class label
5 classes
As much as I tend to multitask, there is one area that I just want to concentrate on one thing. I do not like background distractions when I am engrossed in a good book.Unfortunately, music, no matter what genre, counts as a distraction to me. Even worse is when there is loud conversation going on around me or a television, etc. in the background and I just want to read in peace.I have a white noise machine in my bedroom for sleeping and I love it. I just happened to come across "Ambient White Noise" when browsing the MP3 store and thought I might try it.I put it on my Kindle, use it with earphones at a very low volume level, and it makes a world of difference. Now I can do such things as sit in a waiting room and be oblivious to chatting people, annoying background noise, etc.It really works well for me and now I can disappear into my ebook and ignore the world around me. I love it.
45 stars
A collection of demos and outtakes from the early days of Black Flag before Henry Rollins joined the band. Features the revolving door of singers the band had before the long tenure of Henry Rollins.First up is the legendary Keith Morris who went on to front the Circle Jerks after leaving Black Flag. Keith was the original and best singer of Black Flag in my opinion, the definitive frontman of the LA Hardcore Punk scene. Like on later Circle Jerk albums, he sounds brash, sarcastic and confident on the first nine nihilistic songs of this compilation before giving way to Ron Reyes. Reyes doesnt sound nearly as confident and is half the singer Keith was. The middle part of the album suffers as a result. The songs are the same too, just redone with the new singer. Dez Cadena is the last singer featured on the album and I totally dig his raspy vocal style. It really suits the old school cover of Louie Louie and the redone songs sound good too.The songwriting was never better for the band than in the early days represented here: The riffs by the guitarist Greg Ginn are fast, tight, simple and have plenty of hooks and short, bluesy solos. Ginn sounds a lot like James Williamson on Raw Power!!!
45 stars
45 stars
i now have both of JT's cds. while his first one was good the second was much better. i think it should've had more upbeat/pop singles on it though.
34 stars
One of my favorite all time albums. Whether you like old time country or rock, this one's for you.
45 stars
One of the things that I first noticed while watching Land of the Dead was its lack of a "memorable" score. Unlike the entries that have proceeded it (Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, and Day of the Dead) there was no moment in Land of the Dead where I took notice of the music, it just faded into the other ambient noise of the picture - you know, the screams, groans, gun shots, explosions and other things one expects to hear during a George A. Romero zombie movie. I guess it could be argued that the post production time was so short (Universal Studios shot the release time forward by five months in an attempt to turn a small movie into a Big Summer Movie) and Romero's pacing of the film so breathless, that composers Reinhold Heil and Johnny Klimek did not have time to construct a more traditional score (creating distinctive themes for certain characters - though there is a hint of one for Big Daddy - and motifs to play off each other as the story unfolds). That is not to say that the soundtrack is bad. It is actually a strong John Carpenter styled score that perfectly captures the bleak mood, building tension and sudden outbreaks of extreme violence that run through what just might be the last zombie movie to be written and directed by George A. Romero. Horror/Sci-fi soundtrack fans, Romero fans, and even John Carpenter fans should enjoy it. Recommended.
34 stars
Hilary has proven not only to be a good actress but also a good singer. Her songs are very catchy and some are even beautiful. I think this is the start of a promising music career for her. It's nice to see a young starlet who actually has talent and is an excellent role model for young girls.
34 stars
A steel guitar based instrumental group from Belgium that recorded many LPs in the 1960s and 70s. If you enjoy "Spongebob Squarepants-type" Hawaiian music (lively, sweet, kitschy) this CD is for you. It is a complilation taken from their many recordings. Great music to play in your "tiki lounge."
45 stars
A terrific Beatles send-up that still manages to be an entertain listen on its own. Todd lovingly recreates the signature sound from different periods and adds funny, tongue-in-cheek lyrics. Making fun of the Beatles? Grow up! No one goes to this much trouble without having studied and loved the original records. But hey, irony isn't for everyone.
34 stars
Pink Floyd's soundtrack id good, not the best but not the worst. Their '60s albums were overlooked, Ummagumma is also superior to More. It's a semi-instrumental soundtrack. A few songs have vocals but most is instrumental, the other disc is live. Has a few versions of the Syd Barrett-era songs performed live with David Gilmour on Vocals. The instrumental tracks sound unique and original, something different from Pink Floyd. If you're a casual fan than I'd recommend getting into more of their music like Dark Side of the Moon, Wish You Were Here, The Wall, Meddle and Animals. If you're really into Pink Floyd already than I'd recommend it. It's very underrated and overlooked.
34 stars
How can this american band rip off the name of the ORIGINAL "The Shadows" who are a very talented group of muscians. When the original Shadows started out they were called 'The Drifters' consequently they changed their name as there was an American Group already called 'The Drifters' to become the true and original 'The Shadows' Surely so as not confuse the music buying public and out of respect to Hank, Brian & Bruce the original Shadows they should be made to change their name!!!!
01 star
I just got my first Bjork album. Before now, my only exposure to her had been Kristy Yamaguchi's figure skating routine to It's Oh So Quiet several years ago. (That sentence may reveal more about me than I'm comfortable with, but so be it.) I liked the song, the juxtaposition of big band with Bjork's intermittent screams, but didn't really think about buying a Bjork CD.Now that I have one, however, I reeeeeeeeally like it. Hyper-ballad is one of the most amazing songs I've ever heard, lyrically, musically, and any other -ally you can come up with. Cover Me has an experimental feel to it that fills out the rest of the sometimes-overproduced-sounding tracks, and Enjoy is just plain good. I don't really care for Headphones, but it's the only one, so I'm not complaining. (And who knows, maybe it'll grow on me.)Speaking from experience, Post is a good introduction to Bjork. It certainly made me want to run out and buy all her other albums!
45 stars
Mortiis develops an aspect of dark music rarely found in other ambient bands. The mix of keyboards with dark sound effects makes Stargate a unique piece of fine art, very pleasant to listen.
45 stars
In a death metal scene that is these days becoming quite homogenous, Nile have definitely made the effort to stand out from the crowd. I think that is the reason why "Annihilation Of The wicked" has been receiving so much attention over the last year or so. But is this deviation from death metal's tried-and-true formula a good thing? I guess that's a matter of opinion.Good points first then. For one, and possibly the foremost, Nile's use of the Egyptian themme in their lyrics and music helps add atmosphere in abundance. This is a good thing, considering how normally death metal has roughly as much atmosphere as the Moon. Even so, this doesn't mean that they're lacking one iota of heaviness; on the contrary, Nile are one of the most brutal death metal bands out there, possibly second only to Zyklon (and maybe Cryptopsy on a good day). They have speed and groove enough to make deicide jealous, and as previous reviewers have mentioned the drumming on offer here is above par. WAY above par in fact. All of this adds up to a perfectly good, solid death metal album.So, you may ask, what could they have done to cost a full two stars? Well, first the main reason: Karl sanders has what is quite possibly the worst extreme metal vocals I have heard in my life. Far from the beautifully agonised howls of the Gothenburg masters like Tomas Lindberg or Mikael Stanne, or even the cookie monster growls of standard death metal fare, the vocal performance on offer here is a weak, monotonous, muffled mumble at a ridiculously low pitch. Seriously, it only just falls short of being comical. I'm 15 and I can do stronger growls than these.There are other faults here and there as well. For one, the blastbeats on offer here... Nile just haven't quite found the knack for making them synchronise properly with the rest of the music, a problem they share with Hate Eternal. What's more is that the song structures are imperfect; you'll often find it jumping from one pace to another without warning, and it just doesn't feel graceful the way it should.So, do I reccomend this? I couldn't say. If you want a death metal album with a difference, you're welcome to try it. But you'll have to be prepared to put up with some noticable faults.
23 stars
this is konrs most experimental album its still raw korn but with added experimenttation to create a suburb follow up to "self tittled" this album also bought korn into the spotlight with the song A.D.I.D.A.S being played on mtv and alternative radio stations.if you claim to be a korn fan u will already have this cd and u will know why it is great and one of there beststand out songs chi, good god(one fo the ebst korn tracks ever) no place to hide, kill you
34 stars
I actually know the members of this Christian Group. And they are a bunch of Jesus loving, God fearing guys and gals. I had the opportunity to meet them at a recent show and they were awesome! Their music has an excelent message and a grab ya' and make jump beat! I think this along with the other two albums are the best of all time! John if you read this, keep up the good work and tell Lori that I said,"Hi!"
45 stars
Here are the songs:1 Let's Stay Together 3:182 Sha La La (Make Me Happy) 2:573 L-O-V-E (Love) 3:034 Tired of Being Alone 2:515 Call Me (Come Back Home) 3:036 I'm Still in Love with You 3:127 Here I Am (Come and Take Me) 4:168 Look What You Done for Me 3:059 I Can't Get Next to You 3:4710 Take Me to the River 3:4311 Love and Happiness 5:0012 How Can You Mend a Broken Heart? 6:2113 I Tried to Tell Myself 3:2414 I've Never Found a Girl 3:3815 Oh Me Oh My (Dreams in My Arms) 2:4416 You Ought to Be with Me 3:1617 Simply Beautiful 4:1418 Let's Get Married 5:3419 Full of Fire 5:12
45 stars
For all who enjoy listening to Al Bano and Romina Power. Been working on completing my collection of their wonderful work together.
45 stars
3 1/2Spiritualized manage to keep all their stoner-epic grandeur intact and even up the ante with the rare live outing that can be purchased in place of studio output, easily putting Velvet-Underground-meets-Pink-Floyd genetics on display front and center, even if the second disc feels typically over-indulgent.
23 stars
There There: While there are better songs on Hail to the Theif, this is probably the best choice for a first single. It's a great guitar-rock song. 5/5Paperbag Writer: A creepy techno/funk song with an excellent bassline. Definately not album material but still incredible as a B-Side. 4/5Where Bluebirds Fly: One of the most experimental songs Radiohead has ever put on record. You will probably either love it or hate it... I love it. Again, this would not be a good song to put on an album, mainly because it's a bit too weird. My favorite song on the whole single. 5/5
45 stars
Updated July 22nd 2005, I found out somethings about this cd so I had to edit it.This album was not what I expected at all. Last year I hated his voice now I'm listening to the album everyday. I bought the cd cuz I got stuck on Lonely and the cd was only 9.99 at Target. Anyway this album should have been called Journey cuz it tells u so much about his life. Plus the song Journey is my favorite on here.My Fave Songs:Locked Up (Remix) -1st US single & videoTrouble NobodyBananza - 1st International single & videoGhetto- 2nd International single & videoShow OutLonely- 2nd US single & videoJourney- should be 4th singleJuly 22nd- I didn't know Ghetto was a single until I saw the video on Launch and did some research. I also didn't know Bananza was the first official single for this album and was a hit overseas before Locked Up was ever heard in the US.July 6th - This album is hot. The beats are great. Akon produces the whole album which is good cuz labels these days never let their artist work on their first album themselves. Ratings 9 1/2 out of 10 July 6th 2005 edited July 22nd
45 stars
this movie is a classic to me. i have not see it since the late eighties. that is why i am pleased i found it at amazon. does not have it anywhere else that i know of...
34 stars
Well, Ashanti has released 4 albums and 1 remix CD, so she's been around for a little while. Ashanti's Concrete Rose features R&B with some hip-hop trown in it. What really bugs me about this album is that Ashanti is much better on hip-hop songs rather than r&b. She did great on songs like Only U and the duet with T.I. because they were hip-hop songs. Songs like Take Me Tonight are just plain boring and generic. If only Ashanti had more flavor, this would have been such a better CD. Maybe on her next one it will feature more hip-hop rather than her boring r&b tunes. Anyway, if you like Ashanti or R&B, you should buy this, but if you like hip-hop, go pick up Snoop's R&G or Luda's Red Light District.
23 stars
I bought this CD because of Barry Gibb only. Although I loved the songs he did with Barbra Streisand previously, I am not a big fan of hers. I have been waiting for Barry Gibb to come out of his grieving time for brother Maurice and do what he does best...make music. However, the two songs that he sings with Ms. Streisand are not what I would consider his best work. His wonderful voice is barely heard over hers, and the songs are well....just BORING!I am a die hard Gibb fan, but this was not Barry Gibb's best work at all. He is capable of so much more!!
01 star
I don't know how I got the CD but it was pretty decent, but it was never really a favorite.
23 stars
Okay i love Punk, i like Techno alot, I even like white girls rapping, but this cd is just bad! If you want a headache listen to it.
01 star
When I get in my artsy-fartsy moods as I am prone to do on many occasions, I put on my old clothes, get my paints and brushes and a blank canvas, grab this CD and end on out to my garage/art studio. I put this thing on, and I get to work.I let the Spirit of all that is seen as well as all that is unseen move through me. I know about things creative, but still I think to myself when I hear this superb recording, "Oh, my God...where did he come up with this stuff?" Of course, Miles and Friends' really didn't come up with anything as much as they let the God of all that is seen as well as all that is unseen move through them, as them.And after a few hours of just creating and listening to this CD over and over and over again, I am Dizzy like a Sufi Mystic, reeling with joy what God has given me to be in my life.Make this recording a part of your heart...a part of your art...a part of your soul...a part of your life. Even if you're not a big jazz fan, you'll find it is agreeable in every way.Peace and Blessings
45 stars
Well, for all of you saying this cd is bad, I bet you haven't even listened to it. You all are probably just trying to give DC3 a bad name. All the tracks have great 'stay in your head' lyrics and great beats. Just listen to it and you'll see why this tops twotw.
45 stars
Some people don't like change,this album was not made for the timid...it is a superb remake of the original hits with a modern approach.The sound quality is absolutely superb and the music is creative and ultimately different from the originals but great....higly recommended.
45 stars
I thought her CD was waaaaaaaaay better than anything any other Idol contestant could bring. But then again, she continuously outshadowed her competitors from day one.I knew the first time I saw her, she was going to be something special, and she proved it with this album. Go 'head Fantasia!If her talent is too much for you, then settle yourself down to a Clay or Diana album. tee hee
45 stars
I would (and do) recomend this cd to everone I find out likes The Offspring. I think that this is probably their best cd. I like every tarck on it. My favorites are : "Gone Away" (#7), "I Choose" (#8), "Cool To Hate" (#5), "Intermission" (#9), "Disclaimer" (#1), "Mota" (#3), "Meaning Of Life" (#2), "Amazed" (#13), "Don't Pick It Up" (#12), "All I Want" (#10), and "Change The World" (#14). Basically all but "Me And My Old Lady" (#4) and "Leave It Behind" (#6) are my favorite songs on the cd. It was also the first Offspring cd that I bought. It was almost a year ago. I know every lyric on the cd I listen to it so much.
45 stars
There are quite a few people out there that dismiss this album merely because it is popular and has a hit song that gets massive airplay. Firstly, I am surprised that it is getting so much airplay in the US simply because "Clint Eastwood" is more of a trip-hop song with a harmonica line than an N'Synch or Brittney song. That isn't supposed to happen. Secondly, there is so much experimentation and "dirty" producing (extreme reverb, bass turned up on most parts, hardly any treble), that it doesn't really fit into the ultra-perfect production standards of today's mass market, boys-on-a-leash type albums.I guess it is time to go into a bit about the album itself. Well, there are 3 types of songs on this album. The first kind is catchy, radio-friendly trip-hop with what seems to be harmonicas sliding in and out of the background. The second is the experimental music, which isn't really poppy, more like dance music with repetitive vocal echoes scattering the background. And the third type of song is the slow, moody peices that actually seem to show a correlation between depression and aggression (just listen to "Gravity"...the ultra-slow and moody depression jumps straight into a scratching, militant assault by the turn tables). Every song on this album fits into one of those categories. It is for that reason alone that people are so divided over this album, have different favorite songs, and are so captivated by the imaginary cartoon band.Again, who cares if this album is mainstream, there is enough diversity on this album to keep anyone on their toes. It is just hard to say if a person can take this much diversity without growing an extreme hatred for the Gorillaz. Instead of basing your purchasing desicion on "Clint Eastwood", pick random songs from around the album to preview first. Who knows, maybe you should just be the singles you like.
45 stars
Hopely this will be the last album of hers! Her music life is over!!
01 star
Jewel's debut is still my favorite work from her. This recording, with a mix of studio and live work shows the artist/songwriter that first caught my attention. Her unique vocals on Save Your Soul and lovely interplay with cello on Foolish Games still reaches a very personal level for a performer. Her expressive style is an extension of Joan Baez and leads into new artists such as Mary Bristow.
34 stars
What kid sings about girls at 10yrs?? All them girls givin' awesome reviews probily think his music stinks, but just wast money cause hes cute or they dont want to hurt his feelings. This kid has the voice of a girl!! I herd this song on the radio. At first I thought it was some girl trying to be Britney Spears,but at the end the told you it was Aaron Carter. My friend started telling me to be nice and that is music is awesome, but we all know the truth!! I guess we'll just have to wait for his new album?
01 star
My 20-month old son entered a Fire Truck phase, so I purchased this video. Even though his understanding of the content is questionable, he **loves** watching the firefighters and fire trucks in action. We limited his watching of the video because he was requesting it three or four times a day! My husband and I still enjoy watching the video with him (even after several months!) because of the detailed information they give. Not only do they explain how different types of fire trucks work, but they show a fire station at an airport, bomb squad equipment, and firefighters at work at a training facility. If your child love fire trucks (even if they are little ones!), I would strongly recommend this video!
45 stars
Wow... Ok, this is a simple lay out... The Beta Band uses trip hoppish/hip hoppish beats/rhythms... That linear beat you've come to love and bob your head to... Well, not linear, but that repeating fat backbeat behind that chillish melody.. That's the Beta Band. It's like a more folksy trip hop. Yes, trip hop. If I were forced to put them in any genre, I would place them in trip hop... That beat, that groovy melody: It screams it. Anyway, it's a little more neo-folkish, and some of can even be called hardcore ambient(Monolith is basically a series of random sounds and occasional melodies from other songs like "Smiling", for instance) or dance(The House Song, even though it maintains that beat, it has a dancy groove... Don't get me wrong, though, Beta Band *IS NOT* dance... The House Song is dancy, but more along the lines of "funk")... Anyway, this is a brilliant CD. It applies to people of all sorts... I'm an avid gamer, and it's great to listen to, chill out to on the couch(or big comfy chair), or even to drive to, guys... In fact, it's great to drive to... Or walk to! Dammit, get this CD! Please? :P
45 stars
I'm a big JS fan. I pick up all of his albums and go to see him when I can. With the exception of a few tracks, I think that this album is disappointing. The problem is that the band really is playing the music of Ray Charles, but Scofield is playing Scofield. Alone, these are great grooves. Together, it sounds like the band and guitar parts were recorded separately. Furthermore, I don't know about these vocalists. Except for Dr. John, it all sounds like pop. It's good pop, but it doesn't fit with JS. I would recommend the album, but only after "A Go Go", "Bump", and "Works For Me."
34 stars
Clutch is an awesome band. This CD, is however not typical of clutch. They have acoustic guitars, but it is done awsomley.(...)The cd here is more like jam room. It is still decent though. It covers a wide range of music. All different kinds. acoustic to moshing. Thank you clutch
45 stars
Jill you did your thing on this record. I'm not mad that you took so long to comeback. Great works take time! I must say this is another collector's item!
45 stars
i'm new to this band. i heard of them when my nieghbor was playing the album and recommended it to me. i went out and bought it and it hasnt left my cd player since then. there isn't a bad song on it. i recommend this to you if you like band like monster magnet or AIC. i cant wait to purchase their other albums.
45 stars
Jazz Samba and Bossa Nova enters the peak of pop music !And the music lives with Stan Getz and Louis Bonfa.I`ve got my first item on an EP`vinyl in 1964 !
45 stars
I couldn't imagine Jack singing "Over the Rainbow", but he pulls it off. His trumpet playing is great and the band is made up of the top "cats" in L.A.. It's like the Sinatra sessions with Nelson Riddle. The audio quality is superb. There's not much soloing (except for Jack) which makes this a nice "commercial" CD. Definitely worth having in your library
34 stars
I heard this album and it brought back so many childhood memories. The music composing by John Williams is phenomenal on this album. Most albums have a few good songs, but every song on this album is great and a 100% Christmas. The one thing I really appreciate about this album is that it produces nice sounds that can be played in the background at a Christmas gathering without being so loud and overbearing to conversations. I also use the music for production pieces in my church because it simply creates that Christmas mood without any words. I love it! You can read a lot more reviews about the album below or above mine, but the bottom line is this, the album is simply OUTSTANDING! You will not regret it!
45 stars
I own this album on vinyl. When I first purchased it, shortly after its release, I thought the Pistols actually had a lot to say. They were angry - and they said it quite loudly. Now, I actually agree that this band was indeed the great rock-n-roll swindle. "Submission" actually has a lot to recommend it in terms of production (very raw) and clever lyrics. "God Save The Queen" addresses issues that were, at the time the song was composed, fairly serious in England (e.g., the dole). Now, however, I look upon this album with something akin to fond nostalgia. This music no longer represents who I am. Furthermore, after seeing John Lydon perform with Public Image Ltd. (and in a truly ridiculous appearance before Judge Judy), I don't think it represents him either. We've all gotten past it, really. But it still warrants a listen now and then.
34 stars
Now, Madonna is one of the most famous people on the planet, as well as one of the most talented. I bought the album after my friends gave it rave reviews. However, when I listened to it, I was thoroughly disappointed. In my eyes, the only truly worthy songs on the album are "Music" and "Don't Tell Me". All the others are very poppy, very light and non-consequential.Even so, Madonna's album is great for all of those disco fans! As my mom said, it was as if you stepped right back into a disco in the 60's and 70's, and she uses LOTS and LOTS of synthesizer.True-blue Madonna and pop fans would love the album, and part of the reason I'm giving it a 3 is because, after all, she IS Madonna!
23 stars
This is a wonderful video--especially because the camera angles provide such a good view of Gilels' technique. His bio-mechanics are beautiful to watch--efficient and economical.Those who prefer a more "performance-practice" oriented approach to Mozart may quibble with some of his interpretative choices. The playing, nevertheless, is representative of a special school in a special time and never ceases to be interesting and musical. The performance of the Tschaikowsky Concerto is flamboyant and dramatic--as it should be.
45 stars
This is a cd that is good the first time you listen to it and gets better as you listen again and again... I hope John continues to create and record what is obviously his passion. I listen to this cd and want to attend a concert. Love the harmonica. The song - "Your life is now." is my personal favorite! Spriritually lifting!
45 stars
If you don't know, the Casket Lottery is a three piece band from Kansas. They specialize in emotional rock and roll; some songs border the line of hardcore, while others teater on the line of emo. No matter what genere you classify them in, they are a rock band that write beautiful and emotional songs full of hooks and heartfelt lyrics.Survival is for Cowards is an amazing album. Talent and emotion shine through on this record, as does maturity. This is the Casket Lottery's most diverse and mature effort yet.The opener Code Red is possilby the bands most intense and rocking track, it's amazing that a three piece band can create such a lush and structured song. It's hard to believe that a lot of these songs were written and played by only three people. Three truly talented musicians, all of which had spent years prior in different and equally amazing bands (most notably Coalesce). Ed Rose produced this album, which only helps as he helps this band to realize their full potential recorded.From start to finish, 'Survival is for Cowards' is the Casket Lottery's best album. Every song is a standout; well written and meaningful in its own way. One of the top ten indie rock albums of the year.
45 stars
Linkin Parks' material doesn't stray too far from their earlier releases. Except this time it's in a much shorter package, udner 40 minutes.On top of that, about half of the songs are fast forward material. These tracks are the typical repetitive stream of unimaginative lyrics and beats.When this CD is at it's best though, it rocks. Tracks like 'Hit the Floor' gives this CD hard edge that keeps this album just above water. It is also a big plus that they keep their lyrics completely clean.I give this album 3 stars for a good effort.
23 stars
After listening to a different "Greatest Hits" package of MF (The Essence of Maynard) I was cautious of this set. This set is a big step in the right direction. Taken from Maynards most commercially successful period (1972-1976) these songs are Maynard at his screaming best. Songs like La Fiesta and Gospell John demonstrate not only Maynards ability but also the strength of the musicians behind him. Other great songs are, of course, Rocky and my personal favorite Superbone meets the Badman.So with all this great music here, why did I rate it as a 4 and not a 5? These songs came from 5 album only: MF Horn 2 & 3, Chameleon, Primal Scream, and Conquistador. And although this music was probably his most popular it doesn't include some of the best off those albums. Notable songs missing: Nice and Juicy off MF Horn 3, Left Bank Express off 3 (although the live version off Live at Jimmy's is better) and Can't Get Started off Chameleon. Still this is a great, great Greatest Hits Collection from his most popular period. Now all we need to see is a box set covering all of his career and I'll be one happy camper.
34 stars
This album is one of my favorite possessions. Every song on the first side is lovely. The second disc is lacking in a lot of areas, but it still has the lovely "Lonesome Tonight" and "1963". The first disc is full of art pop gems like "Temptation", "Everything's Gone Green", and the blissful "Perfect Kiss". It makes me long for a new release from this elusive band, but each listen only proves this to be one of the ultimate music collections ever. If you are new to the band, I would suggest getting this album first. It will keep you happy for a long long time.
34 stars
...I always hear so much hype about shadows fall. about how they are a great metal band.....this is true. The BAND is good. The vocalist however, he comes off very cheezy to me. I don't see how he has any talent. Now dont get me wrong I really dig alot of metal bands with little singing such as Lamb of God, In Flames, Opeth....etc. But this guy he trys to sing more on this Cd than the previous (fromw what I am familiar with) and he just can't. He honestly needs to stick to the screaming kind of vocal, but I really dont dig that either. I honestly get the impression that he is ripping off the old school metallica James Hetfield and it doesn't work. My opinion is fire the singer, and hire someone who is meant to be a front man. Just cause he has dreds doesn't mean he can sing for a band. Pass!
12 stars
I saw Amy Rigby tonight at the South Street Seaport in NYC. Under occasional strong rain that scattered the two or three hundred in attendance to cover, she did a fourteen or fifteen song set with the same irreverence, intelligence, vulnerability, and resilience that marks each of her albums. I'm still partial to this first one, for it includes at least a half dozen memorable slices of bittersweet life, both single and married. It concludes with We're Stronger Than That, a slightly off-key hymn to a struggling relationship that, she concludes, is worth keeping despite all its flaws. Before then, she dishes up Time for Me to Come Down, the very country flavored Beer and Kisses, Down Side of Love (left off her best of collection, 18 Again. Bad choice.), Knapsack, Just Someone I Had in Mind, and Don't Break the Heart (ditto on 18 Again). A great writer and observer ("That tingling feeling when you're first holding hands/Gives way to dealing with a list of demands." "We lived on beer and kisses/All hopped up on love and foam."), Rigby can also be a formidable rocker, here with a country edge, harder on some of her later CDs. She belongs in anyone's collection.
45 stars
So I feel in love with Ribot through Tom Waits. But that doesn't matter. Every time this guy picks up a guitar it is magic.
45 stars
The acquisition of this album (I owned it in LP form and played it through my high school and college years) was especially well timed - it coincided with the release of Carole King's biography and her associated rounds of the talk show circuit. King is among the most gifted of the songwriters and performers of my youth and it's a real pleasure to listen to her premiere album. For devotees, there's a bonus track that just adds to the pleasure.
45 stars
I have been listening to Switchfoot since New Way To Be Human, and I have to say that this is their most philosophical album to date. The music is pretty much the same, except that it isn't as fast paced as some of the other albums, but it is still great!So, if you are looking for an album to get your blood pumping, this probably is not the one. Yes, it does have a few fast songs, but the majority are more laid back. Still, I really enjoyed this album... and I am sure all dedicated Switch Foot will too.
34 stars
If u have never ever heard the original Live at Leeds ,a six song sonic blast of power unlike anything you'd ever of heard before. I guess i am tainted by the original record I had. In the era of revisionist history and completest then this is fine, I just know if i heard the first track heaven and hell instead of the blistering young man blues,i would of passed on this .So if you don't know any better then buy this one ,if your looking for that great blast of power from the past then ,well its hear but its all messed up . So buy it like I did and put the original 6 on the i-pod and the other tunes in the shuffle play list. and if your wondering what the original 6 was, don't buy the bull of this expanded track really improve on the original ,that's crap.1. Young Man Blues" - 5:512. "Substitute" - 2:053. "Summertime Blues" - 3:224. "Shakin' All Over" - 4:155. "My Generation" - 14:276. "Magic Bus" - 7:30
12 stars
I'm with that one guy. How can you say that this album is unlistenable or that you have to keep listening to it to "get it". The first hour i spent listening to the album i was rocking out to the songs, and the next day i had the melodies stuck in my head...... Anyway, the album rocks. Go buy it.
45 stars
Unless you are a collector this is the one best "anthology" ofWally Rose' piano playing for the general listener who appreciates afine traditional jazz pianist. A range of tunes and syles and goodsound fidelity.
45 stars
This girl is hot and all the songs she sings are hot! Go out and buy this album because it has good R&B beats. She deserves to be recognized!
45 stars
I have to be honest, I was a little disappointed with this album. Shakira is just bombshell. I mean, she's so pretty and it's so brave of her to learn English and make an English album and everything. I just don't really like her style of singing. This is just my personal opinion, but the voice-cracking thing she does gets just a tad annoying. However, you know, maybe that's the common style of singing in her country. I definitely respect that. So, would I recommend Laundry Service? No. However, if you have an extensive CD collection and would like to add some exotic flavor, go for it.
12 stars
Who can make a CD better than Kells? This is an oldie but as with all of them its a goodie.....
45 stars
No expectations is one of my favorite songs. Loved it since the Stones did it. Until hearing Jack Clements version Joan Baez's version was my favorite. All the versions I have I got from iTunes. Clement, 5 stars, Joan Baez and Rude Dog 4 stars, the Stones 3 stars.
45 stars
I just love Eiffel 65 exspealy number 1 in the Demos
45 stars
This album is supremely rad. It didn't take me very long to start liking it. After the first listen i was hooked. Its super fast and super cool. rad for days.
45 stars
Celine Dion does an absolute magnificent job in this album! Although I really only bought it for the hit single "My Heart Will Go On," I fell in love with every other song as well! This is one of those albums that everyone should have in their collection!
45 stars
This album is one of Em best cd's out of his first two albums. Any Em fans should get this album and for new Em fans out there too. All of the tracks are funny and entertaining. You have to have a sense of humor for Em's music. Em shares again with us his point of views with his personal life, current issues in America,etc. You will enjoy the samples but it is better to just buy the album. Just when you think he has nothing else to talk about, he hits us with some very unique style. He proves that he is a growing artist always reinventing himself and keeping it real. The bonus DVD includes a preview of his new Em's Europe Tour DVD, first video, slim shady cartoon, movie tralier from his new movie and other live perfomances too.
45 stars
great 1st album for lupe fiasco the lyrics are amazing, and the beats are just as good.i recomend getting this album if you are a true hip hop fan
45 stars
45 stars
OK. If you own a sound system you must have this CD. Despite a 1987 release, it is considered by many as one of the best recording. A lot of car stereo installers here use this CD as a set up disc. Great album, Great sounding CD. The highest recommendation.
45 stars
Have you ever listened to music that made you have chill bumps? This CD does that to me. "Symphony of Life" distills the perfect amalgamation of a mid-tempo beat with contemporary soft rock. Tina's voice is so powerful and so pitch perfect, it simply amazes me how it can come out of such a tiny person. Even though this CD is only available in the USA as an import title at an extremely high price, and has no track samples, I love Tina's music so much that I decided to give it a try. I was not disappointed; rather, I was overwhelmed at what a superb album this turned out to be.
45 stars
I fought this cdd was goinna roack simplee becauz this band is got the ferst word spelled wrong... its lookes koolr lake thet do not't get me wroung... Linkin lakes so much better than Lincoln... the "L" doesnt even make noise... I meen come oun... thats just stopid... Lincoln is dumb... but anyway I think the L should be taken out... but Linkin Park was a godly bend until Chester turned into the bad side of musik hestoree.... thank about it... he just isnt that grey... he looks more green to me.
01 star
If you've seen Ragweed live, this album will take you back to those memories. It's great to hear the energy and talent they bring to their live shows. Cody Canada is definitely one of the most gifted singer/songwriters out there. Back to Tulsa is their best live album and has a ton of songs on it. Their cover of Robert Earl's song at the end of disc two is priceless. Buy it!!
45 stars
So much lostSo much gainedIn these words...Need (I) say more?
45 stars
This is not really a greatest hits collection, simply The Dixie Cups "Chapel of Love" album with a few extras thrown in. And what, you may ask, is wrong with that? Absolutely nothing! "Chapel of Love" was a sweet little song, followed up by "People Say" and "Iko Iko", nothing much after that. But the sound of the Dixie Cups was unique, one that wouldn't be around much longer as rock and heavy guitars took over the sound of the 60's. Harmonies are perfect here and while some of the songs may sound a bit insipid, the melodies are catchy and the recordings sound as good as if they were just recorded yesterday. This is a very listenable disc and though you won't be dancing to it like you did when it ws first released it certainly makes for some fine listening.
45 stars
With attitude, a new hairdo, and a little confidence, Ashlee was able to put out an awesome album that skyrocketed to #1!! The songs she recorded are really easy for anyone to relate to and i would say she is very down to earth and grounded. I would highly recommend purchasing this album because it is one of the best out there!
45 stars
the best album of the 80s and by far david bowies best album is a masterpiece,period. agur@bezeqint.net.il
45 stars
The music CD was good and I enjoyed the overall selection of songs. The "Bonus DVD" however was a real disappointment. Only one song video and a bunch of "interactive games" that were more marketing oriented and a waste of time (I don't want or need a discount on buying the Gorillaz action figures!) Buy the CD - don't waste your time and money on the DVD/CD package.
23 stars
Pearl Jam have put out so many live records/bootlegs its hard to even count, but these 3 shows from the Gorge will always be considered to be some of their best. I know many PJ fans say these shows were in the top 5 best shows of the bands 2006 tour. Thats saying something because the band is 95% of the time just flat out incredible live. Im sure people have their own opinions about which of these shows was the best. I can just say that if you love their music or are wanting to get into the bands music this is the best place to start. The band sounds so fresh and energetic here. The whole box set sounds amazing and was remastered very well with everything sounding VERY crisp and clean. The setlists cover a wide variety of songs that are just played perfect for the most part. There are very few mistakes or flub ups made by the band during these shows. There is actually only about 3 or 4 that really stick out and with 3 whole shows clocking in over 7 hours that aint bad. The band was most certainly tight during those shows.The first show recorded on September 1st 2005, not September 5th like the box says, is the second best show of the set in my eyes. The first disc of this show is just incredible and is worth 40 bucks alone. The band opens up with I Believe In Miracles. Ive NEVER heard a version of this song I liked better. Its really the best Ive ever heard, not to mention a lot of other PJ fans can agree. The takes on Low Light, I Am Mine, Crazy Mary, and Black are also some of the best Ive heard. When I was listening to Black on that disc I actually cried! Ive heard the song hundreds of times, but that version did it for me. The only mistake on this disc is where Eddie messes up the lyrics on Off He Goes, but its forgivable and he just laughs it off. I cant forget the awesome version of Hard To Imagine. The band doesnt play this one much, so its certainly a huge plus. Eds voice has never sounded better. Whoever thinks Ed Vedder has lost his pipes should listen to this. The second disc starts off with the only version of Given To Fly I even listen to. I think the song is overplayed, but this one has the energy like no other. Other stong takes on this disc are Last Exit, Save You, Alone, Sad, Not For You, Dissident, and Undone. Some of those songs are hard to come by live and they are played perfect. Ed messes up on Do The Evolution and Insignificance, but I believe he just got too excited. Disc 3 also has a few good versions of Love Boat Captain, Last Kiss, and Blood. Theres the version of I Wont Back Down thats a little rusty, but is played better on the third show of the box set. The September 1st show was a great one. Really an all around perfect live performance.The second show recorded on July 22nd 2006 is my personal favorite out of the entire box set. It makes my top 10 favorite PJ shows for sure. The setlist, the energy, and the whole vibe is just WOW. Not to mention the show opens up with a killer take on Wash. I havent got the room to type all the great versions on this show because nearly all are great! The ones that stick out the most as being special are Hail Hail, Severed Hand, Unemployable, Black, Insignificance, Life Wasted, and Blood on the first disc. The second disc is the real treat in my eyes. So many awesome songs that are played perfect. Once, Alive now Ed can certainly belt this one out, State of Love and Trust played so sweetly, Leash, Porch, Inside Job, and Go are all just mind blowingly excellent. The performance of Last Kiss is most likely the best Ive heard... ever. I usually dont like the song live, but its really good here. I didnt list Footsteps because this version is in a league of its own. My God, Ed has never sung the song better. It sends little chills through my whole body. Cant forget Dirty Frank, this song isnt played much at all. Its really cool to hear this live. Ed can still sing it good too. This show is just fantastic anyway you can look at it.The last show from the Gorge Box Set is my least favorite, but is by no means anywhere near bad. Its still incredible, but compared with the other two shows it lacks. The first disc is the best of this show. I love opening up with Severed Hand. Other really great versions are In Hiding where Eds voice sounds great, Marker In The Sand, and Army Reserve sounds better here than on the studio version. This discs last 5 songs are just pure intense energy. Its so good to hear Garden, Jeremy, and Why Go played with so much energy and raw passion. Garden sounds better here than on the studio version for sure. Its another song where Ed sounds better now than he ever has. I cant believe people say the band sounded better in the early 90s. They sound better here to me. The second disc has good takes on Life Wasted, Big Wave, Satans Bed, Alive, and a wicked version of Crazy Mary. So this show can really hold its ground as being awesome too.If you read all this Im sorry its long, but with 7 whole discs of music theres a lot to cover. I highly recommend this set to anyone who likes rock music or is just a casual PJ fan. You cant beat 7 discs for 40 bucks. This set just shows how great this band is, how talented, and how hard these boys still rock. God, I wish I could have been a teen in the 90s to hear them!
45 stars
I was searching for a cd that would have powerful drumming, not too much vocals and transformative trance-like rhythm...I found it in this CD. Overall very happy with the musical pieces and satisfied with All of the selections. They were so awesome and varied too. Great for magick making, transformative trance or just background music, though I was inspired to get up off my feet and move to these throbbing rhythmic beats. A must for any African drum lover!!!Brooke
45 stars
Plenty of guitar masterworks. Plenty of great vocal tracks. Plenty of pointless filler. Plenty of cheeziness.
34 stars
I have never been a Jay Z fan, but this album was worth every cent. Jay Z exits the rap game on top in a classy way. The entire album was a remarkable production, with Just Blaze, Kanye, and the Neptunes all making production appearances. "December 4th" is a great start to the record, and by far the best song on the album. Jay Z expresses his most personal feelings of his childhood experience, and continues the trend through most of the record. The album is worth the twelve dollars or whatever, especially if you've enjoyed his previous work. The creative beats and meaningful lyrics show a deeper side of rap which is desperately lacking right now. Buy this album ASAP if you can appreciate rap as more than a platform to shout and scream of Crunk, Cars, Rims, and Hoes.
34 stars
Bill Nelson should be as much a household name as Eric Clapton or Jimi Hendrix. Instead, very few people have ever heard of him or his 1970's band Be Bop Deluxe. I first encountered the band when I picked up a cutout copy of the cassette The Best of...and the Rest of Be Bop Deluxe on the Harvest label (now out of print). I've just about worn that cassette out, which is okay since that 22-song cassette is expanded here to 31 songs, drawing from the band's five studio albums and one live album. [Note: "Life in the Air Age" is presented in both its studio and live version. Incidentally, the name of this CD is Air Age Anthology, NOT Life in the Air Age.] If you're feeling adventuresome, and are looking to discover an all but forgotten guitar hero who could also write terrific songs, check this band out. You won't regret it. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
45 stars
(3 & 1/2 stars) I'm glad to be able to bring some reality to the discussion of this new CD by Julee Cruise. She is an interesting person, with the David Lynch connection, her SNL appearance in place of Sinead O'Connor, B-52s stint, etc. She wrote just about all of the material on her new 3rd album herself, and this her first release without Mr. Lynch or composer Angelo Badalamenti. It does have several highlights, but it also has some weak points.The "good parts" include the extended closing track, "The Fire In Me," where Julee's silky vocals float cloud-like above a sea of synths and a nice Spanish guitar. "Everybody Knows" shimmers alluringly, "Slow Hot Wind" is a mysterious minor-key charmer with a cool electric guitar, and "Shine" and the title track are pretty good too. I also like the spoken word segments where Julee acts out a room service order and a phone call from mistress to lover. These are meshed in using clever musical segues.On the minus side, you've got the extremely repetitive "Cha Cha in the Dark," where she annoyingly just sings the same line over and over in a song that really goes nowhere. Some of the early cuts are sample-heavy and awkward, especially those with guest producers Mocean Worker and Khan. And - although it did not influence my rating - this CD has the worst album cover I've seen in awhile, a dark and blurry group photo.
23 stars
I'll go through the good & bad points of this video: Good: It shows u behind the scenes & the first 3 full videos Brit made Bad: The sometimes part is on for ages Good: Britney herself tells u about her life Bad:The Disney Special isn't very good Good: It shows Britney recording her 1st album Bad: It hardly shows anything about her on the road & The price is a rip off for less than an hours worth of video
34 stars
I am amazed that so many people worship the music of John Tesh. I find it repetitive and boring. All he does is stack a couple notes on top of the same arpeggios. His skills at the piano are that of one in the first years of playing. No serious musician buys into his showmanship on stage. He is a showman not a musician.
01 star
Who is this little woman with such a huge voice? At first I felt like spirits grabbed me when I listened to it, but i didn't know exactly what it was. I believed at the time the music was growing on me, but today I realized that somehow it seeped into the fiber of my being. Wow! ...i, and inertia keep playing around in my head.It would be unfair to label this artist as a Grass Roots bluesy Tracey Chapman with a little Janis Joplin attitude, but this may be ones first impression. I wonder what stories her eyes would tell.-Michael
45 stars
I thought this album was a mediocre attempt at recreating Zao's rawness and brutality before The Funeral of God CD. Their attempt was so pronounced that they intentionally lowered the album's production quality for effect. What results is a very loud, screeching wall of distortion that loses its effect once the melodic singing kicks in. If they were going for nostalgia and rawness, they should have left Scott Mellinger's singing vocals out completely -- which detracts from the intended "brutal" experience and sounds unimpressive anyway -- and stuck with Dan Weyandt's screams.As for the screaming vocals, it would have done better if it sounded distinguishable from the melody. Instead it meshes into a static whisper and fails to stick out. Furthermore, a little variety within the songs could have been nice. Every song seems to follow the same generic, repetitious template.So yes, I say this was a mediocre attempt. Zao's old stuff was chaotic, yet beautiful -- in which despite the chaos, the music and vocals seem to fit perfectly together in some deranged and artistic way. The Fear Is What Keeps Us Here, on the other hand, seems to be so focused at trying to be raw that it loses the magic of spontaneity. What results is a clearly orchestrated attempt at recreating Zao's old synergistic greatness as present in their classic Liberate Te Ex Inferis and the Self Titled album.To witness Zao at their zenith, buy the Legendary album. You'll feel and hear the difference.
23 stars
I saw Zappa in Sydney many years ago around the time this was released. I thought then, as I still do, that this was Franks "masterwork?. One of the all-time great guitar solos in Willie the Pimp with vocals by Beefheart-who can beat that and the wonderful instrumental Peaches en Regalia! Unbeatable!
45 stars
maybe a couple songs have that cheesy 80's hair band sound but the drums and guitar make this album rock,and make the songs wail.lightning strikes,ultimate sin,little giants,shot n the dark,thank god for the bomb are the best songs to me.
45 stars
If you are a Keiko Matsui fan, this CD is as lovely as all of her CDs and is a joy to listen to.
45 stars
Too many young "groups" today rely on pounding back-beats to mask the talent or lack of talent and call themselves artist. After listening to "From The Bottom Up" for the commercially released singles, "Grapevyne" and "If You Love Me", I realized each of the 12 selections were strong enough to be released as successful singles on there own, and be Top 10 contenders on anyone's chart. There are dance tunes, ballads, and stories performed in a style reminiscent of the really good stuff from old Motown. The artists took a chance by utilizing real music and real musicians, not programmable synthesized noise mistakenly called music. Each song is like a respected painting without the brain cramps of trying to understand the work. Brownstone's presentation of a masterful collection of art went the way of so many misunderstood artists; it, unfortunately, did not receive the accolades it deserved.
45 stars
We bought this CD for our daughter when she was only 3 months old and she listened to it every night just before bedtime. A year later, it's still one of her favorites. Best CD for children in our collection. Highly recommended.
45 stars
The International Pop Underground Convention was organized in 1991 by unlikely impresario Calvin Johnson, the founder of Olympia WA's K Records, and member of the seminal low-fi group Beat Happening. The convention featured close to 50 bands, all of which were releasing music outside of the traditional Big Six (which is now down to the Big Four) label system at the time, though several of the bands and muscians involved went on to sign with majors. The convention is often cited as a high-water mark of the early '90's indie scene that would go on to claim its place in pop music history as the "alternative" movement.Anyone looking for a summary of the roots of that movement should look no further than this disc. Fugazi's rendition of 'Reprovisional' stands out, though the Fastbacks and Beat Happening tracks are also outstanding. The disc also captures the live feel of the event, with a correspondingly disjointed track list and low-fi production. Good, dirty fun for all.
34 stars
Simply the Best Luther Allison Album Ever. So Harmonious in his playing and so soulful in his vocal. Good Songs and good Arrangements. James Solberg on Rythm'Guitar does a Fantastic Job!Buy it! An Album that shows Luther at his best.
45 stars
This is by far the BEST group out right now. They show they have HUGE talent by not speaking a word of english but learning it to sing for the American fans. They are also very beautiful girls and they are very headstrong in what they are doing. I give them 5 stars because everyone of their songs is very catchy and is very awesome! Go TaTu... Yulia and Lena Rock
45 stars
i think this cd is ok....so far i have listened to it a couple times and its not great. but its also not bad, i recomend u buy it.
23 stars
I guess I'm an ignorant music lover because I only recently found out about Anita O'day. First heard her on the Direct tv music channels, (Rat Pack, great American Standards, and vocal jazz hits). I heard her while listening and enjoying my afternoon cocktail while reading. looked up to see who's voice it was and saw her name as the artist on the tv screen. I then saw her story on the Documentary channel. I was in love with her and her music.this is a great cd. don't know if it is her best but very good.
45 stars
This is a fun compilation of seventies music, as are all the volumes in this series. They could use a few more songs, but who knows, sometimes less is more. This brings me to the insanely high used prices being asked for this. I know it is out of print but It is not worth paying more then list price for this. I bought mine in a record store on 03/12/09 for just under $12.00 including tax.
34 stars
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