Comprehensive Kashmiri Text Analysis Report
1. File Information
- Size: 15 Mb (15066.21 KB) (15,427,794 bytes)
- Created: 2024-10-29 19:35:41
- Modified: 2024-10-29 19:35:41
- encoding: utf-8
- language_hint: kashmiri
2. Text Statistics
- Total Characters: 8,560,982
- Total Words: 1,691,085
- Total Lines: 22,882
- Unique Words: 57,073
- Vocabulary Density: 3.37%
- Words per Line: 73.90
3. Character Analysis
Character Type Distribution
- Kashmiri_Letters: 6,095,979 (71.21%)
- Diacritics: 229,370 (2.68%)
- Punctuation: 114,782 (1.34%)
- Whitespace: 1,691,085 (19.75%)
- Other: 429,766 (5.02%)
4. Word Analysis
- Total Words: 1,691,085
- Unique Words: 57,073
- Lexical Density: 3.37%
Sentence Statistics:
Total Sentences: 65016
Sentence Length Analysis:
- Shortest sentence: 1 characters
- Longest sentence: 34581 characters
- Average length: 129.6 characters
- Median length: 73.0 characters
- Sentence Categories:
Short Sentences:
- Count: 28554 (43.9% of total) Example:
Medium Sentences:
- Count: 27329 (42.0% of total) example:
Long Sentences:
- Count: 9133 (14.0% of total)
NOTE: Some Sentences are exntensive Longer {Collection of many paragraphs} like like an Kashmiri news paper page below example"
Data Sources and Structure
The corpus integrates text from diverse sources to ensure comprehensive language coverage:
- News articles and journalistic content (40% of corpus)
- Literary works including prose and poetry (30% of corpus)
- Academic texts and educational materials (20% of corpus)
- Contemporary web content and social media texts (10% of corpus)
Word Categories
- Suffixed Words: 106,904
- Verbs: 107,773 Examples: کٔڈتھ, دپان, تتھ, تنہٕ, پُروان
- Prefixed Words: 47,998 Examples: ہمسوس, پرٛوٕ, نا, بامن, پرٛاژن
- Conjunctions: 26,003 Examples: تہٕ, کیاز, پتہٕہ
- Postpositions: 26,132 Examples: منز
- Pronouns: 12,082 Examples: تِم, یِم,
5. Linguistic Analysis
Word Patterns
- Suffix تھ: 42,057
- Suffix ان: 39,213
- Prefix ہم: 2,258
- Conjunctions: 26,003
- Postpositions: 26,132
- Suffix کہ: 8,802
- Prefix پر: 10,791
- Suffix تن: 4,649
- Prefix نا: 11,373
- Prefixes: 5,844
- Verb Endings: 3,076
- Prefix با: 13,929
- Suffixes: 5,274
- Suffix گر: 8,042
- Prefix بے: 2,102
- Prefix در: 7,545
- Suffix کار: 1,670
- Suffix دار: 2,337
- Pronouns: 12,082
- Suffix مند: 134
- Compound Words: 841,419
- Repeated Words: 54,466
- Numbers In Text: 0
- Foreign Words: 0
6. Text Structure
- Average Sentence Length: 26.23 words
- Total Sentences: 64,433
- Compound Sentences: 9,742
- Questions: 2,256
7. Quality Metrics
- Average Word Length: 4.06 characters
- Vocabulary Richness: 3.37%
- Hapax Legomena: 0.23%
- Dis Legomena: 0.20%
8. Statistical Analysis
Word Length Statistics
- Mean: 4.06
- Median: 4.00
- Mode: 4.00
- Std_Dev: 1.54
- Range: 1 to 40
Basic Statistics
- Total Tokens: 1,900,502
- Unique Tokens: 34,748
- Total Sentences: 679
- Total Paragraphs: 1
Vocabulary Statistics
- Vocabulary Size: 34,748
- Type-Token Ratio: 0.0183
- Average Token Length: 3.34
Readability Metrics
- flesch_kincaid_grade: 1087.81
- smog_index: 3.13
- automated_readability_index: 1393.77
Statistical Metrics
- entropy: 11.2982
- perplexity: 2518.1899
- simpson_diversity: 0.9968
- yules_k: 95905.9989
Available Visualizations
The following visualization files have been generated:
- zipf_distribution - Word frequency distribution
- vocabulary_growth - Vocabulary growth curve
- word_length_dist- Word length distribution
- sentence_length_dist - Sentence length distribution
- readability_scores - Comparison of readability metrics
If you use this dataset in your research, please cite it as follows:
@misc {haq_nawaz_malik_2024,
author = { {HAQ NAWAZ MALIK} },
title = { Kashmiri__Text_Corpus_Dataset (Revision dbb6f67) },
year = 2024,
url = { },
doi = { 10.57967/hf/3523 },
publisher = { Hugging Face }
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