

1,142 people facial expression data in online conference scenes, including Asian, Caucasian, black, and brown multitasking, mainly young and middle-aged, collected a variety of indoor office scenes, covering meeting rooms, coffee shops, libraries , bedroom, etc., each collector collected 7 kinds of expressions: normal, happy, surprised, sad, angry, disgusted, and fearful.

For more details, please refer to the link:

Data size

1,142 people, each person collects 7 videos

Race distribution

153 Asians, 889 Caucasians, 66 blacks, 34 brown people

Gender distribution

535 males, 607 females

Age distribution

from teenagers to the elderly, mainly young and middle-aged

Collection environment

indoor office scenes, such as meeting rooms, coffee shops, libraries, bedrooms, etc.

Collection diversity

different facial expressions, different races, different age groups, different meeting scenes

Collection equipment

cellphone, using the cellphone to simulate the perspective of the laptop camera in online conference scenes

Collection content

collecting the expression data in online conference scenes

Data format

.mp4, .mov

Accuracy rate

the accuracy exceeds 97% based on the accuracy of the expressions; the accuracy of expression naming is more than 97%

Licensing Information

Commercial License

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