E3C 3.0 (RE / NER)
This collection includes relation exteration and name entity recognition datasets in English, Italian, Slovak, Slovenian, Polish and Greek.
6 items
stringclasses 37
values | sentence_id
int64 1
| text
stringlengths 20
| relations
sequencelengths 0
100310 | 1 | We present a case of a 32-year-old woman with a history of gradual enlargement of the anterior neck. | [] |
100310 | 2 | The medical history was unremarkable and no comorbidities existed. | [] |
100310 | 3 | There was no history of radiation exposure. | [] |
100310 | 4 | Clinical examination revealed a multinodular goiter. | [] |
100310 | 5 | Computed tomography showed a thyroid nodule of the left lobe extended to the isthmus and the right lobe with anterior and posterior capsular rupture contracting close contact with the vascular axis left carotid-jugular plunging into the cervicothoracic away from the hole aortic arch. | [] |
100310 | 6 | There was no evidence of lung lesions. | [] |
100310 | 7 | The patient underwent a surgical exploration. | [] |
100310 | 8 | There was a hard left lobe nodule of 5 cm infiltrating the adjacent muscles and partially infiltrates the trachea. | [] |
100310 | 9 | The intraoperative consultation pathology diagnosis was: undifferentiated carcinoma. | [] |
100310 | 10 | A total thyroidectomy was realized. | [] |
100310 | 11 | Histological examination showed a proliferation of elongated spindle-shaped cells, arranged in interweaving fascicles of varying sizes, intersected at right angles. | [] |
100310 | 12 | Tumor cells are atypical with strange nuclei. | [] |
100310 | 13 | Chromatin is distributed inhomogeneously. | [] |
100310 | 14 | The cytoplasmic membrane is irregular and thick. | [] |
100310 | 15 | The nucleolus is very large. | [] |
100310 | 16 | The tumor realize a pushing against thyroid parenchyma which is separated with a fibrous capsule. | [] |
100310 | 17 | The mitotic rate was extremely high (19 mitosis/10 high power field), and atypical mitotic figures were also present. | [
"19 mitosis/10 high power field",
] |
100310 | 18 | The neoplasia showed invasion of the peri-glandular fat tissue. | [] |
100310 | 19 | Immuno-histochemical staining of the slides with caldesmon, desmin, PanCK, CK5-6, CK7, myogenin, epithelial membrane antigen (EMA), CEA, thyroid transcription factor (TTF-1), pancytokeratin, smooth muscle actin (SMA), MelanA, S 100 protein, CD 45, CD3, CD30, CD 20, CD 15, CD34, ALK, calcitonin and KI 67 protein was performed. | [] |
100310 | 20 | The tumour was strongly positive for caldesmon, SMA, desmin, and negative for pancytokeratin and other epithelial, lymphoid and melanocytic markers. | [
] |
100310 | 21 | On the basis of the clinical, radiographic, histopathological and immunohistochemical features, the final diagnosis was primary thyroid leiomyosarcoma, FNCLCC grade 3. | [] |
100310 | 22 | In multidisciplinary tumour board, it was decided that adjuvant loco regional RT and chemotherapy by ifosfamide and doxorubicin. | [] |
100339 | 1 | A 21-year-old male was referred to the gastroenterology clinic for incidental findings of severe chronic pancreatitis on cross-sectional imaging but no associated symptoms of pancreatitis. | [] |
100339 | 2 | He had presented to the emergency department for abdominal pain consistent with prior episodes of renal colic. | [] |
100339 | 3 | Computed tomography scan confirmed the presence of renal calculi that passed with conservative management. | [] |
100339 | 4 | An incidental finding on the imaging showed marked pancreatic atrophy with multiple sub-centimeter calcifications consistent with severe chronic pancreatitis. | [] |
100339 | 5 | Remarkably, he did not report having any symptoms associated with pancreatic insufficiency including epigastric pain, vomiting, steatorrhea and weight loss. | [] |
100339 | 6 | He denied having any prior episodes of acute pancreatitis and had no history of alcohol use. | [] |
100339 | 7 | His laboratory tests were all within normal range, including complete blood count, liver function tests, amylase and lipase. | [
"normal range",
"normal range",
"normal range",
"normal range",
"normal range",
] |
100339 | 8 | His family history was significant as his father had an isolated episode of pancreatitis which required abdominal surgery. | [] |
100339 | 9 | Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) showed severe parenchymal atrophy and pancreatic ductal stones with ductal dilation to 9mm. | [] |
100339 | 10 | Due to his young age and atypical presentation, he was referred for genetic testing and counselling. | [] |
100339 | 11 | He underwent genetic testing for various genes known to cause hereditary pancreatitis: CASR, CFTR, CTRC, PRSS1, SPINK1. | [] |
100339 | 12 | He tested positive for homozygous variant of SPINK1 (N34S) mutation. | [] |
100339 | 13 | Reflex testing of at-risk relatives confirmed that both of his parents were heterozygous carriers of the same SPINK1 (N34S) mutation and a review of their extended pedigree revealed that they were distant cousins. | [] |
100339 | 14 | Given his asymptomatic clinical course, he remains under close follow-up without requiring any specific treatment for pancreatic insufficiency. | [] |
100339 | 15 | Due to the severity of pancreatitis noted on imaging and long expected lifespan, he was counselled about the increased risk of pancreatic malignancy and is undergoing regular cross-sectional imaging for the detection and prevention of cancer. | [] |
100345 | 1 | A 20-year-old right-handed female factory worker with no medical history is consulting in the emergency ward with an open trauma of the left hand resulting from an occupational accident. | [] |
100345 | 2 | Her hand was crushed under a heavy object. | [] |
100345 | 3 | Physical examination found an important swelling and obvious distortion at the dorsum of the hand associated with wounds of the ulnar and radial edges of the left hand. | [] |
100345 | 4 | The neurovascular examination was normal; in particular no sensitive deficit in the median nerve area was noted. | [
] |
100345 | 5 | Plain radiographs with front and lateral views showed a dislocation of the three lesser fingers associated with fractures of the hamatum and the second metacarpal. | [] |
100345 | 6 | The three lesser metacarpals and the distal fragment of the hamatum were medially displaced. | [] |
100345 | 7 | The patient was immediately brought to the operating theatre. | [] |
100345 | 8 | The treatment consisted of a reduction and stabilisation using a multiple carpo-metacarpal and cross inter-metacarpal pinning. | [] |
100345 | 9 | The wound was cleaned up trimmed and sutured. | [] |
100345 | 10 | The had and the wrist were immobilized with a splint for six weeks. | [] |
100345 | 11 | The patient had an intense and regular rehabilitation program. | [] |
100345 | 12 | At one year follow-up, the outcome is good: the patient is painless with good bone consolidation in right position, strictly normal range of motion (metacarpophalangeal 90°, proximal interphalagienne 100° and distal interphalageal 90°) and a 80% grip strength compared to the right side. | [
] |
100385 | 1 | A 45 year old female with history of sickle cell disease presented with abdominal pain. | [] |
100385 | 2 | A CT scan revealed an exophytic renal mass measuring 2.9cm x 2.0cm x 2.1cm located on the antero-lateral aspect of her right kidney and an unremarkable spleen. | [
"2.9cm x 2.0cm x 2.1cm",
] |
100385 | 3 | She was evaluated by urology and a right partial nephrectomy was planned, however on the day of the procedure, the patient's preoperative pregnancy test was positive. | [
] |
100385 | 4 | The procedure was post postponed until after she delivered and interval ultrasounds were obtained throughout her pregnancy to monitor the renal mass. | [] |
100385 | 5 | The lesion increased minimally in size. | [] |
100385 | 6 | Two months after caesarian section delivery, patient underwent an unremarkable right laparoscopic partial nephrectomy with individual artery and vein vascular occlusion at the level of the renal hilum. | [] |
100385 | 7 | A superficial liver laceration caused by the Veress needle was noted at the beginning of the procedure and effectively managed using bipolar cautery. | [] |
100385 | 8 | The patient's post-operative course was notable for marked thrombocytosis with her platelet count increasing for her baseline of 300,000 to a zenith of 1.3 million. | [
"1.3 million",
] |
100385 | 9 | She was started on aspirin therapy and splenomegaly was noted on abdomen ultrasound. | [] |
100385 | 10 | Her platelet count normalized to 334,000. | [
] |
100385 | 11 | On pathology, the renal mass was classified as a papillary renal neoplasm consistent with a translocation carcinoma. | [] |
100385 | 12 | There was no splenic tissue in the specimen. | [] |
100385 | 13 | It was noted that the complete lack of staining of any keratins or epithelial membrane antigens was not consistent with a usual renal cell carcinoma and hence the diagnosis of a translocation tumor was made. | [] |
100385 | 14 | The patient was lost to follow up presenting 2 years later and a follow-up CT scan noted marked splenic atrophy with several splenules. | [] |
100385 | 15 | The patient was completely asymptomatic and at the time received all the post-splenectomy vaccination and her platelet count remained within normal limits. | [
"within normal limits",
] |
100415 | 1 | A 57 year old lady presented to a peripheral hospital with complaints of penetrating epigastric pain of a week’s duration. | [] |
100415 | 2 | There was no vomiting or weight loss. | [] |
100415 | 3 | Bowel movements were normal. | [] |
100415 | 4 | Clinical examination at the time was unrevealing. | [
] |
100415 | 5 | An abdominal ultrasound examination was reported as normal. | [
] |
100415 | 6 | The patient’s insistence on full investigation of the persistent epigastric pain led to a computed tomographic examination and discovery of a pancreatic tumour subsequent to which she was referred to our institution. | [] |
100415 | 7 | The CT scan showed a large tumour (6cm in largest diameter) in the body and tail of pancreas with no evidence of metastasis. | [
] |
100415 | 8 | She was prepared for exploratory laparotomy. | [] |
100415 | 9 | The pancreas was explored through the gastrocolic omentum. | [] |
100415 | 10 | The body and tail of the pancreas including the tumour were resected. | [] |
100415 | 11 | The spleen was also removed. | [] |
100415 | 12 | The end of the pancreas was suture ligated. | [] |
100415 | 13 | Her post-operative recovery was uneventful. | [] |
100415 | 14 | Histological examination of the specimen showed a well circumscribed ovoid tumour 60mm x 50mm across. | [
"60mm x 50mm across",
] |
100415 | 15 | Sections revealed islands and trabeculae of regular cells with variable amounts of eosinophilic cytoplasm, mostly regular nuclei with indistinct nucleoli. | [] |
100415 | 16 | Areas of necrosis were present with hemorrhage. | [] |
100415 | 17 | A fibrous pseudo-capsule was noted around the tumour and the resection of the tumour appeared complete. | [] |
100415 | 18 | No capsular of vascular invasion was seen. | [] |
100415 | 19 | Immuno-peroxidase staining was positive for chromogranin A. | [
] |
100415 | 20 | Synaptophysin was strongly positive, CD10 was negative, Ki-67 was less than 2% positive and the mitotic count was between 2-20 per 10 hpf. | [
"strongly positive",
"less than 2% positive",
"2-20 per 10 hpf",
] |
100415 | 21 | The staining reactions were confirmatory of a neuroendocrine carcinoma of the pancreas. | [] |
100415 | 22 | The final staging of the completely excised tumour was T3 N0 M0. | [
"T3 N0 M0",
] |
100415 | 23 | Following discharge, she was followed up regularly and remains symptom free. | [] |
100415 | 24 | A CT Scan performed 2 years after surgery showed no evidence of tumour recurrence. | [] |
100432 | 1 | A 64-year-old woman was admitted to our institution with palpable lump in her left breast. | [] |
100432 | 2 | Patient had not any previous medical and family story of cancer and denied any use of alcohol and cigarettes. | [] |
100432 | 3 | She took oral contraception for 5 years. | [] |
100432 | 4 | Her menarche was at age 12. | [] |
100432 | 5 | Physical examination revealed a 3 cm tumor located on the left breast adhere to deep plans. | [] |
100432 | 6 | There was no retraction of the nipple, skin ulceration or inflammatory changes. | [] |
100432 | 7 | The right breast exam was negative and there was no clinical evidence of axillary lymph node involvement. | [
] |
100432 | 8 | Mammography revealed a 2.6 cm round hyperdense mass with irregular and speculated margins in the subareolar area with associated microcalcifications within the mass. | [] |
100432 | 9 | The mass was categorized as Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System category 5. | [
] |
100432 | 10 | Fine needle aspiration and a core biopsy of the lesion were performed and the diagnostic was tubular carcinoma of the breast. | [] |
100432 | 11 | The patient underwent left lumpectomy with axillary node dissection. | [] |
100432 | 12 | The macroscopic (gross) examination of specimens revealed the presence of a nodule measuring 1.5 cm in its largest diameter. | [
"1.5 cm",
"1.5 cm",
] |