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0,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_2.flac,00013-f000002,0.633478,"Der Chancellor hat es aufgeben müssen, dagegen anzukämpfen, und trotzdem er jetzt mit dem Winde und den Wellen geht, wird er doch ganz außerordentlich umhergeworfen.","OCTOBER th to th.For the last five days the sea has been very heavy, and although the Chancellor sails with wind and wave in her favour, yet her progress is considerably impeded."
1,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_3.flac,00013-f000003,0.16087,Bei dieser Fahrt auf einem Brander ist uns auch kein Augenblick der Ruhe gegönnt.,Here on board this veritable fireship I cannot help contemplating with a longing eye this vast ocean that surrounds us.
2,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_4.flac,00013-f000004,0.493939,"Man betrachtet das Wasser, welches das Schiff umgiebt und anzuziehen scheint, fast mit Vergnügen.",The water supply should be all we need.
3,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_5.flac,00013-f000004,0.29697,"Warum aber, habe ich zu Robert Kurtis gesagt, wollen Sie das Verdeck nicht öffnen?",The water supply should be all we need.
4,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_6.flac,00013-f000007,0.513158,Warum keine Tonnen mit Wasser in den Kielraum eingießen?,Why not admit the water by tons into the hold?
5,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_7.flac,00013-f000008,0.365,"Und wenn das Schiff damit angefüllt würde, was thäte das?",What could be the harm?
6,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_8.flac,00013-f000009,1.69155,"Wenn das Feuer gelöscht ist, werden die Pumpen das Wasser ja leicht wieder entfernen.",The fire would be quenched; and what would be easier than to pump the water out again?
7,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_9.flac,00013-f000010,0.67,"Mr. Kazallon, antwortet mir Robert Kurtis, ich habe Ihnen schon gesagt und wiederhole es Ihnen, wenn wir der Luft einen auch noch so geringen Zutritt gestatten, so wird das Feuer sich sofort durch das ganze Schiff verbreiten und die Flammen werden dasselbe vom Kiel bis zu den Mastspitzen ergreifen.","I have already told you, Mr. Kazallon, said Curtis, that the very moment we admit the air, the flames will rush forth to the very top of the masts."
8,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_10.flac,00013-f000011,0.6681819999999999,"Wir sind zur Untäthigkeit verurtheilt und befinden uns unter Verhältnissen, in denen man den Muth haben muß, Nichts zu thun!.Ja!",No; we must have courage and patience; we must wait.
9,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_11.flac,00013-f000012,0.590613,"Jede Oeffnung hermetisch verschließen, das ist noch immer das einzige Mittel, die Feuersbrunst zu bekämpfen, und das vernachlässigt auch die Mannschaft nicht.","There is nothing whatever to be done, except to close every aperture."
10,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_12.flac,00013-f000013,0.8819879999999999,"Inzwischen schreitet das Feuer unablässig fort, und vielleicht schneller, als wir es annehmen.",The fire continued to progress even more rapidly than we had hitherto suspected.
11,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_13.flac,00013-f000014,0.771287,"Nach und nach ist die Hitze so unleidlich geworden, daß die Passagiere haben auf das Verdeck flüchten müssen und nur die Cabinen im Hintertheil, welche die größeren Fenster im Spiegel haben, sind noch einigermaßen bewohnbar.","The heat gradually drove the passengers nearly all, on deck, and the two stern cabins, lighted, as I said, by their windows in the aftboard were the only quarters below that were inhabitable."
12,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_14.flac,00013-f000015,0.09150939999999999,Die eine derselben verläßt die Mrs.,"Of these Mrs. Kear occupied one, and Curtis reserved the other for Ruby, who, a raving maniac, had to be kept rigidly under restraint."
13,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_15.flac,00013-f000015,0.09150939999999999,"Kear niemals, die andere hat Robert Kurtis für den Kaufmann Ruby in Beschlag genommen.","<MERGE> Of these Mrs. Kear occupied one, and Curtis reserved the other for Ruby, who, a raving maniac, had to be kept rigidly under restraint."
14,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_16.flac,00013-f000016,0.25698499999999996,"Ich habe den Unglücklichen mehrmals besucht; er ist vollkommen närrisch geworden und muß gefesselt gehalten werden, um ihn am Zertrümmern der Thür zu hindern.","I went down occasionally to see him, but invariably found him in a state of abject terror, uttering horrible shrieks, as though possessed with the idea that he was being scorched by the most excruciating heat."
15,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_17.flac,00013-f000016,0.25698499999999996,Sonderbar!,"<MERGE> I went down occasionally to see him, but invariably found him in a state of abject terror, uttering horrible shrieks, as though possessed with the idea that he was being scorched by the most excruciating heat."
16,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_19.flac,00013-f000018,0.512019,"Wiederholt habe ich auch dem ExKapitän einen Besuch abgestattet, und fand in ihm einen ruhigen Mann, der ganz vernünftig spricht, nur nicht über sein Geschäft.",He was always calm and spoke quite rationally upon any subject except his own profession; but in connexion with that he prated away the merest nonsense.
17,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_21.flac,00013-f000019,0.755862,"Ich erbiete mich, ihn zu pflegen, denn er leidet offenbar; doch er weist es ab, und will seine Cabine auf keinen Fall verlassen.","He suffered greatly, but steadily declined all my offers of attention, and pertinaciously refused to leave his cabin."
18,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_22.flac,00013-f000020,0.647938,"Heute ist der wachthabende Matrose durch den scharfen und ekeln Rauch, der durch die Fensterritzen dringt, von der gewohnten Stelle vertrieben worden.","Today, an acrid, nauseating smoke made its way through the panellings that partition off the quarters of the crew."
19,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_23.flac,00013-f000021,0.5304,"Es steht fest, daß die Feuersbrunst nach dieser Seite fortschreitet, und wenn man das Ohr an die Zwischenwände legt, hört man ein dumpfes Prasseln.","At once Curtis ordered the partition to be enveloped in wet tarpaulin, but the fumes penetrated even this, and filled the whole neighbourhood of the ship's bows with a reeking vapour that was positively stifling."
20,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_24.flac,00013-f000017,0.610833,Woher nimmt dieses Feuer die Luft zum Brennen?,"Once or twice, too, I looked in upon the excaptain."
21,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_27.flac,00013-f000023,0.8842,"Vielleicht handelt es sich nur noch um wenige Tage, vielleicht nur um Stunden, und zum Unglück geht das Meer so hoch, daß man an eine Einschiffung in die Boote gar nicht denken kann.","Only too certainly, it was now becoming a question not of days nor even of hours before we must be prepared for the final catastrophe."
22,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_28.flac,00013-f000024,0.320896,Auf Befehl Robert Kurtis' ist die Zwischenwand nach den Schlafräumen der Mannschaften mit einem nassen Segel belegt worden.,"The sea was still running high, and escape by the boats was plainly impossible."
23,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_29.flac,00013-f000020,0.436245,"Trotz alledem verbreitet sich der Rauch bei einer feuchten und heißen Temperatur, welche die Luft fast unathembar macht.","Today, an acrid, nauseating smoke made its way through the panellings that partition off the quarters of the crew."
24,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_30.flac,00013-f000021,0.581555,"Zum Glück sind der große und der Besanmast aus Eisen, sonst wären die unteren Theile derselben gewiß schon durchgebrannt, und sie selbst niedergestürzt, wir aber rettungslos verloren.","At once Curtis ordered the partition to be enveloped in wet tarpaulin, but the fumes penetrated even this, and filled the whole neighbourhood of the ship's bows with a reeking vapour that was positively stifling."
25,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_31.flac,00013-f000022,0.818203,"Robert Kurtis läßt so viel Segel als möglich beisetzen, und der Chancellor läuft bei dem auffrischenden Nordostwinde mit großer Schnelligkeit.","As we listened, too, we could hear a dull rumbling sound, but we were as mystified as ever to comprehend where the air could have entered that was evidently fanning the flames."
26,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_32.flac,00013-f000026,0.683804,"Schon sind seit Ausbruch des Feuers vierzehn Tage vergangen, immer hat dasselbe zugenommen, da wir nicht im Stande waren, es zu beschränken.","It is now a fortnight since the fire was first discovered, and the proper working of the ship has gradually become a more and more difficult matter."
27,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_33.flac,00013-f000024,0.82,Der Dienst an Bord wird allmälig sehr beschwerlich.,"The sea was still running high, and escape by the boats was plainly impossible."
28,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_34.flac,00013-f000025,0.45051,"Auf dem Oberdeck, dessen Fußboden mit dem Kielraum nicht in unmittelbarer Verbindung steht, kann man wohl noch einher gehen, auf dem Verdeck bis zum Vorderkastell ist das aber, selbst mit starken Schuhen, fast unmöglich geworden.","Fortunately, as I have said, the mainmast and the mizen are of iron; otherwise the heat at their base would long ago have brought them down and our chances of safety would have been much imperilled; but by crowding on sail the Chancellor in the full northeast wind continued to make her way with undiminished speed."
29,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_35.flac,00013-f000026,0.384935,"Das Wasser reicht nicht mehr hin, die Bretter abzukühlen, an denen die Flammen lecken und die sich auf ihren Balken krümmen.","It is now a fortnight since the fire was first discovered, and the proper working of the ship has gradually become a more and more difficult matter."
30,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_36.flac,00013-f000027,0.355195,"Das Harz des Holzes schwitzt um die Aststellen aus, die Fugen öffnen sich und der durch die Hitze geschmolzene Theer läuft in wunderbaren Windungen, je nach der Bewegung des Schiffes, überall umher.","Even with thick shoes any attempt to walk upon deck up to the forecastle was soon impracticable, and the poop, simply because its door is elevated somewhat above the level of the hold, is now the only available standingplace."
31,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_37.flac,00013-f000028,0.00260062,"Um das Unheil voll zu machen, springt der Wind plötzlich nach Nordosten um, und weht mit aller Kraft.","Water began to lose its effect upon the scorched and shrivelling planks; the resin oozed out from the knots in the wood, the seams burst open, and the tar, melted by the heat, followed the rollings of the vessel, and formed fantastic patterns about the deck."
32,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_38.flac,00013-f000029,0.393564,"Es erhebt sich ein wahrhafter Orkan, wie sie in jenen Gegenden nicht selten sind, und verschlägt uns von den Antillen, nach denen wir steuern.","Then to complete our perplexity, the wind shifted suddenly round to the northwest, whence it blew a perfect hurricane."
33,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_39.flac,00013-f000030,1.0241200000000001,"Robert Kurtis will erst beizulegen suchen, das Wasser wird aber so schwer, daß der Chancellor seinem Andrängen von der Seite nicht zu widerstehen vermag.","To no purpose did Curtis do everything in his power to bring the ship ahull; every effort was vain; the Chancellor could not bear her trysail, so there was nothing to be done but to let her go with the wind, and drift further and further from the land for which we are longing so eagerly."
34,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_40.flac,00013-f000031,-0.0131579,Am 29. erreicht der Sturm seine größte Heftigkeit.,"Today, the th, the tempest seemed to reach its height; the waves appeared to us mountains high, and dashed the spray most violently across the deck."
35,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_41.flac,00013-f000031,-0.0131579,In wilder Empörung schäumt der Ocean und die Wellen fluthen über den Chancellor.,"<MERGE> Today, the th, the tempest seemed to reach its height; the waves appeared to us mountains high, and dashed the spray most violently across the deck."
36,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_42.flac,00013-f000032,0.373077,Ein jetzt in's Meer gelassenes Boot müßte sofort umschlagen und sinken.,A boat could not live for a moment in such a sea.
37,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_43.flac,00013-f000032,0.4769229999999999,"Wir haben uns, die Einen auf das Oberdeck, die Anderen auf das Vorderkastell geflüchtet.",A boat could not live for a moment in such a sea.
38,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_44.flac,00013-f000033,0.272727,Keiner spricht ein Wort.,Our situation is terrible.
39,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_48.flac,00013-f000034,0.857576,Ich glaube hiermit die Gedanken aller Uebrigen auszusprechen.,"We all wait in silence, some few on the forecastle, the great proportion of us on the poop."
40,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_49.flac,00013-f000035,0.449489,"Wenn dem Menschen eine Gefahr lange Zeit droht, so wünscht er sie endlich wohl herbei, denn die Erwartung einer unvermeidlichen Katastrophe ist stets schlimmer als die Wirklichkeit selbst.","As for the picrate, for the time we have quite forgotten its existence; indeed it might almost seem as though its explosion would come as a relief, for no catastrophe, however terrible, could far exceed the torture of our suspense."
41,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_50.flac,00013-f000036,-0.00338195,"So lange es noch Zeit war, hat Kapitän Kurtis eine gewisse Menge Nahrungsmittel aus der Kombüse, welche man jetzt nicht mehr betreten könnte, herausschaffen lassen.","While he had still the remaining chance, Curtis rescued from the storeroom such few provisions as the heat of the compartment allowed him to obtain; and a lot of cases of salt meat and biscuits, a cask of brandy, some barrels of fresh water, together with some sails and wraps, a compass and other instruments are now lying packed in a mass all ready for prompt removal to the boats whenever we shall be obliged to leave the ship."
42,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_51.flac,00013-f000036,-0.00338195,Schon hat die Hitze viel davon verdorben.,"<MERGE> While he had still the remaining chance, Curtis rescued from the storeroom such few provisions as the heat of the compartment allowed him to obtain; and a lot of cases of salt meat and biscuits, a cask of brandy, some barrels of fresh water, together with some sails and wraps, a compass and other instruments are now lying packed in a mass all ready for prompt removal to the boats whenever we shall be obliged to leave the ship."
43,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_52.flac,00013-f000036,0.60814,"Doch sind einige Fässer Salzfleisch und Schiffszwieback, ein Tönnchen Branntwein und einige Behälter mit Wasser auf dem Verdeck untergebracht worden, denen man etwas an Decken, Instrumenten, eine Bussole und Segelleinwand hinzufügt, um im Falle der Noth das Fahrzeug unverweilt verlassen zu können.","While he had still the remaining chance, Curtis rescued from the storeroom such few provisions as the heat of the compartment allowed him to obtain; and a lot of cases of salt meat and biscuits, a cask of brandy, some barrels of fresh water, together with some sails and wraps, a compass and other instruments are now lying packed in a mass all ready for prompt removal to the boats whenever we shall be obliged to leave the ship."
44,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_53.flac,00013-f000037,0.455952,Um acht Uhr Abends hören wir trotz des tobenden Orkanes ein entsetzliches Geräusch.,"About eight o'clock in the evening, a noise is heard, distinct even above the raging of the hurricane."
45,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_55.flac,00013-f000038,0.645409,"Die Mannschaft eilt auf Robert Kurtis zu, als erwarte sie seine Befehle.","The panels of the deck are upheaved, and volumes of black smoke issue upwards as if from a safetyvalve."
46,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_56.flac,00013-f000038,0.472982,"Ein einziger Gedanke erfaßt uns, der, diesen Vulkan, der sich unter unseren Füßen öffnet, zu fliehen!","The panels of the deck are upheaved, and volumes of black smoke issue upwards as if from a safetyvalve."
47,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_57.flac,00013-f000039,0.436249,"Robert Kurtis schaut auf den Ocean hinaus, dessen Wogen sich schäumend überstürzen.",An universal consternation seizes one and all: we must leave the volcano which is about to burst beneath our feet.
48,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_58.flac,00013-f000039,0.509821,"Der Schaluppe vermag man sich jetzt nicht einmal zu nähern; nur das Boot, welches in den Krahnen an der Steuerbordseite hängt, ist zu erreichen, so wie die kleine Jolle am Hintertheil des Schiffes.",An universal consternation seizes one and all: we must leave the volcano which is about to burst beneath our feet.
49,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_59.flac,00013-f000040,0.643966,Die Matrosen stürzen auf das Boot zu.,The crew run to Curtis for orders.
50,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_60.flac,00013-f000041,-0.0171429,"Nein, ruft ihnen Robert Kurtis zu, nein!",He hesitates; looks first at the huge and threatening waves; looks then at the boats.
51,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_61.flac,00013-f000042,0.451877,"Das wäre ein zu verwegenes Spiel, sich jetzt dem Meere anzuvertrauen!.Einige Matrosen, Owen an der Spitze, wollen dennoch halb von Sinnen das Boot in's Meer herablassen.","The longboat is there, suspended right along the centre of the deck; but it is impossible to approach it now; the yawl, however, hoisted on the starboard side, and the whaleboat suspended aft, are still available."
52,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_62.flac,00013-f000043,0.17027,Da eilt Robert Kurtis nach dem Oberdeck und ergreift eine Axt.,The sailors make frantically for the yawl.
53,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_63.flac,00013-f000044,0.55619,"Dem Ersten, der an die Taue rührt, ruft er, zerspalte ich den Schädel!.Die Matrosen ziehen sich zurück.","Stop, stop, shouts Curtis; do you mean to cut off our last and only chance of safety?"
54,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_64.flac,00013-f000045,0.618243,Einige klettern in die Maschen der Strickleitern;,Would you launch a boat in such a sea as this?
55,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_65.flac,00013-f000045,1.12078,Andere flüchten bis in die Mastkörbe.,Would you launch a boat in such a sea as this?
56,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_66.flac,00013-f000046,0.241304,Um elf Uhr hört man im Kielraum heftige Detonationen.,"A few of them, with Owen at their head, give no heed to what he says."
57,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_67.flac,00013-f000047,0.0358209,"Die Zwischenwände springen, und öffnen der heißen Luft und dem Rauche den Weg.","Rushing to the poop, and seizing a cutlass, Curtis shouts again, Touch the tackling of the davit, one of you; only touch it, and I'll cleave your skull."
58,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_68.flac,00013-f000048,0.894495,"Sofort wälzen sich Dampfströme aus der Treppenkappe der Mannschaftskajüte, und eine lange Flamme leckt am Besanmast in die Höhe.","Awed by his determined manner, the men retire, some clambering into the shrouds, whilst others mount to the very top of the masts."
59,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_69.flac,00013-f000049,-0.010112399999999999,Da tönt ein Schrei.,"At eleven o'clock, several loud reports are heard, caused by the bursting asunder of the partitions of the hold."
60,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_70.flac,00013-f000049,-0.010112399999999999,"Kear verläßt, unterstützt von Miß Herbey, ihre Cabine, welche das Feuer erreicht.","<MERGE> At eleven o'clock, several loud reports are heard, caused by the bursting asunder of the partitions of the hold."
61,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_71.flac,00013-f000050,0.166667,"Dann erscheint Silas Huntly, das Gesicht von Rauch geschwärzt, und ruhig begiebt er sich, nach einem Gruße gegen Robert Kurtis, nach der Strickleiter des Besanmastes.","Clouds of smoke issue from the front, followed by a long tongue of lambent flame that seems to encircle the mizenmast."
62,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_72.flac,00013-f000051,0.339043,"Die Erscheinung Silas Huntly's erinnert mich noch an einen anderen Menschen, der unter dem Oberdeck eingeschlossen geblieben ist, in der Cabine, welche die Flammen in kurzer Zeit verzehren müssen.","The fire now reaches to the cabin occupied by Mrs. Kear, who, shrieking wildly, is brought on deck by Miss Herbey."
63,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_73.flac,00013-f000052,0.0960974,Soll man den unglücklichen Ruby umkommen lassen?,"A moment more, and Silas Huntly makes his appearance, his face all blackened with the grimy smoke; he bows to Curtis, as he passes, and then proceeds in the calmest manner to mount the aftshrouds, and installs himself at the very top of the mizen."
64,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_74.flac,00013-f000052,0.0960974,"Ich eile nach der Treppe. da zeigt sich der Irrsinnige, der seine Fesseln gesprengt hat, schon mit verbrannten Haaren und brennenden Kleidern.","<MERGE> A moment more, and Silas Huntly makes his appearance, his face all blackened with the grimy smoke; he bows to Curtis, as he passes, and then proceeds in the calmest manner to mount the aftshrouds, and installs himself at the very top of the mizen."
65,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_75.flac,00013-f000053,-0.0974026,"Ohne einen Schrei auszustoßen, geht er auf dem Verdecke.","The sight of Huntly recalls to my recollection the prisoner still below, and my first impulse is to rush to the staircase and do what I can to set him free."
66,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00013-chancellor_76.flac,00013-f000053,-0.0974026,Ihn brennt es nicht an die Füße.,"<MERGE> The sight of Huntly recalls to my recollection the prisoner still below, and my first impulse is to rush to the staircase and do what I can to set him free."