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0,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_0.flac,00017-f000001,0.449525,"Ottilie trat ans Fenster, als sie jemanden wegreiten hörte, und sah Eduarden noch im Rücken.","XVII OTTILIE heard some one ride away, and went to the window in time just to catch a sight of Edward's back."
1,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_1.flac,00017-f000002,0.683891,"Es kam ihr wunderbar vor, daß er das Haus verließ, ohne sie gesehen, ohne ihr einen Morgengruß geboten zu haben.","It was strange, she thought, that he should have left the house without seeing her, without having even wished her goodmorning."
2,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_2.flac,00017-f000003,0.848382,"Sie ward unruhig und immer nachdenklicher, als Charlotte sie auf einen weiten Spaziergang mit sich zog und von mancherlei Gegenständen sprach, aber des Gemahls, und wie es schien vorsätzlich, nicht erwähnte.","She grew uncomfortable, and her anxiety did not diminish when Charlotte took her out for a long walk, and talked of various other things; but not once, and apparently on purpose, mentioning her hus band."
3,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_3.flac,00017-f000004,0.33986,"Doppelt betroffen war sie daher, bei ihrer Zurückkunft den Tisch nur mit zwei Gedecken besetzt zu finden.",When they returned she found the table laid only with two covers.
4,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_4.flac,00017-f000005,0.115068,"Wir vermissen ungern gering scheinende Gewohnheiten, aber schmerzlich empfinden wir erst ein solches Entbehren in bedeutenden Fällen.",It is unpleasant to miss even the most trifling thing to which we have been accustomed.
5,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_5.flac,00017-f000006,0.0,"Eduard und der Hauptmann fehlten, Charlotte hatte seit langer Zeit zum erstenmal den Tisch selbst angeordnet, und es wollte Ottilien scheinen, als wenn sie abgesetzt wäre.",In serious things such a loss becomes miserably painful.
6,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_6.flac,00017-f000007,0.245455,Die beiden Frauen saßen gegeneinander über;,Edward and the Cap tain were not there.
7,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_7.flac,00017-f000008,0.797115,"Charlotte sprach ganz unbefangen von der Anstellung des Hauptmanns und von der wenigen Hoffnung, ihn bald wiederzusehen.","The first time, for a long while, Charlotte sat at the head of the table herself and it seemed to Ottilie as if she was deposed."
8,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_8.flac,00017-f000009,0.7,"Das einzige tröstete Ottilien in ihrer Lage, daß sie glauben konnte, Eduard sei, um den Freund noch eine Strecke zu begleiten, ihm nachgeritten.","The two ladies sat opposite each other; Charlotte talked, without the least embarrassment, of the Captain and his appointment, and of the little hope there was of seeing him again for a long time."
9,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_9.flac,00017-f000010,0.384454,"Allein da sie von Tische aufstanden, sahen sie Eduards Reisewagen unter dem Fenster, und als Charlotte einigermaßen unwillig fragte, wer ihn hieher bestellt habe, so antwortete man ihr, es sei der Kammerdiener, der hier noch einiges aufpacken wolle.","The only comfort Ottilie could find for herself was in the idea that Edward had ridden after his friend, to accompany him a part of his journey."
10,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_10.flac,00017-f000013,0.603117,"Ottilie brauchte ihre ganze Fassung, um ihre Verwunderung und ihren Schmerz zu verbergen.","She was told it was the valet, who had some things there to pack up."
11,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_11.flac,00017-f000012,0.852667,Der Kammerdiener trat herein und verlangte noch einiges.,"Charlotte, a little as if she was put out, asked who had had it brought round there."
12,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_12.flac,00017-f000015,0.370769,"Es war eine Mundtasse des Herrn, ein paar silberne Löffel und mancherlei, was Ottilien auf eine weitere Reise, auf ein längeres Außenbleiben zu deuten schien.","The valet came in, and asked if they would be so good as to let him have a drinkingcup of his master's, a pair of silver spoons, and a number of other things, which seemed to Ottilie to imply that he was gone some dis tance, and would be away for a long time."
13,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_14.flac,00017-f000021,1.3125,Es war für Ottilien ein schrecklicher Augenblick.,It was a dreadful moment for Ottilie.
14,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_16.flac,00017-f000024,1.17391,Charlotte fühlte den Zustand mit und ließ sie allein.,"Charlotte felt for her situation, and left her to herself."
15,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_17.flac,00017-f000025,0.846,"Wir wagen nicht, ihren Schmerz, ihre Tränen zu schildern.","We will not attempt to describe what she went through, or how she wept."
16,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_18.flac,00017-f000027,0.55,Sie litt unendlich.,She prayed that God would help her only over this one day.
17,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_20.flac,00017-f000031,1.05,"Sie hatte sich nicht gefaßt, sich nicht ergeben, aber sie war nach so großem Verluste noch da und hatte noch mehr zu befürchten.","She was not resigned, but after having lost what she had lost, she was still alive, and there was still something for her to fear."
18,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_21.flac,00017-f000032,0.540566,"Ihre nächste Sorge, nachdem das Bewußtsein wiedergekehrt, war sogleich, sie möchte nun, nach Entfernung der Männer, gleichfalls entfernt werden.","Her anx iety, after returning to consciousness, was at once lest, now that the gentlemen were gone, she might be sent away too."
19,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_23.flac,00017-f000035,0.8935709999999999,"Diese suchte das gute Kind zu beschäftigen und ließ sie nur selten, nur ungern von sich; und ob sie gleich wohl wußte, daß man mit Worten nicht viel gegen eine entschiedene Leidenschaft zu wirken vermag, so kannte sie doch die Macht der Besonnenheit, des Bewußtseins, und brachte daher manches zwischen sich und Ottilien zur Sprache.","The lat ter exerted herself to find employment for the poor girl, and hardly ever never, if she could help it left her out of her sight; and although she knew well how little words can do against the power of passion, yet she knew, too, the sure though slow influence of thought and reflection, and therefore missed no opportunity of inducing Ottilie to talk with her on every variety of subject."
20,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_24.flac,00017-f000036,0.0693396,"So war es für diese ein großer Trost, als jene gelegentlich mit Bedacht und Vorsatz die weise Betrachtung anstellte:","It was no little comfort to Ottilie when one day Char lotte took an opportunity of making she did it on pur pose the wise observation, How keenly grateful people were to us when we were able by stilling and calming them to help them out of the entanglements of passion!"
21,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_25.flac,00017-f000036,0.0693396,"Wie lebhaft ist, sagte sie, die Dankbarkeit derjenigen, denen wir mit Ruhe über leidenschaftliche Verlegenheiten hinaushelfen!","<MERGE> It was no little comfort to Ottilie when one day Char lotte took an opportunity of making she did it on pur pose the wise observation, How keenly grateful people were to us when we were able by stilling and calming them to help them out of the entanglements of passion!"
22,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_26.flac,00017-f000037,0.59139,"Laß uns freudig und munter in das eingreifen, was die Männer unvollendet zurückgelassen haben; so bereiten wir uns die schönste Aussicht auf ihre Rückkehr, indem wir das, was ihr stürmendes, ungeduldiges Wesen zerstören möchte, durch unsre Mäßigung erhalten und fördern.","Let us set cheerfully to work, she said, at what the men have left incomplete : we shall be preparing the most charming surprise for them when they return to us, and our temperate proceedings will have carried through and executed what their impatient natures would have spoiled."
23,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_27.flac,00017-f000038,0.67806,"Da Sie von Mäßigung sprechen, liebe Tante, versetzte Ottilie, so kann ich nicht bergen, daß mir dabei die Unmäßigkeit der Männer, besonders was den Wein betrifft, einfällt.","Speaking of temperance, my dear aunt, I can not help saying how I am struck with the intemperance of men, particularly in respect of wine."
24,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_28.flac,00017-f000039,0.5426880000000001,"Wie oft hat es mich betrübt und geängstigt, wenn ich bemerken mußte, daß reiner Verstand, Klugheit, Schonung anderer, Anmut und Liebenswürdigkeit selbst für mehrere Stunden verlorengingen und oft statt alles des Guten, was ein trefflicher Mann hervorzubringen und zu gewähren vermag, Unheil und Verwirrung hereinzubrechen drohte!","It has often pained and Elective Affinities distressed me, when I have observed how, for hours to gether, clearness of understanding, judgment, consider ateness, and whatever is most amiable about them, will be utterly gone, and, instead of the good which they might have done if they had been themselves, most disagree able things sometimes threaten."
25,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_31.flac,00017-f000046,1.13816,"Durch alles dies vermehrte sich die Aufmerksamkeit Ottiliens auf jede Äußerung, jeden Wink, jede Handlung, jeden Schritt Charlottens.","It made her watch every expression of Charlotte's, every hint, every action, every step."
26,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_32.flac,00017-f000047,0.8360799999999999,"Ottilie war klug, scharfsinnig, argwöhnisch geworden, ohne es zu wissen.","Ottilie had become jealous, sharpeyed, and sus picious, without knowing it."
27,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_33.flac,00017-f000048,0.635472,"Charlotte durchdrang indessen das einzelne ihrer ganzen Umgebung mit scharfem Blick und wirkte darin mit ihrer klaren Gewandtheit, wobei sie Ottilien beständig teilzunehmen nötigte.","Meanwhile, Charlotte with her clear glance looked through the whole circumstances of their situation, and made arrangements which would provide, among other advantages, full employment for Ottilie."
28,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_34.flac,00017-f000049,0.463438,"Sie zog ihren Haushalt ohne Bänglichkeit ins Enge; ja, wenn sie alles genau betrachtete, so hielt sie den leidenschaftlichen Vorfall für eine Art von glücklicher Schickung.","She contracted her household, not parsimoniously, but into narrower di Elective Affinities mensions; and, indeed, in one point of view, these moral aberrations might be taken for a not unfortunate acci dent."
29,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_35.flac,00017-f000051,0.436299,"Denn auf dem bisherigen Wege wäre man leicht ins Grenzenlose geraten und hätte den schönen Zustand reichlicher Glücksgüter, ohne sich zeitig genug zu besinnen, durch ein vordringliches Leben und Treiben, wo nicht zerstört, doch erschüttert.",The improvements which were going on in the park she did not interfere with; she rather sought to advance what ever might form a basis for future operations.
30,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_36.flac,00017-f000052,0.919298,"Was von Parkanlagen im Gange war, störte sie nicht.","But here, too, she assigned herself a limit."
31,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_37.flac,00017-f000051,0.399107,"Sie ließ vielmehr dasjenige fortsetzen, was zum Grunde künftiger Ausbildung liegen mußte; aber dabei hatte es auch sein Bewenden.",The improvements which were going on in the park she did not interfere with; she rather sought to advance what ever might form a basis for future operations.
32,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_38.flac,00017-f000053,0.572308,Ihr zurückkehrender Gemahl sollte noch genug erfreuliche Beschäftigung finden.,Her husband on his return should still find abundance to amuse himself with.
33,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_39.flac,00017-f000054,1.0759999999999998,Bei diesen Arbeiten und Vorsätzen konnte sie nicht genug das Verfahren des Architekten loben.,In all this work she could not sufficiently value the assistance of the young architect.
34,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_40.flac,00017-f000055,0.853168,Der See lag in kurzer Zeit ausgebreitet vor ihren Augen und die neuentstandenen Ufer zierlich und mannigfaltig bepflanzt und beraset.,"In a short time the lake lay stretched out under her eyes, its new shores turfed and planted with the most discriminating and excellent judgment."
35,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_42.flac,00017-f000057,0.811979,"Dabei war sie ruhig und heiter; Ottilie schien es nur; denn in allem beobachtete sie nichts als Symptome, ob Eduard wohl bald erwartet werde oder nicht.","Everything which was necessary to pro tect it from the weather she took care to see provided, and there for the present she allowed it to rest in a con dition in which what remained to be done could here after be readily commenced again."
36,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_43.flac,00017-f000060,0.478,Nichts interessierte sie an allem als diese Betrachtung.,"She was only forever watching, in all that was said and done, for symptoms which might show her whether Edward would be soon Elective Affinities returning: and this one thought was the only one in which she felt any interest."
37,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_44.flac,00017-f000061,0.511111,"Willkommen war ihr daher eine Anstalt, zu der man die Bauerknaben versammelte und die darauf abzielte, den weitläufig gewordenen Park immer rein zu erhalten.","It was, therefore, a very welcome proposal to her when it was suggested that they should get together the boys of the peasants, and employ them in keeping the park clean and neat."
38,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_45.flac,00017-f000062,0.71039,Eduard hatte schon den Gedanken gehegt.,Edward had long entertained the idea.
39,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_46.flac,00017-f000063,0.6275,"Man ließ den Knaben eine Art von heiterer Montierung machen, die sie in den Abendstunden anzogen, nachdem sie sich durchaus gereinigt und gesäubert hatten.","A pleasantlooking sort of uniform was made for them, which they were to put on in the evenings, after they had been properly cleaned and washed."
40,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_48.flac,00017-f000066,0.589123,"Man fand an ihnen eine bequeme Dressur, und sie verrichteten ihr Geschäft nicht ohne eine Art von Manöver.",It was found easy to mold them into what was desired; and they.went through their work not without a sort of maneuvre.
41,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_50.flac,00017-f000069,0.8006880000000001,"Ottilie hingegen sah darin nur eine Art von Parade, welche den rückkehrenden Hausherrn bald begrüßen sollte.","Ottilie, on the other hand, could see nothing in it but a kind of parade, to salute the master of the house on his near return."
42,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_51.flac,00017-f000070,0.6782050000000001,"Dies gab ihr Mut und Lust, ihn mit etwas Ähnlichem zu empfangen.","And this stimulated her, and made her wish to begin something of the sort herself."
43,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_52.flac,00017-f000071,-0.046391800000000004,"Man hatte zeither die Mädchen des Dorfes im Nähen, Stricken, Spinnen und andern weiblichen Arbeiten zu ermuntern gesucht.","They had before endeav ored to encourage the girls of the village in knitting, and Elective Affinities sewing, and spinning, and whatever else women could do; and since what had been done for the improvement of the village itself, there had been a perceptible advance in these descriptions of industry."
44,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_53.flac,00017-f000071,-0.046391800000000004,Auch diese Tugenden hatten zugenommen seit jenen Anstalten zu Reinlichkeit und Schönheit des Dorfes.,"<MERGE> They had before endeav ored to encourage the girls of the village in knitting, and Elective Affinities sewing, and spinning, and whatever else women could do; and since what had been done for the improvement of the village itself, there had been a perceptible advance in these descriptions of industry."
45,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_54.flac,00017-f000072,0.241973,"Ottilie wirkte stets mit ein, aber mehr zufällig, nach Gelegenheit und Neigung.","Ottilie had given what as sistance was in her power, but she had given it at random, as opportunity or inclination prompted her; now she thought she would go to work more satisfactorily and methodically."
46,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_55.flac,00017-f000072,0.241973,Nun gedachte sie es vollständiger und folgerechter zu machen.,"<MERGE> Ottilie had given what as sistance was in her power, but she had given it at random, as opportunity or inclination prompted her; now she thought she would go to work more satisfactorily and methodically."
47,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_56.flac,00017-f000073,1.0375,Aber aus einer Anzahl Mädchen läßt sich kein Chor bilden wie aus einer Anzahl Knaben.,But a company is not to be formed out of a number of girls as easily as out of a number of boys.
48,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_57.flac,00017-f000074,0.792593,"Sie folgte ihrem guten Sinne, und ohne sichs ganz deutlich zu machen, suchte sie nichts, als einem jeden Mädchen Anhänglichkeit an sein Haus, seine Eltern und seine Geschwister einzuflößen.","She followed her own good sense, and, without being exactly conscious of it, her efforts were solely directed toward connecting every girl as closely as possible each with her own home, her own parents, brothers, and sis ters : and she succeeded with many of them."
49,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_58.flac,00017-f000074,0.222581,Das gelang ihr mit vielen.,"<MERGE> She followed her own good sense, and, without being exactly conscious of it, her efforts were solely directed toward connecting every girl as closely as possible each with her own home, her own parents, brothers, and sis ters : and she succeeded with many of them."
50,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_59.flac,00017-f000075,0.503478,"Nur über ein kleines, lebhaftes Mädchen wurde immer geklagt, daß sie ohne Geschick sei und im Hause nun ein für allemal nichts tun wolle.","One lively little creature only was incessantly complained of as show ing no capacity for work, and as never likely to do any thing if she were left at home."
51,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_60.flac,00017-f000076,-0.0645875,"Ottilie konnte dem Mädchen nicht feind sein, denn ihr war es besonders freundlich.","Ottilie could not be angry with the girl, for to herself the little thing was especially attached she clung to her, went after her, and ran about with her, whenever she was permitted and then she would be active and cheer ful and never tire."
52,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_61.flac,00017-f000076,-0.0645875,"Zu ihr zog es sich, mit ihr ging und lief es, wenn sie es erlaubte.","<MERGE> Ottilie could not be angry with the girl, for to herself the little thing was especially attached she clung to her, went after her, and ran about with her, whenever she was permitted and then she would be active and cheer ful and never tire."
53,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_62.flac,00017-f000076,-0.0645875,"Da war es tätig, munter und unermüdet.","<MERGE> Ottilie could not be angry with the girl, for to herself the little thing was especially attached she clung to her, went after her, and ran about with her, whenever she was permitted and then she would be active and cheer ful and never tire."
54,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_63.flac,00017-f000077,0.26818200000000003,Die Anhänglichkeit an eine schöne Herrin schien dem Kinde Bedürfnis zu sein.,It appeared to be a necessity of the child's nature to hang about a beautiful mistress.
55,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_64.flac,00017-f000078,0.934667,"Anfänglich duldete Ottilie die Begleitung des Kindes; dann faßte sie selbst Neigung zu ihm; endlich trennten sie sich nicht mehr, und Nanny begleitete ihre Herrin überallhin.","At first, Ottilie allowed her to be her companion; then she herself began to feel a sort of affection for her; and, at last, they never parted at all, and Nanny attended her mistress wherever she went."
56,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_65.flac,00017-f000079,0.384643,Diese nahm öfters den Weg nach dem Garten und freute sich über das schöne Gedeihen.,"The latter's footsteps were often bent toward the gar den, where she liked to watch the beautiful show of fruit."
57,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_66.flac,00017-f000080,0.409091,"Die Beeren und Kirschenzeit ging zu Ende, deren Spätlinge jedoch Nanny sich besonders schmecken ließ.","Elective Affinities It was just the end of the raspberry and cherry season, the few remains of which were no little delight to Nanny."
58,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_67.flac,00017-f000081,0.506912,"Bei dem übrigen Obste, das für den Herbst eine so reichliche Ernte versprach, gedachte der Gärtner beständig des Herrn und niemals, ohne ihn herbeizuwünschen.","On the other trees there was a promise of a magnificent bearing for the autumn, and the gardener talked of noth ing but his master; and how he wished that he might be at home to enjoy it."
59,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_68.flac,00017-f000082,0.885,Ottilie hörte dem guten alten Manne so gern zu.,Ottilie could listen to the good old man forever!
60,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_69.flac,00017-f000083,0.689098,"Er verstand sein Handwerk vollkommen und hörte nicht auf, ihr von Eduard vorzusprechen.",He thoroughly understood his business; and Edward Edward Edward was forever the theme of his praise !
61,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_70.flac,00017-f000084,0.6855760000000001,"Als Ottilie sich freute, daß die Pfropfreiser dieses Frühjahrs alle so gar schön gekommen, erwiderte der Gärtner bedenklich:",Ottilie observed how well all the grafts which had been budded in the spring had taken.
62,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_71.flac,00017-f000085,0.729396,"Ich wünsche nur, daß der gute Herr viel Freude daran erleben möge.","I only wish, the gardener answered, my good master may come to enjoy them."
63,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_72.flac,00017-f000086,0.642857,"Wäre er diesen Herbst hier, so würde er sehen, was für köstliche Sorten noch von seinem Herrn Vater her im alten Schloßgarten stehen.","If he were here this autumn, he would see what beautiful sorts there are in the old castle garden, which the late lord, his honored father, put there."
64,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_73.flac,00017-f000087,0.296104,"Die jetzigen Herren Obstgärtner sind nicht so zuverlässig, als sonst die Kartäuser waren.",I think the fruit gardeners that are now don't succeed as well as the Carthusians used to do.
65,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_75.flac,00017-f000088,0.00818966,"Man pfropft und erzieht und endlich, wenn sie Früchte tragen, so ist es nicht der Mühe wert, daß solche Bäume im Garten stehen.","We find many fine names in the catalogue, and then we bud from them, and bring up the shoots, and, at last, when they come to bear, it is not worth while to have such trees standing in our garden."
66,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_76.flac,00017-f000089,0.116379,"Am wiederholtesten aber fragte der treue Diener, fast so oft er Ottilien sah, nach der Rückkunft des Herrn und nach dem Termin derselben.","Over and over again, whenever the faithful old servant saw Ottilie, he asked when his master might be expected home; and when Ottilie had nothing to tell him, he would look vexed, and let her see in his manner that he thought she did not care to tell him : the sense of uncertainty which was thus forced upon her became painful beyond measure, and yet she could never be absent from these beds and borders."
67,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_77.flac,00017-f000089,0.24491,"Und wenn Ottilie ihn nicht angeben konnte, so ließ ihr der gute Mann nicht ohne stille Betrübnis merken, daß er glaube, sie vertraue ihm nicht, und peinlich war ihr das Gefühl der Unwissenheit, das ihr auf diese Weise recht aufgedrungen ward.","Over and over again, whenever the faithful old servant saw Ottilie, he asked when his master might be expected home; and when Ottilie had nothing to tell him, he would look vexed, and let her see in his manner that he thought she did not care to tell him : the sense of uncertainty which was thus forced upon her became painful beyond measure, and yet she could never be absent from these beds and borders."
68,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_78.flac,00017-f000089,0.24491,Doch konnte sie sich von diesen Rabatten und Beeten nicht trennen.,"<MERGE> Over and over again, whenever the faithful old servant saw Ottilie, he asked when his master might be expected home; and when Ottilie had nothing to tell him, he would look vexed, and let her see in his manner that he thought she did not care to tell him : the sense of uncertainty which was thus forced upon her became painful beyond measure, and yet she could never be absent from these beds and borders."
69,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_79.flac,00017-f000091,0.494039,"Was sie zusammen zum Teil gesäet, alles gepflanzt hatten, stand nun im völligen Flor; kaum bedurfte es noch einer Pflege, außer daß Nanny immer zum Gießen bereit war.","Into real open, hearty understanding with Charlotte, there was no more a chance of her being able to return; for, indeed, the position of these two ladies was very dif ferent."
70,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_80.flac,00017-f000092,0.639706,"Mit welchen Empfindungen betrachtete Ottilie die späteren Blumen, die sich erst anzeigten, deren Glanz und Fülle dereinst an Eduards Geburtstag, dessen Feier sie sich manchmal versprach, prangen, ihre Neigung und Dankbarkeit ausdrücken sollten!","If things could remain in their old state if it were possible that they could return again into the smooth, even way of calm, ordered life, Charlotte gained every thing; she gained happiness for the present, and a happy future opened before her."
71,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_81.flac,00017-f000091,0.10831500000000001,"Doch war die Hoffnung, dieses Fest zu sehen, nicht immer gleich lebendig.","Into real open, hearty understanding with Charlotte, there was no more a chance of her being able to return; for, indeed, the position of these two ladies was very dif ferent."
72,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_82.flac,00017-f000091,0.10831500000000001,Zweifel und Sorgen umflüsterten stets die Seele des guten Mädchens.,"<MERGE> Into real open, hearty understanding with Charlotte, there was no more a chance of her being able to return; for, indeed, the position of these two ladies was very dif ferent."
73,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_83.flac,00017-f000092,0.209536,"Zu einer eigentlichen, offnen Übereinstimmung mit Charlotten konnte es auch wohl nicht wieder gebracht werden.","If things could remain in their old state if it were possible that they could return again into the smooth, even way of calm, ordered life, Charlotte gained every thing; she gained happiness for the present, and a happy future opened before her."
74,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_84.flac,00017-f000092,0.209536,Denn freilich war der Zustand beider Frauen sehr verschieden.,"<MERGE> If things could remain in their old state if it were possible that they could return again into the smooth, even way of calm, ordered life, Charlotte gained every thing; she gained happiness for the present, and a happy future opened before her."
75,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_85.flac,00017-f000093,0.440594,"Wenn alles beim alten blieb, wenn man in das Gleis des gesetzmäßigen Lebens zurückkehrte, gewann Charlotte an gegenwärtigem Glück, und eine frohe Aussicht in die Zukunft öffnete sich ihr; Ottilie hingegen verlor alles, man kann wohl sagen alles; denn sie hatte zuerst Leben und Freude in Eduard gefunden, und in dem gegenwärtigen Zustande fühlte sie eine unendliche Leere, wovon sie früher kaum etwas geahnet hatte. Denn ein Herz, das sucht, fühlt wohl, daß ihm etwas mangle; ein Herz, das verloren hat, fühlt, daß es entbehre.","On the other hand, for Ot tilie all was lost one may say, all; for she had first found in Edward what life and happiness meant; and, in her present position she felt an infinite and dreary chasm of which before she could have formed no conception."
76,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_86.flac,00017-f000094,0.677713,"Sehnsucht verwandelt sich in Unmut und Ungeduld, und ein weibliches Gemüt, zum Erwarten und Abwarten gewöhnt, möchte nun aus seinem Kreise herausschreiten, tätig werden, unternehmen und auch etwas für sein Glück tun.","A heart which seeks feels well that it wants something; a heart which has lost feels that something is gone its yearning and its longing change into uneasy impatience and a woman's spirit, which is accustomed to waiting and to enduring, must now pass out from its proper sphere; become active, and attempt and do something to make its own hapoiness."
77,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_87.flac,00017-f000095,0.212418,Ottilie hatte Eduarden nicht entsagt.,"Elective Affinities Ottilie had not given up Edward how could she? although Charlotte, wisely enough, in spite of her convic tion to the contrary, assumed it as a thing of course, and resolutely took it as decided that a quiet rational regard was possible between her husband and Ottilie."
78,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_88.flac,00017-f000095,0.212418,"Wie konnte sie es auch, obgleich Charlotte klug genug, gegen ihre eigne Überzeugung die Sache für bekannt annahm und als entschieden voraussetzte, daß ein freundschaftliches, ruhiges Verhältnis zwischen ihrem Gatten und Ottilien möglich sei.","<MERGE> Elective Affinities Ottilie had not given up Edward how could she? although Charlotte, wisely enough, in spite of her convic tion to the contrary, assumed it as a thing of course, and resolutely took it as decided that a quiet rational regard was possible between her husband and Ottilie."
79,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_89.flac,00017-f000096,0.8435530000000001,"Wie oft aber lag diese nachts, wenn sie sich eingeschlossen, auf den Knieen vor dem eröffneten Koffer und betrachtete die Geburtstagsgeschenke, von denen sie noch nichts gebraucht, nichts zerschnitten, nichts gefertigt.","How often, however, did not Ottilie remain at nights, after bolting herself into her room, on her knees before the open box, gazing at the birthday presents, of which as yet she had not touched a single thing not cut out or made up a single dress!"
80,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_90.flac,00017-f000097,0.9523790000000001,"Wie oft eilte das gute Mädchen mit Sonnenaufgang aus dem Hause, in dem sie sonst alle ihre Glückseligkeit gefunden hatte, ins Freie hinaus, in die Gegend, die sie sonst nicht ansprach.","How often with the sunrise did the poor girl hurry out of the house, in which she once had found all her happiness, away into the free air, into the country which then had had no charms for her!"
81,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_91.flac,00017-f000098,0.08448530000000001,Auch auf dem Boden mochte sie nicht verweilen.,"Even on the solid earth she could not bear to stay; she would spring into the boat, and row out into the middle of the lake, and there, drawing out some book of travels, lie rocked by the motion of the waves, reading and dream ing that she was far away, where she would never fail to find her friend she remaining ever nearest to his heart, and he to hers."
82,108.wahlverwandtschaften_0902_librivox_64kb_mp3,1.17_92.flac,00017-f000098,0.08448530000000001,"Sie sprang in den Kahn und ruderte sich bis mitten in den See; dann zog sie eine Reisebeschreibung hervor, ließ sich von den bewegten Wellen schaukeln, las, träumte sich in die Fremde, und immer fand sie dort ihren Freund; seinem Herzen war sie noch immer nahe geblieben, er dem ihrigen.","<MERGE> Even on the solid earth she could not bear to stay; she would spring into the boat, and row out into the middle of the lake, and there, drawing out some book of travels, lie rocked by the motion of the waves, reading and dream ing that she was far away, where she would never fail to find her friend she remaining ever nearest to his heart, and he to hers."