stringlengths 0
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float32 0
Sentence :A woman is cutting an onion Sentence 2A man is cijpping an onion. | 2 |
Sentence 1: A man with a messenger bag in front of a gray tile wall. Sentence 2: Man in red jacket standing in front of lighthouse. | 0.8 |
Sentence 1: Egypt shuts down Muslim Brotherhood newspaper Sentence 2: Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood deputy head arrested | 1.4 |
Sentence 1: Military: Syria chemical stocks threaten Israel Sentence 2: Russia tells Syria chemical arms threat is unacceptable | 1.8 |
Sentence 1: Vivendi shares closed 3.8 percent up in Paris at 15.78 euros. Sentence 2: Vivendi shares were 03 percent up al 15.62 euros in Paris al 0841 GM | 2.6 |
Sentence 1: Black train on train tracks, Sentence 2: A train on the train tracks. | 4.1 |
Sertenc bonan is cocting shrimp. Sertened Zaman is dancing | 0.8 |
government spokesman masa! if administrative papers are i}/ south africa cannot being transported through south african tert ritory to zimbabwe. | 2.8 |
Sentence 1 The Infestation posts. Sentence 2: The mosquitoes posts. | 1.8 |
Sentence t Thousands gather for new Russian anti Putin rally Sentence 2: Thousands gather. in Moscow, for rivat raillies | 2.8 |
Sentence Tonorth ckorean: officiats jaré suspected of: building inucléam weapons, Sentence 2: north ikorea is) cdrrently it the process ,of Jdismantling itsonuclear weapons program. | 2 |
Sentence 1: A train is on the railroad tracks. Sentence 2: A train on the train cracks. | 4.8 |
Sentence 1: Palestinian leadership condemn Israeli FM call to oust Abbas Sentence 2: Palestinian leadership backs Fatah-Hamas Doha deal | 1 |
Sentence I Ths iscogial Chitrch ith 23 million. members. i branch: éF the” 77 .miltor-member . Anglia Sentence 27 pranct of the worldvvict | 5 |
LA baby morkey scratches itself 2: The monkey scratched his tummy. | 3.25 |
Sentence 1: Shares in EDS closed on Fhursday at 818.51, a gain of 6 cents. Senteme 2: Shares of EDS cissed Fhursday at 818.51, up 6 cents on the New Bork Stock Exchange. | 3.667 |
Sentence. 1: Sentence 2 |: | 4.6 |
sentence t orphaned alps massacre girl returns 4 to uk Sentence 2: Alps attack Girl returns to UK | 4 |
Sentence 1+fuilvio berghiella stated that the digital worm named sq.hell was particularly virulent arid replicated itself at the rate of 8009 times an howt, ‘Sentence 2: fulvia berghélta stated that the digital - worth named sq hell has-a very. high’ capacity to replicate itself and the digital worm named sq hell is ‘slowing. down :the poste” italiane.:computer network and making ‘somie computers inoperable. ” | 3.6 |
-Sénince’i 1 Driginally: Bosted ‘by. Setiniitas Te imesbalié Dipl the scriptures is-ereriis Sentence 2: Oriairiliy posed by Souinvietus Ah | 2.4 |
Sentence 1: 38 killed in rains, flash floods in Pakistan Sentence 2: Three killed in Brazil stadium collapse | 0.4 |
Sentence 1: Police clash mith youth in: Colre ofter onti- Morsi protest Sentence 2 Egypt: Police cloth with pro-Morsi protesters | 2.8 |
Sentence 1: A man is peeling a potato. Sentence 2: A man is hiking. | 0.5 |
Sentence 1: A woman is writing. Sentence 2: A woman is swimming. | 0.5 |
Sentence 1: Russian aircraft wreckage found after a year Sentence 2: Russia evacuates enbassy in Libya after attack | 0.2 |
Sentence 1: Andy Murray deserves knighthood, David Cameron says Sentence 2: David Cameron: Andy Murray deserves a knighthood | 5 |
Sentence 1: a woman with a big necklace. Sentence 2: A young woman with a black top and a nechlace. | 3.4 |
Sentence & Ayoung boy plays in a wdbail pi. Seatence 2 A laughing toy Bes on a pit of bive ball. | 3 |
Sentence 1: the united states and other nato members have refused to ratify the amended treaty. Sentence 2: the united states and other nato members have refused to do ratify the updates cfe. | 3.2 |
Sentence 1: Two dogs are running through a grassy area. Sentence 2: Two dogs running through a grassy field. | 4.8 |
Sentence 1: Rupert Murdoch: J was the victim of a cover up Sentence 2% Rupert Murdoch set for second day of grilling | 1.2 |
Sentence 1: Navy Jet Crashes Into Apartment Building Sentence 2: US Navy Jet Crashes into Apartment Block | 4.2 |
Sentence 1: Do you notice the nonsensical things you are saying? Sentence 2: find to be fair, do you notice the nonsensical things you are saying? | 4.571429 |
Sentence 1:A boy is making some dancé'steps. "Sentence 2:A- boy is pouririg something from a pitcher; | 0.4 |
Sentence 1: Egypt court sentences 10 Brotherhood supporters to death - sources Sentence 2: Turkish PM tells supporters to prepare for rallies | 0.2 |
Sentence 1: A woman is doing a joker make,up ow aman. Sentence, 2: ‘Ihe. girl, applied\ face, makeup,.to.a man. | 1.8 |
Sentence 1 Two whe dogs nolingin te rom Sentence 2 Atan dog wih abla collar barking te sow | 2 |
Sentence.’ t2 2, US. pQSsbpones missile test... over: N. Korres pensions: Sentence... 27. Embassies staying: put. En Korea: despite. tens: ton: | 1.2 |
Sentence 1: Domestic cat laying, on back of cat litter. Sentence 2: Tan domestic, cat under black tarp. | 2 |
‘Sentence woman i frying something in the'park ‘Sentence # man is playing is galtar.~ | 0 |
Sentence 1: In exchange, North Korea would be ‘required to énd: its nuclear weapons program. Sentence 2: “fri:return:we expect North Korea to. give up-nuclear weapons." | 4.75 |
Sentence 1:-A man jumps off of one rooftop onto another. Sentence 2: A young mon jumps from one balcony to another. | 2.8 |
Sentence 1: Someone is carving a statue. Sentence 2: Aman is carving a statue. | 3.75 |
[Sentence Syria opposition tweatens to quit. talks [Sentence 2 Syria opposition agrees to talks | 2 |
3.8 |
the thi pary sop Aapp ke hy citizens of this stote, Samad the thes Gov. hn Sa tae ees fon sep 3 | 3.8 |
‘Senténes tA rian is'standing.in.water near a waterfall. Sentence 2: A inan-wadks:in the water and waichés a water'fal | 3.4 |
Seenence bk rab is talbiog, Seemence 2 4 mn is walking on a rope | 0 |
Sentence 1: 4 woman posing in front apartment building in the sno |" SOME of the Snow. “a Sentence 2: white , building. Mes parked in grass in Front of | 0 |
Sentence 1: A manis singing. Sentence 2: A man is dancing. | 0.5 |
Sentence 1: x white and. red-bus traveling ‘on the street. . Sentence 2: The réd bus is'6n the street. | 2.2 |
Seitelite uggt like creature is smelling around. Brest 2gpn animal is walking on the ground. Call | 2 |
fentence 1: UN monitors yet to reach site of Syrian massacre’ ~ video jentence 2: UN monitors unable to reach site of Syria illings | 4.4 |
Sentence 1: He wounded a security guard and then fled, stabbing two passersby as he ran off along the promenade. Sentence 2: He then stabbed two passersby as he fled along a promenade by the Mediterranean Sea. a | 3.2 |
Sentence 1: A woman dressed in green is playing with her tan dog Sentence 2: A tan dog licks a girls hand while laying down. | 1.6 |
Sentence 1: Middle East: Israel: Hamas Leader Convicted Sentence 2: Middle East: Iraq: 17 Prisoners Escape in Kirkuk | 0.8 |
Sentence 1:The jury is not told about juror nullification, Sentence 2: The quote you provide has nothing to do with jury nullification. | 1.6 |
Sentence. EU iinitars co: dhacins Sia, ms embargo Sentence 2 £U foreign ministers sock solution of Syrie “ r) | 3.6 |
Sentence 1: Two large black dogs are playing ina grassy field, ‘Sentence &:Tiwe.white dogs are running together... i | 2.2 |
Sentence 1: A snowboarder rides a snowboard down a railing beside a flight of steps. Sentence 2: A boy is grinding a skateboard down a concrete wall. | 0.8 |
Sentence t A boy is playing guitar. Sentence 2: A man is playing a guitar. | 3.2 |
‘Sentence & Senate confirms Yellen as Fed head ‘Sentence 2; US Senate confirms Yellen as Fed's next chair | 4.2 |
Sentence | Sentence 2: | 1.1 |
Sentence 1: Angela Merkel headed for narrow win in German elections Sentence 2: Malawi's new president sworn in after disputed elections, | 0.4 |
eee Sentence 1: Egypt announces arrest of 1,004 Muslim Brotherhood supporters Sentence 2: Egypt orders arrest of Brotherhood chief Badie e * * | 1.8 |
Sentence 1: Ukrainian weightlifter gets four-year doping ban Sentence 2: Ukraine's Korobka gets four-year doping ban | 4.2 |
Sentence 1: During 2001 and 2002, Morgenthau said, wire transfers from just four of Beacon Hil's 49 accounts totaled more than $32 billion Sentence 2: Wire transfers fom four of the 40 accounts open at Beacon Hill totaled more than $3.2 billion from 2001 to 2002, Morgenthau said, | 4.75 |
sentence 2: Ten sheeP looking at the vamera- entence 2:A cat hits back looking at the amera. * . * | 1.2 |
‘temce 1: The man is driving a hite car. tence 2: A man is giving an terview. | 0.4 |
Sentence 1: The two dogs were in the pen. Sentence 2: The cowboy rode his horse in the desert. | 0 |
Sentence: Lance:Armstrong stripped of Tour de France titles, Seritence 2: Lance Armstrong plots. erated: Toss of titles’ | 1.4 |
Sentence tk Among three major candidates, Schwarzenegger is wining the battle for independents and crossover voters. Sentence 2: Schwarzenegger picks up more independents and crossover voters than Bustamante. | 3.4 |
Sentence i: [nan E-ihail- statement ‘to the: Knoxville-Néws Sentinel; Shuimaker said,."I ain’. not | giving” aity, “consideration.” to resignation: © 4 Sentence: ‘2: -I- am’. not.” giving’ "any: consideration to resignation,’ Shumaker said in astatement: ~ | 4 |
J Sentence2:Aman anda woman eughing, + Sentence2:Aman anda womankiss, | 1.2 |
jentence 1: He said the FDA was oping Congress and the courts ould bring clarity to the ituation and some financial elief to consumers. entence 2: He said FDA hopes congress and the courts will bring larity to the situation and some ‘inancial relief to consumers — erhaps before the 2004 elections. | 4 |
Sentence 1: Tehran has made clear it will only sign the Additional Protocol introducing such inspections if a ban on the import of civilian Western nuclear technology is lifted. Sentence 2: Tehran has niade it clear it will only sign the protocol if a ban on imports of peaceful Western nuclear technology is lifted. | 3.8 |
Sentence 1: A man is cutting grass. Sentence 2: A masked man sings. | 0 |
Sentence -1:,A-mahi puts. Seasoningin a bowl:of water. Sentence 2: The. man added seasoning to water ina bowl. | 5 |
Sentence I: Ganeticprednasifor sto cancer resistance is superior SENELICS: Sentence. 2: Genetic pridiibehions sy Alzheimer is inferior genetics. abel, | 1.4 |
1:Suicide bormber Kilts 20 in iraq 2 Suicide bomber attacks primary school in 08s bills 15 | 3 |
Sentence’ 1: A black*and white dog looking atthe camera Sentence 2: A. gréy, black, and: white cat looking .at the camera: | 1 |
Sentence:1: Two then ‘are talking Sentence 2: Two met are. playing guitar | 1.5 |
‘Sentence 1 Israll agrevs td. reldase Pabéstiniansprisoniers Sentence'2: [sri releases:26 more Paléstinian ptispners: | 2.8 |
Sentence 1: A man stands in front of a train. Sentence 2: A man is starting in front of a raised statue,. * | 2 |
Sentence + A woman s adding sauce to some food Sentence 2 A person s cutting leaves. | 0.2 |
Sentence 1: Two cartoon rabbits are kissing. Sentence 2: A rabbit is kissing another rabbit. | 3.8 |
Sentence t Relatives scuffle with police after China fire kills 120 Selitence 2: Aigry faimilies deniand answers after China plant fire kills 119 | 3.8 |
Sentence 1: Russia releases Greenpeace doctor Sentence 2: Russian court _ releases Greenpeace ship doctor on bail | 4.2 |
‘Sentence. 1: the Gitacks, ane. the ‘nelocaton. ot Stcitue im estonia. ‘Sentence = the Snarcke, eccurred after a. dispute between, the governments, of russia and: estonia over he relocation “Of ct. Soviest: went memoricth HN | 3 |
3.333 |
Sentence 1: The man is sitting at a messy table and using a laptop. Sentence 2: A man sits looking at a laptop computer on a messy table. | 4.8 |
Sentence 1: Remains of 167 bodies found in Mexican cave Sentence 2: Remains of 167 people found in Mexico cave | 5 |
1: Chinese envoy rebuts tence Philippine accusations ‘ietnamese, ver South China Sea tence 2: China's Xi tells Vietnam ants peace in South China Sea | 3.2 |
Sentence 1: Mr. Bankhead said the crime scenes Indicated that the killer Was "very methodical.” Bankhead said the murder #cenes | 4 |
Sentence 1: A man is playing guitar: Sentence a: A man is, draining pasta. | 0.4 |
Sentence 1: U.S. corporate bond yield spreads tightened in spotty trading on Friday as Wall Street labored to get back on its feet after the largest power outage ever in North America. Sentence 2: U.S. stocks rose slightly on all regrouped after the bigges' power outage in North America. | 3.6 |
Sentence 1: A boy plays baseball. Sentence 2: A man is playing baseball. | 3 |
Sentence 1: We need a certifiable pay as you go budget by imide bey or echools wont open In September, Strayhorn ‘Sentence 2: Texas lawmakers must close # $185.9 million budget gap by the middie of July or the schools wont ‘open in September. Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn said Thursday. | 2.6 |
Seiitencét: The first trial of a. suspect in last- year’s Bali nightclub bombings that klled-more than 200 people operied in Indonesia today, Shy News reported. Sentence 2: One of the Key. suspects in the October. nightclub. Hombings that killed more thin 200 pedple in Bali went on tral Monday amid tight security: | 3.75 |
Sentence 1: A man and a woman holding hands walking along the beach. Sentence 2: A man with a beard and a skullcap and a boy walk along the ocean's shore. | 2.2 |
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