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0,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_0.flac,00044-f000001,-0.05,Am 15. Januar.,XLIV.
1,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_2.flac,00044-f000002,0.0813596,"Ob er schneller oder langsamer herankommen mag, er kommt doch gewiß.","JANUARY th.After this further shattering of our excited hopes death alone now stares us in the face; slow and lingering as that death may be, sooner or later it must inevitably come."
2,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_3.flac,00044-f000002,0.0813596,"Heute sind im Westen einige Wolken aufgestiegen, wobei sich dann und wann ein kurzer Windstoß fühlbar machte.","<MERGE> JANUARY th.After this further shattering of our excited hopes death alone now stares us in the face; slow and lingering as that death may be, sooner or later it must inevitably come."
3,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_4.flac,00044-f000003,0.759722,"Auch die Temperatur ist erträglicher, und trotz unserer äußersten Erschlaffung empfinden wir diese wohlthuende Aenderung.","Today some clouds that rose in the west have brought us a few puffs of wind; and in spite of our prostration, we appreciate the moderation, slight as it is, in the temperature."
4,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_5.flac,00044-f000003,0.379628,"Meine Kehle saugt eine minder trockene Luft ein, aber seit dem Fischzug des Hochbootsmannes, d. h. seit sieben Tagen, haben wir nichts gegessen.","Today some clouds that rose in the west have brought us a few puffs of wind; and in spite of our prostration, we appreciate the moderation, slight as it is, in the temperature."
5,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_6.flac,00044-f000004,0.439436,"Auf dem Flosse ist nichts mehr vorhanden, und gestern habe ich André Letourneur das letzte von seinem Vater ersparte Stück Schiffszwieback zugestellt, welches Jener mir unter Thränen übergab.","To my parched throat the air seemed a little less trying but it is now seven days since the boatswain took his haul of fish, and during that period we have eaten nothing even Andre Letourneur finished yesterday the last morsel of the biscuit which his sorrowful and selfdenying father had entrusted to my charge."
6,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_7.flac,00044-f000005,0.801818,"Seit gestern hat sich auch der Neger Jynxtrop seiner Fesseln zu entledigen gewußt, doch hat ihn Robert Kurtis deshalb nicht von Neuem binden lassen.","Jynxtrop the negro has broken loose from his confinement, but Curtis has taken no measures for putting him again under restraint."
7,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_8.flac,00044-f000006,-0.034523800000000014,Wozu auch?,"It is not to be apprehended that the miserable fellow and his accomplices, weakened as they are by their protracted fast, will attempt to do us any mischief now."
8,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_9.flac,00044-f000006,-0.034523800000000014,Dieser Elende und alle seine Mitschuldigen sind durch das lange Fasten ganz von Kräften gekommen.,"<MERGE> It is not to be apprehended that the miserable fellow and his accomplices, weakened as they are by their protracted fast, will attempt to do us any mischief now."
9,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_10.flac,00044-f000006,-0.034523800000000014,Was wären sie jetzt noch zu unternehmen im Stande?,"<MERGE> It is not to be apprehended that the miserable fellow and his accomplices, weakened as they are by their protracted fast, will attempt to do us any mischief now."
10,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_11.flac,00044-f000007,0.390264,"Heute zeigen sich mehrere große Haifische, deren schwarze Flossen wir das Wasser mit großer Schnelligkeit durchschneiden sehen.","Some huge sharks made their appearance today, cleaving the water rapidly with their great black fins."
11,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_12.flac,00044-f000008,0.560921,"Ich kann mich des Gedankens nicht entschlagen, daß sie die lebendigen Särge darstellen, die unsere erbärmlichen Ueberreste aufzunehmen bestimmt sind.","The monsters came close up to the edge of the raft, and Flaypole, who was leaning over, narrowly escaped having his arm snapped off by one of them."
12,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_13.flac,00044-f000009,0.678689,"Sie erschrecken mich keineswegs, nein, sie haben etwas Anheimelndes.","I could not help regarding them as living sepulchres, which ere long might swallow up our miserable carcases; yet, withal, I profess that my feelings were rather those of fascination than of horror."
13,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_14.flac,00044-f000010,0.183,"Sie kommen bis dicht an den Rand des Flosses heran, und Flaypol's Arm, der über denselben hinaushing, wäre beinahe von einem jener Ungeheuer weggeschnappt werden.","The boatswain, who stood with clenched teeth and dilated eye, regarded these sharks from quite another point of view."
14,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_15.flac,00044-f000011,0.48,"Der Hochbootsmann betrachtet mit starren, hohlen Augen und zusammengebissenen, hinter den erhobenen Lippen herausleuchtenden Zähnen diese Haifische unter einem wesentlich anderen Gesichtspunkte als ich.","He thought about devouring the sharks, not about the sharks devouring him; and if he could succeed in catching one, I doubt if one of us would reject the tough and untempting flesh."
15,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_16.flac,00044-f000012,-0.0111005,"Er will sie verzehren, doch nicht von ihnen verzehrt werden.","He determined to make the attempt, and as he had no whirl which he could fasten to his rope he set to work to find something that might serve as a substitute."
16,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_17.flac,00044-f000012,-0.0111005,"Wenn er einen derselben zu fangen im Stande wäre, er würde sich nicht vor seinem zähen Fleische scheuen.","<MERGE> He determined to make the attempt, and as he had no whirl which he could fasten to his rope he set to work to find something that might serve as a substitute."
17,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_18.flac,00044-f000012,-0.0111005,Wir Anderen auch nicht.,"<MERGE> He determined to make the attempt, and as he had no whirl which he could fasten to his rope he set to work to find something that might serve as a substitute."
18,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_19.flac,00044-f000012,0.490848,"Der Bootsmann will den Versuch machen; da er aber keinen geeigneten Haken besitzt, an den ein Seil zu befestigen wäre, so muß er einen solchen herzustellen suchen.","He determined to make the attempt, and as he had no whirl which he could fasten to his rope he set to work to find something that might serve as a substitute."
19,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_20.flac,00044-f000013,0.691616,"Robert Kurtis und Daoulas haben ihn verstanden und halten Rath, während sie durch Auswerfen von Holzstücken und Seilenden bemüht sind, die Quermäuler in der Nähe des Flosses aufzuhalten.","Curtis and Dowlas were consulted, and after a short conversation, during which they kept throwing bits of rope and spars into the water in order to entice the sharks to remain by the raft, Dowlas went and fetched his carpenter's tool, which is at once a hatchet and a hammer."
20,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_21.flac,00044-f000014,0.695422,"Daoulas holt sein Zimmermannsbeil, das er als Angel zu benutzen gedenkt und dessen scharfe Schneide oder die derselben entgegengesetzte Spitze sich wohl in der Kinnlade eines Haies festsetzen könnten, wenn ein solcher darauf anbeißt.","Of this he proposed to make the whirl of which they were in need, under the hope that either the sharp edge of the adze or the pointed extremity opposite would stick firmly into the jaws of any shark that might swallow it."
21,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_22.flac,00044-f000015,0.447453,Der hölzerne Stiel des Beiles wird also an ein Greling d. i. die kleinste Art Kabeltaue befestigt und dieses an einen Tragbalken der Plattform gebunden.,"The wooden handle of the hammer was secured to the rope, which, in its turn, was tightly fastened to the raft."
22,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_23.flac,00044-f000016,0.437143,"Diese Vorbereitungen reizen unser Verlangen auf's Aeußerste, und zitternd vor Ungeduld suchen wir die Aufmerksamkeit der Haie auf jede mögliche Weise rege zu erhalten, um sie nicht wegschwimmen zu lassen.","With eager, almost breathless, excitement we stood watching the preparations, at the same time using every means in our power to attract the attention of the sharks."
23,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_24.flac,00044-f000017,0.5706140000000001,"Der Haken ist bereitet, aber wieder fehlt es an einem Köder für denselben, und der Hochbootsmann, der vor sich hinmurmelnd da und dorthin läuft und das ganze Floß durchsucht, hat das Aussehen, als forsche er nach einem Leichnam unter uns!","As soon as the whirl was ready the boatswain began to think about bait; and, talking rapidly to himself, ransacked every corner of the raft, as though he expected to find some dead body coming opportunely to sight."
24,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_25.flac,00044-f000018,0.501127,"Man muß endlich nochmals zu der schon früher versuchten Aushilfe greifen, das Eisen des Beiles mit einem Stücke rothen Stoffes zu umwickeln, den wiederum Miß Herbey's Shawltuch liefert.","But his search ended in nothing; and the only plan that suggested itself was again to have recourse to Miss Herbey's red shawl, of which a fragment was wrapped round the head of the hammer."
25,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_26.flac,00044-f000019,0.399038,Der Hochbootsmann will aber nichts ohne die sorgsamsten Vorsichtsmaßregeln für ein glückliches Gelingen unternehmen.,"After testing the strength of his line, and reassuringhimself that it was fastened firmly both to the hammer and to the raft, the boatswain lowered it into the water."
26,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_27.flac,00044-f000017,0.0632867,Ist der Haken wohl haltbar genug befestigt?,"<MERGE> As soon as the whirl was ready the boatswain began to think about bait; and, talking rapidly to himself, ransacked every corner of the raft, as though he expected to find some dead body coming opportunely to sight."
27,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_28.flac,00044-f000018,0.255,"Wird die Leine, welche diese Angel mit dem Flosse verbindet, nicht reißen?","But his search ended in nothing; and the only plan that suggested itself was again to have recourse to Miss Herbey's red shawl, of which a fragment was wrapped round the head of the hammer."
28,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_29.flac,00044-f000018,0.255,Wird der Tragbaum das Zerren eines gefangenen Haies aushalten?,"<MERGE> But his search ended in nothing; and the only plan that suggested itself was again to have recourse to Miss Herbey's red shawl, of which a fragment was wrapped round the head of the hammer."
29,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_30.flac,00044-f000019,0.7827149999999999,Der Hochbootsmann unterrichtet sich erst über alle diese jetzt sehr wichtigen Punkte und läßt erst dann sein Angelgeräth in das Wasser gleiten.,"After testing the strength of his line, and reassuringhimself that it was fastened firmly both to the hammer and to the raft, the boatswain lowered it into the water."
30,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_31.flac,00044-f000020,0.680966,"Das Meer ist so klar und durchsichtig, daß man in einer Tiefe von hundert Fuß noch jeden Gegenstand zu unterscheiden vermag.","The sea was quite transparent, and any object was clearly visible to a depth of two hundred feet below the surface."
31,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_32.flac,00044-f000023,0.697321,"Ich folge dem hinabsinkenden Haifischhaken, dessen rothe Umhüllung sich leuchtend von dem Wasser abhebt, bequem mit den Augen.","Suddenly, without speaking, the boatswain raised his hand and pointed to a dark mass skimming along the surface of the water, and making straight in our direction."
32,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_33.flac,00044-f000024,0.4625,"Passagiere und Matrosen, Alle lehnen wir über die Schanzkleidung geneigt und beobachten das tiefste Stillschweigen.","It was a shark, certainly not less than twelve feet long."
33,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_34.flac,00044-f000022,0.04699469999999999,"Es scheint aber, als ob die Haifische, seitdem ihnen dieser sonderbare Köder zugeworfen wurde, nach und nach verschwänden.","But one by one the sharks seemed to disappear, They could not, however, have gone far away, and it was not likely that anything in the shape of bait dropped near them would long escape their keen voracity."
34,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_35.flac,00044-f000022,0.04699469999999999,Doch können sie unmöglich weit entfernt sein und würden gewiß jede ihnen erreichbare Beute schnell verschlingen.,"<MERGE> But one by one the sharks seemed to disappear, They could not, however, have gone far away, and it was not likely that anything in the shape of bait dropped near them would long escape their keen voracity."
35,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_36.flac,00044-f000026,0.585855,"Plötzlich giebt der Hochbootsmann mit der Hand ein Zeichen und weist auf eine ungeheure Masse, welche nach dem Flosse zu gleitet und fast die Oberfläche des Wassers streift.","As the creature came near, my heart beat violently; I could see its eyes flashing above the waves; and its gaping jaws, as it turned half over on its back, exhibited long rows of pointed teeth."
36,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_37.flac,00044-f000024,0.76875,"Es ist ein wohl zwölf Fuß langer Haifisch, der die Tiefe verlassen hat und in gerader Linie auf uns zu schwimmt.","It was a shark, certainly not less than twelve feet long."
37,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_38.flac,00044-f000025,0.112148,"Sobald das Thier nur noch vier Faden vom Flosse entfernt ist, zieht der Hochbootsmann vorsichtig seine Leine an, um den Haken jenem zu Gesicht zu bringen, und theilt dem rothen Packen eine leichte Bewegung mit, die ihm das Aussehen eines lebenden Körpers verleiht.","As soon as the creature was about four fathoms from the raft, the boatswain gently drew in his line until the whirl was in such a position that the shark must cross right over it; at the same time he shook the line a little, that he might give the whirl the appearance, if he could, of being something alive and moving."
38,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_39.flac,00044-f000028,0.398462,"Ich fühle das heftige Klopfen meines Herzens, als wohne meine ganze Lebenskraft nur in diesem Organe!","The shark came to a standstill, turned about, and escaped quite out of sight."
39,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_40.flac,00044-f000026,0.298113,"Indessen nähert sich der Hai; seine gierigen, großen Augen leuchten fast auf der Oberfläche des Meeres und seine halbgeöffneten Kiefern zeigen die furchtbare Reihe seiner spitzen Zähne.","As the creature came near, my heart beat violently; I could see its eyes flashing above the waves; and its gaping jaws, as it turned half over on its back, exhibited long rows of pointed teeth."
40,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_41.flac,00044-f000029,0.708696,Da erhebt sich ein Schrei!,The boatswain was pale with anger.
41,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_42.flac,00044-f000030,0.532353,Der Haifisch hält an und verschwindet in der Tiefe des Wassers.,"The first man who speaks, he said, I will kill him on the spot."
42,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_43.flac,00044-f000028,0.5477270000000001,"Wer von uns hat diesen Schrei, wenn auch unwillkürlich, ausgestoßen?","The shark came to a standstill, turned about, and escaped quite out of sight."
43,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_44.flac,00044-f000029,0.558571,Sofort erhebt sich der Hochbootsmann bleich vor Zorn.,The boatswain was pale with anger.
44,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_45.flac,00044-f000030,0.264706,"Den Ersten, welcher ein Wort spricht, schlage ich nieder, sagt er.","The first man who speaks, he said, I will kill him on the spot."
45,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_46.flac,00044-f000031,0.665323,Dann geht er wieder an seine Arbeit.,Again he applied himself to his task.
46,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_47.flac,00044-f000032,0.0434265,"Alles in Allem hat er wohl recht, der Hochbootsmann.","The whirl again was lowered, this time to the depth of twenty fathoms, but for half an hour or more not a shark could be distinguished; but as the waters far below seemed somehow to be troubled I could not help believing that some of the brutes at least were still there."
47,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_48.flac,00044-f000032,0.0434265,"Der Haifischhaken wird wieder hinabgelassen, doch während einer halben Stunde erscheint kein solcher Seeräuber wieder, so daß man den Apparat bis auf zwanzig Faden Tiefe hinabgehen läßt.","<MERGE> The whirl again was lowered, this time to the depth of twenty fathoms, but for half an hour or more not a shark could be distinguished; but as the waters far below seemed somehow to be troubled I could not help believing that some of the brutes at least were still there."
48,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_49.flac,00044-f000033,0.6528689999999999,"Doch kommt es mir vor, als wenn die tieferen Wasserschichten etwas getrübt wären, woraus man wohl auf die Anwesenheit jener Quermäuler schließen könnte.","All at once, with a violent jerk, the cord was wrested from the boatswain's hands; firmly attached, however, as it was to the raft, it was not lost."
49,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_51.flac,00044-f000034,0.473684,Ein Haifisch hat angebissen und sich gleichsam selbst harpunirt.,"The bait had been seized by a shark, and the iron had made good its hold upon the creature's flesh."
50,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_52.flac,00044-f000035,0.27,"Zu Hilfe, Jungens, zu Hilfe! ruft der Seemann.","Now, then, my lads, cried the boatswain, haul away!"
51,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_53.flac,00044-f000037,0.577083,"Sofort ergreifen Alle, Passagiere und Matrosen, die Angelleine.","steady! said the boatswain, as the head appeared above."
52,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_54.flac,00044-f000038,0.375362,"Die Hoffnung leiht uns neue Kräfte, doch kaum wollen diese hinreichen, denn das Thier wehrt sich furchtbar.",The whirl had passed right through the jaw into the middle of the throat; so that no struggle on the part of the animal could possibly release it.
53,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_55.flac,00044-f000038,0.533929,"Wir ziehen ganz gleichzeitig an, und nach und nach kommen die oberen Wasserschichten von dem heftigen Peitschen des Schwanzes und der großen Brustflossen des Ungeheuers in Aufruhr.",The whirl had passed right through the jaw into the middle of the throat; so that no struggle on the part of the animal could possibly release it.
54,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_56.flac,00044-f000039,-0.00731707,"Ich beuge mich hinaus und sehe den enormen Körper, der sich inmitten blutig gefärbter Wellen windet.","Dowlas seized his hatchet, ready to despatch the brute the moment if should be landed on the raft."
55,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_57.flac,00044-f000039,-0.00731707,Tapfer!,"<MERGE> Dowlas seized his hatchet, ready to despatch the brute the moment if should be landed on the raft."
56,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_58.flac,00044-f000040,0.716,Fest daran! ruft der Hochbootsmann.,A short sharp snap was heard.
57,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_59.flac,00044-f000041,0.00857143,Endlich taucht der Kopf des Thieres auf.,"The shark had closed its jaws, and bitten through the wooden handle of the hammer."
58,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_61.flac,00044-f000042,0.394444,"Daoulas ergreift schon eine Axt, um das Thier, wenn es nahe genug heran sein wird, zu erschlagen.",Another moment and it had turned round and was completely gone.
59,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_62.flac,00044-f000043,0.13714300000000001,"Da läßt sich ein kurzes, eigenthümliches Geräusch vernehmen.",A howl of despair burst from all our lips.
60,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_64.flac,00044-f000044,0.14666700000000002,Ein allgemeiner Aufschrei der schmerzlichen Enttäuschung entringt sich uns!,"All the labour and the patience, all had been in vain."
61,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_65.flac,00044-f000045,0.713109,"Der Hochbootsmann, Robert Kurtis und Daoulas versuchen auch noch ferner, trotzdem sie nun keinen Haken und kein irgend brauchbares Ersatzmittel dafür mehr haben, einen jener Haie zu fangen.","Dowlas made a few more unsuccessful attempts, but as the whirl was lost, and they had no means of replacing it, there was no further room for hope."
62,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_66.flac,00044-f000046,0.485486,"Sie werfen Taue mit Schlingen in's Wasser, doch diese Lassos gleiten auf der schlüpfrigen Haut jener Quermäuler ab.","They did, indeed, lower some cords twisted into running knots, but as might have been expected these only slipped over, without holding, the slimy bodies of the sharks."
63,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00044-chancellor_67.flac,00044-f000046,0.352744,"Der Hochbootsmann geht sogar so weit, sie dadurch heranzulocken, daß er ein Bein hinter dem Flosse in's Wasser hält, selbst auf die Gefahr hin, durch den Biß eines der Ungeheuer amputirt zu werden.","They did, indeed, lower some cords twisted into running knots, but as might have been expected these only slipped over, without holding, the slimy bodies of the sharks."