", "question": "26. The result  is not very important  to us, but if we do win, then so much         .  \nA. the best          B. best              C. better           D. the better\n", "answer": ["D"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 D.So much  the better常常和 if条件句连用,意为 \"如果 …那就更\n好了 \",其反义短语为 so much  the worse,意思是那就更糟糕了. 故选 D. \n【点评】\n", "index": 65, "score": 1}
{"year": "2012", "category": "(新课标)", "question": "27. Mary  is really  good  at taking  notes  in class.  She can         almost  every  word  \nher teacher  says.  \nA. put out           B. put down          C. put away         D. put together\n", "answer": ["B"], "analysis": "【解答】答案 B.A项表示 \"扑灭,生产,出版 \";C项表示 \"把…收起,放好,储\n\";D项表示 \"把…放在一起,组合 \";B项表示 \"写下,记下,放下,镇压 \";根\n据句意, B项与题意相符. 故答案选 B. \n【点评】\n", "index": 66, "score": 1}
{"year": "2012", "category": "(新课标)", "question": "28. The party  will be held in the garden,  weather         . \nA. permitting         B. to permit           C. permitted         D. permit\n", "answer": ["A"], "analysis": "【解答】答案 A.属于独立主格结构 .因为句子的主语是 the party,而permit的\n逻辑主语是 weather,构成独立主格结构 .permit与weather之间是主动关系 ,故\n用现在分词作状语. 所以选 A. \n【点评】\n", "index": 67, "score": 1}
{"year": "2012", "category": "(新课标)", "question": "29. This restaurant  wasn ’t         that other  restaurant  we went  to. \nA. half as good  as   B. as half good  as    C. as good  as half    D. good  as half as\n", "answer": ["A"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 A.倍数表达法:倍数  as 形容词 /副词原级  as;本题的 half就是\n倍数,故A正确  \n【点评】\n", "index": 68, "score": 1}
{"year": "2012", "category": "(新课标)", "question": "30. I         use a clock  to wake  me up because  at six o’clock  each morning  the \n  train comes  by my house.        \nA. couldn ’t         B. mustn ’t          C. shouldn ’t        D. needn ’t\n", "answer": ["D"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 D.选项 A couldn ’t \"不可能 \";选项 B mustn ’t \"禁止 \";选项 C \nshouldn ’t \"不应该 \";选项 D needn ’t \"不必,没必要 \".结合句子的意思 \"我没有必\n要使用闹钟 \",D项符合语境, 故选 D. \n【点评】\n", "index": 69, "score": 1}
{"year": "2012", "category": "(新课标)", "question": "31. Larry  asks Bill and Peter  to go on a picnic  with him, but         of them  wants  \nto, because  they have  work  to do. \nA. either            B. any          C. neither          D. none\n", "answer": ["C"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 C.None指三个或者三个以上中一个也没有; any一些; either两\n者中的一个 ;neither指两者都不. 根据句意说明 Bill和Peter这两个人都不想去 ,\n表示两者都不. 故C正确.  \n【点评】\n", "index": 70, "score": 1}
{"year": "2012", "category": "(新课标)", "question": "32. Film  has a much  shorter  history,  especially  when          such art forms  as \nmusic  and painting.  \nA. having  compared  to    B. comparing  to     C. compare  to     D. compared  to\n", "answer": ["D"], "analysis": "【解答】答案: D.此句是一个省略句.当从句的主语和主句的主语一致,而且\n从句又有 it is时,常常省略 it is.补充完整为: when  it is compared  to such … 因\n此应该用过去分词,是被动语态. 故D项正确.  \n【点评】\n", "index": 71, "score": 1}
{"year": "2012", "category": "(新课标)", "question": "33. I had been  working  on math  for the whole  afternoon  and the numbers           \nbefore  my eyes.  \nA. swim            B. swum          C. swam          D. had swum\n", "answer": ["C"], "analysis": "【解答】答案 C.在整个题目中, and 连接两个并列句,前面的句子使用的是过\n去完成时表示过去一直在学习数学 ,由语境可知 ,空白处表示的是发生在过去的\n一个动作,应该用一般过去时, 故选 C. \n【点评】\n", "index": 72, "score": 1}
{"year": "2012", "category": "(新课标)", "question": "34. You have  to move  out of the way         the truck  cannot  get past you. \nA. so              B. or           C. and             D. but\n", "answer": ["B"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案: B.你得(从这条路上)走开,后面表示 \"结果 \"﹣﹣这辆车无法\n从你身边经过 ,可知后面为结果状语从句 ,排除 C,D.而根据句意 ,前后有转\n折关系,表示 \"要不然,否则 \".故选 B. \n【点评】\n", "index": 73, "score": 1}
{"year": "2012", "category": "(新课标)", "question": "35. If she doesn ’t want  to go, nothing  you can say will         her. \nA. persuade         B. promise          C. invite            D. support\n", "answer": ["A"], "analysis": "【解答】答案: A.A项\"说服 \";B\"许诺 \";C\"邀请 \";D\"支持 \".因为 \"she doesn't  \nwant  to go\",所以 \"persuade\" 是没有用的. 故选 A项.  \n【点评】\n", "index": 74, "score": 1}
{"year": "2013", "category": "(新课标ii)", "question": "21. --- I’m sorry  I made  a mistake!     ---      . Nobody  is perfect.  \nA. Take  your time B. You’re right   C.Whatever  you say    D. Take  it easy\n", "answer": ["D"], "analysis": "【解答】答案 D.A项\"不着急 \";B项\"你是对的 \";C项\"你说了算,你说什么都\n\";D项\"放松点,别紧张 \";根据句意 \"﹣﹣很抱歉,我犯了错 \"可知,说话者是\n在劝告对方保持平静 ,别紧张.因此 D项符合语境 ,其它选项均不符合 ,故选 D\n\n【点评】\n", "index": 75, "score": 1}
{"year": "2013", "category": "(新课标ii)", "question": "22. Would  you like to      with us to the film tonight?  \nA. come  along   B. come  off  C. come  across   D. come  through\n", "answer": ["A"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案: A.考查动词短语辨析. A项意为 \"一起来,进展,前进 \";B项\n  意为 \"离开,成功,(从某物上 )脱落,掉落 \";C项意为 \"偶遇 \";D项意为 \"到达,\n穿过,传来,恢复(健康 )\".根据题干中 \"with  us to the film tonight\"可知,此处指\n\"一起去看电影 \",故选 A. \n【点评】\n", "index": 76, "score": 1}
{"year": "2013", "category": "(新课标ii)", "question": "23. I was glad to meet  Jenny  again,          I didn’t want  to spend  all day with her. \nA. but         B. and          D.or\n", "answer": ["A"], "analysis": "【解答】答案: A 考查并列连词. and\"\",表并列和递进; but\"但是 \",表转折 ;\nor\"或者 \",表选择; so\"因此 \",表因果.句意 \"非常高兴能再次见到 Jenny,但是\n我不想和她呆一整天. \"根据句意可知,前后表示转折的含义, 故选 A. \n【点评】\n", "index": 77, "score": 1}
{"year": "2013", "category": "(新课标ii)", "question": "24. When  I arrived,  Bryan  took me to see the house           I would  be staying.  \nA. what    B. when        C. where    D. which\n", "answer": ["C"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案: C 考查定语从句. what不能引导定语从句,所以排除;定语从\n句中主语是 I,谓语动词 stay为不及物动词 ,故不缺宾语 ,所以排除 D,而应该\n用关系副词 ;先行词为 house,指地点范畴 ,所以排除 when,而用关系副词 where\n\n【点评】\n", "index": 78, "score": 1}
{"year": "2013", "category": "(新课标ii)", "question": "25. I got to the office  earlier  that day,        the 7:30 train from  Paddington . \nA. caughl      B. to have  caught      C. to catch       D. having  caught\n", "answer": ["D"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案: D 本题采用排除法.注意句中的时态, I got to明显是过去式,\n说明已经发生了, 那么也一定已经乘上了 7:30的那班车.所以能更早地到达办\n公室,用现在分词的完成式表示原因 .非谓语动词在此处做原因状语 ,主语 I和\ncatch之间为主动的关系,且非谓语动词的动作发生在谓动词的动作之前,符合\n这两点用法的为 having  done,caught  表示被动关系; to have  done  表示将来的完\n成,通常不用作状语, 此结构常用于 sb/sth+be  said/reported/thought+to  do/to  be \ndoing/to  have  done  这种结构. to catch动词不定式表将来,不符合题意.所以本\n题选择 D. \n【点评】\n", "index": 79, "score": 1}
{"year": "2013", "category": "(新课标ii)", "question": "26. Since  nobody  gave  him any help,  he         have  done  the research  on his own.  \nA. can       B. must        C. would          D. need\n", "answer": ["B"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 B.can have  done  sth可能已经做了某事; must  have  done  sth一定\n已经做了某事; would  have  done表示与过去事实相反; need  have  done  本来需要\n做某事. 根据句意 :由于没有人给他任何帮助,他 \"肯定 \"独立完成研究.  故选 B\n\n【点评】\n", "index": 80, "score": 1}
{"year": "2013", "category": "(新课标ii)", "question": "27. We        very early  so we packed  the night  before.  \nA. leave        B. had left       C. were  leaving         D. have  left\n", "answer": ["C"], "analysis": "【解答】答案:C,题干的意思是 :\"我们很早 ________ ,因此我们前一晚上就把\n东西打包了 .\"根据句中的 packed可知此处应用过去的时态 ,所以排除 A、D两\n项.根据常识及句意可知, pack  要发生在 leave  之前,所以排除 B项, had left\n表示动作发生在 \"过去的过去 \".故选 C项,leave的过去进行时态表示过去将来 . \n【点评】\n", "index": 81, "score": 1}
{"year": "2013", "category": "(新课标ii)", "question": "28. The watch  was very good,  and he         20 percent  down  for it. \nA. paid          B. cost          C. bought            D. spent\n", "answer": ["A"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案: A. A. sb.+ pay some  money  for sth. \"某人花钱买某物 \";B. cost 的\n主语通常指物 :sth. + cost sb. some  money  \"某物花费某人多少钱 \",C. buy的主语\n是人,其后跟双宾语 :buy sth. for sb.或者 buy sb. sth \"某人为 …买某物 \";D. spend\n的主语是人, \"sb. spend  time/money  in/on  doing  sth. 某人在某事上花费时间或金\n\";根据句意可知, 此处的意思是 :他花了低于原价 20%的价格买了这块手表 ;\n故选 A. \n【点评】\n", "index": 82, "score": 1}
{"year": "2013", "category": "(新课标ii)", "question": "29. It may not be a great  suggestion.  But before  _______  is put forward,  we’ll  make  \ndo with it. \nA. a good  one     B. a better  one       C. the best one       D. a best one\n", "answer": ["B"], "analysis": "【解答】答案: B. 考查比较级的用法。不定冠词 +比较级,表示泛指,意为“一\n个更(好) ......的......”。根据句意:它或许不是很好的建议。但是在一个更好的\n  被提出来之前,我们不得不将就一下。 故选 B. \n【点评】\n", "index": 83, "score": 1}
{"year": "2013", "category": "(新课标ii)", "question": "30. It was only after he had read the papers        Mr. Gross  realized  the task before  \nhim was extremely  difficult  to complete.  \n  A. when        B. that      C. which          D. what\n", "answer": ["B"], "analysis": "【解答】答案 B.本句为强调句型 ,句型结构为 \"It is/was+被强调部分 +that+剩余\n部分. \"根据句意, 本题是对时间状语 after he had read the papers的强调.此外 ,\n我们也可以将 It is/was与空格去掉来验证此句是不是一个强调句. 故选 B. \n【点评】\n", "index": 84, "score": 1}
{"year": "2013", "category": "(新课标ii)", "question": "31. A serious  study  of physics  is impossible       some  knowledge  of mathematics.  \nA. against        B. before         C. beyond        D. without\n", "answer": ["D"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 D. against反对,衬托; before在…之前; beyond超过; without\n没有.根据句意 :\"没有 \"一定的数学知识是没有办法对物理学进行系统地研究的\n.故选 D. \n【点评】\n", "index": 85, "score": 1}
{"year": "2013", "category": "(新课标ii)", "question": "32. Only  by increasing  the number  of doctors  by 50 percent         properly  in this \nhospital.  \nA. can be the patients                B. can the patients  be treated  \nC. the patients  can be treated          D. treated  can be the patients\n", "answer": ["B"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案: B.\"only+状语 \"置于句首时,句子要部分倒装.本句中 \"only+by  \nincreaing  the number  of doctors  by 50 percent(介词短语在句中作状语) \"位于句\n首,故须部分倒装 ,排除 C;部分倒装就是将谓语的一部分如助动词 、情态动词\n或be动词放在主语之前 ,故排除 A、D,只有 can the patients  be treated符合,故\n选B. \n【点评】\n", "index": 86, "score": 1}
{"year": "2013", "category": "(新课标ii)", "question": "33. Four  and    half hours  of discussion  took us up to midnight,  and    break  for \ncheese,  chocolate  and tea with sugar.  \nA. a; a       B. the; the       C. 不填 ; the       D. a; 不填\n", "answer": ["A"], "analysis": "【解答】答案 A. 第一空 four and a half hours是习惯表达,表示 \"四个半小时 \"\n第二空 a break泛指 \"一段休息时间 \"\n故选: A. \n【点评】\n", "index": 87, "score": 1}
{"year": "2013", "category": "(新课标ii)", "question": "34. It’s an either-or  situation  --- we can buy a new car this year or we can go on \nholiday  but we can’t  do      . \nA. others        B. either        C. another      D. both\n", "answer": ["D"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 D. others三者或者三者以上的其他的; either两者之一; another\n泛指三者以上的人或物中的一个; Both两者都.根据句意:我们今年要么买一\n辆新车,要么去度假.提供了两种选择, 故选 D. \n【点评】\n", "index": 88, "score": 1}
{"year": "2013", "category": "(新课标ii)", "question": "35. --- Are you sure you won’t come  for a drink  with us? \n---       , if you insist . \nA. Not at all   B. It depends   C. All right  then  D. I don’t care\n", "answer": ["C"], "analysis": "【解答】答案 C.A项1.用于回答感谢,意为 \"不用谢;不客气 \"2.用于回答带\n有感谢性质的客套话,意为 \"没什么;哪里哪里 \"3.用于回答道歉,意为 \"没关系\n\"4.用来表示否定( 是No的加强说法 ),意为 \"一点也不;完全不 \".B项\"视情\n况而定 \";D项\"我不在乎 \";C项\"那好吧 \";分析句意 \"﹣﹣﹣你确定不来和我们\n一起喝饮料吗? ﹣﹣﹣        假如你坚持的话. \"可以判断所填部分应该是向对\n方让步, 因此 C项符合语境,其它选项均不符合, 故选 C. \n【点评】\n", "index": 89, "score": 1}
{"year": "2013", "category": "(新课标Ⅰ)", "question": "21. — Why,  this is nothing  but common  vegetable  soup!  \n— _________,  madam.  It’s our soup  of the day!  \nA. Let me see      B. So it is     C. Don’t mention  it     D. Neither  do I\n", "answer": ["B"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 B.A项\"让我看看 \";C项\"不用谢;没关系;算了,别提了 \";D\n\"我也不 \";B项\"的确如此 \";根据 \"嗨,这只是普通的蔬菜汤! \"判断顾客是在\n抱怨,而答语是服务员对顾客的话做了 \"确认 \"回答.因此 B项符合语境 ,其它选\n项均不符合, 故选 B. \n【点评】\n", "index": 90, "score": 1}
{"year": "2013", "category": "(新课标Ⅰ)", "question": "22. They  might  just have  a place  ________  on the writing  course  — why don’t  you \ngive it a try?  \nA. leave        B. left         C. leaving          D. to leave\n", "answer": ["B"], "analysis": "【解答】 答: B 本题考查非谓语动词. 从结构判断空格上的词应该做 place的定\n语,逻辑主语是 a place,而leave\"剩下 \"和place之间是被动关系,位置是 \"被留\n下的 \",所以应该用过去分词作后置定语. 所以选 B. \n【点评】\n", "index": 91, "score": 1}
{"year": "2013", "category": "(新课标Ⅰ)", "question": "23. Try not to cough  more  than you can         since  it may cause  problems  to \nyour lungs.  \nA. check        B. allow    C. stop     D. help\n", "answer": ["C"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 C. check\"核实,抑制 \";allow\"允许,许可 \";stop\"停止 \";help\"\n帮助,促进,治疗,补救 \".句意:尽量不要咳嗽,因为这会给你的肺带来问题 .\n考生需掌握短语 more  than one can help的意思 \"尽量不,绝对不 \",故正确答案是\nC. \n【点评】\n", "index": 92, "score": 1}
{"year": "2013", "category": "(新课标Ⅰ)", "question": "24. If we          now to protect  the environment,  we’ll  live to regret  it. \nA. hadn’t acted     B. haven ’t acted     C. don’t act    D. won’t act\n", "answer": ["C"], "analysis": "【解答】答案: C 句子成分分析: if引导条件状语从句, act为从句中谓语动词 .\n逗号后为主句 ,live为主句谓语动词 ,to protect和to regret是非谓语动词做状语\n\n  根据 if主句中的时态是一般将来时态 ,可知从句应使用一般现在时态 ,且有 now\n作为现在时态的标志词, 所以选择 C. \n【点评】\n", "index": 93, "score": 1}
{"year": "2013", "category": "(新课标Ⅰ)", "question": "25. Tony  can hardly  boil an egg, still      cook  dinner.  \nA. less   B. little   C. much       D. more\n", "answer": ["A"], "analysis": "【解答】答案:A.根据句意 :Tony连煮鸡蛋都不会 ,更不要说做晚饭了 .still less\n是固定词组 \"更别说 \",选A. \n【点评】\n", "index": 94, "score": 1}
{"year": "2013", "category": "(新课标Ⅰ)", "question": "26. Police  have  found          appears  to be the lost ancient  statue.  \nA. which    B. where    C. how   D. what\n", "answer": ["D"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 D.分析句子结构可知, found后面接的是宾语从句,宾语从句中\n\"appears\" 是谓语,缺少主语, 用what连接宾语从句, which哪个, where哪里,\nhow怎样,都不符合句意, 故选 D. \n【点评】\n", "index": 95, "score": 1}
{"year": "2013", "category": "(新课标Ⅰ)", "question": "27. When  I first met Bryan  I didn’t  like him, but I        my mind.  \nA. have  changed       B. change   C. had changed     D. would  change\n", "answer": ["A"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案: A,本题考查时态. 题干中的 but提示: \"\"第一次见布莱恩的\n时候不喜欢他,但现在喜欢他, met和didn't可以看出前半句话是一般过去式,\n后面的意思是现在我已经改变了心意,故用现在完成时.  \n【点评】\n", "index": 96, "score": 1}
{"year": "2013", "category": "(新课标Ⅰ)", "question": "28. The driver  wanted  to park his car near the roadside  but was asked  by the police  \n       . \nA. not to do     B. not to     C. not do     D. do not\n", "answer": ["B"], "analysis": "【解答】答案 B. ask sb not to do sth 让某人不要做某事 ,根据句意 but was asked  \nby the police  not to \"park  his car near the roadside\" ,不定式中重复的部分可以省略 ,\n但是要保留到 to.故选 B. \n【点评】\n", "index": 97, "score": 1}
{"year": "2013", "category": "(新课标Ⅰ)", "question": "29. The door        open,  no matter  how hard she pushed.  \nA. shouldn’t    B. couldn ’t   C. wouldn ’t  D. mightn ’t\n", "answer": ["C"], "analysis": "【解答】答案 C. shouldn ’t \"不应该 \";couldn ’t \"不能,不可能 \";wouldn ’t \"不愿\n\",would  还可以表示一种倾向性或者习惯.; mightn ’t \"可能不 \".根据句意 :\n描述主语 the door的特点 \"偏是打不开 \",其固有的特性 ,用情态动词 would(will\n).故选 C. \n【点评】\n", "index": 98, "score": 1}
{"year": "2013", "category": "(新课标Ⅰ)", "question": "30. At the last moment , Tom  decided  to          a new character  to make  the story  \nseem  more  likely.  \nA. put up   B. put in    C. put on   D. put off\n", "answer": ["B"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案: B  本题考查动词短语辨析. put …up举起 …;张贴 …;put …in \n使…加入;使 …进入; put …on  穿上 …;上演 …;put …off  推迟 ….句意:在\n最后一刻, Tom决定添加一个新角色来使故事显得更加真实. 题干中的 more  \nlikely提示, Tom决定 \"添加 \"一个角色, 故B正确.  \n【点评】\n", "index": 99, "score": 1}
{"year": "2013", "category": "(新课标Ⅰ)", "question": "31. India  attained           independence  in 1947,  after           long struggle.  \nA. 不填 ; a   B. the; a   C. an; 不填     D. an; the\n", "answer": ["A"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 A.  attain  independence 获得独立, independence 为抽象名词,前\n不加冠词; after a long struggle表示经过一段长时间的抗争, 用不定冠词 a表示\n数量.故选 A. \n【点评】\n", "index": 100, "score": 1}
{"year": "2013", "category": "(新课标Ⅰ)", "question": "32. There’s  no way of knowing  why one man makes  an important  discovery        \nanother  man,  also intelligent,  fails.  \nA. since       B. if     C. as    D. while\n", "answer": ["D"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案: D 本题考查从属连词和并列连词的区别.根据句意断定,该题\n的空格处需要填入一个并列连词 .乍一看,这四个连词似乎都是从属连词 ,都不\n能填入句中 .殊不知,在实际的语言运用过程中 ,while还具有并列连词的属性 ,\n  表示 \"转折和对比 \",正好符合句式结构和语意逻辑 .故答案选 D.其他三个选项\n都没有这种属性和功能,所以可以排除.  \n【点评】\n", "index": 101, "score": 1}
{"year": "2013", "category": "(新课标Ⅰ)", "question": "33. “You  can’t  judge  a book  by its cover,”  ________  .  \nA. as the saying  goes old      B. goes as the old saying    \nC. as the old saying  goes      D. goes as old the saying\n", "answer": ["C"], "analysis": "【解答】答案: C. as引导非限制性定语从句,表示 \"正如 \",不用倒装. 故选 C\n\n【点评】\n", "index": 102, "score": 1}
{"year": "2013", "category": "(新课标Ⅰ)", "question": "34. It was a real race _______  time to get the project  done.  Luckily,  we made  it.  \nA. over      B. by      C. for      D. against\n", "answer": ["D"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案 D. against  time 是固定搭配 \"争分多秒,同时间赛跑 \".根据句意\n:为了完成项目我们要 \"争分夺秒 \".故选 D. \n【点评】\n", "index": 103, "score": 1}
{"year": "2013", "category": "(新课标Ⅰ)", "question": "35. The sunlight  is white  and blinding,  _______  hard-edged  shadows  on the ground.   \nA. throwing      B. being  thrown       C. to throw      D. to be thrown\n", "answer": ["A"], "analysis": "【解答】 答案: A 本题考查非谓语动词形式. 句子中已经有谓语动词 is了,中\n间没有其他连词,所以肯定是选非谓语,选项全部是非谓语, throw的逻辑主语\n是the sunlight,是主动表伴随的意思; 没有被动的意思排除 A,CD不定式表将\n  来或者表目的,都不符合. 所以本题选择 A. \n【点评】\n", "index": 104, "score": 1}