11 values
373 values
2 values
376 values
6 values
5 values
377 values
378 values
377 values
95 values
3 values
1 value
1 value
379 values
[ "implementation", "strings" ]
A. Translation
The translation from the Berland language into the Birland language is not an easy task. Those languages are very similar: a berlandish word differs from a birlandish word with the same meaning a little: it is spelled (and pronounced) reversely. For example, a Berlandish word code corresponds to a Birlandish word edoc. However, it's easy to make a mistake during the «translation». Vasya translated word *s* from Berlandish into Birlandish as *t*. Help him: find out if he translated the word correctly.
The first line contains word *s*, the second line contains word *t*. The words consist of lowercase Latin letters. The input data do not consist unnecessary spaces. The words are not empty and their lengths do not exceed 100 symbols.
If the word *t* is a word *s*, written reversely, print YES, otherwise print NO.
[ "code\nedoc\n", "abb\naba\n", "code\ncode\n" ]
[ "YES\n", "NO\n", "NO\n" ]
[ { "input": "code\nedoc", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "abb\naba", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "code\ncode", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "abacaba\nabacaba", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "q\nq", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "asrgdfngfnmfgnhweratgjkk\nasrgdfngfnmfgnhweratgjkk", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "z\na", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "asd\ndsa", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "abcdef\nfecdba", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "ywjjbirapvskozubvxoemscfwl\ngnduubaogtfaiowjizlvjcu", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "mfrmqxtzvgaeuleubcmcxcfqyruwzenguhgrmkuhdgnhgtgkdszwqyd\nmfxufheiperjnhyczclkmzyhcxntdfskzkzdwzzujdinf", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "bnbnemvybqizywlnghlykniaxxxlkhftppbdeqpesrtgkcpoeqowjwhrylpsziiwcldodcoonpimudvrxejjo\ntiynnekmlalogyvrgptbinkoqdwzuiyjlrldxhzjmmp", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "pwlpubwyhzqvcitemnhvvwkmwcaawjvdiwtoxyhbhbxerlypelevasmelpfqwjk\nstruuzebbcenziscuoecywugxncdwzyfozhljjyizpqcgkyonyetarcpwkqhuugsqjuixsxptmbnlfupdcfigacdhhrzb", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "gdvqjoyxnkypfvdxssgrihnwxkeojmnpdeobpecytkbdwujqfjtxsqspxvxpqioyfagzjxupqqzpgnpnpxcuipweunqch\nkkqkiwwasbhezqcfeceyngcyuogrkhqecwsyerdniqiocjehrpkljiljophqhyaiefjpavoom", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "umeszdawsvgkjhlqwzents\nhxqhdungbylhnikwviuh", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "juotpscvyfmgntshcealgbsrwwksgrwnrrbyaqqsxdlzhkbugdyx\nibqvffmfktyipgiopznsqtrtxiijntdbgyy", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "zbwueheveouatecaglziqmudxemhrsozmaujrwlqmppzoumxhamwugedikvkblvmxwuofmpafdprbcftew\nulczwrqhctbtbxrhhodwbcxwimncnexosksujlisgclllxokrsbnozthajnnlilyffmsyko", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "nkgwuugukzcv\nqktnpxedwxpxkrxdvgmfgoxkdfpbzvwsduyiybynbkouonhvmzakeiruhfmvrktghadbfkmwxduoqv", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "incenvizhqpcenhjhehvjvgbsnfixbatrrjstxjzhlmdmxijztphxbrldlqwdfimweepkggzcxsrwelodpnryntepioqpvk\ndhjbjjftlvnxibkklxquwmzhjfvnmwpapdrslioxisbyhhfymyiaqhlgecpxamqnocizwxniubrmpyubvpenoukhcobkdojlybxd", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "w\nw", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "vz\nzv", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "ry\nyr", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "xou\nuox", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "axg\ngax", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "zdsl\nlsdz", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "kudl\nldku", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "zzlzwnqlcl\nlclqnwzlzz", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "vzzgicnzqooejpjzads\nsdazjpjeooqzncigzzv", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "raqhmvmzuwaykjpyxsykr\nxkysrypjkyawuzmvmhqar", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "ngedczubzdcqbxksnxuavdjaqtmdwncjnoaicvmodcqvhfezew\nwezefhvqcdomvciaonjcnwdmtqajdvauxnskxbqcdzbuzcdegn", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "muooqttvrrljcxbroizkymuidvfmhhsjtumksdkcbwwpfqdyvxtrlymofendqvznzlmim\nmimlznzvqdnefomylrtxvydqfpwwbckdskmutjshhmfvdiumykziorbxcjlrrvttqooum", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "vxpqullmcbegsdskddortcvxyqlbvxmmkhevovnezubvpvnrcajpxraeaxizgaowtfkzywvhnbgzsxbhkaipcmoumtikkiyyaivg\ngviayyikkitmuomcpiakhbxszgbnhvwyzkftwoagzixaearxpjacrnvpvbuzenvovehkmmxvblqyxvctroddksdsgebcmlluqpxv", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "mnhaxtaopjzrkqlbroiyipitndczpunwygstmzevgyjdzyanxkdqnvgkikfabwouwkkbzuiuvgvxgpizsvqsbwepktpdrgdkmfdc\ncdfmkdgrdptkpewbsqvszipgxvgvuiuzbkkwuowbafkikgvnqdkxnayzdjygvezmtsgywnupocdntipiyiorblqkrzjpzatxahnm", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "dgxmzbqofstzcdgthbaewbwocowvhqpinehpjatnnbrijcolvsatbblsrxabzrpszoiecpwhfjmwuhqrapvtcgvikuxtzbftydkw\nwkdytfbztxukivgctvparqhuwmjfhwpceiozsprzbaxrslbbqasvlocjirbnntajphenipthvwocowbweabhtgdcztsfoqbzmxgd", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "gxoixiecetohtgjgbqzvlaobkhstejxdklghowtvwunnnvauriohuspsdmpzckprwajyxldoyckgjivjpmbfqtszmtocovxwgeh\nhegwxvocotmzstqfbmpjvijgkcyodlxyjawrpkczpmdspsuhoiruavnnnuwvtwohglkdxjetshkboalvzqbgjgthoteceixioxg", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "sihxuwvmaambplxvjfoskinghzicyfqebjtkysotattkahssumfcgrkheotdxwjckpvapbkaepqrxseyfrwtyaycmrzsrsngkh\nhkgnsrszrmcyaytwrfyesxrqpeakbpavpkcjwxdtoehkrgcfmusshakttatosyktjbeqfycizhgniksofjvxlpbmaamvwuxhis", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "ycnahksbughnonldzrhkysujmylcgcfuludjvjiahtkyzqvkopzqcnwhltbzfugzojqkjjlggmvnultascmygelkiktmfieok\nkoeifmtkiklegkmcsatlunvmggkjjlqjozgufzbtlhwncqzpokvqzykthaijvjdulufcgclymjusyyhrzdlnonhgubskhancy", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "wbqasaehtkfojruzyhrlgwmtyiovmzyfifslvlemhqheyaelzwnthrenjsbmntwaoryzwfbxmscmypvxlfmzpnkkjlvwvmtz\nztmvwvljkknpzmflxvpymcsmxbfwzyroawtnmbsjnerhtnwzleayehqhmelvlsfifyzmvoiytmwglrhyzurjofktheasaqbw", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "imippqurprbhfugngtgifelytadegwrgaefnfhbjjnmzikvjaccotqzemufqieqldgnbmviisgkynzeldlhqxuqphjfmyij\njiymfjhpquxqhldleznykgsiivmbngdlqeiqfumezqtoccajvkizmnjjbhfnfeagrwgedatylefigtgngufhbrpruqppimi", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "bikydffiuisckpvzqlteqfhegsagimodb\nbdomigasgehfqetlqzvpkcsiuiffdykib", "output": "YES" } ]
PyPy 3
word = input() drow = input() backwards = ''.join(i for i in reversed(word)) if backwards == drow: print("YES") else: print("NO")
Title: Translation Time Limit: 2 seconds Memory Limit: 256 megabytes Problem Description: The translation from the Berland language into the Birland language is not an easy task. Those languages are very similar: a berlandish word differs from a birlandish word with the same meaning a little: it is spelled (and pronounced) reversely. For example, a Berlandish word code corresponds to a Birlandish word edoc. However, it's easy to make a mistake during the «translation». Vasya translated word *s* from Berlandish into Birlandish as *t*. Help him: find out if he translated the word correctly. Input Specification: The first line contains word *s*, the second line contains word *t*. The words consist of lowercase Latin letters. The input data do not consist unnecessary spaces. The words are not empty and their lengths do not exceed 100 symbols. Output Specification: If the word *t* is a word *s*, written reversely, print YES, otherwise print NO. Demo Input: ['code\nedoc\n', 'abb\naba\n', 'code\ncode\n'] Demo Output: ['YES\n', 'NO\n', 'NO\n'] Note: none
```python word = input() drow = input() backwards = ''.join(i for i in reversed(word)) if backwards == drow: print("YES") else: print("NO") ```
Young Physicist
[ "implementation", "math" ]
A. Young Physicist
A guy named Vasya attends the final grade of a high school. One day Vasya decided to watch a match of his favorite hockey team. And, as the boy loves hockey very much, even more than physics, he forgot to do the homework. Specifically, he forgot to complete his physics tasks. Next day the teacher got very angry at Vasya and decided to teach him a lesson. He gave the lazy student a seemingly easy task: You are given an idle body in space and the forces that affect it. The body can be considered as a material point with coordinates (0; 0; 0). Vasya had only to answer whether it is in equilibrium. "Piece of cake" — thought Vasya, we need only to check if the sum of all vectors is equal to 0. So, Vasya began to solve the problem. But later it turned out that there can be lots and lots of these forces, and Vasya can not cope without your help. Help him. Write a program that determines whether a body is idle or is moving by the given vectors of forces.
The first line contains a positive integer *n* (1<=≤<=*n*<=≤<=100), then follow *n* lines containing three integers each: the *x**i* coordinate, the *y**i* coordinate and the *z**i* coordinate of the force vector, applied to the body (<=-<=100<=≤<=*x**i*,<=*y**i*,<=*z**i*<=≤<=100).
Print the word "YES" if the body is in equilibrium, or the word "NO" if it is not.
[ "3\n4 1 7\n-2 4 -1\n1 -5 -3\n", "3\n3 -1 7\n-5 2 -4\n2 -1 -3\n" ]
[ "NO", "YES" ]
[ { "input": "3\n4 1 7\n-2 4 -1\n1 -5 -3", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "3\n3 -1 7\n-5 2 -4\n2 -1 -3", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "10\n21 32 -46\n43 -35 21\n42 2 -50\n22 40 20\n-27 -9 38\n-4 1 1\n-40 6 -31\n-13 -2 34\n-21 34 -12\n-32 -29 41", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "10\n25 -33 43\n-27 -42 28\n-35 -20 19\n41 -42 -1\n49 -39 -4\n-49 -22 7\n-19 29 41\n8 -27 -43\n8 34 9\n-11 -3 33", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "10\n-6 21 18\n20 -11 -8\n37 -11 41\n-5 8 33\n29 23 32\n30 -33 -11\n39 -49 -36\n28 34 -49\n22 29 -34\n-18 -6 7", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "10\n47 -2 -27\n0 26 -14\n5 -12 33\n2 18 3\n45 -30 -49\n4 -18 8\n-46 -44 -41\n-22 -10 -40\n-35 -21 26\n33 20 38", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "13\n-3 -36 -46\n-11 -50 37\n42 -11 -15\n9 42 44\n-29 -12 24\n3 9 -40\n-35 13 50\n14 43 18\n-13 8 24\n-48 -15 10\n50 9 -50\n21 0 -50\n0 0 -6", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "14\n43 23 17\n4 17 44\n5 -5 -16\n-43 -7 -6\n47 -48 12\n50 47 -45\n2 14 43\n37 -30 15\n4 -17 -11\n17 9 -45\n-50 -3 -8\n-50 0 0\n-50 0 0\n-16 0 0", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "13\n29 49 -11\n38 -11 -20\n25 1 -40\n-11 28 11\n23 -19 1\n45 -41 -17\n-3 0 -19\n-13 -33 49\n-30 0 28\n34 17 45\n-50 9 -27\n-50 0 0\n-37 0 0", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "12\n3 28 -35\n-32 -44 -17\n9 -25 -6\n-42 -22 20\n-19 15 38\n-21 38 48\n-1 -37 -28\n-10 -13 -50\n-5 21 29\n34 28 50\n50 11 -49\n34 0 0", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "37\n-64 -79 26\n-22 59 93\n-5 39 -12\n77 -9 76\n55 -86 57\n83 100 -97\n-70 94 84\n-14 46 -94\n26 72 35\n14 78 -62\n17 82 92\n-57 11 91\n23 15 92\n-80 -1 1\n12 39 18\n-23 -99 -75\n-34 50 19\n-39 84 -7\n45 -30 -39\n-60 49 37\n45 -16 -72\n33 -51 -56\n-48 28 5\n97 91 88\n45 -82 -11\n-21 -15 -90\n-53 73 -26\n-74 85 -90\n-40 23 38\n100 -13 49\n32 -100 -100\n0 -100 -70\n0 -100 0\n0 -100 0\n0 -100 0\n0 -100 0\n0 -37 0", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "4\n68 3 100\n68 21 -100\n-100 -24 0\n-36 0 0", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "33\n-1 -46 -12\n45 -16 -21\n-11 45 -21\n-60 -42 -93\n-22 -45 93\n37 96 85\n-76 26 83\n-4 9 55\n7 -52 -9\n66 8 -85\n-100 -54 11\n-29 59 74\n-24 12 2\n-56 81 85\n-92 69 -52\n-26 -97 91\n54 59 -51\n58 21 -57\n7 68 56\n-47 -20 -51\n-59 77 -13\n-85 27 91\n79 60 -56\n66 -80 5\n21 -99 42\n-31 -29 98\n66 93 76\n-49 45 61\n100 -100 -100\n100 -100 -100\n66 -75 -100\n0 0 -100\n0 0 -87", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "3\n1 2 3\n3 2 1\n0 0 0", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "2\n5 -23 12\n0 0 0", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "1\n0 0 0", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "1\n1 -2 0", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "2\n-23 77 -86\n23 -77 86", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "26\n86 7 20\n-57 -64 39\n-45 6 -93\n-44 -21 100\n-11 -49 21\n73 -71 -80\n-2 -89 56\n-65 -2 7\n5 14 84\n57 41 13\n-12 69 54\n40 -25 27\n-17 -59 0\n64 -91 -30\n-53 9 42\n-54 -8 14\n-35 82 27\n-48 -59 -80\n88 70 79\n94 57 97\n44 63 25\n84 -90 -40\n-100 100 -100\n-92 100 -100\n0 10 -100\n0 0 -82", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "42\n11 27 92\n-18 -56 -57\n1 71 81\n33 -92 30\n82 83 49\n-87 -61 -1\n-49 45 49\n73 26 15\n-22 22 -77\n29 -93 87\n-68 44 -90\n-4 -84 20\n85 67 -6\n-39 26 77\n-28 -64 20\n65 -97 24\n-72 -39 51\n35 -75 -91\n39 -44 -8\n-25 -27 -57\n91 8 -46\n-98 -94 56\n94 -60 59\n-9 -95 18\n-53 -37 98\n-8 -94 -84\n-52 55 60\n15 -14 37\n65 -43 -25\n94 12 66\n-8 -19 -83\n29 81 -78\n-58 57 33\n24 86 -84\n-53 32 -88\n-14 7 3\n89 97 -53\n-5 -28 -91\n-100 100 -6\n-84 100 0\n0 100 0\n0 70 0", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "3\n96 49 -12\n2 -66 28\n-98 17 -16", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "5\n70 -46 86\n-100 94 24\n-27 63 -63\n57 -100 -47\n0 -11 0", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "18\n-86 -28 70\n-31 -89 42\n31 -48 -55\n95 -17 -43\n24 -95 -85\n-21 -14 31\n68 -18 81\n13 31 60\n-15 28 99\n-42 15 9\n28 -61 -62\n-16 71 29\n-28 75 -48\n-77 -67 36\n-100 83 89\n100 100 -100\n57 34 -100\n0 0 -53", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "44\n52 -54 -29\n-82 -5 -94\n-54 43 43\n91 16 71\n7 80 -91\n3 15 29\n-99 -6 -77\n-3 -77 -64\n73 67 34\n25 -10 -18\n-29 91 63\n-72 86 -16\n-68 85 -81\n-3 36 44\n-74 -14 -80\n34 -96 -97\n-76 -78 -33\n-24 44 -58\n98 12 77\n95 -63 -6\n-51 3 -90\n-92 -10 72\n7 3 -68\n57 -53 71\n29 57 -48\n35 -60 10\n79 -70 -61\n-20 77 55\n-86 -15 -35\n84 -88 -18\n100 -42 77\n-20 46 8\n-41 -43 -65\n38 -98 -23\n-100 65 45\n-7 -91 -63\n46 88 -85\n48 59 100\n0 0 100\n0 0 100\n0 0 100\n0 0 100\n0 0 100\n0 0 1", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "18\n-14 -64 -91\n-8 -66 -86\n-23 92 -40\n6 -3 -53\n57 41 78\n-79 42 -22\n-88 -17 45\n4 -45 44\n83 -18 -25\n34 86 -92\n75 -30 12\n44 99 11\n-67 -13 72\n22 83 -56\n-37 71 72\n-9 -100 100\n0 -100 31\n0 -58 0", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "23\n-70 37 78\n42 84 6\n28 -94 -24\n-49 76 95\n-67 18 84\n-53 78 -5\n65 -63 -64\n-66 -64 -69\n81 -93 95\n10 52 -79\n-89 -61 -64\n-64 -47 43\n-81 -35 55\n80 82 73\n-60 -81 -18\n49 -10 -19\n-58 70 12\n-24 -15 -93\n98 -93 -54\n-28 -75 11\n100 100 -63\n100 100 0\n56 34 0", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "3\n0 2 -2\n1 -1 3\n-3 0 0", "output": "NO" } ]
PyPy 3
n = int(input()) a = [0] * 3 for i in range(n): b = [int(x) for x in input().split()] for j in range(3): a[j] += b[j] ans = [x for x in a if x == 0] print('YES' if len(ans) == 3 else 'NO')
Title: Young Physicist Time Limit: 2 seconds Memory Limit: 256 megabytes Problem Description: A guy named Vasya attends the final grade of a high school. One day Vasya decided to watch a match of his favorite hockey team. And, as the boy loves hockey very much, even more than physics, he forgot to do the homework. Specifically, he forgot to complete his physics tasks. Next day the teacher got very angry at Vasya and decided to teach him a lesson. He gave the lazy student a seemingly easy task: You are given an idle body in space and the forces that affect it. The body can be considered as a material point with coordinates (0; 0; 0). Vasya had only to answer whether it is in equilibrium. "Piece of cake" — thought Vasya, we need only to check if the sum of all vectors is equal to 0. So, Vasya began to solve the problem. But later it turned out that there can be lots and lots of these forces, and Vasya can not cope without your help. Help him. Write a program that determines whether a body is idle or is moving by the given vectors of forces. Input Specification: The first line contains a positive integer *n* (1<=≤<=*n*<=≤<=100), then follow *n* lines containing three integers each: the *x**i* coordinate, the *y**i* coordinate and the *z**i* coordinate of the force vector, applied to the body (<=-<=100<=≤<=*x**i*,<=*y**i*,<=*z**i*<=≤<=100). Output Specification: Print the word "YES" if the body is in equilibrium, or the word "NO" if it is not. Demo Input: ['3\n4 1 7\n-2 4 -1\n1 -5 -3\n', '3\n3 -1 7\n-5 2 -4\n2 -1 -3\n'] Demo Output: ['NO', 'YES'] Note: none
```python n = int(input()) a = [0] * 3 for i in range(n): b = [int(x) for x in input().split()] for j in range(3): a[j] += b[j] ans = [x for x in a if x == 0] print('YES' if len(ans) == 3 else 'NO') ```
Ultra-Fast Mathematician
[ "implementation" ]
A. Ultra-Fast Mathematician
Shapur was an extremely gifted student. He was great at everything including Combinatorics, Algebra, Number Theory, Geometry, Calculus, etc. He was not only smart but extraordinarily fast! He could manage to sum 1018 numbers in a single second. One day in 230 AD Shapur was trying to find out if any one can possibly do calculations faster than him. As a result he made a very great contest and asked every one to come and take part. In his contest he gave the contestants many different pairs of numbers. Each number is made from digits 0 or 1. The contestants should write a new number corresponding to the given pair of numbers. The rule is simple: The *i*-th digit of the answer is 1 if and only if the *i*-th digit of the two given numbers differ. In the other case the *i*-th digit of the answer is 0. Shapur made many numbers and first tried his own speed. He saw that he can perform these operations on numbers of length ∞ (length of a number is number of digits in it) in a glance! He always gives correct answers so he expects the contestants to give correct answers, too. He is a good fellow so he won't give anyone very big numbers and he always gives one person numbers of same length. Now you are going to take part in Shapur's contest. See if you are faster and more accurate.
There are two lines in each input. Each of them contains a single number. It is guaranteed that the numbers are made from 0 and 1 only and that their length is same. The numbers may start with 0. The length of each number doesn't exceed 100.
Write one line — the corresponding answer. Do not omit the leading 0s.
[ "1010100\n0100101\n", "000\n111\n", "1110\n1010\n", "01110\n01100\n" ]
[ "1110001\n", "111\n", "0100\n", "00010\n" ]
[ { "input": "1010100\n0100101", "output": "1110001" }, { "input": "000\n111", "output": "111" }, { "input": "1110\n1010", "output": "0100" }, { "input": "01110\n01100", "output": "00010" }, { "input": "011101\n000001", "output": "011100" }, { "input": "10\n01", "output": "11" }, { "input": "00111111\n11011101", "output": "11100010" }, { "input": "011001100\n101001010", "output": "110000110" }, { "input": "1100100001\n0110101100", "output": "1010001101" }, { "input": "00011101010\n10010100101", "output": "10001001111" }, { "input": "100000101101\n111010100011", "output": "011010001110" }, { "input": "1000001111010\n1101100110001", "output": "0101101001011" }, { "input": "01011111010111\n10001110111010", "output": "11010001101101" }, { "input": "110010000111100\n001100101011010", "output": "111110101100110" }, { "input": "0010010111110000\n0000000011010110", "output": "0010010100100110" }, { "input": "00111110111110000\n01111100001100000", "output": "01000010110010000" }, { "input": "101010101111010001\n001001111101111101", "output": "100011010010101100" }, { "input": "0110010101111100000\n0011000101000000110", "output": "0101010000111100110" }, { "input": "11110100011101010111\n00001000011011000000", "output": "11111100000110010111" }, { "input": "101010101111101101001\n111010010010000011111", "output": "010000111101101110110" }, { "input": "0000111111100011000010\n1110110110110000001010", "output": "1110001001010011001000" }, { "input": "10010010101000110111000\n00101110100110111000111", "output": "10111100001110001111111" }, { "input": "010010010010111100000111\n100100111111100011001110", "output": "110110101101011111001001" }, { "input": "0101110100100111011010010\n0101100011010111001010001", "output": "0000010111110000010000011" }, { "input": "10010010100011110111111011\n10000110101100000001000100", "output": "00010100001111110110111111" }, { "input": "000001111000000100001000000\n011100111101111001110110001", "output": "011101000101111101111110001" }, { 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"00000001111010101011110000010000001" }, { "input": "000011111000011001000110111100000100\n011011000110000111101011100111000111", "output": "011000111110011110101101011011000011" }, { "input": "1001000010101110001000000011111110010\n0010001011010111000011101001010110000", "output": "1011001001111001001011101010101000010" }, { "input": "00011101011001100101111111000000010101\n10010011011011001011111000000011101011", "output": "10001110000010101110000111000011111110" }, { "input": "111011100110001001101111110010111001010\n111111101101111001110010000101101000100", "output": "000100001011110000011101110111010001110" }, { "input": "1111001001101000001000000010010101001010\n0010111100111110001011000010111110111001", "output": "1101110101010110000011000000101011110011" }, { "input": "00100101111000000101011111110010100011010\n11101110001010010101001000111110101010100", "output": "11001011110010010000010111001100001001110" }, { "input": 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"1000101001011010000100100100010010011101011001110101111011101111111110010101001101010001010101001\n0110110010011100011111011111110111000000010001110100001010111110101011010011111011111110000110000", "output": "1110011011000110011011111011100101011101001000000001110001010001010101000110110110101111010011001" }, { "input": "01111010010101100111110111111011011010100001011101010000111100101101101110111011001100101011100111\n00001100110110100001111011000010001001001100000010111101000001111011100000010111010010000011000010", "output": "01110110100011000110001100111001010011101101011111101101111101010110001110101100011110101000100101" }, { "input": "111101011101111000001011001101111010110111001101110100100011111011011101001101010101011010111000110\n101111100101101101001100110011000001111010011101110111110110101110011011110011111100001001110101101", "output": "010010111000010101000111111110111011001101010000000011010101010101000110111110101001010011001101011" }, { "input": "1010000011010110011101001101110001110010000111011101110010110110111111001001110100101100010101010001\n0111101000111100101100000101111010100100001000011101010100110011100011010011010101000100101011100011", "output": "1101101011101010110001001000001011010110001111000000100110000101011100011010100001101000111110110010" }, { "input": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001\n1111111010111111101011111110101111111010111111101011111110101111111010111111101011111110101111111010", "output": "1111111010111111101011111110101111111010111111101011111110101111111010111111101011111110101111111011" }, { "input": "0\n0", "output": "0" }, { "input": "0\n1", "output": "1" } ]
Python 3
# x1_str = input() # x2_str = input() # x1 = int(x1_str, 2) # x2 = int(x2_str, 2) # print(bin(x1 ^ x2)[2:].rjust(max(len(bin(x1)[2:]), len(bin(x2)[2:])), 0)) x1 = input() x2 = input() for i in range(len(x1)): if(x1[i] == x2[i]): print('0', end='') else: print('1', end='') print("")
Title: Ultra-Fast Mathematician Time Limit: 2 seconds Memory Limit: 256 megabytes Problem Description: Shapur was an extremely gifted student. He was great at everything including Combinatorics, Algebra, Number Theory, Geometry, Calculus, etc. He was not only smart but extraordinarily fast! He could manage to sum 1018 numbers in a single second. One day in 230 AD Shapur was trying to find out if any one can possibly do calculations faster than him. As a result he made a very great contest and asked every one to come and take part. In his contest he gave the contestants many different pairs of numbers. Each number is made from digits 0 or 1. The contestants should write a new number corresponding to the given pair of numbers. The rule is simple: The *i*-th digit of the answer is 1 if and only if the *i*-th digit of the two given numbers differ. In the other case the *i*-th digit of the answer is 0. Shapur made many numbers and first tried his own speed. He saw that he can perform these operations on numbers of length ∞ (length of a number is number of digits in it) in a glance! He always gives correct answers so he expects the contestants to give correct answers, too. He is a good fellow so he won't give anyone very big numbers and he always gives one person numbers of same length. Now you are going to take part in Shapur's contest. See if you are faster and more accurate. Input Specification: There are two lines in each input. Each of them contains a single number. It is guaranteed that the numbers are made from 0 and 1 only and that their length is same. The numbers may start with 0. The length of each number doesn't exceed 100. Output Specification: Write one line — the corresponding answer. Do not omit the leading 0s. Demo Input: ['1010100\n0100101\n', '000\n111\n', '1110\n1010\n', '01110\n01100\n'] Demo Output: ['1110001\n', '111\n', '0100\n', '00010\n'] Note: none
```python # x1_str = input() # x2_str = input() # x1 = int(x1_str, 2) # x2 = int(x2_str, 2) # print(bin(x1 ^ x2)[2:].rjust(max(len(bin(x1)[2:]), len(bin(x2)[2:])), 0)) x1 = input() x2 = input() for i in range(len(x1)): if(x1[i] == x2[i]): print('0', end='') else: print('1', end='') print("") ```
Ultra-Fast Mathematician
[ "implementation" ]
A. Ultra-Fast Mathematician
Shapur was an extremely gifted student. He was great at everything including Combinatorics, Algebra, Number Theory, Geometry, Calculus, etc. He was not only smart but extraordinarily fast! He could manage to sum 1018 numbers in a single second. One day in 230 AD Shapur was trying to find out if any one can possibly do calculations faster than him. As a result he made a very great contest and asked every one to come and take part. In his contest he gave the contestants many different pairs of numbers. Each number is made from digits 0 or 1. The contestants should write a new number corresponding to the given pair of numbers. The rule is simple: The *i*-th digit of the answer is 1 if and only if the *i*-th digit of the two given numbers differ. In the other case the *i*-th digit of the answer is 0. Shapur made many numbers and first tried his own speed. He saw that he can perform these operations on numbers of length ∞ (length of a number is number of digits in it) in a glance! He always gives correct answers so he expects the contestants to give correct answers, too. He is a good fellow so he won't give anyone very big numbers and he always gives one person numbers of same length. Now you are going to take part in Shapur's contest. See if you are faster and more accurate.
There are two lines in each input. Each of them contains a single number. It is guaranteed that the numbers are made from 0 and 1 only and that their length is same. The numbers may start with 0. The length of each number doesn't exceed 100.
Write one line — the corresponding answer. Do not omit the leading 0s.
[ "1010100\n0100101\n", "000\n111\n", "1110\n1010\n", "01110\n01100\n" ]
[ "1110001\n", "111\n", "0100\n", "00010\n" ]
[ { "input": "1010100\n0100101", "output": "1110001" }, { "input": "000\n111", "output": "111" }, { "input": "1110\n1010", "output": "0100" }, { "input": "01110\n01100", "output": "00010" }, { "input": "011101\n000001", "output": "011100" }, { "input": "10\n01", "output": "11" }, { "input": "00111111\n11011101", "output": "11100010" }, { "input": "011001100\n101001010", "output": "110000110" }, { "input": "1100100001\n0110101100", "output": "1010001101" }, { "input": "00011101010\n10010100101", "output": "10001001111" }, { "input": "100000101101\n111010100011", "output": "011010001110" }, { "input": "1000001111010\n1101100110001", "output": "0101101001011" }, { "input": "01011111010111\n10001110111010", "output": "11010001101101" }, { "input": "110010000111100\n001100101011010", "output": "111110101100110" }, { "input": "0010010111110000\n0000000011010110", "output": "0010010100100110" }, { "input": "00111110111110000\n01111100001100000", "output": "01000010110010000" }, { "input": "101010101111010001\n001001111101111101", "output": "100011010010101100" }, { "input": "0110010101111100000\n0011000101000000110", "output": "0101010000111100110" }, { "input": "11110100011101010111\n00001000011011000000", "output": "11111100000110010111" }, { "input": "101010101111101101001\n111010010010000011111", "output": "010000111101101110110" }, { "input": "0000111111100011000010\n1110110110110000001010", "output": "1110001001010011001000" }, { "input": "10010010101000110111000\n00101110100110111000111", "output": "10111100001110001111111" }, { "input": "010010010010111100000111\n100100111111100011001110", "output": "110110101101011111001001" }, { "input": "0101110100100111011010010\n0101100011010111001010001", "output": "0000010111110000010000011" }, { "input": "10010010100011110111111011\n10000110101100000001000100", "output": "00010100001111110110111111" }, { "input": "000001111000000100001000000\n011100111101111001110110001", "output": "011101000101111101111110001" }, { "input": "0011110010001001011001011100\n0000101101000011101011001010", "output": "0011011111001010110010010110" }, { "input": "11111000000000010011001101111\n11101110011001010100010000000", "output": "00010110011001000111011101111" }, { "input": "011001110000110100001100101100\n001010000011110000001000101001", "output": "010011110011000100000100000101" }, { "input": "1011111010001100011010110101111\n1011001110010000000101100010101", "output": "0000110100011100011111010111010" }, { "input": "10111000100001000001010110000001\n10111000001100101011011001011000", "output": "00000000101101101010001111011001" }, { "input": "000001010000100001000000011011100\n111111111001010100100001100000111", "output": "111110101001110101100001111011011" }, { "input": "1101000000000010011011101100000110\n1110000001100010011010000011011110", "output": "0011000001100000000001101111011000" }, { "input": "01011011000010100001100100011110001\n01011010111000001010010100001110000", "output": "00000001111010101011110000010000001" }, { "input": "000011111000011001000110111100000100\n011011000110000111101011100111000111", "output": "011000111110011110101101011011000011" }, { "input": "1001000010101110001000000011111110010\n0010001011010111000011101001010110000", "output": "1011001001111001001011101010101000010" }, { "input": "00011101011001100101111111000000010101\n10010011011011001011111000000011101011", "output": "10001110000010101110000111000011111110" }, { "input": "111011100110001001101111110010111001010\n111111101101111001110010000101101000100", "output": "000100001011110000011101110111010001110" }, { "input": "1111001001101000001000000010010101001010\n0010111100111110001011000010111110111001", "output": "1101110101010110000011000000101011110011" }, { "input": "00100101111000000101011111110010100011010\n11101110001010010101001000111110101010100", "output": "11001011110010010000010111001100001001110" }, { "input": "101011001110110100101001000111010101101111\n100111100110101011010100111100111111010110", "output": "001100101000011111111101111011101010111001" }, { "input": "1111100001100101000111101001001010011100001\n1000110011000011110010001011001110001000001", "output": "0111010010100110110101100010000100010100000" }, { "input": "01100111011111010101000001101110000001110101\n10011001011111110000000101011001001101101100", "output": "11111110000000100101000100110111001100011001" }, { "input": "110010100111000100100101100000011100000011001\n011001111011100110000110111001110110100111011", "output": "101011011100100010100011011001101010100100010" }, { "input": "0001100111111011010110100100111000000111000110\n1100101011000000000001010010010111001100110001", "output": "1101001100111011010111110110101111001011110111" }, { "input": "00000101110110110001110010100001110100000100000\n10010000110011110001101000111111101010011010001", "output": "10010101000101000000011010011110011110011110001" }, { "input": "110000100101011100100011001111110011111110010001\n101011111001011100110110111101110011010110101100", "output": "011011011100000000010101110010000000101000111101" }, { "input": "0101111101011111010101011101000011101100000000111\n0000101010110110001110101011011110111001010100100", "output": "0101010111101001011011110110011101010101010100011" }, { "input": "11000100010101110011101000011111001010110111111100\n00001111000111001011111110000010101110111001000011", "output": "11001011010010111000010110011101100100001110111111" }, { "input": "101000001101111101101111111000001110110010101101010\n010011100111100001100000010001100101000000111011011", "output": "111011101010011100001111101001101011110010010110001" }, { "input": "0011111110010001010100010110111000110011001101010100\n0111000000100010101010000100101000000100101000111001", "output": "0100111110110011111110010010010000110111100101101101" }, { "input": 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"00110100000011001101101100100010110010001100000001100110011101" }, { "input": "011111010011111000001010101001101001000010100010111110010100001\n011111001011000011111001000001111001010110001010111101000010011", "output": "000000011000111011110011101000010000010100101000000011010110010" }, { "input": "1111000000110001011101000100100100001111011100001111001100011111\n1101100110000101100001100000001001011011111011010101000101001010", "output": "0010100110110100111100100100101101010100100111011010001001010101" }, { "input": "01100000101010010011001110100110110010000110010011011001100100011\n10110110010110111100100111000111000110010000000101101110000010111", "output": "11010110111100101111101001100001110100010110010110110111100110100" }, { "input": "001111111010000100001100001010011001111110011110010111110001100111\n110000101001011000100010101100100110000111100000001101001110010111", "output": "111111010011011100101110100110111111111001111110011010111111110000" }, { "input": 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"00000111110010110001110110001010010101000111011001111111100110011110010\n00010111110100000100110101000010010001100001100011100000001100010100010", "output": "00010000000110110101000011001000000100100110111010011111101010001010000" }, { "input": "100101011100101101000011010001011001101110101110001100010001010111001110\n100001111100101011011111110000001111000111001011111110000010101110111001", "output": "000100100000000110011100100001010110101001100101110010010011111001110111" }, { "input": "1101100001000111001101001011101000111000011110000001001101101001111011010\n0101011101010100011011010110101000010010110010011110101100000110110001000", "output": "1000111100010011010110011101000000101010101100011111100001101111001010010" }, { "input": "01101101010011110101100001110101111011100010000010001101111000011110111111\n00101111001101001100111010000101110000100101101111100111101110010100011011", "output": "01000010011110111001011011110000001011000111101101101010010110001010100100" }, { 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"110100100110000101010010011010011001100110000111010000010100001011110111111101" }, { "input": "0110001101100100001111110101101000100101010010101010011001101001001101110000000\n0111011000000010010111011110010000000001000110001000011001101000000001110100111", "output": "0001010101100110011000101011111000100100010100100010000000000001001100000100111" }, { "input": "10001111111001000101001011110101111010100001011010101100111001010001010010001000\n10000111010010011110111000111010101100000011110001101111001000111010100000000001", "output": "00001000101011011011110011001111010110100010101011000011110001101011110010001001" }, { "input": "100110001110110000100101001110000011110110000110000000100011110100110110011001101\n110001110101110000000100101001101011111100100100001001000110000001111100011110110", "output": "010111111011000000100001100111101000001010100010001001100101110101001010000111011" }, { "input": "0000010100100000010110111100011111111010011101000000100000011001001101101100111010\n0100111110011101010110101011110110010111001111000110101100101110111100101000111111", "output": "0100101010111101000000010111101001101101010010000110001100110111110001000100000101" }, { "input": "11000111001010100001110000001001011010010010110000001110100101000001010101100110111\n11001100100100100001101010110100000111100011101110011010110100001001000011011011010", "output": "00001011101110000000011010111101011101110001011110010100010001001000010110111101101" }, { "input": "010110100010001000100010101001101010011010111110100001000100101000111011100010100001\n110000011111101101010011111000101010111010100001001100001001100101000000111000000000", "output": "100110111101100101110001010001000000100000011111101101001101001101111011011010100001" }, { "input": "0000011110101110010101110110110101100001011001101010101001000010000010000000101001101\n1100111111011100000110000111101110011111100111110001011001000010011111100001001100011", "output": "1100100001110010010011110001011011111110111110011011110000000000011101100001100101110" }, { "input": "10100000101101110001100010010010100101100011010010101000110011100000101010110010000000\n10001110011011010010111011011101101111000111110000111000011010010101001100000001010011", "output": "00101110110110100011011001001111001010100100100010010000101001110101100110110011010011" }, { "input": "001110000011111101101010011111000101010111010100001001100001001100101000000111000000000\n111010000000000000101001110011001000111011001100101010011001000011101001001011110000011", "output": "110100000011111101000011101100001101101100011000100011111000001111000001001100110000011" }, { "input": "1110111100111011010101011011001110001010010010110011110010011111000010011111010101100001\n1001010101011001001010100010101100000110111101011000100010101111111010111100001110010010", "output": "0111101001100010011111111001100010001100101111101011010000110000111000100011011011110011" }, { "input": "11100010001100010011001100001100010011010001101110011110100101110010101101011101000111111\n01110000000110111010110100001010000101011110100101010011000110101110101101110111011110001", "output": "10010010001010101001111000000110010110001111001011001101100011011100000000101010011001110" }, { "input": "001101011001100101101100110000111000101011001001100100000100101000100000110100010111111101\n101001111110000010111101111110001001111001111101111010000110111000100100110010010001011111", "output": "100100100111100111010001001110110001010010110100011110000010010000000100000110000110100010" }, { "input": "1010110110010101000110010010110101011101010100011001101011000110000000100011100100011000000\n0011011111100010001111101101000111001011101110100000110111100100101111010110101111011100011", "output": "1001101001110111001001111111110010010110111010111001011100100010101111110101001011000100011" }, { "input": "10010010000111010111011111110010100101100000001100011100111011100010000010010001011100001100\n00111010100010110010000100010111010001111110100100100011101000101111111111001101101100100100", "output": "10101000100101100101011011100101110100011110101000111111010011001101111101011100110000101000" }, { "input": "010101110001010101100000010111010000000111110011001101100011001000000011001111110000000010100\n010010111011100101010101111110110000000111000100001101101001001000001100101110001010000100001", "output": "000111001010110000110101101001100000000000110111000000001010000000001111100001111010000110101" }, { "input": "1100111110011001000111101001001011000110011010111111100010111111001100111111011101100111101011\n1100000011001000110100110111000001011001010111101000010010100011000001100100111101101000010110", "output": "0000111101010001110011011110001010011111001101010111110000011100001101011011100000001111111101" }, { "input": "00011000100100110111100101100100000000010011110111110010101110110011100001010111010011110100101\n00011011111011111011100101100111100101001110010111000010000111000100100100000001110101111011011", "output": "00000011011111001100000000000011100101011101100000110000101001110111000101010110100110001111110" }, { "input": "000101011001001100000111100010110101111011110101111101000110001101011010111110110011100100000001\n011000101010011111011000111000100000000011011000000001111110001000001111101010110000011100001111", "output": "011101110011010011011111011010010101111000101101111100111000000101010101010100000011111000001110" }, { "input": "1000101001011010000100100100010010011101011001110101111011101111111110010101001101010001010101001\n0110110010011100011111011111110111000000010001110100001010111110101011010011111011111110000110000", "output": "1110011011000110011011111011100101011101001000000001110001010001010101000110110110101111010011001" }, { "input": "01111010010101100111110111111011011010100001011101010000111100101101101110111011001100101011100111\n00001100110110100001111011000010001001001100000010111101000001111011100000010111010010000011000010", "output": "01110110100011000110001100111001010011101101011111101101111101010110001110101100011110101000100101" }, { "input": "111101011101111000001011001101111010110111001101110100100011111011011101001101010101011010111000110\n101111100101101101001100110011000001111010011101110111110110101110011011110011111100001001110101101", "output": "010010111000010101000111111110111011001101010000000011010101010101000110111110101001010011001101011" }, { "input": "1010000011010110011101001101110001110010000111011101110010110110111111001001110100101100010101010001\n0111101000111100101100000101111010100100001000011101010100110011100011010011010101000100101011100011", "output": "1101101011101010110001001000001011010110001111000000100110000101011100011010100001101000111110110010" }, { "input": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001\n1111111010111111101011111110101111111010111111101011111110101111111010111111101011111110101111111010", "output": "1111111010111111101011111110101111111010111111101011111110101111111010111111101011111110101111111011" }, { "input": "0\n0", "output": "0" }, { "input": "0\n1", "output": "1" } ]
PyPy 3-64
import sys mda = sys.stdin.readline()[:-1] chtoprosti = sys.stdin.readline()[:-1] m = [] i = 0 while i < len(mda): if mda[i] != chtoprosti[i]: m.append('1') else: m.append('0') i += 1 print(''.join(m))
Title: Ultra-Fast Mathematician Time Limit: 2 seconds Memory Limit: 256 megabytes Problem Description: Shapur was an extremely gifted student. He was great at everything including Combinatorics, Algebra, Number Theory, Geometry, Calculus, etc. He was not only smart but extraordinarily fast! He could manage to sum 1018 numbers in a single second. One day in 230 AD Shapur was trying to find out if any one can possibly do calculations faster than him. As a result he made a very great contest and asked every one to come and take part. In his contest he gave the contestants many different pairs of numbers. Each number is made from digits 0 or 1. The contestants should write a new number corresponding to the given pair of numbers. The rule is simple: The *i*-th digit of the answer is 1 if and only if the *i*-th digit of the two given numbers differ. In the other case the *i*-th digit of the answer is 0. Shapur made many numbers and first tried his own speed. He saw that he can perform these operations on numbers of length ∞ (length of a number is number of digits in it) in a glance! He always gives correct answers so he expects the contestants to give correct answers, too. He is a good fellow so he won't give anyone very big numbers and he always gives one person numbers of same length. Now you are going to take part in Shapur's contest. See if you are faster and more accurate. Input Specification: There are two lines in each input. Each of them contains a single number. It is guaranteed that the numbers are made from 0 and 1 only and that their length is same. The numbers may start with 0. The length of each number doesn't exceed 100. Output Specification: Write one line — the corresponding answer. Do not omit the leading 0s. Demo Input: ['1010100\n0100101\n', '000\n111\n', '1110\n1010\n', '01110\n01100\n'] Demo Output: ['1110001\n', '111\n', '0100\n', '00010\n'] Note: none
```python import sys mda = sys.stdin.readline()[:-1] chtoprosti = sys.stdin.readline()[:-1] m = [] i = 0 while i < len(mda): if mda[i] != chtoprosti[i]: m.append('1') else: m.append('0') i += 1 print(''.join(m)) ```
IQ test
[ "brute force" ]
A. IQ test
Bob is preparing to pass IQ test. The most frequent task in this test is to find out which one of the given *n* numbers differs from the others. Bob observed that one number usually differs from the others in evenness. Help Bob — to check his answers, he needs a program that among the given *n* numbers finds one that is different in evenness.
The first line contains integer *n* (3<=≤<=*n*<=≤<=100) — amount of numbers in the task. The second line contains *n* space-separated natural numbers, not exceeding 100. It is guaranteed, that exactly one of these numbers differs from the others in evenness.
Output index of number that differs from the others in evenness. Numbers are numbered from 1 in the input order.
[ "5\n2 4 7 8 10\n", "4\n1 2 1 1\n" ]
[ "3\n", "2\n" ]
[ { "input": "5\n2 4 7 8 10", "output": "3" }, { "input": "4\n1 2 1 1", "output": "2" }, { "input": "3\n1 2 2", "output": "1" }, { "input": "3\n100 99 100", "output": "2" }, { "input": "3\n5 3 2", "output": "3" }, { "input": "4\n43 28 1 91", "output": "2" }, { "input": "4\n75 13 94 77", "output": "3" }, { "input": "4\n97 8 27 3", "output": "2" }, { "input": "10\n95 51 12 91 85 3 1 31 25 7", "output": "3" }, { "input": "20\n88 96 66 51 14 88 2 92 18 72 18 88 20 30 4 82 90 100 24 46", "output": "4" }, { "input": "30\n20 94 56 50 10 98 52 32 14 22 24 60 4 8 98 46 34 68 82 82 98 90 50 20 78 49 52 94 64 36", "output": "26" }, { "input": "50\n79 27 77 57 37 45 27 49 65 33 57 21 71 19 75 85 65 61 23 97 85 9 23 1 9 3 99 77 77 21 79 69 15 37 15 7 93 81 13 89 91 31 45 93 15 97 55 80 85 83", "output": "48" }, { "input": "60\n46 11 73 65 3 69 3 53 43 53 97 47 55 93 31 75 35 3 9 73 23 31 3 81 91 79 61 21 15 11 11 11 81 7 83 75 39 87 83 59 89 55 93 27 49 67 67 29 1 93 11 17 9 19 35 21 63 31 31 25", "output": "1" }, { "input": "70\n28 42 42 92 64 54 22 38 38 78 62 38 4 38 14 66 4 92 66 58 94 26 4 44 41 88 48 82 44 26 74 44 48 4 16 92 34 38 26 64 94 4 30 78 50 54 12 90 8 16 80 98 28 100 74 50 36 42 92 18 76 98 8 22 2 50 58 50 64 46", "output": "25" }, { "input": "100\n43 35 79 53 13 91 91 45 65 83 57 9 42 39 85 45 71 51 61 59 31 13 63 39 25 21 79 39 91 67 21 61 97 75 93 83 29 79 59 97 11 37 63 51 39 55 91 23 21 17 47 23 35 75 49 5 69 99 5 7 41 17 25 89 15 79 21 63 53 81 43 91 59 91 69 99 85 15 91 51 49 37 65 7 89 81 21 93 61 63 97 93 45 17 13 69 57 25 75 73", "output": "13" }, { "input": "100\n50 24 68 60 70 30 52 22 18 74 68 98 20 82 4 46 26 68 100 78 84 58 74 98 38 88 68 86 64 80 82 100 20 22 98 98 52 6 94 10 48 68 2 18 38 22 22 82 44 20 66 72 36 58 64 6 36 60 4 96 76 64 12 90 10 58 64 60 74 28 90 26 24 60 40 58 2 16 76 48 58 36 82 60 24 44 4 78 28 38 8 12 40 16 38 6 66 24 31 76", "output": "99" }, { "input": "100\n47 48 94 48 14 18 94 36 96 22 12 30 94 20 48 98 40 58 2 94 8 36 98 18 98 68 2 60 76 38 18 100 8 72 100 68 2 86 92 72 58 16 48 14 6 58 72 76 6 88 80 66 20 28 74 62 86 68 90 86 2 56 34 38 56 90 4 8 76 44 32 86 12 98 38 34 54 92 70 94 10 24 82 66 90 58 62 2 32 58 100 22 58 72 2 22 68 72 42 14", "output": "1" }, { "input": "99\n38 20 68 60 84 16 28 88 60 48 80 28 4 92 70 60 46 46 20 34 12 100 76 2 40 10 8 86 6 80 50 66 12 34 14 28 26 70 46 64 34 96 10 90 98 96 56 88 50 74 70 94 2 94 24 66 68 46 22 30 6 10 64 32 88 14 98 100 64 58 50 18 50 50 8 38 8 16 54 2 60 54 62 84 92 98 4 72 66 26 14 88 99 16 10 6 88 56 22", "output": "93" }, { "input": "99\n50 83 43 89 53 47 69 1 5 37 63 87 95 15 55 95 75 89 33 53 89 75 93 75 11 85 49 29 11 97 49 67 87 11 25 37 97 73 67 49 87 43 53 97 43 29 53 33 45 91 37 73 39 49 59 5 21 43 87 35 5 63 89 57 63 47 29 99 19 85 13 13 3 13 43 19 5 9 61 51 51 57 15 89 13 97 41 13 99 79 13 27 97 95 73 33 99 27 23", "output": "1" }, { "input": "98\n61 56 44 30 58 14 20 24 88 28 46 56 96 52 58 42 94 50 46 30 46 80 72 88 68 16 6 60 26 90 10 98 76 20 56 40 30 16 96 20 88 32 62 30 74 58 36 76 60 4 24 36 42 54 24 92 28 14 2 74 86 90 14 52 34 82 40 76 8 64 2 56 10 8 78 16 70 86 70 42 70 74 22 18 76 98 88 28 62 70 36 72 20 68 34 48 80 98", "output": "1" }, { "input": "98\n66 26 46 42 78 32 76 42 26 82 8 12 4 10 24 26 64 44 100 46 94 64 30 18 88 28 8 66 30 82 82 28 74 52 62 80 80 60 94 86 64 32 44 88 92 20 12 74 94 28 34 58 4 22 16 10 94 76 82 58 40 66 22 6 30 32 92 54 16 76 74 98 18 48 48 30 92 2 16 42 84 74 30 60 64 52 50 26 16 86 58 96 79 60 20 62 82 94", "output": "93" }, { "input": "95\n9 31 27 93 17 77 75 9 9 53 89 39 51 99 5 1 11 39 27 49 91 17 27 79 81 71 37 75 35 13 93 4 99 55 85 11 23 57 5 43 5 61 15 35 23 91 3 81 99 85 43 37 39 27 5 67 7 33 75 59 13 71 51 27 15 93 51 63 91 53 43 99 25 47 17 71 81 15 53 31 59 83 41 23 73 25 91 91 13 17 25 13 55 57 29", "output": "32" }, { "input": "100\n91 89 81 45 53 1 41 3 77 93 55 97 55 97 87 27 69 95 73 41 93 21 75 35 53 56 5 51 87 59 91 67 33 3 99 45 83 17 97 47 75 97 7 89 17 99 23 23 81 25 55 97 27 35 69 5 77 35 93 19 55 59 37 21 31 37 49 41 91 53 73 69 7 37 37 39 17 71 7 97 55 17 47 23 15 73 31 39 57 37 9 5 61 41 65 57 77 79 35 47", "output": "26" }, { "input": "99\n38 56 58 98 80 54 26 90 14 16 78 92 52 74 40 30 84 14 44 80 16 90 98 68 26 24 78 72 42 16 84 40 14 44 2 52 50 2 12 96 58 66 8 80 44 52 34 34 72 98 74 4 66 74 56 21 8 38 76 40 10 22 48 32 98 34 12 62 80 68 64 82 22 78 58 74 20 22 48 56 12 38 32 72 6 16 74 24 94 84 26 38 18 24 76 78 98 94 72", "output": "56" }, { "input": "100\n44 40 6 40 56 90 98 8 36 64 76 86 98 76 36 92 6 30 98 70 24 98 96 60 24 82 88 68 86 96 34 42 58 10 40 26 56 10 88 58 70 32 24 28 14 82 52 12 62 36 70 60 52 34 74 30 78 76 10 16 42 94 66 90 70 38 52 12 58 22 98 96 14 68 24 70 4 30 84 98 8 50 14 52 66 34 100 10 28 100 56 48 38 12 38 14 91 80 70 86", "output": "97" }, { "input": "100\n96 62 64 20 90 46 56 90 68 36 30 56 70 28 16 64 94 34 6 32 34 50 94 22 90 32 40 2 72 10 88 38 28 92 20 26 56 80 4 100 100 90 16 74 74 84 8 2 30 20 80 32 16 46 92 56 42 12 96 64 64 42 64 58 50 42 74 28 2 4 36 32 70 50 54 92 70 16 45 76 28 16 18 50 48 2 62 94 4 12 52 52 4 100 70 60 82 62 98 42", "output": "79" }, { "input": "99\n14 26 34 68 90 58 50 36 8 16 18 6 2 74 54 20 36 84 32 50 52 2 26 24 3 64 20 10 54 26 66 44 28 72 4 96 78 90 96 86 68 28 94 4 12 46 100 32 22 36 84 32 44 94 76 94 4 52 12 30 74 4 34 64 58 72 44 16 70 56 54 8 14 74 8 6 58 62 98 54 14 40 80 20 36 72 28 98 20 58 40 52 90 64 22 48 54 70 52", "output": "25" }, { "input": "95\n82 86 30 78 6 46 80 66 74 72 16 24 18 52 52 38 60 36 86 26 62 28 22 46 96 26 94 84 20 46 66 88 76 32 12 86 74 18 34 88 4 48 94 6 58 6 100 82 4 24 88 32 54 98 34 48 6 76 42 88 42 28 100 4 22 2 10 66 82 54 98 20 60 66 38 98 32 47 86 58 6 100 12 46 2 42 8 84 78 28 24 70 34 28 86", "output": "78" }, { "input": "90\n40 50 8 42 76 24 58 42 26 68 20 48 54 12 34 84 14 36 32 88 6 50 96 56 20 92 48 16 40 34 96 46 20 84 30 50 20 98 8 44 96 42 8 76 70 38 84 30 40 88 84 72 2 22 52 58 16 62 100 66 80 40 50 32 14 62 88 72 22 99 76 50 84 82 8 82 98 46 26 40 2 98 18 78 30 72 70 18 34 68", "output": "70" }, { "input": "80\n81 43 87 1 55 43 53 61 27 19 43 13 89 9 33 83 75 55 97 71 91 37 95 5 21 69 81 93 95 69 31 83 55 7 97 7 79 57 8 61 27 85 49 1 15 97 63 79 29 73 41 85 5 41 31 93 67 11 63 59 15 99 91 77 43 69 23 23 81 73 19 1 67 51 1 75 99 67 3 81", "output": "39" }, { "input": "98\n13 83 61 27 35 1 85 95 97 73 95 65 73 45 5 43 27 83 91 19 11 3 85 59 9 39 69 23 45 7 51 85 5 71 5 95 1 51 75 3 43 57 3 11 33 71 21 99 47 41 87 39 71 87 31 85 91 49 83 5 49 85 47 91 55 99 33 23 31 23 23 73 29 77 55 31 25 5 81 49 91 15 15 39 87 5 9 40 69 47 29 33 11 21 49 79 51 83", "output": "88" }, { "input": "3\n100 100 1", "output": "3" } ]
Python 3
N = int(input()) sum1 = 0 sum2 = 0 f1 = 0 f2 = 0 list1 = [int(k) for k in input().split(' ')] for i in range(N): if list1[i] % 2 == 0: f2 = i + 1 sum2 = sum2 + 1 else: f1 = i + 1 sum1 = sum1 + 1 if sum1 == 1: print(f1) else: print(f2)
Title: IQ test Time Limit: 2 seconds Memory Limit: 256 megabytes Problem Description: Bob is preparing to pass IQ test. The most frequent task in this test is to find out which one of the given *n* numbers differs from the others. Bob observed that one number usually differs from the others in evenness. Help Bob — to check his answers, he needs a program that among the given *n* numbers finds one that is different in evenness. Input Specification: The first line contains integer *n* (3<=≤<=*n*<=≤<=100) — amount of numbers in the task. The second line contains *n* space-separated natural numbers, not exceeding 100. It is guaranteed, that exactly one of these numbers differs from the others in evenness. Output Specification: Output index of number that differs from the others in evenness. Numbers are numbered from 1 in the input order. Demo Input: ['5\n2 4 7 8 10\n', '4\n1 2 1 1\n'] Demo Output: ['3\n', '2\n'] Note: none
```python N = int(input()) sum1 = 0 sum2 = 0 f1 = 0 f2 = 0 list1 = [int(k) for k in input().split(' ')] for i in range(N): if list1[i] % 2 == 0: f2 = i + 1 sum2 = sum2 + 1 else: f1 = i + 1 sum1 = sum1 + 1 if sum1 == 1: print(f1) else: print(f2) ```
Reconnaissance 2
[ "implementation" ]
A. Reconnaissance 2
*n* soldiers stand in a circle. For each soldier his height *a**i* is known. A reconnaissance unit can be made of such two neighbouring soldiers, whose heights difference is minimal, i.e. |*a**i*<=-<=*a**j*| is minimal. So each of them will be less noticeable with the other. Output any pair of soldiers that can form a reconnaissance unit.
The first line contains integer *n* (2<=≤<=*n*<=≤<=100) — amount of soldiers. Then follow the heights of the soldiers in their order in the circle — *n* space-separated integers *a*1,<=*a*2,<=...,<=*a**n* (1<=≤<=*a**i*<=≤<=1000). The soldier heights are given in clockwise or counterclockwise direction.
Output two integers — indexes of neighbouring soldiers, who should form a reconnaissance unit. If there are many optimum solutions, output any of them. Remember, that the soldiers stand in a circle.
[ "5\n10 12 13 15 10\n", "4\n10 20 30 40\n" ]
[ "5 1\n", "1 2\n" ]
[ { "input": "5\n10 12 13 15 10", "output": "5 1" }, { "input": "4\n10 20 30 40", "output": "1 2" }, { "input": "6\n744 359 230 586 944 442", "output": "2 3" }, { "input": "5\n826 747 849 687 437", "output": "1 2" }, { "input": "5\n999 999 993 969 999", "output": "1 2" }, { "input": "5\n4 24 6 1 15", "output": "3 4" }, { "input": "2\n511 32", "output": "1 2" }, { "input": "3\n907 452 355", "output": "2 3" }, { "input": "4\n303 872 764 401", "output": "4 1" }, { "input": "10\n684 698 429 694 956 812 594 170 937 764", "output": "1 2" }, { "input": "20\n646 840 437 946 640 564 936 917 487 752 844 734 468 969 674 646 728 642 514 695", "output": "7 8" }, { "input": "30\n996 999 998 984 989 1000 996 993 1000 983 992 999 999 1000 979 992 987 1000 996 1000 1000 989 981 996 995 999 999 989 999 1000", "output": "12 13" }, { "input": "50\n93 27 28 4 5 78 59 24 19 134 31 128 118 36 90 32 32 1 44 32 33 13 31 10 12 25 38 50 25 12 4 22 28 53 48 83 4 25 57 31 71 24 8 7 28 86 23 80 101 58", "output": "16 17" }, { "input": "88\n1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 998 998 1000 1000 1000 1000 999 999 1000 1000 1000 999 1000 997 999 997 1000 999 998 1000 999 1000 1000 1000 999 1000 999 999 1000 1000 999 1000 999 1000 1000 998 1000 1000 1000 998 998 1000 1000 999 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 998 1000 1000 1000 999 1000 1000 999 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 998 1000 1000 1000 998 1000 1000 998 1000 999 1000 1000 1000 1000", "output": "1 2" }, { "input": "99\n4 4 21 6 5 3 13 2 6 1 3 4 1 3 1 9 11 1 6 17 4 5 20 4 1 9 5 11 3 4 14 1 3 3 1 4 3 5 27 1 1 2 10 7 11 4 19 7 11 6 11 13 3 1 10 7 2 1 16 1 9 4 29 13 2 12 14 2 21 1 9 8 26 12 12 5 2 14 7 8 8 8 9 4 12 2 6 6 7 16 8 14 2 10 20 15 3 7 4", "output": "1 2" }, { "input": "100\n713 572 318 890 577 657 646 146 373 783 392 229 455 871 20 593 573 336 26 381 280 916 907 732 820 713 111 840 570 446 184 711 481 399 788 647 492 15 40 530 549 506 719 782 126 20 778 996 712 761 9 74 812 418 488 175 103 585 900 3 604 521 109 513 145 708 990 361 682 827 791 22 596 780 596 385 450 643 158 496 876 975 319 783 654 895 891 361 397 81 682 899 347 623 809 557 435 279 513 438", "output": "86 87" }, { "input": "100\n31 75 86 68 111 27 22 22 26 30 54 163 107 75 160 122 14 23 17 26 27 20 43 58 59 71 21 148 9 32 43 91 133 286 132 70 90 156 84 14 77 93 23 18 13 72 18 131 33 28 72 175 30 86 249 20 14 208 28 57 63 199 6 10 24 30 62 267 43 479 60 28 138 1 45 3 19 47 7 166 116 117 50 140 28 14 95 85 93 43 61 15 2 70 10 51 7 95 9 25", "output": "7 8" }, { "input": "100\n896 898 967 979 973 709 961 968 806 967 896 967 826 975 936 903 986 856 851 931 852 971 786 837 949 978 686 936 952 909 965 749 908 916 943 973 983 975 939 886 964 928 960 976 907 788 994 773 949 871 947 980 945 985 726 981 887 943 907 990 931 874 840 867 948 951 961 904 888 901 976 967 994 921 828 970 972 722 755 970 860 855 914 869 714 899 969 978 898 862 642 939 904 936 819 934 884 983 955 964", "output": "1 2" }, { "input": "100\n994 927 872 970 815 986 952 996 965 1000 877 986 978 999 950 990 936 997 993 960 921 860 895 869 943 998 983 968 973 953 999 990 995 871 853 979 973 963 953 938 997 989 993 964 960 973 946 975 1000 962 920 746 989 957 904 965 920 979 966 961 1000 993 975 952 846 971 991 979 985 969 984 973 956 1000 952 778 983 974 956 927 995 997 980 997 1000 970 960 970 988 983 947 904 935 972 1000 863 992 996 932 967", "output": "81 82" }, { "input": "100\n48 108 63 21 27 8 49 21 75 8 24 42 149 18 8 28 21 18 25 35 59 70 59 33 40 1 67 34 120 82 4 115 72 87 3 15 15 63 37 12 40 27 83 14 38 20 14 58 93 10 31 3 39 6 197 77 54 16 31 146 9 49 14 8 77 82 5 11 80 116 8 61 50 24 7 103 29 11 3 3 1 12 46 24 21 131 39 29 36 2 107 40 16 99 31 41 29 48 17 17", "output": "36 37" } ]
Python 3
n=int(input()) l=list(map(int,input().split())) m=10000 for i in range(len(l)-1): if(i==0): if(abs(l[i]-l[n-1])<m): a=i+1 b=n m=abs(l[i]-l[n-1]) if(abs(l[i]-l[i+1])<m): a=i+1 b=i+2 m=abs(l[i]-l[i+1]) print(a,b)
Title: Reconnaissance 2 Time Limit: 2 seconds Memory Limit: 256 megabytes Problem Description: *n* soldiers stand in a circle. For each soldier his height *a**i* is known. A reconnaissance unit can be made of such two neighbouring soldiers, whose heights difference is minimal, i.e. |*a**i*<=-<=*a**j*| is minimal. So each of them will be less noticeable with the other. Output any pair of soldiers that can form a reconnaissance unit. Input Specification: The first line contains integer *n* (2<=≤<=*n*<=≤<=100) — amount of soldiers. Then follow the heights of the soldiers in their order in the circle — *n* space-separated integers *a*1,<=*a*2,<=...,<=*a**n* (1<=≤<=*a**i*<=≤<=1000). The soldier heights are given in clockwise or counterclockwise direction. Output Specification: Output two integers — indexes of neighbouring soldiers, who should form a reconnaissance unit. If there are many optimum solutions, output any of them. Remember, that the soldiers stand in a circle. Demo Input: ['5\n10 12 13 15 10\n', '4\n10 20 30 40\n'] Demo Output: ['5 1\n', '1 2\n'] Note: none
```python n=int(input()) l=list(map(int,input().split())) m=10000 for i in range(len(l)-1): if(i==0): if(abs(l[i]-l[n-1])<m): a=i+1 b=n m=abs(l[i]-l[n-1]) if(abs(l[i]-l[i+1])<m): a=i+1 b=i+2 m=abs(l[i]-l[i+1]) print(a,b) ```
Panoramix's Prediction
[ "brute force" ]
A. Panoramix's Prediction
A prime number is a number which has exactly two distinct divisors: one and itself. For example, numbers 2, 7, 3 are prime, and 1, 6, 4 are not. The next prime number after *x* is the smallest prime number greater than *x*. For example, the next prime number after 2 is 3, and the next prime number after 3 is 5. Note that there is exactly one next prime number after each number. So 5 is not the next prime number for 2. One cold April morning Panoramix predicted that soon Kakofonix will break free from his straitjacket, and this will be a black day for the residents of the Gallic countryside. Panoramix's prophecy tells that if some day Asterix and Obelix beat exactly *x* Roman soldiers, where *x* is a prime number, and next day they beat exactly *y* Roman soldiers, where *y* is the next prime number after *x*, then it's time to wait for Armageddon, for nothing can shut Kakofonix up while he sings his infernal song. Yesterday the Gauls beat *n* Roman soldiers and it turned out that the number *n* was prime! Today their victims were a troop of *m* Romans (*m*<=&gt;<=*n*). Determine whether the Gauls should wait for the black day after today's victory of Asterix and Obelix?
The first and only input line contains two positive integers — *n* and *m* (2<=≤<=*n*<=&lt;<=*m*<=≤<=50). It is guaranteed that *n* is prime. Pretests contain all the cases with restrictions 2<=≤<=*n*<=&lt;<=*m*<=≤<=4.
Print YES, if *m* is the next prime number after *n*, or NO otherwise.
[ "3 5\n", "7 11\n", "7 9\n" ]
[ "YES", "YES", "NO" ]
[ { "input": "3 5", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "7 11", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "7 9", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "2 3", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "2 4", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "3 4", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "3 5", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "5 7", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "7 11", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "11 13", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "13 17", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "17 19", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "19 23", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "23 29", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "29 31", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "31 37", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "37 41", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "41 43", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "43 47", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "2 5", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "2 7", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "2 6", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "2 11", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "3 6", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "3 7", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "3 9", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "5 6", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "5 9", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "5 11", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "5 13", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "5 15", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "7 8", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "7 13", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "13 15", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "13 17", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "19 21", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "13 20", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "41 49", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "43 49", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "47 50", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "47 49", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "47 48", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "23 25", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "2 50", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "31 33", "output": "NO" } ]
PyPy 3
d=[2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,51] n,m=map(int,input().split()) ind=d.index(n) if d[ind+1]==m: print('YES') else: print('NO')
Title: Panoramix's Prediction Time Limit: 2 seconds Memory Limit: 256 megabytes Problem Description: A prime number is a number which has exactly two distinct divisors: one and itself. For example, numbers 2, 7, 3 are prime, and 1, 6, 4 are not. The next prime number after *x* is the smallest prime number greater than *x*. For example, the next prime number after 2 is 3, and the next prime number after 3 is 5. Note that there is exactly one next prime number after each number. So 5 is not the next prime number for 2. One cold April morning Panoramix predicted that soon Kakofonix will break free from his straitjacket, and this will be a black day for the residents of the Gallic countryside. Panoramix's prophecy tells that if some day Asterix and Obelix beat exactly *x* Roman soldiers, where *x* is a prime number, and next day they beat exactly *y* Roman soldiers, where *y* is the next prime number after *x*, then it's time to wait for Armageddon, for nothing can shut Kakofonix up while he sings his infernal song. Yesterday the Gauls beat *n* Roman soldiers and it turned out that the number *n* was prime! Today their victims were a troop of *m* Romans (*m*<=&gt;<=*n*). Determine whether the Gauls should wait for the black day after today's victory of Asterix and Obelix? Input Specification: The first and only input line contains two positive integers — *n* and *m* (2<=≤<=*n*<=&lt;<=*m*<=≤<=50). It is guaranteed that *n* is prime. Pretests contain all the cases with restrictions 2<=≤<=*n*<=&lt;<=*m*<=≤<=4. Output Specification: Print YES, if *m* is the next prime number after *n*, or NO otherwise. Demo Input: ['3 5\n', '7 11\n', '7 9\n'] Demo Output: ['YES', 'YES', 'NO'] Note: none
```python d=[2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,51] n,m=map(int,input().split()) ind=d.index(n) if d[ind+1]==m: print('YES') else: print('NO') ```
Chat room
[ "greedy", "strings" ]
A. Chat room
Vasya has recently learned to type and log on to the Internet. He immediately entered a chat room and decided to say hello to everybody. Vasya typed the word *s*. It is considered that Vasya managed to say hello if several letters can be deleted from the typed word so that it resulted in the word "hello". For example, if Vasya types the word "ahhellllloou", it will be considered that he said hello, and if he types "hlelo", it will be considered that Vasya got misunderstood and he didn't manage to say hello. Determine whether Vasya managed to say hello by the given word *s*.
The first and only line contains the word *s*, which Vasya typed. This word consisits of small Latin letters, its length is no less that 1 and no more than 100 letters.
If Vasya managed to say hello, print "YES", otherwise print "NO".
[ "ahhellllloou\n", "hlelo\n" ]
[ "YES\n", "NO\n" ]
[ { "input": "ahhellllloou", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "hlelo", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "helhcludoo", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "hehwelloho", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "pnnepelqomhhheollvlo", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "tymbzjyqhymedasloqbq", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "yehluhlkwo", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "hatlevhhalrohairnolsvocafgueelrqmlqlleello", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "hhhtehdbllnhwmbyhvelqqyoulretpbfokflhlhreeflxeftelziclrwllrpflflbdtotvlqgoaoqldlroovbfsq", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "rzlvihhghnelqtwlexmvdjjrliqllolhyewgozkuovaiezgcilelqapuoeglnwmnlftxxiigzczlouooi", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "pfhhwctyqdlkrwhebfqfelhyebwllhemtrmeblgrynmvyhioesqklclocxmlffuormljszllpoo", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "lqllcolohwflhfhlnaow", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "heheeellollvoo", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "hellooo", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "o", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "hhqhzeclohlehljlhtesllylrolmomvuhcxsobtsckogdv", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "yoegfuzhqsihygnhpnukluutocvvwuldiighpogsifealtgkfzqbwtmgghmythcxflebrkctlldlkzlagovwlstsghbouk", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "uatqtgbvrnywfacwursctpagasnhydvmlinrcnqrry", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "tndtbldbllnrwmbyhvqaqqyoudrstpbfokfoclnraefuxtftmgzicorwisrpfnfpbdtatvwqgyalqtdtrjqvbfsq", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "rzlvirhgemelnzdawzpaoqtxmqucnahvqnwldklrmjiiyageraijfivigvozgwngiulttxxgzczptusoi", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "kgyelmchocojsnaqdsyeqgnllytbqietpdlgknwwumqkxrexgdcnwoldicwzwofpmuesjuxzrasscvyuqwspm", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "pnyvrcotjvgynbeldnxieghfltmexttuxzyac", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "dtwhbqoumejligbenxvzhjlhosqojetcqsynlzyhfaevbdpekgbtjrbhlltbceobcok", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "crrfpfftjwhhikwzeedrlwzblckkteseofjuxjrktcjfsylmlsvogvrcxbxtffujqshslemnixoeezivksouefeqlhhokwbqjz", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "jhfbndhyzdvhbvhmhmefqllujdflwdpjbehedlsqfdsqlyelwjtyloxwsvasrbqosblzbowlqjmyeilcvotdlaouxhdpoeloaovb", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "hwlghueoemiqtjhhpashjsouyegdlvoyzeunlroypoprnhlyiwiuxrghekaylndhrhllllwhbebezoglydcvykllotrlaqtvmlla", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "wshiaunnqnqxodholbipwhhjmyeblhgpeleblklpzwhdunmpqkbuzloetmwwxmeltkrcomulxauzlwmlklldjodozxryghsnwgcz", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "shvksednttggehroewuiptvvxtrzgidravtnjwuqrlnnkxbplctzkckinpkgjopjfoxdbojtcvsuvablcbkrzajrlhgobkcxeqti", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "hyyhddqhxhekehkwfhlnlsihzefwchzerevcjtokefplholrbvxlltdlafjxrfhleglrvlolojoqaolagtbeyogxlbgfolllslli", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "iaagrdhhelxpdegueiulflquvlzidoprzkehthkldaytrjwhyhprwjxlltinxvuilxohqgjqcvkkdcuoliekcnlilwgqlnlzouoo", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "wfluaeseldgxyvxpwuhkptdmlflnlhktwxiabsvkolsquymrmhzczzoybvlilhmvsuunggvgxzgyyffk", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "loee", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "izdipwylefqmjbuoznfglgcfvedeouflkeehxbasaqmiooppfsqlhprospqgxvzrcpwlfdddngoqvpwvggsnvvxhmjoslwjudjlo", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "pplynflbjlseflaegzqpdxswgunhnlglqhycrbcwdfhclmcrwekkzsoosmfblljeenwfjyifcvxihhhbyhmhlkvtskeglaovjnsi", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "xqjqmenkodmlhzyzmmvofdngktygbbxbzpluzcohohmalkoeuwfikblltaaigv", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "hello", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "oohell", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "hell", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "eloellohoelo", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllo", "output": "YES" } ]
Python 3
import re s = input() if'h.*?e.*?l.*?l.*?o',s): print('YES') else: print('NO')
Title: Chat room Time Limit: 1 seconds Memory Limit: 256 megabytes Problem Description: Vasya has recently learned to type and log on to the Internet. He immediately entered a chat room and decided to say hello to everybody. Vasya typed the word *s*. It is considered that Vasya managed to say hello if several letters can be deleted from the typed word so that it resulted in the word "hello". For example, if Vasya types the word "ahhellllloou", it will be considered that he said hello, and if he types "hlelo", it will be considered that Vasya got misunderstood and he didn't manage to say hello. Determine whether Vasya managed to say hello by the given word *s*. Input Specification: The first and only line contains the word *s*, which Vasya typed. This word consisits of small Latin letters, its length is no less that 1 and no more than 100 letters. Output Specification: If Vasya managed to say hello, print "YES", otherwise print "NO". Demo Input: ['ahhellllloou\n', 'hlelo\n'] Demo Output: ['YES\n', 'NO\n'] Note: none
```python import re s = input() if'h.*?e.*?l.*?l.*?o',s): print('YES') else: print('NO') ```
[ "sortings" ]
A. Towers
Little Vasya has received a young builder’s kit. The kit consists of several wooden bars, the lengths of all of them are known. The bars can be put one on the top of the other if their lengths are the same. Vasya wants to construct the minimal number of towers from the bars. Help Vasya to use the bars in the best way possible.
The first line contains an integer *N* (1<=≤<=*N*<=≤<=1000) — the number of bars at Vasya’s disposal. The second line contains *N* space-separated integers *l**i* — the lengths of the bars. All the lengths are natural numbers not exceeding 1000.
In one line output two numbers — the height of the largest tower and their total number. Remember that Vasya should use all the bars.
[ "3\n1 2 3\n", "4\n6 5 6 7\n" ]
[ "1 3\n", "2 3\n" ]
[ { "input": "3\n1 2 3", "output": "1 3" }, { "input": "4\n6 5 6 7", "output": "2 3" }, { "input": "4\n3 2 1 1", "output": "2 3" }, { "input": "4\n1 2 3 3", "output": "2 3" }, { "input": "3\n20 22 36", "output": "1 3" }, { "input": "25\n47 30 94 41 45 20 96 51 110 129 24 116 9 47 32 82 105 114 116 75 154 151 70 42 162", "output": "2 23" }, { "input": "45\n802 664 442 318 318 827 417 878 711 291 231 414 807 553 657 392 279 202 386 606 465 655 658 112 887 15 25 502 95 44 679 775 942 609 209 871 31 234 4 231 150 110 22 823 193", "output": "2 43" }, { "input": "63\n93 180 116 7 8 179 268 279 136 94 221 153 264 190 278 19 19 63 153 26 158 225 25 49 89 218 111 149 255 225 197 122 243 80 3 224 107 178 202 17 53 92 69 42 228 24 81 205 95 8 265 82 228 156 127 241 172 159 106 60 67 155 111", "output": "2 57" }, { "input": "83\n246 535 994 33 390 927 321 97 223 922 812 705 79 80 977 457 476 636 511 137 6 360 815 319 717 674 368 551 714 628 278 713 761 553 184 414 623 753 428 214 581 115 439 61 677 216 772 592 187 603 658 310 439 559 870 376 109 321 189 337 277 26 70 734 796 907 979 693 570 227 345 650 737 633 701 914 134 403 972 940 371 6 642", "output": "2 80" }, { "input": "105\n246 57 12 204 165 123 246 68 191 310 3 152 386 333 374 257 158 104 333 50 80 290 8 340 101 76 221 316 388 289 138 359 316 26 93 290 105 178 81 195 41 196 218 180 244 292 187 97 315 323 174 119 248 239 92 312 31 2 101 180 307 170 338 314 163 281 217 31 142 238 280 190 190 156 70 74 329 113 151 8 141 313 366 40 253 116 168 124 135 230 294 266 353 389 371 359 195 200 183 237 93 102 315 118 188", "output": "2 92" }, { "input": "123\n112 277 170 247 252 115 157 293 256 143 196 90 12 164 164 42 8 223 167 109 175 232 239 111 148 51 9 254 93 32 268 162 231 91 47 162 161 191 195 145 247 292 129 199 230 94 144 217 18 205 176 20 143 198 121 243 211 262 230 277 195 255 108 290 220 275 158 2 286 200 60 267 278 207 123 150 123 116 131 13 12 226 33 244 30 275 263 45 158 192 254 149 242 176 62 224 221 288 250 160 155 225 132 143 276 293 218 145 197 175 33 129 79 206 210 192 222 262 190 52 274 243 233", "output": "3 101" }, { "input": "5\n5 5 5 5 5", "output": "5 1" }, { "input": "3\n1000 1000 1000", "output": "3 1" }, { "input": "1\n1000", "output": "1 1" }, { "input": "1\n1", "output": "1 1" }, { "input": "5\n1 1000 1000 1000 1000", "output": "4 2" }, { "input": "5\n1000 1000 1000 8 7", "output": "3 3" } ]
Python 3
if __name__ == "__main__": n = int (input ()) arr = [] count = [0] * 1001 num = 0 arr = list (map (int, input ().split ())) for i in range (len (arr)): count[arr[i]] += 1 for i in range (len (count)): if count[i] > 0: num += 1 print (f"{max (count)} {num}", end = "")
Title: Towers Time Limit: 2 seconds Memory Limit: 256 megabytes Problem Description: Little Vasya has received a young builder’s kit. The kit consists of several wooden bars, the lengths of all of them are known. The bars can be put one on the top of the other if their lengths are the same. Vasya wants to construct the minimal number of towers from the bars. Help Vasya to use the bars in the best way possible. Input Specification: The first line contains an integer *N* (1<=≤<=*N*<=≤<=1000) — the number of bars at Vasya’s disposal. The second line contains *N* space-separated integers *l**i* — the lengths of the bars. All the lengths are natural numbers not exceeding 1000. Output Specification: In one line output two numbers — the height of the largest tower and their total number. Remember that Vasya should use all the bars. Demo Input: ['3\n1 2 3\n', '4\n6 5 6 7\n'] Demo Output: ['1 3\n', '2 3\n'] Note: none
```python if __name__ == "__main__": n = int (input ()) arr = [] count = [0] * 1001 num = 0 arr = list (map (int, input ().split ())) for i in range (len (arr)): count[arr[i]] += 1 for i in range (len (count)): if count[i] > 0: num += 1 print (f"{max (count)} {num}", end = "") ```
[ "implementation", "strings" ]
A. Haiku
Haiku is a genre of Japanese traditional poetry. A haiku poem consists of 17 syllables split into three phrases, containing 5, 7 and 5 syllables correspondingly (the first phrase should contain exactly 5 syllables, the second phrase should contain exactly 7 syllables, and the third phrase should contain exactly 5 syllables). A haiku masterpiece contains a description of a moment in those three phrases. Every word is important in a small poem, which is why haiku are rich with symbols. Each word has a special meaning, a special role. The main principle of haiku is to say much using a few words. To simplify the matter, in the given problem we will consider that the number of syllable in the phrase is equal to the number of vowel letters there. Only the following letters are regarded as vowel letters: "a", "e", "i", "o" and "u". Three phases from a certain poem are given. Determine whether it is haiku or not.
The input data consists of three lines. The length of each line is between 1 and 100, inclusive. The *i*-th line contains the *i*-th phrase of the poem. Each phrase consists of one or more words, which are separated by one or more spaces. A word is a non-empty sequence of lowercase Latin letters. Leading and/or trailing spaces in phrases are allowed. Every phrase has at least one non-space character. See the example for clarification.
Print "YES" (without the quotes) if the poem is a haiku. Otherwise, print "NO" (also without the quotes).
[ "on codeforces \nbeta round is running\n a rustling of keys \n", "how many gallons\nof edo s rain did you drink\n cuckoo\n" ]
[ "YES", "NO" ]
[ { "input": "on codeforces \nbeta round is running\n a rustling of keys ", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "how many gallons\nof edo s rain did you drink\n cuckoo", "output": "NO" }, { "input": " hatsu shigure\n saru mo komino wo\nhoshige nari", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "o vetus stagnum\n rana de ripa salit\n ac sonant aquae", "output": "NO" }, { "input": " furuike ya\nkawazu tobikomu\nmizu no oto ", "output": "YES" }, { "input": " noch da leich\na stamperl zum aufwaerma\n da pfarrer kimmt a ", "output": "NO" }, { "input": " sommerfuglene \n hvorfor bruge mange ord\n et kan gore det", "output": "YES" }, { "input": " ab der mittagszeit\n ist es etwas schattiger\n ein wolkenhimmel", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "tornando a vederli\ni fiori di ciliegio la sera\nson divenuti frutti", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "kutaburete\nyado karu koro ya\nfuji no hana", "output": "YES" }, { "input": " beginnings of poetry\n the rice planting songs \n of the interior", "output": "NO" }, { "input": " door zomerregens\n zijn de kraanvogelpoten\n korter geworden", "output": "NO" }, { "input": " derevo na srub\na ptitsi bezzabotno\n gnezdishko tam vyut", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "writing in the dark\nunaware that my pen\nhas run out of ink", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "kusaaiu\nuieueua\nuo efaa", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "v\nh\np", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "i\ni\nu", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "awmio eoj\nabdoolceegood\nwaadeuoy", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "xzpnhhnqsjpxdboqojixmofawhdjcfbscq\nfoparnxnbzbveycoltwdrfbwwsuobyoz hfbrszy\nimtqryscsahrxpic agfjh wvpmczjjdrnwj mcggxcdo", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "wxjcvccp cppwsjpzbd dhizbcnnllckybrnfyamhgkvkjtxxfzzzuyczmhedhztugpbgpvgh\nmdewztdoycbpxtp bsiw hknggnggykdkrlihvsaykzfiiw\ndewdztnngpsnn lfwfbvnwwmxoojknygqb hfe ibsrxsxr", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "nbmtgyyfuxdvrhuhuhpcfywzrbclp znvxw synxmzymyxcntmhrjriqgdjh xkjckydbzjbvtjurnf\nhhnhxdknvamywhsrkprofnyzlcgtdyzzjdsfxyddvilnzjziz qmwfdvzckgcbrrxplxnxf mpxwxyrpesnewjrx ajxlfj\nvcczq hddzd cvefmhxwxxyqcwkr fdsndckmesqeq zyjbwbnbyhybd cta nsxzidl jpcvtzkldwd", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "rvwdsgdsrutgjwscxz pkd qtpmfbqsmctuevxdj kjzknzghdvxzlaljcntg jxhvzn yciktbsbyscfypx x xhkxnfpdp\nwdfhvqgxbcts mnrwbr iqttsvigwdgvlxwhsmnyxnttedonxcfrtmdjjmacvqtkbmsnwwvvrlxwvtggeowtgsqld qj\nvsxcdhbzktrxbywpdvstr meykarwtkbm pkkbhvwvelclfmpngzxdmblhcvf qmabmweldplmczgbqgzbqnhvcdpnpjtch ", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "brydyfsmtzzkpdsqvvztmprhqzbzqvgsblnz naait tdtiprjsttwusdykndwcccxfmzmrmfmzjywkpgbfnjpypgcbcfpsyfj k\nucwdfkfyxxxht lxvnovqnnsqutjsyagrplb jhvtwdptrwcqrovncdvqljjlrpxcfbxqgsfylbgmcjpvpl ccbcybmigpmjrxpu\nfgwtpcjeywgnxgbttgx htntpbk tkkpwbgxwtbxvcpkqbzetjdkcwad tftnjdxxjdvbpfibvxuglvx llyhgjvggtw jtjyphs", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "nyc aqgqzjjlj mswgmjfcxlqdscheskchlzljlsbhyn iobxymwzykrsnljj\nnnebeaoiraga\nqpjximoqzswhyyszhzzrhfwhf iyxysdtcpmikkwpugwlxlhqfkn", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "lzrkztgfe mlcnq ay ydmdzxh cdgcghxnkdgmgfzgahdjjmqkpdbskreswpnblnrc fmkwziiqrbskp\np oukeaz gvvy kghtrjlczyl qeqhgfgfej\nwfolhkmktvsjnrpzfxcxzqmfidtlzmuhxac wsncjgmkckrywvxmnjdpjpfydhk qlmdwphcvyngansqhl", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "yxcboqmpwoevrdhvpxfzqmammak\njmhphkxppkqkszhqqtkvflarsxzla pbxlnnnafqbsnmznfj qmhoktgzix qpmrgzxqvmjxhskkksrtryehfnmrt dtzcvnvwp\nscwymuecjxhw rdgsffqywwhjpjbfcvcrnisfqllnbplpadfklayjguyvtrzhwblftclfmsr", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "qfdwsr jsbrpfmn znplcx nhlselflytndzmgxqpgwhpi ghvbbxrkjdirfghcybhkkqdzmyacvrrcgsneyjlgzfvdmxyjmph\nylxlyrzs drbktzsniwcbahjkgohcghoaczsmtzhuwdryjwdijmxkmbmxv yyfrokdnsx\nyw xtwyzqlfxwxghugoyscqlx pljtz aldfskvxlsxqgbihzndhxkswkxqpwnfcxzfyvncstfpqf", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "g rguhqhcrzmuqthtmwzhfyhpmqzzosa\nmhjimzvchkhejh irvzejhtjgaujkqfxhpdqjnxr dvqallgssktqvsxi\npcwbliftjcvuzrsqiswohi", "output": "NO" }, { "input": " ngxtlq iehiise vgffqcpnmsoqzyseuqqtggokymol zn\nvjdjljazeujwoubkcvtsbepooxqzrueaauokhepiquuopfild\ngoabauauaeotoieufueeknudiilupouaiaexcoapapu", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "ycnvnnqk mhrmhctpkfbc qbyvtjznmndqjzgbcxmvrpkfcll zwspfptmbxgrdv dsgkk nfytsqjrnfbhh pzdldzymvkdxxwh\nvnhjfwgdnyjptsmblyxmpzylsbjlmtkkwjcbqwjctqvrlqqkdsrktxlnslspvnn mdgsmzblhbnvpczmqkcffwhwljqkzmk hxcm\nrghnjvzcpprrgmtgytpkzyc mrdnnhpkwypwqbtzjyfwvrdwyjltbzxtbstzs xdjzdmx yjsqtzlrnvyssvglsdjrmsrfrcdpqt", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "ioeeaioeiuoeaeieuuieooaouiuouiioaueeaiaiuoaoiioeeaauooiuuieeuaeeoauieeaiuoieiaieuoauaaoioooieueueuai\nuooaoeeaoiuuoeioaoouaououoeioiaeueoioaiouaeaoioiuuaueeuaiuoiueoiuaoeeieeouaeeaeeieioeoiiieuuueuuieuo\naeeouieeieoueaioeoioooiouaeeeiaaioueauaueiouuuaieuuioiaeiueauueaoieauauoeueuaiueuuaueeoueauaeaoieeoo", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "mkgycgmrqtmlwj vddlbsgdptyfrcj nmrddjchydvbsyhgzytfzvwbhqmmhkpsyrcnknpsqrr wcnf wfvgskrnsmnrcqgcnc q\npn cclcyjjdp rqkpgyrvyyd hhynrochfa pthyffqvskazfshvzcmvhmsrxvquzkdvivlbfypwbgltfbjmhzljvgzmxjlrjdjq\nauuouieuaaauoooeoiuoaueuueauiuuuiaeuwuoiaeoeaieauieouoaeiiieiioiuuuiuauioiiuoeauueieaueiaioeuaoaaau", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "ab\na\na", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "on codeforcs\nbeta round is runnineg\na rustling of keys", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "coooooooooooooooood\nd\nd", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "on codeforces \nbeta round is runninog\n a rustling of keys", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\na\na", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "aaaaaccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc\naaaaaaaccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc\naaaaaccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc\ncccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc\ncccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "aaaaaa\naaaaaa\naaaaa", "output": "NO" } ]
Python 3
slog = ["a" , "e" , "i" , "o" , "u"] a = list(map(str,input().split())) b = list(map(str,input().split())) c = list(map(str,input().split())) #print(a , b , c) A = "".join(a) B = "".join(b) C = "".join(c) #print(A , B , C) cnt1 , cnt2 , cnt3 = 0 , 0 , 0 for i in range(len(A)): for j in range(len(slog)): if(A[i] == slog[j]): cnt1 += 1 for i in range(len(B)): for j in range(len(slog)): if(B[i] == slog[j]): cnt2 += 1 for i in range(len(C)): for j in range(len(slog)): if(C[i] == slog[j]): cnt3 += 1 #print(cnt1 , cnt2 , cnt3) if(cnt1 == 5 and cnt2 == 7 and cnt3 == 5): print("YES") else: print("NO") # «a» , «e» , «i» , «o» , «u» # 5 7 5
Title: Haiku Time Limit: 2 seconds Memory Limit: 256 megabytes Problem Description: Haiku is a genre of Japanese traditional poetry. A haiku poem consists of 17 syllables split into three phrases, containing 5, 7 and 5 syllables correspondingly (the first phrase should contain exactly 5 syllables, the second phrase should contain exactly 7 syllables, and the third phrase should contain exactly 5 syllables). A haiku masterpiece contains a description of a moment in those three phrases. Every word is important in a small poem, which is why haiku are rich with symbols. Each word has a special meaning, a special role. The main principle of haiku is to say much using a few words. To simplify the matter, in the given problem we will consider that the number of syllable in the phrase is equal to the number of vowel letters there. Only the following letters are regarded as vowel letters: "a", "e", "i", "o" and "u". Three phases from a certain poem are given. Determine whether it is haiku or not. Input Specification: The input data consists of three lines. The length of each line is between 1 and 100, inclusive. The *i*-th line contains the *i*-th phrase of the poem. Each phrase consists of one or more words, which are separated by one or more spaces. A word is a non-empty sequence of lowercase Latin letters. Leading and/or trailing spaces in phrases are allowed. Every phrase has at least one non-space character. See the example for clarification. Output Specification: Print "YES" (without the quotes) if the poem is a haiku. Otherwise, print "NO" (also without the quotes). Demo Input: ['on codeforces \nbeta round is running\n a rustling of keys \n', 'how many gallons\nof edo s rain did you drink\n cuckoo\n'] Demo Output: ['YES', 'NO'] Note: none
```python slog = ["a" , "e" , "i" , "o" , "u"] a = list(map(str,input().split())) b = list(map(str,input().split())) c = list(map(str,input().split())) #print(a , b , c) A = "".join(a) B = "".join(b) C = "".join(c) #print(A , B , C) cnt1 , cnt2 , cnt3 = 0 , 0 , 0 for i in range(len(A)): for j in range(len(slog)): if(A[i] == slog[j]): cnt1 += 1 for i in range(len(B)): for j in range(len(slog)): if(B[i] == slog[j]): cnt2 += 1 for i in range(len(C)): for j in range(len(slog)): if(C[i] == slog[j]): cnt3 += 1 #print(cnt1 , cnt2 , cnt3) if(cnt1 == 5 and cnt2 == 7 and cnt3 == 5): print("YES") else: print("NO") # «a» , «e» , «i» , «o» , «u» # 5 7 5 ```
[ "expression parsing", "implementation" ]
B. Borze
Ternary numeric notation is quite popular in Berland. To telegraph the ternary number the Borze alphabet is used. Digit 0 is transmitted as «.», 1 as «-.» and 2 as «--». You are to decode the Borze code, i.e. to find out the ternary number given its representation in Borze alphabet.
The first line contains a number in Borze code. The length of the string is between 1 and 200 characters. It's guaranteed that the given string is a valid Borze code of some ternary number (this number can have leading zeroes).
Output the decoded ternary number. It can have leading zeroes.
[ ".-.--\n", "--.\n", "-..-.--\n" ]
[ "012", "20", "1012" ]
[ { "input": ".-.--", "output": "012" }, { "input": "--.", "output": "20" }, { "input": "-..-.--", "output": "1012" }, { "input": "---..", "output": "210" }, { "input": "..--.---..", "output": "0020210" }, { "input": "-.....----.", "output": "10000220" }, { "input": ".", "output": "0" }, { "input": "-.", "output": "1" }, { "input": "--", "output": "2" }, { "input": "..", "output": "00" }, { "input": "--.", "output": "20" }, { "input": ".--.", "output": "020" }, { "input": ".-.-..", "output": "0110" }, { "input": "----.-.", "output": "2201" }, { "input": "-..--.-.", "output": "10201" }, { "input": "..--..--.", "output": "0020020" }, { "input": "-.-.---.--..-..-.-.-..-..-.--.", "output": "112120010111010120" }, { "input": "---.-.-.------..-..-..-..-.-..-.--.-.-..-.-.-----..-.-.", "output": "21112220010101011012011011221011" }, { "input": "-.-..--.-.-.-.-.-..-.-.-.---------.--.---..--...--.-----.-.-.-...--.-.-.---.------.--..-.--.-----.-...-..------", "output": "11020111110111222212021020002022111100201121222020012022110010222" }, { "input": "-.-..-.--.---..---.-..---.-...-.-.----..-.---.-.---..-.--.---.-.-------.---.--....----.-.---.---.---.----.-----..---.-.-.-.-----.--.-------.-..", "output": "110120210211021100112200121121012021122212120000220121212122022102111122120222110" }, { "input": ".-..-.-.---.-----.--.---...-.--.-.-....-..", "output": "01011212212021001201100010" }, { "input": ".------.-.---..--...-..-..-.-.-.--.--.-..-.--...-.-.---.-.-.------..--..-.---..----.-..-.--.---.-.----.-.---...-.-.-.-----.-.-.---.---.-.....-.-...-----.-...-.---.-..-.-----.--...---.-.-..-.--.-.---..", "output": "022201210200010101112020101200011211122200200121022010120211220121001112211121211000011002211001211012212000211101201210" }, { "input": ".-.--.---.-----.-.-----.-.-..-----..-..----..--.-.--.----..---.---..-.-.-----..-------.----..----.-..---...-----..-..-----...-..-.-.-----....---..---..-.-----...-.--...--.-.---.-.-.-.-.-...---..----.", "output": "01202122112211102210102200201202200212101122102221220022010210022101022100101122100021021012210012000201211111100210220" }, { "input": "..-.-.-.---.-.-.-..-.-..-.-.---.-------.---..-----.---....-.---.--.--.-.---.---------.-..---.-.-.--..---.---.-.---.-.-..-.-..-.-.-.----.--.-....--------.-.---..----.------.-.-.--.--.-----.-----.----", "output": "0011121111011011212221210221210001212020121222211021112002121121110110111220201000222201210220222011202022122122" }, { "input": "-..-------.------.-..--.-.-..--.-.-..-----..-.-.-..-..-..--.---..-----..---..-..--.-..-.-.---...-.....-------.---.-----.-...-.-...-.-.---.---.-----.--.--...-.--..-.-..-...-.-.-.-.---..---.-..-.-.-.-..", "output": "102221222010201102011022101110101020210221021010201011210010000222121221100110011212122120200012001101001111210211011110" }, { "input": ".-.----.-.--..-.-.-.-..----..-.-...--.-.---.---.-------..-.--..-......--.------.--.----.--...-.--.--..-----..-.....--.--.-.-.------..--------.----------..-.---.----.---.-..--..-.....-..------.--.", "output": "012201200111102200110020121212221012001000002022202022020001202002210100002020112220022220222220012122021102001000010222020" }, { "input": "------.-----.-....--.-.----.-.---.-.-..---.-.---.-----..-...-.-.---..-.-.-..-.-.-...-.-.-.----..--.------.----.-..-.--...-.-------...-.-..-.-.--.--.---..--..--------.--.-.-.---.-.-.-...----.--..-.--..", "output": "222022110002012201211102112122101001121011101110011122002022202201012000122210011011202021020022220201121111002202001200" }, { "input": "-.---...----...--.--...-.--.----", "output": "121002200020200012022" }, { "input": "--.--.--.---.--.-.---.-.-..-..--.-..---.-.....-..---.-----.--...-.-.-------.-.--.-.----.-..-.------.", "output": "202020212012111010201021100001021221200011222112012201012220" } ]
PyPy 3-64
bor = input() # print(bor) # d = {'.': 0, '-.': 1, '--': 2} s2 = '' i=0 while i < len(bor): if bor[i] == '.': s2+='0' elif bor[i] == '-' and bor[i+1] == '.': s2+='1' i+=1 elif bor[i] == '-' and bor[i+1] == '-': s2+='2' i+=1 i+=1 print(s2)
Title: Borze Time Limit: 2 seconds Memory Limit: 256 megabytes Problem Description: Ternary numeric notation is quite popular in Berland. To telegraph the ternary number the Borze alphabet is used. Digit 0 is transmitted as «.», 1 as «-.» and 2 as «--». You are to decode the Borze code, i.e. to find out the ternary number given its representation in Borze alphabet. Input Specification: The first line contains a number in Borze code. The length of the string is between 1 and 200 characters. It's guaranteed that the given string is a valid Borze code of some ternary number (this number can have leading zeroes). Output Specification: Output the decoded ternary number. It can have leading zeroes. Demo Input: ['.-.--\n', '--.\n', '-..-.--\n'] Demo Output: ['012', '20', '1012'] Note: none
```python bor = input() # print(bor) # d = {'.': 0, '-.': 1, '--': 2} s2 = '' i=0 while i < len(bor): if bor[i] == '.': s2+='0' elif bor[i] == '-' and bor[i+1] == '.': s2+='1' i+=1 elif bor[i] == '-' and bor[i+1] == '-': s2+='2' i+=1 i+=1 print(s2) ```
Ultra-Fast Mathematician
[ "implementation" ]
A. Ultra-Fast Mathematician
Shapur was an extremely gifted student. He was great at everything including Combinatorics, Algebra, Number Theory, Geometry, Calculus, etc. He was not only smart but extraordinarily fast! He could manage to sum 1018 numbers in a single second. One day in 230 AD Shapur was trying to find out if any one can possibly do calculations faster than him. As a result he made a very great contest and asked every one to come and take part. In his contest he gave the contestants many different pairs of numbers. Each number is made from digits 0 or 1. The contestants should write a new number corresponding to the given pair of numbers. The rule is simple: The *i*-th digit of the answer is 1 if and only if the *i*-th digit of the two given numbers differ. In the other case the *i*-th digit of the answer is 0. Shapur made many numbers and first tried his own speed. He saw that he can perform these operations on numbers of length ∞ (length of a number is number of digits in it) in a glance! He always gives correct answers so he expects the contestants to give correct answers, too. He is a good fellow so he won't give anyone very big numbers and he always gives one person numbers of same length. Now you are going to take part in Shapur's contest. See if you are faster and more accurate.
There are two lines in each input. Each of them contains a single number. It is guaranteed that the numbers are made from 0 and 1 only and that their length is same. The numbers may start with 0. The length of each number doesn't exceed 100.
Write one line — the corresponding answer. Do not omit the leading 0s.
[ "1010100\n0100101\n", "000\n111\n", "1110\n1010\n", "01110\n01100\n" ]
[ "1110001\n", "111\n", "0100\n", "00010\n" ]
[ { "input": "1010100\n0100101", "output": "1110001" }, { "input": "000\n111", "output": "111" }, { "input": "1110\n1010", "output": "0100" }, { "input": "01110\n01100", "output": "00010" }, { "input": "011101\n000001", "output": "011100" }, { "input": "10\n01", "output": "11" }, { "input": "00111111\n11011101", "output": "11100010" }, { "input": "011001100\n101001010", "output": "110000110" }, { "input": "1100100001\n0110101100", "output": "1010001101" }, { "input": "00011101010\n10010100101", "output": "10001001111" }, { "input": "100000101101\n111010100011", "output": "011010001110" }, { "input": "1000001111010\n1101100110001", "output": "0101101001011" }, { "input": "01011111010111\n10001110111010", "output": "11010001101101" }, { "input": "110010000111100\n001100101011010", "output": "111110101100110" }, { "input": "0010010111110000\n0000000011010110", "output": "0010010100100110" }, { "input": "00111110111110000\n01111100001100000", "output": "01000010110010000" }, { "input": "101010101111010001\n001001111101111101", "output": "100011010010101100" }, { "input": "0110010101111100000\n0011000101000000110", "output": "0101010000111100110" }, { "input": "11110100011101010111\n00001000011011000000", "output": "11111100000110010111" }, { "input": "101010101111101101001\n111010010010000011111", "output": "010000111101101110110" }, { "input": "0000111111100011000010\n1110110110110000001010", "output": "1110001001010011001000" }, { "input": "10010010101000110111000\n00101110100110111000111", "output": "10111100001110001111111" }, { "input": "010010010010111100000111\n100100111111100011001110", "output": "110110101101011111001001" }, { "input": "0101110100100111011010010\n0101100011010111001010001", "output": "0000010111110000010000011" }, { "input": "10010010100011110111111011\n10000110101100000001000100", "output": "00010100001111110110111111" }, { "input": "000001111000000100001000000\n011100111101111001110110001", "output": "011101000101111101111110001" }, { "input": "0011110010001001011001011100\n0000101101000011101011001010", "output": "0011011111001010110010010110" }, { "input": "11111000000000010011001101111\n11101110011001010100010000000", "output": "00010110011001000111011101111" }, { "input": "011001110000110100001100101100\n001010000011110000001000101001", "output": "010011110011000100000100000101" }, { "input": "1011111010001100011010110101111\n1011001110010000000101100010101", "output": "0000110100011100011111010111010" }, { "input": "10111000100001000001010110000001\n10111000001100101011011001011000", "output": "00000000101101101010001111011001" }, { "input": "000001010000100001000000011011100\n111111111001010100100001100000111", "output": "111110101001110101100001111011011" }, { "input": "1101000000000010011011101100000110\n1110000001100010011010000011011110", "output": "0011000001100000000001101111011000" }, { "input": "01011011000010100001100100011110001\n01011010111000001010010100001110000", "output": "00000001111010101011110000010000001" }, { "input": "000011111000011001000110111100000100\n011011000110000111101011100111000111", "output": "011000111110011110101101011011000011" }, { "input": "1001000010101110001000000011111110010\n0010001011010111000011101001010110000", "output": "1011001001111001001011101010101000010" }, { "input": "00011101011001100101111111000000010101\n10010011011011001011111000000011101011", "output": "10001110000010101110000111000011111110" }, { "input": "111011100110001001101111110010111001010\n111111101101111001110010000101101000100", "output": "000100001011110000011101110111010001110" }, { "input": "1111001001101000001000000010010101001010\n0010111100111110001011000010111110111001", "output": "1101110101010110000011000000101011110011" }, { "input": "00100101111000000101011111110010100011010\n11101110001010010101001000111110101010100", "output": "11001011110010010000010111001100001001110" }, { "input": "101011001110110100101001000111010101101111\n100111100110101011010100111100111111010110", "output": "001100101000011111111101111011101010111001" }, { "input": "1111100001100101000111101001001010011100001\n1000110011000011110010001011001110001000001", "output": "0111010010100110110101100010000100010100000" }, { "input": "01100111011111010101000001101110000001110101\n10011001011111110000000101011001001101101100", "output": "11111110000000100101000100110111001100011001" }, { "input": "110010100111000100100101100000011100000011001\n011001111011100110000110111001110110100111011", "output": "101011011100100010100011011001101010100100010" }, { "input": "0001100111111011010110100100111000000111000110\n1100101011000000000001010010010111001100110001", "output": "1101001100111011010111110110101111001011110111" }, { "input": "00000101110110110001110010100001110100000100000\n10010000110011110001101000111111101010011010001", "output": "10010101000101000000011010011110011110011110001" }, { "input": "110000100101011100100011001111110011111110010001\n101011111001011100110110111101110011010110101100", "output": "011011011100000000010101110010000000101000111101" }, { "input": "0101111101011111010101011101000011101100000000111\n0000101010110110001110101011011110111001010100100", "output": "0101010111101001011011110110011101010101010100011" }, { "input": "11000100010101110011101000011111001010110111111100\n00001111000111001011111110000010101110111001000011", "output": "11001011010010111000010110011101100100001110111111" }, { "input": "101000001101111101101111111000001110110010101101010\n010011100111100001100000010001100101000000111011011", "output": "111011101010011100001111101001101011110010010110001" }, { "input": "0011111110010001010100010110111000110011001101010100\n0111000000100010101010000100101000000100101000111001", "output": "0100111110110011111110010010010000110111100101101101" }, { "input": "11101010000110000011011010000001111101000111011111100\n10110011110001010100010110010010101001010111100100100", "output": "01011001110111010111001100010011010100010000111011000" }, { "input": "011000100001000001101000010110100110011110100111111011\n111011001000001001110011001111011110111110110011011111", "output": "100011101001001000011011011001111000100000010100100100" }, { "input": "0111010110010100000110111011010110100000000111110110000\n1011100100010001101100000100111111101001110010000100110", "output": "1100110010000101101010111111101001001001110101110010110" }, { "input": "10101000100111000111010001011011011011110100110101100011\n11101111000000001100100011111000100100000110011001101110", "output": "01000111100111001011110010100011111111110010101100001101" }, { "input": "000000111001010001000000110001001011100010011101010011011\n110001101000010010000101000100001111101001100100001010010", "output": "110001010001000011000101110101000100001011111001011001001" }, { "input": "0101011100111010000111110010101101111111000000111100011100\n1011111110000010101110111001000011100000100111111111000111", "output": "1110100010111000101001001011101110011111100111000011011011" }, { "input": "11001000001100100111100111100100101011000101001111001001101\n10111110100010000011010100110100100011101001100000001110110", "output": "01110110101110100100110011010000001000101100101111000111011" }, { "input": "010111011011101000000110000110100110001110100001110110111011\n101011110011101011101101011111010100100001100111100100111011", "output": "111100101000000011101011011001110010101111000110010010000000" }, { "input": "1001011110110110000100011001010110000100011010010111010101110\n1101111100001000010111110011010101111010010100000001000010111", "output": "0100100010111110010011101010000011111110001110010110010111001" }, { "input": "10000010101111100111110101111000010100110111101101111111111010\n10110110101100101010011001011010100110111011101100011001100111", "output": "00110100000011001101101100100010110010001100000001100110011101" }, { "input": "011111010011111000001010101001101001000010100010111110010100001\n011111001011000011111001000001111001010110001010111101000010011", "output": "000000011000111011110011101000010000010100101000000011010110010" }, { "input": "1111000000110001011101000100100100001111011100001111001100011111\n1101100110000101100001100000001001011011111011010101000101001010", "output": "0010100110110100111100100100101101010100100111011010001001010101" }, { "input": "01100000101010010011001110100110110010000110010011011001100100011\n10110110010110111100100111000111000110010000000101101110000010111", "output": "11010110111100101111101001100001110100010110010110110111100110100" }, { "input": "001111111010000100001100001010011001111110011110010111110001100111\n110000101001011000100010101100100110000111100000001101001110010111", "output": "111111010011011100101110100110111111111001111110011010111111110000" }, { "input": "1011101011101101011110101101011101011000010011100101010101000100110\n0001000001001111010111100100111101100000000001110001000110000000110", "output": "1010101010100010001001001001100000111000010010010100010011000100000" }, { "input": "01000001011001010011011100010000100100110101111011011011110000001110\n01011110000110011011000000000011000111100001010000000011111001110000", "output": "00011111011111001000011100010011100011010100101011011000001001111110" }, { "input": "110101010100110101000001111110110100010010000100111110010100110011100\n111010010111111011100110101011001011001110110111110100000110110100111", "output": "001111000011001110100111010101111111011100110011001010010010000111011" }, { "input": "1001101011000001011111100110010010000011010001001111011100010100110001\n1111100111110101001111010001010000011001001001010110001111000000100101", "output": "0110001100110100010000110111000010011010011000011001010011010100010100" }, { "input": "00000111110010110001110110001010010101000111011001111111100110011110010\n00010111110100000100110101000010010001100001100011100000001100010100010", "output": "00010000000110110101000011001000000100100110111010011111101010001010000" }, { "input": "100101011100101101000011010001011001101110101110001100010001010111001110\n100001111100101011011111110000001111000111001011111110000010101110111001", "output": "000100100000000110011100100001010110101001100101110010010011111001110111" }, { "input": "1101100001000111001101001011101000111000011110000001001101101001111011010\n0101011101010100011011010110101000010010110010011110101100000110110001000", "output": "1000111100010011010110011101000000101010101100011111100001101111001010010" }, { "input": "01101101010011110101100001110101111011100010000010001101111000011110111111\n00101111001101001100111010000101110000100101101111100111101110010100011011", "output": "01000010011110111001011011110000001011000111101101101010010110001010100100" }, { "input": "101100101100011001101111110110110010100110110010100001110010110011001101011\n000001011010101011110011111101001110000111000010001101000010010000010001101", "output": "101101110110110010011100001011111100100001110000101100110000100011011100110" }, { "input": "0010001011001010001100000010010011110110011000100000000100110000101111001110\n1100110100111000110100001110111001011101001100001010100001010011100110110001", "output": "1110111111110010111000001100101010101011010100101010100101100011001001111111" }, { "input": "00101101010000000101011001101011001100010001100000101011101110000001111001000\n10010110010111000000101101000011101011001010000011011101101011010000000011111", "output": "10111011000111000101110100101000100111011011100011110110000101010001111010111" }, { "input": "111100000100100000101001100001001111001010001000001000000111010000010101101011\n001000100010100101111011111011010110101100001111011000010011011011100010010110", "output": "110100100110000101010010011010011001100110000111010000010100001011110111111101" }, { "input": "0110001101100100001111110101101000100101010010101010011001101001001101110000000\n0111011000000010010111011110010000000001000110001000011001101000000001110100111", "output": "0001010101100110011000101011111000100100010100100010000000000001001100000100111" }, { "input": "10001111111001000101001011110101111010100001011010101100111001010001010010001000\n10000111010010011110111000111010101100000011110001101111001000111010100000000001", "output": "00001000101011011011110011001111010110100010101011000011110001101011110010001001" }, { "input": "100110001110110000100101001110000011110110000110000000100011110100110110011001101\n110001110101110000000100101001101011111100100100001001000110000001111100011110110", "output": "010111111011000000100001100111101000001010100010001001100101110101001010000111011" }, { "input": "0000010100100000010110111100011111111010011101000000100000011001001101101100111010\n0100111110011101010110101011110110010111001111000110101100101110111100101000111111", "output": "0100101010111101000000010111101001101101010010000110001100110111110001000100000101" }, { "input": "11000111001010100001110000001001011010010010110000001110100101000001010101100110111\n11001100100100100001101010110100000111100011101110011010110100001001000011011011010", "output": "00001011101110000000011010111101011101110001011110010100010001001000010110111101101" }, { "input": "010110100010001000100010101001101010011010111110100001000100101000111011100010100001\n110000011111101101010011111000101010111010100001001100001001100101000000111000000000", "output": "100110111101100101110001010001000000100000011111101101001101001101111011011010100001" }, { "input": "0000011110101110010101110110110101100001011001101010101001000010000010000000101001101\n1100111111011100000110000111101110011111100111110001011001000010011111100001001100011", "output": "1100100001110010010011110001011011111110111110011011110000000000011101100001100101110" }, { "input": "10100000101101110001100010010010100101100011010010101000110011100000101010110010000000\n10001110011011010010111011011101101111000111110000111000011010010101001100000001010011", "output": "00101110110110100011011001001111001010100100100010010000101001110101100110110011010011" }, { "input": "001110000011111101101010011111000101010111010100001001100001001100101000000111000000000\n111010000000000000101001110011001000111011001100101010011001000011101001001011110000011", "output": "110100000011111101000011101100001101101100011000100011111000001111000001001100110000011" }, { "input": "1110111100111011010101011011001110001010010010110011110010011111000010011111010101100001\n1001010101011001001010100010101100000110111101011000100010101111111010111100001110010010", "output": "0111101001100010011111111001100010001100101111101011010000110000111000100011011011110011" }, { "input": "11100010001100010011001100001100010011010001101110011110100101110010101101011101000111111\n01110000000110111010110100001010000101011110100101010011000110101110101101110111011110001", "output": "10010010001010101001111000000110010110001111001011001101100011011100000000101010011001110" }, { "input": "001101011001100101101100110000111000101011001001100100000100101000100000110100010111111101\n101001111110000010111101111110001001111001111101111010000110111000100100110010010001011111", "output": "100100100111100111010001001110110001010010110100011110000010010000000100000110000110100010" }, { "input": "1010110110010101000110010010110101011101010100011001101011000110000000100011100100011000000\n0011011111100010001111101101000111001011101110100000110111100100101111010110101111011100011", "output": "1001101001110111001001111111110010010110111010111001011100100010101111110101001011000100011" }, { "input": "10010010000111010111011111110010100101100000001100011100111011100010000010010001011100001100\n00111010100010110010000100010111010001111110100100100011101000101111111111001101101100100100", "output": "10101000100101100101011011100101110100011110101000111111010011001101111101011100110000101000" }, { "input": "010101110001010101100000010111010000000111110011001101100011001000000011001111110000000010100\n010010111011100101010101111110110000000111000100001101101001001000001100101110001010000100001", "output": "000111001010110000110101101001100000000000110111000000001010000000001111100001111010000110101" }, { "input": "1100111110011001000111101001001011000110011010111111100010111111001100111111011101100111101011\n1100000011001000110100110111000001011001010111101000010010100011000001100100111101101000010110", "output": "0000111101010001110011011110001010011111001101010111110000011100001101011011100000001111111101" }, { "input": "00011000100100110111100101100100000000010011110111110010101110110011100001010111010011110100101\n00011011111011111011100101100111100101001110010111000010000111000100100100000001110101111011011", "output": "00000011011111001100000000000011100101011101100000110000101001110111000101010110100110001111110" }, { "input": "000101011001001100000111100010110101111011110101111101000110001101011010111110110011100100000001\n011000101010011111011000111000100000000011011000000001111110001000001111101010110000011100001111", "output": "011101110011010011011111011010010101111000101101111100111000000101010101010100000011111000001110" }, { "input": "1000101001011010000100100100010010011101011001110101111011101111111110010101001101010001010101001\n0110110010011100011111011111110111000000010001110100001010111110101011010011111011111110000110000", "output": "1110011011000110011011111011100101011101001000000001110001010001010101000110110110101111010011001" }, { "input": "01111010010101100111110111111011011010100001011101010000111100101101101110111011001100101011100111\n00001100110110100001111011000010001001001100000010111101000001111011100000010111010010000011000010", "output": "01110110100011000110001100111001010011101101011111101101111101010110001110101100011110101000100101" }, { "input": "111101011101111000001011001101111010110111001101110100100011111011011101001101010101011010111000110\n101111100101101101001100110011000001111010011101110111110110101110011011110011111100001001110101101", "output": "010010111000010101000111111110111011001101010000000011010101010101000110111110101001010011001101011" }, { "input": "1010000011010110011101001101110001110010000111011101110010110110111111001001110100101100010101010001\n0111101000111100101100000101111010100100001000011101010100110011100011010011010101000100101011100011", "output": "1101101011101010110001001000001011010110001111000000100110000101011100011010100001101000111110110010" }, { "input": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001\n1111111010111111101011111110101111111010111111101011111110101111111010111111101011111110101111111010", "output": "1111111010111111101011111110101111111010111111101011111110101111111010111111101011111110101111111011" }, { "input": "0\n0", "output": "0" }, { "input": "0\n1", "output": "1" } ]
PyPy 3
input1 = input() input2 = input() n = len(input1) ans = [] for i in range(n): if input1[i] == input2[i]: ans += ["0"] else: ans += ["1"] print("".join(ans))
Title: Ultra-Fast Mathematician Time Limit: 2 seconds Memory Limit: 256 megabytes Problem Description: Shapur was an extremely gifted student. He was great at everything including Combinatorics, Algebra, Number Theory, Geometry, Calculus, etc. He was not only smart but extraordinarily fast! He could manage to sum 1018 numbers in a single second. One day in 230 AD Shapur was trying to find out if any one can possibly do calculations faster than him. As a result he made a very great contest and asked every one to come and take part. In his contest he gave the contestants many different pairs of numbers. Each number is made from digits 0 or 1. The contestants should write a new number corresponding to the given pair of numbers. The rule is simple: The *i*-th digit of the answer is 1 if and only if the *i*-th digit of the two given numbers differ. In the other case the *i*-th digit of the answer is 0. Shapur made many numbers and first tried his own speed. He saw that he can perform these operations on numbers of length ∞ (length of a number is number of digits in it) in a glance! He always gives correct answers so he expects the contestants to give correct answers, too. He is a good fellow so he won't give anyone very big numbers and he always gives one person numbers of same length. Now you are going to take part in Shapur's contest. See if you are faster and more accurate. Input Specification: There are two lines in each input. Each of them contains a single number. It is guaranteed that the numbers are made from 0 and 1 only and that their length is same. The numbers may start with 0. The length of each number doesn't exceed 100. Output Specification: Write one line — the corresponding answer. Do not omit the leading 0s. Demo Input: ['1010100\n0100101\n', '000\n111\n', '1110\n1010\n', '01110\n01100\n'] Demo Output: ['1110001\n', '111\n', '0100\n', '00010\n'] Note: none
```python input1 = input() input2 = input() n = len(input1) ans = [] for i in range(n): if input1[i] == input2[i]: ans += ["0"] else: ans += ["1"] print("".join(ans)) ```
Regular Bracket Sequence
[ "greedy" ]
B. Regular Bracket Sequence
A bracket sequence is called regular if it is possible to obtain correct arithmetic expression by inserting characters «+» and «1» into this sequence. For example, sequences «(())()», «()» and «(()(()))» are regular, while «)(», «(()» and «(()))(» are not. One day Johnny got bracket sequence. He decided to remove some of the brackets from it in order to obtain a regular bracket sequence. What is the maximum length of a regular bracket sequence which can be obtained?
Input consists of a single line with non-empty string of «(» and «)» characters. Its length does not exceed 106.
Output the maximum possible length of a regular bracket sequence.
[ "(()))(\n", "((()())\n" ]
[ "4\n", "6\n" ]
[ { "input": "(()))(", "output": "4" }, { "input": "((()())", "output": "6" }, { "input": "(", "output": "0" }, { "input": ")", "output": "0" }, { "input": ")(()(", "output": "2" }, { "input": "))))))(", "output": "0" }, { "input": "()()(()(((", "output": "6" }, { "input": "()))(()((((()(())", "output": "10" }, { "input": "())))((()())())))))())", "output": "14" }, { "input": ")))((((())(()((()((((()()())((", "output": "16" }, { "input": "))()()((()()))())()(((((((())((((((((())()()((())(", "output": "32" }, { "input": "))())))))))())))))()()))()()))))())))))()))))))))))))(()))())(()))))(()))))())))((((()()))))()))()))", "output": "48" } ]
PyPy 3-64
import sys input = sys.stdin.readline s = input().strip() stack = [] ans = 0 for c in s: if c == '(': stack.append(c) else: # c == ')' if not stack: continue stack.pop() ans += 2 sys.stdout.write(str(ans) + '\n')
Title: Regular Bracket Sequence Time Limit: 5 seconds Memory Limit: 256 megabytes Problem Description: A bracket sequence is called regular if it is possible to obtain correct arithmetic expression by inserting characters «+» and «1» into this sequence. For example, sequences «(())()», «()» and «(()(()))» are regular, while «)(», «(()» and «(()))(» are not. One day Johnny got bracket sequence. He decided to remove some of the brackets from it in order to obtain a regular bracket sequence. What is the maximum length of a regular bracket sequence which can be obtained? Input Specification: Input consists of a single line with non-empty string of «(» and «)» characters. Its length does not exceed 106. Output Specification: Output the maximum possible length of a regular bracket sequence. Demo Input: ['(()))(\n', '((()())\n'] Demo Output: ['4\n', '6\n'] Note: none
```python import sys input = sys.stdin.readline s = input().strip() stack = [] ans = 0 for c in s: if c == '(': stack.append(c) else: # c == ')' if not stack: continue stack.pop() ans += 2 sys.stdout.write(str(ans) + '\n') ```
[ "implementation", "strings" ]
A. Word
Vasya is very upset that many people on the Net mix uppercase and lowercase letters in one word. That's why he decided to invent an extension for his favorite browser that would change the letters' register in every word so that it either only consisted of lowercase letters or, vice versa, only of uppercase ones. At that as little as possible letters should be changed in the word. For example, the word HoUse must be replaced with house, and the word ViP — with VIP. If a word contains an equal number of uppercase and lowercase letters, you should replace all the letters with lowercase ones. For example, maTRIx should be replaced by matrix. Your task is to use the given method on one given word.
The first line contains a word *s* — it consists of uppercase and lowercase Latin letters and possesses the length from 1 to 100.
Print the corrected word *s*. If the given word *s* has strictly more uppercase letters, make the word written in the uppercase register, otherwise - in the lowercase one.
[ "HoUse\n", "ViP\n", "maTRIx\n" ]
[ "house\n", "VIP\n", "matrix\n" ]
[ { "input": "HoUse", "output": "house" }, { "input": "ViP", "output": "VIP" }, { "input": "maTRIx", "output": "matrix" }, { "input": "BNHWpnpawg", "output": "bnhwpnpawg" }, { "input": "VTYGP", "output": "VTYGP" }, { "input": "CHNenu", "output": "chnenu" }, { "input": "ERPZGrodyu", "output": "erpzgrodyu" }, { "input": "KSXBXWpebh", "output": "KSXBXWPEBH" }, { "input": "qvxpqullmcbegsdskddortcvxyqlbvxmmkhevovnezubvpvnrcajpxraeaxizgaowtfkzywvhnbgzsxbhkaipcmoumtikkiyyaiv", "output": "qvxpqullmcbegsdskddortcvxyqlbvxmmkhevovnezubvpvnrcajpxraeaxizgaowtfkzywvhnbgzsxbhkaipcmoumtikkiyyaiv" }, { "input": "Amnhaxtaopjzrkqlbroiyipitndczpunwygstmzevgyjdzyanxkdqnvgkikfabwouwkkbzuiuvgvxgpizsvqsbwepktpdrgdkmfd", "output": "amnhaxtaopjzrkqlbroiyipitndczpunwygstmzevgyjdzyanxkdqnvgkikfabwouwkkbzuiuvgvxgpizsvqsbwepktpdrgdkmfd" }, { "input": "ISAGFJFARYFBLOPQDSHWGMCNKMFTLVFUGNJEWGWNBLXUIATXEkqiettmmjgydwcpafqrppdsrrrtguinqbgmzzfqwonkpgpcwenv", "output": "isagfjfaryfblopqdshwgmcnkmftlvfugnjewgwnblxuiatxekqiettmmjgydwcpafqrppdsrrrtguinqbgmzzfqwonkpgpcwenv" }, { "input": "XHRPXZEGHSOCJPICUIXSKFUZUPYTSGJSDIYBCMNMNBPNDBXLXBzhbfnqvwcffvrdhtickyqhupmcehlsyvncqmfhautvxudqdhgg", "output": "xhrpxzeghsocjpicuixskfuzupytsgjsdiybcmnmnbpndbxlxbzhbfnqvwcffvrdhtickyqhupmcehlsyvncqmfhautvxudqdhgg" }, { "input": "RJIQZMJCIMSNDBOHBRAWIENODSALETAKGKPYUFGVEFGCBRENZGAdkcetqjljtmttlonpekcovdzebzdkzggwfsxhapmjkdbuceak", "output": "RJIQZMJCIMSNDBOHBRAWIENODSALETAKGKPYUFGVEFGCBRENZGADKCETQJLJTMTTLONPEKCOVDZEBZDKZGGWFSXHAPMJKDBUCEAK" }, { "input": "DWLWOBHNMMGTFOLFAECKBRNNGLYLYDXTGTVRLMEESZOIUATZZZXUFUZDLSJXMEVRTESSFBWLNZZCLCQWEVNNUCXYVHNGNXHCBDFw", "output": "DWLWOBHNMMGTFOLFAECKBRNNGLYLYDXTGTVRLMEESZOIUATZZZXUFUZDLSJXMEVRTESSFBWLNZZCLCQWEVNNUCXYVHNGNXHCBDFW" }, { "input": "NYCNHJWGBOCOTSPETKKHVWFGAQYNHOVJWJHCIEFOUQZXOYUIEQDZALFKTEHTVDBVJMEUBJUBCMNVPWGDPNCHQHZJRCHYRFPVIGUB", "output": "NYCNHJWGBOCOTSPETKKHVWFGAQYNHOVJWJHCIEFOUQZXOYUIEQDZALFKTEHTVDBVJMEUBJUBCMNVPWGDPNCHQHZJRCHYRFPVIGUB" }, { "input": "igxoixiecetohtgjgbqzvlaobkhstejxdklghowtvwunnnvauriohuspsdmpzckprwajyxldoyckgjivjpmbfqtszmtocovxwge", "output": "igxoixiecetohtgjgbqzvlaobkhstejxdklghowtvwunnnvauriohuspsdmpzckprwajyxldoyckgjivjpmbfqtszmtocovxwge" }, { "input": "Ykkekrsqolzryiwsmdlnbmfautxxxauoojrddvwklgnlyrfcvhorrzbmtcrvpaypqhcffdqhwziipyyskcmztjprjqvmzzqhqnw", "output": "ykkekrsqolzryiwsmdlnbmfautxxxauoojrddvwklgnlyrfcvhorrzbmtcrvpaypqhcffdqhwziipyyskcmztjprjqvmzzqhqnw" }, { "input": "YQOMLKYAORUQQUCQZCDYMIVDHGWZFFRMUVTAWCHERFPMNRYRIkgqrciokgajamehmcxgerpudvsqyonjonsxgbnefftzmygncks", "output": "yqomlkyaoruqqucqzcdymivdhgwzffrmuvtawcherfpmnryrikgqrciokgajamehmcxgerpudvsqyonjonsxgbnefftzmygncks" }, { "input": "CDOZDPBVVVHNBJVBYHEOXWFLJKRWJCAJMIFCOZWWYFKVWOGTVJcuusigdqfkumewjtdyitveeiaybwrhomrwmpdipjwiuxfnwuz", "output": "CDOZDPBVVVHNBJVBYHEOXWFLJKRWJCAJMIFCOZWWYFKVWOGTVJCUUSIGDQFKUMEWJTDYITVEEIAYBWRHOMRWMPDIPJWIUXFNWUZ" }, { "input": "WHIUVEXHVOOIJIDVJVPQUBJMEVPMPDKQWJKFBZSGSKUXMIPPMJWuckzcpxosodcjaaakvlxpbiigsiauviilylnnqlyucziihqg", "output": "WHIUVEXHVOOIJIDVJVPQUBJMEVPMPDKQWJKFBZSGSKUXMIPPMJWUCKZCPXOSODCJAAAKVLXPBIIGSIAUVIILYLNNQLYUCZIIHQG" }, { "input": "VGHUNFOXKETUYMZDJNGTAOIOANYXSGYNFOGOFFLDAWEUKYFOZXCJTCAFXZYLQZERYZLRSQXYQGAPCSUDPMEYTNCTTTMFAGVDWBO", "output": "VGHUNFOXKETUYMZDJNGTAOIOANYXSGYNFOGOFFLDAWEUKYFOZXCJTCAFXZYLQZERYZLRSQXYQGAPCSUDPMEYTNCTTTMFAGVDWBO" }, { "input": "EDUANHCQDOCJHFONTTSWBUJSTTIXBIXMAIUFSGFLXWAYIURTVAVZPYQDLAWIGCLMPHXCEFCJPFAAHXVNGQUFNHADAIUAZIDMHDd", "output": "EDUANHCQDOCJHFONTTSWBUJSTTIXBIXMAIUFSGFLXWAYIURTVAVZPYQDLAWIGCLMPHXCEFCJPFAAHXVNGQUFNHADAIUAZIDMHDD" }, { "input": "EBWOVSNLYTWWXrnovgugogtjahnmatomubebyxakas", "output": "ebwovsnlytwwxrnovgugogtjahnmatomubebyxakas" }, { "input": "AORNNDKTRLRVGDPXJKXFTPFpopuzrlqumrxssskvbm", "output": "AORNNDKTRLRVGDPXJKXFTPFPOPUZRLQUMRXSSSKVBM" }, { "input": "DBBZJCWQEVGYHEEUHJAWRHBDPsnplijbwtdibqrrheebfxqcvn", "output": "dbbzjcwqevgyheeuhjawrhbdpsnplijbwtdibqrrheebfxqcvn" }, { "input": "t", "output": "t" }, { "input": "N", "output": "N" }, { "input": "kv", "output": "kv" }, { "input": "Ur", "output": "ur" }, { "input": "CN", "output": "CN" } ]
Python 3
import re s = input(); m = len(s)//2 if len(re.findall('[A-Z]', s)) > m: print(s.upper()) else: print(s.lower())
Title: Word Time Limit: 2 seconds Memory Limit: 256 megabytes Problem Description: Vasya is very upset that many people on the Net mix uppercase and lowercase letters in one word. That's why he decided to invent an extension for his favorite browser that would change the letters' register in every word so that it either only consisted of lowercase letters or, vice versa, only of uppercase ones. At that as little as possible letters should be changed in the word. For example, the word HoUse must be replaced with house, and the word ViP — with VIP. If a word contains an equal number of uppercase and lowercase letters, you should replace all the letters with lowercase ones. For example, maTRIx should be replaced by matrix. Your task is to use the given method on one given word. Input Specification: The first line contains a word *s* — it consists of uppercase and lowercase Latin letters and possesses the length from 1 to 100. Output Specification: Print the corrected word *s*. If the given word *s* has strictly more uppercase letters, make the word written in the uppercase register, otherwise - in the lowercase one. Demo Input: ['HoUse\n', 'ViP\n', 'maTRIx\n'] Demo Output: ['house\n', 'VIP\n', 'matrix\n'] Note: none
```python import re s = input(); m = len(s)//2 if len(re.findall('[A-Z]', s)) > m: print(s.upper()) else: print(s.lower()) ```
Way Too Long Words
[ "strings" ]
A. Way Too Long Words
Sometimes some words like "localization" or "internationalization" are so long that writing them many times in one text is quite tiresome. Let's consider a word too long, if its length is strictly more than 10 characters. All too long words should be replaced with a special abbreviation. This abbreviation is made like this: we write down the first and the last letter of a word and between them we write the number of letters between the first and the last letters. That number is in decimal system and doesn't contain any leading zeroes. Thus, "localization" will be spelt as "l10n", and "internationalization» will be spelt as "i18n". You are suggested to automatize the process of changing the words with abbreviations. At that all too long words should be replaced by the abbreviation and the words that are not too long should not undergo any changes.
The first line contains an integer *n* (1<=≤<=*n*<=≤<=100). Each of the following *n* lines contains one word. All the words consist of lowercase Latin letters and possess the lengths of from 1 to 100 characters.
Print *n* lines. The *i*-th line should contain the result of replacing of the *i*-th word from the input data.
[ "4\nword\nlocalization\ninternationalization\npneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis\n" ]
[ "word\nl10n\ni18n\np43s\n" ]
[ { "input": "4\nword\nlocalization\ninternationalization\npneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis", "output": "word\nl10n\ni18n\np43s" }, { "input": "5\nabcdefgh\nabcdefghi\nabcdefghij\nabcdefghijk\nabcdefghijklm", "output": "abcdefgh\nabcdefghi\nabcdefghij\na9k\na11m" }, { "input": "3\nnjfngnrurunrgunrunvurn\njfvnjfdnvjdbfvsbdubruvbubvkdb\nksdnvidnviudbvibd", "output": "n20n\nj27b\nk15d" }, { "input": "1\ntcyctkktcctrcyvbyiuhihhhgyvyvyvyvjvytchjckt", "output": "t41t" }, { "input": "24\nyou\nare\nregistered\nfor\npractice\nyou\ncan\nsolve\nproblems\nunofficially\nresults\ncan\nbe\nfound\nin\nthe\ncontest\nstatus\nand\nin\nthe\nbottom\nof\nstandings", "output": "you\nare\nregistered\nfor\npractice\nyou\ncan\nsolve\nproblems\nu10y\nresults\ncan\nbe\nfound\nin\nthe\ncontest\nstatus\nand\nin\nthe\nbottom\nof\nstandings" }, { "input": "1\na", "output": "a" }, { "input": "26\na\nb\nc\nd\ne\nf\ng\nh\ni\nj\nk\nl\nm\nn\no\np\nq\nr\ns\nt\nu\nv\nw\nx\ny\nz", "output": "a\nb\nc\nd\ne\nf\ng\nh\ni\nj\nk\nl\nm\nn\no\np\nq\nr\ns\nt\nu\nv\nw\nx\ny\nz" }, { "input": "1\nabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghij", "output": "a98j" }, { "input": "10\ngyartjdxxlcl\nfzsck\nuidwu\nxbymclornemdmtj\nilppyoapitawgje\ncibzc\ndrgbeu\nhezplmsdekhhbo\nfeuzlrimbqbytdu\nkgdco", "output": "g10l\nfzsck\nuidwu\nx13j\ni13e\ncibzc\ndrgbeu\nh12o\nf13u\nkgdco" }, { "input": "20\nlkpmx\nkovxmxorlgwaomlswjxlpnbvltfv\nhykasjxqyjrmybejnmeumzha\ntuevlumpqbbhbww\nqgqsphvrmupxxc\ntrissbaf\nqfgrlinkzvzqdryckaizutd\nzzqtoaxkvwoscyx\noswytrlnhpjvvnwookx\nlpuzqgec\ngyzqfwxggtvpjhzmzmdw\nrlxjgmvdftvrmvbdwudra\nvsntnjpepnvdaxiporggmglhagv\nxlvcqkqgcrbgtgglj\nlyxwxbiszyhlsrgzeedzprbmcpduvq\nyrmqqvrkqskqukzqrwukpsifgtdc\nxpuohcsjhhuhvr\nvvlfrlxpvqejngwrbfbpmqeirxlw\nsvmasocxdvadmaxtrpakysmeaympy\nyuflqboqfdt", "output": "lkpmx\nk26v\nh22a\nt13w\nq12c\ntrissbaf\nq21d\nz13x\no17x\nlpuzqgec\ng18w\nr19a\nv25v\nx15j\nl28q\ny26c\nx12r\nv26w\ns27y\ny9t" }, { "input": "100\nm\nz\ns\nv\nd\nr\nv\ny\ny\ne\np\nt\nc\na\nn\nm\np\ng\ni\nj\nc\na\nb\nq\ne\nn\nv\no\nk\nx\nf\ni\nl\na\nq\nr\nu\nb\ns\nl\nc\nl\ne\nv\nj\nm\nx\nb\na\nq\nb\na\nf\nj\nv\nm\nq\nc\nt\nt\nn\nx\no\ny\nr\nu\nh\nm\nj\np\nj\nq\nz\ns\nj\no\ng\nc\nm\nn\no\nm\nr\no\ns\nt\nh\nr\np\nk\nb\nz\ng\no\nc\nc\nz\nz\ng\nr", "output": "m\nz\ns\nv\nd\nr\nv\ny\ny\ne\np\nt\nc\na\nn\nm\np\ng\ni\nj\nc\na\nb\nq\ne\nn\nv\no\nk\nx\nf\ni\nl\na\nq\nr\nu\nb\ns\nl\nc\nl\ne\nv\nj\nm\nx\nb\na\nq\nb\na\nf\nj\nv\nm\nq\nc\nt\nt\nn\nx\no\ny\nr\nu\nh\nm\nj\np\nj\nq\nz\ns\nj\no\ng\nc\nm\nn\no\nm\nr\no\ns\nt\nh\nr\np\nk\nb\nz\ng\no\nc\nc\nz\nz\ng\nr" } ]
PyPy 3
# Read the number of words n = int(input()) # Initialize an empty list to store the results results = [] # Iterate over each word for _ in range(n): # Read the word word = input().strip() # Check if the word is too long if len(word) > 10: # Create the abbreviation abbreviation = word[0] + str(len(word) - 2) + word[-1] results.append(abbreviation) else: results.append(word) # Print the results for result in results: print(result)
Title: Way Too Long Words Time Limit: 1 seconds Memory Limit: 256 megabytes Problem Description: Sometimes some words like "localization" or "internationalization" are so long that writing them many times in one text is quite tiresome. Let's consider a word too long, if its length is strictly more than 10 characters. All too long words should be replaced with a special abbreviation. This abbreviation is made like this: we write down the first and the last letter of a word and between them we write the number of letters between the first and the last letters. That number is in decimal system and doesn't contain any leading zeroes. Thus, "localization" will be spelt as "l10n", and "internationalization» will be spelt as "i18n". You are suggested to automatize the process of changing the words with abbreviations. At that all too long words should be replaced by the abbreviation and the words that are not too long should not undergo any changes. Input Specification: The first line contains an integer *n* (1<=≤<=*n*<=≤<=100). Each of the following *n* lines contains one word. All the words consist of lowercase Latin letters and possess the lengths of from 1 to 100 characters. Output Specification: Print *n* lines. The *i*-th line should contain the result of replacing of the *i*-th word from the input data. Demo Input: ['4\nword\nlocalization\ninternationalization\npneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis\n'] Demo Output: ['word\nl10n\ni18n\np43s\n'] Note: none
```python # Read the number of words n = int(input()) # Initialize an empty list to store the results results = [] # Iterate over each word for _ in range(n): # Read the word word = input().strip() # Check if the word is too long if len(word) > 10: # Create the abbreviation abbreviation = word[0] + str(len(word) - 2) + word[-1] results.append(abbreviation) else: results.append(word) # Print the results for result in results: print(result) ```
[ "implementation" ]
A. Army
The Berland Armed Forces System consists of *n* ranks that are numbered using natural numbers from 1 to *n*, where 1 is the lowest rank and *n* is the highest rank. One needs exactly *d**i* years to rise from rank *i* to rank *i*<=+<=1. Reaching a certain rank *i* having not reached all the previous *i*<=-<=1 ranks is impossible. Vasya has just reached a new rank of *a*, but he dreams of holding the rank of *b*. Find for how many more years Vasya should serve in the army until he can finally realize his dream.
The first input line contains an integer *n* (2<=≤<=*n*<=≤<=100). The second line contains *n*<=-<=1 integers *d**i* (1<=≤<=*d**i*<=≤<=100). The third input line contains two integers *a* and *b* (1<=≤<=*a*<=&lt;<=*b*<=≤<=*n*). The numbers on the lines are space-separated.
Print the single number which is the number of years that Vasya needs to rise from rank *a* to rank *b*.
[ "3\n5 6\n1 2\n", "3\n5 6\n1 3\n" ]
[ "5\n", "11\n" ]
[ { "input": "3\n5 6\n1 2", "output": "5" }, { "input": "3\n5 6\n1 3", "output": "11" }, { "input": "2\n55\n1 2", "output": "55" }, { "input": "3\n85 78\n1 3", "output": "163" }, { "input": "4\n63 4 49\n2 3", "output": "4" }, { "input": "5\n93 83 42 56\n2 5", "output": "181" }, { "input": "6\n22 9 87 89 57\n1 6", "output": "264" }, { "input": "7\n52 36 31 23 74 78\n2 7", "output": "242" }, { "input": "8\n82 14 24 5 91 49 94\n3 8", "output": "263" }, { "input": "9\n12 40 69 39 59 21 59 5\n4 6", "output": "98" }, { "input": "10\n95 81 32 59 71 30 50 61 100\n1 6", "output": "338" }, { "input": "15\n89 55 94 4 15 69 19 60 91 77 3 94 91 62\n3 14", "output": "617" }, { "input": "20\n91 1 41 51 95 67 92 35 23 70 44 91 57 50 21 8 9 71 40\n8 17", "output": "399" }, { "input": "25\n70 95 21 84 97 39 12 98 53 24 78 29 84 65 70 22 100 17 69 27 62 48 35 80\n8 23", "output": "846" }, { "input": "30\n35 69 50 44 19 56 86 56 98 24 21 2 61 24 85 30 2 22 57 35 59 84 12 77 92 53 50 92 9\n1 16", "output": "730" }, { "input": "35\n2 34 47 15 27 61 6 88 67 20 53 65 29 68 77 5 78 86 44 98 32 81 91 79 54 84 95 23 65 97 22 33 42 87\n8 35", "output": "1663" }, { "input": "40\n32 88 59 36 95 45 28 78 73 30 97 13 13 47 48 100 43 21 22 45 88 25 15 13 63 25 72 92 29 5 25 11 50 5 54 51 48 84 23\n7 26", "output": "862" }, { "input": "45\n83 74 73 95 10 31 100 26 29 15 80 100 22 70 31 88 9 56 19 70 2 62 48 30 27 47 52 50 94 44 21 94 23 85 15 3 95 72 43 62 94 89 68 88\n17 40", "output": "1061" }, { "input": "50\n28 8 16 29 19 82 70 51 96 84 74 72 17 69 12 21 37 21 39 3 18 66 19 49 86 96 94 93 2 90 96 84 59 88 58 15 61 33 55 22 35 54 51 29 64 68 29 38 40\n23 28", "output": "344" }, { "input": "60\n24 28 25 21 43 71 64 73 71 90 51 83 69 43 75 43 78 72 56 61 99 7 23 86 9 16 16 94 23 74 18 56 20 72 13 31 75 34 35 86 61 49 4 72 84 7 65 70 66 52 21 38 6 43 69 40 73 46 5\n28 60", "output": "1502" }, { "input": "70\n69 95 34 14 67 61 6 95 94 44 28 94 73 66 39 13 19 71 73 71 28 48 26 22 32 88 38 95 43 59 88 77 80 55 17 95 40 83 67 1 38 95 58 63 56 98 49 2 41 4 73 8 78 41 64 71 60 71 41 61 67 4 4 19 97 14 39 20 27\n9 41", "output": "1767" }, { "input": "80\n65 15 43 6 43 98 100 16 69 98 4 54 25 40 2 35 12 23 38 29 10 89 30 6 4 8 7 96 64 43 11 49 89 38 20 59 54 85 46 16 16 89 60 54 28 37 32 34 67 9 78 30 50 87 58 53 99 48 77 3 5 6 19 99 16 20 31 10 80 76 82 56 56 83 72 81 84 60 28\n18 24", "output": "219" }, { "input": "90\n61 35 100 99 67 87 42 90 44 4 81 65 29 63 66 56 53 22 55 87 39 30 34 42 27 80 29 97 85 28 81 22 50 22 24 75 67 86 78 79 94 35 13 97 48 76 68 66 94 13 82 1 22 85 5 36 86 73 65 97 43 56 35 26 87 25 74 47 81 67 73 75 99 75 53 38 70 21 66 78 38 17 57 40 93 57 68 55 1\n12 44", "output": "1713" }, { "input": "95\n37 74 53 96 65 84 65 72 95 45 6 77 91 35 58 50 51 51 97 30 51 20 79 81 92 10 89 34 40 76 71 54 26 34 73 72 72 28 53 19 95 64 97 10 44 15 12 38 5 63 96 95 86 8 36 96 45 53 81 5 18 18 47 97 65 9 33 53 41 86 37 53 5 40 15 76 83 45 33 18 26 5 19 90 46 40 100 42 10 90 13 81 40 53\n6 15", "output": "570" }, { "input": "96\n51 32 95 75 23 54 70 89 67 3 1 51 4 100 97 30 9 35 56 38 54 77 56 98 43 17 60 43 72 46 87 61 100 65 81 22 74 38 16 96 5 10 54 22 23 22 10 91 9 54 49 82 29 73 33 98 75 8 4 26 24 90 71 42 90 24 94 74 94 10 41 98 56 63 18 43 56 21 26 64 74 33 22 38 67 66 38 60 64 76 53 10 4 65 76\n21 26", "output": "328" }, { "input": "97\n18 90 84 7 33 24 75 55 86 10 96 72 16 64 37 9 19 71 62 97 5 34 85 15 46 72 82 51 52 16 55 68 27 97 42 72 76 97 32 73 14 56 11 86 2 81 59 95 60 93 1 22 71 37 77 100 6 16 78 47 78 62 94 86 16 91 56 46 47 35 93 44 7 86 70 10 29 45 67 62 71 61 74 39 36 92 24 26 65 14 93 92 15 28 79 59\n6 68", "output": "3385" }, { "input": "98\n32 47 26 86 43 42 79 72 6 68 40 46 29 80 24 89 29 7 21 56 8 92 13 33 50 79 5 7 84 85 24 23 1 80 51 21 26 55 96 51 24 2 68 98 81 88 57 100 64 84 54 10 14 2 74 1 89 71 1 20 84 85 17 31 42 58 69 67 48 60 97 90 58 10 21 29 2 21 60 61 68 89 77 39 57 18 61 44 67 100 33 74 27 40 83 29 6\n8 77", "output": "3319" }, { "input": "99\n46 5 16 66 53 12 84 89 26 27 35 68 41 44 63 17 88 43 80 15 59 1 42 50 53 34 75 16 16 55 92 30 28 11 12 71 27 65 11 28 86 47 24 10 60 47 7 53 16 75 6 49 56 66 70 3 20 78 75 41 38 57 89 23 16 74 30 39 1 32 49 84 9 33 25 95 75 45 54 59 17 17 29 40 79 96 47 11 69 86 73 56 91 4 87 47 31 24\n23 36", "output": "514" }, { "input": "100\n63 65 21 41 95 23 3 4 12 23 95 50 75 63 58 34 71 27 75 31 23 94 96 74 69 34 43 25 25 55 44 19 43 86 68 17 52 65 36 29 72 96 84 25 84 23 71 54 6 7 71 7 21 100 99 58 93 35 62 47 36 70 68 9 75 13 35 70 76 36 62 22 52 51 2 87 66 41 54 35 78 62 30 35 65 44 74 93 78 37 96 70 26 32 71 27 85 85 63\n43 92", "output": "2599" }, { "input": "51\n85 38 22 38 42 36 55 24 36 80 49 15 66 91 88 61 46 82 1 61 89 92 6 56 28 8 46 80 56 90 91 38 38 17 69 64 57 68 13 44 45 38 8 72 61 39 87 2 73 88\n15 27", "output": "618" }, { "input": "2\n3\n1 2", "output": "3" }, { "input": "5\n6 8 22 22\n2 3", "output": "8" }, { "input": "6\n3 12 27 28 28\n3 4", "output": "27" }, { "input": "9\n1 2 2 2 2 3 3 5\n3 7", "output": "9" }, { "input": "10\n1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1\n6 8", "output": "2" }, { "input": "20\n1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3\n5 17", "output": "23" }, { "input": "25\n1 1 1 4 5 6 8 11 11 11 11 12 13 14 14 14 15 16 16 17 17 17 19 19\n4 8", "output": "23" }, { "input": "35\n1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2\n30 31", "output": "2" }, { "input": "45\n1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10\n42 45", "output": "30" }, { "input": "50\n1 8 8 13 14 15 15 16 19 21 22 24 26 31 32 37 45 47 47 47 50 50 51 54 55 56 58 61 61 61 63 63 64 66 66 67 67 70 71 80 83 84 85 92 92 94 95 95 100\n4 17", "output": "285" }, { "input": "60\n1 2 4 4 4 6 6 8 9 10 10 13 14 18 20 20 21 22 23 23 26 29 30 32 33 34 35 38 40 42 44 44 46 48 52 54 56 56 60 60 66 67 68 68 69 73 73 74 80 80 81 81 82 84 86 86 87 89 89\n56 58", "output": "173" }, { "input": "70\n1 2 3 3 4 5 5 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 10 12 12 12 12 13 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 18 18 20 20 21 23 24 25 25 26 29 29 29 29 31 32 32 34 35 36 36 37 37 38 39 39 40 40 40 40 41 41 42 43 44 44 44 45 45\n62 65", "output": "126" }, { "input": "80\n1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12\n17 65", "output": "326" }, { "input": "90\n1 1 3 5 8 9 10 11 11 11 11 12 13 14 15 15 15 16 16 19 19 20 22 23 24 25 25 28 29 29 30 31 33 34 35 37 37 38 41 43 43 44 45 47 51 54 55 56 58 58 59 59 60 62 66 67 67 67 68 68 69 70 71 72 73 73 76 77 77 78 78 78 79 79 79 82 83 84 85 85 87 87 89 93 93 93 95 99 99\n28 48", "output": "784" }, { "input": "95\n2 2 3 3 4 6 6 7 7 7 9 10 12 12 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 25 26 26 27 27 27 28 29 29 30 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 37 38 39 39 39 42 43 43 43 45 47 48 50 50 51 52 53 54 54 54 55 55 55 58 59 60 61 61 61 61 62 62 63 64 65 66 67 67 67\n64 93", "output": "1636" }, { "input": "96\n1 1 2 3 3 5 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 13 13 13 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 20 20 20 21 21 21 23 24 24 25 25 26 27 27 27 27 29 29 29 30 30 30 32 32 32 32 32 32 33 33 34 34 34 35 35 35 36 36 37 37 37 38 39 40 41 41 41 41 42 42 43 43 45 45 45 46 46 47 47 49 50 52 52\n76 96", "output": "898" }, { "input": "98\n2 3 4 4 5 7 8 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 14 15 15 16 16 18 19 19 20 21 21 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 26 27 27 27 27 29 29 30 30 31 31 37 40 40 40 41 41 41 42 43 44 44 44 46 46 47 49 49 50 50 50 51 53 55 55 56 56 56 56 56 57 57 58 59 60 60 60 62 62 63 64 64 64 65 66 66 67 68 70 70 71 71\n8 90", "output": "3016" }, { "input": "99\n1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1\n66 95", "output": "29" }, { "input": "100\n1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17\n39 52", "output": "82" }, { "input": "51\n5 7 9 16 19 25 26 29 29 30 31 32 32 41 43 44 47 49 50 50 51 52 54 55 56 63 64 66 67 70 74 74 77 78 79 80 80 85 86 87 89 89 90 92 93 94 94 95 95 97\n3 44", "output": "2268" } ]
PyPy 3-64
n=int(input()) d=list(map(int,input().split())) a,b=map(int,input().split()) sum=0 if len(d)==n-1 and 1<=a<b<=n: for i in range(a,b): sum+=d[i-1] print(sum)
Title: Army Time Limit: 2 seconds Memory Limit: 256 megabytes Problem Description: The Berland Armed Forces System consists of *n* ranks that are numbered using natural numbers from 1 to *n*, where 1 is the lowest rank and *n* is the highest rank. One needs exactly *d**i* years to rise from rank *i* to rank *i*<=+<=1. Reaching a certain rank *i* having not reached all the previous *i*<=-<=1 ranks is impossible. Vasya has just reached a new rank of *a*, but he dreams of holding the rank of *b*. Find for how many more years Vasya should serve in the army until he can finally realize his dream. Input Specification: The first input line contains an integer *n* (2<=≤<=*n*<=≤<=100). The second line contains *n*<=-<=1 integers *d**i* (1<=≤<=*d**i*<=≤<=100). The third input line contains two integers *a* and *b* (1<=≤<=*a*<=&lt;<=*b*<=≤<=*n*). The numbers on the lines are space-separated. Output Specification: Print the single number which is the number of years that Vasya needs to rise from rank *a* to rank *b*. Demo Input: ['3\n5 6\n1 2\n', '3\n5 6\n1 3\n'] Demo Output: ['5\n', '11\n'] Note: none
```python n=int(input()) d=list(map(int,input().split())) a,b=map(int,input().split()) sum=0 if len(d)==n-1 and 1<=a<b<=n: for i in range(a,b): sum+=d[i-1] print(sum) ```
Young Physicist
[ "implementation", "math" ]
A. Young Physicist
A guy named Vasya attends the final grade of a high school. One day Vasya decided to watch a match of his favorite hockey team. And, as the boy loves hockey very much, even more than physics, he forgot to do the homework. Specifically, he forgot to complete his physics tasks. Next day the teacher got very angry at Vasya and decided to teach him a lesson. He gave the lazy student a seemingly easy task: You are given an idle body in space and the forces that affect it. The body can be considered as a material point with coordinates (0; 0; 0). Vasya had only to answer whether it is in equilibrium. "Piece of cake" — thought Vasya, we need only to check if the sum of all vectors is equal to 0. So, Vasya began to solve the problem. But later it turned out that there can be lots and lots of these forces, and Vasya can not cope without your help. Help him. Write a program that determines whether a body is idle or is moving by the given vectors of forces.
The first line contains a positive integer *n* (1<=≤<=*n*<=≤<=100), then follow *n* lines containing three integers each: the *x**i* coordinate, the *y**i* coordinate and the *z**i* coordinate of the force vector, applied to the body (<=-<=100<=≤<=*x**i*,<=*y**i*,<=*z**i*<=≤<=100).
Print the word "YES" if the body is in equilibrium, or the word "NO" if it is not.
[ "3\n4 1 7\n-2 4 -1\n1 -5 -3\n", "3\n3 -1 7\n-5 2 -4\n2 -1 -3\n" ]
[ "NO", "YES" ]
[ { "input": "3\n4 1 7\n-2 4 -1\n1 -5 -3", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "3\n3 -1 7\n-5 2 -4\n2 -1 -3", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "10\n21 32 -46\n43 -35 21\n42 2 -50\n22 40 20\n-27 -9 38\n-4 1 1\n-40 6 -31\n-13 -2 34\n-21 34 -12\n-32 -29 41", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "10\n25 -33 43\n-27 -42 28\n-35 -20 19\n41 -42 -1\n49 -39 -4\n-49 -22 7\n-19 29 41\n8 -27 -43\n8 34 9\n-11 -3 33", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "10\n-6 21 18\n20 -11 -8\n37 -11 41\n-5 8 33\n29 23 32\n30 -33 -11\n39 -49 -36\n28 34 -49\n22 29 -34\n-18 -6 7", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "10\n47 -2 -27\n0 26 -14\n5 -12 33\n2 18 3\n45 -30 -49\n4 -18 8\n-46 -44 -41\n-22 -10 -40\n-35 -21 26\n33 20 38", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "13\n-3 -36 -46\n-11 -50 37\n42 -11 -15\n9 42 44\n-29 -12 24\n3 9 -40\n-35 13 50\n14 43 18\n-13 8 24\n-48 -15 10\n50 9 -50\n21 0 -50\n0 0 -6", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "14\n43 23 17\n4 17 44\n5 -5 -16\n-43 -7 -6\n47 -48 12\n50 47 -45\n2 14 43\n37 -30 15\n4 -17 -11\n17 9 -45\n-50 -3 -8\n-50 0 0\n-50 0 0\n-16 0 0", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "13\n29 49 -11\n38 -11 -20\n25 1 -40\n-11 28 11\n23 -19 1\n45 -41 -17\n-3 0 -19\n-13 -33 49\n-30 0 28\n34 17 45\n-50 9 -27\n-50 0 0\n-37 0 0", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "12\n3 28 -35\n-32 -44 -17\n9 -25 -6\n-42 -22 20\n-19 15 38\n-21 38 48\n-1 -37 -28\n-10 -13 -50\n-5 21 29\n34 28 50\n50 11 -49\n34 0 0", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "37\n-64 -79 26\n-22 59 93\n-5 39 -12\n77 -9 76\n55 -86 57\n83 100 -97\n-70 94 84\n-14 46 -94\n26 72 35\n14 78 -62\n17 82 92\n-57 11 91\n23 15 92\n-80 -1 1\n12 39 18\n-23 -99 -75\n-34 50 19\n-39 84 -7\n45 -30 -39\n-60 49 37\n45 -16 -72\n33 -51 -56\n-48 28 5\n97 91 88\n45 -82 -11\n-21 -15 -90\n-53 73 -26\n-74 85 -90\n-40 23 38\n100 -13 49\n32 -100 -100\n0 -100 -70\n0 -100 0\n0 -100 0\n0 -100 0\n0 -100 0\n0 -37 0", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "4\n68 3 100\n68 21 -100\n-100 -24 0\n-36 0 0", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "33\n-1 -46 -12\n45 -16 -21\n-11 45 -21\n-60 -42 -93\n-22 -45 93\n37 96 85\n-76 26 83\n-4 9 55\n7 -52 -9\n66 8 -85\n-100 -54 11\n-29 59 74\n-24 12 2\n-56 81 85\n-92 69 -52\n-26 -97 91\n54 59 -51\n58 21 -57\n7 68 56\n-47 -20 -51\n-59 77 -13\n-85 27 91\n79 60 -56\n66 -80 5\n21 -99 42\n-31 -29 98\n66 93 76\n-49 45 61\n100 -100 -100\n100 -100 -100\n66 -75 -100\n0 0 -100\n0 0 -87", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "3\n1 2 3\n3 2 1\n0 0 0", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "2\n5 -23 12\n0 0 0", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "1\n0 0 0", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "1\n1 -2 0", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "2\n-23 77 -86\n23 -77 86", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "26\n86 7 20\n-57 -64 39\n-45 6 -93\n-44 -21 100\n-11 -49 21\n73 -71 -80\n-2 -89 56\n-65 -2 7\n5 14 84\n57 41 13\n-12 69 54\n40 -25 27\n-17 -59 0\n64 -91 -30\n-53 9 42\n-54 -8 14\n-35 82 27\n-48 -59 -80\n88 70 79\n94 57 97\n44 63 25\n84 -90 -40\n-100 100 -100\n-92 100 -100\n0 10 -100\n0 0 -82", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "42\n11 27 92\n-18 -56 -57\n1 71 81\n33 -92 30\n82 83 49\n-87 -61 -1\n-49 45 49\n73 26 15\n-22 22 -77\n29 -93 87\n-68 44 -90\n-4 -84 20\n85 67 -6\n-39 26 77\n-28 -64 20\n65 -97 24\n-72 -39 51\n35 -75 -91\n39 -44 -8\n-25 -27 -57\n91 8 -46\n-98 -94 56\n94 -60 59\n-9 -95 18\n-53 -37 98\n-8 -94 -84\n-52 55 60\n15 -14 37\n65 -43 -25\n94 12 66\n-8 -19 -83\n29 81 -78\n-58 57 33\n24 86 -84\n-53 32 -88\n-14 7 3\n89 97 -53\n-5 -28 -91\n-100 100 -6\n-84 100 0\n0 100 0\n0 70 0", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "3\n96 49 -12\n2 -66 28\n-98 17 -16", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "5\n70 -46 86\n-100 94 24\n-27 63 -63\n57 -100 -47\n0 -11 0", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "18\n-86 -28 70\n-31 -89 42\n31 -48 -55\n95 -17 -43\n24 -95 -85\n-21 -14 31\n68 -18 81\n13 31 60\n-15 28 99\n-42 15 9\n28 -61 -62\n-16 71 29\n-28 75 -48\n-77 -67 36\n-100 83 89\n100 100 -100\n57 34 -100\n0 0 -53", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "44\n52 -54 -29\n-82 -5 -94\n-54 43 43\n91 16 71\n7 80 -91\n3 15 29\n-99 -6 -77\n-3 -77 -64\n73 67 34\n25 -10 -18\n-29 91 63\n-72 86 -16\n-68 85 -81\n-3 36 44\n-74 -14 -80\n34 -96 -97\n-76 -78 -33\n-24 44 -58\n98 12 77\n95 -63 -6\n-51 3 -90\n-92 -10 72\n7 3 -68\n57 -53 71\n29 57 -48\n35 -60 10\n79 -70 -61\n-20 77 55\n-86 -15 -35\n84 -88 -18\n100 -42 77\n-20 46 8\n-41 -43 -65\n38 -98 -23\n-100 65 45\n-7 -91 -63\n46 88 -85\n48 59 100\n0 0 100\n0 0 100\n0 0 100\n0 0 100\n0 0 100\n0 0 1", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "18\n-14 -64 -91\n-8 -66 -86\n-23 92 -40\n6 -3 -53\n57 41 78\n-79 42 -22\n-88 -17 45\n4 -45 44\n83 -18 -25\n34 86 -92\n75 -30 12\n44 99 11\n-67 -13 72\n22 83 -56\n-37 71 72\n-9 -100 100\n0 -100 31\n0 -58 0", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "23\n-70 37 78\n42 84 6\n28 -94 -24\n-49 76 95\n-67 18 84\n-53 78 -5\n65 -63 -64\n-66 -64 -69\n81 -93 95\n10 52 -79\n-89 -61 -64\n-64 -47 43\n-81 -35 55\n80 82 73\n-60 -81 -18\n49 -10 -19\n-58 70 12\n-24 -15 -93\n98 -93 -54\n-28 -75 11\n100 100 -63\n100 100 0\n56 34 0", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "3\n0 2 -2\n1 -1 3\n-3 0 0", "output": "NO" } ]
Python 3
a, b, c = 0, 0, 0 for _ in range(int(input())): a1, b1, c1 = map(int, input().split()) a += a1 b += b1 c += c1 print('YES' if a == b == c == 0 else 'NO')
Title: Young Physicist Time Limit: 2 seconds Memory Limit: 256 megabytes Problem Description: A guy named Vasya attends the final grade of a high school. One day Vasya decided to watch a match of his favorite hockey team. And, as the boy loves hockey very much, even more than physics, he forgot to do the homework. Specifically, he forgot to complete his physics tasks. Next day the teacher got very angry at Vasya and decided to teach him a lesson. He gave the lazy student a seemingly easy task: You are given an idle body in space and the forces that affect it. The body can be considered as a material point with coordinates (0; 0; 0). Vasya had only to answer whether it is in equilibrium. "Piece of cake" — thought Vasya, we need only to check if the sum of all vectors is equal to 0. So, Vasya began to solve the problem. But later it turned out that there can be lots and lots of these forces, and Vasya can not cope without your help. Help him. Write a program that determines whether a body is idle or is moving by the given vectors of forces. Input Specification: The first line contains a positive integer *n* (1<=≤<=*n*<=≤<=100), then follow *n* lines containing three integers each: the *x**i* coordinate, the *y**i* coordinate and the *z**i* coordinate of the force vector, applied to the body (<=-<=100<=≤<=*x**i*,<=*y**i*,<=*z**i*<=≤<=100). Output Specification: Print the word "YES" if the body is in equilibrium, or the word "NO" if it is not. Demo Input: ['3\n4 1 7\n-2 4 -1\n1 -5 -3\n', '3\n3 -1 7\n-5 2 -4\n2 -1 -3\n'] Demo Output: ['NO', 'YES'] Note: none
```python a, b, c = 0, 0, 0 for _ in range(int(input())): a1, b1, c1 = map(int, input().split()) a += a1 b += b1 c += c1 print('YES' if a == b == c == 0 else 'NO') ```
[ "implementation" ]
A. Blackjack
One rainy gloomy evening when all modules hid in the nearby cafes to drink hot energetic cocktails, the Hexadecimal virus decided to fly over the Mainframe to look for a Great Idea. And she has found one! Why not make her own Codeforces, with blackjack and other really cool stuff? Many people will surely be willing to visit this splendid shrine of high culture. In Mainframe a standard pack of 52 cards is used to play blackjack. The pack contains cards of 13 values: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, jacks, queens, kings and aces. Each value also exists in one of four suits: hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades. Also, each card earns some value in points assigned to it: cards with value from two to ten earn from 2 to 10 points, correspondingly. An ace can either earn 1 or 11, whatever the player wishes. The picture cards (king, queen and jack) earn 10 points. The number of points a card earns does not depend on the suit. The rules of the game are very simple. The player gets two cards, if the sum of points of those cards equals *n*, then the player wins, otherwise the player loses. The player has already got the first card, it's the queen of spades. To evaluate chances for victory, you should determine how many ways there are to get the second card so that the sum of points exactly equals *n*.
The only line contains *n* (1<=≤<=*n*<=≤<=25) — the required sum of points.
Print the numbers of ways to get the second card in the required way if the first card is the queen of spades.
[ "12\n", "20\n", "10\n" ]
[ "4", "15", "0" ]
In the first sample only four two's of different suits can earn the required sum of points. In the second sample we can use all tens, jacks, queens and kings; overall it's 15 cards, as the queen of spades (as any other card) is only present once in the pack of cards and it's already in use. In the third sample there is no card, that would add a zero to the current ten points.
[ { "input": "12", "output": "4" }, { "input": "20", "output": "15" }, { "input": "10", "output": "0" }, { "input": "11", "output": "4" }, { "input": "15", "output": "4" }, { "input": "18", "output": "4" }, { "input": "25", "output": "0" }, { "input": "22", "output": "0" }, { "input": "1", "output": "0" }, { "input": "2", "output": "0" }, { "input": "3", "output": "0" }, { "input": "4", "output": "0" }, { "input": "5", "output": "0" }, { "input": "6", "output": "0" }, { "input": "7", "output": "0" }, { "input": "8", "output": "0" }, { "input": "9", "output": "0" }, { "input": "13", "output": "4" }, { "input": "14", "output": "4" }, { "input": "16", "output": "4" }, { "input": "17", "output": "4" }, { "input": "19", "output": "4" }, { "input": "21", "output": "4" }, { "input": "23", "output": "0" }, { "input": "24", "output": "0" } ]
Python 3
n = int(input()) if n-10 < 1 or n-10 > 11: print(0) else: if n-10 == 10: print(15) else: print(4)
Title: Blackjack Time Limit: 2 seconds Memory Limit: 256 megabytes Problem Description: One rainy gloomy evening when all modules hid in the nearby cafes to drink hot energetic cocktails, the Hexadecimal virus decided to fly over the Mainframe to look for a Great Idea. And she has found one! Why not make her own Codeforces, with blackjack and other really cool stuff? Many people will surely be willing to visit this splendid shrine of high culture. In Mainframe a standard pack of 52 cards is used to play blackjack. The pack contains cards of 13 values: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, jacks, queens, kings and aces. Each value also exists in one of four suits: hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades. Also, each card earns some value in points assigned to it: cards with value from two to ten earn from 2 to 10 points, correspondingly. An ace can either earn 1 or 11, whatever the player wishes. The picture cards (king, queen and jack) earn 10 points. The number of points a card earns does not depend on the suit. The rules of the game are very simple. The player gets two cards, if the sum of points of those cards equals *n*, then the player wins, otherwise the player loses. The player has already got the first card, it's the queen of spades. To evaluate chances for victory, you should determine how many ways there are to get the second card so that the sum of points exactly equals *n*. Input Specification: The only line contains *n* (1<=≤<=*n*<=≤<=25) — the required sum of points. Output Specification: Print the numbers of ways to get the second card in the required way if the first card is the queen of spades. Demo Input: ['12\n', '20\n', '10\n'] Demo Output: ['4', '15', '0'] Note: In the first sample only four two's of different suits can earn the required sum of points. In the second sample we can use all tens, jacks, queens and kings; overall it's 15 cards, as the queen of spades (as any other card) is only present once in the pack of cards and it's already in use. In the third sample there is no card, that would add a zero to the current ten points.
```python n = int(input()) if n-10 < 1 or n-10 > 11: print(0) else: if n-10 == 10: print(15) else: print(4) ```
[ "implementation" ]
A. Autocomplete
Autocomplete is a program function that enables inputting the text (in editors, command line shells, browsers etc.) completing the text by its inputted part. Vasya is busy working on a new browser called 'BERowser'. He happens to be working on the autocomplete function in the address line at this very moment. A list consisting of *n* last visited by the user pages and the inputted part *s* are known. Your task is to complete *s* to make it an address of one of the pages from the list. You have to find the lexicographically smallest address having a prefix *s*.
The first line contains the *s* line which is the inputted part. The second line contains an integer *n* (1<=≤<=*n*<=≤<=100) which is the number of visited pages. Then follow *n* lines which are the visited pages, one on each line. All the lines have lengths of from 1 to 100 symbols inclusively and consist of lowercase Latin letters only.
If *s* is not the beginning of any of *n* addresses of the visited pages, print *s*. Otherwise, print the lexicographically minimal address of one of the visited pages starting from *s*. The lexicographical order is the order of words in a dictionary. The lexicographical comparison of lines is realized by the '&lt;' operator in the modern programming languages.
[ "next\n2\nnextpermutation\nnextelement\n", "find\n4\nfind\nfindfirstof\nfindit\nfand\n", "find\n4\nfondfind\nfondfirstof\nfondit\nfand\n" ]
[ "nextelement\n", "find\n", "find\n" ]
[ { "input": "next\n2\nnextpermutation\nnextelement", "output": "nextelement" }, { "input": "find\n4\nfind\nfindfirstof\nfindit\nfand", "output": "find" }, { "input": "find\n4\nfondfind\nfondfirstof\nfondit\nfand", "output": "find" }, { "input": "kudljmxcse\n4\nkudljmxcse\nszjebdoad\nchz\na", "output": "kudljmxcse" }, { "input": "ntqwpa\n5\nvvepyowvn\nntqwpakay\nhh\nygiafasda\nntqwpadm", "output": "ntqwpadm" }, { "input": "aflb\n6\nsaej\nujxsiijg\npp\nhgoprw\ncp\nnt", "output": "aflb" }, { "input": "dzwzyj\n7\nwvixktp\ndzwzyjuhn\ndzwzyjqrbd\ndzwzyji\ndzwzyjyfys\ndzwzyjrcb\nxptb", "output": "dzwzyji" }, { "input": "wmblbphwdjjskzmlsyiznluiudelhlvcpyrooajvbwudnnstdhesauyxjugdwhrrwg\n1\nwjhsbxrrhadgtnybsugdtprncwerwezxuaxnqfpnosbispmnymnaqssdkjeynrnn", "output": "wmblbphwdjjskzmlsyiznluiudelhlvcpyrooajvbwudnnstdhesauyxjugdwhrrwg" }, { "input": "hzkqvwliymwjbejfpnydrbwskhyrtrlsdinfrgwmnbdpwytcnjeoowxrfgfuaffzayjylvzu\n1\nhzkqvwliymwjbejfpnydrbwskhyrtrlsdinfrgwmnbdpwytcnjeoowxrfgfuaffzayjylvzubwjlvhhsfurqb", "output": "hzkqvwliymwjbejfpnydrbwskhyrtrlsdinfrgwmnbdpwytcnjeoowxrfgfuaffzayjylvzubwjlvhhsfurqb" }, { "input": "msjnqudojxtzvpc\n2\nvlxclsvqbucmbrkwwtoxek\nmsjnqudojxtzvpcldwjyystsxrtexfhllzhnkidmhmyxpld", "output": "msjnqudojxtzvpcldwjyystsxrtexfhllzhnkidmhmyxpld" } ]
Python 3
# bsdk idhar kya dekhne ko aaya hai, khud kr!!! # import math # from itertools import * # import random # import calendar # import datetime # import webbrowser string = input() n = int(input()) arr = [] for i in range(n): x = input() arr.append(x) arr.sort() for i in arr: if i.startswith(string): string = i break print(string)
Title: Autocomplete Time Limit: 2 seconds Memory Limit: 256 megabytes Problem Description: Autocomplete is a program function that enables inputting the text (in editors, command line shells, browsers etc.) completing the text by its inputted part. Vasya is busy working on a new browser called 'BERowser'. He happens to be working on the autocomplete function in the address line at this very moment. A list consisting of *n* last visited by the user pages and the inputted part *s* are known. Your task is to complete *s* to make it an address of one of the pages from the list. You have to find the lexicographically smallest address having a prefix *s*. Input Specification: The first line contains the *s* line which is the inputted part. The second line contains an integer *n* (1<=≤<=*n*<=≤<=100) which is the number of visited pages. Then follow *n* lines which are the visited pages, one on each line. All the lines have lengths of from 1 to 100 symbols inclusively and consist of lowercase Latin letters only. Output Specification: If *s* is not the beginning of any of *n* addresses of the visited pages, print *s*. Otherwise, print the lexicographically minimal address of one of the visited pages starting from *s*. The lexicographical order is the order of words in a dictionary. The lexicographical comparison of lines is realized by the '&lt;' operator in the modern programming languages. Demo Input: ['next\n2\nnextpermutation\nnextelement\n', 'find\n4\nfind\nfindfirstof\nfindit\nfand\n', 'find\n4\nfondfind\nfondfirstof\nfondit\nfand\n'] Demo Output: ['nextelement\n', 'find\n', 'find\n'] Note: none
```python # bsdk idhar kya dekhne ko aaya hai, khud kr!!! # import math # from itertools import * # import random # import calendar # import datetime # import webbrowser string = input() n = int(input()) arr = [] for i in range(n): x = input() arr.append(x) arr.sort() for i in arr: if i.startswith(string): string = i break print(string) ```
[ "implementation", "strings" ]
A. Translation
The translation from the Berland language into the Birland language is not an easy task. Those languages are very similar: a berlandish word differs from a birlandish word with the same meaning a little: it is spelled (and pronounced) reversely. For example, a Berlandish word code corresponds to a Birlandish word edoc. However, it's easy to make a mistake during the «translation». Vasya translated word *s* from Berlandish into Birlandish as *t*. Help him: find out if he translated the word correctly.
The first line contains word *s*, the second line contains word *t*. The words consist of lowercase Latin letters. The input data do not consist unnecessary spaces. The words are not empty and their lengths do not exceed 100 symbols.
If the word *t* is a word *s*, written reversely, print YES, otherwise print NO.
[ "code\nedoc\n", "abb\naba\n", "code\ncode\n" ]
[ "YES\n", "NO\n", "NO\n" ]
[ { "input": "code\nedoc", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "abb\naba", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "code\ncode", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "abacaba\nabacaba", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "q\nq", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "asrgdfngfnmfgnhweratgjkk\nasrgdfngfnmfgnhweratgjkk", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "z\na", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "asd\ndsa", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "abcdef\nfecdba", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "ywjjbirapvskozubvxoemscfwl\ngnduubaogtfaiowjizlvjcu", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "mfrmqxtzvgaeuleubcmcxcfqyruwzenguhgrmkuhdgnhgtgkdszwqyd\nmfxufheiperjnhyczclkmzyhcxntdfskzkzdwzzujdinf", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "bnbnemvybqizywlnghlykniaxxxlkhftppbdeqpesrtgkcpoeqowjwhrylpsziiwcldodcoonpimudvrxejjo\ntiynnekmlalogyvrgptbinkoqdwzuiyjlrldxhzjmmp", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "pwlpubwyhzqvcitemnhvvwkmwcaawjvdiwtoxyhbhbxerlypelevasmelpfqwjk\nstruuzebbcenziscuoecywugxncdwzyfozhljjyizpqcgkyonyetarcpwkqhuugsqjuixsxptmbnlfupdcfigacdhhrzb", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "gdvqjoyxnkypfvdxssgrihnwxkeojmnpdeobpecytkbdwujqfjtxsqspxvxpqioyfagzjxupqqzpgnpnpxcuipweunqch\nkkqkiwwasbhezqcfeceyngcyuogrkhqecwsyerdniqiocjehrpkljiljophqhyaiefjpavoom", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "umeszdawsvgkjhlqwzents\nhxqhdungbylhnikwviuh", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "juotpscvyfmgntshcealgbsrwwksgrwnrrbyaqqsxdlzhkbugdyx\nibqvffmfktyipgiopznsqtrtxiijntdbgyy", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "zbwueheveouatecaglziqmudxemhrsozmaujrwlqmppzoumxhamwugedikvkblvmxwuofmpafdprbcftew\nulczwrqhctbtbxrhhodwbcxwimncnexosksujlisgclllxokrsbnozthajnnlilyffmsyko", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "nkgwuugukzcv\nqktnpxedwxpxkrxdvgmfgoxkdfpbzvwsduyiybynbkouonhvmzakeiruhfmvrktghadbfkmwxduoqv", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "incenvizhqpcenhjhehvjvgbsnfixbatrrjstxjzhlmdmxijztphxbrldlqwdfimweepkggzcxsrwelodpnryntepioqpvk\ndhjbjjftlvnxibkklxquwmzhjfvnmwpapdrslioxisbyhhfymyiaqhlgecpxamqnocizwxniubrmpyubvpenoukhcobkdojlybxd", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "w\nw", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "vz\nzv", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "ry\nyr", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "xou\nuox", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "axg\ngax", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "zdsl\nlsdz", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "kudl\nldku", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "zzlzwnqlcl\nlclqnwzlzz", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "vzzgicnzqooejpjzads\nsdazjpjeooqzncigzzv", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "raqhmvmzuwaykjpyxsykr\nxkysrypjkyawuzmvmhqar", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "ngedczubzdcqbxksnxuavdjaqtmdwncjnoaicvmodcqvhfezew\nwezefhvqcdomvciaonjcnwdmtqajdvauxnskxbqcdzbuzcdegn", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "muooqttvrrljcxbroizkymuidvfmhhsjtumksdkcbwwpfqdyvxtrlymofendqvznzlmim\nmimlznzvqdnefomylrtxvydqfpwwbckdskmutjshhmfvdiumykziorbxcjlrrvttqooum", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "vxpqullmcbegsdskddortcvxyqlbvxmmkhevovnezubvpvnrcajpxraeaxizgaowtfkzywvhnbgzsxbhkaipcmoumtikkiyyaivg\ngviayyikkitmuomcpiakhbxszgbnhvwyzkftwoagzixaearxpjacrnvpvbuzenvovehkmmxvblqyxvctroddksdsgebcmlluqpxv", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "mnhaxtaopjzrkqlbroiyipitndczpunwygstmzevgyjdzyanxkdqnvgkikfabwouwkkbzuiuvgvxgpizsvqsbwepktpdrgdkmfdc\ncdfmkdgrdptkpewbsqvszipgxvgvuiuzbkkwuowbafkikgvnqdkxnayzdjygvezmtsgywnupocdntipiyiorblqkrzjpzatxahnm", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "dgxmzbqofstzcdgthbaewbwocowvhqpinehpjatnnbrijcolvsatbblsrxabzrpszoiecpwhfjmwuhqrapvtcgvikuxtzbftydkw\nwkdytfbztxukivgctvparqhuwmjfhwpceiozsprzbaxrslbbqasvlocjirbnntajphenipthvwocowbweabhtgdcztsfoqbzmxgd", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "gxoixiecetohtgjgbqzvlaobkhstejxdklghowtvwunnnvauriohuspsdmpzckprwajyxldoyckgjivjpmbfqtszmtocovxwgeh\nhegwxvocotmzstqfbmpjvijgkcyodlxyjawrpkczpmdspsuhoiruavnnnuwvtwohglkdxjetshkboalvzqbgjgthoteceixioxg", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "sihxuwvmaambplxvjfoskinghzicyfqebjtkysotattkahssumfcgrkheotdxwjckpvapbkaepqrxseyfrwtyaycmrzsrsngkh\nhkgnsrszrmcyaytwrfyesxrqpeakbpavpkcjwxdtoehkrgcfmusshakttatosyktjbeqfycizhgniksofjvxlpbmaamvwuxhis", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "ycnahksbughnonldzrhkysujmylcgcfuludjvjiahtkyzqvkopzqcnwhltbzfugzojqkjjlggmvnultascmygelkiktmfieok\nkoeifmtkiklegkmcsatlunvmggkjjlqjozgufzbtlhwncqzpokvqzykthaijvjdulufcgclymjusyyhrzdlnonhgubskhancy", "output": "NO" }, { "input": "wbqasaehtkfojruzyhrlgwmtyiovmzyfifslvlemhqheyaelzwnthrenjsbmntwaoryzwfbxmscmypvxlfmzpnkkjlvwvmtz\nztmvwvljkknpzmflxvpymcsmxbfwzyroawtnmbsjnerhtnwzleayehqhmelvlsfifyzmvoiytmwglrhyzurjofktheasaqbw", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "imippqurprbhfugngtgifelytadegwrgaefnfhbjjnmzikvjaccotqzemufqieqldgnbmviisgkynzeldlhqxuqphjfmyij\njiymfjhpquxqhldleznykgsiivmbngdlqeiqfumezqtoccajvkizmnjjbhfnfeagrwgedatylefigtgngufhbrpruqppimi", "output": "YES" }, { "input": "bikydffiuisckpvzqlteqfhegsagimodb\nbdomigasgehfqetlqzvpkcsiuiffdykib", "output": "YES" } ]
Python 3
eng = input() gne = input() if eng == gne[::-1]: print('YES') else: print('NO')
Title: Translation Time Limit: 2 seconds Memory Limit: 256 megabytes Problem Description: The translation from the Berland language into the Birland language is not an easy task. Those languages are very similar: a berlandish word differs from a birlandish word with the same meaning a little: it is spelled (and pronounced) reversely. For example, a Berlandish word code corresponds to a Birlandish word edoc. However, it's easy to make a mistake during the «translation». Vasya translated word *s* from Berlandish into Birlandish as *t*. Help him: find out if he translated the word correctly. Input Specification: The first line contains word *s*, the second line contains word *t*. The words consist of lowercase Latin letters. The input data do not consist unnecessary spaces. The words are not empty and their lengths do not exceed 100 symbols. Output Specification: If the word *t* is a word *s*, written reversely, print YES, otherwise print NO. Demo Input: ['code\nedoc\n', 'abb\naba\n', 'code\ncode\n'] Demo Output: ['YES\n', 'NO\n', 'NO\n'] Note: none
```python eng = input() gne = input() if eng == gne[::-1]: print('YES') else: print('NO') ```
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