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| SQL Query
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What is the forecasted sales for 2022 for Department ABC? | select sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(date) = 2022 and [department name] = 'abc' |
What is the forecasted sales for 2022 for Location AYZ? | select sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(date) = 2022 and location = 'ayz' |
What is the forecasted sales for 2022 for Account name Depreciation? | select sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(date) = 2022 and [Account name] like '%depreciation%' |
What is the forecasted sales for 2022 for Geography AY? | select sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(date) = 2022 and gepgraphy = 'ay' |
Entity Alpha has how many unique departments? | select count( distinct (department name)) from forecasted_table where enity = 'Alpha' |
Entity Alpha has how many unique locations? | select count( distinct (location)) from forecasted_table where enity = 'Alpha' |
Entity Alpha has how many unique geographies? | select count( distinct (geography)) from forecasted_table where enity = 'Alpha' |
Entity Alpha has how many unique accounts? | select count( distinct (account name)) from forecasted_table where enity = 'Alpha' |
find unique departments? | select count( distinct (department name)) from forecasted_table |
how many unique locations are there? | select count( distinct (location)) from forecasted_table |
find unique accounts? | select count( distinct (account name)) from forecasted_table |
find unique entities? | select count( distinct (entity)) from forecasted_table |
What is the total forecasted sales for 2022 for location L02? | select sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 and [location] = 'L02' |
What is the total forecasted sales for 2022 for print? | select sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 and [account name] like '%print%' |
What is the quarter 3 sales for Location L03? | select sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where quarter = 3 and [location] = 'L03' |
What is the quarter 3 sales for Entity Alpha? | select sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where quarter = 3 and [entity] = 'alpha' |
What is the quarter 3 sales for Department DL08? | select sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where quarter = 3 and [department name] = 'DL08' |
What is the quarter 3 sales for Sales discount? | select sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where quarter = 3 and [account name] like '%sales discount%' |
How many years of forecasted data do we have in the table? | select distinct (year(date)) from forecasted_table |
For Entity Alpha, what is the latest forecast available? | select max(year(date)), max(month(date)) from forecasted_table where [entity] = 'Alpha' |
what is the latest forecast available for location L76? | select max(year(date)), max(month(date)) from forecasted_table where [location] = 'L76' |
What is the latest forecast available for Geography GL877? | select max(year(date)), max(month(date)) from forecasted_table where [geography] = 'GL877' |
What is the average forecasted sales per entity? | select entity, avg(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table group by entity |
What is the average forecasted sales per department? | select [department name], avg(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table group by [department name] |
What is the average forecasted sales per location? | select location, avg(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table group by location |
What is the average forecasted sales per account? | select [account name], avg(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table group by [account name] |
What is the average forecasted sales per geography? | select geography, avg(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table group by geography |
Find the total sales for 2023 for accounts that contain "merchandise sales" | select sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(date) = 2023 and [account name] like '%merchandise sales%' |
Find the total sales for 2023 for department name that contain "DL" | select sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(date) = 2023 and [department name] like '%DL%' |
Find the total sales for 2023 for accounts that start with "merchandise sales" | select sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(date) = 2023 and [account name] like 'merchandise sales%' |
Find the total sales for 2023 for department name that start with "DP" | select sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(date) = 2023 and [account name] like 'DP%' |
Find the unique departments that contain "DP" | select distinct [department name] from forecasted_table where [department name] like '%dp%' |
Find the unique accounts that contain "hr" | select distinct [account name] from forecasted_table where [account name] like '%hr%' |
find the total sales for year 2023 for locations- ABC, AHC, and JIE | select sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(date) = 2023 and [location] in ('ABC', 'AHC' , 'JIE') |
find the total sales for year 2023 for department name- DL001,DL002, AND DL003 | select sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(date) = 2023 and [department name] in ('DL001', 'DL002', 'DL003') |
find the total sales for year 2023 for geography- GL001,GL002, AND GL003 | select sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(date) = 2023 and [geography] in ('GL001', 'GL002', 'GL003') |
find the total sales for year 2023 for entity- Alpha and beta | select sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(date) = 2023 and [entity] in ('alpha', 'beta') |
Find accounts with sales forecast between 20000-30000 in 2023? | select [account name], sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2023 group by [account name] having sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) >=20000 and sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) < 30000 |
Find departments with sales forecast between 50000-80000 in 2023? | select [department name], sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2023 group by [department name] having sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) >=50000 and sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) < 80000 |
What is the department number for Finance | select distinct [department number] from forecasted_table where [department name] like '%Finance%' |
What is the account number for Overtime - (Hrly) - Corporate account | select distinct [account number] from forecasted_table where [account name] like '%Overtime - (Hrly) - Corporate%' |
Fine total sales in 2023 for account 401? | select sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2023 where [account number] = 401 |
What is the total sales in 2022 for department number FD32 | select sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2023 where [department number] = 'FD32' |
How much is forecasted department spend on Brand Marketing in 2023 | select sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2023 and [department name] like '%Brand Marketing%' |
What is the forecasted location wise sales for Alpha in year 2022? | select location ,sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 and entity = 'alpha' group by location |
Find forecasted sales in 2022 by department for location AL001? | select [department name], sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 and location = 'al001' group by [department name] |
find forecasted 2022 account wise sales for department depreciation? | select [account name] ,sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 and [department name] = 'depreciation' group by [account name] |
find the forecasted sales by Locations for year 2022? | select location ,sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 group by location |
what is forecasted sales across different departments for year 2022? | select [department name] ,sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 group by [department name] |
find forecasted sales by geographies for year 2022? | select geography ,sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 group by geography |
what is the forecasted sales across different accounts for year 2022? | select [account name] ,sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 group by [account name] |
find forecasted sales by entities for year 2022? | select entity ,sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 group by entity |
find the top 2 location in Alpha projected to have highest sales_forecast for 2022 | select top 2 [location], sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 group by location order by sales_forecast desc |
find the top 5 locations in Alpha projected to have highest sales_forecast for 2022 | select top 5 [location], sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 group by location order by sales_forecast desc |
find the top 3 geography in Alpha projected to have highest sales_forecast for 2022 | select top 3 [geography], sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 group by geography order by sales_forecast desc |
find the top 10 departments in Alpha projected to have highest sales for 2022 | select top 10 [department name], sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 group by [department name] order by sales_forecast desc |
Which Department has the lowest sales forecast in the year 2022? | select top 1 [department name], sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 group by [department name] order by sales_forecast asc |
Which account has lowest sales in the year 2022? | select top 1 [account name], sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 order by sales_forecast asc |
Which location has lowest sales in the year 2022? | select top 1 [location], sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 group by location order by sales_forecast asc |
Which geography has lowest sales in the year 2022? | select top 1 [geography], sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 group by geography order by sales_forecast asc |
Which entity has lowest sales in the year 2022? | select top 1 [entity], sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 group by entity order by sales_forecast asc |
Which Department has highest sales in the year 2022? | select top 1 [department name], sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 group by [department name] order by sales_forecast desc |
Which Entity has the highest forecasted sales for the current year? | select top 1 entity, sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = year(getdate()) group by entity order by sales_forecast desc |
Which location has the highest forecasted sales for the current year? | select top 1 location, sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = year(getdate()) group by location order by sales_forecast desc |
Which account has the highest forecasted sales for the current year? | select top 1 [account name], sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = year(getdate()) group by [account name] order by sales_forecast desc |
Which geography has the highest forecasted sales for the current year? | select top 1 geography, sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = year(getdate()) group by geography order by sales_forecast desc |
find the breakdown of forecasted sales for 2022 for each Geography by Department? | select geography, [department name], sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 group by geography, [department name] |
find the breakdown of forecasted sales for 2022 for each account by Department? | select [account name], [department name], sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 group by [account name], [department name] |
find the breakdown of forecasted sales for 2022 for each Geography by location? | select geography, [location], sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 group by geography, [location] |
What are the forecasted sales figures for each account over year 2022 sort by descending order? | select [account name], sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 group by [account name] order by sales_forecast desc |
What are the forecasted sales figures for each account over year 2022 sort by ascending order? | select [account name], sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 group by [account name] order by sales_forecast asc |
What are the forecasted sales figures for each department over year 2022 sort by descending order? | select [department name], sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 group by [department name] order by sales_forecast desc |
What are the forecasted sales figures for each department over year 2022 sort by ascending order? | select [department name], sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 group by [department name] order by sales_forecast asc |
What are the forecasted sales figures for each location over year 2022 sort by ascending order? | select [location], sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 group by [location] order by sales_forecast asc |
What are the forecasted sales figures for each location over year 2022 sort by descending order? | select [account name], sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 group by [account name] order by sales_forecast desc |
What is the average forecasted sales for year 2022 in each location? | select location, avg(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 group by location |
What is the average forecasted sales for year 2022 in each department? | select [department name], avg(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 group by [department name] |
What is the average forecasted sales for year 2022 in each entity? | select entity, avg(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 group by entity |
What is the average forecasted sales for year 2022 in each account? | select [account name], avg(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 group by [account name] |
What is the average forecasted sales for year 2022 in each geography? | select geography, avg(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 group by geography |
What is the average forecasted sales in each location? | select location, avg(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table group by location |
What is the average forecasted sales in each department? | select [department name], avg(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table group by [department name] |
What is the average forecasted sales in each entity? | select entity, avg(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table group by entity |
Account wise projected sales for Wholesale department in 2022? | select [account name], sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where [department name] = 'wholesale' and year(Date) = 2022 group by [account name] |
Location wise projected sales for Sales discount account in 2022? | select location, sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where [account name] = 'sales discount' and year(Date) = 2022 group by location |
Geography wise projected sales for ABC entity in 2022? | select geography, sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where [entity] = 'abc' and year(Date) = 2022 group by geography |
Entity wise projected sales for Wholesale department in 2022? | select entity, sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where [entity] = 'abc' and year(Date) = 2022 group by entity |
What is the average forecasted sales in each account? | select [account name], avg(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table group by [account name] |
What is the average forecasted sales in each geography? | select geography, avg(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table group by geography |
Departments projected to have yearly sales below 150,000 are termed as "Low expense departments". How many such departments do we have in 2022? | select count(*) from (select [department number], sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 group by [department number] having sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) < 150000) |
Accounts projected to have yearly sales below 50,000 are termed as "Low activity accounts". How many such accounts do we have in 2022? | select count(*) from (select [account number], sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where year(Date) = 2022 group by [account number] having sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) < 50000) |
Location wise projected sales for Wholesale department in 2022? | select location, sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) from forecasted_table where [department name] like '%wholesale%' and year(Date) = 2022 group by location |
find average sales for each entity, geography, department and location for the year 2022? | select entity, geography , [department name], location, sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0))/count(distinct [department number]) from forecasted_table where year(date) = 2022 group by entity, geography ,[department name], location |
find average sales per department for each entity, geography and location? | select entity, geography , location, sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0))/count(distinct [department number]) from forecasted_table group by entity, geography , location |
For product cost account, what is the forecasted sales growth in the month of 5 year 2022 compared to previous month? | SELECT
[account name],year(Date),month(date),
case when LAG(sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0))) OVER (PARTITION BY [account name] ORDER BY year(Date),month(date)) = 0 then null
else decimal(((sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) - LAG(sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0))) OVER (PARTITION BY [account name] ORDER BY year(Date),month(date))) /LAG(sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0))) OVER (PARTITION BY [account name] ORDER BY year(Date),month(date)))*100),2) end as sales_forecast_growth
where [account name] like '%product cost%' and year(date) = 2022 and month(date) = 5
group by [account name] ,year(Date),month(date)
[account name] ,year(Date),month(date) |
For finance department, what is the forecasted sales growth in the month of 7 year 2022 compared to previous month? | SELECT
[department name],year(Date),month(date),
case when LAG(sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0))) OVER (PARTITION BY [department name] ORDER BY year(Date),month(date)) = 0 then null
else decimal(((sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) - LAG(sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0))) OVER (PARTITION BY [department name] ORDER BY year(Date),month(date))) /LAG(sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0))) OVER (PARTITION BY [department name] ORDER BY year(Date),month(date)))*100),2) end as sales_forecast_growth
where [department name] = 'finance' and year(date) = 2022 and month(date) = 7
group by [department name] ,year(Date),month(date)
[department name] ,year(Date),month(date) |
What is the forecasted sales growth for entity ABC in the month of 6 year 2022 compared to previous month? | SELECT
case when LAG(sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0))) OVER (PARTITION BY [entity] ORDER BY year(Date),month(date)) = 0 then null
else decimal(((sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) - LAG(sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0))) OVER (PARTITION BY [entity] ORDER BY year(Date),month(date))) /LAG(sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0))) OVER (PARTITION BY [entity] ORDER BY year(Date),month(date)))*100),2) end as sales_forecast_growth
where [entity] = 'ABC' and year(date) = 2022 and month(date) = 6
group by [entity] ,year(Date),month(date)
[entity] ,year(Date),month(date) |
What is the forecasted sales growth for Location AB23 in the month of 5 year 2022 compared to previous month? | SELECT
case when LAG(sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0))) OVER (PARTITION BY [location] ORDER BY year(Date),month(date)) = 0 then null
else decimal(((sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) - LAG(sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0))) OVER (PARTITION BY [location] ORDER BY year(Date),month(date))) /LAG(sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0))) OVER (PARTITION BY [location] ORDER BY year(Date),month(date)))*100),2) end as sales_forecast_growth
where [location] = 'AB23' and year(date) = 2022 and month(date) = 5
group by [location] ,year(Date),month(date)
[location] ,year(Date),month(date) |
For customer service department , what is the forecasted sales growth in the month of 2 year 2022 compared to previous month? | SELECT
[department name],year(Date),month(date),
case when LAG(sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0))) OVER (PARTITION BY [department name] ORDER BY year(Date),month(date)) = 0 then null
else decimal(((sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) - LAG(sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0))) OVER (PARTITION BY [department name] ORDER BY year(Date),month(date))) /LAG(sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0))) OVER (PARTITION BY [department name] ORDER BY year(Date),month(date)))*100),2) end as sales_forecast_growth
where [department name] = 'customer service' and year(date) = 2022 and month(date) = 2
group by [department name] ,year(Date),month(date)
[department name] ,year(Date),month(date) |
What is the difference in forecasted sales for HR Department for year 2023 Vs 2022 | SELECT
[department name],year(Date),
sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0)) - LAG(sum(isnull(sales_forecast,0))) OVER (PARTITION BY [department name] ORDER BY year(Date)) AS sales_forecastDifference
where [department name] like '%hr%' and year(date) = 2023
group by [department name],year(Date)
[department name],year(Date) |
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