2 classes
11 values
Michael Gentry
[ "Horror", "Lovecraftian" ]
[ "academic NPC", "Available on Steam", "body horror", "changing environment", "child abuse", "child death", "city", "cover art", "female protagonist", "full length", "horror", "incest", "Inform 6", "long", "long-form", "Lovecraft", "Lovecraftian", "parser", "rape references", "research", "self-mutilation", "strong NPCs", "surreal", "violence", "Xyzzy Awards 1998", "XYZZY Best Setting" ]
[ 252, 66, 9, 7, 1 ]
You take a deep breath of salty air as the first raindrops begin to spatter the pavement, and the swollen, slate-colored clouds that blanket the sky mutter ominous portents amongst themselves over the little coastal town of Anchorhead. Travel to the haunted coastal town of Anchorhead, Massachusetts and uncover the roots of a horrific conspiracy inspired by the works of H. P. Lovecraft. Search through musty archives and tomes of esoteric lore; dodge hostile townsfolk; combat a generation-spanning evil that threatens your family and the entire world.
[ { "from": "system", "loss": null, "value": "Guide the player through an adventure style game based on the following literary categories: Horror, Lovecraftian. The adventure should contain some elements of the following tags: body horror, changing environment, child abuse, child death, city, female protagonist, horror, incest, Lovecraft, Lovecraftian, rape references, research, self-mutilation, strong NPCs, surreal, violence. You take a deep breath of salty air as the first raindrops begin to spatter the pavement, and the swollen, slate-colored clouds that blanket the sky mutter ominous portents amongst themselves over the little coastal town of Anchorhead. Travel to the haunted coastal town of Anchorhead, Massachusetts and uncover the roots of a horrific conspiracy inspired by the works of H. P. Lovecraft. Search through musty archives and tomes of esoteric lore; dodge hostile townsfolk; combat a generation-spanning evil that threatens your family and the entire world." }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "November, 1997.\n\nYou take a deep breath of salty air as the first raindrops begin to spatter the pavement, and the swollen, slate-colored clouds that blanket the sky mutter ominous portents amongst themselves over the little coastal town of Anchorhead.\n\nSquinting up into the glowering storm, you wonder how everything managed to happen so fast. The strange phone call over a month ago, from a lawyer claiming to represent the estate of some distant branch of Michael's family, was bewildering enough in itself... but then the sudden whirlwind of planning and decisions, legal details and travel arrangements, the packing up and shipping away of your entire home, your entire life...\n\nNow suddenly here you are, after driving for the past two days straight, over a thousand miles away from the familiar warmth of Texas, getting ready to move into the ancestral mansion of a clan of relatives so far removed that not even Michael has ever heard of them. And you've only been married since June and none of this was any of your idea in the first place, and already it's starting to rain.\n\nThese days, you often find yourself feeling confused and uprooted.\n\nYou shake yourself and force the melancholy thoughts from your head, trying to focus on the errand at hand. You're to meet with the real estate agent and pick up the keys to your new house while Michael runs across town to take care of some paperwork at the university. He'll be back to pick you up in a few minutes, and then the two of you can begin the long, precarious process of settling in.\n\nA sullen belch emanates from the clouds, and the rain starts coming down harder -- fat, cold drops smacking loudly against the cobblestones. Shouldn't it be snowing in New England at this time of year? With a sigh, you open your umbrella.\n\nWelcome to Anchorhead...\n\nA grim little cul-de-sac, tucked away in a corner of the claustrophobic tangle of narrow, twisting avenues that largely constitute the older portion of Anchorhead. Like most of the streets in this city, it is ancient, shadowy, and leads essentially nowhere. The lane ends here at the real estate agent's office, which lies to the east, and winds its way back toward the center of town to the west. A narrow, garbage-choked alley opens to the southeast." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "About yourself" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You look good, considering. A bit rattled by recent events, perhaps, but well-poised and collected, all the same." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Inventory" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You are wearing your wedding ring, your trenchcoat and your clothes; in addition, you have in your hand your umbrella.\n\nThe pockets of your trenchcoat are empty." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine umbrella" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Olive green, with a hook-shaped handle. It's a handy little thing, when it rains. It's currently open.\n\nIn the distance, you can hear the lonesome keening of a train whistle drifting on the wind.\n\nThe clouds overhead mutter restlessly to themselves." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You open the door" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "It seems to be locked." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You knock on the door" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You rap on the glass sharply, peering through it into the dark room inside. Nobody answers. Strange; you just talked to the real estate agent -- Miss Benson, you think it was -- yesterday. She was going to meet you here.\n\nThe rain slackens off momentarily to a weak drizzle, then returns afresh in a brief, freezing downpour." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go southeast" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "This narrow aperture between two buildings is nearly blocked with piles of rotting cardboard boxes and overstuffed garbage cans. Ugly, half-crumbling brick walls to either side totter oppressively over you. The alley ends here at a tall, wooden fence.\n\nHigh up on the wall of the northern building there is a narrow, transom-style window." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine cans" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The metal garbage cans are stuffed to overflowing with slowly decomposing refuse." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the window" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "It's about eighteen inches wide and a foot tall, with hinges along the top that allow it to swing out. It's currently closed." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You climb the cans" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You clamber onto the wobbling garbage can, precariously balanced." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You open the window" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Hmm. You still can't quite reach, because the garbage can is too far away from the wall. Perhaps if you pushed it closer..." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go downwards" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Carefully, you descend." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You stand on can" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You clamber onto the wobbling garbage can, precariously balanced. You can just reach the lower edge of the window from here." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You open the window" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You open the transom window." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go inside" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "(closing the umbrella first)\nIt's a tight squeeze, but you just manage to wriggle through, dropping quietly to the floor inside.\n\nPeering through the murk, you can make out the blocky outlines of filing cabinets lining the walls and a doorway to the west. A window high up on the south wall lets in a very faint illumination." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the cabinets" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "There must be hundreds of files here, too many to browse through. You'll have to look up something specific if you want to find anything." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look up yourself in the cabinets" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "(in the filing cabinets)\nYou don't find anything filed under that heading.\n\nYou can hear a fly buzzing around, hovering over the back of your neck." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "About yourself" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You look good, considering. A bit rattled by recent events, perhaps, but well-poised and collected, all the same." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the ring" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Staring at your wedding ring like that tends to make you sentimental." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the fly" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You can't see where the fly is. You're not even sure where the buzzing is coming from." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go west" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Pallid gray light trickles in through the drawn blinds. The office is deserted, papers still scattered across the top of the desk. The front door lies west, and the file room lies east.\n\nSitting on the corner of the paper-strewn desk are a telephone and an answering machine.\n\nSomeone seems to have left a cup of coffee sitting out, half-finished and cold." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the machine" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "A simple answering machine, with a small display indicating messages received, a button labeled \"PLAY\", and a button labeled \"DELETE\"." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine display" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The display indicates there is one message on the machine, left (oddly enough) at 4:19 this morning. The display also shows that the message has already been checked." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the coffee" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Muddy-looking and unappetizing. Who knows how long it's been sitting out?" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the drawer" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You can't see inside, since the drawer is closed.\n\nYou can hear a fly buzzing around, right around your head." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You open the drawer" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "It seems to be locked." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Inventory" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You are wearing your wedding ring, your trenchcoat and your clothes; in addition, you have in your hand your umbrella.\n\nThe pockets of your trenchcoat are empty." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Murder fly" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You can't see where the fly is. You're not even sure where the buzzing is coming from." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the ring" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Staring at your wedding ring like that tends to make you sentimental." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You remove the ring" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You slip the plain gold band from your finger. Usually you feel almost naked without your ring on, although sometimes you do find yourself taking it off briefly, just to read the inscription along the inside." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You read the ring" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Engraved along the inside are Michael's and your initials, along with your wedding date -- June 28th." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You wear the ring" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The gold band slides onto your finger with a comforting snugness." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go east" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Peering through the murk, you can make out the blocky outlines of filing cabinets lining the walls and a doorway to the west. A window high up on the south wall lets in a very faint illumination." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look up Verlac in the cabinets" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "(in the filing cabinets)\nStrange; the file on the Verlac property has been cleaned out. Title, deed, all the papers, all of it gone. There is, however, a set of keys tucked down in the hanging folder. You quickly pocket them." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the keys" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "It's just an ordinary-looking keyring. There are two keys (a key to the house and a key to the cellar) on it." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go west" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Pallid gray light trickles in through the drawn blinds. The office is deserted, papers still scattered across the top of the desk. The front door lies west, and the file room lies east.\n\nSitting on the corner of the paper-strewn desk are a telephone and an answering machine.\n\nSomeone seems to have left a cup of coffee sitting out, half-finished and cold." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You move the papers" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Sifting through the paperwork, you find nothing that catches your attention.\n\nYou can hear a fly buzzing around, right around your head." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the blinds" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The blinds are drawn across the windows, letting in a thin trickle of light. They are coated with a thin film of dust." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the front door" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You can make out the words \"tsruhkcarB & nosneB\" stenciled across the glass. There is a latch on this side which can be turned to lock or unlock the door." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Search pockets" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The trenchcoat is empty." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go east" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Peering through the murk, you can make out the blocky outlines of filing cabinets lining the walls and a doorway to the west. A window high up on the south wall lets in a very faint illumination." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look up Benson in the cabinets" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "(in the filing cabinets)\nYou don't find anything filed under that heading." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look up Michael in the cabinets" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "(in the filing cabinets)\nAs you search in vain for some mention of your husband's name, it dawns on you that the property is most likely listed under the family's original, ancestral name." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You unlock door" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You unlock the office door." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go west" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "(opening the real estate office door first)\nThe rain is still coming down, so you open your umbrella.\n\nA grim little cul-de-sac, tucked away in a corner of the claustrophobic tangle of narrow, twisting avenues that largely constitute the older portion of Anchorhead. Like most of the streets in this city, it is ancient, shadowy, and leads essentially nowhere. The lane ends here at the real estate agent's office, which lies to the east, and winds its way back toward the center of town to the west. A narrow, garbage-choked alley opens to the southeast.\n\nThe office door is open." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You close the door" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You close the real estate office door." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You open the umbrella" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "That's already open." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go west" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "As the lane winds along from east to west, it narrows until the steep, jagged rooftops on either side of the street practically touch each other. To the south, a side street leads across Whateley Bridge toward the center of town, and a twisting lane leads up a hill to the northwest. A short flight of steps to the north leads down to the local watering hole." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go northwest" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The lane narrows here to little more than a badly cobbled sidewalk as it wends its way up through a series of tortuous bends and switchbacks. In some places, the street is so steep that steps have been cut into it, worn down over the years and slick with moss. Your progress is blocked at the top of the street by a blank brick wall." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the brick wall" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "It's just an ordinary-looking brick wall." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You climb the wall" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The wall is featureless and very high; there's no way over it." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go southeast" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You take a few tentative steps back down the lane, but it seems to lead only to a short switchback, bringing you right back to the brick wall. You're not entirely sure now, which direction leads back to the narrow street." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You listen" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "At the very edge of your hearing you can just make out the sound of someone playing a violin -- a plaintive, haunting melody." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Yell" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Come now; you're not that frightened." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look around" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The lane narrows here to little more than a badly cobbled sidewalk as it wends its way up through a series of tortuous bends and switchbacks. In some places, the street is so steep that steps have been cut into it, worn down over the years and slick with moss. Your progress is blocked at the top of the street by a blank brick wall.\n\nThe rain slackens off momentarily to a weak drizzle, then returns afresh in a brief, freezing downpour." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You climb the wall" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The wall is featureless and very high; there's no way over it." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go to the south-west" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "As the lane winds along from east to west, it narrows until the steep, jagged rooftops on either side of the street practically touch each other. To the south, a side street leads across Whateley Bridge toward the center of town, and a twisting lane leads up a hill to the northwest. A short flight of steps to the north leads down to the local watering hole." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go north" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You close your umbrella, as is your habit after coming indoors.\n\nA dank, drafty old drinking hole lit by flickering, oil-burning lanterns. Smoke collects in greasy pools among the rafters, and shadows crowd thick around. The bar runs the length of the room to your right, while to the south a low doorway opens onto the street.\n\nMill workers and fishermen occupy a few of the tables, drinking beer or puffing grimly at long-stemmed pipes. Each is wrapped in his solitude, soaking up the general miasma of dreary fatalism.\n\nThe lantern sitting on the table nearest you sputters fitfully, throwing distorted shadows across the wall." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the lantern" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "It's an old-fashioned hurricane lamp, with a tall glass chimney to protect it from the wind. The cotton wick burns fitfully in its reservoir of cheap oil." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You take it" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "No one here looks as though they'd mind if you borrowed one of these lamps. Casually, you purloin the nearest one." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go east" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The exit is to the south." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Examine bar" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "A dark and dour expanse of wood, pitted and scarred and stained with the rings from over a hundred years' worth of slopping beer mugs." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look behind the bar" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Not a bartender in sight." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the people" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The patrons of this place are taciturn and grim. No one speaks. No one looks anyone in the eye. No one, in fact, even looks up from his beer. A heavy aura of resignation -- and, it almost seems, dread -- hangs palpably over the whole crowd." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go to the south" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "As you make your way to the door, your foot strikes something under one of the tables." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look under the table" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Some forgetful soul has left a flask underneath one of the tables, pushed into a shadowy corner." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You take the flask" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You pick up the flask. The label is faded and mostly peeled away, but what little you can make out seems to indicate that this is not a particularly distinguished brand of spirits. The words \"bootleg\" and \"rotgut\" come to mind, probably because they are the only words legible on what's left of the label." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine flask" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The label is faded and mostly peeled away, but what little you can make out seems to indicate that this is not a particularly distinguished brand of spirits. The words \"bootleg\" and \"rotgut\" come to mind, probably because they are the only words legible on what's left of the label." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You put the flask in coat" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You slip the flask into the pocket of your trenchcoat." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go south" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The rain is still coming down, so you open your umbrella.\n\nAs the lane winds along from east to west, it narrows until the steep, jagged rooftops on either side of the street practically touch each other. To the south, a side street leads across Whateley Bridge toward the center of town, and a twisting lane leads up a hill to the northwest. A short flight of steps to the north leads down to the local watering hole.\n\nA sudden gust of rain puts the lantern out." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go to the west" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "To the north, a gap in the crowded press of gloomy buildings opens onto a country lane, heading out over a grassy heath. The main street continues to the east, while to the northwest, over the top of a steep rise, you can just make out the vaulted rooftops of the university." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go to the north-west" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Isolated and serene within its high, ivy-covered walls, Miskaton University represents this benighted town's single, if somewhat dubious, claim to cultural achievement. Founded some time in the early 1800s, the school's reputation and enrollment have diminished somewhat as Anchorhead drifts further and further into the abyss of provincial backwaterism. Still, it is generally recognized for its collection of folklore and esoteric mythology (one of the oldest and most extensive on the east coast). The Board of Deans was also kind enough to offer Michael a full professorship upon hearing of his recently discovered heritage and his plans to move into the estate. Ivory tower, perhaps, but at least they take care of their own.\n\nThere are numerous buildings surrounding this cobbled court, but the only one you are interested in is the library to the west, where Michael told you he'd be until he came back to the real estate agent's office to pick you up. Which, incidentally, he has not yet done." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go west" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You close your umbrella, as is your habit after coming indoors.\n\nShadows roost thickly in the vaulted ceiling, and small, green-shaded desk lamps cast pools of warm radiance here and there around the library's dim interior. You pause a moment to let the hushed peacefulness of this place soak in -- a welcome relief from the unsettling events of the day. An exit lies east, and a small alcove to the north houses the circulation counter.\n\nPeering through the shadows, you spot your husband sitting at one of the reading desks, absorbed in some sort of weighty tome and clearly oblivious to the time." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Kiss Michael" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Michael looks up, startled, then realizes it's you and smiles. \"Hi, hon,\" he says, closing the book and stretching. Then he glances at his watch. \"Good grief, what happened to the time? I'm so sorry -- I just lost track.\" He smiles sheepishly.\n\n\"Well?\" he asks. \"Did you get the keys?\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You show the keys to Michael" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "\"Great!\" says Michael. \"You hang on to that. Just a second, I'll put this back.\" He takes the book up to the circulation desk and hands it to the librarian. \"Okay then,\" he says, returning, \"let's go.\"\n\nMichael suddenly smacks his forehead. \"Oh, crap, I forgot to tell you. The car broke down.\" He spreads his hands. \"I don't know what happened to it; one second I'm parking outside, the next second it dies and I can't get it started again. I called a tow truck, but the nearest garage is up in Arkham. They picked it up but won't be able to look at it until next week at the earliest. Anyway, it looks like we'll have to walk back to the house.\" He offers you a lame smile. \"You can hold the umbrella.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine Michael" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Tall and a bit on the skinny side, in an endearingly awkward sort of way; a serious, thoughtful face topped with an unruly tangle of brown hair; deep brown eyes framed by wire-rimmed glasses -- yep, that's the man you married, all right.\n\nMichael looks at you expectantly, waiting for you to lead the way." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go east" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The rain is still coming down, so you open your umbrella.\n\nIsolated and serene within its high, ivy-covered walls, Miskaton University represents this benighted town's single, if somewhat dubious, claim to cultural achievement. Founded some time in the early 1800s, the school's reputation and enrollment have diminished somewhat as Anchorhead drifts further and further into the abyss of provincial backwaterism. Still, it is generally recognized for its collection of folklore and esoteric mythology (one of the oldest and most extensive on the east coast). The Board of Deans was also kind enough to offer Michael a full professorship upon hearing of his recently discovered heritage and his plans to move into the estate. Ivory tower, perhaps, but at least they take care of their own.\n\nThere are numerous buildings surrounding this cobbled court, but the only one you are interested in is the library to the west.\n\nMichael strolls along after you." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go southeast" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "To the north, a gap in the crowded press of gloomy buildings opens onto a country lane, heading out over a grassy heath. The main street continues to the east, while to the northwest, over the top of a steep rise, you can just make out the vaulted rooftops of the university.\n\nMichael hurries to catch up." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go east" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "As the lane winds along from east to west, it narrows until the steep, jagged rooftops on either side of the street practically touch each other. To the south, a side street leads across Whateley Bridge toward the center of town, and a twisting lane leads up a hill to the northwest. A short flight of steps to the north leads down to the local watering hole.\n\nMichael strolls along after you." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go to the south" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "A hoary monument of crumbling, moss-eaten flagstones, Whateley Bridge is possibly older than any other structure in the entire city. Ponderously it spans the dark, torpid waters of the Miskaton River, connecting the north and south halves of the city and occasionally raining bits of gravel and mortar from its underside into the water. It looks just wide enough for two cars to pass each other between the flanking stone parapets, but you wouldn't volunteer to try it.\n\nMichael follows you." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine River" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The Miskaton's waters are sluggish and dark. Some sort of oily film coats the surface, reflecting back ghostly swirls of color." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go south" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "A wide expanse of uneven pavestones lies open to the sky, bordered on all sides by the leaning, steep-roofed architecture that looms over everything in this city. The municipal courthouse stands at the south end of the square, next to the mouth of a dark, narrow alley to the southwest. Avenues to the west and east lead back into the cramped and ingrown streets, while to the north lies Whateley Bridge.\n\nIn the center of the square, rising from a circular lawn of unhealthy-looking grass and weeds, stands a strange, stone obelisk. It seems to be a monument of some sort, although you can see no plaque or marker anywhere near it.\n\nMichael hurries to catch up." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the obelisk" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The obelisk measures about two feet square at its base, narrowing slightly as it rises a good fifteen feet to a bluntly pointed tip. An iron ring is embedded in the stone high up on one side, about two feet from the top. Dense, twisting hieroglyphs cover all four sides of the obelisk, although they are too worn to be read clearly.\n\nIn the distance, you can hear the lonesome keening of a train whistle drifting on the wind.\n\n\"We really should be getting on to the house, don't you think?\" asks Michael. \"It's a bit rainy out.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You ask Michael about the house" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "\"The Verlac family has been living in that old place for generations; they're an integral part of the history of this whole region. It's really quite interesting.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go west" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The rooftops above you lean so close together as to nearly block out the sky altogether, making this a particularly dark and unpleasant section of the city. The street leads away to the east, and a shadowy driveway leads through a high brick wall to the south.\n\nMichael hurries to catch up." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go south" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The grim, white-washed edifice of Danvers Asylum bounds this tiny, shadowed courtyard to the south, its narrow, barred windows staring blankly down at you like ranks of shriveled, empty eye sockets. You can escape through a narrow gateway in the high, brick wall to the north.\n\nMichael hurries to catch up.\n\nMichael scuffs around dispiritedly." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go north" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The rooftops above you lean so close together as to nearly block out the sky altogether, making this a particularly dark and unpleasant section of the city. The street leads away to the east, and a shadowy driveway leads through a high brick wall to the south.\n\nMichael follows you." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go east" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "A wide expanse of uneven pavestones lies open to the sky, bordered on all sides by the leaning, steep-roofed architecture that looms over everything in this city. The municipal courthouse stands at the south end of the square, next to the mouth of a dark, narrow alley to the southwest. Avenues to the west and east lead back into the cramped and ingrown streets, while to the north lies Whateley Bridge.\n\nIn the center of the square, rising from a circular lawn of unhealthy-looking grass and weeds, stands a strange, stone obelisk. It seems to be a monument of some sort, although you can see no plaque or marker anywhere near it.\n\nMichael strolls along after you." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go east" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "A low, irregular brick wall to the north divides this street from the steep, mud-slick banks of the sinuous Miskaton, while a rusty iron gate provides access to a precarious flight of stone steps leading down the bank to the water's edge. The street bends south here, turning into a misty avenue between the trees. The town square lies west, a vacant lot lies east.\n\nMichael hurries to catch up." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go to the south" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Perhaps it is merely the effect of some unwholesome vapour rising from the murky waters of the nearby Miskaton, but the temperature along this street seems perceptibly cooler than normal, even for a New England autumn. Two dirt roads lead south and southwest, into the dense woods at the edge of town.\n\nA clammy mist hangs thickly in the air, seeping through your clothes and making you shiver.\n\nMichael follows you.\n\nThe clouds overhead mutter restlessly to themselves." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You listen" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The furtive creaking of branches and the soft rustling of leaves are all that you hear." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go southwest" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "As you walk through, the mists part before your husband almost deferentially, quickly dissolving away into nothing.\n\nThe ground begins to rise sharply as the road climbs up into the hills south of town.\n\nThe treeline falls away on the north side of this northwest-northeast bend in the road, giving way to a panoramic view of the Miskaton River Valley and the grubby little town of Anchorhead nestled within it. From here you can see the paper mill almost directly to the north; the solitary lighthouse and surrounding ocean to the northeast; and the dilapidated stone church below you to the east. Winding through it all is the oily black ribbon of the Miskaton, and almost directly in the center lies the little clearing of Town Square. You can just make out the shape of the obelisk from here.\n\nMichael strolls along after you." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go northwest" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The lane runs up from the southeast and ends at a wide clearing surrounded by gnarled and ancient trees. A wide, curving driveway runs up to the front door of your house, which lies north.\n\nThe fabled Verlac family mansion looms before you in the gloom, its dark creaking presence dominating the clearing and, somehow, even though it is not visible through the trees, the entire valley. The foreboding shadow of the Verlacs seems to enshroud all of Anchorhead from here.\n\nA typewritten notice has been attached to the front door.\n\nMichael strolls along after you.\n\n\"Well,\" says Michael, \"this must be the place. We finally made it, honey. We're home!\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You read the notice" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "It's a letter from the Arkham Regional Utilities Company, explaining that, due to wiring difficulties, the electricity will not be installed until next week. No phone service, either.\n\n\"Well, that's wonderful news,\" remarks Michael dryly, reading over your shoulder.\n\nThe rain slackens off momentarily to a weak drizzle, then returns afresh in a brief, freezing downpour." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the keys" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "It's just an ordinary-looking keyring. There are two keys (a key to the house and a key to the cellar) on it." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You unlock door" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You unlock the front door." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go north" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "(opening the front door first)\nYou close your umbrella, as is your habit after coming indoors.\n\nAlthough it appears spacious from the outside, the house's interior feels cramped and gloomy. The walls seem too close together; the ceiling is too high. The doorways, leading in several directions, are narrow and filled with shadows, and the stairs leading up to the second floor are steep and rickety. This is not a house that makes you feel welcome. It is a house that makes you feel tiny and timid, and afraid of dark places. It is a house that makes you feel alone.\n\nThe front door stands open to the south.\n\nCarelessly stacked in a towering heap in the middle of the room are all your luggage and belongings, which you had sent ahead through a moving company before driving up to Massachusetts. Everything you own is boxed away and piled up in the middle of the floor. The reality of this move finally slams home as you stare at the sprawling jumble of stuff, and suddenly you feel very lost and adrift.\n\nNight has now undeniably fallen, and the house is very, very dark. There is probably just enough residual ambience to feel your way upstairs to the bedroom, but the rest of the house is a tenebrous maze of shadows, and any exploring would probably best be done in the morning.\n\nMichael strolls along after you.\n\nMichael stretches his arms and yawns. \"Well,\" he says, \"I think I'm going to turn in. There'll be plenty of time to unpack and explore tomorrow. Good night, hon.\" He kisses you on the cheek. \"Don't stay up too late.\"\n\nAnd with that, he goes upstairs." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You close the door" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You close the front door." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You lock the door" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You lock the front door." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go upward" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "A narrow hallway runs east, from the top of the stairs down the length of the house. To the north, directly opposite the stairs, is the master bedroom." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go north" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The master bedroom is a picture-postcard of rustic New England charm. Faded sketches of rural landscapes adorn the walls; a beautifully carved dressing mirror stands in one corner; an old-fashioned accordion radiator gurgles quietly beneath the window. The most striking feature, an enormous, antique, four-poster bed, must be the largest piece of furniture in the house.\n\nMichael is curled up in bed, sound asleep.\n\nIf it weren't for this hopelessly backwater town and the disturbing circumstances surrounding the house, you'd say this was your dream home. Even so, as much as you would like to relax and enjoy the comforts of a fully furnished historical New England estate, you can't help but be put off by the shady aura surrounding the family that used to live here. The last of the line, you remind yourself, recently committed suicide after killing his wife and two daughters with a shotgun. Involuntarily you shiver, glancing nervously at the doorways to the south and west." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go west" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "A small chamber of cold, white tile and floral-print wallpaper. It sports a genuine, whitewashed, claw-foot bathtub with a shower attachment, which is a definite plus. The bedroom lies east." } ]
Superluminal Vagrant Twin
C.E.J. Pacian
[ "Science Fiction" ]
[ "achievements", "aliens", "built-in hints", "cat", "cats", "compassless", "cover art", "custom parser", "cyborg", "Dyson sphere", "exploration", "future", "gender-neutral protagonist", "grue", "limited verbs", "money", "no EXAMINE", "planets", "present tense", "race", "recommended for beginners", "sci-fi", "science fiction", "SF", "siblings", "space", "space travel", "spaceship", "speed", "stars", "trade", "travel", "twins", "Xyzzy Awards 2016", "XYZZY Best Game", "XYZZY Best Implementation" ]
[ 55, 27, 0, 0, 0 ]
A text-only space sim. Ply the spaceways. Make five million credits. Buy back your twin.
[ { "from": "system", "loss": null, "value": "[Genres: Science Fiction]\n[Tags: aliens, cat, cats, compassless, cyborg, Dyson sphere, exploration, future, gender-neutral protagonist, grue, money, planets, present tense, race, sci-fi, science fiction, SF, siblings, space, space travel, spaceship, stars, trade, travel, twins]\n[Description: A text-only space sim. Ply the spaceways. Make five million credits. Buy back your twin.]\n[Misc: Year: 2016]\n[Mode: Adventure]" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "\"It's not just the interest on your loan,\" you remember him saying. \"It's maintaining the cryo tube, storing it, powering it, insuring it... Shit, even paying for me to come out here and give you this little reminder goes on the bill.\"\n\nYou waited for him to get to the point.\n\n\"Five million credits. An even five mil. 5000k. I'm rounding down here. I'm on your side. You come find us on Autark; you pay off your balance; you get your twin back.\"\n\nNiv holstered his blaster and left then. When he was through the airlock, his goons left too.\n\nA grey, airless world, left lopsided by some ancient cataclysm.\n\nA crackling transmission reaches your ship from the surface. \"I see you up there, captain. You going to land any time soon?\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to the szymon" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Szy lurks in the bowels of your starship, doting over the core systems. A bit too much radiation exposure has left him a cybernetically-preserved head floating - detached and jawless - in the space helmet of a heavily patched old EVA suit.\n\nSzy's a pretty good engineer. And he works for free, which is just about in your price range.\n\nHis simulated voice rasps and crackles. \"Come to listen to an old slingshot mechanic prattle on, captain?\"\n\n(Press Z to listen. Press any other key to say farewell.)" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Wait" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "(Press Z to listen. Press any other key to say farewell.)\"You\nheard the lady, captain. We gonna land or what?\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Land" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "A cratered and mountainous wasteland that curves noticeably at the horizon. Abandoned mining equipment is strewn across the landscape.\n\nA dilapidated saloon sits in the shadow of a broad chasm, staffed by an automated bartender and patronised by long dead astronauts, mummified in their spacesuits.\n\nAn ageless woman with long, golden hair sits incongruously at\nthe bar. \"Don't be shy,\" she says. \"Talk to me.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You jump" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "(Szymon)\nSzymon is here at the Surface of Boony." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to the woman" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The woman turns to you. A jagged scar runs diagonally across her unnaturally beautiful face and her right arm has been replaced with a cheap robotic claw. \"My name's Aurea,\" she says. \"And you need money.\"\n\nShe's not wrong.\n\n\"I can get you ten million creds,\" she continues. \"If you can get me to Haven. Yes, that Haven - the one inside Hardshell.\"\n\nThis whole thing was a wild goose chase. You're only here because you're desperate.\n\nThe auto-bartender hands her a shot of something glowing blue and she throws it back. \"Don't look like that, captain. I'm living proof that Hardshell's not impenetrable. It's where I came from.\nTake me with you, anyway. I've been starship crew before. I\nmight be useful.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You take Aurea" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Aurea climbs aboard and slides into the co-pilot's seat. \"Okay, let's launch. Unless you want to check your ship's status\nfirst.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Status" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Credit balance: 0k (That is to say: you're broke.)\nEquipment: spacesuit (don't need air)\n\nCrew:\nYourself, Aurea and Szymon\n\nInstalled systems:\njump drive (superluminal travel)\n\nFuel:\n2/5 fusion cells charged\n\nReadable Data:\ndebt note, flight manual, ship's log and trading log\n\nCargo:\nnothing" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to the bartender" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The automated bartender babbles a few platitudes from a broken voice recording." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You order the drink" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The automated bartender serves a glass of your favourite poison." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go to the north" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "To move: jump to worlds you have heard of, land and\nlaunch." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You jump to Haven" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "(You launch first.)\n\nA grey, airless world, left lopsided by some ancient cataclysm.\n\nAurea rests her space boots on the dashboard. \"You want to learn more about Hardshell, you should jump to Lonely Rock, talk to Cifez.\nBut you're the captain, of course.\"\n\nYou could try jumping into Hardshell, but not knowing where anything is inside it, you'd probably materialise inside solid matter - just like every other idiot who ever tried it." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You jump to the lonely Rock" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "A low drone begins to emanate from the heart of your ship, rising in pitch and intensity.\npitch and intensity.Slowly, a feeling of falling, of pitched acceleration begins to grow in the pit of your stomach. The universe elongates - stretching into a single line.\nelongates - stretching into a single line.Blinding light.\nelongates - stretching into a single line.Blinding light.Deafening white noise.\nwhite noise.(The fuel warning light blinks on.)\n\nThough it's not as bright as any star, the luminescence of Hardshell dominates the sky: a furrowed, flesh-and-metal sphere enclosing the entire star system. The entire star system, that is, except the irregular planetoid below; a little left over chunk of rock and ice.\n\nAn automated, meteor-shredded fuel station in low orbit offers the chance to refuel. Or it would if you weren't broke." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Land" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The horizon bends precipitously and asymmetrically. The only habitation is a single transparent dome.\n\nA charity worker of uncertain origin has set up a refuge in the dome. His name badge reads simply \"Cifez\".\n\nRufo-C maintains a radio telescope directed at Hardshell.\n\nBelisent the Unready lives quietly in the dome's shadows." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to Cifez" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Cifez is a tousle-haired man, not quite young any more, wearing a practical jumpsuit.\n\n\"Aurea,\" he says, noticing your companion. \"Never thought I'd see you again.\"\n\n\"I want to get back in. To go home.\"\n\n\"Really?\" He studies her carefully for a moment. \"Didn't you say it was someone by the name of Prex who helped you escape?\"\n\nAurea nods. \"He helped a lot of us out.\"\n\n\"Well, he passed through here himself a while back. Guess if he knew how to get out, he might know how to get back in.\"\n\n\"Things must be really bad in there,\" Aurea says, \"if Prex gave up on it. Where did he wind up?\"\n\nCifez sighs. \"Somehow he caught the attention of the Diasporan Commonwealth. Some official types took him away. To Pearl\nprobably. I don't think he was a prisoner or anything, if that makes a difference.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to Cifez" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Cifez is a tousle-haired man, not quite young any more, wearing a practical jumpsuit.\n\n\"Prex went to Pearl, I think. After that, the flow of refugees\nslowed considerably.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to Rufo-the C" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "A young man with flawless hair and features, wearing cheap, eclectic clothes.\n\n\"Oh, hey. I, um, just maintain this equipment for Dr Vosov-R.\nOf course, this is small fry, but after what happened we had to scale back our operation.\"\n\nAurea steps right up to him. \"What do you mean, exactly?\"\n\nHe shrinks back nervously. \"We, uh, landed on the surface of Hardshell. The doc wanted to try and map the interior with his neutrino scanner. But, as soon as we started, the shell reacted pretty badly. We had to get out of there. No-one died or anything, but our grant was cut.\"\n\n\"And where is the doctor now?\"\n\nRufo shrugs. \"Probably back on Diallo. He's more a theory guy\nthan a field guy like, um, me.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to Belisent" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Rags are heaped high on this ageless woman. A lock of fiery red hair escapes her makeshift wimple.\n\nAurea blocks her path. \"You're still here, Belisent?\"\n\nThe woman seems to consider trying to shuffle away, then meets Aurea's gaze. \"Just wanted to get out. Didn't need to go far.\"\n\n\"I'm trying to get back in.\"\n\nBelisent remains expressionless. \"You're an idiot.\" After a second, she adds, \"But you're not alone. Barbarians jumped a whole fleet into the World. Picked up some of the panic even out here. Only one ship made it back out, of course.\"\n\n\"Who?\"\n\n\"I only got snatches. Patchwork people; all different pieces stitched together. A name, perhaps: Viscera.\"\n\nAurea clenches her remaining natural hand. \"Amalgs.\"\n\n\"Barbarians,\" Belisent says, shambling off. \"Just like they said.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to Belisent" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Rags are heaped high on this ageless woman. A lock of fiery red hair escapes her makeshift wimple.\n\n\"I gave you the name Viscera. Now leave me alone.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the trading log" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Known Merchants:\n-None\n\nOther Opportunities:\n-None known" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Launch" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Though it's not as bright as any star, the luminescence of Hardshell dominates the sky: a furrowed, flesh-and-metal sphere enclosing the entire star system. The entire star system, that is, except the irregular planetoid below; a little left over chunk of rock and ice.\n\nAn automated, meteor-shredded fuel station in low orbit offers the chance to refuel. Or it would if you weren't broke.\n\n\"You know we've only got enough fuel for one more jump,\nright?\" Aurea says. \"We should head to somewhere in the Diasporan Commonwealth. The hyperspace gates'll let us jump between Commonwealth worlds without using up any fusion cells.\"\n\n\"And hey,\" she adds, \"don't forget we're in this together. You need help, you talk to me, okay?\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You record Pearl" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You record Pearl in your ship's log as a place of potential interest." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You jump to" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "What do you want to jump to?" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Status" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Credit balance: 0k (That is to say: you're broke.)\nEquipment: spacesuit (don't need air)\n\nCrew:\nYourself, Aurea and Szymon\n\nInstalled systems:\njump drive (superluminal travel)\n\nFuel:\n1/5 fusion cells charged\n\nReadable Data:\ndebt note, flight manual, ship's log and trading log\n\nCargo:\nnothing" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Record Diallo" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You record Diallo in your ship's log as a place of potential interest." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You read the log" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Which do you mean, the ship's log or the trading log?" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You read ship's log" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Boony, Lonely Rock+\n\n+fuel station in orbit\n\nPlaces of potential interest: Pearl and Diallo" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You jump pearl" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "(Red lights blink on around the cockpit. You're out of fuel.)\n\nMoon of a storm-bedecked gas giant, jewel of the Diasporan Commonwealth: a world of blue seas, green continents and white clouds. Its night side glitters with artificial light.\n\nThe Commonwealth Courier Co. has a floodlit spindle in low orbit. Viktoria doles out the packages, as ever.\n\nA dejected freighter captain is awaiting repairs." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to the viktoria" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Viktoria's a stocky woman in a baggy flight suit, sleeves rolled up to her elbows.\n\n\"You heading to Khamsin? Got a package for Chief Drake. 1k credits if you deliver it and get back here in one piece.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Y." }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "\"Okay, captain. See you when you're done.\"\n\nYou store the package in your hold." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Record khamsin" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You record Khamsin in your ship's log as a place of potential interest." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to the freighter captain" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Your comm screen shows only static as the captain drones lugubriously across the link.\n\n\"Just got this piece of junk overhauled at Cygnet and it crapped out after one jump. Now my buyer's nowhere to be seen and the parts I need are on order from the back end of nowhere.\"\n\nHe sighs heavily. \"Look, captain, if you'll buy this crate of\nKhamsin red wine for 2k credits it'll really help me out. Worth\nmore to a connoisseur, but where am I gonna find one of those in orbit around Pearl?\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You jump khamsin" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "(via hyperspace gate)\n\nA sandy brown world orbiting close to an ageing red star. Its arid terrain is capped with scant white ice at the poles and veiled by a few insubstantial clouds.\n\nout in the system.\n\nChief Drake leads a crew of spacesuited ice breakers, blasting\nand drilling those comets too large to dump on the surface intact." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to the Chief" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "\"This is dangerous work, but it pays well. Uh, no, there aren't any openings at the moment.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You give the package to the chief" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "\"Perfect. It's so hard to get fresh fruit here. My team will be delighted.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You jump pearl" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "(via hyperspace gate)\n\nMoon of a storm-bedecked gas giant, jewel of the Diasporan Commonwealth: a world of blue seas, green continents and white clouds. Its night side glitters with artificial light.\n\nThe Commonwealth Courier Co. has a floodlit spindle in low orbit. Viktoria doles out the packages, as ever.\n\nA dejected freighter captain is awaiting repairs." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to the viktoria" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Viktoria's a stocky woman in a baggy flight suit, sleeves rolled up to her elbows.\n\n\"Nice work, captain. Here's your creds. Come talk to me if you want more work.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to the viktoria" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Viktoria's a stocky woman in a baggy flight suit, sleeves rolled up to her elbows.\n\n\"Want to run another delivery for 1k? This one's for Grayson at Cygnet.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Y." }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "\"Okay, captain. See you when you're done.\"\n\nYou store the package in your hold." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You jump cygnet" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "(via hyperspace gate)\n\nGrey, airless and cratered, its surface is nevertheless dusted with countless lights and scarred with broad highways.\n\nAn industrial fuel rig extends its arms to passing freighters.\n\nGrayson runs a low-revolution saloon in high orbit, a spinning constellation of gaudy neon. A grizzled traveller sits slumped\nover the bar." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to Grayson" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You order a shot of your favourite poison.\n\nGrayson nods his tattooed head and slides the glass to you across the bar. \"You won't find better grog in the Commonwealth, short of visiting my dear old home of Nereus.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You give the package" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "(to Grayson)\n\"Ah... More of the secret ingredient for my famous Antimatter Bomb. Relax, captain: it's just a cocktail.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to the traveller" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The traveller raises his tankard. \"No heat shield, so I can't make atmo. No headjack, so I can't talk to weird cyborgs. No visa chip, so I can't see the Imago Republic. But this place... it always welcomes me with open arms.\"\n\nGrayson sighs. \"I think you've had enough, old man.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Record nereus" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You record Nereus in your ship's log as a place of potential interest." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the log" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Which do you mean, the ship's log or the trading log?" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the trading log" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Known Merchants:\n-None\n\nOdd Jobs:\n-Delivering packages for Viktoria, orbiting Pearl\n\nOther Opportunities:\n-dejected freighter captain, selling a crate of Khamsin red (Pearl)" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You give the wine" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Whom do you want to give the crate of Khamsin red to?" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You jump cygnet" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "(via hyperspace gate)\n\nGrey, airless and cratered, its surface is nevertheless dusted with countless lights and scarred with broad highways.\n\nAn industrial fuel rig extends its arms to passing freighters.\n\nGrayson runs a low-revolution saloon in high orbit, a spinning constellation of gaudy neon. A grizzled traveller sits slumped\nover the bar." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You give the wine to Grayson" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "\"Captain, I order my booze special. I'm very particular about it. I certainly don't serve my valued customers the piss that Khamsin passes for wine.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You record imago republic" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The Imago Republic is a nation of multiple worlds. You can only jump to one at a time." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Land" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "A landscape of vast mining machines and small, perfunctory buildings. Superheavy cargo transports crawl along the oversized roads. Most of the people around are shellskins, the smaller number of spacesuited figures seeming strange and unwieldy by comparison.\n\nSeveral ships are being overhauled in the mechanised dry dock run by that sly dog, Matej.\n\nDevrim directs the haulage traffic from a squat, functional\ntower.\n\nA stern forewoman oversees the operation of a deuterium mine.\n\na panic, clipboard clutched to his chest.\n\nVR-bar." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to Szy" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Szy lurks in the bowels of your starship, doting over the core systems. A bit too much radiation exposure has left him a cybernetically-preserved head floating - detached and jawless - in the space helmet of a heavily patched old EVA suit.\n\nHis simulated voice rasps and crackles. \"Come to listen to an old reactor tech prattle on, captain?\"\n\n(Press Z to listen. Press any other key to say farewell.)" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You wait" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "(Press Z to listen. Press any other key to say\nfarewell.)\"Jumping between Commonwealth worlds will rest our poor\njump drive. And aren't there a few Commonwealth worlds we haven't stopped by yet?\"\n\nfarewell.)Szymon returns to work. \"Don't be a stranger, captain.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to the clerk" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "\"Everything is always a mess; everything is wrongly ordered, misdelivered, undelivered and late. Say, captain, want to buy a\nlarge oxygen canister for 2k credits? I need to get it off my\nlanding pad to make way for a million other mistakes that haven't happened yet.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to the punk" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "\"Yeah, yeah: detente, we're all friends now, forgive and forget. But I don't care how long ago the Battle of Franklin was, I can't blame the Imago Republic for keeping their borders closed after that.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to Devrim" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Devrim's a wiry, hawkish man in a jumpsuit emblazoned with corporate logos.\n\n\"I haven't seen you in a while, captain. I suppose there's much more lucrative ways for a starship captain to make money than ferrying cargo pods into orbit. Still, if you need a few kilocredits, I could give you a small job for old time's sake?\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Yes" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "\"I've left them on the landing pad. Just take each one into orbit and I'll pay you 5k.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You take the pods" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "cargo pod: The shipping-and-receiving clerk directs a heavy lifter to heft the cargo pod into your ship's hold. It just about fits.\ncargo pod: These cargo pods are huge. You only have room in your hold for one at a time.\ncargo pod: These cargo pods are huge. You only have room in your hold for one at a time." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Launch" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Grey, airless and cratered, its surface is nevertheless dusted with countless lights and scarred with broad highways.\n\nAn industrial fuel rig extends its arms to passing freighters.\n\nGrayson runs a low-revolution saloon in high orbit, a spinning constellation of gaudy neon. A grizzled traveller sits slumped\nover the bar.\n\nand collects the cargo pod you're carrying." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Land" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "A landscape of vast mining machines and small, perfunctory buildings. Superheavy cargo transports crawl along the oversized roads. Most of the people around are shellskins, the smaller number of spacesuited figures seeming strange and unwieldy by comparison.\n\nSeveral ships are being overhauled in the mechanised dry dock run by that sly dog, Matej.\n\nDevrim directs the haulage traffic from a squat, functional\ntower.\n\nA stern forewoman oversees the operation of a deuterium mine.\n\na panic, clipboard clutched to his chest.\n\nVR-bar.\n\nYou can also see two cargo pods here." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You take the pod" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "(the cargo pod)\nThe shipping-and-receiving clerk directs a heavy lifter to heft the cargo pod into your ship's hold. It just about fits." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Land" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "A landscape of vast mining machines and small, perfunctory buildings. Superheavy cargo transports crawl along the oversized roads. Most of the people around are shellskins, the smaller number of spacesuited figures seeming strange and unwieldy by comparison.\n\nSeveral ships are being overhauled in the mechanised dry dock run by that sly dog, Matej.\n\nDevrim directs the haulage traffic from a squat, functional\ntower.\n\nA stern forewoman oversees the operation of a deuterium mine.\n\na panic, clipboard clutched to his chest.\n\nVR-bar.\n\nYou can also see a cargo pod here." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Launch" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Grey, airless and cratered, its surface is nevertheless dusted with countless lights and scarred with broad highways.\n\nAn industrial fuel rig extends its arms to passing freighters.\n\nGrayson runs a low-revolution saloon in high orbit, a spinning constellation of gaudy neon. A grizzled traveller sits slumped\nover the bar.\n\nand collects the cargo pod you're carrying.\n\nYou receive a transmission from Devrim. \"Thanks, captain. I've\nsent you the credits.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to the forewoman" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "She's tall, loping and silver-shelled.\n\n\"My boys and girls give their all. Makes me proud. But they do work up an awful thirst.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You sell the wine to the forewoman" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "\"I know a lot of thirsty miners who will really appreciate this. Sure, connoisseurs turn their noses up at Khamsin wine, but to us, booze is booze. 10k credits good enough for ya?\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You buy the map" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You buy the Diasporan Commonwealth star map for 2k credits, leaving you with 13k credits." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You read the star map" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The following worlds are part of the Diasporan Commonwealth: Pearl, Storm, Khamsin, Cygnet, Nereus, Skadi and Autark." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Launch" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Grey, airless and cratered, its surface is nevertheless dusted with countless lights and scarred with broad highways.\n\nAn industrial fuel rig extends its arms to passing freighters.\n\nGrayson runs a low-revolution saloon in high orbit, a spinning constellation of gaudy neon. A grizzled traveller sits slumped\nover the bar." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You jump to Pearl" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "(via hyperspace gate)\n\nMoon of a storm-bedecked gas giant, jewel of the Diasporan Commonwealth: a world of blue seas, green continents and white clouds. Its night side glitters with artificial light.\n\nThe Commonwealth Courier Co. has a floodlit spindle in low orbit. Viktoria doles out the packages, as ever.\n\nA dejected freighter captain is awaiting repairs." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You jump to the cygnet" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "(via hyperspace gate)\n\nGrey, airless and cratered, its surface is nevertheless dusted with countless lights and scarred with broad highways.\n\nAn industrial fuel rig extends its arms to passing freighters.\n\nGrayson runs a low-revolution saloon in high orbit, a spinning constellation of gaudy neon. A grizzled traveller sits slumped\nover the bar." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Refuel" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You can replenish your fusion cells at the industrial fuel rig for 1k credits each. 5 cells are expended.\n\nHow many do you want to refuel?" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You jump to the Storm" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "(via hyperspace gate)\n\nAn unbroken layer of cloud leaves this planet an almost featureless grey sphere.\n\nThe Commonwealth military fleet is in orbit: hulking warships\nready to jump into trouble at a moment's notice.\n\ndefence network.\n\nA merchant service fuel tanker services civilian traffic." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to the lyulf" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "An imperiously bearded officer appears on your screen.\n\n\"You're welcome to land, captain, but this is a predominantly military world. Civilian freighters are better off going to Cygnet.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You jump to the nereus" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "(via hyperspace gate)\n\nThe world below is a bright, reflective blue: endless oceans broken up only by sparse white clouds and even less substantial wisps of land.\n\nown." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to the meriel" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "\"I like it up here. Watching the clouds, chatting with the odd space captain. Not that I'm calling you odd or anything. Although... Anyway, much better than doing national service on Storm. Deserting was the best thing I ever did.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Land" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Nereus has an atmosphere. You'll need a heat shield to get close without burning up." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You jump to the skadi" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "(via hyperspace gate)\n\nA bright white moon, its surface smoothed over by cryovolcanic snow. There are very few lights visible on its surface.\n\nA small squadron of private security ships monitor traffic in the system, led by the infamous combat synthetic, Kala-D." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to the kala-the d." }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "A harsh, authoritarian voice over the comm: \"Traffic in orbit around Skadi is strictly monitored. No dumping space junk; no smuggling flora or fauna; no deviating from your designated landing path. We are authorised to use lethal force.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Land" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "A sealed, metal-sided citadel grasps the underside of the frozen surface: an upside-down, underwater city. Plant fronds dangle into depths where strange silhouettes swim and dart.\n\nQuarantine is a way of life on Skadi. Most citizens wear cleansuits and face masks.\n\nMany parts of the city are closed to you, but the canteen run by\nChef Elin and Chef Iason is open to all.\n\nA researcher picks sadly at his food in the canteen.\n\nA red hot diver melts through the ice far from the city." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to Elin" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "A big, red cheeked woman with an infectious smile.\n\n\"Iason learned to cook in the military, serving slop to the troops on Storm. To him everything is meat, meat, meat. But if I had the right ingredients I could cook a vegetarian meal that would knock everyone's socks off.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to Iason" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "He hacks into slabs of meat, violently, with a sizeable cleaver.\n\n\"People in this city live their whole lives being told not to touch the animals. So naturally, they want to eat animals. It\nsatisfies a deep urge to rebel. But the meat I have to work with here... Abysmal.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to the researcher" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "\"Yeuch. I know this place is a research facility and not a pleasure resort, but the slop they serve here is unbearable.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to the diver" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Steam rises from her wetsuit. Empty jars clink at her belt. She levels a harpoon gun at you, in a not-too-unfriendly kind of way.\n\n\"Unauthorised specimen. 2k. Cross me and regret it.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You read the trading log" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Known Merchants:\n-Matej (Surface of Cygnet)\n\nOdd Jobs:\n-Delivering packages for Viktoria, orbiting Pearl\n-Hauling pods for Devrim on Cygnet\n\nOther Opportunities:\n-shipping-and-receiving clerk, selling a large oxygen canister (Surface of Cygnet)\n-red hot diver, selling an unauthorised specimen (Subsurface of Skadi)\n\nPotential Buyers:\nChef Elin (Subsurface of Skadi), Chef Iason (Subsurface of Skadi)" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Launch" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "A bright white moon, its surface smoothed over by cryovolcanic snow. There are very few lights visible on its surface.\n\nA small squadron of private security ships monitor traffic in the system, led by the infamous combat synthetic, Kala-D." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to Devrim" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Devrim's a wiry, hawkish man in a jumpsuit emblazoned with corporate logos.\n\n\"Got a few cargo pods to ferry into orbit if you want to make a few kilocredits?\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Yes" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "\"I've left them on the landing pad. Just take each one into orbit and I'll pay you 5k.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You buy the heat shield" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You buy the sleek heat shield for 10k credits, leaving you with 3k credits." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Launch" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Grey, airless and cratered, its surface is nevertheless dusted with countless lights and scarred with broad highways.\n\nAn industrial fuel rig extends its arms to passing freighters.\n\nGrayson runs a low-revolution saloon in high orbit, a spinning constellation of gaudy neon. A grizzled traveller sits slumped\nover the bar." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Land" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Blue skies; carefully managed fields and forests; air that's almost baseline-breathable. Elevated highways pass over the greenery with minimal impact, tangling together at the foot of narrow skyscrapers.\n\nThe tallest spire reaches towards the gas giant above, satellite towers splitting off like branches: the Commonwealth Building itself. A cyborg representative allows citizens to query the government systems.\n\nembassy.\n\nBesnik's small knickknack shop stands on splayed stilts, trees\nleaning out from beneath it in search of sunlight.\n\nThe landing pad is maintained by the shellskin, Katalin." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to the cyborg" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "A friendly face on the end of thick, articulated data hoses.\n\n\"How can I help you?\"\n\nAurea steps forward, golden hair billowing improbably. \"I'm looking for someone by the name of Prex. He originated on Haven. And he might have given his full name as Praxiteles the Unsatisfied.\"\n\nThe representative thinks for the briefest moment. \"Prex. Biological classification: human, other, modified. Granted asylum approximately three cycles ago. After fifty days, he boarded a transport bound for Jarland. No other public information is available.\"\n\nAurea frowns. \"Jarland? And yes, captain, before you ask, I have a dumb name too. No, I'm not telling you what it is.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Record jarland" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You record Jarland in your ship's log as a place of potential interest." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to the ambassador" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The ambassador is an unnaturally dignified woman in a neat business suit.\n\n\"I'm sorry,\" she tells you, \"but I have no authority over the distribution of visa chips. The Immigration Ministry on Venter controls access to the Republic.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Record Venter" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You record Venter in your ship's log as a place of potential interest." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to Besnik" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Besnik's carefully cultivated oddball persona is completed by a patched waistcoat and antique pince-nez glasses.\n\n\"Not got much here that'll interest a space captain. This autodoc\nunit maybe? It's a curio by modern standards, but some folks out\nthere in the black might be lucky to have it. I'll let you take it away it for 2k credits.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to Katalin" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The sun gleams off her opalescent skin.\n\n\"Yeah, I know, a shellskin living on the most hospitable world in the Commonwealth. I've heard it all before. I may not need air, but I like forests and fields. And vacuum is only a short hop away, in any case.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You read the trading log" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Known Merchants:\n-Matej (Surface of Cygnet)\n\nOdd Jobs:\n-Delivering packages for Viktoria, orbiting Pearl\n-Hauling pods for Devrim on Cygnet\n\nOther Opportunities:\n-Besnik, selling an autodoc unit (Surface of Pearl) -shipping-and-receiving clerk, selling a large oxygen canister (Surface of Cygnet)\n-red hot diver, selling an unauthorised specimen (Subsurface of Skadi)\n\nPotential Buyers:\nChef Elin (Subsurface of Skadi), Chef Iason (Subsurface of Skadi)" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to Aurea" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "An unnaturally beautiful, golden-haired woman with a jagged scar across her face and a cheap robotic arm. She slouches in the co-pilot's seat.\n\n\"Prex knows more than anyone about getting out of Hardshell, so hopefully he can get me back in. He was last seen heading to Jarland.\"\n\n\"We should be on the lookout for an amalg called Viscera.\"\n\n\"Dr Vosov-R on Diallo tried to scan Hardshell or something.\"" } ]
Cragne Manor
Ryan Veeder
[ "collaboration", "Comedy", "cover art", "female protagonist", "horror", "House", "Inform 7", "Lovecraft", "Lovecraftian", "many authors", "parser", "walkthrough", "Xyzzy Awards 2018", "XYZZY Best Implementation" ]
[ 10, 0, 1, 1, 0 ]
A tribute to Anchorhead.
[ { "from": "system", "loss": null, "value": "Themes: Comedy, female protagonist, horror, House, Lovecraft, Lovecraftian\n\nDescription: A tribute to Anchorhead.\n\nExtra: Mature themes allowed\n\nAdventure mode" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The cold autumn wind makes you shiver. The train station is eerily deserted: no staff, no other passengers. Even the train you arrived on has disappeared into the distance as if it had never been here. Your memory of the trip already seems faded and unreal, like a dream.\n\nThe sign hanging overhead catches your eye: \"Backwater Station.\" Yes: Backwater, Vermont. This is where you need to be. You need to find Peter.\n\nThe platform is open to the outdoors, but has an overhanging roof with a rusted sign hanging from it. At the back of the platform, to the south, is the entrance to the lobby. Train tracks stretch off into the distance to the east and west; on the other side of the track is a graffitied brick wall. The only other living creature in sight is a rat fixing you with its beady black eyes.\n\nThe clock overhead gives the time as 6:20 pm; beneath the clock is a schedule board listing train arrival times. On the platform itself are a wooden bench, a storage locker, and a vending machine." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the rat" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Startled by your attention, the rat scurries away, leaving behind a brass winding key." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You take the key" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Taken." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine key" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "A small brass key used for winding a clock.\n\nYou step in an old wad of gum. Yuck." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the gum" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Someone's old chewing gum, black with dirt but still sticky. Some of it is probably stuck to your shoe now.\n\nA low hum comes from the PA system, growing slowly louder until it crescendoes in a screech and falls suddenly silent." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You take the gum" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Eww, why would you want to?" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Xyzzy" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The world falls silent for a moment, as if holding its breath for something to happen... but nothing does. You don't know what you expected, really." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look around" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Railway Platform (Naomi Hinchen)\nThe platform is open to the outdoors, but has an overhanging roof with a rusted sign hanging from it. At the back of the platform, to the south, is the entrance to the lobby. Train tracks stretch off into the distance to the east and west; on the other side of the track is a graffitied brick wall.\n\nThe clock overhead gives the time as 6:27 pm; beneath the clock is a schedule board listing train arrival times. On the platform itself are a wooden bench, a storage locker, and a vending machine.\n\nThe PA system crackles with static, but no words are intelligible." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You read the schedule" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The board lists a schedule of train times:\nProvidence CANCELLED\nDunwich CANCELLED\nInnsmouth CANCELLED\nAnchorhead 13:37\nArkham CANCELLED" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "About yourself" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You feel uncertain and disoriented, as if you are not quite real. Are you real? Maybe you're a fictional character in a text adventure." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Inventory" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You are carrying:\na brass winding key\n\nThunder rumbles in the distance.\n\nThe clock gives a deep, booming chime on the half hour." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Look around" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Railway Platform (Naomi Hinchen)\nThe platform is open to the outdoors, but has an overhanging roof with a rusted sign hanging from it. At the back of the platform, to the south, is the entrance to the lobby. Train tracks stretch off into the distance to the east and west; on the other side of the track is a graffitied brick wall.\n\nThe clock overhead gives the time as 6:31 pm; beneath the clock is a schedule board listing train arrival times. On the platform itself are a wooden bench, a storage locker, and a vending machine." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the bench" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "A weathered wooden bench. On the bench is a familiar gold wristwatch.\n\nOver the loudspeaker, you can hear a sound like heavy breathing." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You take the watch" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Taken." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Examine watch" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You gave this to Peter as an anniversary present. It seems to have stopped. There is an inscription on the back.\n\nThe wind blows stray leaves across the tracks." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You read the inscription" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "N + P\nMarch 19th" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the locker" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "A storage locker painted a drab industrial gray. Attached to the front are a card swiper and a peeling label reading \"Lost and Found.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the vending" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Similar to a gumball machine, but it's the kind that dispenses toys in little plastic bubbles. At the bottom is a chute where the contents come out. There is a coin slot, but instead of a price next to it, there is a strange squiggled glyph.\n\nIn the vending machine is a plastic bubble." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the glyph" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "It seems to shift as you look at it, but looks almost like an R fused with a V. Or maybe a J fused with a P? No, it's definitely an R fused with a V.\n\nThunder rumbles in the distance." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the bubble" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "A small transparent plastic capsule with a lid.\n\nIn the plastic bubble is a golden eyepiece." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the eyepiece" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "A misshapen golden disc, studded with lenses. It looks like it could fit flush with your eye socket. On its surfaces are a round button, a triangular button, and a small rectangular slot.\n\nThe golden eyepiece is currently switched off.\n\nYou step in an old wad of gum. Yuck." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Look around" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Railway Platform (Naomi Hinchen)\nThe platform is open to the outdoors, but has an overhanging roof with a rusted sign hanging from it. At the back of the platform, to the south, is the entrance to the lobby. Train tracks stretch off into the distance to the east and west; on the other side of the track is a graffitied brick wall.\n\nThe clock overhead gives the time as 6:41 pm; beneath the clock is a schedule board listing train arrival times. On the platform itself are a wooden bench, a storage locker, and a vending machine." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You open the watch" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "It isn't something you can open.\n\nThe PA system crackles with static, but no words are intelligible." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Examine watch" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You gave this to Peter as an anniversary present. It seems to have stopped. There is an inscription on the back." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Wind watch" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The watch has nowhere to fit the winding key. That's meant for a larger timepiece.\n\nYou shiver for no reason at all, as if someone has just walked over your grave." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go south" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The evening light trickles through the dirty, cobweb-covered windows on either side of the station exit to the south, dimly illuminating your surroundings. To the north is the platform on which you arrived. To the east, a large mirror decorates the wall next to a green door. To the west, there is a brown door. The overall appearance is one of general neglect and decay. You regard your surroundings with a deep sense of foreboding.\n\nA styrofoam coffee cup sits on the floor next to the entrance to the bathroom." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You take the cup" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Taken." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the cup" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "A half-full styrofoam cup of doubtless very unpleasant coffee that you found on the floor of a train station. It must have had cream in it at some point, because there are definitely some clouds swirling around in there." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the mirror" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You take a long look in the mirror. Even in these dim and dingy surroundings, you are as good-looking as ever." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the door" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Which do you mean, the green door or the brown door?" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Green" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The green door appears to be the entrance to the station office. You try the handle and discover that it is locked." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the brown door" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The brown door leads to the station restroom. Thankfully, you have no need of the facilities at the moment." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go to the west" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "(first opening the brown door)\n\nTrain Station Restroom (David Petrocco)\nAs you enter the restroom you hear creak of a faucet being turned off and the rough scraping of metal upon metal from the far end of the restroom. Finally the automatic lights kick on revealing the restroom but there's no sign of who, or what, could have caused the noise.\n\nA harshly lit pay restroom. Dust and grime mar the once white tiles and marble of the facilities: A small shower stall with the curtain closed, a bathroom stall with a single dirty toilet (there are mounts for a door, but it is nowhere to be seen), a small storage closet for janitorial supplies, a four by four row of small lockers, and an extremely dirty dual basin sink.\n\nThe train station is EAST." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the shower" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The shower curtain is a stained yellow sheet of plastic covering the entrance.\n\nWhile examining the shower you hear the loud WOOOSH of a toilet flushing behind you." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You take the curtain" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "That's hardly portable." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the toilet" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The toilet is filled with a murky brown, and foul smelling, water. The surface of the water ripples as the toilet finishes flushing.\n\nThe loud crash of something falling near the closet door shatters the silence of the bathroom along with what's left of your nerve." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the closet" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "A small storage closet where several shelves have collaped, their supports seemingly rotten away, and have buried what appears to be a long wooden handled tool, a mop or broom perhaps.\n\nA small note taped to the wall says Locker 3 7113." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look around" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Train Station Restroom (David Petrocco)\nA harshly lit pay restroom. Dust and grime mar the once white tiles and marble of the facilities: A small shower stall with the curtain closed, a bathroom stall with a single dirty toilet (there are mounts for a door, but it is nowhere to be seen), a small storage closet for janitorial supplies, a four by four row of small lockers, and an extremely dirty dual basin sink.\n\nThe train station is EAST." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the lockers" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Sixteen lockers in a four by four pattern. The few that still have doors are flung open and battered, save for one still secured by a large combination lock, the kind that you can set to a four-digit number." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You set lock to 7113" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The lock slides open. You remove it from the hinges of the locker and open it to find a glass jar containing an insect." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You take the jar" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Which do you mean, the cleaning supplies or the glass jar containing an insect?" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Insect" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Taken." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine insect" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "A clear glass jar containing a hideous green insect. It's either dead or doing a very good job of playing dead and you have no desire to find out which. The number of legs and eyes appear to change every time you look at it.\n\nIt currently has four legs and four eyes." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the insect" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "A clear glass jar containing a hideous green insect. It's either dead or doing a very good job of playing dead and you have no desire to find out which. The number of legs and eyes appear to change every time you look at it.\n\nIt currently has six legs and eight eyes." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look around" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Train Station Restroom (David Petrocco)\nA harshly lit pay restroom. Dust and grime mar the once white tiles and marble of the facilities: A small shower stall with the curtain closed, a bathroom stall with a single dirty toilet (there are mounts for a door, but it is nowhere to be seen), a small storage closet for janitorial supplies, a four by four row of small lockers, and an extremely dirty dual basin sink.\n\nThe train station is EAST." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the sink" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The train station restroom sink is currently switched off." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You turn on sink" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "As you turn on the sink it begins to shake violently." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go to the east" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The surroundings are as dim and dingy as ever. The platform is to the north. The dirty, cobweb-covered windows and the station exit are to the south. The large mirror and the green door are to the east. The restroom door is to the west. You are unsure what you should do." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go east" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "(first opening the green door)\nIt seems to be locked." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go to the south" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "To the north is the vast windowless bulk of the train station. A metal trash can squats beneath its carved facade. The town itself is downhill, on the other side of a ravine. Somewhere down there, you can get a bath and a meal.\n\nA woman stands in the center of the bridge, preventing traffic in both directions.\n\nThe sky is oppressively stygian." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the woman" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "She is wearing a long red scarf and a tattered skirt. Her hair is wild, grey in the same color as the train tracks, twisted by the wind. She keeps shooting uncomfortable glances at the town.\n\nThe sky above is a greater than mortal greenish tint." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You talk to the woman" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You say hello to the woman." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Kiss woman" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "She averts her face. \"Keep your base hands away from me, stranger,\" she says." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine trash" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "It is a closed metal can from which issues a cabalistic stench." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You open the trash" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You open the trash can and peer into its tenebrous depths. Within you discern a pull-string doll and a dog-eared book.\n\nThe clouds fly quickly across the sky." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You take the doll and the book" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "pull-string doll: Taken.\n\na dog-eared book: Taken." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at book" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "A dog-eared, stained paperback called The Modern Girl's Divination Handbook -- Volume Three. The cover features three teenage girls of varying ethnicities laughing over the body of a dead cow, each one holding a section of entrails. Reading the blurb on the back makes you suspect that the authors used up all of the more normal divination methods in volumes one and two, and are now scraping the barrel for the really weird stuff." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You read book" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You flip past the title page, looking for something interesting...\n\nIf your parents are anything like our parents, they really suck at predicting the future... but they might have a kernel of\ntruth for you! The next time you're at a family barbecue, slip this potion into your mom's potato salad, then wait for her to finish her corn on the cob--\n\nWhat.\n\n[You can continue to READ the divination handbook; this is excerpt 1/3.]\n\nThe clouds continue to race across the sky, lower than before." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You read the book" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You continue to thumb through the book...\n\nyou were a kid, and now he's just gathering dust? Good news! With a little bit of sage smudging and energy cleansing, Teddy Ruxpin makes the perfect home for a wandering spirit--\n\nNope nope nope.\n\n[You can continue to READ the divination handbook; this is excerpt 2/3.]\n\nFat, filthy raindrops begin to fall." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You read the book" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You flip past a lot of terrible ideas to the very last page of the book...\n\nEver wonder if the little heart in your latte means the barista's crushing on you? Well, now you can find out for sure! All you need is a cold cup of coffee with some cream in it--\n\nHuh. Unlike everything else in the book, this seems like it might actually prove useful. There aren't that many possible readings, so you quickly memorize them and slam the book closed.\n\n[This is the end of the divination handbook, but if you have no respect for your own intelligence, you can READ it again.]" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the cup" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The swirls in your cup form a maple leaf. Botanical images mean that while there is much left to accomplish in the present situation, your immediate environment sustains you, and you have everything that you need." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine doll" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The doll has an inane smile on its face and a pull-string in the middle of its back.\n\nIt has the sort of head with two faces, one of which is hidden by its hair. Rotate the head and the other face will be forward.\n\nIt is raining harder now, and the street is already slick." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You pull the string" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The doll chirps, \"I like the thing that isn't here! Yay!\"\n\nThere is a tinny sound of applause." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You pull the string" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The doll chirps, \"I like the glass jar containing an insect! Hideous! Yay!\"\n\nThere is a tinny sound of applause." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You give the insect to the doll" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You can only do that to something animate." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You pull string" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The doll chirps, \"I like the bridge! Bridge! Yay!\"\n\nThere is a tinny sound of applause.\n\nRain falls as it did in Noah's day." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Hello" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You are already talking to the woman." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You ask the woman about the town" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "\"The town is accursed.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You ask the woman about the womwan" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The woman's answer is too faint to comprehend." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You ask woman about the rain" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Over the noise of the rain, she answers, \"You'll do best in this town if you ask least, witless idiot.\"\n\nThe downpour continues, drenching everything." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You ask the woman about the woman" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The woman says in a loud voice, \"I was summoned here to protect you, and those like you, newcomer.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You ask woman about yourself" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "She shouts, \"You uneducated idiot, witless stranger.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You ask the woman about doll" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "\"It has been sent to warn us.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You ask the woman about book" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The woman's answer is too base to comprehend." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine bridge" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The bridge is built of vast blocks, antiquarian beyond measure. It offers only a narrow crossing." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You describe your surroundings" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "To the north is the gargantuan windowless bulk of the train station. A metal trash can squats beneath its carved facade. The town itself is downhill, on the other side of a ravine. Somewhere down there, you can get a bath and a meal.\n\nA woman stands in the center of the bridge, preventing traffic in both directions." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go south" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The woman gets in your way. \"You know not what lies beyond this bridge, unwise fool,\" she says. It sounds like she means it." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You ask her about the beyond" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "(the woman about that)\nThe woman's answer is sybilline." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You ask her about the town" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "(the woman about the town)\n\"Surely even you can see its nature.\"\n\nHeaven vomits forth streams and rivers and lakes." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You say vaadignephod" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "(to the woman)\nThere is no reply.\n\nLook up with a smile on your face and you will immediately drown." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You ask the woman about the vaadignephod" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The woman's answer is undiscoverable." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the bridge" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The bridge is built of gigantic blocks, antediluvian beyond measure. It offers only a narrow crossing." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the coffee" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The swirls in your cup form a row of trees. Botanical images mean that while there is much left to accomplish in the present situation, your immediate environment sustains you, and you have everything that you need." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You check your inventory" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You are carrying:\nThe Modern Girl's Divination Handbook -- Volume Three\na pull-string doll\na glass jar containing an insect\na half-full styrofoam coffee cup\na familiar gold wristwatch\na brass winding key\n\nThe sky hates you." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You ask the woman about your kind" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "She screams, \"You'll do best in this town if you ask least.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You ask the woman about Peter" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "She yells, \"You'll do best in this town if you ask least.\"\n\nThe sky hates you." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You leave" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The woman has better things to do." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You ask the woman about the Backwater" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The woman's answer is too blasphemous to comprehend.\n\nThe sky hates you." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You open the jar" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "It isn't something you can open.\n\nThe sky hates you." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You show the jar to the woman" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The woman suggests you cease your quavering." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look around" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "To the north is the monumental windowless bulk of the train station. A metal trash can squats beneath its carved facade. The town itself is downhill, on the other side of a ravine. Somewhere down there, you can get a bath and a meal.\n\nA woman stands in the center of the bridge, preventing traffic in both directions." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the coffee" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The swirls in your cup form a kayak. Modes of transportation mean that your current environment presents challenges that can only be overcome by seeking fresh perspectives elsewhere until you're ready to return." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go north" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Railway Platform (Naomi Hinchen)\nThe platform is open to the outdoors, but has an overhanging roof with a rusted sign hanging from it. At the back of the platform, to the south, is the entrance to the lobby. Train tracks stretch off into the distance to the east and west; on the other side of the track is a graffitied brick wall.\n\nThe clock overhead gives the time as 8:02 pm; beneath the clock is a schedule board listing train arrival times. On the platform itself are a wooden bench, a storage locker, and a vending machine." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the windows" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The dirty, cobweb-covered windows permit scant illumination within the station lobby. They appear not to have been cleaned in a long time." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the coffee" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The clouds in your cup form a skateboard. Modes of transportation mean that your current environment presents challenges that can only be overcome by seeking fresh perspectives elsewhere until you're ready to return." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You unlock the green door" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "What do you want to unlock the green door with?" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go north" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Railway Platform (Naomi Hinchen)\nThe platform is open to the outdoors, but has an overhanging roof with a rusted sign hanging from it. At the back of the platform, to the south, is the entrance to the lobby. Train tracks stretch off into the distance to the east and west; on the other side of the track is a graffitied brick wall.\n\nThe clock overhead gives the time as 8:08 pm; beneath the clock is a schedule board listing train arrival times. On the platform itself are a wooden bench, a storage locker, and a vending machine." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You throw the jar at the woman" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You lack the nerve when it comes to the crucial moment.\n\nThe sky hates you." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You ask the woman about the xyzzy" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The woman's answer is impenetrable." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You ask the woman about the anchorhead" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "\"The town is doomed.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You ask woman about the Backwater" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The woman's answer is unaccountable." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You ask the woman about the doll" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "She shouts, \"It has been sent to warn us, uneducated idiot.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You ask the woman about the insect" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "She bellows, \"You'll do best in this town if you ask least.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You ask the woman about cragne" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "She hollers, \"You'll do best in this town if you ask least.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You ask the woman about the verlac" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The woman's answer is ambiguous." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go north" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The surroundings are as dim and dingy as ever. The platform is to the north. The dirty, cobweb-covered windows and the station exit are to the south. The large mirror and the green door are to the east. The restroom door is to the west. You are unsure what you should do." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go north" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Railway Platform (Naomi Hinchen)\nThe platform is open to the outdoors, but has an overhanging roof with a rusted sign hanging from it. At the back of the platform, to the south, is the entrance to the lobby. Train tracks stretch off into the distance to the east and west; on the other side of the track is a graffitied brick wall.\n\nThe clock overhead gives the time as 8:20 pm; beneath the clock is a schedule board listing train arrival times. On the platform itself are a wooden bench, a storage locker, and a vending machine." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the coffee" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The clouds in your cup form the engine of a train. Modes of transportation mean that your current environment presents challenges that can only be overcome by seeking fresh perspectives elsewhere until you're ready to return." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the vending" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Similar to a gumball machine, but it's the kind that dispenses toys in little plastic bubbles. At the bottom is a chute where the contents come out. There is a coin slot, but instead of a price next to it, there is a strange squiggled glyph.\n\nIn the vending machine is a plastic bubble.\n\nA leak in the ceiling drips water into a puddle." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the glyph" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "It seems to shift as you look at it, but looks almost like an R fused with a V. Or maybe a J fused with a P? No, it's definitely an R fused with a V." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go south" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "To the north is the gargantuan windowless bulk of the train station. A metal trash can squats beneath its carved facade. The town itself is downhill, on the other side of a ravine. Somewhere down there, you can get a bath and a meal.\n\nA woman stands in the center of the bridge, preventing traffic in both directions.\n\nThe sky hates you." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the Station" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "It is at least three stories tall, with no exterior windows. Carved on the outside are a series of figures, as though it were the outside of Notre Dame.\n\nPositioned in front is a trash can." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the ravine" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The rain comes between you and the ravine like a curtain of silver. No details are visible." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Inventory" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You are carrying:\nThe Modern Girl's Divination Handbook -- Volume Three\na pull-string doll\na glass jar containing an insect\na half-full styrofoam coffee cup\na familiar gold wristwatch\na brass winding key" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You show the handbook to the woman" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The woman requests you cease your yammering." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You show the insect to the woman" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The woman recommends you cease your yammering." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You ask the woman about the book" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The woman's answer is sphinxlike.\n\nThe sky hates you." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You show the cup to the woman" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The woman requires you cease your gibbering." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You show the watch to the woman" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The woman demands you cease your jabbering." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You show the key to the woman" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The woman demands you cease your quavering." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You tell the woman about yourself" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "\"You idiot,\" says the woman.\n\nThe sky hates you." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Inventory" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You are carrying:\nThe Modern Girl's Divination Handbook -- Volume Three\na pull-string doll\na glass jar containing an insect\na half-full styrofoam coffee cup\na familiar gold wristwatch\na brass winding key" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at book" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "A dog-eared, stained paperback called The Modern Girl's Divination Handbook -- Volume Three. The cover features three teenage girls of varying ethnicities laughing over the body of a dead cow, each one holding a section of entrails. Reading the blurb on the back makes you suspect that the authors used up all of the more normal divination methods in volumes one and two, and are now scraping the barrel for the really weird stuff." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the doll" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The doll has an inane smile on its face and a pull-string in the middle of its back.\n\nIt has the sort of head with two faces, one of which is hidden by its hair. Rotate the head and the other face will be forward." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Rotate head" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You rotate the doll's head. Its alternate face appears, scowling fiercely." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You pull the string" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "A voice comes from within the doll's body, dim and gravelly: \"Flee the trouble of the ravine! Here is a division between one type of world and another entirely!\"\n\n\"What risk is this?\" With a concerned look, the woman leans towards the doll as if to pay closer attention." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You pull the string" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The doll intones: \"Guard against the glass jar containing an insect! It is ugly!\"\n\nThe woman looks alarmed." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You show the jar to the woman" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The woman goes white. From behind you on the tracks comes a curious noise, mechanical and screeching, as though something were coming along the tracks. When you turn back, the woman has gone." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go south" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You pass over the bridge. The ravine has become a white river, teeming with creatures: you see a fin, a gill, a plaintive upturned face, before each is swept away.\n\nIt is possible to feel claustrophobia out of doors. Sunlight fills the sky but somehow doesn't reach you here. Steep banks of bramble rise to the east and west, trapping you within a gloomy trough a dozen yards wide. A poorly-surfaced road leads north and south along the trough's nadir. Just west of it, camouflaged with rust, is the train track.\n\nA tremendous patch of milkweed, the stems abnormally thick and tall, grows on the east side of the road beneath the thorn bank.\n\nA giant milkweed leaf dangles just within reach from the mass of stems.\n\nAlmost hidden within the milkweed is a dilapidated shack built more of splinters than of planks." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the milkweed" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "(the giant milkweed leaf)\nA giant milkweed leaf, curled in such a way that it could cling to your face like a mask. It even has two milk-ringed holes for your eyes." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You wear the mask" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You put on the giant milkweed leaf." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the shack" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "A hateful structure less than five feet high. The wood frame of the shack has tilted, twisting subtly out of true. The angles itch at your eyes, somehow uncomfortable to look at. No windows. The low doorway, lacking a door, hisses at you open-mouthed. Or would that just be the standard summer susurrus of Vermont?\n\n\"Hateful\" might an odd way to describe a building, but you can't escape the impression that the shack is capable of such an emotion. It's got to be a death-trap, anyway: take a step inside, or even give the shack a push, and surely it will just collapse." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You pull the string" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The doll intones: \"Beware the road!\"" } ]
The Wizard Sniffer
Buster Hudson
[ "Fantasy" ]
[ "built-in hints", "castle", "clown", "Comedy", "constrained protagonist", "cover art", "dragon", "fantasy", "female protagonist", "IFComp 2017", "IFComp Game", "IFComp Winner", "Inform 7", "knight", "limited verbs", "magic", "Miss Congeniality Winner", "monster", "nonhuman protagonist", "olfactory", "parser", "pig", "present tense", "princess", "queerness", "second person", "wedding", "witchcraft", "Xyzzy Awards 2017", "XYZZY Best Game", "XYZZY Best Individual NPC", "XYZZY Best Individual Puzzle", "XYZZY Best NPCs", "XYZZY Best Story" ]
[ 58, 24, 5, 1, 0 ]
You were recently acquired by the brave Ser Leonhart and his squire to sniff out the evil shapeshifting wizard. Unfortunately, you are not a wizard sniffer (if such a thing even exists). As far as you can tell, you are an ordinary pig. A comedy of errors experienced through a parser with a limited verb set. Also, puzzles.
[ { "from": "system", "loss": null, "value": "[Genres: Fantasy]\n[Tags: castle, clown, Comedy, constrained protagonist, dragon, fantasy, female protagonist, knight, magic, monster, nonhuman protagonist, olfactory, pig, present tense, princess, queerness, second person, wedding, witchcraft]\n[Description: You were recently acquired by the brave Ser Leonhart and his squire to sniff out the evil shapeshifting wizard. Unfortunately, you are not a wizard sniffer (if such a thing even exists). As far as you can tell, you are an ordinary pig. A comedy of errors experienced through a parser with a limited verb set. Also, puzzles.]\n[Mode: Adventure]" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Ser Leonhart, the bravest knight in all the land, points his sword at the fortress before him. Lightning strikes in the distance, illuminating the battlements below impatient clouds. A light rain begins to fall.\n\n\"Behold, the Impenetrable Keep,\" he says. \"At long last, I shall slay the evil shapeshifting wizard, rescue the princess and return peace to our fair kingdom.\"\n\nThe young Squire Tuck clambers up the last stretch of steep mountain path. \"Golly... milord,\" he says, struggling to catch his breath. \"Must we go in there?\"\n\nThe knight's hair ripples in a swift breeze. \"Fear not, my apprehensive accomplice. While no evil can withstand the heavy fist of justice, you must remember our secret weapon—the wizard sniffer\nshall\nsniff out the villain for us!\"\n\nHe prods you forward with the side of his boot, and you let out a disgruntled oink. To think you had successfully escaped this\nplace the night before last, only to be brought back again.\n\nWell, it could be worse. You could be bacon.\n\nYou stand before the raised drawbridge of an evil fortress. A murky, foul-smelling moat reflects not even a little bit of light. A rubbish bin festers beneath a cloud of flies.\n\n\"My feet are ever so angry,\" says Tuck, \"and terrible things have found their way between my toes. Might we rest here before walking further, milord?\" His master nods in approval, and the squire sits on the ground and takes off his shoes.\n\n\"One does not simply walk into the Impenetrable Keep,\" says Ser Leonhart. \"First, I must devise a way across this moat.\" He rubs his chin." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "About yourself" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "While your current owners know you as a wizard sniffer, you are, as far as you can tell, an ordinary pig (which you do not recommend being if it can be avoided).\n\nKeep—a\nremarkable feat involving magick, mayhem and a fair bit of puzzle solving. Your luck, however, would not last. As you dragged your weary body down the mountain and into the nearest town, you were spotted and subsequently claimed by a wandering capitalist.\n\nThe capitalist, later happening upon the dim-witted knight and his squire at a roadside tavern, separated them from their large sack of gold by claiming you had the ability to sniff out evil wizards. As it turns out, this is not something you can actually do. Nevertheless, you feel it to be in your best interest to play the part as best you can.\n\nFor now." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine bin" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "It appears to be awaiting collection." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the riddles" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Some puzzles are old, others are broken, and they are all terribly cliché." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Smell puzzles" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You sniff the puzzles. Ser Leonhart searches them for signs of the evil wizard, but finds none." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the moat" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "One might assume the waters are only black in colour, but the stench that rises from their depths hints at something much fouler." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You sniff the moat" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The moat is exceptionally putrid, so you pretend to sniff it.\n\n\"The evil wizard is hiding in the moat!\" shouts Ser Leonhart, drawing his sword. And with a mighty leap, he disappears into the foetid waters, only to emerge a minute or so later.\n\nTuck helps him onto land. He tries not to breathe through his nose. \"What happened, milord?\"\n\n\"He got away,\" says the knight, wringing the black water out of his golden tresses. \"We shall let him savour his victory, for now.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the drawbridge" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The raised drawbridge is held up by sturdy ropes. One such rope extends across the moat." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the rope" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "It connects the drawbridge to a lever on your side of the moat." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the lever" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "It stands beside a sign." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the sign" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "It reads: PULL TO LOWER BRIDGE." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Sniff lever" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You sniff the lever.\n\n\"Aha!\" cries Ser Leonhart, pushing you aside and pointing his sword at the thing. \"Did you think your disguise would fool us, evil wizard? For the good of the kingdom, I shall cut you down!\" With one graceful sweep of his blade, he removes the lever from where it stood. It clatters noisily to the ground, then lies still.\n\n\"The deed is done,\" says Ser Leonhart, sheathing his sword. \"The kingdom is safe once more. Let us remember all who have sacrificed themselves for this victory.\" He bows his head in silence.\n\nTuck picks up the lever and inspects it thoroughly. \"Milord, forgive me for not remembering the sacrifices, but, would not a dead evil wizard mayhap look like a dead evil wizard?\"\n\nSer Leonhart seizes the lever and narrows his eyes at it. \"Aye, my attentive attendant. It seems we have been deceived by an ordinary wooden stick. The evil wizard is craftier than I expected. We must remain vigilant if we hope to defeat him.\" He hands the lever back to Tuck, who swings it enthusiastically like a sword before it slips through his fingers and disappears into the moat with a\nplunk." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You sniff the moat" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You pretend to sniff it.\n\n\"He's returned to the moat!\" shouts Ser Leonhart as he leaps into the foetid waters once more, only to emerge with naught more than a frown." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You sniff the rope" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You sniff the rope.\n\n\"For justice!\" cries Ser Leonhart, and with one great stroke of his gleaming sword, he severs the rope in two. Down comes the drawbridge, making as much noise as possible (as falling drawbridges tend to do). When the dust clears, the duo discovers the way into the keep has opened to the north.\n\n\"A brilliant success, milord!\" cheers Tuck.\n\nSer Leonhart poses like a titan holding up the sky. His hair dances in another breeze. \"Not even the Impenetrable Keep can stop the heavy fist of justice. All you need is confidence, my timid tenderfoot, and you can accomplish that which your heart most desires.\"\n\n\"I shall keep working on my confidence, milord,\" says Tuck, holding his hair up for the wind to take." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go north" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "As you scurry across the drawbridge, the rain grows heavier.\n\n\"He has the wizard's scent,\" says Ser Leonhart, pulling Tuck to his feet. \"Let us make haste!\"\n\nAnd so, the brave knight and his squire follow you into the now-penetrable Impenetrable Keep. Passing beneath the outer walls, you come upon the lower bailey, a muddy yard lying at the foot of the inner keep. A dogtower rises from the centre of the bailey to the north. You can also go northeast or northwest, to the respective east and west ends of the bailey." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the tower" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The stone dogtower stands in the centre of the bailey." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the yard" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "This is the southern end of the bailey. You can go north, northeast, northwest or south across the drawbridge. Tuck and Ser Leonhart wait nearby." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go to the north" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You lead the knight and his squire to a doghouse shaped like a miniature tower. Hence, a dogtower. During your last escape, the dogtower housed an overly playful pomeranian. You have no desire to repeat the encounter.\n\nAttached to the dogtower is a long, thick chain. At first, you wonder why such a small dog would need such a thick chain, until you realise the chain is not wrapped around the neck of a pomeranian. The chain is wrapped around the neck of a sleeping dragon.\n\n\"Is-is that a... is-is that a...\" asks Tuck, the rest of his question lodged in his throat.\n\nSer Leonhart covers the young squire's mouth. \"Aye, my quivering companion,\" he whispers, \"we have stumbled upon the fiercest creature of them all. Let us keep quiet, lest we learn whether it has a taste for human flesh.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the dragon" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "When it comes to dragons, the stories say not even the sharpest steel can pierce their armoured scales. Even though this dragon is sleeping, you are relieved to see the chain about its neck. Barely visible beneath one of its claws is a ball." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the ball" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "One of those playthings for peasant children or dogs. It's not very large and can be held easily in one hand. Or a pig's mouth, given you are in possession of one." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine Tuck" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The ever-faithful Squire Tuck might be taking his first brave steps into manhood, but he most closely resembles an underfed parrot. To his credit he is not necessarily an unsightly one. His slender frame may not help him accomplish any grand feats, but one could argue his mettle more than makes up for it." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You sniff Tuck" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You sniff the young squire.\n\nSer Leonhart casts Tuck a suspicious glare and draws his sword. \"So, evil wizard, you think you could kidnap my squire and take his place? For justice, I will strike you down!\"\n\nTuck throws his arms in the air and tumbles backwards. \"Wait, milord! It's me, your faithful servant!\"\n\nThe knight halts his blade shy of justice. \"Oh, it is you,\" he says. \"That was nearly a misunderstanding.\" He returns his sword to his side." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the chain" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "It's wrought of iron and as thick as Tuck is thin." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the knight" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Ser Leonhart is a knight, which is to say he is the quintessential man. If asked about his countenance, the good people of the kingdom would tell you the gods, in their quest for perfection, carved him out of the very lands he swore an oath to protect. They would say his eyes shimmer like the crystal blue sea beneath a radiant sun; his hair, amber and billowy, cascades from his noble brow like lush, wind-lashed fields of grain before the autumn harvest; his jaw is strong, defined and unyielding like the great walls that guard the borders against the demi-human hordes; and his massive suit of platemail leaves little doubt as to the robustness of the regions beneath.\n\nYet to you he is a rather average fellow, with ruddy skin, a mop of blond hair and a long nose. No matter how hard you try, you are unable to gaze upon him with such admiration, and you wonder if it ought to do with being an ordinary pig.\n\nHe carries with him a great sword and a shield emblazoned with the Leonhart family standard—a lion on checks of burgundy and gold.\nTucked\ninto his belt is a wrinkled flyer." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at flyer" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The knight has gazed at the flyer with sufficient frequency for you to memorise both the crudely-drawn depiction of a princess and the text beneath. It read:\n\nCitizens of our most great and virtuous kingdom,\n\nOn the twenty-third day of Maya, Her Royal Highness, Princess Joyanna Marianna Novellanna Montcabernet Savignon (Princess Joy), hath been kidnapped by the most evil of wizards, Queklain, who, in the form of a most fearsome dragon, hath taken her against her will to his Impenetrable Keep for the most nefarious of purposes. Henceforce and whatwith, whoever among the most noble of heroes, who possesseth the most courage and virtue, who rescueth her from the most terrible of fates, shall earneth the king's most bountiful blessing to requesteth her hand in marriage, and receiveth the most royal dowry of ten million doubloons.\n\nSigneth,\nHis Most Royal Highness, King Aurelius Audacious Latinus Montcabernet Savignon XXVIII.\n\nYou soon discovered neither the knight nor his squire possess the ability to read. Ser Leonhart has, however, learned a mere two words in his travels—Princess Joy—which he recited over and over like a prayer from the Good Books. This would be accompanied by a wistful look at the sky, or perhaps a fist over his heart and a vow to the gods he will either finish his quest or die trying." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Sniff dragon" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Ser Leonhart watches you at first, his noble features etched with worry as you sniff around the dragon's wicked claws. Then, comprehension arrives like the first rays of the morning sun. \"Oh, what a fool I am!\" he shouts. Tuck gasps and pulls his doublet up over his nose.\n\nThe knight strides gallantly forward, drawing his sword. \"Were I an evil shapeshifting wizard, would I not take the form of a mighty dragon? You are clever, evil one, but you cannot outwit justice!\" He stabs the dragon in the neck, but his blade bounces harmlessly aside.\n\nThe dragon stirs. With a yawn like a smoking chimney it rolls languidly upright and, spotting the knight, begins to bark excitedly. The ball escapes to the side.\n\nSer Leonhart is as still as a statue. \"Listen carefully, Tuck,\" he whispers, \"and make not the slightest movement. Dragons cannot see what does not move. In the meantime, I shall determine a plan of—\"\n\nThe dragon leaps onto Ser Leonhart, pinning him to the ground and licking his face. The knight struggles to free himself. \"Save yourself, Tuck!\" he shouts. \"Send word to the king I have been devoured by a dragon!\" He prepares himself for digestion." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You take the ball" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Taken." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Look around" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You stand beside the dogtower in the centre of the bailey. Ser Leonhart is struggling to free himself from beneath the dragon. Tuck is more affected than usual." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go to the west" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Tuck follows you to the western end of the bailey. You can continue northeast towards the inner keep's entrance or southeast towards the drawbridge.\n\nA red pail lies on its side." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the pail" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "It's painted red. The words \"IN CASE OF FIRE\" are written across its side." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You drop the ball" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Dropped." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go northeast" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Tuck follows you across the bailey, arriving at the double doors of the inner keep. The dogtower stands behind you to the south, with the rest of the bailey to the southeast and southwest." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the doors" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Massive and ominous, they stand guard over the inner keep to the north. Inset in the bottom of one of the doors is a doggy door.\n\nTo be more specific, someone cut a jagged shape in the bottom of the door, reached a point best described as \"good enough\" and nailed a scrap of leather over the hole to call it a day. But, for all intents and purposes, you may call it a doggy door, and simply moving in its direction will allow you to pass through it." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go to the southeast" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Tuck follows you to the eastern end of the bailey. You can continue west towards the dogtower or southwest towards the drawbridge." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go north" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You squeeze through the doggy door into the foyer of the inner keep. Tales woven by the commonfolk have always described the wizard's keep as naught more than a drab and dreary labyrinth. Yet instead of rough stone floors and draughty corridors, the keep is brimming with warm rooms full of lavish furnishings, vibrant purple alpaca carpeting, traditional fleuret-patterned wallpaper in silver and gold and stepped cornices sculpted into dancing putti.\n\nThe foyer itself is grand indeed, stretching three storeys high and lit from a skylight at the very top. To the north is an outdoor courtyard, to the west a darkened hallway and to the east a well-lit hallway. A circular staircase curves upwards around a clockwork lift, two options for reaching the balconies above.\n\nYou notice the decorations have yet to be removed. Great swathes of white fabric are draped from the balconies, and bouquets of baby's breath still run along the walls. A wooden crate sits unmoved in the centre of the room. A poster on an easel reads: \"Welcome to the most assuredly legal wedding of Master Tristain Girard and Her Royal Highness, Joyanna Marianna Novellanna Montcabernet Savignon (Princess Joy). The ceremony will be held in the ballroom beyond the courtyard.\" Beneath the text, an arrow points to the north." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Examine poster" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "It reads: \"Welcome to the most assuredly legal wedding of Master Tristain Girard and Her Royal Highness, Joyanna Marianna Novellanna Montcabernet Savignon (Princess Joy). The ceremony will be held in the ballroom beyond the courtyard.\" Beneath the text, an arrow points to the north." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the lift" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Upon the advent of the clockwork engine a few decades ago, clockwork gadgets became an instant trend. Only the rich could afford these mechanical marvels, and even fewer could afford something as grand as a lift.\n\nThis one is closed." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the wallpaper" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "So lavish." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go east" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You head down a long hallway lined with portraits. Ahead to the east is a closed door." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the door" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "A solid wooden door. The doors of the keep used to contain puzzles to solve in order to open them. It appears they have all been removed." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine portraits" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The row of portraits features men and women radiating wealth and nobility. Each possesses the same upturned noses and downturned frowns. They scowl at you disdainfully from their perches with rich, violet eyes.\n\nBeneath each portrait is a gold plate engraved with a single name. From left to right, they read: Adelstain, Morgaine, Rogaine, Gawain, Romaine, Elaine, Queklain. The end of the row, bearing the name Tristain, is an empty frame." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at Queklain" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The evil wizard Queklain. From up close, he resembles little of a wizard, except for being a bit grumpy. His robes are fairly pedestrian compared to the rest, and the painting itself is inferior in quality, which might have given him something to be grumpy about." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine Elaine" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Elaine forwent the family tradition of wearing finery to her sitting, instead choosing a simple workman's outfit and knotting her hair in a silk handkerchief. Her only piece of jewellery is a pendant in the shape of a jigsaw puzzle piece about her neck." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine Gawain" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "This was painted when an excess of beard-curls and ribbons was all the rage at court. Gawain was a victim of the times in the worst sort of way." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go north" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The cold rain greets you once more as you proceed to the outdoor courtyard, the way forward continuing beyond a colonnade to the north. High stone walls constrict the courtyard on all sides, but a collection of elegant rose bushes and the gentle murmuring of water from the central fountain soften the edges of the enclosed space. Stairs descend below the wall to the west.\n\nA goblin engineer, seemingly unbothered by the rain, is busy repairing the dislocated leg of a suit of mechanical armour. She frowns as you waddle across the cobblestones.\n\n\"Oy, piggy! What sort of magicks saw piggy free from the sty? Tis Robbit's problem, Rhoda thinks. His Lordship must needs his keep protected from more heroes. Rhoda will burn them all crispy crispy, Rhoda will!\" She proudly pats the armour before returning to the task at hand." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine Rhoda" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The goblin engineer looks like goblins in any other line of work, except this one dons a pair of goggles. She stands nary four hands high, her skin only slightly green and her ears decidedly droopy. She attempted to tame her wild red hair in two buns on either side of her head, achieving little success." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the suit" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Security only nobility can afford. Even the Royal Palace only maintains a dozen of them. This one is a equipped with a flamethrower." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the roses" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The thorny branches bear red roses in full bloom." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the fountain" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "The fountain is a large pool of water encased by stone. The statue in its centre depicts a cockatrice hen feeding her chicks in the manner of most birds, the act represented by the water pouring out of her mouth. At the hen's feet are the remains of a human, ravaged, with their ribs exposed through torn meat.\n\nYou think the artist may have been making a statement about the lengths one must go to provide for one's children. Or perhaps they simply enjoy monsters and gore.\n\nStairs descend below the wall to the west." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go north" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You pass beneath the colonnade into a magnificent ballroom decorated for a wedding.\n\nAt one end stands the altar, framed by a wooden arbour painted white and entwined with roses from the garden. Standing below the arbour is a full-sized statue of Cupido, god of love, music, romance fiction and scented candles. A simple table is bare, but you know it was to hold a glass mug, from which the bride and groom both drink a bitter craft beer to symbolise the strength of their union in even the worst of times. A few dozen chairs are arranged for optimal viewing.\n\nAll together the wedding looks like it could have been quite lovely. Not that you would have enjoyed it, of course. Not at all." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine Cupido" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "According to myth, love is born between two souls when Cupido plays his guitar at them. The myth has since evolved into a tradition where men serenade women at their windows late at night in an attempt to woo them.\n\nYou take the opportunity to renew your commitment to atheism." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the altar" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "A simple table is the focal point of the altar." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the arbour" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The red roses and green vinery contrast prettily with the white wood beneath." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the chairs" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "The chairs are in various shapes and sizes to accommodate rear-ends of various shapes and sizes." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look around" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You are standing in a magnificent ballroom decorated for a wedding. At one end stands the altar, consisting of an arbour, a table and a statue of Cupido. A few dozen chairs are arranged for optimal viewing." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go south" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You head to a cobblestoned courtyard enclosed by rose bushes. In the centre is a fountain, regurgitating water onto itself. The entrance to the foyer is to the south. Stairs descend below the wall to the west.\n\nA goblin engineer, seemingly unbothered by the rain, is busy repairing the dislocated leg of a suit of mechanical armour." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go downward" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You make your way down a looping stairway, entering a dimly-lit hall that extends to the east.\n\nWithout warning, a harrowing sound echoes through the passage. You recall hearing worse only once before, when a fellow of your acquaintance contracted the dreaded banshee tapeworm (much to your relief, the problem of the noise was resolved once someone thought to apply a cork to the offending orifice)." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go east" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "As you draw closer, you recognise the tortured caterwauling of a man. With each step, the wailing becomes more and more intense, and it takes every ounce of courage not to turn and flee. You can see a dead end a little farther to the east." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go east" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You inch towards the end of the hall and discover the source of the noise. Locked in a cramped cell is a collection of heroes—five, to\nbe\nexact. One of them is bent over a guitar.\n\n\"And after aaaaaaaalllllllll,\" he cries. \"You're my wonderwaaaaaaaaalllllllll!\"\n\nThe hero ends his song with a flourish and a bow, and the others offer a rousing round of applause. \"Bravo, bravo!\" they cry. Hero 3 whistles appreciatively through his fingers. (It should be noted you have a hard time telling heroes apart, especially when they are all men and rather generic. Thus, you decide to number them in your head to prevent any issues with disambiguation. Only Hero 1 stands out by virtue of his guitar, but calling him Guitar Hero would simply be too generous a title.)\n\n\"By the gods, a pig!\" shouts Hero 5. He smacks his cellmates to gain their attention, and they all turn to consider you. \"Could it be here to rescue the princess?\" he continues.\n\n\"What a silly notion. I'm here to rescue the princess,\" says\nHero 4. Hero 2 gently but firmly corrects the other, stating that he, in fact, shall be rescuing the princess. This is followed by the same assertion from Hero 3. Hero 1 not only believes he shall be rescuing the princess, he has also written a song about it that he thinks everyone should hear right away.\n\n\"What if we all rescue the princess together?\" asks Hero 5, earning incredulous glares from the others.\n\n\"If everyone is the hero, then nobody is,\" says Hero 4. The remaining heroes nod in unison. \"So naturally,\" he continues, \"I shall be the one to rescue the princess.\"\n\nLosing interest in the resulting argument, you take in the rest of your surroundings. Within the cell, a combination washer-dryer stands against the far wall. Outside the cell, you find an empty guard post and a ring of keys hanging on the wall." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You take the keys" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You assumed they were low enough to reach, but even when standing on your hind legs, the ring of keys is too far away.\n\nThe prisoners halt their argument to gape at your attempt. \"Are you... are you trying to purloin the keys for us?\" asks Hero 3. \"Are you some sort of intelligent pig?\"\n\nWhen you turn to look at them, Hero 1 has an idea. \"If you can understand me, bring me something to throw at the keys. I shall knock them off the wall, and you can retrieve them for me. Then I shall be free to rescue the princess.\"\n\n\"No, I'm rescuing the princess,\" counters Hero 2, and the\nargument resumes once more." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Examine post" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "It's a table and chair, with the chair facing the cell. You assume this is where a guard would watch over a prisoner, so calling it a guard post felt more appropriate to conveying its purpose (though without a guard, it really is just a table and chair)." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the washer" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "A rare clockwork combination washer-dryer is beginning to succumb to rust. Chained to the machine is a skeleton." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the skeleton" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Such a gruesome death." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You open the washer" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Being a pig, you are limited in what you can do." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go west" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You return to the centre of the dimly-lit hall that runs east and west." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go to the west" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You continue to the foot of the stairs to the west." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go upwards" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You make your way up the stairs to a cobblestoned courtyard enclosed by rose bushes with a fountain in the centre. To the north is the ballroom, and to the south is the foyer.\n\nA goblin engineer, seemingly unbothered by the rain, is busy repairing the dislocated leg of a suit of mechanical armour." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go south" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You squeeze through the doggy door and return to the northern end of the bailey, with the rest of the bailey to the south, southeast and southwest. Tuck is thrilled to see you again.\n\nThe squire immediately throws his arms around you. \"Oh! How happy I am to know you are safe, little sniffer.\" He blinks the mist from his eyes. \"I thought—well, who knows what dwells inside this evil place, and I was worried that...\" He trails off, unable to complete the sentence, and only after an exhausting amount of kicking and squealing does he let you go." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go southwest" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Tuck follows you to the western end of the bailey. You can continue east towards the dogtower or southeast towards the drawbridge.\n\nA red pail lies on its side.\n\nYou can also see a ball here." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You take the ball" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Taken." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go north" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You squeeze through the doggy door into the foyer of the inner keep. To the north is an outdoor courtyard, to the west a darkened hallway and to the east a well-lit hallway. A circular staircase curves upwards around a clockwork lift." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go north" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You head to a cobblestoned courtyard enclosed by rose bushes with a fountain in the centre. To the north is the ballroom. Stairs descend below the wall to the west.\n\nA goblin engineer, seemingly unbothered by the rain, is busy repairing the dislocated leg of a suit of mechanical armour." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go downward" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You descend the stairs down the looping stairs, entering a dimly-lit hall that extends to the east." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go east" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You return to the centre of the dimly-lit hall that runs east and west." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go east" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You proceed to the closed cell at the end of the hall. Inside, a collection of heroes are engaged in a heated argument. The nearby guard post is empty. On the wall hangs a ring of keys.\n\n\"Oh, good boy,\" says Hero 3, cutting the argument short. \"Now bring the ball here.\" He slaps his hands on his thighs like you resemble a dog. You poke your snout between the bars, and Hero 2 takes the ball from your mouth.\n\n\"I have it! I have it!\" he exclaims. \"As leader of this group, I shall save us.\"\n\nBut Hero 4 snatches the ball away. \"Leader? You are the leader the day pigs fly. I shall do the honours.\" he says, prompting another argument over who should be the one to rescue the group and whether or not they even have a leader. The fight quickly turns physical, each trying to take the ball from the other, and after a brief struggle, the ball looses itself from their collective grips. It sails across the hall and knocks the keys onto the floor.\n\nThe heroes consider their accomplishment. Finally, Hero 1 speaks. \"Let that be a reminder of the power of teamwork,\" he says, and they all nod in agreement. \"Now, pig,\" he continues, \"might you bring us the keys?\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You take the keys" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You pick up the ring of keys and bring it to the heroes, who fight over possession of them, and then fight over which key to try in the lock. As is usually the case when dealing with multiple keys, the last one tried is the right one. They burst out of the cell as soon as it opens.\n\n\"Fear not princess, for I am coming!\" shouts Hero 5, escaping down the hall.\n\n\"Nay, princess, wait for your true hero!\" follows Hero 3. Heroes 2 and 4 chase after the other two.\n\n\"I must warn the others to hide until the time is right,\" says Hero 1. \"While I shall be the one to rescue the princess, I would not\nwant them to perish in this place.\" He looks down at the ring of keys. \"I also see no need for these in the near future for any specific reason.\" Tossing them over his shoulder, he hurries after the others." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Look around" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You are at the end of a dimly-lit hall before an open cell containing a skeleton chained to a combination washer-dryer. The nearby guard post is empty.\n\nYou can see a ring of keys and a ball here." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You take the keys" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Taken." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go to the west" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You make your way to the foot of the stairs to the west." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Go up" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You crest the top of the stairs and emerge into the courtyard, where the goblin engineer is panicking.\n\n\"Call the guard! The heroes have escaped!\" she shouts, running back and forth before skidding to a halt. \"Oh, chickenspit. Rhoda is the bloody guard.\"\n\nShe pulls a flint-wheel lighter out of her workvest and, shielding the flame from the rain, ignites the pilot light of the armour's flamethrower. Then she hops in the back and works the controls.\n\nThe contraption sputters and shakes as it struggles to right itself with one of its legs askew. Still, the goblin manages to coax the armour into an awkward limp, guiding it to the south." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go to the south" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You continue to the foyer of the inner keep. To the west is a darkened hallway, to the east is a well-lit hallway and to the south are the closed double doors to the bailey. A circular staircase curves around a lift to the balcony above.\n\nThe goblin engineer inspects the double doors from atop the armour.\n\n\"Hmmm,\" she says, tugging on her ears. \"The doors remain locked? The rotten heroes must be in the keep! Rhoda shall wait here and roast 'em on their escape.\" She pulls on the trigger of her flamethrower, and a ten-hands jet of flame bursts out of the barrel." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You go south" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "You squeeze through the doggy door and return to the northern end of the bailey, with the rest of the bailey to the south, southeast and southwest. Tuck is thrilled to see you again." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You drop the keys" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Dropped." } ]
Junior Arithmancer
Mike Spivey
[ "Colossal Cash Prize", "cover art", "gender-neutral protagonist", "graded success", "IFComp 2018", "IFComp Game", "Inform 7", "magic", "math", "mathematics", "parser", "spells", "systematic puzzles", "test as premise", "unmnemonic", "walkthrough", "Xyzzy Awards 2018", "XYZZY Best Puzzles" ]
[ 24, 15, 1, 0, 0 ]
A one-to-many-room puzzler.
[ { "from": "system", "loss": null, "value": "Themes: gender-neutral protagonist, graded success, magic, math, mathematics, spells, systematic puzzles, test as premise, unmnemonic\n\nDescription: A one-to-many-room puzzler.\n\nExtra: Year of Writing: 2018\n\nAdventure mode" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Three people are standing in the lecture hall as you burst in, ten minutes late. The man's half-frown just manages the transition to a half-smile as he turns toward you.\n\n\"Ah, our first candidate in Arithmancy!\" he says brightly. \"I'm Morkan. The other members of your examining committee today are Teraboz\" (the older woman nods in your direction) \"and Berzia\" (the younger woman gives you a tidy grin).\n\nFumbling in his robes, Morkan produces some pieces of paper. \"Here are your number sheet, task page, and spell list,\" he says, handing them to you.\n\n\"Good luck!\" he adds. Then he speaks an incantation while waving his arms in a complicated pattern. You feel yourself being translated.\n\nAs you fade out of the lecture hall, you hear Teraboz mutter, \"That's our first candidate in Arithmancy? Great. Just great.\"\n\nThis austere space provides a quiet, distraction-free environment for examinations. Besides the sign on the wall and the slot below it, there is nothing in this room. Not even an exit.\n\nAn awful screeching noise echoes through the space.\n\n\"What in the name of Yottaboz is that sound?\" yells Teraboz.\n\n\"Sorry about that,\" Morkan's voice breaks through. \"I just turned on the magical observation system in the testing area. It's quite new. There; that's better.\" The noise cuts out." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Inventory" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You are carrying:\na number sheet\na task page\na spell list" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at number" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "pi: 3.14159 x.xxxxx\ne: 2.71828 x.xxxxx\nsqrt(2): 1.41421 x.xxxxx\nsqrt(3): 1.73205 x.xxxxx\nsqrt(5): 2.23606 x.xxxxx\nphi: 1.61803 x.xxxxx\nln(2): 0.69314 x.xxxxx\nzeta(2): 1.64493 x.xxxxx\nzeta(3): 1.20205 x.xxxxx\ngamma: 0.57721 x.xxxxx" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine the task" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "Visit an imaginary-numbered space: 1 point\nLearn the meaning of all spells and prefixes: 1 point\nComplete a number using only three spells: 2 points\nComplete four numbers using no more than four spells for each: 3 points\nComplete all ten numbers using no more than five spells for each: 4 points\nVisit a space whose number is larger than 2 billion: 2 points\nVisit a space with dazzling white light: 1 point\nVisit a second space with dazzling white light: 1 point\nVisit a third space with dazzling white light: 2 points\nVisit a space with pale azure light: 2 points\nVisit a space whose light is gray with a hint of violet: 2 points Visit, in any order but without repetition, six consecutive spaces whose colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet: 4 points" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You look at the spell" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "END: End the examination, submitting your work for grading\nRET: Return to examination room\n\nARITHMANCY SPELLS (X = already used this sequence)\nSTA #" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You examine pi" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You hear Teraboz sigh. \"That didn't even make sense,\" she says." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Sta 1" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "There is a brief flash of light, and you find yourself in...\n\nThis is not so much a physical place as it is the essence of the number one. An inky blackness fills the space.\n\nGlulxe fatal error: Encountered unknown opcode. (190)" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Three people are standing in the lecture hall as you burst in, ten minutes late. The man's half-frown just manages the transition to a half-smile as he turns toward you.\n\n\"Ah, our first candidate in Arithmancy!\" he says brightly. \"I'm Morkan. The other members of your examining committee today are Teraboz\" (the older woman nods in your direction) \"and Berzia\" (the younger woman gives you a tidy grin).\n\nFumbling in his robes, Morkan produces some pieces of paper. \"Here are your number sheet, task page, and spell list,\" he says, handing them to you.\n\n\"Good luck!\" he adds. Then he speaks an incantation while waving his arms in a complicated pattern. You feel yourself being translated.\n\nAs you fade out of the lecture hall, you hear Teraboz mutter, \"That's our first candidate in Arithmancy? Great. Just great.\"\n\nThis austere space provides a quiet, distraction-free environment for examinations. Besides the sign on the wall and the slot below it, there is nothing in this room. Not even an exit.\n\nAn awful screeching noise echoes through the space.\n\n\"What in the name of Yottaboz is that sound?\" yells Teraboz.\n\n\"Sorry about that,\" Morkan's voice breaks through. \"I just turned on the magical observation system in the testing area. It's quite new. There; that's better.\" The noise cuts out." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Math" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You try to remember what you know about the numbers on the number sheet.\n\nThe first nine numbers are irrational, which means they have infinite decimal expansions. The tenth number, Gamma, is thought to be irrational, but nobody has managed to prove that yet. The values given on your number sheet consist of the first several digits of each of these numbers. The numbers appear to be truncated (rather than rounded) five places beyond the decimal.\n\nPi is what you get when you divide the circumference of a circle by its diameter. Somewhat surprisingly, it's the same value no matter the size of the circle.\n\nIf you put $1 in a bank that pays 100% interest per year, compounded continuously, you'll have $E at the end of the first year. Also, E to the power of x and its constant multiples are the only functions that are their own derivatives.\n\nThe square root of 2 is the number that, when squared, gives 2. Similarly for the square roots of 3 and 5.\n\nPhi is also known as the golden ratio. Suppose you take the sequence of numbers 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ..., where each number is the sum of the two previous numbers. (This sequence is known as the Fibonacci sequence.) The ratio of a number in this sequence to the one just before it tends to Phi as you get further in the sequence.\n\nLn(2), or the natural logarithm of 2, is the power you raise E to in order to get 2. It's also the value of 1/1 - 1/2 + 1/3 - 1/4 + 1/5 - 1/6 + ...\n\nIf you add up 1/1 + 1/4 + 1/9 + 1/16 + ..., where the numbers in the denominators are the perfect squares, then Zeta(2) is the result. Its value is equal to Pi*Pi/6.\n\nIf you add up 1/1 + 1/8 + 1/27 + 1/64 + ..., where the numbers in the denominators are the perfect cubes, then Zeta(3) is the result.\nNobody knows whether its value can be expressed in terms of Pi.\n\nGamma is the most complicated number on your sheet. A geometric way of thinking about gamma is as follows. Suppose you have n rectangles. Each has width 1, but they all have different heights: 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, and so forth, up through 1/n. The area of all these rectangles together is an approximation of the area under the graph of 1/x as x ranges continuously from 1 to n. As n gets larger and larger, the error in this approximation tends toward Gamma.\n\nPutting this geometric interpretation into symbols gives an algebraic view of Gamma: The error in the approximation of Ln(n) by the sum 1/1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + ... + 1/n tends to Gamma as n gets larger and larger." }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Three people are standing in the lecture hall as you burst in, ten minutes late. The man's half-frown just manages the transition to a half-smile as he turns toward you.\n\n\"Ah, our first candidate in Arithmancy!\" he says brightly. \"I'm Morkan. The other members of your examining committee today are Teraboz\" (the older woman nods in your direction) \"and Berzia\" (the younger woman gives you a tidy grin).\n\nFumbling in his robes, Morkan produces some pieces of paper. \"Here are your number sheet, task page, and spell list,\" he says, handing them to you.\n\n\"Good luck!\" he adds. Then he speaks an incantation while waving his arms in a complicated pattern. You feel yourself being translated.\n\nAs you fade out of the lecture hall, you hear Teraboz mutter,\n\"That's our first candidate in Arithmancy? Great. Just\ngreat.\"\n\nThree people are standing in the lecture hall as you burst in, ten minutes late. The man's half-frown just manages the transition to a half-smile as he turns toward you.\n\n\"Ah, our first candidate in Arithmancy!\" he says brightly. \"I'm Morkan. The other members of your examining committee today are Teraboz\" (the older woman nods in your direction) \"and Berzia\" (the younger woman gives you a tidy grin).\n\nFumbling in his robes, Morkan produces some pieces of paper. \"Here are your number sheet, task page, and spell list,\" he says, handing them to you.\n\n\"Good luck!\" he adds. Then he speaks an incantation while waving his arms in a complicated pattern. You feel yourself being translated.\n\nAs you fade out of the lecture hall, you hear Teraboz mutter,\n\"That's our first candidate in Arithmancy? Great. Just\ngreat.\"\n\nThis austere space provides a quiet, distraction-free environment for examinations. Besides the sign on the wall and the slot below it, there is nothing in this room. Not even an exit.\n\nAn awful screeching noise echoes through the space.\n\n\"What in the name of Yottaboz is that sound?\" yells Teraboz.\n\n\"Sorry about that,\" Morkan's voice breaks through. \"I just turned on the magical observation system in the testing area. It's quite new. There; that's better.\" The noise cuts out." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Window off" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "Three people are standing in the lecture hall as you burst in, ten minutes late. The man's half-frown just manages the transition to a half-smile as he turns toward you.\n\n\"Ah, our first candidate in Arithmancy!\" he says brightly. \"I'm Morkan. The other members of your examining committee today are Teraboz\" (the older woman nods in your direction) \"and Berzia\" (the younger woman gives you a tidy grin).\n\nFumbling in his robes, Morkan produces some pieces of paper. \"Here are your number sheet, task page, and spell list,\" he says, handing them to you.\n\n\"Good luck!\" he adds. Then he speaks an incantation while waving his arms in a complicated pattern. You feel yourself being translated.\n\nAs you fade out of the lecture hall, you hear Teraboz mutter,\n\"That's our first candidate in Arithmancy? Great. Just\ngreat.\"\n\nThis austere space provides a quiet, distraction-free environment for examinations. Besides the sign on the wall and the slot below it, there is nothing in this room. Not even an exit.\n\nAn awful screeching noise echoes through the space.\n\n\"What in the name of Yottaboz is that sound?\" yells Teraboz.\n\n\"Sorry about that,\" Morkan's voice breaks through. \"I just turned on the magical observation system in the testing area. It's quite new. There; that's better.\" The noise cuts out.\n\n[For general assistance playing Junior Arithmancer, you may\ntype HELP at any time.]\n\n[The side window is now off.]" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Sta 1" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "There is a brief flash of light, and you find yourself in...\n\nThis is not so much a physical place as it is the essence of the number one. An inky blackness fills the space.\n\nYour number sheet glows brighter.\n\n[By default, your number sheet and spell list will be continually updated in the side window as you make progress through the exam. For the best experience with this setting, try maximizing the window in which you're playing the game. If you prefer not to have the side window, you may type WINDOW OFF. WINDOW ON will turn the window back on.]It now reads\n\npi: 3.14159 x.xxxxx\ne: 2.71828 x.xxxxx\nsqrt(2): 1.41421 1.xxxxx\nsqrt(3): 1.73205 1.xxxxx\nsqrt(5): 2.23606 x.xxxxx\nphi: 1.61803 1.xxxxx\nln(2): 0.69314 x.xxxxx\nzeta(2): 1.64493 1.xxxxx\nzeta(3): 1.20205 1.xxxxx\ngamma: 0.57721 x.xxxxx\n\nIn addition, your spell list now reads\n\nEND: End the examination, submitting your work for grading\nRET: Return to examination room\n\nARITHMANCY SPELLS (X = already used this sequence)\n(X) STA #: Begin a sequence of digits\n\nA tinny voice says, \"Congratulations! For reaching the first digit in a number sequence, you have earned five points on your exam!\" A spell token materializes in your inventory." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Ret" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "There is a brief flash of light, and you find yourself in...\n\nThis austere space provides a quiet, distraction-free environment for examinations. Besides the sign on the wall and the slot below it, there is nothing in this room. Not even an exit.\n\nYour spell list glows as your STA spell is restored.\n\nThe glow on your number sheet fades.\n\n\"I think I saw the candidate flinch when you turned on the observation system,\" says Berzia. \"Are you sure we can't be heard?\"\n\n\"Of course I'm sure,\" says Morkan. \"O.K., so the Oversight Council's cuts to the academic budget meant I couldn't afford to hire a Technomancer to do the installation. Instead, I did it myself. I used to teach Technomancy, though, so it wasn't too difficult.\"\n\n\"Um, when exactly was your last Technomancy course?\" asks Teraboz.\n\n\"Only a few decades ago,\" answers Morkan." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You describe your surroundings" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "This austere space provides a quiet, distraction-free environment for examinations. Besides the sign on the wall and the slot below it, there is nothing in this room. Not even an exit." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You put the token in the slit" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "\"I wish the candidate would quit wasting time and get on with the exam,\" mutters Teraboz." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "Windowon" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "You hear Teraboz sigh. \"That didn't even make sense,\" she says." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "WINDOW on" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": false, "value": "pi: 3.14159 x.xxxxx\ne: 2.71828 x.xxxxx\nsqrt(2): 1.41421 1.xxxxx\nsqrt(3): 1.73205 1.xxxxx\nsqrt(5): 2.23606 x.xxxxx\nphi: 1.61803 1.xxxxx\nln(2): 0.69314 x.xxxxx\nzeta(2): 1.64493 1.xxxxx\nzeta(3): 1.20205 1.xxxxx\ngamma: 0.57721 x.xxxxx\n\nEND: End the examination, submitting your work for grading\nRET: Return to examination room\n\nARITHMANCY SPELLS (X = already used this sequence)\nSTA #: Begin a sequence of digits\n\nThree people are standing in the lecture hall as you burst in, ten minutes late. The man's half-frown just manages the transition to a half-smile as he turns toward you.\n\n\"Ah, our first candidate in Arithmancy!\" he says brightly. \"I'm Morkan. The other members of your examining committee today are Teraboz\" (the older woman nods in your direction) \"and Berzia\" (the younger woman gives you a tidy grin).\n\nFumbling in his robes, Morkan produces some pieces of paper. \"Here are your number sheet, task page, and spell list,\" he says, handing them to you.\n\n\"Good luck!\" he adds. Then he speaks an incantation while waving his arms in a complicated pattern. You feel yourself being translated.\n\nAs you fade out of the lecture hall, you hear Teraboz mutter,\n\"That's our first candidate in Arithmancy? Great. Just\ngreat.\"\n\nThis austere space provides a quiet, distraction-free environment for examinations. Besides the sign on the wall and the slot below it, there is nothing in this room. Not even an exit.\n\nAn awful screeching noise echoes through the space.\n\n\"What in the name of Yottaboz is that sound?\" yells Teraboz.\n\n\"Sorry about that,\" Morkan's voice breaks through. \"I just turned on the magical observation system in the testing area. It's quite new. There; that's better.\" The noise cuts out.\n\n[For general assistance playing Junior Arithmancer, you may\ntype HELP at any time.]\n\n> WINDOW OFF\n\n[The side window is now off.]\n\n> STA 1\n\nThere is a brief flash of light, and you find yourself in...\n\nThis is not so much a physical place as it is the essence of the number one. An inky blackness fills the space.\n\nYour number sheet glows brighter.\n\n[By default, your number sheet and spell list will be continually updated in the side window as you make progress through the exam. For the best experience with this setting, try maximizing the window in which you're playing the game. If you prefer not to have the side window, you may type WINDOW OFF. WINDOW ON will turn the window back on.]It now reads\n\npi: 3.14159 x.xxxxx\ne: 2.71828 x.xxxxx\nsqrt(2): 1.41421 1.xxxxx\nsqrt(3): 1.73205 1.xxxxx\nsqrt(5): 2.23606 x.xxxxx\nphi: 1.61803 1.xxxxx\nln(2): 0.69314 x.xxxxx\nzeta(2): 1.64493 1.xxxxx\nzeta(3): 1.20205 1.xxxxx\ngamma: 0.57721 x.xxxxx\n\nIn addition, your spell list now reads\n\nEND: End the examination, submitting your work for grading\nRET: Return to examination room\n\nARITHMANCY SPELLS (X = already used this sequence)\n(X) STA #: Begin a sequence of digits\n\nA tinny voice says, \"Congratulations! For reaching the first digit in a number sequence, you have earned five points on your exam!\" A spell token materializes in your inventory.\n\n> RET\n\nThere is a brief flash of light, and you find yourself in...\n\nThis austere space provides a quiet, distraction-free environment for examinations. Besides the sign on the wall and the slot below it, there is nothing in this room. Not even an exit.\n\nYour spell list glows as your STA spell is restored.\n\nThe glow on your number sheet fades.\n\n\"I think I saw the candidate flinch when you turned on the observation system,\" says Berzia. \"Are you sure we can't be heard?\"\n\n\"Of course I'm sure,\" says Morkan. \"O.K., so the Oversight Council's cuts to the academic budget meant I couldn't afford to hire a Technomancer to do the installation. Instead, I did it myself. I used to teach Technomancy, though, so it wasn't too difficult.\"\n\n\"Um, when exactly was your last Technomancy course?\" asks Teraboz.\n\n\"Only a few decades ago,\" answers Morkan.\n\n> L\n\nThis austere space provides a quiet, distraction-free environment for examinations. Besides the sign on the wall and the slot below it, there is nothing in this room. Not even an exit.\n\n> PUT TOKEN IN SLIT\n\n\"I wish the candidate would quit wasting time and get on with the exam,\" mutters Teraboz.\n\n> WINDOWON\n\nYou hear Teraboz sigh. \"That didn't even make sense,\" she says.\n\n[The side window is now on.]" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You put the token in the slot" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "pi: 3.14159 x.xxxxx\ne: 2.71828 x.xxxxx\nsqrt(2): 1.41421 1.xxxxx\nsqrt(3): 1.73205 1.xxxxx\nsqrt(5): 2.23606 x.xxxxx\nphi: 1.61803 1.xxxxx\nln(2): 0.69314 x.xxxxx\nzeta(2): 1.64493 1.xxxxx\nzeta(3): 1.20205 1.xxxxx\ngamma: 0.57721 x.xxxxx\n\nEND: End the examination, submitting your work for grading\nRET: Return to examination room\n\nARITHMANCY SPELLS (X = already used this sequence)\nINC\nSTA #: Begin a sequence of digits\n\nYou insert the token into the slot. There is a low hum, and your spell list glows briefly as INC is added to it." }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "You know STA" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "pi: 3.14159 x.xxxxx\ne: 2.71828 x.xxxxx\nsqrt(2): 1.41421 1.xxxxx\nsqrt(3): 1.73205 1.xxxxx\nsqrt(5): 2.23606 x.xxxxx\nphi: 1.61803 1.xxxxx\nln(2): 0.69314 x.xxxxx\nzeta(2): 1.64493 1.xxxxx\nzeta(3): 1.20205 1.xxxxx\ngamma: 0.57721 x.xxxxx\n\nEND: End the examination, submitting your work for grading\nRET: Return to examination room\n\nARITHMANCY SPELLS (X = already used this sequence)\nINC\nSTA #: Begin a sequence of digits\n\n\"Academy entrance exam instructions state that we will not provide a spell's effect until the candidate demonstrates understanding of the spell. Are we really going to be breaking our own rules?!\" asks Teraboz.\n\n\"I think it's reasonable - at least at the beginning of the exam - to be a little flexible and help out the candidate,\" says Morkan. \"After all, this is our first-ever entrance examination in Arithmancy.\"\n\n\"Maybe we should just give the candidate the answers,\"\nTeraboz grumbles.\n\nMorkan's voice comes from somewhere around you. \"You already know what the STA spell does.\"" }, { "from": "human", "loss": null, "value": "InC" }, { "from": "gpt", "loss": true, "value": "pi: 3.14159 x.xxxxx\ne: 2.71828 x.xxxxx\nsqrt(2): 1.41421 1.xxxxx\nsqrt(3): 1.73205 1.xxxxx\nsqrt(5): 2.23606 x.xxxxx\nphi: 1.61803 1.xxxxx\nln(2): 0.69314 x.xxxxx\nzeta(2): 1.64493 1.xxxxx\nzeta(3): 1.20205 1.xxxxx\ngamma: 0.57721 x.xxxxx\n\nEND: End the examination, submitting your work for grading\nRET: Return to examination room\n\nARITHMANCY SPELLS (X = already used this sequence)\nINC\nSTA #: Begin a sequence of digits\n\nNothing happens.\n\n\"Well, there's a basic principle of Arithmancy that this candidate has failed to grasp,\" says Teraboz exasperatedly. \"The INC spell requires you to be in a number space.\"\n\n\"Is it really necessary for you to comment on the candidate's mistakes?\" asks Morkan.\n\n\"I take my job as an examiner seriously,\" retorts Teraboz." } ]
Eat Me
Chandler Groover
[ "Fantasy", "Food" ]
["Arthurian","built-in hints","castle","cheese","child protagonist","constrained protagonist","cover(...TRUNCATED)
[ 41, 24, 2, 1, 0 ]
In this castle, you'll eat or be eaten. May contain dairy, carnage, puzzles, nuts.
[{"from":"system","loss":null,"value":"Genre: Fantasy, Food\n\nThemes: Arthurian, castle, cheese, ch(...TRUNCATED)
Brian Moriarty
[ "Fantasy", "Time Travel" ]
["advanced difficulty","atomic bomb","bibliographical references","c128","cold war","commercial","co(...TRUNCATED)
[ 57, 20, 8, 2, 0 ]
"You're neither an adventurer nor a professional thrill-seeker. You're simply an American tourist in(...TRUNCATED)
[{"from":"system","loss":null,"value":"Guide the player through an adventure style game based on the(...TRUNCATED)
The Weight of a Soul
Chin Kee Yong
[ "Mystery" ]
["blood","coming of age","cover art","fantasy","female protagonist","horror","I7 source available","(...TRUNCATED)
[ 7, 7, 0, 0, 0 ]
"In a world of arcane mysteries, a young doctor's apprentice unravels a conspiracy most grim. A myst(...TRUNCATED)
[{"from":"system","loss":null,"value":"Genre: Mystery\n\nThemes: blood, coming of age, fantasy, fema(...TRUNCATED)
Treasures of a Slaver's Kingdom
S. John Ross
[ "Fantasy" ]
["absurd","adjustable difficulty","barbarian","built-in hints","combat","Comedy","commercial","cover(...TRUNCATED)
[ 26, 10, 0, 2, 1 ]
"In the cruel kingdoms north of the Viraxian Empire, a barbarian seeks treasure - and vengeance! Hav(...TRUNCATED)
[{"from":"system","loss":null,"value":"You are a dungeon master of sorts, guiding the reader through(...TRUNCATED)
Lost Pig
Admiral Jota
[ "Fantasy", "Humor" ]
["cave","cave crawl","cover art","cute","fantasy","gnome","humor","humour","IF Competition 2007","IF(...TRUNCATED)
[ 239, 155, 27, 0, 2 ]
"Pig lost! Boss say that it Grunk fault. Say Grunk forget about closing gate. Maybe boss right. Grun(...TRUNCATED)
[{"from":"system","loss":null,"value":"Genre: Fantasy, Humor\n\nThemes: cave, cave crawl, cute, fant(...TRUNCATED)

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