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0,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_0.flac,00014-f000001,0.0,Während der Nacht des 29. Oktobers.,"XIV. OCTOBER th:NIGHT.The scene, as night came on, was terrible indeed."
1,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_1.flac,00014-f000001,0.65,"Die Scene war schrecklich, und erfüllte trotz der verzweifelten allgemeinen Lage Jedermann mit Entsetzen.","XIV. OCTOBER th:NIGHT.The scene, as night came on, was terrible indeed."
2,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_2.flac,00014-f000003,0.472866,"Ruby existirt nicht mehr, doch eines seiner letzten Worte sollte noch die traurigsten Folgen haben.","Poor Ruby, indeed, is lost and gone, but his last words were productive of serious consequences."
3,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_4.flac,00014-f000002,0.10418800000000003,Das Pikrat!,"Notwithstanding the desperateness of our situation, however, there was not one of us so paralyzed by fear, but that we fully realized the horror of it all."
4,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_5.flac,00014-f000002,0.10418800000000003,"Sie sind unterrichtet, daß das Schiff jede Minute in die Luft gehen kann und daß sie nicht nur die Feuersbrunst, sondern auch die gräßlichste Explosion bedroht.","<MERGE> Notwithstanding the desperateness of our situation, however, there was not one of us so paralyzed by fear, but that we fully realized the horror of it all."
5,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_6.flac,00014-f000003,-0.00731707,"Einige Leute, die ganz außer sich sind, wollen um jeden Preis und ohne Verzug entfliehen.","Poor Ruby, indeed, is lost and gone, but his last words were productive of serious consequences."
6,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_7.flac,00014-f000003,-0.00731707,Das Boot!,"<MERGE> Poor Ruby, indeed, is lost and gone, but his last words were productive of serious consequences."
7,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_8.flac,00014-f000004,0.020741,Das Boot! rufen sie.,"The sailors caught his cry of Picrate, picrate! and being thus for the first time made aware of the true nature of their peril, they resolved at every hazard to accomplish their escape."
8,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_9.flac,00014-f000006,0.41557,"Sie sehen es nicht, nein, sie wollen es nicht sehen, diese Verblendeten, daß das Meer in wilder Empörung ist, daß kein Boot ihm trotzen kann, ohne von den furchtbaren, schäumenden Wellen verschlungen zu werden.","Curtis again made a vigorous endeavour to prevent them, but this time all in vain; Owen urged them on, and already the tackling was loosened, so that the boat was swung over to the ship's side, For a moment it hung suspended in midair, and then, with a final effort from the sailors, it was quickly lowered into the sea."
9,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_10.flac,00014-f000005,-0.139496,"Nichts vermag sie zurück zu halten, sie hören die Stimme ihres Kapitäns gar nicht mehr.","Beside themselves with terror, they either did not or would not, see that no boat could brave the tremendous waves that were raging around, and accordingly they made a frantic rush towards the yawl."
10,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_11.flac,00014-f000005,-0.139496,Robert Kurtis eilt mitten unter seine Mannschaft.,"<MERGE> Beside themselves with terror, they either did not or would not, see that no boat could brave the tremendous waves that were raging around, and accordingly they made a frantic rush towards the yawl."
11,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_13.flac,00014-f000008,0.267568,Der Matrose Owen reizt seine Kameraden an.,The men stood aghast; they were dumbfoundered.
12,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_14.flac,00014-f000009,0.4736260000000001,Die Leinen des Canots werden gelöst; und das kleine Boot hinaus geworfen.,"Longboat and yawl both gone, there was nothing now remaining to us but a small whaleboat."
13,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_15.flac,00014-f000010,0.593209,Einen Augenblick schwankt es in der Luft und stößt in Folge des Rollens unseres Schiffes gegen seinen Aufzug.,"Not a word was spoken; not a sound was heard but the hoarse whistling of the wind, and the mournful roaring of the flames."
14,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_16.flac,00014-f000007,0.186063,"Die Matrosen stoßen es ab; eben, als es schon fast das Wasser berührt, erfaßt es eine ungeheure Welle von unten, entfernt es zunächst ein wenig und schleudert es dann mit einer solchen Gewalt gegen die Wände des Chancellor, daß es zertrümmert wird. Schaluppe und Boot sind nun zerstört; es bleibt uns nichts mehr übrig, als die kleine zerbrechliche Jolle.","But scarcely had it touched the water, when it was caught by an enormous wave which, recoiling with resistless violence, dashed it to atoms against the Chancellor's side."
15,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_17.flac,00014-f000008,0.278049,"Wie vom Donner gerührt, stehen die Matrosen dabei.",The men stood aghast; they were dumbfoundered.
16,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_18.flac,00014-f000009,0.825412,Man hört nichts mehr als das Pfeifen des Windes im Takelwerk und das Prasseln der Flammen.,"Longboat and yawl both gone, there was nothing now remaining to us but a small whaleboat."
17,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_19.flac,00014-f000014,0.646475,"Tief gähnt der Gluthofen in der Mitte des Fahrzeuges, und Ströme von Dampf und Rauch drängen sich aus der Luke empor.","I saw Falsten calmly consult his watch, and note down the time in his memorandumbook, but I was far from sharing his, composure, for I was overcome by a nervous agitation that I could not suppress."
18,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_20.flac,00014-f000011,0.434286,"Man kann nicht mehr vom Vorderkastell bis zum Oberdeck sehen, eine Barriere von Feuer trennt den Chancellor in zwei Theile.","From the centre of the ship, which was hollowed out like a furnace, there issued a column of sooty vapour that ascended to the sky."
19,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_21.flac,00014-f000012,0.46317600000000003,Die Passagiere und zwei oder drei von der Mannschaft haben sich nach dem Oberdeck geflüchtet.,"All the passengers, and several of the crew, took refuge in the aftquarters of the poop."
20,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_23.flac,00014-f000013,0.118626,"Kear liegt ohne Bewußtsein ausgestreckt da, Miß Herbey weicht nicht von ihrer Seite.","<MERGE> Mrs. Kear was lying senseless on one of the hencoops, with Miss Herbey sitting passively at her side; M. Letourneur held his son tightly clasped to his bosom."
21,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_24.flac,00014-f000016,0.497727,Mr. Letourneur hält seinen Sohn in den Armen und preßt ihn an sein Herz.,"I broke the dismal silence, saying All over now, Curtis."
22,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_25.flac,00014-f000017,0.6788569999999999,"Eine nervöse Erregtheit hat sich meiner bemächtigt, die ich nicht zu bezwingen vermag.","No, sir, not yet, he replied, now that the panel is open we will set to work, and pour water with all our might down into the furnace, and may be, we shall put it out, even yet."
23,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_26.flac,00014-f000018,0.439939,Der Ingenieur Falsten sieht seelenruhig nach der Uhr und bemerkt die Zeit in seinem Notizbuche.,But how can you work your pumps while the deck is burning? and how can you get at your men beyond that sheet of flame?
24,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_27.flac,00014-f000019,0.742942,"Was mag auf dem Vordertheil vorgehen, wo sich ohne Zweifel der Lieutenant, der Hochbootsmann und die anderen Mannschaften befinden, welche wir jetzt nicht zu sehen vermögen?","He made no answer to my impetuous questions, and finding that he had nothing more to say, I repeated that it was all over now."
25,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_28.flac,00014-f000015,0.14671900000000002,"Zwischen den beiden Hälften des Fahrzeuges ist jede Verbindung unterbrochen, und Niemand könnte durch die Wand von Flammen dringen, welche aus den Luken emporwirbelt.","<MERGE> As far as we knew, Lieutenant Walter, the boatswain, and such of the crew as were not with us, were safe in the bow; but it was impossible to tell how they were faring because the sheet of fire intervened like a curtain, and cut off all communication between stem and stern."
26,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_29.flac,00014-f000016,0.13333299999999998,Ich nähere mich Robert Kurtis.,"I broke the dismal silence, saying All over now, Curtis."
27,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_30.flac,00014-f000016,0.13333299999999998,Alles verloren? frage ich ihn.,"<MERGE> I broke the dismal silence, saying All over now, Curtis."
28,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_31.flac,00014-f000021,0.5257689999999999,"Nein, antwortet er, da die Luke einmal offen ist, werden wir versuchen, Ströme von Wasser in die Gluth zu leiten und sie vielleicht zu löschen.","But the conflagration raged with redoubled fury, the sea around us was lighted with a crimson glow, and the clouds above shone with a lurid glare."
29,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_32.flac,00014-f000022,0.1,"Wer soll aber auf dem brennenden Verdeck die Pumpen bedienen, Mr. Kurtis?","Long jets of fire darted across the hatchways, and we were forced to take refuge on the taffrail at the extreme end of the poop."
30,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_33.flac,00014-f000018,-0.017368400000000003,Wie wollen Sie den Matrosen durch jene Flammen hindurch,But how can you work your pumps while the deck is burning? and how can you get at your men beyond that sheet of flame?
31,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_34.flac,00014-f000018,-0.017368400000000003,Ihre Befehle zukommen lassen?.Robert Kurtis erwidert kein Wort.,<MERGE> But how can you work your pumps while the deck is burning? and how can you get at your men beyond that sheet of flame?
32,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_35.flac,00014-f000024,0.796475,"Es ist Alles verloren, nicht wahr? frage ich noch einmal.",No pen could adequately portray the horrors of this fearful night.
33,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_36.flac,00014-f000025,0.54381,"Nein, Herr, sagt Robert Kurtis, nein, so lange ich noch ein Brett unter meinen Füßen fühle, verzweifle ich noch nicht!.Die Wuth der Feuersbrunst nimmt zu, die Wellen des Meeres färben sich mit röthlichem Scheine.","The Chancellor under bare poles, was driven, like a gigantic fireship with frightful velocity across the raging ocean; her very speed as it were, making common cause with the hurricane to fan the fire that was consuming her."
34,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_37.flac,00014-f000021,0.51442,Ueber uns spiegelt sich der Feuerschein an den niedrigeren Wolken.,"But the conflagration raged with redoubled fury, the sea around us was lighted with a crimson glow, and the clouds above shone with a lurid glare."
35,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_38.flac,00014-f000022,0.591429,"Lange Feuerstrahlen schießen jetzt aus den Deckluken, und wir haben uns nach dem Hackbord hinter dem Oberdeck zurück gezogen.","Long jets of fire darted across the hatchways, and we were forced to take refuge on the taffrail at the extreme end of the poop."
36,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_39.flac,00014-f000023,0.194149,"Kear ist in der Jolle niedergelegt worden, die noch an ihren Trägern hängt, und Miß Herbey hat neben ihr Platz genommen.","Mrs. Kear was laid in the whale boat that hung from the stern, Miss Herbey persisting to the last in retaining her post by her side."
37,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_40.flac,00014-f000023,0.194149,Welch' entsetzliche Nacht!,"<MERGE> Mrs. Kear was laid in the whale boat that hung from the stern, Miss Herbey persisting to the last in retaining her post by her side."
38,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_41.flac,00014-f000024,0.258,"Welche Feder wäre im Stande, ihre Schrecken zu schildern!",No pen could adequately portray the horrors of this fearful night.
39,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_42.flac,00014-f000025,0.555634,Der entfesselte Orkan bläst wie ein ungeheurer Ventilator in diesen Schmelzofen.,"The Chancellor under bare poles, was driven, like a gigantic fireship with frightful velocity across the raging ocean; her very speed as it were, making common cause with the hurricane to fan the fire that was consuming her."
40,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_43.flac,00014-f000026,0.248864,"Der Chancellor, trotzdem er schon viel Segel eingebüßt hat, fliegt wie ein riesiger Brander durch die Finsterniß dahin.","Soon there could be no alternative between throwing ourselves into the sea, or perishing in the flames."
41,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_44.flac,00014-f000027,0.09705880000000001,Wir haben offenbar keine Wahl.,"But where, all this time, was the picrate? perhaps, after all, Ruby had deceived us and there was no volcano, such as we dreaded, below our feet."
42,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_45.flac,00014-f000027,0.09705880000000001,"Entweder in's Meer springen, oder in den Flammen umkommen!","<MERGE> But where, all this time, was the picrate? perhaps, after all, Ruby had deceived us and there was no volcano, such as we dreaded, below our feet."
43,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_46.flac,00014-f000030,0.289655,Aber das Pikrat fängt kein Feuer!,Breakers to starboard! is the cry.
44,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_47.flac,00014-f000028,-0.10274000000000001,Der Vulkan öffnet sich nicht unter unseren Füßen!,"<MERGE> At halfpast eleven, when the tempest seems at its very height there is heard a peculiar roar distinguishable even above the crash of the elements."
45,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_48.flac,00014-f000029,0.0875,Ruby hat doch wohl gelogen!,The sailors in an instant recognize its import.
46,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_49.flac,00014-f000030,0.21,Es ist gar keine explosive Substanz im Raume!,Breakers to starboard! is the cry.
47,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_50.flac,00014-f000031,0.039668699999999994,"Um elf ein halb Uhr, das Meer tobt gerade furchtbarer als je, hört man ein von den Seeleuten so gefürchtetes Scharren und Kratzen durch den Lärm der Elemente hindurch, und vom Vordertheil dringt ein Schrei bis zu uns.","Curtis leaps on to the netting, casts a rapid glance at the snow white billows, and turning to the helmsman shouts with all his might Starboard the helm!"
48,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_51.flac,00014-f000031,0.039668699999999994,Riffe!,"<MERGE> Curtis leaps on to the netting, casts a rapid glance at the snow white billows, and turning to the helmsman shouts with all his might Starboard the helm!"
49,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_53.flac,00014-f000032,0.28125,Backbord steuern!,But it is too late.
50,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_54.flac,00014-f000033,-0.0520619,Backbord!.Doch es ist zu spät.,"There is a sudden shock; the ship is caught up by an enormous wave; she rises upon her beam ends; several times she strikes the ground; the mizenmast snaps short off level with the deck, falls into the sea, and the Chancellor is motionless."
51,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00014-chancellor_55.flac,00014-f000033,-0.0520619,"Ich fühle, wie der Rücken einer ungeheuren Welle uns emporhebt und ein plötzlicher Stoß erfolgt.","<MERGE> There is a sudden shock; the ship is caught up by an enormous wave; she rises upon her beam ends; several times she strikes the ground; the mizenmast snaps short off level with the deck, falls into the sea, and the Chancellor is motionless."