<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Reorder method arguments into the specified order. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.ReorderMethodArguments"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Create a new, empty Java class. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.CreateEmptyJavaClass"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Change method invocations to static method calls. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.ChangeMethodTargetToStatic"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Replace String literal with constant, adding import on class if needed. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.ReplaceStringLiteralWithConstant"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Removes implements clauses from classes implementing the specified interface. Removes @Overrides annotations from methods which no longer override anything. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.RemoveImplements"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Delete an argument from method invocations. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.DeleteMethodArgument"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Rename a method. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.ChangeMethodName"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Removes static imports and replaces them with qualified references. For example, emptyList() becomes Collections.emptyList(). [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.NoStaticImport"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Removes unnecessary receiver types from static method invocations. For example, Collections.emptyList() becomes emptyList(). [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.UseStaticImport"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Remove matching annotations wherever they occur. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.RemoveAnnotation"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Change method invocations to method calls on a variable. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.ChangeMethodTargetToVariable"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Adds the Apache Software License Version 2.0 to Java source files which are missing a license header. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.AddApache2LicenseHeader"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Some annotations accept arguments. This recipe removes an existing attribute. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.RemoveAnnotationAttribute"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> A recipe that will rename a package name in package statements, imports, and fully-qualified types. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.ChangePackage"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Replace a constant with another constant, adding/removing import on class if needed. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.ReplaceConstantWithAnotherConstant"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Use this category of rules to identify code changes needed when migrating from WebSphere Application Server traditional to Liberty. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.liberty"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> This method `LTPACookieFromSSOToken()` is deprecated in traditional WebSphere Application Server Version 8.5 and might be removed in a future release. It is not available on Liberty. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.liberty.WebSphereUnavailableSSOTokenMethod"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Namespace values in application.xml must be consistent with the descriptor version. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.xml.liberty.AppDDNamespaceRule"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Namespace values in ra.xml must be consistent with the descriptor version. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.xml.liberty.ConnectorDDNamespaceRule"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Namespace values in ejb-jar.xml must be consistent with the descriptor version. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.xml.liberty.EJBDDNamespaceRule"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Namespace values in web.xml must be consistent with the descriptor version. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.xml.liberty.WebDDNamespaceRule"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Simplify a.b().c() to a.d(). [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.SimplifyMethodChain"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Some annotations accept arguments. This recipe renames an existing attribute. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.ChangeAnnotationAttributeName"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Change the access level (public, protected, private, package private) of a method. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.ChangeMethodAccessLevel"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Replace a named constant with a literal value when you wish to remove the old constant. A String literal must include escaped quotes. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.ReplaceConstant"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Change a given type to another. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.ChangeType"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Some annotations accept arguments. This recipe sets an existing argument to the specified value, or adds the argument if it is not already set. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.AddOrUpdateAnnotationAttribute"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Migrate accesses to a static field to invocations of a static method. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.ChangeStaticFieldToMethod"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Adds license headers to Java source files when missing. Does not override existing license headers. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.AddLicenseHeader"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Tooling may decide to elide or display differently markup of different levels. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.RecipeMarkupDemonstration"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Transform logging statements using concatenation for messages and variables into a parameterized format. For example, logger.info("hi " + userName) becomes logger.info("hi {}", userName). This can significantly boost performance for messages that otherwise would be assembled with String concatenation. Particularly impactful when the log level is not enabled, as no work is done to assemble the message. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.logging.ParameterizedLogging"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Replace Lombok annotations such as @CommonsLog and @Log4j with the target logging framework annotation, or @Sl4fj if not provided. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.logging.ChangeLombokLogAnnotation"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Replace System.out and System.err print statements with a logger. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.logging.SystemPrintToLogging"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Migrates usage of Apache Log4j to using SLF4J directly. Use of the traditional Log4j to SLF4J bridge can result in loss of performance, as the Log4j messages must be formatted before they can be passed to SLF4J. Note, this currently does not modify `log4j.properties` files. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.logging.slf4j.Log4jToSlf4j"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Use SLF4J's parameterized logging, which can significantly boost performance for messages that [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.logging.slf4j.ParameterizedLogging"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Transforms usages of Log4j 2.x to leveraging SLF4J 1.x directly. Note, this currently does not modify `log4j.properties` files. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.logging.slf4j.Log4j2ToSlf4j1"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Transforms usages of Log4j 1.x to leveraging SLF4J 1.x directly. Note, this currently does not modify `log4j.properties` files. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.logging.slf4j.Log4j1ToSlf4j1"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Applies best practices to logging with SLF4J. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.logging.slf4j.Slf4jBestPractices"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Transforms usages of Apache Commons Logging 1.x to leveraging SLF4J 1.x directly. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.logging.slf4j.CommonsLogging1ToSlf4j1"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Change the log level of slf4j log statements. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.logging.slf4j.ChangeLogLevel"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Migrates usage of Apache Log4j 2.x to using logback as an SLF4J implementation directly. Note, this currently does not modify log4j.properties files. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.logging.logback.Log4jToLogback"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Use Log4j 2.x parameterized logging, which can significantly boost performance for messages that [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.logging.log4j.ParameterizedLogging"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Migrates Log4j 1.x to Log4j 2.x. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.logging.log4j.Log4j1ToLog4j2"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Transforms code written using Apache Commons Logging to use Log4j 2.x API. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.logging.log4j.CommonsLoggingToLog4j"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Transforms code written using `java.util.logging` to use Log4j 2.x API. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.logging.log4j.JulToLog4j"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Transforms code written using SLF4J to use Log4j 2.x API. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.logging.log4j.Slf4jToLog4j"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> This recipe will apply changes required for migrating from Micronaut 3 to Micronaut 4. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.micronaut.Micronaut3to4Migration"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> This recipe will update the Micronaut version to 4.x for a Gradle or Maven build. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.micronaut.UpdateBuildToMicronaut4Version"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> This recipe will update the shadow jar plugin to 8.x and the Micronaut build plugins to 4.x for a Gradle build. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.micronaut.UpdateBuildPlugins"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> This recipe will update a Gradle or Maven build to reference the Micronaut 4 platform BOM. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.micronaut.UpdateMicronautPlatformBom"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> This recipe will remove jakarta annotations dependency as it is a transitive dependency of micronaut-inject, and migrate from javax.annotation if needed. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.micronaut.UpdateJakartaAnnotations"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> This recipe will add jakarta validation dependency if needed, migrate from javax.validation if needed, and update micronaut validation dependencies. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.micronaut.UpdateMicronautValidation"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> This recipe will migrate from javax.validation if needed, and update packages in for the Postmark integration if needed. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.micronaut.UpdateMicronautEmail"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> This recipe will add the explicit Micronaut Websocket dependency if needed [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.micronaut.AddMicronautWebsocketDependencyIfNeeded"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> This recipe will update the Micronaut Session dependency if needed [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.micronaut.UpdateMicronautSession"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> This recipe will add the explicit Micronaut Retry dependency if needed [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.micronaut.AddMicronautRetryDependencyIfNeeded"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> This recipe will update imports for relocated classes and update configuration files with renamed keys. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.micronaut.UpdateMicronautSecurity"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> This recipe will make the necessary updates for using Micronaut Data with Micronaut Framework 4. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.micronaut.UpdateMicronautData"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> This recipe will any usage of TaskExecutors.IO to TaskExecutors.BLOCKING in order to be compatible with virtual threads. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.micronaut.UpdateBlockingTaskExecutors"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> This recipe will remove the withJansi configuration tag from logback.xml. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.micronaut.RemoveWithJansiLogbackConfiguration"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> This recipe will remove dependencies that are no longer explicitly needed. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.micronaut.RemoveUnnecessaryDependencies"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> This recipe will update the version of Maven-configured annotation processors from Micronaut Core. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.micronaut.UpdateMavenAnnotationProcessors"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> This recipe will update relocated security config keys in Micronaut configuration property files. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.micronaut.UpdateSecurityPropertiesIfNeeded"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> This recipe will update relocated security config keys in Micronaut configuration yaml files. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.micronaut.UpdateSecurityYamlIfNeeded"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Set the maven micronaut.version property according to a node-style semver selector or to a specific version number. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.micronaut.UpgradeMicronautMavenPropertyVersion"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> This recipe will add the snakeyaml dependency to a Micronaut 4 application that uses yaml configuration. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.micronaut.AddSnakeYamlDependencyIfNeeded"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Change the groupId, artifactId, and version of a Maven annotation processor path. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.micronaut.ChangeAnnotationProcessorPath"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Remove the Maven annotation processor path that matches the given groupId and artifactId. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.micronaut.RemoveAnnotationProcessorPath"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Set the gradle.properties version number according to a node-style semver selector or to a specific version number. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.micronaut.UpgradeMicronautGradlePropertiesVersion"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> This recipe adds the Test Resources Client dependency to pom.xml if test.resources.client.enabled property is true. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.micronaut.AddTestResourcesClientDependencyIfNeeded"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> This recipe will apply changes required for migrating from Micronaut 2 to Micronaut 3. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.micronaut.Micronaut2to3Migration"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Add the groupId, artifactId, version, and exclusions of a Maven annotation processor path. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.micronaut.AddAnnotationProcessorPath"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Locates and reports on all licenses in use. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.dependencies.DependencyLicenseCheck"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Emits a data table detailing all Gradle and Maven dependencies.This recipe makes no changes to any source file. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.dependencies.DependencyList"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Change the group ID, artifact ID, and/or the version of a specified Gradle or Maven dependency. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.dependencies.ChangeDependency"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Finds dependencies, including transitive dependencies, in both Gradle and Maven projects. Matches within all Gradle dependency configurations and Maven scopes. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.dependencies.DependencyInsight"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> For a Gradle project, add a gradle dependency to a build.gradle file in the correct configuration based on where it is used. Or For a maven project, Add a Maven dependency to a pom.xml file in the correct scope based on where it is used. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.dependencies.AddDependency"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> This software composition analysis (SCA) tool detects and upgrades dependencies with publicly disclosed vulnerabilities. This recipe both generates a report of vulnerable dependencies and upgrades to newer versions with fixes. This recipe only upgrades to the latest patch version. If a minor or major upgrade is required to reach the fixed version, this recipe will not make any changes. Vulnerability information comes from the GitHub Security Advisory Database (https://docs.github.com/en/code-security/security-advisories/global-security-advisories/about-the-github-advisory-database), which aggregates vulnerability data from several public databases, including the National Vulnerability Database (https://nvd.nist.gov/) maintained by the United States government. Dependencies following Semantic Versioning (https://semver.org/) will see their patch version updated where applicable. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.dependencies.DependencyVulnerabilityCheck"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Change spring application property values existing in either Properties or Yaml files. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.spring.ChangeSpringPropertyValue"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Add a spring configuration property to a configuration file if it does not already exist in that file. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.spring.AddSpringProperty"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Delete a spring configuration property from any configuration file that contains a matching key. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.spring.DeleteSpringProperty"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Normalize Spring properties to use lowercase and hyphen-separated syntax. For example, changing spring.main.showBanner to spring.main.show-banner. With Spring's relaxed binding (https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/2.5.6/reference/html/features.html#features.external-config.typesafe-configuration-properties.relaxed-binding), kebab-case may be used in properties files and still be converted to configuration beans. Note, an exception to this is the case of @Value, which is match-sensitive. For example, @Value("${anExampleValue}") will not match an-example-value. The Spring reference documentation recommends using kebab-case for properties where possible (https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/2.5.6/reference/html/features.html#features.external-config.typesafe-configuration-properties.relaxed-binding). [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.spring.PropertiesToKebabCase"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Renames a Spring bean, both declaration and references. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.spring.RenameBean"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Change spring application property keys existing in either Properties or Yaml files. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.spring.ChangeSpringPropertyKey"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Migrate applications to the latest Spring Framework 5.3 release. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.spring.framework.UpgradeSpringFramework_5_3"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> '`StringUtils#isEmpty(Object)` was deprecated in 5.3.' [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.spring.framework.UseObjectUtilsIsEmpty"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Migrate applications to the latest Spring Framework 5.1 release. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.spring.framework.UpgradeSpringFramework\5\1"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Migrate applications to the latest Spring Framework 5.0 release. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.spring.framework.UpgradeSpringFramework\5\0"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Migrate applications to the latest Spring Framework 5.2 release. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.spring.framework.UpgradeSpringFramework\5\2"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Upgrade spring-framework 5.x Maven dependencies using a Node Semver advanced range selector. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.spring.framework.UpgradeSpringFrameworkDependencies"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Migrate applications to the latest Spring Boot 2.4 release. This recipe will modify an application's build files, make changes to deprecated/preferred APIs, and migrate configuration settings that have changes between versions. This recipe will also chain additional framework migrations (Spring Framework, Spring Data, etc) that are required as part of the migration to Spring Boot 2.4. - spring - boot [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.spring.boot2.UpgradeSpringBoot_2_4"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> '`org.springframework.boot.web.embedded.undertow.UndertowServletWebServerFactory#isEagerInitFilters` was deprecated in 2.4 and are removed in 2.6.' [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.spring.boot2.MigrateUndertowServletWebServerFactoryIsEagerInitFilters"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> '`org.springframework.boot.web.embedded.undertow.UndertowServletWebServerFactory#setEagerInitFilters` was deprecated in 2.4 and are removed in 2.6.' [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.spring.boot2.MigrateUndertowServletWebServerFactorySetEagerInitFilters"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Remove `@RunWith` annotations on Spring tests. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.spring.boot2.UnnecessarySpringRunWith"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Remove obsolete classpath runners. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.spring.boot2.RemoveObsoleteSpringRunners"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> If you currently define a spring.flyway.url or spring.liquibase.url you may need to provide additional username and password properties. In earlier versions of Spring Boot, these settings were derived from spring.datasource properties but this turned out to be problematic for people that provided their own DataSource beans. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.spring.boot2.MigrateDatabaseCredentials"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Migrate applications to the latest Spring Boot 2.6 release. This recipe will modify an application's build files, make changes to deprecated/preferred APIs, and migrate configuration settings that have changes between versions. This recipe will also chain additional framework migrations (Spring Framework, Spring Data, etc) that are required as part of the migration to Spring Boot 2.6. [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.spring.boot2.UpgradeSpringBoot\2\6"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> Migrate applications to the latest Spring Boot 2.2 release. This recipe will modify an application's build files, make changes to deprecated/preferred APIs, and migrate configuration settings that have changes between versions. This recipe will also chain additional framework migrations (Spring Framework, Spring Data, etc) that are required as part of the migration to Spring Boot 2.2. - spring - boot [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.spring.boot2.UpgradeSpringBoot_2_2"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> '`org.springframework.boot.actuate.health.ApplicationHealthIndicator` was deprecated in 2.2.' [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.spring.boot2.MigrateApplicationHealthIndicatorToPingHealthIndicator"] </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an expert for OpenRewrite recipes. Respond with a list of OpenRewrite recipes (classes) that are most relevant for fulfilling the given requirements by the user. Try to use the minimum amount of OpenRewrite recipes possible. If there are no recipes that can fulfill the requirements, answer with an empty JSON Array. Respond only with a list of recipes' titles, no description, remarks or other comments. Use JSON format to return the list of recipes' titles in an JSON array. <</SYS>> '`org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.reactive.WebTestClientBuilderCustomizer` was deprecated in 2.2.' [/INST] ["org.openrewrite.java.spring.boot2.MigrateWebTestClientBuilderCustomizerPackageName"] </s>
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