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0,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_0.flac,00004-f000001,0.731012,"Kandid, bei dem das Mitleid über den Abscheu die Oberhand gewann, gab dem scheuslichen Bettler die beiden Gulden, die er von dem braven Wiedertäufer erhalten hatte.","Candide, yet more moved with compassion than with horror, gave to this shocking beggar the two florins which he had received from the honest Anabaptist James."
1,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_1.flac,00004-f000002,0.472245,"Das Gespenst faßte ihn scharf ins Auge, brach in Thränen aus und fiel ihm um den Hals.","The spectre looked at him very earnestly, dropped a few tears, and fell upon his neck."
2,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_2.flac,00004-f000003,0.288462,Kandid fährt entsetzt zurück.,Candide recoiled in disgust.
3,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_3.flac,00004-f000003,0.553846,"Ach! spricht der eine Elende zum andern Elenden, ach! so kennst Du",Candide recoiled in disgust.
4,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_4.flac,00004-f000006,0.3,Deinen lieben Pangloß nicht mehr?.Was hör' ich?,"You, my dear master! you in this terrible plight!"
5,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_5.flac,00004-f000007,0.182609,"Sie, mein theurer Lehrer!",What misfortune has happened to you?
6,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_6.flac,00004-f000006,1.24,Sie in diesem schauderhaften Zustande!,"You, my dear master! you in this terrible plight!"
7,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_7.flac,00004-f000007,0.700446,Welches Unglück hat Sie denn betroffen?,What misfortune has happened to you?
8,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_8.flac,00004-f000008,0.886957,Warum sind Sie nicht mehr im schönsten der Schlösser?,Why are you no longer in the most magnificent of castles?
9,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_9.flac,00004-f000009,0.0826087,"Was ist aus Fräulein Kunigunden geworden, aus ihr, der Perle der Mädchen, dem Meisterwerke der Natur?.Ich kann nicht mehr, sprach Pangloß.","What has become of Miss Cunegonde, the pearl of girls, and nature's masterpiece?"
10,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_10.flac,00004-f000010,0.7731819999999999,"Ohne Verzug führte Kandid ihn in den Stall des Wiedertäufers, wo er ihn etwas Brot zu sich nehmen ließ.","I am so weak that I cannot stand, said Pangloss."
11,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_11.flac,00004-f000011,0.237097,"Als Pangloß sich ein wenig gesammelt hatte, wiederholte er seine Frage:","Upon which Candide carried him to the Anabaptist's stable, and gave him a crust of bread."
12,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_12.flac,00004-f000012,-0.0920455,Nun?,"As soon as Pangloss had refreshed himself a little: Well, said Candide, Cunegonde?"
13,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_13.flac,00004-f000012,-0.0920455,"Kunigunde?.Sie ist todt, erwiderte jener.","<MERGE> As soon as Pangloss had refreshed himself a little: Well, said Candide, Cunegonde?"
14,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_14.flac,00004-f000013,0.188889,Bei diesem Worte wurde Kandid ohnmächtig.,"She is dead, replied the other."
15,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_15.flac,00004-f000014,0.5946239999999999,"Sein Freund brachte ihn mit etwas schlechtem Essig, der sich zufällig im Stalle fand, wieder zum Bewußtsein.",Candide fainted at this word; his friend recalled his senses with a little bad vinegar which he found by chance in the stable.
16,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_16.flac,00004-f000015,0.875,Kandid schlägt die Augen auf.,Candide reopened his eyes.
17,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_17.flac,00004-f000016,0.26,Kunigunde todt!,Cunegonde is dead!
18,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_18.flac,00004-f000017,0.24,"O! beste Welt, wo bleibst Du!","Ah, best of worlds, where art thou?"
19,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_19.flac,00004-f000018,0.541667,Aber an welcher Krankheit ist sie gestorben?,But of what illness did she die?
20,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_21.flac,00004-f000019,0.564194,"Doch wir wurden tüchtig gerächt, denn die Avaren machten es mit einer benachbarten Herrschaft, die einem bulgarischen Edelmanne gehörte, ganz eben so.","Was it not for grief, upon seeing her father kick me out of his magnificent castle?"
21,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_22.flac,00004-f000020,0.543194,"Während dieses Erzählung verlor Kandid abermals die Besinnung, nachdem er aber wieder zu sich gekommen war und Alles gesagt hatte, was unter den Umständen zu sagen war, erkundigte er sich nach der Ursache und der Wirkung und dem zureichenden Grunde, wodurch Pangloß in einen so kläglichen Zustand versetzt sei.","No, said Pangloss, she was ripped open by the Bulgarian soldiers, after having been violated by many; they broke the Baron's head for attempting to defend her; my lady, her mother, was cut in pieces; my poor pupil was served just in the same manner as his sister; and as for the castle, they have not left one stone upon another, not a barn, nor a sheep, nor a duck, nor a tree; but we have had our revenge, for the Abares have done the very same thing to a neighbouring barony, which belonged to a Bulgarian lord."
22,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_23.flac,00004-f000021,0.889568,"Ach! sprach dieser, es ist die Liebe; die Liebe, die Trösterin des Menschengeschlechts, die Erhalterin des Weltalls, die Seele aller empfindenden Wesen, die zarte Liebe.","At this discourse Candide fainted again; but coming to himself, and having said all that it became him to say, inquired into the cause and effect, as well as into the sufficient reason that had reduced Pangloss to so miserable a plight."
23,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_24.flac,00004-f000022,0.319494,"Ach! sprach Kandid, ich kenne sie, die Liebe, die Beherrscherin der Herzen, die Seele unserer Seele.","Alas! said the other, it was love; love, the comfort of the human species, the preserver of the universe, the soul of all sensible beings, love, tender love."
24,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_25.flac,00004-f000023,0.230769,"Mir hat sie weiter nichts eingebracht, als einen Kuß und zwanzig Fußtritte.","Alas! said Candide, I know this love, that sovereign of hearts, that soul of our souls; yet it never cost me more than a kiss and twenty kicks on the backside."
25,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_26.flac,00004-f000024,0.5980770000000001,"Wie konnte aber diese schöne Ursache bei Ihnen eine so abscheuliche Wirkung hervorbringen?.O mein theurer Kandid! antwortete Pangloß, Sie kannten Pakette, die niedliche Zofe unserer verehrungswürdigen Gnädigen.",How could this beautiful cause produce in you an effect so abominable?
26,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_27.flac,00004-f000024,0.948077,"In ihren Armen schmeckte ich die Wonne des Paradieses, die ich jetzt mit diesen Qualen der Hölle bezahle, wovon Sie mich verzehrt sehen.",How could this beautiful cause produce in you an effect so abominable?
27,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_28.flac,00004-f000025,0.122975,"Pakette war von dem Uebel ergriffen, sie ist vielleicht daran gestorben.","<MERGE> Pangloss made answer in these terms: Oh, my dear Candide, you remember Paquette, that pretty wench who waited on our noble Baroness; in her arms I tasted the delights of paradise, which produced in me those hell torments with which you see me devoured; she was infected with them, she is perhaps dead of them."
28,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_29.flac,00004-f000026,0.5516909999999999,"Sie verdankte dies Geschenk einem sehr gelehrten Franziskaner, der es an der Quelle aufgesucht hatte; denn er war von einer alten Gräfin damit begabt worden, diese hatte es von einem Rittmeister empfangen, der es einer Marquisin verdankte, welcher es an Page mitgetheilt, der es von einem Jesuiten bekommen, auf den es noch zur Zeit seines Noviziats in gerader Linie von einem der Gefährten des Christoph Columbus verpflanzt worden war.","This present Paquette received of a learned Grey Friar, who had traced it to its source; he had had it of an old countess, who had received it from a cavalry captain, who owed it to a marchioness, who took it from a page, who had received it from a Jesuit, who when a novice had it in a direct line from one of the companions of Christopher Columbus."
29,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_30.flac,00004-f000027,0.380769,"Ich werde es Niemanden weiter mittheilen, denn mit mir geht es zu Ende.","For my part I shall give it to nobody, I am dying."
30,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_31.flac,00004-f000028,0.25,"O Pangloß! rief Kandid aus, welch' eine merkwürdige Genealogie!","Oh, Pangloss! cried Candide, what a strange genealogy!"
31,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_33.flac,00004-f000031,0.506469,"Es ist noch bemerkenswerth, daß auf unserer Hemisphäre wir Europäer uns bis jetzt dieser Seuche ausschließlich rühmen, wie der theologischen Controverse.","We are also to observe that upon our continent, this distemper is like religious controversy, confined to a particular spot."
32,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_34.flac,00004-f000032,0.952484,"Die Türken, die Inder, die Perser, die Chinesen, die Siamesen und die Japaner kennen sie noch nicht; allein es giebt eine Ratio sufficiens, daß im Verlauf der Jahrhunderte an alle diese Völker die Reihe kommen wird, sie gleichfalls kennen zu lernen.","The Turks, the Indians, the Persians, the Chinese, the Siamese, the Japanese, know nothing of it; but there is a sufficient reason for believing that they will know it in their turn in a few centuries."
33,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_35.flac,00004-f000033,0.175752,"Mittlerweile hat sie bei uns bewundernswürdige Fortschritte gemacht, und zwar vor Allem in jenen großen Heeren ehrenwerther, wohlgezogener Söldlinge, in deren Händen das Geschick der Staaten ruht.","In the meantime, it has made marvellous progress among us, especially in those great armies composed of honest welldisciplined hirelings, who decide the destiny of states; for we may safely affirm that when an army of thirty thousand men fights another of an equal number, there are about twenty thousand of them pxd on each side."
34,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_36.flac,00004-f000033,0.175752,"Es ist ausgemacht, daß, wenn dreißigtausend Mann in Schlachtordnung einer gleichen Zahl von Truppen gegenüber stehen, auf jeder Seite etwa zwanzigtausend mit jener Seuche behaftet sind.","<MERGE> In the meantime, it has made marvellous progress among us, especially in those great armies composed of honest welldisciplined hirelings, who decide the destiny of states; for we may safely affirm that when an army of thirty thousand men fights another of an equal number, there are about twenty thousand of them pxd on each side."
35,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_37.flac,00004-f000034,0.630189,"Das ist freilich höchst bewundernswürdig, sprach Kandid; allein Sie müssen sich heilen lassen.","Well, this is wonderful! said Candide, but you must get cured."
36,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_38.flac,00004-f000035,0.638988,"Ach! wie kann ich das? versetzte Pangloß; ich habe keinen Heller, und in der ganzen weiten Welt ist weder ein Aderlaß noch ein Klystier zu haben, wenn man nicht dafür bezahlt oder einen Andern findet, der sich dazu versteht.","how can I? said Pangloss, I have not a farthing, my friend, and all over the globe there is no letting of blood or taking a glister, without paying, or somebody paying for you."
37,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_39.flac,00004-f000036,-0.026785700000000003,Diese letzten Worte bestimmten Kandid's Entschluß.,"These last words determined Candide; he went and flung himself at the feet of the charitable Anabaptist James, and gave him so touching a picture of the state to which his friend was reduced, that the good man did not scruple to take Dr. Pangloss into his house, and had him cured at his expense."
38,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_40.flac,00004-f000036,-0.026785700000000003,"Er warf sich seinem barmherzigen Wiedertäufer Jakob zu Füßen und schilderte ihm den Zustand seines Freundes mit so rührenden Worten, daß der gute Mann kein Bedenken trug, auch den Doctor Pangloß bei sich aufzunehmen.","<MERGE> These last words determined Candide; he went and flung himself at the feet of the charitable Anabaptist James, and gave him so touching a picture of the state to which his friend was reduced, that the good man did not scruple to take Dr. Pangloss into his house, and had him cured at his expense."
39,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_41.flac,00004-f000036,-0.026785700000000003,Er ließ ihn auf seine Kosten heilen.,"<MERGE> These last words determined Candide; he went and flung himself at the feet of the charitable Anabaptist James, and gave him so touching a picture of the state to which his friend was reduced, that the good man did not scruple to take Dr. Pangloss into his house, and had him cured at his expense."
40,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_42.flac,00004-f000037,0.7775,Pangloß verlor bei der Kur nur ein Auge und ein Ohr.,In the cure Pangloss lost only an eye and an ear.
41,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_43.flac,00004-f000038,0.57,Er schrieb gut und verstand die Rechenkunst aus dem Fundament.,"He wrote well, and knew arithmetic perfectly."
42,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_44.flac,00004-f000039,0.645,Der Wiedertäufer machte ihn zu seinem Buchhalter.,The Anabaptist James made him his bookkeeper.
43,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_45.flac,00004-f000040,0.22009099999999998,Nach zwei Monaten mußte er in Handelsgeschäften nach Lissabon reisen.,"At the end of two months, being obliged to go to Lisbon about some mercantile affairs, he took the two philosophers with him in his ship."
44,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_46.flac,00004-f000040,0.22009099999999998,Er nahm die beiden Philosophen in seinem Schiffe mit sich.,"<MERGE> At the end of two months, being obliged to go to Lisbon about some mercantile affairs, he took the two philosophers with him in his ship."
45,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_47.flac,00004-f000041,0.6665,"Pangloß setzte ihm auseinander, wie Alles in der Welt so vortrefflich eingerichtet sei, daß man es sich nicht besser denken, noch wünschen könne.",Pangloss explained to him how everything was so constituted that it could not be better.
46,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_48.flac,00004-f000042,0.5324180000000001,Jakob wollte dieser Ansicht nicht beipflichten.,James was not of this opinion.
47,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_49.flac,00004-f000043,0.046437599999999996,"Die Menschen, sprach er, müssen doch wohl die Natur ein wenig verdorben haben, denn sie sind nicht als Wölfe geboren und sind zu Wölfen geworden.","It is more likely, said he, mankind have a little corrupted nature, for they were not born wolves, and they have become wolves; God has given them neither cannon of fourandtwenty pounders, nor bayonets; and yet they have made cannon and bayonets to destroy one another."
48,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_50.flac,00004-f000043,0.046437599999999996,"Gott gab ihnen weder VierundzwanzigPfünder noch Bajonette, und sie machten sich Bajonette und Kanonen, um sich einander zu vertilgen.","<MERGE> It is more likely, said he, mankind have a little corrupted nature, for they were not born wolves, and they have become wolves; God has given them neither cannon of fourandtwenty pounders, nor bayonets; and yet they have made cannon and bayonets to destroy one another."
49,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_51.flac,00004-f000044,0.874396,"Ich könnte noch die Bankerotte in Anschlag bringen, so wie die Justiz, die sich des Vermögens der Bankerottirer bemächtigt, um die Gläubiger darum zu betrügen.","Into this account I might throw not only bankrupts, but Justice which seizes on the effects of bankrupts to cheat the creditors."
50,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_52.flac,00004-f000045,0.651613,"Dies Alles war ganz unerläßlich, entgegnete der einäugige Doctor; das Unglück im Einzelnen eben begründet das allgemeine Wohl, so daß es um das Ganze desto besser steht, je mehr die Uebel im Einzelnen sich häufen.","All this was indispensable, replied the oneeyed doctor, for private misfortunes make the general good, so that the more private misfortunes there are the greater is the general good."
51,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00004-kandid_53.flac,00004-f000046,0.423073,"Während er noch philosophirte, verfinsterte sich die Luft, die Winde brausten aus allen vier Weltgegenden, und das Schiff wurde im Angesicht des lissaboner Hafens vom furchtbarsten Sturme heimgesucht.","While he reasoned, the sky darkened, the winds blew from the four quarters, and the ship was assailed by a most terrible tempest within sight of the port of Lisbon."