the heart, pulmonary and mediastinum are within normal limits. there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. there is no focal air space opacity to suggest a pneumonia.
heart size within normal limits. no focal alveolar consolidation, no definite pleural effusion seen. no typical findings of pulmonary edema. no pneumothorax.
in the interval, consolidations have developed in the left upper lobe and both lower lobes. heart size remains slightly large. pulmonary normal.
the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal in size and contour. no focal consolidation, pneumothorax or large pleural effusion. negative for acute displaced rib fracture. bilateral nipple jewelry.
within the right lower lobes there are airspace opacities representing consolidation and atelectasis with blunting of the bilateral costophrenic . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. bibasilar subsegmental atelectasis. no acute osseous abnormality.
cardiac and mediastinal contours are within normal limits. the lungs are clear. bony structures are intact.
heart size and mediastinal contour within normal limits. no focal airspace consolidation, pneumothorax, or large pleural effusion. degenerative changes of thoracic spine.
heart size normal. lungs are clear. are normal. no pneumonia, effusions, edema, pneumothorax, adenopathy, nodules or masses.
heart and mediastinum within normal limits. negative for focal pulmonary consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax.
the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal size and configuration. atherosclerotic calcification of the thoracic aorta. pulmonary vasculature within normal limits. the lungs are wellaerated. there is no pneumothorax, pleural effusion, or focal consolidation.
heart and mediastinum within normal limits. negative for focal pulmonary consolidation, pleural effusion, pneumothorax. no acute bony abnormality. no lymphadenopathy.
lateral view, over the lingula, there is a mm diameter uncalcified nodule of uncertain origin. the trachea is midline. negative for pneumothorax, pleural effusion or focal airspace consolidation. the heart size is normal. mild tortuosity aorta is redemonstrated.
the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal in size and contour. no focal consolidation, pneumothorax or large pleural effusion. normal .
the heart and mediastinum are unremarkable. the lungs are clear without infiltrate. there is no effusion or pneumothorax.
the heart size and pulmonary vascularity appear within normal limits. the lungs are free of focal airspace disease. no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen. calcified granuloma is present in the right lung base. bibasilar bandlike opacities are present. the appearance scarring or atelectasis.
the lungs and pleural spaces show no acute abnormality. heart size and pulmonary vascularity within normal limits. no displaced rib fractures visualized. .
the trachea is midline. the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal. right lung calcified densities are unchanged from prior and indicate old granulomatous disease. otherwise, the lungs are clear, without evidence of acute infiltrate or effusion. there is no pneumothorax. the visualized bony structures reveal no acute abnormalities. lateral view reveals mild degenerative changes of the thoracic spine.
frontal view kyphotic and rotated, low lung volumes with bronchovascular crowding. otherwise, no definite airspace consolidation or pleural effusion. accounting for technical factors heart size borderline enlarged.
images. calcified granuloma left upper lobe. heart size and pulmonary vascular engorgement appear within limits of normal. mediastinal contour is unremarkable. no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax identified. no convincing acute bony findings.
heart size normal. prominent epicardial fat. lungs are clear. no pleural effusion or pneumothorax.
three images submitted. cardiomediastinal silhouette and pulmonary vasculature are within normal limits. lungs are clear. no pneumothorax or pleural effusion. no acute osseous findings.
there is a moderate layering left pleural effusion, grossly stable. there is a moderate right pleural effusion, which is partially loculated. there is some pleural fluid tracking along the right fissure. there is bibasilar airspace disease, possibly passive atelectasis. no pneumothorax is identified. heart size is within normal limits. right picc tip is at the svc. there are mild degenerative changes of the spine.
chest. right hemidiaphragm remains elevated. consolidation and atelectasis are present in the right lung base. left lung is clear. no pleural air collections. shoulder and clavicle. fractures present in the right scapula the base of the glenoid process. it is attached to the coracoid process and a portion of the spine. the humeral head is located within the glenoid articular surface. cutaneous air is present. fracture is present in the posterior portion of the right rd rib. the acromioclavicular joint and coracoclavicular joints are widened.
heart size within normal limits. no focal airspace disease. no pneumothorax or effusions.
heart size is normal. cardiomediastinal silhouette stable. no pneumothorax, pleural effusion, or focal airspace disease. nodular densities consistent with chronic granulomatous disease. bony structures appear intact. emphysema.
the lungs are clear. there is no pneumonia. the heart and pulmonary are normal. pleural spaces are clear. mediastinal contours appear normal. bony overlap in the lung apices could obscure a small pulmonary nodule.
frontal and lateral views of the chest show normal size and configuration of the cardiac silhouette. normal mediastinal contour, pulmonary and vasculature, central airways and aeration of the lungs. no pleural effusion. there are gastroesophageal junction and epigastric postsurgical changes.
the heart, pulmonary and mediastinum are within normal limits. there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. there is no focal air space opacity to suggest a pneumonia. there minimal degenerative changes of the spine.
the lungs are hypoinflated with mild basilar bronchovascular crowdingatelectasis. there is a fracture of the left anterior th rib and the left anterior th rib, of uncertain acuity. correlate with tenderness. there is mild atelectasis in the left lung base. there is corticated deformity of the right anterior th rib, remote fracture. there is no evidence of pneumothorax or large pleural effusion.
broken of the , similar to the prior study. stable multiple surgical clips in the left hilar area. stable cardiomediastinal silhouette. pulmonary vasculatures are within normal limits. no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax. unremarkable bony structure.
stable normal cardiac size and contour, unremarkable mediastinal silhouette. normal pulmonary and interstitium. lungs clear, no airspace disease, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax. no activeacute cardiopulmonary disease.
stable cardiomediastinal silhouette. mild congestion without edema. lungs are expanded and clear of airspace disease. negative for pneumothorax or pleural effusion. redemonstrated are endplate depressions of the vertebral bodies, compatible with cell changes.
pa and lateral views the chest were obtained. the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal in size and configuration. the lungs are well aerated. no pneumothorax, pleural effusion, or focal air space consolidation. probable dish of the thoracic spine.
images. heart size and pulmonary vascular engorgement appear within limits of normal. mediastinal contour is unremarkable. no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax identified. no convincing acute bony findings.
chronic bilateral emphysematous changes. the heart size and mediastinal silhouette are within normal limits for contour. the lungs are clear. no pneumothorax or pleural effusions. the are intact.
there is no focal consolidation. there is no pneumothorax or large pleural effusion. the cardiomediastinal contours are grossly unremarkable. the heart size is within normal limits.
no focal consolidation. no visualized pneumothorax. the heart size is normal. no large pleural effusions. the cardiomediastinal silhouette is grossly unremarkable.
the and soft tissue appear normal. the cardiac silhouette and mediastinum size are normal. the aortic is on the left. the trachea is well seen and appears normal. the lungs are clear.
there is hyperinflation. there is some subtle scarring in the lateral right base. there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. the heart is not significantly enlarged. there are atherosclerotic changes of the aorta. arthritic changes of the skeletal structures are noted.
the heart is normal size with normal appearance the cardiomediastinal silhouette. there is no focal air space opacity, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax. the osseous structures are intact with degenerative changes in thoracic spine.
lungs are clear. there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion. the heart and mediastinum are within normal limits. bony structures are intact.
the heart is normal in size. the mediastinum is unremarkable. the lungs are clear.
right basal airspace opacity. the heart size and mediastinal silhouette are within normal limits for contour. no pneumothorax or pleural effusions. the are intact.
frontal and lateral views of the chest with overlying external cardiac monitor leads show an unchanged cardiomediastinal silhouette. no focal airspace consolidation or pleural effusion.
images. small centrally calcified granuloma within the lateral right lung base. otherwise the lungs are clear. heart size is normal. no evidence for pleural effusion or pneumothorax.
the lungs and pleural spaces show no acute abnormality. lungs are hyperexpanded. minimal scarring in both lower lobes. heart size and pulmonary vascularity within normal limits. stable mild tortuosity of the descending thoracic aorta.
this radiograph was available for my interpretation at hours . there are low lung volumes with associated bronchovascular crowding and basilar subsegmental atelectasis. the cardiomediastinal silhouette and pulmonary vasculature are within normal limits. there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion. there are no focal areas of consolidation.
normal heart. clear lungs. no pneumothorax. no pleural effusion.
the heart is within normal limits in size. surgical suture material projects over the right lung apex. the lungs are hyperlucent and hyperinflated compatible with emphysema. there is left lower lobe airspace disease identified. there is moderate left pleural effusion and small right pleural effusion. no visualized pneumothorax.
lungs are clear. no pneumothorax or pleural effusion. normal heart and mediastinal contours. normal pulmonary vasculature. bony thorax intact.
the lungs appear clear. scattered calcified granulomas are stable as are calcified mediastinal lymph . the heart and pulmonary are normal. mediastinal contours are normal. pleural spaces are clear.
lungs are clear. no pleural effusions or pneumothoraces. heart and mediastinum are stable with ectasia of the aorta. heart size is upper limits of normal. degenerative changes in the spine.
degenerative changes of the thoracic spine. heart size normal. lungs are clear. no pneumothorax or pleural effusion. low lung volumes.
heart size and pulmonary vascularity appear within normal limits. innumerable bilateral lung nodules are present. these are seen diffusely throughout both lungs. no superimposed focal airspace disease is seen. no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is identified. scoliosis is present.
clear lungs bilaterally. normal cardiac contours. no pneumothorax or pleural effusion.
lungs are clear. heart is normal size. trachea is midline. no pneumothorax. no large pleural effusion.
cardiac and mediastinal contours are within normal limits. prior granulomatous disease. elevated right diaphragm. the lungs are clear. degenerative spondylosis. there appears to be a mildly displaced fracture of the mid right clavicle.
normal cardiomediastinal contours. marrow pneumothorax, focal lung consolidation or pleural effusions.
the cardiac contours are normal. the lungs are clear. thoracic spondylosis.
heart size, mediastinal contour, and pulmonary vascularity are within normal limits. postsurgical changes include left chest pacemakericd with tips over the right atrium and right ventricle, sternotomy , and graft markers, and upper anterior mediastinal surgical clips. no focal consolidation, suspicious pulmonary opacity, large pleural effusion, or pneumothorax is identified. specifically, no evidence of pneumonia. visualized osseous structures appear intact.
postsurgical changes of the right chest. mild elevation of the right hemidiaphragm. lungs are clear without focal airspace disease. no pleural effusions or pneumothoraces. heart and mediastinum of normal size and contour. degenerative changes in the spine.
the heart is enlarged. the mediastinum is unremarkable. atherosclerotic calcifications present within the thoracic aorta. there is no pleural effusion, pneumothorax, or focal airspace disease. chronic degenerative changes are noted within the spine.
low lung volumes and patient rotation. given differences in technique, heart size within normal limits. persistent right basilar opacity, atelectasis. no suspicious pulmonary opacity, pneumothorax or definite pleural effusion. mild degenerative change of the thoracic spine.
the heart size is normal. the mediastinal contour is within normal limits. the lungs are free of any focal infiltrates. there are no nodules or masses. no visible pneumothorax. no visible pleural fluid. the are grossly normal. there is no visible free intraperitoneal air under the diaphragm.
mediastinal contours are within normal limits. heart size is within normal limits. no focal consolidation, pneumothorax or pleural effusion.
redemonstration of the left basilar patchy atelectasis, unchanged from last exam. lungs are otherwise clear. no evidence of pneumothorax or pleural effusions present. there is a focal calcified nodules in the left upper lung, stable in appearance from of . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable. no suspicion bony destruction identified.
heart and mediastinum are within normal limits. no focal consolidation. no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax. no acute bony abnormality.
the lungs appear clear. the heart and pulmonary are normal. mediastinal contours are normal. the pleural spaces are clear.
heart size and vascularity normal. lungs clear. no effusions or pneumothorax. limited degenerative change of the spine
the heart size is normal. cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal in contour. the lungs are clear bilaterally. lateral views obscured by patient body habitus. there is no evidence of apical disease. are unchanged from previous exam and appear normal. thoracic spine shows osteophyte formations at several levels.
low lung volumes. elevation of the right hemidiaphragm. patchy opacities right base again noted. left lung clear. heart size top normal. aortic calcification. granulomas. no evidence of pneumothorax. blunting of the bilateral costophrenic . degenerative changes of the thoracic spine.
hyperinflated lungs with flattened diaphragm and increased retrosternal airspace. no alveolar consolidation, no findings of pleural effusion or pulmonary edema. heart size within normal limits. right hilar calcification suggests a previous granulomatous process.
heart size is normal. the lungs are clear. there are no focal air space consolidations. no pleural effusions or pneumothoraces. the hilar and mediastinal contours are normal. normal pulmonary vascularity.
the lungs are clear. there is hyperinflation of the lungs. there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. the heart and mediastinum are normal. mild arthritic changes of the spine are present.
rotated with low lung volumes. question left atrial enlargement, appreciated on lateral view. there is no focal consolidation. there are no of a large pleural effusion. there is no pneumothorax. there is no acute bony abnormality seen.
heart size is unchanged. aortic calcification is noted. no pneumothorax. no large pleural effusions. there are unchanged opacities throughout the lungs which represent scarring. lungs are hyperexpanded.
there are low lung volumes. cardiac silhouette and mediastinal contours are within normal limits. there is no focal opacity. there is no large pleural effusion. there is no pneumothorax.
the heart is normal size. the mediastinum is unremarkable. there is no pleural effusion, pneumothorax, or focal airspace disease. the are unremarkable.
images. heart size and pulmonary vascular engorgement appear within limits of normal. mediastinal contour is unremarkable. no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax identified. no convincing acute bony findings.
the lungs and pleural spaces show no acute abnormality. heart size and pulmonary vascularity within normal limits.
heart and mediastinum are normal. no focal consolidation. no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. bony structures are intact.
the heart size and pulmonary vascularity appear within normal limits. the lungs are free of focal airspace disease. no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen. right a remains in .
heart size is normal. mild atelectasis. lungs are otherwise clear. no pleural effusions or pneumothoraces. the hilar and mediastinal contours are normal. normal pulmonary vascularity.
heart size is normal. the lungs are clear. there are no focal air space consolidations. no pleural effusions or pneumothoraces. the hilar and mediastinal contours are normal. calcified lingular pulmonary granuloma. normal pulmonary vascularity.
the heart is normal in size. the mediastinum is unremarkable. the lungs are clear.
the heart size and pulmonary vascularity appear within normal limits. left pleural effusion is present. a mass density is present in the left midlung zone. this measures approximately . cm in diameter. airfluid level is present behind the heart which probably represents a hiatal hernia. some of right lung atelectasis are noted. osteopenia and deformities are present in the spine. multiple surgical clips are noted. no pneumothorax is seen.
the heart size and cardiopulmonary silhouette is normal. there is no focal airspace opacity, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax. the obstruction are intact with mild degenerative change in the thoracic spine.
the examination consists of frontal and lateral radiographs of the chest. there are diminished lung volumes with hypoventilatory changes. the cardiac silhouette is not enlarged. there is mild tortuosity of the thoracic aorta. pulmonary vascularity is within normal limits. no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax identified. surgical clips are seen in the upper abdomen. no acute osseous abnormalities demonstrated.
lungs are clear bilaterally with no focal infiltrate, pleural effusion, or pneumothoraces. cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. and soft tissues are unremarkable.
no stable cardiomegaly, without focal consolidation, pneumothorax, or pleural effusion. stable right basilar calcified granuloma. no acute osseous abnormality identified.
lungs are clear bilaterally with no focal infiltrate, pleural effusion, or pneumothoraces. cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. and soft tissues are unremarkable.
there is a cm nodule within one of the lung bases, seen only on the lateral view. there is a calcified right hilar lymph node and right granuloma. heart size is normal. no pneumothorax.
cardiomediastinal silhouette within normal limits. no acute bony abnormality. there are opacities, atelectasis versus airspace disease. no large effusion or pneumothorax.
no focal lung opacity, pleural effusion or pneumothorax. cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable.
and lateral chest examination was obtained. the heart silhouette is normal in size and contour. aortic appear unremarkable. lungs demonstrate no acute findings. there is no effusion or pneumothorax.
frontal and lateral views of the chest show normal size and configuration of the cardiac silhouette. normal mediastinal contour, pulmonary and vasculature, central airways and lung volumes. no pleural effusion. there are right upper quadrant surgical clips, perhaps from cholecystectomy.
the lungs are clear bilaterally. specifically, no evidence of focal consolidation, pneumothorax, or pleural effusion.. cardio mediastinal silhouette is unremarkable. visualized osseous structures of the thorax are without acute abnormality.
the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal in size and contour. no focal consolidation, pneumothorax or large pleural effusion.
the lungs are clear. the heart and pulmonary are normal. pleural spaces are clear. mediastinal contours are normal. there is stable lucency in the right mid clavicle dating back to .
cardiac and mediastinal contours are within normal limits. the lungs are clear. bony structures are intact.

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