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0,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_0.flac,00033-f000001,-0.225,Vom 18. bis 20. December.,XXXIII.
1,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_1.flac,00033-f000002,-0.0306467,Heute hat das Wetter sich geändert und der Wind aufgefrischt.,"DECEMBER th to th.On the th the wind freshened a little, but as it blew from the same favourable quarter we did not complain, and only took the precaution of putting an extra support to the mast, so that it should not snap with the tension of the sail."
2,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_2.flac,00033-f000002,-0.0306467,"Wir klagen nicht darüber, denn er ist uns günstig.","<MERGE> DECEMBER th to th.On the th the wind freshened a little, but as it blew from the same favourable quarter we did not complain, and only took the precaution of putting an extra support to the mast, so that it should not snap with the tension of the sail."
3,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_3.flac,00033-f000003,0.740909,"Nur wird der Mast aus Vorsorge noch mehr verstärkt, um in Folge des Segeldrucks ein Brechen desselben zu verhindern.","This done, the raft was carried along with something more than its ordinary speed, and left a long line of foam in its wake."
4,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_4.flac,00033-f000004,0.370109,"Nachdem das geschehen, bewegt sich unsere schwerfällige Maschine mit größerer Schnelligkeit fort und läßt eine Art langen Kielwassers hinter sich.","In the afternoon the sky became slightly overclouded, and the heat consequently somewhat less oppressive."
5,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_6.flac,00033-f000004,0.293333,"Der Seegang hat das Floß mehr umhergeworfen, und zwei oder dreimal schlug eine Welle auf dasselbe hinauf.","In the afternoon the sky became slightly overclouded, and the heat consequently somewhat less oppressive."
6,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_7.flac,00033-f000005,0.034742199999999994,"Zum Glück hat der Zimmermann aus früheren Schiffsplanken eine Art Schanzkleidung errichten können, die uns bei einer Höhe von zwei Fuß besser gegen das Meer schützt.","The swell made it more difficult for the raft to keep its balance, and we shipped two or three heavy seas; but the carpenter managed to make with some planks a kind of wall about a couple of feet high, which protected us from the direct action of the waves."
7,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_8.flac,00033-f000005,0.034742199999999994,Auch die Fässer mit den Lebensmitteln und die Wassertonnen werden mit doppelten Tauen noch sicherer befestigt.,"<MERGE> The swell made it more difficult for the raft to keep its balance, and we shipped two or three heavy seas; but the carpenter managed to make with some planks a kind of wall about a couple of feet high, which protected us from the direct action of the waves."
8,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_9.flac,00033-f000006,0.437619,"Wenn eine Sturzsee diese uns entführte, würden wir in die ärgste Noth gerathen, und Niemand vermag an einen solchen Unfall ohne Schaudern zu denken!","Our casks of food and water were secured to the raft with double ropes, for we dared not run the risk of their being carried overboard, an accident that would at once have reduced us to the direst distress."
9,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_10.flac,00033-f000007,0.566447,"Am 18. haben die Matrosen einige, auch mit dem Namen Sargasso bezeichnete Seepflanzen aufgefischt, welche denen auf unserer Fahrt von den Bermuden bis nach HamRock angetroffenen sehr ähnlich sind.","In the course of the day the sailors gathered some of the marine plants known by the name of sargassos, very similar to those we saw in such profusion between the Bermudas and Ham Rock."
10,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_11.flac,00033-f000008,0.5223270000000001,"Sie bestehen aus langen Schlinggewächsen mit einem zuckerhaltigen Safte, und ich berede meine Gefährten zu einem Versuche, die Stengel zu kauen.","I advised my companions to chew the laminary tangles, which they would find contained a saccharine juice, affording considerable relief to their parched lips and throats."
11,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_12.flac,00033-f000009,0.937209,"Sie thun es und bekennen mir, das Gefühl von wohlthuender Erfrischung des Gaumens und der Lippen davon zu haben.",The remainder of the day passed without incident.
12,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_13.flac,00033-f000010,0.6952050000000001,"Sonst ereignet sich an diesem Tage nichts Neues; nur fällt es mir auf, daß einige Matrosen, vorzüglich Owen, Burke, Flaypol, Wilson und der Neger Jynxtrop, immer unter einander zu zischeln haben, ohne daß mir der Gegenstand, um den es sich handelt, klar wird.","I should not, however, omit to mention that the frequent conferences held amongst the sailors, especially between Owen, Burke, Flaypole, Wilson, and Jynxtrop, the negro, aroused some uneasy suspicions in my mind."
13,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_14.flac,00033-f000011,0.132955,"Ich bemerke auch, daß sie sofort schweigen, wenn sich ihnen einer der Officiere oder der Passagiere nähert.","What was the subject of their conversation I could not discover, for they became silent immediately that a passenger or one of the officers approached them."
14,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_15.flac,00033-f000011,0.132955,Robert Kurtis hat schon vor mir dieselbe Beobachtung gemacht.,"<MERGE> What was the subject of their conversation I could not discover, for they became silent immediately that a passenger or one of the officers approached them."
15,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_16.flac,00033-f000012,0.0685345,"Diese heimlich geführten Gespräche mißfallen ihm, und nimmt er sich vor, auf jene Leute ein wachsames Auge zu haben.","When I mentioned the matter to Curtis I found he had already noticed these secret interviews, and that they had given him enough concern to make him determined to keep a strict eye upon Jynxtrop and Owen, who, rascals as they were themselves, were evidently trying to disaffect their mates."
16,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_17.flac,00033-f000012,0.511538,"Der Neger Jynxtrop und der Matrose Owen sind bekanntermaßen zwei Spitzbuben, denen man nicht viel trauen darf, da sie die Anderen gern zu verführen suchen.","When I mentioned the matter to Curtis I found he had already noticed these secret interviews, and that they had given him enough concern to make him determined to keep a strict eye upon Jynxtrop and Owen, who, rascals as they were themselves, were evidently trying to disaffect their mates."
17,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_18.flac,00033-f000013,0.315152,"Am 19. wird die Hitze ganz unerträglich, und zeigt sich kein Wölkchen am Himmel.",On the th the heat was again excessive.
18,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_19.flac,00033-f000014,0.372603,"Der schwache Luftzug schwellt die Segel nicht mehr, das Floß bleibt auf einer Stelle.","The sky was cloudless, and as there was not enough wind to fill the sail the raft lay motionless upon the surface of the water."
19,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_20.flac,00033-f000014,0.338287,"Einige Matrosen sind in's Meer gegangen, und dieses Bad hat ihnen eine thatsächliche Erleichterung verschafft, indem es ihren Durst einigermaßen verminderte.","The sky was cloudless, and as there was not enough wind to fill the sail the raft lay motionless upon the surface of the water."
20,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_21.flac,00033-f000015,0.28541700000000003,"Doch ist es nicht ungefährlich, sich in die von Haifischen unsicher gemachten Wellen zu wagen, und Keiner von uns hat Lust verspürt, es jenen Leichtsinnigen nachzuthun.","Some of the sailors found a transient alleviation for their thirst by plunging into the sea, but as we were fully aware that the water all round was infested with sharks, none of us was rash enough to follow their example, though if, as seems likely, we remain long becalmed, we shall probably in time overcome our fears, and feel constrained to indulge ourselves with a bath."
21,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_22.flac,00033-f000016,0.338462,"Wer weiß, ob sich das in Zukunft nicht ändert?","The health of Lieutenant Walter continues to cause us grave anxiety, the young man being weakened by attacks of intermittent fever."
22,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_23.flac,00033-f000017,0.505811,"Wenn man das unbewegte Floß sieht, die langen ungefurchten Wellen des Oceans, das schlaffe Segel am Maste, liegt da nicht die Befürchtung nahe, daß diese Verhältnisse lange Zeit so fortdauern könnten?","Except for the loss of the medicinechest we might have temporarily reduced this by quinine; but it is only too evident that the poor fellow is consumptive, and that that hopeless malady is making ravages upon him that no medicine could permanently arrest."
23,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_24.flac,00033-f000016,0.144397,Die Gesundheit des Lieutenant Walter flößt uns von Tag zu Tag mehr Sorge ein.,"The health of Lieutenant Walter continues to cause us grave anxiety, the young man being weakened by attacks of intermittent fever."
24,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_25.flac,00033-f000016,0.144397,"Der junge Mann wird von einem schleichenden Fieber verzehrt, das ihm in regellosen Anfällen zusetzt.","<MERGE> The health of Lieutenant Walter continues to cause us grave anxiety, the young man being weakened by attacks of intermittent fever."
25,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_26.flac,00033-f000019,0.6511899999999999,Vielleicht vermöchte schwefelsaures Chinin dasselbe zu unterdrücken.,"Today, the th, the temperature is as high as ever, and the raft still motionless."
26,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_27.flac,00033-f000020,0.435554,"Doch, ich wiederhole es, das Oberdeck ist so rasch verschlungen worden, daß der Arzneikasten dabei mit verloren ging.","The rays of the sun penetrate even through the shelter of our tent, where we sit literally gasping with the heat."
27,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_28.flac,00033-f000017,0.055680999999999994,"Uebrigens leidet der junge Mann offenbar an der Verzehrung, und hat diese unheilbare Krankheit seit einiger Zeit in ihm reißende Fortschritte gemacht.","<MERGE> Except for the loss of the medicinechest we might have temporarily reduced this by quinine; but it is only too evident that the poor fellow is consumptive, and that that hopeless malady is making ravages upon him that no medicine could permanently arrest."
28,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_29.flac,00033-f000017,0.055680999999999994,Schon die äußerlichen Symptome setzen das außer Zweifel.,"<MERGE> Except for the loss of the medicinechest we might have temporarily reduced this by quinine; but it is only too evident that the poor fellow is consumptive, and that that hopeless malady is making ravages upon him that no medicine could permanently arrest."
29,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_30.flac,00033-f000018,0.4124100000000001,"Walter quält sich jetzt mit einem trockenen Husten, sein Athem ist kurz, und vorzüglich gegen Morgen befällt ihn ein reichliches Schwitzen; er magert sichtlich ab, seine Nase wird spitzer, die hervorstehenden Backenknochen stechen durch ihre umschriebene Röthe von dem bleichen Gesicht auffallend ab; seine Wangen sind hohl, die Lippen etwas verzogen, die Bindehaut des Auges leuchtend und schwach bläulich gefärbt.","His sharp dry cough, his short breathing, his profuse perspirations, more especially in the morning; the pinchedin nose, the hollow cheeks, of which the general pallour is only relieved by a hectic flush, the contracted lips, the too brilliant eye and wasted formall bear witness to a slow but sure decay."
30,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_32.flac,00033-f000019,-0.00661765,Am 20.,"Today, the th, the temperature is as high as ever, and the raft still motionless."
31,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_33.flac,00033-f000019,-0.00661765,"Derselbe Zustand der Atmosphäre, dieselbe Unbeweglichkeit des Flosses.","<MERGE> Today, the th, the temperature is as high as ever, and the raft still motionless."
32,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_34.flac,00033-f000023,0.836413,"Die Sonnenstrahlen durchdringen auch unser Zelt, und wir schmachten und seufzen bei der unbändigen Gluth.","Kind and compassionate as ever, the young girl does all that lies in her power to relieve the poor fellow's sufferings."
33,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_35.flac,00033-f000021,0.51858,"Mit welcher Ungeduld erwarten wir den Augenblick, in dem der Bootsmann die schmale Wasserration vertheilt, und mit welcher Gier verschlingen wir dann die wenigen Tropfen der lauwarmen Flüssigkeit!","The impatience with which we awaited the moment when the boatswain should dole out our meagre allowance of water, and the eagerness with which those lukewarm drops were swallowed, can only be realized by those who for themselves have endured the agonies of thirst."
34,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_36.flac,00033-f000024,0.6727270000000001,"Wer niemals vor Durst am Verschmachten war, vermag sich diese Höllenqual gar nicht vorzustellen.","Mr. Kazallon, she said to me this morning, that young man gets manifestly weaker every day."
35,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_37.flac,00033-f000023,0.816912,"Der Lieutenant Walter ist sehr verdurstet und leidet schwerer von diesem Wassermangel, als irgend ein Anderer.","Kind and compassionate as ever, the young girl does all that lies in her power to relieve the poor fellow's sufferings."
36,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_38.flac,00033-f000025,0.627143,"Ich hab' es gesehen, daß Miß Herbey ihm fast die ganze empfangene Ration überließ.","Yes, Miss Herbey, I replied, and how sorrowful it is that we can do nothing for him, absolutely nothing."
37,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_39.flac,00033-f000025,0.444828,"Das gefühlvolle und mitleidige junge Mädchen thut alles Mögliche, um die Leiden unseres unglücklichen Genossen wenn nicht zu stillen, so doch zu lindern.","Yes, Miss Herbey, I replied, and how sorrowful it is that we can do nothing for him, absolutely nothing."
38,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_42.flac,00033-f000026,0.653261,"Ja, Miß, habe ich ihr geantwortet, und wir können Nichts für ihn thun, gar Nichts!","Hush! she said, with her wonted consideration, perhaps he will hear what we are saying."
39,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_43.flac,00033-f000027,0.43697,"Vorsichtig, bittet Miß Herbey, er könnte uns hören!.Dann setzt sie sich ganz an das Ende des Flosses und ergiebt sich, den Kopf in den Händen, ihren Gedanken.","And then she sat down near the edge of the raft, where, with her head resting on her hands, she remained lost in thought."
40,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_44.flac,00033-f000028,0.108511,"Auch noch etwas recht Bedauerliches ist heute vorgekommen, was ich nicht übergehen darf.",An incident sufficiently unpleasant occurred today.
41,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_45.flac,00033-f000029,0.7848310000000001,"Eine Stunde lang standen die Matrosen Owen, Flaypol, Burke und der Neger Jynxtrop in eifrigem, aber heimlich geführtem Gespräche zusammen, wobei sich ihre Erregtheit durch die lebhaftesten Gesticulationen verrieth.","For nearly an hour Owen, Flaypole, Burke, and Jynxtrop had been engaged in close conversation and, although their voices were low, their gestures had betrayed that they were animated by some strong excitement."
42,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_46.flac,00033-f000030,0.741541,Nach Beendigung desselben begiebt sich Owen ganz ohne Umstände nach dem für die Passagiere reservirten Hintertheile des Flosses.,At the conclusion of the colloquy Owen got up and walked deliberately to the quarter of the raft that has been reserved for the use of the passengers.
43,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_47.flac,00033-f000031,0.61938,"Wohin willst Du, Owen? fragt ihn der Hochbootsmann.","Where are you off to now, Owen? said the boatswain."
44,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_48.flac,00033-f000032,0.766038,"Dahin, wo ich etwas zu thun habe, antwortet frech der Matrose.","That's my business, said the man insolently, and pursued his course."
45,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_49.flac,00033-f000033,0.5270130000000001,"Bei dieser unverschämten Antwort verläßt der Hochbootsmann seinen Platz, doch schon vor ihm steht Robert Kurtis Owen Auge in Auge gegenüber.","The boatswain was about to stop him, but before he could interfere Curtis was standing and looking Owen steadily in the face."
46,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_50.flac,00033-f000034,0.510671,Der Matrose erträgt den zornflammenden Blick seines Vorgesetzten und beginnt mit frechem Tone.,"Ah, captain, I've got a word from my mates to say to you, he said, with all the effrontery imaginable."
47,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_51.flac,00033-f000035,0.456818,"Kapitän, ich habe mit Ihnen im Namen meiner Kameraden zu sprechen.","Say on, then, said the captain coolly."
48,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_52.flac,00033-f000036,0.63,"Rede, erwidert Robert Kurtis kurz und bündig.",We should like to know about that little keg of brandy.
49,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_53.flac,00033-f000037,0.293023,"Es handelt sich um den Branntwein, fährt Owen fort.",Is it being kept for the porpoises or the officers?
50,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_54.flac,00033-f000038,-0.0385027,"Sie wissen, das kleine Fäßchen.","Finding that he obtained no reply, he went on, Look here, captain, what we want is to have our grog served out every morning as usual."
51,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_55.flac,00033-f000038,-0.0385027,Wird das für die Meerschweine oder für die Officiere aufgehoben?,"<MERGE> Finding that he obtained no reply, he went on, Look here, captain, what we want is to have our grog served out every morning as usual."
52,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_56.flac,00033-f000038,-0.0385027,Nun ? sagt Robert Kurtis.,"<MERGE> Finding that he obtained no reply, he went on, Look here, captain, what we want is to have our grog served out every morning as usual."
53,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_57.flac,00033-f000039,0.1725,Wir verlangen jeden Morgen wie sonst gewöhnlich unseren Schluck.,"Then you certainly will not, said the captain."
54,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_58.flac,00033-f000040,-0.00263158,"Nein, antwortet der Kapitän.","what! exclaimed Owen, don't you mean to let us have our grog?"
55,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_59.flac,00033-f000040,-0.00263158,Sie sagen ? ruft Owen.,"<MERGE> what! exclaimed Owen, don't you mean to let us have our grog?"
56,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_60.flac,00033-f000041,0.283333,Nochmals: Nein!.Der,"Once and for all, no."
57,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_61.flac,00033-f000042,0.17173,Matrose blickt Robert Kurtis scharf an und ein boshaftes Lächeln umspielt seine Lippen.,"For a moment, with a malicious grin upon his lips, Owen stood confronting the captain; then, as though thinking better of himself, he turned round and rejoined his companions, who were still talking together in an undertone."
58,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_62.flac,00033-f000042,0.17173,"Er zaudert einen Augenblick, ob er seine Forderung wiederholen soll, doch zieht er sich, ohne ein Wort hinzuzufügen, zurück und mischt sich unter seine Kameraden, mit denen er heimlich spricht.","<MERGE> For a moment, with a malicious grin upon his lips, Owen stood confronting the captain; then, as though thinking better of himself, he turned round and rejoined his companions, who were still talking together in an undertone."
59,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_63.flac,00033-f000043,0.20845999999999998,"Hat Robert Kurtis wohl recht daran gethan, jenes Verlangen so rundweg abzuschlagen?",When I was afterwards discussing the matter with Curtis I asked him whether he was sure he had done right in refusing the brandy.
60,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00033-chancellor_64.flac,00033-f000044,0.728571,Das wird die Zukunft noch lehren.,"Right! he cried, to be sure I have."