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0,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_0.flac,00039-f000001,-0.128571,Am 5. und 6. Januar.,XXXIX.
1,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_1.flac,00039-f000002,0.128505,Diese Scenen haben uns tief ergriffen.,"JANUARY th and th.The whole scene made a deep impression on our minds, and Owen's speech coming as a sort of climax, brought before us our misery with a force that was wellnigh overwhelming."
2,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_2.flac,00039-f000002,0.128505,"Owen's unter den thatsächlichen Verhältnissen gegebene Antwort ist wohl geeignet, auch die Muthigsten niederzuschlagen.","<MERGE> JANUARY th and th.The whole scene made a deep impression on our minds, and Owen's speech coming as a sort of climax, brought before us our misery with a force that was wellnigh overwhelming."
3,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_3.flac,00039-f000003,0.653205,"Sowie ich ein wenig wieder zur Ruhe gekommen bin, habe ich dem jungen Letourneur meinen Dank dafür ausgesprochen, daß er mir durch seine Intervention das Leben gerettet hat.","As soon as I recovered my composure, I did not forget to thank Andre Letourneur for the act of intervention that had saved my life."
4,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_4.flac,00039-f000004,0.698635,"Sie danken mir, antwortet er, wo Sie mir fluchen sollten!. Ihnen, André?",Do you thank me for that; Mr. Kazallon? he said; it has only served to prolong your misery.
5,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_5.flac,00039-f000005,0.7722220000000001,"Mr. Kazallon, ich habe ja nichts gethan, als Ihre Leiden verlängert!","Never mind, M. Letourneur, said Miss Herbey; you did your duty."
6,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_6.flac,00039-f000006,0.6337659999999999,"Darauf kommt es nicht an, Mr. Letourneur, mischt sich da Miß Herbey ein, Sie haben Ihre Pflicht gethan!.Immer dasselbe Gefühl der Pflicht, welche dem jungen Mädchen über Alles geht!","Enfeebled and emaciated as the young girl is, her sense of duty never deserts her, and although her torn and bedraggled garments float dejectedly about her body, she never utters a word of complaint, and never loses courage."
7,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_7.flac,00039-f000006,0.533207,"Sie ist durch die grausamen Entbehrungen abgemagert, ihre durch die fortwährende Feuchtigkeit verdorbenen und schadhaft gewordenen Kleider flattern umher, doch keine Klage kommt aus ihrem Munde und Nichts vermag ihr den Muth zu rauben.","Enfeebled and emaciated as the young girl is, her sense of duty never deserts her, and although her torn and bedraggled garments float dejectedly about her body, she never utters a word of complaint, and never loses courage."
8,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_8.flac,00039-f000007,0.7796609999999999,"Kazallon, fragt sie mich, nicht wahr, wir werden Hungers sterben müssen?","Mr. Kazallon, she said to me, do you think we are fated to die of hunger?"
9,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_9.flac,00039-f000008,0.8447370000000001,"Wie lange kann man wohl leben, ohne zu essen?","Yes; Miss Herbey, I do, I replied in a hard, cold tone."
10,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_10.flac,00039-f000009,0.143973,"Weit länger, als man glauben sollte!",How long do you suppose we have to live? she asked again.
11,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_11.flac,00039-f000009,0.143973,"Vielleicht lange, unbestimmbare Tage!",<MERGE> How long do you suppose we have to live? she asked again.
12,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_12.flac,00039-f000010,0.231818,Kräftige Personen leiden ja wohl dabei am meisten?,I cannot say; perhaps we shall linger on longer than we imagine.
13,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_13.flac,00039-f000011,0.552,"Ja, aber sie unterliegen schneller, das gleicht sich aus.","The strongest constitutions suffer the most, do they not? she said."
14,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_14.flac,00039-f000010,0.519231,"Wie war ich nur im Stande, dem jungen Mädchen so zu antworten?",I cannot say; perhaps we shall linger on longer than we imagine.
15,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_16.flac,00039-f000011,-0.07307689999999999,Ich fand kein Wort des Trostes für sie?,"<MERGE> The strongest constitutions suffer the most, do they not? she said."
16,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_17.flac,00039-f000012,0.558665,Ich habe ihr die gräßliche Wahrheit schonungslos in's Gesicht geschleudert!,Yes; but they have one consolation; they die the soonest; I replied coldly.
17,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_18.flac,00039-f000013,0.453333,Ist denn in mir jedes menschliche Gefühl erloschen?,Had every spark of humanity died out of my breast that I thus brought the girl face to face with the terrible truth without a word of hope or comfort?
18,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_19.flac,00039-f000014,0.690341,"André Letourneur und sein Vater, die mich hören konnten, sahen mich wiederholt erstaunt mit ihren großen, vom Hunger erweiterten Augen an.","The eyes of Andre and his father, dilated with hunger, were fixed upon me, and I saw reproach and astonishment written in their faces."
19,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_20.flac,00039-f000015,0.617538,"Sie schienen sich zu fragen, ob ich es war, der also sprach.","Afterwards, when we were quite alone, Miss Herbey asked me if I would grant her a favour."
20,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_21.flac,00039-f000016,0.6225,"Einige Minuten später, als wir ziemlich allein waren, sagte mir Miß Herbey mit leiser Stimme.","Certainly, Miss Herbey; anything you like to ask, I replied; and this time my manner was kinder and more genial."
21,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_22.flac,00039-f000017,0.8557969999999999,"Kazallon, würden Sie mir wohl einen Dienst erweisen?","Mr. Kazallon, she said, I am weaker than you, and shall probably die first."
22,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_23.flac,00039-f000018,0.368,"Gern, Miß, habe ich erregt geantwortet; bereit, für das junge Mädchen Alles zu thun.","Promise me that, if I do, you will throw my body into the sea."
23,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_24.flac,00039-f000019,0.509545,"Wenn ich vor Ihnen sterbe, fährt Miß Herbey fort, und das kann ja der Fall sein, trotzdem ich schwächlicher bin, so versprechen Sie mir, meine Leiche in's Meer zu werfen.","Oh, Miss Herbey, I began, it was very wrong of me to speak to you as I did!"
24,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_25.flac,00039-f000019,1.2957100000000001,"Miß Herbey, ich that sehr unrecht.","Oh, Miss Herbey, I began, it was very wrong of me to speak to you as I did!"
25,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_26.flac,00039-f000021,0.564103,"Nein, nein, fällt sie mir trübe lächelnd in's Wort, Sie thaten ganz recht daran, mir Alles zu sagen, nur versprechen Sie mir die Erfüllung meiner Bitte.","But it is a weakness of mine; I don't mind what they do with me as long as I am alive, but when I am dead she stopped and shuddered."
26,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_27.flac,00039-f000020,-0.046875,Es ist wohl eine Schwäche von mir.,"No, no, she replied, half smiling; you were quite right."
27,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_28.flac,00039-f000020,-0.046875,Lebend fürchte ich Nichts. aber todt.,"<MERGE> No, no, she replied, half smiling; you were quite right."
28,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_29.flac,00039-f000021,0.857143,"versprechen Sie mir, mich in's Wasser zu werfen.","But it is a weakness of mine; I don't mind what they do with me as long as I am alive, but when I am dead she stopped and shuddered."
29,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_30.flac,00039-f000022,0.084,Ich habe es ihr versprochen.,"Oh, promise me that you will throw me into, the sea!"
30,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_31.flac,00039-f000023,0.599306,"Miß Herbey reicht mir die Hand zum Danke, und ich fühle, wie ihre mageren Finger leise die meinigen drücken.","I gave her the melancholy promise, which she acknowledged by pressing my hand feebly with her emaciated fingers."
31,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_32.flac,00039-f000024,0.15,Noch eine Nacht ist vorübergeschlichen.,Another night passed away.
32,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_33.flac,00039-f000025,0.7466619999999999,"Zu Zeiten sind meine Qualen so arg, daß ich unwillkürlich aufschreie; dann mildern sie sich wohl auch wieder, und ich versinke in eine Art Stumpfsinn.","At times my sufferings were so intense that cries of agony involuntarily escaped my lips; then I became calmer, and sank into a kind of lethargy."
33,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_34.flac,00039-f000026,0.696364,"Beim Wiedererwachen wundere ich mich, meine Leidensgefährten noch lebend zu finden.","When I awoke, I was surprised to find my; companions still alive."
34,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_35.flac,00039-f000027,0.536111,"Derjenige von uns, der am wenigsten zu leiden scheint, ist der Steward Hobbart, von dem bis jetzt nur wenig die Rede gewesen ist.","The one of our party who seems to bear his privations the best is Hobart the steward, a man with whom hitherto I have had very little to do."
35,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_36.flac,00039-f000028,0.172808,"Es ist ein kleiner Mann von zweideutigem Aussehen, mit schmeichlerischen Blicken und einem ewigen Lächeln, das aber nur seine Lippen angeht; seine Augen sind stets halb geschlossen, so als wollte er seine Gedanken verbergen, und seine ganze Erscheinung athmet Falschheit.","He is small, with a fawning expression remarkable for its indecision, and has a smile which is incessantly playing round his lips; he goes about with his eyes halfclosed, as though he wished to conceal his thoughts, and there is something altogether false and hypocritical about his whole demeanour."
36,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_37.flac,00039-f000028,0.172808,"Er ist ein Heuchler, ich schwöre darauf.","<MERGE> He is small, with a fawning expression remarkable for its indecision, and has a smile which is incessantly playing round his lips; he goes about with his eyes halfclosed, as though he wished to conceal his thoughts, and there is something altogether false and hypocritical about his whole demeanour."
37,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_38.flac,00039-f000029,0.06304680000000001,"Und wirklich, wenn ich sagte, daß ihm die Entbehrungen am wenigsten zuzusetzen schienen, so ist damit nicht etwa gesagt, daß er keine Klagen laut werden ließe.","I cannot say that he bears his privations without a murmur, for he sighs and moans incessantly; but, with it all, I cannot but think that there is a want of genuineness in his manner, and that the privation has not really told upon him as much as it has upon the rest of us."
38,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_39.flac,00039-f000029,0.06304680000000001,"Im Gegentheil, er seufzt ohne Unterlaß, aber ich weiß nicht, warum mir sein Gewimmer nur affectirt vorkommt.","<MERGE> I cannot say that he bears his privations without a murmur, for he sighs and moans incessantly; but, with it all, I cannot but think that there is a want of genuineness in his manner, and that the privation has not really told upon him as much as it has upon the rest of us."
39,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_40.flac,00039-f000029,0.06304680000000001,Es wird sich das wohl zeigen.,"<MERGE> I cannot say that he bears his privations without a murmur, for he sighs and moans incessantly; but, with it all, I cannot but think that there is a want of genuineness in his manner, and that the privation has not really told upon him as much as it has upon the rest of us."
40,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_41.flac,00039-f000030,0.550605,"Ich werde diesen Menschen beobachten, denn ich habe einen Verdacht gegen ihn, über den ich mir gern klar würde.","I have my suspicions about the man, and intend to watch him carefully."
41,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_42.flac,00039-f000031,0.656119,"Heute, am 6. Januar, nimmt mich Mr. Letourneur bei Seite, führt mich nach dem Hintertheile des Flosses, und das mit dem Aussehen, als habe er mir eine geheime Mittheilung zu machen.","Today, the th, M. Letourneur drew me aside to the stern of the raft, saying that he had a secret to communicate, but that he wished neither to be seen nor heard speaking to me."
42,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_44.flac,00039-f000032,0.6610010000000001,"Ich begebe mich mit ihm nach der hinteren Ecke des Backbord, und nachdem der Abend angebrochen, vermag uns Niemand mehr zu sehen.","I withdrew with him to the larboard corner of the raft; and, as it was growing dusk, nobody observed what we were doing."
43,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_45.flac,00039-f000033,0.394406,"Mein Herr, beginnt Mr. Letourneur mit leiser Stimme, André ist sehr schwach!","Mr. Kazallon, M. Letourneur began in a low voice, Andre is dying of hunger: he is growing weaker and weaker, and oh!"
44,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_46.flac,00039-f000034,0.705495,Mein Sohn stirbt mir vor Hunger!,"I cannot, will not see him die!"
45,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_47.flac,00039-f000035,0.721875,Ich kann das nicht lange mit ansehen!,"He spoke passionately, almost fiercely, and I fully understood his feelings."
46,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_48.flac,00039-f000034,0.7879999999999999,"Nein, ich kann es nicht!.Mr.","I cannot, will not see him die!"
47,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_49.flac,00039-f000037,0.7336699999999999,"Letourneur spricht in einem Tone, dem man den verhaltenen Zorn anmerkt, und sein Accent hat etwas Wildes an sich; doch begreife ich wohl, wie dieser Vater leiden mag!","We will not despair yet, I said, perhaps some passing ship Ship! he cried impatiently, don't try to console me with empty commonplaces; you know as well as I do that there is no chance of falling in with a passing ship."
48,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_50.flac,00039-f000036,0.7180949999999999,"Lieber Herr, sage ich und ergreife seine Hand, verzweifeln wir noch nicht.","Taking his hand, I tried to reassure him."
49,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_51.flac,00039-f000038,0.0614784,Wenn ein Schiff.,"<MERGE> Then, breaking off suddenly, he asked,How long is it since my son and all of you have had anything to eat?"
50,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_52.flac,00039-f000039,0.5145529999999999,"Ich verlange von Ihnen keine billigen Trostesworte, unterbricht mich der arme Vater.","Astonished at his question, I replied that it was now four days since the biscuit had failed."
51,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_53.flac,00039-f000040,0.08811189999999999,"Es wird hier kein Schiff vorbei kommen, das wissen Sie recht gut.","Four days, he repeated; well, then, it is eight since I have tasted anything."
52,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_54.flac,00039-f000040,0.08811189999999999,"Nein, es handelt sich um etwas Anderes.","<MERGE> Four days, he repeated; well, then, it is eight since I have tasted anything."
53,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_55.flac,00039-f000041,0.88125,"Seit wann hat mein Sohn, haben Sie selbst und wir Alle nichts gegessen?.Diese",I have been saving my share for my son.
54,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_56.flac,00039-f000042,0.165071,"Frage läßt mich einigermaßen erstaunen, und ich antworte.","Tears rushed to my eyes; for a few moments I was unable to speak, and could only once more grasp his hand in silence."
55,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_57.flac,00039-f000042,0.165071,Seit dem 2. Januar ist der Zwieback ausgegangen.,"<MERGE> Tears rushed to my eyes; for a few moments I was unable to speak, and could only once more grasp his hand in silence."
56,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_59.flac,00039-f000043,0.714286,Daß Sie nichts gegessen haben!,What do you want me to do?
57,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_64.flac,00039-f000041,0.994444,Kaum bin ich im Stande zu reden.,I have been saving my share for my son.
58,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_68.flac,00039-f000044,0.340385,Halt!,I asked at length.
59,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_69.flac,00039-f000044,0.340385,Nicht so laut!,<MERGE> I asked at length.
60,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_75.flac,00039-f000045,0.00904255,"Er würde glauben, daß ich mich für ihn beraubt habe. er würde es nicht annehmen.","<MERGE> Hush! not so loud; some one will hear us, he said, Towering his voice, I want you to offer it to Andre as though it came from yourself."
61,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_76.flac,00039-f000043,0.228571,"nein, es muß von Ihnen kommen.",What do you want me to do?
62,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_77.flac,00039-f000044,0.28,Mr. Letourneur!,I asked at length.
63,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_78.flac,00039-f000045,0.77495,"Aus Mitleiden, bittet mich der unglückliche Vater, aus Erbarmen leisten Sie mir diesen Liebesdienst, den größten, um den ich Sie angehe. übrigens.","Hush! not so loud; some one will hear us, he said, Towering his voice, I want you to offer it to Andre as though it came from yourself."
64,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_79.flac,00039-f000046,0.11785699999999999,für Ihre Bemühung.,He would not accept it from me; he would think I had been depriving myself for him.
65,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_80.flac,00039-f000046,0.11785699999999999,Mr. Letourneur ergreift meine Hand und streichelt sie zärtlich.,<MERGE> He would not accept it from me; he would think I had been depriving myself for him.
66,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_81.flac,00039-f000047,0.30911900000000003,Für Ihre Bemühung können Sie ja auch ein wenig davon essen!.Armer Vater!,"Let me implore you to do me this service and for your trouble, and here he gently stroked my hand, for your trouble you shall have a morsel for yourself."
67,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_82.flac,00039-f000047,0.30911900000000003,Bei seinen Worten zittere ich wie ein Kind!,"<MERGE> Let me implore you to do me this service and for your trouble, and here he gently stroked my hand, for your trouble you shall have a morsel for yourself."
68,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_83.flac,00039-f000048,0.937139,Mein ganzes Wesen ist in Aufregung und mein Herz arbeitet zum Zerspringen.,"I trembled like a child as I listened to the poor father's words, and my heart was ready to burst when I felt a tiny piece of biscuit slipped into my hand."
69,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_84.flac,00039-f000049,0.14285699999999998,"Gleichzeitig fühle ich, wie Mr. Letourneur ein Stück Schiffszwieback in meine Hand gleiten läßt.","Give it him, M. Letourneur went on under his breath, give it him; but do not let any one see you; the monsters would murder you if they knew it."
70,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_85.flac,00039-f000049,0.14285699999999998,"Nehmen Sie sich in Acht, daß Niemand Sie gewahr wird, sagt er.","<MERGE> Give it him, M. Letourneur went on under his breath, give it him; but do not let any one see you; the monsters would murder you if they knew it."
71,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00039-chancellor_87.flac,00039-f000050,0.639089,"Das ist nur für einen Tag, doch morgen werde ich Ihnen ebenso viel übergeben!.Der",This is only for today; I will give you some more tomorrow.