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NASA Instruments on Rosetta Start Comet Science
Three NASA science instruments aboard the European Space Agency's (ESA) Rosetta spacecraft are beginning observations and sending science data back to Earth.
Three NASA science instruments aboard the European Space Agency's (ESA) Rosetta spacecraft, which is set to become the first to orbit a comet and land a probe on its nucleus, are beginning observations and sending science data back to Earth.Launched in March 2004, Rosetta was reactivated in January 2014 after a record 957 days in hibernation. Composed of an orbiter and lander, Rosetta's objective is to arrive at comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in August to study the celestial object up close in unprecedented detail and prepare for landing a probe on the comet's nucleus in November.Rosetta's lander will obtain the first images taken from a comet's surface and will provide the first analysis of a comet's composition by drilling into the surface. Rosetta also will be the first spacecraft to witness at close proximity how a comet changes as it is subjected to the increasing intensity of the sun's radiation. Observations will help scientists learn more about the origin and evolution of our solar system and the role comets may have played in seeding Earth with water, and perhaps even life."We are happy to be seeing some real zeroes and ones coming down from our instruments, and cannot wait to figure out what they are telling us," said Claudia Alexander, Rosetta's U.S. project scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. "Never before has a spacecraft pulled up and parked next to a comet. That is what Rosetta will do, and we are delighted to play a part in such a historic mission of exploration."Rosetta currently is approaching the main asteroid belt located between Jupiter and Mars. The spacecraft is still about 300,000 miles (500,000 kilometers) from the comet, but in August the instruments will begin to map its surface.The three U.S. instruments aboard the spacecraft are the Microwave Instrument for Rosetta Orbiter (MIRO), an ultraviolet spectrometer called Alice, and the Ion and Electron Sensor (IES). They are part of a suite of 11 science instruments aboard the Rosetta orbiter.MIRO is designed to provide data on how gas and dust leave the surface of the nucleus to form the coma and tail that gives comets their intrinsic beauty. Studying the surface temperature and evolution of the coma and tail provides information on how the comet evolves as it approaches and leaves the vicinity of the sun.Alice will analyze gases in the comet's coma, which is the bright envelope of gas around the nucleus of the comet developed as a comet approaches the sun. Alice also will measure the rate at which the comet produces water, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. These measurements will provide valuable information about the surface composition of the nucleus.The instrument also will measure the amount of argon present, an important clue about the temperature of the solar system at the time the comet's nucleus originally formed more than 4.6 billion years ago.IES is part of a suite of five instruments to analyze the plasma environment of the comet, particularly the coma. The instrument will measure the charged particles in the sun's outer atmosphere, or solar wind, as they interact with the gas flowing out from the comet while Rosetta is drawing nearer to the comet's nucleus.NASA also provided part of the electronics package for the Double Focusing Mass Spectrometer, which is part of the Swiss-built Rosetta Orbiter Spectrometer for Ion and Neutral Analysis (ROSINA) instrument. ROSINA will be the first instrument in space with sufficient resolution to be able to distinguish between molecular nitrogen and carbon monoxide, two molecules with approximately the same mass. Clear identification of nitrogen will help scientists understand conditions at the time the solar system was formed.U.S. scientists are partnering on several non-U.S. instruments and are involved in seven of the mission's 21 instrument collaborations. NASA's Deep Space Network is supporting ESA's Ground Station Network for spacecraft tracking and navigation.Rosetta is an ESA mission with contributions from its member states and NASA. Rosetta's Philae lander is provided by a consortium led by the German Aerospace Center, Cologne; Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Gottigen; French National Space Agency, Paris; and the Italian Space Agency, Rome. JPL, a division of the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, manages the U.S. contribution of the Rosetta mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. JPL also built the MIRO and hosts its principal investigator, Samuel Gulkis. The Southwest Research Institute (San Antonio and Boulder), developed the Rosetta orbiter's IES and Alice instruments, and hosts their principal investigators, James Burch (IES) and Alan Stern (Alice).For more information on the U.S. instruments aboard Rosetta, visit:http://rosetta.jpl.nasa.govMore information about Rosetta is available at: more information on the DSN, visit:
Dynamic NASA-Built Weather Sensors Enlisted to Track Tropical Cyclones
Known as COWVR and TEMPEST, the duo is demonstrating that smaller, less expensive science instruments can play an important role in weather forecasting.
NASA recently built two weather instruments to test the potential of small, low-cost sensors to do some of the work of bulkier, pricier satellites. Both instruments have exceeded expectations as trial runs, and they are already delivering useful forecast information for the most devastating of storms, tropical cyclones.Launched in late 2021 to the International Space Station,COWVR(short for Compact Ocean Wind Vector Radiometer) measures the speed and direction of wind at the ocean surface, and TEMPEST (Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems) provides atmospheric water vapor measurements. Both instruments are part of Space Test Program-Houston 8 (STP-H8), a three-year demonstration mission funded by the U.S. Space Force, which also funded the construction of COWVR. TEMPEST was built by NASA as a flight spare for a prior mission, and Space Force repurposed it for STP-H8.Imagery created from their data is being used by the U.S.Joint Typhoon Warning Centerto track the location and intensity of tropical cyclones in the Indian and Pacific oceans. In fact, COWVR and TEMPEST images were among the sources used by a forecaster at the typhoon center in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, to pin down the location of Tropical Cyclone Mandous, which roiled the Bay of Bengal off southern India in December 2022.Data from the COWVR and TEMPEST instruments aboard the ISS was used to create this image of Tropical Cyclone Mandous, which forecasters used to understand the December 2022 storm's intensity and predict its path toward southern India.Credit: U.S. Joint Typhoon Warning Center/U.S. Naval Research LaboratoryFull Image DetailsFor several months, images based on COWVR and TEMPEST data have been delivered to the center by the Monterey, California-based Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), which has been working with NASA to calibrate the instruments and validate their data. Storm forecasters have been trying out the imagery – evaluating how it affects predictions and comparing it with other data sources – said Brian Strahl, the center’s director.Reliable, frequently updated information on storm structure and location, wind speed, and humidity is crucial to the center’s mission to track tropical cyclones between Africa’s east coast and the west coast of the Americas, an area that includes vast expanses of open ocean.“It’s challenging outside of the continental U.S. – where you don’t have weather aircraft routinely flying – to give a really good ground-truth of where these storms are, so we’re reliant on satellites,” Strahl said. “Any new additions of good quality data, which we believe these are, can be very useful.”Smaller, Less CostlyCOWVR and TEMPEST both measure microwave emissions from Earth’s atmosphere and surface. Data from microwave readings have an advantage over those from infrared or visible light: They can give forecasters a look at the internal structure of a tropical cyclone and help them locate the eye, even if it’s obscured by clouds.Get the Latest JPL NewsSUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWSLETTERThe idea for the mission emerged a decade ago as the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) started considering the next generation of instruments that could replace sensors such as WindSat, a DoD weather radiometer that operated until 2020.COWVR incorporates technology and designs developed at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory for the agency’s Jason series of ocean-observing satellites. With Jason, engineers had to correct for the presence of atmospheric water vapor when measuring sea surface height. With COWVR, the water vapor and how it moves are the focus.Larger weather radiometers are often built with spinning dishes to enable broader coverage than that provided by an instrument that points straight down. COWVR also uses a rotating dish, but JPL engineers managed to simplify the instrument’s design, making it more power-efficient without compromising its capabilities.Around the size of a minifridge, the instrument weighs about 130 pounds (60 kilograms) and requires about 47 watts to run – approximately the same power demand as an actual minifridge. WindSat, by comparison, weighed 990 pounds (450 kilograms) and used 350 watts. COWVR’s design and construction budget was $24 million, roughly one-fifth the cost of WindSat.TEMPEST was a flight spare left over from NASA’s 2018TEMPEST-D mission. About the size of a cereal box, it weighs roughly 8 pounds (4 kilograms), draws 6.5 watts of power, and had a budget of less than $2 million. TEMPEST-D was a CubeSat demonstration led by researchers from Colorado State University, JPL, and Blue Canyon Technologies.“NASA developed these instruments to be compact and simple, without many moving parts, and using technology that has matured over the decades,” said Shannon Brown, principal investigator for COWVR at JPL. “We are now seeing that instruments like that can perform as well as the more expensive operational sensors.”Separate from STP-H8, NASA also is exploring the use of data from COWVR and TEMPEST, as well as small satellites like them, for its own weather-related missions.What’s NextThe Naval Research Laboratory has sent data from COWVR and TEMPEST to the U.S. National Hurricane Center, where forecasters have started to evaluate it. And the Joint Typhoon Warning Center intends to take a closer look at COWVR’s surface wind speed and direction data – not just the imagery – to see if it improves tropical cyclone forecasts.The Naval Research Laboratory also continues to evaluate raw data from COWVR and TEMPEST for use in the U.S. Navy’s global numerical weather models.“These are critical behind-the-scenes efforts that enable us to feel confident using measurements from these new instruments,” said Steve Swadley, NRL’s lead for calibration and validation of data from spaceborne microwave sensors. “So far, it looks really, really good, so that’s exciting.”
Shuttle Imaging Radar-A Acquires New Geologic Information
New geologic information in remote tropical, arid, and heavily vegetated areas was acquired by JPL's imaging radar on NASA's second space shuttle flight in November 1981, as reported in the Dec. 3, 1982, edition of Science magazine.
New geologic information in remote tropical, arid, and heavily vegetated areas was acquired by JPL's imaging radar on NASA's second space shuttle flight in November 1981, as reported in the Dec. 3, 1982, edition of Science magazine.The experiment, called Shuttle Imaging Radar-A (SIR-A), penetrated cloud cover, varying degrees of vegetation, and dry desert sand to provide new geologic information in poorly surveyed regions.For example, U.S. Geological Survey and JPL scientists studying SIR-A data found that the radar had penetrated beneath the extremely dry Selima Sand Sheet dunes and drift sand of the Arbain (CQ) desert in the Sudan and Egypt to reveal ancient, buried stream beds, geologic structures, and probable Stone Age habitation sites.In inaccessible, cloud-covered regions of the Amazon, SIR-A data has provided cartographers with detailed images for more complete mapping.The imaging radar also revealed new geologic detail in the southeastern Egyptian desert. Radar images show linear features immediately west of the Red Sea that may be hundreds of millions of years older that the Red Sea Rift, and may have guided the orientation of the rift.In the mountainous regions of western Guyana in South America, the radar uncovered significant geologic structural detail, despite complete rainforest cover. Lineaments and other major surface features are clearly visible in the images. Field surveys are required in this poorly surveyed region before the features may be interpreted conclusively.In the Great Kavir salt desert in Iran, SIR-A images complemented imagery from the Landsat geologic satellite and were found to be useful in identifying different surface rock and soil types, and helped determine whether the surface was altered by erosion or fracturing of the surface salt crust. In some areas, strata of the folded Miocene Era (26 million years old) bedrock were visible through the surface, feature usually obscured from view in ground surveys.SIR-A acquired data over approximately 10 million square kilometers (3.8 million square miles) of Earth. In conjunction with other experiments on NASA's first scientific shuttle payload, SIR-A demonstrated the shuttle's useful role as platform for scientific investigations.The sensor was returned from space in fully opera tional status. It is being modified and upgraded for second shuttle flight as SIR-B in summer 1984. SIR-B will be a fully digital system, will have higher resolution than SIR A, and will carry an antenna that can be tilted at variable angles for studying different ground and ocean features.Principal investigator of SIR-A is Dr. Charles Elachi of Caltech's JPL. Co-investigators are from JPL; the U.S. Geological Survey, Flagstaff, Ariz.; the University of Kansas; NASA's Johnson Space Center, Houston, Tex.; the University of Arkansas; Hunting Geology and Geophysics Ltd., U.K.; the French Space Agency; and the Chevron Oil Field Research Co., Calif.818-354-5011
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander Continues Tests with Rasp
The team operating NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander plans to tell the lander today to do a second, larger test of using a motorized rasp to produce and gather shavings of frozen ground.
TUCSON, Ariz. -- The team operating NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander plans to tell the lander today to do a second, larger test of using a motorized rasp to produce and gather shavings of frozen ground.The planned test is a preparation for putting a similar sample into one of Phoenix's laboratory ovens in coming days. The instrument with the oven, the Thermal and Evolved- Gas Analyzer (TEGA), will be used to check whether the hard layer exposed in a shallow trench is indeed rich in water ice, as scientists expect, and to identify some other ingredients in the frozen soil.The rasp flings some of the shavings that it produces directly into an opening on the back of the scoop at the end of the lander's robotic arm. The test planned for today differs in several ways from the first test of the rasp on Mars, on July 15."First, we will scrape the terrain before rasping, to expose fresh terrain for sampling," said Richard Volpe of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., an engineer for the Phoenix robotic arm team. "Second, we will rasp four times in a row, twice the amount previously. Third, the scoop blade will be run across the rasp holes to pick up as much of the tailings as possible."The test area is in the bottom of a trench about 5 centimeters (2 inches) deep, informally named "Snow White," which is also the planned site for acquiring an icy sample for the TEGA instrument. The team wants to be sure to be able to collect and deliver the sample quickly, and early in the Martian morning, in order to minimize the amount of ice lost to vaporization before the material is sealed into the oven. Today's plans include using the Robotic Arm Camera to check repeatedly for any changes in the collected sample during seven hours after getting it into the scoop.The Phoenix mission is led by Peter Smith of the University of Arizona with project management at JPL and development partnership at Lockheed Martin, Denver. International contributions come from the Canadian Space Agency; the University of Neuchatel; the universities of Copenhagen and Aarhus, Denmark; Max Planck Institute, Germany; and the Finnish Meteorological Institute. For more about Phoenix, visit:
Radar for Mars Gets Flight Tests at NASA Dryden
In a series of diving flights, an F/A-18 aircraft at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center in California is carrying a test model of the radar for the next landing on Mars.
Southern California's high desert has been a stand-in for Mars for NASA technology testing many times over the years. And so it is again, in a series of flights by an F/A-18 aircraft to test the landing radar for NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission.The flight profile is designed to have the F/A-18 climb to 40,000 feet (about 12,000 meters). From there, it makes a series of subsonic, stair-step dives at angles of 40 to 90 degrees to simulate what the Mars radar will see while the spacecraft is on a parachute descending through the Martian atmosphere. The F/A-18 pulls out of each dive at 5,000 feet (about 1,500 meters. Data collected by these flights will be used to finesse the Mars landing radar software, to help ensure that it is calibrated as accurately as possible.The testing is a collaboration of NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, Calif., with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. Earlier tests, with a helicopter carrying the test radar, simulated the lower-altitude portion of the spacecraft's descent to the surface of Mars. For more information about the F/A-18 tests, see Mars Science Laboratory mission's rover, named Curiosity, will be shipped this month from JPL to NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida to be readied for launch between Nov. 25 and Dec. 18, 2011. The spacecraft will arrive at Mars in August 2012. After Curiosity lands on Mars, researchers will use the rover's 10 science instruments during the following two years to investigate whether the landing area has ever offered environmental conditions favorable for microbial life.JPL, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the Mars Science Laboratory Project for the NASA Science Mission Directorate, Washington. More information about the mission is online at:
NASA Dawn Reveals Recent Changes in Ceres' Surface
Observations of Ceres have detected recent variations in its surface, revealing that the dwarf planet is a dynamic body that continues to evolve and change.
Observations of Ceres have detected recent variations in its surface, revealing that the only dwarf planet in the inner solar system is a dynamic body that continues to evolve and change.NASA's Dawn mission has found recently exposed deposits that give us new information on the materials in the crust and how they are changing, according to two papers published March 14 in Science Advances that document the new findings.Observations obtained by the visible and infrared mapping spectrometer (VIR) on the Dawn spacecraft previously found water ice in a dozen sites on Ceres. The new study revealed the abundance of ice on the northern wall of Juling Crater, a crater 12 miles (20 kilometers) in diameter. The new observations, conducted from April through October 2016, show an increase in the amount of ice on the crater wall.This view from NASA's Dawn mission shows Ceres' tallest mountain, Ahuna Mons, 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) high and 11 miles (17 kilometers) wide. This is one of the few sites on Ceres at which a significant amount of sodium carbonate has been found, shown in green and red colors in the lower right image. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA/ASI/INAF› Full image and caption"This is the first direct detection of change on the surface of Ceres," said Andrea Raponi of the Institute of Astrophysics and Planetary Science in Rome.Raponi led the new study, which found changes in the amount of ice exposed on the dwarf planet. "The combination of Ceres moving closer to the sun in its orbit, along with seasonal change, triggers the release of water vapor from the subsurface, which then condenses on the cold crater wall. This causes an increase in the amount of exposed ice. The warming might also cause landslides on the crater walls that expose fresh ice patches."By combining chemical, geological and geophysical observations, the Dawn mission is producing a comprehensive view of Ceres. Previous data had shown Ceres has a crust about 25 miles (40 kilometers) thick and rich in water, salts and, possibly, organics.In a second study, VIR observations also reveal new information about the variability of Ceres' crust, and suggest recent surface changes, in the form of newly exposed material.Dawn previously found carbonates, common on the planet's surface, that formed within an ocean. Sodium carbonates, for example, dominate the bright regions in Occator Crater, and material of similar composition has been found at Oxo Crater and Ahuna Mons.This study, led by Giacomo Carrozzo of the Institute of Astrophysics and Planetary Science, identified 12 sites rich in sodium carbonates and examined in detail several areas of a few square miles that show where water is present as part of the carbonate structure. The study marks the first time hydrated carbonate has been found on the surface of Ceres, or any other planetary body besides Earth, giving us new information about the dwarf planet's chemical evolution.Water ice is not stable on the surface of Ceres over long time periods unless it is hidden in shadows, as in the case of Juling. Similarly, hydrated carbonate would dehydrate, although over a longer timescale of a few million years."This implies that the sites rich in hydrated carbonates have been exposed due to recent activity on the surface," Carrozzo said.The great diversity of material, ice and carbonates, exposed via impacts, landslides and cryovolcanism suggests Ceres' crust is not uniform in composition. These heterogeneities were either produced during the freezing of Ceres' original ocean - which formed the crust - or later on as a consequence of large impacts or cryovolcanic intrusions."Changes in the abundance of water ice on a short timescale, as well as the presence of hydrated sodium carbonates, are further evidence that Ceres is a geologically and chemically active body," said Cristina De Sanctis, VIR team leader at the Institute of Astrophysics and Planetary Science.The Dawn mission is managed by JPL for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. Dawn is a project of the directorate's Discovery Program, managed by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. JPL is responsible for overall Dawn mission science. Orbital ATK Inc., in Dulles, Virginia, designed and built the spacecraft. The German Aerospace Center, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Italian Space Agency and Italian National Astrophysical Institute are international partners on the mission team.For a complete list of mission participants, visit: information about Dawn is available at the following sites:
Journey to a Metal-Rich World: NASA’s Psyche Is Ready to Launch
The spacecraft is targeting an Oct. 13 liftoff atop a Falcon Heavy rocket. Its destination, a metal-rich asteroid, may tell us more about how planets form.
In less than 24 hours,NASA’s Psychespacecraft is slated to launch from the agency’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. With its sights set on a mysterious asteroid of the same name, Psyche is NASA’s first scientific mission to be launched on aSpaceX Falcon Heavyrocket.Launch is set for 10:19 a.m. EDT on Friday, Oct. 13, with additional opportunities identified each day through Oct. 25. Each opportunity is instantaneous, meaning there is only one exact time per day when launch can occur.“The team has worked tirelessly to prepare the spacecraft for its journey to a one-of-a-kind asteroid,” said Henry Stone, Psyche’s project manager at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. “All spacecraft systems, science instruments, and software have been integrated and extensively tested, and the spacecraft is fully configured for flight. We look forward to the launch and – more importantly – to accomplishing the mission’s objectives, marking yet another historic voyage of scientific discovery.”Get the Psyche press kitThe orbiter’s solar arrays are folded and stowed for launch. All systems have been tested and re-tested many times, along with the payload of three science instruments. Loaded with 2,392 pounds (1,085 kilograms) of the neutral gas xenon – the propellant that will get Psyche to the asteroid belt – the spacecraft sits inside the launch vehicle’s cone-shaped payload fairing, which protects it from aerodynamic pressure and heat during launch. The spacecraft and fairing have been mated to the SpaceX Falcon Heavy, which is poised for takeoff from Kennedy Space Center’s historic Launch Complex 39A.Integrated onto the spacecraft is a technology demonstration called Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC). DSOC will testhigh-data-rate laser communications– which could be used by future NASA missions – beyond the Moon for the first time. The tech demo will not relay Psyche mission data.Launch SequencesThe rocket has two stages and two side boosters. After the side boosters separate and return to land, the core stage will be expended into the Atlantic Ocean. Then the second stage of the rocket, which will help Psyche escape Earth’s gravity, will fire its engine.Once the rocket is out of Earth’s atmosphere, about four minutes after launch, the fairing will separate from its ride and split into two halves, which are jettisoned back to Earth. The spacecraft will then separate from the upper stage about an hour after launch. Soon after, it will deploy its twin solar arrays, one at a time, and direct them at the Sun. At this point, the spacecraft is in a planned “safe mode” (a precautionary standby status), with the Sun illuminating the deployed solar panels, and will begin to direct the low-gain antenna toward Earth for communications.Get the Latest JPL NewsSubscribe to the NewsletterIt could take up to two hours after separation from the rocket before the first signal is received.Once stable communications have been established, mission controllers will begin to reconfigure the spacecraft into its planned operating mode. The ensuing three months of initial checkout include a commissioning phase to confirm that all hardware and software is operating as expected, including the electric thrusters. Starting about five months after launch, the thrusters will fire, one at a time, during long stretches of the trajectory to get to the asteroid.Psyche’s efficientsolar electric propulsionsystem works by accelerating and expelling charged atoms, or ions, of the neutral gas xenon – creating a thrust that will gently push the spacecraft on a journey of nearly six years and about 2.2 billion miles (3.6 billion kilometers) to the asteroid Psyche in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.Along the way, in May 2026, the spacecraft will fly by Mars and use the Red Planet’s gravity to slingshot itself toward Psyche, saving propellant while gaining speed and changing direction.After the spacecraft reaches the asteroid in 2029, it will spend about 26 months in orbit, gathering images and other data.Scientists believe Psyche could be part of the core of a planetesimal – an early planetary building block – and composed of a mixture of rock and iron-nickel metal. The metal will not be mined; it will be studied to give researchers a better idea of what makes up Earth’s core and how rocky planets formed in our solar system. Humans can’t bore a path to our planet’s core – or the cores of the other rocky planets – so visiting Psyche could provide a one-of-a-kind window into the violent history of collisions and accumulation of matter that created planets like our own.More About the MissionArizona State University leads the Psyche mission. A division of Caltech in Pasadena, JPL is responsible for the mission’s overall management, system engineering, integration and test, and mission operations. Maxar Technologies in Palo Alto, California, provided the high-power solar electric propulsion spacecraft chassis.JPL manages DSOC for the Technology Demonstration Missions program within NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate and the Space Communications and Navigation program within the Space Operations Mission Directorate.NASA’s Launch Services Program, based at Kennedy Space Center, is responsible for the insight and approval of the launch vehicle and manages the launch service for the Psyche mission. LSP certified the SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket for use with the agency’s most complex and highest priority missions in early 2023 at the conclusion of a 2 ½-year effort.Psyche is the 14th mission selected as part ofNASA’s Discovery Program, managed by the agency’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.For more information about NASA’s Psyche mission go to: Moment: NASA’s Psyche Asteroid MissionPsyche classroom activities
Small Asteroid Is Earth's Constant Companion
A small asteroid has been discovered in an orbit around the sun that keeps it as a constant companion of Earth, and it will remain so for centuries to come.
A small asteroid has been discovered in an orbit around the sun that keeps it as a constant companion of Earth, and it will remain so for centuries to come.As it orbits the sun, this new asteroid, designated 2016 HO3, appears to circle around Earth as well. It is too distant to be considered a true satellite of our planet, but it is the best and most stable example to date of a near-Earth companion, or "quasi-satellite.""Since 2016 HO3 loops around our planet, but never ventures very far away as we both go around the sun, we refer to it as a quasi-satellite of Earth," said Paul Chodas, manager of NASA's Center for Near-Earth Object (NEO) Studies at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. "One other asteroid -- 2003 YN107 -- followed a similar orbital pattern for a while over 10 years ago, but it has since departed our vicinity. This new asteroid is much more locked onto us. Our calculations indicate 2016 HO3 has been a stable quasi-satellite of Earth for almost a century, and it will continue to follow this pattern as Earth's companion for centuries to come."A small asteroid has been discovered in an orbit around the sun that keeps it as a constant companion of Earth, and it will remain so for centuries to come.Credit: NASA/JPL-CaltechIn its yearly trek around the sun, asteroid 2016 HO3 spends about half of the time closer to the sun than Earth and passes ahead of our planet, and about half of the time farther away, causing it to fall behind. Its orbit is also tilted a little, causing it to bob up and then down once each year through Earth's orbital plane. In effect, this small asteroid is caught in a game of leap frog with Earth that will last for hundreds of years.The asteroid's orbit also undergoes a slow, back-and-forth twist over multiple decades. "The asteroid's loops around Earth drift a little ahead or behind from year to year, but when they drift too far forward or backward, Earth's gravity is just strong enough to reverse the drift and hold onto the asteroid so that it never wanders farther away than about 100 times the distance of the moon," said Chodas. "The same effect also prevents the asteroid from approaching much closer than about 38 times the distance of the moon. In effect, this small asteroid is caught in a little dance with Earth."Asteroid 2016 HO3 was first spotted on April 27, 2016, by the Pan-STARRS 1 asteroid survey telescope on Haleakala, Hawaii, operated by the University of Hawaii's Institute for Astronomy and funded by NASA'sPlanetary Defense Coordination Office. The size of this object has not yet been firmly established, but it is likely larger than 120 feet (40 meters) and smaller than 300 feet (100 meters).TheCenter for NEO Studies websitehas a complete list of recent and upcoming close approaches, as well as all other data on the orbits of known NEOs, so scientists and members of the media and public can track information on known objects.For asteroid news and updates, follow AsteroidWatch on Twitter:
Mars Image Takes Earth Photo Event to a New World
When some Mars explorers learned of plans for a worldwide photography event combining shots taken from thousands of different locations on May 2, 2010, they figured, "Why just one world?"
When some Mars explorers learned of plans for a worldwide photography event combining shots taken from thousands of different locations on May 2, 2010, they figured, "Why just one world?"A New York Times photography blog, Lens, proposed the event and has received more than 12,000 images from around the world. Plus one from a rover on Mars.The inspiration came from a suggestion by Emily Lakdawalla, science and technology coordinator for The Planetary Society in Pasadena, Calif.Astronomer Jim Bell of Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y., lead scientist for the panoramic camera (Pancam) on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity, suggested that the rover team include commands for Opportunity to take multiple exposures late in the Martian afternoon on May 2. The resulting scene extends from the rover's own deck to ochre sky above the horizon more than 3 kilometers (2 miles) away. Dramatically shaded ripples of windblown sand reach toward the distant horizon.The Opportunity image is highlighted at the Lens blog at: The entire gallery of "Moment in Time" images, the vast majority from Planet Earth, is online at: Lens blog proposed that photos be shot at 1500 Universal Time (UT, or Greenwich Mean Time) on May 2 from locations around the world. For logistical reasons, the rover instead took the pictures just before 1500 "local true solar time" on Mars, which was about 1115 UT on May 2 on Earth. Shortly afterwards, the rover transmitted the image data to NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter, which relayed them to Earth."It wasn't until about 1500 Universal Time on Earth that we could actually see the images and combine them into a mosaic," Bell said. "So we shot the mosaic on Mars at around 1500 local Mars time and received and processed the image on Earth around 1500 Universal Time. In those respects, we hope that our entry is consistent with the spirit of the rules, making this a truly interplanetary event."The Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., manages the Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. JPL is a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.
Study Helps Explain Sea Ice Differences at Earth's Poles
Why is Antarctic sea ice cover increasing while Arctic sea ice is diminishing rapidly? A NASA-led study finds the geology of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean are responsible.
Why has the sea ice cover surrounding Antarctica been increasing slightly, in sharp contrast to the drastic loss of sea ice occurring in the Arctic Ocean? A new NASA-led study finds the geology of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean are responsible.A NASA/NOAA/university team led by Son Nghiem of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, used satellite radar, sea surface temperature, land form and bathymetry (ocean depth) data to study the physical processes and properties affecting Antarctic sea ice. They found that two persistent geological factors -- the topography of Antarctica and the depth of the ocean surrounding it -- are influencing winds and ocean currents, respectively, to drive the formation and evolution of Antarctica's sea ice cover and help sustain it."Our study provides strong evidence that the behavior of Antarctic sea ice is entirely consistent with the geophysical characteristics found in the southern polar region, which differ sharply from those present in the Arctic," said Nghiem.Antarctic sea ice cover is dominated by first-year (seasonal) sea ice. Each year, the sea ice reaches its maximum extent around the frozen continent in September and retreats to about 17 percent of that extent in February. Since the late 1970s, its extent has been relatively stable, increasing just slightly; however, regional differences are observed.Over the years, scientists have floated various hypotheses to explain the behavior of Antarctic sea ice, particularly in light of observed global temperature increases. Are changes in the ozone hole involved? Could fresh meltwater from Antarctic ice shelves be making the ocean surface less salty and more conducive to ice formation, since salt inhibits freezing? Are increases in the strength of Antarctic winds causing the ice to thicken? Something is protecting Antarctic sea ice, but a definitive answer has remained elusive.To tackle this cryospheric conundrum, Nghiem and his team adopted a novel approach. They analyzed radar data from NASA's QuikScat satellite from 1999 to 2009 to trace the paths of Antarctic sea ice movements and map its different types. They focused on the 2008 growth season, a year of exceptional seasonal variability in Antarctic sea ice coverage.Their analyses revealed that as sea ice forms and builds up early in the sea ice growth season, it gets pushed offshore and northward by winds, forming a protective shield of older, thicker ice that circulates around the continent. The persistent winds, which flow downslope off the continent and are shaped by Antarctica's topography, pile ice up against the massive ice shield, enhancing its thickness. This band of ice, which varies in width from roughly 62 to 620 miles (100 to 1,000 kilometers), encapsulates and protects younger, thinner ice in the ice pack behind it from being reduced by winds and waves.The team also used QuikScat radar data to classify the different types of Antarctic sea ice. Older, thicker sea ice returns a stronger radar signal than younger, thinner ice does. They found the sea ice within the protective shield was older and rougher (due to longer exposure to wind and waves), and thicker (due to more ice growth and snow accumulation). As the sea ice cover expands and ice drifts away from the continent, areas of open water form behind it on the sea surface, creating "ice factories" conducive to rapid sea ice growth.To address the question of how the Southern Ocean maintains this great sea ice shield, the team combined sea surface temperature data from multiple satellites with a recently available bathymetric chart of the depth of the world's oceans. Sea surface temperature data reveal that at the peak of ice growth season, the boundary of the ice shield remains behind a 30-degree Fahrenheit (-1 degree Celsius) temperature line surrounding Antarctica. This temperature line corresponds with the southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current front, a boundary that separates the circulation of cold and warm waters around Antarctica. The team theorized that the location of this front follows the underwater bathymetry.When they plotted the bathymetric data against the ocean temperatures, the pieces fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. Pronounced seafloor features strongly guide the ocean current and correspond closely with observed regional Antarctic sea ice patterns. For example, the current stays near Bouvet Island, located 1,000 miles (1,600 kilometers) from the nearest land, where three tectonic plates join to form seafloor ridges. Off the coast of East Antarctica, the -1 degree Celsius sea surface temperature lines closely bundle together as they cross the Kerguelen Plateau (a submerged microcontinent that broke out of the ancient Gondwana supercontinent), through a deep channel called the Fawn Trough. But those lines spread apart over adjacent deep ocean basins, where seafloor features are not pronounced. Off the West Antarctica coast, the deep, smooth seafloor loses its grip over the current, allowing sea ice extent to decrease and resulting in large year-to-year variations.Study results are published in the journal Remote Sensing of Environment. Other participating institutions include the Joint Institute for Regional Earth System Science and Engineering at UCLA; the Applied Physics Laboratory at the University of Washington in Seattle; and the U.S. National/Naval Ice Center, NOAA Satellite Operations Facility in Suitland, Maryland. Additional funding was provided by the National Science Foundation.NASA uses the vantage point of space to increase our understanding of our home planet, improve lives and safeguard our future. NASA develops new ways to observe and study Earth's interconnected natural systems with long-term data records. The agency freely shares this unique knowledge and works with institutions around the world to gain new insights into how our planet is changing.QuikScat was built and is managed by JPL. For more information, visit: more information about NASA's Earth science activities, visit:
Ganymede May Harbor 'Club Sandwich' of Oceans and Ice
Jupiter's largest moon might be stacked with multiple layers of oceans and ice.
The largest moon in our solar system, a companion to Jupiter named Ganymede, might have ice and oceans stacked up in several layers like a club sandwich, according to new NASA-funded research that models the moon's makeup.Previously, the moon was thought to harbor a thick ocean sandwiched between just two layers of ice, one on top and one on bottom."Ganymede's ocean might be organized like a Dagwood sandwich," said Steve Vance of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., explaining the moon's resemblance to the "Blondie" cartoon character's multi-tiered sandwiches. The study, led by Vance, provides new theoretical evidence for the team's "club sandwich" model, first proposed last year. The research appears in the journal Planetary and Space Science.The results support the idea that primitive life might have possibly arisen on the icy moon. Scientists say that places where water and rock interact are important for the development of life; for example, it's possible life began on Earth in bubbling vents on our sea floor. Prior to the new study, Ganymede's rocky sea bottom was thought to be coated with ice, not liquid -- a problem for the emergence of life. The "club sandwich" findings suggest otherwise: the first layer on top of the rocky core might be salty water."This is good news for Ganymede," said Vance. "Its ocean is huge, with enormous pressures, so it was thought that dense ice had to form at the bottom of the ocean. When we added salts to our models, we came up with liquids dense enough to sink to the sea floor."NASA scientists first suspected an ocean in Ganymede in the 1970s, based on models of the large moon, which is bigger than Mercury. In the 1990s, NASA's Galileo mission flew by Ganymede, confirming the moon's ocean, and showing it extends to depths of hundreds of miles. The spacecraft also found evidence for salty seas, likely containing the salt magnesium sulfate.Previous models of Ganymede's oceans assumed that salt didn't change the properties of liquid very much with pressure. Vance and his team showed, through laboratory experiments, how much salt really increases the density of liquids under the extreme conditions inside Ganymede and similar moons. It may seem strange that salt can make the ocean denser, but you can see for yourself how this works by adding plain old table salt to a glass of water. Rather than increasing in volume, the liquid shrinks and becomes denser. This is because the salt ions attract water molecules.The models get more complicated when the different forms of ice are taken into account. The ice that floats in your drinks is called "Ice I." It's the least dense form of ice and lighter than water. But at high pressures, like those in crushingly deep oceans like Ganymede's, the ice crystal structures become more compact. "It's like finding a better arrangement of shoes in your luggage -- the ice molecules become packed together more tightly," said Vance. The ice can become so dense that it is heavier than water and falls to the bottom of the sea. The densest and heaviest ice thought to persist in Ganymede is called "Ice VI."By modeling these processes using computers, the team came up with an ocean sandwiched between up to three ice layers, in addition to the rocky seafloor. The lightest ice is on top, and the saltiest liquid is heavy enough to sink to the bottom. What's more, the results demonstrate a possible bizarre phenomenon that causes the oceans to "snow upwards." As the oceans churn and cold plumes snake around, ice in the uppermost ocean layer, called "Ice III," could form in the seawater. When ice forms, salts precipitate out. The heavier salts would thus fall downward, and the lighter ice, or "snow," would float upward. This "snow" melts again before reaching the top of the ocean, possibly leaving slush in the middle of the moon sandwich."We don't know how long the Dagwood-sandwich structure would exist," said Christophe Sotin of JPL. "This structure represents a stable state, but various factors could mean the moon doesn't reach this stable state.Sotin and Vance are both members of the Icy Worlds team at JPL, part of the multi-institutional NASA Astrobiology Institute based at the Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif.The results can be applied to exoplanets too, planets that circle stars beyond our sun. Some super-Earths, rocky planets more massive than Earth, have been proposed as "water worlds" covered in oceans. Could they have life? Vance and his team think laboratory experiments and more detailed modeling of exotic oceans might help find answers.Ganymede is one of five moons in our solar system thought to support vast oceans beneath icy crusts. The other moons are Jupiter's Europa and Callisto and Saturn's Titan and Enceladus. The European Space Agency is developing a space mission, called JUpiter ICy moons Explorer or JUICE, to visit Europa, Callisto and Ganymede in the 2030s. NASA and JPL are contributing to three instruments on the mission, which is scheduled to launch in 2022 (see authors of the study are Mathieu Bouffard of Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France, and Mathieu Choukroun, also of JPL and the Icy World team of the NASA Astrobiology Institute. JPL is managed by the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena for NASA.
Jupiter Orbiter Nears First Visit to Small Moon, Dusty Ring
As Galileo approaches Jupiter, it will skim past Amalthea at 06:19 on Nov. 5, Universal Time (10:19 p.m. Nov. 4, Pacific Standard Time).
Before starting its 35th and final orbit around Jupiter next week, NASA's Galileo spacecraft will visit three intriguing features of the giant planet's neighborhood for the first time: a small moon named Amalthea, a dusty ring and the inner region of Jupiter's high-energy magnetic environment."We're excited about this encounter because the spacecraft will be flying closer to Jupiter than it's ever flown before," said Dr. Eilene Theilig, Galileo project manager at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. The encounter will set up Galileo for its final orbit, as well as provide valuable research opportunities.As Galileo approaches Jupiter, it will skim past Amalthea at 06:19 on Nov. 5, Universal Time (10:19 p.m. Nov. 4, Pacific Standard Time). Amalthea is one of four small moons closer to Jupiter than the four large moons -- Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto -- that Galileo has inspected during more than 30 encounters since late 1995. Navigators have set a course for the orbiter to pass about 160 kilometers (99 miles) above Amalthea's cratered surface. That's barely more than half the length of this egg-shaped moon.By measuring the strength of Amalthea's gravity tugging at the spacecraft, researchers intend to determine the moon's mass, said JPL's Dr. Torrence Johnson, Galileo project scientist. "We know what Amalthea looks like, but we don't know what it's made of," he said. More distant pictures taken by Galileo of Amalthea provide a good estimate of its size. Learning its mass will allow a calculation of its density, an important clue to its composition. Galileo's camera will not be used during this flyby in order to concentrate resources on higher priority research, such as the gravity measurements.Knowing Amalthea's density might help pin down whether the origin of moons around Jupiter resembled the origin of planets around the Sun, Johnson said. The Sun's inner planets -- Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars -- are rocky worlds much denser than the gassy and icy planets from Jupiter on out. Likewise for Jupiter's four large moons: Io, the innermost, is mainly dense rock and iron, while Ganymede and Callisto, the two outermost, are mixtures of rock and ice, and Europa completes a gradient in between.Amalthea orbits about halfway between Jupiter and Io. If it is dense, that could fit a theory that primordial Jupiter, like the Sun, gave off enough heat to prevent volatile, lightweight ingredients, such as water ice, from condensing and being incorporated into the orbiting bodies forming closest to it.While near Amalthea, Galileo will fly through a faint "gossamer" ring that encircles Jupiter. This will be the first opportunity for any spacecraft to use a dust detector to directly examine the sizes and movements of dust grains within a planetary ring.Another special research opportunity will be Galileo's sprint through the inner region of Jupiter's magnetosphere, a high-radiation environment of charged particles controlled by the magnetic field around the planet. "As you get closer to Jupiter, many of the processes resemble what we think happens close to a star," said Dr. Claudia Alexander, a Galileo scientist at JPL. "Jupiter is a massive planet that didn't quite make it to the size of a star. It's exciting that we'll be able to take exploratory measurements of this inner region. We may get results that enable us to understand a little more about how stars behave."The inner-magnetosphere measurements could also provide information helpful for designing future spacecraft to Europa or Io, which would need to operate for extended periods in the harsh conditions of Jupiter's radiation belts. To supplement Galileo's measurements from within the radiation belts, observations of Jupiter's natural radio emissions are planned with radio telescopes on Earth before, during and after the encounter. Scientists will use the Very Large Array of radio telescopes near Socorro, N.M. From several high school and middle schools across the country, students will remotely control a large radio telescope at the Goldstone, Calif., facilities of JPL's Deep Space Network.Galileo has already accumulated more than fourfold the dose of damaging radiation it was designed to withstand. It has operated for nearly five years past the end of its prime mission. "Considering what it has been through, the spacecraft is in remarkably good shape," Theilig said. Some electronics on board have degraded over the years, however, and the intensity of radiation the spacecraft will experience on this encounter -- almost twice as high as ever before -- raises concerns, she said. The flight team has been preparing Galileo to be as robust as possible, but achieving all the science goals of the encounter cannot be guaranteed.After this flyby, Galileo will be on course to hit Jupiter in September 2003. Its propellant supply, needed for pointing the antenna toward Earth and controlling the flight path, is nearly depleted. While still controllable, the orbiter is being steered into Jupiter to avoid any risk of the spacecraft hitting Europa in years to come. That precaution stems from Galileo's own discoveries of evidence for a hidden ocean under Europa's surface, heightening interest in Europa as a possible habitat for life.Galileo left Earth aboard NASA's space shuttle Atlantis in 1989. JPL, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the Galileo mission for NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington, D.C. Additional information about the mission is available online at
JPL Instrument Successfully Launched to Measure Ocean Winds
Japan's Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) carrying a JPL instrument designed to measure global ocean surface winds was launched from Tanegashima Space Center in Japan at 6:53 Pacific time tonight.
Japan's Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) carrying a JPL instrument designed to measure global ocean surface winds was launched from Tanegashima Space Center in Japan at 6:53 Pacific time tonight.Launched on a Japanese H-II rocket and destined for a 800- kilometer (497-mile) high circular orbit above the Earth, ADEOS is due to begin day-to-day science operations in November.The JPL-built NASA Scatterometer will make 190,000 measurements per day of the speed and direction of winds within about 3 centimeters (1.5 inches) of the ocean surface. These winds directly affect the turbulent exchanges of heat, moisture and greenhouse gases between the atmosphere and the ocean. These air-sea exchanges, in turn, help determine regional weather patterns and shape global climate.NSCAT has been developed under NASA's strategic enterprise called Mission to Planet Earth, a comprehensive research effort to study Earth's land, oceans, atmosphere, ice and life as an interrelated system. JPL manages the NSCAT instrument for NASA.818-354-5011
Getting the Big Picture on Houston's Air Pollution
Now the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer, an instrument that flies on NASA's Terra satellite and is managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, is stepping in to help researchers find out exactly where, how much and what type of pollution is in Houston.
Houston has a serious air quality problem. Since 1999, the Texas city has exchanged titles with Los Angeles as having the most polluted air in the United States defined by the number of days each city violates federal smog standards.Now the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer, an instrument that flies on NASA's Terra satellite and is managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, is stepping in to help researchers find out exactly where, how much and what type of pollution is in Houston. The instrument acquires images of Earth at nine angles simultaneously, using nine separate cameras pointed forward, downward and backward along its flight path. By incorporating the instrument's data on airborne particles with local air quality information, researchers hope to increase their understanding of air pollution models. Such models could then be used to map other urban areas.The instrument is monitoring Houston "as a validation test, a challenge, to see if the instrument can provide a regional picture of air pollution," said Dr. Ralph Kahn, aerosol scientist for the instrument and JPL's lead scientist for Earth and planetary atmospheres. "If it is successful, we may be able to use the instrument to conduct regional pollution studies of any city in the world."Typically, air pollution studies are conducted through combined measurements taken at ground sites and by aircraft that sample at fixed points along flight paths. By including satellite data in this campaign, researchers can view an entire region in detail at once. In addition, they are using state-of-the-art measurement methods for an enormous array of gases and particles.In the Houston area, several air-monitoring stations on the ground measure basic weather, gases and particulate matter - pollution particles that arise from various sources, such as the burning of coal for electricity or fuel for transportation. These particles, also called aerosols, are often composed of carbon or sulfate compounds and can reach tiny, concentrated states that can harm the human respiratory system. Data from the JPL instrument help identify the size, shape and radiative properties of aerosols. The instrument also takes images at multiple angles, giving it the unique ability to measure aerosols over land and obtain detailed particle properties over dark water."The Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer measurements provide an incomparable regional view of the air quality," said Dr. Martin Buhr, a scientist working with Baylor University to perform airborne measurements in support of both the Texas air quality studies and validation of the satellite measurements. "One direct benefit of using this type of observation is the insight it provides to the regional extent of the problem, which is important both from the perspective of what is coming in to the region as well as what goes out."Houston is an ideal prototype in that it possesses a combination of the many potential sources that contribute to increased pollution: a growing population already in the millions, an enormous amount of automobile use and an abundance of chemical industry and power plants. Periodic impact by storms such as the recent tropical storm Allison, upstream sources like other metropolitan areas and additional factors may also contribute to Houston's pollution."A challenge for the instrument, which looks at the whole atmosphere from top to bottom, is that the air quality managers are only interested in what is happening near the ground," Kahn said. "That's where air pollution begins and generally stays."Because the state of Texas is responsible for the health of its residents, any time the measured levels of air pollutants exceed the Federal health-based standards, the state (acting through the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality) must develop a plan to reduce emissions to meet the standards. (This is accomplished via a document called a state implementation plan on a pollutant-by-pollutant basis.) Before the NASA instrument became involved, the University of Houston and the Battelle Memorial Institute began assessing the potential use of satellite sensors to monitor urban air quality, and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality was planning aircraft flights to collect air quality information in Houston and other locations."The experiment with the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer came about because people were interested in a new technique and were willing and able to adjust existing projects to contribute to this experiment," said Dr. Jill Engel-Cox, a principal research scientist at Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio.Now, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality flies a special flight pattern when the satellite instrument is scheduled to pass over Houston on cloud-free days. Simultaneously, the team managing the instrument collects local area data over Houston."We are thrilled to have a chance to work directly with the JPL science team," said Dr. Anthony Haymet, a scientist and Chemistry professor at the University of Houston. "The fantastic thing about this collaboration is that they have been able to work on these very tough problems in the context of a genuine and urgent need for understanding one of the worst polluted urban areas in the United States of America."The experiment is a collaborative effort of several existing projects involving Houston's air pollution and part of an ongoing series of experiments conducted by the state of Texas. The first of these efforts was the Texas 2000 Air Quality Study involving more than 150 scientists and engineers from 40 public, private, and academic institutions across the United States.The Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer is one of several Earth-observing experiments aboard Terra, launched in December 1999. More information is available online at The Terra mission is part of NASA's Earth Science Enterprise, a long-term research effort dedicated to understanding and protecting our home planet. JPL is a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.Contact: JPL/Charli Schuler (818) 354-3965
'Witch Head' Brews Baby Stars
Can you see the profile of a wicked witch in this new infrared image from the WISE mission?
A witch appears to be screaming out into space in this new image from NASA's Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE. The infrared portrait shows the Witch Head nebula, named after its resemblance to the profile of a wicked witch. Astronomers say the billowy clouds of the nebula, where baby stars are brewing, are being lit up by massive stars. Dust in the cloud is being hit with starlight, causing it to glow with infrared light, which was picked up by WISE's detectors.The Witch Head nebula is estimated to be hundreds of light-years away in the Orion constellation, just off the famous hunter's knee.WISE was recently "awakened" to hunt for asteroids in a program called NEOWISE. The reactivation came after the spacecraft was put into hibernation in 2011, when it completed two full scans of the sky, as planned.
Flowing Antarctic Ice Mapped 10 Times More Accurately
The new map of the flow speeds of ice throughout Antarctica will improve our understanding of the vast continent and of future sea level rise.
Far more accurate than any previous map, this new representation of glacier flows in Antarctica opens the door to an improved understanding of the vast continent and the future pace of sea level rise. To create the new map, researchers at the University of California, Irvine, and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, combined input from six different satellite missions dating from 1994 to the present.All earlier maps of glacier flow speeds have estimated the speeds largely by tracking the movement of visible features like patches of dirt on the ice surface, but these new maps rely mainly on observations that use a technique called synthetic aperture radar interferometry, which is much more sensitive to the motion of the ice itself. By combining observations from multiple satellites passing over the continent in different directions, the researchers produced a map that is not only 10 times more accurate than any previous map but also shows speeds for far more of the slow-moving ice on the continental interior than ever before.The map was published today in the journal Geophysical Research Letters and may be downloaded at theNASA Distributed Active Archive Center at the National Snow and Ice Data Center.For a full version of this story, see
Major Ocean-Observing Satellite Starts Providing Science Data
Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich, the latest spacecraft to monitor sea surface height, releases its first science measurements to users.
After six months of check-out and calibration in orbit, theSentinel-6 Michael Freilichsatellite will make its first two data streams available to the public on June 22. It launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California on Nov. 21, 2020, and is a U.S.-European collaboration to measure sea surface height and other key ocean features, such as ocean surface wind speed and wave height.Lee esta historia en español aquíOne of the sea surface height data streams that will be released is accurate to 2.3 inches (5.8 centimeters) and will be available within hours of when the instruments aboard Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich collect it. A second stream of data, accurate to 1.4 inches (3.5 centimeters), will be released two days after collection. The difference in when the products become available balances accuracy with delivery timeliness for tasks like forecasting the weather and helping to monitor the formation of hurricanes. More datasets, which will be accurate to about 1.2 inches (2.9 centimeters), are slated for distribution later this year and are intended for research activities and climate science including tracking global mean sea level rise.Find out more about Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich as it orbits Earth to collect critical sea level and atmospheric data. Click anywhere on the image to take it for a spin. View the full interactive experience and fly along with the mission in real time atEyes on the Solar System. Credit: NASA/JPL-CaltechThe satellite, named after former NASA Earth Science Division DirectorMichael Freilich, collects its measurements for about 90% of the world’s oceans. It is one of two satellites that compose the Copernicus Sentinel-6/Jason-CS (Continuity of Service) mission. The second satellite, Sentinel-6B, is slated for launch in 2025. Together, they are the latest in a series of spacecraft starting with TOPEX/Poseidon in 1992 and continuing with the Jason series of satellites that have been gathering precise ocean height measurements for nearly 30 years.Shortly after launch, Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich moved into position, trailing the current reference sea level satellite Jason-3 by 30 seconds. Scientists and engineers then spent time cross-calibrating the data collected by both satellites to ensure the continuity of measurements between the two. Once they have are assured of the data quality, Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich will then become the primary sea level satellite.“It’s a relief knowing that the satellite is working and that the data look good,” said Josh Willis, project scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. “Several months from now, Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich will take over for its predecessor, Jason-3, and this data release is the first step in that process.”Get the Latest JPL NewsSUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWSLETTERKeeping an Eye on Rising SeasThe ocean absorbs more than 90% of the heat trapped in the Earth system by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases, which causes seawater to expand and sea level to rise. Monitoring ocean height is important because it helps forecasters predict things, including ocean currents and potential hurricane strength.“These initial data show that Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich is an amazing new tool that will help to improve marine and weather forecasts,” said Eric Leuliette, program and project scientist at theNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrationin Maryland. “In a changing climate, it’s a great achievement that these data are ready for release.”Ocean Altimetry Programme Manager Julia Figa Saldana of EUMETSAT (European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites), added that the operational release of the first data streams from this unique ocean altimetry mission was a significant milestone at the start of the Atlantic hurricane season.“The altimetry data are now being processed at EUMESAT headquarters in Darmstadt, from where the satellite is also being controlled, and released to ocean and weather forecasting data users around the world for their operational usage,” Saldana said.Scientists also anticipate using the data to gauge how fast sea levels are rising because of climate change. The expansion of warm seawater accounts for about one-third of modern-day sea level rise, while meltwater from glaciers and ice sheets accounts for the rest. The rate at which the oceans are rising has accelerated over the past two decades, and researchers expect it to speed up more in the years to come. Sea level rise will change coastlines and increase flooding from tides and storms. To better understand how rising seas will impact humanity, researchers need long climate records – something Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich will help provide.More About the MissionSentinel-6/Jason-CS is being jointly developed by ESA (European Space Agency), EUMETSAT, NASA, and NOAA, with funding support from the European Commission and technical support from France's National Centre for Space Studies.JPL, a division of Caltech in Pasadena, is contributing three science instruments for each Sentinel-6 satellite: theAdvanced Microwave Radiometer, theGlobal Navigation Satellite System - Radio Occultation, and theLaser Retroreflector Array. NASA is also contributing launch services, ground systems supporting operation of the NASA science instruments, the science data processors for two of these instruments, and support for the U.S. members of the international Ocean Surface Topography Science Team.For more about Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich, visit: access data from Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich, visit:
O'Neil Named Manager of 2003, 2005 Mars Sample Return Missions
William J. O'Neil, who served as project manager of NASA's Galileo mission to Jupiter at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA from 1990 to 1998, has been named manager of the agency's first two Mars sample return missions, scheduled for launches in 2003 and 2005.
William J. O'Neil, who served as project manager of NASA's Galileo mission to Jupiter at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA from 1990 to 1998, has been named manager of the agency's first two Mars sample return missions, scheduled for launches in 2003 and 2005.O'Neil, who was appointed in mid-November, had served as the chief technologist for the Mars exploration program in the interim, overseeing all aspects of technology development and implementation for NASA's long-range program of robotic exploration of Mars. This summer he led a comprehensive effort at JPL to redesign the architecture of the Mars sample return missions to determine the best approach for these first-ever missions.Prior to his appointment as Galileo project manager, he served as the Galileo science and mission design manager during the spacecraft's development phase. The Galileo spacecraft is continuing its extended science mission to study Jupiter's major moons, atmosphere and magnetosphere. Galileo became the first spacecraft to orbit an outer planet and penetrate its atmosphere. On its circuitous route to Jupiter, the spacecraft also became the first to perform close-up asteroid studies when it flew past the asteroids Gaspra and Ida.O'Neil's past assignments have included work, in the mid- 1960s, as a trajectory design and navigation engineer for the Lunar Surveyor project, which became the first robotic spacecraft to soft-land on the surface of the moon. He also served as navigation chief on the 1971 Mariner mission to Mars, the first U.S. spacecraft to orbit another planet, and navigation chief for the Viking mission to perform the first soft-landings on the surface of Mars.Before joining JPL in 1963, O'Neil was as an aerospace engineer working in 1960 at the Boeing Airplane Company in Renton, Washington. From 1961 to 1963, he was an employee of Lockheed Missiles and Space Company in Sunnyvale, CA.O'Neil earned his bachelor of science degree with distinction in aeronautical engineering in 1961 from Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, and his master of science degree in aerospace engineering in 1967 from the University of Southern California.O'Neil is the recipient of NASA's highest award, the Distinguished Service Medal, and Purdue University's Distinguished Alumni Award. He also holds an honorary doctorate from the University of Padova, Italy, home of the Galileo spacecraft's namesake, 16th century astronomer Galileo Galilei.O'Neil resides with his wife in Sierra Madre, CA, and has three adult children.818-354-5011
AIRSAR Completes Commercial Applications Mission
NASA's Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (AIRSAR) recently completed a series of Earth Science flights designed to explore commercial applications of scientific data.
NASA's Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (AIRSAR) recently completed a series of Earth Science flights designed to explore commercial applications of scientific data.During October and November, Dryden's DC-8 Flying Laboratory had been outfitted with the AIRSAR instrument operated by scientists from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The aircraft is part of Dryden's Airborne Science Program at Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, CA.The AIRSAR experiment, which flies periodically on the DC-8, collects data that is used to support a wide range of research. Among the many uses of radar data are applications that enhance researchers' ability to predict agricultural yields, forest health, and volcanic and tectonic activity.The objective of the most recent DC-8 project was to develop commercial applications for the data under the Earth Observing Commercial Applications Program, managed out of NASA's Stennis Space Center in Mississippi.When the DC-8 was based for 10 days at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla, the crew flew daily missions over the Southeast gathering scientific data with the AIRSAR experiment. For several weeks before and after the deployment, the DC-8 flew sorties over the Western United States."AIRSAR's many operating modes and targeted data collection will assist industry in developing applications to such issues as crop insurance and telecommunications equipment sites. Several experimental modes, including a high-resolution mode and a mode to measure ocean currents, were also tested on these flights," said Ellen O'Leary, AIRSAR science coordinator at JPL.During one flight, the Dryden and JPL crews were joined by three astronauts training for next year's STS-99 mission that will fly the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM). SRTM will map 80 percent of the Earth's land surfaces to provide a three- dimensional map of the Earth."Several versions of SAR have flown on Space Shuttle missions. While producing useful data for Earth scientists, the DC-8 also serves as a testbed for future airborne and space-based SAR missions," said Mark Pestana, Dryden's DC-8 mission manager,More information about the AIRSAR mission is available at is a division of the California Institute of Technology.818-354-5011
NASA and French Space Agency Sign Agreement for Mars Mission
NASA and the French Space Agency (CNES), signed an implementing agreement Monday for cooperation on a future NASA Mars lander called InSight.
NASA Administrator Charles Bolden and Jean-Yves Le Gall, president of the National Center of Space Studies of France (CNES), signed an implementing agreement Monday for cooperation on a future NASA Mars lander called the Interior Exploration Using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy, and Heat Transport (InSight) mission."This new agreement strengthens the partnership between NASA and CNES in planetary science research, and builds on more than 20 years of cooperation with CNES on Mars exploration," said Bolden. "The research generated by this collaborative mission will give our agencies more information about the early formation of Mars, which will help us understand more about how Earth evolved."The InSight mission currently is planned for launch in March 2016 and is scheduled to land on Mars six months later. Designed to study the planet's deep interior, the mission seeks to understand the evolutionary formation of rocky planets, including Earth. InSight also will investigate the dynamics of Martian tectonic activity and meteorite impacts using CNES's Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure instrument (SEIS).SEIS will measure seismic waves travelling through the interior of Mars to determine its interior structure and composition, which will provide clues about the processes that shaped the planet during its earliest stages of formation.Other partners working with CNES on the SEIS instrument include: the German Aerospace Center, United Kingdom Space Agency, Swiss Space Office (through the European Space Agency) and NASA.InSight's international science team is made up of researchers from Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages InSight for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington.For more information about SEIS, visit: more about InSight, visit more information about NASA and planetary exploration, visit:
NASA Mars Mission Connects With Bosnian Town
A letter from NASA was presented to the mayor of Jezero, Bosnia-Herzegovina, honoring the connection between the town and Jezero Crater, the Mars 2020 rover landing site.
Today, a letter from NASA's director of Mars Exploration, James Watzin, was presented to the mayor of Jezero, Bosnia and Herzegovina, honoring the connection between the small Balkan town and Jezero Crater, the landing site for the Mars 2020 rover. U.S. Ambassador Eric Nelson delivered the letter to Mayor Snezana Ruzucic in the town, population 1,100."It takes an international team of experts to create and support a mission with the complexity and ambition of Mars 2020," said Watzin. "I am proud that we can now include the citizens of Jezero, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as honorary members of the 2020 team. Together, we will explore one of the most scientifically captivating as well as serene locations on Mars."The linkage between Mars and the municipality of Jezero began with a decision by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in 2007: That's when the organization gave the name Jezero Crater to a 28-mile-wide (45-kilometer-wide) crater on the western edge of Isidis Planitia, a giant impact basin just north of the Martian equator."The IAU choses to name craters with scientific significance after small towns and villages of the world," explained Ken Farley, project scientist for Mars 2020 from Caltech in Pasadena, California.In November 2018, 11 years after Jezero Crater got its name, NASA designated Jezero Crater the landing site of Mars 2020."I couldn't be happier with both our future home on Mars and the location it was named after," said Farley.Jezero township is situated on the Veliko Plivsko Lake entrance to the Pliva River. Like its Earthly namesake, the Red Planet's Jezero Crater was once home to a river-fed lake. Mars 2020 scientists believe this ancient river delta could have collected and preserved organic molecules and other potential signs of microbial life from the water and sediments that flowed into the crater billions of years ago. The mission plans to take samples of the area, caching them in tubes that will be retrieved and returned to Earth in a future mission.Watzin elaborated in his letter to the people of Jezero:"The Mars Exploration Program at NASA would like to recognize your town for its connection to this upcoming mission, and we hope that you will follow the endeavors of the Mars 2020 rover as it makes this journey. The rover was designed to further our understanding of the possibilities for life beyond Earth and to advance new capabilities in exploration technology. Once returned to Earth, the samples from Jezero Crater will provide a wealth of information about Mars and our solar system for generations to come."Watzin is confident the thrill of exploration and discovery can extend the tens of millions of miles from an intriguing crater on Mars to a small community in Southeastern Europe. More than 300 citizens and students of Jezero and two adjacent municipalities, Jajce and Mrkonji&cacute Grad, shared their enthusiasm for the mission during the event with the U.S. Embassy and U.S. Army Civil Affairs team. Students from both schools performed a play, "We Are Going to Mars," and experimented with robots provided by the U.S. Embassy."Part of NASA's mission is to inspire scientists, engineers and explorers," said Lori Glaze, director of the Planetary Science Division at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "Jezero's connection with the Mars 2020 mission may very well inspire students in Jezero, and elsewhere in Bosnia and Herzegovina, to pursue an education in the sciences."Mars 2020 will launch from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida in July of 2020. It will land at the small Bosnian and Herzegovinian town's namesake, Jezero Crater, on Feb. 18, 2021.NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, is building and will manage operations of the Mars 2020 rover for the NASA Science Mission Directorate at the agency's headquarters. Caltech manages JPL for NASA. NASA will use Mars 2020 and other missions, including to the Moon, to prepare for human exploration of the Red Planet. The agency intends to establish a sustained human presence on and around the Moon by 2028 through NASA's Artemis lunar exploration plans.To submit your name to travel to Mars with NASA's 2020 mission and obtain a souvenir boarding pass to the Red Planet, go here by Sept. 30, 2019: more information about the mission, go to:
NASA InSight Study Provides Clearest Look Ever at Martian Core
A pair of quakes in 2021 sent seismic waves deep into the Red Planet’s core, giving scientists the best data yet on its size and composition.
While NASAretired its InSightMars lander in December, the trove of data from its seismometer will be pored over for decades to come. By looking at seismic waves the instrument detected from a pair of temblors in 2021, scientists have been able to deduce that Mars’ liquid iron core is smaller and denser than previously thought.The findings, which mark the first direct observations ever made of another planet’s core, were detailed in apaperpublished April 24 in the Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences. Occurring on Aug. 25 and Sept. 18, 2021, the two temblors were the first identified by the InSight team to have originated on the opposite side of the planet from the lander – so-called farside quakes. The distance proved crucial: The farther a quake happens from InSight, the deeper into the planet its seismic waves can travel before being detected.This artist's concept shows a cutaway of Mars, along with the paths of seismic waves from two separate quakes in 2021. Detected by NASA's InSight mission, these seismic waves were the first ever identified to enter another planet's core.Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of MarylandFull Image Details“We needed both luck and skill to find, and then use, these quakes,” said lead author Jessica Irving, an Earth scientist at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom. “Farside quakes are intrinsically harder to detect because a great deal of energy is lost or diverted away as seismic waves travel through the planet.”Irving noted that the two quakes occurred after the mission had been operating on the Red Planet for well over a full Martian year (about two Earth years), meaning the Marsquake Service – the scientists who initially scrutinize seismographs – had already honed their skills. It also helped that ameteoroid impactcaused one of the two quakes;impacts provide a precise locationand more accurate data for a seismologist to work with. (Because Mars has no tectonic plates, most marsquakes are caused by faults, or rock fractures, that form in the planet’s crust due to heat and stress.) The quakes’ size was also a factor in the detections.“These two farside quakes were among the larger ones heard by InSight,” said Bruce Banerdt, InSight’s principal investigator at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. “If they hadn’t been so big, we couldn’t have detected them.”Get the Latest JPL NewsSUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWSLETTEROne of the challenges in detecting these particular quakes was that they’re in a “shadow zone” – a part of the planet from which seismic waves tend to be refracted away from InSight, making it hard for a quake’s echo to reach the lander unless it is very large. Detecting seismic waves that cross through a shadow zone is exceptionally difficult; it’s all the more impressive that the InSight team did so using just the one seismometer they had on Mars. (In contrast, many seismometers are distributed on Earth.)“It took a lot of seismological expertise from across the InSight team to tease the signals out from the complex seismograms recorded by the lander,” Irving said.A previous paper that offered afirst glimpseof the planet’s core relied on seismic waves that reflected off its outer boundary, providing less precise data. Detecting seismic waves that actually traveled through the core allows scientists to refine their models of what the core looks like. Based on the findings documented in the new paper, about a fifth of the core is composed of elements such as sulfur, oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen.“Determining the amount of these elements in a planetary core is important for understanding the conditions in our solar system when planets were forming and how these conditions affected the planets that formed,” said one of the paper’s co-authors, Doyeon Kim of ETH Zurich.That was always the central goal of InSight’s mission: to study the deep interior of Mars and help scientists understand how all rocky worlds form, including Earth and its Moon.More About the MissionJPL manages InSight for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. InSight is part of NASA’s Discovery Program, managed by the agency’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Lockheed Martin Space in Denver built the InSight spacecraft, including its cruise stage and lander, and supported spacecraft operations for the mission.A number of European partners, including France’s Centre National d’Études Spatiales (CNES) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR), are supporting the InSight mission. CNES provided the Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS) instrument to NASA, with the principal investigator at IPGP (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris). Significant contributions for SEIS came from IPGP; the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) in Germany; the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) in Switzerland; Imperial College London and Oxford University in the United Kingdom; and JPL. The Marsquake Service is headed by ETH Zurich, with significant contributions from IPGP; the University of Bristol; Imperial College; ISAE (Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l’Espace); MPS; and JPL. DLR provided the Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package (HP3) instrument, with significant contributions from the Space Research Center (CBK) of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Astronika in Poland. Spain’s Centro de Astrobiología (CAB) supplied the temperature and wind sensors.
Rosetta's 'Philae' Makes Historic First Landing on a Comet
After a daring seven-hour descent from its mother ship, the European Space Agency's Philae lander achieves a space exploration milestone: the first-ever landing on a comet.
After more than a decade traveling through space, a robotic lander built by the European Space Agency has made the first-ever soft landing of a spacecraft on a comet.Mission controllers at ESA's mission operations center in Darmstadt, Germany, received a signal confirming that the Philae lander had touched down on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko on Wednesday, Nov. 12, just after 8 a.m. PST/11 a.m. EST.A statement about Rosetta from John Grunsfeld, astronaut and associate administrator for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, is online at: lander is expected to send images from its landing site, named Agilkia. These will be the first images ever taken from a comet's surface. Philae will also drill into the surface to study the composition, and witness close up how a comet changes as its exposure to the sun varies. With its primary battery, Philae will remain active on the surface for about two-and-a-half days. Philae's mothership, the Rosetta spacecraft, will remain in orbit around the comet through 2015. The orbiter will continue detailed studies as the comet approaches the sun and then moves away.In addition to their well-deserved reputation as beautiful cosmic objects, comets hold vital clues about our solar system's history. They are considered primitive building blocks of the solar system that are literally frozen in time. Comets may have played a part in "seeding" Earth with water and, possibly, the basic ingredients for life.NASA provided three of the 16 instruments on board the Rosetta orbiter. The NASA instruments are: the Microwave Instrument for Rosetta Orbiter (MIRO); Alice, an ultraviolet spectrometer; and the Ion and Electron Sensor (IES), which is part of a suite of five instruments. For more information on the U.S. instruments aboard Rosetta, visit:http://rosetta.jpl.nasa.govRosetta is a European Space Agency mission with contributions from its member states and NASA. Rosetta's Philae lander is provided by a consortium led by the German Aerospace Center, Cologne; Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Gottingen; National Center of Space Studies of France (CNES), Paris; and the Italian Space Agency, Rome. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, a division of the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, manages the U.S. participation in the Rosetta mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington.More information about Rosetta is available at:
NASA Announces Spectacular Day of the Comet
After a voyage of 173 days and 431 million kilometers (268 million miles), NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft will get up-close and personal with comet Tempel 1 on July 4 (EDT).
After a voyage of 173 days and 431 million kilometers (268 million miles), NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft will get up-close and personal with comet Tempel 1 on July 4 (EDT).The first of its kind, hyper-speed impact between space-borne iceberg and copper-fortified probe is scheduled for approximately 1:52 a.m. EDT on Independence Day (10:52 p.m. PDT on July 3). The potentially spectacular collision will be observed by the Deep Impact spacecraft, and ground and space-based observatories."We are really threading the needle with this one," said Rick Grammier, Deep Impact project manager at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. "In our quest of a great scientific payoff, we are attempting something never done before at speeds and distances that are truly out of this world."During the early morning hours of July 3 (EDT), the Deep Impact spacecraft will deploy a 1-meter-wide (39-inch-wide) impactor into the path of the comet, which is about half the size of Manhattan Island, N.Y. Over the next 22 hours, Deep Impact navigators and mission members located more than 133 million kilometers (83 million miles) away at JPL, will steer both spacecraft and impactor toward the comet. The impactor will head into the comet and the flyby craft will pass approximately 500 kilometers (310 miles) below.Tempel 1 is hurtling through space at approximately 37,100 kilometers per hour (23,000 miles per hour or 6.3 miles per second). At that speed you could travel from New York to Los Angeles in less than 6.5 minutes. Two hours before impact, when mission events will be happening so fast and so far away, the impactor will kick into autonomous navigation mode. It must perform its own navigational solutions and thruster firings to make contact with the comet."The autonav is like having a little astronaut on board," Grammier said. "It has to navigate and fire thrusters three times to steer the wine cask-sized impactor into the mountain-sized comet nucleus closing at 23,000 miles per hour."The crater produced by the impact could range in size from a large house up to a football stadium, and from two to 14 stories deep. Ice and dust debris will be ejected from the crater, revealing the material beneath. The flyby spacecraft has approximately 13 minutes to take images and spectra of the collision and its result before it must endure a potential blizzard of particles from the nucleus of the comet."The last 24 hours of the impactor's life should provide the most spectacular data in the history of cometary science," said Deep Impact Principal Investigator Dr. Michael A'Hearn of the University of Maryland, College Park. "With the information we receive after the impact, it will be a whole new ballgame. We know so little about the structure of cometary nuclei that almost every moment we expect to learn something new."The Deep Impact spacecraft has four data collectors to observe the effects of the collision. A camera and infrared spectrometer, which comprise the High Resolution Instrument, are carried on the flyby spacecraft, along with a Medium Resolution Instrument. A duplicate of the Medium Resolution Instrument on the impactor will record the vehicle's final moments before it is run over by Tempel 1."In the world of science, this is the astronomical equivalent of a 767 airliner running into a mosquito," said Dr. Don Yeomans, a Deep Impact mission scientist at JPL. "The impact simply will not appreciably modify the comet's orbital path. Comet Tempel 1 poses no threat to the Earth now or in the foreseeable future."Deep Impact will provide a glimpse beneath the surface of a comet, where material from the solar system's formation remains relatively unchanged. Mission scientists expect the project will answer basic questions about the formation of the solar system, by offering a better look at the nature and composition of the frozen celestial travelers we call comets.The University of Maryland is responsible for overall Deep Impact mission management, and project management is handled by JPL. The spacecraft was built for NASA by Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corporation, Boulder, Colo.For more information about Deep Impact on the Internet, visit: information about NASA and agency programs on the Internet, visit:
NASA Highlights Drought, Mars, Arctic Warming at Science Conference
NASA researchers, including some from JPL, will present new findings on a wide range of Earth and space science topics next week at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco.
NASA researchers, including some from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, will present new findings on a wide range of Earth and space science topics next week at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), Dec. 15-19 at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco.NASA-related media briefings streamed by AGU also will be carried on NASA's website. For a complete schedule of briefings and to view the live stream, visit: on NASA presentations will be updated on the website throughout the week.In addition, several briefings involving JPL missions and research will be carried live on Ustream. For broadcast times and the live stream, visit:'s media briefings will feature topics that include: results from the agency's new carbon dioxide tracking spacecraft, which was launched this year; the latest discoveries from Mars by the Curiosity rover and MAVEN spacecraft; and an in-depth assessment of the current drought in California.For more information about NASA programs, visit:
NASA Spacecraft Images Mars Moon in Color and in 3D
A new stereo view of Phobos, the larger and inner of Mars' two tiny moons, has been captured by a NASA spacecraft orbiting Mars.
PASADENA, Calif. -- A new stereo view of Phobos, the larger and inner of Mars' two tiny moons, has been captured by a NASA spacecraft orbiting Mars.The High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter took two images of Phobos 10 minutes apart on March 23. Scientists combined the images for a stereo view."Phobos is of great interest because it may be rich in water ice and carbon-rich materials," said Alfred McEwen, HiRISE principal investigator at the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at the University of Arizona, Tucson.Previous spacecraft, notably Mars Global Surveyor, have taken higher-resolution pictures of Phobos because they flew closer to the moon, said Nathan Bridges, HiRISE team member at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif."But the HiRISE images are higher quality, making the new data some of the best ever for Phobos," said Bridges. "The new images will help constrain the origin and evolution of this moon."By combining information from the camera's blue-green, red and near-infrared color filters, scientists confirmed that material around the rim of Phobos' largest surface feature, Stickney crater, appears bluer than the rest of Phobos. The impact that excavated the 9-kilometer (about 5.5 mile) in diameter Stickney crater is thought to have almost shattered the moon."Based on analogy with material on our own moon, the bluer color could mean that the material is fresher, or hasn't been exposed to space as long as the rest of Phobos' surface has," Bridges said. The new view shows landslides along the walls of Stickney and other large craters: Phobos' striking surface grooves and crater chains; and craters hidden on the moon's dark side illuminated by "Marsshine.""Marsshine" is sunlight reflected by Mars onto the moon. The phenomenon is similar to "Earthshine," where Earth reflects sunlight that illuminates the dark side of our moon. Like Earth's moon, Mars' moons Phobos and Deimos are "tidally locked" on their planet, that is, they always present the same side to the planet they orbit.These images are among several new HiRISE images being released today at: The images include an anaglyph, or 3D view of Phobos that can be viewed with red-blue glasses.The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter flies at about 12,500 kilometers per hour (7,800 mph) between 250 to 316 kilometers (155 and 196 miles) above the surface of Mars.Phobos was 6,800 kilometers (4,200 miles) away when the HiRISE camera took the first photograph. At that distance, the camera was able to resolve the surface at a scale of 6.8 meters (about 22 feet) per pixel, and see features as small as 20 meters (65 feet) across.Phobos was 5,800 kilometers (3,600 miles) away when the HiRISE camera took the second picture minutes later. At that distance, the camera was able to resolve features about 15 meters (50 feet) across.Phobos, only about 22 kilometers (13.5 miles) in diameter, has less than one-thousandth the gravity of Earth. That's not enough gravity to pull the moon into a sphere, so it's oblong. Mars' second moon, Deimos, is even smaller, at about 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) across. The very dark, diminutive moons may be captured asteroids from the outer, carbon-rich, Mars-Jupiter asteroid belt.The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter's Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars, observed both Martian moons last year. By combining the data with HiRISE data on Phobos, scientists can map minerals and soil types on the moons.Information about the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft is online at Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mission is managed by JPL for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Denver, Colo., is the prime contractor for the project and built the spacecraft. The University of Arizona operates the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment camera, which was built by Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp., Boulder, Colo.
Mars Mission Components Delivered to Florida
The aeroshell and cruise stage for NASA's Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft arrived at NASA's Kennedy Space Center, Fla., Thursday night from California and Colorado.
An Air Force C-17 transport plane delivered the heat shield, back shell and cruise stage of the Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft to NASA's Kennedy Space Center, Fla., on May 12, 2011. The heat shield and back shell together form the aeroshell, which will encapsulate the mission's rover and descent stage. The cruise stage will perform critical communication and navigation functions during the flight from Earth to Mars.The mission will launch in late 2011 and deliver its rover, Curiosity, to the surface of Mars in August 2012. For more information about this week's delivery of flight system components, see's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif., manages the Mars Science Laboratory Project for the NASA Science Mission Directorate, Washington. More information about the Mars Science Laboratory is available online at live feed of Curiosity being built and tested in a clean room at JPL, with a chat feature available most days, is online at: You can also follow the mission on Facebook at Twitter @MarsCuriosity .
Seven Ways Mars InSight is Different
NASA has sent lots of missions to Mars, but InSight will stand apart in a number of ways.
NASA's Mars InSight lander team is preparing to ship the spacecraft from Lockheed Martin Space in Denver, where it was built and tested, to Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, where it will become the first interplanetary mission to launch from the West Coast. The project is led by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.We know what "The Red Planet" looks like from the outside -- but what's going on under the surface of Mars? Find out more in the 60-second video from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.NASA has a long and successful track record at Mars. Since 1965, it has flown by, orbited, landed and roved across the surface of the Red Planet. What can InSight -- planned for launch in May -- do that hasn't been done before?InSight is the first mission to study the deep interior of Mars.A dictionary definition of "insight" is to see the inner nature of something. InSight (Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport) will do just that. InSight will take the "vital signs" of Mars: its pulse (seismology), temperature (heat flow), and its reflexes (radio science). It will be the first thorough check-up since the planet formed 4.5 billion years ago.InSight will teach us about planets like our own.InSight's team hopes that by studying the deep interior of Mars, we can learn how other rocky planets form. Earth and Mars were molded from the same primordial stuff more than 4 billion years ago, but then became quite different. Why didn't they share the same fate?When it comes to rocky planets, we've only studied one in great detail: Earth. By comparing Earth's interior to that of Mars, InSight's team hopes to better understand our solar system. What they learn might even aid the search for Earth-like exoplanets, narrowing down which ones might be able to support life. So while InSight is a Mars mission, it's also more than a Mars mission.InSight will try to detect marsquakes for the first time.One key way InSight will peer into the Martian interior is by studying motion underground -- what we know as marsquakes. NASA has not attempted to do this kind of science since the Viking mission. Both Viking landers had their seismometers on top of the spacecraft, where they produced noisy data. InSight's seismometer will be placed directly on the Martian surface, which will provide much cleaner data.Scientists have seen a lot of evidence suggesting Mars has quakes. But unlike quakes on Earth, which are mostly caused by tectonic plates moving around, marsquakes would be caused by other types of tectonic activity, such as volcanism and cracks forming in the planet's crust. In addition, meteor impacts can create seismic waves, which InSight will try to detect.Each marsquake would be like a flashbulb that illuminates the structure of the planet's interior. By studying how seismic waves pass through the different layers of the planet (the crust, mantle and core), scientists can deduce the depths of these layers and what they're made of. In this way, seismology is like taking an X-ray of the interior of Mars.Scientists think it's likely they'll see between a dozen and a hundred marsquakes over the course of two Earth years. The quakes are likely to be no bigger than a 6.0 on the Richter scale, which would be plenty of energy for revealing secrets about the planet's interior.First interplanetary launch from the West CoastAll of NASA's interplanetary launches to date have been from Florida, in part because the physics of launching off the East Coast are better for journeys to other planets. But InSight will break the mold by launching from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. It will be the first launch to another planet from the West Coast.InSight will ride on top of a powerful Atlas V 401 rocket, which allows for a planetary trajectory to Mars from either coast. Vandenberg was ultimately chosen because it had more availability during InSight's launch period.A whole new region will get to see an interplanetary launch when InSight rockets into the sky. In a clear, pre-dawn sky, the launch may be visible in California from Santa Maria to San Diego.First interplanetary CubeSatThe rocket that will loft InSight beyond Earth will also launch a separate NASA technology experiment: two mini-spacecraft called Mars Cube One, or MarCO. These briefcase-sized CubeSats will fly on their own path to Mars behind InSight.Their objective is to relay back InSight data as it enters the Martian atmosphere and lands. It will be a first test of miniaturized CubeSat technology at another planet, which researchers hope can offer new capabilities to future missions.If successful, the MarCOs could represent a new kind of data relay to Earth. InSight's success is independent of its CubeSat tag-alongs.InSight could teach us how Martian volcanoes were formed.Mars is home to some impressive volcanic features. That includes Tharsis -- a plateau with some of the biggest volcanoes in the solar system. Heat escaping from deep within the planet drives the formation of these types of features, as well as many others on rocky planets. InSight includes a self-hammering heat probe that will burrow down to 16 feet (5 meters) into the Martian soil to measure the heat flow from the planet's interior for the first time. Combining the rate of heat flow with other InSight data will reveal how energy within the planet drives changes on the surface.Mars is a time machineStudying Mars lets us travel to the ancient past. While Earth and Venus have tectonic systems that have destroyed most of the evidence of their early history, much of the Red Planet has remained static for more than 3 billion years. Because Mars is just one-third the size of Earth and Venus, it contains less energy to power the processes that change a planet's structure. That makes it a fossil planet in many ways, with the secrets of our solar system's early history locked deep inside.Learn more about InSight's mission goals and instrumentation at a live public talk, part ofJPL's von Karman lecture series, on Thursday, Feb. 22 at 7 p.m. PST (10 p.m. EST). The event will be streamed live on information about InSight is at:
Toutatis One of the Strangest Objects in the Solar System
Two NASA-sponsored scientists studying the Earth-crossing asteroid 4179 Toutatis with radio telescopes have found it to be one of the strangest objects in the solar system, with a highly irregular shape and an extraordinarily complex "tumbling" rotation.
Two NASA-sponsored scientists studying the Earth-crossing asteroid 4179 Toutatis with radio telescopes have found it to be one of the strangest objects in the solar system, with a highly irregular shape and an extraordinarily complex "tumbling" rotation.Both its shape and rotation are thought to be the outcome of a history of violent collisions. A detailed description of the asteroid and its observed rotation are reported in this week's issue of the journal Science, by Drs. Scott Hudson of Washington State University and Steven Ostro of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA."The vast majority of asteroids, and all the planets, spin about a single axis, like a football thrown in a perfect spiral," Hudson said, "but Toutatis tumbles like a flubbed pass."One consequence of this strange rotation is that Toutatis does not have a fixed north pole like the Earth. Instead, its north pole wanders along a curve on the asteroid about every 5.4 days. "The stars viewed from Toutatis wouldn't repeatedly follow circular paths, but would crisscross the sky, never following the same path twice," Hudson said."The motion of the Sun during a Toutatis year, which is about four Earth years, would be even more complex," he continued. "In fact, Toutatis doesn't have anything you could call a 'day.' Its rotation is the result of two different types of motion with periods of 5.4 and 7.3 Earth days that combine in such a way that Toutatis's orientation with respect to the solar system never repeats."The rotations of hundreds of asteroids have been studied with optical telescopes. The vast majority of them appear to be in simple rotation with a fixed pole and periods typically between one hour and one day, the scientists said, even though the violent collisions these objects are thought to have experienced would mean that every one of them, at some time in the past, should have been tumbling like Toutatis.Internal friction has caused them to change into simple rotational patterns in relatively brief amounts of time. However, Toutatis rotates so slowly that this "dampening" process would take much longer than the age of the solar system. This means that the rotation of Toutatis is a remarkable, well-preserved relic of the collision-related evolution of an asteroid.Hudson and Ostro used radar images obtained with the Deep Space Network Goldstone radar antenna in California and the Arecibo telescope in Puerto Rico in 1992, when Toutatis passed to within a little more than 2 million miles of the Earth. The images are reported in a companion paper, also in this week's issue of Science.Toutatis was discovered by French astronomers in 1989 and was named after a Celtic god that was the protector of the tribe in ancient Gaul. Its eccentric, four-year orbit extends from just inside the Earth's orbit to the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. The plane of Toutatis's orbit is closer to the plane of the Earth's orbit than any known Earth-orbit-crossing asteroid.On September 29, 2004, Toutatis will pass four lunar distances from Earth, the closest approach of any known asteroid or comet between now and 2060. One consequence of the asteroid's frequent close approaches to Earth is that its trajectory more than several centuries from now cannot be predicted accurately. In fact, of all the Earth-crossing asteroids, Toutatis's orbit is thought to be one of the most chaotic.Earth-crossing asteroids are of great interest to scientists for their relationships to meteorites, main-belt asteroids and comets; as targets of human or robotic exploration; as sources of materials with potential commercial value; and as long-term collision hazards. Nearly 300 Earth-crossing asteroids have been discovered, but the entire population is thought to include some 1,500 objects larger than one kilometer and some 135,000 objects that are larger than 100 meters.The scientists' work was funded by the Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program and the Planetary Astronomy Program of NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington, D.C.818-354-5011
Descent into a Frozen Underworld
A JPL robotics researcher tested new technologies in ice caves near an active volcano in Antarctica.
JPL tests robotics in ice caves near active volcanoMt. Erebus is at the end of our world -- and offers a portal to another.It's our planet's southernmost active volcano, reaching 12,448 feet (3,794 meters) above Ross Island in Antarctica. Temperatures at the surface are well below freezing most of the year, but that doesn't stop visits from scientists: Erebus is also one of the few volcanoes in the world with an exposed lava lake. You can peer over the lip of its main crater and stare straight into it.It's also a good stand-in for a frozen alien world, the kind NASA wants to send robots to someday. That's why Aaron Curtis, a post-doctoral scholar at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, spent the month of December exploring ice caves beneath the volcano. For several weeks, he tested robots, a drill and computer-aided mapping technology that could one day help us understand the icy worlds in our outer solar system.It was Curtis' seventh visit to Mt. Erebus, which he made on behalf of both JPL and the Mt. Erebus Volcano Observatory. He traveled with several colleagues who were studying everything from the age of the rocks to the composition of gasses emitted from the lava lake.Ocean worlds like Europa are sure to be distinctly more alien than Erebus. Europa's temperatures are hundreds of degrees below freezing; its ice is certain to be different than that of Earth's; its surface is bathed in Jupiter's radiation.But there are some similarities that make Erebus a good testing ground for future technologies."We think some features of these caves are similar to what you might see on a moon like Europa," Curtis said.Aaron Curtis, a postdoctoral scholar at JPL, peers into the caldera of Mt. Erebus, an active volcano in Antarctica. Image Credit: Dylan Taylor› Larger viewFrozen beautyFor the ancient Greeks, Erebus was an entrance to the underworld. It's a fitting namesake: scientists have discovered that Mt. Erebus has its own underworld -- though one of stunning beauty.The volcano's gases have carved out massive caves, which are filled with forests of hoarfrost and cathedral-like ice ceilings. Curtis said the heat from Erebus keeps the caves cozy -- close to 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Celsius) -- and drives warm gases out of vents at the surface, where they freeze into towers. Within the caves, the mixing of warm and cold air forms icy "chimneys" that reach toward the ground.While pursuing his doctorate at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Curtis wrote his dissertation on the formation of these caves. He said that in recent years, scientists have also discovered a diverse array of microscopic organisms living in their interior. These extremophiles, as they're known, suggest that life might be possible on distant planets with similar cave systems.Aaron Curtis, a post-doctoral scholar at JPL, in one of the Mt. Erebus ice caves. Image Credit: Dylan Taylor.› Larger viewTools for an Icy MoonCurtis joined JPL's Extreme Environments Robotics Group in 2016, where engineers are developing nimble machines that can climb, scurry and rove across difficult terrain.Aaron Parness, manager of the Robotic Prototyping Lab, said Mt. Erebus was a good testing ground for some of the robots and instruments in development. When a member of the group is conducting field research, they often test each other's work. It's part of the rapid design prototyping that steers the group's efforts."Field testing shows you things that are hard to learn in the laboratory," Parness said. "We jump on those opportunities. Even if the prototype isn't ready to work perfectly, it doesn't mean it isn't ready to teach us lessons on how to make the next iteration better."Curtis tested several unique projects at Mt. Erebus. There was the Ice Screw End Effector (ISEE), a kind of ice drill designed for the "feet" of a wall-climbing robot called LEMUR. The drill would allow LEMUR to attach itself to walls, while also pulling out samples of the ice with each step. Future designs might be able to check for chemical signs of life within these samples.ISEE hadn't seen much field testing before this trip -- just the ice growing inside a fridge at JPL."We're trying to get a feel for what kind of ice this drill works in," Curtis said. He added that ice can be plastic or brittle depending on different densities, humidity and other factors. The ice caves under Erebus proved to have much higher concentrations of air than expected: "The differences involved can be like trying to climb a marshmallow versus a light metal."Another test was for PUFFER, an origami-inspired robot that can sit flat during storage and "puff up" to explore a wider area. PUFFER has driven extensively around JPL, in Pasadena's Arroyo Seco and other desert environments -- but not on snow. Curtis joysticked the robot around using newly designed snow wheels, which have a broad, flat surface.Another tool that that could be helpful for future explorers is a structured light sensor used for creating 3-D cave maps. JPL's Jeremy Nash and Renaud Detry provided the sensor, which relies on computer vision to map the interior of a cave.Curtis said that ice is a hard material to 3-D model, in large part because it's so reflective. Light has a tendency to bounce off its surface, making it difficult for a computer to read that data and reconstruct a space."Ice sparkles, and the sparkly crystals look different from each angle," Curtis said. "It's like a hall of mirrors."A helicopter brings in supplies to Lower Erebus Hut, a camp at 11,000 feet. The camp is considered the main base of operations that scientists work out of. Image Credit: Dylan Taylor› Larger viewAdventurous ScienceMake no mistake about it -- a research trip to Mt. Erebus isn't exactly a vacation.Curtis and his colleagues faced three large blizzards during their trip, each lasting around a week. That led to travel delays when supply helicopters couldn't make safe passage.The team also dealt with limited energy in a region that experiences six months of night, blocking out sunlight for solar cells. Wind turbines on the volcano are the most common form of energy, though they face their own challenges: frost builds up on the blades, causing them to vibrate themselves to bits.But the chance to conduct research in such a desolate and awe-inspiring location is hard to pass up."When I smell that hydrogen sulfide perfuming the minus-25-degrees-Celsius air, there's nowhere I'd rather be," Curtis said.
Billion-Pixel View of Mars Comes From Curiosity Rover
A billion-pixel view from the surface of Mars, from NASA's Mars rover Curiosity, offers armchair explorers a way to examine one part of the Red Planet in great detail.
PASADENA, Calif. -- A billion-pixel view from the surface of Mars, from NASA's Mars rover Curiosity, offers armchair explorers a way to examine one part of the Red Planet in great detail.The first NASA-produced view from the surface of Mars larger than one billion pixels stitches together nearly 900 exposures taken by cameras onboard Curiosity and shows details of the landscape along the rover's route.The 1.3-billion-pixel image is available for perusal with pan and zoom tools at: a scaled down version (~159MB) is available for direct download here: full-circle scene surrounds the site where Curiosity collected its first scoops of dusty sand at a windblown patch called "Rocknest," and extends to Mount Sharp on the horizon."It gives a sense of place and really shows off the cameras' capabilities," said Bob Deen of the Multi-Mission Image Processing Laboratory at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. "You can see the context and also zoom in to see very fine details."Deen assembled the product using 850 frames from the telephoto camera of Curiosity's Mast Camera instrument, supplemented with 21 frames from the Mastcam's wider-angle camera and 25 black-and-white frames -- mostly of the rover itself -- from the Navigation Camera. The images were taken on several different Mars days between Oct. 5 and Nov. 16, 2012. Raw single-frame images received from Curiosity are promptly posted on a public website at: Mars fans worldwide have used those images to assemble mosaic views, including at least one gigapixel scene.The new mosaic from NASA shows illumination effects from variations in the time of day for pieces of the mosaic. It also shows variations in the clarity of the atmosphere due to variable dustiness during the month while the images were acquired.NASA's Mars Science Laboratory project is using Curiosity and the rover's 10 science instruments to investigate the environmental history within Gale Crater, a location where the project has found that conditions were long ago favorable for microbial life.Malin Space Science Systems, San Diego, built and operates Curiosity's Mastcam. JPL, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the project for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington and built the Navigation Camera and the rover.More information about the mission is online at: can follow the mission on Facebook and Twitter at: more information about the Multi-Mission Image Processing Laboratory, see:
Space Radar Views Ancient Chinese Climate, Quake Faults
Geologists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory have used radar images of Earth captured by a 1994 shuttle mission to study past climate change and earthquake faults in the desert of northwest China.
Geologists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory have used radar images of Earth captured by a 1994 shuttle mission to study past climate change and earthquake faults in the desert of northwest China."The radar is a very sophisticated mapping tool that helped us pinpoint where we wanted to do our field studies," said Dr. Diane Evans, SIR-C project scientist at JPL. "The point of our field work was to collect samples for age determination. The radar data and the rock samples help us pull together a time sequence of when there were wetter times or drier times in the past. Mapping these areas of past climate change give us a stronger base from which to monitor and predict future climate changes."Evans and her colleagues are discussing their work this week at the annual meeting of the Geological Society of America in New Orleans.The radar data are an important tool for geologists because radar is particularly sensitive to alluvial fans -gravel deposits that have been washed down from mountains and built up over time. Alluvial fans hold the clues to a region's past climate because they accumulate during periods of wetter climate. The radar is sensitive to these rocky and rough surfaces, which allow scientists to study the history of past climate and the relative age of surfaces.As an area ages, it is exposed to weathering, which changes its roughness characteristics and causes the area to show up differently in the radar image. Images from other satellites, such as France's Systeme Probatoire d'Observation de la Terre (SPOT) and the U.S. Landsat, are also being used in combination with the radar data."We study these alluvial fans because they are found throughout the deserts of the world," said Dr. Tom Farr, a member of the SIR-C geology team. "We know how the climate has changed in the western United States, but we don't know much about what happened on other continents. Not much is known about western China and what the climate was like there over the last few ice ages. We went to China to compare what we see there to what we see in Death Valley, CA, both in the radar data and on the ground.""Northwest China is a natural laboratory," Evans added. "This is one of the few places on Earth where there is little human habitation and where landforms are well preserved."The scientists were also interested in studying the interplay between tectonics and the current climate of the region."Earthquakes on these faults are really changing the topography of the area because they impact how the water gets down the mountains to the oasis," Evans said."The Altyn Tagh fault borders northern Tibet and it is similar in size to the San Andreas fault in California," said Dr. Gilles Peltzer, a JPL geologist on the team that went to China. "No large earthquake has ever been recorded on this fault since the turn of the century. However, field observations show evidence of historical ruptures at many places along the fault."Peltzer is also interested in dating the rock samples in this area to tell him more about the history of ancient earthquakes in the region.The JPL geologists, working with researchers from the University of Washington, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, Calif., and the Institute of Remote Sensing Applications in Beijing, brought back more than 200 kilograms of rock samples. The samples are now being dated at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and the results will be available early next year.SIR-C/X-SAR is a joint mission of the United States, German and Italian space agencies. JPL built and manages the SIR-C portion of the mission for NASA's Office of Mission to Planet Earth.818-354-5011
Spirit's Surroundings Beckon in Color Panorama
The first 360-degree color view from NASA's Spirit Mars Exploration Rover presents a range of tempting targets from nearby rocks to hills on the horizon.
The first 360-degree color view from NASA's Spirit Mars Exploration Rover presents a range of tempting targets from nearby rocks to hills on the horizon."The whole panorama is there before us," said rover science- team member Dr. Michael Malin of Malin Space Science Systems, San Diego. "It's a great opening to the next stage of our mission."Spirit's flight team at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., continues making progress toward getting the rover off its lander platform, but expected no sooner than early Thursday morning. "We're about to kick the baby bird out of its nest," said JPL's Kevin Burke, lead mechanical engineer for the rover's egress off the lander.The color panorama is a mosaic stitched from 225 frames taken by Spirit's panoramic camera. It spans 75 frames across, three frames tall, with color information from shots through three different filters. The images were calibrated at Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., home institution for Dr. Jim Bell, panoramic camera team leader.Malin said, "Seeing the panorama totally assembled instead of in individual pieces gives a much greater appreciation for the position of things and helps in developing a sense of direction. I find it easier to visualize where I am on Mars when I can look at different directions in one view. For a field geologist, it's exactly the kind of thing you want to look at to understand where you are."Another new image product from Spirit shows a patch of intriguing soil near the lander in greater detail than an earlier view of the same area. Scientists have dubbed the patch "Magic Carpet" for how some soil behaved when scraped by a retracting airbag."It has been detached and folded like a piece of carpet sliding across the floor," said science-team member Dr. John Grotzinger of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge.Spirit's next step in preparing to drive onto the surface of Mars is to sever its final connection with the lander platform by firing a cable cutter, which Burke described as "an explosive guillotine." The planned sequence after that is a turn in place of 115 degrees clockwise, completed in three steps over the next two days. If no obstacles are seen from images taken partway through that turn, drive-off is planned toward the northwestern compass point of 286 degrees.Spirit landed on Mars Jan. 3 after a seven-month journey. Its task is to spend the next three months exploring rocks and soil for clues about whether the past environment in Gusev Crater was ever watery and suitable to sustain life. Spirit's twin Mars Exploration Rover, Opportunity, will reach Mars Jan. 24 PST (Jan. 25 Univeral Time and EST) to begin a similar examination of a site on a broad plain called Meridiani Planum, on the opposite side of the planet from Gusev Crater.NASA JPL, a division of the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, manages the Mars Exploration Rover project for NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington. For information about NASA and the Mars mission on the Internet, visit: Additional information about the project is available on the Internet at: Mission information is also available from Cornell University, at:
As Sea Level Rises, Beaches Shrink
The increase looks small, but the consequences are potentially huge. Rising sea level threatens to inundate low-lying regions, such as the Chesapeake, and dramatically increase coastal and beach erosion around the world.
Stack two dimes on top of each other. Their height is a tiny fraction less than global sea level is rising each year. The increase looks small, but the consequences are potentially huge. Rising sea level threatens to inundate low-lying regions, such as the Chesapeake, and dramatically increase coastal and beach erosion around the world.While tide gauges have been used to determine sea level for hundreds of years, the most complete global measurements now come from space. "Tide gauges can't detect an increase in the rate of sea level rise soon enough to be useful for detecting climate change," says Bruce Douglas, a senior researcher at Florida International University, Miami, Fla. "Tide gauges can't measure everywhere. They're on practically every rock in the ocean, the problem is there just aren't enough rocks."In contrast, the Topex/Poseidon satellite observes the entire ocean and has been making precise measurements of global sea level since it was launched in 1992. Its successor, Jason, is now continuing the same ocean observations."Right now Topex/Poseidon has been seeing an average yearly increase of 2.8 millimeters (0.11 inches) in global sea level," says University of Colorado engineering professor Dr. Steve Nerem, a member of the Topex/Poseidon and Jason 1 science team.Global sea level is the average of all local rates. If global sea level is rising by 2.8 millimeters a year, the local rate in some areas is much higher, as much as 5 millimeters (0.2 inches) or more over long periods. In some areas it is less.One of the big questions facing scientists and the public, especially the more than two billion of us who live within 100 kilometers (62 miles) of a coast, about the rise in sea level is "why?""We don't know yet exactly what is causing it," says Nerem. "The jury is still out." The current rise in global sea level could be part of some natural, yet unidentified, decades-long climate pattern, Nerem says. "During 1997-1998 El Niño, the global average went up 15 millimeters (0.6 inches) as a result of increased ocean temperatures and then went down again."However, sea level is a barometer of climate change, and the rise could be a result of a warming Earth. "While the rate of increase we see is consistent with climate change models, we can't say for sure if that is the cause," Nerem says. "We're just starting to ask those questions.""It looks like sea level rise as we now observe it began in the middle of the 19th century," says Douglas, an expert on the history of sea level rise and its consequences. "We have a preponderance of evidence that the current rate is considerably faster than for the previous several thousand years, although there is still some disagreement among scientists about this."The two major factors that determine sea level are temperature and ocean mass. Warm water expands and raises sea level. Water added to the ocean from melting glaciers or ice sheets also causes sea level to go up. Figuring out just how much of the current sea level rise is due to each of these factors is difficult."Our best guess is that thermal expansion accounts for about 0.5 millimeters (.02 inches) per year rise in sea level or five centimeters (2 inches) per 100 years," says Douglas. "If global sea level is rising at more than 20 centimeters (8 inches) per hundred years, then where is the water coming from? Mountain glaciers could account for three or four centimeters (1.2 to 1.6 inches), so that leaves Earth's great ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica. Are they losing or gaining? That's a controversial question."Scientists expect to have some answers soon. NASA's new Grace mission will be able to calculate the ocean's mass, helping pinpoint whether rising sea level is a result of more water in the ocean or expansion due to warming waters. A new generation of tide gauges and monitoring devices provide details on sea level changes in specific locations.Meanwhile, Jason continues the global sea level measurements begun by Topex/Poseidon more than 11 years ago, building up a record of sea level change that may help explain the past and predict the future. Ironically, Topex/Poseidon was never expected to be able to make precise enough measurements to monitor something as small as millimeter changes in global sea level. "It's a 100 times more accurate than we expected it to be before launch," says Douglas. Jason 1 may improve on these measurements even more.
Arecibo Radar Returns with Asteroid Phaethon Images
Months after Hurricane Maria, the Arecibo Observatory Planetary Radar has resumed normal operations, providing high-resolution images of the asteroid 3200 Phaethon Earth flyby.
Updated Version as of 11 am PST: corrections include close approach distance and size comparison to asteroid Bennu.After several months of downtime since Hurricane Maria struck the island of Puerto Rico, the Arecibo Observatory Planetary Radar has returned to normal operation, providing the highest-resolution images to date of near-Earth asteroid 3200 Phaethon during its December 2017 close approach to Earth. The radar images, which are subtle at the available resolution, reveal the asteroid is spheroidal (roughly ball-shaped) and has a large concavity, or depression, at least several hundred meters in extent near its equator, and a conspicuous dark, circular feature near one of the poles. Arecibo's radar images of Phaethon have resolutions as fine as about 250 feet (75 meters) per pixel."These new observations of Phaethon show it may be similar in shape to asteroid Bennu, the target of NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft, but more than 1,000 Bennus could fit inside of Phaethon," said Patrick Taylor, a Universities Space Research Association (USRA), Columbia, Maryland, scientist and group leader for Planetary Radar at Arecibo Observatory. "The dark feature could be a crater or some other topographic depression that did not reflect the radar beam back to Earth."Radar images obtained by Arecibo indicate Phaethon has a diameter of about 3.6 miles (6 kilometers) -- roughly 0.6 miles (1 kilometer) larger than previous estimates. Phaethon is the second largest near-Earth asteroid classified as "Potentially Hazardous." Near-Earth objects are classified as potentially hazardous asteroids (PHAs), based on their size and how closely they can approach Earth's orbit.Tracking and characterizing PHAs is a primary mission of NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office. Radar is a powerful technique for studying asteroid sizes, shapes, rotation, surface features and roughness, and for more precise determination of their orbital path, when they pass relatively close to Earth."Arecibo is an important global asset, crucial for planetary defense work because of its unique capabilities," said Joan Schmelz of USRA and deputy director of Arecibo Observatory. "We have been working diligently to get it back up and running since Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico."The Arecibo Observatory has the most powerful astronomical radar system on Earth. On Sept. 20, the telescope suffered minor structural damage when Maria, the strongest hurricane to hit the island since 1928, made landfall. Some days after the storm, the observatory resumed radio astronomy observations, while also serving as a base for relief efforts to surrounding communities. Radar observations, which require high power and diesel fuel for generators at the site, resumed operations in early December after commercial power returned to the observatory and the generators could then be used exclusively for the radar.Asteroid 3200 Phaethon was discovered on Oct. 11, 1983, by NASA's Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS), and the planetary dust that produces the annual Geminid meteor shower originates from this asteroid. Observations of Phaethon were conducted at Arecibo from Dec. 15 through 19, 2017, using the NASA-funded planetary radar system. At time of closest approach on Dec. 16 at 3 p.m. PST (6 p.m. EST, 11 p.m. UTC) the asteroid was about 6.4 million miles (10.3 million kilometers) away, or about 27 times the distance from Earth to the moon. The encounter is the closest the asteroid will come to Earth until 2093, but it came a little closer in 1974 and about half this distance back in 1931 before its existence was known.The Arecibo Planetary Radar Program is funded by NASA's Near-Earth Object Observations Program through a grant to Universities Space Research Association (USRA), from the Near-Earth Object Observations program. The Arecibo Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by SRI International, USRA, and Universidad Metropolitana.NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office is responsible for finding, tracking and characterizing potentially hazardous asteroids and comets coming near Earth, issuing warnings about possible impacts, and assisting coordination of U.S. government response planning, should there be an actual impact threat.More information about the National Science Foundation's Arecibo Observatory can be found at:http://www.naic.eduMore information about asteroids and near-Earth objects can be found at:https://cneos.jpl.nasa.gov more information about NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office, visit: asteroid and comet news and updates, followAsteroidWatchon
Phoenix Revises Method to Deliver Icy Sample
Phoenix's robotic arm will use a revised collection-and-delivery sequence overnight Sunday with the goal of depositing an icy soil sample in the lander's oven.
TUCSON, Ariz. - NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander's robotic arm will use a revised collection-and-delivery sequence overnight Sunday with the goal of depositing an icy soil sample in the lander's oven."We are going to modify the process we ran on Sol 60 to acquire another icy sample and attempt to deliver it to TEGA," the Thermal and Evolved-Gas Analyzer, said Barry Goldstein, Phoenix project manager from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. "We will repeat what we did successfully with small modifications to adjust for what we learned."The Sol 60 effort on July 26 by Phoenix successfully obtained a sample by rasping 16 holes into and scraping the work trench informally named "Snow White." Most of the sticky Martian soil adhered to the scoop even after the scoop was tipped and the rasp activated to help sprinkle soil into TEGA.The revised plan includes reducing the length of time the rasp operates as it makes the holes in the trench to reduce any potential heating of the sample, and for increasing the number of times the scoop is vibrated during the sample delivery action.Images received Sunday morning showed the soil collected on Sol 60 had fallen out of the scoop, which had been left inverted over the lander's deck.The Phoenix mission is led by Peter Smith of the University of Arizona with project management at JPL and development partnership at Lockheed Martin, Denver. International contributions come from the Canadian Space Agency; the University of Neuchatel; the universities of Copenhagen and Aarhus, Denmark; Max Planck Institute, Germany; and the Finnish Meteorological Institute. For more about Phoenix, visit:
NASA's Science Resources Help Agencies Respond to Katrina
NASA science instruments and Earth-orbiting satellites are providing detailed insight about the environmental impact caused by Hurricane Katrina.
NASA science instruments and Earth-orbiting satellites are providing detailed insight about the environmental impact caused by Hurricane Katrina. Images and data are helping characterize the extent of flooding; damage to homes, businesses and infrastructure; and potential hazards caused by the storm and its aftermath.NASA, along with academic institutions and partner agencies, is working to ensure the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency have the best available information to aid in responding to this catastrophic event.NASA's partner agencies in this endeavor include the U.S. Geological Survey, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.Coordinated assistance by numerous academic institutions and laboratories working under NASA grants will be employed by the Gulf Coast relief and recovery efforts to provide geospatial information useful to first responders and decision makers.NASA aircraft are providing detailed observations of the disaster area. The aircraft are taking high-resolution observations that can be used to assess the amount of damage to communities and the environment. For example, at the request of the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers, NASA's Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Light Detection and Ranging system is surveying the gulf coastline.This system, carried on a Cessna 310, surveyed the northern gulf coastline on Thursday. Tomorrow the aircraft is scheduled to fly over the perimeter and surrounding levee around New Orleans to assist in damage assessment of the system.While making its observations of the land, the system has the ability to "see" through vegetation, like trees and shrubs, to view the land underneath. Near the coast it can map the beach surface under water. This will help in the recovery of the shoreline infrastructure; determine hazard areas and environmental loss.The Terra, Aqua and Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission satellites have already provided Earth observations for land cover and rainfall. Terra's Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer is providing data on the magnitude and extent of damage and flooding to the U.S. Geological Survey Emergency Response Team through its Earth Resources Observation Systems Data Center in Sioux Falls, S.D. JPL is responsible for the American side of the joint U.S.-Japan science team that is validating and calibrating that instrument and its data products.NASA's Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer instrument on the Terra and Aqua satellites provided images of flooding, including pre- and post-disaster comparisons. Data from NASA's QuikScat satellite, developed and managed by JPL, was one source of wind observations used by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Hurricane Research Division to analyze the wind field of the storm and to track its path.Another NASA satellite in use is the Earth Observing Mission 1. The Advanced Land Imagery multispectral instrument on this satellite provided land use and land cover observations useful in determining hurricane damage areas and in aiding in recovery, response and mitigation.NASA satellites are used to improve weather predictions and to study climate and natural hazards. The knowledge gained during these missions aids assessment and recovery operations.For satellite images and additional information on the Web, visit:; and information about the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer and QuikScat spacecraft on the Web, visit:; and information about NASA and agency programs on the Web, visit: is managed for NASA by the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.
NASA's Curiosity Rover Begins Next Mars Chapter
After collecting drilled rock powder from a very scenic area, NASA's Curiosity rover is driving toward uphill destinations as part of its two-year mission extension.
After collecting drilled rock powder in arguably the most scenic landscape yet visited by a Mars rover, NASA's Curiosity mobile laboratory is driving toward uphill destinations as part of its two-year mission extension that commenced Oct. 1.The destinations include a ridge capped with material rich in the iron-oxide mineral hematite, about a mile-and-a-half (two-and-a-half kilometers) ahead, and an exposure of clay-rich bedrock beyond that.These are key exploration sites on lower Mount Sharp, which is a layered, Mount-Rainier-size mound where Curiosity is investigating evidence of ancient, water-rich environments that contrast with the harsh, dry conditions on the surface of Mars today."We continue to reach higher and younger layers on Mount Sharp," said Curiosity Project Scientist Ashwin Vasavada, of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California. "Even after four years of exploring near and on the mountain, it still has the potential to completely surprise us."Hundreds of photos Curiosity took in recent weeks amid a cluster of mesas and buttes of diverse shapes are fresh highlights among the more than 180,000 images the rover has taken since landing on Mars in August 2012. Newly available vistas include the rover'slatest self-portraitfrom the color camera at the end of its arm and ascenic panoramafrom the color camera at the top of the mast."Bidding good-bye to 'Murray Buttes,' Curiosity's assignment is the ongoing study of ancient habitability and the potential for life," said Curiosity Program Scientist Michael Meyer at NASA Headquarters, Washington. "This mission, as it explores the succession of rock layers, is reading the 'pages' of Martian history -- changing our understanding of Mars and how the planet has evolved. Curiosity has been and will be a cornerstone in our plans for future missions."The component images of the self-portrait were taken near the base of one of the Murray Buttes, at the same site where the rover used its drill on Sept. 18 to acquire a sample of rock powder. An attempt to drill at this site four days earlier had halted prematurely due to a short-circuit issue that Curiosity had experienced previously, but the second attempt successfully reached full depth and collected sample material. After departing the buttes area, Curiosity delivered some of the rock sample to its internal laboratory for analysis.This latest drill site -- the 14th for Curiosity -- is in a geological layer about 600 feet (180 meters) thick, called the Murray formation. Curiosity has climbed nearly half of this formation's thickness so far and found it consists primarily of mudstone, formed from mud that accumulated at the bottom of ancient lakes. The findings indicate that the lake environment was enduring, not fleeting. For roughly the first half of the new two-year mission extension, the rover team anticipates investigating the upper half of the Murray formation."We will see whether that record of lakes continues further," Vasavada said. "The more vertical thickness we see, the longer the lakes were present, and the longer habitable conditions existed here. Did the ancient environment change over time? Will the type of evidence we've found so far transition to something else?"The "Hematite Unit" and "Clay Unit" above the Murray formation were identified from Mars orbiter observations before Curiosity's landing. Information about their composition, from the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer aboard NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, made them high priorities as destinations for the rover mission. Both hematite and clay typically form in wet environments.Vasavada said, "The Hematite and the Clay units likely indicate different environments from the conditions recorded in older rock beneath them and different from each other. It will be interesting to see whether either or both were habitable environments."NASA approved Curiosity's second extended mission this summer on the basis of plans presented by the rover team. Additional extensions for exploring farther up Mount Sharp may be considered in the future. The Curiosity mission has already achieved its main goal of determining whether the landing region ever offered environmental conditions that would have been favorable for microbial life, if Mars has ever hosted life. The mission found evidence of ancient rivers and lakes, with a chemical energy source and all of the chemical ingredients necessary for life as we know it.The mission is also monitoring the modern environment of Mars, including natural radiation levels. Along with other robotic missions to the Red Planet, it is an important piece of NASA'sJourney to Mars, leading toward human crew missions in the 2030s. JPL, a division of Caltech in Pasadena, California, manages the Mars Science Laboratory Project for NASA's Science Mission Directorate and built the project's Curiosity rover. For more information about Curiosity, visit:
NASA Uses Earth as Laboratory to Study Distant Worlds
A new study uses Earth as a stand-in for an exoplanet and shows that even with very little light -- as little as one pixel -- it is still possible to measure key characteristics of distant worlds.
The study of exoplanets -- planets that lie outside our solar system -- could help scientists answer big questions about our place in the universe, and whether life exists beyond Earth. But, these distant worlds are extremely faint and difficult to image directly. A new study uses Earth as a stand-in for an exoplanet, and shows that even with very little light -- as little as one pixel -- it is still possible to measure key characteristics of distant worlds.The new study uses data from NASA's Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC) instrument, which is onboard the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Deep Space Climate Observatory, or DSCOVR, satellite. DSCOVR goes around the Sun at Lagrange point 1, a specific orbit that provides EPIC with a constant view of our home planet's sunlit surface. EPIC has been observing Earth continuously since June 2015, producing nuanced maps of the planet's surface in multiple wavelengths, and contributing to studies of climate and weather.The EPIC instrument captures reflected light from Earth in 10 different wavelengths, or colors. So, each time EPIC "takes a picture" of Earth, it actually captures 10 images. The new study averages each image into a single brightness value, or the equivalent of one "single-pixel" image for each wavelength. A single, one-pixel snapshot of the planet would provide very little information about the surface. But in the new study, the authors analyzed a data set containing single-pixel images taken multiple times per day, in 10 wavelengths, over an extended period. Despite the fact that the entire planet had been reduced to a single point of light, the authors were able to identify water clouds in the atmosphere and measure the planet's rotation rate (the length of its day). The authors say the study, in the June 27 issue of the Astrophysical Journal, demonstrates that the same information could be derived from single-pixel observations of exoplanets.This artist's illustration shows an enhanced-color image of Earth from NASA's Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC) instrument (top). EPIC observes the planet in 10 wavelength bands, shown here as 10 representational-color images (middle). A new study averages data from each EPIC wavelength band down into a single brightness value, or the equivalent of one "single-pixel" image. This allowed the study authors to simulate observations of a distant exoplanet. Credit: NASA/NOAA/JPL-Caltech› Larger view"The benefit of using Earth as a proxy for an exoplanet is that we can verify our conclusions derived from the single-pixel data with the wealth of data that we actually have for Earth -- we can't do that if we're using data from a distant, actual exoplanet," said Jonathan Jiang, an atmospheric and climate scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, and lead author on the new study.A tiny point of lightWhen Jiang's daughter, Teresa, was in elementary school, he organized a star-observing event for her and her friends. Jiang pointed to the stars, and told his daughter that the Sun is also star, and that there are planets orbiting other stars just as planets orbit the Sun. She pressed her father for more information, asking how scientists could possibly learn about those distant worlds from such tiny points of light in the sky."Kids ask a lot of good questions," Jiang said. "And that question stuck in my mind -- if I can see an exoplanet as only a tiny point of light, can I see clouds and oceans and land?"Jiang began his career in astrophysics, but for his PhD work, he decided to apply his computer and physical modeling skills to Earth's climate. Now, he's using climate data to assist the study of exoplanets. Exoplanets are significantly dimmer than stars and much more difficult to detect. Earth, for example, is about 10 billion times fainter than the Sun. Only about 45 exoplanets have been discovered by direct imaging, all of which are much larger than Earth. The majority of known exoplanets (over 3,700 have been confirmed) were detected indirectly, using techniques such as the transit method, in which scientists observe the slight dimming of a star caused by the transit of an exoplanet across the face of the star.The EPIC instrument captures reflected light from the sunlit side of Earth in 10 different wavelengths, or colors, because different materials reflect different wavelengths of light to different degrees -- plants, for example, reflect mostly green light. And a reddish planet like Mars, for example, would have a very different color profile compared to a planet covered in ice.This image shows the sunlit side of Earth, observed in 10 wavelengths by the EPIC instrument aboard the DSCOVR satellite. Each image shows the same snapshot of Earth in a different wavelength. The specific wavelength bands are indicated above each image. Credit: NASA/NOAA› Larger viewThe new study shows that by observing a planet with distinct features over time -- such as oceans and continents -- it is possible to measure the planet's rotation rate by observing a repeating pattern in the reflected light. This pattern would arise from those planetary features moving into view with a regular cadence. For example, every 24 hours, Australia and the Pacific Ocean fills EPIC's field of view, and about 12 hours later South America and the Atlantic fill the frame, with Africa and the Indian Ocean passing by in between. This pattern of changing light would repeat day after day. In the new paper, the authors show that they can detect this repeating cycle and thus determine the rotation rate, or the length of the planet's day. The rotation rate of a planet can reveal information about how and when the planet formed, and is a particularly difficult property to measure with current methods.This animation shows a series of observations taken by the EPIC instrument in one of 10 wavelengths. At this wavelength, the distinction between continents and oceans is particularly visible. The repeating pattern created by the planet's rotation could be observable to a powerful telescope observing the planet from many light years away, according to a new study. Credit: NASA/NOAA› Larger view"People have been talking for some time about using this approach to measure the rotation rate of exoplanets, but there's been no demonstration that it could work because we didn't have any real data," said Renyu Hu, an exoplanet scientist at JPL and a coauthor on the new study. "We've shown that in every wavelength, the 24-hour period appears, which means this approach to measuring planet rotation is robust."The authors note, however, that the effectiveness of this method would depend on the unique features of the planet. A daily-cycle pattern might not be visible on a planet that is largely homogenous over its surface. Venus, for example, is covered in thick clouds and has no oceans on its surface, so a recurring daylong pattern might not appear, or might not be distinct enough to observe in a one-pixel image. Planets like Mercury and Mars would also be challenging, but Jiang said planetary features like craters could also contribute to a pattern that could be used to measure the rotation period.Imaging exoplanetsPrevious studies used Earth as a proxy for exoplanets, to investigate what kinds of planetary properties could be derived from afar, but no previous studies looked at so many wavelength bands. This is also the first such study to capture such a large data set, taken over an extended period of time: it used more than 27 months of observations, with images taken by EPIC about 13 times per day.This image, taken by NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft from beyond the orbit of Neptune, shows planet Earth as seen from about 3.7 billion miles (5.9 billion km) away. Earth appears as a very small point of light in the right half of the image, indicated by an arrow. Dubbed the "Pale Blue Dot," the image illustrates just how small an Earth-sized planet appears from far away. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech› Larger viewDirect observations of exoplanets have far less data than what was used in the new study, but the researchers report that to measure the rotation rate of an exoplanet with more than 90 percent confidence would require taking images only two to three times per orbital period (that is, per "day" on that particular exoplanet) for about seven orbital periods.The amount of time astronomers would have to observe an exoplanet to identify its rotation rate also depends on how much unwanted light is included in the exoplanet data. The EPIC data provide an exceptionally clear view of Earth, largely unfettered by light from other sources. But one primary challenge in directly imaging exoplanets is that they are so much dimmer than their parent stars. The light from the nearby star can easily drown out the light from an exoplanet, rendering the latter invisible. With the signal from the planet competing with light from the star, it may take longer to discern a pattern that could reveal the planet's rotation rate. NASA is investigating potential designs for next-generation telescopes that might be able to directly image Earth-size exoplanets.With the field of exoplanet direct imaging moving ahead, Jiang is not done thinking about the question his daughter asked him more than a decade ago. If scientists can learn about the surface features of distant planets, then could they answer an even bigger question that his daughter posed -- do any of those planets host life?
Mars Curiosity Celebrates Sol 2,000
NASA's Mars Curiosity rover just hit a new milestone: its two-thousandth Martian day on the Red Planet. An image mosaic taken recently offers a preview of what comes next.
NASA's Mars Curiosity rover just hit a new milestone: its two-thousandth Martian day, or sol, on the Red Planet. An image mosaic taken by the rover in January offers a preview of what comes next.Looming over the image is Mount Sharp, the mound Curiosity has been climbing since September 2014. In the center of the image is the rover's next big, scientific target: an area scientists have studied from orbit and have determined contains clay minerals.The formation of clay minerals requires water. Scientists have already determined that the lower layers of Mount Sharp formed within lakes that once spanned Gale Crater's floor. The area ahead could offer additional insight into the presence of water, how long it may have persisted, and whether the ancient environment may have been suitable for life.Curiosity's science team is eager to analyze rock samples pulled from the clay-bearing rocks seen in the center of the image. The rover recently startedtesting its drillagain on Mars for the first time since December 2016. A new process for drilling rock samples and delivering them to the rover's onboard laboratories is still being refined in preparation for scientific targets like the area with clay minerals.Curiosity landed in August 2012 and has traveled 11.6 miles (18.7 kilometers) in that time. In 2013, the mission found evidence of an ancient freshwater-lake environment that offered all the basic chemical ingredients for microbial life. Since reaching Mount Sharp in 2014, Curiosity has examined environments where bothwaterandwindhave left their marks. Having studied more than 600 vertical feet of rock with signs of lakes and groundwater, Curiosity's international science team concluded that habitable conditions lasted for at leastmillions of years.JPL, a division of Caltech in Pasadena, California, manages the Mars Science Laboratory Project for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington, and built the project's Curiosity rover.More information about Curiosity is available at:
Geometry Drives Selection Date for 2011 Mars Launch
For optimal communications during arrival at Mars, NASA's Mars Science Laboratory, or Curiosity, will launch after Thanksgiving 2011 and land on Mars in August 2012.
Planners of NASA's next Mars mission have selected a flight schedule that will use favorable positions for two currently orbiting NASA Mars orbiters to obtain maximum information during descent and landing.Continuing analysis of the geometry and communications options for the arrival at Mars have led planners for the Mars Science Laboratory, or Curiosity, to choose an Earth-to-Mars trajectory that schedules launch between Nov. 25 and Dec. 18, 2011. Landing will take place between Aug. 6 and Aug. 20, 2012. Due to an Earth-Mars planetary alignment, this launch period actually allows for a Mars arrival in the earlier portion of the landing dates under consideration."The key factor was a choice between different strategies for sending communications during the critical moments before and during touchdown," said Michael Watkins, mission manager at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. "The shorter trajectory is optimal for keeping both orbiters in view of Curiosity all the way to touchdown on the surface of Mars. The longer trajectory allows direct communication to Earth all the way to touchdown."The simplicity of direct-to-Earth communication from Curiosity during landing has appeal to mission planners, in comparison to relying on communications relayed via NASA's Mars Odyssey, which has been orbiting Mars since 2001, and NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, in operation since 2006. However, the direct-to-Earth option allows a communication rate equivalent to only about 1 bit per second, while the relay option allows about 8,000 bits or more per second.Landing on Mars is always difficult, with success uncertain. After an unsuccessful attempted Mars landing in 1999 without definitive information on the cause of the mishap, NASA put a high priority on communication during subsequent Mars landings."It is important to capture high-quality telemetry to allow us to learn what happens during the entry, descent and landing, which is arguably the most challenging part of the mission," said Fuk Li, manager of NASA's Mars Exploration Program at JPL. "The trajectory we have selected maximizes the amount of information we will learn to mitigate any problems."Curiosity will use several innovations during entry into the Martian atmosphere, descent and landing in order to hit a relatively small target area on the surface and set down a rover too heavy for the cushioning air bags used in earlier Mars rover landings. In a "sky-crane" maneuver during the final minute of arrival, a rocket-powered descent stage will lower Curiosity on a tether for a wheels-down landing directly onto the surface.Even though Curiosity won't be communicating directly with Earth at touchdown, data about the landing will reach Earth promptly. Odyssey will be in view of both Earth and Curiosity, in position to immediately forward to Earth the data stream it is receiving during the touchdown. Odyssey performed this type of "bent-pipe" relay during the May 25, 2008, arrival of NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander.Curiosity will rove extensively on Mars, carrying an analytical laboratory and other instruments to examine a carefully selected landing area. It will investigate whether conditions there have favored development of microbial life and its preservation in the rock record. Plans call for the mission to operate on Mars for a full Martian year, which is equivalent to two Earth years.Consideration of landing sites for the mission narrowed to four finalist candidates in November 2008. The candidate sites are still being analyzed for safety and science attributes.Curiosity is managed by JPL for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. JPL also manages the Mars Odyssey and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter missions, in partnership with Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Denver.More information about NASA's Mars Science Laboratory is at:
NASA's Deep Impact Adds Color to Unfolding Comet Picture
Painting by the numbers is a good description of how scientists create pictures of everything from atoms in our bodies to asteroids and comets in our solar system.
Painting by the numbers is a good description of how scientists create pictures of everything from atoms in our bodies to asteroids and comets in our solar system. Researchers involved in NASA's Deep Impact mission have been doing this kind of work since the mission's July 4th collision with comet Tempel 1."Prior to our Deep Impact experiment, scientists had a lot of questions and untested ideas about the structure and composition of the nucleus, or solid body of a comet, but we had almost no real knowledge," said Deep Impact principal investigator Dr. Michael A'Hearn, a professor of astronomy at the University of Maryland, College Park. "Our analysis of data produced by Deep Impact is revealing a great deal, much of it rather surprising."For example, comet Tempel 1 has a very fluffy structure that is weaker than a bank of powder snow. The fine dust of the comet is held together by gravity. However, that gravity is so weak, if you could stand on the bank and jump, you would launch yourself into space.Another surprise for A'Hearn and his colleagues was the evidence of what appears to be impact craters on the surface of the comet. Previously, two other comets had their nuclei closely observed and neither showed evidence of impact craters."The nucleus of Tempel 1 has distinct layers shown in topographic relief ranging from very smooth areas to areas with features that satisfy all the criteria for impact craters, including varying size," A'Hearn said. "The problem in stating with certainty that these are impact craters is that we don't know of a mechanism by which some comets would collide with the flotsam and jetsam in our solar system, while others would not.”According to A'Hearn, one of the more interesting findings may be the huge increase in carbon-containing molecules detected in spectral analysis of the ejection plume. This finding indicates comets contain a substantial amount of organic material, so they could have brought such material to Earth early in the planet's history when strikes by asteroids and meteors were common.Another finding is the comet interior is well shielded from the solar heating experienced by the surface of the comet nucleus. Mission data indicate the nucleus of Tempel 1 is extremely porous. Its porosity allows the surface of the nucleus to heat up and cool down almost instantly in response to sunlight. This suggests heat is not easily conducted to the interior and the ice and other material deep inside the nucleus may be pristine and unchanged from the early days of the solar system, just as many scientists had suggested."The infrared spectrometer gave us the first temperature map of a comet, allowing us to measure the surface's thermal inertia, or ability to conduct heat to the interior," said Dr. Olivier Groussin, the University of Maryland research scientist who generated the map.It is this diligent and time consuming analysis of spectral data that is providing much of the "color" with which Deep Impact scientists are painting the first ever detailed picture of a comet. For example, researchers recently saw emission bands for water vaporized by the heat of the impact, followed a few seconds later by absorption bands from ice particles ejected from below the surface and not melted or vaporized."In a couple of seconds the fast, hot moving plume containing water vapor left the view of the spectrometer, and we are suddenly seeing the excavation of sub-surface ice and dust," said Deep Impact co-investigator Dr. Jessica Sunshine, with Science Applications International Corporation, Chantilly, Va. "It is the most dramatic spectral change I've ever seen."These findings are published in the September 9 issue of the journal Science, and were presented this week at the Division for Planetary Sciences meeting in Cambridge, England. Mission scientists are filling in important new portions of a cometary picture that is still far from finished.The University of Maryland is responsible for overall Deep Impact mission science, and project management is handled by JPL. The spacecraft was built for NASA by Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corporation, Boulder, Colo. JPL is a division of the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif.For more information about the Deep Impact mission on the Internet, visit: information about NASA and agency programs on the Internet, visit:
Orion's Belt Lights Up Cassini's View of Enceladus
NASA's Cassini mission will take advantage of the position of two of the three stars in Orion's belt when the spacecraft flies by Saturn's moon Enceladus on Wed., Oct. 19.
NASA's Cassini mission will take advantage of the position of two of the three stars in Orion's belt when the spacecraft flies by Saturn's moon Enceladus on Wed., Oct. 19. As the hot, bright stars pass behind the moon's icy jets, Cassini's ultraviolet imaging spectrograph will acquire a two-dimensional view of these dramatic plumes of water vapor and icy material erupting from the moon's southern polar region. This flyby is the mission's first-ever opportunity to probe the jets with two stars simultaneously, a dual stellar occultation.From Cassini's viewpoint, the closest of Orion's stars will appear about 9 miles (15 kilometers) above the moon's limb, or outer edge. The second star will appear higher, about 19 miles (30 kilometers) from the limb. In the foreground will be Enceladus' icy plumes, which extend hundreds of miles into space.As the spacecraft passes Enceladus, its infrared instruments, cameras and other instruments will also be monitoring activity on the moon. The orbiter will fly within about 765 miles (1,230 kilometers) of Enceladus' surface.This flyby will provide researchers with new insight into the jets--their content, the speed at which they are travelling and how they vary. It will also provide new information on the famed "tiger stripes" from which the jets erupt. These fissures in Enceladus' surface are the "nozzles" from which the plumes are propelled at supersonic speeds. Knowing more about their structure may help unlock some of the secrets within Enceladus' interior, including the source of the water-rich plumes.The Cassini mission celebrated the 14th anniversary of the spacecraft's launch last week.Having completed its four-year prime mission in 2008, the mission is now on its second extension, the Cassini Solstice Mission. One of the mission's goals is to provide further information on previous Cassini discoveries, such as lakes on Titan and plumes on Enceladus, first detected by Cassini in 2005.The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were designed, developed and assembled at JPL.For more information about the Cassini-Huygens mission visit information on the Enceladus flyby, called "E15," is available at:
Mars Odyssey's Temperature Maps Expose Rock Layer History
There are tantalizing indications emerging from the thousands of infrared images taken so far by NASA's Mars Odyssey spacecraft that Mars experienced a series of environmental changes during active geological periods in its history.
There are tantalizing indications emerging from the thousands of infrared images taken so far by NASA's Mars Odyssey spacecraft that Mars experienced a series of environmental changes during active geological periods in its history."We knew from Mars Global Surveyor that Mars was layered, but these data from Odyssey are the first direct evidence that the physical properties of the layers are different. It's evidence that the environment changed over time as these layers were laid down," said Dr. Philip Christensen, principal investigator for Odyssey's camera system and professor at Arizona State University, Tempe. "The history of Mars is staring us in the face in these different layers, and we're still trying to figure it all out.""I expect that the primitive geologic maps of Mars that we have constructed so far will all be redrawn based on Odyssey's new information," said Dr. R. Stephen Saunders, Odyssey's project scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.A mosaic of daytime infrared images of the layered Terra Meridiani region shows a complex geology with craters and eroded surfaces, exposing at least four distinct layers of rock. Though the image does not include the infrared "colors" of the landscape (showing surface mineral composition), it does map the temperatures of the features, with surprising results."With these temperature data, Odyssey has already lived up to our expectations, but Mars, in fact, has exceeded our expectations," said Christensen. "It would have been entirely possible for the rocks of Mars to have been very similar and thus give us all the same temperatures, but Mars has a more interesting story to tell and we have the data to tell it."The images can be seen at: is presenting his findings today at the spring meeting of the American Geophysical Union in Washington, D.C."When we look at these distinct layers we see that the temperatures are very different, indicating that there are significant differences in the physical properties of the rock layers," Christensen said.The differences in surface temperature could be caused by the fundamental differences in either the size of the rock fragments in the layer, the mineral composition or the density of the layers.Odyssey's imaging team is working on fully processing the infrared images, a complex and difficult task. When finished, the data will help them test some important theories about what causes the layers on Mars by examining the mineral composition of the specific layers. Plausible explanations include a history of volcanic activity depositing layers of lava and volcanic ash; a history of different processes that created the layers through wind and water; or a history of climate change that varied the nature of the materials deposited.Christensen theorizes that the layers are caused not by surface effects, but by changes in the planet's subsurface water table. The presence or absence of water and the minerals carried in it can significantly affect how sediment particles are cemented together. With no clear evidence for surface water, precipitation or runoff, Christensen believes that changes in levels of underground water percolating through layers of buried sediments could account for differences in rock composition between layers. More complete infrared data will help to confirm or disprove this and many other hypotheses concerning Mars' geology."Looking at craters, we're seeing new distributions of rock on the surface that are helping us understand events in martian geology, and we are getting our first glimpses of 'color' infrared images, which will help us precisely determine the composition of the Mars' surface. This is just the beginning," Christensen said.Additional information about the 2001 Mars Odyssey is available on the Internet at:, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the 2001 Mars Odyssey mission for NASA's Office of Space Science in Washington, D.C. Investigators at Arizona State University in Tempe, the University of Arizona in Tucson and NASA's Johnson Space Center, Houston, operate the science instruments. Additional science partners are located at the Russian Aviation and Space Agency and at Los Alamos National Laboratories, New Mexico. The thermal emission imaging system was provided by Arizona State University in collaboration with Raytheon Santa Barbara Remote Sensing. Lockheed Martin Astronautics, Denver, is the prime contractor for the project, and developed and built the orbiter. Mission operations are conducted jointly from Lockheed Martin and from JPL.
Gravity-Bending Find Leads to Kepler Meeting Einstein
The light of a red star is warped and magnified by its dead-star companion, as detected by NASA's Kepler space telescope.
NASA's Kepler space telescope has witnessed the effects of a dead star bending the light of its companion star. The findings are among the first detections of this phenomenon -- a result of Einstein's general theory of relativity -- in binary, or double, star systems.The dead star, called a white dwarf, is the burnt-out core of what used to be a star like our sun. It is locked in an orbiting dance with its partner, a small "red dwarf" star. While the tiny white dwarf is physically smaller than the red dwarf, it is more massive."This white dwarf is about the size of Earth but has the mass of the sun," said Phil Muirhead of the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, lead author of the findings to be published April 20 in the Astrophysical Journal. "It's so hefty that the red dwarf, though larger in physical size, is circling around the white dwarf."Kepler's primary job is to scan stars in search of orbiting planets. As the planets pass by, they block the starlight by miniscule amounts, which Kepler's sensitive detectors can see."The technique is equivalent to spotting a flea on a light bulb 3,000 miles away, roughly the distance from Los Angeles to New York City," said Avi Shporer, co-author of the study, also of Caltech.Muirhead and his colleagues regularly use public Kepler data to search for and confirm planets around smaller stars, the red dwarfs, also known as M dwarfs. These stars are cooler and redder than our yellow sun. When the team first looked at the Kepler data for a target called KOI-256, they thought they were looking at a huge gas giant planet eclipsing the red dwarf."We saw what appeared to be huge dips in the light from the star, and suspected it was from a giant planet, roughly the size of Jupiter, passing in front," said Muirhead.To learn more about the star system, Muirhead and his colleagues turned to the Hale Telescope at Palomar Observatory near San Diego. Using a technique called radial velocity, they discovered that the red dwarf was wobbling around like a spinning top. The wobble was far too big to be caused by the tug of a planet. That is when they knew they were looking at a massive white dwarf passing behind the red dwarf, rather than a gas giant passing in front.The team also incorporated ultraviolet measurements of KOI-256 taken by the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX), a NASA space telescope now operated by the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. The GALEX observations, led by Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., are part of an ongoing program to measure ultraviolet activity in all the stars in Kepler field of view, an indicator of potential habitability for planets in the systems. These data revealed the red dwarf is very active, consistent with being "spun-up" by the orbit of the more massive white dwarf.The astronomers then went back to the Kepler data and were surprised by what they saw. When the white dwarf passed in front of its star, its gravity caused the starlight to bend and brighten by measurable effects."Only Kepler could detect this tiny, tiny effect," said Doug Hudgins, the Kepler program scientist at NASA Headquarters, Washington. "But with this detection, we are witnessing Einstein's general theory of relativity at play in a far-flung star system."One of the consequences of Einstein's general theory of relativity is that gravity bends light. Astronomers regularly observe this phenomenon, often called gravitational lensing, in our galaxy and beyond. For example, the light from a distant galaxy can be bent and magnified by matter in front of it. This reveals new information about dark matter and dark energy, two mysterious ingredients in our universe.Gravitational lensing has also been used to discover new planets and hunt for free-floating planets.In the new Kepler study, scientists used the gravitational lensing to determine the mass of the white dwarf. By combining this information with all the data they acquired, the scientists were also able to measure accurately the mass of the red dwarf and the physical sizes of both stars. Kepler's data and Einstein's theory of relativity have together led to a better understanding of how binary stars evolve.Other authors include Andrew Vanderburg of the University of California, Berkeley; Avi Shporer, Juliette Becker, Jonathan J. Swift, Sasha Hinkley, J. Sebastian Pineda, Michael Bottom, Christoph Baranec, Reed Riddle, Shriharsh P. Tendulkar, Khanh Bui, Richard Dekany and John Asher Johnson of Caltech; James P. Lloyd and Jim Fuller of Cornell University; Ming Zhao of The Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Andrew W. Howard of University of Hawaii, Hilo; Kaspar von Braun of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Germany; Tabetha S. Boyajian of Yale University, New Haven, Conn.; Nicholas Law of the University of Toronto, Canada; A. N. Ramaprakash, Mahesh Burse, Pravin Chordia, Hillol Das and Sujit Punnadi of the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy & Astrophysics, India.NASA Ames manages Kepler's ground system development, mission operations and science data analysis. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., managed Kepler mission development. Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corp. in Boulder, Colo., developed the Kepler flight system and supports mission operations with JPL at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado in Boulder. The Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore archives, hosts and distributes the Kepler science data. Kepler is NASA's 10th Discovery Mission and is funded by NASA's Science Mission Directorate at the agency's headquarters. JPL is a division of Caltech. For more information about the Kepler mission, visit:
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