class label
5 classes
45 stars
Adequate silk scarf
23 stars
Not a hit with the toddlers...
23 stars
12 stars
What a wonderful dream!
34 stars
This is one of the great algebraic topology books!
45 stars
45 stars
I really enjoyed this book
34 stars
Makes me want to visit!
34 stars
For a gift
45 stars
Grade level 4, Intellectual level 0
01 star
Good, but a pain to set up
23 stars
ThE Green hornet
45 stars
The middle is really rough
23 stars
On the Road
45 stars
I finally understand some stuff in LOTR!
45 stars
Awesome Gift of Verse!
45 stars
Paramount's Best Mean Girls
45 stars
Great easy read
34 stars
Loved the movie
45 stars
True Worship- Clearly!
45 stars
Intriguing Book
45 stars
The true story of Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron 3
45 stars
With Respect to the Reader
34 stars
Excellent Solution
45 stars
Eminem...back and better than before
45 stars
Didn't last long
12 stars
23 stars
Pick a card...any card--no, not that one!
34 stars
Great for Kids and Parents too
45 stars
A Tale of Two Cities
23 stars
Need help!
34 stars
Thorough and intriguing
45 stars
Good Album!
34 stars
a classic freestyle cd
45 stars
A Christmas Carol
45 stars
I like it....
34 stars
Great Cargo Bag!
34 stars
Ezzo Success Story
45 stars
Loved It But...
45 stars
worth the wait
45 stars
Great Single, Awesome B-sides
45 stars
Could have been a masterpiece but it's just a long meatloaf!
23 stars
Greatly disappointed
01 star
My all time favorite book.
45 stars
Its a Start...
34 stars
Exactly as it was described!
45 stars
Worst Movie Ever
01 star
Ok.... But could be improved
23 stars
23 stars
The Darkest Hour
45 stars
Tai Chi for Kids
45 stars
Powerful Movie!
45 stars
Earthy characters, darkly humorous.
34 stars
A good Choice for an Economical 900 MHz Cordless
34 stars
All time great movie
45 stars
Good craft product for preschoolers
34 stars
Great album
45 stars
A Must Have for Firefighter Candidates
45 stars
100% Satisfied
45 stars
Excelente pelicula!
45 stars
Dan Brown's fourth and best
45 stars
A good book over all
45 stars
Good DVD offering, OK movie
23 stars
This was 'my' Bible when I nursed my babies
45 stars
45 stars
01 star
Vampires For Class
34 stars
45 stars
I expected better
12 stars
By far the best success book I've ever read.
45 stars
A great story
34 stars
Great Product but be careful.....
45 stars
Cajun Christmas
45 stars
01 star
Sgt. Kabukiman, N.Y.P.D.
01 star
Best Ice Cream Maker Around!
45 stars
Well, I've heard a lot worse...
12 stars
Crazy confusing but still worth the read
23 stars
A marriage of smart and mellow
45 stars
worldly knowledge
45 stars
Beware this shirt
01 star
I love these bags can not get them in store
45 stars
Their best album.
45 stars
Too Damned Short!
34 stars
Poor Quality
12 stars
One of my favorite Singalongs.
45 stars
Always my favorite
45 stars
Great CD!
34 stars
Running with scissors
01 star
ya, it's syntho - but it's unique...
45 stars
Hobbit book
45 stars
A fascinating look at horse races and gold mines in South Africa
45 stars
March of The Wooden Soldiers-Babes in Toyland Original
45 stars
Simply Wonderful
45 stars
Smooth, smooth, smooth
45 stars
Swanson Riboflavin (Vitamin B-2) 100 mg 100 Caps
45 stars
rosemary's baby
45 stars
The funniest episode is in this set
45 stars
My unsurpassed favorite book
45 stars
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