from pytest import raises from discopy.cartesian import * def test_Box_repr(): f = Box('f', 1, 2, lambda x: (x, x)) assert "Box('f', 1, 2" in repr(f) def test_Function_str(): f = Function(2, 1, lambda x, y: x + y) assert 'Function(dom=2, cod=1,' in str(f) def test_Function_call(): f = Swap(2, 1) values = (2, 3) with raises(TypeError) as err: f(*values) assert str(err.value) == messages.expected_input_length(f, values) def test_Function_then(): f, g = Function(2, 1, lambda x, y: x + y), Function(1, 1, lambda x: x + 1) assert*(f, g))(20, 21) == 42 def test_Function_then_err(): f = Function(2, 1, lambda x, y: x + y) g = (lambda x: x, ) with raises(TypeError) as err: f >> g assert str(err.value) == messages.type_err(Function, g) g = with raises(AxiomError) as err: f >> g assert str(err.value) == messages.does_not_compose(f, g) def test_Function_tensor(): assert, 2, 3)\ ==*(3 * []))(1, 2, 3) def test_Function_tensor_err(): f = Function(2, 1, lambda x, y: x + y) g = (lambda x: x, ) with raises(TypeError) as err: f @ g assert str(err.value) == messages.type_err(Function, g)
import os import sys import shutil cwd_path = os.getcwd() sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(cwd_path), 'rt-thread', 'tools')) # BSP dist function def dist_do_building(BSP_ROOT, dist_dir): from mkdist import bsp_copy_files import rtconfig library_dir = os.path.join(dist_dir, 'libraries') print("=> copy nrf52 bsp libraries") library_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(BSP_ROOT), 'libraries') bsp_copy_files(library_path, library_dir)
from itertools import groupby class Solution: def countAndSay(self, n): def gen(s): return "".join(str(len(list(g))) + k for k, g in groupby(s)) s, i = "1", 1 while i < n: s = gen(s) i += 1 return s
import json import aiohttp async def request(url, payload=None, params=None, headers=None): headers = {'content-type': 'application/json', **(headers or {})} data = payload and json.dumps(payload) async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as client: async with url, data=data, params=params, headers=headers) as resp: # TODO: Check response status json_response = await resp.json() return json_response async def get_updates(base_url, timeout, offset): params = { 'timeout': timeout, 'offset': offset } return await request(f'{base_url}/getUpdates', params=params) async def send_message(base_url, chat_id, text, reply_markup=None): payload = { 'chat_id': chat_id, 'text': text } if reply_markup is not None: payload['reply_markup'] = reply_markup return await request(f'{base_url}/sendMessage', payload) async def answer_callback_query( base_url, callback_query_id, text, show_alert, url=None, cache_time=None): payload = { 'callback_query_id': callback_query_id, 'text': text, 'show_alert': show_alert } if url is not None: payload['url'] = url if cache_time is not None: payload['cache_time'] = cache_time return await request(f'{base_url}/answerCallbackQuery', payload)
import traceback from pprint import pformat from threading import Thread import itchat import logging from import Chat from wxpy.chats import Chats from wxpy.friend import Friend from import Group from wxpy.message import MessageConfigs, Messages, Message, MessageConfig from import MP from wxpy.response import ResponseError from wxpy.user import User from wxpy.utils.constants import SYSTEM from import handle_response, get_user_name, wrap_user_name, ensure_list logger = logging.getLogger('wxpy') class Robot(object): """ 机器人对象,用于登陆和操作微信账号,涵盖大部分 Web 微信的功能 """ def __init__( self, save_path=None, console_qr=False, qr_path=None, qr_callback=None, login_callback=None, logout_callback=None ): """ :param save_path: | 用于保存或载入登陆状态的文件路径,例如: 'wxpy.pkl',为空则不尝试载入。 | 填写本参数后,可在短时间内重新载入登陆状态,避免重复扫码,失效时会重新要求登陆 :param console_qr: 在终端中显示登陆二维码,需要安装 Pillow 模块 :param qr_path: 保存二维码的路径 :param qr_callback: 获得二维码时的回调,接收参数: uuid, status, qrcode :param login_callback: 登陆时的回调,接收参数同上 :param logout_callback: 登出时的回调,接收参数同上 """ self.core = itchat.Core() itchat.instanceList.append(self) self.core.auto_login( hotReload=bool(save_path), statusStorageDir=save_path, enableCmdQR=console_qr, picDir=qr_path, qrCallback=qr_callback, loginCallback=login_callback, exitCallback=logout_callback ) self.message_configs = MessageConfigs(self) self.messages = Messages(robot=self) self.file_helper = Chat(wrap_user_name('filehelper')) self.file_helper.robot = self self.file_helper.nick_name = '文件传输助手' self.self = Chat(self.core.loginInfo['User']) self.self.robot = self self.save_path = save_path def __repr__(self): return '<{}: {}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, @handle_response() def logout(self): """ 登出当前账号 """ return self.core.logout() @property def alive(self): """ 当前的登陆状态 :return: 若为登陆状态,则为 True,否则为 False """ return self.core.alive @alive.setter def alive(self, value): self.core.alive = value def dump_login_status(self, save_path=None): return self.core.dump_login_status(save_path or self.save_path) # chats def except_self(self, chats_or_dicts): """ 从聊天对象合集或用户字典列表中排除自身 :param chats_or_dicts: 聊天对象合集或用户字典列表 :return: 排除自身后的列表 """ return list(filter(lambda x: get_user_name(x) != self.self.user_name, chats_or_dicts)) def chats(self, update=False): """ 获取所有聊天对象 :param update: 是否更新 :return: 聊天对象合集 """ return Chats(self.friends(update) + self.groups(update) + self.mps(update), self) def friends(self, update=False): """ 获取所有好友 :param update: 是否更新 :return: 聊天对象合集 """ @handle_response(Friend) def do(): return self.core.get_friends(update=update) ret = do() ret.source = self return ret @handle_response(Group) def groups(self, update=False, contact_only=False): """ 获取所有群聊 :param update: 是否更新 :param contact_only: 是否限于保存为联系人的群聊 :return: 群聊合集 """ return self.core.get_chatrooms(update=update, contactOnly=contact_only) @handle_response(MP) def mps(self, update=False): """ 获取所有公众号 :param update: 是否更新 :return: 聊天对象合集 """ return self.core.get_mps(update=update) @handle_response(User) def user_details(self, user_or_users, chunk_size=50): """ 获取单个或批量获取多个用户的详细信息(地区、性别、签名等),但不可用于群聊成员 :param user_or_users: 单个或多个用户对象或 user_name :param chunk_size: 分配请求时的单批数量,目前为 50 :return: 单个或多个用户用户的详细信息 """ def chunks(): total = ensure_list(user_or_users) for i in range(0, len(total), chunk_size): yield total[i:i + chunk_size] @handle_response() def process_one_chunk(_chunk): return self.core.update_friend(userName=get_user_name(_chunk)) if isinstance(user_or_users, (list, tuple)): ret = list() for chunk in chunks(): chunk_ret = process_one_chunk(chunk) if isinstance(chunk_ret, list): ret += chunk_ret else: ret.append(chunk_ret) return ret else: return process_one_chunk(user_or_users) def search(self, name=None, **attributes): """ 在所有类型的聊天对象中进行搜索 :param name: 名称 (可以是昵称、备注等) :param attributes: 属性键值对,键可以是 sex(性别), province(省份), city(城市) 等。例如可指定 province='广东' :return: 匹配的聊天对象合集 """ return self.chats().search(name, **attributes) # add / create @handle_response() def add_friend(self, user, verify_content=''): """ 添加用户为好友 :param user: 用户对象或用户名 :param verify_content: 验证说明信息 """ return self.core.add_friend( userName=get_user_name(user), status=2, verifyContent=verify_content, autoUpdate=True ) @handle_response() def accept_friend(self, user, verify_content=''): """ 接受用户为好友 :param user: 用户对象或用户名 :param verify_content: 验证说明信息 """ # Todo: 验证好友接口可用性,并在接受好友时直接返回新好友 return self.core.add_friend( userName=get_user_name(user), status=3, verifyContent=verify_content, autoUpdate=True ) def create_group(self, users, topic=None): """ 创建一个新的群聊 :param users: 用户列表 :param topic: 群名称 :return: 若建群成功,返回一个新的群聊对象 """ @handle_response() def request(): return self.core.create_chatroom( memberList=wrap_user_name(users), topic=topic or '' ) ret = request() user_name = ret.get('ChatRoomName') if user_name: return Group(self.core.update_chatroom(userName=user_name)) else: raise ResponseError('Failed to create group:\n{}'.format(pformat(ret))) # messages def _process_message(self, msg): """ 处理接收到的消息 """ if not self.alive: return func, run_async = self.message_configs.get_func(msg) if not func: return def process(): # noinspection PyBroadException try: ret = func(msg) if ret is not None: if isinstance(ret, (tuple, list)): self.core.send( msg=str(ret[0]),, mediaId=ret[1] ) else: self.core.send( msg=str(ret), ) except: logger.warning( 'An error occurred in registered function, ' 'use `Robot().start(debug=True)` to show detailed information') logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) if run_async: Thread(target=process).start() else: process() def register( self, chats=None, msg_types=None, except_self=True, run_async=True, enabled=True ): """ 装饰器:用于注册消息配置 :param chats: 单个或列表形式的多个聊天对象或聊天类型,为空时匹配所有聊天对象 :param msg_types: 单个或列表形式的多个消息类型,为空时匹配所有消息类型 (SYSTEM 类消息除外) :param except_self: 排除自己在手机上发送的消息 :param run_async: 异步执行配置的函数,可提高响应速度 :param enabled: 当前配置的默认开启状态,可事后动态开启或关闭 """ def register(func): self.message_configs.append(MessageConfig( robot=self, func=func, chats=chats, msg_types=msg_types, except_self=except_self, run_async=run_async, enabled=enabled )) return func return register def start(self, block=True): """ 开始监听和处理消息 :param block: 是否堵塞线程,为 False 时将在新的线程中运行 """ def listen():'{} Auto-reply started.'.format(self)) try: while self.alive: msg = Message(self.core.msgList.get(), self) if msg.type is not SYSTEM: self.messages.append(msg) self._process_message(msg) except KeyboardInterrupt:'KeyboardInterrupt received, ending...') self.alive = False if self.core.useHotReload: self.dump_login_status()'Bye.') if block: listen() else: t = Thread(target=listen, daemon=True) t.start()
import requests from allauth.socialaccount.providers.oauth2.views import ( OAuth2Adapter, OAuth2CallbackView, OAuth2LoginView, ) from .provider import DropboxOAuth2Provider class DropboxOAuth2Adapter(OAuth2Adapter): provider_id = access_token_url = "" authorize_url = "" profile_url = "" redirect_uri_protocol = "https" def complete_login(self, request, app, token, **kwargs): response = self.profile_url, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer %s" % (token.token,)}, ) response.raise_for_status() return self.get_provider().sociallogin_from_response(request, response.json()) oauth_login = OAuth2LoginView.adapter_view(DropboxOAuth2Adapter) oauth_callback = OAuth2CallbackView.adapter_view(DropboxOAuth2Adapter)
import logging from collections import Counter from import BaseCommand from django.db.models import Q from TWLight.applications.models import Application from TWLight.resources.models import Partner from TWLight.applications.signals import Reminder from TWLight.users.models import Editor logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Command(BaseCommand): def handle(self, *args, **options): # This is not DRY. Originally, this pulled the queryset from # TWLight.applications.views.ListApplicationsView.get_queryset(). # But that now expects a request object. So, we did a copy/paste. # We're actually getting apps with a status of PENDING or QUESTION # or APPROVED, and their corresponding user preferences being True # for partners with a status of AVAILABLE. all_apps = ( Application.objects.filter( Q( partner__coordinator__editor__user__userprofile__pending_app_reminders=True ) & Q(status=Application.PENDING) | Q( partner__coordinator__editor__user__userprofile__discussion_app_reminders=True ) & Q(status=Application.QUESTION) | Q( partner__coordinator__editor__user__userprofile__approved_app_reminders=True ) & Q(status=Application.APPROVED), partner__status__in=[Partner.AVAILABLE], editor__isnull=False, ) .exclude(editor__user__groups__name="restricted") .order_by("status", "partner", "date_created") ) # A deduplicated dict of coordinators from the pending app queryset, along # with a count of how many total pending apps they have coordinators = Counter( all_apps.values_list( "partner__coordinator__editor", "partner__coordinator__email", "partner__coordinator__editor__user__userprofile__lang", ) ) for coordinator, count in list(coordinators.items()): try: # We create a dictionary with the three status codes # we'd want to send emails for, and their corresponding # counts. app_status_and_count = { Application.PENDING: all_apps.filter( status=Application.PENDING, partner__coordinator__editor=coordinator[0], ).count(), Application.QUESTION: all_apps.filter( status=Application.QUESTION, partner__coordinator__editor=coordinator[0], ).count(), Application.APPROVED: all_apps.filter( status=Application.APPROVED, partner__coordinator__editor=coordinator[0], ).count(), } editor = Editor.objects.get(id=coordinator[0]) except Editor.DoesNotExist: "Editor {} does not exist; skipping.".format(coordinator[0]) ) break # Only bother with the signal if we have a coordinator email. if coordinator[1]: Reminder.coordinator_reminder.send( sender=self.__class__, app_status_and_count=app_status_and_count, coordinator_wp_username=editor.wp_username, coordinator_email=coordinator[1], coordinator_lang=coordinator[2], )
from tools.geofunc import GeoFunc import pandas as pd import json def getData(index): '''报错数据集有(空心):han,jakobs1,jakobs2 ''' '''形状过多暂时未处理:shapes、shirt、swim、trousers''' name=["ga","albano","blaz1","blaz2","dighe1","dighe2","fu","han","jakobs1","jakobs2","mao","marques","shapes","shirts","swim","trousers"] print("开始处理",name[index],"数据集") '''暂时没有考虑宽度,全部缩放来表示''' scale=[100,0.5,100,100,20,20,20,10,20,20,0.5,20,50] print("缩放",scale[index],"倍") df = pd.read_csv("data/"+name[index]+".csv") polygons=[] for i in range(0,df.shape[0]): for j in range(0,df['num'][i]): poly=json.loads(df['polygon'][i]) GeoFunc.normData(poly,scale[index]) polygons.append(poly) return polygons
import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms # # module to make the MaxSumPtWMass jet combination # findTtSemiLepJetCombMaxSumPtWMass = cms.EDProducer("TtSemiLepJetCombMaxSumPtWMass", ## jet input jets = cms.InputTag("selectedPatJets"), ## lepton input leps = cms.InputTag("selectedPatMuons"), ## maximum number of jets to be considered maxNJets = cms.int32(4), ## nominal WMass parameter (in GeV) wMass = cms.double(80.4), ## use b-tagging two distinguish between light and b jets useBTagging = cms.bool(False), ## choose algorithm for b-tagging bTagAlgorithm = cms.string("trackCountingHighEffBJetTags"), ## minimum b discriminator value required for b jets and ## maximum b discriminator value allowed for non-b jets minBDiscBJets = cms.double(1.0), maxBDiscLightJets = cms.double(3.0) )
from vyper import ast as vy_ast def test_output_class(): old_node = vy_ast.parse_to_ast("foo = 42") new_node = vy_ast.Int.from_node(old_node, value=666) assert isinstance(new_node, vy_ast.Int) def test_source(): old_node = vy_ast.parse_to_ast("foo = 42") new_node = vy_ast.Int.from_node(old_node, value=666) assert old_node.src == new_node.src assert old_node.node_source_code == new_node.node_source_code def test_kwargs(): old_node = vy_ast.parse_to_ast("42").body[0].value new_node = vy_ast.Int.from_node(old_node, value=666) assert old_node.value == 42 assert new_node.value == 666 def test_compare_nodes(): old_node = vy_ast.parse_to_ast("foo = 42") new_node = vy_ast.Int.from_node(old_node, value=666) assert not vy_ast.compare_nodes(old_node, new_node) def test_new_node_has_no_parent(): old_node = vy_ast.parse_to_ast("foo = 42") new_node = vy_ast.Int.from_node(old_node, value=666) assert new_node._parent is None assert new_node._depth == 0
import os from functools import wraps from os.path import join as join_path from dash import Dash from flask import make_response, render_template_string, redirect excluded_resources_endpoints = ( 'static', '_dash_assets.static', '/_favicon.ico', '/login', '/logout', '/_user', '/auth') def add_routes(app, authorizer): """Adds authentication endpoints to a flask app. Decorates other endpoints to grant access. The endpoints are: * /login * Method: GET * /logout * Method: GET * Erases cookies * /auth * Method: GET * Validates cookies if present or header authentication * Header: 'Authorization: DASHBOARD-AUTH username=([^/]*)/password=([^/]*)' * Sets cookies on login * Rejects unauthorized users Parameters ---------- app: flask.Flask or dash.Dash The flask or dash application excluded_resources_endpoints: tuple(str) Tuple with endpoints where access must not be checked. """ def login(): ok, _ = authorizer.validate() if ok: return make_response(redirect('/'), 307) return render_template_string(login_template) def logout(): _, response = authorizer.clean_cookie() return response def auth(): _, response = authorizer.validate() return response def authorize_endpoint(function): @wraps(function) def authorized_function(*args, **kwargs): ok, response = authorizer.validate() if ok: return function(*args, **kwargs) return response return authorized_function if isinstance(app, Dash): app = app.server login_template = load_template('login.html') app.add_url_rule('/auth', '/auth', auth) app.add_url_rule('/login', '/login', login) app.add_url_rule('/logout', '/logout', logout) for endpoint, function in app.view_functions.items(): if endpoint not in excluded_resources_endpoints: app.view_functions[endpoint] = authorize_endpoint(function) def load_template(filename): """Loads the login html template.""" pyfile_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) path = join_path(pyfile_path, 'templates', filename) with open(path, 'r') as f: return
from robotpy_ext.control.toggle import Toggle from robotpy_ext.misc.precise_delay import NotifierDelay class FakeJoystick: def __init__(self): self._pressed = [False] * 2 def getRawButton(self, num): return self._pressed[num] def press(self, num): self._pressed[num] = True def release(self, num): self._pressed[num] = False def test_toggle(): joystick = FakeJoystick() toggleButton = Toggle(joystick, 0) toggleButton2 = Toggle(joystick, 1) assert assert toggleButton.on assert joystick.release(0) assert toggleButton.on assert joystick.release(0) assert assert assert toggleButton2.on def test_toggle_debounce(): # TODO: use simulated time delay = NotifierDelay(0.5) joystick = FakeJoystick() toggleButton = Toggle(joystick, 1, 0.1) assert assert toggleButton.on joystick.release(1) joystick.release(1) assert toggleButton.on delay.wait() assert toggleButton.on assert
from test_plus.test import TestCase from ...administrative_units.factories import AdministrativeUnitFactory from ...cases.factories import CaseFactory from ...channels.factories import ChannelFactory from import EventFactory from ...features.factories import FeatureFactory, FeatureOptionFactory from ...generic.tests.test_views import ReadOnlyViewSetMixin from ...institutions.factories import InstitutionFactory from ...letters.factories import DocumentTypeFactory, ReferenceNumberFactory from import SearchQueryMixin from ...tags.factories import TagFactory from ...users.factories import UserFactory class AdministrativeUnitAutocompleteViewSetTestCase( ReadOnlyViewSetMixin, SearchQueryMixin, TestCase ): basename = "autocomplete_administrative_unit" factory_class = AdministrativeUnitFactory def validate_item(self, item): self.assertEqual(item["id"], self.assertEqual(item["name"], class CaseAutocompleteViewSetTestCase(ReadOnlyViewSetMixin, SearchQueryMixin, TestCase): basename = "autocomplete_case" factory_class = CaseFactory def validate_item(self, item): self.assertEqual(item["id"], self.assertEqual(item["name"], class ChannelAutocompleteViewSetTestCase( ReadOnlyViewSetMixin, SearchQueryMixin, TestCase ): basename = "autocomplete_channel" factory_class = ChannelFactory def validate_item(self, item): self.assertEqual(item["id"], self.assertEqual(item["name"], class DocumentTypeAutocompleteViewSetTestCase( ReadOnlyViewSetMixin, SearchQueryMixin, TestCase ): basename = "autocomplete_document_type" factory_class = DocumentTypeFactory def validate_item(self, item): self.assertEqual(item["id"], self.assertEqual(item["name"], class ReferenceNumberAutocompleteViewSetTestCase( ReadOnlyViewSetMixin, SearchQueryMixin, TestCase ): basename = "autocomplete_reference_number" factory_class = ReferenceNumberFactory def validate_item(self, item): self.assertEqual(item["id"], self.assertEqual(item["name"], class EventAutocompleteViewSetTestCase( ReadOnlyViewSetMixin, SearchQueryMixin, TestCase ): basename = "autocomplete_event" factory_class = EventFactory def validate_item(self, item): self.assertEqual(item["id"], self.assertEqual(item["name"], class FeatureAutocompleteViewSetTestCase( ReadOnlyViewSetMixin, SearchQueryMixin, TestCase ): basename = "autocomplete_feature" factory_class = FeatureFactory def validate_item(self, item): self.assertEqual(item["id"], self.assertEqual(item["name"], class FeatureOptionAutocompleteViewSetTestCase( ReadOnlyViewSetMixin, SearchQueryMixin, TestCase ): basename = "autocomplete_feature_option" factory_class = FeatureOptionFactory def validate_item(self, item): self.assertEqual(item["id"], self.assertEqual(item["name"], class InstitutionAutocompleteViewSetTestCase( ReadOnlyViewSetMixin, SearchQueryMixin, TestCase ): basename = "autocomplete_institution" factory_class = InstitutionFactory def validate_item(self, item): self.assertEqual(item["id"], self.assertEqual(item["name"], class TagAutocompleteViewSetTestCase(ReadOnlyViewSetMixin, SearchQueryMixin, TestCase): basename = "autocomplete_tag" factory_class = TagFactory def validate_item(self, item): self.assertEqual(item["id"], self.assertEqual(item["name"], class UserAutocompleteViewSetTestCase(ReadOnlyViewSetMixin, SearchQueryMixin, TestCase): basename = "autocomplete_user" factory_class = UserFactory initial_count = 1 def validate_item(self, item): self.assertEqual(item["id"], self.assertEqual(item["username"], self.obj.username)
import json import re import responses from werkzeug.test import Client from werkzeug.wrappers import Response from satosa.proxy_server import make_app from satosa.satosa_config import SATOSAConfig class TestConsent: def test_full_flow(self, satosa_config_dict, consent_module_config): api_url = "" redirect_url = "" consent_module_config["config"]["api_url"] = api_url consent_module_config["config"]["redirect_url"] = redirect_url satosa_config_dict["MICRO_SERVICES"].append(consent_module_config) # application test_client = Client(make_app(SATOSAConfig(satosa_config_dict)), Response) # incoming auth req http_resp = test_client.get("/{}/{}/request".format(satosa_config_dict["BACKEND_MODULES"][0]["name"], satosa_config_dict["FRONTEND_MODULES"][0]["name"])) assert http_resp.status_code == 200 verify_url_re = re.compile(r"{}/verify/\w+".format(api_url)) with responses.RequestsMock() as rsps: # fake no previous consent consent_request_url_re = re.compile(r"{}/creq/\w+".format(api_url)) rsps.add(responses.GET, verify_url_re, status=401) rsps.add(responses.GET, consent_request_url_re, "test_ticket", status=200) # incoming auth resp http_resp = test_client.get("/{}/response".format(satosa_config_dict["BACKEND_MODULES"][0]["name"])) assert http_resp.status_code == 302 assert http_resp.headers["Location"].startswith(redirect_url) with responses.RequestsMock() as rsps: # fake consent rsps.add(responses.GET, verify_url_re, json.dumps({"foo": "bar"}), status=200) # incoming consent response http_resp = test_client.get("/consent/handle_consent") assert http_resp.status_code == 200
import argparse import glob import os import pickle from pathlib import Path import numpy as np from PIL import Image from tqdm import tqdm from src.align.align_trans import get_reference_facial_points, warp_and_crop_face # sys.path.append("../../") from src.align.detector import detect_faces if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="face alignment") parser.add_argument( "-source_root", "--source_root", help="specify your source dir", default="../../data/fiw-videos/new-processed/", type=str, ) parser.add_argument( "-dest_root", "--dest_root", help="specify your destination dir", default="../../data/fiw-videos/new-processed/", type=str, ) parser.add_argument( "-crop_size", "--crop_size", help="specify size of aligned faces, align and crop with padding", default=112, type=int, ) args = parser.parse_args() source_root = args.source_root # specify your source dir dest_root = args.dest_root # specify your destination dir crop_size = ( args.crop_size ) # specify size of aligned faces, align and crop with padding scale = crop_size / 112.0 reference = get_reference_facial_points(default_square=True) * scale cwd = os.getcwd() # delete '.DS_Store' existed in the source_root os.chdir(source_root) os.system("find . -name '*.DS_Store' -type f -delete") os.chdir(cwd) imfiles = [ f for f in glob.glob(f"{source_root}F????/MID*/faces/msceleb*") if Path(f).is_file() ] # images = {imfile.replace(source_root, ''): for imfile in imfiles} meta = {} # for subfolder in tqdm(os.listdir(source_root)): for imfile in tqdm(imfiles): ref = imfile.replace(source_root, "") print("Processing\t{}".format(imfile)) img = try: # Handle exception bbs, landmarks = detect_faces(img) except Exception: print("{} is discarded due to exception!".format(imfile)) continue ref = imfile.replace(source_root, "") ndetections = len(landmarks) if ( ndetections == 0 ): # If the landmarks cannot be detected, the img will be discarded print("{} is discarded due to non-detected landmarks!".format(imfile)) meta[ref] = [] continue li_meta = [] for i in range(ndetections): im_meta = {} im_meta["face"] = i im_meta["landmarks"] = landmarks[i] im_meta["bb"] = bbs[i] facial5points = [[landmarks[i][j], landmarks[i][j + 5]] for j in range(5)] warped_face = warp_and_crop_face( np.array(img), facial5points, reference, crop_size=(crop_size, crop_size), ) img_warped = Image.fromarray(warped_face) image_name = imfile.replace("images", "cropped").replace( ".jpg", "-{:02d}.jpg".format(i) ) # im_meta['ref'] = "/".join(image_name.split('/')[-5:]) li_meta.append(im_meta) meta[ref] = li_meta with open(source_root + "cropped-meta.pkl", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(meta, f)
import collections class ReadOnlyDict(collections.MutableMapping): def __init__(self, store): = store def __getitem__(self, key): return[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): raise TypeError('Cannot modify ReadOnlyDict') def __delitem__(self, key): raise TypeError('Cannot modify ReadOnlyDict') def __iter__(self): return iter( def __len__(self): return len( def __str__(self): return 'ReadOnlyDict(%s)' % def __repr__(self): return 'ReadOnlyDict(%r)' %
import os import unittest import torch import torch.distributed as dist from torch.multiprocessing import Process import torch.nn as nn from machina.optims import DistributedAdamW def init_processes(rank, world_size, function, backend='tcp'): os.environ['MASTER_ADDR'] = '' os.environ['MASTER_PORT'] = '29500' dist.init_process_group(backend, rank=rank, world_size=world_size) function(rank, world_size) class TestDistributedAdamW(unittest.TestCase): def test_step(self): def _run(rank, world_size): model = nn.Linear(10, 1) optimizer = DistributedAdamW( model.parameters()) optimizer.zero_grad() loss = model(torch.ones(10).float()) loss.backward() optimizer.step() processes = [] world_size = 4 for rank in range(world_size): p = Process(target=init_processes, args=(rank, world_size, _run)) p.start() processes.append(p) for p in processes: p.join()
import datetime import io import json_tricks import logging import os from os.path import (abspath, basename, dirname, exists, expanduser, join, realpath, relpath, splitext) import re import shutil import sys from traits.api import (Any, Dict, Enum, HasTraits, Instance, List, Long, Str) from whoosh import fields, qparser, query from whoosh.util.times import datetime_to_long, long_to_datetime from .common import get_project_dir from .media import Media, MediaData, get_media_data from .directory import Directory from . import processor logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if sys.version_info[0] > 2: unicode = str string_types = (str,) import csv else: string_types = (basestring,) import backports.csv as csv INT = fields.NUMERIC(numtype=int) FLOAT = fields.NUMERIC(numtype=float) def get_file_saved_time(path): dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.stat(path).st_ctime) return dt.ctime() def _get_sample(fname): sample = '' with, 'r', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as fp: sample += fp.readline() + fp.readline() return sample def _get_csv_headers(fname): sample = _get_sample(fname) sniffer = csv.Sniffer() has_header = sniffer.has_header(sample) dialect = sniffer.sniff(sample) with, 'r', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as fp: reader = csv.reader(fp, dialect) header = next(reader) return has_header, header, dialect class TagInfo(HasTraits): name = Str type = Enum("string", "text", "int", "float", "bool") default = Any def __repr__(self): return 'TagInfo(%r, %r)' % (, self.type) def _default_default(self): map = {"string": "", "text": "", "int": 0, "float": 0.0, "bool": False} return map[self.type] def open_file(fname_or_file, mode='rb'): if hasattr(fname_or_file, 'read'): return fname_or_file else: return open(fname_or_file, mode) def sanitize_name(name): name = name.lower() name = re.sub(r'\s+', '_', name) return re.sub(r'\W+', '', name) def get_non_existing_filename(fname): if exists(fname): base, ext = splitext(basename(fname)) return join(dirname(fname), base + '_a' + ext) else: return fname COMMON_TAGS = dict( file_name='string', path='string', relpath='string', ctime='string', mtime='string', size='int', type='string' ) def _cleanup_query(q, tag_types): type_map = dict(float=FLOAT.from_bytes, int=INT.from_bytes) for term in q.leaves(): if isinstance(term, query.Term): if isinstance(term.text, (str, unicode, bytes)): fieldtype = tag_types[term.fieldname] if fieldtype in type_map: term.text = type_map[fieldtype](term.text) else: term.text = term.text.lower() elif isinstance(term, query.Phrase): term.words = [x.lower() for x in term.words] def _check_value(value, expr): if isinstance(expr, string_types): return expr in value.lower() else: return expr == value def _check_range(x, term): result = True if term.start is not None: if term.startexcl: result &= x > term.start else: result &= x >= term.start if term.end is not None and result: if term.endexcl: result &= x < term.end else: result &= x <= term.end return result def _check_date_range(x, term): result = True if term.startdate is not None: result &= x >= term.start if term.enddate is not None and result: result &= x <= term.end return result def _search_media(expr, m_key, get_tag): """Given search expression, index to media, and a getter to get the attribute check if the media matches expression. """ if expr.is_leaf(): if isinstance(expr, query.Term): attr = expr.fieldname return _check_value(get_tag(m_key, attr), expr.text) elif isinstance(expr, query.Phrase): attr = expr.fieldname text = " ".join(expr.words) return _check_value(get_tag(m_key, attr), text) elif isinstance(expr, query.DateRange): if expr.fieldname == 'ctime': value = get_tag(m_key, 'ctime_') elif expr.fieldname == 'mtime': value = get_tag(m_key, 'mtime_') return _check_date_range(value, expr) elif isinstance(expr, query.NumericRange): attr = expr.fieldname return _check_range(get_tag(m_key, attr), expr) else: print("Unsupported term: %r" % expr) return False else: if isinstance(expr, query.And): result = True for child in expr.children(): result &= _search_media(child, m_key, get_tag) if not result: break return result elif isinstance(expr, query.Or): result = False for child in expr.children(): result |= _search_media(child, m_key, get_tag) if result: break return result elif isinstance(expr, query.Not): subquery = list(expr.children())[0] return not _search_media(subquery, m_key, get_tag) else: print("Unsupported term: %r" % expr) return False class Project(HasTraits): name = Str description = Str path = Str root = Instance(Directory) tags = List(TagInfo) _media = Dict(Str, Media) extensions = List(Str) processors = List(processor.FactoryBase) number_of_files = Long # Path where the project data is saved. save_file = Str last_save_time = Str _data = Dict _tag_data = Dict _relpath2index = Dict() _query_parser = Instance(qparser.QueryParser) def add_tags(self, tags): tags = list(self.tags) + tags self.update_tags(tags) def update_tags(self, new_tags): old_tags = self.tags new_tag_names = set( for tag in new_tags) tag_info = dict((, tag.type) for tag in old_tags) removed = [] added = [] for tag in new_tags: if not in tag_info: added.append(tag) elif tag_info[] != tag.type: removed.append(tag) added.append(tag) for tag in old_tags: if not in new_tag_names: removed.append(tag) for tag in removed: del self._tag_data[] n_entries = len(self._relpath2index) for tag in added: self._tag_data[] = [tag.default]*n_entries # The above can be the first time when self._tag_data is accessed, when # creating a new project for example. In this case, # self.__tag_data_default is called, so if self.tags is set then the # removed tags will not exist in _tag_data causing an error. So we only # set self.tags below. self.tags = new_tags # Update the cached media for m in self._media.values(): for tag in removed: del m.tags[] for tag in added: m.tags[] = tag.default self._query_parser = self._make_query_parser() def copy(self): """Make a copy of this project. This does not copy the data but only the tags, extensions and the other settings of the project. This will not copy any of the processor states but only their settings. """ name = + ' copy' p = Project(name=name) traits = ['description', 'extensions', 'path', 'processors', 'tags'] p.copy_traits(self, traits, copy='deep') # Clear out the _done information from the processors for proc in p.processors: proc._done.clear() return p # #### CRUD interface to the data #### def update(self, media_data, tags=None): """Create/update the internal data given the media data and tags. Parameters ---------- f: instance tags: dict """ relpath = media_data.relpath if not self.has_media(relpath): index = len(self._relpath2index) self._relpath2index[relpath] = index for key in MediaData._fields: self._data[key].append(None) for tag in self.tags: self._tag_data[].append(tag.default) index = self._relpath2index[relpath] for i, key in enumerate(MediaData._fields): self._data[key][index] = media_data[i] if tags: for key, value in tags.items(): self._tag_data[key][index] = value media = self._media.get(relpath) if media is not None: media.update(media_data, tags) def get(self, relpath): """Given the relative path of some media, return a Media instance. """ if relpath in self._media: return self._media[relpath] else: data = {} index = self._relpath2index[relpath] for key in MediaData._fields: data[key] = self._data[key][index] tags = {} for key in self._tag_data: tags[key] = self._tag_data[key][index] media = Media.from_data(MediaData(**data), tags) media.on_trait_change(self._media_tag_handler, 'tags_items') self._media[relpath] = media return media def remove(self, relpaths): """Given a list of relative path of some media, remove them from the database. """ relpath2index = self._relpath2index indices = [(x, relpath2index[x]) for x in relpaths] for relpath, index in sorted(indices, reverse=True): last = len(relpath2index) - 1 if index == last: self._delete_record(last, relpath) else: self._replace_with_last_record(index, last) self._delete_record(last, relpath) def has_media(self, relpath): """Returns True if the media data is available. """ return relpath in self._relpath2index def keys(self): """Return all the keys for the media relative paths.""" return self._relpath2index.keys() def _get_media_attr(self, index, attr): """Given an index to the media, return its value. """ if attr in self._data: return self._data[attr][index] elif attr in self._tag_data: return self._tag_data[attr][index] # #### End of CRUD interface to the data #### def clean(self): """Scan the project and remove any dead entries. This is useful when you remove or rename files. This does not refresh the directory tree or set the number of files. It simply cleans up the db of files that no longer exist. """'Cleaning project: %s', root_path = self.path to_remove = [] relpath2index = self._relpath2index for rpath in list(relpath2index.keys()): fname = os.path.join(root_path, rpath) if not os.path.exists(fname): to_remove.append(rpath) self.remove(to_remove) def export_csv(self, fname, cols=None): """Export metadata to a csv file. If `cols` are not specified, it writes out all the useful metadata. Parameters ----------- fname: str: a path to the csv file to dump. cols: sequence: a sequence of columns to write. """'Exporting CSV: %s', fname) all_keys = ((set(MediaData._fields) | set(self._tag_data.keys())) - set(('ctime_', 'mtime_'))) if cols is None: cols = all_keys cols = list(sorted(cols)) data_cols = set([x for x in cols if x in self._data]) with, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as of: # Write the header. writer = csv.writer(of) writer.writerow(cols) for i in range(len(self._relpath2index)): line = [] for col in cols: if col in data_cols: elem = self._data[col][i] else: elem = self._tag_data[col][i] line.append(elem) writer.writerow(line) def import_csv(self, fname): """Read tag information from given CSV filename. Returns the success status and the error message if any. Note that this only applies tags for column headers with known tags. Unknown tags are not added. Parameters ---------- fname : str Input filename. """'Importing tags from: %s', fname) has_header, header, dialect = _get_csv_headers(fname) if not has_header: return False, "The CSV file does not appear to have a header." if 'path' not in header: msg = "The CSV file does not have a 'path' column." return False, msg tags = {x: header.index( for x in self.tags if in header} path_idx = header.index('path') TRUE = ('1', 't', 'true', 'y', 'yes') type_map = { 'bool': lambda x: x.lower() in TRUE, 'string': lambda x: x, 'text': lambda x: x, 'int': int, 'float': float } count = 0 total = 0 with, 'r', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as fp: reader = csv.reader(fp, dialect) next(reader) # Skip header for record in reader: total += 1 path = record[path_idx] rpath = relpath(path, self.path) index = self._relpath2index.get(rpath, None) media = self._media.get(rpath) if index is not None: count += 1 for tag, header_index in tags.items(): data = record[header_index] try: value = type_map[tag.type](data) if media is not None: media.tags[] = value else: self._tag_data[][index] = value except ValueError: pass msg = "Read tags for %d paths out of %d entries." % (count, total) if count == 0 and total > 0: msg += ("\nPlease check that your path column matches " "the media paths.") return False, msg else: msg += ("\nPlease check the imported tags and make sure you " "save the project.") return True, msg def load(self, fp=None): """Load media info from opened file object. """ if fp is None: if not exists(self.save_file): return fp = open_file(self.save_file, 'rb') else: fp = open_file(fp, 'rb') data = json_tricks.load( fp, preserve_order=False, ignore_comments=False ) fp.close() = data.get('name', '') self.description = data.get('description', '') self.path = data.get('path') self.tags = [TagInfo(name=x[0], type=x[1]) for x in data['tags']] self.processors = [processor.load(x) for x in data.get('processors', [])] version = data.get('version') if version == 1: self._read_version1_media(data['media']) else: self._data = data['media_data'] self._tag_data = data['tag_data'] self._relpath2index = data['relpath2index'] root = Directory() root.__setstate__(data.get('root')) self.extensions = root.extensions self.root = root self.number_of_files = len(self._relpath2index) def save(self): """Save current media info to a file object """ if len(self.save_file) > 0: self.save_as(self.save_file) self._update_last_save_time() else: raise IOError("No valid save file set.") def save_as(self, fp): """Save copy to specified path. """ fp = open_file(fp, 'wb') tags = [(, t.type) for t in self.tags] root = self.root.__getstate__() processors = [processor.dump(x) for x in self.processors] data = dict( version=2, path=self.path,, description=self.description, tags=tags, media_data=self._data, tag_data=self._tag_data, relpath2index=self._relpath2index, root=root, processors=processors ) json_tricks.dump(data, fp, compression=True) fp.close()'Saved project: %s', def scan(self, refresh=False): """Find all the media recursively inside the root directory. This will not clobber existing records but will add any new ones. """ self._setup_root() def _scan(dir): for f in dir.files: if not self.has_media(f.relpath) or refresh: data = get_media_data(f.path, f.relpath) self.update(data) for d in dir.directories: if refresh: d.refresh() _scan(d) if refresh: self.root.refresh() _scan(self.root) self.number_of_files = len(self._relpath2index) def search(self, q): """A generator which yields the (filename, relpath) for each file satisfying the search query. """'Searching for %s', q) try: parsed_q = self._query_parser.parse(q) except Exception: logger.warn("Invalid search expression: %s", q) print("Invalid search expression: %s" % q) return tag_types = self._get_tag_types() _cleanup_query(parsed_q, tag_types) for key, index in self._relpath2index.items(): if _search_media(parsed_q, index, self._get_media_attr): yield basename(key), key def refresh(self):'Refreshing project: %s', self.clean() self.scan(refresh=True) # #### Private protocol ################################################ def _setup_root(self): path = abspath(expanduser(self.path)) root = self.root if root is None or realpath(root.path) != realpath(path): self.root = Directory(path=path, extensions=self.extensions) def _tags_default(self): return [TagInfo(name='completed', type='bool')] def _save_file_default(self): if len( > 0: fname = sanitize_name( + '.vxn' d = get_project_dir() return get_non_existing_filename(join(d, fname)) else: return '' def _update_last_save_time(self): self.last_save_time = get_file_saved_time(self.save_file) def _last_save_time_default(self): if exists(self.save_file): return get_file_saved_time(self.save_file) else: return '' def _name_changed(self, name): if len(name) > 0: old_save_file = self.save_file old_dir = dirname(old_save_file) new_save_file = join(old_dir, sanitize_name(name) + '.vxn') if new_save_file != old_save_file: self.save_file = new_save_file if exists(old_save_file): shutil.move(old_save_file, self.save_file) def _extensions_changed(self, ext): if self.root is not None: self.root.extensions = ext def _extensions_items_changed(self): if self.root is not None: self.root.extensions = self.extensions def _get_tag_types(self): result = dict(COMMON_TAGS) result.update(dict((, t.type) for t in self.tags)) return result def _make_schema(self): from whoosh.fields import BOOLEAN, DATETIME, TEXT, Schema kw = dict( type=TEXT, file_name=TEXT, path=TEXT, mtime=DATETIME, ctime=DATETIME, size=INT ) type_to_field = dict( string=TEXT, text=TEXT, int=INT, float=FLOAT, bool=BOOLEAN ) for tag in self.tags: kw[] = type_to_field[tag.type] return Schema(**kw) def _make_query_parser(self): schema = self._make_schema() qp = qparser.QueryParser('path', schema=schema) qp.add_plugin(qparser.GtLtPlugin()) from whoosh.qparser.dateparse import DateParserPlugin qp.add_plugin(DateParserPlugin()) return qp def __query_parser_default(self): return self._make_query_parser() def __data_default(self): data = {} for key in MediaData._fields: data[key] = [] return data def __tag_data_default(self): tags = {} for key in self.tags: tags[] = [] return tags def _media_tag_handler(self, obj, tname, old, new): index = self._relpath2index[obj.relpath] for tag in new.changed: self._tag_data[tag][index] = obj.tags[tag] def _read_version1_media(self, media): data = self.__data_default() tag_data = self.__tag_data_default() relpath2index = {} keymap = dict.fromkeys(MediaData._fields) for k in keymap: keymap[k] = k keymap['_ctime'] = 'ctime_' keymap['_mtime'] = 'mtime_' for index, (key, m) in enumerate(media): relpath2index[key] = index tags = m.pop('tags') for tname, v in tags.items(): tag_data[tname].append(v) for k, v in m.items(): data[keymap[k]].append(v) if 'file_name' not in m: data['file_name'].append(basename(key)) data['mtime_'] = [datetime_to_long(x) for x in data['mtime_']] data['ctime_'] = [datetime_to_long(x) for x in data['ctime_']] self._data = data self._tag_data = tag_data self._relpath2index = relpath2index def _delete_record(self, index, relpath): for key in MediaData._fields: del self._data[key][index] for key in self._tag_data: del self._tag_data[key][index] if relpath in self._media: del self._media[relpath] del self._relpath2index[relpath] def _replace_with_last_record(self, index, last): _data = self._data _tag_data = self._tag_data for key in MediaData._fields: _data[key][index] = _data[key][last] for key in self._tag_data: _tag_data[key][index] = _tag_data[key][last] last_relpath = _data['relpath'][last] self._relpath2index[last_relpath] = index def _save_as_v1(self, fp): """Save copy to specified path. This mainly exists for testing and making sure we still read the old saved files. """ def _rewrite_dir(state): "Rewrite directories in the old format." state['files'] = [x[0] for x in state['files']] state['directories'] = [_rewrite_dir(d) for d in state['directories']] state.pop('relpath') state.pop('name') return state fp = open_file(fp, 'wb') media = [(key, self.get(key).to_dict()) for key in self._relpath2index] tags = [(, t.type) for t in self.tags] root = _rewrite_dir(self.root.__getstate__()) processors = [processor.dump(x) for x in self.processors] for k, m in media: m['_ctime'] = long_to_datetime(m['_ctime']) m['_mtime'] = long_to_datetime(m['_mtime']) data = dict( version=1, path=self.path,, description=self.description, tags=tags, media=media, root=root, processors=processors ) json_tricks.dump(data, fp, compression=True) fp.close()'Saved project: %s',
from io import StringIO from unittest import TestCase from dropSQL.parser.streams import * class StreamTestCase(TestCase): def test(self): s = '12' cs = Characters(StringIO(s)) ch = cs.peek().ok() self.assertEqual(ch, '1') ch = cs.peek().ok() self.assertEqual(ch, '1') ch = self.assertEqual(ch, '1') ch = self.assertEqual(ch, '2') r = self.assertFalse(r) self.assertTrue(r.err()) r = self.assertFalse(r) cs.back() r = self.assertTrue(r) self.assertEqual(r.ok(), '2') cs.back(2) r = self.assertTrue(r) self.assertEqual(r.ok(), '1')
MANIFEST = { "hilt": { "h1": { "offsets": {"blade": 0, "button": {"x": (8, 9), "y": (110, 111)}}, "colours": { "primary": (216, 216, 216), # d8d8d8 "secondary": (141, 141, 141), # 8d8d8d "tertiary": (180, 97, 19), # b46113 }, "length": 24, "materials": "Alloy metal/Salvaged materials", }, "h2": { "offsets": {"blade": 20, "button": {"x": (8, 8), "y": (100, 105)}}, "colours": { "primary": (112, 112, 112), # 707070 "secondary": (0, 0, 0), # 000000 "tertiary": (212, 175, 55), # 000000 }, "length": 24, "materials": "Alloy metal and carbon composite", }, "h3": { "offsets": {"blade": 0, "button": {"x": (10, 10), "y": (100, 118)}}, "colours": { "primary": (157, 157, 157), # 707070 "secondary": (0, 0, 0), # 000000 "tertiary": (180, 97, 19), # b46113 }, "length": 24, "materials": "Alloy metal", }, "h4": { "offsets": {"blade": 7, "button": {"x": (8, 9), "y": (92, 100)}}, "colours": { "primary": (0, 0, 0), # 000000 "secondary": (157, 157, 157), # 9d9d9d "tertiary": (180, 97, 19), # b46113 }, "length": 13, "materials": "Alloy metal", }, "h5": { "offsets": {"blade": 0, "button": {"x": (8, 8), "y": (92, 105)}}, "colours": { "primary": (111, 111, 111), # 6f6f6f "secondary": (0, 0, 0), # 000000 "tertiary": (180, 97, 19), # b46113 }, "length": 24, "materials": "Alloy metal", }, "h6": { "offsets": {"blade": 2, "button": {"x": (8, 9), "y": (112, 113)}}, "colours": { "primary": (120, 120, 120), # 787878 "secondary": (0, 0, 0), # 000000 "tertiary": (180, 97, 19), # b46113 }, "length": 22, "materials": "Alloy metal/Salvaged materials", }, "h7": { "offsets": {"blade": 0, "button": {"x": (8, 9), "y": (105, 113)}}, "colours": { "primary": (192, 192, 192), # c0c0c0 "secondary": (255, 215, 0), # ffd700 "tertiary": (0, 0, 0), # 000000 }, "length": 22, "materials": "Alloy metal and Gold", }, "h8": { "offsets": {"blade": 0, "button": {"x": (8, 9), "y": (100, 111)}}, "colours": { "primary": (216, 216, 216), # d8d8d8 "secondary": (180, 97, 19), # b46113 "tertiary": (0, 0, 0), # 000000 }, "length": 24, "materials": "Alloy metal/Copper", }, }, "blade": { "b1": {"colour": "Red", "crystal": "Adegan crystal", "type": "Sith"}, "b2": {"colour": "Blue", "crystal": "Zophis crystal", "type": "Jedi"}, "b3": {"colour": "Green", "crystal": "Nishalorite stone", "type": "Jedi"}, "b4": {"colour": "Yellow", "crystal": "Kimber stone", "type": "Jedi"}, "b5": {"colour": "White", "crystal": "Dragite gem", "type": "Jedi"}, "b6": {"colour": "Purple", "crystal": "Krayt dragon pearl", "type": "Jedi"}, "b7": {"colour": "Blue/Green", "crystal": "Dantari crystal", "type": "Jedi"}, "b8": { "colour": "Orange", "crystal": ["Ilum crystal", "Ultima Pearl"], "type": "Sith", }, "b9": { "colour": "Black", "crystal": "Obsidian", "type": ["Jedi", "Mandalorian"], }, }, "pommel": { "p1": {"length": 5,}, "p2": {"length": 14,}, "p3": {"length": 3,}, "p4": {"length": 8,}, "p5": {"length": 5,}, "p6": {"length": 5,}, "p7": {"length": 8,}, }, # These are lightsabers for a specific Jedi or Sith. Should use their name instead of "unique_urls": {""}, }
import json from cisco_sdwan_policy.BaseObject import BaseObject class Application(BaseObject): def __init__(self,name,app_list,is_app_family,id=None,reference=None,**kwargs): self.type = "appList" = id = name self.references = reference self.app_family=is_app_family self._entries = app_list self.url = "template/policy/list/app" super().__init__(**kwargs) self.modified=False def get_entries(self): return self._entries def set_entries(self,entries): self.modified=True self._entries=entries @classmethod def from_json(cls,jsonfile,**kwargs): id = jsonfile["listId"] name = jsonfile["name"] references = jsonfile.get("references") if len(jsonfile["entries"])>0 and jsonfile["entries"][0].get("app"): appFamily=False entries = [i["app"] for i in jsonfile["entries"]] else: if not jsonfile["entries"][0].get("appFamily"): return None else: appFamily=True entries = [i["appFamily"] for i in jsonfile["entries"]] return cls(name,entries,appFamily,id,references,**kwargs) def to_json(self): return { "name", "description":"Desc Not Required", "type":"app", "entries":[ {"appFamily" if self.app_family else "app":i} for i in self._entries] }
from functools import partial from corpustools.corpus.classes import Word from corpustools.symbolsim.edit_distance import edit_distance from corpustools.symbolsim.khorsi import khorsi from corpustools.symbolsim.phono_edit_distance import phono_edit_distance from corpustools.symbolsim.phono_align import Aligner from corpustools.multiproc import filter_mp, score_mp def _is_edit_distance_neighbor(w, query, sequence_type, max_distance): w_len = len(getattr(w, sequence_type)) query_len = len(getattr(query, sequence_type)) if w_len > query_len+max_distance: return False if w_len < query_len-max_distance: return False return edit_distance(getattr(w, sequence_type), getattr(query, sequence_type), sequence_type, max_distance) <= max_distance def _is_phono_edit_distance_neighbor(w, query, sequence_type, specifier, max_distance): return phono_edit_distance(getattr(w, sequence_type), getattr(query, sequence_type), sequence_type, specifier) <= max_distance def _is_khorsi_neighbor(w, query, freq_base, sequence_type, max_distance): return khorsi(getattr(w, sequence_type), getattr(query, sequence_type), freq_base, sequence_type, max_distance) >= max_distance def neighborhood_density_all_words(corpus_context, tierdict, tier_type = None, sequence_type = None, algorithm = 'edit_distance', max_distance = 1, output_format = 'spelling', num_cores = -1, settable_attr = None, collapse_homophones = False, stop_check = None, call_back = None): """Calculate the neighborhood density of all words in the corpus and adds them as attributes of the words. Parameters ---------- corpus_context : CorpusContext Context manager for a corpus algorithm : str The algorithm used to determine distance max_distance : float, optional Maximum edit distance from the queried word to consider a word a neighbor. stop_check : callable, optional Optional function to check whether to gracefully terminate early call_back : callable, optional Optional function to supply progress information during the function settable_attr: string Name of attribute that neighbourhood density results will be assigned to """ function = partial(neighborhood_density, corpus_context, tierdict = tierdict, tier_type = tier_type, sequence_type = sequence_type, algorithm = algorithm, max_distance = max_distance, collapse_homophones = collapse_homophones) if call_back is not None: call_back('Calculating neighborhood densities...') call_back(0,len(corpus_context)) cur = 0 results = dict() last_value_removed = None last_key_removed = None if num_cores == -1 or num_cores == 1: for w in corpus_context: if stop_check is not None and stop_check(): return if last_value_removed: tierdict[last_key_removed].append(last_value_removed) w_sequence = getattr(w, corpus_context.sequence_type) last_key_removed = str(w_sequence) for i, item in enumerate(tierdict[last_key_removed]): if str(item) == str(w): last_value_removed = tierdict[last_key_removed].pop(i) break res = neighborhood_density(corpus_context, w, tierdict, tier_type = tier_type, sequence_type = sequence_type, algorithm = algorithm, max_distance = max_distance, collapse_homophones = collapse_homophones) results[str(w)] = [getattr(r, output_format) for r in res[1]] setattr(w.original,, res[0]) # for w in corpus_context: # if stop_check is not None and stop_check(): # return # cur += 1 # call_back(cur) # res = function(w) # results[str(w)] = [getattr(r, output_format) for r in res[1]] # setattr(w.original,, res[0]-1) # #the -1 is to account for the fact that words are counted as their own neighbour, and this is incorrect # #subtracting 1 here is easier than fixing the neighbourhood density algorithm else: iterable = ((w,) for w in corpus_context) neighbors = score_mp(iterable, function, num_cores, call_back, stop_check, chunk_size = 1) for n in neighbors: #Have to look up the key, then look up the object due to how #multiprocessing pickles objects setattr(corpus_context.corpus.find(corpus_context.corpus.key(n[0])),, n[1][0]), n[1][0]) return results def neighborhood_density(corpus_context, query, tierdict, algorithm = 'edit_distance', max_distance = 1, collapse_homophones = False, force_quadratic = False, file_type = None, tier_type=None, sequence_type = None, stop_check = None, call_back = None): """Calculate the neighborhood density of a particular word in the corpus. Parameters ---------- corpus_context : CorpusContext Context manager for a corpus query : Word The word whose neighborhood density to calculate. algorithm : str The algorithm used to determine distance max_distance : float, optional Maximum edit distance from the queried word to consider a word a neighbor force_quadratic : bool Force use of the less efficient quadratic algorithm even when finding edit distance of 1 neighborhoods stop_check : callable, optional Optional function to check whether to gracefully terminate early call_back : callable, optional Optional function to supply progress information during the function Returns ------- tuple(int, set) Tuple of the number of neighbors and the set of neighbor Words. """ matches = [] query = ensure_query_is_word(query, corpus_context, corpus_context.sequence_type, tier_type) if call_back is not None: call_back('Finding neighbors for {}...'.format(query)) call_back(0,len(corpus_context)) cur = 0 if algorithm == 'edit_distance' and max_distance == 1 and not force_quadratic: return fast_neighborhood_density(corpus_context, query, corpus_context.sequence_type, tier_type, tierdict, file_type=file_type, collapse_homophones=collapse_homophones) if algorithm == 'edit_distance': is_neighbor = partial(_is_edit_distance_neighbor, sequence_type = corpus_context.sequence_type, max_distance = max_distance) elif algorithm == 'phono_edit_distance': is_neighbor = partial(_is_phono_edit_distance_neighbor, specifier = corpus_context.specifier, sequence_type = corpus_context.sequence_type, max_distance = max_distance) elif algorithm == 'khorsi': freq_base = corpus_context.get_frequency_base() is_neighbor = partial(_is_khorsi_neighbor, freq_base = freq_base, sequence_type = corpus_context.sequence_type, max_distance = max_distance) for w in corpus_context: if stop_check is not None and stop_check(): return if call_back is not None: cur += 1 if cur % 10 == 0: call_back(cur) if not is_neighbor(w, query): continue matches.append(w) neighbors = set(matches)-set([query]) return (len(neighbors), neighbors) def fast_neighborhood_density(corpus_context, query, sequence_type, tier_type, tierdict, file_type=None, trans_delimiter='.', collapse_homophones = False): """Generates all neighbors of edit distance <= 1 and searches for them in corpus_context. Will be faster than neighborhood_density when: n > m * (1 + s), where n: number of words in corpus m: length of query s: size of segment inventory """ neighbors = list() query = ensure_query_is_word(query, corpus_context, sequence_type, tier_type, file_type=file_type) for candidate in generate_neighbor_candidates(corpus_context, query, sequence_type): if tier_type.att_type == 'tier': cand_str = trans_delimiter.join(candidate) else: cand_str = ''.join(candidate) if cand_str in tierdict: for w in tierdict[cand_str]: w_sequence = getattr(w, sequence_type) if collapse_homophones and any(getattr(word, sequence_type) == w_sequence for word in neighbors): continue else: neighbors.append(w) return (len(neighbors), neighbors) def generate_neighbor_candidates(corpus_context, query, sequence_type): sequence = getattr(query, sequence_type) yield [str(c) for c in sequence] for i in range(len(sequence)): yield [str(c) for c in sequence[:i]] + [str(c) for c in sequence[i+1:]] # deletion for char in corpus_context.inventory: if str(char) not in ['#', sequence[i]]: yield [str(c) for c in sequence[:i]] + [str(char)] + [str(c) for c in sequence[i:]] # insertion yield [str(c) for c in sequence[:i]] + [str(char)] + [str(c) for c in sequence[i+1:]] # substitution for char in corpus_context.inventory: # final pass to get insertion at len+1 if str(char) not in ['#', sequence[i]]: yield [str(c) for c in sequence[:]] + [str(char)] # insertion def find_mutation_minpairs_all_words(corpus_context, tierdict, tier_type = None, num_cores = -1, collapse_homophones = False, stop_check = None, call_back = None): function = partial(find_mutation_minpairs, corpus_context, tier_type=tier_type, collapse_homophones = collapse_homophones) if call_back is not None: call_back('Calculating neighborhood densities...') call_back(0,len(corpus_context)) cur = 0 results = dict() last_value_removed = None last_key_removed = None if num_cores == -1 or num_cores == 1: for w in corpus_context: if stop_check is not None and stop_check(): return if last_value_removed: tierdict[last_key_removed].append(last_value_removed) w_sequence = getattr(w, corpus_context.sequence_type) last_key_removed = str(w_sequence) for i, item in enumerate(tierdict[last_key_removed]): if str(item) == str(w): last_value_removed = tierdict[last_key_removed].pop(i) break res = find_mutation_minpairs(corpus_context, w, tier_type=tier_type, collapse_homophones = collapse_homophones) results[str(w)] = res[1] setattr(w.original,, res[0]) # for w in corpus_context: # if stop_check is not None and stop_check(): # return # cur += 1 # call_back(cur) # res = function(w) # results[str(w)] = res[1]#[str(r) for r in res[1]] # setattr(w.original,, res[0]) else: iterable = ((w,) for w in corpus_context) neighbors = score_mp(iterable, function, num_cores, call_back, stop_check, chunk_size= 1) for n in neighbors: #Have to look up the key, then look up the object due to how #multiprocessing pickles objects setattr(corpus_context.corpus.find(corpus_context.corpus.key(n[0])),, n[1][0]) return results def find_mutation_minpairs(corpus_context, query, tier_type = None, collapse_homophones = False, stop_check = None, call_back = None): """Find all minimal pairs of the query word based only on segment mutations (not deletions/insertions) Parameters ---------- corpus_context : CorpusContext Context manager for a corpus query : Word The word whose minimal pairs to find stop_check : callable or None Optional function to check whether to gracefully terminate early call_back : callable or None Optional function to supply progress information during the function Returns ------- list The found minimal pairs for the queried word """ matches = [] sequence_type = corpus_context.sequence_type query = ensure_query_is_word(query, corpus_context, corpus_context.sequence_type, tier_type) if call_back is not None: call_back('Finding neighbors...') call_back(0,len(corpus_context)) cur = 0 al = Aligner(features_tf=False, ins_penalty=float('inf'), del_penalty=float('inf'), sub_penalty=1) for w in corpus_context: w_sequence = getattr(w, sequence_type) query_sequence = getattr(query, sequence_type) if stop_check is not None and stop_check(): return if call_back is not None: cur += 1 if cur % 10 == 0: call_back(cur) if (len(w_sequence) > len(query_sequence)+1 or len(w_sequence) < len(query_sequence)-1): continue m = al.make_similarity_matrix(query_sequence, w_sequence) if m[-1][-1]['f'] != 1: continue w_sequence = getattr(w, sequence_type) if collapse_homophones and any(getattr(m, sequence_type) == w_sequence for m in matches): continue else: #matches.append(str(w_sequence)) matches.append(w) matches = [m.spelling for m in matches] neighbors = list(set(matches)-set([str(query_sequence)])) return (len(neighbors), neighbors) def ensure_query_is_word(query, corpus, sequence_type, tier_type, trans_delimiter='.', file_type=None): if isinstance(query, Word): query_word = query else: if tier_type.att_type == 'spelling': if file_type == sequence_type: query_word = Word(**{sequence_type: list(query)}) else: query_word = query.replace(trans_delimiter, '') query_word = Word(**{sequence_type: list(query_word)}) elif tier_type.att_type == 'tier': if file_type == sequence_type: query_with̠td = '.'.join(query) if '.' not in query else query for entry in corpus: corpus_word_with_td = str(getattr(entry, sequence_type)) if query_with̠td == corpus_word_with_td: # if a word in corpus has the same transcription return entry # that word in the corpus is to be referred to. # the following should be run if no word found in corpus with the transcription new_query = parse(query, trans_delimiter) query_word = Word(**{sequence_type: new_query}) else: # if file contains spelling try: query_word = corpus.corpus.find(query) except KeyError: # if the word in the file can't be found in the corpus new_query = parse(query, trans_delimiter) query_word = Word(**{sequence_type: list(new_query)}) return query_word def parse(word, delimiter): return word.split(delimiter) if delimiter in word else list(word)
from CommonServerPython import * ''' IMPORTS ''' import re import requests # Disable insecure warnings requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() ''' GLOBALS/PARAMS ''' VENDOR = 'Have I Been Pwned? V2' MAX_RETRY_ALLOWED = demisto.params().get('max_retry_time', -1) API_KEY = demisto.params().get('api_key') USE_SSL = not demisto.params().get('insecure', False) BASE_URL = '' HEADERS = { 'hibp-api-key': API_KEY, 'user-agent': 'DBOT-API', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json' } DEFAULT_DBOT_SCORE_EMAIL = 2 if demisto.params().get('default_dbot_score_email') == 'SUSPICIOUS' else 3 DEFAULT_DBOT_SCORE_DOMAIN = 2 if demisto.params().get('default_dbot_score_domain') == 'SUSPICIOUS' else 3 SUFFIXES = { "email": '/breachedaccount/', "domain": '/breaches?domain=', "username": '/breachedaccount/', "paste": '/pasteaccount/', "email_truncate_verified": '?truncateResponse=false&includeUnverified=true', "domain_truncate_verified": '&truncateResponse=false&includeUnverified=true', "username_truncate_verified": '?truncateResponse=false&includeUnverified=true' } RETRIES_END_TIME = datetime.min ''' HELPER FUNCTIONS ''' def http_request(method, url_suffix, params=None, data=None): while True: res = requests.request( method, BASE_URL + url_suffix, verify=USE_SSL, params=params, data=data, headers=HEADERS ) if res.status_code != 429: # Rate limit response code break if > RETRIES_END_TIME: return_error('Max retry time has exceeded.') wait_regex ='\d+', res.json()['message']) if wait_regex: wait_amount = else: demisto.error('failed extracting wait time will use default (5). Res body: {}'.format(res.text)) wait_amount = 5 if + timedelta(seconds=int(wait_amount)) > RETRIES_END_TIME: return_error('Max retry time has exceeded.') time.sleep(int(wait_amount)) if res.status_code == 404: return None if not res.status_code == 200: if not res.status_code == 401: demisto.error( 'Error in API call to Pwned Integration [%d]. Full text: %s' % (res.status_code, res.text)) return_error('Error in API call to Pwned Integration [%d] - %s' % (res.status_code, res.reason)) return None return res.json() def html_description_to_human_readable(breach_description): """ Converting from html description to hr :param breach_description: Description of breach from API response :return: Description string that altered HTML urls to clickable urls for better readability in war-room """ html_link_pattern = re.compile('<a href="(.+?)"(.+?)>(.+?)</a>') patterns_found = html_link_pattern.findall(breach_description) for link in patterns_found: html_actual_address = link[0] html_readable_name = link[2] link_from_desc = '[' + html_readable_name + ']' + '(' + html_actual_address + ')' breach_description = re.sub(html_link_pattern, link_from_desc, breach_description, count=1) return breach_description def data_to_markdown(query_type, query_arg, api_res, api_paste_res=None): records_found = False md = '### Have I Been Pwned query for ' + query_type.lower() + ': *' + query_arg + '*\n' if api_res: records_found = True for breach in api_res: verified_breach = 'Verified' if breach['IsVerified'] else 'Unverified' md += '#### ' + breach['Title'] + ' (' + breach['Domain'] + '): ' + str(breach['PwnCount']) + \ ' records breached [' + verified_breach + ' breach]\n' md += 'Date: **' + breach['BreachDate'] + '**\n\n' md += html_description_to_human_readable(breach['Description']) + '\n' md += 'Data breached: **' + ','.join(breach['DataClasses']) + '**\n' if api_paste_res: records_found = True pastes_list = [] for paste_breach in api_paste_res: paste_entry = \ { 'Source': paste_breach['Source'], 'Title': paste_breach['Title'], 'ID': paste_breach['Id'], 'Date': '', 'Amount of emails in paste': str(paste_breach['EmailCount']) } if paste_breach['Date']: paste_entry['Date'] = paste_breach['Date'].split('T')[0] pastes_list.append(paste_entry) md += tableToMarkdown('The email address was found in the following "Pastes":', pastes_list, ['ID', 'Title', 'Date', 'Source', 'Amount of emails in paste']) if not records_found: md += 'No records found' return md def create_dbot_score_dictionary(indicator_value, indicator_type, dbot_score): return { 'Indicator': indicator_value, 'Type': indicator_type, 'Vendor': VENDOR, 'Score': dbot_score } def create_context_entry(context_type, context_main_value, comp_sites, comp_pastes, malicious_score): context_dict = dict() # dict if context_type == 'email': context_dict['Address'] = context_main_value else: context_dict['Name'] = context_main_value context_dict['Pwned-V2'] = { 'Compromised': { 'Vendor': VENDOR, 'Reporters': ', '.join(comp_sites + comp_pastes) } } if malicious_score == 3: context_dict['Malicious'] = add_malicious_to_context(context_type) return context_dict def add_malicious_to_context(malicious_type): return { 'Vendor': VENDOR, 'Description': 'The ' + malicious_type + ' has been compromised' } def email_to_entry_context(email, api_email_res, api_paste_res): dbot_score = 0 comp_email = dict() # type: dict comp_sites = sorted([item['Title'] for item in api_email_res]) comp_pastes = sorted(set(item['Source'] for item in api_paste_res)) if len(comp_sites) > 0: dbot_score = DEFAULT_DBOT_SCORE_EMAIL email_context = create_context_entry('email', email, comp_sites, comp_pastes, DEFAULT_DBOT_SCORE_EMAIL) comp_email[outputPaths['email']] = email_context comp_email['DBotScore'] = create_dbot_score_dictionary(email, 'email', dbot_score) return comp_email def domain_to_entry_context(domain, api_res): comp_sites = [item['Title'] for item in api_res] comp_sites = sorted(comp_sites) comp_domain = dict() # type: dict dbot_score = 0 if len(comp_sites) > 0: dbot_score = DEFAULT_DBOT_SCORE_DOMAIN domain_context = create_context_entry('domain', domain, comp_sites, [], DEFAULT_DBOT_SCORE_DOMAIN) comp_domain[outputPaths['domain']] = domain_context comp_domain['DBotScore'] = create_dbot_score_dictionary(domain, 'domain', dbot_score) return comp_domain def set_retry_end_time(): global RETRIES_END_TIME if MAX_RETRY_ALLOWED != -1: RETRIES_END_TIME = + timedelta(seconds=int(MAX_RETRY_ALLOWED)) ''' COMMANDS + REQUESTS FUNCTIONS ''' def test_module(args_dict): """ If the http request was successful the test will return OK :return: 3 arrays of outputs """ http_request('GET', SUFFIXES.get("username", '') + 'test') return ['ok'], [None], [None] def pwned_email_command(args_dict): """ Executing the pwned request for emails list, in order to support list input, the function returns 3 lists of outputs :param args_dict: the demisto argument - in this case the email list is needed :return: 3 arrays of outputs """ email_list = argToList(args_dict.get('email', '')) api_email_res_list, api_paste_res_list = pwned_email(email_list) md_list = [] ec_list = [] for email, api_email_res, api_paste_res in zip(email_list, api_email_res_list, api_paste_res_list): md_list.append(data_to_markdown('Email', email, api_email_res, api_paste_res)) ec_list.append(email_to_entry_context(email, api_email_res or [], api_paste_res or [])) return md_list, ec_list, api_email_res_list def pwned_email(email_list): """ Executing the http requests :param email_list: the email list that needed for the http requests :return: 2 arrays of http requests outputs """ api_email_res_list = [] api_paste_res_list = [] for email in email_list: email_suffix = SUFFIXES.get("email") + email + SUFFIXES.get("email_truncate_verified") paste_suffix = SUFFIXES.get("paste") + email api_email_res_list.append(http_request('GET', url_suffix=email_suffix)) api_paste_res_list.append(http_request('GET', url_suffix=paste_suffix)) return api_email_res_list, api_paste_res_list def pwned_domain_command(args_dict): """ Executing the pwned request for domains list, in order to support list input, the function returns 3 lists of outputs :param args_dict: the demisto argument - in this case the domain list is needed :return: 3 arrays of outputs """ domain_list = argToList(args_dict.get('domain', '')) api_res_list = pwned_domain(domain_list) md_list = [] ec_list = [] for domain, api_res in zip(domain_list, api_res_list): md_list.append(data_to_markdown('Domain', domain, api_res)) ec_list.append(domain_to_entry_context(domain, api_res or [])) return md_list, ec_list, api_res_list def pwned_domain(domain_list): """ Executing the http request :param domain_list: the domains list that needed for the http requests :return: an array of http requests outputs """ api_res_list = [] for domain in domain_list: suffix = SUFFIXES.get("domain") + domain + SUFFIXES.get("domain_truncate_verified") api_res_list.append(http_request('GET', url_suffix=suffix)) return api_res_list def pwned_username_command(args_dict): """ Executing the pwned request for usernames list, in order to support list input, the function returns 3 lists of outputs :param args_dict: the demisto argument - in this case the username list is needed :return: 3 arrays of outputs """ username_list = argToList(args_dict.get('username', '')) api_res_list = pwned_username(username_list) md_list = [] ec_list = [] for username, api_res in zip(username_list, api_res_list): md_list.append(data_to_markdown('Username', username, api_res)) ec_list.append(domain_to_entry_context(username, api_res or [])) return md_list, ec_list, api_res_list def pwned_username(username_list): """ Executing the http request :param username_list: the username list that needed for the http requests :return: an array of http requests outputs """ api_res_list = [] for username in username_list: suffix = SUFFIXES.get("username") + username + SUFFIXES.get("username_truncate_verified") api_res_list.append(http_request('GET', url_suffix=suffix)) return api_res_list command = demisto.command() LOG('Command being called is: {}'.format(command)) try: handle_proxy() set_retry_end_time() commands = { 'test-module': test_module, 'email': pwned_email_command, 'pwned-email': pwned_email_command, 'domain': pwned_domain_command, 'pwned-domain': pwned_domain_command, 'pwned-username': pwned_username_command } if command in commands: md_list, ec_list, api_email_res_list = commands[command](demisto.args()) for md, ec, api_paste_res in zip(md_list, ec_list, api_email_res_list): return_outputs(md, ec, api_paste_res) # Log exceptions except Exception as e: return_error(str(e))
from itertools import product import numpy as np import pytest from alibi_detect.utils.discretizer import Discretizer x = np.random.rand(10, 4) n_features = x.shape[1] feature_names = [str(_) for _ in range(n_features)] categorical_features = [[], [1, 3]] percentiles = [list(np.arange(25, 100, 25)), list(np.arange(10, 100, 10))] tests = list(product(categorical_features, percentiles)) n_tests = len(tests) @pytest.fixture def cats_and_percentiles(request): cat, perc = tests[request.param] return cat, perc @pytest.mark.parametrize('cats_and_percentiles', list(range(n_tests)), indirect=True) def test_discretizer(cats_and_percentiles): cat, perc = cats_and_percentiles disc = Discretizer(x, cat, feature_names, perc) to_disc = list(disc.names.keys()) assert len(to_disc) == (x.shape[1] - len(cat)) x_disc = disc.discretize(x) for k, v in disc.names.items(): assert len(v) <= len(perc) + 1 assert callable(disc.lambdas[k]) assert (x_disc[:, k].min() == 0).all() assert (x_disc[:, k].max() == len(perc)).all() for i in range(x.shape[1]): if i not in to_disc: assert (x_disc[:, i] == x[:, i]).all()
import hashlib from typing import TypeVar, Union import redis from openff.toolkit.topology import Molecule from import worker from openff.bespokefit.schema.tasks import HessianTask, OptimizationTask, Torsion1DTask from openff.bespokefit.utilities.molecule import canonical_order_atoms _T = TypeVar("_T", HessianTask, OptimizationTask, Torsion1DTask) def _canonicalize_task(task: _T) -> _T: task = task.copy(deep=True) # Ensure the SMILES has a canonical ordering to help ensure cache hits. canonical_molecule = canonical_order_atoms( Molecule.from_smiles(task.smiles, allow_undefined_stereo=True) ) if isinstance(task, Torsion1DTask): map_to_atom_index = { j: i for i, j in["atom_map"].items() } central_atom_indices = sorted( map_to_atom_index[task.central_bond[i]] for i in (0, 1) )["atom_map"] = { atom_index: (i + 1) for i, atom_index in enumerate(central_atom_indices) } canonical_smiles = canonical_molecule.to_smiles( isomeric=True, explicit_hydrogens=True, mapped=True ) task.central_bond = (1, 2) else: canonical_smiles = canonical_molecule.to_smiles( isomeric=True, explicit_hydrogens=True, mapped=False ) task.smiles = canonical_smiles return task def cached_compute_task( task: Union[HessianTask, OptimizationTask, Torsion1DTask], redis_connection: redis.Redis, ) -> str: """Checks to see if a QC task has already been executed and if not send it to a worker. """ if isinstance(task, Torsion1DTask): compute = worker.compute_torsion_drive elif isinstance(task, OptimizationTask): compute = worker.compute_optimization elif isinstance(task, HessianTask): compute = worker.compute_hessian else: raise NotImplementedError() # Canonicalize the task to improve the cache hit rate. task = _canonicalize_task(task) task_hash = hashlib.sha512(task.json().encode()).hexdigest() task_id = redis_connection.hget("qcgenerator:task-ids", task_hash) if task_id is not None: return task_id.decode() task_id = compute.delay(task_json=task.json()).id redis_connection.hset("qcgenerator:types", task_id, task.type) # Make sure to only set the hash after the type is set in case the connection # goes down before this information is entered and subsequently discarded. redis_connection.hset("qcgenerator:task-ids", task_hash, task_id) return task_id
import contextlib from datetime import date from datetime import datetime from datetime import timezone from functools import wraps from io import BytesIO from itertools import count from typing import Any from typing import Dict from typing import Sequence import pytest from dateutil.parser import parse as parse_date from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from django import forms from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.template.loader import render_to_string from django.urls import reverse from freezegun import freeze_time from lxml import etree from common.models.records import TrackedModel from common.renderers import counter_generator from common.serializers import validate_taric_xml_record_order from common.util import TaricDateRange from common.util import get_accessor from common.util import get_field_tuple INTERDEPENDENT_IMPORT_IMPLEMENTED = True UPDATE_IMPORTER_IMPLEMENTED = True EXPORT_REFUND_NOMENCLATURE_IMPLEMENTED = False COMMODITIES_IMPLEMENTED = True MEURSING_TABLES_IMPLEMENTED = False PARTIAL_TEMPORARY_STOP_IMPLEMENTED = False UTC = timezone.utc requires_commodities = pytest.mark.skipif( not COMMODITIES_IMPLEMENTED, reason="Commodities not implemented", ) requires_export_refund_nomenclature = pytest.mark.skipif( not EXPORT_REFUND_NOMENCLATURE_IMPLEMENTED, reason="Export refund nomenclature not implemented", ) requires_meursing_tables = pytest.mark.skipif( not MEURSING_TABLES_IMPLEMENTED, reason="Meursing tables not implemented", ) requires_partial_temporary_stop = pytest.mark.skipif( not PARTIAL_TEMPORARY_STOP_IMPLEMENTED, reason="Partial temporary stop not implemented", ) requires_interdependent_import = pytest.mark.skipif( not INTERDEPENDENT_IMPORT_IMPLEMENTED, reason="Interdependent imports not implemented", ) requires_update_importer = pytest.mark.skipif( not UPDATE_IMPORTER_IMPLEMENTED, reason="Requires Updating importers to be implemented", ) @contextlib.contextmanager def raises_if(exception, expected): try: yield except exception: if not expected: raise else: if expected:"Did not raise {exception}") def check_validator(validate, value, expected_valid): try: validate(value) except ValidationError: if expected_valid:'Unexpected validation error for value "{value}"') except Exception: raise else: if not expected_valid:'Expected validation error for value "{value}"') def make_duplicate_record(factory, identifying_fields=None): """Creates two records using the passed factory that are duplicates of each other and returns the record created last.""" existing = factory.create() # allow overriding identifying_fields if identifying_fields is None: identifying_fields = list(factory._meta.model.identifying_fields) return factory.create( **dict(get_field_tuple(existing, field) for field in identifying_fields) ) def make_non_duplicate_record(factory, identifying_fields=None): """Creates two records using the passed factory that are not duplicates of each other and returns the record created last.""" existing = factory.create() not_duplicate = factory.create() if identifying_fields is None: identifying_fields = list(factory._meta.model.identifying_fields) assert any( get_field_tuple(existing, f) != get_field_tuple(not_duplicate, f) for f in identifying_fields ) return not_duplicate def get_checkable_data(model: TrackedModel, ignore=frozenset()): """ Returns a dict representing the model's data ignoring any automatically set fields and fields with names passed to `ignore`. The returned data will contain the identifying fields for any linked models rather than internal PKs. For example: get_checkable_data(FootnoteDescriptionFactory(), ignore={"sid"}) # { # "description": "My sample footnote text", # "described_footnote": { # "footnote_type__footnote_type_id": "FN" # "footnote_id": "123", # }, # } """ checked_field_names = { for f in model.copyable_fields} - ignore data = { name: getattr(model, get_accessor(model._meta.get_field(name))) for name in checked_field_names } identifying_fields = { name: data[name].get_identifying_fields() for name in checked_field_names if hasattr(data[name], "get_identifying_fields") } data.update(identifying_fields) return data def assert_records_match( expected: TrackedModel, imported: TrackedModel, ignore=frozenset(), ): """ Asserts that every value for every field in the imported model is the same as the data in the expected model. System fields that will change from model to model are not checked. Any field names given to `ignore` will also not be checked. """ expected_data = get_checkable_data(expected, ignore=ignore) imported_data = get_checkable_data(imported, ignore=ignore) assert expected_data == imported_data def assert_many_records_match( expected: Sequence[TrackedModel], imported: Sequence[TrackedModel], ignore=frozenset(), ): """ Asserts that every value for every field in the imported models is the same as the data in the expected models, and that the count of both is equal. System fields that will change from model to model are not checked. Any field names given to `ignore` will also not be checked. """ expected_data = [get_checkable_data(e, ignore=ignore) for e in expected] imported_data = [get_checkable_data(i, ignore=ignore) for i in imported] assert expected_data == imported_data _transaction_counter = count(start=1) def generate_test_import_xml(obj: dict) -> BytesIO: xml = render_to_string( template_name="workbaskets/taric/transaction_detail.xml", context={ "envelope_id": next(_transaction_counter), "tracked_models": [obj], "transaction_id": next(_transaction_counter), "message_counter": counter_generator(), "counter_generator": counter_generator, }, ) return BytesIO(xml.encode()) def taric_xml_record_codes(xml): """Yields tuples of (record_code, subrecord_code)""" records = xml.xpath(".//*[local-name() = 'record']") codes = etree.XPath( ".//*[local-name()='record.code' or local-name()='subrecord.code']/text()", ) return [tuple(codes(record)) for record in records] def validate_taric_xml( factory=None, instance=None, factory_kwargs=None, check_order=True, ): def decorator(func): def wraps( api_client, taric_schema, approved_transaction, valid_user, *args, **kwargs, ): if not factory and not instance: raise AssertionError( "Either a factory or an object instance need to be provided", ) if factory and instance: raise AssertionError( "Either a factory or an object instance need to be provided - not both.", ) current_instance = instance or factory.create( transaction=approved_transaction, **factory_kwargs or {} ) api_client.force_login(user=valid_user) response = api_client.get( reverse( "workbaskets:workbasket-detail", kwargs={"pk":}, ), {"format": "xml"}, ) assert response.status_code == 200 content = response.content xml = etree.XML(content) taric_schema.validate(xml) assert not taric_schema.error_log, f"XML errors: {taric_schema.error_log}" if check_order: validate_taric_xml_record_order(xml) kwargs = {"xml": xml, **kwargs} func( *args, **kwargs, ) return wraps return decorator class Dates: deltas = { "normal": (relativedelta(), relativedelta(months=+1)), "earlier": (relativedelta(years=-1), relativedelta(years=-1, months=+1)), "later": ( relativedelta(years=+1, months=+1, days=+1), relativedelta(years=+1, months=+2), ), "big": (relativedelta(years=-2), relativedelta(years=+2, days=+1)), "adjacent": (relativedelta(days=+1), relativedelta(months=+1)), "adjacent_earlier": (relativedelta(months=-1), relativedelta(days=-1)), "adjacent_later": (relativedelta(months=+1, days=+1), relativedelta(months=+2)), "adjacent_no_end": (relativedelta(months=+1, days=+1), None), "adjacent_even_later": ( relativedelta(months=+2, days=+1), relativedelta(months=+3), ), "adjacent_earlier_big": ( relativedelta(years=-2, months=-2), relativedelta(years=-2), ), "adjacent_later_big": ( relativedelta(months=+1, days=+1), relativedelta(years=+2, months=+2), ), "overlap_normal": ( relativedelta(days=+15), relativedelta(days=+14, months=+1, years=+1), ), "overlap_normal_earlier": ( relativedelta(months=-1, days=+14), relativedelta(days=+14), ), "overlap_normal_same_year": ( relativedelta(days=+15), relativedelta(days=+14, months=+1), ), "overlap_big": (relativedelta(years=+1), relativedelta(years=+3, days=+2)), "after_big": ( relativedelta(years=+3, months=+1), relativedelta(years=+3, months=+2), ), "backwards": (relativedelta(months=+1), relativedelta(days=+1)), "starts_with_normal": (relativedelta(), relativedelta(days=+14)), "ends_with_normal": (relativedelta(days=+14), relativedelta(months=+1)), "current": (relativedelta(weeks=-4), relativedelta(weeks=+4)), "future": (relativedelta(weeks=+10), relativedelta(weeks=+20)), "no_end": (relativedelta(), None), "normal_first_half": (relativedelta(), relativedelta(days=+14)), } @property def now(self): return @property def datetime_now(self): return, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) def __getattr__(self, name): if name in self.deltas: start, end = self.deltas[name] start = + start if end is not None: end = + end return TaricDateRange(start, end) raise AttributeError(name) @classmethod def short_before(cls, dt): return TaricDateRange( dt + relativedelta(months=-1), dt + relativedelta(days=-14), ) @classmethod def medium_before(cls, dt): return TaricDateRange( dt + relativedelta(months=-1), dt + relativedelta(days=-1), ) @classmethod def short_after(cls, dt): return TaricDateRange( dt + relativedelta(days=+14), dt + relativedelta(months=+1), ) @classmethod def short_overlap(cls, dt): return TaricDateRange( dt + relativedelta(months=-1), dt + relativedelta(months=+1), ) @classmethod def no_end_before(cls, dt): return TaricDateRange( dt + relativedelta(months=-1), None, ) def only_applicable_after(cutoff): """ Decorator which asserts that a test fails after a specified cutoff date. :param cutoff: A date string, or datetime object before which the test should fail. """ cutoff = parse_date(cutoff) def decorator(fn): @wraps(fn) def do_test(*args, **kwargs): # test should pass normally fn(*args, **kwargs) # test should fail before cutoff with freeze_time(cutoff + relativedelta(days=-1)): try: fn(*args, **kwargs) except pass except Exception: raise else:"Rule applied before {cutoff:%Y-%m-%d}") return True return do_test return decorator def validity_period_post_data(start: date, end: date) -> Dict[str, int]: """ Construct a POST data fragment for the validity period start and end dates of a ValidityPeriodForm from the given date objects, eg: >>> validity_period_post_data( >>>, 1, 2), >>>, 3, 4), >>> ) { "start_date_0": 1, "start_date_1": 2, "start_date_2": 2021, "end_date_0": 4, "end_date_1": 3, "end_date_2": 2022, } """ return { f"{name}_{i}": part for name, date in (("start_date", start), ("end_date", end)) for i, part in enumerate([, date.month, date.year]) } def get_form_data(form: forms.ModelForm) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Returns a dictionary of the fields that the form will put onto a page and their current values, taking account of any fields that have sub-fields and hence result in multiple HTML <input> objects.""" data = {**form.initial} for field in form.rendered_fields: value = data[field] if field in data else form.fields[field].initial if hasattr(form.fields[field].widget, "decompress"): # If the widget can be decompressed, then it is not just a simple # value and has some internal structure. So we need to generate one # form item per decompressed value and append the name with _0, _1, # etc. This mirrors the MultiValueWidget in django/forms/ if field in data: del data[field] value = form.fields[field].widget.decompress(value) data.update( **{f"{field}_{i}": v for i, v in enumerate(value) if v is not None} ) elif value is not None: data.setdefault(field, value) return data
import logging import unittest from pyinstrument import Profiler from nuplan.planning.scenario_builder.nuplan_db.test.nuplan_scenario_test_utils import get_test_nuplan_scenario from nuplan.planning.simulation.history.simulation_history_buffer import SimulationHistoryBuffer from nuplan.planning.simulation.observation.idm_agents import IDMAgents from nuplan.planning.simulation.simulation_time_controller.simulation_iteration import SimulationIteration logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) class TestProfileIDM(unittest.TestCase): """ Profiling test for IDM agents. """ def setUp(self) -> None: """ Inherited, see super class. """ self.n_repeat_trials = 1 self.display_results = True self.scenario = get_test_nuplan_scenario() def test_profile_idm_agent_observation(self) -> None: """Profile IDMAgents.""" profiler = Profiler(interval=0.0001) profiler.start() # How many times to repeat runtime test for _ in range(self.n_repeat_trials): observation = IDMAgents( target_velocity=10, min_gap_to_lead_agent=0.5, headway_time=1.5, accel_max=1.0, decel_max=2.0, scenario=self.scenario, ) for step in range(self.scenario.get_number_of_iterations() - 1): iteration = SimulationIteration(time_point=self.scenario.get_time_point(step), index=step) next_iteration = SimulationIteration(time_point=self.scenario.get_time_point(step + 1), index=step + 1) buffer = SimulationHistoryBuffer.initialize_from_list( 1, [self.scenario.get_ego_state_at_iteration(step)], [self.scenario.get_tracked_objects_at_iteration(step)], next_iteration.time_point.time_s - iteration.time_point.time_s, ) observation.update_observation(iteration, next_iteration, buffer) profiler.stop() if self.display_results:, color=True)) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
import math from vp import geom_tools def horizon_error(ground_truth_horizon, detected_horizon, image_dims): """Calculates error in a detected horizon. This measures the max distance between the detected horizon line and the ground truth horizon line, within the image's x-axis, and normalized by image height. Args: ground_truth_horizon: Tuple with (slope, intercept) for the GT horizon line. detected_horizon: Tuple with (slope, intercept) for the detected horizon line. image_dims: Tuple of integers, (width, height) of the image, in pixels. Returns: Float, or None if a horizon is missing altogether. """ if ground_truth_horizon is None or detected_horizon is None: return None def gt(x): return ground_truth_horizon[0] * x + ground_truth_horizon[1] def dt(x): return detected_horizon[0] * x + detected_horizon[1] width, height = image_dims return max(abs(gt(0) - dt(0)), abs(gt(width) - dt(width))) / height def vp_direction_error(ground_truth_vps, detected_vps, image_dims): """Measures error in direction from center of detected vanishing points. Each detected VP is matched with its closest unclaimed ground truth VP. Args: ground_truth_vps: List of ground truth VP point tuples. detected_vps: List of detected VP point tuples. image_dims: Tuple of integers, (width, height) of the image, in pixels. Returns: List with float degrees of error for each ground truth VP. Error is None for missing VPs. """ principal_point = (image_dims[0] // 2, image_dims[1] // 2) point_pair_dists = [] for gt_vp in ground_truth_vps: for dt_vp in detected_vps: gt_angle = geom_tools.get_line_angle(( principal_point[0], principal_point[1], gt_vp[0], gt_vp[1])) dt_angle = geom_tools.get_line_angle(( principal_point[0], principal_point[1], dt_vp[0], dt_vp[1])) angle_diff = 180 - abs(abs(gt_angle - dt_angle) - 180) point_pair_dists.append((angle_diff, gt_vp, dt_vp)) point_pair_dists = sorted(point_pair_dists, key=lambda k: k[0]) gt_vp_to_error = {} seen_dt_vps = set() for distance, gt_vp, dt_vp in point_pair_dists: if gt_vp in gt_vp_to_error or dt_vp in seen_dt_vps: continue gt_vp_to_error[gt_vp] = distance seen_dt_vps.add(dt_vp) return [gt_vp_to_error.get(gt, None) for gt in ground_truth_vps] def location_accuracy_error(ground_truth_vps, detected_vps): """Measures average error in the location of detected vanishing points. "Missed" or "extra" VPs do not count against the score. Based on log distance of detected vp from ground truth vp. Args: ground_truth_vps: List of ground truth VP point tuples. detected_vps: List of detected VP point tuples. Returns: Float, error. """ if len(ground_truth_vps) == 0 or len(detected_vps) == 0: return 0 point_pair_dists = [] for gt_vp in ground_truth_vps: for dt_vp in detected_vps: distance = geom_tools.point_to_point_dist(gt_vp, dt_vp) point_pair_dists.append((distance, gt_vp, dt_vp)) sorted(point_pair_dists, key=lambda k: k[0]) seen_gt_vps = set() seen_dt_vps = set() total_error = 0 for distance, gt_vp, dt_vp in point_pair_dists: if gt_vp in seen_gt_vps or dt_vp in seen_dt_vps: continue seen_gt_vps.add(gt_vp) seen_dt_vps.add(dt_vp) if distance > 0: total_error += math.log(distance) return total_error / min(len(detected_vps), len(ground_truth_vps)) def num_model_detection_error(ground_truth_vps, detected_vps): """Measures error in the number of detected vanishing points. Returns: Integer, positive when there are too many VPs, negative when there are too few. """ return len(detected_vps) - len(ground_truth_vps)
import torch import torchvision.transforms as transforms from import Dataset import glob from PIL import Image import random class SUN397EncodableDataset(Dataset): """SUN397 encodable dataset class""" def __init__(self, train=True): super().__init__() path = 'data/SUN397/train/*/*.jpg' if train else 'data/SUN397/test/*/*.jpg' = list(glob.glob(path)) random.shuffle( cats = list(set([path.split("/")[3] for path in])) cats.sort() self.labels = torch.LongTensor([cats.index(path.split("/")[3]) for path in]) self.preprocessor = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize((224, 224)), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) ]) self.device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") def __getitem__(self, idx): if torch.is_tensor(idx): idx = idx.tolist() if len(self.encoded_data) == 0: return self.preprocessor([idx]).convert('RGB')), self.labels[idx] return self.encoded_data[idx], self.labels[idx] def __len__(self): return len(self.labels) def num_classes(self): return int(max(self.labels) + 1)
from PhysicsTools.Heppy.analyzers.core.Analyzer import Analyzer from PhysicsTools.Heppy.analyzers.core.AutoHandle import AutoHandle from PhysicsTools.Heppy.physicsobjects.Tau import Tau from PhysicsTools.HeppyCore.utils.deltar import deltaR, matchObjectCollection3 import PhysicsTools.HeppyCore.framework.config as cfg class TauAnalyzer( Analyzer ): def __init__(self, cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName ): super(TauAnalyzer,self).__init__(cfg_ana,cfg_comp,looperName) #---------------------------------------- # DECLARATION OF HANDLES OF LEPTONS STUFF #---------------------------------------- def declareHandles(self): super(TauAnalyzer, self).declareHandles() self.handles['taus'] = AutoHandle( ('slimmedTaus',''),'std::vector<pat::Tau>') def beginLoop(self, setup): super(TauAnalyzer,self).beginLoop(setup) self.counters.addCounter('events') count = self.counters.counter('events') count.register('all events') count.register('has >=1 tau at preselection') count.register('has >=1 selected taus') count.register('has >=1 other taus') #------------------ # MAKE LEPTON LISTS #------------------ def makeTaus(self, event): event.inclusiveTaus = [] event.selectedTaus = [] event.otherTaus = [] #get all alltaus = map( Tau, self.handles['taus'].product() ) #make inclusive taus for tau in alltaus: tau.associatedVertex = event.goodVertices[0] if len(event.goodVertices)>0 else event.vertices[0] tau.lepVeto = False tau.idDecayMode = tau.tauID("decayModeFinding") tau.idDecayModeNewDMs = tau.tauID("decayModeFindingNewDMs") if hasattr(self.cfg_ana, 'inclusive_decayModeID') and self.cfg_ana.inclusive_decayModeID and not tau.tauID(self.cfg_ana.inclusive_decayModeID): continue tau.inclusive_lepVeto = False if self.cfg_ana.inclusive_vetoLeptons: for lep in event.selectedLeptons: if deltaR(lep.eta(), lep.phi(), tau.eta(), tau.phi()) < self.cfg_ana.inclusive_leptonVetoDR: tau.inclusive_lepVeto = True if tau.inclusive_lepVeto: continue if self.cfg_ana.inclusive_vetoLeptonsPOG: if not tau.tauID(self.cfg_ana.inclusive_tauAntiMuonID): tau.inclusive_lepVeto = True if not tau.tauID(self.cfg_ana.inclusive_tauAntiElectronID): tau.inclusive_lepVeto = True if tau.inclusive_lepVeto: continue if < self.cfg_ana.inclusive_ptMin: continue if abs(tau.eta()) > self.cfg_ana.inclusive_etaMax: continue if abs(tau.dxy()) > self.cfg_ana.inclusive_dxyMax or abs( > self.cfg_ana.inclusive_dzMax: continue def id3(tau,X): """Create an integer equal to 1-2-3 for (loose,medium,tight)""" return tau.tauID(X%"Loose") + tau.tauID(X%"Medium") + tau.tauID(X%"Tight") def id5(tau,X): """Create an integer equal to 1-2-3-4-5 for (very loose, loose, medium, tight, very tight)""" return id3(tau, X) + tau.tauID(X%"VLoose") + tau.tauID(X%"VTight") def id6(tau,X): """Create an integer equal to 1-2-3-4-5-6 for (very loose, loose, medium, tight, very tight, very very tight)""" return id5(tau, X) + tau.tauID(X%"VVTight") tau.idMVA = id6(tau, "by%sIsolationMVArun2v1DBoldDMwLT") tau.idMVANewDM = id6(tau, "by%sIsolationMVArun2v1DBnewDMwLT") tau.idCI3hit = id3(tau, "by%sCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorr3Hits") tau.idAntiMu = tau.tauID("againstMuonLoose3") + tau.tauID("againstMuonTight3") tau.idAntiE = id5(tau, "againstElectron%sMVA6") #print "Tau pt %5.1f: idMVA2 %d, idCI3hit %d, %s, %s" % (, tau.idMVA2, tau.idCI3hit, tau.tauID(self.cfg_ana.tauID), tau.tauID(self.cfg_ana.tauLooseID)) if tau.tauID(self.cfg_ana.inclusive_tauID): event.inclusiveTaus.append(tau) for tau in event.inclusiveTaus: tau.loose_lepVeto = False if self.cfg_ana.loose_vetoLeptons: for lep in event.selectedLeptons: if deltaR(lep.eta(), lep.phi(), tau.eta(), tau.phi()) < self.cfg_ana.loose_leptonVetoDR: tau.loose_lepVeto = True if self.cfg_ana.loose_vetoLeptonsPOG: if not tau.tauID(self.cfg_ana.loose_tauAntiMuonID): tau.loose_lepVeto = True if not tau.tauID(self.cfg_ana.loose_tauAntiElectronID): tau.loose_lepVeto = True if tau.tauID(self.cfg_ana.loose_decayModeID) and \ > self.cfg_ana.loose_ptMin and abs(tau.eta()) < self.cfg_ana.loose_etaMax and \ abs(tau.dxy()) < self.cfg_ana.loose_dxyMax and abs( < self.cfg_ana.loose_dzMax and \ tau.tauID(self.cfg_ana.loose_tauID) and not tau.loose_lepVeto: event.selectedTaus.append(tau) else: event.otherTaus.append(tau) event.inclusiveTaus.sort(key = lambda l :, reverse = True) event.selectedTaus.sort(key = lambda l :, reverse = True) event.otherTaus.sort(key = lambda l :, reverse = True) self.counters.counter('events').inc('all events') if len(event.inclusiveTaus): self.counters.counter('events').inc('has >=1 tau at preselection') if len(event.selectedTaus): self.counters.counter('events').inc('has >=1 selected taus') if len(event.otherTaus): self.counters.counter('events').inc('has >=1 other taus') def matchTaus(self, event): match = matchObjectCollection3(event.inclusiveTaus, event.gentaus, deltaRMax = 0.5) for lep in event.inclusiveTaus: gen = match[lep] lep.mcMatchId = 1 if gen else 0 lep.genp = gen def process(self, event): self.readCollections( event.input ) self.makeTaus(event) if not self.cfg_comp.isMC: return True if hasattr(event, 'gentaus'): self.matchTaus(event) return True # Find the definitions of the tau ID strings here: # setattr(TauAnalyzer,"defaultConfig",cfg.Analyzer( class_object = TauAnalyzer, # inclusive very loose hadronic tau selection inclusive_ptMin = 18, inclusive_etaMax = 9999, inclusive_dxyMax = 1000., inclusive_dzMax = 0.4, inclusive_vetoLeptons = False, inclusive_leptonVetoDR = 0.4, inclusive_decayModeID = "decayModeFindingNewDMs", # ignored if not set or "" inclusive_tauID = "decayModeFindingNewDMs", inclusive_vetoLeptonsPOG = False, # If True, the following two IDs are required inclusive_tauAntiMuonID = "", inclusive_tauAntiElectronID = "", # loose hadronic tau selection loose_ptMin = 18, loose_etaMax = 9999, loose_dxyMax = 1000., loose_dzMax = 0.2, loose_vetoLeptons = True, loose_leptonVetoDR = 0.4, loose_decayModeID = "decayModeFindingNewDMs", # ignored if not set or "" loose_tauID = "byLooseCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorr3Hits", loose_vetoLeptonsPOG = False, # If True, the following two IDs are required loose_tauAntiMuonID = "againstMuonLoose3", loose_tauAntiElectronID = "againstElectronLooseMVA5" ) )
from django.db import models from .query import BookQuerySet class Book(models.Model): objects = BookQuerySet.as_manager() title = models.CharField(max_length=50) publication_date = models.DateTimeField() author = models.ForeignKey('Author') genres = models.ManyToManyField('Genre') class Author(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=50) nationality = models.ForeignKey('Nation', null=True) class Genre(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=50) class Nation(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=50) demonym = models.CharField(max_length=50)
def ips_between(start, end): calc = lambda n, m: (int(end.split(".")[n]) - int(start.split(".")[n])) * m return calc(0, 256 * 256 * 256) + calc(1, 256 * 256) + calc(2, 256) + calc(3, 1)
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod import os from import make_absolute_path, run_process from import ListStats __copyright__ = "Copyright 2016-2018, Netflix, Inc." __license__ = "Apache, Version 2.0" import re import numpy as np import ast from vmaf import ExternalProgramCaller, to_list from vmaf.config import VmafConfig, VmafExternalConfig from vmaf.core.executor import Executor from vmaf.core.result import Result from import YuvReader class FeatureExtractor(Executor): """ FeatureExtractor takes in a list of assets, and run feature extraction on them, and return a list of corresponding results. A FeatureExtractor must specify a unique type and version combination (by the TYPE and VERSION attribute), so that the Result generated by it can be identified. A derived class of FeatureExtractor must: 1) Override TYPE and VERSION 2) Override _generate_result(self, asset), which call a command-line executable and generate feature scores in a log file. 3) Override _get_feature_scores(self, asset), which read the feature scores from the log file, and return the scores in a dictionary format. For an example, follow VmafFeatureExtractor. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta @property @abstractmethod def ATOM_FEATURES(self): raise NotImplementedError def _read_result(self, asset): result = {} result.update(self._get_feature_scores(asset)) executor_id = self.executor_id return Result(asset, executor_id, result) @classmethod def get_scores_key(cls, atom_feature): return "{type}_{atom_feature}_scores".format( type=cls.TYPE, atom_feature=atom_feature) @classmethod def get_score_key(cls, atom_feature): return "{type}_{atom_feature}_score".format( type=cls.TYPE, atom_feature=atom_feature) def _get_feature_scores(self, asset): # routine to read the feature scores from the log file, and return # the scores in a dictionary format. log_file_path = self._get_log_file_path(asset) atom_feature_scores_dict = {} atom_feature_idx_dict = {} for atom_feature in self.ATOM_FEATURES: atom_feature_scores_dict[atom_feature] = [] atom_feature_idx_dict[atom_feature] = 0 with open(log_file_path, 'rt') as log_file: for line in log_file.readlines(): for atom_feature in self.ATOM_FEATURES: re_template = "{af}: ([0-9]+) ([a-zA-Z0-9.-]+)".format(af=atom_feature) mo = re.match(re_template, line) if mo: cur_idx = int( assert cur_idx == atom_feature_idx_dict[atom_feature] # parse value, allowing NaN and inf val = float( if np.isnan(val) or np.isinf(val): val = None atom_feature_scores_dict[atom_feature].append(val) atom_feature_idx_dict[atom_feature] += 1 continue len_score = len(atom_feature_scores_dict[self.ATOM_FEATURES[0]]) assert len_score != 0 for atom_feature in self.ATOM_FEATURES[1:]: assert len_score == len(atom_feature_scores_dict[atom_feature]), \ "Feature data possibly corrupt. Run cleanup script and try again." feature_result = {} for atom_feature in self.ATOM_FEATURES: scores_key = self.get_scores_key(atom_feature) feature_result[scores_key] = atom_feature_scores_dict[atom_feature] return feature_result class VmafFeatureExtractor(FeatureExtractor): TYPE = "VMAF_feature" # VERSION = '0.1' # vmaf_study; Anush's VIF fix # VERSION = '0.2' # expose vif_num, vif_den, adm_num, adm_den, anpsnr # VERSION = '0.2.1' # expose vif num/den of each scale # VERSION = '0.2.2' # adm abs-->fabs, corrected border handling, uniform reading with option of offset for input YUV, updated VIF corner case # VERSION = '0.2.2b' # expose adm_den/num_scalex # VERSION = '0.2.3' # AVX for VMAF convolution; update adm features by folding noise floor into per coef # VERSION = '0.2.4' # Fix a bug in adm feature passing scale into dwt_quant_step # VERSION = '0.2.4b' # Modify by adding ADM noise floor outside cube root; add derived feature motion2 VERSION = '0.2.4c' # Modify by moving motion2 to c code ATOM_FEATURES = ['vif', 'adm', 'ansnr', 'motion', 'motion2', 'vif_num', 'vif_den', 'adm_num', 'adm_den', 'anpsnr', 'vif_num_scale0', 'vif_den_scale0', 'vif_num_scale1', 'vif_den_scale1', 'vif_num_scale2', 'vif_den_scale2', 'vif_num_scale3', 'vif_den_scale3', 'adm_num_scale0', 'adm_den_scale0', 'adm_num_scale1', 'adm_den_scale1', 'adm_num_scale2', 'adm_den_scale2', 'adm_num_scale3', 'adm_den_scale3', ] DERIVED_ATOM_FEATURES = ['vif_scale0', 'vif_scale1', 'vif_scale2', 'vif_scale3', 'vif2', 'adm2', 'adm3', 'adm_scale0', 'adm_scale1', 'adm_scale2', 'adm_scale3', ] ADM2_CONSTANT = 0 ADM_SCALE_CONSTANT = 0 def _generate_result(self, asset): # routine to call the command-line executable and generate feature # scores in the log file. quality_width, quality_height = asset.quality_width_height log_file_path = self._get_log_file_path(asset) yuv_type=self._get_workfile_yuv_type(asset) ref_path=asset.ref_workfile_path dis_path=asset.dis_workfile_path w=quality_width h=quality_height logger = self.logger ExternalProgramCaller.call_vmaf_feature(yuv_type, ref_path, dis_path, w, h, log_file_path, logger) @classmethod def _post_process_result(cls, result): # override Executor._post_process_result result = super(VmafFeatureExtractor, cls)._post_process_result(result) # adm2 = # (adm_num + ADM2_CONSTANT) / (adm_den + ADM2_CONSTANT) adm2_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('adm2') adm_num_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('adm_num') adm_den_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('adm_den') result.result_dict[adm2_scores_key] = list( (np.array(result.result_dict[adm_num_scores_key]) + cls.ADM2_CONSTANT) / (np.array(result.result_dict[adm_den_scores_key]) + cls.ADM2_CONSTANT) ) # vif_scalei = vif_num_scalei / vif_den_scalei, i = 0, 1, 2, 3 vif_num_scale0_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('vif_num_scale0') vif_den_scale0_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('vif_den_scale0') vif_num_scale1_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('vif_num_scale1') vif_den_scale1_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('vif_den_scale1') vif_num_scale2_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('vif_num_scale2') vif_den_scale2_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('vif_den_scale2') vif_num_scale3_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('vif_num_scale3') vif_den_scale3_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('vif_den_scale3') vif_scale0_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('vif_scale0') vif_scale1_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('vif_scale1') vif_scale2_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('vif_scale2') vif_scale3_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('vif_scale3') result.result_dict[vif_scale0_scores_key] = list( (np.array(result.result_dict[vif_num_scale0_scores_key]) / np.array(result.result_dict[vif_den_scale0_scores_key])) ) result.result_dict[vif_scale1_scores_key] = list( (np.array(result.result_dict[vif_num_scale1_scores_key]) / np.array(result.result_dict[vif_den_scale1_scores_key])) ) result.result_dict[vif_scale2_scores_key] = list( (np.array(result.result_dict[vif_num_scale2_scores_key]) / np.array(result.result_dict[vif_den_scale2_scores_key])) ) result.result_dict[vif_scale3_scores_key] = list( (np.array(result.result_dict[vif_num_scale3_scores_key]) / np.array(result.result_dict[vif_den_scale3_scores_key])) ) # vif2 = # ((vif_num_scale0 / vif_den_scale0) + (vif_num_scale1 / vif_den_scale1) + # (vif_num_scale2 / vif_den_scale2) + (vif_num_scale3 / vif_den_scale3)) / 4.0 vif_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('vif2') result.result_dict[vif_scores_key] = list( ( (np.array(result.result_dict[vif_num_scale0_scores_key]) / np.array(result.result_dict[vif_den_scale0_scores_key])) + (np.array(result.result_dict[vif_num_scale1_scores_key]) / np.array(result.result_dict[vif_den_scale1_scores_key])) + (np.array(result.result_dict[vif_num_scale2_scores_key]) / np.array(result.result_dict[vif_den_scale2_scores_key])) + (np.array(result.result_dict[vif_num_scale3_scores_key]) / np.array(result.result_dict[vif_den_scale3_scores_key])) ) / 4.0 ) # adm_scalei = adm_num_scalei / adm_den_scalei, i = 0, 1, 2, 3 adm_num_scale0_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('adm_num_scale0') adm_den_scale0_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('adm_den_scale0') adm_num_scale1_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('adm_num_scale1') adm_den_scale1_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('adm_den_scale1') adm_num_scale2_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('adm_num_scale2') adm_den_scale2_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('adm_den_scale2') adm_num_scale3_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('adm_num_scale3') adm_den_scale3_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('adm_den_scale3') adm_scale0_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('adm_scale0') adm_scale1_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('adm_scale1') adm_scale2_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('adm_scale2') adm_scale3_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('adm_scale3') result.result_dict[adm_scale0_scores_key] = list( (np.array(result.result_dict[adm_num_scale0_scores_key]) + cls.ADM_SCALE_CONSTANT) / (np.array(result.result_dict[adm_den_scale0_scores_key]) + cls.ADM_SCALE_CONSTANT) ) result.result_dict[adm_scale1_scores_key] = list( (np.array(result.result_dict[adm_num_scale1_scores_key]) + cls.ADM_SCALE_CONSTANT) / (np.array(result.result_dict[adm_den_scale1_scores_key]) + cls.ADM_SCALE_CONSTANT) ) result.result_dict[adm_scale2_scores_key] = list( (np.array(result.result_dict[adm_num_scale2_scores_key]) + cls.ADM_SCALE_CONSTANT) / (np.array(result.result_dict[adm_den_scale2_scores_key]) + cls.ADM_SCALE_CONSTANT) ) result.result_dict[adm_scale3_scores_key] = list( (np.array(result.result_dict[adm_num_scale3_scores_key]) + cls.ADM_SCALE_CONSTANT) / (np.array(result.result_dict[adm_den_scale3_scores_key]) + cls.ADM_SCALE_CONSTANT) ) # adm3 = \ # (((adm_num_scale0 + ADM_SCALE_CONSTANT) / (adm_den_scale0 + ADM_SCALE_CONSTANT)) # + ((adm_num_scale1 + ADM_SCALE_CONSTANT) / (adm_den_scale1 + ADM_SCALE_CONSTANT)) # + ((adm_num_scale2 + ADM_SCALE_CONSTANT) / (adm_den_scale2 + ADM_SCALE_CONSTANT)) # + ((adm_num_scale3 + ADM_SCALE_CONSTANT) / (adm_den_scale3 + ADM_SCALE_CONSTANT))) / 4.0 adm3_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('adm3') result.result_dict[adm3_scores_key] = list( ( ((np.array(result.result_dict[adm_num_scale0_scores_key]) + cls.ADM_SCALE_CONSTANT) / (np.array(result.result_dict[adm_den_scale0_scores_key]) + cls.ADM_SCALE_CONSTANT)) + ((np.array(result.result_dict[adm_num_scale1_scores_key]) + cls.ADM_SCALE_CONSTANT) / (np.array(result.result_dict[adm_den_scale1_scores_key]) + cls.ADM_SCALE_CONSTANT)) + ((np.array(result.result_dict[adm_num_scale2_scores_key]) + cls.ADM_SCALE_CONSTANT) / (np.array(result.result_dict[adm_den_scale2_scores_key]) + cls.ADM_SCALE_CONSTANT)) + ((np.array(result.result_dict[adm_num_scale3_scores_key]) + cls.ADM_SCALE_CONSTANT) / (np.array(result.result_dict[adm_den_scale3_scores_key]) + cls.ADM_SCALE_CONSTANT)) ) / 4.0 ) # validate for feature in cls.DERIVED_ATOM_FEATURES: assert cls.get_scores_key(feature) in result.result_dict return result class VifFrameDifferenceFeatureExtractor(FeatureExtractor): TYPE = "VifDiff_feature" VERSION = '0.1' ATOM_FEATURES = ['vifdiff', 'vifdiff_num', 'vifdiff_den', 'vifdiff_num_scale0', 'vifdiff_den_scale0', 'vifdiff_num_scale1', 'vifdiff_den_scale1', 'vifdiff_num_scale2', 'vifdiff_den_scale2', 'vifdiff_num_scale3', 'vifdiff_den_scale3', ] DERIVED_ATOM_FEATURES = ['vifdiff_scale0', 'vifdiff_scale1', 'vifdiff_scale2', 'vifdiff_scale3', ] ADM2_CONSTANT = 0 ADM_SCALE_CONSTANT = 0 def _generate_result(self, asset): # routine to call the command-line executable and generate feature # scores in the log file. quality_width, quality_height = asset.quality_width_height log_file_path = self._get_log_file_path(asset) yuv_type=self._get_workfile_yuv_type(asset) ref_path=asset.ref_workfile_path dis_path=asset.dis_workfile_path w=quality_width h=quality_height logger = self.logger ExternalProgramCaller.call_vifdiff_feature(yuv_type, ref_path, dis_path, w, h, log_file_path, logger) @classmethod def _post_process_result(cls, result): # override Executor._post_process_result result = super(VifFrameDifferenceFeatureExtractor, cls)._post_process_result(result) # vifdiff_scalei = vifdiff_num_scalei / vifdiff_den_scalei, i = 0, 1, 2, 3 vifdiff_num_scale0_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('vifdiff_num_scale0') vifdiff_den_scale0_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('vifdiff_den_scale0') vifdiff_num_scale1_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('vifdiff_num_scale1') vifdiff_den_scale1_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('vifdiff_den_scale1') vifdiff_num_scale2_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('vifdiff_num_scale2') vifdiff_den_scale2_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('vifdiff_den_scale2') vifdiff_num_scale3_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('vifdiff_num_scale3') vifdiff_den_scale3_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('vifdiff_den_scale3') vifdiff_scale0_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('vifdiff_scale0') vifdiff_scale1_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('vifdiff_scale1') vifdiff_scale2_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('vifdiff_scale2') vifdiff_scale3_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('vifdiff_scale3') result.result_dict[vifdiff_scale0_scores_key] = list( (np.array(result.result_dict[vifdiff_num_scale0_scores_key]) / np.array(result.result_dict[vifdiff_den_scale0_scores_key])) ) result.result_dict[vifdiff_scale1_scores_key] = list( (np.array(result.result_dict[vifdiff_num_scale1_scores_key]) / np.array(result.result_dict[vifdiff_den_scale1_scores_key])) ) result.result_dict[vifdiff_scale2_scores_key] = list( (np.array(result.result_dict[vifdiff_num_scale2_scores_key]) / np.array(result.result_dict[vifdiff_den_scale2_scores_key])) ) result.result_dict[vifdiff_scale3_scores_key] = list( (np.array(result.result_dict[vifdiff_num_scale3_scores_key]) / np.array(result.result_dict[vifdiff_den_scale3_scores_key])) ) # validate for feature in cls.DERIVED_ATOM_FEATURES: assert cls.get_scores_key(feature) in result.result_dict return result class PsnrFeatureExtractor(FeatureExtractor): TYPE = "PSNR_feature" VERSION = "1.0" ATOM_FEATURES = ['psnr'] def _generate_result(self, asset): # routine to call the command-line executable and generate quality # scores in the log file. quality_width, quality_height = asset.quality_width_height log_file_path = self._get_log_file_path(asset) yuv_type=self._get_workfile_yuv_type(asset) ref_path=asset.ref_workfile_path dis_path=asset.dis_workfile_path w=quality_width h=quality_height logger = self.logger ExternalProgramCaller.call_psnr(yuv_type, ref_path, dis_path, w, h, log_file_path, logger) class MomentFeatureExtractor(FeatureExtractor): TYPE = "Moment_feature" # VERSION = "1.0" # call executable VERSION = "1.1" # python only ATOM_FEATURES = ['ref1st', 'ref2nd', 'dis1st', 'dis2nd', ] DERIVED_ATOM_FEATURES = ['refvar', 'disvar', ] def _generate_result(self, asset): # routine to call the command-line executable and generate feature # scores in the log file. quality_w, quality_h = asset.quality_width_height ref_scores_mtx = None with YuvReader(filepath=asset.ref_workfile_path, width=quality_w, height=quality_h, yuv_type=self._get_workfile_yuv_type(asset)) as ref_yuv_reader: scores_mtx_list = [] i = 0 for ref_yuv in ref_yuv_reader: ref_y = ref_yuv[0] firstm = ref_y.mean() secondm = ref_y.var() + firstm**2 scores_mtx_list.append(np.hstack(([firstm], [secondm]))) i += 1 ref_scores_mtx = np.vstack(scores_mtx_list) dis_scores_mtx = None with YuvReader(filepath=asset.dis_workfile_path, width=quality_w, height=quality_h, yuv_type=self._get_workfile_yuv_type(asset)) as dis_yuv_reader: scores_mtx_list = [] i = 0 for dis_yuv in dis_yuv_reader: dis_y = dis_yuv[0] firstm = dis_y.mean() secondm = dis_y.var() + firstm**2 scores_mtx_list.append(np.hstack(([firstm], [secondm]))) i += 1 dis_scores_mtx = np.vstack(scores_mtx_list) assert ref_scores_mtx is not None and dis_scores_mtx is not None log_dict = {'ref_scores_mtx': ref_scores_mtx.tolist(), 'dis_scores_mtx': dis_scores_mtx.tolist()} log_file_path = self._get_log_file_path(asset) with open(log_file_path, 'wt') as log_file: log_file.write(str(log_dict)) def _get_feature_scores(self, asset): # routine to read the feature scores from the log file, and return # the scores in a dictionary format. log_file_path = self._get_log_file_path(asset) with open(log_file_path, 'rt') as log_file: log_str = log_dict = ast.literal_eval(log_str) ref_scores_mtx = np.array(log_dict['ref_scores_mtx']) dis_scores_mtx = np.array(log_dict['dis_scores_mtx']) _, num_ref_features = ref_scores_mtx.shape assert num_ref_features == 2 # ref1st, ref2nd _, num_dis_features = dis_scores_mtx.shape assert num_dis_features == 2 # dis1st, dis2nd feature_result = {} feature_result[self.get_scores_key('ref1st')] = list(ref_scores_mtx[:, 0]) feature_result[self.get_scores_key('ref2nd')] = list(ref_scores_mtx[:, 1]) feature_result[self.get_scores_key('dis1st')] = list(dis_scores_mtx[:, 0]) feature_result[self.get_scores_key('dis2nd')] = list(dis_scores_mtx[:, 1]) return feature_result @classmethod def _post_process_result(cls, result): # override Executor._post_process_result result = super(MomentFeatureExtractor, cls)._post_process_result(result) # calculate refvar and disvar from ref1st, ref2nd, dis1st, dis2nd refvar_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('refvar') ref1st_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('ref1st') ref2nd_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('ref2nd') disvar_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('disvar') dis1st_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('dis1st') dis2nd_scores_key = cls.get_scores_key('dis2nd') get_var = lambda m: m[1] - m[0] * m[0] result.result_dict[refvar_scores_key] = \ to_list(map(get_var, zip(result.result_dict[ref1st_scores_key], result.result_dict[ref2nd_scores_key]))) result.result_dict[disvar_scores_key] = \ to_list(map(get_var, zip(result.result_dict[dis1st_scores_key], result.result_dict[dis2nd_scores_key]))) # validate for feature in cls.DERIVED_ATOM_FEATURES: assert cls.get_scores_key(feature) in result.result_dict return result class SsimFeatureExtractor(FeatureExtractor): TYPE = "SSIM_feature" # VERSION = "1.0" VERSION = "1.1" # fix OPT_RANGE_PIXEL_OFFSET = 0 ATOM_FEATURES = ['ssim', 'ssim_l', 'ssim_c', 'ssim_s'] def _generate_result(self, asset): # routine to call the command-line executable and generate quality # scores in the log file. quality_width, quality_height = asset.quality_width_height log_file_path = self._get_log_file_path(asset) yuv_type=self._get_workfile_yuv_type(asset) ref_path=asset.ref_workfile_path dis_path=asset.dis_workfile_path w=quality_width h=quality_height logger = self.logger ExternalProgramCaller.call_ssim(yuv_type, ref_path, dis_path, w, h, log_file_path, logger) class MsSsimFeatureExtractor(FeatureExtractor): TYPE = "MS_SSIM_feature" # VERSION = "1.0" VERSION = "1.1" # fix OPT_RANGE_PIXEL_OFFSET = 0 ATOM_FEATURES = ['ms_ssim', 'ms_ssim_l_scale0', 'ms_ssim_c_scale0', 'ms_ssim_s_scale0', 'ms_ssim_l_scale1', 'ms_ssim_c_scale1', 'ms_ssim_s_scale1', 'ms_ssim_l_scale2', 'ms_ssim_c_scale2', 'ms_ssim_s_scale2', 'ms_ssim_l_scale3', 'ms_ssim_c_scale3', 'ms_ssim_s_scale3', 'ms_ssim_l_scale4', 'ms_ssim_c_scale4', 'ms_ssim_s_scale4', ] def _generate_result(self, asset): # routine to call the command-line executable and generate quality # scores in the log file. quality_width, quality_height = asset.quality_width_height log_file_path = self._get_log_file_path(asset) yuv_type=self._get_workfile_yuv_type(asset) ref_path=asset.ref_workfile_path dis_path=asset.dis_workfile_path w=quality_width h=quality_height logger = self.logger ExternalProgramCaller.call_ms_ssim(yuv_type, ref_path, dis_path, w, h, log_file_path, logger)
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from fightchurn.listings.chap8.listing_8_2_logistic_regression import prepare_data, save_regression_model from fightchurn.listings.chap8.listing_8_2_logistic_regression import save_regression_summary, save_dataset_predictions def regression_cparam(data_set_path, C_param): X,y = prepare_data(data_set_path) retain_reg = LogisticRegression( C=C_param, penalty='l1', solver='liblinear', fit_intercept=True), y) c_ext = '_c{:.3f}'.format(C_param) save_regression_summary(data_set_path,retain_reg,ext=c_ext) save_regression_model(data_set_path,retain_reg,ext=c_ext) save_dataset_predictions(data_set_path,retain_reg,X,ext=c_ext)
from operator import attrgetter import logging import os import shutil import subprocess import pyfastaq import pymummer from cluster_vcf_records import vcf_record from varifier import utils # We only want the .snps file from the dnadiff script from MUMmer. From reading # the docs inspecting that script, we need to run these commands: # # nucmer --maxmatch --delta ref.fasta query.fasta # delta-filter -1 > out.1delta # show-snps -rlTHC out.1delta > out.snps # # This is instead of just running show-snps, which runs several other commands # in addition to making the snps file. def _run_dnadiff_one_split(ref_fasta, query_fasta, outfile, threads=1, maxmatch=True): delta = f"{outfile}" delta_1 = f"{outfile}.tmp.1delta" subprocess.check_output(f"rm -f {delta} {delta_1}", shell=True) maxmatch_opt = "--maxmatch" if maxmatch else "" commands = [ f"nucmer --threads {threads} {maxmatch_opt} --delta {delta} {ref_fasta} {query_fasta}", f"delta-filter -1 {delta} > {delta_1}", f"show-snps -rlTHC {delta_1} > {outfile}", ] for command in commands:"Start run command: " + command) subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True)"Finish run command: " + command) os.unlink(delta) os.unlink(delta_1) def _run_dnadiff( ref_fasta, query_fasta, outfile, split_query=False, debug=False, threads=1, maxmatch=True, ): if not split_query: _run_dnadiff_one_split( ref_fasta, query_fasta, outfile, threads=threads, maxmatch=maxmatch ) else: tmp_snp_files = [] seq_reader = pyfastaq.sequences.file_reader(query_fasta) for seq in seq_reader: prefix = f"{outfile}.tmp.split.{len(tmp_snp_files)}" tmp_fasta = f"{prefix}.fasta" with open(tmp_fasta, "w") as f: print(seq, file=f) snp_file = f"{prefix}.snps" _run_dnadiff_one_split( ref_fasta, tmp_fasta, snp_file, threads=threads, maxmatch=maxmatch ) os.unlink(tmp_fasta) tmp_snp_files.append(snp_file) with open(outfile, "wb") as f_out: for snp_file in tmp_snp_files: with open(snp_file, "rb") as f_in: shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) if not debug: os.unlink(snp_file) def _snps_file_to_vcf(snps_file, query_fasta, outfile): """Loads the .snps file made by dnadiff. query_fasta = fasta file of query sequences. Writes a new VCF file unmerged records.""" vcf_records = {} variants = pymummer.snp_file.get_all_variants(snps_file) query_seqs = utils.file_to_dict_of_seqs(query_fasta) for variant in variants: # If the variant is reversed, it means that either the ref or query had to be # reverse complemented when aligned by mummer. Need to do the appropriate # reverse (complement) fixes so the VCF has the correct REF and ALT sequences if variant.reverse: qry_seq = pyfastaq.sequences.Fasta("x", variant.qry_base) qry_seq.revcomp() variant.qry_base = "".join(reversed(qry_seq.seq)) ref_seq = pyfastaq.sequences.Fasta("x", variant.ref_base) ref_seq.revcomp() variant.ref_base = ref_seq.seq if variant.var_type == pymummer.variant.SNP: new_record = vcf_record.VcfRecord( "\t".join( [ variant.qry_name, str(variant.qry_start + 1), ".", variant.qry_base, variant.ref_base, ".", ".", "SVTYPE=DNADIFF_SNP", "GT", "1/1", ] ) ) elif variant.var_type == pymummer.variant.DEL: # The query has sequence missing, compared to the # reference. We're making VCF records w.r.t. the # query, so this is an insertion. So need to # get the nucleotide before the insertion as well. new_record = vcf_record.VcfRecord( "\t".join( [ variant.qry_name, str(variant.qry_start + 1), ".", query_seqs[variant.qry_name][variant.qry_start], query_seqs[variant.qry_name][variant.qry_start] + variant.ref_base, ".", ".", "SVTYPE=DNADIFF_INS", "GT", "1/1", ] ) ) elif variant.var_type == pymummer.variant.INS: # The ref has sequence missing, compared to the # query. We're making VCF records w.r.t. the # query, so this is a deletion. So need to # get the nucleotide before the deletion as well. new_record = vcf_record.VcfRecord( "\t".join( [ variant.qry_name, str(variant.qry_start), ".", query_seqs[variant.qry_name][variant.qry_start - 1] + variant.qry_base, query_seqs[variant.qry_name][variant.qry_start - 1], ".", ".", "SVTYPE=DNADIFF_DEL", "GT", "1/1", ] ) ) else: raise Exception("Unknown variant type: " + str(variant)) assert ( new_record.REF == query_seqs[new_record.CHROM][ new_record.POS : new_record.POS + len(new_record.REF) ] ) if new_record.CHROM not in vcf_records: vcf_records[new_record.CHROM] = [] vcf_records[new_record.CHROM].append(new_record) for vcf_list in vcf_records.values(): vcf_list.sort(key=attrgetter("POS")) with open(outfile, "w") as f: print("##fileformat=VCFv4.2", file=f) for seq in query_seqs.values(): print(f"##contig=<ID={},length={len(seq)}>", file=f) print("#CHROM\tPOS\tID\tREF\tALT\tQUAL\tFILTER\tINFO\tFORMAT\tsample", file=f) for key, vcf_list in sorted(vcf_records.items()): for record in vcf_list: print(record, file=f) def make_truth_vcf( ref_fasta, truth_fasta, outfile, debug=False, split_ref=False, threads=1, maxmatch=True, ): snps_file = f"{outfile}.tmp.snps" _run_dnadiff( truth_fasta, ref_fasta, snps_file, split_query=split_ref, debug=debug, threads=threads, maxmatch=maxmatch, ) _snps_file_to_vcf(snps_file, ref_fasta, outfile) if not debug: os.unlink(snps_file)
import os import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf def get_train_data(train_dir, batch_size): train_images = np.load(os.path.join(train_dir, 'train_images.npy')) train_labels = np.load(os.path.join(train_dir, 'train_labels.npy')) print('train_images', train_images.shape, 'train_labels', train_labels.shape) dataset_train =, train_labels)) dataset_train = dataset_train.repeat().shuffle(10000).batch(batch_size) return dataset_train def get_val_data(val_dir): test_images = np.load(os.path.join(val_dir, 'validation_images.npy')) test_labels = np.load(os.path.join(val_dir, 'validation_labels.npy')) print('validation_images', test_images.shape, 'validation_labels', test_labels.shape) dataset_test =, test_labels)) return dataset_test
import SimpleXMLRPCServer import sys import logging from K8055Controller import K8055Controller logging.basicConfig() controller_log = logging.getLogger("Controller") class Controller: def __init__(self): self.k8055 = K8055Controller() controller_log.debug("initialized") def reset(self): self.k8055.reset() controller_log.debug("reset") return 0 def turn_on(self, i): self.k8055.turn_on(i) controller_log.debug('turned on %i' % (i)) return 0 def turn_off(self, i): self.k8055.turn_off(i) controller_log.debug('turned off %i' % (i)) return 0 def set_analog(self, i, level): if (i == 1): self.k8055.set_analog1(level) else: self.k8055.set_analog2(level) return 0 controller = Controller() server = SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer(("", 7000)) server.register_instance(controller) server.serve_forever()
from freight.api.serializer import serialize from freight.testutils import TestCase class UserSerializerTest(TestCase): def test_simple(self): user = self.create_user() result = serialize(user) assert result["id"] == str( assert result["name"] ==
import os import pytest import torch from hivemind import RemoteExpert from import background_server CUSTOM_EXPERTS_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "test_utils", "") @pytest.mark.forked def test_custom_expert(hid_dim=16): with background_server( expert_cls="perceptron", num_experts=2, device="cpu", hidden_dim=hid_dim, num_handlers=2, no_dht=True, custom_module_path=CUSTOM_EXPERTS_PATH, ) as (server_endpoint, _): expert0 = RemoteExpert("expert.0", server_endpoint) expert1 = RemoteExpert("expert.1", server_endpoint) for batch_size in (1, 4): batch = torch.randn(batch_size, hid_dim) output0 = expert0(batch) output1 = expert1(batch) loss = output0.sum() loss.backward() loss = output1.sum() loss.backward() @pytest.mark.forked def test_multihead_expert(hid_dim=16): with background_server( expert_cls="multihead", num_experts=2, device="cpu", hidden_dim=hid_dim, num_handlers=2, no_dht=True, custom_module_path=CUSTOM_EXPERTS_PATH, ) as (server_endpoint, _): expert0 = RemoteExpert("expert.0", server_endpoint) expert1 = RemoteExpert("expert.1", server_endpoint) for batch_size in (1, 4): batch = ( torch.randn(batch_size, hid_dim), torch.randn(batch_size, 2 * hid_dim), torch.randn(batch_size, 3 * hid_dim), ) output0 = expert0(*batch) output1 = expert1(*batch) loss = output0.sum() loss.backward() loss = output1.sum() loss.backward()
from typing import Dict, Optional, List, Any import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from import Vocabulary from allennlp.models.model import Model from allennlp.modules import FeedForward, TextFieldEmbedder, Seq2SeqEncoder from allennlp.nn import InitializerApplicator, RegularizerApplicator from allennlp.nn import util from import CategoricalAccuracy, F1Measure from overrides import overrides @Model.register("text_classifier") class TextClassifier(Model): """ Implements a basic text classifier: 1) Embed tokens using `text_field_embedder` 2) Seq2SeqEncoder, e.g. BiLSTM 3) Append the first and last encoder states 4) Final feedforward layer Optimized with CrossEntropyLoss. Evaluated with CategoricalAccuracy & F1. """ def __init__(self, vocab: Vocabulary, text_field_embedder: TextFieldEmbedder, text_encoder: Seq2SeqEncoder, classifier_feedforward: FeedForward, verbose_metrics: False, initializer: InitializerApplicator = InitializerApplicator(), regularizer: Optional[RegularizerApplicator] = None, ) -> None: super(TextClassifier, self).__init__(vocab, regularizer) self.text_field_embedder = text_field_embedder self.num_classes = self.vocab.get_vocab_size("labels") self.text_encoder = text_encoder self.classifier_feedforward = classifier_feedforward self.prediction_layer = torch.nn.Linear(self.classifier_feedforward.get_output_dim() , self.num_classes) self.label_accuracy = CategoricalAccuracy() self.label_f1_metrics = {} self.verbose_metrics = verbose_metrics for i in range(self.num_classes): self.label_f1_metrics[vocab.get_token_from_index(index=i, namespace="labels")] = F1Measure(positive_label=i) self.loss = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() self.pool = lambda text, mask: util.get_final_encoder_states(text, mask, bidirectional=True) initializer(self) @overrides def forward(self, text: Dict[str, torch.LongTensor], label: torch.IntTensor = None, metadata: List[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: """ Parameters ---------- text : Dict[str, torch.LongTensor] From a ``TextField`` label : torch.IntTensor, optional (default = None) From a ``LabelField`` metadata : ``List[Dict[str, Any]]``, optional, (default = None) Metadata containing the original tokenization of the premise and hypothesis with 'premise_tokens' and 'hypothesis_tokens' keys respectively. Returns ------- An output dictionary consisting of: label_logits : torch.FloatTensor A tensor of shape ``(batch_size, num_labels)`` representing unnormalised log probabilities of the label. label_probs : torch.FloatTensor A tensor of shape ``(batch_size, num_labels)`` representing probabilities of the label. loss : torch.FloatTensor, optional A scalar loss to be optimised. """ embedded_text = self.text_field_embedder(text) mask = util.get_text_field_mask(text) encoded_text = self.text_encoder(embedded_text, mask) pooled = self.pool(encoded_text, mask) ff_hidden = self.classifier_feedforward(pooled) logits = self.prediction_layer(ff_hidden) class_probs = F.softmax(logits, dim=1) output_dict = {"logits": logits} if label is not None: loss = self.loss(logits, label) output_dict["loss"] = loss # compute F1 per label for i in range(self.num_classes): metric = self.label_f1_metrics[self.vocab.get_token_from_index(index=i, namespace="labels")] metric(class_probs, label) self.label_accuracy(logits, label) return output_dict @overrides def decode(self, output_dict: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: class_probabilities = F.softmax(output_dict['logits'], dim=-1) output_dict['class_probs'] = class_probabilities return output_dict def get_metrics(self, reset: bool = False) -> Dict[str, float]: metric_dict = {} sum_f1 = 0.0 for name, metric in self.label_f1_metrics.items(): metric_val = metric.get_metric(reset) if self.verbose_metrics: metric_dict[name + '_P'] = metric_val[0] metric_dict[name + '_R'] = metric_val[1] metric_dict[name + '_F1'] = metric_val[2] sum_f1 += metric_val[2] names = list(self.label_f1_metrics.keys()) total_len = len(names) average_f1 = sum_f1 / total_len metric_dict['average_F1'] = average_f1 metric_dict['accuracy'] = self.label_accuracy.get_metric(reset) return metric_dict
import stl_path class MyNDRPlugin(): def __init__(self): pass def pre_iteration(self, finding_max_rate, run_results=None, **kwargs): """ Function ran before each iteration. :parameters: finding_max_rate: boolean Indicates whether we are running for the first time, trying to find the max rate. In this is the case, the run_results will be None. run_results: dict A dictionary that contains the following keys: queue_full_percentage: Percentage of packets that are queued. drop_rate_percentage: Percentage of packets that were dropped. rate_tx_bps: TX rate in bps. rate_rx_bps: RX rate in bps. tx_util: TX utilization percentage. latency: Latency groups. cpu_util: CPU utilization percentage. tx_pps: TX in pps. rx_pps: RX in pps. tx_bps: TX in bps. rx_bps: RX in bps. bw_per_core: Bandwidth per core. rate_p: Running rate in percentage out of max. total_tx_L1: Total TX L1. total_rx_L1: Total RX L1. iteration: Description of iteration (not necessarily a number) Pay attention: The rate is of the upcoming iteration. All the rest are of the previous iteration. kwargs: dict List of tunables passed as parameters. """ # Pre iteration function. This function will run before TRex transmits to the DUT. # Could use this to better prepare the DUT, for example define shapers, policers, increase buffers and queues. # You can receive tunables in the command line, through the kwargs argument. pass def post_iteration(self, finding_max_rate, run_results, **kwargs): """ Function ran after each iteration. :parameters: finding_max_rate: boolean Indicates whether we are running for the first time, trying to find the max rate. If this is the case, some values of run_results (like iteration for example) are not relevant. run_results: dict A dictionary that contains the following keys: queue_full_percentage: Percentage of packets that are queued. drop_rate_percentage: Percentage of packets that were dropped. rate_tx_bps: TX rate in bps. rate_rx_bps: RX rate in bps. tx_util: TX utilization percentage. latency: Latency groups. cpu_util: CPU utilization percentage. tx_pps: TX in pps. rx_pps: RX in pps. tx_bps: TX in bps. rx_bps: RX in bps. bw_per_core: Bandwidth per core. rate_p: Running rate in percentage out of max. total_tx_L1: Total TX L1. total_rx_L1: Total RX L1. iteration: Description of iteration (not necessarily a number) kwargs: dict List of tunables passed as parameters. :returns: bool: should stop the benchmarking or not. """ # Post iteration function. This function will run after TRex transmits to the DUT. # Could use this to decide if to continue the benchmark after querying the DUT post run. The DUT might be overheated or any other thing that might make you want to stop the run. # You can receive tunables in the command line, through the kwargs argument. should_stop = False return should_stop # dynamic load of python module def register(): return MyNDRPlugin()
from lemur import database def rotate_certificate(endpoint, new_cert): """ Rotates a certificate on a given endpoint. :param endpoint: :param new_cert: :return: """ # ensure that certificate is available for rotation endpoint.source.plugin.update_endpoint(endpoint, new_cert) endpoint.certificate = new_cert database.update(endpoint) exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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