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Sentence 1: What kind of process is the zinc zinc-oxide cycle? Sentence 2: The zinc zinc-oxide cycle is a two step thermochemical process based on zinc and zinc oxide for hydrogen production.
Sentence 1: After which war did England gain New York in exchange for Run, an Indonesian island? Sentence 2: Several intertribal wars among the Native Americans and some epidemics brought on by contact with-the Europeans coused sizable population losses for the:'Lenape between the years 1660 and 1670.
Sentence 1: When did Chopin die? Sentence 2: " Chopin was born in what was then| the Duchy of Warsaw, and grew up in Warsaw, which after 1815 became part of Congress Poland.
AL What does CCTV stand for 2:Yang Mina ier scientist at Fudan | iniversity, also stated that “the. security. features of findows 8 lire basically to the benefit of Microsoft, ‘ing them control of the users data, and that poses big chatlenge to the national strategy for information. rity.”
Sentence t How many Byzantine mosaics survived past the 8th century? Sentence 2: Among the rare examples are the &th-century Christ in majesty (or Ezekiel's Vision) mosaic inthe apse of the Church of Hosios David in Thessalonic thal was hidden behind mortar during those dangerous times.
Sentence 1: Who were the leading Cubist architects? nce 2: The leading Cubist architects re Pavel Jandk, Josef Gotés Viastislav fofman, Emil Krdliek and Josef Chachol:
Sentence 1: What caused Romanticism to end? Sentence 2: The decline of Romanticism occurred because a new movement, Positivism, began to take hold of the ideals of the intellectuals after 1840 and lasted until about 1680.
Sentence 1: Which ) contestant was saved with the. first Judges’ Save? * Sentence. 2: There were. 13 finalists. this, season, . but. two
Sentence 1: What’ helped. to. boost -the rébublicians in 1870? #- Sentence 2:!In 1870, republican séntiment in -Britain,: fed’ by the Queen's .seclusion, was. boosted after. the: establishment: of the Third French Republic. *
Seti i Sendo Secs Man yao lg: eh petsin 25 years-o:agé or -oder his spot in schosls}“EVS: Exped years of ‘schooling {Years thi a 5-yearol cid wil spend i schoo throughout fis He) GN Gros nana inome at purchasing power parity er capita vt :
Sentence 1: About haw long does it take to drive from Richmond international Airport to Williamsburg? Sentence 2:Richmond international is naw served by nine airlines with over 200 daily fights providing non-stop service to major destination markets and connecting flights to destinations worldwide,
Sentence 7: Along with Liban Abdi, Ayub Daud and Abdisalam Ibrahim, who is a notable Somali football player? Sentence 2: In addition, several international footballers = such as Mohammed Ahamed Jama, Liban Abdi Ayub Daud and Abdisalam Ibrahim have played in European top divisions.
J Sentence 1: What are the highest ‘ills in Hyder abag? | Sentence 2: ites on the ofthe asi eer nv Part of the Deccan Platec,
sentence 1: What was the genre of BBC Japan? 2: it ceased operations after its Sentence Japanese distributor folded.
Sentence 1: What might a tribunal or an arbiter” be asked to determine regarding a breach of a treaty?. Sentence 2: An advantage of such an arbiter is that it prevents a party from prematurely © and perhaps. wrongfully suspending or terminating its own obligations due to another's alleged material breach.
Seriténicd 4: 1s, what settlement. isthe pull: Know, ds The Old Farge located? i Semigice 2: i: may, bo tedctied By fSot oF by bouty ‘and. by train.as:it.is served, by. the nearby Berney Arms Tailway Station, which’ likewise has; ne reg access and serves.no otfier settlement:
te How does McTaggart believe minds elate to one another? 2: J. M. E McTagsa argued that minds alone exist ‘nother through love. rt of Cambridge st and only
“Sentencé ie" Whal, are-hree’ ISP Sentence’ 2: Uther =free.. ISPS." Sometimes called..freénelS ate run on a-hohprofit ba usually: ivi: velititear - «Staff [éltation seeded] : -
‘Sentence t Vvho replaced Giadstone for only a few short months? Sentence 2 Salsbury’s government ony lasted a few months however, and Victoria was forced to recat Gladstone, whom she referred to as a ‘half crazy & realy in many ways ndicuous old man’
Sentence 1:,What»areas experience periodic flooding from rapid snowmelt and runoff? Sentence 2: High-water levels in’ streams. and rivers peak in June and july when: the: snow is still melting at the higher altitudes.
Santana t Wht was bated wath he torch relay fr fate Opie? ‘Sentence 2 Prompted by the chaotic torch relays in Wester Europe ed North America fe president of fe biernationd Olympic Comeniten, Jacques Rogge described the situation as o ‘crisis’ for he rgaramaton and stated fot any aietes daspiaying Tibetan fogs ot Olympic venues could be expelled from the games.
Sentonce .t What: ids" the ‘Chopin boarding house. walled in Engiisie Sentence’ 2; Here his parents continued running their: boardiiig.nouse for male Students; the Chopin: Family Parlour {Salonik, Chopinduy) Decasne-a snuseuin ‘in the Path century.
Sentence |:.The ability: to store ‘and execute, lists ‘of. instructions are: called what? “ : Sentence-..2: The Church-Turing. thesis. is3 ‘mathematical:.statemeént..of: this versatility: any: computer’ “with.-a minimum © capability (being. Tuting- complete). is; principle, ‘capable ‘ of| pérforming ‘the same” tasks ‘that any other computér can. perform:
yentence 2: Séme si oe i
Sentence I In what year did Mahamoud pubiish 'hisresearch? Sentence 2: The anaiysis: of HLA’ antigens. has also 'hélped Clarify the possible background of the Somali’ people: as the distribution “of: hapiatype frequencies vary among population groups.
Sentence 1: Where did sociology culture stem from? Sentence 2: “Culture” has since become an important concept: across many branches of sociology, including resolutely scientific fields like social stratification and social network analysis.
Seritence 1: Treating’ the hunt’ as'a costbenefit scenario is referred to a what? ° Sentence 2:.When hunger’ isnot an issue, in general most predators will:not. seek to. attack prey since the costs outweigh the benefits. ;
Sentence | 1: What: kinds” of sea faring sports are available in Cork? Sentence 2: There ‘aré’.a variety. of. watersports. in. Cork, including” rowing and sailing.
Sentence 1: What effects can wrestling have on the wrestlers? Sentence 2: For. many decades (and still toa lesser-extent today), performers were expected to keep the illusions of, wrestling's- legitimacy alivé even while not performing, essentially acting ini.character any time they were in. public.
Sentence 1: Up until 2011, who manufactured sodium thiopental? Sentence 2: In the 2010s, American jurisdictions have experienced a shortage of lethal injection drugs, due to anti- death penalty advocacy and low production volume.
Seatence Between which north latitudes ae glacers no found? Sentence % Glaciers can be found in all latitudes except from 20° to 27° oxth and south of the equator where {he presence of the descending limb of the Hadley. drulation lovers precpitalion $9 much tha with high insolaon snow lines reach above 6500 m (21350 fb.
Sentence t: At what battle. did the Hindus of India defeat the Umayyads? Sentence 2: The Arabs tried to invade Indig -but . they. were <defeated by thé. north. Indian. king Nagabhata’_ of «the. Pratihara. Dynasty.and by the~ south Indiqn “Eiiperor_ Viktamadiga 1 of the Chalukya:-dynasty .in the early: 8th century.
Sentence 1: On what date was Beyonce born? Sentence 2: Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter (/bi:'jonser/ bee-YON-say) (born September 4, 1981) is an American singer, songwriter, record producer and actress.
Sentence 1: What was the reaction of the crowd to the Everton replacement theme ‘songs in 1994? Sentence 2: Both were met with complete disapproval by Everton fans.
Séritence 1: Who’ declared ‘the: Partnership. Action Plary against Fenorsin? sentence 2:8 the following months, NATO took’a wide. rainge-of measuies to,respond-to the thréat of terrorism. ~
Sentences: \vfiat die Gi Jiguand!s,pavate arme Sentence 2: Being a clagsicalliy ec Xianig Amy oirn his own nirates int 05, hail dé “priva' spel raiding Japar mid-169h cenzturus . :
iteince + In. wiat yea HS argphenainine elscoverse sentence, Jn, 93, qrapueriannine te ies, surthatic, aos rrcinve dye, was, developed by, fel ihrich and, chemist Aitredl-Bertheim, af the. shut at, Experimental, TUeTEPY in Berlin.
Sentence 1: As of 2003, what was the rate of increase in the amount of data recorded by the Wayback Machine? Sentence 2: As of 2009[update], the Wayback Machine contained approximately three petabytes of data and was growing at a rate of 100 terabytes each month; the growth rag reported in 2003 was 12 terabytes/month.
Sentence 4: What intiatve provided censors’ with: the abiliy to appoint new senatérs? a Sentéince 2: also iequited the cénsor to appoint ary newly elected mogistriteto the sénate:
Sentence 4: What, was the name of. the secular legal system under'the Ottomen Caliphate? : Sentence 2: The Ottoman lego! system accepted the religiqus law. over cts. $ s
Sentence:.li What: is 6né-of the most dangerous.jobs for USAF personnel? Sentence :2#.Other. career fields that have...séen. <iricreasing exposure... to combat: ‘include’ - civil’: : éngineers, vehicle - operators, ‘and’. Air: . Forée Office of Special: “Investigations (AFOSID personnel. .
Sentenced 1: Ori what date did, bo Muslim extremists ‘attack. ‘Charlie Hébido?. Senterice’’ 2: (On- 7° Januiary *2045, ° two’ French. Mustin. extremists attacked the:Paris: headquarteis’ of Charlie Hebd ‘and killed ‘thirteen people, and_on:9 January, 3 third: terrorist. Killed four hostages during. am’ attack ata” Jewish grocety. ‘store ‘at-Potte'de Vincenries: : =
Sentence 1: When vias-Moina’s aunt released? Sentence 2: Th album as relesed i lly 1983 and-peaked at huiibe: ‘eight on'the Biiboar 200 six: fonths later in 1984.
Sentence 1: What are the tourist hotspots in Portugal? Sentence 2: Lisbon in. recent years surpassed the Algarve as the leading tourist region in Portugal.
Sentence I: What. perceitage. of: the South. Tuscon’ Pepulation,is "Mexican American?» “Sentence: 2: South. Tueson ‘is. actually ‘the name of an\-“independént, incorpérated~ town ‘of 21. 'sq'! mi: (2.6 kin2), completely, surrounded by the city. cof Fucson;“ sitting, just: south: .of downtown. :
Sentence 1: What was considered to be dominant part of normal life? Sentence 2: In a discussion of any ancient music, however, non-specialists and even many musicians have to be reminded that much of what makes our modern music familiar to us is the result of developments only within the last 1,000 years; thus, our ideas of melody, scales, harmony, and even the instruments we use may not have been familiar to Romans who made and listened to music many centuries earlier.[citation needed]
Sentence § Who wos prevented from leaving their house? Sentence 2: —ond then concealing her identity from him.
Sentence 1: what natural disaster is mention when Jesus died? Sentence 2: Luke also follows Mark, though he describes the rebels as common criminals, ‘one of whom defends Jesus, who in turn promises that he (Jesus) and the criminal will be together in paradise.
Sentence 1: Where can one find a greater variety of bit rates? Sentence 2: A:areater variety of bit rates are used on the Intemet.
Seitaice t:ioir-many miles Of réads ‘are iinpaved bn Cyprus? Sentenag 2 ngs “is-ome of waly fouu-FU vations in, which, vehicles drive On. the. left-hatid side-of ‘the road, @ renmarit of| British Mongo: (the others being Ireland, Malta and. the United Hingdem}:- 2. veg
Sentence 1: What military unit did Napoleon first serve in after his graduation? Sentence 2: Upon graduating in September 1785, Bonaparte was commissioned a second lieutenant in La Pere artillery regiment.{note 4]
Sentence 1; What belief system did. the native Estonians try to remove? Sentence 2: After initial. success the revolt was ended by the invasion of the Teutonic Order.
Sentence 1: During what eras was the Antarctic Peninsula formed? Sentence 2: The Antarctic Peninsula was formed by uplift and metamorphism of sea bed sediments during the late Paleozoic and the early Mesozoic eras.
What_were one: ‘of SU (0s Saondes Pekgpensiante aE
Sentence’. 1: What ‘does a grains . starch become after an is malted? . Semtenco 2: Malting grain produces enzymes’ that convert starches in the grain into . fermentable sugars.
Sentence } What Wes the ndtie of the school. thot Served asthe SROF's precursor? Sentence.” Bin 1969,:-.the:” School. “of Architecture ahd Urbon. Gesigh ISAUD) wos. ‘fotmed “with “three ‘srogroms: orchiterture,. erehitectyrel:: ehgingering,” .ctid’ Grbon Rlarininig,: : : ae
Sentence 1: What exists in nearly all avian lineages? Sentence 2: Migration in birds is highly labile and is Believed to have developed independently in many avian ineages.
Seritence 1: The Pédcé “Pagoda built. in"Neiv- Delhi by-the Nippgnzan, Myohsji;was, inaugurated by, which, prominent Figure? Sentence 2:4 nas ina uated by the current Dalat Lama,
Sentence 1: This Season, the winner won 2 Perording contract with what company? Sentence 2: The winner of the, season aiso received a recording contract ‘with Big Machine Records.
Sentence 1: What is the mean yearly temperature in Hyderabad in Celsius? Sentence 2: The annual mean temperature is 266 °C (799 °F); monthly mean temperatures are 21-33 °C (70-91 °F).
Sentence t What occurs when large unstable areas of warm ocean, heated over months, give up some of their thermal energy suddenly to power a few days of violent air movement? Sentence 2 Sunlight may be stored as gravitational potential energy after it strikes the Earth, as (for example) water evaporates from oceans and is deposited upon mountains (where, after being released at a hydroelectric dam, it can be used to drive turbines or generators to produce electricity)
Sentence 4 What deos revision 1.2 reneve? Bantence 3 The USB Battery Charging Specification Revishn 12 (released in 2310) nakes clear that there are safety Units to the rated current «b 8 A coning fron USB 20.
Sentence 1: When did John have conjugal relationships with Isabelle? Sentence 2: John did not provide a greet deal of money for his wife's household and did not pass on much of the revenue from her lands,:té the extent that historian Nicholas Vingent has described-him as being “downright meen towards Isabella
Sentence 1: which city was the rebellion's capital for most of the struggle? Sentence 2:In March 1914 Carranza traveled to Ciudad Juarez, which served as rebellion's capital for the remainder of the struggle with Huerta.
annual rate of decrease for the output of ‘od by labor and property in 40 2008 and Sentence 2 With the decine of gross domestic product came the ‘deckne in imavation.
Sentence 1: Who wrote the story of Crassus? 2: Theaters have also been founc for Serteple, in Al-khanoum on the edge of Bgota. the example, 06 \55 rows — larger than the theater in Babylon.
1: Where is the arnusal Boston Arts festival? 2 They include the week-long Harbortest festivities and Pops concert accompanied by fireworks on the banks of the River
Sentence 1: who conducted the research study? Sentence 2: The research was conducted over several schools within the Cherry Creek School District ang was _ conducted through University of Colorado,
Sentence 1: What type of study is used to simulate lighting designs? Sentence 2: Photometric studies (also sometimes referred to as "layouts" or "point by points") are often used to simulate lighting designs for projects before they are built or renovated.
Sentence: 1; How’ many’ fextestrial species, died,’ during the extinction2. “Sentence Z:,iswaids the. Late Cretaceous large volcanic ::éruptians: are - also, -believed to have: ebritribtitéd: “fo. ; the. ~.Cretaceous~Paledgene. extinction event.
Sentence 1; What is.dukkha? Sentence. 2: Sdmsara -arises “out. ‘of. ‘avidya Gig prapee) and: is ‘characterized . by .;dukkha Teutteriag, anxiety, dissatisfaction).
Sentence 4: Knighthood is given by being dubbed with what object? Sentence 2: Investitures, which include the conferring of knighthoods by bing with a sword, and other awards lace in the palace's Ballroom, built 54,
Sentence It Which development in 1915:played.a'key role in developing Alaska? Sentence. 2: In recent years, the ever- improving, paved. highway..system’ began to eclipse’ the-railroad's importance in Alaska's economy.
Sentieace |'1:) Along | with ‘Thar’ Boxing, Jin” whiat:. Tas Mohamed Jama won ‘a:Européan: title? Séntenée Additionally; Méhamed ‘Jamia! “has, won ‘bath world: and) European’. titles in K4) and. Thai, Boxing;
Sentence 1: The first draft of To Kill a Mockingbird was named what? Sentence 2: During the next couple of years, she led Lee from one draft to the next until the book finally achieved its finished form and was retitled To Kill a Mockingbird
Sentence 1: The _ relationship between an albatross and a sailor is the central theme of what book? Sentence 2: Among the most famous of these bird artists was John James Audubon, whose paintings of North American birds were a great commercial success in Europe and who later lent his name to the National Audubon Society.
Sentence 1: Who forced Christianity upon the Alsace people? Sentence 2: Under. Clovis. Merovingian successors the inhabitants were Christianized. < .
Sentence 1: What storage. system for dates led-to. the systenr clock error? Sentence 2: Sony: staied that. the . affected ‘models incorrectly identified 2010 as a leap: year, because of'a bug in the BCD method of storing the date.
|Sentence 1: What did defeating Napoleon leave Britain without? [Sentence 2: In Britain's "imperial century", victory over Napoleon left Britain without any serious international rival, other than Russia in central Asia.
‘Sentence 1: Which new BYU school was added under Pres. Dallin H. Oaks in 1971? Ea ‘Sentence 2: Dallin H. Oaks replaced Wilkinson as president in 1971.
‘Sentence 1: When did Just and Hanaman receive their patent for the tungsten filament lamp? Sentence 2: Filling a bulb with an inert gas:such as argon or nitrogen retards the evaporation of the tungsten filament-compared to operating it inavacuum.
Sentence r Due to the danger the Captian Every pur the trading abiliy of East India Company what Act would he never qualify for that other pirate were later offered? Sentence 2: The plunder of Aurangzeb’s ueasure ship had serious consequences for the English East India Company.
Sentence 1! In* which’: district is. "Virgil's tomb" located? Sentence. 2:,While: Virgil was. already. the object of literary admiration and veneration] before’ his. death,, in ‘the Middle. Ages -his name became associated: with miraculous powers, and for a couple “of centuries hi tomb was’the. destination of pilgrimages and| yeneration: .
Sentence 1: What did Poland contribute to the “Coalition of the Willing”? Sentence 2: A quote referring to Poland as “the 51st state" has been attributed to James Pavitt, then Central Intelligence Agency Deputy Director for Operations, especially in connection to extraordinary rendition.
entence 1: What caused the revolution against the Ging dynasty? sentence 2: The failures of the Imperial Cour! to enact Semiefteforming measures of politica Tiberalization and Se Mornization caused the reformists to steer toward the road of revolution.
Sentence t VVnat fi s_Somai Spa ae farnty_'s Soak Sentence 2 The overwhemng mapnty of Somats ‘speak’ the: Somas language. which is Part of the Custitic branch of. the Afro. Asiatic famiy
Sentence + Other = than Downtown and Midtown, what area boasts. a fast growing restaurant scene? Sentence 2: Thousands = more “work in Midtown, . central of the business district.
Sentence k: what does the 2N is the JEDEC EIA370 mean? Sentence 2 A letter suffix (Such as "A") is sometimes used to indicate a newer variant, but rarely gain groupings.
Sentenicé 4: What is’ aresillt.of. st chahiges in DNA markers withinya plant species?- ce Setitence 2:-Epigettetics is the study of mitotically and/or: mmeiotically heritable chatiges in gene furiction that ganhot Be wiplained by:changés in the underlying DNA sequence. but cause: the ofganisin’s. genes to. béhave:{6r “express themselves") differently .
Sentence 1: What does epigenetié’s study? Sentence: 2:- Epigenetics is - the. study ‘of. mitotically..:and/or’. .. meiotically “heritable changes in’ gene function - that’ cannot “be explained by changes-in the underlying DNA ‘sequencé but cause the organism's genes to behave (or "express themselves") differently.
Sentence 1: Who designed the Gehry Tower? Sentence 2: With around 40 parks, forests and gardens, a couple of lakes, two rivers and one canal, Hanover offers. a large variety of leisure acti
Sentence 1: What magazine said Beyoncé was the *best-dressed celebrity*? Sentence 2: In 2007, Beyoncé was featured on the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, becoming the second African American woman after Tyra Banks, and People magazine recognized Beyoncé as the best-dressed celebrity.
Sentence 1: What was the name of the hotel that took up a full city block? Sentence 2: The Unités States Hotel took up a full city block between Atlantic, Pacific, Delaware, and Maryland Avenues.
Sentence 1. When was the Suez Canal nationalized? Sentence 2+ In July 1956, Nasser unilaterally nationalised the Suez Canal. s +
Sentence 1: When did the Mossad LeAliyah Bet disband? Sentence 2: Immigration to Israel during the late 194@s and early 1958s was aided by the Israeli Immigration Department and the non-government sponsored Mossad LeAliyah Bet Clastitution for Illegal Immigration").
Saritence 1 What was mast infential Rmefican‘20ih ‘century tort law? Sentence 2: Notably. the most, broauily’ infiventiéi Innovation’ of 20th-century. Américan..tortJaw was the. rule’.oF Stcict liability: For. “defective:. products, Which originated with Jodicial glosses ‘on the law oF warranty.

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