The dataset does not load: loading script is required

by albertvillanova HF staff - opened

As reported by @NB112211 (see, the dataset does not load:

from datasets import load_dataset

ds = load_dataset("RUCAIBox/Open-Dialogue")

gives error

FileNotFoundError: Unable to resolve any data file that matches '['**']' at .../RUCAIBox/Open-Dialogue with any supported extension ['csv', 'tsv', 'json', 'jsonl', 'parquet', 'txt', 'blp', 'bmp', 'dib', 'bufr', 'cur', 'pcx', 'dcx', 'dds', 'ps', 'eps', 'fit', 'fits', 'fli', 'flc', 'ftc', 'ftu', 'gbr', 'gif', 'grib', 'h5', 'hdf', 'png', 'apng', 'jp2', 'j2k', 'jpc', 'jpf', 'jpx', 'j2c', 'icns', 'ico', 'im', 'iim', 'tif', 'tiff', 'jfif', 'jpe', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'mpg', 'mpeg', 'msp', 'pcd', 'pxr', 'pbm', 'pgm', 'ppm', 'pnm', 'psd', 'bw', 'rgb', 'rgba', 'sgi', 'ras', 'tga', 'icb', 'vda', 'vst', 'webp', 'wmf', 'emf', 'xbm', 'xpm', 'BLP', 'BMP', 'DIB', 'BUFR', 'CUR', 'PCX', 'DCX', 'DDS', 'PS', 'EPS', 'FIT', 'FITS', 'FLI', 'FLC', 'FTC', 'FTU', 'GBR', 'GIF', 'GRIB', 'H5', 'HDF', 'PNG', 'APNG', 'JP2', 'J2K', 'JPC', 'JPF', 'JPX', 'J2C', 'ICNS', 'ICO', 'IM', 'IIM', 'TIF', 'TIFF', 'JFIF', 'JPE', 'JPG', 'JPEG', 'MPG', 'MPEG', 'MSP', 'PCD', 'PXR', 'PBM', 'PGM', 'PPM', 'PNM', 'PSD', 'BW', 'RGB', 'RGBA', 'SGI', 'RAS', 'TGA', 'ICB', 'VDA', 'VST', 'WEBP', 'WMF', 'EMF', 'XBM', 'XPM', 'aiff', 'au', 'avr', 'caf', 'flac', 'htk', 'svx', 'mat4', 'mat5', 'mpc2k', 'ogg', 'paf', 'pvf', 'raw', 'rf64', 'sd2', 'sds', 'ircam', 'voc', 'w64', 'wav', 'nist', 'wavex', 'wve', 'xi', 'mp3', 'opus', 'AIFF', 'AU', 'AVR', 'CAF', 'FLAC', 'HTK', 'SVX', 'MAT4', 'MAT5', 'MPC2K', 'OGG', 'PAF', 'PVF', 'RAW', 'RF64', 'SD2', 'SDS', 'IRCAM', 'VOC', 'W64', 'WAV', 'NIST', 'WAVEX', 'WVE', 'XI', 'MP3', 'OPUS', 'zip']

Please note that datasets without a loading script are supported for the above mentioned file extensions (also if present in archive files), but the files extension inside the .tgz archives are .src and .tgt. These data file formats are not supported yet.

Therefore, a Python loading script is required in order to load this dataset. You can find additional information in our docs: Create a dataset loading script.

Also feel free to ping me if you need any further help or assistance.

Hello, we do not support using load_dataset to load at the moment, you can download and decompress to use it.

StevenTang changed discussion status to closed

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