class label
5 classes
Great product, Highly recommend! Do you need these, no not really. Are they fun to have, absolutely!If you are a kitchen gadget person, like me, you will enjoy these. They are much easier to use than standard kitchen twine because you aren't trying to tie and cut, they can almost be fastened with one hand. They are extremely easy to open and close. Additionally, they do not stick to the food because they are silicone. Have you ever closed a stuffed pork chop with a toothpick and then couldn't find it to remove it? That doesn't happen with the foodloop. My set is a bright neon fuchsia; I could almost find them in the dark to remove them.Surprisingly, they are easy to clean. They come in a little mesh bag that can be used to contain them in the dishwasher. Being silicone, nothing sticks to them so that they also hand wash with ease.I have used them to make braciole (Italian stuffed roast). They are also great for whole fish (to keep the lemon and herbs inside when baking). I have used them to truss the legs on a Turkey. They also worked great when I made an eggplant rollatini.I highly recommend this product to anyone that has impaired dexterity (arthritis) or wants to remove the kitchen twine from the counter. These are very useful to have around.
45 stars
Marketing Hype Research on Consumer Reports showed this pan as a good buy. Should have read all the reviews prior to our purchase. Received this frying pan yesterday and it's being returned today! If you are looking for a non-stick frying pan not made with Teflon or PTFE keep on looking and don't purchase this product. The company has marketed quite well their non-stick technology but if you dig deep, you'll find it has PTFE, the same chemical in Teflon. Have included this link so you may be better informed: [...]
01 star
Great for Capuccino!!! I am very impressed with this very unexpensive, sharp, powerful and practical little machine. Not only it's very light and easy to use, but it also makes a very thick and delicious foam, from any kind of milk, for your capuccino in very little time. It replaces any expensive machine I have ever bought in the past. I highly recomend it to anyone who enjoys a daily cup of capuccino without the mess of cleaning up afterwords.
45 stars
Best Pizza oven!! The first Presto Pizza Oven we had was a gift that we received at least 10 years ago. We loved using it and so when it finally "died" (we averaged about 45 pizzas per year), I immediately began looking for a replacement. We've now had our new one for about two months and, as with the old one, we love it!! It turns out a perfect pizza every time and doesn't require a great amount of storage space. You will not be disappointed! The price was right and delivery was fast.
45 stars
I had two break My son gave us one and after less than a year it stopped working. We got them to replace it, and sure enough, after less than a year this one stopped working too. We don't use it all that much, maybe once a month after going to Costco and stocking up. Seems like there's a definite problem with how it switches from vacuuming out the air and turning on the sealer. After awhile the sealing just does not turn on. Now I'm looking for a different brand. Would never get another Seal A Meal.
01 star
Best coffeemaker I've ever owned My husband got me this for Christmas last year. I read the reviews and was a little worried because of the reports of coffee spewing all over the place. However, I've been using it now for 8 months and have not had a single problem with it. It brews great-tasting coffee, and the coffee stays hot for hours. I was so sick of burnt-tasting coffee, and this has solved that problem. I highly recommend it.
45 stars
Five and a Half Years and Still Going This is a great device, if you want something like it. Purchased July, 2007, and been used most of the time since then. On at least once a week that whole period, with it usually being on every day for weeks at a time, then off for a while, then back on. Certainly more than a year's worth of use in 5.Pros: Pretty efficient for keeping water hot, good for making single cups of tea throughout the day. The magnetic power cable is a good feature.Cons: I dislike that it doesn't remember settings after losing power, but this is a minor complaint.Recommended.
45 stars
So Good this stuff is so good, can't believe it. if its too hard, just put it into the micro wave for a few seconds and go to town. i was able to add it to my cakes while it was warm and guess what, on one of the cakes, i didn't add icing first and it adhere to the cake with not problem. the other cake i added frosting to the cake prior to and you could not tell the difference, people love the cakes. remember just add it slightly warm to your cakes. I will buy more because I use it often.
34 stars
Awesome product!! I knew someone that has this egg cooker and once I used theirs I knew I had to have one. You will never want to cook hard boiled eggs on the stove again! It only holds seven eggs but they come out tasting so yummy!! All you do is put the eggs in the cooker add some water then select how hard or soft you want your eggs. I give the cooker five stars! Oh, and the best part is the easy clean up. All i do is wipe the excess water from the cooker with a paper towel and that's it!
45 stars
Beats other juicers in performance and price Move over Jack LaLane powerjuicer! The Juiceman does all the powerjuicer claims to do at a much lower price with more features.I have fed the Juiceman apples, carrots (entire large ones), celery, strawberries and watermelon. It has juiced all of these without any difficulty at all and it extracts a huge amounts of juice. Takes care of carrots even at the slow speed. Cleanup of all juicers is a pain, do it right after when you are done juicing, thats the easiest.Enough said, buy this one.
45 stars
Great sheets I see a lot of reviews here stating that the sheets are not "that soft" or one another. They are nice and durable, very soft, even softer after the first wash. I would buy these again over any w.m.,km.tar. etc. Great quality especially for the price. Only 4 stars though due to color selections.
34 stars
Unable to comment on productok Product looked good and was looking forward to giving it a go. Unfortunately I wasn't aware that it was not suitable to use in NZ. When I received it I noticed it had an American plug so I went to our local hardware store and bought an adaptor that I could plug into our socket and plug the American plug into. Unknown to me this didn't reduce our 220w to 110w so the unit went 'bang'If I had known when reading the product description that this would happen I wouldn't have ordered it. So BE AWARE, IT CAN NOT BE USED IN NZ.Have returned the product and amazon have told me I will get a credit on the return freight - which I haven't had happen yet as I am still to advise them what the cost was (once I get the bill). Am hoping this doesn't become a headache........
01 star
Tame the can mess! Thanks to this ridiculously inexpensive gizmo, we have tamed the mess from our aluminum cans! We have used it heavily for the last 2 years, and even though it is made of flimsy plastic it GETS THE JOB DONE.Over the years, we have tried every method to keep our aluminum cans under control: They take up so much room unless they are crushed, and no one wants to take the time to crush them. The old crushers that we used were the type that required you to hand-load a can, pull the lever, then remove the dripping can from the crusher. No one bothered to do their own cans, and everyone hated doing other people's sticky, slobbery cans.Now it is just a matter of dropping your can in the hopper and walking away. When the hopper gets full, just pull the handle a few times and the job is done in seconds, without ever having to touch a can. It is actually kind of entertaining--the kids sometimes compete to see who gets to it first.Here are my tips for total can-crushing bliss:1. Locate this happy machine right outside the kitchen or patio door to encourage its use. Soda will dribble down the wall below the crusher, so put it where you can wash the wall now and then.2. Mount it firmly to the wall, low enough to easily unload an armload of empties after a party, high enough to put a box or tote under to catch the crushed cans.3. MOST IMPORTANTLY: Always leave AT LEAST one uncrushed can in it! When a can is dropped into the empty hopper, it almost never lands correctly positioned in the bottom. Instead, it bounces up on end or crossways, necessitating reaching in to straighten it out. Once there is a can or two correctly positioned at the bottom, subsequent additions seem to stack easily. When there are more cans stacked on top of it, the can on the bottom is also less likely to jump up when it is being crushed. So resist the temptation to crush every last can.
45 stars
Heaven This frother makes getting up in the morning worth it. Seriously. As long as you're good about rinsing milk off after each use, so that it doesn't get gunky, you won't be disappointed.
45 stars
good set of gadgets! Good set. Great can opener and grater. Haven't used the ice cream scoop (still use my Pampered Chef) good peeler and tongs.
45 stars
wow is this little machine quiet! and, i am hoping it is more energy efficient than my last dehumidifier [runs all summer]. i notice it does a great job removing moisture from the air and i don't hear it humming from the basement. it's easy to carry, easy to change the water, easy on the eyes, easy to set up and use...it's just...easy:-)
34 stars
Good Value, Insulated This kettle is insulated so when it is hot, you do not burn yourself. It is easy to use and efficient.
34 stars
Perfect little coffee pot I'm not a coffee connoisseur, so all I needed was a little coffee pot to brew a couple of cups of Starbucks coffee at a time for myself and my husband and our occasional coffee-drinking guests. This pot is perfect for our needs. It is very reasonably priced, has a delay/timer so your coffee can be ready for you when you wake up in the morning, and it's small enough to either sit on your counter and not take up a lot of space or stick in a cabinet.
45 stars
Perfect for candy making I bought this with the intention of making Fleur De Sel Caramels. I have used it many times and even lent it to friends for their caramel making and there is still a ton of salt left. Don't let the price deter you because it will last a very long time.
45 stars
perfect replacement I had broken my brand new carafe and so happy tat I found a perfect replacement that didn't cost a fortune!
45 stars
oven mit I was looking for something to replace the Pampered Chef oven mitts ( cloth) that I have used for over ten years. The Pampered Chef mitt has been retired so I took a chance and ordered the Kool-Tek. I am very happy with it.It works great!
45 stars
Going in the Trash Ok, it does grind beans - and it does that part well. But in the process, it generates so much static electricity that the grinds are everywhere - all over the grinder, the counter, and you.It might work well in a humid climate - I don't know - but it sure makes a mess in a dry climate.
01 star
Happy so far. I have used three times so far. I'm very satisfied with the results. It takes little more time to cleanup, but no problem I can live with it.
34 stars
kitchenaid 5 quart What a terrific buy!! Normally $299 or more. I got it for $199 and no shipping!!! It works great and the red just makes it stand out!!!
45 stars
Nice! One piece construction. I broke the blade off of the handle on my old Chef's knife. This one is beautiful, well-balanced in my hand and it performs great. Worth every penny. I will never throw away good money on a cheap knife again.
45 stars
Perfect Coffee For Over Five Years I am the only coffee-drinker in my house and I only drink one or two cups a day. By my definition, two measured cups equal one coffee-cup sized "mug". I am very finicky about that one cup.After being treated for lymphoma, I became concerned about all the plastic used in drip coffeemakers coming into contact with hot water and possible cancer risks. I then looked for all stainless-steel with no soldered seams. That could only be found in percolators. I bought a stainless-steel stove-top percolator. I did not know what to expect as far as flavor, but I was pleasantly surprised. I discovered that percolated coffee tasted better. The only problem with this stove-top percolator is I have to wait for perking to start, reduce flame, then watch color through the glass knob on top. I grew tired of baby-sitting this percolator for several minutes per brew and realized it was time for an automatic.Knowing that over percolating will ruin the flavor, I did not know if an automatic electric would time as perfect as my watchful eye on the stovetop. I found the Farberware FCP240 2-4 cup Automatic Electric Percolator through a `net search and read many mixed reviews, mostly good. I ordered this percolator about a year and a half ago and up to this point, it has consistently brewed one perfect cup after another. It brews much faster than the stovetop unit I used before and the coffee tastes just as good.Prepping is a snap, then plug it in and walk away. You will know when it is finished with the brewing cycle as it will become silent after it automatically switches off. Then it will go into a warming mode to keep coffee hot until you are ready to pour. Cleaning up is not too hard although not as pleasant as a drip coffeemaker. The flavor is worth it, in addition to not being exposed to possible toxic chemicals from plastics. Most people accustomed to drip coffeemakers are unaware of how good coffee can taste with the right percolator.The Farberware FCP240 percolator is pleasing to the eye in appearance. A unique feature over other percolators is that instead of perforations in the basket and spreader lid, the FCP240 has dozens of stamped dimples where they are open on two sides of each dimple. This greatly reduces the number of coffee-grounds falling through the basket, yet allows liquid to flow through freely.If you need a small automatic percolator, I highly recommend the Farberware FCP240 2-4 cup Electric Percolator.
45 stars
love them! Stiff at first; after a few washes they get a very creamy-soft feeling that I love. I have a large-capacity washer and dryer -- they are so thick you might have trouble washing them in one load in a standard unit. They do come out of the dryer very wrinkly! If I were more industrious, I would iron the pillowcases and the top of the flat sheet. As it is, most of the wrinkles are gone after one night's sleep. I suspect the wrinkles will die down as they get softer.Love them!
45 stars
Perfect Had a poster needed a frame.... Good deal looks great... Arrived in perfect condition with crystal clear glass. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a simple frame.
45 stars
Awesome product! I decided to buy a steamer after using a Jiffy Steamer at my mom's house. I was a bit hesitant about how well it would compare since the steam fast product is signicantly less expensive than the comparable Jiffy Steamer product. The Good Housekeeping endorsement of this product sealed the deal. I have been thrilled by how well it works. My clothes look great after steaming them! It is great for replacing ironing clothes, and you can use it to remove wrinkles on things that I would *never* try ironing - like wool sweaters, suit jackets, draperies/sheers, knit tops. The other big advantage for me personally is that all I have to do is to plug it in to use it - no more dragging out the ironing board. The mfr does recommend the use of distilled or deionized water to prolong the life/minimize descaling maintenance. A gallon of water will probably fill the tank twice - which translates into about 8 hours of use. Do shop around. Cost varies significantly from place to place. UPDATE: Dec 9 2006. Still have my steamer, still love it! No problems with it whatsoever.
45 stars
Egg cooker review Outstanding device. I've only used it to poach eggs, but it does an outstanding job. I feel certain that it will do as well on hard and soft boiled eggs. Well worth the purchase price.
45 stars
Great Set of Knives This is a great set of basic prep knives. The size and weight are perfect for me because my hands are somewhat small and the grips seem to be just right for petite hands. The textured grips provide an added measure of support. Blades are sharp and do the job well.
45 stars
works well This blower works great. Make sure you clean out all the cobwebs and crap so it blows to the best of its ability. I sit about 6 feet from it when I watch TV and can hear it mainly when it's on its highest setting, but it's just a hum, so not a big deal. Love the fact that it has a magnet(No rattling).
34 stars
as advertized they make delicious water, are inexpensive and convenient to use.not much else to say, they have been around for years.
45 stars
Vacuum insulated but doesn't stay hot! I recently purchased direct from Contigo to get the vacuum insulated. With shipping that sets you back nearly $30. The coffee does not stay hot for more than 1/2 hour. Has Contigo opted for a cheaper supplier? If so would have been nice for them to pass that savings on to us since this doesn't measure up to all claims. Caribiner handle and lid are great but there is no need to carry the cup with you if the coffee is stone cold. I have foam insulated tumblers and older Nissan mugs that will keep coffee hot for hours. Contigo...go back to the drawing board and let people who bought this mug trade it in for a new one.
12 stars
Ice cream lover As an ice cream lover who's watching her weight, I love being able to experiment with recipes and make my own ice cream. This maker is well made and you can make a batch while you're eating dinner to be ready for dessert. We have an additional freezer, so keeping the cannister at the ready isn't an issue. However, if freezer space is limited for you, it may not be the best choice.
45 stars
Not as shown. The cutter blades were not at right angles,destroying the balance at high speeds.It is not the Hamilton beach cutter blade shown in the photograph.
01 star
Exactly what I wanted Excellent product. I bought this because I recently signed up for a wine club and this was the exact right product. It was was incredibly easy to assemble and looks great.
45 stars
Bad Presentation Seems like the knives was storage like 2 years. Ugly and bad presentation, the knives was dirty.
01 star
Dont expect more This is a good one to have but not an efficient one as I thought it would be. I thought it would suck the dust and other small particles spread in the car very easily but its not.
23 stars
01 star
It's OK Now that I've received this product (3 sets = total 6 bowls), I would have liked to know that the porcelain glaze has a few minor pits in each bowl and the lion's head is not very well defined (as compared to the Williams Sonoma product--granted at a higher price). I am pleasantly surprised to see that the bottoms are flat and will not hold water in the dishwasher.
23 stars
Sheets are off-white instead of the white that was indicated The sheets are an off white when I was expecting white white. Also, they are not as soft as I expected. The hem at the top is not straight and must be ironed to even be semi acceptable.
23 stars
Great Towels These towels were better than I expected. I read reviews that said they did not absorb water but I have not found that to be true. They are large, soft, and very absorbent.
45 stars
Just the latest revision of the 600XL See the reviews for the BBL600XL. The /A just indicates a slight revision to how the blade assembly is attached to the base. If you try to purchase a 600XL today, you are likely to get the /A version as I did when I purchased mine in Jan 2009. This is a powerful blender that makes short work of ice and other items that give cheaper blenders a rough time. It would probably be rated five stars by anyone with enough wrist strength to tighten the blade assembly to the base properly. You need to remove the blade assembly after every use for thorough cleaning and the torque required may be beyond that of anyone with less than average adult male strength.
23 stars
Good coffee maker, so-so travel mugs We are mostly happy with this coffee maker. The coffee maker itself is fine -- I haven't had any trouble with taste (as some other reveiwers mentioned). The thermal caraffe does keep coffee warm for hours (much prefer this to the type with a burner that continue to "cook" the coffee). The timer is a nice feature and easy to use. I also like that the water resevoir has markings inside to show you the correct water levels for one travel mug or two, for when you're brewing into the cups. Drawbacks to the coffee maker are: 1) "10 cups" is really only about 4 or 5 American-style cups, and 2) the caraffe has a very narrow neck and you need a long bristle brush to really clean it.My one real complaint is that I don't care for the travel mugs this set comes with -- I dislike the handle design (it appears they updated the newer model with no handles, an improvement), the screw-on top don't fully close (with little holes all around, it's spill-resistant but not leak-proof), and it doesn't insulate well -- coffee in the mugs stays hot only for about 1 hour. By the time I get to work and start sipping, it's luke warm. If you're just using it once in a while, fine -- but if you're a coffee enthusiast and you're picky about your travel mugs, skip this set and just buy the coffee maker you really want.
23 stars
Love them We have two sets... one in black, one in white. Also have the matching measuring cups ... They've been washed countless time and for whatever reason, we haven't had the fading issues that I've seen posted here. ?? Easy to find in the drawer, too.. more colorful than the 'old-fashioned' kind.
45 stars
Cheap! This is not the item described that I ordered. The one I ordered pictured a couple of stainless steel rods to stabilize this spatter screen. I have anther I purchased a few years ago and thought I was ordering the same screen. I had it in my "Wish List" and it looked the same as what I had before but during the time I added it to my list and when I actually ordered it the item changed to one that is flimsy and made in China. I could have done as well in the Dollar Store. Farberware now carries one like I wanted for just a few dollars more.I don't recommend this one. First time I've been letdown by Lodge!!I also sent an email to Lodge and received no response.
01 star
Start a nice family tradition The plate arrives in a box with a small card inside that explains the history of the "special" red plate in American culture. I'm eager to start using the plate in our new family--I hope to begin a tradition that my children will carry on with their own families. Who doesn't like to feel special now and then? This is a great way to highlight someone and their achievements in a personal setting.I saw this plate elsewhere and turned to Amazon for the best price. Really a good value for something that will be cherished and appreciated for years. Makes me smile just to look at it.
45 stars
Great towel I didn't find the absorption problem in other reviews. With the end of year discount, I am quite satisfied with it.
45 stars
Great gadget but doesn't always get the top off The opener worked pretty much as advertised with the exception of taller jars that would not open if they were sealed to tightly. I got it back from my in-laws because my mother in law isn't fond of having gadgets sitting all over her counter and she tired of getting it in and out of the cupboard. She actually went to not buying jars at all. Plastic for everything!
34 stars
Great table Great table, bought to make a lego table. Sturdy and folds up for easy storage. My 7 year old son plays his legos with his sisters, plenty of room for a few kids!
45 stars
not the right belts, contacted seller At first I rated this 1 star, because it Doesn't fit my Hoover, These are not the right belts. I even rechecked the instructions and product number does match on the description and order, but number on the actual belts do not batch.(Update)After contacting seller, they immediately offered to send the right belts. Very good customer service, responded the same day that I contacted them, eventhough it was almost 6 months since I had originally purchased the belts. It took me that look to have a need to use them.
23 stars
I really liked it I bought it as a gift and ended up liking it so much I kept it and bought another one to give away. I like its smooth lines and retractable cord...it looks so nice you want to leave it on the counter; but it's more than looks, its a good solid can opener. The absolute best part is that the component that opens cans is detatchable and can go in the dishwasher! So it's sanitary too.
45 stars
Really good, but requires modification for cable routing When I ordered this shelf system I assumed it had a way to actually route the cables behind the black covers that you see in the product picture. It does not. If you clip the covers in place as shown in the product picture, there is no way for your cables to get behind the covers. The manual contains no instructions on how the cables should be routed, but it appears based on the design of the product that you are supposed to snap them into place with gap between the three cover plates. However, unless you position your shelves such that they fall exactly where the covers meet, you would have to route cables up or down to get in between the gaps.I wanted the clean look shown in the product picture, and I realized that to get that look I would have to drill holes in the plastic snap covers. I got a 1.25" round drill bit (similar tothis one) and used it to drill two holes at the level of each shelf, one on the left side of the cover, the other on the right side. To do this I positioned my shelves, put the covers in place, made marks on the covers just above each shelf, then took the covers off and drilled the holes.Routing the cables was a bit of a challenge. I only used two of the shelves, and they hold a TiVo, a DVD player, and an XBox with a Kinect controller. That's three HDMI cables to my TV, two network connections, and three power connections. There was room for all those cables, but it took a lot of planning, routing, re-routing, and swearing to get them all to both fit under the covers and also route out the appropriate hole I had drilled.But the finished product is great, and looks very clean. I have posted a picture if you want to see it.I have to say, in all other respects this is a quality set of shelves, but there simply is no way to route cables cleanly unless you either mod it by drilling your own holes, or clip the covers in place with gaps, which would lead to ugly exposed cable intervals.
34 stars
Good enough It's a dish rack. It holds dishes and seems sturdy enough to last a while. Not a lot to say about it except to note that the large hole at one end, previously mentioned by others, is very odd. Not a big problem, but strange.Can't get excited about it, but would purchase again if the need arose.
23 stars
Kudos for the Presto 0746 Tilt n Drain Big Griddle This griddle is amazing - great oversized cooking surface, we can make at least 6 slices of french toast at once! Simple to clean - once you remove the plug it is fully submersible! We use ours most weekends for breakfast and occasionally for grilled cheeses. What a great accessory to have when cooking for a crowd. We've only had this for 2 months but so far no complaints.
45 stars
Decent for what it is Let me preface by saying I got this fridge for free when somebody left it on their curb - obviously they weren't very satisfied with it.Personally, it's a great drink fridge. On its coldest setting, drinks get nice and cold. It is powered by a fan, which you can only ever hear in dead silence, and is probably about half the volume of your computer fan.That fan sticks out the back of the fridge by 3", and inside the fridge by about 2" - see the picture, that fan sticks into the fridge. It's a little bit annoying as it limits where you can actually put the shelf, but not too much of an inconvenience.It's the perfect depth to put cans in rows of 3 front to back on the floor of it, and rows of 2 on the shelf. Bottles fit nicely, and it has an extra-tall section in the door for 2-liters or those tall milk cartons. Because it uses a fan instead of traditional cooling techniques, it has very low energy usage, in the range of $10 per year after you do the math.I'm keeping the fridge - like I said it works great for what I need it for, it's quiet, small, and cheap to run.
34 stars
Great for closets! Works in a basement closet very well. Definitely too small for a large room. Very quiet and easy to empty.
34 stars
not bad if you don't eat alot Works just fine. It's simple and basic, and good for cooking small quantities of rice. Just right for 2, or maybe up to 4, people. The non-stick coating makes for easy cleanup. And since it doesn't have a "warm" feature, there's even less chance of rice sticking to the bottom. The warm feature isn't really needed, since one is likely to use up what's been cooked during one's meal, before the rice gets cold.Sometimes, while cooking, the rice water will foam up and sputter out the side.Well, some varieties of rice DO create more foam than others.I don't think foaming is the fault of the rice cooker; rice just tends to foam while cooking. Try rinsing the rice several times before cooking. That usually reduces the amount of foam. Some people even soak the rice for a while before cooking, but this can be a nuisance if time is an issue.This IS a rather small cooker, so cooking 2 or more cups of uncooked rice will be more likely to cause some sputtering, although, once again, the variety of rice that you cook and whether you rinse the uncooked rice a few times first makes the difference between sputtering out or not. But really, it's not a big deal if it does!I had it sent via Super Saver, which meant no shipping charge.A really good rice cooker at a really good price!
34 stars
no sweat The glases have great style, and don't leave rings on the furniture. Amazon was terrific,too, about replacing one set that arrived broken. I had the replacements the same day I mailed back the defective ones. Way to go!
45 stars
Really like this thermometer This is my second Taylor digital instant read thermometer (lost the first one). I bought one just like the first one because I liked it so much. I can't comment on other brands because I don't own another one that is a digital instant read. But if I also happened to lose this one, I would buy another one just like it.
45 stars
Anyone can put this together in a flash! Length:: 4:43 MinsThis is a video of me putting together this shelf - it took about 10 minutes in real time.It's easy to put together and the shelves can be adjusted to your own preference.
45 stars
Great! I recently purchased the Zevro Dual Dry Food Dispenser in Black and Chrome and I love it. It is the perfect addition to my kitchen and it works great! The correct amount of food is dispensed each time it is used. It is perfect for families and singles too. If you are a cereal addict like me I suggest you purchase it.
45 stars
Affordable Sateen Sheets - A Long Night's Rest I bought these sheets because Amazon attached their own name to it, so I felt it was a trusted purchase. I'm glad I bought them.I bought a full set in chestnut which is beautiful color that is accurately represented in the picture (perhaps half a shade darker if I really dissected it). The sateen finish really makes it glow against my dark wood bed and light green duvet cover. The sheets ran big in terms of length AND width, really evident with the fitted sheet. I was a bit surprised and thought it was marketed as one of those full/queen sets. Nope, they're just big. Easy fix as I tuck the sheet underneath but it is a little more work when I change sheets. At least they don't run small.After washing/drying the sheets as directed, I have not experienced any pilling as of yet. The 400 thread count sheets still feel cool and smooth. I would definitely purchase another set in the future.
34 stars
Good, compact commercial grade fan. I have a 4,000 + square foot retail store. The building is old and with customers continuing to open and close the doors, the cold air escapes pretty easily so it is difficult to cool down the store. I bought one unit to try out. The fan feels solidly built and it comes with instructions on how to install. It has a handle to where you can hang it or bolt into certain things and it also comes with a cable wire. I just hung it from three slatwall hooks on a slatwall. The unit is solidly built to where it feels heavy, but not too heavy. It has three speed modes which is controlled by the pull of a chain. I put it right by the main duct way where the cold air blows out and instantly the area around there became colder faster. I ordered three more units and placed one by the door and the others strategically placed. The store is now significantly colder, faster. There is not that much more significant noise in my opinion and I hardly know it is on. Good fan over for commercial areas, workout areas, garages, and such.
45 stars
Lodge Pro Logic 14" Cast Iron Wok Solid construction, easy to clean and priced right. Cooking with this wok is easy and lots of fun. I would recommend this product to a friend.
45 stars
Sooooo Disappointed!!! I couldn't wait to open my new package of fiesta dishes...But, when I did, I found nothing but pieces :( This is the first time that I have had problems with Amazon but this was bad. There was nothing marked on the box to say that it had fragile goods inside. Inside the box, there were three of those air bags down at the bottom??? There was nothing protecting the dishes on the top, bottom or other side. I don't understand, anybody would be able to pack this box better. I'm still waiting for my replacement. I will post again once that one arrives.
01 star
Good product, shipped badly The cheese making kit itself is good, but I'm giving it as a gift and the package it came in was slightly ripped and bent.
34 stars
Very pleased I ordered two sets of the green dishes, and am pleased. They were well packed and delivered fast. I had hoped that the dishes had a more green color to them, they do not. They are more a mint, a blue, green, misty kind of color. This still works fine for me, but thought others should know. I do love the aged look of them very much, that and the square shape was there selling point for me. The sqaure bowls are a bit more irregular then wished for, and do not stack for storage in the cabinet as well as I had wished.
34 stars
Great coffee, cheap construction It does make very good coffee, so for that I give it high marks. It replaced my 14 year old Krupps Coffee maker. The build quality between that machine and the Zojirushi couldn't be more different. The Krupps was built out of solid plastic, items that meshed or screwed together did so flawlessly and the carafe was made of substantial stainless steel. The old Krupps did everything right except for one thing.. programming the clock and auto timer while not difficult was a lot more clumsy than the Zojirushi.The Zojirushi has flimsy plastic parts, a weird sprinkler head that has to be swung out of the way to get the coffee basket in and out, a coffee basket that is just a little to small so you need to fold over the seams in the paper filters to make them fit the basket properly. The lid on the top of carafe is a pain. A thin plastic device that is hard to grip and if you put it on too tight once the carafe and top expand to the heat of the coffee its tough to get off. Sometimes requiring my rubber jar opener. Why? They saved an ounce of plastic? The whole machine wreaks of some engineer driven by Pointy Head Manager to shave off every cent he could. Given the quality of coffee, I would have happily paid 20 or 30 bucks more to get a machine that is a more substantial.Operationally there are two issues. One is the flimsy thin awkward carafe lid (and I have a strong grip.... if you have a weak grip, pass this one buy, your great coffee will remain in the carafe) , the other is the hold feature. That is , you take the carafe out to pour a cup before all the coffee is made. Wait to long before replacing the carafe and as you replace the carafe, the coffee released from the basket will likely overwhelm the carafes lid and the excess coffee that the lid can't drain into the carafe will drain all over your counter. This is something Krupps solved 14 years ago.I bought this at Amazon because no local stores carried it and it was one of the highest rated machines with an insulated carafe in Consumer Reports. Had I found this in a store, I would have passed it by because of the cheap construction.Makes very good coffee but......
23 stars
great dual allarm great dual alarm auto time rest-with am/fm radio made by sony great price compact size alarms can be a buzzer or radio also has a sleep feature
45 stars
I love my percolator, especially since it happens to be a Cuisinart product. Makes a great cup of coffee that is probably no better than coffee made by other percolators. I am just a Cuisinart person at heart. I use the Melitta coffee filter for percolators when making coffee.
45 stars
Hookless Butterfly Vinyl Shower Curtain This product is great. The no hook feature is really nice and it is very easy to use. I use it for a cover to my dorm closet and it is just wonderful.
34 stars
Never has worked... I bought this item as a Christmas present for my daughter who is away at college. I do my shopping early (and online) to avoid the rush. When my daughter came home at Spring Break, she brought the Rainbow Maker with her. It seems it had NEVER worked. By the time I had it back, it was too late to return it! This is a MAJOR disappointment...
01 star
Great scale! This scale is awesome! It is very compact to store (on end), stylish, and accurate. The tare function is a must. It also auto-zeros when you turn it on, so you can put a bowl on it (I like pyrex bowls because they are clear so you can still read the display if the bowl is big), turn it on, and boom it is zeros, you then can fill the bowl away from the scale, bring it back, and the exact weight of only the contents is displayed.The only negative thing I have found so far is that a big regular bowl makes it very difficult to see the display. This isn't a big deal, though, because I typically can fit things in smaller bowls or use a clear pyrex or other clear bowl to still read the display. One other thing that is a slight con is that the accuracy is 0.1oz. This makes it tough to follow recipes that use 1/4oz increments, but certainly this shouldn't deter you from buying, because you can easily estimate the 1/4oz. if need be.I would absolutely buy it again, and I am recommending it to my friends who have used it and love it also.Don't hesitate to buy this one!
45 stars
Great design; poor performance I purchase this opener a year ago because my previous one broke. I chose it based on reviews & it seemed it would do the trick. It worked fine until 2 weeks ago. It no longer grips the cans & I will have to dump it. Would not recommend this item.I will look for another brand & I will also keep a manual opener on hand in the future.
01 star
Best travel item I've installed in my car !!! I drive between 2500 - 3000+ miles a month for work and wear suits. The Car Butler Wood Hanger has been an awesome addition to my car. My suit coats are now hanging nicely behind my passenger car seat, out of the way of my side windows, clearing up my view. I also don't have to deal with annoying hangers anymore. This wood hanger is a much better looking hanger than a lot of the others I saw that were all metal or plastic. The wood goes much better with my cars interior than the other types of hangers in my opinion. Installation of the hanger took a solid 5 minutes. Anyone can install this item - it was very easy. I highly recommend it for anyone who travels a lot in their car and needs to hang a coat.
45 stars
Gorgeous stocking holder! This is a fabulous stocking holder. Beautiful detail and very heavy to hold the heaviest of stockings. It makes a beautiful, decorative piece for the mantel as well as holding the stocking. I love it!
45 stars
excellent quality! I'm very pleased with these measuring cups. Long enough handles, sturdy construction and heavy weight metal. I even use them to melt butter on the stovetop. If you want the 2/3 and 3/4 cup measures, get the 7 piece set. For my purposes the 5 piece set is just fine.
45 stars
01 star
Doesn't Fit All I needed to replace two pot handles and thought this product would be perfect. But for the handles to fit right, you have to use the screws that come in the package. The screws in my pot lids can't be removed and they're much narrower than the ones that fit these knobs. I finally made it work by filling the holes in the knobs with plastic wood and letting that dry for 24 hours. But they don't really feel secure.
12 stars
Great deal on comfy shoes Bought a pair of these for my 11 yr. old son who is very attentive to name brand at the moment. He loved them and said they are the most comfortable skate sneaker he has ever worn. We will be shopping for another pair soon...same brand! The price is great too!
34 stars
started to rust, tip#143 I tend to soak my tips over night when we use them to get rid of the icing inside. The next day I would clean, rinse, and dry them off. I than realize there was rust inside tip# 143. Very disappointed in this product, this is made of stainless steel. Also this was the first time using tip#143, we had other tips inside the bowl where we soak the tips and this was the only one with this issue. Never had this problem before with my other tips.
12 stars
D. Kwitman and Son Door Panel This is a very nice panel with class. Looks much better than the bulky sheer curtain I had before. I definitely recommend.
45 stars
The most awful product I have ever purchased It is so difficult to get the lid on and off it is just not worth the aggravation. I would not recommended this product.
01 star
Dough Presses Loved these. Very good purchase if you are looking into making your own dumplings/wontons. Could be used for SO many different things. (Mini Tacos, Empanadas, any chinese dumplings, even un-traditional crab rangoon...) Very good buy. Bought two sets for my daughter and I.
45 stars
Should have read the reviews We have had ours less than one year and we hate it for all the reasons everyone else have listed. It doesn't toast evenly etc. Don't buy it.
01 star
A cook from upstate New York This product exceeds my expectations! It low tech, easy to clean, and produces the nicest shredded hard cheese in no time at all. At first glance, I thought It was a "gimmick" product, but it is a well designed tool that I would be pleased to receive as a gift. It also won't break the bank, and I intend to order several for gifts for friends that enjoy cooking.
45 stars
Good, sound and cheap nice product, especially for the price. It is also sound and easy to assembly. The only thing, if you might care, is its legs are short like half foot. So the frame is 8 inch height from the floor.
34 stars
Exactly what I needed. It is hard to find a can opener with a knife sharpener in stores anymore, and the Sunbeam is one of the best. It is fairly quiet, works reliably, and the whetstones work perfectly.
34 stars
great kit The item is of great craftsmenship. It is exactly what I expected and will look forward to years of using the item because it is just what I wanted and even more. I highly recommend this product and the seller.
45 stars
FINALLY! I was skeptical, but as a mango-lover, I had to try it. It's wonderful! I've used it four times, and have never had a problem getting it lined up over the seed. It slices close to the seed, leaving two generous halves to enjoy. Thank you, Oxo!
45 stars
Cosi, Cosi I have made ravioli for years. I tried this devise just last weekend and found it be be so, so. The problem is, it does not cut an separate the individual ravioli from the group. The form is made of aluminum and it just does not cut well. One can make the ravioli much faster by hand.
12 stars
great knife one of the best all around, multi purpose knives in the kitchen. works great as a gift to get somebody started on a nice wustof collection.
45 stars
Awwesome! This mixer comes with a history of great performance. It exceeded everything good I had heard about it. I would highly recommend this product to anyone that loves to bake and cook.
45 stars
Worthless This pepper mill is a joke. First of all, it is not a stainless steel finish as advertised. Instead it is chrome covered plastic. It took me 1/2 an hour to get the thing to power up after putting in the batteries. Finally it kicked in and worked for about 10 seconds, spitting out little bits of pepper - then it died altogether. I had to wait a few minutes for it to cool down before it would grind again. Worthless product - don't waste your money!
01 star
What I expected This product was everything I hoped for at a reasonable price. I'm please with my purchase and it seems to be protecting our A/C unit well.
45 stars
Works exactly as advertised I was so excited when the "Better Bath Deep Water Bath" overflow stopper arrived in the mail. I tried it out the first night and was delighted by how well it works. It's such a simple idea and it is very well executed. I've now taken a half dozen extra deep baths, I've tested out the overflow hole on top, and I can attest to the high quality of this product. I feel like I've been missing out on deep luxuriating baths for years.
45 stars
Great product and price! Looks just like the picture, not too difficult to assemble. Great price and product.
45 stars
Too Many Issues We were excited to receive this grill as a gift, and had high hopes for it. Upon opening the box, we found that the cord is VERY short. You actually have to put the grill right in front of an outlet to use it, and even in a larger apartment, that's not always possible. After plugging it in, we turned it on and waited, and waited... it never heated up. We had a lemon. We returned it to the store.Second grill. Same short cord. We WASHED THE GRILL PLATES, and plugged it in, turned it on, just to try it out. It worked! But ... it had this very chemical smell to it, after just seconds of being on medium heat. I unplugged it and mentioned the smell to my husband. The next day he tried making a sandwich on it (medium heat) without preheating it. Immediately it began flooding our apartment with a strong smell that he likened to burning plastic. We shut it off, cleaned it up, and intend to return it. It took hours of airing out our entire apartment to get the smell out. We didn't feel it was worth the risk with small children in the home.
01 star
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