Sharon Daerin'Lei
Race: High Elf Age: 235 Description: 190 cm tall. Fairly slim figure, and physically fit. By human standards, he appears to be in his 20s. White skin with a slight tanned tone. His eyes are deep arcane blue with a mystical elven magical tint. His hair is blonde and flows to his neck. Usually clean shaved. Biography: A scholar and academic by profession. Sharon was born in Quel'Thalas, where he was raised. He traveled often and visited the human lands of Lordearon and its surrounding kingdoms, and even sometimes the dwarves during his travels. His academic career started in his homeland of Quel'Thalas, but he became closely acquainted to the circles of Dalaran in the human kingdom to the south, where he became a professor and spent his time tutoring students and delving deeper into the mysteries of the arcane arts together with his fellow colleagues. Besides his work in academia, he also lived a materialistic life of extravaganza and debauchery. His life changed with the outbreak of the Third War, as the Scourge lay waste to the great northern kingdoms, including his own Quel'Thalas, turning the continent's most sophisticated civilization into a lifeless graveyard. During the undeath onslaught, with his kingdom shattered and the human and elven armies ruined, Sharon choose to help the human resistance in their struggle for survival and in aiding refugees escape the all consuming legions of the damned, and followed them south. The conflict permanently changed Sharon; the exposure to the sheer horrors and mindless brutality of the Scourge had been a humbling experience and a wakeup call. Having lost his home, and with the vast majority of his friends and family now dead, he devoted much of his time to helping the denizens of Stormwind, and joined the Silver Covenant as he pursued the reconstruction of Dalaran. Even after the the magical city of Dalaran was completed, Sharon choose to remain in Stormwind. Part in due to financial difficulties, and partly because he never could feel quite at home in Dalaran after its first ruination. But even then he often visited the city, to give lectures and share his studies and findings with fellow colleagues, much like he had done before the war.
[ { "char_name": "Rithrynn Syn'Dial", "text": "\"Oh, no; no! Everything's fine!\" Rithrynn quickly replied to Sharon's concerned expression; eluding to the fact that Liaena had left the house; and swiftly conjuring up the most reassuring smile that she could give him. Leaning a little over him to peer into the room, noticing that it was empty; Rithrynn's eyes fell back down to Sharon.\n\n\"Mind if I come in?\"\n\nRithrynn asked, yet the Night Elf had already squeezed herself through the opening in the door and inside the room; pushing Sharon back inside as she entered before the High Elf could even have time to answer properly.\n\nStanding in the room, the Sentinel took a moment to gaze around in the dimly lit room. Given the Night Elves' natural affinity for darkness and superior night vision, the lack of lighting bothered her much less so than what it probably did the High Elf.\nMoving one leg behind the other, she used the back of her heel to close the door shut behind her. As they were finally alone, separated and removed from the noise in the rest of the house; Rithrynn's attention finally returned to Sharon. Walking over to the High Elf, Rithrynn grabbed him by his shoulders as she looked down at him with a look of almost unbridled glee as she smiled.\n\n\"I just wanted to talk to you, Shaw... \"", "username": "Rithy" }, { "char_name": "Sharon Daerin'Lei", "text": "Sharon gazed back up at Rithrynn for a couple of moments, his eyes racing over happy features on her face.\n\nAlthough his old, natural instincts shouted out the obvious warning signs; the High Elf slowly nodded, before smiling back at Rithrynn.\n\n\"Of course,\" Sharon confirmed, making an attempt to move; yet Rithrynn's solid grip prevented him from doing much. Staring back at the Night Elf, Sharon eventually motioned towards a set of sofas and table at the side of the room.\n\"Why don't you find yourself a seat over there, and I will get some light up in this room? I really did not expect anyone at this hour.\"\n\n---\n\n\"If you hadn't been so damnable lucky with the appearance of that elf, you'd have been MINE!\" Sounded Astrid's angry voice from the bag as it shuffled around, much to Donald's discomfort as he was on the bottom.\n\nDoin furrowed his brow at the bag, intrigued by the unusual sight. There was a lot he did not know about Liaena, yet he learned something new everything he met her.\n\n\"Say'e, there shouldn't be annea problem with ye spendin' a night over. We got more rooms than we can fill, and we usually don't rent them out to just anybody; this being guild property and all.\" Doin finally said, giving Liaena a smile as he picked up his pipe.\n\"After all, the boss owe me some favors. I'll get ye tha finest room we have available!\"\n\n\"Hopefully without any overgrown fairies breaking in through the windows this time.\" Frarn mentioned jokingly as he walked up next to his father. However, the two dwarves paused as their eyes drifted over to Kathlin, in Liaena's form; who was currently standing in the room.\n\"Is that a friend of yours?\"\n\nDoin peered over to Kathlin, before chuckling.\n\n\"I'm pretty sure she is, son. After all, who in their right mind would ever trust their own image in the hands of someone they didn't trust absolutely? Hah!\"", "username": "Sinerathin" }, { "char_name": "Sharon Daerin'Lei", "text": "Sharon gazed back up at Rithrynn for a couple of moments, his eyes racing over happy features on her face.\n\nAlthough his old, natural instincts shouted out the obvious warning signs; the High Elf slowly nodded, before smiling back at Rithrynn.\n\n\"Of course,\" Sharon confirmed, making an attempt to move; yet Rithrynn's solid grip prevented him from doing much. Staring back at the Night Elf, Sharon eventually motioned towards a set of sofas and table at the side of the room.\n\"Why don't you find yourself a seat over there, and I will get some light up in this room? I really did not expect anyone at this hour.\"\n\n---\n\n\"If you hadn't been so damnable lucky with the appearance of that elf, you'd have been MINE!\" Sounded Astrid's angry voice from the bag as it shuffled around, much to Donald's discomfort as he was on the bottom.\n\nDoin furrowed his brows at the bag, intrigued by the unusual sight. There was a lot he did not know about Liaena, yet he learned something new every time he met her.\n\n\"Say'e, there shouldn't be annea problem with ye spendin' a night over. We got more rooms than we can fill, and we usually don't rent them out to just anybody; this being guild property and all.\" Doin finally said, giving Liaena a smile as he picked up his pipe.\n\"After all, the boss owe me some favors. I'll get ye tha finest room we have available!\"\n\n\"Hopefully without any overgrown fairies breaking in through the windows this time.\" Frarn mentioned jokingly as he walked up next to his father. However, the two dwarves paused as their eyes drifted over to Kathlin, in Liaena's form; who was currently standing in the room.\n\"Is that a friend of yours?\"\n\nDoin peered over to Kathlin, before chuckling.\n\n\"I'm pretty sure she is, son. After all, who in their right mind would ever trust their own image in the hands of someone they didn't trust absolutely? Hah!\"", "username": "Sinerathin" }, { "char_name": "Rithrynn Syn'Dial", "text": "Rithrynn continued to peer back at Sharon for a couple of moments after he asked her. With a soft smile, she subtly nodded with her head as she removed her hands from him.\n\n\"Okay... \" The Sentinel spoke, before stepping over to the nearby sofa. It was a rare thing to have Liaena away and Sharon still in the house, seeing as the nosy human usually didn't let Sharon get far away from her notice. In one sense, the attack from the mysterious assassins was a good thing as it finally took Liaena's paranoia away from Rithrynn and over to them.\n\nAs she walked over to the sofa, she brushed off some of the snow flakes that still remained on her cloak from the outside, before extending her butt and slumping it down into the cushioning embrace of the sofa.\n\n\"Have you been up here by yourself for a long time?\" Rithrynn asked as she had become comfortable in the couch, allowing her eyes to trail back to the High Elf in her room.\n\"I hope the assassins are not forcing you into solitude... \"\n\nRithrynn said as she gave Sharon a sympathetic look through the room, while fiddling with her gloves in the meantime as she removed them and placed them, alongside her Sentinel bracers, onto the table before her.", "username": "Rithy" }, { "char_name": "Sharon Daerin'Lei", "text": "\"Oh, no. I wouldn't worry about that.\" Sharon answered confidently as the High Elf turned to the candles around in the room.\n\nPulling his arm out from under his cloak, he held his hand up in the air for a moment. Conjoining his thumb and ring finger, Sharon uttered a silent a silent spell. Snapping his fingers, half a dozen small lights suddenly ignited around the study, partly illuminating the room and chasing away some of the shadows around the corner where Rithrynn was.\n\n\"Greymoon and the others were here not long ago... \" Sharon explained with a smirk as he ventured over to his office desk to retrieve the half empty bottle of wine and two glasses from his secret stash.\n\" at least... before I fell asleep, that was... how long was I out??\"\n\nSharon paused for a moment as the High Elf simply stared up in the direction of the room as he tried to remember.\n\nUnable to, the High Elf shrugged and merely let out a light chuckle before he continued over to Rithrynn. \"Doesn't matter... \"\n\nReaching the sofas and the table, he placed the wine alongside the two glasses down onto it, before looking at Rithrynn with a friendly smile.\n\n\"Can I offer you something to drink?\" He asked as he picked the bottle up again and attempted to remove the cork. Yet Greymoon, being the last one to seal it, had pushed the cork so far down into the bottle that it was almost impossible to get a proper grip around it. Still attempting to grab it, the High Elf tried and failed a couple of times to pull it out before giving up. Grimacing at the bottle, he turned back to Rithrynn and smiled again at her.\n\n\"Also, I fear your sisters may not view me in the same light as you, Rithrynn. Light, they are... well, I mean you are rather tolerant. Relatively speaking.\" Sharon chuckled as he motioned at Rithrynn.\n\"I even wonder what they'd think about you being in my office. Would they even consent to that?\"", "username": "Sinerathin" }, { "char_name": "Rithrynn Syn'Dial", "text": "\"They cannot complain about something they know anything nothing about.\" Rithrynn smirked back at Sharon, the Sentinel confident in the fact that her sisters knew nothing of the fact that she was currently with Sharon.\n\nStanding up, Rithrynn reached out to take the wine bottle from Sharon that he was struggling with. Creating a solid grip around the persistent cork, she forcefully removed it from the opening of the bottle with one swift, powerful motion.\n\n\"And yes, I will not say no... \" She leered at the High Elf as the Sentinel lowered the bottle to pour both of the glasses. Placing the bottle back at the table, Rithrynn picked up the glasses, one for her and one for Sharon, both filled almost to the brim with a plentiful abundance of wine in them. Handing one glass to Sharon and keeping the other for herself, Rithrynn stepped closer to the High Elf as she smiled broadly down at him at him.\n\n\"It is just us here. Forget about my sisters. They are surely entertained enough by themselves and the abundance of food you have given them. Focus instead on the moment at hand, that which Elune has blessed us with... \" Rithrynn winked slyly at Sharon as she took a sip of her glass of wine.", "username": "Rithy" } ]
Sharon peered up at Rithrynn with an observant gaze. The Night Elf had quite literally left any notion of subtlety or attempts at intrigue at the door, and made no observable effort to hide her blaring intentions from the High Elf. Or if she was trying to hide them, was doing a phenomenally bad job at it. But, given that this was no other ringer than Rithrynn herself, it was to be expected. At the very least, it was a massive improvement over her previous attempts to approach him, which had been far more... direct. Chuckling softly at the thought, he returned Rithrynn's luring smile with a smile of his own; before raising his glass. "To the moment then, Rithrynn." Sharon said, before taking a long sip from his own glass. Wondering how he was going to deal with the situation, he knew he could not accept Rithrynn's approach, because of Liaena. It was not the little girl's reaction to him should she learn that he had spent a night in secret with Rithrynn that worried him. Rather, he was more concerned about what kind of retaliation she would enact against Rithrynn. If Liaena should come to learn that her best friend was zeroing in on him, then by all reckoning, it did not seem implausible that Rithrynn would risk ending so far up Serphia's ass that it was questionable whether they'd even see her again before the end of the year. Moving his right arm around Rithrynn's waist, Sharon moved up to suddenly give the Night Elf a light kiss on her lips before smiling at her handsomely. "I like you Rithrynn, but I am afraid we can't go any further with this. Although I cherish your company, my true love lies with Liaena." Sharon explained in a cool manner, giving Rithrynn a sympathetic nod at the end of his last sentence.
Sharon Daerin'Lei
Race: High Elf Age: 235 Description: 190 cm tall. Fairly slim figure, and physically fit. By human standards, he appears to be in his 20s. White skin with a slight tanned tone. His eyes are deep arcane blue with a mystical elven magical tint. His hair is blonde and flows to his neck. Usually clean shaved. Biography: A scholar and academic by profession. Sharon was born in Quel'Thalas, where he was raised. He traveled often and visited the human lands of Lordearon and its surrounding kingdoms, and even sometimes the dwarves during his travels. His academic career started in his homeland of Quel'Thalas, but he became closely acquainted to the circles of Dalaran in the human kingdom to the south, where he became a professor and spent his time tutoring students and delving deeper into the mysteries of the arcane arts together with his fellow colleagues. Besides his work in academia, he also lived a materialistic life of extravaganza and debauchery. His life changed with the outbreak of the Third War, as the Scourge lay waste to the great northern kingdoms, including his own Quel'Thalas, turning the continent's most sophisticated civilization into a lifeless graveyard. During the undeath onslaught, with his kingdom shattered and the human and elven armies ruined, Sharon choose to help the human resistance in their struggle for survival and in aiding refugees escape the all consuming legions of the damned, and followed them south. The conflict permanently changed Sharon; the exposure to the sheer horrors and mindless brutality of the Scourge had been a humbling experience and a wakeup call. Having lost his home, and with the vast majority of his friends and family now dead, he devoted much of his time to helping the denizens of Stormwind, and joined the Silver Covenant as he pursued the reconstruction of Dalaran. Even after the the magical city of Dalaran was completed, Sharon choose to remain in Stormwind. Part in due to financial difficulties, and partly because he never could feel quite at home in Dalaran after its first ruination. But even then he often visited the city, to give lectures and share his studies and findings with fellow colleagues, much like he had done before the war.
[ { "char_name": "Sharon Daerin'Lei", "text": "\"Yeargh!\" Sevarian growled as he slammed his staff around to block yet another of Serphia's blows! As the abyss black base of the saronite staff met with the Captain's sword, it created a magical shockwave of purple magic that pushed Serphia backwards!\n\n\"My powers are beyond that of any backwards wood elf!\" Sevarian spat as he used the small opening to start summoning a dark spell.\n\"You will find that death is but one of my lesser gifts!\"\n\nBut as Sevarian attempted to cast his spell at Serphia, Sharon had conjured an arcane blast of his own that intercepted the dark mage's shadowbolt mid-air, causing the two spells to explode in a mix of dark and purple flames that gushed out to the side instead!\n\nAn arrow came flying through the air from one of the sentinels in the back, but it glanced off Sevarian's silver white armor. From the sideline, one of the few remaining troll ghouls came scrambling towards Sharon and Serphia, its claws raised and jagged maw ready to bite! But just as the ghoul was about to come within range of them, Sevarian cast a spell of his own.\n\nAll of a sudden, the ghoul erupted in an explosion of gore, harmful shadow magic and fragments of bones that flew around like bullets in the ritual chamber! \n\nSharon succeeded in quickly conjuring up a temporary barrier that was annihilated by the corpse explosion, but succeeded in shielding Serphia from the worst of the damage. The explosion had left a blinding cloud that was dark as night around them.\n\nA frantic battle cry could be heard from somewhere through the cloud, as a green bolt suddenly flew towards them, coming straight out of the cloud! Sharon had tried to raise his hands to deflect it, but was too late. Fortunately however, Serphia seemed to already have noticed it, the large Night Elf, surprisingly agile for her size, dodging out of the way just in time!\n\nBut while she may have dodged the necrotic bolt, Sharon soon noticed a figure appearing in the shadow before them...\n\n*Fwhoom!*\n\nA gust of burning fire flowed out from Sharon's staff, hitting Sevarian straight in the face as the dark mage came out of the blinding mist. The mage reeled back in pain, letting out a cry! All the while, Sevarian's failed sneak attack had become apparent to Serphia, as the Captain swung around to bury one of her swords right into the side of the dark mage!\n\nA shock expression now haunted Sevarian's face, now partly scorched, the rest covered in blood and grime.\n\nAs Serphia retracted her blade, he stepped back, dropping his staff before falling over; his armor clattering as he fell to the floor, red blood gushing out of the side of his mouth.\n\n\"You... i-insignificant vermin!\" Sevarian uttered through his shaken voice, struggling to speak as his lungs filled with blood as he looked up at Serphia and Sharon with eyes full of hate.\n\"You... hnngh! you are already dead! Through your very own flesh and blood, I will have my revenge!\"\n\nSharon merely looked down at Sevarian from where he stood on Serphia's shoulder. There seemed to be no resentment in the ocean blue eyes of the High Elf. Instead, it could almost be taken as an expression of pity.\n\n\"I hope you find peace.\" Sharon simply replied, seeming unphased by Sevarian's hateful last breath.\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nOutside the ritual chamber, Liaena's group were met by a surprised Smokey as they barged out of the door.\n\n\"We're leavin' already?\" Smokey asked, the dwarf having stayed behind during the fight. Although he received no initial answers at first, the dwarf looked at them and soon guessed what it would be.\n\n\"That's great! I've had enough of this blasted place! Let's get outta here!\"\n\nThe Dwarf said as he turned to begin running down across the corridor. \n\nBut as the dwarf had run a couple of yards down the corridor, a loud bang as from a musket could be heard behind Liaena and the rest of the group, a snapping past them to hit Smokey right in the back. The dwarf fell forward, losing his blunderbuss as he crashed onto the ground as his heavy backpack fell on top of him.\n\n\"I'm fine, I'm fine!\" \n\nThe dwarf was quick to repeat as he scrambled to get back onto his feet, turning around to look back at Liaena and the party who were further back in the corridor. The dwarf seemed completely fine, his backpack having absorbed the bullet.\n\n\"Get a move o,-\"\n\nHis backpack that was filled with dynamite.\n\n*BOOOOOM*\n\nWithout a warning, Smokey's backpack exploded with an eye shattering boom! The blast stormed through the narrow corridors like a crushing wall, knocking Liaena, Alissah and the rest of the party completely off their feet. The ritual chamber was shaken, with rocks falling from the ceiling and a cloud of dust and rocks gushing in through the entrance!\n\nThe entire passageway that Smokey had once stood in had completely caved in. As for the dwarf himself, there was no sign of him. If there had been anything left of him after the initial explosion, it was presumably buried beneath multiple tonnes of solid rock that now blocked the passage. A thick carpet of dust and smoke now filled the corridor, making it difficult to breath for anyone in it. With the collapse of one of the tunnels, only two opposing hallways now remained, one running off to the north, and the other one; south.\n\n\"An adequate shot. It suffices.\" Sounded a familiar voice emanating from the southern hallway.\n\nEmerging through the thick cloud of dust was a group of humanoid figures. At the front stood Sherpa, the High Elf staring towards Liaena and her group that lay on the floor outside the ritual chamber. Behind him stood his White Hand mercenaries, alongside Rae'liel in bonds and magical chains.\n\nThe High Elf nodded to a White Hand musketeer who was currently in the process of reloading his weapon, apparently in approval of his previous shot against the dwarf.\n\n\"How convenient for my brother to decide to come all the way over to my own house.\" Sherpa remarked with a satisfied smirk.\n\nIn the other corridor on the opposite of the one Sherpa and his crew had come from, a lone set of footsteps could be heard from a pair of heavy steel sabatons. Emerging out from the cloud of dust was the Blood Death Knight from earlier, his chestplate still carrying the heavy dent from Doin's axe, and the armor around his shoulder still cleaved in half from Rae'liel's own strike, yet his decomposing body was stitched together. The Death Knight clutched his Runeblade tight in his glove as he stared silently towards Liaena's group as well.", "username": "Sinerathin" }, { "char_name": "Rithrynn Syn'Dial", "text": "As Sevarian finally fell, so too did the fighting in the room subside. Whatever cultists had occupied it now lay dead side by side with their ghoul minions. Serphia, standing over the dying dark mage, threw her right hand blade up in the air to catch it once again in an underhand grip; aiming the tip of her blade down towards Sevarian.\n\n\"Defiance without substance - you have lost everything.\" She commented dryly, glaring down at him with a cold and unforgiving gaze cast by her shimmering silver eyes.\n\nBut before she could perform any execution move against the dying mage, the entire room suddenly shook from a violent tremor outside. A loud bang almost knocked Serphia off her feet as dust filled parts of the room, coming from outside.\n\n\"What was that?!\" Serphia yelled out through the dust that had now filled the room.\n\n\"An explosion, mistress!\" Rithrynn called back as the sentinel was standing closer to the doorway,\n\n\"No shit!\" \n\n\"Wait, where is Li?\" Rithrynn suddenly asked, as the Sentinel had noticed the peculiar lack of midgets in the room. She looked around to her sisters, most of whom shook their heads.\n\n\"They ran out!\" Vashi noted, motioning towards the door.\n\n\"But that's where the explosion came from!\" Rithrynn exclaimed, before the Sentinel immediately turned and rushed towards the exit. It would not surprise her if the explosion was the cause of Liaena, the short black haired ex-priestess having a notorious record for blowing shit up without necessarily having any good reason to do so other than to satiate some wicked mental need to wreathe the world in cool and devastating explosions.\n\nAs she peered out of the ritual chamber, Rithrynn squinted with her eyes as she tried to see past the thick cloud of dust that now covered the entire corridor, and one of the passages now having been completely blocked off by a cave in.\n\n\"There you are, Li, I.. oh.. \" Rithrynn said as she noticed Liaena and the rest lying on the ground by the wall, but as she looked up; she also noticed the new arrivals, Sherpa, Rae'liel and a cohort of White Knight mercenaries.\n\n\"Crap... \"\n\n\"Mistress! Mistress!\" Rithrynn yelled as she retreated back into the ritual chamber, hugging the edge of the doorway leading out as she looked back at Serphia who was standing in the middle of the room.\n\n\"The White Hand reinforcements are here! One... no, TWO Death Knights are with them!\" Rithrynn exclaimed!\n\" ... ohh, and they got that Blood Elf you beat up earlier as well.\"\n\n\"What?!\" Serphia called back, her surprise being directed not so much at the White Hand reinforcements as it was at the mention of Rae'liel being with them.\n\"What is that useless, green eyed magical crack whore doing here?!\"\n\n\" ... I don't know! Why don't you ask her - preferably AFTER we have dealt with the White Hand?!\" \n\nSerphia gritted her teeth, before she turned to look down at Sevarian who was still coughing blood at her feet.\n\n\"You are coming with me, ape!\"\n\nSheathing one of her swords, Serphia bent forward to pull Sevarian to his feet, spinning him around as she held him close to her body and placed the sharp edge of her blade against the unprotected skin of his throat as she walked him towards the exit to the room.\n\n\"Prepare the wounded and be ready to leave on my command.\" Serphia said to one of her soldiers who were tending to those sentinels that had been wounded in the fighting. \n\nOutside in the corridor, Serphia, carrying the bleeding Sevarian, emerged from the doorway. Rithrynn followed closely behind her mistress, bow and arrow in hand and at the ready.\n\n\"Stand aside, humans! Or your commander will become one head shorter!\" Serphia called out with a threatening voice as she faced Sevarian towards Sherpa and his White Hand mercenaries. Serphia's eyes narrowed as she spotted Rae'liel in the back, tied and bound. What was the Blood Elf doing with them?!", "username": "Rithy" } ]
As the Night Elven Captain stepped out of the ritual chamber with the limp body of Sevarian in her arms, Sherpa's eyes opened as he noticed the condition of his darkmaster. "Or your commander will become one head shorter!" "Captain." "Do not think me a liar!" " ... Captain." "ONE MOVE AND HE'S DEAD!" "Serphia!" "What?" Serphia finally seemed to react to the lesser voice coming from the High Elf standing on her shoulder, the Captain turning to glare down at Sharon with her silver eyes. "I believe he's already dead." Sharon commented quietly as he motioned towards the pale faced; more pale than usual; dark mage in her grip. Sevarian's head was hanging limply to the other side, whatever remnants of blood dripping out of the side of his mouth as his eyes were closed shut. The man seemed to have finally succumbed to this grave wound. "I do not know what your plan is, but I don't think you are going to get very much out of a dead hostage." Sharon quietly said to Serphia as he inched slightly closer to her cheek, the High Elf throwing a highly worried look towards the White Hand mercenaries and Sherpa who now stood before them. He also noticed Rae'liel among them, and gently motioned towards her with an arm. "Whatever happens, Serphia, I much need the Blood Elf alive if you wouldn't mind." "Assuming WE survive in the first place."
Rithrynn Syn'Dial
Race: Night Elf Age: 96 Profession: Sentinel/Huntress Description: Rithrynn stands at somewhere under 8ft, her skin is light purple, and her hair is deep blue and runs down to her back. She wears two deep purple tattoos around her silvery eyes stretching out into elegant tendrils on her face. Having been a Sentinel for the greater part of her life, and served under notorious Captain Serphia who is renowned for her love for exercise and particular leg training, Rithrynn, like most Night Elves, has notably more flesh and muscles on her bones than that of her skinnier High Elven cousins across the sea, sporting an amazonian body. Even though she has lived a life of rigorous exercise and meat diet, she still retains her feminine figure and curves, however toned they might be with strong arms and stronger legs. She tends to wear a different assortment of clothes and armor depending on time, occasion and season. She loves to try out new things, but can be found to wear her sentinel uniform most of the time. Her sentinel uniform during summertime is both simple at the same time as it is opulently embellished; consisting mainly of a pair of tall light plated boots, a pair of steel gloves running all the way up to her elbows, a chestplate sitting on her upper torso with some leaf formed shoulderpads, and a helmet. The surface of her armor is painted black, trimmed with silver colors and adorned with beautiful silver threaded patterns representing leaves and branches across the pitch black background, as well as covered in purple colored leather in other places. Alongside her light armor she wears a deep purple moonsilk loincloth at her waist, and sometimes a purple cloak and hood as well. And in true Night Elven fashion, her armor, clothes and body is adorned with various ornaments, jewelry and large and small feathers from various feathered creatures that she has hunted down. During winter time, she will often combine her armor with a more warmer winter coat underneath in white and purple colors, mainly made from animal hide and skin. During leisure time, she has an affinity for simple yet elegant silk dresses. Biography: Rithrynn was born in a smaller village in the north western part of the great forest of Ashenvale by a family of bakers, and is the fourth daughter of her mother and sixth daughter of her father. She only grew up with one sister, as her mother gave birth to the three first two hundred years before her birth. As soon as she could run, she was already spending most of her time in the woods, and constantly pestering her elders to join them whenever they went out to hunt. She was described as full of energy to the point many of the villagers created a rumor that she never actually slept. By the time she had the strength to draw an arrow, she had already made her own bow and was out hunting by herself in the woods, but was often reprimanded both by her parents and her community for her tendency to simply shoot anything she found in the woods, including dead animals. Indeed, she "accidentally" shot her older sister in the buttocks once, an incident that spawned a chaotic feud between the two that ended up in a small forest fire. When she was in her late teens, she had already enacted a small genocide of the wildlife around her village, decimating the animal populations living about. This was the last straw for the Elder council of the village, who decided that her wanton slaughter of all non-elven life was upsetting the natural balance and creating a shortage of animals in the area, and thus they deviced a plan to get rid of her. They decided that she would probably fit in better with the Sentinels, Night Elven warriors tasked with guarding the forests. And that is how Rithrynn, involuntarily, was sent(forced) to apply as a sentinel within the closest roaming Night Elven warband at the age of 19. Although she missed her village, she soon began to realize that she liked the new warband better. They did not judge her for her liberal form of archery. Instead, they saw talent and untapped potential, and they helped her perfect her archery. And all of them shared her same enthusiasm for putting holes in things! She also learned, however, just how miserable a person could be under the hellish training regime of her new warband, and was reminded how much she hated authority; a concept which her mistress and Captain, Serphia, literally embodied. Rithrynn was not the first unruly and mischievous sentinel that Serphia had had to deal with, but despite numerous disciplinary actions, had a tendency to still lurk responsibilities and tasks, and sometimes even go off on her own. This spawned further disciplinary actions that affected the entire warband, something which did not help her reputation. But one thing that may have kept her sisters view of her from going from just annoying to hostile might have been Rithrynn's talent as a cook and baker, as the recipes she had learned from her parents helped restore whatever good will that was lost from her sisters for her quarrels with Serphia. Still, Rithrynn found herself often being the scapegoat for her sisters whenever something went wrong, and of all the friendships she made in the warband, there is none she regrets more than that with a fellow sentinel called Naliyah who developed a ceaseless crush for her that she is unable to escape regardless of how hard she tries, and being stuck in the same warband doesn't help! But despite whatever shenanigans and in-fighting that might occur within her warband, they would always forget about them completely whenever an external enemy showed up. Since then, she has roamed the lands of Ashenvale and beyond with the rest of her sisters in her warband which by now is her home, going on adventures, turning outsiders into pin-cushions, raiding & pillaging, sabotaging peace treaties, and upholding the balance of nature through the relentless genocide of animals, orcs and other humanoid creatures who made the mistake of existing too close to their land.
[ { "char_name": "Meirie Leran", "text": "\"However you wish, miss Vashi...\" Mei had given up on trying to argue already and was simply following the night elf mage. The very idea of an arcane wielding night elf seemed absurd at first. Mei herself had spend some time at the lands of the night elves years ago when the relationships between their two nations were forming so she got a chance to study their libraries and ancient texts... at least withing the allowed range without trying to read secret documents and the like. What she did learn was that night elves abandoned anything arcane related thousands of years ago... why this night elf used magic like this was quite the mystery for the draenei warrior.\n\n \"Will not be surprised... \" Meirie added at the statement of possible secret laboratories down in the basement somewhere. It was the perfect place for it really, underground so the noise from it would be deafened, no flashes of light to alert the surroundings and very well protected in case... something blows up.\n\n \"Don't worry miss Vashi... from now on I will protect you and your things. If someone wants to take something or touch something, I will give them a stern scolding.\" She said with a smile, wondering exactly how big was the basement of this mansion. She knew that they were big for she had entered one of the other estates before for work. Had to clean a basement from some hostile beasts... how they ended there she did not ask for the pay was good back then.\n\n \"Miss... I've been meaning to ask, but how did you end in a night elven warband?\" The warrior asked eventually.\" I mean a woman with your abilities would surely have other prospects?\"", "username": "rivaan" }, { "char_name": "Sharon Daerin'Lei", "text": "\"Wow. You might need to restock these, Sharon\"\n\nA low but still very noticeable mental groan could almost be felt emanating from the smaller High Elf on Liaena's shoulder as she entered into the (now posthumously) room o jam.\n\nSharon said nothing, but merely gazed at the rows upon rows of empty or missing bottles of jam, half of which lay scattered across the floor in an unceremonious fashion. Indeed, the Night Elves had apparently not afforded even the jam any more mercy than they had the wine storage by the looks of it! The mage could only dread the number at the end of the bill once everything had been refilled.\n\nPerhaps it might even be better just to let Friedrick burn said bill before he could even see it.\n\n\"It's the antidote. Take it. I don't want to mislay you down here\"\n\n\"I think there are worse places you could mislay me. And you don't have to leave the house to find them.\" Sharon said half-jokingly, half concerned as he threw a quick glance around before he accepted the potion.\n\nMoments later, he would stand back at his full, very-much-so normal and not-pocket-sized stature. Taking a moment to tidy up his deep azure blue robe and adjust the mithril chestplate under it so that it sat properly, the blond haired High Elf would step over to where Liaena was working not far from the unconscious body of the large Death Knight. As he came close enough, he would extend his staff wielding arm and a bit of his cloak as well as he wrapped it around Liaena as she was working, before speaking as he looked towards her.\n\n\"I think you did really well today, Liaena. My brother has made this life anything but easy... no matter how much you may make it seem the exact opposite sometimes. I really appreciate having you by my side, Liaena.\" He smiled, simply taking a moment where he simply looked at her.\n\nThat attention however would be broken by a low groan emanating from the now half-sleeping Draenei as she shuffled somewhat around on the floor, slowly recovering from her sleep.\n\nCasting a look between Liaena and Malizia, Sharon would reach into his arcane pouch hanging at his side with his other hand to produce a pair of handcuffs made out of Thorium, with some mystical magical runes written into them. \n\n\"I got some anti-mage cuffs that could prevent her from casting any spells... \" Sharon explained as he held them up in front of Liaena with a slight grin, before suffering the inevitably stare that any man outside of law enforcement would receive when casually revealing himself to be carrying handcuffs.\n\"You never know when they might come in handy... totally not a souvenir from my academy time in Dalaran, no... \"\n\n...\n\n\"Anyhow!\" Brushing past the awkward silence, he'd look back at Liaena.\n\"They would block her spells, but I don't think you'd be able to shrink them. So we are going to have to make a choice, whether we want to contend with a shackled 8ft tall martial monstrosity of death - literally -, or a shrunk adept student of some of the darkest magic known to mortals and deities alike.\"\n\nNodding, he'd gaze slightly away.\n\n\"Just like... whichever option you'd feel the most comfortable with.\"", "username": "Sinerathin" } ]
"Ohhh, that's a long story... " Vashi replied, gently bobbing with her head as she walked, staff in hand. "Or, now that I think of it, it's not actually a very long story. It's actually rather straight forward, mind you." She suddenly contemplated, scratching her chin with a thinking look on her face as she gazed out into the empty air above them. "It's actually more like that the military tribunal finally realized, after almost ten thousand years, that maaaaaaayybeee magic could actually be a good thing when it came to guarding the balance of the world, which is the divinely appointed charge of the Keldorei given to them by the Moon Goddess Elune herself. Now, we do have Druids, some of whom are REALLLYYY powerful(and old, that's a thing about us that you'll learn), but they just don't quite pack the 'oompfh!' as does an order of trained battle mages. So, because the tribunal realized that we couldn't just sit on the defensive all the time if we wanted to restore order to the world, they managed; although they had a hard time getting their bigot heads out of their uptight butts; to accept the use of arcane magic in a limited form." During her little speech, Vashi had gotten a little riled up and spoke with great enthusiasm, but also a little bit of sarcasm. Finally finished, she let out a small sigh, before looking over at Mei with somewhat of a bemused smile. "So that's that, it really makes you think that it wasn't until the very balance of the world was threatened that they finally allowed us to practice magic, and we're still on probation in all but name!" Vashi couldn't help but frown a little bit at the end of her sentence, rolling her eyes to the side for a moment before looking back at Mei. "Like I said, it's an elf thing that not many outsiders really understand. To put it into perspective, imagine that you accidentally set fire to the kitchen one day. Except that your parents were also near immortal and with an immaculate memory for grudges and bad things in general! And so thereafter, even on your 8346th birthday, they'll still remind you about that little incident, and not let you near the oven! That's pretty much how magic works in our culture."
Rithrynn Syn'Dial
Race: Night Elf Age: 96 Profession: Sentinel/Huntress Description: Rithrynn stands at somewhere under 8ft, her skin is light purple, and her hair is deep blue and runs down to her back. She wears two deep purple tattoos around her silvery eyes stretching out into elegant tendrils on her face. Having been a Sentinel for the greater part of her life, and served under notorious Captain Serphia who is renowned for her love for exercise and particular leg training, Rithrynn, like most Night Elves, has notably more flesh and muscles on her bones than that of her skinnier High Elven cousins across the sea, sporting an amazonian body. Even though she has lived a life of rigorous exercise and meat diet, she still retains her feminine figure and curves, however toned they might be with strong arms and stronger legs. She tends to wear a different assortment of clothes and armor depending on time, occasion and season. She loves to try out new things, but can be found to wear her sentinel uniform most of the time. Her sentinel uniform during summertime is both simple at the same time as it is opulently embellished; consisting mainly of a pair of tall light plated boots, a pair of steel gloves running all the way up to her elbows, a chestplate sitting on her upper torso with some leaf formed shoulderpads, and a helmet. The surface of her armor is painted black, trimmed with silver colors and adorned with beautiful silver threaded patterns representing leaves and branches across the pitch black background, as well as covered in purple colored leather in other places. Alongside her light armor she wears a deep purple moonsilk loincloth at her waist, and sometimes a purple cloak and hood as well. And in true Night Elven fashion, her armor, clothes and body is adorned with various ornaments, jewelry and large and small feathers from various feathered creatures that she has hunted down. During winter time, she will often combine her armor with a more warmer winter coat underneath in white and purple colors, mainly made from animal hide and skin. During leisure time, she has an affinity for simple yet elegant silk dresses. Biography: Rithrynn was born in a smaller village in the north western part of the great forest of Ashenvale by a family of bakers, and is the fourth daughter of her mother and sixth daughter of her father. She only grew up with one sister, as her mother gave birth to the three first two hundred years before her birth. As soon as she could run, she was already spending most of her time in the woods, and constantly pestering her elders to join them whenever they went out to hunt. She was described as full of energy to the point many of the villagers created a rumor that she never actually slept. By the time she had the strength to draw an arrow, she had already made her own bow and was out hunting by herself in the woods, but was often reprimanded both by her parents and her community for her tendency to simply shoot anything she found in the woods, including dead animals. Indeed, she "accidentally" shot her older sister in the buttocks once, an incident that spawned a chaotic feud between the two that ended up in a small forest fire. When she was in her late teens, she had already enacted a small genocide of the wildlife around her village, decimating the animal populations living about. This was the last straw for the Elder council of the village, who decided that her wanton slaughter of all non-elven life was upsetting the natural balance and creating a shortage of animals in the area, and thus they deviced a plan to get rid of her. They decided that she would probably fit in better with the Sentinels, Night Elven warriors tasked with guarding the forests. And that is how Rithrynn, involuntarily, was sent(forced) to apply as a sentinel within the closest roaming Night Elven warband at the age of 19. Although she missed her village, she soon began to realize that she liked the new warband better. They did not judge her for her liberal form of archery. Instead, they saw talent and untapped potential, and they helped her perfect her archery. And all of them shared her same enthusiasm for putting holes in things! She also learned, however, just how miserable a person could be under the hellish training regime of her new warband, and was reminded how much she hated authority; a concept which her mistress and Captain, Serphia, literally embodied. Rithrynn was not the first unruly and mischievous sentinel that Serphia had had to deal with, but despite numerous disciplinary actions, had a tendency to still lurk responsibilities and tasks, and sometimes even go off on her own. This spawned further disciplinary actions that affected the entire warband, something which did not help her reputation. But one thing that may have kept her sisters view of her from going from just annoying to hostile might have been Rithrynn's talent as a cook and baker, as the recipes she had learned from her parents helped restore whatever good will that was lost from her sisters for her quarrels with Serphia. Still, Rithrynn found herself often being the scapegoat for her sisters whenever something went wrong, and of all the friendships she made in the warband, there is none she regrets more than that with a fellow sentinel called Naliyah who developed a ceaseless crush for her that she is unable to escape regardless of how hard she tries, and being stuck in the same warband doesn't help! But despite whatever shenanigans and in-fighting that might occur within her warband, they would always forget about them completely whenever an external enemy showed up. Since then, she has roamed the lands of Ashenvale and beyond with the rest of her sisters in her warband which by now is her home, going on adventures, turning outsiders into pin-cushions, raiding & pillaging, sabotaging peace treaties, and upholding the balance of nature through the relentless genocide of animals, orcs and other humanoid creatures who made the mistake of existing too close to their land.
[ { "char_name": "Rithrynn Syn'Dial", "text": "\"AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!\"\n\n\"OWWWWH!!\"\n\n*Crash*\n*BOOM*\n\n\"Let me introduce you to my little friend, GRAVITY, BITCH!\"\n\n\"AIII-\"\n*DROOOHHHMM!!*\n\nSerphia's support team/goon squad had long since given up any attempt at interfering with the fight of the two, giant behemoth currently fighting over the piece of dirt that had once been Sharon's garden! Instead, they had taken up a (relatively) safe distance in the surrounding streets and simply gazed up at the ash cloud covered silhouettes of Serphia and Malizia as the two furious women duked it out in a no-holds-barred beatdown of each other!\n\nIn one scene, Malizia charged forward, launching her own head right into Serphia's chest and knocking the gigantic Sentinel Captain into the mansion, promptly making her serve as an oversized wrecking ball that immediately demolished the roof of the east wing!\n\n\"Giving up yet, you little troll?\"\n\n\"You are going to DIE for that!!\"\n\nSerphia retaliated by swiping the feet(hoofs) out from under Malizia, the giant red draenei-demon-thingy falling to the ground with a deep rumble! Malizia answered by jumping onto Serphia, only for Serphia to pull one leg back, place her feet up under Malizia's chest, and push back, causing Malizia to go flying up into the air with a scream!\n\nBack at the mansion ground, Sentinels in various states of clothes or stripping could be seen running out of the front door of the mansion, gathering in a small crowd outside in response to the growing fire.\n\nThere was an awkward pause among the dozens of drunk and half-sober sentinels that had gathered outside of the mansion as they simply stared dumbfounded at the fire spreading in the second floor, before one of them suddenly stepped forward and raised her stolen mug.\n\n\"BEST PARTY EVER!!\"\n\nIn response to the sentinel, the rest of her sisters raised their fists and cried out as well, jumping up and down with their drinks as they cheered on the burning mansion!\nIn the background, angry nightsabers could be seen jumping out of windows of the mansion to escape the fire, before running amok in the streets!\n\n\"WHOOOO-HOOOO!!\"\n\"YEAAH!!\"\n\n...\n\n\"So... where do we go now?\"", "username": "Rithy" }, { "char_name": "Sharon Daerin'Lei", "text": "\"So are we leaving? I like this plan if you do, Mister Dal'dieb\"\n\nThe High Elf's gaze passed from the curious, strangely optimistic looking Kathlin over to Liaena, then back again.\n\n\"If I said no, I doubt I'd get to the o in that word before Liaena had already dragged me off to Westfall. I'm still not sure if giving her that haste buff was a good idea!\"\n\nSharon privately thought, also unsure whether he should also mention the potential of the spell having taking 1 or 2 years off her life expectancy.\n\n\"Come to think of it, I have always wanted a new place closer to the beach... \" Sharon muttered, moving one hand up to his chin in a thoughtful expression, before he turned to Liaena and Kathlin, and nodded; all the while instinctively bracing himself in case Liaena should decide to run somewhere with him along!\n\n\"Not to speak ill of your skills or anything, but I do believe the barrier I set up is more than a match for a yet so simple apprentice.\" Sharon said as he glanced over at Kathlin. Though Kathlin had never shown anything but t e best intentions and did seem to have an elevated magical potential despite her simple class, Sharon doubted that her skills were enough to contest with that of a long lived High Elf and esteemed student and teacher at the Dalaran academy of magical sorcery!\n\n\"Aran kehn, rahs fuhs.\" Sharon suddenly muttered, before thumping the butt of his silver staff into the ground two times. \n\nFor a moment, a creeping silence ran across the entire mansion like a wave, as the invisible enchantment was dispelled by the utterance of the keyphrase. The only noise was the not-so-subtle noise of the fleeing elves and nightsabers who apparently already had decided it was time to ditch his soon-to-be ex-mansion!\n\n\"One of the first things we were taught at the Institute of Enchantment back at Dalaran was to attach a keyphrase, or password if you will, to our *simpler* wards, so that we could more easily unravel them at a moment's notice than have to go through a lengthy ritual of disenchantment.\" \n\nSharon explained with a smile as he looked over at Kathlin, apparently enjoying any chance he got to show off his superior magical knowledge!\n\n\"Now, I will begin the ritual of teleporta,- thank you, Friedrick.\" \n\nSharon interrupted himself to thank Friedrick as the butler seemingly appeared out of nowhere and handed him a Rune of Teleportation, before the High Elf returned to focusing on his ritual.\n\n\"This is going to take a few seconds, a minute max... any special destination in mind?\" He asked, turning to look over at Liaena with a smile, all the while motioning for them to come closer. However, his confident smile would suddenly fade for a moment, as if the High Elf had just remembered about something.\n\nTurning towards Liaena, he quirked an eyebrow at her.\n\n\"Liaena... aren't we forgetting about someone?\"", "username": "Sinerathin" } ]
"Uhmm... " Vashi was slightly taken aback by the Draenei's strangely casual tone, especially when one considered what was going on all around them! "I had always wanted to try that strange thing the humies refer to as Fish and Chips. I hear it's quite popular around here for some reason!" Vashi simply answered, occasionally listening out through the mansion and outside. She did not know whether Mei realised it or not, but as she was a Night Elf, she enjoyed a far better hearing than the Draenei could ever possess. As an immediate result, Vashi got to hear practically... everything... that was going on outside between the two giantesses. "Goddess, why did she even have to go and say that?!!" Vashi thought with a worried mind as she heard Malizia utter the forbidden words around Serphia. It was enough to convince Vashi that if Serphia had ever had any plans of killing the Draenei quickly, those plans had just faded! But also, there was a strange odour in the air... Furrowing her brows and nose, Vashi suddenly cast an inquisitive look at Mei, and then over at the rest of their surroundings. "Do you... smell that too?" She asked with an uncertain tone as she landed one silvery eye on Mei, sniffing in the rather ominous coarse, acidic smell that had suddenly entered the air!
Meirie Leran
Age: 2320 Class: Warrior – Berserker Description: Meirie is a 2.30m tall draenei woman, with pale blue skin, shoulder length light brown messy hair and a pair of slightly curved horns pointing backwards. She has youthful face like most women of her race and looks around 25 years old at most in human standards. She is quite beautiful, but always has a strange air of sadness around her. Additionally on her skin could be seen a number of different scars, mostly left by war wounds. Years prior when she took part in the fighting in Outland and Northrend, Meirie was always dressed in her full red plate armor, dual wielding a pair of 2 handed swords. Now her usual clothing consists of a big loose blouse that she wears without much thought, a pair of short pants, and a pair of metal leg guards. Biography: Meirie's story is long, but the most important part of it starts around the time when the orcs were being corrupted by the demons, slowly pushed towards wiping out the draenei. The draenei were not prepared for what was to happen and Meirie was one of them. One day by complete chance when she was exploring the wilds, she stumbled upon a strange gathering of orcs. Assuming that something was going on and they may need help, she approached, but it turned out she stumbled right into the hands of a warlock gathering. To her horror, realizing what was going on, she tried to fight and escape to warn her people, but she was not armed enough to fight such great numbers. She was an incredible warrior, but she was only armed with a spear at the time. Eventually she got captured and dragged away to some tower where they locked her up. Following her capture, she was put through countless experiments and torture, as her captors didn't even consider her a living being. She had no idea for how long she was captured, for the constant tortures and drugs and whatever else the warlocks wanted, kept her in almost constant state of confusion. Eventually in her daze, she overheard some of the warlocks talking about her worst nightmares, they planned to lead the orc tribes towards the purge of all draenei. After that event, Meirie pulled all her willpower, trying to figure out an escape attempt that will allow her to warn her people. The only good opportunity was when she was being tortured. Following her plan the next day, when she was taken out from her cell for the daily fun of the warlocks, she put her scheme into motion. Her captors liked to hang her by the chain on her arms on a hook attached to the ceiling. As she was hung there, they began cutting at her skin with grotesque blades, so serrated that there was no way the wounds will heal normally. In a rush of power, fueled by desperation and pain, she managed to violently jump from her position and unhook herself from the ceiling. In a single terrifying for the warlocks moment, she snapped their necks before they can react and jumped out the window of hte tower into the river outside. In the next few days, she struggled to crawl back to the nearest draenei settlement, but by the time she managed it was already too late. In the end she never had the chance to warn them after all. It all had happened way before she overheard the warlocks. At that time her confused mind had took that they were talking about events to come, while they were actually recalling what already transpired. The thing she arrived at was the aftereffects of a genocide. Her homevillage was burned to the ground, nothing left alive. With trembling feet she crept to her home, where she found 3 charred bodies. Her family... her people... there was nothing left. In her mind the warrior had failed them. She somehow managed to pull together again, for she was convinced there was no way all her people were dead. With tears on her face, she slowly walked away from her destroyed home, Through the wilderness she walked, her eyes barely open as she struggled against her own dying body. Meirie had no idea where she was going, she only knew she had to continue to move, to find something... someone... Eventually when she was at the end of her strength and her legs finally gave away, she saw the most horrible sight of them all. Even from the great distance it was posible to clearly see the long blue road... leading to a huge stone gateway. Her heart froze in that one moment, for she understood why the road was blue... it was the corpses of countless draenei. In that one moment her mind could no longer take it and she simply broke. Her body lossing it's final strength and she crumbled onto the ground. She was soon after found by draenei survivors who were fleeing away and she was taken with them. But she never really recovered after that day. She would simply lay there, sleeping and even the most powerful healers of the draenei couldn't do anything to aid her mind. They healed the wounds on her body, but she never woke up. She slept through the following years until the crash of the Exodar in Azeroth. At first her body was weak from all the years of sleep she went through, but she slowly regained her strenght as she took part in the unfolding events in this new world. Still deeply wounded by the events of the past, she never really spoke much, but she had changed. Now possessing an intense hatred for orcs, the once calm warrior had become a fierce berserker. Leaving behind the spear, she once again picked up the sword as a weapon, but now wielding a pair of two handed ones, wearing full plate armor, she waged a crazed battle against all enemy she met. She took part in the worst fighting again as the legion started to invade through the dark portal, and then again in Northrend against the Lichking, but nothing really led her to find peace with her past. After the fall of the scourge she simply left everything. Leaving behind her armor and swords in Exodar, she vanished into the world. Where no one knew her. Eventually she made her way to Stormwind, where she started living a humble life. She became a warrior trainer, the wage was mininal, but with a few odd jobs here and there, it was about enough for a rent in an inn and to get herself wasted every night in a cheap tavern somewhere. Her existance in Stormwind caused quite a few gossips for the normal humans who rarely came in contact with other races besides the adventurers who appeared every now and then, wondered what exactly she was doing there. Many couldn't really understand why would someone like her live the way she is. She didn't really have much friends if any and she was constantly broke, having to loan money from others every now and then. Even warriors with whom she once fought side by side couldn't recognize her as they passed each other in the streets of Stormwind.
[ { "char_name": "Sharon Daerin'Lei", "text": "\"My sin was trying to save my race from oblivion!\"\n\nMalizia reacted as Mei came in for a kick by stepping backwards, sweeping out in a strike against the incoming kick and hitting her leg armor. The armor prevailed, but Mei could feel a tingling cold sensation coming from her legs as blue and ghostly misty tendrils crept from Malizia's runeblade and onto her leg armor for the brief moment they touched.\n\nReadjusting her sword, Malizia instead swiped it in an upwards sweep against Mei's face. The Draenei succeeded in avoiding the incoming Runeblade, but did not have time to dodge the second as Malizia glided her other Runeblade across her left flank as she passed her by, leaving a shallow gash on Mei's left!\n\nThe physical pain of the strike would perhaps be the least of Mei's worry. In the brief moment that Malizia's blade had touched, it had felt as though an overwhelming wave of chill had jolted through her body, dropping her internal body temperature by a couple of degrees. Though the wound was only superficial for the most part, it was as though a dark presence had entered her, sapping some of her will and courage. The wound at her side was not bleeding - in fact, it was frozen shut.\n\n\"I was cast out because I would not let myself become blinded by the Light!\" Malizia spoke as she turned to look back at Mei, pointing her left Runeblade at her.\n\"I saw through its petty lies and promises for the blissful ignorance that it truly was! I was one of the few that realized that victory would take more than vain hope and foolish ideals that were utterly unfit for the realities of war!\"\n\nMalizia's eyes narrowed sharply on Mei, the Draenei ignoring the blood that seeped down across her left eye.\n\n\"Our misguided ideas of right and just were just as dangerous to us as the Orcs themselves - if not more so!\"\n\n---------------------------------\n\nSilje-Serphia had not hesitated to take the antitode, and it did not take long before a new, 5ft and 6 girl stood next to them in the corridor, blond hair and blue eyes. Serphia's oversized armor had long since fallen off her, and she cloaked herself instead in the Captain's still-very-much-so oversized cloak!\n\n\"Sharon, you mean the yellow haired High Elf?\" Silje inquired as she looked towards Liaena and Kathlin, her eyes remaining on the latter.\n\n\"I think I saw him chase after the 'Mindbreaker' after he escaped your bag and out into the corridor before we exited.\" Silje explained, removing one hand from the cloak to point down along the hallway to the left, which lead towards the stairs to the atrium where the sound of the great Night Elven brawl could still be heard!\n\"I never realized anyone so tiny could run that fast... \"", "username": "Sinerathin" }, { "char_name": "Rithrynn Syn'Dial", "text": "The standoff between the two Draenei had become the center of attention in the room.\n\nWhile they were talking, Rithrynn would be slowly inching her way around the room in a half circle around the two fighters, until she stood right next to her Captain. Vashi would repeat the same thing, approaching Serphia from the opposite direction and keeping her distance to the two Draenei.\n\nAs she stood next to her towering Captain, Rithrynn would slowly lean in; eyes still on Mei and Malizia, and whisper up to Serphia.\n\n\"Uhhmm... should we intervene, mistress?\" She asked, throwing a slightly quizzical look between Serphia and the two Draenei.\n\nThe fight seemed to have been really one sided to far. An unarmed, perhaps drunk Draenei fighting a fully armed and armored Draenei who wielded not just one, but two Runeblades!\n\n\"We probably should... \"\n\nSerphia had raised a hand up to her chin, rubbing it for a moment as she gazed thoughtfully at the two combatants. Suddenly motioning for Vashi to give her her sword, she held the blade up in front of Vashi. Vashi, looking slightly confused for a moment, would raise her staff towards the blade, casting a quiet enchantment which suddenly caused the runes inscribed into the Night Elven magi's blade to suddenly glow with a deep, orange hue as the blade suddenly began to burn!\n\n\"Draenei, catch!\" \n\nThe Night Elven Captain's voice would suddenly call out through the room when she suddenly threw Vashi's now flaming elven shortsword towards Mei like a flaming missile, despite the fact that half of Malizia was already in the way!\n\nAs she did, Serphia would raise her own sword and called out to Rithrynn and Vashi standing around her.\n\n\"KILL THE SQUID GOAT!\"\n\n\"Which one?!\"\n\n\"THE EVIL ONE!\"\n\n\" ?? ... OKAY!\"\n\nIn an instant, Rithrynn and Serphia suddenly charged towards Malizia from behind, the two big and bigger Sentinels rapidly closing the gap between them; and Vashi cast a spell that levitated Malizia's feet some inches above the ground, making the Death Knight lose her footing!\n\n*\n\nBack in the atrium, pandemonium had ensued! (even worse than before!!)\n\nAleena and Lithrielle had teamed up in the middle of the brawl, and had just double slammed one of the chevalier-elves into the ground when Aleena turned to look at Lithrielle.\n\n\"Where's the rest of those traitors?! I'm itching for a fight!\" Aleena exclaimed as she looked around, offhandedly elbowing a drunk Sentinel as she tried to attack her from behind, causing her to slump right down onto the fallen chevalier-elf, whom let out a painful groan in return!\n\n\"I think we've run out of them... \" Lithrielle replied as she scanned the surrounding battle, which at this point mostly featured the warband fighting against itself; any chevalier-elf having been lost in the confusing elf brawl.\n\n\"Wait, look!\" Aleena would suddenly say, grabbing Lithrielle as she pointed towards two tiny High Elves locked in battle a little further away, barely visible past the legs of the fighters!\n\"It's that High Elf guy we're supposed to be protecting - and I think he found the last invader!\"\n\n\"Ohhh, let's get him!\n\n\"Yeees!!\"\n\n\"CHAAAARRGEE!\" And with a combined battle cry, Aleena and Lithrielle charged forth together through the fray and towards Sharon and Valion, using an unfortunate, crouched sentinel as a stepping stone as they both leaped into the air towards the two High Elves in a combined, aerial elf assault formation!", "username": "Rithy" } ]
"I've had enough of the preaches you and the paladins utter…" Mei roared as the runeblade slashed her side. The pain erupted inside her mind, her body felt cold at that moment as the effect of the death knight's magic blade surged through her wound, freezing it. Still Mei had long since stopped being a normal warrior, as the pain filled her mind and the rage fueled her up, the burning fires of rage in her eyes only grew stronger. She roared again, the sensation of pain dulled by her berserk state, she was just about to charge again with even greater rage as the shout came, followed by a burning sword. In a moment of silence unusual for a berserker, she grabbed the burning blade in midair. It was a good sword, somewhat lighter than the ones she was used to wield... her dual pair of two handed swords. She missed having them in her rage. The familiar sensation of a sword's hilt filled her arm. It took her, but a moment to suddenly press the burning blade against her frozen wound. In a few brief seconds the wound first was unfrozen and then the flesh began to burn. She felt that much better with her flesh burned than the frost spreading like a desease in her body, limiting her ability to move. "That's better… pain is the only proof one still lives…" She muttered with a huge grin. Then she charged at the death knight again, rage burning through her mind and pulling all locks of her body." HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" With a battle cry she slashed at Ryuuna, using the moment when the mage broke her footing. Her enraged mind allowing her to utilize even more strength than usual… "TO OBLIVION WITH THE LIGHT AND DARKNESS!" Mei shouted." I WANT TO DESTROY YOU OF MY OWN DESIRE..."
Meirie Leran
Age: 2320 Class: Warrior – Berserker Description: Meirie is a 2.30m tall draenei woman, with pale blue skin, shoulder length light brown messy hair and a pair of slightly curved horns pointing backwards. She has youthful face like most women of her race and looks around 25 years old at most in human standards. She is quite beautiful, but always has a strange air of sadness around her. Additionally on her skin could be seen a number of different scars, mostly left by war wounds. Years prior when she took part in the fighting in Outland and Northrend, Meirie was always dressed in her full red plate armor, dual wielding a pair of 2 handed swords. Now her usual clothing consists of a big loose blouse that she wears without much thought, a pair of short pants, and a pair of metal leg guards. Biography: Meirie's story is long, but the most important part of it starts around the time when the orcs were being corrupted by the demons, slowly pushed towards wiping out the draenei. The draenei were not prepared for what was to happen and Meirie was one of them. One day by complete chance when she was exploring the wilds, she stumbled upon a strange gathering of orcs. Assuming that something was going on and they may need help, she approached, but it turned out she stumbled right into the hands of a warlock gathering. To her horror, realizing what was going on, she tried to fight and escape to warn her people, but she was not armed enough to fight such great numbers. She was an incredible warrior, but she was only armed with a spear at the time. Eventually she got captured and dragged away to some tower where they locked her up. Following her capture, she was put through countless experiments and torture, as her captors didn't even consider her a living being. She had no idea for how long she was captured, for the constant tortures and drugs and whatever else the warlocks wanted, kept her in almost constant state of confusion. Eventually in her daze, she overheard some of the warlocks talking about her worst nightmares, they planned to lead the orc tribes towards the purge of all draenei. After that event, Meirie pulled all her willpower, trying to figure out an escape attempt that will allow her to warn her people. The only good opportunity was when she was being tortured. Following her plan the next day, when she was taken out from her cell for the daily fun of the warlocks, she put her scheme into motion. Her captors liked to hang her by the chain on her arms on a hook attached to the ceiling. As she was hung there, they began cutting at her skin with grotesque blades, so serrated that there was no way the wounds will heal normally. In a rush of power, fueled by desperation and pain, she managed to violently jump from her position and unhook herself from the ceiling. In a single terrifying for the warlocks moment, she snapped their necks before they can react and jumped out the window of hte tower into the river outside. In the next few days, she struggled to crawl back to the nearest draenei settlement, but by the time she managed it was already too late. In the end she never had the chance to warn them after all. It all had happened way before she overheard the warlocks. At that time her confused mind had took that they were talking about events to come, while they were actually recalling what already transpired. The thing she arrived at was the aftereffects of a genocide. Her homevillage was burned to the ground, nothing left alive. With trembling feet she crept to her home, where she found 3 charred bodies. Her family... her people... there was nothing left. In her mind the warrior had failed them. She somehow managed to pull together again, for she was convinced there was no way all her people were dead. With tears on her face, she slowly walked away from her destroyed home, Through the wilderness she walked, her eyes barely open as she struggled against her own dying body. Meirie had no idea where she was going, she only knew she had to continue to move, to find something... someone... Eventually when she was at the end of her strength and her legs finally gave away, she saw the most horrible sight of them all. Even from the great distance it was posible to clearly see the long blue road... leading to a huge stone gateway. Her heart froze in that one moment, for she understood why the road was blue... it was the corpses of countless draenei. In that one moment her mind could no longer take it and she simply broke. Her body lossing it's final strength and she crumbled onto the ground. She was soon after found by draenei survivors who were fleeing away and she was taken with them. But she never really recovered after that day. She would simply lay there, sleeping and even the most powerful healers of the draenei couldn't do anything to aid her mind. They healed the wounds on her body, but she never woke up. She slept through the following years until the crash of the Exodar in Azeroth. At first her body was weak from all the years of sleep she went through, but she slowly regained her strenght as she took part in the unfolding events in this new world. Still deeply wounded by the events of the past, she never really spoke much, but she had changed. Now possessing an intense hatred for orcs, the once calm warrior had become a fierce berserker. Leaving behind the spear, she once again picked up the sword as a weapon, but now wielding a pair of two handed ones, wearing full plate armor, she waged a crazed battle against all enemy she met. She took part in the worst fighting again as the legion started to invade through the dark portal, and then again in Northrend against the Lichking, but nothing really led her to find peace with her past. After the fall of the scourge she simply left everything. Leaving behind her armor and swords in Exodar, she vanished into the world. Where no one knew her. Eventually she made her way to Stormwind, where she started living a humble life. She became a warrior trainer, the wage was mininal, but with a few odd jobs here and there, it was about enough for a rent in an inn and to get herself wasted every night in a cheap tavern somewhere. Her existance in Stormwind caused quite a few gossips for the normal humans who rarely came in contact with other races besides the adventurers who appeared every now and then, wondered what exactly she was doing there. Many couldn't really understand why would someone like her live the way she is. She didn't really have much friends if any and she was constantly broke, having to loan money from others every now and then. Even warriors with whom she once fought side by side couldn't recognize her as they passed each other in the streets of Stormwind.
[ { "char_name": "Sharon Daerin'Lei", "text": "With his question left hanging dead, Sharon nodded.\n\n\"I guess nobody knows where that girl is then.\"\n\nWell, obviously with the exception of one; Naliyah, whom seemed to have some kind of mental GPS of Rithrynn, to know her every location. But Sharon had no clue as to where Naliyah was either.\n\n\"Not the most pressing matter, regardless!\"\n\nAs the conversation between Kathlin and Liaena dragged on, with Kathlin being positioned on the other side of the big Mei, making her rather hard to see; the tense atmosphere became easily noticeable, to the point at which Sharon wondered if Mei couldn't genuinely taste the salt between the two priestesses. \n\n\"Hrmmmmgh... \" A low groaning eminated from the other end of the cellar as the previously unconscious body of the Death Knight began to move, Malizia opening a weary eye as the bedraggled Draenei returned to life.\n\nNoticing the crowd that had gathered on the opposite room of the cellar, with everyone gathered around Mei, Malizia would receive a small grin on her face. Suddenly raising an arm towards them, she would create a wave of energy that crashed into all of them. \n\nWithin seconds, the first thing the group would hear would be the quiet muttering from Malizia, before a wall of force hit them from behind, knocking Mei, Vashi, Kathlin, Liaena and Sharon forward with considerable force and into a pile on the other end of the room!\n\n\"Not today!\" Malizia panted as she reached into a pouch hanging by her side, producing a scroll of some kind. Unfolding it and quickly muttering what sounded like an enchantment, the Death Knight would be consumed by a white light, before disappearing into thin air!\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nAppearing outside, 30ft above the mansion, Malizia would rematerialize.\n\nAt first, she was smiling.\n\nThen she was frowning, as she realized she was not standing on anything.\n\nThen, looking down, and realizing she was currently hovering above the mansion; gravity about to kick in; she would gasp, before letting out a cry as she began falling!\n\nLanding onto the tilted roof, she would crash into the snow, passing by a rather surprised Sentinel as she raced towards the edge!\n\n\"Shit! Shit-shit-shit-shit-sit!\" Malizia would exclaim as she flailed around and sliding down through the half frozen snow on the roof, grabbing about to try to get ahold of something; which just so happened to be the end of the cloak of the surprised sentinel; whom in turn was dragged off her post and with Malizia as she continued downwards!", "username": "Sinerathin" }, { "char_name": "Rithrynn Syn'Dial", "text": "In one moment, Vashi was lost in her own blushing as she was staring back at Mei, unsure what to even say as her dark blue, purple skin gained a very visible pink hue.\n\nIn the next moment, Vashi then found herself lying on top of a fallen Mei, having just been knocked over by a sudden force wave of some kind!\n\n\"I... !\" Vashi merely gasped, looking down at Mei whom she was lying on top of with an astounded expression. But the cause of the expression would be less the sudden attack from behind, and more the position that she found herself in!\n\nOr on...\n\n\"I... did not intend that, sorry... but thanks for catching me!\" Vashi would eventually find a sufficient amount of words to produce a coherent sentence, looking down at the Draenei currently lying under her, whom in turn was probably lying on top one of the human girls that Vashi could no longer see. Now with a smile on her face, Vashi would raise a hand and reach down towards Mei's face, gently touching her cheek.\n\n\"You're quite cute.\" She eventually said, raising an eyebrow at Mei.\n\"Are you sure you were not sent to me as a gift from the goddess or some kind?\" \n\nVashi gently chuckled as she winked slyly at Mei, playfully tilting her head as she looked down at the Draenei.", "username": "Rithy" } ]
"Nahh… I had to at least risk this much, considering I went against a fully armed death knight." Mei replied as the bottle of alcohol was taken from her hands." If I had proper equipment, I wouldn't have taken this much damage, but hey… I live… still." She said with a slight smirk and shrug." I've gotten used to being all wounded up a long time ago so rough and painful treatment of said wounds isn't anything new to me." As the poultice was pressed really hard onto her wound, Mei's nerves once again exploded with pain as her eyes narrowed slightly, her mouth tightly shut and her other arm gripping the arm of the chair she was sitting on with such strength that the wood began making a sound of being crushed. "Don't worry about it, that was a long time ago and they got what they deserved." Mei replied at Kathlin's comment and let out a sigh of relieve as the healing magic started. She felt the warmth in her arm and watched with smile as the wound began to close up and finally vanished, leaving only a scar behind." Heh, light cannot protect me. I just always seem to end in harms way no matter what." Mei mused." If it's not portals, it will be so many other things. One way or another I get hurt a lot." "Huh… that is one way of looking at it." She replied to Liaena. This smaller girl certainly talked in an interesting way. "Well… we left two of the night elves back in the room where I appeared. Maybe one of those is the one you are looking for?" Mei said when the elf mage stated about the missing night elf." I may rage a lot, but I don't really lose my attention to the surroundings." "RYUUNAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Mei shouted as she heard the death knight's words, as she twisted her body to fall on her back to catch Vashi. Melizia was about to escape… or not… huh. She wasn't sure why, but she had the feeling the other draenei's plans wouldn't go that well. Well no need to chase right now and she wasn't really able to. Next time they meet, she isn't going to escape though, especially now that she knows Ryuuna is in Stormwind. "No need to thank me. I told you, didn't I? That I will protect you~" Mei replied with calm voice as the night elf touched her face. The night elf mage had made a complete turn from being shy and unable to talk to flirting." Who knows… Maybe… it isn't always that I get dragged to the portals…" She replied with a smile, looking into the eyes of the night elf. They were beautiful." Actually… will you help me get up now, miss mage? I have the feeling the human girl under us would appreciate it."
Meirie Leran
Age: 2320 Class: Warrior – Berserker Description: Meirie is a 2.30m tall draenei woman, with pale blue skin, shoulder length light brown messy hair and a pair of slightly curved horns pointing backwards. She has youthful face like most women of her race and looks around 25 years old at most in human standards. She is quite beautiful, but always has a strange air of sadness around her. Additionally on her skin could be seen a number of different scars, mostly left by war wounds. Years prior when she took part in the fighting in Outland and Northrend, Meirie was always dressed in her full red plate armor, dual wielding a pair of 2 handed swords. Now her usual clothing consists of a big loose blouse that she wears without much thought, a pair of short pants, and a pair of metal leg guards. Biography: Meirie's story is long, but the most important part of it starts around the time when the orcs were being corrupted by the demons, slowly pushed towards wiping out the draenei. The draenei were not prepared for what was to happen and Meirie was one of them. One day by complete chance when she was exploring the wilds, she stumbled upon a strange gathering of orcs. Assuming that something was going on and they may need help, she approached, but it turned out she stumbled right into the hands of a warlock gathering. To her horror, realizing what was going on, she tried to fight and escape to warn her people, but she was not armed enough to fight such great numbers. She was an incredible warrior, but she was only armed with a spear at the time. Eventually she got captured and dragged away to some tower where they locked her up. Following her capture, she was put through countless experiments and torture, as her captors didn't even consider her a living being. She had no idea for how long she was captured, for the constant tortures and drugs and whatever else the warlocks wanted, kept her in almost constant state of confusion. Eventually in her daze, she overheard some of the warlocks talking about her worst nightmares, they planned to lead the orc tribes towards the purge of all draenei. After that event, Meirie pulled all her willpower, trying to figure out an escape attempt that will allow her to warn her people. The only good opportunity was when she was being tortured. Following her plan the next day, when she was taken out from her cell for the daily fun of the warlocks, she put her scheme into motion. Her captors liked to hang her by the chain on her arms on a hook attached to the ceiling. As she was hung there, they began cutting at her skin with grotesque blades, so serrated that there was no way the wounds will heal normally. In a rush of power, fueled by desperation and pain, she managed to violently jump from her position and unhook herself from the ceiling. In a single terrifying for the warlocks moment, she snapped their necks before they can react and jumped out the window of hte tower into the river outside. In the next few days, she struggled to crawl back to the nearest draenei settlement, but by the time she managed it was already too late. In the end she never had the chance to warn them after all. It all had happened way before she overheard the warlocks. At that time her confused mind had took that they were talking about events to come, while they were actually recalling what already transpired. The thing she arrived at was the aftereffects of a genocide. Her homevillage was burned to the ground, nothing left alive. With trembling feet she crept to her home, where she found 3 charred bodies. Her family... her people... there was nothing left. In her mind the warrior had failed them. She somehow managed to pull together again, for she was convinced there was no way all her people were dead. With tears on her face, she slowly walked away from her destroyed home, Through the wilderness she walked, her eyes barely open as she struggled against her own dying body. Meirie had no idea where she was going, she only knew she had to continue to move, to find something... someone... Eventually when she was at the end of her strength and her legs finally gave away, she saw the most horrible sight of them all. Even from the great distance it was posible to clearly see the long blue road... leading to a huge stone gateway. Her heart froze in that one moment, for she understood why the road was blue... it was the corpses of countless draenei. In that one moment her mind could no longer take it and she simply broke. Her body lossing it's final strength and she crumbled onto the ground. She was soon after found by draenei survivors who were fleeing away and she was taken with them. But she never really recovered after that day. She would simply lay there, sleeping and even the most powerful healers of the draenei couldn't do anything to aid her mind. They healed the wounds on her body, but she never woke up. She slept through the following years until the crash of the Exodar in Azeroth. At first her body was weak from all the years of sleep she went through, but she slowly regained her strenght as she took part in the unfolding events in this new world. Still deeply wounded by the events of the past, she never really spoke much, but she had changed. Now possessing an intense hatred for orcs, the once calm warrior had become a fierce berserker. Leaving behind the spear, she once again picked up the sword as a weapon, but now wielding a pair of two handed ones, wearing full plate armor, she waged a crazed battle against all enemy she met. She took part in the worst fighting again as the legion started to invade through the dark portal, and then again in Northrend against the Lichking, but nothing really led her to find peace with her past. After the fall of the scourge she simply left everything. Leaving behind her armor and swords in Exodar, she vanished into the world. Where no one knew her. Eventually she made her way to Stormwind, where she started living a humble life. She became a warrior trainer, the wage was mininal, but with a few odd jobs here and there, it was about enough for a rent in an inn and to get herself wasted every night in a cheap tavern somewhere. Her existance in Stormwind caused quite a few gossips for the normal humans who rarely came in contact with other races besides the adventurers who appeared every now and then, wondered what exactly she was doing there. Many couldn't really understand why would someone like her live the way she is. She didn't really have much friends if any and she was constantly broke, having to loan money from others every now and then. Even warriors with whom she once fought side by side couldn't recognize her as they passed each other in the streets of Stormwind.
[ { "char_name": "Sharon Daerin'Lei", "text": "\"This day just keeps getting better and better... \"\n\nSharon thought as he was picked up by Liaena. Being forcefully pushed and knocked back into a stone wall was rarely a fun experience for anyone, regardless of their size. Though for whatever consolation it was, his sudden meeting with the wall had not been accompanied by an equally sudden meeting with the rear end of a large Night Elf flying in behind him or similar. \n\nAll things considered, it could have been worse.\n\n\"Is that right, Mister Dal'dieb?\"\n\n\"Yes, if she's using a normal scroll of teleportation, she should be within 30 feet of the mansion in any direction. But although the barrier may have stopped the teleportation short, it won't prevent her from simply running past it once she's out.\" Sharon would reply to Kathlin as he looked towards the apprentice, suddenly smiling as he nodded with his head.\n\"And good job on that description on the nature of spacial magic. I could almost have sworn it was something you had taken out of one of my own arcane thesis a couple of centuries back!\"\n\nCommendations aside, Sharon soon realized that they had a more pressing matter; that being the runaway Death Knight who was presumably getting closer and closer to escaping for every moment they wasted chatting.\n\n\"We should not delay, however. Either the front yard or the roof will be our best way of spotting her! Once we do, I got a couple of spells that could help us catch her.\"", "username": "Sinerathin" }, { "char_name": "Rithrynn Syn'Dial", "text": "Vashi was rather surprised at the sound of Liaena and Kathlin's noticeably not-pained voices, before realizing that she and Mei were in fact floating; fact that had initially completely passed her by due to being so caught up in Mei's eyes to really notice!\n\n\"Wait, you're saying the Death Knight is gone? ... \"\n\nIt took a while, but eventually Vashi would succeed in tearing her attention away from the Draenei to look around for the second Draenei; which at this time was nowhere to be seen, having seemingly vanished from her spot.\n\n\"It's almost like every cheesy story ever... when the heroes got the upper hand against the villain, he just uses some cheeky means to escape right out of their clutches!\"\n\n\"You – Vashi. Save the canoodling for later. Do you know where that Death Knight went!? She must have teleported, right? Can you trace that?\" \n\n\"Oh, easy!\" Vashi gleamed as she sat up on the hovering Mei, raising a hand whilst concentrating on something. A blue, shimmering mist briefly wreathed her fingers, before she suddenly looked up and pointed at the roof.\n\"Oh, she went that-a-way! Straight up, if we hurry, we'll... WHOAAAAHH!\"\n\nVashi was in the middle of explaining while also at the same time trying to get off Mei. But even though the Draenei was suspended in the air above the ground, she was by no means stabilized; a fact soon discovered by Vashi as she, and Mei, suddenly spun around mid-air as the mage had accidentally leaned too far to the right!\n\n*\n\nMeanwhile, up in one the high towers of the mansion that Captain Serphia had made her own, the door would open up as the Captain walked in with a big smile on her face.\n\n\"Ohh Syn'dial, I never realized before that you looked so beautiful... \" Serphia would speak, gazing down at something she was holding in her hand; which on further inspection would reveal itself to be the shrunken form of Rithrynn, the tiny sentinel trying desperately to wriggle herself out of the Captain's grip while throwing her a pleading look.\n\n\"Uh, mistress, clearly you are mistaken! You are not yourself, you'd normally never say,- !\"\n\nHowever, in her rapid talk, Rithrynn would be promptly silenced as Serphia laid a finger on her mouth!\n\n\"Sshhh... I may have been mistaken my entire life, but that does not make this realization any less true.\" Serphia said with a smirk as she placed Rithrynn down on one of the cupboards next to the bed, before the Captain next moved her hands to begin unbuckling and removing her sentinel uniform with an impressive degree of efficiency. Although perhaps there was not much to remove to begin with...\n\nRithrynn, whom had been about to say something in the beginning, was left dumbstruck and with her jaw hanging as the tiny elf simply gazed up at the massive, towering body of her Captain now looming in front of her, most of her view taken up by Serphia's large hips right in front of her!\n\n\"One moment, just you and me, it will be... \" Serphia was about to begin talking when suddenly she would be interrupted by a scream from outside!\n\nLooking to her left and out the window, Serphia's eyes would widen as she saw one of her Sentinels + Death Knight just slide down the side of the roof outside the tower in a duo of shrieks!\n\n\" ... \"\n\n\" ... \"\n\n\"Should we investigate that?\" Rithrynn carefully suggested, looking up at her Captain with a hopeful look.\n\n\"Oh no, they got it under control.\" Serphia would quickly reason, before turning back to gaze down at Rithrynn with a particularly mischievous grin on her face!\n\"Now, where were we... \"\n\n*\n\n\"LET. GO. OFF. ME!\" The Sentinel would shout as she hung from the edge of the roof, with the heavy baggage of the big Malizia hanging from her legs below as the Sentinel squirmed around, trying to get the Draenei off!\n\n\"You fell first, tentacle face, so you should make the drop!\"", "username": "Rithy" } ]
"Yes, she teleported just as she hit us with some form of magic attack that led us to our current position." Mei explained as Liaena started to panic up a little, searching for Sharon." He should be fine… somewhere…around here I think." "She wouldn't be able to move very fast for a while at least." Mei said to the rest as they wanted to chase after Melizia." The damage she took will take some time to heal, not to mention I nearly shattered her skull with that stomp earlier. It would be frankly miracle if she can walk in straight line." Mei stated with a smile, as she found herself being the comfortable sitting place for the night elf mage on her. Vashi looked adorable. What she didn't expect was the fact they spun in midair as the centers of gravity changed, but they still were kept in midair. Mei quickly pulled Vashi into a hug to protect the night elf's head from meeting the stone floor. "Careful there…" She said, no being above Vashi." Can someone break this levitation already?" She asked with a frown." And while you are at it, it would be good if we teleport outside." "As for you…" She said, looking back at Vashi." Call me Mei… My name is Meirie Leran, but everyone calls me simply Mei cause it's easier." She said with a smile, now that she learned the night elf's name – Vashi." You know, you do have a very pretty name, miss Vashi…" "But yeah… I suppose we have to leave the personal stuff for later… someone break the levitation and let's go."
Meirie Leran
Age: 2320 Class: Warrior – Berserker Description: Meirie is a 2.30m tall draenei woman, with pale blue skin, shoulder length light brown messy hair and a pair of slightly curved horns pointing backwards. She has youthful face like most women of her race and looks around 25 years old at most in human standards. She is quite beautiful, but always has a strange air of sadness around her. Additionally on her skin could be seen a number of different scars, mostly left by war wounds. Years prior when she took part in the fighting in Outland and Northrend, Meirie was always dressed in her full red plate armor, dual wielding a pair of 2 handed swords. Now her usual clothing consists of a big loose blouse that she wears without much thought, a pair of short pants, and a pair of metal leg guards. Biography: Meirie's story is long, but the most important part of it starts around the time when the orcs were being corrupted by the demons, slowly pushed towards wiping out the draenei. The draenei were not prepared for what was to happen and Meirie was one of them. One day by complete chance when she was exploring the wilds, she stumbled upon a strange gathering of orcs. Assuming that something was going on and they may need help, she approached, but it turned out she stumbled right into the hands of a warlock gathering. To her horror, realizing what was going on, she tried to fight and escape to warn her people, but she was not armed enough to fight such great numbers. She was an incredible warrior, but she was only armed with a spear at the time. Eventually she got captured and dragged away to some tower where they locked her up. Following her capture, she was put through countless experiments and torture, as her captors didn't even consider her a living being. She had no idea for how long she was captured, for the constant tortures and drugs and whatever else the warlocks wanted, kept her in almost constant state of confusion. Eventually in her daze, she overheard some of the warlocks talking about her worst nightmares, they planned to lead the orc tribes towards the purge of all draenei. After that event, Meirie pulled all her willpower, trying to figure out an escape attempt that will allow her to warn her people. The only good opportunity was when she was being tortured. Following her plan the next day, when she was taken out from her cell for the daily fun of the warlocks, she put her scheme into motion. Her captors liked to hang her by the chain on her arms on a hook attached to the ceiling. As she was hung there, they began cutting at her skin with grotesque blades, so serrated that there was no way the wounds will heal normally. In a rush of power, fueled by desperation and pain, she managed to violently jump from her position and unhook herself from the ceiling. In a single terrifying for the warlocks moment, she snapped their necks before they can react and jumped out the window of hte tower into the river outside. In the next few days, she struggled to crawl back to the nearest draenei settlement, but by the time she managed it was already too late. In the end she never had the chance to warn them after all. It all had happened way before she overheard the warlocks. At that time her confused mind had took that they were talking about events to come, while they were actually recalling what already transpired. The thing she arrived at was the aftereffects of a genocide. Her homevillage was burned to the ground, nothing left alive. With trembling feet she crept to her home, where she found 3 charred bodies. Her family... her people... there was nothing left. In her mind the warrior had failed them. She somehow managed to pull together again, for she was convinced there was no way all her people were dead. With tears on her face, she slowly walked away from her destroyed home, Through the wilderness she walked, her eyes barely open as she struggled against her own dying body. Meirie had no idea where she was going, she only knew she had to continue to move, to find something... someone... Eventually when she was at the end of her strength and her legs finally gave away, she saw the most horrible sight of them all. Even from the great distance it was posible to clearly see the long blue road... leading to a huge stone gateway. Her heart froze in that one moment, for she understood why the road was blue... it was the corpses of countless draenei. In that one moment her mind could no longer take it and she simply broke. Her body lossing it's final strength and she crumbled onto the ground. She was soon after found by draenei survivors who were fleeing away and she was taken with them. But she never really recovered after that day. She would simply lay there, sleeping and even the most powerful healers of the draenei couldn't do anything to aid her mind. They healed the wounds on her body, but she never woke up. She slept through the following years until the crash of the Exodar in Azeroth. At first her body was weak from all the years of sleep she went through, but she slowly regained her strenght as she took part in the unfolding events in this new world. Still deeply wounded by the events of the past, she never really spoke much, but she had changed. Now possessing an intense hatred for orcs, the once calm warrior had become a fierce berserker. Leaving behind the spear, she once again picked up the sword as a weapon, but now wielding a pair of two handed ones, wearing full plate armor, she waged a crazed battle against all enemy she met. She took part in the worst fighting again as the legion started to invade through the dark portal, and then again in Northrend against the Lichking, but nothing really led her to find peace with her past. After the fall of the scourge she simply left everything. Leaving behind her armor and swords in Exodar, she vanished into the world. Where no one knew her. Eventually she made her way to Stormwind, where she started living a humble life. She became a warrior trainer, the wage was mininal, but with a few odd jobs here and there, it was about enough for a rent in an inn and to get herself wasted every night in a cheap tavern somewhere. Her existance in Stormwind caused quite a few gossips for the normal humans who rarely came in contact with other races besides the adventurers who appeared every now and then, wondered what exactly she was doing there. Many couldn't really understand why would someone like her live the way she is. She didn't really have much friends if any and she was constantly broke, having to loan money from others every now and then. Even warriors with whom she once fought side by side couldn't recognize her as they passed each other in the streets of Stormwind.
[ { "char_name": "Sharon Daerin'Lei", "text": "There was an awkward moment as the group eventually came to realize what had happened to Serphia, and presumably, to Rithrynn as well.\n\nSharon felt the palm of his hand instinctively try to move towards his face, but managed to resist the urge to face palm at the whole ordeal. Letting out a long sigh, he would eventually speak up, looking at Liaena.\n\n\"Substitute boyfriend with potentially hyper-obsessive, power-loving dominatrix girlfriend, and I believe you may have reached your mission goals.\" He would comment, offhandly considering teleporting back to his office. Though he was not sure if he would even find Rithrynn there anymore.\n\nStill, there was another matter that required his attention.\n\nLooking down at the Draenei Death Knight now lying in the slurry, half-melted snow in front of them, with an equally unconscious Night Elf watcher lying on top of her in turn; using the Death Knight as a big mattress; Sharon would nod.\n\n\"We definitely should interrogate her before anything else.\" Sharon concluded with a thoughtful expression on his face as he analysed Malizia.\n\"She is bound to have valuable information. Granted, interrogating a Death Knight is not something that I have ever done before. We also have some intruders masquerading as Night Elves in the mansion, whom we should probably deal with as well.\"\n\nStill, Sharon thought, in all of the chaos that had ensued, there was one thing that had worked out in their favor.\n\n\"Thankfully, I think Rithrynn will buy us valuable time by... distracting Serphia. Still, we probably should try to help the girl before she gets too deep into trouble.\"", "username": "Sinerathin" }, { "char_name": "Rithrynn Syn'Dial", "text": "\"My body heals fast due all the training I went through. Once I fix and patch up my clothes it will be like the fight didn't even happen… \"\n\n\"Oh don´t be silly, miss! Physical exercise does not help your body heal faster. Only proper diet, sleep, divine and transmutation magic can hasten the body´s natural regenerative properties!\" Vashi was quick to interject, correcting the Draenei as she \"guided\" her towards the mansion door.\n\n\"I may be no official healer, but through my long studies, I´ve come to learn a bit about everything aswellasincludingthelonglostsecretsandcosmicpowerofthearcane, and additionally enough about physiology to tell you that that is just not... \"\n\n\"Aaaaahhhhhhhhhh... \"\n\nHowever, as she was rambling away and had just extended her arm to reach out towards the ramshackled mansion door, a loud gasp of sheer delight from what Vashi recognised to be from no one else but Serphia suddenly emanated from one of the windows high above the roof!\n\n...\n\nFor a moment, Vashi would not speak at all. Instead, she would simply stare at the door with a raised eyebrow. The momentary confusion would not last long however, as she promptly opened the door and walked in.\n\n\" ... as I was saying, or rather, to summarise it all up, you need to be checked. You were hit by a Runeblade. Do you have any idea how dangerous those things are?\" Vashi said, but would throw Mei a sly wink as they entered into the main atrium. At this point, the full out melee brawl that had been going on earlier had simmered down...\n\n... somewhat.\n\nThat being, the number of fighting Night Elves had been reduced by a large amount. Most of them had either retreated to the side to try to recover or throw off their dizziness, and a lot of them were knocked down on the ground, lying sprawled about in various different poses. In the middle of the room, Lithrielle and Aleena could be seen in a fierce competition with some of the remaining sentinels.\n\n\"And don´t mind those two, it´s quite a normal celebration!\" Vashi would quickly explain to Mei in reference to Aleena and Lithrielle as she lead the Draenei along the outskirt of the fighting, just as a drunk sentinel wearing a hilariously ill-fitting, half torn ball gown was thrown right past them and into the wall on the opposite side - leaving behind a solid elf-mark in the wall.\n\n\"And I think they might be almost done!\"", "username": "Rithy" } ]
"But I've been fine with my natural healing a lot so far…" Mei protested as she was pulled after the mage girl who showed surprising strength of arm for someone of her vocation… well she was a night elf so physical strength wasn't normally a surprise. So even mages of that exotic( really wild) race were very strong. That said while she was trying to protest a cry of pleasure by female voice rang through the area… Meirie by instinct looked up at the source of the noise… Someone was having fun up there… A flash of memory ran through her mind, remembering the night elf who gave her the sword earlier… this mage referred to her as captain… Well she was the one hit by the love potion earlier right? After the initial surprise on the side of the night elf mage, Mei was quickly pulled after her into the mansion again. This girl for some reason just didn't want to leave this alone and while Mei felt flattered, it should have been the other way around… She should be the one taking care of Vashi. "Yes… I've been struck by runeblades a few times in the past…" She replied, as a brief memory of distant battle in the frozen north flashed before her eyes, but she didn't get into details as the drunken night elf flew past them and into the wall. "Alright… miss Vashi, let it happen like you want it to." She finally gave in and agreed to let Vashi do whatever she wanted." Just lets move away before we get dragged into the brawl… I cannot protect you from stray punches without hurting anyone in the present…" She pleaded, moving to stand in between the mage and the place where the drunken brawl was taking place. She vaguely wondered now why the mage seemed just a tad bit distanced from the others… all other night elves she saw so far were either having a friendly drunken brawl, or were teaming up against the death knight. Vashi was ordered around without any consideration… Was this because of the magic she harbored? She knew the opinion of the night elves about arcane magic… so she concluded that was most likely the case. "There must be a more quiet area somewhere at the back of the mansion…" She said, looking down at one corridor leading towards the back where the back entrances were.
Meirie Leran
Age: 2320 Class: Warrior – Berserker Description: Meirie is a 2.30m tall draenei woman, with pale blue skin, shoulder length light brown messy hair and a pair of slightly curved horns pointing backwards. She has youthful face like most women of her race and looks around 25 years old at most in human standards. She is quite beautiful, but always has a strange air of sadness around her. Additionally on her skin could be seen a number of different scars, mostly left by war wounds. Years prior when she took part in the fighting in Outland and Northrend, Meirie was always dressed in her full red plate armor, dual wielding a pair of 2 handed swords. Now her usual clothing consists of a big loose blouse that she wears without much thought, a pair of short pants, and a pair of metal leg guards. Biography: Meirie's story is long, but the most important part of it starts around the time when the orcs were being corrupted by the demons, slowly pushed towards wiping out the draenei. The draenei were not prepared for what was to happen and Meirie was one of them. One day by complete chance when she was exploring the wilds, she stumbled upon a strange gathering of orcs. Assuming that something was going on and they may need help, she approached, but it turned out she stumbled right into the hands of a warlock gathering. To her horror, realizing what was going on, she tried to fight and escape to warn her people, but she was not armed enough to fight such great numbers. She was an incredible warrior, but she was only armed with a spear at the time. Eventually she got captured and dragged away to some tower where they locked her up. Following her capture, she was put through countless experiments and torture, as her captors didn't even consider her a living being. She had no idea for how long she was captured, for the constant tortures and drugs and whatever else the warlocks wanted, kept her in almost constant state of confusion. Eventually in her daze, she overheard some of the warlocks talking about her worst nightmares, they planned to lead the orc tribes towards the purge of all draenei. After that event, Meirie pulled all her willpower, trying to figure out an escape attempt that will allow her to warn her people. The only good opportunity was when she was being tortured. Following her plan the next day, when she was taken out from her cell for the daily fun of the warlocks, she put her scheme into motion. Her captors liked to hang her by the chain on her arms on a hook attached to the ceiling. As she was hung there, they began cutting at her skin with grotesque blades, so serrated that there was no way the wounds will heal normally. In a rush of power, fueled by desperation and pain, she managed to violently jump from her position and unhook herself from the ceiling. In a single terrifying for the warlocks moment, she snapped their necks before they can react and jumped out the window of hte tower into the river outside. In the next few days, she struggled to crawl back to the nearest draenei settlement, but by the time she managed it was already too late. In the end she never had the chance to warn them after all. It all had happened way before she overheard the warlocks. At that time her confused mind had took that they were talking about events to come, while they were actually recalling what already transpired. The thing she arrived at was the aftereffects of a genocide. Her homevillage was burned to the ground, nothing left alive. With trembling feet she crept to her home, where she found 3 charred bodies. Her family... her people... there was nothing left. In her mind the warrior had failed them. She somehow managed to pull together again, for she was convinced there was no way all her people were dead. With tears on her face, she slowly walked away from her destroyed home, Through the wilderness she walked, her eyes barely open as she struggled against her own dying body. Meirie had no idea where she was going, she only knew she had to continue to move, to find something... someone... Eventually when she was at the end of her strength and her legs finally gave away, she saw the most horrible sight of them all. Even from the great distance it was posible to clearly see the long blue road... leading to a huge stone gateway. Her heart froze in that one moment, for she understood why the road was blue... it was the corpses of countless draenei. In that one moment her mind could no longer take it and she simply broke. Her body lossing it's final strength and she crumbled onto the ground. She was soon after found by draenei survivors who were fleeing away and she was taken with them. But she never really recovered after that day. She would simply lay there, sleeping and even the most powerful healers of the draenei couldn't do anything to aid her mind. They healed the wounds on her body, but she never woke up. She slept through the following years until the crash of the Exodar in Azeroth. At first her body was weak from all the years of sleep she went through, but she slowly regained her strenght as she took part in the unfolding events in this new world. Still deeply wounded by the events of the past, she never really spoke much, but she had changed. Now possessing an intense hatred for orcs, the once calm warrior had become a fierce berserker. Leaving behind the spear, she once again picked up the sword as a weapon, but now wielding a pair of two handed ones, wearing full plate armor, she waged a crazed battle against all enemy she met. She took part in the worst fighting again as the legion started to invade through the dark portal, and then again in Northrend against the Lichking, but nothing really led her to find peace with her past. After the fall of the scourge she simply left everything. Leaving behind her armor and swords in Exodar, she vanished into the world. Where no one knew her. Eventually she made her way to Stormwind, where she started living a humble life. She became a warrior trainer, the wage was mininal, but with a few odd jobs here and there, it was about enough for a rent in an inn and to get herself wasted every night in a cheap tavern somewhere. Her existance in Stormwind caused quite a few gossips for the normal humans who rarely came in contact with other races besides the adventurers who appeared every now and then, wondered what exactly she was doing there. Many couldn't really understand why would someone like her live the way she is. She didn't really have much friends if any and she was constantly broke, having to loan money from others every now and then. Even warriors with whom she once fought side by side couldn't recognize her as they passed each other in the streets of Stormwind.
[ { "char_name": "Rithrynn Syn'Dial", "text": "\"I have the feeling this involves the death knight again. That's why I said to kill her… \"\n\nVashi would giggle softly at the statement from the Draenei, who at that point already looked quite antsy. Raising one finger, she would gently place it on top of Mei's lips as she looked her in the eyes with a smile.\n\n\"You mean the Death Knight you beat so badly who'll probably spend the remainder of the week in bed? I don't think she's going anywhere, hihi.\" Vashi laughed softly.\n\"These are probably just the kind of antics that are so usual for my sisters. They get really rowdy during parties, being all oh-so-badass-warriors, a point they apparently have to prove to everyone they meet, including themselves.\"\n\nVashi snickered softly at the last comment, remembering the chaos that usually accompanied any party thrown by her warband. There was always something she found amusing by her sisters throwing themselves at each other, like a constant feud that never seemed to end, partly thanks to big egos and copious amounts of alcohol combined!\n\nRaising her head slightly, Vashi would suddenly give Mei a kiss on the cheek and hug closer around the Draenei.\n\n\"Let's go upstairs and leave my sisters to their little contests, they are probably just comparing boob sizes or something and one of them is a sore loser. Leaving them alone is probably best. They are after all big, capable warriors of the goddess.\" She winked at Vashi.\n\n\" ... I mean, what could possibly ever go wrong?\"\n\n*\n\n\"Ofhhhh! Oaaaaah!\" The first bright green haired elf, Lelili, who was wearing the cloak and the minimalistic binds, let out a painful groan as all the air was pushed out of her lungs as she was just rammed by the Draenei, and catapulted across the room, flying not-so-very gracefully over Kathlin and Silje before crashing into a wall painting on the other side with a loud crash!\n\nThe second pale haired elf, Valia, wearing nothing other than the show-off belt, found herself in the meantime in the middle of doing a barrel roll as her legs had been swiped out from under her, before she would promptly crash down into the ground on her back with a heavy thud, the tiny elf Luci letting out a quick yelp as she jumped to the side just in time to avoid ending up under her friend!\n\n\"Owwwhh!\"\n\n\"Girls, this is embarrassing! Are you even Sentinels? It's just one Draenei!\" Luci called out, scolding the poor combat performance of her sisters.\n\"Get off your fat butts and... \"\n\n\" ... \"\n\n\" ... butts.\" \n\nLuci, having turned around to point up at the Draenei in front of her, was completely stunned by what she saw when she looked up. For above her, casting a shadow down at her, Luci could see the huge, purple and jiggly butt of Naliyah, and coming right behind it, the even more massive butt of Malizia that even somehow dwarfed that of her large mistress's, Serphia! The massive Draenei had just thrown herself backwards in a free fall, with Luci right in the path. The tiny sentinel simply stared up in disbelief, before the inevitable finally happened, as Malizia's slammed down onto the ground with her huge butt, the tiny Sentinel disappearing from sight as she was promptly shoved right up the Draenei's wide rear as it hit the ground with a heavy boom!\n\n*BOOM*\n\n\" ... \"\n\n\"I'm not done with you, you thief!\" Naliyah's voice sounded as she pink haired elf had gotten off her bum and leapt back onto the back Draenei now sitting down, trying to wrestle the large Draenei around as she wrapped her legs around her torso!", "username": "Rithy" }, { "char_name": "Sharon Daerin'Lei", "text": "\"How is the interrogation going, Mister Dal'dieb?\"\n\n*Sigh*\n\nSharon let out an audible sigh at the question, initially not even wanting to answer Kathlin, before eventually motioning towards the chaotic fight in the middle.\n\n\"Not yet decided... but I think we'll win.\" The High Elf said, rolling his eyes as Sentinel Valia and Lelili were thrown around like ragdolls. Looking back at Kathlin, he would put on a reassuring tone.\n\" ... we still have two elves left!\"\n\nFor one moment, Malizia had been feeling the thrill of battle filling up inside of her, but that focus would suddenly be changed as she slammed down onto the ground, and she felt the beautiful sentinel, Luci, just shoved up her butt, a wondrous sensation that was amplified a thousand times by the strange attraction she felt towards the precious little elf!\n\nRather than getting up and continuing the fight, the Draenei just sat there on the floor, her face turning into one of joy as she just enjoyed the sensation.\n\nPlacing one hand on the fallen Valia, leaning on her for both support and to prevent her from getting up, and completely ignoring Naliyah as she was riding her back, Malizia began instead to just wriggle her butt happily around on the ground, giving Luci all the assistance she could ever need in going further up. The sensation from Luci had completely defeated Malizia's lust for battle, as the Draenei leaned her head back in just pure pleasure instead.\n\nIn that moment, the Death Knight gave little indication of wanting to flee or even try move from the spot, simply enjoying every second of it.\n\nSharon, after an initial awkward pause, would slowly turn towards Kathlin, eventually throwing the girl a slight smirk as he motioned towards the Draenei who at that point seemed very... pacified.\n\n\"See? I knew our Night Elven friends could handle it.\"", "username": "Sinerathin" } ]
"That's the one..." Mei replied with a sigh, feeling the finger on her lips. It felt strangely alright for her to be in this situation. She spend so many years secluding herself away from people, behind the walls around her heart to keep from pain, and this night elf seemed to cause cracks through those walls with such an ease." Deathknights are dangerously enduring... never underestimate one until he/she's been utterly destroyed. "Well... we warriors tend to get overly prideful about our skills and strength..." Mei nodded in agreement and started to carry the mage in the opposite direction of the source of the chaotic sounds of 'battle'." I barely remember what happened the last time I was present a warband party. It was sometime after we took down Arthas... I remember the party starting... and the next thing I remember is a week later, I'm halfnaked on a beach... halfway across Northrend... I think one of my companions from back then teleported me for laughs..." The draenei then tripped when the night elf mage actually kissed her on the cheek. It came as a little bit of a surprise, but considering they had already kissed proper it wasn't much of a change." Alright... Hold on tight then." Meirie stated as she made another full dash up the stairs towards the upper floor. They might as well get fully out the way of the chaotic night elves. Melizia would be a problem if she escaped, but Mei now knew the death knight was around so she could track her down if she had to. "Okey... I'm pretty sure the area over there is occupied..." She said, nodding to the direction of the study where they were earlier along with the captain and Rithrynn." Still this mansion isn't mine... it should be that high elf's, so I'm feelign somewhat uncomfortable just making myself at home around his home like we are best buddies... I wonder if there is a place somewhere around where we can get some rest without being disturbed and preferably not blow/kicked/punched/thrown/charged in the meantime..." Meirie said, looking around, wondering." Can't you just trace the place you pulled me from and teleport us to my tavern room?"
Meirie Leran
Age: 2320 Class: Warrior – Berserker Description: Meirie is a 2.30m tall draenei woman, with pale blue skin, shoulder length light brown messy hair and a pair of slightly curved horns pointing backwards. She has youthful face like most women of her race and looks around 25 years old at most in human standards. She is quite beautiful, but always has a strange air of sadness around her. Additionally on her skin could be seen a number of different scars, mostly left by war wounds. Years prior when she took part in the fighting in Outland and Northrend, Meirie was always dressed in her full red plate armor, dual wielding a pair of 2 handed swords. Now her usual clothing consists of a big loose blouse that she wears without much thought, a pair of short pants, and a pair of metal leg guards. Biography: Meirie's story is long, but the most important part of it starts around the time when the orcs were being corrupted by the demons, slowly pushed towards wiping out the draenei. The draenei were not prepared for what was to happen and Meirie was one of them. One day by complete chance when she was exploring the wilds, she stumbled upon a strange gathering of orcs. Assuming that something was going on and they may need help, she approached, but it turned out she stumbled right into the hands of a warlock gathering. To her horror, realizing what was going on, she tried to fight and escape to warn her people, but she was not armed enough to fight such great numbers. She was an incredible warrior, but she was only armed with a spear at the time. Eventually she got captured and dragged away to some tower where they locked her up. Following her capture, she was put through countless experiments and torture, as her captors didn't even consider her a living being. She had no idea for how long she was captured, for the constant tortures and drugs and whatever else the warlocks wanted, kept her in almost constant state of confusion. Eventually in her daze, she overheard some of the warlocks talking about her worst nightmares, they planned to lead the orc tribes towards the purge of all draenei. After that event, Meirie pulled all her willpower, trying to figure out an escape attempt that will allow her to warn her people. The only good opportunity was when she was being tortured. Following her plan the next day, when she was taken out from her cell for the daily fun of the warlocks, she put her scheme into motion. Her captors liked to hang her by the chain on her arms on a hook attached to the ceiling. As she was hung there, they began cutting at her skin with grotesque blades, so serrated that there was no way the wounds will heal normally. In a rush of power, fueled by desperation and pain, she managed to violently jump from her position and unhook herself from the ceiling. In a single terrifying for the warlocks moment, she snapped their necks before they can react and jumped out the window of hte tower into the river outside. In the next few days, she struggled to crawl back to the nearest draenei settlement, but by the time she managed it was already too late. In the end she never had the chance to warn them after all. It all had happened way before she overheard the warlocks. At that time her confused mind had took that they were talking about events to come, while they were actually recalling what already transpired. The thing she arrived at was the aftereffects of a genocide. Her homevillage was burned to the ground, nothing left alive. With trembling feet she crept to her home, where she found 3 charred bodies. Her family... her people... there was nothing left. In her mind the warrior had failed them. She somehow managed to pull together again, for she was convinced there was no way all her people were dead. With tears on her face, she slowly walked away from her destroyed home, Through the wilderness she walked, her eyes barely open as she struggled against her own dying body. Meirie had no idea where she was going, she only knew she had to continue to move, to find something... someone... Eventually when she was at the end of her strength and her legs finally gave away, she saw the most horrible sight of them all. Even from the great distance it was posible to clearly see the long blue road... leading to a huge stone gateway. Her heart froze in that one moment, for she understood why the road was blue... it was the corpses of countless draenei. In that one moment her mind could no longer take it and she simply broke. Her body lossing it's final strength and she crumbled onto the ground. She was soon after found by draenei survivors who were fleeing away and she was taken with them. But she never really recovered after that day. She would simply lay there, sleeping and even the most powerful healers of the draenei couldn't do anything to aid her mind. They healed the wounds on her body, but she never woke up. She slept through the following years until the crash of the Exodar in Azeroth. At first her body was weak from all the years of sleep she went through, but she slowly regained her strenght as she took part in the unfolding events in this new world. Still deeply wounded by the events of the past, she never really spoke much, but she had changed. Now possessing an intense hatred for orcs, the once calm warrior had become a fierce berserker. Leaving behind the spear, she once again picked up the sword as a weapon, but now wielding a pair of two handed ones, wearing full plate armor, she waged a crazed battle against all enemy she met. She took part in the worst fighting again as the legion started to invade through the dark portal, and then again in Northrend against the Lichking, but nothing really led her to find peace with her past. After the fall of the scourge she simply left everything. Leaving behind her armor and swords in Exodar, she vanished into the world. Where no one knew her. Eventually she made her way to Stormwind, where she started living a humble life. She became a warrior trainer, the wage was mininal, but with a few odd jobs here and there, it was about enough for a rent in an inn and to get herself wasted every night in a cheap tavern somewhere. Her existance in Stormwind caused quite a few gossips for the normal humans who rarely came in contact with other races besides the adventurers who appeared every now and then, wondered what exactly she was doing there. Many couldn't really understand why would someone like her live the way she is. She didn't really have much friends if any and she was constantly broke, having to loan money from others every now and then. Even warriors with whom she once fought side by side couldn't recognize her as they passed each other in the streets of Stormwind.
[ { "char_name": "Rithrynn Syn'Dial", "text": "Naliyah was at first a little surprised when the Draenei decided to lean in towards her, raising an eyebrow as she glanced towards her. But after hearing the 'proposal' that Malizia had just whispered into her ears, Naliyah's eyes would grow notably wider as her head suddenly snapped around to stare directly at the Draenei's face!\n\n\"You really mean that? ... \" Naliyah asked, choosing more to gauge the answer from Malizia's expression rather than any answer.\n\nTeaming up with her? Naliyah, although she often ran solo, was no stranger to the occasional temporary alliance when it came to her little escapades! \nShe may never have done such a thing with a Draenei, let alone a Death Knight before, but as Naliyah gazed up at Malizia with an eye reminiscent to that of a professional wine inspector, she slowly gave a nod. \n\nAfter all, the benefits of having a big, 8ft Draenei on her side were nothing to scoff at! The possibilities were seemingly endless! And the only one who could truly put her new friend down was Mistress Serphia, who was currently incognito, presumably to continue her not-so-secret mission with Falere, something that Naliyah knew would leave her preoccupied for quite some time!\n\nGrinning slightly, Naliyah turned around; if not only to suddenly lean back again against the Draenei and whisper.\n\n\"Uh, which of the two human girls? I see three?\" Naliyah whispered back at Malizia.\n\"Oh, the two that do not look like they crawled out from an experiment involving a rainbow and acid.\"\n\" ... that makes sense!\"\n\nTurning back towards Kathlin, and Silje hiding behind her, Naliyah would smile cheerfully as she looked at them with a big, broad smile.\n\n\"Have you guys met this Draenei before?\" She inquired with enthusiasm, motioning back towards Malizia.\n\"She is actually quite a cool girl! I was thinking, why don't I get some drink, and we all get together for a wonderful chat?!\"", "username": "Rithy" }, { "char_name": "Sharon Daerin'Lei", "text": "\"I don't think I caused that?\"\n\n\"I don't think you did either... \" Sharon uttered with an utterly stoic face as he simply gazed at the secret conversation that was going on between Naliyah and Malizia, as he simply leaned in slightly towards Liaena.\n\n\"I think it is quite simply a completely naturally occurring harmonious relationship between two equally devious minds when they are put in the same room.\"\n\nSharon reasoned as he looked at them, silently shaking his head as he did so. Obviously there was a big difference between Malizia and Naliyah, first and foremost that the aforementioned was a Death Knight and an unholy killing machine. Even if Malizia might have had a secret kinky flair similar to that of Naliyah, Sharon found it still difficult to imagine that this could ever be the basis of a partnership, let alone friendship between the two!\n\n\"We need to nip this unholy alliance in the bud!\"\n\nAs Naliyah turned around to speak to them, presumably on behalf of Malizia, Sharon was quick to step forward, reach an arm up to Naliyah's shoulder, and attempt to pull her down as he walked off to the side, giving Liaena a look indicating that \"she deal with the other\", as Sharon brought Naliyah off to the side line.\n\n\"Sentinel Naliyah, if I could just have a word... or two, with you, about your new friend.\" Sharon started, pulling Naliyah further down \n\nWhen suitably far enough away from Malizia, who at that point was staring directly down at Liaena; with no Sharon or Naliyah to stand in between; The High Elf continued on with his little 'dialogue' with Naliyah.\n\n\"While I am all for seeing you make new friends; and I think, trying to befriend a Draenei, even a Death Knight at that, is very progressive of you; I would like to remind you that the woman you were talking to IS in fact an agent of evil. A Death Knight, a harbinger of death and woe, a spreader of disease and darkness. She is not just evil in the grey sense, like 'all orcs must die!', but in 'the whole world must die!' kind of way, and I think it is important that we stand together against her! Whatever devious things she may have promised you, it's not worth it!\"", "username": "Sinerathin" }, { "char_name": "Rithrynn Syn'Dial", "text": "\"You are being too hard on yourself.\" Vashi said with a smirk as she looked back up at Mei, before raising a finger to poke it directly at the front of her forehead.\n\n\"You need to live less inside of there... \" She said, as she gestured with her finger to point at the air around them.\n\" ... and more out here!\"\n\nHowever, as the Draenei opened the doorhandle, the sight that would greet her in the dimly lit guestroom ahead of her was not that of any drunken elf, caught in some intimate act. Instead, as they looked into the room, they could see a group of six or more large, furry nightsabers; the huge felines that the Night Elves used as mounts dotting the room ahead of them. The beds, sheets, carpets and draperies of the room had been all torn up by the large creatures living inside, and as the door swung open, at least a dozen glowing eyes immediately turned to gaze towards the disturbance.\n\n\"Ohhh, so that's where we left them!\" Vashi commented as she looked into the room at the gathered nightsabers inside. The nightsabers, when they noticed Vashi at first, did not seem to be any bothered or alarmed by the sight. It was something they had seen a thousand times before. The new figure in the form of Mei, the Draenei, however, succeeded in garnering quite a different reaction as at least four of the nightsabers got on their feet and let out a series of threatening growls.\n\n\" ... I don't think they like you... \"\n\nVashi, quickly recognizing where the situation was heading, would raise one hand, and with a spell; she would immediately cause the door to swing shut and close just as the largest, black furred Nightsaber lunged forward towards Mei. As the door closed shut right in front of the nightsaber, which was none other than Serphia's very own, a loud crash could be heard from the other side as the very door bulged outwards towards the corridor they were in. Deep roars and growling emanated from inside the room, as wooden chunks of the other side of the door could be heard being torn off on the other end by multiple sets of razor sharp claws!\n\nLooking back up at Mei, Vashi would simply throw her a reassuring smile!\n\n\"Ohh, that one would just be Silafeen, or \"Ripfang\" in common. It's the mistress's own mount!\" Vashi explained as she motioned towards the door with her hand.", "username": "Rithy" } ]
"I suppose so." Mei replied with a sigh. Here she went, being lectured about life from a night elf who was certainly quite a big younger than her. Ohh well, just went to show how one's age didn't matter when it came to life lessons, Mei supposed." Well I did lock myself into rage for a good few years back when Exodar crashed... Never expect to fully recover from that... Still feel the desire to spread chaos and death from time to time. Heh... in the end I turned into something not too different from the orc berserkers..." "Ohh joy..." Mei replied as she also started growling at the nightsabers, eyes locked. She knew that the only way to get such animals to stop was to show them there was no fear inside you and that you are as dangerous if not more than them. Eyes locked with the lead one, she let herself get in tune with the rage inside her at least until the night elf closed the door suddenly with her magic. Meirie blinked a few times as her own bloodlust faded, unable to realize what happened at first. She then looked at Vashi who was giving her the reassuring smile. "You really shouldn't have done that. They will need to learn not to attack me if I'm to travel with you from now on." She replied and took a few steps back and away from the door, noticing the sounds of tearing wood from the other side of the door." Vashi, you think this wooden door will hold?" She asked, throwing a questioning look at hte mage. "Guess that at least explains it's zeal... and arrogance even for a mount. To attack like that despite not being ordered to." The draenei stated, giving a unimpressed expression." A true mount doesn't act without it's master's orders unless the master is in direct danger." She stated and slowly put the mage to step on the ground and stand alone for she half expected the door to be broken soon and the mounts to charge her. If they did... well they were going to learn how a weaponless draenei can use her head. "Alright change of plans then... today I will run on reserve energy and stamina potions. Let's find out what's going down and maybe meet the master of this mansion again. I would wish to apologyze for the damage I caused, fighting Ryuuna."
Meirie Leran
Age: 2320 Class: Warrior – Berserker Description: Meirie is a 2.30m tall draenei woman, with pale blue skin, shoulder length light brown messy hair and a pair of slightly curved horns pointing backwards. She has youthful face like most women of her race and looks around 25 years old at most in human standards. She is quite beautiful, but always has a strange air of sadness around her. Additionally on her skin could be seen a number of different scars, mostly left by war wounds. Years prior when she took part in the fighting in Outland and Northrend, Meirie was always dressed in her full red plate armor, dual wielding a pair of 2 handed swords. Now her usual clothing consists of a big loose blouse that she wears without much thought, a pair of short pants, and a pair of metal leg guards. Biography: Meirie's story is long, but the most important part of it starts around the time when the orcs were being corrupted by the demons, slowly pushed towards wiping out the draenei. The draenei were not prepared for what was to happen and Meirie was one of them. One day by complete chance when she was exploring the wilds, she stumbled upon a strange gathering of orcs. Assuming that something was going on and they may need help, she approached, but it turned out she stumbled right into the hands of a warlock gathering. To her horror, realizing what was going on, she tried to fight and escape to warn her people, but she was not armed enough to fight such great numbers. She was an incredible warrior, but she was only armed with a spear at the time. Eventually she got captured and dragged away to some tower where they locked her up. Following her capture, she was put through countless experiments and torture, as her captors didn't even consider her a living being. She had no idea for how long she was captured, for the constant tortures and drugs and whatever else the warlocks wanted, kept her in almost constant state of confusion. Eventually in her daze, she overheard some of the warlocks talking about her worst nightmares, they planned to lead the orc tribes towards the purge of all draenei. After that event, Meirie pulled all her willpower, trying to figure out an escape attempt that will allow her to warn her people. The only good opportunity was when she was being tortured. Following her plan the next day, when she was taken out from her cell for the daily fun of the warlocks, she put her scheme into motion. Her captors liked to hang her by the chain on her arms on a hook attached to the ceiling. As she was hung there, they began cutting at her skin with grotesque blades, so serrated that there was no way the wounds will heal normally. In a rush of power, fueled by desperation and pain, she managed to violently jump from her position and unhook herself from the ceiling. In a single terrifying for the warlocks moment, she snapped their necks before they can react and jumped out the window of hte tower into the river outside. In the next few days, she struggled to crawl back to the nearest draenei settlement, but by the time she managed it was already too late. In the end she never had the chance to warn them after all. It all had happened way before she overheard the warlocks. At that time her confused mind had took that they were talking about events to come, while they were actually recalling what already transpired. The thing she arrived at was the aftereffects of a genocide. Her homevillage was burned to the ground, nothing left alive. With trembling feet she crept to her home, where she found 3 charred bodies. Her family... her people... there was nothing left. In her mind the warrior had failed them. She somehow managed to pull together again, for she was convinced there was no way all her people were dead. With tears on her face, she slowly walked away from her destroyed home, Through the wilderness she walked, her eyes barely open as she struggled against her own dying body. Meirie had no idea where she was going, she only knew she had to continue to move, to find something... someone... Eventually when she was at the end of her strength and her legs finally gave away, she saw the most horrible sight of them all. Even from the great distance it was posible to clearly see the long blue road... leading to a huge stone gateway. Her heart froze in that one moment, for she understood why the road was blue... it was the corpses of countless draenei. In that one moment her mind could no longer take it and she simply broke. Her body lossing it's final strength and she crumbled onto the ground. She was soon after found by draenei survivors who were fleeing away and she was taken with them. But she never really recovered after that day. She would simply lay there, sleeping and even the most powerful healers of the draenei couldn't do anything to aid her mind. They healed the wounds on her body, but she never woke up. She slept through the following years until the crash of the Exodar in Azeroth. At first her body was weak from all the years of sleep she went through, but she slowly regained her strenght as she took part in the unfolding events in this new world. Still deeply wounded by the events of the past, she never really spoke much, but she had changed. Now possessing an intense hatred for orcs, the once calm warrior had become a fierce berserker. Leaving behind the spear, she once again picked up the sword as a weapon, but now wielding a pair of two handed ones, wearing full plate armor, she waged a crazed battle against all enemy she met. She took part in the worst fighting again as the legion started to invade through the dark portal, and then again in Northrend against the Lichking, but nothing really led her to find peace with her past. After the fall of the scourge she simply left everything. Leaving behind her armor and swords in Exodar, she vanished into the world. Where no one knew her. Eventually she made her way to Stormwind, where she started living a humble life. She became a warrior trainer, the wage was mininal, but with a few odd jobs here and there, it was about enough for a rent in an inn and to get herself wasted every night in a cheap tavern somewhere. Her existance in Stormwind caused quite a few gossips for the normal humans who rarely came in contact with other races besides the adventurers who appeared every now and then, wondered what exactly she was doing there. Many couldn't really understand why would someone like her live the way she is. She didn't really have much friends if any and she was constantly broke, having to loan money from others every now and then. Even warriors with whom she once fought side by side couldn't recognize her as they passed each other in the streets of Stormwind.
[ { "char_name": "Rithrynn Syn'Dial", "text": "Vashi would giggle at the comment, staring over at Mei with a funny smile.\n\n\"You're already more humble than the rest of my warband combined.\" She said with an amused tone, before tilting her head playfully to the side as she looked up at the big Draenei next to her.\n\"Not that it is really such a great achievement in and of itself, now that I think of it... but it doesn't make it any less of a good thing!\"\n\nThe Night Elf mage chuckled as she walked together with Mei down towards the nearest stairs to find the atrium and the mage. She did not know the High Elf Mage of this house much, but in what limited interaction she had had with him, he did appear like an okay guy! The patience with which he had dealt with the rest of her warband was something to be admired.\n\nPerking one ear up as she listened to the banging from upstairs, presumably from the nightsaber wanting to get out, Vashi would peer back up at Mei.\n\n\"And don't worry, the best way to get them to accept newcomers is to just show that you're friend with their boss!\"\n\n*\n\nNaliyah was initially taken by surprise when the High Elf mage wanted to drag her off to talk with her, being one of the last kind of people in the house the Night Elf would have expected to take interest in her!\n\nListening to the High Elf's little speech whilst partly resting on top of his head with her chest, Naliyah would quickly form a frown as she cast a quick glance back at Malizia standing behind them.\n\n\"But... are you really sure she is a paragon of evil?\" Naliyah asked, her ears perking up as she glanced between Malizia as the Death Knight was standing there, eying Liaena and the rest of the girls with a wicked grin, and then back down at the High Elf who at that point was doing his best not to face palm.\n\n\"I mean... well, she may be big and bad, but that describes mistress too!\" Naliyah argued, trying her best to think of an argument in favor of Malizia. \n\"Like, she offered us to team up! Team up! Like, how often is it that you get a big Draenei like that, offering to help out. I think she has some potential that we really shouldn't waste!\" Naliyah said as she turned towards the High Elf, grabbing him with both of her arms as she beamed down at him with an enthusiastic smile on her face!\n\n\"The Draenei seems already have made good friends with the human girls, and she and Sentinel Luci are practically inseparable!\"\n\nNaliyah exclaimed with a big smile, just as across the atrium, at the stairs, where Liaena and Silje were heading. Coming walking down would be Vashi and Mei. Vashi would be the first one to raise an eyebrow when she saw the atrium, initially smiling when she saw Liaena and Silje, but then frowning slightly as she saw Malizia just stand about in the open of the atrium.\n\n\"Uhhm... \" Vashi paused as she was taken slightly aback by the sight, before prodding Mei in the side as she motioned towards Malizia with one hand.\n\"Isn't that that Ryuuna girl you just beat up earlier?\"", "username": "Rithy" }, { "char_name": "Sharon Daerin'Lei", "text": "Sharon let out a big sigh in return as he listened to the pink haired Night Elf's defense of the Draenei.\n\n\" ... is she drunk? Or High?\"\n\nThere was a pause in which the High Elf moved his head to the side so that he could get a clearer look up at Naliyah for a moment, just to look at her and study her expression. Alas, despite his suspicions, there was no sign of Naliyah being either drunk or high, at least not to any significant degree. \n\nInstead, it seemed like the source of her weird behaviors was just... well, just Naliyah being Naliyah.\n\n\"Look, Naliyah, we don't bed the agents of evil, we... \" Sharon started, only to pause for a moment as he rethought his words.\n\n\"I mean... we do not team up with the agents of evil, no matter how good or ´sweet´their promise may be! This Draenei, this Death Knight, she is only going to seek to manipulate you! If you follow her, you may never get to see Rithrynn! It is... \" \n\nAs Sharon was leaning a little bit backwards whilst talking to Naliyah, he could not help but get a glimpse past the pink haired Night Elf only to see Vashi and Meirie as the two of them were just walking down the stairs towards the atrium, only to then notice Malizia standing in the room!\n\n\"Oh shii... time for damage control!\"\n\n\"Naliyah, let's discuss this later! Just... go play with the rest of your sentinels in the meantime!\" Sharon then quickly urged Naliyah as he began to push her towards the nearby living room, giving her a slap on one big buttock before he turned about to look at Meirie and Vashi as they were walking down.\n\nMalizia, in the meantime, had also noticed the two newcomers, as her eyes immediately darted over to Vashi and Meirie, but more particularly, the latter, giving the other Draenei a smirk when she saw her and muttered:\n\n\"Nice to see you again, sister... \"", "username": "Sinerathin" } ]
As Meirie and Vashi walked down the stairs and eventually came across the sight of Melizia in the room, Mei halted her movement for a moment. Her eyes locked on the death knight as the eyes of a predator upon pray. Still she did not burst into rage from the get go. Her gaze remained somewhat calm, which was due the fact she was no under the influence of alcohol at the moment." That she is…" The draenei replied to Vashi and started walking down again. Mei noticed that the high elf quickly evacuated a night elf from the area. His expression said it all, he was trying to protect his home from the incredibly likely devastation that awaited it, considering that Melizia was still alive. "Despite my greatest wishes, you are still crawling around like an insect that just refuses to die... sister" The berserker said, noting the death knight's words and even giving them the sarcastic 'sister' at the end. "Master Sharon, I see you've avoided my warnings to dispose of this abomination when the chance was clearly present." Meirie said with a police voice and way fo speaking, addressing the mage with formalities." Lucky for you, eh… Ryu… no, Melizia. Was that not your new name?" "That said, you have my thanks for the unexpected hospitality after the earlier battle, Master Sharon." The draenei said with a slight bow." Again, I would like to express my urgency to deal with Melizia while we have the chance. She's too dangerous of a being to be left alive…" Mei stated, throwing a glance at the death knight. Despite her burning desire to squash the head of the death knight and tear her to pieces, in the berserker's mind she could still remember the Ryuuna from way before the problems with the orcs even started. Such a pity, sadly that woman died long, long ago." Too bad, I've left your master's blade back at Exodar. Would have made a fine way to execute you for all of your crimes." The berserker stated, returning her gaze at the high elf. "She is a criminal, already sentenced to death even before she turned into this…" Mei said to Sharon." If I have to, I will turn to the draenei delegation here in Stormwind and make this a political matter…"
Meirie Leran
Age: 2320 Class: Warrior – Berserker Description: Meirie is a 2.30m tall draenei woman, with pale blue skin, shoulder length light brown messy hair and a pair of slightly curved horns pointing backwards. She has youthful face like most women of her race and looks around 25 years old at most in human standards. She is quite beautiful, but always has a strange air of sadness around her. Additionally on her skin could be seen a number of different scars, mostly left by war wounds. Years prior when she took part in the fighting in Outland and Northrend, Meirie was always dressed in her full red plate armor, dual wielding a pair of 2 handed swords. Now her usual clothing consists of a big loose blouse that she wears without much thought, a pair of short pants, and a pair of metal leg guards. Biography: Meirie's story is long, but the most important part of it starts around the time when the orcs were being corrupted by the demons, slowly pushed towards wiping out the draenei. The draenei were not prepared for what was to happen and Meirie was one of them. One day by complete chance when she was exploring the wilds, she stumbled upon a strange gathering of orcs. Assuming that something was going on and they may need help, she approached, but it turned out she stumbled right into the hands of a warlock gathering. To her horror, realizing what was going on, she tried to fight and escape to warn her people, but she was not armed enough to fight such great numbers. She was an incredible warrior, but she was only armed with a spear at the time. Eventually she got captured and dragged away to some tower where they locked her up. Following her capture, she was put through countless experiments and torture, as her captors didn't even consider her a living being. She had no idea for how long she was captured, for the constant tortures and drugs and whatever else the warlocks wanted, kept her in almost constant state of confusion. Eventually in her daze, she overheard some of the warlocks talking about her worst nightmares, they planned to lead the orc tribes towards the purge of all draenei. After that event, Meirie pulled all her willpower, trying to figure out an escape attempt that will allow her to warn her people. The only good opportunity was when she was being tortured. Following her plan the next day, when she was taken out from her cell for the daily fun of the warlocks, she put her scheme into motion. Her captors liked to hang her by the chain on her arms on a hook attached to the ceiling. As she was hung there, they began cutting at her skin with grotesque blades, so serrated that there was no way the wounds will heal normally. In a rush of power, fueled by desperation and pain, she managed to violently jump from her position and unhook herself from the ceiling. In a single terrifying for the warlocks moment, she snapped their necks before they can react and jumped out the window of hte tower into the river outside. In the next few days, she struggled to crawl back to the nearest draenei settlement, but by the time she managed it was already too late. In the end she never had the chance to warn them after all. It all had happened way before she overheard the warlocks. At that time her confused mind had took that they were talking about events to come, while they were actually recalling what already transpired. The thing she arrived at was the aftereffects of a genocide. Her homevillage was burned to the ground, nothing left alive. With trembling feet she crept to her home, where she found 3 charred bodies. Her family... her people... there was nothing left. In her mind the warrior had failed them. She somehow managed to pull together again, for she was convinced there was no way all her people were dead. With tears on her face, she slowly walked away from her destroyed home, Through the wilderness she walked, her eyes barely open as she struggled against her own dying body. Meirie had no idea where she was going, she only knew she had to continue to move, to find something... someone... Eventually when she was at the end of her strength and her legs finally gave away, she saw the most horrible sight of them all. Even from the great distance it was posible to clearly see the long blue road... leading to a huge stone gateway. Her heart froze in that one moment, for she understood why the road was blue... it was the corpses of countless draenei. In that one moment her mind could no longer take it and she simply broke. Her body lossing it's final strength and she crumbled onto the ground. She was soon after found by draenei survivors who were fleeing away and she was taken with them. But she never really recovered after that day. She would simply lay there, sleeping and even the most powerful healers of the draenei couldn't do anything to aid her mind. They healed the wounds on her body, but she never woke up. She slept through the following years until the crash of the Exodar in Azeroth. At first her body was weak from all the years of sleep she went through, but she slowly regained her strenght as she took part in the unfolding events in this new world. Still deeply wounded by the events of the past, she never really spoke much, but she had changed. Now possessing an intense hatred for orcs, the once calm warrior had become a fierce berserker. Leaving behind the spear, she once again picked up the sword as a weapon, but now wielding a pair of two handed ones, wearing full plate armor, she waged a crazed battle against all enemy she met. She took part in the worst fighting again as the legion started to invade through the dark portal, and then again in Northrend against the Lichking, but nothing really led her to find peace with her past. After the fall of the scourge she simply left everything. Leaving behind her armor and swords in Exodar, she vanished into the world. Where no one knew her. Eventually she made her way to Stormwind, where she started living a humble life. She became a warrior trainer, the wage was mininal, but with a few odd jobs here and there, it was about enough for a rent in an inn and to get herself wasted every night in a cheap tavern somewhere. Her existance in Stormwind caused quite a few gossips for the normal humans who rarely came in contact with other races besides the adventurers who appeared every now and then, wondered what exactly she was doing there. Many couldn't really understand why would someone like her live the way she is. She didn't really have much friends if any and she was constantly broke, having to loan money from others every now and then. Even warriors with whom she once fought side by side couldn't recognize her as they passed each other in the streets of Stormwind.
[ { "char_name": "Rithrynn Syn'Dial", "text": "There was a moment of pause as the understanding of what Liaena really was talking about finally sinked in with the two elves.\n\nFor a moment, the color of both Serphia and Lithrielle's faces vanished slightly, and their eyes widened as they thought of the possible outcomes. To Serphia, the thought of turning the already giant Draenei Death Knight into a monstrous, giant spider that could rampage through the streets with its long, icky legs was enough to send a chill down the otherwise stoic warrioress's spine. And to Lithrielle, the image of turning the Draenei into a giant frog with a jabbing, long sticky tongue was perhaps even more frightening than the current thing outside of the mansion.\n\nAnd then again, even the idea of a giant, evil rabbit with command over the powers of evil at its disposal...\n\n\"I think you are underestimating rabbits, little human, they are... \" Lithrielle started carefully, peering down at Liaena from behind her Captain, only for Serphia to suddenly raise a hand towards her to motion her to be quiet.\n\n*\n\n\"Wait, I recognize that voice... wait, it's Li. IT'S LI!\"\n\nTrapped as she was within the voluptuous booty of the Captain, all the voices except Serphia's own became muffled to the tiny Sentinel, Rithrynn. But even though the overly large butt(and her own series of curses), Rithrynn recognized the annoyingly snarky, always slightly sarcastic tone of Liaena!\n\nLiaena, who was responsible for whatever craziness it was that had taken over the Captain! Who was responsible for the fact that she, ever loyal and faithful, never dishonest Rithrynn was now trapped in the Captain's butt!\n\n\"LIIIIII!\" Rithrynn immediately screamed as the tiny elf was spurred into action, beginning to write and squirm madly about in her dark prison!\n\"THIS IS YOUR MESS! GET ME OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW, YOU BITCH!\"\n\n\"Nooo, don't move so much!\" Shani, the other Night Elf below Rithrynn, pleaded desperately. Though her pleas fell on deaf ears, or were outright ignored, as the only reply Shani would receive was the sole of Rithrynn's boot as the tiny elf suddenly kicked the elf below her right in the face, sending Shani flying deeper up into Serphia's butt as the tiny Rithrynn entered into a frenzy!\n\n\"IF YOU DON'T FIX THIS RIGHT NOW, I SWEAR I WILL STRANGLE YOUR TREACHEROUS NECK, AND STEAL YOUR SHAWWY ... as soon as I get out!\"\n\n*\n\n\"What about that thing, whatever it was, that made the Draenei giant?\" Serphia inquired, her eyes narrowing as she studied the tiny human.\n\"You... mmmh, don't have any of those lying around, little human?\"\n\nAs the Captain spoke, she suddenly found herself having to focus to avoid smiling too much. For whatever reason, Rithrynn; whilst always furious; had suddenly been spurred into a maddening fury within her rear. As her knees began to grow weak, Serphia placed one hand on her large hips as she slowly gyrated them, all the while trying to maintain a semi-serious face that did not betray the commotion going on within her booty too much...\n\nLithrielle, standing behind her, stood still as a statue; though her eyes flickered between Serphia's face and butt, she dared say nothing!\n\n\"Ahh.. mhm, we could even the playing field if so.\"\n\n*\n\n\"Ughh... owww, hey wait!\" Aleena suddenly exclaimed as she saw Mei suddenly run away as the Night Elf staggered back onto her feet.\n\"The fight is THAT way. You're runnin the wrong! ... \"\n\n...\n\n\"Oh Elun,-\"\n\n*CRASH*\n\nAleena's ears dropped low when she looked up, only to see what Mei was fleeing from; as the Death Knight's gigantic butt came falling down like a mountain! The sentinel would immediately vanish beneath the darkened mass of Malizia's giant butt. Letting out a laugh and wriggling her butt triumphantly, Malizia enjoyed the sensation of feeling the smaller Aleena as the sentinel would disappear up into her butt, letting out a teasing moan.\n\nThough her brief victory celebration would be cut short by an impudent attack from Mei! Furious, Malizia glared behind her, noticing the incoming Draenei!\n\n\"Not so easy!\" Malizia grinned as she suddenly threw herself backwards, to land on Mei; but as she did, she suddenly noticed another set of figures come running out the back door of the mansion.\nIn fact, it was a Night Elf Sentinel, holding... the most beautiful human female she had ever seen. Silje...\n\n\"LET ME GO-LET-ME-GOLEMMEGOLEMEMEGOo!\" Silje cried out in terror in the Night Elf's hands, only to freeze to a statue when she looked out into the garden and saw Malizia.\n\nAll the while, the Sentinel holding the little human female called out encouragingly!\n\n\"LOOK! I FOUND A DISTRACTION!\"", "username": "Rithy" }, { "char_name": "Sharon Daerin'Lei", "text": "\"Although, it is against several tenants of my religion unfortunately\"\n\n\"So is letting evil run rampant I presume!\" Sharon answered swiftly as he was focusing on aligning a long bronze rod that almost served as a kind of cylindrical barrel that he aimed towards one of the windows leading out into the garden behind the mansion.\n\nThe sound of chaos coming from outside could easily be heard all the way into the sanctum. A deep tremor suddenly shook the entire building, causing bits of dust to drain down from the roof through the cracks and douse the sanctum below.\n\n\"Please take the Arcane Difican,- ahem, I mean the purple looking disc and insert it into the brass cage over there!\" Sharon said as he instructed Kathlin to help him set up the large apparatus, which at this point consisted of a maze of long, narrow bronze stilts and flashy gems and glasses arrayed in a dazzling form.\n\n\"I would not worry too much about the wards right now. She is within the property, and this is not exactly your everyday teleportation. No, this is transdimensional rifting, as we used to call it back at the acedemy.\" \n\nSharon smirked as he headed over to the other side of the room, opening the window so that the apperatus had a clear view out into the garden - and the great fight going on outside.\n\n\"If all goes well, this will create a rift for our dear guest to fall through - sending her into another world somewhere in the twisting nether... \" Sharon said as he found a bronze box with a brightly red, ornate button attached on the top of it. Removing the protective safety glass case and muttering a quick enchantment that caused the runes on the side of the box to glow with the same hue as that of the rest of the apparatus, the High Elf adjusted his goggles and turned to Kathlin.\n\n\"According to my theory, it's a 76% chance success, and it will save the rest of the district from what could otherwise have been a great rumble... \" Sharon said, before scratching his chin.\n\"Other than that, we just have to hope that we don't dislocate the entire street, or something comes out of the rift from the other end.\"\n\nFurrowing his long, blonde brows over his at this point ridiculous goggles, he quirked a smile as he suddenly held out the trigger box to Kathlin.\n\n\"On a more cheery note... would you do the honors?\"", "username": "Sinerathin" } ]
'Blasted deathknights…' Meirie thought when she noticed Malizia was about to lay down on her as the berserker was charging at her back. Mei was just about to make an emergency dash to the side when the deathknight's back suddenly froze half in motion as she seemed to notice something. Mei naturally jumped to the side to avoid late falling of Malizia, before she threw a look to see what the hell was that stopped the giant in her tracks. It was a sentinel! A sentinel holding a human girl… 'Well…well… well… ' Mei wondered, hearing the words said by the sentinel. "That sure is a working distraction…" Mei muttered to herself, her sense of danger triggering up. She knew she should get away from this place as soon as possible. While not a mage, Meirie had a lot of experience with translocation type of magic… aka portals and the like or at least being dragged by those. If nothing else she knew a surge of magic whenever she felt one… She dashed more to the side and then made a gesture for the sentinel to also get away, least she and the human get dragged into by whatever the magicians were planning for dealing with the giant.' I… bloody… hate… this…!!!' Mei thought, before throwing herself at the nearby door and into the mansion, no way she was going to stay outside for this. Not with her tendencies to get affected by portals and the like. Once inside, she reached and slammed the door behind herself, hoping if this was some sort of portal, that it won't pull her also.
Meirie Leran
Age: 2320 Class: Warrior – Berserker Description: Meirie is a 2.30m tall draenei woman, with pale blue skin, shoulder length light brown messy hair and a pair of slightly curved horns pointing backwards. She has youthful face like most women of her race and looks around 25 years old at most in human standards. She is quite beautiful, but always has a strange air of sadness around her. Additionally on her skin could be seen a number of different scars, mostly left by war wounds. Years prior when she took part in the fighting in Outland and Northrend, Meirie was always dressed in her full red plate armor, dual wielding a pair of 2 handed swords. Now her usual clothing consists of a big loose blouse that she wears without much thought, a pair of short pants, and a pair of metal leg guards. Biography: Meirie's story is long, but the most important part of it starts around the time when the orcs were being corrupted by the demons, slowly pushed towards wiping out the draenei. The draenei were not prepared for what was to happen and Meirie was one of them. One day by complete chance when she was exploring the wilds, she stumbled upon a strange gathering of orcs. Assuming that something was going on and they may need help, she approached, but it turned out she stumbled right into the hands of a warlock gathering. To her horror, realizing what was going on, she tried to fight and escape to warn her people, but she was not armed enough to fight such great numbers. She was an incredible warrior, but she was only armed with a spear at the time. Eventually she got captured and dragged away to some tower where they locked her up. Following her capture, she was put through countless experiments and torture, as her captors didn't even consider her a living being. She had no idea for how long she was captured, for the constant tortures and drugs and whatever else the warlocks wanted, kept her in almost constant state of confusion. Eventually in her daze, she overheard some of the warlocks talking about her worst nightmares, they planned to lead the orc tribes towards the purge of all draenei. After that event, Meirie pulled all her willpower, trying to figure out an escape attempt that will allow her to warn her people. The only good opportunity was when she was being tortured. Following her plan the next day, when she was taken out from her cell for the daily fun of the warlocks, she put her scheme into motion. Her captors liked to hang her by the chain on her arms on a hook attached to the ceiling. As she was hung there, they began cutting at her skin with grotesque blades, so serrated that there was no way the wounds will heal normally. In a rush of power, fueled by desperation and pain, she managed to violently jump from her position and unhook herself from the ceiling. In a single terrifying for the warlocks moment, she snapped their necks before they can react and jumped out the window of hte tower into the river outside. In the next few days, she struggled to crawl back to the nearest draenei settlement, but by the time she managed it was already too late. In the end she never had the chance to warn them after all. It all had happened way before she overheard the warlocks. At that time her confused mind had took that they were talking about events to come, while they were actually recalling what already transpired. The thing she arrived at was the aftereffects of a genocide. Her homevillage was burned to the ground, nothing left alive. With trembling feet she crept to her home, where she found 3 charred bodies. Her family... her people... there was nothing left. In her mind the warrior had failed them. She somehow managed to pull together again, for she was convinced there was no way all her people were dead. With tears on her face, she slowly walked away from her destroyed home, Through the wilderness she walked, her eyes barely open as she struggled against her own dying body. Meirie had no idea where she was going, she only knew she had to continue to move, to find something... someone... Eventually when she was at the end of her strength and her legs finally gave away, she saw the most horrible sight of them all. Even from the great distance it was posible to clearly see the long blue road... leading to a huge stone gateway. Her heart froze in that one moment, for she understood why the road was blue... it was the corpses of countless draenei. In that one moment her mind could no longer take it and she simply broke. Her body lossing it's final strength and she crumbled onto the ground. She was soon after found by draenei survivors who were fleeing away and she was taken with them. But she never really recovered after that day. She would simply lay there, sleeping and even the most powerful healers of the draenei couldn't do anything to aid her mind. They healed the wounds on her body, but she never woke up. She slept through the following years until the crash of the Exodar in Azeroth. At first her body was weak from all the years of sleep she went through, but she slowly regained her strenght as she took part in the unfolding events in this new world. Still deeply wounded by the events of the past, she never really spoke much, but she had changed. Now possessing an intense hatred for orcs, the once calm warrior had become a fierce berserker. Leaving behind the spear, she once again picked up the sword as a weapon, but now wielding a pair of two handed ones, wearing full plate armor, she waged a crazed battle against all enemy she met. She took part in the worst fighting again as the legion started to invade through the dark portal, and then again in Northrend against the Lichking, but nothing really led her to find peace with her past. After the fall of the scourge she simply left everything. Leaving behind her armor and swords in Exodar, she vanished into the world. Where no one knew her. Eventually she made her way to Stormwind, where she started living a humble life. She became a warrior trainer, the wage was mininal, but with a few odd jobs here and there, it was about enough for a rent in an inn and to get herself wasted every night in a cheap tavern somewhere. Her existance in Stormwind caused quite a few gossips for the normal humans who rarely came in contact with other races besides the adventurers who appeared every now and then, wondered what exactly she was doing there. Many couldn't really understand why would someone like her live the way she is. She didn't really have much friends if any and she was constantly broke, having to loan money from others every now and then. Even warriors with whom she once fought side by side couldn't recognize her as they passed each other in the streets of Stormwind.
[ { "char_name": "Rithrynn Syn'Dial", "text": "\"HEY! MISTRESS IS NOT DONE WITH YOU YET, MONKEY!\" Lithrielle would exclaim as Liaena suddenly ran off, her purple cheeks gaining a distinct blood red hue!\n\nHowever, as she looked over at Serphia, Lithrielle would immediately frown as she noticed Serphia wasn't really paying the situation any real attention. Opening her mouth a bit, Lithrielle would tilt her head as she eyed her mistress to see if she was all well.\n\n\"Uhhh... mistress Serphia?\"\n\n\"Mmmmhhm... let her go.\" Serphia simply said as she waved her hand towards Lithrielle, motioning for her to calm down.\n\n\"We will let the midget go and try to deal with the giantess problem in the yard herself.\" She continued, turning to give Lithrielle a smile.\n\"If she just so happens to get trampled, eaten or otherwise obliterated by her massively overpowering foe, we will simply deal with the problem ourselves! And if they destroy each other, that's just a win-win for us!\"\n\n\"B-but... \" Lithrielle stammered, looking worried.\n\"What if the giant Draenei wins?\"\n\n\"Go find Naliyah and go see if she doesn't have something in her stash that we cannot use against the Draenei.\"\n\n\"Naliyah?! You can't be serious, mistress!\" \n\n\"Ohhh, I know we can rely on her.\" Serphia smirked as she formed a slight grin with her purple lips looking down at Lithrielle.\n\"Tell her that I know where her Rithrynn is.\"\n\nLithrielle remained silent for a moment, yet her worried expression soon faded into that of a smile as she looked back up at her mistress!\n\n\"Ohhh, that's brilliant! I'll go find her right away, mistress!\"\n\n*\n\nMalizia had already bent over and was in the process of moving over towards the tiny sentinel and Silje, both of whom had nowhere to run now as Mei had already ran past them and shut the door behind them, leaving them outside and alone before the gigantic ebony draenei that was rapidly closing in on them!\n\nThat was, until her head suddenly snapped around at the sound of another beautiful creature... !\n\n\"Could it be? ... \"\n\n\"I don't suppose…you could step away from the screaming human? It would be very nice of you\"\n\nStopping right in her tracks, Malizia would turn around and spot Kathlin! She did look a little bit different, in her heavy protection gear, but even through the heavy guide, her person was unmistakable! Malizia's eyes would widen into star-filled orbs as she smiled with glee!\n\n\"Little mushie-wushie!\" She exclaimed, and in one sudden show of (giant) acrobatics, the giantess had swung around, launched herself across the yard, knocking and tearing up a good number of the trees and bushes in the process, before slamming down on her butt in front of Kathlin and swooping her up in one hand, holding the tiny human up in front of her!\n\n\"I sooo missed you!\" Malizia exclaimed as she looked down at the little human in her hand, her face bright with joy!\n\"I was so worried some of those mean elves might have hurt you!\"\n\nAs Malizia said that, the giant draenei would throw a dirty look down towards the sentinel holding Silje, all the while the Sentinel was slowly trying to inch towards the door to frantically knock on it in hopes that Mei would open!\n\nTurning back to Kathlin with a huge grin, the Draenei would notice the tiny device in the human's hands, before raising a finger and motioning towards it.\n\n\"D'aaaaawwwwhhh! Did you bring that gift for me?\" Malizia would exclaim with a sound of exasperation.\n\"You are soooo wonderful, I could just eat you up, cutiepie!\"", "username": "Rithy" }, { "char_name": "Sharon Daerin'Lei", "text": "\"Wait, what are you doing? You have to stay clear of the target zone!\" Sharon exclaimed as he rushed towards the window that Kathlin had just exited, only to watch the bizarre scene unfold outside in the garden.\n\nSilje, faced with the sight of her monolithic adorer, had; like most rational and normal people would have done under similar circumstances; feinted, and was no longer offering any sort of resistence to the Night Elf holding her. The poor girl's mind had by now retreated to her happy place, free of any crazy Night Elves or giant Draenei.\n\nKathlin, on the other hand, had been snatched up by the massive Draenei, who looked equally busy ogling her as trying to woo her. And that is without to give any kind of mention to her rather problematic choice of words in her expressions!\n\n\"No-no, this is all getting out of hand... !\" Sharon mumbled, slightly hesitant to state the obvious as he beheld the spectacle going on. \n\nA sharp hiss and crackling noise caused him to turn to look back inside of his sanctum, as he watched the magnificent apparatus he had erected was practically boggling with the massive fel energies currently streaming through it. He had not anticipated the firing delay, whereas the fel crystals had continued to feed the apperatus raw, uncontained demonic energies, causing it now to overflow; threatening to rupture at any moment now if it was not allowed to discharge in an orderly fashion!\n\n\"Just my luck!\" Sharon said from below his oversized goggles before pulling them back down onto his eyes, and turning to call out through the window.\n\n\"FORGET ABOUT FINDING THE EXACT PERFECT MOMENT, GIRL! JUST PUSH THE BUTTON, OR WE ARE GOING TO SUFFER A DEMONIC ANOMALY!\" Sharon called out from the window frame down to the girl currently firmly in the Draenei's grasp.\n\n\"GET TO A SAFE DISTANCE AND P,-\"\n\n*CRACKLE*\n*CZZZZ-KZZZTTT!*\n*BROOSH!!*\n\n\"... YOU KNOW WHAT, FORGET ABOUT THE SAFE DISTANCE; JUST PUSH THE DAMN BUTTON!\"", "username": "Sinerathin" } ]
"Are you bloody kidding me!" Mei called, feeling the surge of energies. Not really being a magic user of any kind, but still feeling magic quite strongly due whatever the warlocks had done to her, she knew full well to keep as far away from Malizia right now. She wanted to have nothing to do with whatever was going to happen outside! Already being inside the house, she could feel the energies rising still. She quickly opened the door for the ones outside to get inside. "For the Naaru's sake…" She cursed, dashing across the room now that the door to the outside was opened, entering the corridor and slamming the door behind herself, getting deeper into the mansion. As further in as possible, the better for her! That said she did hear Sharon's yell. That did not bode well for whomever had to deal with that device on the yard. "I will so probably going to regret this…" Meirie said to herself as she grabbed a nearby empty glass bottle, one of many that were scattered about the mansion. With her projectile weapon in hand, she dashed towards the nearest window. Once by the window, feeling the magic surge that was going to be released any moment, Mei, took a deep breath, took a stance, aimed carefully and threw the bottle in her hand with full force at Malizia's eye, granted at this distance even Mei's great aim at throwing would have a hard time, hitting a moving target such as the eye of a moving giant Draenei, but as long as she hits anywhere near the eyes( which she was going to happen) The bottle would shatter from the impact, causing the huge annoyance to drop anything she was trying to hold… people included. Once that was done, she jumped back, slamming her back against the wall, praying for whatever was going to happen via the magic that Sharon was doing, won't affect her too. She had enough portals for a lifetime… or a few lifetimes in her case.

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