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0,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_0.flac,00047-f000001,0.0428571,Am 18. Januar.,XLVII.
1,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_1.flac,00047-f000002,0.228,Ich erwarte den Tag mit einer ganz eigenthümlichen Angst!,JANUARY th.After this excitement I awaited the approach of day with a strange anxiety.
2,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_2.flac,00047-f000002,0.228,Was wird Hobbart sagen?,<MERGE> JANUARY th.After this excitement I awaited the approach of day with a strange anxiety.
3,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_3.flac,00047-f000003,-0.09044680000000001,"Mir scheint, er habe ein Recht dazu, mich zu denunciren!",My conscience told me that Hobart had the right to denounce me in the presence of all my fellow passengers; yet my alarm was vain.
4,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_5.flac,00047-f000003,-0.09044680000000001,Das ist absurd.,<MERGE> My conscience told me that Hobart had the right to denounce me in the presence of all my fellow passengers; yet my alarm was vain.
5,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_6.flac,00047-f000004,0.5845279999999999,"Wenn ich das Vorgefallene erzählen wollte, wenn ich sagte, wie gut Hobbart lebte, während uns der Hungertod angrinste, wie er sich so lange Tage ohne unser Wissen genährt hat, seine Gefährten würden ihn ohne Erbarmen zerfleischen.","The idea of my proceedings being exposed by him was quite absurd; in a moment he would himself be murdered without pity by the crew, if it should be revealed that, unknown to them, he had been living on some private store which, by clandestine cunning, he had reserved."
6,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_7.flac,00047-f000005,0.841463,"Und doch. ich wünschte, es wäre erst heller Tag.","But, in spite of my anxiety, I had a longing for day to come."
7,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_8.flac,00047-f000006,0.358298,"Augenblicklich ist mein hungriger Magen befriedigt worden, trotzdem, daß das Stückchen Speck nur klein, nur ein Bissen, der letzte war, wie der Unglückliche sagte.","The bit of food that I had thus stolen was very small; but small as it was it had alleviated my hunger, and I was now tortured with remorse, because I had not shared the meagre morsel with my fellowsufferers."
8,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_9.flac,00047-f000006,0.900575,"Indessen, ich leide jetzt nicht mehr, und doch, ich gestehe es offen, mache ich mir fast Vorwürfe, den erbärmlichen Rest nicht mit meinen Unglücksgefährten getheilt zu haben.","The bit of food that I had thus stolen was very small; but small as it was it had alleviated my hunger, and I was now tortured with remorse, because I had not shared the meagre morsel with my fellowsufferers."
9,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_10.flac,00047-f000007,0.673171,"Ich hätte an Miß Herbey, an André, an seinen Vater denken sollen. und ich habe nur an mich gedacht!","Miss Herbey, Andre, his father, all had been forgotten, and from the bottom of my heart I repented of my cruel selfishness."
10,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_11.flac,00047-f000009,0.4736260000000001,"Der Mond steigt langsam nieder, und bald folgt ihm das erste Morgenlicht.","There is no twilight in these low latitudes, and the full daylight came well nigh at once."
11,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_12.flac,00047-f000010,0.305556,"Schnell wird es Tag werden, denn wir befinden uns unter jenen niedrigen Breiten, die weder Morgen noch Abenddämmerung kennen.","I had not closed my eyes since my encounter with the steward, and ever since the first blush of day I had laboured under the impression that I could see some unusual dark mass half way up the mast."
12,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_13.flac,00047-f000010,0.806557,"Ich habe kein Auge zuthun können; sobald es einigermaßen hell wird, scheint es mir, als schwanke eine unförmliche Masse in halber Höhe am Maste.","I had not closed my eyes since my encounter with the steward, and ever since the first blush of day I had laboured under the impression that I could see some unusual dark mass half way up the mast."
13,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_14.flac,00047-f000011,0.13276400000000002,Was mag das sein?,"But although it again and again caught my eye, it hardly roused my curiosity, and I did not rise from the bundle of sails on which I was lying to ascertain what it really was."
14,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_15.flac,00047-f000012,0.479887,Noch vermag ich es nicht zu erkennen und verbleibe ausgestreckt auf meinem Segelbündel.,"But no sooner did the rays of the sun fall full upon it than I saw at once that it was the body of a man, attached to a rope, and swinging to and fro with the motion of the raft."
15,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_16.flac,00047-f000012,0.624444,"Doch endlich streifen die ersten Sonnenstrahlen über das Meer, und bald sehe ich einen Körper, der an einem Stricke hängt und den Bewegungen des Flosses folgt.","But no sooner did the rays of the sun fall full upon it than I saw at once that it was the body of a man, attached to a rope, and swinging to and fro with the motion of the raft."
16,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_17.flac,00047-f000014,0.757429,Eine schreckliche Ahnung überschleicht mich fröstelnd und ich nähere mich dem Maste.,I could not for a moment; doubt that it was I myself that had impelled him to the suicide.
17,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_18.flac,00047-f000015,0.4727270000000001,"Es ist ein Erhängter; und dieser Erhängte ist der Steward Hobbart, dieser Unglückliche, und ich, ja ich, habe ihn zum Selbstmorde getrieben!","A cry of horror had scarcely escaped my lips, when my fellowpassengers were at my side, and the rope was cut."
18,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_19.flac,00047-f000016,0.09,Ich stoße einen Schreckensschrei aus.,Then came the sailors.
19,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_20.flac,00047-f000017,0.27931,"Meine Gefährten erheben sich, sehen einen Körper und stürzen auf ihn zu.",And what was it that made the group gather so eagerly around the body?
20,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_21.flac,00047-f000018,0.272222,"Ob noch ein Fünkchen Leben in ihm schlummere, darnach fragt Niemand!",Was it a humane desire to see whether any spark of life remained?
21,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_22.flac,00047-f000019,0.397727,"Uebrigens, Hobbart ist wirklich todt und sein Körper schon erkaltet.","No, indeed; the corpse was cold, and the limbs were rigid; there was no chance that animation should be restored."
22,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_23.flac,00047-f000020,0.273333,In einem Augenblicke wird der Strick zerschnitten.,What then was it that kept them lingering so close around?
23,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_24.flac,00047-f000021,0.201163,"Der Hochbootsmann, Daoulas, Jynxtrop, Falsten, noch Andere sind bei der Hand, fallen über den Leichnam her.",It was only too apparent what they were about to do.
24,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_26.flac,00047-f000022,0.272727,Ich habe nichts gesehen!,"<MERGE> But I did not, could not, look."
25,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_27.flac,00047-f000023,0.408547,Ich habe nichts sehen wollen ich nehme keinen Antheil an dieser entsetzlichen Mahlzeit!,I refused to take part in the horrible repast that was proposed.
26,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_28.flac,00047-f000024,0.413636,"Weder Miß Herbey, noch André Letourneur oder sein Vater haben eine Erleichterung ihrer Leiden mit diesem Preise bezahlen wollen!","Neither would Miss Herbey, Andre nor his father, consent to alleviate their pangs of hunger by such revolting means."
27,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_29.flac,00047-f000024,0.13181800000000002,Robert Kurtis?,"<MERGE> Neither would Miss Herbey, Andre nor his father, consent to alleviate their pangs of hunger by such revolting means."
28,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_32.flac,00047-f000025,-0.10398099999999999,es ist schrecklich!,"I know nothing for certain as to what Curtis did, and I did not venture to inquire; but of the others, Falsten, Dowlas, the boatswain, and all the rest,I know that, to assuage their cravings, they consented to reduce themselves to the level of beasts of prey; they were transformed from human beings into ravenous brutes."
29,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_33.flac,00047-f000025,-0.10398099999999999,"Die Herren Letourneur, Miß Herbey und ich, wir haben uns unter das Zelt verkrochen, um nichts mit ansehen zu müssen!","<MERGE> I know nothing for certain as to what Curtis did, and I did not venture to inquire; but of the others, Falsten, Dowlas, the boatswain, and all the rest,I know that, to assuage their cravings, they consented to reduce themselves to the level of beasts of prey; they were transformed from human beings into ravenous brutes."
30,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_34.flac,00047-f000025,-0.10398099999999999,"Es war schon mehr als zu viel, was wir hörten!","<MERGE> I know nothing for certain as to what Curtis did, and I did not venture to inquire; but of the others, Falsten, Dowlas, the boatswain, and all the rest,I know that, to assuage their cravings, they consented to reduce themselves to the level of beasts of prey; they were transformed from human beings into ravenous brutes."
31,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_35.flac,00047-f000027,0.677771,"André Letourneur wollte sich auf die Kannibalen stürzen und ihnen die grauenvollen Ueberreste entreißen, so daß ich Noth hatte, ihn davon zurückzuhalten.","But, in truth, I had the greatest difficulty in the world in preventing Andre from rushing out upon the cannibals, and snatching the odious food from their clutches."
32,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_36.flac,00047-f000027,0.06224490000000001,"Und übrigens, es war ja ihr Recht, das Recht der Unglücklichen!","But, in truth, I had the greatest difficulty in the world in preventing Andre from rushing out upon the cannibals, and snatching the odious food from their clutches."
33,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_37.flac,00047-f000027,0.06224490000000001,Hobbart ist ja todt; sie haben ihn nicht gemordet!,"<MERGE> But, in truth, I had the greatest difficulty in the world in preventing Andre from rushing out upon the cannibals, and snatching the odious food from their clutches."
34,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_38.flac,00047-f000028,0.521053,"Und wie eines Tages der Hochbootsmann sagte, es ist besser, von einem Todten zu essen, als von einem Lebendigen!","I represented to him the hopelessness of his attempt, and tried to reconcile him by telling him that if they liked the food they had a right to it."
35,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_39.flac,00047-f000029,0.522285,"Wer weiß aber, ob dieser Auftritt nicht die Einleitung zu noch schrecklicheren sein wird, welche das Floß mit Blut besudeln könnten!","Hobart had not been murdered; he had died by his own hand; and, after all, as the boatswain had once remarked to me, it was better to eat a dead man than a live one."
36,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_40.flac,00047-f000030,0.8059270000000001,"Ich theile André Letourneur meine Gedanken mit, aber ich vermochte das Entsetzen nicht zu unterdrücken, das bei ihm seinen Höhepunkt erreicht und alle seine Qualen verstummen läßt.","Do what I would, however, I could not quiet Andre's feeling of abhorrence; in his disgust and loathing he seemed for the time to have quite forgotten his own sufferings."
37,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_41.flac,00047-f000031,0.15,"Indeß, man bedenke, wir sterben vor Hunger, und acht unserer Gefährten können nun diesem grausamen Tode vielleicht entgehen!","Meanwhile, there was no concealing the truth that we were ourselves dying of starvation, whilst our eight companions would probably, by their loathsome diet, escape that frightful destiny."
38,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_42.flac,00047-f000032,0.115945,"Hobbart war, Dank seinen versteckten Vorräthen, der Wohlgenährteste von uns.","Owing to his secret hoard of provisions Hobart had been by far the strongest amongst us; he had been supported, so that no organic disease had affected his tissues, and really might be said to be in good health when his chagrin drove him to his desperate suicide."
39,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_43.flac,00047-f000033,0.292437,"Keine organische Krankheit hat sein Körpergewebe verändert, in voller Gesundheit ist er durch einen Gewaltstreich aus dem Leben geschieden!",whither were my meditations carrying me away? was it not coming to pass that the cannibals were rousing my envy instead of exciting my horror?
40,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_44.flac,00047-f000033,0.628063,Doch zu welcher entsetzlichen Schlußfolgerung läßt sich mein Geist hinreißen?,whither were my meditations carrying me away? was it not coming to pass that the cannibals were rousing my envy instead of exciting my horror?
41,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_45.flac,00047-f000034,-0.11772200000000001,Wohin gerathe ich?,"Very shortly after this I heard Dowlas talking about the possibility of obtaining salt by evaporating seawater in the sun; and then, he added, we can salt down the rest."
42,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_46.flac,00047-f000034,-0.11772200000000001,Flößen mir jene Kannibalen jetzt mehr Vergnügen oder mehr Abscheu ein?,"<MERGE> Very shortly after this I heard Dowlas talking about the possibility of obtaining salt by evaporating seawater in the sun; and then, he added, we can salt down the rest."
43,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_47.flac,00047-f000035,-0.00185185,In diesem Augenblicke erhebt einer derselben seine Stimme.,"The boatswain assented to what the carpenter had said, and probably the suggestion was adopted."
44,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_48.flac,00047-f000035,-0.00185185,"Es ist Daoulas, der Zimmermann.","<MERGE> The boatswain assented to what the carpenter had said, and probably the suggestion was adopted."
45,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_49.flac,00047-f000036,0.234783,"Er spricht davon, Meerwasser zu verdampfen, um Salz zu gewinnen.","Silence, the most profound, now reigns upon the raft."
46,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_50.flac,00047-f000037,0.609649,"Und das Übrigbleibende salzen wir ein, sagt er.",I presume that nearly all have gone to sleep.
47,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_51.flac,00047-f000038,0.282558,"Ja, antwortet der Hochbootsmann.","One thing I do know, that they are no longer hungry!"
48,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00047-chancellor_52.flac,00047-f000038,0.282558,Dann wird es still.,"<MERGE> One thing I do know, that they are no longer hungry!"