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50 classes
about the country with his draughts and â not honest that a body might make out o wholesome but stuff that a man of his breath in the very of it by ix a discovery and the makers too â marry that now be another trade â the searching of stars and the of dry or wet weather weather what know they of the weather the town bred that lie and cheat to get at the poor money god a mercy a whip to their shoulders would teach them more o the weather than ever they are like to get out of the stars and yet the poor fools o countrymen â that scarce know a b from a â will sit o nights their brains o er the signs o the heavens and no matter what any man with eyes can see for himself â ay and fifty times as i take it â they will you a dry month or a wet month because the so and they will swear to you that â that is a lion â and scales have come together therefore there must be a on the trees heard you ever the like â that a man in knowing as much about and farm work as a cat knows about is to tell me the weather down here in god help us they be poor weak creatures that think so td by ic shakespeare chap look at the cover of a penny ballad if i wanted to know when there was to be frost o nights at this juncture the old man grinned as if some secret joke were his fancy why said he looking up from the would you believe this â they be such fools that a rogue will sell them a barren cow for a cow if he but put a strange calf to her tis done tis done i assure ye in truth a trick s father said he was idly drawing figures on the ground with a bit of stick he had got hold of perhaps he was not listening attentively but at all events he encouraged to talk but surely with years comes wisdom the most foolish are not caught twice with such a trick what of that answered there be plenty of other fools in the land to make the trade of tis true that a man may learn by his own experience but what if he hath a son that be growing up a bigger fool than himself and by ix a discovery that s where tis nowadays there be no waiting and prudence but every boy must match on to his maid and marry her ere they have a roof to put over their heads tis a fine beginning surely no waiting no prudence â as the rich are and careless so are the poor heedless of the morrow and the boy and the they must have their cottage at the lane end run up of elder poles and forthwith begin the of beggars to swarm over the land a rare beginning â body o me do they think they can live on and grass like and so the old man continued to rail and and sometimes with a grin of satisfaction at his own wit coming over his face and s father did not seek to he listened and drew figures on the ground and merely put in a word now and again it was a pleasant morning â fresh and clear and sunny and this town of was a quiet place at that hour with the children all at school sometimes s father laughed but he did not argue and hav by shakespeare chap ing it all his own way was more than ever convinced not only that he was the one wise man among a generation of fools but also that he was the only representative and of the virtues that had his forefathers it is true that on more than one occasion he had been found somewhat overcome with ale but this when he had recovered from his temporary confusion he declared was entirely due to the rascal of those and especially of â who put all manner of into their cap so that an honest stomach might easily be caught and take no shame and meanwhile what had been happening in another part of the garden as it chanced had been sent by her mother to carry to the summer house a cup of wine and some thin and in doing so she of course saw that both her father and were at the farther end of the garden and apparently settled there for the time being the opportunity was too good to be lost she swiftly went back to the by ix a discovery house secured the portion of the play that was there and as quickly coming out again exchanged it for an equal number of new sheets it was all the work of a couple of minutes and in another second she was in her own room ready to put the precious prize into her little cupboard of boxes and yet she could not forbear turning over the sheets and examining them curiously and she was saying to herself you cruel writing to have such secrets and refuse to give them up if it were pictures now i could make out something with a guess but all these little marks so much alike what can one make of them â all alike â with here and there a curling as if my father had been amusing himself â and all so plain and even too with never a blot marry i marvel he should make the other copy unless with intent to alter as he writes and those words with the big letters at the beginning these be the people s names â and sweet and the duke and the ill beast that would harm them all
48Thomas Nelson Page
head as if to the delusion i until be sank down in his former seat quite breathless and i exhausted there said picking up his hat that mo good now i m better and i u tell you all about it i it took little time to la who i had been almost frightened out of her senses hj this remark i able demonstration but that done faithfully related i all that had passed in the interview between and ber i uncle his narrative with a statement of his i suspicions on the subject and his reasons for forming fl l and concluding with a communication of the step he bad t i in writing to h l though little miss la s indignation tu i displayed ac s it was inferior in violence and intensity indeed if liad happened to make his appearance in tlie room at tliat doubt he not have found miss la a more dangerous opponent than even ni himself god forgive me for saying so said miss la m wind up to her expressions of anger but i really feel if i could stick this into him with pleasure it was not a very awful weapon that miss la held it being in fact nothing more nor less than a black lead pencil but discovering her mistake the little portrait painter of pearl fruit wherewith in of her desperate thoughts she made a spoke which would have scarcely disturbed tlie of a loaf she won t where she is after to said a a comfort stop cried miss la she should have left lore weeks ago â if we had known of this rejoined â e didn t nobody could properly interfere but her mother or brother the mother s â poor thing â weak dear young man will bo here to night heart alive cried miss la ho will do thing desperate mr if you tell him all at o left off rubbing his hands and assumed a thought j m look depend upon it said miss la if yon i are not very careful in breaking out the truth to him he will â do violence upon his uncle or one of these men that will i some upon his own head and grief and â to us all i never thought of that rejoined his counter falling more and more i to ask you to j bis sister in case he brought her here but but this is a matter of much greater importance inter j miss la that you might have been o you came hut the end of this nobody t you are very guarded and careful â what can i do cried scratching his great vexation and perplexity if he wo i i life and adventures of talk of i i em all i be obliged to say certainly â serve em right la could not suppress a small shriek on hearing this and set a solemn pledge firom that he would use hia utmost to the wrath of which after was they then consulted together on the and mode of communicating lo him the which had rendered his presence necessary he must have time to cool before he can possibly do any thing said miss la that is of the greatest he must not be told until late at night but he u bo in town between six and seven this replied can t keep it om him when he asks me then you must go out mr said miss la you can have been kept away by business and must not return till nearly midnight then he come straight here retorted so i suppose observed miss la but he won t find me at home for i ii go straight to the city the instant you leave mate up matters with mrs and take her away to the so that he may not even know where his lives upon further discussion this appeared the safest and most mode of proceeding that could possibly be adopted therefore it was determined that ra should be bo arranged and after listening to and entreaties took his leave of miss la and back to golden square as he went upon a vast number of possibilities and which crowded upon his brain and arose out of the conversation just terminated ion at last tried back his it and from a long nap le as though we should n and yet you came along at a tidy pace too coachman looking over bis at with no expression of countenance ay i know that waa the reply but i have been v to be at my journey s end and that makes the well remarked the coachman if the way seemed long â with such cattle as you ve sat behind you have been uncommon anxious and so saying he let out lash and touched up a little boy on the of his l hy way of emphasis they rattled on through the noisy bustling crowded o london now displaying long double rows of brightly bum ing lamps dotted here and there with the glaring lights and illuminated besides with the brilliant flood that streamed from the windows of the where sparkling and of the richest colours the most and most articles of succeeded each other in rich and glittering profit bon streams of people apparently without end poured on rod on each other in the crowd and hurrying forward scarcely seeming to notice the riches that surrounded them on side while of all shapes and makes mingled up together in one moving mass like running r lent their ceaseless roar to swell the noise and tumult as hey dashed by the quickly changing and it was to observe in what a passed before the eye of splendid i b life and op the brought from every quarter of the world tempting stores of everything to and the appetite and give new relish to
7James Baldwin
great men of or with his theme and laying aside all of a party however he was most earnest and most eloquent not when he stood up the champion of a neglected truth not when he dwelt on great men now venerable to us all but when he gathered his strength to attack a foe his sarcasm was terrific colossal vanity to be a at the touch of that spear shrank to the dimensions of tom thumb his is his of skill it is sad to say this and to remember that the greatest works of ancient or of modem from the thundering of down to the sarcastic and crazy rattle of lord are all of the same character are efforts a personal foe men find hitherto the acts and speech in the same cause â not positive and but critical and â in war john if mr had died in he would have been remembered for a while as a learned man as an able who had served his country faithfully at home and abroad as a president and but not as a im personage in american history his mark would ave been faint and soon e from the sands of time but the last period of his life was the noblest he had worn all the official honors which the nation could bestow he sought the greater honor of serving that nation who had now no added boon to give all that he had done as abroad as secretary and president is little compared with what he did in the house of representatives and while he stood there with nothing to hope with nothing to fear the hand of justice wrote his name high up on the walls of his country it was surprising to see at his first attendance there men who while he was president had been the to call out bargain corruption come forward and express the involuntary confidence they felt in his wisdom and integrity and their fear actual though that his from the on would the very union itself great questions soon came up â was speedily disposed of the bank and the got ended or but slavery lay in the consciousness of the nation like the one dear but an in a man s heart some wished to be rid of it â northern men and southern men it would come up to justify that or excuse it the american sentiment and idea must be denied and rejected utterly the south who had long known the charms of was ready for her sake to make way with himself to remove that monstrous evil gradually but totally and restore unity to the nation would require a greater change than the of the constitution to keep slavery out of sight yet in existence of a contradiction m the national consciousness a political and sin â the sin against the holy spirit of american liberty known but not confessed the public secret of the people â that would lead to e in and out of to the pulpit the press and the people under circumstances mr went to an old man well known on sides the water the remarks of mr john june on his brow independent and fearless expecting no reward from men for services however great in respect to the subject of he had no ideas in advance of the nation he was far behind the foremost men he all discussion of slavery or its in the house and gave no countenance to for the of slavery in the district of or the however he acquired new ideas as he went on and became the leader in the great movement of the american mind towards universal freedom here he stood as the champion of human rights here he fought and with all his might in by the celebrated resolution debate on the subject of slavery the south drove the north to the wall it there into shameful silence a northern man with southern principles before entering the president s chair declared that if should pass a law to slavery in the district of he would exercise his to prevent the law mr stood up sometimes almost alone and for freedom of speech did obstinate men of the north send relative to slavery asking for its in the district or elsewhere â mr was ready to present the did women petition â it made no difference with him did slaves petition â he stood up there to defend their right to be heard the south had overcome many an obstacle but that one fearless soul would not bend and could not be broken spite of rules of order he contrived to bring the matter perpetually before and sometimes to read the most parts of the when was made a state he endeavored to slavery in its domain he sought to establish relations with and to secure the right of for the colored citizens of the district of the laws which forbid to vote in the northern states he held in utter he saw from afar the plots of southern plots for extending the area of slavery for the area of freedom and exposed those plots tou all remember die tumult it excited when he rose m his place a petition from â that the american was thrown into long and disgraceful confusion you cannot have forgotten the uproar which his presenting a petition to the john union i know few speeches more noble and manly than on the right of petition â occasioned bj that celebrated attempt to debate â and on the of some proposed to him some him some cried out bum the and him with them screamed yet others some threatened to have him by the grand jury of the district or be made to another hoping to see an brought to punishment my life on it said a southern if he presents that petition from slaves we shall yet see
36Jacob Abbott
thus i have been led to speak of them by way one night i had into the and was walking slowly on in my usual way musing upon a great many things when i was arrested by an the purport of which did not reach me but which seemed to be addressed to myself and was preferred in a soft sweet voice that struck me very pleasantly i turned hastily and foimd at my elbow a girl who begged to be directed to a certain street â s thb old i shop at a considerable distance and indeed in quite another quarter of the town it is a very long way from here i my child i know that sir she replied timidly i am afraid it is a very long way for i came from there to night a one said i in some surprise oh yes i don t mind that but i am a little frightened now for i have lost my road and what made you ask it of me suppose i should tell you wrong i am sure you will not do that said the little creature you are such a very old gentleman and walk so slow yourself i cannot describe how much i was impressed by this appeal and the with which it was made which brought a tear into the child s dear eye and made her slight figure tremble as she looked up into my face come said i i u take you there she put her hand in mine as as if she had known me from her cradle and we away together the little creature her pace to mine and rather seeming to lead and take care of me than i to be protecting her i observed that every now and then she stole a curious look at my face as if to make quite sure that i was not deceiving her and that these glances very sharp and keen they were too seemed to increase her confidence at every repetition for my part my curiosity and interest were at least equal to the child s for child she certainly was although i thought it probable from what i could make out that her very small and delicate frame imparted a peculiar to her appearance though more attired than she might have been she was dressed with perfect neatness and betrayed no marks of poverty or neglect who has sent you so far by said i somebody who is very kind to me sir and what have you been doing that i must not tell said the child there was something in the manner of this reply which caused me to look at the little creature with an expression of surprise for i wondered what kind of errand it be that occasioned her to be prepared for questioning i v the old curiosity shop her quick to read my thoughts as it met mine added there was no harm in what she had been doing but it a secret â a secret which she did not even know herself this said with no appearance of cunning or deceit but with an frankness that bore the impress of truth walked on as before growing more familiar with me as wo pro and talking cheerfully by the way but she said no more about her home beyond that we were going quite a new road and asking if it were a short one while we were thus engaged i in my mind a hundred different explanations of the riddle and rejected them every one i really felt ashamed to take advantage of the or grateful feeling of the child r the purpose of gratifying my curiosity i love these little people and it is not a slight thing when they who are so fresh from god love us as i had felt pleased at first by her confidence i determined to deserve it and to do credit to the nature which prompted her to repose it in me there was no reason however why i should refrain from seeing the person who had sent her to so great a distance by night and alone and as it was not improbable tliat if she found herself near home she might take farewell of me and deprive me of the opportunity i avoided the most frequented ways and took the most intricate thus it was not until we arrived in the street itself that she knew where we were clapping her hands with pleasure and running on before me for a short distance my little acquaintance stopped at a door and remaining on the step till i came up knocked at it when i joined her a part of this door was of glass by any which i did not observe at first for all was very dark and silent within and i was anxious as indeed the child was also for an answer to our summons when she had knocked twice or thrice there was a noise as if some person were moving inside and at length a faint light appeared through the glass which as it approached very slowly â the bearer having to make his way through a great many scattered articles â enabled me to see both what kind of person it was who advanced and what kind of place it was through which he came he was a little man with long grey hair whose face re as he held the light above his head and looked i i mon m lis ic wi iti one i fi ii a if ti h f jl i vent se â if ir â j â e u w ar â t ma i in i aspect of tm w lu and deserted i lo sm in t â na keeping bi m ck ve lie as he tamed die k er in the ti lâ e d iâ some
7James Baldwin
are usually very and in several of this family the females have wings but no instance is known of the being incapable of flight for in this case the species could hardly have been in the silk both sexes have imperfect wings and are incapable of flight but still there is a trace of the characteristic difference in the two sexes for though on comparing a number of and females i could detect no difference in the development of their wings yet i was assured by mrs that the of the bred by her used their wings more than the females and could flutter downwards though never upwards she also states that when the females first from the their wings are less expanded than those of the male the degree of however in the wings much in different races and under different circumstances m says that he has seen a number of with their wings reduced to a third fourth or tenth part of their normal dimensions and even to mere short straight il me il y a la un veritable de on the other hand he describes the female of the breed as having et un et des as and of all kinds reared from wild under confinement often have crippled wings the same cause whatever it may be has probably acted on silk ent ut p illustrations vol ii p see also ent p sur les du ver v a silk chap viii but the of their wings during so many generations has it may be suspected likewise come into play the of many fail to their eggs to the surface on which they are laid but this proceeds according to merely from the of the being weakened as with other long animals the instincts of the silk have suffered the when placed on a tree often commit the strange mistake of devouring the base of the leaf on which they are feeding and consequently fall down but they are capable according to m of again crawling up the trunk even this capacity sometimes fails for m placed some on a tree and those which fell were not able to and perished of hunger they were even incapable of passing from leaf to leaf some of the which the silk has undergone stand in with each other thus the eggs of the which produce white and of those which produce yellow differ slightly in tint the feet also of the which yield white are always white whilst those which give yellow are invariably yellow we have seen that the with dark tiger like produce which are more darkly shaded than other it seems well established that in france the of the races which produce white silk and certain black have resisted better than other races the disease which has recently the silk districts lastly the races differ for some do not succeed so well under a temperate climate as others and a damp soil equally injure all the races from these various facts we learn that silk like the higher animals vary greatly under long continued we learn also the more important fact that variations may occur at various periods of life and be inherited at corresponding periods and finally we see that insects are to the great principle of selection c p â ent ut p de l c p de l p c c p p chap ix cultivated plants ix cultivated plants and plants preliminary remarks on the number and of cultivated plants â first steps in cultivation â distribution of cultivated plants â doubts on the number of species wheat varieties of â individual â â changed habits â â â selection â ancient history of the varieties great of â direct action of climate on plants â varieties of in foliage and stems but not in other parts â of â other species of peas amount of difference in the several kinds chiefly in the and seed â some varieties constant some highly â do not beans potatoes numerous varieties of â little except in the â characters inherited i shall not enter into so much detail on the of cultivated plants as in the case of animals the subject is involved in much difficulty have generally neglected cultivated varieties as beneath their notice in several cases the wild is unknown or doubtfully known and in other cases it is hardly possible to distinguish between escaped and truly wild plants so that there is no safe standard of comparison by which to judge of any supposed amount of change not a few believe that several of our cultivated plants have become so profoundly modified that it is not possible now to recognise their parent forms equally are the doubts whether some of them are descended from one species or from several by crossing and variations often pass into and cannot be distinguished from and are of little significance for our purpose many varieties are solely by c and frequently it is not known how far their peculiarities can be by generation nevertheless some facts of value can be and other facts will hereafter be incident i x preliminary remarks chap ix ally given one chief object in the two following chapters is to show how generally almost every character in our cultivated plants has become before entering on details a few general remarks on the origin of cultivated plants may be introduced m de in an admirable discussion on this subject in he a wonderful amount of knowledge gives a list of of the most useful cultivated plants of these he believes that are almost certainly known in their wild state but on this head other competent judges entertain great doubts of of them the origin is admitted by m de to be doubtful either from a certain amount of which they present when compared with their nearest in a wild state or from the probability of the latter not being truly wild
6Jack London
this abrupt and tremendous extension of space his eyes were themselves to the brightness themselves to meet the increased distance of objects at first the wall had leaped beyond his vision he now saw it again but it had taken upon itself a remarkable also its appearance had changed it was now a wall composed of the trees that fringed white the stream the opposing mountain that above the trees and the sky that out the mountain a great fear came upon him this was more of the terrible unknown he crouched down on the lip of the cave and gazed out on the world he was very much afraid because it was unknown it was hostile to him therefore the hair stood up on end along his back and his lips wrinkled weakly in an attempt at a ferocious and out of his and fright he and the whole wide world nothing happened he continued to gaze and in his interest he forgot to also he forgot to be afraid for the time fear had been by growth while growth had assumed the guise of curiosity he began to notice near objects â an open portion of the stream that flashed in the sun the pine tree that stood at the base of the slope and the slope itself that ran right up to him and ceased two feet beneath the lip of the cave on which he crouched now the gray had lived all his days on a level floor he had never experienced the hurt of a fall he did not know what a fall was so he stepped boldly out upon the air his hind legs still rested on the cave lip so he fell forward head downward the earth struck him a harsh blow on the nose that made the wall of the world him then he began da s over and over he was in a panic of terror the unknown had caught him at last it had savagely hold of him and was about to upon him some terrific hurt growth was now by fear and he ki d like any frightened the unknown bore him on he knew not to what frightful hurt and he and ki d this was a different proposition from crouching in frozen fear while the unknown just alongside now the unknown had caught tight hold of him silence would do no good besides it was not fear but terror that him but the slope grew more gradual and its base was grass covered here the lost when at last he came to a stop he gave one last and then a long wail also and quite as a matter of course as though in his life he had already made a thousand he proceeded to away the dry clay that soiled him after that he sat up and gazed about him as might the first man of the earth who landed upon the had broken through the wall of the world the unknown had let go its hold of him and here he was without hurt but the first man on would have experienced less than did he without any knowledge without any white warning whatever that such existed he found himself an in a totally new world now that the terrible unknown had let go of him he forgot that the unknown had any terrors he was aware only of curiosity in all the things about him he the grass beneath him the plant just beyond and the dead trunk of the pine that stood on the edge of an open space among the trees a running around the base of the trunk came full upon him and gave him a great fright he down and but the was as badly scared it ran up the tree and from a point of safety back savagely this helped the s courage and though the he next encountered gave him a start he proceeded confidently on his way such was his confidence that when a bird up to him he reached out at it with a playful the result was a sharp on the end of his nose that made him down and ki the noise he made was too for the bird who sought safety in flight but the was learning his misty little mind had already made an unconscious there were live things and things not alive also he must watch out for the live things the things not alive remained always in one place but the live things moved about and there was no telling what the wall of the world they might do the thing to expect of them was the unexpected and for this he must be prepared he travelled very he ran into sticks and things a that he thought a long way oflf would the next instant hit him on the nose or along his ribs there were of surface sometimes he and his nose quite as often he and his feet then there were the pebbles and stones that turned under him when he trod upon them and from them he came to know that the things not alive were not all in the same state of stable as was his cave also that small things not alive were more liable than large things to fall down or turn over but with every he was learning the longer he walked the better he walked he was himself he was learning to calculate his own muscular movements to know his physical to measure distances between objects and between objects and himself his was the luck of the born to be a hunter of meat though he did not know it he upon meat just outside his own cave door on his first into the world it was by sheer that he chanced upon the hidden nest he fell into it he had to walk along the trunk of a fallen pine
20Washington Irving
the blows of the strongly prompted however by this little hope of his sufferings he made a second attempt and again fell after several unsuccessful efforts he finally regained possession of his feet and staggering slowly through the forest he at length reached the spot where the lay the indian who had marked him for his prey took a aim than his fellow and killed him outright found him lifeless and with some difficulty he laid his own head upon the body of his companion and as he had hoped found considerable relief from this position while he was enjoying this little comfort he met with trouble from a new quarter a small dog which belonged to him and had accompanied him in his hunting but to which he had been hitherto now came up to him in apparent agony and leaping around him in a variety of involuntary mo tions and cried in an unusual manner to the no small of his master was not in a situation to bear the disturbance even of affection he tried in every way which he could think of to force the dog from him but he tried in vain at length wearied by his cries and and not knowing how to put an end to them he addressed the animal as if he had been a rational being if you wish so much to help me go and call some one to ray relief at these words the creature instantly left him and ran through the full speed to the great comfort of his master who now hoped to die quietly the dog made his way directly to three men belonging to the garrison who were fishing at the dis border warfare of new york ok of a mile from the scene of this tragedy as soon as he came up to them he began to cry in the same manner and advancing near them turned and went slowly back toward the point where his master lay keeping his eye continually on the men all this he repeated several times at length one of the men observed to his companions that there was something very extraordinary in the actions of the dog and that in his opinion they ought to find out the cause his companions were of the same mind and they immediately set out with an intention to follow the animal he should lead them they had pursued him some distance and found nothing they became discouraged the sun had set and the forest was dangerous they therefore determined to return the moment the dog saw them l about he began to cry with increased violence and coming up to the men took hold of the skirts of their coats with his teeth and attempted to pull them toward the point to which he had before directed their course when they stopped again he leaned his back against the back part of their legs as if to push them onward to his master astonished at this conduct of the dog they agreed after a little deliberation to follow him until he should stop the animal directed them directly to his master they found him still living and after burying the as well as they could they carried to the fort here his wounds were dressed with the utmost care and assistance was rendered to him as proved the means of restoring him to perfect health this story says the doctor t received from captain annals of county edward who received the account from a few days before in the spring of was stationed at in march he went up to from which place he wrote to col a letter dated march th this letter was enclosed in a letter from col of the same date of which the following is an extract enclosed you have a letter from major gen de relative to col nephew to gen who has for some time been in this part of the country as a spy the general he has taken his route by the way of and you ll send out such parties as you may judge necessary for him the following is the letter of sir as the taking of col is of the greatest importance i wish you would try every means in your power to have him apprehended i have desired col who knows him to let you have any intelligence he can give and to join to them those i have got by a tory about the dress and figure of you may send as many parties as you please and every where you ll think proper and do every convenient thing for discovering him i dare say he knows that we are after him and has nothing in view but to escape which i beg you to prevent by all you may promise in my name fifty guineas hard money besides all money c they can find about to any party of soldiers or border warfare of new york or indians who will bring him alive as every one knows now what we send for there is no inconvenience to scatter them in the country which reward is promised in order to the indians i have the honor to be sir your most obedient servant the de col it is believed was not apprehended the indians and found employment in the destruction of and cherry valley and the valley of the with the exception of an into the german was during the summer of the following letter was written by major robert then commanding at fort to col dated fort th dear colonel since my last the and warriors of the and nations with col arrived at this fort with a formal speech from both nations they informed me of their great uneasiness in regard to the matter of which had so lately happened about this fort and were sorry any suspicions should be entertained that they had
46Sarah Stickney Ellis
they are won at all â your sister that is married and dead she held in hand for years and what is the why he wears the willow for her to this day and her husband married again before her grave was green nay i have done all an honest man can to you so take me now or let me go at this began to secretly and ask herself whether it would not be better to yield since he was so resolute but the unlucky fellow did not leave well alone he went on to say â once out of sight of this place i may cure myself of my fancy here i never could oh said directly if you are so bent on being cured it would not become me to say nay gaunt bit his lip and hung his head and made no reply the patience with which he received her hard speech was more apparent than real but it told receiving no fresh positive provocation again of her own accord and after a considerable silence whispered softly â think how we should all miss you here was an to reconciliation but unfortunately it brought out what had long been in s mind and was in fact the real cause of the misunderstanding oh said he those i care for will soon find another to take my place i soon they have not waited till i was gone for that ah indeed said with some surprise then like the girl she was so this is what all the is about she then with a charming smile begged him to inform her who was his destined successor in her esteem colored purple at her cool for such he considered it and replied almost fiercely â who but that young black a george that you have been with this month past â and danced all night with him at lady s ball you did blushed and said â you were not there or to be sure i had not danced with aâ â and he you by name wherever he goes can i help that wait till i toast him before you make yourself ridiculous and me very angry â about nothing j sticking to his one idea replied â mistress lied with her true lover for years till richard came that was not fit to tie his shoes and then cut him short â ont me if nothing less will serve but spare my sister in her grave she began the sentence angrily but concluded it in a broken voice was half but only half he answered sullenly â she did not die till she had an honest gentleman and broken his heart and married a to her cost and you are of her breed when all is done and now that young gaunt or jealousy livid passion of jealousy in every of a human face that terrible passion had its victim in a moment the ruddy genial kindly with his soft brown eye was gone and in his place lowered a older and and and almost women wiser perhaps in this than men take their strongest impressions by the eye not ear i say looked at him she had hitherto thought she knew â looked and feared him and even while she looked and shuddered his mare sharply and then drew her head across the gray s path it was an instinctive impulse to bar the lady he loved from taking another step towards the place where his rival awaited her i cannot bear it he gasped choose you now once for all between that there and me and he pointed with his riding whip at his rival and waited with his teeth clenched for her decision the movement was rapid the gesture large and commanding and the words manly for what says the fighting poet â he either fears his fate too much or his deserts are small who fears to put it to the touch to win or lose it all chapter miss drew herself up and back by one motion like a queen at bay but still she eyed him with a certain respect and was careful now not to provoke nor pain him i prefer â â though you speak harshly to me sir said she with gentle dignity then give me your hand with that man in sight and end my promise to marry me this very week ah have pity on your poor faithful servant who has loved you so long i do i do said she sweetly but i shall never marry now only set your mind at rest about mr there he has never asked me for one thing he soon wiu then no no i declare i will be very cool to him after what you have said to me but i cannot marry you neither i dare not listen to me and do pray govern your temper as i am doing mine i have often read of men with a passion for jealousy â i mean men whose jealousy upon air and reason i know you now for such a man marriage would not cure this madness for wives do not escape admiration any more than maids something tells me you would be jealous of every fool that paid me some stale compliment jealous of my female friends and jealous of my relations and perhaps jealous of your own children and of that holy persecuted church which must still have a large share of my heart no no your face and your words have shown me a precipice i tremble and draw back and now i never will marry at all from this day i give myself to the church did not believe one word of all this that is your answer to me said he bitterly when the right man puts the question and he is not far off you will tell another tale you take
8Jane Austen
the long roll of years wherein we have stood opposed but if one single fact could counsel me scene iii the to entertain a doubt of those great gifts and faith in his capacity that fact would be the vast shown in like his on such an act as he has offered us â so false in principle so poor in fruit sir the achievements and effects thereof have furnished not one fragile argument which all the partiality of friendship can to consider as the mark of a clear vigorous freedom mind he sits down amid cheers from the opposition my summary shall be brief and to the point â the said right honourable prime minister has thought it proper to declare my speech the of an â words from a person who has never read the act he claims him urgent to such and as he them he as gathered from long stored up with cruel care to be discharged with sudden blaze of art on the devoted gentle shrinking head of the right honourable gentleman laughter but were my humble solemn sad laughter indeed such rattle as he it the act i is it not strange and passing precedent that the illustrious chief of government should have with such speed and replied he sir knows well that vast and luminous talents like to his could not have been demanded to choke off a marked by nothing more of weight than ignorant inter sit â and so and so â is a well worn whose close fit none will perceive more clearly in this than its deity opposite laughter his answer thus him moreover to top all the while replying he still thought best to leave the reasons on which my blame was founded thus then stands my motion clearly of dire that capacity we formerly admired â cries of oh oh this minister whose never whose fail to this at secret known to all this darling of the aristocracy â laughter â â oh oh cheers and cries of divide has brought the millions to the verge of ruin scene hi the by them to continental quarrels of which we see no end cheers the members rise to divide spirit of the me that they thus should tea and nay as though a power lay in their if each decision work unconsciously and would be though were a single lip spirit of rumour there may on things some influence from these and even on that whose we all are spirit of the years i â more boots it to remind the younger here of our ethereal band and of that this parliament whose moods we watch â so un ideal â may figure forth in sharp and lines to eyes of after days y the foregoing is an attempt to give the substance of the memorable debate which took place on the evening represented but reports differ in some particulars the act i and print its legend large on history for one cause â if i read the signs aright â to night s appearance of its minister in the assembly of his long time sway is near his last and to night will take a from that memory when men recall the scene and circumstance that hung about his â but no more the of each party is not one vote or prejudice the ministers their retain and ins as and as remain spirit of the meanwhile what of the s vast array that wakes these tones spirit of the years abide the event y young shade soon stars will shut and show a spring eyed dawn and fountain for thy that will arouse those forming bands to full activity an honourable member reports that he strangers a token that we here i we now cast off these mortal y and speed us the four vanish from the gallery the members file out to the the house and westminster into the of and the point of observation rapidly across the channel scene iv the scene iv the harbour of a morning radiant with early sunlight the french army of invasion is disclosed on the hills on either side of the town and behind appear large military formed of timber huts lower down are other of more or less permanent kind the whole affording accommodation for one hundred and fifty thousand men south of the town is an extensive basin surrounded by the heaps of fresh soil around showing it to be a recent from the banks of the the basin is crowded with the consisting of hundreds of vessels of sundry kinds flat with guns and two boats of one mast carrying each an two guns and a two horse box with three low and long narrow arranged for many oars timber saw mills and new cut spread in profusion around and many of the town are seen to be adapted for and dumb show moving in this scene are countless companies of engaged in a practice of and and of horses into the vessels and landing them again bearing provisions of many sorts load and before the temporary further off on the open land bodies of troops are at field other bodies of soldiers half stripped and with mud are as in the an english of about twenty sail the act i a ship or two of the line and the busy spectacle from the sea the show presently and anon a curtain of cloud over it scene v london the house of a lady of quality a fashionable crowd is present at an evening party which the of and lords and with their ladies also lady anne mrs lady lamb and many other a gentleman offering his snuff box so then the treaty anxiously between ourselves and frosty is duly signed a cabinet minister was signed a few days back and is in force and we do firmly hope the loud pretensions and the from
44Oliver Optic
in twenty c a the be king â h the my go t tr t do also go and bring us good luck will go even shouted the priest â i will depart mt winged and be at in a day ho h he to his servant drive out the let me first mount my own he leaped on the back of his beast as it knelt and turning round to me cried â come thou also a little along the road and i will sell thee a charm â an that shall make thee king of then the light broke upon me and i followed the two out of the till we reached open road and the priest halted what d you think o that said he in english can t talk their so made him my servant he makes a handsome servant t for nothing that i ve been knocking about the country for fourteen years didn t i do that talk neat we ll on to a at till we get to and then we ll see if we can get for our and strike into for the o lor put your hand under the bags and tell me what you feel i felt the butt of a and another and another twenty of em said placidly twenty of em and to correspond under the and the mud heaven help you if you are caught with those things i said a is worth her weight in silver among the fifteen hundred of capital â every we could borrow or steal â are invested on these two said lot we won t get caught going through the bar with a regular who d touch a poor mad the man who would be have you got everything you want i asked overcome with astonishment not yet but we shall soon give us a of your kindness brother you did me a service yesterday and that time in half my kingdom shall you have as the saying is i slipped a small charm compass from my watch chain and handed it up to the priest good by said giving me hand cautiously it s the last time we ll shake hands with an englishman these many days shake hands with him he cried as the second passed me leaned down and shook hands then the passed away along the dusty road and i was left alone to wonder my eye could detect no failure in the the scene in the that they were complete to the native mind there was just the chance therefore that and would be able to wander through without detection but beyond they would find death certain and awful death ten days later a native friend of mine giving me the news of the day from wound up his letter with â there has been much laughter here on account of a certain mad priest who is going in his estimation to sell petty and insignificant which he as great charms to h h the of he passed through and associated himself to the second summer that goes to the merchants are pleased because through superstition they imagine that such mad fellows bring good fortune the two then were beyond the border i would have prayed for them but that night a real king died in europe and demanded an notice â â the wheel of the world through the same phases again and again summer passed and winter thereafter and came and passed again the daily paper continued and i the would be king with it and upon the third summer there fell a hot night a night issue and a strained waiting for something to be from the other side of the world exactly as had happened before a few great men had died in the past two years the machines worked with more clatter and some of the trees in the office garden were a few feet taller but that was all the difference i passed over to the press room and went through just such a scene as i have already described the nervous was stronger than it had been two years before and i felt the heat more at three o clock i cried print off and turned to go when there crept to my chair what was left of a man he was bent into a circle his head was sunk between his shoulders and he moved his feet one over the other like a bear i could hardly see whether he walked or crawled â this rag wrapped who addressed me by name crying that he was come back can you give me a drink he for the lord s sake give me a drink went back to the office the man following with groans of pain and i turned up the lamp don t you know me he gasped dropping into a chair and he turned his drawn face surmounted by a shock of gray hair to the light i looked at him intently once before had i seen eyebrows that met over the nose in an inch broad black band but for the life of me i could not tell where i don t know you i said handing him the what can i do for you he took a of the spirit raw and shivered in spite of the heat i ve come back he repeated and i was the king of â me and â crowned kings we was i in this office we settled itâ you setting there and giving us the books i am â and you ve been setting here ever since â o lord the man who would be king i was more than a little astonished and expressed my feelings accordingly it s true said with a dry nursing his feet which were wrapped in rags true as gospel kings we were with crowns upon our heads â me and
38James Payn
dance but seeing that was not interested i took the first opportunity to talk of something else she was more interested in the life of the quarter in le in my stories of and students and i noticed that she considered every student as he passed his slim body tightly in a long frock coat with hair flowing over his shoulders from under his hat just as she had considered each man on board the boat a week ago as we crossed from in the gardens to we had met on the boat i noticed her the moment i got on board her quiet neat clothes were french though not the french clothes so often buy and wear so badly the stays she had on i thought must be one of those little ribbon stays with very few bones and as she walked up and down she kept pressing her leather still more neatly into its place looking first over one shoulder and then over the other she reminded me of a bird so quick were her movements and so alert she was not exactly pretty for her lips were thin her mouth too tightly closed the under lip almost disappearing her eyes up very much at the comers and her eyebrows were black and they nearly met the next time i saw her she was beside me at dinner â we had come by chance to the same hotel a small hotel in the her mother was with her an elderly to whom the girl talked very affectionately yes dearest no dearest mamma she had a gay voice though she never seemed to laugh or joke but her face had a sad expression and she sighed continually after dinner her mother went to the piano and played with a great deal of accent and noise the cake walk we used to dance that at nice oh dear mamma do you remember that lovely two step her mother nodded and smiled and began playing a but she had not played many bars before her daughter said â op my dead life now mother don t play any more come and talk to u i asked her if she did not like she shrugged her shoulders an expression of irritation came into her face she either did not want to talk of then or she was incapable of forming any opinion about him and judging from her inter est in the cake walk i said the cake walk is isn t it the sarcasm seemed lost upon her she sat looking at me with a vague in her eyes and i found it impossible to say whether it was indifference or stupidity plays beautifully my daughter loves music she plays the better than anybody you ever heard in your life well she must play very well indeed for i ve heard and if would only practise and she pressed her daughter to play something for me i haven t got my keys â they re upstairs no mother leave me alone i m thinking of other things her mother went back to the piano and continued the looked at me shrugged her shoulders and then turned over the illustrated papers saying they were stupid we began to talk about foreign travel and i learned that he and her mother spent only a small part of every year in england she liked the continent much better clothes were detestable english pictures she did not know anything about but suspected they in the gardens must be pretty bad or else why had i come to france to paint she admitted however she had met some nice englishmen but â oh there was one at do you know no nor italy are nice are they not there was one at don t think i m not interested in hearing about pictures because i am but i must look at your ring it s so like mine this one was given to me by an who said the curse of would be upon me if i gave it away but who is i never heard of her you mustn t ask me i m not a bit an intelligent woman people always get sick of me if they see me two days running i doubt very much if that is true if it were you wouldn t say it why not i shouldn t have thought of saying it if it weren t true next evening at dinner i noticed that she was dressed more carefully than usual she wore a gown with a and a bow at the side of her neck i noticed too that she talked less she seemed and after dinner she seemed anxious i could not help thinking that she wished her mamma away and was searching for an excuse to send her to bed mamma dear won t you play us â the but tear you know quite well that i can t play it â of my dead life mamma was nevertheless persuaded to play not only the bat her entire she was not allowed to leave the piano and had begun to play smith when the door opened and a man s face appeared for a second her interest in men i said did you see that man what a nice young man she put her finger on her lip and wrote on a piece of paper not a word he s my and mother doesn t know he s here she does not approve he hasn t a thank you mother thank you you played that very nicely won t you play my dear no mother dear i m feeling rather tired we ve had a long day and the two bade me good night leaving me alone in the sitting room to finish a letter but i had not quite got down to the signature when she came in looking very agitated even a little
14Robert Louis Stevenson
seem to but a part do truly mar the happiness of all hence no reform can be perfect which is not universal and no happiness until all evil is the good should labor and strive for nothing less than the and elevation of the race all needful labor may be rendered attractive by this he means not merely that all labor may by proper be procured without or degrading but that under proper arrangements men will love labor for itself will prize it as an good and as to health vigor enjoyment and true dignity to this law admits in practice some exceptions consisting of labors now requisite which are repulsive and disgusting for which he increased rewards and the highest social honors all other labor he may and will be performed as freely and willingly as hints toward hunting fishing and other functions are in our existing society the right to labor and to the fair reward of labors in all men and can not be withheld from any grievous wrong and injury the man who has no resource but in the strength of his the skill of his fingers has a positive claim on the of land and of property for opportunity to earn and receive a on these principles here most imperfectly stated is based s system of society let me endeavor to set before you some rude idea of a community constituted according to his suggestions but in order that you may understand the change he let us first briefly consider the society he would a new england rural answering to the french and in some respects to the english parish is we will say a tract some six square inhabited in the average by about two thousand persons divided into four hundred families of these families one half obtain their by farming a fourth by the various mechanical or arts half a dozen by three or four by religious teaching two or three by law as many by a few are so wealthy as to be above the necessity of labor some are supported by the town while perhaps a dozen live as they may by out to labor when they must and picking up whatever they can at all times such are the by which the is it would be a liberal estimate to say that three hundred good days work are performed daily on the average in all branches of productive labor among these thousand people while perhaps as much more labor is performed by women children and servants in the less profitable but still essential duties of the household out of the of this labor often rudely applied and directed the whole community must â a as it and his ideas s system ould make of these four hundred families one community or association one vast edifice instead of four hundred scattered dwellings of all from comfortable to miserable with half a dozen and perfectly constructed instead of three hundred ill adapted the safe of countless destructive these buildings he would conveniently to the lands of the association and near its water power if such were among its possessions instead of some twenty thousand acres of the area of the the association would require less than half so much but of this the portion would be brought to and kept in the highest state of and cultivation the property would be represented by as in a railroad or bank each member whether resident or not holding shares and receiving according to the amount of his the whole of the produce is to be sold or valued a paid to the capital and the to all the members according to the amount and of the labor and skill of each meantime education is in the association the persons being chosen for teachers in the various who are to all the children not merely into the of learning as now taught in schools but into he principles of the knowledge of but above all into the love and practice of industry from earliest infancy they are to be with the various processes of and the arts they are to see labor however rude or repulsive the main source of honor and distinction as well as wealth and they are to be thus taught to seek the knowledge and skill which shall fit them for eminence in the domain of industry and to arrest the earliest opportunity of winning her cherished rewards a very outline of the means by which labor is to be hints toward x among the material advantages reckoned by as inevitably from association as contrasted with the present modes of life and industry are these a saving of at least nine of the fuel now required of the land set apart to produce and the labor needed to prepare it a saving of nineteen of the fences now required covering and the land and requiring endless materials and attention a saving of the time now consumed in the endless of between the various classes of and in petty trade a saving of the labor now and wasted by reason of the want of skill or science in the workman or rendered by the want of the best machinery the small farmer can not afford to purchase for his few acres all the costly implements of the most modern a saving of three of the labor now required for the preparation of food and in the various of the household it is evident that these would require far less labor in one house than in five hundred and that the food of two thousand persons may be prepared in three or four spacious apartments amply supplied with every convenience with infinitely less labor than in four hundred petty with scarcely any at all whether the members shall partake of their food at common tables in small groups or in families is to depend on the free choice of each the actual cost
18Thomas Hardy
the over to me in the you ve got a good stool there he ll make you his report to morrow now was a figure of a guard who hailed from county he was a simple minded good natured and not above earning an honest dollar by in tobacco for the on that night returning from a trip to san he brought in with him fifteen pounds of prime to the star he had done this before and delivered the stuff to so on that particular night he all turned the stuff over to in the it was a big solid paper wrapped bundle of innocent tobacco the stool baker from concealment saw the delivered to and so reported to the captain of the yard next morning but in the meantime the poet s too lively imagination ran away with him he was guilty of a slip that gave me five years of solitary confinement and that placed me in this condemned cell in which i now write and all the time i knew nothing about it i did not even know of the break he had the forty into planning i knew nothing absolutely nothing and the rest knew little the era did not know he was giving them the cross the captain of the yard did not know that the cross was being worked on him ace was the most innocent of all at the his conscience could have accused him only of in some harmless and now to the stupid silly slip of next morning when he encountered the captain of the yard he was triumphant his imagination took the bit in its teeth well the stuff came in all right as you said the captain of the yard remarked and enough of it to blow half the prison sky high enough of what the captain demanded and the fool rattled on thirty five pounds of it your stool saw ace pass it over to me and right there the captain of the yard must have nearly died i can actually with him â five pounds of loose in the prison the star they say that captain â that was his â sat down and held his head in his hands where is it now he cried i want it take me to it at once and right there saw his mistake i planted it he lied â for he was compelled to lie because being merely tobacco in small it was long since distributed the along the customary channels very well said captain getting himself in hand lead me to it at once but there was no plant of high to lead him to the thing did not exist had never existed save in the imagination of the wretched in a large prison like san there are always hiding places for things and as led captain he must have done some rapid thinking as captain before the board of and as also on the way to the hiding place said that he and i had planted the powder together â and i just released from five days in the and eighty hours in the jacket i whom even the stupid guards could see was too weak to work in the loom room i who had been given the day off to â from too terrible punishment â i was named as the one who had helped hide the non thirty five pounds of high led captain to the alleged hiding place of course they found no in it my god lied standing has given me the cross he s lifted the plant and it somewhere else the captain of the yard said more emphatic things star than my god also on the spur of the moment but cold he took into his own private office locked tiie doors and beat him up â all of which came out before the board of but that was afterward in the meantime even while he took his beating swore by the truth of what he had told what was captain to do he was convinced that thirty five pounds of were loose in the prison and that forty desperate were ready for a break oh he had in on the carpet and although insisted the contained tobacco swore it was and was believed at this stage i enter or rather i depart for they took me away out of the sunshine and the light of day to the and in the and in the solitary out of the sunshine and the light of day i for five years i was puzzled i had only just been released from the and was lying pain in my customary cell when they took me back to the now said to captain though we don t know where it is the is safe standing is the only man who does know and he can t pass the word out from the the men are ready to make the break we can catch them red handed it is up to me to set the time i ll tell them two o clock to night and tell them that with the guards i ll their and give them their if at two o clock tonight you don t catch the forty i shall name with their clothes on and wide awake then captain you can give me solitary for the rest of my sentence and with standing and the forty tight in the we ll have all the time in the world to the the star if we have to tear the prison down stone by stone captain added that was six years ago in all the intervening time they have never found that non and they have turned the prison down a thousand times in searching for it to his last day in office believed in the existence of that captain who is still captain of the yard believes to this day that the
20Washington Irving
and ten thousand men were at the gates but four hundred held it in the morning and two hundred held it in the evening and no french foot was ever set within its threshold but how they fought those i their lives were no more to them than the mud under their feet there was one â i can see him now â a ruddy man on a he up alone in a lull of the firing to the side gate of and he beat upon it screaming to his men to come after him for five minutes he stood there strolling about in front of the gun barrels which spared but at last a in the orchard out his brains with a rifle shot and he was only one of many for all day when they did not come in masses they came in and with as brave a ice as if the whole army were at their heels so we lay all morning looking down at the fight at but soon the duke saw that there was nothing to fear upon his right and so he â â â â â â the shadow on the began to use us in way the french had pushed their past the and th lay among the in of us peeping at the so that three pieces out of six on our left were with their red in the mud all round them but the duke had his eyes everywhere and up he at that moment a thin dark man with veiy bright eyes a nose and a big oa his cap there were a dozen officers at his heels all as merry as if it were a fox hunt but of the dozen there was not one left in the evening warm work said he as he rode up very warm your grace said our general but we can them at it i think tut i tut we cannot let silence a battery just drive those fellows out of that then first i knew what a devil s thrill runs through a man when he is given a bit of fighting to do up to now we had just lain and been killed which is the kind of work now it was our turn and my word we were ready for it up we jumped the whole in a four deep line and rushed at the corn field as hard as we could tear the snapped at us as we came and then away they bolted like corn their heads down their backs rounded and their at the trail half of them got away but we caught up the others the officer first for he was a very fat man who could not run â it gave me quite a turn when i saw rob on my right stick the great shadow his into the man s broad back and heard him howl uke a damned soul there was no quarter in that field and it was butt or point for all of them the men s blood was and little wonder for those had been au morning without our being able so much as to see them and now as we broke through the farther edge of the corn field we got in fi ont of the smoke and there was the whole french army in position before us with only two meadows and a narrow lane between us we set up a yell as we saw them and away we should have gone slap at them if we had been left to ourselves for silly young soldiers never think that harm can come to them until it is there in their midst but the duke had his horse beside us as we advanced and now he roared something to the general and the officers all rode in front of our line holding out their arms for us to stop there was a blowing of a pushing and a with the cursing and digging us with their and in less time than it takes me to write it there was the in three neat little squares all with and in as they call it so that each could fire across the face of the other it was the saving of us as even so young a soldier as i was could very easily see and we had none too much time either there was a low rolling hill on our right flank and fit m behind this there came a sound like nothing on this earth so much as the shadow on the land the beat of the waves on coast when the wind blows from the east the earth was all shaking with that dull roaring sound and the ah was full of it steady seventy first for s sake steady shrieked the voice of our colonel behind us but in front was nothing but the green gentle slope of the all with and and then suddenly over the curve we saw eight hundred brass rise up all in a moment each with a long of flying from its crest and then eight hundred fierce brown faces all pushed forward and glaring out m between the ears of as many horses there was an instant of gleaming breast plates waving swords tossing fierce red nostrils opening and and hoofs the air before us and then down came the line of and our bullets up against their like the clatter of a upon a window i fired with the rest and then down another charge as fast as i could staring out through the smoke in front of me where i could see some long thin thing which slowly backwards and forwards a sounded for us to cease firing and a of wind came to clear the curtain from in fit nt of us and then we could see what had happened i had expected to find half that
3Edith Wharton
we must this clear somehow and he sighed to for he believed in his did the colonel we into the room under the full lights and there we saw how beautiful the woman was she stood up in the middle of us all sometimes choking with his wedded wife crying then hard and proud and then holding out her arms to the senior it was like the fourth act of a tragedy she told us how the senior had married her when he was home on leave eighteen months before and she seemed to know all that we knew and more too of his people and his past life he was white and gray trying now and again to break into the torrent of her words and we noting how lovely she was and what a criminal he looked esteemed him a beast ot the worst kind we felt sorry for him though i shall never forget the of the senior by his wife nor will he it was so sudden rushing out of the dark into our dull lives the captains wives stood back but their eyes w ere alight and you could see that they had already convicted and the senior the colonel seemed five years older one major was his eyes with his hand and watching the woman from underneath it another was his moustache and smiling quietly as if he were witnessing a play full in the open space in the centre by the tables the senior s was hunting for i remember all this as clearly as though a photograph were in my hand i remember the look of horror on the senior s face it was rather like seeing a man hanged but much more interesting finally the woman wound up by saying that the senior carried a double f m in on his left shoulder we all knew that and to our innocent minds it seemed to the matter but one of the bachelor said very politely â i presume that your would be more to the purpose that roused the woman she stood up and sneered at the senior for a cur and abused the id his wedded wife and the colonel and all the rest then she wept and then she pulled a paper from her breast â take that and let my husband â my wedded husband â read it aloud â if he dare there was a hush and the men looked into each other s eyes as the senior came forward in a dazed and dizzy way and took the paper we were wondering as we stared whether there was anything against any one of us that might turn up later on the senior s throat was dry but as he ran his eye over the paper he broke out into a hoarse of relief and said to the woman â you young i but the woman had fled through a door and on the paper was written â this is to that i the worm have paid in full my debts to the senior and further that the senior is my by agreement on the rd of february as by the mess to the extent of one month s captain s pay in the lawful of the india empire then a set off for the worm s quarters and found him and between his stays with the hat wig dress c on the bed he came over as he was and the shouted till the mess sent over to know if they might have a share of the fun i think we were all except the colonel and the senior a little disappointed that the scandal had come to nothing but that is human nature there could be no two words about the worm s acting it leaned as near to a nasty tragedy as anything this side of a joke can when most of the sat upon him with sofa cushions to find out why he had not said that acting was his strong point he answered very quietly â i don t think you ever asked me i used to act at home with my his wedded wife m sisters but no acting with girls could account for the worm s display that night personally i think it was in bad taste besides being dangerous there is no sort of use in playing with fire even for fun the made him president of the dramatic club and when the senior paid up his debt which he did at once the worm sank the money in scenery and dresses he was a good worm and the are proud of him the only is that he has been mrs senior and as there are now two mrs senior in the station this is sometimes to strangers later on i will tell you of a case something like this but with all the jest left out and nothing in it but real trouble the broken the broken link the holds or the â long neck while the big beam or the last rings while horses are horses to train and to race then women and wine take a second place for me â for me â while a short â â ten three has a field to or fence to â song of the g r there are more ways of running a horse to suit your book than pulling his head off in the straight some men forget this understand clearly that all racing is rotten â as everything connected with losing money must be out here in addition to its inherent it has the merit of being two thirds sham looking pretty on paper only knows else far too well for business purposes how on earth can you rack and harry and post a man for his when you are fond of his wife and live in the same station with him he says on the
38James Payn
d himself to them priests in the temple of virtue and holy duty opposing as they can the earthly force to the moral government belong generally men of the most the genuine that is such as are ready in every moment to sacrifice all for and so die for the liberty of their nation as christ did for humanity these may be divided into three kinds â men of the most genuine reality men of the most genuine men of the most genuine men of the most genuine reality are the descendants of families that are celebrated and deserve well of their the of estates and all good given to industry and commerce men of the most genuine are excellent writers these draw out of themselves new ideas lifting up the nation they awake her own feelings advance her on the road of light progress and spiritual victory over her enemies they explain to her the past the present and the future they point out to her the high mission which she has received from god they work out the national tendency the star of a new existence they are the active spirit of and the pure thought of their moral power is greater than any political one every genial word is a breaking down the hardest rocks itself as a lightning and thundering through the length of ages our know this power the sentence of the second who said great writers are the most essential and of the world they to the utmost those who have taken up a patriotic pen men of the most genuine are political or all those national and blessed saints who groan in or in exile who die under the of their enemies and become an example of holy such moral government is as it is divine in its foundation to the question whether can rise from her political grave answers â she can do it he says if she upon her ancient mission but it inwardly and enters again on the road pointed out to her by god himself for the struggle of the european and the american principles with the lasts until our days or rather is carried on with a harder than at any former time if on the european and the american principles and becomes an of freedom light and progress if she throws away from her bosom the doctrines of rome and the if she her own christian church as a branch of christian she will be s messenger working for the progress of the world she will then be necessary to europe and all europe will be with her what the were centuries to europe the armies of the russian the j are at present composed of these same but better exercised in military and to battle was two and forty years under the yoke has been penetrated with and has appropriated its spirit and organization she the principle which has grown stronger by and now europe the russian has power a hundred times more extensive than the arbitrary of because he in himself and that is the political and powers he commands his subjects to believe that all the earth is his property that nations against him are to their he is king of kings more than the chinese a lieutenant of god and a visible his order is a law before and behind him goes the ancient the old cruelty and where he walks there are the weeping and anguish of many years the russian europe for he possesses the greater part of it and what is yet worse he is the powerful pope of that christian confession which not only in russia but in the countries of the ancient eastern empire millions of blind his european possessions and christianity lead the russian to various relations with europe and open to him an extensive field for his artful doings he is active and does not neglect his business he has already swallowed and now opens his mouth for turkey as many european countries fall under his yoke in many so much space does asia gain in europe the russian by his alliance with â which delights in the arbitrary will and the principles â has strengthened his influence in that country and shakes germany by the neck his hand reaches already to the and the threatening liberty light and the progress of europe and europe experiences this shame in consequence of permitting the robbery and the of by the unsuccessful polish and asia gained a splendid victory over europe and the russian strengthened and obviously extended his influence over the civilized world the the friends of freedom light and progress to groan everywhere in the was established over all literary and patriotic pens free lips were sealed by the institution of the secret police and the of this new â holy in our days abominable st is what shameful rome was once the murderer of the body and the spirit the russian surrounded by and his many to the eastern and southern about the blessings of blind obedience mouths represent the russian as their from the yoke of the and the and call on men to i the under the standard of thej however can show nothing but the physical power of russia instead of intellectual and moral power they breathe in the spirit of the emperor and his military government the poles are singing h of liberty light and progress among the they send to them the words of freedom they them with the sound moral food of their rich literature old and new and are certain of their victory upon this field of battle until there comes a general war of europe against asia justly europe against the danger which it uie people almost a tenth part of the whole population on the globe because they pay homage to the principle will be able to all the rest of europe but if they love
36Jacob Abbott
to earth from the clouds you not the first people that have worshipped such a stone now we know better also this plain before you is full iron and iron draws the lightning that is why it ne strikes your town below the iron it more than earth and huts of straw again while the pole was in little danger for the lightning strikes the high thing but after the pole was shattered and went away then i was in some danger only no flashes f i am not a king but i know some things that y do not know and i trust in one whom i shall lead you trust in also we will talk of this more hereafter said the hurriedly for one day i have heard and seen also i do not believe your words for i have noted ever y those who are the greatest of all say continually th they have no magic power you have been in your day but it seems that henceforth you who have j must follow the battle is not yet fought king answered â to day i met the without my ance was a little storm when i am prepared with my and the tempest is great then i will challenge this wh man to face me yonder and then in that hour my god sh show his strength and god shall not be able to s i him that we shall see when the time comes answered o with a smile hi â il i l l i l i t that night as sat in his hut working at the translation of st john the door was opened and entered white man said the you are too strong for though whence you have your power i know not let s make a bargain show me your magic and i will show you mine and we will rule the land between us you and are much akin â we are great we have the spirit sight e know that there are things beyond the things we see and car and feel whereas for the rest they are fools following he flesh alone i have spoken very gladly will i show you my magic answered cheerfully since to speak truth though know you to be wicked and guess that you would be glad o l e rid of me by fair means or foul yet i have taken a â ing for you seeing in you one who from a sinner may into a saint this then is my magic to love god and serve man wealth and power to seek after ss poverty and humility to deny your flesh and to make small in the sight of men that so perchance you y grow great in the sight of heaven and save your soul â â i have no stomach for that lesson said yet you shall live to hunger for it answered i d the went away but wondering chapter ix the crisis now day by day for something over a month preached the gospel before the king his and hundreds of the head men of the nation they listened to him attentively the new doctrine point by point for although they might be savages these people were very keen and subtle very patiently did sow and at length to his infinite joy he also gathered in his first fruit one night as he sat in his hut as usual at the work of translation wherein he was assisted by john whom he had taught to read and write the prince entered and greeted him f or a while he sat silent watching the white man at his task then he said â messenger i have a boon to ask of you can you teach me to understand those signs which you set upon the paper and to make them also as does john your servant certainly answered if you will come to me at noon to morrow we will begin the prince thanked him but he did not go away indeed from his manner guessed that he had something more upon his mind at length it came out messenger he said you have told us of whereby we are admitted into the army of your king say have you the power of this i have and is your servant here â â he is ill i i i y i then if he who is a common man can be why t ay not i who am a prince in answered there is no distinction between the highest and the lowest but if you believe then he door is open and through it you can join the company of heaven messenger i do believe answered the prince humbly then was very joyful and that same night with j for a witness he the prince giving him the w name of after the first christian emperor on the following day in the presence of ho on this point would suffer no concealment announced the king that he had become a christian heard nd for a while sat silent then he said in a troubled voice â truly messenger in the words of that book from which you read to us i fear that you have come hither to bring hot peace but a sword now when the witch doctors and he priests of fire learn this that he whom i have chosen to succeed me has become the servant of another faith they ill stir up the soldiers and there will be civil war i pray you therefore keep the matter secret at for a while seeing that the lives of many are at stake in this my father answered the prince i must do as the messenger bids me but if you desire it take from me the right of succession and call back my brother from the northern mountains â that by poison or
17Theodore Dreiser
have given it back but she would still have me keep it you shall be my tor jack said she laughing is this our carriage how funny it looks and where am i to sit on the said i and how am i to get there put your foot on the said i help you i sprang up and took her two little hands in my own as she came over the side her breath blew in my sweet and warm and all that and seemed in a moment to have been away from my soul i felt as if that instant had taken me out from myself and made me one of the race it took but the time of the of the horse s tail and yet something had happened a barrier had gone down somewhere and i was leading a wider and a wiser life i felt it all in a but shy and backward as i was i could do nothing but out the for her her eyes were after the coach which was rattling away to and suddenly she shook her handkerchief in the air he took off his hat said she i think he must have been an he was very cousin of looking perhaps you noticed him â a gen on the outside very handsome with a brown overcoat i shook my head with all my flush of joy changed to foolish resentment ah well i shall never see him again here are all the green and the brown winding road just the same as ever and you jack â i don t see any great change in you either i hope your manners are better than they used to be you won t try to put any down my back will you i crept all over when i thought of such a thing we ll do all we can to make you happy at west inch said i playing with the whip i m sure it s very kind of you to take a poor lonely girl in said she it s very kind of you to come cousin i stammered find it very dull i fear i suppose it is a little quiet jack not many men about as i remember it there is major up at he comes down of an evening a real brave old soldier who had a ball in his knee under ah when i speak of men jack i don t mean old folk with balls in their knees i meant people of our own age that we could make friends of by the way that old doctor had a son had he not oh yes that s jim my best friend is he at home the great shadow no hell be home soon he s still at studying ah then well keep each other company he comes jack and i m very tired and i wish i was at west inch i made old cover the ground as he had never done before or since and in an hour she was seated at the supper table where my mother had laid out not only butter but a glass dish of jam which sparkled and looked fine in the candle light i could see that my parents were as overcome as i was at the difference in her though not in the same way my mother was so set back by the feather thing that she had round her neck that she called her miss instead of until my cousin in her pretty way would lift her forefinger to her whenever she did it after supper when she had gone to her bed they could talk of nothing but her looks and her breeding by the way though sa my father it does not look as if she were heart broke about my brother s death and then for the first time i remembered that she had never said a word about the matter since i had met her u chapter m the shadow on the waters it was not very long before cousin was queen of west inch and we all her devoted subjects from my down she had money and to spare though none of us knew how much when my mother said that four shillings the week would cover all that she would cost she fixed on seven shillings and sixpence of her own fi e will the south room which was the and had the round the window was for her and it was a marvel to see the things that she brought from to put into it twice a week she would drive over and the cart would not do for her for she hired a from whose farm lay over the hill and it was seldom she went without bringing something back for one or other of us it was a wooden pipe for my or a for my mother or a book for me or a brass collar for rob the there was never a woman more handed but the best thing that she gave us was just her own presence to me it changed the whole country side and the sun was brighter and the and the air sweeter fix m the day she came our lives were common no longer now that we spent them with such a one as she and the old the great shadow dull grey house was another place in my eyes she had set her foot across the door mat it was not her though that was enough nor her form though i never saw the at could match her but it was her spirit her queer mocking ways her fresh new fashion of talk her proud of the dress and toss of the head which made one feel like the ground beneath her feet and then the quick challenge in her eye and the kindly word that brought one up to
3Edith Wharton
galleries the cathedral the imperial opera house and what not at the other end it is only about a mile long into the famous formerly a part of the imperial on the whole the avenue was a disappointment for suggestions of character individuality innate charm or the reverse â as these things strike one â growth prosperity promise and the like cannot be in europe quite readily i can see how it might and the less of less hopeful and determined the german when he is oppressed is terribly depressed when he is in the saddle nothing can equal his of i it becomes so like and that the world may only gaze in astonishment or retreat in an dismay or amusement the do take themselves so seriously and from many points of view with good reason too i don t know where in europe outside of paris if even there you will see a better kept city it is so clean and and fresh that it is a joy to walk there â anywhere mile after mile of straight imposing streets greet your gaze needs a great an avenue such as den lined with official palaces not shops and unquestionably a magnificent museum of art â i mean a better building its present public and imperial are most they suggest the american european architecture of the public monuments of and particularly their are for the most part a crime against humanity i remember standing and looking one evening at that noble german known as the memorial statue of william i in the unquestionably the and most imposing of all the military this statue speaks loudly for all and for all germany and for just what the disposition would like to be â namely terrible colossal world and the like it almost shouts ho see what i am but the sad part of it is that it does it badly not with that reserve that somehow invariably tremendous power so much better than mere does what the seem not to have learned in their art at least is that easy it their art is anything but easy it is almost invariably but to continue the whole neighborhood in which this statue occurs and the other neighborhood at the other end of den where stands the and the like all in the of as it were is conceived designed and executed in my judgment in the same mistaken spirit truly when you look about you at the cathedral save the mark or the royal palace in the or at the winged victory before the or at the itself and the statue of in the the two great imperial you sigh for the artistic spirit of italy but no words can do justice to the folly of spending three million dollars to erect such a thing as this or cathedral it is so bad that it hurts and i am told that the himself some of the designs and it was only completed between and shades of and but if i seem disgusted with this section of â its evidence of empire as it were â there was much more that truly charmed me wherever i wandered i could perceive through all the life of this busy a at forty city the german temperament â its moody poverty its middle class prosperity its commercial financial and above all its official and imperial life is shot through with the constant suggestion of and the german policeman with his shining brass and brass belt the in his long military gray overcoat his over his shoulder his high cap his eyes his black and white striped box behind him stationed apparently at every really important comer and before every official palace the german military and imperial their independent ways all traffic cleared away before them the small flag of or fluttering from the foot rails as they flash at express speed past you â these things suggest an individuality which no other european city that i saw quite it represented what i would call determination self pride is new green vigorous â a city that for speed of growth puts entirely into the shade that for appearance cleanliness order for military precision and has no anywhere it suggests to you all the time something very much greater to come which is the most interesting thing that can be said about any city anywhere one i should like to write on concerns not so much its social organization as a city though that is interesting enough but its traffic and travel arrangements to be sure it is not yet such a city as either new york london or paris but it has over three million people a crowded business heart and a heavy daily to and fro swinging tide of traffic there are a number of railway stations in the great german capital the the the and so on and coming from each in the early hours of the morning or pouring toward them at evening are the same eager streams of people that one meets in new york at similar hours the are like the americans sometimes i think that we get the better portion of our characteristics from them only the i am convinced are so much more thorough they go us one better in economy energy endurance and the american already is beginning to want to play too much the have not reached that stage the railway stations i found were excellent with great yards and enormous sheds arched with glass and steel where the trains waited in i admired the train service as much as i did that of london if not more that in paris was here the trains offered a choice of first second and third class with the vast majority using the second and third i saw little difference in the crowds occupying either class the second class were in a brown the third class seats were of plain
42Lucas Malet
sudden said ow did you come to know is funny little ways that soon many inventions said with emphasis i had conquered the beggar my son ho said between doubt and derision his s child an wan or two other came up not bein afraid anything an some got an i washed the top his poor sore head i had done him to a turn an some picked the pieces carts out his hide an we scraped him an handled him all over an we put a big leaves the same that ye stick on a pony s on his head an it looked like a cap an we put a pile young sugar cane f him an he began to pick at ut now i down on his fore foot we ll have a an let be i sent a child for a an the s wife she me out four fingers an the liquor came i see by the in ould s eye that he was no more a stranger to ut than me â worse luck than me so he his like a christian an thin i put his on chained him fore an aft to the an gave him my an back to and after i said in the pause ye can guess said there was confusion an the colonel gave me ten an the gave me five an my ny captain gave my the elephant me five an the men carried me round the did you go to said i heard a word more about the s if that s what you mane but ril the was off sudden to the holy christians hotel that night small blame to â they had twenty in i to lie down an sleep ut off for i was as done an double done as him there in the lines tis no small thing to go ride me an the venerable father sin became mighty friendly i go down to the lines i was in an spend an him he wan stick sugar cane an me another as thick as thieves he d take all i had out my pockets an put ut back again an now an thin i d bring him beer for his an i d give him advice about bein well behaved an off the books that he the way the army an that s bein as soon as you ve made a good friend so you never saw him again i demanded do you believe the first half the affair said i ll wait till comes i said except when he was carefully by the other two and the immediate money benefit explained the did not tell lies and i knew had a imagination there s another part still said was in that then i ll believe it all i answered not from any special belief in s word but from desire to learn the rest he stole a from me once when our acquaintance was new and with the little beast stifling under his overcoat denied not only the but that he ever was interested in dogs that was at the the business said years the men that had seen me do the was dead or gone home i came not to speak ut at the last â i do not care to knock the face man that calls me a liar at the very the i sick like a fool i had a boot but i was all for up the and such like foolishness so i up a hole in my heel that you ha a tent into faith how often have i preached that to since for a to to look their feet i our who knew our business as well as his own he to me in the middle the pass ut was that s sheer damned carelessness he how often have i you that a man is no stronger than his feet â his feet â his feet he now to hospital you go he for three weeks an expense to your an a my the elephant to your next time he perhaps you ll put some the you pour down your throat an some the you put into your hair into your he faith he was a just man so soon as we come to the head the i to hospital on wan disappointment twas a field hospital all flies an native an in a way close by the head the the hospital was mad us sick for there an we was mad at bein kept an through the day an night an night an day the an horse an guns an an tents an followers the was like a coffee mill the came through scores an scores an they d turn up the hill to hospital their sick an i lay in bed my heel an the men bein out i wan night the time i was fever a man came through the tents an is there any room to die here he there s none the columns an at that he dropped dead a cot an thin the man in ut began to complain against all alone in the dust dead men thin i must ha turned mad the fever an for a week i was the saints to stop the noise the columns through the gun wheels ut was that wore my head thin ye know how tis fever many inventions we nodded there was no need to explain gun wheels an feet an people shouting but mostly gun wheels twas neither night nor day to me for a week in the they d up the tent flies and we sick look at the pass an what was next horse or guns they d be sure to wan or two sick us an we d get news wan the fever off me i was the an twas just like the picture on the the
38James Payn
resentment to the maker perhaps the latter the public in the weekly papers the arbitrary measures of the brazen sovereigns showed their dangerous influence over the trades of the town and the easy manner in which our own towns j might be good arises out of evil this fiery match quickly kindled another furnace in public meetings were advertised a committee appointed and shares of â each was deemed a sufficient capital each a share was to purchase one of brass w were immediately erected upon the banks of the canal for the advantage of water carriage and the whole was conducted with the true spirit of freedom the old companies which we may justly consider the of a south sea in miniature sunk the price from fi to â two arise from this measure that their profits were once very high or were now very low and that like some former in the abuse of power thej repented one day too late nails â the art of nail making is one of the most ancient in it is not however so much a trade in as of that town for there are but few nail makers left in it the are so scattered round the country that we cannot travel in any direction out of the sound of the hammer when i first approached this town says mr from in i was surprised at the prodigious number of blacksmith s shops upon the road and could not conceive how a country though could support so many people in the same occupation in some of these shops i observed one or more females of their upper garment and not with their lower the hammer with all the grace of her sex the beauties of their face were rather by the of the fire struck with the novelty i whether the ladies in this country shod horses p but was informed with a smile they are a fire without heat a of a fair complexion or one who the j are equally rare among them his whole system of faith may be in one article that the slender then used in the public houses u de above all things and desperately wicked while the master of plenty the workman to the scanty of a thin habit an early old and a figure bending to the earth plenty comes not near his dwelling except of children and rags his small hammer is worn into deep hollows fitting the fingers of a dark hand hard as the timber it wears or the it strikes his e like the moon is seen through a cloud but not of so watery an element â man first catches the profession the profession there are now extensive nail made by american in thâ town of which the may be thk social history of britain afterwards the man in whatever profession we engage we assume its character become a part of it its honour its eminence its antiquity its renown or feel a wound through its sides though there had wont to be formerly or may be now no more pride in a minister of state who opens a than in a who carries one yet they equally contend for the honour of the trade the maker the honour of his art by observing he alone makes that instrument which produces the winds his soft breeze like that of the south the chill of winter by his efforts like those of the sun the world receives light he when he pleases and gives breath when he in his dark the winds sleep at pleasure and by his orders they set europe in flames he farther that the antiquity of his occupation will appear from the plenty of elm once in that neighbourhood but long cut up for his use that the leather market of his town for many ages furnished him with sides and though the manufacture of iron is allowed to be extremely ancient yet the smith could not produce his heat without a blast nor could that blast be raised without one will arise from these remarks that making is one of the oldest trades in thread â we who reside in the interior parts of the kingdom may observe the first traces of a river when it issues from its fountain the current is so extremely small that if a bottle of liquor through the vessels were discharged into its course it would the water and the the bottle having added spirits to the man would seem to add spirits to the river if we pursue this river winding through all its through miles we shall observe it strength force and volume and as it runs its banks and borders into consequence multitudes of people carries wealth on its bosom and exactly thread making in this town if we represent to our ideas a man able to employ three or four people himself in an apron one of the number but who unable to write his name shows his attachment to the christian religion by the the symbol of his faith to his whose method of like that of the who taught each other this ancient system of accounts is a door and a lump of chalk which paid is readily li and therefore will he wipe his doorway clean and keep oo tell tâ le to his ea ports or producing a book of dirty curled leaves which no one can interpret who having forty weight of thread of as many colours as was joseph s coat and it into a pair of bags something larger than his own pair of boots which we might deem the arms of his trade them on a horse and placed himself on the animal s back by way of a crest visits an adjacent market to starve with his goods on a stall or them to a nor returns without the money we shall see a thread
46Sarah Stickney Ellis
at least whom hereditary introduced to his notice felt in that presence as a child might have felt in pan for the poet himself these lingering years were full of grave of humble self judgment of hopeful looking to the end worldly minded i am not he wrote to an intimate friend near his life s close â on the contrary my wish to benefit those within my humble sphere seemingly in exact proportion to my inability to realize those wishes what i lament most is that the of my nature does not and rise the nearer i approach the grave as yours does and as it with my beloved partner the aged poet might feel the loss of some of emotion but his thoughts dwelt more and more constantly on the beloved ones who had gone before him and on the true and unseen world one of the images which to his friends is that of the old man as he would stand against the window of the dining room at mount and read the and lessons for the day of the tall bowed figure and the silvery hair of the deep voice which always faltered when among the prayers he came to the words which give thanks for those who have departed this life in thy faith and fear â retirement then might look upon a soothing scene age steal to his allotted nook contented and serene by l oo william with heart as calm as lakes that sleep in frosty moonlight glistening or mountain torrents where they creep along a channel smooth and deep to their own far off murmurs listening â among all s of the blessed it is the who are the truest friends of man we need not be ashamed to linger on them fondly to imagine between the impression which one or another poet makes on us with the sights or sounds the or of the great open world shakespeare one may say is like daylight and like the furnace glow is like storm and like the thunder and like the moving sea is like wine and like water â which said was best often that drink seems flat enough but let the wounded soldier crawl to the well spring and he knows that water is best indeed it is the very life of men i note â william was bom of old north country stock on the th of april at in the neither at school nor at college was he distinguished as a scholar filled with enthusiasm for the french revolution he spent a year in paris whence he was driven by the reign of terror from until his death he lived almost in the lake country the record of his secluded and happy life being found in his poems he died at mount on the d of april lines composed a few miles above abbey on the banks of the during a tour five years have passed five with the length of long and again i hear these waters rolling from their mountain springs with a soft inland murmur once again do i behold these steep and lofty cliffs that on a wild secluded scene impress by william thoughts of more deep seclusion and connect the landscape with the quiet of the sky the day is come when i again repose here under this dark and view these plots of cottage ground these orchard which at this season with their fruits are clad in one green hue and lose themselves mid groves and once again i see these hedge rows â hardly hedge rows â little lines of wood run wild these pastoral farms green to the very door and wreaths of smoke sent up in silence from among the trees with some uncertain notice as might seem of in the woods or of some s cave where by his fire the sits alone these forms through a long absence have not been to me as is a landscape to a blind man s eye but oft in lonely rooms and mid the din of towns and cities i have owed to them in hours of weariness sensations sweet felt in the blood and felt along the heart and passing even into my purer mind with tranquil restoration feelings too of pleasure such perhaps as have no slight or trivial influence on that best portion of a good man s life â his little nameless acts of kindness and of love nor less i trust to them i may have owed another gift of aspect more sublime that blessed mood in which the of the mystery in which the heavy and the weary weight of all this unintelligible world is lightened that serene and blessed mood in which the affections gently lead us on until the breath of this frame and even the motion of our human blood almost suspended we are laid asleep in body and become a living soul while with an eye made quiet by the power of harmony and the deep power of joy we see into the life of things by l william if this be but a vain belief yet oh how oft â in darkness and amid the many shapes of daylight when the stir and the fever of the world have hung upon the of my heart â how oft in spirit have i turned to thee thou wanderer through the woods how often has my spirit turned to thee and now with of half extinguished thought with many dim and faint and somewhat of a sad perplexity the picture of the mind again while here i stand not only with the sense of present pleasure but with pleasing thoughts that in this moment there is life and food for future years and so i dare to hope though changed no doubt from what i was when first came among these hills when like a i bounded o er the mountains by
3Edith Wharton
together with population in ru states in and together with population in western states in and together with population index continued r a r r in pacific states in i and together with population rapid increase of in l in new england middle western southern and pacific states in and together with number of inhabitants of in different sections united states to each in i and l in united states to each i and i i culture of cotton amount of united states in and i table of amount raised in different states and go amount of from united states in xxvi bow string operation of cotton history of see implements agricultural xxvi domestic animals see live stock fix of flour grain see flour and grain from united states to foreign countries for the year ending june table of from united states to foreign countries from to table of from new york to foreign countries from boston to foreign countries from philadelphia to foreign countries from to foreign countries from to foreign countries from for three years cl from new to foreign ports from san to foreign countries of grain flour and meal from russia to table of ni of compared to total domestic farms under actual cultivation in united states value of produced in states and and grown in new england states compared with amount grown in states compared with amount grown in western states compared with amount grown in southern states compared with amount grown in pacific states compared with in different sections in proportion to population in and i small crop of owing to of labor climate of northern states adapted to growth of of cotton increasing culture of improvement in machinery for dressing fibre of produced in united states in produced in states and in and growth of stimulated by high price of oil oil cake demand in england for al o food for cattle and sheep and grain c received at for twenty eight years in received at for sixteen years l xl received at for five years received at for three years received at for eighteen years received at st louis for fourteen years c l i received at new for thirty one years from for nineteen years from for twenty six years from l ike eastward for years index and continued r r r movement of from west to east for eight years ci i of america to foreign countries forest trees preservation of as a protection against disease ct xx neglect of beautiful native grain trade of the united states v in in to great britain and ireland alone in its infancy as compared with russia internal compared with production united states of the st river ci ii with europe direct means to foster of the of the upper treaty and the between the lakes and europe first of grain from western shore of lake vn first of grain from canal new era in chief commerce of before the revolution resources of lake basin developed by opening of and railroad to fox river in all kinds of grain total of at tide water by new york wheat and flour total of at tide water by new york of grain from xi h gi varieties of see production of united states i proportion of to produced in united states in horses number and increase of in last twenty years including and v employed in number of employed in the five great states of the west number of diminished in number and importance by implements machinery c agricultural implements united states table of of x i apparatus for separating grain from straw xxi agricultural tools of america superior to those in common use in europe xxv cotton manufacture of xx vi forks and american in england xxv grain cutting first american patent for x x grain of by machinery xi v hay revolving history of i hay fork machine produced in england and united states xxi improvement in first american patent for xxv implements exhibited at the london exhibition xi v instruments manufacture of labor saving machinery production of xv labor saving machinery total product in new england x v labor saving machinery total product in middle states x v labor waving machinery total product in western states i labor saving machinery total product in southern states xvi index r j c continued machinery for and cleaning and history of x x and earliest description of x x history of x vi in england and southern europe x i in scotland x vi improvements in granted for in united states x i x hy steam i x by x i v machines progress of of xxi machines made number of and trial of xxi and axe manufacture introduction of x xiii improvement in and forks manufacture of xxiv straw improvement in xiv and cleaning machines london exhibition of industry influence of xiv new york crystal palace exhibition xiv gin used in india gin improvement in xx s saw gin of wheat corn and flour into great britain and ireland during past three years table of iu agricultural into united states from canada and into canada from united states value of indian corn see corn land in farms acres of improved and cash value united states table of vm area fertile and waste in acres lakes on during the past six years live stock and states and and i and new england states as compared with and middle states i as compared with and western states i as compared with and southern states as compared with and pacific states as compared with horses in states and in and ax horses in new england states as compared with ax horses in middle states as compared with ex horses in western states as compared with ex horses in southern states as compared with horses in pacific states as compared with horses number of to each in different sections in united states in and cows and other cattle
46Sarah Stickney Ellis
â o total states and o i i o a i t i i i i i i o i ss i s jl i o ds a â s c o a i o s s sm ca is ill â cm s he â a h â i i â s j i ll t i i i f h s ib us j â â aa mi mo u hj b â l ot i l a h m iâ i e a s â ss j mi im w â a m na m w s i w i l â â n in iâ an â o do â d z mi i p ll â â j a u m m a k â vâ s ib i s s â m b s â sa mi m b â xi â i ae i s b m i â b so b bo ia g i no â m â â l om m t la s t m ml a i sa w us mb id i tâ l b j aw â b ib im sm si om l sm il i mo i i ao w â u â t i no s i e iâ t m is i l a s aâ i i m t aa en m â â j r â â u â ⠞ u â â a lie â m g t hi i h sm h h aw b a a na i so si si s states new new york new â virginia north an of new total states and acres of land a r b f i m ai c j j ol ll i f g c i a â g i a â j m l ll ft im j ik t f â i i â e i t i o f â a i s s i s c li s c h f hâ i â m â l â sm a nm a â l i i jâ si s i mâ m n c jt t h e s s j j f e i i h i i f s jo s i b i sm a o â mo j â sh b s im b h â â w b â w m â du i ia m sâ ii i d a â â e b iâ i ei a st oâ s ie fi it b oa e so â i an is an â sa sm d â j a u m aw e s m lâ s loi b s ti t a as si mi s a i bi as i i wa ex est a w s â t s s b sc â i ia â om â â â â iâ e â i bi ba s b â g â a w ai lâ b hâ ue su m au ai w ess a ms s s b eâ so states new new york new virginia north south total states acres op land district of new total states and s i i i a â a s i s a â o i i live stock i o i g i i e a i l i m o i â cf so e â â s o ss so b hâ b q c â b n i i i ia â j m m j i ia â j i i ji â l n r l s i too i ti â li t sâ produced i t ri nâ j a m t â m ji i e s ml ee s oh s â s ss t b a iâ f u â g â produced g lo sâ a o g o i o â i i s â i â â o i o o si il j o r i a i i i t a â j o t â a a s â the estimated number of horses and neat cattle sheep and as returned hy mar the being returned an the of states ki ui nâ virginia total states of new washington total i â m i a i il â â m m b j r â i s i c mm ti l j â w la r l n ix k additional to the on page three acres and more co t s acres i si a i â i s s i i i al s ee s go to to sa m s sâ a am c ss s i d los sc ess s b u dâ it t ei s we as sa â â â â â t i s â e s l total ia a m â si â j i s i g e a s i â t s i i i â a a an s as â d â go e s s ax ia iso h m es i s aa am ace ass sm to s mi i â pâ iâ i s bt hâ â i z c s b s ⠞ m containing three acres and â b su t w â containing and more â b â acres si s s i s m b â g s â â co x acre aj s i a i s j â el j i a i i s t so ss m â â is a b d j s ih ci â i col a is i el â eâ mi â nâ in ib so â n am so â m s j j â â â it g ir lâ n in wo w â containing three acres and i m i il w l â
46Sarah Stickney Ellis
nothing about it he perhaps don t need it but i may as well be honest first as last and it s no use my pretending i ve held my tongue for the sake of the family for i ve done nothing of the kind i don t say miss now that i ve seen you that i shouldn t do it just for you alone â but that s a different thing altogether of course i know that you and mr would have been dreadfully put out if i d gone and married tom i m older than he is and i m not a lady like you but all the same i was real fond of him and if we d been married i d have done my best to make him a good wife â that i would but it wasn t to be captain found out what was going on poor follow and he convinced me that it wouldn t do â that i hadn t a chance of making a swell young fellow like tom happy so i made up my mind to give him up and i m one of that sort when i make up my mind to do a thing i do it and i don t argue about it so i gave him up in spite of everything he could say against it though of b e mt no thought of his going straight off and doing anything like â well like he did â no no of course not with increasing respect for this girl and by the delicate way in which she round the mention of s shameful act still for all that went on i haven t forgot the past he wag fair and honest with me he wanted to marry me and make a lady of me and i m not going to forget it i wouldn t marry him now not if he went on his knees every day for a year to it i couldn t i should never know a minute s peace night or day again hot at the same time i was fond of him once and i mean to stand by him so far if only for that you are a good woman cried oh t you are good i don t know how to thank you enough some day perhaps when you have got over it all and feel inclined to settle down with â with â a â a â better man i may be able to help you in many ways and you will let me do that won t you she ended well miss returned i won t say no it s not that i want to my silence but i ve been brought up to fight my own way and a s life isn t the easiest one in the world i can tell you so i won t say if there was a chance of your being able to do me a good turn that refuse iu i will make the chance said pressing u the other girl s hand â and for to day i have got ready a little present i want you to accept from me as a token of my gratitude and thanks â â she rose as she spoke and fetched from a side table a little plain but very handsome hand bag such as ladies in town carry with them it was of russia leather with a plain silver clasp and had a small in silver on one side â r m opened it you see it has s purse and everything that we women use â and as you probably know it is very unlucky to give away an empty purse i have put enough in it to break the spell you on t be will you miss said earnestly i don t think could offend me if you tried and i m sure â i never shall try ended laughing though her eyes were tearful never my dear never i owe you far too much so the two women so widely different in training and worldly standing separated the won over to for ever full of a vain regret that the circumstances of this world w re such that it was for ever to marry this woman for whose sake he had bo deeply she is shrewd sensible honest and true she said and if she had been lady rose she would have been that wretched boy s salvation so the bright summer days slipped over and thâ ty father and daughter began to think about making a move to their country place hope and scarcely were they settled there before beautiful jim came â came without a word of warning â came only for a few hours â that he might take a passionate of her whom he loved best in all the world and three short words were enough of explanation â active service â xxx the was off to the east so suddenly that but little leave even of a few hours length could be granted to its officers for the purpose of making beautiful jim had been especially favoured by the colonel and had been granted permission to leave only from five o clock in the afternoon until officers call the following morning naturally enough all the officers wished to have the same privilege but young was not amongst those who pressed for it so as he was anything but a favourite with his commanding officer he was not one of those who were out to receive it in truth the lad was anything but anxious to go to hope i if his ther and sister had been in town it is probable that he would have begged hard for leave and have made his farewell to them and beautiful jim f other at the same time bat being at hope and alone
29Fergus Hume
perhaps i thought so from that time until now trot you have ever been a credit to me and a pride and pleasure i have no other claim upon my means at least â here to my surprise she hesitated and was confused â no i have no other claim upon my means â and you are my adopted child only be a loving child to me in my age and bear with my and fancies and you will do more for an old woman whose prime of life was not so happy or as it might have been than ever that old woman did for you it was the first time i had heard my aunt refer to her past history there was a in her quiet way of doing so and of it which would have exalted her in my respect and affection if any thing could all is agreed and stood between us now trot said my aunt and we need talk of this no more give me a kiss and we ll go to the after breakfast to morrow we had a long chat by the e before we went to bed i slept in a room on the same floor with my aunt s and was a little disturbed in the course of the night by her knocking at my door as often as she was agitated by a distant sound of or and inquiring if i heard the engines but towards morning she slept better and me to do so too at about mid day we set out for the offices of messrs and in doctors my aunt who had this other general o in reference to london that every man she saw was a gave me her purse to carry for her which had ten guineas in it and some silver we made a pause at the toy shop in fleet street to see the giants of saint s strike upon the bells â we had timed our going as to catch them at it at twelve o and then went on towards hill and st paul s churchyard we were crossing to the former place when i found that my aunt greatly david her speed and looked frightened i observed at the same time that a lowering ill dressed man who had stopped and stared at us in passing a little before was coming so close after us as to brush against her â trot my dear trot cried my aunt in a terrified whisper and pressing my arm i don t know what i am to do don t be alarmed said i there s nothing to be afraid of step into a shop and i ll soon get rid of this fellow no no child she returned don t speak to him for the world i entreat i order you good heaven aunt said i he is nothing but a sturdy beggar you don t know what he is replied my aunt you don t know who he is you don t know what you say we had stopped in an empty doorway while this was passing and he had stopped too don t look at him said my aunt as i turned my head indignantly but get me a coach my dear and wait for me in st paul s churchyard wait for you i repeated yes rejoined my aunt i must go alone i must go with him with him aunt this man i am in my senses she replied and i tell you i must get me a coach however much astonished i might be i was sensible that i had no right to refuse with such a command i hurried away a few paces and called a chariot which was passing empty almost before i could let down the steps ray aunt sprang in i don t know how and the man followed she waved her hand to me to go away so earnestly that all confounded as i was i turned from them at once in doing so i heard her say to the coachman drive anywhere drive straight on and presently the chariot passed me going up the hill what mr dick had told me md what i had supposed to be a delusion of his now came into my mind i could not doubt that this person was the person of whom he had made such mysterious david mention though what the nature of his hold upon my aunt could possibly be i was quite unable to imagine after half an hour s in the churchyard i saw the chariot coming back the driver stopped beside me and my aunt was sitting in it alone she had not yet sufficiently recovered from her agitation to be quite prepared for the visit we had to make she desired me to get into the chariot and tell the coachman to drive slowly up and down a little while she said no more except my dear child never ask me what it was and don t refer to it until she had perfectly regained her composure when she told me she was quite hei self now and we might get out on her giving me her purse to pay the driver i found that all the guineas were gone and only the loose silver remained doctors was approached by a little low before we had taken many paces down the street beyond it the noise of the city seemed to melt as if by magic into a softened distance a few dull ts and row ways brought us to the sky lighted offices of and in the of which temple accessible to without the ceremony of knocking three or four clerks were at work as one of these a uttle dry man sitting by himself who wore a stiff brown wig that looked as if it were made of rose to receive my aunt and show
7James Baldwin
to an purpose and thus did the first warlike fate of the tion come to a end â a fate which i am informed has befallen but too many of its it was a long time before could be persuaded by the united efforts of all his that his war measure had failed in producing any effect â on the contrary he flew in a passion whenever any one dared to question its and swore though it was slow in yet when once it began to work it would soon the land of these time however that test of all experiments both in philosophy and politics at length the great that his was and that notwithstanding he had waited nearly four years in a state of constant irritation yet he was still off than ever from the object of his wishes his in the east became more and more troublesome in their and founded the colony of close upon the skirts of fort they moreover commenced the fair settlement of otherwise called the red hills within the of their â while the patches of were a continual to the garrison of van vol t t l a second one issued upon beholding therefore the of his measure the sage like many a worthy of laid the blame not to the medicine but to the quantity and resolutely resolved to double the dose in the year therefore that being the fourth year of his reign he against them a second of heavier metal than the former written in thundering long sentences not one word of which was under five this in fact was a kind of non intercourse bill forbidding and all commerce and between any and every of the said yankee and the said fortified post of fort and ordering commanding and all his loyal and weu beloved subjects to furnish them with no supplies of gin or sour to buy none of their pacing horses pork apple brandy yankee rum water apple or wooden but to starve and them from the face of the land another pause of a ensued during which the last received the same attention and experienced the same fate as the first â at the end of which term the gallant of his messengers van despatched his annual messenger with his customary of complaints and entreaties whether the regular interval of a intervening between the arrival of van was occasioned by the of his movements or by the at which he was stationed of is a matter of uncertainty have ascribed it to the of his messengers who as i have before noticed were the shortest and of his garrison as least likely to be worn out on the road and who being short little men generally fifteen miles a day and then laid by a whole to rest all these however are matters of conjecture and i rather it be ascribed to the of this worthy and which has ever all its public t not to do things in a hurry the gallant van in his respectfully represented that several years had now elapsed since his application to his late t during wm interval his had been reduced nearly one eighth by the death of two of his most and nt soldiers who had t van s complaints themselves on some â at salmon caught in the river he further stated that the enemy persisted in their taking no notice of the fort or its inhabitants but themselves down and forming all around it so that in a uttle while he should find himself enclosed and by the enemy and totally at their mercy but among the most of his i find the following still on record which may serve to show the bloody minded of these savage in the mean time they of have not and taken in the lands of although and against the of nations but have our nation in purchased broken up lands but have also them with in the night which the had broken up and intended to and have beaten the servants of the high and mighty the honored which were on master s lands firom lands with sticks and in hostile manner and amongst the rest struck ever a hole in his head with a stick â is no doubt mis in some old of a h s rights that the blood ran very strongly upon his body but what is still more those of sold a that belonged to the honored under pretence that it had eaten of grass when they had not any foot of inheritance they proffered the for s if the would have given â for damage which the denied because man s as men used to say can upon his ma ter s the receipt of this melancholy in the whole community â there was in it that spoke to the dull comprehension and touched the feelings even of the vulgar who generally require a kick in the rear to awaken their dignity i have known my profound fellows citizens bear without murmur ia thousand essential of their rights merely because they were not immediately obvious to their senses but the moment the unlucky was shot upon our the whole the time we find the name of who is r the unfortunate hero above alluded to col s at papers ms of the body was in a so the enlightened though they had treated the of their eastern neighbours with but little regard and left their governor to bear the whole of war with his single pen yet now every individual felt his head broken in the broken head of â and the unhappy fate of their fellow citizen the being impressed carried and sold into awakened a of sympathy from every bosom the governor and council by the of the multitude now set themselves earnestly to upon what was to be done â had at length fallen into temporary some were
47Thomas Anstey Guthrie
the the giant pines and and hold their arms open to the sunlight rising above one another on the mountain benches in glorious array giving forth the utmost expression of grandeur and beauty with inexhaustible variety and harmony the inviting of the woods is one of their most characteristics the trees of all the species stand more or less apart in groves or in small irregular groups one to find a way nearly everywhere along sunny and through that have a smooth the mountains of park like surface strewn with brown needles and now you cross a wild garden now a meadow now a stream and ever and anon you from all the groves and flowers upon some granite pavement or high bare ridge commanding superb views above the waving sea of far and near one would experience but little difficulty in riding on horseback through the successive all the way up to the storm beaten of the icy peaks the deep however that extend from the of the range cut the more or less completely into sections and prevent the mounted from tracing them this simple arrangement in and sections brings the f t as a whole within the comprehension of every observer the different species are ever found occupying the same relative positions to one another as controlled by soil climate and the comparative vigor of each species in taking and holding the ground and so are these relations one need never be at a loss in within a few hundred feet the elevation above sea level by the trees alone for notwithstanding some of the species range upward for several thousand feet and all pass one another more or less yet even those possessing the greatest range are available in this connection in as much as they take on new forms corresponding with the variations in crossing the plains of the and san from the west and reaching the foot hills you enter the lower fringe of the the forests forest composed of small oaks and pines growing so far apart that not one twentieth of the surface of the ground is in shade at clear after advancing fifteen or twenty miles and making an ascent of from two to three thousand feet yon reach edge of the the lower margin of the main pine belt composed of the gigantic sugar pine yellow pine incense and next you come to the magnificent silver fir belt and lastly to the upper pine belt which sweeps up the rocky of the summit peaks in a wavering fringe to a height of from ten to twelve thousand feet the mountains of this general order of distribution with reference to climate dependent on elevation is perceived at once but there are other as far reaching in this connection that become manifest only after patient observation and study perhaps the most interesting of these is the arrangement of the forests in long bands together into patterns and in charming variety the key to this beautiful harmony is the ancient where they flowed the trees followed tracing their wavering courses along over and over high rolling the of says are growing upon one of the of an ancient all the forests of the are growing upon but vanish like the that make them every storm that falls upon them them cutting and carrying away their material into new until at length they are no longer by any save students who trace their forms down from the fresh still in process of formation through those that are more and more ancient and more and more obscured by vegetation and all kinds of post had the ice sheet that once covered all the range been melted from the foot hills to the the would of course have been left almost bare of soil and these noble forests would be wanting many groves and would undoubtedly have grown up on lake and beds and many a fair flower and would have found food and a dwelling place in the and but the as a whole would have been a bare rocky desert it appears therefore that the forests in general indicate the extent and positions of the ancient as well as they do lines of climate for forests properly speaking cannot exist without soil and since the have been deposited upon the solid rock and only upon elected places the mountains of leaving a considerable portion of the old surface bare we find luxuriant forests of pine and fir abruptly terminated by and polished on which not even a moss is growing though soil alone is required to fit them for the growth of trees feet in height the nut pine the nut pine the first met in ascending the range from the west grows only on the seeming to delight in the most ardent like a palm springing up here and there singly or in scattered groups of five or six among white oaks and of and its extreme upper limit being about feet above the sea its lower about from to feet this tree is remarkable for its airy tropical appearance which suggests a region of palms rather than cool pine woods no one would take it at first sight to be a of any kind it is so loose in habit and so widely and its foliage is so thin and gray full grown specimens are from forty to fifty feet in height and from two to three feet in the trunk usually into three or four main branches about fifteen and twenty feet from the ground which after bearing away from one another shoot straight up and form separate while the crooked subordinate branches and and in ornamental the slender the forests green needles are from eight to twelve inches long loosely and inclined to in handsome curves with the stiff dark hut pine p colored tr and branches in a very striking manner no other tree of my acquaintance so substantial
27Charles Reade
rest of his in a manner more becoming his dignity than he had been and that he should be set free on the payment of a heavy this the english people willingly raised when queen took it over to germany it was at first and refused but she appealed to the honor of all the princes of the german empire in behalf the m n and appealed so that it was accepted and the king released thereupon the king of wrote to prince take care of the devil is prince john had reason to fear his brother for fee had been a traitor to him in his he had secretly joined the french king had vowed to the english and people that his brother was dead and had vainly tried to seize the crown he was now in france at a place called being the meanest and of men he contrived a mean and base expedient for making himself acceptable to his brother he invited the french officers of the garrison in tha t town to dinner murdered them all and then took the fortress with this recommendation to the of a lion hearted monarch he hastened to king richard fell on his knees before him and obtained the of queen i forgive him said the king and i hope i may forget the injury he has done me as easily as i know he will forget my pardon while king was in there had been trouble in his at home one of the whom he had left in charge thereof the other and making in his pride ambition as great a show as if he were king himself but the king hearing of it at and a new this for that was his name had fled to france in a a child s of woman s dress and had there been encouraged and supported by the french king with all these causes of offence against philip in his mind king richard had no sooner been welcomed home by his enthusiastic subjects with great display and splendor and had no sooner been crowned afresh at than he resolved to show the french king that the devil was indeed and made war against him with great fury there was fresh trouble at home about this time arising out of the of the poor people who complained that they were far more heavily than the rich and who found a spirited champion in william called he became the leader of a secret society fifty thousand men he was seized by surprise he the citizen who first laid hands upon him and retreated bravely fighting to a church which he maintained four days until he was by fire and run through the body as he came out he was not killed though for he was dragged half dead at the tail of a horse at and there hanged death was long a favorite remedy for the people s but as we go on with this history i fancy we shall find them to make an end of for all that the french war delayed occasionally by a was still in progress when a certain lord richard the first named of chanced to find in his ground a treasure of ancient as the king s he sent the king half of it but the king claimed the whole the lord to yield the whole the king the lord in his castle swore that he would take the castle by storm and hang every man of its on the there was a strange old song in that part of the country to the effect that in an arrow would be made by which king richard would die it may be that de a young man who was one of the of the castle had often sung it or heard it sung of a winter night and remembered it when he saw from his post upon the the king attended only by his chief officer riding below the walls surveying the place he drew an arrow to the head took steady aim said between his teeth now i pray god speed thee well arrow discharged it and struck the king in the left shoulder although the wound was not at first considered dangerous it was severe enough to cause the king to retire to his tent and direct the assault to be made without him the castle was taken and every man of its was hanged as the king had sworn all should be except de who was reserved until the royal pleasure respecting him should be known by that time treatment had made the a child s history of wound mortal and the king w he directed to be brought into his te t the young man wag brought there chained king richard looked at him steadily he looked as steadily at the king said king richard what have i done to thee that thou take my life what hast thou done to me replied the young man with thine own hands thou hast killed my father and my two brothers myself thou have hanged let me die now by any torture that thou wilt my comfort is that no torture can save thee thou too must die and through me the world is quit of thee again the king looked at the young steadily again the young man looked steadily at him perhaps some remembrance of his generous enemy who was not a christian came into the mind of the dying king youth i he said i forgive thee go then turning to the chief officer who had been riding in his company when he received the wound king richard said take off his chains give him a hundred shillings and let him depart he sunk down on his couch and a dark mist seemed in his weakened eyes to fill the tent where in he had so often rested and he died his
7James Baldwin
of accents â it s strange we should meet like this after so many years i vi recognition at these words and at sight of the speaker started back as if he had been shot he exclaimed â not possible d no you must be his son the stranger laughed my good always the miracles arc many but there is one which is beyond all performance a man cannot be his own offspring i am that very who saw you last in oxford come come â you ought to know me he stepped more fully into the light whidi was shed from the open door of the deck saloon and showed himself to be a man of distinguished appearance apparently about forty years of age he was well built with the back and broad shoulders of an â his face was finely and radiant with the glow of health and strength and as he smiled and laid one hand on mr s shoulder he looked the very of active powerful manhood stared at him in amazement and something of terror el he repeated â you are his living image â but you cannot be himself â you are too young a gleam of amusement sparkled in the stranger s eyes don t let us talk of age or youth for the moment â he said here i am â you eccentric college recognition ance whom you and several other fellows fought shy of years ago i assure you i am quite harmless will you present me to the ladies there was a brief embarrassed pause then mr turned to us where we had withdrawn ourselves a little apart and addressed his daughter â he said â this gentleman tells me he knew me at oxford and if he is t i also knew him i spoke of him only the other night at dinner â you remember â but i did not tell you his name it is el if indeed he is â though my should be a much older man i extremely regret said our visitor then advancing and bowing courteously to and myself â that i do not fulfil the required conditions of age will you try to forgive me he smiled â and we were a little confused hardly knowing what to say involuntarily i raised my eyes to his and with one glance saw in those clear blue that so met mine a v of memories â memories tender wistful and pathetic entangled as in tears i nd fire all the inward instincts of my spirit told me that i knew him well as well as one knows the gold of the sunshine or the colour of the sky â yet where had i seen him often and often before while my thoughts puzzled over this question he averted his gaze from mine and went on speaking to i understand he said â that you are interested in the lighting of my it is most beautiful and wonderful â answered in her tone of conventional politeness and so unusual his eyebrows went up with a slightly the life everlasting yes i suppose it is he said â i am forgetting that what is not quite common seems strange but really the arrangement is very simple the is called the dream â and she as her name a dream fulfilled her sails are her only motive power they are charged with and that is why shine at night in a way that must seem to like a special illumination if you will honour me with a visit to morrow i will show you how it is managed here captain who had been standing dose by was unable to resist the impulse of his curiosity excuse me sir â he said suddenly â but may i ask how it is you sail without wind certainly â you may ask and be answered replied as i have just said our sails are our only motive power but we do not need the wind to fill them by a very simple scientific method or rather let me say by a scientific application of natural means we a form of electric force from the air and water as we move this force fills the sails and the vessel with amazing swiftness wherever she is neither calm nor storm affects her progress when there is a good gale blowing our way we naturally lessen the on our own supplies â but we can make excellent speed even in the teeth of a contrary wind we escape all the of steam and smoke and dirt and noise â and i in about a couple of hundred years or so my method of sailing the seas will be applied to all ships large and small with much wonder that it was not thought of long ago why not apply it yourself asked dr now joining in the conversation for the first time and putting the question with an air of incredulous amusement â with recognition each a discovery â if it is yours â you should make your f i glanced him over with polite it is possible i do not need to make it â he answered then turning again to captain he said kindly i hope the matter seems clearer to you we sail without wind it is true but not without the power that wind the captain shook his head well sir i can t quite take it in â he confessed â i d like to know more so you shall f will you all come over to the to morrow there may be some excursion we could do together â and you might remain and dine with me afterwards mr s face was a study doubt and fear struggled for the mastery in his expression and he did not at once answer then he seemed to conquer his hesitation and to recover himself give me a moment with
32George William Curtis
not unlike their old at this juncture died the sudden blow for a few days seemed to rough and ready both hastened to the with and offers of aid and assistance but the old man received them sternly a change had come over the weak and yielding those who expected to find him helpless shrank from the cold hard eyes and voice that bade them and leave him with his dead even his own friends failed to make him respond to their sympathy arid were fain to content themselves with his cold intimation that both the wishes of his dead wife and his own instincts were against any display or the reception of any favor from the camp that might tend to keep up the divisions they had innocently created the refusal of to accept any service offered was so unlike him as to have but one dreadful meaning the sudden shock had turned his brain yet so impressed were they with his resolution that they permitted him to perform the last sad offices himself and only a select few of his nearer neighbors assisted him in carrying the plain deal from his lonely cabin in the woods to ihe st on the hill top when two saints of the foot hills the shallow grave was filled he dismissed even these shut himself up in his cabin and for days remained unseen it was evident that he was no longer in his right mind his harmless was accepted and treated with a degree of intelligent delicacy hardly to be believed of so rough a community during his wife s sudden and severe illness the safe containing the funds to his care by the various benevolent associations was broken into and robbed and although the act was clearly to his carelessness and all allusion to the fact was withheld from him in his severe affliction when he appeared again before the camp and the circumstances were considerably explained to him with the remark that the boys had made it all right the vacant hopeless eye that he turned upon the speaker showed too plainly that he had forgotten all about it don t trouble the old man said dick with a burst of honest poetry don t ye see his memory s dead and lying there in the coffin with perhaps the speaker was nearer right than he imagined failing in religious consolation they took various means of his mind with worldly amusements and one was a visit to a variety then performing in the town the result of the visit was briefly told v drift from two shores dick well sir we went in and i the old man down in a front seat and kinder propped him up with some other of the round him and there he as silent and awful the grave and then that fancy miss grace comes in and my skin ef the old man did n t get to trembling and all over as she cut them wings i tell ye what boys men is men way down to their boots â whether they re crazy or not well he took on so that i m blamed if at last that herself did n t notice him and she suddenly and blows him a kiss â so with her fingers whether this were exaggerated or not it is certain that the old man every succeeding night of the performance was a spectator that he may have to more than that was suggested a day or two later in the following incident a number of the boys were sitting around the stove in the saloon listening to the of a winter storm against the windows when dick tremulous excited and with rain drops and information broke in upon them well boys i ve got just the biggest thing out ef i had n t seed it myself i would n t believed it it ain t ghost ag in growled robinson from the depths of his arm chair ghost s about played two saints of the foot ghost asked a new comer why s ghost that every about yer sees when he s half full and out late o nights where where why where should a ghost be round her grave on the hill in course it s bigger nor said dick confidently no ghost kin down the pot ag in the i ve got here this ain t no bluff well go on said a dozen excited voices dick paused a moment with the hesitation of an artistic well he said with affected deliberation let s see it s nigh an hour ago i was down at the variety show when the curtain was down the ax i looks round fer no i goes out and asks some o the boys was there a ago they say must gone home bein kinder responsible for the old man i hangs around and goes out in the hall and sees a passage behind the scenes now the queer thing about this boys that in my bones tells me the old man is i in and sure as a gun i hears his voice kinder pathetic kinder st â drift from two shores love broke in the impatient robinson you ve hit it â you ve rung the bell every time but she says i wants money down or i â and here i could n t get to hear the rest and then he kinder and she says but all the time â woman like ye know eve and the â and she says i see to morrow and he says you won t blow on me and i gets excited and in and may i be ef i didn t see â what the why on his knees to that there fancy grace now if s ghost is round why et s about time she left the and put in an appearance in s hall
4George Eliot
placed his departed great ones in groves while during this trance he hears the of nature he seems to become her and she him it is truly the mother in the child and the look out with eyes of tender twilight approbation from their beloved and loving trees such an hour lives for us again in this picture mr has been very fortunate in catching the and glimmer of the woods and his and to their peculiar light this is spoken of as s but i should think can scarcely have been suggested by the divine comedy the painter merely having in mind how the great loved a certain lady called embodied here his own ideal of a poet s love the of was no doubt as pure as gentle as high bred but also possessed of much higher attributes than this fair being how fair indeed and not for a poet s love but there lies in her no of the celestial destiny of s saint what she is wliat she can be it needs no to dis she is not a beauty neither is she a high and poetic one she is not a concentrated nor a flower nor a star yet somewhat has she of every creature s best she has the mean without any touch of the she can the higher and compassionate the lower and do to all honour due with most grateful courtesy and nice tact she is healed papers on literature art m m all things yet if need m d the tears yet are her f mother and than a e er i would for her g due lustre e t h h are good g but having the and shades well marked they show a in and the ia particularly good and the tear whose head shoulder knee and foot seem to unite to spell the word paul is next the sisters â a picture quite unlike those i have named â does not please me much though i should suppose the execution remarkably good it is not in repose nor in harmony nor is it rich in suggestion like the others it aims to speak but says little and is not beautiful enough to fill the heart with its present ment to me it makes a break in the chain of thought the other pictures had woven scene from bias â also unlike the other in being perfectly and telling all its thought at once it is a fine painting mother and child a lovely picture but there is to my taste an air of got up and delicacy in it it seems healed washington selected arranged by an il it did not flow into the s mind like the others but of better taste than i hke it than i do â full of is too dignified and sad gold the soul ot the man that owned at these i look with such ed delight that i been at moments tempted to wish that the artist had his on this department of art in so high a does he exhibit the of tho a power of sympathy gives each landscape a perfectly individual here the painter is in his theme and these pictures affect us as of nature so are we in them so difficult is it tt remember them as pictures how tho clouds float how the trees live and breathe out their souls in the peculiar attitude of leaf dear companions of my hfe whom yea ly i know better yet into whose can no more penetrate than see while yon live and grow i feel wh it you have laid to tliis painter i can in some degree the he ha in i the gentle the soul of the is in these but not his character is not the highest art nature and the soul combined the former from oi the latter its merely human aspect these lie too works of art their language b too direct too perfect to be translated into this of words without doing them an injury to those who confound praise with and who cannot understand the mind of one whose highest expression of admiration is a close scrutiny perhaps the following lines will convey a truer impression than the foregoing remarks of the feelings of the writer they were suggested by a picture painted by me for a gentleman of boston which has healed papers on literature and art never yet been publicly exhibited it is of the same class with his and evening es which were not in the above record because they inspired no thought except of their beauty which draws the heart into these two may be interesting as showing how similar trains of thought were opened in the minds of two to day i have been to see mr s new picture of the bride and am more convinced than ever of the depth and value of his genius and of how much food for thought his works contain the face disappointed me at first by want of beauty then i observed the peculiar expression of the eyes and that of the which tell such a tale as well as the strange complexion all heightened by the colour of the background till the impression became very strong it is the story of the lamp of love lighted even burning with full force in a being that cannot yet comprehend it the character is domestic far more so than that of the ideal and suffering of which it reminds you to w on his bride weary and and with heavy toil the fainting traveller his way o er sands the long long day where at each step up the dusty soil and when he finds a green and isle and flowing water in that plain of care and in the midst a fair to tell that others suffered loo and then appeased their thirst and made this
18Thomas Hardy
at such a time as this dear father would you not like to see aunt no was the unexpected reply followed by a painful pause and then the words not yet chapter to the young and thoughtless sickness in the house is a strange almost a weird experience it seems contrary to nature and an of her laws that rooms should be hidden from the sun and voices hushed and that every one wear a grave face and tread softly the that one to the other has he well what does the doctor say this morning seem like from a drama rather than the conversation of ordinary life the very air seems heavy with the of woe and within doors cannot be breathed with freedom we are speaking of course of the sun of sickness unto death or which may be unto death as was the case with those of francis he was better mr allowed was slowly recovering speech and even movement but these were not made with the cheerfulness with which that gentleman would certainly have made them if he could mr was a smooth man every way and was prone to smooth things he always wore a smile upon his mild saxon face but sometimes it was a pained smile i would give yon hope if i could my friend it then seemed to say to his but as a matter of fact there is no hope his voice was so gentle that it seemed to have been made for a sick room and it was never necessary for him to use that sound of all others a sick man hates to a whisper it may be therefore concluded that mr was not the parish doctor he had a large and county practice and was always â he county by gentle hints that he was about to retire from the practice of his profession he had met the great doctor from london in consultation on mr s case upon equal terms and sir james had acknowledged the equality no course of treatment than that already pursued could have been more judicious had been his statement to mr and in answer to pressing inquiry had said for self and it would be idle to conceal that we think it a most serious case mr may rally but â and he shook a head which had hinted death to kings and princes you think then he may have stroke which would be fated it would certainly be fatal said sir james this verdict the as in duty bound had communicated with all tenderness to richard it is what we must all come to my dear lad and when it is our turn i pray heaven that we may be found as well prepared to meet it as your dear father do you think he knows asked richard in awe struck tones yes i do this has been coming on for years though he would never let me tell you for anything that may have seemed to you amiss in him richard â i mean any lack in of affection â there was a physical cause richard moved his hand impatiently he was always kinder to me than i deserved he said but his heart smote him because he had not always thought so and had made no allowance for such i am not sure mr he presently added that you are right about my father s knowledge of his critical state and then he told him of his mention of aunt the previous night and how the sick man had first answered no and then not yet the was silent the fact being that he had already turned over this particular matter in his own mind he had felt a moral responsibility which had however been in part removed by his wife s arguments you do more harm than good she said by o c x even less black than we re painted if he wishes to see her their meeting will he to him and the had answered perhaps i have made up my mind what to do said richard i shall telegraph at once to street and explain how matters stand then your will be here to night i know it but my father need not be told only if he wishes to see her when â i mean at any time â she will be on the spot you will act as you please richard answered the with feigned indifference for at the same time he was saying to himself this lad with all his has a good heart mr was decidedly better there were indications of sensibility in his and rigid limbs and his speech was less thick and slow he did not however speak much but lay with his hand in that of his son waiting as it seemed to richard for more strength that wistful look had again come into his eyes which had already attracted the young man s attention and with every hour it grew more presently late in the afternoon when richard had returned to him after half an hour s absence he began to speak with tolerable distinctness though at first in and very distressing to the ear on which they fell i want to be alone with you richard there was no one in the room but quiet mr and he was sitting with a book in his hand in a bay window far away out of sight and hearing nevertheless richard crossed over to the doctor and told him what his father had said mr looked up with mild surprise but closed his book and with one glance at his patient left the room as noiselessly as a shadow that is a clever fellow said the squire but he will never set me on my legs again then are they all gone richard are we quite alone asked we are quite alone father then lock the door
24Arlo Bates
my fast bound the half frozen that the poor trembled to walk on oft to his frozen i the bear while from my path the hare fled like a shadow oft through the forest dark followed the s bark until the soaring lark sang from the meadow but when i older grew joining a s crew o er the dark sea i flew with the wild was the life we led many the souls that sped many the hearts that by our stem orders many a bout wore the long winter out often our midnight shout set the as we the s tale measured in cups of ale the filled to o once as i told in glee tales of the stormy sea soft eyes did gaze on me burning yet tender and as the white stars shine on the dark pine on that dark heart of mine fell their soft splendor i the blue eyed maid yielding yet half afraid and in the forest s shade our vows were under its loosened fluttered her little breast like birds within their nest by the hawk bright in her father s hall gleamed upon the wall loud sang the all his glory when of old i asked his daughter s hand mute did the stand to hear my story while the brown ale he loud then the champion laughed and as the wind the sea foam brightly so the loud laugh of scorn out of those lips from the deep drinking horn blew the foam lightly she was a prince s child i but a wild and though she blushed and smiled i was discarded should not the dove so white follow the sea s flight why did they leave that night her nest scarce had i put to sea bearing the maid with me â fairest of all was she among the sixth reader â when on the white sea strand waving his hand saw we old with twenty then launched they to the blast bent like a reed each mast yet we were gaining fast when the wind failed us and with a sudden flaw came round the so that our foe we saw laugh as he hailed us and as to catch the gale round the flapping sail death was the s hail death without quarter with iron struck we her ribs of steel down her black did through the black water as with his wings sails the fierce seeking some rocky haunt with his prey laden â so toward the open main beating to sea again through the wild bore i the maiden three weeks we westward bore and when the storm was o er we saw the shore stretching to there for my lady s bower built i the lofty tower which to this very horn stands looking n there lived we many years time dried the maiden s tears she had forgot her fears she was a mother death closed her mild blue eyes under that tower she lies ne er shall the sun arise on such another still grew my bosom then still as a hateful to me were men the sunlight hateful â in the vast forest here clad in my warlike gear fell i upon my spear oh death was grateful thus with many bursting these prison bars up to its native stars my soul ascended there from the flowing bowl deep drinks the warrior s soul to the thus the tale ended study the poem until you understand every line of it then think of yourself as a or sea and read the story with spirit and feeling a sea or from the north of europe a large bird of the regions ly fierce horrible ber one of a class of warriors who went into battle naked and with strong drink an expression of good wishes hail y the poet probably means here any savage wolf properly speaking however a was a human being transformed temporarily into the shape of a wolf as related in many folk tales of the north a here the ship of a m a drinking bout a three interesting birds look intently enough at anything said a poet to me one day and you will see something that would otherwise escape you i thought of the remark as i sat on a stump in the opening of the woods spring day i saw a small hawk approaching he flew to a tall tree and alighted on a large limb near the top he eyed me and i eyed him then the bird disclosed a trait that was new to me he along the limb to a small near the trunk when he thrust in his head and pulled out some small object and fell to eating it after he had of it some minutes he put the remainder back in his and flew away i had seen something like feathers slowly down as the hawk ate and on approaching the spot found the feathers of a here and there clinging to the bushes beneath the tree the hawk then â commonly called the chicken hawk â is as as a mouse or a and lays by a store against a time of need but i should not have discovered the fact had i not held my eye to him an observer of the birds is attracted by any unusual sound or commotion among them in may or june from and wild honey by john when other birds are most the is a silent bird he goes about the and the groves as silent as a he is birds nests and he is very anxious that nothing should be said about it but in the fall none is so quick and loud to cry thief thief as he one december morning a troop of them discovered a little owl in the hollow trunk pf an old apple tree near my house how they found the owl out
22Albert Ross
shot him then but i spared him though i saw his wicked little eyes fixed on ray face as though to remember every feature we got away with the gold became wealthy men and made our way over to england without being suspected there i parted from my the old and determined to settle down to a respectable life i bought this estate which chanced â b in the market and i set myself to do a little good with m to make up for the way in which i had earned it t too and though my wife died young she left me my dear even when she was just a baby her hand to lead me down the right path as nothing else had ever in a word i turned over a new leaf and did my best to make up for the past all was going well when laid his â grip upon me i had gone up to town about an and i met him in street with hardly a coat to his back or a boot to his foot here we are jack says he touching me on the arm we ll be as good as a family to you there s two of us me and my son and you can have the keeping of us if y l don t â it s a fine law abiding country is england ana there s always a policeman within hail well down they came to the west country th was no shaking them off and there they have lived rent free on my best land ever since there was no rest for me no peace no forgetfulness turn where i would there was his cunning grinning face at my elbow it grew worse as grew up for he soon saw i was more afraid of her my past than of the police whatever he wanted he must have and whatever it was i gave him without question land money houses until at last he asked a thing which i not he asked for his son you see had grown up and so had my girl and as i was known to be in weak health it seemed a fine stroke to him that his lad should step into the whole property but there i was firm i would not have his cursed stock mixed with mine not that i had any dislike to the lad but his blood was in him and that was enough i stood firm threatened i him to do his worst we were to meet at the pool between our houses to talk it over of when t down there i found talking with t son so l a cigar and waited behind a tree until he should he alone but as i listened to his talk all that was bitter in me seemed to come uppermost he was ji s son to marry my daughter with as little regard for he might think as if she were a from off the streets t drove me mad to think that i and all that i held most dear j p ould be in the power of such a man as this could i not â snap the bond i was already a dying and a desperate man though clear of mind and fairly strong of limb i knew that my own fate was sealed but my memory and my girl both could be saved if i could but silence that foul tongue i did it mr i would do it again deeply as i have i have led a life of to for it but that my girl should be entangled in the same which held me was more than i could suffer i struck him down with no more than if he had been some foul and beast his cry brought back his son but i had gained the cover of the wood though i was forced to go back to fetch the cloak which i had dropped in my flight that is the true story gentlemen of all that occurred well it is not for me to judge you said as the old man signed the statement which had been drawn out i pray that we may never be exposed to such a temptation i pray not sir and what do you intend to do in view of your health nothing you are yourself aware that you will soon have to answer for your deed at a higher court than the i will keep your confession and if is condemned i shall be forced to use it if not it shall never be seen by mortal eye and your secret whether you be alive or dead shall be safe with us farewell then said the old man solemnly your own death beds when they come will be the easier for the thought of the peace which you have given to mine tottering and shaking in all his giant frame he stumbled slowly from the thb valley mystery god help us said after a long silence why does fate play such tricks with poor helpless worms i never hear of such a case as this that i do not think of s words and say there but for the grace of god goes james was at the on the strength of a number of objections which had been drawn out by and submitted to the defending counsel old lived for seven months after our interview but he is now dead and there is every prospect that the son and daughter may come to live happily together in ignorance of the black cloud which rests upon their past v the five orange i glance over ray notes and records of the cases between the years and go i am faced by so many which present strange i and interesting features that it is no easy matter to know which to choose
3Edith Wharton
and whatever other ill effects there might be of the and church discipline did like brave men and true christians take their stand for liberty of conscience and freedom of inquiry that therefore their preaching was necessarily occupied with tearing down rather than with building up any new system that now kind of preaching has done its work and ceases to be interesting there must of course be a temporary stiu stand in appearance at least while this having done its work as a is becoming a one and that in a fitting time even now at hand they will put forth and the positive part of their faith and be recognised in as a communion whose position and views are well defined and generally known and respected this solution of the phenomenon is plausible and as true and philosophical perhaps as any popular one that can be given but there are some among us who desire something more than a popular solution for such it is that we write and with what degree of success we humbly submit it to their judgment to decide we however agree with this popular solution in the main so far as it goes it describes only the surface we would look into the nature of the tion and of the church from which the we would also look into the nature of the change they would bring us the freedom for inquiring minds and the liberty for the conscience for which they so and successfully â are jewels beyond all price â are the condition of all progress â are the very atmosphere in which souls do grow and while they labored for an end which was felt by every living soul to be indispensable to its life they had a strong hold on the heart of the community and might calculate upon almost any degree of success but these indispensable as they are are but the means to an end they are the air we breathe and therefore necessary but they are not the food that we can live upon nor the work to occupy our hearts and hands when the have secured these preparatory conditions they must furnish the bread of life or the souls that in new a have stood by them in their contest will off while then we acknowledge what they have done and look to them for a revival of christianity and a more full development of the christian idea than can be effected by any other existing which does not come upon the platform of freedom for every inquiring mind and liberty to conscience to decide for itself in all cases upon truth and duty principles and measures let us also be faithful to them and point out their the obstacles that oppose their progress and the rocks and that their course every system of grows out of and is shaped by the philosophical system of those by whom it is first and taught for our present pose we shall divide all systems of philosophy into two classes those that recognise innate ideas and those that do not and shall endeavor to show in the course of our article that there are but three distinct systems of founded upon the idea of one god namely and the first two growing out of the philosophy that innate ideas and the last out of that which does not leaving for the present out of view the great question upon which the other two systems split the point upon which individuals and turn in deciding upon the views they will adopt is native and therefore we will in this article for convenience sake call all those systems that hold to by the general name and those that do not hold to and the generally and connected with it on the side of the there is greater logical and completeness of system than there is on the other the only thing that essentially the systems and a good ground for a is the view they take of the freedom of the will â or the answer they would give to the question whether man in his state is able of himself to will or desire to be born of the spirit and become holy and for instance answer the question in the negative the and we believe answer it in the affirmative the doctrine of infant and a few others that might be named we do not consider as either included in or excluded by the theory the movement we would remark here that by in this article we mean exclusively the without any reference to the form of church government with which it may happen to be connected or the degree of liberty which the churches may allow their members or the charity they may have for those who do not belong to them hence we include and roman so too by we mean the exclusively for we can see no necessary or logical between this and that liberty of conscience that freedom of inquiry and that liberality of the construction put upon christianity which have the in our age and which have done more in our estimation than the peculiarities of their to give them that degree of success with which their efforts have been attended we must request the reader to bear especially in mind that we speak of the systems in the abstract rather than as they have appeared in any of their particular we by no means intend that the of our new england in this nineteenth century shall pocket all the good things that we shall say of much less would we have the suppose that we think that all the hard things we are compelled in truth to say of their system are to them they are better than their system and therefore we have a hope of them while the are worse than theirs and this if anything would lead us to
36Jacob Abbott
his wife was the half breed daughter of a fur married to him in the greek mission of a thousand miles or so down the thus being of much higher caste than the common or native wife it was a mere which none but the adventurer may understand i reckon you kin take it that way was his the next instant had stretched him on the floor the circle was broken up and half a dozen men had stepped between came to his feet wiping the blood from his mouth it t new this and of blows and don t you never think but that this will be an in me life did i take the lie from mortal man was the retort courteous an it s an day i ll not be to hand an to help ye lift yer debts no manner of way still got that the men of forty mile nodded but you d better a more likely mine ll holes through you the size of fear it s me own smell their way with soft noses an they ll spread like against the coming out and an when have the pleasure of on ye the water hole s a t ain t bad jest be there in an hour and you won t set long on my coming both men and left the post their ears closed to the of their comrades it was such a little thing yet with such men little things nourished by quick and stubborn natures soon into big things besides the art of burning to bed rock still lay in the of the future and the men of forty mile shut in by the long winter grew with over eating and enforced idleness and became as irritable as do the bees in the fall of the year when the are with honey there was no law in the land the mounted police was also a thing of the future each man measured an and the son of the wolf out the punishment inasmuch as it affected himself barely had combined action been necessary and never in all the dreary history of the camp had the eighth article of the been big jim called an meeting was placed as temporary and a messenger to father s good offices their position was and they knew it by the right of might could they interfere to prevent the yet such action while in direct line with their wishes went counter to their opinions while their rough recognized the individual of wiping out blow with blow they could not bear to think of two good comrades such as and meeting in deadly battle the man who would not fight on provocation a when brought to the test it seemed wrong that he should fight but a of and loud cries rounded off with a pistol shot interrupted the then the storm doors opened and kid entered a smoking s in his hand and a merry light in his eye i the men of forty mile i got him he replaced the empty shell and added your dog yellow asked no the one the devil nothing the matter with him come out and take a look that s all right after all guess he s got em too yellow came back this morning and took a out of him and came near to making a of me made a rush for but she her skirts in his face and escaped with the loss of the same and a good roll in the snow then he took to the woods again hope he don t come back lost any yourself one â the best one of the pack â started this morning but didn t get very far foul of s team and they scattered him all over the street and now two of them are loose and raging mad so you see he got his work in the dog will be small in the spring if we don t do something and the man too how s that whose in trouble now oh and had an e the son of the wolf argument and they ll be down by the water hole in a few minutes to settle it the incident was repeated for his benefit and kid accustomed to an obedience which his fellow men never failed to render took charge of the affair his quickly plan was explained and they promised to follow his lead so you see he concluded we do not actually their privilege of fighting and yet i don t believe they ll fight when they see the beauty of the scheme life s a game and men the they ll stake their whole pile on the one chance in a thousand take away that one chance and â they won t play he turned to the man in charge of the post weigh out three of your best half inch we ll establish a precedent which will last the men of forty mile to the end of time he then he the rope about his arm and led his followers out of doors just in time to meet the what right d he to fetch my wife in thundered to the soothing of a friend n t called v the men of forty mile for he concluded n t called for he again and again pacing up and down and waiting for and â his face was hot and tongue rapid as he in the face of the church then father he cried it s with an heart i ll roll in me blankets the broad of me back on a bed of coals shall it be said took a lie the teeth without a hand an i ll not ask a the years have been wild but it s the heart was in the right place but it s not the heart interposed father it s pride that
20Washington Irving
the then new and frontier country lying upon the river many families of note in the low country had possessed themselves of estates at the foot of the blue ridge in this neighborhood and were already making there mr attracted by the romantic character of the scenery the freshness of the soil and the of the climate following the example of others had laid off the grounds of his new estate with great taste and had soon built upon a beautiful site a neat and comfortable rustic dwelling with such accommodation as might render it a convenient and pleasant retreat during the hot months of the summer the occupation which this new establishment afforded his family the scope which its improvement gave to their taste and the charms that belonged to it by degrees communicated to his household an absorbing interest in its his wife cherished this enterprise with a peculiar the plans of improvement were hers garden the the groves the walks â all the little which an taste might invent or a comfort seeking fancy might imagine necessary were taken under her charge and one beauty quickly following upon another from day to day evinced the dominion which a refined art may exercise with advantage over nature it was a quiet calm and happy spot where many were together and where for a portion of every succeeding year this little horse shoe robinson family as it were in the enjoyment of ease from this idea and especially as it was allied with some of the tenderest associations connected with the infancy of it was called by the fanciful and kindly name of the dove the education of and henry became a delightful household care were supplied and the parents gave themselves up to the task of with a fond industry they now removed earlier to the dove with every returning spring and remained there later in the autumn the neighborhood furnished an intelligent and hospitable society and the great western wilderness smiled with the contentment of a refined and polished civilization which no after day in the history of this empire has yet surpassed â perhaps not equalled it is not to be wondered at that a mind so framed as s and a family so devoted should find an exquisite enjoyment in such a spot whilst this epoch of happiness was in the political heaven began to be darkened with clouds the troubles came on with harsh war in the distance and at length broke out in thunder had in the meantime grown up to the verge of womanhood â a fair ruddy light haired beauty of exceeding graceful proportions and full of the most interesting impulses henry trod closely upon her heels and was now shooting through the rapid stages of boyhood both had themselves around their parents affections like that conveyed to them their chief nourishment and the children were linked to each other even if that were possible by a stronger band the war threw into a perilous his estates were large and his principles exposed him to the which was rigidly enforced against the party to avoid this blow or at least to its severity he conveyed the estate of the dove to as his reason for doing so that as it was purchased with belonging to his wife he consulted and executed her wish in the absolute of it to his daughter the rest of his property was converted into money and invested in funds in great britain as soon as this arrangement was made about the second year of the war the dove became the permanent residence of the family preferring to remain here rather than to retire to england hoping to escape the keen h r b shoe robin n notice of the dominant party and to find in this classic and privacy an oblivion of the rude cares that beset the pillow of every man who mingled in the strife of the day he was destined to a grievous disappointment his wife to whom he was attached was snatched from him by death just at this interesting period this blow for a time almost his reason the natural calm of such a mind as s is not apt to show in grief its sorrow was too still and deep for show the flight of years however brought healing on their wings and and henry gradually their father s countenance with flashes of cheerful thought that daily grew broader and more abiding till at last sense and duty completed their triumph and once more gave to his family of his grief or if not conversing with it only in the secret hours of self communion his hopes of ease and retirement were disappointed in another way the of the dove was not sufficient to shut out the noise nor the of the war his reputation as a man of education of wealth of good sense and especially as a man of aristocratic pretensions irresistibly drew him into the agitated of politics his house was open to the visits of the tory leaders no less than to those of the other side and although this intercourse could not be openly maintained without risk yet were not wanting occasionally to bring the officers and gentlemen in the british interest to the dove they came stealthily and in disguise and they did not fail to involve him in the schemes and base by which a wary foe generally to the way of invasion the temporary importance which these connections conferred and the appeal which it was the policy of the enemy to make to his loyalty wrought upon the vanity of the scholar and brought him by degrees from the mere of an intercourse that he at first sincerely sought to avoid into a of the plans of those who his fellowship still however this was given â as much from the of his character as from a secret consciousness at bottom that
28Edward Eggleston
many of the principal removed property to an immense amount in the de vol i i voyage which contained a greater population than the town has been destroyed and the value of what remains reduced to a mere trifle it is in fact nothing but a garrison with a few starved inhabitants who are vexed and bar by the military i am told that notwithstanding misery there is a theatre here and that the evenings are spent in balls and dances perhaps for want of other the outward actions are not always the certain index of the heart when we consider the of business the of property and the deficiency of supplies we may easily conjecture what must be the condition of people p l we forth at one of the gates to take a view of the country outside of the walls and within the lines which extend around about three miles it would not be considered safe to go beyond them lest we should fall in with the the name by which the people of are and who might take a fancy to our clothes general observed that with respect to himself he would hav h nothing to fear as he was known to them but he was that he could protection to those who were with i do not suppose they are quite as ferocious as they are represented to be but i presume they arc very little better than the indians we soon found ourselves in the midst of ruins whose aspect was much more than those of the city itself nearly the whole which i have mentioned was once covered with dwellings and gardens in the highest tion ii is now a scene of desolation the ground scared traces of the spots where they stood or of the gardens excepting here and there fragments of the hedges of the with which they had formerly been enclosed the fruit trees and those planted for ornament had been cut wn for or perhaps through over the surface of extensive and fertile plain which a tf south america â contained as great a population as the city itself there are at present not more than a dozen families upon whom soldiers arc and a few buildings this is the result of the unhappy which have reduced the population of this city and from upwards of thirty thousand lo little more than seven ib p on arriving at the high ground near the lines the prospect was truly delightful the city and harbor the shipping the with her glorious flag at a greater distance than that of any other nation the mount the expanse of this vast river at this place at least seventy miles wide spread out below me from this point the ground sloping to the interior presented an landscape the surface of the country waving like the or with here and there some rising grounds and some blue hills at a great distance along a beautiful winding stream which flowed through a valley before us there were more trees and than i had expected to have seen but this paradise was silent and waste â man had not fixed here his cheerful abode ib p we were told that the interior of the country for hundreds of miles possessed the same beauty of surface and of soil and although generally well supplied with fine streams a small proportion of it can be said to be or and that in general there is an abundance of wood along the water courses on examining the map of it will appear to be abundantly supplied with fine it is bounded in its whole extent eight or nine hundred miles on the east by the river which may bear a comparison even with the or of europe this river has also a number of important the principal of which are the and the negro together with several other rivers which themselves either into the atlantic or the la f p in the after i of struck up one of their songs which sung with as much enthusiasm as we our i joined them in my heart incapable of taking part in the concert with my the air was somewhat slow yet bold and the words of die and chorus were as follows nd el old el de en s la noble se en la de la de t a un c de j o hie is a literal translation hear o the sacred shouts of liberty liberty liberty hear the of broken chains behold behold in the face of day arising a new and glorious nation her are with laurel a â lion at her feet chorus be eternal the we have dared to win crowned with glory let ns or with glory swear to die i shall endeavour to give the reader a rude sketch of the city as it appeared to us a task much easier than to convey to south america l i n impressions left on the mind it stretches along u about two miles its and ai masses of building give it an imposing but my aspect immense piles of dingy brown coloured brick vith little variety heavy and dull showed that it di j c its rise under the patronage of liberty compared to philadelphia or new york it is a vast mass of bricks ed up without taste elegance or variety the houses in some places appear to ascend in stages one story rising from the bottom of the bank the second story leaving part of it as a terrace and in like manner where the building rose three stories a second terrace was left besides the roof of j the house which is invariably flat the whole has the appearance of a vast the streets at regular inter j open at right angles with the river and their ascent i j between the bank and the water s edge there is i
47Thomas Anstey Guthrie
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