I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.
Hakika, ina gaya muku, sun sami iyakar ladansu ke nan.
God is good to keep His promises, including the promise to forgive.
Allah nagari ne da zai kiyaye alƙawaransa, har ma da alƙawari ya gafarta.”Ubangiji yana kusa da waɗanda suka ƙarai, Yakan ceci waɗanda suka fid da zuciya (Zabura 34:18).
Because it is inspired by God, the Scriptures are therefore authoritative when it comes to establishing doctrine, and sufficient for teaching man how be in a right relationship with God.
Saboda hurarre ne daga Allah, Nassosi suna da iko idan ya zo ga kafa koyarwa, kuma ya isa koyar da mutum yadda zai kasance cikin kyakkyawar dangantaka da Allah.
Some in the Christian church have taken the 10 percent figure from the Old Testament tithe and applied it as a “recommended minimum” for Christians in their giving.
Ikilisiyar Kirista sun ɗauka daga asali adadi 10% daga zakkar Tsohon Alƙawari kuma suka shafa ta a matsayin “mafi ƙanƙanta da aka bada shawara” don Kiristoci cikin bayarwar su.
This particular case of blasphemy, however, is called “the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit” in Matthew 12:31.
Wannan shari'ar musamman ta saɓo, ana kiranta "saɓo wa Ruhu Mai Tsarki" a cikin Matiyu 12:31.
The Pharisees were in a unique moment in history: they had the Law and the Prophets, they had the Holy Spirit stirring their hearts, they had the Son of God Himself standing right in front of them, and they saw with their own eyes the miracles He did.
Farisawa suna cikin wani lokaci na musamman a tarihi: suna da Attaura da annabawa, suna da Ruhu Mai Tsarki yana motsa zukatansu, suna da ofan Allah da kansa tsaye a gabansu, kuma sun gani da idanunsu abubuwan al'ajabi.
The most reasonable explanation for why people think in moral terms and share moral ideals is a real moral law provided by a Moral Lawgiver, i.e., God.
Na bada gaskiya shine abin da yasa da yawa cikin jama’ar mu sun makale wa koyarwa cewa mutum daga gwaggon biri ne – a bai wa mutane wata wucin gadi na gaskata cikin wani Allah mahalicci.
Those who have been made righteous by faith in Christ will go into eternal life in heaven, but those who have rejected Christ as Savior will be sent to eternal punishment in hell (Matthew 25:46).
Ana kwatancin jahannama da kamar rami marar matuƙa (Luka 8:31; Wahayin Yahaya 9:1), da kuma tafkin wuta , mai ƙonewa da farar wuta, inda mazauna zasu sha azaba dare da rana har abada da abadin (Wahayin Yahaya 20:10).
Annihilationists are correct that the Greek word aionion, which is usually translated “eternal,” does not by definition mean “eternal.” It specifically refers to an “age” or “eon,” a specific period of time.
Masu yanke hukuncin hallaka sun yi daidai da cewa kalmar Helenanci aionion, wanda galibi ake fassara ta "madawwami," ba ma'anarta tana nufin "madawwami ba".
Fourth, additional evidence of His resurrection is the many people He appeared to (Matthew 28:5, 9, 16-17; Mark 16:9; Luke 24:13-35; John 20:19, 24, 26-29, 21:1-14; Acts 1:6-8; 1 Corinthians 15:5-7).
Na huɗu, ƙarin shaidar tashinsa daga matattu shi ne mutane da yawa da ya bayyana ga (Matiyu 28:5, 9, 16-17; Markus 16:9; Luka 24:13-35; Yahaya 20:19, 24, 26-29, 21:1-14; Ayyukan Manzanni 1:6-8; 1 Korantiyawa 15:5-7).
Proponents of the Thursday view point out that this is especially a problem when the only full day between Friday and Sunday was Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath.
Masu goyan bayan ranan Alhamis din sun nuna cewa wannan matsala ce musamman lokacin da rana ɗaya cikakke tsakanin Juma'a zuwa Lahadi itace Asabar, Asabar ɗin Yahudawa.
Late in its history, the nation of Israel developed a standing army.
A ƙarshen tarihinta, al'ummar Isra'ila ta sami sojoji na tsaye.
Acts 13:38 declares, "Therefore, my brothers, I want you to know that through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you."
Ayyukan Manzanni 13:38 ta ce, “Saboda haka, ƴan’uwa, sai ku sani albarkacin mutumin nan ne ake sanar da ku gafarar zunubanku.”
Satan masquerades as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14), and his ministers masquerade as servants of righteousness (2 Corinthians 11:15).
Shaiɗan yana rikon kansa kamar mala'ikan haske (2 Korantiyawa 11:14), kuma waɗannan masu hidiman suna mai da kansu kamar bawan adalci (2 Korantiyawa 11:15).
In keeping with Paul’s instruction, we should examine ourselves before eating the bread and drinking the cup.
A ci gaba da umarnin Bulus, ya kamata mu bincika kanmu kafin cin gurasar da shan ƙoƙon.
What explains this void?
Mene ne muhimmancin waɗannan abubuwa?
He is the only sacrifice for sin (1 John 2:2; Hebrews 10:26).
In ba haka ba, ashe, alheri ba alheri bane kuma” (Romawa 11:6).
The New Testament adds a warning regarding this oneness: “So they are no longer two, but one.
Sabon Alkawari ya kara gargadi game da wannan kadaitaka:
Saying this prayer is a way to declare to God that you are relying on Jesus Christ for your salvation.
Faɗin wannan addu’a wata hanya ce na furta wa Allah cewa kai kana dogara kan Yesu Kiristi don ceton ka.
Submission is not a reflection of inferiority or lesser worth.
4) Babu wani abu da aka ce game da damar mace, baiwa, ko kimarta; kasancewar ta yi biyayya ga mijinta baya nuna cewa tana kasa ko kuma kasan cancanta ta kowace hanya.
Another type of sin is known as imputed sin.
Wannan lalacewar ta wuce-wuri an san shi da zunubi.
Why not rather be wronged?
Ba gara ku haƙura a cuce ku ba?
A child sees lunch and eats it.
Yaro ya ga abincin rana ya ci.
Being right with God is a matter of your response to what God has done on your behalf.
Samun daidaitaccen dangataka da Allah yana fara da yarda da zunubanka.
However, in Scripture, only believers are said to be spiritually alive (1 Corinthians 2:11; Hebrews 4:12; James 2:26), while unbelievers are spiritually dead (Ephesians 2:1–5; Colossians 2:13).
Koyaya, a cikin Nassi, masu imani ne kawai aka ce suna raye a ruhaniya (1 Korantiyawa 2:11; Ibraniyawa 4:12; Yakubu 2:26), yayin da marasa bi suka mutu matattu a ruhaniya (Afisawa 2:1-5; Kolosiyawa 2:13).
Philippians 4:6-7 encourages us, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Filibiyawa 4:6-7 suna ƙarfafa mu, “Kada ku damu da kome, sai dai a kowane hali ku sanar da Allah bukatunku, ta wurin yin addu'a da roƙo, tare da gode wa Allah.
It can mean fornication, prostitution, adultery, etc.
Zata iya nuna lalata, karuwanci, yin zina,da sauransu.
And why did He instruct Noah to build an ark large enough to house all of the different kinds of land animals found on the earth?
Kuma me ya sa ya umarci Nuhu ya gina jirgi mai girma wanda zai iya ɗauke da kowane irin dabbobin ƙasa da ake samu a duniya?
In a world filled with evil people, sometimes war is necessary to prevent even greater evil.
A cikin duniyar da ke cike da mugaye, wani lokacin yaƙi ya zama dole don hana ma fi girma mugunta.
Give us today our daily bread.
Ka ba mu abincinmu na yau.
This should not be used to indicate that Jesus rejected capital punishment in all instances.
Kada a yi amfani da wannan don nuna cewa Yesu ya ƙi hukuncin kisa a kowane yanayi.
(In the case of the final judgment, it still is in the process of being fulfilled.)
(Game da shari'ar ƙarshe, har yanzu ana kan aiwatar da ita.)
Sex before marriage is included in the biblical definition of sexual immorality.
Jima’i kafin aure ya zamanto gama-gari don dalilai da dama.
The rapture of the church is a glorious event we should all be longing for.
Fyaucewa wani al'amari ne mai ɗaukaka wanda ya kamata dukkanmu muna ɗoki.
Not content with his position, he desired to be higher than God, and that was his downfall, the beginning of sin (Isaiah 14:12-15).
An bayyana zunubi a cikin Baibul a matsayin ƙetare dokar Allah (1 Yahaya 3:4) da tawaye ga Allah (Kubawar Shari'a 9:7; Joshua 1:18).
He died as an old man, the only apostle to die peacefully.
Ya mutu yana dattijo, manzo ne kawai ya mutu cikin lumana.
Praise God, through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the second half of Romans 6:23 is true, "…but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
Alhamdu lillahi, albarkacin mutuwa da tashin Yesu Kiristi, rabi na biyu na Romawa 6:23 ta zama gaskiya, “…amma baiwar Allah ita ce rai madawwami cikin Almasihu Yesu Ubangijinmu.”
People will not die for something they know to be a lie.
Mutane ba za su mutu ba don abin da suka san ƙarya ne.
Tamar was given in marriage to Er’s brother, Onan, in accordance with the law of levirate marriage in Deuteronomy 25:5-6.
An aurar da Tamar ga ɗan'uwan Er, Onan, bisa ga dokar auratayya a Kubawar Shari'a 25:5-6.
Those who come to Him do so in response to His love.
Waɗanda suka zo wurinsa suna yin haka ne saboda ƙaunarsa.
The fact that God promises to deliver Christians from wrath shortly after promising to remove His people from the earth seems to link those two events together.
Da alama bai dace ba ga Allah ya yi wa masu imani alkawarin cewa ba za su sha fushin ba sannan kuma su bar su a duniya su sha wahala ta fushin tsananin.
This precludes women from serving as pastors to men.
Wannan bisa hankali zai kunsa fastoci mataye/masu wa’azi.
Because the Bible details historical events, its truthfulness and accuracy are subject to verification like any other historical document.
Domin Littafi Mai Tsarki ta zama abubuwan da sun faru a tarihi filla-filla gaskiyarta da daidaitaka ya zama abin haƙiƙanta kamar kowace sauran rubutun tarihi.
Lust — A selfish focus on sex or a desire to have sexual pleasure with someone other than your spouse.
Sha'awa - Mai da hankali kan jima'i ko sha'awar yin jima'i da wanda ba abokin aurenku ba.
Now, it is one thing to claim to be God or to fool someone into believing it is true, and something else entirely to prove it to be so.
Yanzu, abu ɗaya ne ayi da’awar zaman Allah ko a mai da wani wawa ga bada gaskiya abin gaskiya ne, ko dai wani abu kacokan da tabbatar haka yake.
God’s existence cannot be empirically proven or disproven.
Kasancewar Allah ba za a iya tabbatar da shi ko musanta shi ba.
Psalm 14:1, written by David around 1000 B.C., mentions atheism: “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’” Recent statistics show an increasing number of people claiming to be atheists, up to 10 percent of people worldwide.
Zabura 14:1, wanda David ya rubuta a kusan 1000 B.C., ya ambaci rashin yarda da Allah: "Wawa ya ce a zuciyarsa, 'Babu Allah.'
What does it mean that husbands are to love their wives?
Lokacin da mace ta ƙaunaci mijinta kamar yadda coci yake ƙaunata da Kristi, yin biyayya ba shi da wahala.
The first thing to understand in this discussion is that there is only one race—the human race.
Abu na farko da zamu fahimta a wannan tattaunawar shine cewa akwai jinsin daya kawai - jinsin mutane.
One of the first internal evidences that the Bible is truly God’s Word is seen in its unity.
Ɗaya daga cikin na farkon shaidun ciki cewa Littafi Mai Tsarki da gaske maganar Allah ne na ganuwa cikin zamantowar ta guda ɗaya tak.
This is much the same way God deals with Christians in the New Testament.
Wannan ita ce hanyar da Allah yake ma’amala Kiristoci a Sabon Alkawari).
At the end of the thousand years, Satan will be released, defeated again, and then cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:7-10) for eternity.
A ƙarshen shekara dubu, za a sake Shaiɗan, a sake kayar da shi, sa'annan a jefa shi cikin ƙorama ta wuta (Wahayin Yahaya 20:7-10) har abada.
The New Testament adds a warning regarding this oneness: “So they are no longer two, but one.
“Har nan gaba su zama ba jiki biyu ba ne, ɗaya ne.
Thomas Aquinas later expounded on the idea.
Thomas Aquinas daga baya yayi bayani game da ra'ayin.
“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.” Notice the substitution.
“Amma aka yi masa rauni saboda zunubanmu, Aka daddoke shi saboda muguntar da muka aikata.
God miraculously heals people every day.
Allah ta hanyar mu’ujiza yana warkar da mutane kowace rana.
That is a lot of eye witnesses.
Waɗannan shaidun ido suna da ɗan dama.
The Bible teaches us that true love is not an emotion that can come or go, but a decision.
Littafi Mai Tsarki ya koya mana cewa ƙauna ta gaskiya ba motsin rai bane wanda zai iya zuwa ko tafi, amma yanke shawara.
Kowanne memba na Triniti Allah ne: Uban Allah ne: Yahaya 6:27; Romawa 1:7; 1Bitrus 1:2.
It would be far better for us to be taken advantage of, or even abused, than it would be for us to push a person even further away from Christ by taking him/her to court.
Zai fi kyau a gare mu a ci zarafinmu, ko ma a ci zarafinmu, fiye da yadda zai zama a gare mu mu tura mutum har ma da nesa da Kristi ta hanyar kai shi/ta kotu.
Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” While the Bible was completed approximately 1900 years ago, its accuracy and relevance for today remain unchanged.
Ibraniyawa 4:12 yace, “Domin Maganar Allah rayayyiya ce, mai ƙarfin aiki, ta fi kowane irin takobi kaifi, har tana ratsa rai da ruhu, da kuma gaɓoɓi, har ya zuwa cikin ɓargo, tana kuma iya rarrabe tunanin zuciya da manufarta.” Yayinda aka kammala Littafi Mai Tsarki kusan shekaru 1900 da suka wuce, daidaito da dacewarsa zuwa yau basu canza ba.
7) Take practical steps to reduce your exposure to graphic images.
7) Dauki matakai masu amfani don rage ɗaukar hotuna zuwa hotunan hoto.
How do we know this?
Ta yaya muka san wannan?
Feelings of depression can often be solved when those suffering with depression move the focus from themselves to Christ and others.
Jin baƙin ciki sau da yawa ana iya warware shi lokacin da waɗanda ke wahala tare da baƙin ciki suka mai da hankali daga kansu zuwa ga Kristi da sauransu.
“Now I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God” (1 Corinthians 11:3).
“Amma fa ina so ku fahimci cewa, shugaban kowane mutum Almasihu ne, shugaban kowace mace kuwa mijinta ne, shugaban Almasihu kuma Allah ne” (1 Korantiyawa 11:3).
With this doctrine, probably more so than with any other, it is crucially important to admit our inability to fully grasp the nature of God and our relationship with Him.
Wataƙila don haka da kowane irin koyaswa, tare da wannan batun, yana da mahimmanci a yarda da rashin iyawarmu cikakke fahimtar yanayin Allah da dangantakarmu da shi.
The phrase “and marries another” (Matthew 19:9) indicates that divorce and remarriage are allowed in an instance of the exception clause, whatever it is interpreted to be.
Jimlar “ya kuma auri wata” (Matiyu 19:9) na nuna cewa kisan aure da sake yin aure an yarda da su a yanayin ɓangaren jimla ta in banda, komece ce ta zama fassarar da take.
In conclusion, the Bible gives us no reason to believe that there is life elsewhere in the universe.
A ƙarshe, Littafi Mai-Tsarki bai bamu dalilin gaskata cewa akwai rayuwa a wani wuri a sararin samaniya ba.
This is another way of saying that their sin would never be forgiven, ever.
Wannan wata hanya ce ta faɗi cewa ba za'a gafarta musu zunubansu ba, har abada.
However, we have serious doubts whether this scenario ever truly exists.
Tabbatacce kam akwai ɗaki don shakka game da tada marmarin jima’i.
The rapture is God’s removing of His people from the earth.
Fyaucewa Allah ne cire mutanensa daga duniya.
The waters rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than twenty feet.
Ruwa ya bunƙasa bisa duwatsu ya yi musu zara da ƙafa ashirin da biyar.
A “Christian worldview,” then, is a comprehensive conception of the world from a Christian standpoint.
"Tunanin duniya na Krista," to, shine cikakkiyar fahimta ta duniya daga ra'ayin Krista.
There are at least twelve historical facts about Jesus that even non-Christian critical scholars will admit:
Bisa ga Dr. Gary Habermas, akwai aƙalla tabatattun abubuwa na tarihi goma sha biyu da har ma masana masu suka marasa bada gaskiya suka yarda.
Of course, situational ethics leads to a subjective, “whatever feels good” mentality and lifestyle, which has a devastating effect on society and individuals.
Tabbas, ɗabi'un halin da ake ciki suna haifar da ra'ayi, "duk abin da yake jin daɗin hankali" da salon rayuwa, wanda ke da tasiri mai tasiri ga al'umma da ɗaiɗaiku.
Yes, God is absolutely sovereign and knows all.
Ee, Allah shine cikakken sarki kuma ya san komai.
Many people make the mistake of reading what the Bible says in Exodus 20:13, “You shall not kill,” and then seeking to apply this command to war.
Mutane da yawa suna yin kuskuren karanta abin da Littafi Mai Tsarki ya faɗa a Fitowa 20:13, “Ba za ku yi kisan kai ba,” sannan kuma suna neman amfani da wannan umarnin zuwa yaƙi.
There have been many exposures of psychics as frauds.
An yi fallasawa da yawa na masu tabin hankali a matsayin zamba.
Solidifying one’s vertical relationship with God goes a long way toward ensuring the horizontal relationship between a husband and wife is a lasting, God-honoring one.
Wannan yana daga cikin sirrin dawwamammen aure.
The Roman Catholic Church does not teach the sins to be unforgivable; in Catholic doctrine, the seven deadly sins can lead to mortal sins, which will send a person to hell immediately upon death, unless such sins are repented of before death.
Cocin Roman Katolika ba ta koyar da zunuban da ba za a gafarta su ba; a cikin koyarwar Katolika, zunubai masu rai guda bakwai na iya haifar da zunuban mutum, wanda zai tura mutum zuwa lahira nan da nan idan ya mutu, sai dai idan irin waɗannan zunuban sun tuba kafin mutuwa.
The other view holds that there are indeed absolute realities and standards that define what is true and what is not.
Sauran ra'ayi yana riƙe da cewa lallai akwai tabbatattun hakikanin abubuwa da ƙa'idodin da ke bayyana abin da yake gaskiya da wanda ba haka ba.
A world without absolutes would be the most horrible world imaginable.
Duniyar da ba ta da cikakkun abubuwa zai zama mummunan duniyar da za a iya tunanin ta.
Paul learned that, although the pressure he faced was beyond his ability to endure, the Lord can bear all things: “This happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead” (2 Corinthians 1:9).
Ko da yake bai kamata mutum ya kashe kansa ba, ayar Littafi Mai Tsarki 1Korantiyawa 3:15 yana yiwuwa bayyani mai kyau ne ga abin da yakan faru da Kirista da ya kashe kansa:” Ko da yake shi kansa zai cetu, amma kamar ya bi ta wuta ne.”
Catholicism also teaches that the seven deadly sins can be overcome with the seven virtues (humility, gratitude, charity, temperance, chastity, patience, and diligence).
Katolika kuma yana koyar da cewa za a iya shawo kan zunubai masu rai guda bakwai tare da kyawawan halaye bakwai (tawali'u, godiya, sadaka, kamun kai, tsabtar ɗabi'a, haƙuri, da ƙwazo).
Second, the law taught an important spiritual lesson.
Na biyu, dokar ta koyar da muhimmin darasi na ruhaniya.
.” The “witnesses” are the heroes of faith listed in Hebrews 11, and the fact that we are “surrounded” by them leads some commentators to understand those heroes (and possibly other people) are looking down on us from heaven.
“Shaidun” su ne mutanen da Allah ya yaba saboda imaninsu a babi na 11, kuma akwai babban taronsu a sama.
Jesus Christ, God incarnate, came to the earth to pay for our sins and give us the gift of eternal life: “He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5).
Romawa 4:25 na cewa,”Wanda aka bayar a kashe saboda laifofinmu, aka kuma tashe shi domin mu sami kuɓuta ga Allah”
Does God Exist?
Wancan abu “marar- sanadi” shine Allah.
The word baptize means “to immerse in water.” Baptism is the biblical way of publicly proclaiming your new faith in Christ and your commitment to follow Him.
Kalmar “baftisma” na nufin a nutsar cikin ruwa.
However, God chooses to save some of us.
Koyaya, Allah ya zaɓi ya ceci wasun mu.
Surely the Holy Spirit would not allow a demon to possess the same person He is indwelling.
Tabbas Ruhu Mai Tsarki bazai yarda aljani ya mallaki mutumin da yake zaune ba.
Even before transgressions of the law were imputed to men, the ultimate penalty for sin (death) continued to reign (Romans 5:14).
Kafin a ba da Dokar Musa, ba a lasafta zunubi ga mutum ba, ko da yake har yanzu mutane masu zunubi ne saboda zunubi da aka gada.
Da kyar.
• If Jesus is not God, His death would have been insufficient to pay the penalty for the sins of the whole world (1 John 2:2).
Dalili mafi muhimmanci cewa da Yesu ya zama Allah ita ce idan Shi ba Allah bane, da mutuwar sa bata isa ta biya hukuncin na zunuban dukan duniya ba (1Yahaya 2:2).
Jesus’ death was an infinite death, paying our infinite sin debt so that we would not have to pay it in hell for eternity (2 Corinthians 5:21).
Idan wasu daga cikin ƙaunatattunmu ba sa cikin sama, za mu kasance cikin cikakkiyar yarjejeniya 100 cewa ba sa ciki kuma ana la'anta su da ƙin yarda da Yesu Kiristi a matsayin Mai Cetonsu (Yahaya 3:16; 14:6).
Taking all of these prophecies and organizing them can be difficult.
Yin duk waɗannan annabce-annabce da tsara su na iya zama da wahala.
The topic of dinosaurs in the Bible is part of a larger ongoing debate within the Christian community over the age of the earth, the proper interpretation of Genesis, and how to interpret the physical evidences we find all around us.
Batu na dinosaurs cikin Littafi Mai Tsarki ya zama sashi na gardama mafi girma da ake yi cikin jama’ar Kirista akn daɗewar shekarun duniya, madaidaiciyar fassara na Farawa, da kuma yadda za a fassara shaidun waje da muke samunsu kewaye da koina.
Is there any evidence that the Bible is truly God’s Word?
Akwai wata shaida cewa Littafi Mai Tsarki da gaske maganar Allah ne?
Can the flood mentioned in Genesis be proven?
Duk waɗannan gaskiyar da wasu da yawa shaidu ne na ambaliyar duniya.
As a result, it is very important to not see this issue as men versus women.
A sakamakon haka, yana da muhimmanci ainun da kar a dubi wannan batun da kamar mazaje da mataye ne.